Bobby Conner - Saturday, April 24, 2021

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hello god bless you please be seated [Applause] isn't it great to be saved going to heaven not hell i i don't know why anybody would want to go to hell do you and jesus said i am the way the truth the life no man comes the father but by me i'm telling you guys we have got to get that message to the hearts of the people because the devil has convinced a lot of people that it's so complicated so difficult so arduous you could never qualify listen when you were born you were qualified because the bible said we're all born in sin and we need salvation we need salvation and salvation comes from jesus christ and you know he doesn't make it he doesn't make it complicated remember nicodemus in the bible nicodemus comes to jesus by night now nicodemus was a pharisee of the pharisees what in the heck does that mean i'll tell you what it means it meant he kept 480 levitical laws a day it meant he could quote the first five books of the bible verbatim but yet he's coming to jesus christ by night he's under great conviction and he's he runs to jesus and he says rabbi we know you're a teacher come from god no man can do these mighty miracles you're doing except god be with him and here's what happened jesus said nick you must be born again and nick gets intellectual what yes you mean i must go back to mama's womb and be born again and jesus says marvel not that i say unto you you must be born again and he says quit marvel means quit attempting to use human intellectuality to figure out spiritual principle you just can't do it marvel not that i said to you you must be born again i know a lot of people go well i can't figure it out you don't have to the bible said the way the plan of salvation is so simple that a wayfaring fool need not ear therein i read that out of the king james i said god give me that intexacon give me that in a language i can understand he said tell the people if they got enough sense to get back to their house they got enough sense to get saved so it's not hard it's easy it's easy now uh i'll tell you one thing uh the easiest thing in the world is to go to hell you don't have to do nothing to go to hell just stay like you're born we're all born in sin and iniquity did my mother conceive me we've got to wake up the fact ain't nobody going to heaven but those that are born again and we've got to get that message to our friends and our family and let them know that jesus loves them the bible said god would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of christ god would have all men to be saved don't you like that he wants the whole world saved and the sacrifice he gave up on the cross is sufficient for that i love what it says and i like this cross up here it says we're not redeemed with corruptable things such as gold and silver from our vain empty lifestyle but with the precious blood of christ i dare you to look up the word precious there in peter we're we're redeemed with the precious blood of christ we don't even have a word to follow along with it it means incalculable the value of the blood of jesus oh man you know we used to sing songs about the blood what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood there's a fountain filled with blood and sinners plunged beneath this flood lose all their guilt and stain what's happened well you know you know what uh some of these real liberal uh loose uh pastors they go i don't have anything to do with that slaughterhouse religion oh listen without the shedding of blood there's no no remission for sin the most precious thing we know is the blood of jesus he ever he ever lives to make intercession for us aren't you glad he loved us enough to stretch himself upon the cross yes he he loves us greater love has no man than this and a man would lay down his life for his friends he willingly now listen he willingly came to the cross the bible said he saw this travail of his soul and was satisfied to come i'm telling you guys it is amazing amazing that god loved us for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son listen guys whether you like it or not god loves you well i don't love him that don't stop him from loving you he loves you i really mean that i want us to start lavishing love back on god every good and perfect gift we have comes from him everything godly and good that's ever happened in her life comes from him every good and perfect gift listen you said right now bobby i'm a hard worker that's wonderful but god gave you that ability to do that listen i'm telling you we're indebted to him for the very air we breathe one time i was uh i'll tell you a story i was witnessing to a a very prominent person that had all kind of companies and money and i'm standing out there with him in a cattle field and i was telling him about his need of jesus christ and he says to me preacher you see all the way over under that tin barn thing i said yes i do he said that's where my helicopter is he had a helicopter to fly to his plane he said that's mine and then he's pointed over here you see all these hundreds of acres that's mine i said yes i see that and he said uh you see that house down there and said that's my man cave yeah it was as big as this building and i had all and he talked about all of the stuff that he got and then he says basically like this just tell me what i need this god for that's what he said i said well you need you need him because you don't want to go to hell now i'm just going to be quite frank with you now after i left the meeting with this fella i think it might have been uh less than seven days he goes to his man cave there and uh i they i i'm not sure i don't know the medical terms but he goes to the the the bathroom sits down on the toilet something ruptures and almost all of his blood ran down the toilet they had to fly a helicopter out to pick him up and get him to the hospital to get enough blood in him to get him uh back resuscitated so come with me to the hospital room now i walk in there and he's whiter than the sheets he's laying on i said i got an answer for that question you asked me why do i need this god because it's appointed in a man wants to die and after this the judgment you don't get any mulligans on that you know what a mulligan is don't you ladies i'm telling you there's no do-overs once your heart stops it's heaven or hell now there's the religions that say well you come back as a frog a log a dog no you ain't coming back for a second shot you know what i mean it's appointed unto me and wants to die and then the judgment and listen i'm telling you guys we need to get right with god don't we yeah anyway i'm just excited that you're here i'm excited to be here myself can you imagine that traveling speaking five times a week for 50-plus years and then all of a sudden it just does like that but i want to tell you i have had a glorious time my wife and i live in moravian falls north carolina it's an open portal tens of thousands of people have come by through there it's uh it really really really is a gift from god and so uh here's what i did i did 380 something uh ministry videos and oh you can't imagine the zoom meetings we did finish four new books but it's a great thing uh it's it's psalms 46 10-11 psalms 46-11 says be still and know that i'm god and so that if you won't do