Bobby Conner @ the G.C.C.C. - "Hold On To Hope; One Day It Will Change Everything"

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[Music] let's give him a hand congratulations god this is the day the lord is god thank god for how good god is to us lamentation three says his mercies are you every morning great is his faithfulness therefore i have hope and that's what we'll be talking about today hold on hold on the devil is trying everything he can to get you hopeless bad doctors report bad finances but let me tell you the bible says your future is filled with bright hope that's what the bible says your future is filled with bright hope and i'm telling you god wants to show you his goodness uh one of my favorite verses in the whole bible is matthew 1 7. god is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those that are trusting him isn't that wonderful i'm glad he didn't say god what's good or he's going to be good right in the middle of the mess he's good i'm telling you guys god is for us not against us amen he said you are the head and not the tail you're above only and not beneath that's what god says about you now see the devil this is a strange statement i'm about to make holy god and hateful devil are asking you the very same question what how could holy god and hateful devil be asking you the same question here's the question both evan and elle are asking you this morning are you ready you ready who do you think you are the devil said to you who do you think you are and god is saying who do you think you are see we've got to get rid of stink and think don't you think yeah and we've got to start thinking about ourselves like jesus says we are he says that we are a royal priesthood a holy nation he says that we're blessed with all spiritual blessings he's got great things to say about us he says we're unstoppable romans 8 37 yet admit all these things we're super victorious well i don't feel it that's the problem you can't go by feeling you have to go by faith the bible says whatever's not of faith is sin yes wow you say well bobby how can i get stronger faith use what you got one time this is a bad story but one time uh i i turned the tv on and that's when lutheran on these real bodybuilders before steroids you know they bumped stuff and so anyway the lord said what do you think about that i said well i don't know exactly what to think about it but wow and he said to me the lord sent me bobby you got the same amount of muscles as them so i jumped up and you know they'd be like this and legs are just like this will stand up i jumped up and jiggled i said god i don't look like i haven't got the same amount of muscles he said you have not exercised see you have the same amount of faith as anybody in the world god has built every person the measure of faith but it swivels up if we don't use it we've got to really learn faith now faith is what substance of thankful for evidence if the church needs anything it's substance and evidence don't you think yeah if we were arrested for being a christian would there be enough evidence to convict us that's a that's a statement in it i tell you guys we need faith and faith is substance and so for evidence of things not seen wow faith is very very important so heaven and hell both are asking who do you think you are and i'm telling you we really need to answer that from the bible we need to find out we're kings and priests that's what it says revelations 1 5 and 6 unto him that loved us washed us from our sins in his own blood and has made us to be kings and priests the bible says a king's word has power and a priest could settle and solve situations well that's good i'm glad to hear now here's the thing about you being here almighty god in eternity past picked up his pen and wrote that you'd be sitting in this building today that's what the bible says what it says all of our days are written in his book before we ever lived a single one of them psalm 139 verse 15 16 and 17. oh goodness that's amazing all of our days when i read verses like that i hear the word purpose all of us have purpose you're not here by accident you're here by divine planning god planned things for you to do before you were you that's what it says ephesians 2 10. he features justice we are his workmanship created in christ jesus under good works which god pre-pre-planned that we'd conduct ourselves again god literally made things for you to do before he made you see a lot of people they don't know of purpose now the greatest thing i think we can do is matthew 6 33 but seeking what first the kingdom and all the other things fall into place if we neglect the kingdom uh nothing's gonna fall into place we've got to seek first the kingdom of god yes uh i love bill johnson he's been a great friend for years and years how's that doing the pastor's conference revealed in reading oh man and i just shoot from the hip you know so uh i came up there i'm supposed to preach that day there's there's i will be a couple of thousand preachers up there and i met a black pastor from stockton california uh during that time boy you talk about uh elephant he had the most beautiful clothes the shoes mentioned that everything he was put together so i get up there preaching from all of those preach those preachers at bethel and you know here's what i said i feel good then i go my god that's a james brown song so i jumped off the platform and i ran after this pastor who i just met from uh stockton i said hey i want you to get up and say this is james brown sauce he goes what i said yeah he said i don't know if i know any i said well i'm a few bars and i needed the microphone and this pastor gets up and he starts and he suddenly send me and paul was gonna bring you back i said shut up sit down that's it i said god is sick and tired of a church operating out of aggie-eyes bag god wants us to operate out of papa's bag remember that gas bag every time they reach back to get some some money it was empty because they was busy building their kingdom neglecting gods when i and i scripted on bill johnson go get a bag bill jumped up and