Session 5 - God's Power to Create Wealth

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I've got a prophecy for you guys you guys like prophecy this one is actually a predictive prophecy I'm gonna prophesy your future you ready this week you will be led into chaos i decree and declare unto thee and you're not going to run from it you're gonna hover over it alright cuz you were born for it alright session five we're moving good you guys good alright so in the first part of the seminar we looked at how you know we seek God God has the blessing we pursue wisdom wealth is attracted wealth was like a magnet of the tracks when it's pointed away when it's pointed towards us it repels the kingdom attracts with the world pursues the rest of seminar I want to look at once the money comes what do we do with it okay so we got God's power to create we're seeking God we got the stuff of our hearts money's coming our way what do we do with the money yes we're gonna do what see you're going on a trip to Florida okay you don't just get in the car and pray in the spirit about how you're gonna get there right you need to know the destination you need to know okay we're either gonna take an airplane we're going to take a car you know there's a destination and then there's mile markers along the way Florida 500 miles you know they got miles so here's what I want to do I want to name the destination and then I want to take a 30,000 foot view of the destination then I want to zoom down and I want to hit some mile markers along the way of the destination you track it with me if you're not then just smile and nod play it really helps me Stephen Covey the 7 Habits of affected people here one of the habits is begin with the end in mind okay so what is the end we're looking at for finances I'm just gonna go ahead and give it to you it's financial abundance financial abundance where you have more than enough to cover your needs and to be generous with other people but you're going to have it from passive income so you have income coming to you from assets that more than cover your needs and enable you to be generous out of that so that the stream never runs out can I get a what-what I'm talking about second corinthians 9:8 and God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times you may abound in every good work as we're gonna go after summer I'm gonna I'm gonna get that so I'm looking at fast financial abundance financial legacy that I'm gonna put it in the same category is proverbs 13:20 to a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children Jim I don't see how that's possible I'm too far along in my my age I don't have the earning years to do them um again thank you for sharing your unbelief with me now we know where to start so to encourage you let me read you the verse right before that proverbs 13:20 1 but the righteous will be rewarded with prosperity next verse a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children is anyone in here righteous if you're in Christ you are righteous you qualify to be rewarded with prosperity come on that's amazing so to get there we're gonna have to be in thinking assets that produce cash flow instead of liabilities that produce pleasure assets that produce cash flow rather than liabilities that produce pleasure and eventually you're cast that your cash flow will pay for those liabilities that produce pleasure here's what an asset is an asset is something that puts money in your pocket a lot of people say my heart my house is an asset my car is an asset not in this definition ok cuz it's you people my home is my greatest asset it's taking money out of your pocket just try not paying the government the taxes and watch what happens to your house it goes bye-bye unless you're renting out part of your house or something like that then it's now it's becoming an asset that's producing money ok an asset is something that puts money into your pocket like income producing real estate or business or a dividend paying dividend paying stock I'm a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket ok you have to know the difference this is the difference between wealth and poverty this mentality poverty focuses on liabilities well focuses on buying assets that produce cash flow that pays for their so he's your home an asset no it takes money out of your pocket again while she rent it asked fight listen assets cash flow money into your pocket preferably every month they will feed you even if you're not working liabilities take money out of your pocket usually every month they will eat await your income even if you're working gotaga mortgage car loans credit card balances okay here's eleven examples of assets royalties software your own income generating business real estate I gave a several exams single-family homes apartment complexes multiplex this basement apartments air B&B commercial real estate rei t's it's kind of a real estate trusting dividend paying stocks limited partnerships our master limited partnerships interest income peer-to-peer lending private equity investments promissory notes online products and I bet you Stuart long could give me three mark okay here we go fake assets cars boats RVs jet skis usually the thing banks have you list as an asset not in our definition that that's not an asset you're still paying insurance on those things it's not putting money in your pocket a computer furniture jewelry are your shoe collection speaking of myself on that one we need these fake assets your car can take you to work your computer can help you do your job okay but it's not an asset and what we're talking about as far as building wealth those are fake assets for example so you have an apartment complex that is bringing you nine thousand dollars worth of income and you have six thousand dollars worth of expenses how much is that thing cash flowing three thousand dollars that is an asset it