it on your own he'll help you be still shut yourself in spend time with god what's the benefit of spending time with god psalm 16 11 says in his presence is fullness of joy at his right hand are pleasures forevermore i'm telling you i've been preaching a long long time i have never yet met any human being in their right mind that said i've got all of god i want the more you get the more you realize hey i barely started that's what paul the great apostle said i've yet apprehended that for which i was apprehended for but i'm pushing on are you pushing on yeah you are you wouldn't be in a saturday night meeting like this if you wasn't pushing home you want to know him and the power of his resurrection we need to know him more and you know what he'll help us he's the great initiator it wasn't adam looking for god in the garden was it adam where are you now god hadn't god hadn't lost adam adam and lost god and see he's god is the great initiator he's the one calling us to him song of solomon says did i tell you about song of solomon one time jesus christ said to me bobby i want you to study song of solomon and this is what i said to jesus christ uh lord i don't get nothing out of that book that's about as ignorant as you can get you can't get much dumber than that for the lord jesus christ to say to you i want you to study song of solomon a portion of the word of god and you say to him i don't get nothing out of that book his next statement stunned me he said to me you don't know about kissing do you boy i said apparently not see in the book of song of solomon says let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth because his mouth is altogether lovely you better study song of solomon it's about god's ruling ways for his bride draw me and i will run after you it says in song of solomon if you'll get into it it'll get into you it is a marvelous love story of the lord's lavish love for for you and for me draw me and i will run after you i'm telling you so i like song of solomon now you ought to study sometimes song of solomon it'll tell you some of the most intimate things in the whole bible did you know they almost didn't put it in the bible when they were canonizing the scriptures because of the love language in song of solomon but it's it's perfectly okay to read all right i want him to draw us don't you i want him to initiate that hunger somebody asked me one time they said bobby what what uh what motivates you to study what motivates you to seek the lord i said hunger hunger psalms 42. it's a little desert deer pants after the water broke so pants my soul after the old god psalm 63 one said i thirst for you like in a dry and weary land where no water is we've got to get desperate for god hasn't we desperate desperate and i'll tell you what we really are desperate but sometimes we just don't know it i'll tell you we our nation's desperate right now i'm telling you it is a real mess we're in uh you cannot look at it any other way than the correcting judgmental hand of god that's right i'm telling you here's what's happened you say well you think america's under judgment no i don't think it i know it you say what judgment wonder isaiah 520 would be a springboard isaiah 5 20 says woe unto the nation that finds it easy to call good evil and evil good that substitute darkness for life and are we there now wonder why i think maybe because the saints of god we've not contended for the faith the book of jude says he picked up his pen to write concerning the common salvation but he found himself more needful to write that we would earnestly contend for the faith we need to contend don't we there's forces right now that will drive god out of america but that's not going to happen is it no the church is going to stand up and speak up we're salt and light and light it says at 710 verse 3 psalms 110 verse 20 says 3 says in the day of his power his troops will volunteer freely in the day of his power his troops will volunteer freely i'll tell you whether you believe it or not there's a war on did you know this the devil would if he could kill every one of us in this room right now right now everyone watching by tv but let me tell you what the bible tells us he can't harm a hair of her head isaiah 54 17 says no weapon formed against his works don't you like that first john 4 4 greater is he that is and you than he that is in the world romans 8 37 you're more than a conqueror you're a hooper nike a super overcomer that's that's the word paul used there look at yourself and say i am in jesus a super overcomer what you are see the devil wants to say well you're weak and you're worthless have you ever studied about gideon yes in judges 6 gideon had poor perception of who he was remember god comes together and gets down in the wine bed sifting out some wheat because he's afraid of the midianites that come in every year at harvest time they rob they rape the pillage and so there's gideon he's down in the wine press sifting wheat that's not where you sift wheat you get out on the mountainside and you stick to the wind will blow the chapter away but he's there and he's trying to siphon just to get a little bit of uh wheat and the lord appears to him and says hello there you mighty man of valor you victorious warrior and gideon goes sir you must be mistaken i'm from the tribe of manasseh my family's the smallest family in the tribe of manasseh and besides that i'm the weakest one in my family almighty god has just said to him hello there you unstoppable victorious warrior yeah you must be we've got to stop believing a lie and start believing what god says god says we cannot be stopped we cannot and i'm telling you we've got to we have got to get some in one time the the the i used to play football and uh i didn't have a very big vocabulary i had one but it wasn't good and the football coach coach guateny says one thing about connor he's got tenacity i didn't know what i had you know but i'll tell you the church needs some tenacity that means stay with it no matter what it looks like hang on don't give in don't give up i want you not to give up i want you i want us to take the land and occupy it's not enough just to go well some bad morning when this life is over i'll fly away hey wait a minute listen guys i do understand we're going to heaven i understand all that but we got to take over this earth i read genesis 1 26 did you read genesis 1 26 it's a conversation we get to listen between a conversation between god the father god the son god the holy ghost let's listen to him they said let us make man in our own image and let's give them kingdom control god has not vacillated on that one iota he's still looking for a people he can give the kingdom to the eyes of the lord drove to and fro throughout the whole earth looking for people whose heart is upright towards him one translation says that have no other agendas but gods he said when he finds him he'll fully support all they put their hands to do [Music] don't you like that i like that god wants to bless our hands psalms 90 psalms 90 verse 16 and 17. it says oh lord let your works appear don't you want to see that hold the lord let your works appear and establish out of the works of our hands yes god the works of our hands establish thou it and let your glorious majesty be seen by our children i want him to show up and show off don't you yes