took off somewhere and he came back with the grocery bag and sitting right there in front of the church those pastors jumped up ran forward and threw 28 000 in that bag you couldn't put a pistol over got that much money out of it but see they we've got to start operating our papa's bag instead of had the ash bag so we got to see first the kingdom of god and all these other things fall into place you say what happened to the 28 000 they gave it to the homeless mission down there on under the 101 bridge there in san francisco isn't that wonderful well anyway officer's got a rainbow bag listen isn't that wonderful i don't want to back a whole interview because we're busy building our kingdom no you know so we've got a lot of stuff to talk about well one of the things that one of the things we need to talk about is how important it is to know the word of god book of jose says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge the bible says study to show yourself approved unto god a workman that does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth let me tell you a little story about the knowing the bible there was this young preacher he was young and just kind of getting started and he was he was very zealous and so excited about being a creature and he he was preaching in that place and uh there was a handkerchief just a gorilla hector and some of the young preachers go and the bible said and the heckler would get up and go i'll leave a word of that oh and then just throw a little picture off and finally get back up this momentum and he'd say and the bible said hector jump up again i don't believe i've heard of that over and over and over finally the young preacher had all but that did you stand so he says to the heckler come down here and here comes the heaven he was glad to come he wanted to put on the show and so the young preacher standing there and the heck was big old moose as a guy and the young preacher said a shaky voice if i can convince you that the bible is real will you believe it that goes yeah i guess so and said come here a little closer so that guy stepped up and the little preacher reached out and he took him by the nose he turned the snow scissors trying to snooze over turn his nose away letting go of bloodshed everywhere then the young pastor turned to proverbs 30 33 as sure as the churning and the milk brings forth butter as sure as the turning of the meal breaks with butter the ringing of the nose brings we better know the scriptures it's a sword it's a weapon it is that we've we've got to get in the word of god that the word's going to get into us yeah you said god do that you study you meditate about it it's it'll guarantee you success joshua 1 8 says the words of this law shall not depart from your mouth in your eyes you shall meditate upon them day and night and that will guarantee overwhelming success now if you want to be a vlogger stay out of the bible but if you want overwhelming success get into the bible let the bible get into you can that happen oh man psalms 119 verse 105 since that word is egg what psalms 119 verse 136 the entrance the penetration of your word it gives life it gives me a grasp and a comprehension of the ways of god if you want to know the ways of god get into the word of god very important so that's not what i'm going to talk about today i'm going to talk about hope hope the bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick but when it comes it's a well spring of joy god wants us to bask in hope don't give up your home hebrews 10 35 it says do not flee away from you your steadfast confidence in god it says steadfast hope in god don't fling it away because it brings great recompense of reward so i said this way in texas hold on to hope it pays big dividends the devil wants to do everything he can to cause you to doubt god the first time the devil ever spoke to man what did he say hath god said he still the devil has never changed his mind he tries to get you to doubt what god says and god said we need to know what god has said don't you think so when the devil starts with one of his lies you do just like jesus said no it is written in matthew 4 it is written every time the devil with him jesus jesus say it's written here we've got to know what's written we've got to get into the bible haven't we yes okay so let me talk about that uh here's a book we talked talked on uh yesterday about empowered by god and we've got some books at the book table i hope you'll uh i get them because i think they're tools for you and so this is empowered by god wow why should why should we be empowered by god it says and jesus said these works that i do great works in these chef you do because i go to my father wow isn't that something i want to get the guys playing the guitar where is he there he is he's over there taking him out giving him a punch i want you to have this look okay everyone do you see what he's playing hey i'll give you a verse you ready here's your verse about you and the good guy you ready psalm psalms 144 verse 1 744 verse 1 says he teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight see when you pick up that dick turner player use it as an instrument against the devil how many of you want to stir up the devil here's one way to serve the devil psalms 47. psalms 47 says if you want to confuse the devil and stir him up shout and clap amen shout to the lord and talk to the lord that's what he says psalms 47 verse 1 it says it just it just upsets the devil i hope the devil just be pleased i won't even be upset don't you think she's already defeated yeah christ fought principalities and powers have made their own patrol their triumph isn't that cool that's a big mouthful he's all principalities and powers and triumphant that was trying to put over them and that works false when from one kingdom wouldn't overthrow the rule of the next kingdom they dragged the defeated foe right down to the midst of his kingdom see when jesus resurrected from the grave he had some keys yeah you get it the devil can't walk his own door do you see that jesus resurrected he has the