is putting three thousand dollars worth now don't don't say I have an apartment complex worth two million dollars okay that's not the thinking because that is not producing cash you're gonna have to sell that asset and liquidate it in order to get the money to be able to do something with it you say I'm saying you got your money parked in something that's not do anything for your lifestyle you have to sell it or wait til you die and pass it on to the kids and just keep going down the line you don't have the ability to abound unto every good work unless you sell it you said I'm saying there's not a stream coming into your life we're not saying you know yeah I've got an ownership and a properties where two million dollars looking at how much cash flows into your account as reso of owning this asset you could be doing the same thing with dividend paying stocks you I wouldn't be saying hey I've got two million dollars worth of stocks that's not we're talking about it's how many thousands of dollars per month are flowing into your life as a result of you owning those stocks again financial freedom is measured by your own cash flow exceeding your lifestyle expenses they're going to look at some different levels out here in a second when you begin to define your financial your financial life by your assets it's going to produce a scarcity mindset because the whole thing about assets is you don't want to eat into your assets because then your but your net worth goes down see there's a scarcity mentality I can't eat into it I've got to hold on to it I've got to grow this thing okay that produces a poverty mentality we all know people who had millions of dollars when they died but they were so stingy they wouldn't pry their their wallets open to help someone with a medical bill okay that's why because they're living off of their asset they're living off of their net worth they're not thinking cash flow because the order for them to give or do something I have to eat into that thing and they see that as like a cancer to their finances rather than a river flowing in other people's lives there's a famous story I'm Hedy Greene I brought her up in the Ephesian series we can put her picture back up there she's just she's such a lovely lady Hedy Green she's known as don't wait to be one of the greatest misers who has ever lived doesn't she just look happy out there isn't she just I guess it's true money can't buy happiness right you know neither compartir so she lives on the west coast and should go down as history's one of the most penny-pinching miserly women to ever live in this nation when she passed away in 1916 she was worth between 100 million and 200 million dollars this would be equivalent to 2.2 billion or 4.4 billion dollars today I only tell you about her Hurston genus was legendary here was her nickname the witch of Wall Street she was so money conscious that she refused to heat up her water to cook her oatmeal because the energy it would take to heat the water so she ate cold oatmeal every day to which our response is heat up your oatmeal baby if you're not from Zion that will make sense she wore one black dress and undergarments that she changed only after they've been completely worn out I think I went to some kids in junior high they did the same thing where she did get her clothes wash he instructed them to only wash the dirtiest parts to save money on soap when her son broke his leg as a child instead of taking him the hospital she tried to take him to a free clinic the delay resulted in an infection and the son had to have the lake amputated why I I believe some of it is this net worth thinking where I can't spend any of this stuff because I spend it I'll have less we can't think net worth that we need to think cash flow I know this is different you your financial adviser is going to tell you something different they're gonna tell you grow this giant nest egg so you can do the 4 percent rule so you don't ever eat into your assets that's poverty thinking that's scarcity thinking I can't eat into sing it I don't know about you mom I'll hug it in this later I don't know about you but I don't see it as a real godly thing to live frugally for the sake of being frugal you're living frugal so that you can become this someday I'm living frugal here's what most people do I'm going to live on nothing so then in the future I'll have this nest egg where I won't have to trust God anymore that's a lot of financial planning is live on nothing live on nothing listen we're gonna show you're gonna have to voluntarily limit your spending so that you can do some of this stuff but the goal is that you can flow like a river a multifaceted river into people's lives not so you can have this giant nest egg that you hope doesn't go to 0 when the stock market crashes that's poverty mentality and that is the financial planning market sorry I got the mic now sorry Exodus 20:8 8:28 you don't have this in your notes just enjoy it three times Pharaoh let the people go with conditions here's the conditions number one Pharaoh said I will let you go to offer sacrifices the Lord your God in the wilderness but you must not go very far in other words you can be free but you just can't be all the way free you can't be religiously out you can't be spiritually free in your worship all the way second time you can go the men among you but you can't take your little ones okay so you can't be all the way free in your worship I'm gonna keep the kids how many of you realize we have got breakthrough in the church to the point where our we have freedom in worship we broke them through that one we've broken through like we were actually raising kids that stay saved and are doing good like we've gotten that kind of breakthrough okay listen to the next one Exodus 10 24 then pharaoh summoned Moses and said go worship the Lord just get out of here you're women you chill them and go