isaiah 64 verse 1 says oh lord run the heavens and come down that's in a moment i'm going to talk about a god too hot to handle yeah isaiah 64 verse 1 says lord we're in the heavens and come down he said i am but i'm bringing something with me fire he said when he comes down isaiah 64 1 when he comes down he's bringing fire the fire will do several things it'll cause the mountains to be load lord it'll cause the the the fire will burn up the underbrush that bars and thistles that hinder our pathway down the journey of life and boy then it says something marvelous the fire will cause the water to boil in the bible the word the bible talks about water as being the word see a lot of churches have the word but they don't have no fire yeah i'm telling you guys the dead letter does something what does it did let her do kills a lot of rules regulations stipulations manipulation god ain't in that i've studied the bible a long time god hates religion that's what it says away with your new moons and your sabbaths and your holy convocations they weary me wow it's in the bible isn't that something yeah yeah now men like religion they want something like drug control and manipulate god's not in that we got to let the holy ghost control he's perfectly capable of controlling oh man have you read what jesus said about the holy ghost in john 16 when he the spirit of truth comes a truth-giving spirit comes he will guide you in all the truth the whole truth the full truth he'll not speak his own message on his own authority but he'll tell you what has been given to him to tell you he'll glorify the lord jesus aren't you glad of that yes any time the holy any time the holy ghost moves jesus gets glorified and we can't do a single thing without holy ghost in john 15 5 without me can do what nothing but with him philippians 4 we can do all things through christ who infuses inner strength into me strength is available for us if we want to activate it in our lives it did joshua 1 8 be bold be brave be very courageous go do what you're called to do well joshua 1 9 joshua 1 8 said the words of this law shall not depart from your eyes you shall meditate upon them day and night and it will guarantee overwhelming success now if you want to be a flop to failure stay out of the bible that's what it means joshua 1 8 the words of this law shall not depart from your eyes you shall meditate upon them day and night and they will guarantee overwhelming success but if you don't if you just want to be a flop of failure stay out of the bible you get in the bible and start practicing biblical principles it'll change your whole life that's why the bible said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge i better get into the message i'm just warming up now you know yeah oh man isn't it marvelous to be saved yeah you know when i told the story about the football coach it brought back a horrible memory one friday night in texas i was playing you know texas they played football friday night i i liked football i played i could play good that's how i got through high school i took after one two times a day for four years you had to pass algebra one to play football i couldn't pass algebra one it don't make no sense to me have you read alder you've studied algebra one it says what pi square they're crazy pine square cornbread square you understand that power square they already started me off limping but anyway so i played football and i loved it and i was pretty good at it so when i was playing the guy a little guy was running with the ball about to make a touchdown and so i'm running as fast as i could now leap for him to tackle him just in time for my my chin to be hit by his heel flagging that football cut my tongue off yeah good golly a little old all of a sudden all of a sudden my whole mouth felt like it was full of jello so i ran back to the bench where the coach was and i can't say what the coach said but something like shucks no it was some way he said we got to get you to the hospital now this is friday night in the footballs they carry me down there to a doctor i remember his name clearly and uh dr rahm if you all need to know it and here's what happened i mean so the doctor said i got good news and i got bad news what news that was me asking the question what what's the news he said good news is i can sew your tongue back on the bad news is i can't deaden it look out now you think you bad you'll find out how bad you are when you're here that's him sewing my tongue back on the needle's crooked in between you hear that's me if you need a translation it's me saying i'm knocking the crud out of you when i and he tie the knot you know but i'm grateful tonight it works see the devil meant it for bad but listen it's anyway it's it's really good and then when we got through with the whole deal he sewed my whole tongue tongue back on and everything and then he says well i've got the bad news is this it's going to hurt worse when i take him out [Music] and then i'll tell you i'm not going to translate that but uh it means something like this i'm taking them out myself so help me i took the stitches out myself and i'm not i'm not endorsing this but i self-medicated bit the knot off and pull them out i grew up rough you listen see a lot of people talk about that golden tongue hey man listen if god's got a call for you he'll fix everything but anyway so i want to talk to you a little bit about uh a god that's too hot to handle you ready yeah i i want you to go to first samuel say first samuel go go over there to first samuel and we're going to look at something now we're going to look at a a scenario here about uh israel getting into a battle with the philistines and it's it's pretty pretty horrible chapter four first samuel chapter four and uh we'll start out with the battle first samuel chapter four starting the first one theme tonight is a god too hot to handle and uh we're going to find this out here in a moment okay uh chapter 4 verse 1 and the word of the lord came through samuel it came to all of israel now israel went out to battle against the philistines and in captain ebenezer and the philistines encamped at apac and look at first look look look here verse 2 says the philistines drew up against the the israel and when they had the battle it says that 4 000 israeli soldiers were killed you see that in you see that in verse 2 the philistines drew up against uh israel and when the battle was spread israel was smitten and by the philistines and four thousand men were killed verse 4 when the troops that had come into the camp and the elders of israel said why why is the lord smitness today before the philistines let us bring the ark it will save us go get the ark it will save us substituting something for god something from god for god won't work you know i've seen people the 40 pound cross around the neck that you know that ain't get that ain't going to stop nothing you got to know the power of the cross not just wear a cross you understand and so the israelites said how did we get whipped and they said let's go get the ark it'll save us and so let's just we'll hang here and do this for a little while okay they said uh verse three and when the troops had come into the camp and the elders said how did this happen how come we got smitten and whipped today before the philistines let us bring the ark of the