keys of death though you are victorious because jesus is victory when he's joined himself upon the cross he says it's finished aren't you glad he didn't say i'm finished yes listen guys we are not victims we're victorious yes greater is he to see you they need this in the world okay so here's here's a book on prayer the lord jesus appeared to me was sad and he's not sad he's happiest man ever lived some psalms tells us that over and over and said he was anointed the older gladys far above all of his brothers jesus christ was the happiest man in religion he appeared to me and he was outstanding and he said to me bobby my people don't like to talk to me he said the least attended service at any church is praying then he said to me i'm going to give you a phrase that'll turn prayer from a drudgery to a delight from a duty to desire i said god i want that i want a statement a phrase that's going to turn prayer from a trudge between the light from a duty to a desire and he said you tell my people what true prayer is true prayer is an audience with the king think about that wow no potentate on earth makes that offer you can come to god anytime anyplace day or night and have his attention wow first john 5 14 says this is the confidence that we have in him if we ask him anything according to this we'll we know that we're going to get what we're asking see we need to understand prayer changes this and so this is a book on prayer we need it jeremiah 33 3 says call unto me i realize you god never intended prayer to be a monologue what's the model of one person talking he wants to be a dialogue calling me i will answer you i will show you revealed you great and mighty things you don't have any comprehension of it means things that are fenced off out of accessibility till you pray them into accessibility he said well well why is it so important to pray pray now second corinthians 6 2 now is an acceptable time a time of favor a time of assured welcome from god ii corinthians 6 2. wow man now's the time all right you doing well i'll give you this book will you read it maybe she'll read it for you will you read it one there we go good god thank you god bless you listen god's alive one thing yeah one thing i don't i don't i want you to understand god don't like religion man does he wants something to control something to manipulate did you read the bible here's what jesus here's what god said about religion away with your humans and your sabbaths and your holy convocations they wearied me have you read the woes in the bible every woe is to the pharisees woe under your private pharisees scribes hypocrites woe means god's pronounced judgment wow but religion oh man god don't want religion he wants relationship you understand that he wants you to love him with all your heart all your mind just pour yourself into it he loves you that way how do you do it because it says greater love had no end than this remember laid down his life with his friends so let me get through this book build and we'll get into the work okay here's a book for 26 years listen to now don't lie in church look at that nice and safari drop dead in church if god ever brings that back the best business being an undertaker lying about their devotion to god dropped in church well anyway so for 26 years on the day of atonement young kapoor i've had a visitation from jesus christ he'd come tell me some of the things that's going to happen in the future i write a book called the shepherd drug this is the one for 20 21. uh we've written them for 26 years and this one talks about my health comes from the lord and we need to understand that because we have a propensity to look everywhere else except the lord you that's what it said psalm 221 verse 1 says i will lift up my eyes until the heels and then question mark it says where's my elf come from see they thought could help i just looked into a majestic mountain no you can't do that i'll tell you psalms 121 verse 2 is where the answer is my help comes from the lord who make the heavens and the earth now remember when the disciples came out of the temple matthew 24 the disciples came out of the temple and jesus was with him and they stopped jesus and turned around and said oh look look at that please i said there will not be one stolen from another like be torn down see we're busy trying to look at what man's hand is built instead of what god's heart has produced for us don't look at these things don't just look to the mountains with the creator of the mountains and so that's the theme of this book this shepherd drug is where did she have come from we need to understand the three things the hell of god is available it's adequate and it is ours if we receive it he met us that's right okay then there's one called dread changes uh god says i want you to study about david's mighty men now listen this is not a gender thing some of the greatest workers i've ever met are women so david's fighting men their names and so i write about their names or i've got the exports they did don't you like expo that's once daniel 11 32 b that's the daniel walker i'll speak slow daniel 11 32 d it says but the people that do know their god they will display strength and they will take action see the devil knows it verse so he's going to do everything he can to keep you from knowing god because he understands but the people that don't know their god they're going to displace anything they aren't going to take action daniel 11 32 big round the book of job says the question and i said with god it'll be at peace and good will come to you so the devil's going to do everything he can to disturb you distract you and get you sidetracked so you won't trust god psalms psalms 46 10 and 11. psalms 46 10 11 says what oh i'll tell you be still and know that i am god our generation despises silence he despises science we're gonna have it we're gonna come in we're gonna turn something off they got their stuff now they got everything we just get disturbed and distracted by all this media mess god wants us to be still now if you're going to see god matthew 6 6 matthew 6 6 says get