with you you can take them all but only leave your flocks and your herds behind you can worship you can have your kids but you can't take your reproducing wealth the church has not gotten breakthrough on this part yet yet okay you can you can you can have your kids you can worship you can't have assets you can't have reproducing wealth this is where rat gang this is where rap so I want you to pull out your diagram that says 30,000 foot view of wealth building I couldn't figure out how to stick these diagrams in the middle of a Word document and so just just find it so you see what it says it's the one that says the 30,000 foot view of wealth building everyone see it someone at your table will have it they'll show you what it is I'm just gonna go through these so I'm gonna look at what it looks like for your finances to go through the fruitful stage and then the multiply stage and then the fillers and subdue stage okay yes good fruitful stage you work for money the next stage money works for you third stage money works without you stage one in earned income Stage two passive income Stage three abundant income stage one you're an employer self-employed Stage two you may still be an employee they have incumbents you're now gonna be owning assets like a business or you're going to be an investor and then you're eventually or moremore your role is gonna have to be your managing those income producing assets I'm stage three or a philanthropist here's my I love these next two stage one apples Stage two apple trees Stage three apple orchards Stage one soldiers stay to play tunes stage three armies is anyone else getting hungry for this stage one you work and you get paid for your work Stage two you manage the assets that pay you stage three you're primarily investing and giving away the majority of your income some people would say give away all your income I would say well you're gonna want to grow the Golden Goose you can give way bigger golden eggs if you give everything away someone gets a great meal but there's no more eggs we'll get to that here's my favorite this is all from Isaiah I'm sorry Genesis 26 13 and Isaac became rich stage 2 and continued to grow richer stage 3 until he became very wealthy I mean it's just brilliant stage 1 your debt free and you got three to six months and savings which we're gonna look at as a storehouse where God commands a blessing on the storehouse we'll get to that a second I can hardly wait stage 2 you got cash flow from your assets is greater than your lifestyle expenses but in stage 3 this is where you're growing the golden goose you can give away a bigger golden eggs stage 1 is a launch pad stay tuned you're enough financial freedom stage 3 is all about generational wealth and Kingdom impact so you can see the fill the earth stage you know that's talking about you as talking about children and so to me that's where you're leaving an inheritance for your children's children and the subdue stage is where your slaying Giants and taking walled cities so let's look at see that's the 30,000 foot view I want you to go from being fruitful to multiplying to filling the earthen subduing are you guys getting a picture of those stages now what I want to do is I want to zoom down a little more on the road I want to look at some mile markers on our destination to financial abundance and legacy okay so let's look at seven stages although there's actually eight because one of them is negative actually okay mile markers the financial legacy in abundance you guys see that in your notes say I all right we got it negative finding a negative one financial dependents listen we all start here okay we are you're in this stage if you rely on support from your parents I don't think anyone here was born independent you spend more than you earn or your debt payments are greater than your income okay so you are financially dependent at that point the stage zero financial solvency you're current on all debt payments you're not dependent on others for help and now you have the ability to pay your bills and so you reach this when you're no longer rely on someone else for financial support so your income is greater than your expenses you're no longer accumulating debt and now you're earning a profit you're fruitful at this stage you have achieve financial solvency some people never reach this stage some people reach it in their teens level one financial stability you build up an emergency fund of one to two thousand dollars I look at this as credit card insurance okay so um you know the the tires go out you didn't have you didn't plan on you know saving up for them and so what do you do you take it out of your emergency fund you go pay us and I don't have to put it in the credit card an additional money comes back in so I want you to look at these first these first couple as buckets so the financial solvency zero one two and three those are buckets that you're filling up you fill up the first bucket and then it pours into the second bucket you felt the second bucket it pours into the third bucket when you get to the fourth bucket it's actually gonna turn into a wealth building machine but we need to fill these buckets up first okay so um at this financial stability stage this is where you're gonna maximize any tax deferred savings Jim should I do this before this is a debate should I do this before I pay off my debt listen if you have a workplace that's matching 401ks on that's free money you've got to maximize this thing and we're gonna talk about paper assets in a second but um my strategy would be to maximize that stuff first and then use the extra to pay off debt I'm open to being wrong on that okay I think Dave Ramsey would say just go what is he called gizelle intense and pay off those debts the thing about that is what the beauty of paper assets stocks funds exchange-traded funds is the beauty of compounding interest over time