covenant of the lord from shiloh and it will save us from the power of our enemy verse 4 so the people sent to shiloh and brought forth the ark of the covenant of the lord of hosts who dwells among the cherubims and the two sons eli and hofney and eli the two sons of eli hof nine phineas were with the ark that was part of their job they're supposed to be keeping the temple supposed to be keeping watch over that you find out those boys were messed up they were sleeping around that's part of why all of this happened these guys that were keeping the watch over the things of god were not holy be holy that bear the vessels of the lord the bible said i'm telling you holiness is very needful in the body of christ right now i'm telling you it really is and so here's what happens uh the the ark of the covenant of god verse 5 and when the ark of the covenant of the lord came into the camp all of israel shouted with a great shout so that the earth trembled they shouted so loud that the earth trembled and that even affected the enemy look what the enemy says in verse six and when the philistines heard the noise of the shout they said what does this great noise and shout in the camp of the hebrews mean when they understood that the ark of the lord had entered into the camp the philistines said they were afraid for they asked god they said this is a this is god this is a god of gods this is the god that killed the egyptians and all this you see it oh man see they knew something about god and look at the the philistines did they were afraid and they they said this is god this is the god of gods but they didn't know who he was they just afraid of him verse 8. wrong to us who who shall deliver us out of the hands of these mighty gods little g these are the gods little g that smote the egyptians with every kind of plague in the wilderness verse nine and then so the the soldiers are coming on man this is within them and some guy says suck it up that's basically what he says in verse nine be strong a quit stop all this mumbling put be men o you philistines you that may be if you don't you're going to become servants of the hebrews just like these others have done so they've got another fight go in verse 10 this time the ark is with the people of god but what happened look at verse 10 can you read it and the philistines fought israel and smitten and and israel was smitten and air and the men fled everyone to their houses and there was a very great slaughter that day what 30 000 people 30 000 soldiers killed and the telltale thing is they killed the soldiers and stole the ark wow the philistines did stole the ark of god in israel that was the highest thing the most noble thing was the ark of god and here is stolen wow if you had music you'd go the philistines have stolen the ark don't you know they strutted and swaggered oh yeah i mean they thought there was bad luck we're bad we bad now look what happened though they go where are we going to put this this hebrew god let's put him in our main temple the temple of dagon so they bring the ark of holy god into their pagan temple oh you don't want to worship like the oh it's awful how they but they brought in to dagon's temple the ark of the lord and set it in front of this pagan god but look what happens now we're talking about a god too hot to handle now they got him they got him there okay it's pretty wild don't you think and they put the put the ark in front of the the god the next morning they go in to see and dagon's fallen over and so it says they had to raise him up have you ever noticed about idol worship you always serve in them christianity god's serving us but idol worshipers always have to lift up their idols support their idol so they gone it fell over and so they put him back up got him back into his dusting him off a little next morning same scenario they walk in whop oh dagon's fallen over this time his heads broke off in both hands and it says in your bible it says it scared them so bad they said let's get this ark out here and even the people that worship dagon wouldn't go in the altar it says they wouldn't even go in until this very day they were so afraid of what happened wow so they said let's get him out of here let's send it to our other city so they sent the ark to the other city and god smote the city with judgments and calamities yeah i'm telling you uh rats and the one translation says tumors one translation also says boils but it's severe hemorrhoids that's the hebrew bad smoked a whole group of them started killing them with balls tumors inside timbers pretty pretty awful they turned he turned rats loose plaguing him through the rats the lord did because of the judgment on the philistines for stealing the ark everywhere it went they were being killed by the just trash because they did mishandled the ark they put them in every one of their major cities and every one of the major cities suffered great great judgment from god so they finally said this is a god too hot to handle we gotta we gotta get rid of this art and get rid of it and so they got all the diviners and the sausages and the witches didn't wardless together and said how we're gonna do it they said well we just can't send it back uh he's still mad at us said let's send back a guilt offering with it what kind of guilt offering let's make gold images of what he cursed us with yeah so they made gold images of these timbers and they made gold images of the rats and put it in this put it around the ark trying to testify to the fact that they were sorry for what they'd done and then they said but how am i going to get the how we're going to get this thing settled and they got two milk cows and said we're going to put the ark on a new cart and we're going to put the ark there and we're going to send these milk cows pulling the cart these are not used to pulling carts and they said if they go straight into israel's land we'll know that god that is going to be okay but if they turn back we'll know we're not through with all this and they rejoice when the milk cows went straight to israel and so now here's israel they've got the ark i'm telling you you have to watch out how you handle the ark you can find thousands of people died because the unsanctified handled the ark of god we're going to find out our god's holy yes and i mean he listen i know this when you crawl up and call him daddy and papa and all this but we need a holy reverential fear of the lord we do i'm telling you it's coming i tell what's about to happen the modern-day church is way too familiar with a god we barely know the modern day church is a way too familiar with the god we barely know but i promise you this god is about to reintroduce himself to his people yes he's going to do it just like in the book of revelation remember john the revelator he laid his head upon the heart of jesus but now he's in uh he's in the uh isle of patmos he's 90 something years old this is the best friend jesus had he could have been bitter vindictive well look what you did to me but he said no i was in the spirit on the lord's day see it doesn't matter much about your surroundings it matters about your attitude he was in the spirit on the lord said heard behind him a voice you're going to figure out real quick god always starts with a token to see if you'll search the treasure you'll start with a little thing to get your