into the widest room of your house shut the door yeah see the devil wants to distract you have you ever started a bible study and you just tried to focus on your and all of a sudden a force ago did you like the car payment yeah say that's the devil disturbing you and distracting you because he knows if you feel your heart with the word of god you're going to be full of hope steadfast unbelievable jesus said it this way if you build on any other thing other than this firm foundation of his word the reigns will come the winds of love your house will dissolve wow why don't that happen to you now so you build upon the firm foundation of the word of god anyway so let's talk about hope y'all too you got your bibles psalms 30 verse 5. psalms 30 verse 5. i'll find it it's it's in here somewhere psalms 30 verse 5. i i and here's what it says it says god's angers but for a time on his favorite is for a complete lifetime and then something it's amazing i'm going to find this oh i had to put my whole bible up at pebble park it was held together with duct tape but it was just it was just i love the whole bibles don't you people ask me the number one question i get asked around the whole world is this you ready you ready how did you memorize the bible i'll tell you how i memorized the bible i studied it until all of my fingers would print off the page that's the absolute truth i got a stack of apples that happened you know what the lord says you better do it again you you we've got to hunger for the word of god yes we've got to put it in us it's a weapon it really is so we're headed to psalms 30 verse 5 you're probably already there psalms 30 verse 5 says his anger is but for a moment but his favor is for a lifetime or in his favor his life weeping may last through the night but joy comes in the morning remember god's mercies are new every morning god is trying to get us to the place where we can embrace the dawning of a new day joy comes in the morning and so this is what i want to talk to you about hold on hold on one day and change everything now i'm going to look at maybe if we've got time the three different examples of the bible got that and let me start holding the hope uh one day can change everything let's start about the worst family mention in human history i i i just test reading this passage of scripture because i i just absolutely the test reading is second kings chapter six go with me there if you will the second kings chapter six and you're going to find out that there's the greatest famine mentioned in human history if it wasn't in this bible i would not believe it but i'm telling you it's just it's just horrible it's it says that a evil king ben hadad had surrounded the city of samaria and shut off all the food routes no food could come in and the famine is so severe that it says it says they're boiling their children and eating their children these are the people of god and he says you can read it with me here well i hate this part of the second kings chapter six this family started verse 24 after ben hayden king of syria headed the whole army and went up against uh samaria besieged it a great famine came into samaria they uh beseeched it until a donkey's head was sold for a bunch of money and it says uh a fourth cap of dub dumb was done for this and then verse 26 and the king of israel was passing it on the wall a woman cried after the king that is supposed to be over the people of samaria he's walking on the wall and a woman standing there screaming help me okay help me and the king looked down down and says ma'am i'm so sorry i can't hit you there's no meal in the barrel there's no oil there's no food if god doesn't have i can't help you and then he says to her why are you at this great point of agitation this is a partner i i i'll read it look what it says verse 20 8 says and the king said her what hails you she answered this woman said to me give me your son so we may eat him today and we will meet my son tomorrow so verse 29 so we boiled my son and ate him the next day i said to her give us your son the name he him and she's hitting her son you can't find the worst family of that in human history they're cannibalizing their own children well it takes my breath away just did you see that palace her it's her problem she told me let's eat your son so we call you see that these people were doing it to sustain their life um we've got to wake up now the devil is out trying to destroy the next generation but anyway so we balled my son in 80. now she's hidden her son it says when the king heard it he was so distraught he ripped his garment and you could see he was cold and sat called that man he was mourning and broken now fast forward to second kings chapter seven verse one it starts with the word t-a-g-n then that means right in the middle of the family second king seven one says then elisha's said hear the word of the lord thus saith the lord tomorrow about this time a measure of fine flower will sold for a few pennies and two measures of barley for a small amount of money in the gate of samaritan there's a prophetic word right in the middle of the mess he the prophet says about this time tomorrow be more food here than we basically give it away now let me show you something here you never get a good word from god without somebody trying to lead you away it says there's a council on who the king listened to you could really hear it there was this captain on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of god and said if god would make the windows of heaven or could this thing happen but elijah said to him you shall see it with your own eyes but you're not going to get a gift to participate in it now now i write books and they help you if you want to write books keep the story flowing look what an abrupt change happens next verse verse 3 now there were four lepers laying outside of the gate wait i don't know where's the booth coming from i don't know about four cent news do you there are four lepers laying outside of the gate this means the electricity was so advanced they had to be kicked out of the city they're outside