so the earlier you start that thing the more powerful it is so if you wait till you're debt-free anything that your starting earlier is gonna have such a multiplied effect versus if you were debt-free and started doing it okay so this is my personal opinion again someone else smarter and may tell you something different so you check with the Holy Spirit so it's financial stability you're sticking that one to two thousand decide so once you got that in the bank you're putting your money towards maximizing your your tax deferred savings next level debt freedom so again there's you got a choice here you can you can either go all-in okay so you're paying off high-interest debts credit cards fines parking tickets high insurance loans please tell me you're not doing payday loans but let's just stick that in there okay so you here's you got two options at this stage you can either um suck it up and pay off everything but the house or you can make the minimum payments on the low-interest stuff less than six percent and I'll say you know and leave the car payment the student loans the personal loans whatever those things might be okay so again two different options here you figure out what works for you so Dave Ramsey would say go ghazal intents get those things all paid for some of you may want to start setting aside money for an investment or business I just listen you figured that thing out I'm just giving you some options but it's gonna look like one of those two things you're either gonna pay off everything but the house or you're gonna pay off all that high interest stuff and maybe you know you'll have your college car paid off in three more years am I making sense on bucket number three the financial storehouse I would say at this stage personal opinion before you buy any investment real estate property you need to buy your own home some good news is you can make your own home and investment property never buy a house that wouldn't make a great rental if you had to move out quickly so you've got I mean 80 percent of your costs are gonna come from things like housing food car medical and stuff like that so if you can take away your biggest expense in your house and make it something that's income producing so you're gonna live in a house that you're going to flip you're going to buy a duplex I'm begging my kids buy a duplex live in one side and the cash flow from the other side that you're renting out you'll basically could be living there for free and if you have a roommate in your one side you're gonna be cash flowing so now somebody else is paying you - you see what I'm saying you could double up on it and you could buy a dupe it needs to be flipped and you live in one side and you fix it up and you go live on the other side and rent that other side and that other side is paying for you to fix up the other side and then you go on it you see what I'm doing you can do these type of things so at this stage ideally you would put down 20% down payment on a house so that you don't have to pay private mortgage insurance which is like flushing money down the toilet every month that would be ideal but again if you between you and the Lord you're like hey I feel like we can get a home early on we're gonna make making money on it this is this is where at proverbs 6 8 talks about the wisdom of the aunt storing for the future so you may be buying a house in this stage but you're also looking to put 3 to 12 months I know that sounds like a lot between you and the Lord how much you put in here you're putting this in your storehouse the wisdom of the end you see them working and toiling all summer long stockpiling their food in preparation for the winter if Calvin Costello had not put that aside when his resource dried up they would have had they would have had nothing but because he had a storehouse that God could bless because he used wisdom they had something that came in a difficult time that could sustain him so I like to look at this face a lot of people talk about an emergency fund that you need when a disaster happens I think that is bonkers to look at life that way expecting a disaster to happen now I've got this thing sitting over there in case something bad happens ok I like to look at it as a storehouse Deuteronomy 28 8 the Lord will command the blessing on you in your business and your storehouses and in which albick I cannot read today the Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand and he will bless you in the land which your Lord your God is giving you if God is going to come in a blessing on your storehouse and you better have a storehouse and in your own brilliant resources section I'd encourage you to circle this book it's called the storehouse principle it is the most remarkable story of how one man got a revelation on this and found a small pastor salary God blessed him they never had to take out a loan for a house it is just like wow I didn't even know that kind of thinking was possible so that would be a great book make it one of the first books you buy page 32 there we go thank you thank you it's not so this stage is not just about saving money oh this is where I would differ with a lot of other people there is it saving money for a disaster an emergency it's not just about saving money it's about bail bein God's Word and then allowing him to work his wisdom and blessing into your life God said to have a storehouse now I've got a storehouse and now I'm expecting him to bless that storehouse verses hey just in case something horrible happens okay so you need to pray about what that amount looks for you well level four or the so this is where you're going from a buckets to a wealth building machine I've got a diagram for that we'll look I think in the next session I'm you're investing a minimum of fifteen percent into heaven and fifteen percent to the earth we're gonna look in a second your let me just cut to the chase