attention moses saw a bush burning token turned aside the treasure leading the children of israel john the revelator heard a voice token turned and got to write the book of revelation saw the risen ruling redeemer but let's let's let's we we need to look at some of the story here about some of the tragedies that happened to israel when they got whipped eli remember eli he's 98 years old and a bit tubby and so the the war went on there about over the ark and both of eli's sons were killed hoff9 phineas and it's pretty sad and a man comes running in to give a report to eli and he tells him said uh bad bad news both of your boys were killed and and so that was tragic enough wasn't it but then he says to eli and the ark has been stolen and your bible says what it was so it was so gruesome to him he fell over backwards and broke his neck and died 98 year old priest wow well there's consequences to how we handle the ark in that isn't it something when he heard about the ark and remember the story incapable that's in the next that's in the next few verses there because phineas's wife was late in big labor and here's what it says it says when she heard the word about her husband being dead and her father-in-law being dead she went into labor and was pushing out the baby and died herself and they named the baby who ichabod the glory of god has departed i don't want that ever to be across any church the glory of god's departed how do we get the glory glory of god to abide we cry out to him we enter into his presence listen guys it is absolutely imperative we get into the presence of god it said about the early disciples they they realized and understood they were ignorant and untrained but they took notice of them that they had been with jesus see that's what we got to do we got to get into his presence and let his presence get into us how does that happen let's look at step number one to get into the presence of god matthew 6 6 matthew 6 6 says if you're going to get into the presence of god get into the quietest room of your house and shut the door now we're a generation that despises silence we're going to click something on we're going they got earbuds you can't even see now yeah you know we just got to have some kind of noise we turn it on in the car we turn it on on this they even got noise to sleep by now yeah one of my friends got one of them things i thought i was an african wow rain a while and i was expecting a baboon or something to come running through there any minute i thought that ain't going to help you sleep you know you but we don't like to get steel god wants us to get steel seek him while he may be found call upon him while he's near and shut out all the things one time the lord said to me when it comes to seeking me i'd attest multitasking gave me jeremiah he said you'll find me when you search for me and seek for me with all your heart but that was a tragic story there in there in uh first samuel about it it was tragic for the people of god and even for the enemies of god we have got to start handling the things of god with more holy hands don't you think we need to we need to give him the glory jewish name that's one of the things i love about the pastor and the whole praise team here they're singing to the lord not just about him there's a world of difference i'm telling you we praise him and lord him he's deserving of her praise you can't go overboard with that if you praised him night and day you still can't go overboard you get into his presence with praise sometimes when you feel it the least is when you need to do it the most that's called a sacrifice of praise seems like the whole bottom's falling out nothing's going right you don't want to go shut up you want to go what the you know no that's that that's not how you're going to do it romans 16 20 is a key romans 16 20 says the god of peace will crush satan under your feet shortly shortly means this moment the god of peace so the devil's going to do everything he can to get you out of peace he's going to try to disturb you distract you derail you but you've got to keep your mind focused on god it means isaiah 26 3 yes it is isaiah 26 3 says thou will keep him and what perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon me trust in the lord jehovah now the mind is where it's at in it i finished one of the books called we've got to get rid of stinking thinking the whole battle is in your mind as a person thinks that's how they're going to live and during this thing while we were questioned or whatever you call it uh i wrote uh finished four books and one of them is getting rid of stinking thinking getting your identity from god not circumstances god will tell us who we really are if we listen he calls us sons and daughters of the most high god it says the moment you got converted colossians 1 13 says he translated you out of the kingdom of death and darkness into the kingdom of light and love and liberation that's the best trip you've ever taken isn't that something colossians 1 13 you ought to study colossians it says it please the father that the fullness of deity would dwell in jesus christ permanently colossians 2 says all that god is is in christ that's colossians 2 9 i think colossians 2 10 is a wanger it says all that christ is in you wow that'll help you with your opinion of yourself [Music] who are you you're chosen by god he says you didn't choose me i chose you remember that one of my favorite verses is ephesians 2 10. i studied ephesians 2 10 out of every english translation bible i could find on earth ephesians 2 10 were his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god before ordained that we conduct ourselves and then one translation says you're the best god could do to display who he is one translation says you're his stroke a genius to display his god deeds so when the devil goes who do you think you are you go i'm the best god could do we got to get a new opinion of who we are he calls us his jewels his jewels his specially acquired treasure and the devil will go ah you're not special you are with god he'll move heaven and earth to get the will of god done in your life yeah you seek him you'll find him you surrender to him he'll come to your rescue one thing i wonder why we use god as the last resort instead of the first resource we wear ourself out beat our head against a wall and then finally we go oh lord ask the lord what he wants his way is always straight straight is the gate narrative you know i'm telling you and his way is always higher and bigger and better than our way as high as the heavens are above the earth god's plans for us are a lot better than we could make of ourselves can you say you can say well bobby do you know god's plan for my life i can say to every one of you here and every one of you on television yes i do jeremiah 29 11. i know my thoughts i think towards you declares the lord thoughts of your success not your failure my intention is to bring you to a good end not some dismal demise he said i have peace and safety lined up for you so we've got to let god's will be done how do we let god's will be done okay here it is if you were to come up to me and say bobby you said you've been preaching 50-plus years five times a week do you have any advice for me here's advice i'd give you you ready the best advice i can give anybody in in maturing with god is