of the gate leg in a puzzle pool have you studied leprosy your skin rottens away and falls forever laying there sick as they compete but they they begin to do something i think that's courageous they begin to challenge the situation they said if we lay here we're going to die if we can't go back in samaria we're going to starve our only objection our only avenue is to get out and go face the enemy if they kill us we're dead have you noticed this when we don't get out of this alive this thing called life it's important that everybody wants to die after this a judgment some of us want to precisely go in there we're going to start we lay here we're going to die if we go out there to face this unseen army the worst thing to do is kill us here's what it says it's unbelievable these four liquid peppers here they go can't you see them anymore they're walking out to face a whole army that shut down a kingdom near a city and they're ready to go when they get out to where they've been on this account was your bible says all the food was there all the gold was there all the rain the clothes were there all the silver was there but no soldiers they just abandoned the camp they just run away what in the world how could four limping leopards can't you see them with leprosy fingers fall off usually noses and ears i'm sure table school food gold and silver in their buns and they're hiding and then they go whoa wait a minute this can't be just for us what about our brothers back there in samaria now let's stop just a little spirit field church you say there's no famine oh there's a famine there's starvation for hearing the word of god see we've got a banging table but there's people having heard about the holy ghost so what we can't consume this just on ourselves you did it so these lepers they said wait a minute we can't just consume this for ourselves what about the brothers so they go back to the city finally the king gets enough sense to send some people out to see if it was true and they go out there and it's exactly true so they bring the food in abundance and open the gate and the people run forward with such some poor soul was trapped who do you think that was remember what was the prophetic word you'll see it but you won't get to participate that game says was trapped alone by the desperate crab getting the food but here's what i'm trying to say to you hold on hold on one day can change everything start eating your children and it probably stands up and says about this time tomorrow see what we've got to do is second chronicles 20 20 trestle or he will be established leave his prophets and he will prosper that's what he says wow that's really why now let's get to another one you don't do that once number one here here's it here's the next one ah we're talking about holding on to hope one day can change everything psalms 107. psalm 107 verse 23 here's what it says these men that do business in great waters they see the works of the lord because he raises up the stormy winds the storm has lifted up the ship as high as the heavens drops it down as well as the depths and it says the season savers this is psalms 107 23 these season sailors staggered to and fro and they are at their wits that's a breeze they're through a wit stand have you ever been there i promise you it's a journey every one of us will have to take god don't seek to it that it happens that you get in a situation that's been beyond your finger you can't figure it out see these guys were seasoned sailors they did everything they were trying to do but they had expanded expired expelled all their expertise and the storm was still raging there it is that same word we read in first kings and second kings seven one then then they cried unto the lord in their trouble now see if you want to see who started that storm these men that see these men that go down the ships and they see the works of the lord because he raises up the stormy winds now god started the storm not to hurt those guys but to show them how desperately they need him what about you you up against some things everything you thought you knew is not panning out then they cried unto the lord in their trouble and he hears them and brings them out of all of their distress and brings them into their desired haven their saved place then it says oh that man would praise god for his goodness see that god wasn't trying to hurt him but try to show them how desperate they need him you can't imagine how many self-sufficient people i run into i'll tell you one story i was i was waiting to sing to a very very prominent man well uh the son of a very prominent man his dad died and this this young woman was younger then uh so we're out there not trying to witness him about jesus christ and about his appointment the man wants to die because of judgment and without christ you're spending turning him and he stopped me in the middle of talking around at his ranch he owns his heart as you can see you can see as far as photos of andy helms and here's what he said to me ready he said you see all this you see all those cows hundreds of heads of cows and said yes he said you see that uh barn over there i said yes he said my helicopter's in that so i can fly to where my plane's at he said you see that there's a big nice place but i mean exquisite that was his man cave it's not his house it's man cave he showed me all of the trinkets and stuff he had and then he said just why would i need this jesus but let me show you how it works you ready this man that was so self-sufficient that had all of his drinks he had every kind of drinking you could get i remember i was stunned i walked in that man thing he had moon casey handmade boots from from here to that wall stacking that's amazing i like boots i've been that one today but anyway here's what happened he goes back to his mancave two days later after he says why you didn't want me to think i need this jesus and uh i don't wanna be real crude i don't understand all the thing but he goes to sit down on the commodore and something ruptures inside of you almost 90 of his blood ran down the toilet they