here a little bit most people only are building one half of their wealth building machine they're either putting all of it into some type of investment or they're putting all of it into tithes and offerings Malachi chapter 3 says that when you give tithes and offerings there's a window it opens up the windows of heaven that's a metaphor for rain okay when you are giving in to that there's a spiritual blessing that hovers over it but then he begins to see we're gonna look at this next session how he talks about your vines and your crops you have to have something planted on earth for the spiritual blessings to reign on so your seed is actually being planted on the earth and it's being planted in the heavens and I think they should be matched we'll get to that next session so a minimum of 15 percent in heaven 15 percent of the earth and that 15 percent of the earth is going towards purchasing cash flow producing assets is what that is so this step is all about building a long term well this is this is this is you beginning to get into that financial freedom financial advancement type of stages an optional step here is save up for your kids college you need to put away for your retirement in your wealth building plan in these things before you pay for the kids college okay it's an optional thing kids they can pay for their own college okay there's nothing in the Bible that says you got to pay for it if you're able to great if you're not able to great okay but let me say this like parents don't let your kids grow up to be Cowboys parents don't let your kids to grow up and take out large student loans when they have not heard from God that this is their profession and the only way to get in this profession is to get this degree okay Marin I had a girl in our young adults group man I used to be the young adults pastors we had a girl in our group and after we had left that that church she calls up and she's crying she says I've got $70,000 in debt and I think she was on the middle of her sophomore year at Bible School and a youth pastor degree and I said to her you need to stop now and I said coming to our church will give you an internship I'll help educate you I'll give you what you need stop this but then how I want to finish up with my friends and maybe I'll meet my husband I said I'm gonna be honest with you you're pretty you're not that pretty you're not pretty enough that some guys gonna want to marry 120 grand in debt which is what she ended up with with a youth pastor degree parents don't let your kids grow up to be that kid who wanted to have fun wanted to have this from that didn't know what they were going to do don't take it on a penny of debt unless God you have a clear direction from the Lord this is your degree other than that let pay and take the basics on their own as they go or you can pay for it I'll be good guy still love me all right and yes I did actually say you're not that pretty okay there we go level-5 financial mastery can you imagine your life without a house payment ever again this level your home and all your other debts are paid off you're no longer the borrower is slave to the lender progress to 20 22 7 okay get this proverbs 22:7 the borrower is slave to the lender you ready for proverbs 22:6 the verse right before it train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it what should we be training our kids when it comes to debt just say no that's what we need to start running commercials any way any okay so any extra money that you're putting towards your mortgage to pay it off early will save you tens of thousands of dollars when I look at wealth habits turning a little bit one of them is to prepay in your mortgage a little bit just adds up it takes the average family five to seven years to pay off their home early when they follow this stuff I don't believe it well then thanks for admitting your unbelief we know where to start so now let's go to the multiply stage financial freedom you've reached the point where you could completely live off the income from your assets and this becomes the foundation to build even more assets okay you're still working here but now you've got the choice do I continue out my job to get that income or do I completely begin to manage and grow those assets for more income the best part of all is again you can take it or leave it I'm gonna keep my job or I'm gonna focus on all this stuff here and and go and do what I've always dreamed of whatever that might be final stage fill the earth and subdue I'm gonna call this financial legacy and abundance your income is excessive it's beyond what you need you have more coming in than going out you have multiple assets and you're thinking about preserving and growing your wealth you're not just interested in the financial return on your money you're focused on it societal impact and spiritual return you can choose to give away all of this excess income or what I would recommend is doing a combination so you know there's there's the portion you're living on and there's the portion that you're sowing to the earth to multiply that investment there's a part you're sowing into the heavens in generosity again so you can grow the golden goose you can give bigger golden eggs I look at this when you're in that phase if your investing is just delayed giving I'm investing it so that I can give away even more in the future again this all starts with the heart thing here you're partnering with God and the adventure of slaying Giants and seeing walled cities fall for Jesus you have a plan to leave an inheritance to your children's children something it's you know one of the greatest wealth that we've seen is Bill and Melinda Gates and they have a provision that in there when they leave their wealth it has to be spent within 20 years man I think they missed it on that one that's something that could sustain generation after generation of legacy