swift and complete obedience do as quickly as you can as thoroughly as you can anything and everything he asks you to do now he'll never ask you to do something he'll not give you grace to do it okay that's what it says his strength is made perfect in our weakness when you feel like you can't you can they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount it with wings as of eagles they'll run and not be where they're walking not faint listen you do not have to have this defeated mentality you know why jesus rose from the grave up from the graveyard and he had something with him keys keys to what see the devil can't even lock his own door you and i are victorious and god means it when he says greater superior in power and intellect is he that's in you than he that's in the world but quit quit assigning weakness to you well you know brother uh the doctor says this runs in our family i'd stop cursing myself when you got born again you've got a whole new family you're out of the family of death and darkness there are there are generational curses that you can break i'm telling you you can you can break them but i'm i don't want you to sometimes we just hear something that's negative and go yeah i guess that's right man you know that's it that's my destiny no it's not no it's not that's nobody but god can design your destiny so you need to start saying god show me what you want me to do no matter what it is follow it whatever god asks you to do follow it okay yeah i could tell you some stories about it yeah i'm in uh tyler texas the lord said go to london i said why he said cause you're told to i bought me a ticket from tyler texas to london mad no meeting i was told to go to london so i said why he said cause you're told to i bought me a ticket i got on a plane i flew from dallas to london i get off the plane i'm still mad and the lord said check in the hotel i said why he said what because i told you to i checked in the hotel no meetings no no i'm over there just because i'm told to there's a leather chair right there in that hotel room the walls made out of wood brown dart wood and a brown leather chair sitting right there and the lord said sit in a chair i said why he said i told you to now i'd like to say i'm sitting there praying in tongues no i'm sitting there glaring across at the wall over there just mad i had a lot of stuff to do now i'm over here in london sitting in a hotel room sitting in a chair glaring across the wall with both hands on the little armrest like this see god don't care how many temper tantrums you throw he's gonna do what he wants to do this is all true now sitting there with a bad attitude i don't know how i'll just tell you the best way i know how the wooden wall opened up behind me the wooden wall opened up like this and brother joe the saints of old walked past me that day in that hotel room the saints of old stepped out and walked in front of me and when they stopped in front of me i could tell everything their life accomplished from the moment they were born again until they died over if i could have retained that kind of knowledge over and over and over when they stand in front of me i know everything every minute detail that their life accomplished from the time they were born again until he went to glory finally the last one that came through was jesus he said you're here because they're there i said lord who was that he said that's a great cloud of witnesses and and see uh i got to see that and experience that because even in my stubbornness i said yes i'll tell you something god can tweak you ask jonah go to nineveh no way three days in the belly of the fish he goes the airway can you imagine that it says in your bible jonah was assigned to the ninevites have you imagined what the gastric juices of a whale's belly could do to a guy in three days eat all his hair off eyelashes he's bleached blonde some poor nanobots up there fishing as well comes up and jonah hollers repent he goes yeah i'm in all that and get on yeah assigned to the ninevites well anyway don't go to church and not have a good time you know what i've discovered it's sad some people have just enough jesus to be miserable they got him in the head but not the heart they got rules regulations stipulations listen jesus wants to be your friend he does he wants to walk with you and talk with you a long life's narrow way can i tell you one story about that and then we'll we'll have prayer time i was in a morning star conference once they had several thousand people in this room and i'm in the hotel preparing supposed to speak that that day and the lord said bobby i'm going to use you in a very unique way tonight but hardly anyone in the building will believe it's me even you now i'm going to tell you that's not the word you want to hear before you're stepping into several thousand people to give the message of god bobby i'm going to use you in a very unique way today but hardly anybody in the building will believe it's me even you okay so service starts packed out beautiful praise music my wife sitting on the front row i opened my bible and the lord said jump off the pulpit thought the platform i jumped off the platform grab your wife i grabbed my wife by the hand i start running down the pew running down the center the first thing i ran up to a guy and started screaming at him i i started screaming hey you i want you to know living water runs uphill in rockford illinois don't you ever forget it and so i made a few other stops on the way i get all the way to the very back all the way to the very back of that big old uh auditorium and there's a man standing uh seated there and he's dressed very nice older gentleman and so the lord said i want you to stick out your hand and ask him to come take a walk with you so i said sir would you please stand and take a walk with me he stood i held my arm out like this he put his arm there and me and him and my wife start walking and the lord said now when the holy ghost hits him don't let him fall holy ghost hits him so i'm carrying him back to his seat like this and stuff him down there now here's the deal what had happened this man that i picked up was a lawyer and see as i'm walking with him i said to him what do you do and he didn't have texas swang he said i'm a lawyer i said a liar he said lawyer and i said one in the same that's what i said this is all this is all recorded i carry him back and stuff him in his chair now what had happened was this this guy writes one of the most articulate letter you could ever imagine over this experience he's a lawyer and julie jordan rick joyner's wife had stood the night the night before that and sing a song he walks with me and talks with me a long life scenario sang a song about jesus walking and the lion lawyer had said i don't believe jesus walks with people and if he did he would never come back to me and ask me to walk i walked by several thousand people and said would you take a walk so he was a lying lawyer wasn't he but he wrote the most wonderful letter you could imagine you know let's see i wish i'd got the letter before we had you know because see that would have given me a little zip but uh isn't that something what you got to do is what you got to do don't say i know whatever god asks you to do do it with all your might that's what it says whatever your hand's fine to do put your