had to fly a helicopter out there to eat to get him to the hospital before he dies now go to scene he's whiter than a sheep he's whiter than the sheep he's laying on i said hey i've got an answer for your question see why do i need this god what we need to survive we need him for healing we need him for life let's see what i'm talking about sometimes we feel so sufficient you know i don't know any problem i can't have god's seed to it that you do they were at their wits end i promise you that's a journey we all have to tell you we're gonna get in the situation where we cried to god oh god i need your help i want to encourage you don't let prayer be the last resort you understand that don't wait till everything's just crumbling let me be your first resource oh god i need you god is a godly answer for james 1 5 says if any of us could give you a hacker yourself don't forget who i am oh my god yeah here's a james 1 5 says if any of us are deficient in wisdom then ask god the giving god if he'll give it to us after sleep and will not child as harassing now every one of us falls into that category we need the wisdom of god yes because there's a way that seems right and demanding so that way he's dead so we need to walk in god's way the wisdom you know i'm serious but isn't that crazy it's just it is crazy it's crazy and we've got a surplus something's up i'm telling you this crazy message is printing money they're trying to evaluate the dollar where's worthless that's what you want yes that's what they want i told you well you can read every shepherd drug you've written i put china is waging economic war against america and cyber see i'm telling you guys we better wake up the america you and i grew up in this fast disability i mean and we've got to get back to common sense i think what's scary is the tyranny within the government the tyranny there's going to have to come a righteous revolution that's true now you say i don't believe in that i you know no did you remember when peter pulled out his sword when the jesus was in the garden you're saying here comes a whole a garrison six to seven hundred soldiers and pete churchill got carrot an 18-inch fishing knife and goes and gets off he's going to go out there took a swing and cut off this guy's ear remember and jesus says to pete don't put up your sword that's not how we're going to do it and see some people go what now jesus says oh no did you read the rest of the bible not before jesus goes to heaven he says to pete hey sell a couple of your jackets and buy two swords all right see i'm tipping that the weapons of our warfare are almighty through god to pulling down strongholds we've got to get we got to we got our house there's a war on them we're fighting for the future of our nation i really mean that he said i don't get involved in that you're looking to get naked it's it's evaporating right before us and we have got to take a stand i'm telling you what kind of stand for biblical values now i'm just being honest with you just as honest as that compound i don't know how any christian can vote for somebody that believes in murder babies we're there's so much crazy stuff going on as you know people i've talked to some of these uh activists well i've studied marks i did too he's a satanist karl marx is the same as he says he is and then we've got to take people today well you know i'm leading but i've studied narcissism well that's true i detest all [Music] the book of jude said we've got to contend with the faith that was once and once we're all delivered to us because certain men and women teaching that it didn't matter it doesn't matter but i want us to stand for truth i do i really do but anyway what a day to be alive uh i grew up as a street fighter this is all true had me a dang good lord worse than craziness crazy mess but you know you never got in a fight and got the crud beat out of me and wow that's a good fight also fight the good thought of that the good fight is the only one one of our friends can tell you a funny story one of my friends uh in the game he got uh inducted in the orchid signing for the navy or whatever whatever it was this is way back though and so he had learned uh karate and jujitsu you know and so back then we would have uh gang fights i'm not that that's a bad thing but then town over there would come to the town we're at and it would be at the throw down and so eddie burb you know in texas you gotta have two or three names had got back from his training as a military man and you change it and all of this so here's the night of the game you ready the two games they meet at the place where we usually go and so anywhere jumps out there because he's trained in hand-to-hand combat oh lord this is comical he's hearing about the third boy when i first started freezing the first few roads would be policemen this isn't true that's true i'm telling you the bible is so true it says the way of the transgression is hard i got a hole in my head where a would be if you can put your finger in there if you needed to i wouldn't invite you a cop said to get in i saying getting in he hit me in the head with a stick a metal stick about like that i had a ribbon for him didn't that crazy but uh you know grew up my dad was dead in the mental institution me and my brother we'd sit in the backyard and shoot cigarettes out of one another's mountains with a 22 rifle my mother come to the door hauling you guys weren't questioning themselves they cost money didn't say landowner shoes bobby in the hand or grilling in the nose that's crazy my brother he believed he was he could put me with his fists but i shot him knocked and hit him and hit with hammer people growing up he was like he's afraid of me i don't blame him really because i was a bit volatile i blew him up once don't hear this now don't get to come here to find the latency but see if confused me you got a shot this is a true story it's it's crazy but we have uh confiscated a refrigerated truck you know like they call ice cream or medium it's refrigerated and it's so we got one and rolled it over in a gummy and then