and it's gonna be gone in one generation so yeah it's good to start thinking legacy Dave Ramsey he's got a book called the legacy journey it's on the brilliant resources it's amazing if you're not even close to that it'll give you a vision for what it looks like they got a one page document and so they've been raising their kids that God's the owner I'm his money manager this is a sacred trust that we have this money so we're consulting the owner for how he wants to do it so they got a one-page document that shows um here's who gets access to the family money and if you're not living these principles have a heart to give you get no access to the money but if you do here's how we're going to manage it you watch the Ramsey family they're probably gonna be the Rockefellers in a generation or two Craig Hill who spoken here several times he got a revelation of leaving inheritance to your children's children so he came up with this where him and his wife were blessed by the way they paid off their house in three years on a pastor salary okay I mean guys the seed of the heavens works but you gotta have something on earth from the bless so the so Craig they had enough money that when their sons got married they could give them they could give them the cash to buy a house with cash and they gave it to him at a 10-year loan interest-free here's what would happen is they would repay that loan at 10 years but it went into a trust that they grew and so then when their grandkids come around when the kid grandkids 20 25 years later that money has been in growing and if you do the math on it by the time Craig's great grandkids okay so for generations Craig grandkids great-grandkids you know this thing keeps repeating itself it it is not improbable for that thing to be fifty million dollars and you will have eliminated poverty and interest from his family and to the second generation remember celebrate the victories along the way you don't have to wait till you get to level seven to rejoice every step is a step forward every every credit card that gets paid off every loan rejoice dance on it do something this just to celebrate God's goodness I'm the quite next question is how much cash flow do I need okay so Dave Ramsey's got something brilliant in the legacy journey he talks about cups thimbles and swimming pools he says you need to determine how big is your cup your cup is how much God has called you to live into some people they're very happy living unless some people whatever that might be between you and the Lord works basically he's gonna cover all your needs and some of your wants I just don't think as a parent I know that meeting every my kids every desire and whim is probably not healthy and so I'm guessing is probably not that with God where everything that you ever wanted you know I want a purple cow make me you know whatever it might be you know your your third Ferrari you know it's just like you know I'm not sure heavens like yeah who cares about those starving kids you know I'm not sure he's like that but that's between you so um so your cup is okay Heavenly Father how much am I called to live on in a way that's going to honor you okay and so he says it's not a thimble it's not honoring to God for you to scrape by and live in a tent okay and it's not a swimming pool it's a cup it's you need to determine what is that cup the average American household is right around fifty thousand dollars in income here's what I know about listen most financial planners would tell you to expect to live on eighty percent of what your current living standard is when you're retired okay I don't plan on doing that I do not plan on giving away less and living in a more impoverished state that just doesn't sound like the kingdom to me Jim you're not living in reality maybe not your reality okay I mean serious I don't plan on living less than I do now and giving less than I do now at a future state I'm planning for these things now that's what we're talking about here it is goodness that's scarcity mentality it is okay you scrape and scrape and scrape and someday you can live on less but don't take away from this stuff because it'll eat away so you can't be generous so those are survival goals not wealth goals we're talking about wealth goals here I'm out of time I'm throwing out some lofty number and never having a plan and okay we're actually I want to do it I'm gonna start a series design in January we're going to actually reverse it we're gonna get a number reverse engineer plan we're gonna take steps every week together through this thing if you don't want to come I feel bad for you there's got to be a church that takes this thing seriously if they're actually going to we're gonna do this thing all right here's what I know less than 50,000 a year your dreams are going to be limited by your income after tax income 50,000 you you're not you so if you're like hey I only need 50 I'm just gonna tell you that that's you need to try living on more and you'll see 50 wasn't that great okay less at fifty thousand or less you you're gonna you're your dreams are going to be severely limited by your income over a hundred fifty thousand listen at 150 thousand after tax you can pretty much have everything you need and most of the things you want okay at that level so the difference between not fulfilling your dreams and pretty much being able to do everything you can is about a hundred thousand dollars if you look at the studies that the happiness quotient the satisfaction quotient once you start getting a two hundred fifty four hundred thousand a year it goes way down like levels off and begins to go down into a certain point okay so I'm I'm just saying your number is probably going to be somewhere between I'm talking for your cup not your total income what you're able to give and invest in all this suffer and suck in your cup it's probably going to be between 50 150 