whole heart into it it doesn't matter if you're washing dishes or giving food out and i want to say this to you the quickest way to promotion now in the spirit realm is servanthood that's true well i'm supposed to be wearing these glasses but there i feel much more studious no oh boy that's how i fell on the starboard stuck in my eye they pulled this eye out and i i looked i'll watch this side with this eye i've had some experiences i jumped on a rabbit and a stop struck my eye they carried me there and it stuck in my eye and they took something pop my eyeball out and i'm laying there in the chair watching that eye with this eye pretty amazing all of these are true stories y'all heard the story when i cut myself and all my guts fell out quite shocking i fell across the saw yeah i mean listen at my grandma's house my grandpa ran out there just picked them up chicken feathers leaves packed them back in hey i was beside myself cut all my guts out isn't that something they tied me together with bed sheets it's a miracle that's what the doctor said it said it's a miracle they put salt in me in kerosene they said that's what drove the infection away see now i can prove it i got i told that story one time and some guy weighs his hand look like he's trying to stop a cab in new york i said you don't say something he said yes i'm a leading gastrologist surgeon could i examine you i said come up here and knock yourself out so we got behind a little boo a curtain up there i didn't want to look like free willy or something you know so i got up there and uh this guy i pulled my shirt over and there's scars and all this stuff and he goes he pushed he said this he said you've got to come by the office i have got to document this i said i don't need no documentation i was there you know you know you don't hardly need any more documentation but anyway i got some stories to tell you but through it all god is wonderful in me and i want you to know something see i don't want us to mishandle god like the the israel ever israelites did when they said let's go get it it listen god ain't into this rabbit foot stuff you know what i mean he wants you to have faith not some trinket you understand that i've seen people you know they'll build some little shrine out there in their yard build your heart in the kingdom that's where that's where your strength comes from you can put all kind of little trinkets you want to out there and enough wind chimes to raise a ruckus that ain't going to be your protection your protection is in the blood of jesus now the devil's not afraid of you but he's really afraid of your elder brother the lord jesus wow well these stories are real and i want to welcome the tv audience isn't that amazing listen i want to i want to ask you to really support the tv ministry it's very important to get the message into hearts and homes of people there'll be people watching this message up in the night and god will touch their heart one thing i know about television the anointing don't stop when the lens is early it goes all the way through we we've uh we've been on tv for years and years and you can't imagine the testimonies oh man i'll tell you this and then this one through i was doing live television down in houston and uh i stand up to preach and instantly uh this the tv audience goes away and i i see a man sitting there and he's got a 357 revolver to the top of his temple like this and he's about to shoot himself in i said no but what had happened he'd come in and he turned up the he turned up the tv so it would muffle the shot and then he dropped the tv control and it hit for channel 22 and pop told me there i am going no you don't have to shoot yourself and we were able to call and get him on the phone and he got born again could have shot himself in the head but christian tv see i'm telling you and so i want to i want to encourage you support the tv with your support with money and with prayers and pray for it because the devil would like to drive all religion off the airwaves but i'm here to tell you uh we this this place will preach the truth they'll bring great praise into people's homes and that's worthwhile a lot it didn't yes it is i like tv i wish i could do something with the wattle but uh it's gonna be all right yeah got more chances yeah yeah but it's okay now remember your verse okay that's good you guys all right that's good that's good god bless you you've done something that pleased the lord i see a smile over over you from the lord so i'm not exactly sure what it is but uh you've done something that touched his heart and there's some act of generosity you've done that touched the lord's heart and uh you'll reap the fruit of that that's good look out don't you enjoy praising god that's right that's right yeah yeah it's good that's a funny thing i saw you out in the yard running around the circle praising god just running just in a circle praising him and i'll tell you what you won't be by yourself in that circle there'll be angels coming to help you they love it when you praise they come to some of the meetings that's true yeah okay i told you i was going to quit but i'm wound up like eight day clock i pray i'll go back to the book table there's one that we write a shepherd's rod on the day of atonement for 26 years this is one for 2021 my help comes from almighty god and then we wrote a book called dread champions god said i want you to study the mighty man of david that's what i want to see in in the body of christ i want to see these people that have the heart to be a dread champion so wrote and then here's one about angels god said i want you to write a book about the angels the faithful and the fallen so in this we write mainly about angels in the back we give a a whole list of several uh whole lists of what angels do for the believers what they do for israel what they do for you psalms 91 11 says they're here to help you they camp around about you they set up a military post it's pretty wild so i'll meet you at the book table after a while but anyway god wants to to touch you uh use one of the things we need to do is never grow cold the biggest need in the body of christ in my estimation right now is recalibration we've got to recalibrate it says in revelations 2 we've left our first love revelations 2 4 remember from the heights that we've fallen repent and turn back to our first love we need recalibration look up the word retail recalibration means going back to the original point of accuracy yeah we've got to get back to the solid sure foundation of the word of god and we need that don't we yes you cannot build on anything stronger than the word of god that's what jesus said and so we've got to make sure we got a firm foundation so i want to pray something for you one of the number one questions i get asked is this how did you memorize the bible yeah that's what i want here's how i did i studied it till all my fingers wore holes in the pages i got a stack of bibles like that but here's one thing i'm going to pray for you that'll happen i'm going to pray that you will have from this night on retention amen to retain what you read see that that's that's a wonderful thing retention of the word of god do you want that yeah i know you do so i'm going to pray it because it says god did not give us a spirit of fear but love power and a sound mind a mind that can