covered it up with a back hole and so we just to be honest we built us an underground love shack out of this acquired refrigerated truck had a smoke stack and bean bags had electricity underground so one christmas town my cousin and my brother get into there and they block me out that's me knocking on the door no no i thought i'll get in there back then they had the md-80s they blew people's hands off they sold a explosive called md-80 so i got me two mv-80s and i crawled up on top of the truck like it's underground you know so i lit two of those sites that dropped the earth moved and the doctor said it's a miracle you didn't kill it because see it multiplies when it's compressed like that but blood's coming out their eyes or ears and other places but obviously the next time i knock they flung the doors off that's true man i stuck a claw hammer in my brother's head you see where this microphone is that's where i and the doctor said it's a miracle that's what he said he said if you [Music] everybody thinks that preacher brother says with the bible one hand and check book listen man my mama made our clothes out of feed sack we didn't have money to buy clothes the farmers would give her feed sack she'd wash her to cut out make our clothes isn't that something poor as you could be wow but see if god's got a plan amen see god's got a plan i know my thoughts i think towards you declares your lord thoughts of your success so we grew up really really well my brother and i was supposed to be building a porch with my mother and he always tried to boss me around one year older than me so anyway i'm not ripped off i'm not sure you know i could have done something that stirred him up a little and so he swung me around his left hand he was going quietly hey that's when i slipped the hammer in here and it stuck in there and the handle sticking out like that and he fell the floor was blue like this carpet and my mama opened the door and screamed [Music] and started right here went all the way here and all of my intros fell out of the burner that's beside myself oh my god look at that now that's the truth my uncle had one of these crosscuts like this and he put it in advice on a table behind my grandmother's house and so that's when tars and stuff like that is going on so anyway my mother had gone to uh on a breakdown bus up to a dunes state school for uh blind to pick up my blind cousin so you have to see my grandmother grandma and him and so i was bored and i get out there and there's a table and there's a tree and i thought [Music] and i fall full course right across the saw in this vice started there good all my intros out if you've ever you ladies ever got into deer that's what it looked like there they are there's chicken uh stuff because my granny had chickens there's chicken feathers chicken food and everything else and this i'm just in the middle of the league sticks my grandpa runs out there and just picks him up like this pulls the flap on and stuff them in this is all true he picked me up carried me in there to his the house laid me down there on the on the floor that's when they cured me with salt come with me he goes over to the salt then and gets a big old dipper of salt he walks over the flap pulls his mouth say this with me and decorate and pour salt in me with chicken vinegar it's crazy then here's they get sourced they cook with kerosene so it goes over there to the kerosene thing and pulls up a can of kerosene walk so that pulls the flap out and threw it in there and that's when the whole ceiling turned purple and unconscious because of the pain like this but anyway i wake up and they tied me together with bed sheets they didn't put a suture one tackling together with veggies and heading into my grandfather's bedtime anyway i'm unconscious till i hear i'm here to tell you that's not a good word that's dr henderson that's what the maid house calls and he's he's sitting and standing at the door of my mother we're going to leave him open and not sew again because we don't think he's going to make it that's what they said because you know but i made it see i'm here to give you hope i told that story in california i looked up there and the guy was going like this i said you want to say something he said yes i do he said i'm a leading gastrologist can i come exactly i said come on knock yourself out i mean there's two or three thousand people in there so i didn't want to get up there and pull and shirt off a little bit free willy you know what i mean we got behind the little door back there and so i pulled the shirt off and these scars are all all across there and he go he goes nuts oh this is this you've got to come you've got to come to my office so i can document this i said i don't need no documentation i was there you know people said you can't this has to be sutured or that they won't ever but they should work well that's not the message i just want to tell you something god's plan will work out that's true god god has a plan and he's able to pull it off and did i tell you about don't get on the pony okay my brother's crippled uh was born with no hip socket crumbling of the hip bone anyway back then he couldn't walks out dragging around the yard in a red wagon so he's in there and spent most of time in bed and i'm out in the yard i'm a five years-old little bushy-headed kid over there in texas the way we're in texas but anyway here's what happened walking out the yard and a boy said don't get on the phone i stopped it froze me i thought what in the world was that i took two three more steps and the voice said very very strong don't get on the pony they startled me and scared me savannah i ran in the house jumped in my bed pulled the cover over my head my brother's laying my back what's wrong with you i said don't get on that pony he said what pony i said i don't know don't get on that pony and watch this a few days later my mother gets uh some cardboard box she pulls a little dresser drawer she puts some of her clothes in this cardboard box classic with some string model could drive a drone was a car salesman drove up in a new car