but do your own thing alright you guys good so the goal is that all of your living expenses are covered by assets that are producing cash flow into your life and that you have more than enough so that you're able to be more and more generous of course you're giving at all these stages not like you wait to give and then I'll be generous no no that's not how it works well we'll see that in the next lesson but we want to get to the point where this is this is the story of our life so don't define your goal for poverty Devine your goal for wealth I know I'm saying things some things that are contradictory and maybe I don't have the finances to back it up but I believe I'm right give me time all right close your eyes I'm gonna read a story over you it's a parable the third river from Craig Hill from one of his books imagine a huge snow fill in the mountains with virtually an infinite supply of water there are three rivers emanating from the snow field on the first river lives a man whose experience of life is such that he never had quite enough water life experience has confirmed it to him so what does he do with the water coming down the river he builds a dam in the river and collects all the water that he possibly can no water is ever able to flow downstream for others to use this man's view of water only includes that which is available to him in his lake if the flow of water ever increased in this river he was simply stored up and increased the size of his lake his perception is the bigger the lake he has the more secure he has for the future now there's a second river that flows from the snow field the man who lives on this his life tells them usually there's plenty of water to meet my needs so there's no need to build a dam or a river but there's never a night up quite enough water to meet all of my own desires for water usage so he uses all the water he can he lets a very small amount flow downstream but most of the water coming to the river is consumed by his ever expanding desires so there's not much left to flow downstream so when this guy gets an increase in water he'll build a swimming pool if the water flow increases he'll build a waterpark and install a series of beautiful fountains on his property no matter how much water comes down the river there's never enough to do everything he'd like to do with the water but there's also a third river there's a man on the third river his view is that there's so much water up there in that snow field that no one can ever use all that water coming down the river as a result this man begins digging canals to outlying outlying areas to help the fields of others who don't live near a river he empties is as much water as you can through the canal so he's dug so you can get more and more water most of all most if not all of his water will eventually flow downstream each year this man digs a few new can to his neighbors next year he's got a plan to dig three more canals then the following year he's hoping to dig five new canals that go even further from this river it seems like no matter how many canals he digs there's just more water that keeps coming down the river as a matter of fact this man is thinking all the time about how he can hire some more men with bulldozers to dig canals faster to get water out to all these other farms that are far from the river his experience is you just can't use up all the water coming down the river third river to me sounds like second corinthians 9:8 you can open your eyes and God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times you may abound in every good work I'm gonna have you do an activation it's not an offering but I want you to take out your wallet your checkbook something that represents your financial life with God if you're here with your spouse kind of snuggle up together you're welcome for that by the way here's what I want you to do I want you to take a step towards financial freedom that comes from turning your finances over to God this simple phrase God is the owner I'm as money manager I'm gonna I'm gonna have to walk through an exercise at the end of it I'm gonna have you come up and you'll see that we've got card station along the front and these cards are the business card size and on the front of it says God is the owner I'm his money manager and I want you to stick in the front of your credit card and anytime you open up your wallet and getting to do something you're recognizing you know what I'm not the owner of these finances I'm this steward of these finances you know what problems a business has when a manager begins to act like the owner big problems it's the same when God's kingdom you begin thinking that this blessing is yours rather than something to steward big problems so what I want to do is I want to break that and just shift our mindsets you know what he's a good guy you know I want to be that third River type of person the inside of a hose gets wet if money he can get money through me you can get money to me and so just between you and the Lord I want you to just take a moment and whether you hold it to your heart whatever you might do but talk to God and commit those finances to him and when you feel like when you've done that I want you to come up here and I want you to take one of these cards and go back to your seat and then we'll we'll take a break okay so if we could just get some music and so this may take a few minutes so just whenever you're ready but you're turning your finances over to God just like I said when I had that house okay this is God's house how is he going to deal with this thing the pressure is off okay to take a few moments
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
Views: 1,760
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: zion, christian, fellowship
Id: FH_O5NAnObg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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