catalog or retain facts so i'm going to pray especially when it comes to reading the word of god that you will have retention you'll be able to retain the things that god puts into your heart and your spirit so father in the mighty name of jesus christ i want to thank you for your word thank you that your word is alive and active and i pray right now in the name of jesus that you will give each one here retention they'll be able to retain in their mind and their spirit the words that you teach them lord and they'll be able to call it up as a two-edged sword fighting against the wickedness lord i want to thank you for the power of the word of god and i want to thank you that your word is active and alive so teach us to apply the word to our lives help us to be doers and not just hearers and lord i bless the people now i pray for those that are sick i pray healing i pray for those that are disturbed and disappointed i pray that joy and hope would stimulate in their heart again lord and i pray for those that are lonely i pray that they find the friend that sticks closer than a brother lord i pray right now you will bless our nation help us lord to put you first help us lord to turn our face to you you said you would if we'd repent and turn to you you'd heal our land and lord i know that your word is true your plans are america you're author and finisher and i want to thank you that you've got destiny charted out for our nation amen and so lord have mercy on us and help us to turn to you with all of our heart now those watching i pray that this would be the night you say no to addiction no to all these things that draw you and pull you draw a line and say no i'm giving my life to jesus christ the lord said if we if you'll do that you'll become a new creation old things will be gone and you'll become bright and brand new i thank you father in jesus mighty name wow wow oh man joe i'm not even in the building i see a bay of shiny clouds uh wow lord jesus lord jesus let your glory appear lord i thank you i thank you lord we thank you it's it's ii corinthians 3 18 as we behold who as we behold him with an unveiled face we're changed from one dimension of glory to the next it's really really strange lord you do whatever your heart is pleased with lord lord we want to see you and know you in a deeper dimension we release that second corinthians 3 18 as we behold you with an unveiled face we're changed we're transported from one dimension of glory to the next but uh right now i don't know how to describe heavenly things much with earthly uh i had my eyes closed and then when i opened my eyes uh i don't see the people i see a there's a i don't know how to call it it's just a shimmer just a shimmer a blinding light way brighter than these television lights and it's just all across here lord thank you for your light thank you lord the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my foes come up to eat of my flesh they stumble and fall the whole army shouldn't camp around with me i will not fear we thank you you are our life amen we thank you for that so joe i don't know all i know is i i see the light you know that's better than stumbling in dark don't you think and so i thank you the entrance of his word will give light here it is it's psalms 18 he will light my lamp and it'll flood my whole life with light he'll light my lamp that a lamp means spirit there and it'll flood my whole life with light so there's light in there yes i i can see it now you know that's really neat kind of in a uh wonderful way so joe what do you want to do uh i want to share something okay just uh get in here you stay up here don't go anywhere okay this is what is what comes to my heart when you talk about the light i've been having a recurring word you know how it is over and over and over for about two years malachi 3 the lord whom you seek shall suddenly come yeah come to his temple his temple who can stand as a period yeah he's like a refiner's fire to purify the sons of levi and he'll also be a swift witness against perjurers yeah and the in the corrupt and uh i i've been getting that word over and over i said look the lord said i'm going to come suddenly to my house yeah this is what it said he said the lord whom you seek see so he's not just going to come anywhere he's going to come where people are seeking him and he's going to come suddenly and what you said he's going to reintroduce himself he's going to come and bring a dimension of his holiness and the fear of the lord that's going to bring what you just saw by beholding him that way we're going to change and then he said the purpose for it is so that the sons and daughters of levi can offer to him an offering in righteousness and then that's going to take us to malachi 4. the lord will arise with healing in his wings you'll go out like stall fed calf so i when you said what you're seeing i feel like we're getting close and so when i i was asking the lord the other day lord you keep telling me malachi 3 is going to come so what's my response he's here's here it is he said seek me everybody what bobby said first love recalibration seek me and then he said prepare to meet your god that's what we ought to be doing right now yeah seeking god and being ready to to meet him because he wants to come to those that are seeking him yeah that's what i feel yeah he would light up the atmosphere just to entertain us you know and it's it's really something he wants us to know we're the light of the world a city set up on a hill that will not be hidden we're not going to let the devil snuff out our light we're going to take a stand and we're going to shine and shine bright and so that that's pretty neat what a time what a time and let me tell you something a lot of people go well you know it doesn't matter whether the building's big or small it doesn't matter if there's massive crowds or a few or two or three are gathered together in his name there he is i'm telling you that's what all we got to do is focus on him and uh if you'll focus on him things will go brighter and brighter they look to him and their faces were enlightened uh i i've i've never seen exactly what i saw a moment ago when i opened my eyes not i have not seen that kind of a a cloud over over people i've seen other kind but that was bride amen yeah so anything else yeah i want to have gene come up and sing a song good and if you want to go back there or whatever i don't want whatever you want to do but i feel like in response to that i want to sing i have a song in my heart good good when i sing i sing like louis armstrong so they go bobby please go back to jesus as fast as we can all the worship teams i'll meet the folks at the book table in a moment let's just get into the things of god and let the things of god get into us tell him say lord light my lamp psalms 18 28 light my lamp [Music] yeah boy there it is ephesians 1 17 18. i pray that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with revelatory light that's what we had just a moment ago flooded with revelatory life [Music]
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 16,815
Rating: 4.9118643 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: 8TupgeaMUZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 7sec (4207 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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