they opened the trunk my mother took the little boxes of their clothes set them in the back trunk post it she gets in the front seat where my uncle is man my brother gave to the back seat we don't know where we're going and we start driving but i noticed my mother was sad you know what i mean and here's what happened we drove we drove and broke and drove we all the way up through to the panhandle in texas and he turns down a big uh rover there's a gate like a ranch gate drives down there and he pulls into a parking lot and guess what happens here comes a woman leading the little pony opens the back door of the car and says you boys get on the pony and me my brother slid to the other side of the car and start screaming no we're not getting on the phone no we're not getting on point they carried us to an orphan's home and that's how they take the children away from the parents they guide them away a little pony and my mother started screaming i can't do it i won't do it and make normal turn around drive us back home you see god's speaking to a little boy out of the dusty front yard don't get on the phone they say your whole family from being separated isn't that amazing i wonder how many times god speaks to us trying to warn us and we just push you off if god told enough of the little five-year-old kid to speak to him out of the yard to keep a family he should speak to you and they had not heavens under his horse but just don't let me miss a plan that's right can you believe we've been preaching 50 years over five hours a week for 15 years [Applause] practice don't make perfect that's so cool what do you do you don't do anything oh my god you're worried see there's all kind of potential inside of me i'm serious i'm serious good god bless yours do you believe there's a music producer in this room that don't even know a music producer okay there's one in this room they don't even know it but listen to god okay listen to god and i'll tell you one of the things god's going to bring back now i don't know one thing about music i know about the nose and all that but the lord said i'm going to use that electric sound remember years ago it sounded like a computer talking sort of god's going to bring that back i don't know why exactly but it's going to happen but anyway music is i like music you know it helps you to just kind of tune into the lights of god give you some good praise music and listen to that yeah if you don't drive the devil away just put praise music on but anyway the last step we could talk about i talked about a lot of stuff getting cuddled having my brother ah well uh johnny didn't even remember him i've been with this thing long enough to know that god has a way of tweaking you remember john said no what three days he goes that way can you imagine that can you use that this all happened that's not some fairy tale oh there was a whale the bible says a great fish was prepared and his own his preparations was to swallow john can you imagine if you were that well everything hit the water because of him yep and swallowed three days in the belly of the foot i think that's probably the most stubborn man i've read in the bible i mean after the first big gulp i've been thinking about an itinerary to change will you he's down there three days and can you imagine what he must have looked like all his hair is in the off with the gastric acids of this whale finally the whale swims up to nineveh remember that gets to the bank of nineveh like the ocean right there it's there and just just suppose that there's there's another out there and he's happening fishing he's in the gulf out there and he's fishy and here comes his well children if there is clothes on don't have no hair on his head and your heart repent yeah wow huh gosh it's revival joe we got an ad isn't that crazy that's a wonderful thing so i want you to fall in love with the body i want you to put yourself in it don't just read it like it's some history book put yourself in it it really will help you because it's a living book let me tell you what the bible is not praying on parchment the bible says the bible is a person and the word became flesh and dropped among us wow you stepped about you're studying jesus and you can't get more of jesus as you need the more you get the more you realize hey i need you don't you think now let me tell you something don't waste your life make sure you're doing what god called you to do ephesians 5 14 through 18 says walk with gold and true purpose don't just be or ever have have a hashtag won't do it as pleasing to the lord that means living in a way that's pleasing to the lord you send the body i've got some things that i need to deal with let me tell you there's a place you can deal with it when you just get honest with god first child one night is if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness well since the devil will talk you into a sin and then back to you about it but if you'll come to jesus jesus says it this word come unto me i hold you that labor in a heavy lady take my yoke upon you under me i think in holy heart you will find rest for your souls it's sad the number one selling drug in america is anti-depressant see did you know you here's authority he said you cannot medicate anxiety you have to in the greek that means he will give you tranquility for the soul he will when you bring it to him don't you like that yes yeah that's really i had all of those crazy things wow wow let's see god have the plan he's got a mighty plan for you i really mean that none of us are here by accident yeah that's right none of us are here by accident did you know that that's right i tell you something bubbling in you leadership and you don't even know it leadership and so so make a stand and leave people out okay i could tell y'all some more scary stories my one of my best friend's girlfriend was in chester chester kennedy we rode motorcycles and chester had a red beard down to his belt buckle he tied and knocked behind his head you know when he was driving but here's what happened we get into a knife fight and the guy cuts chester's nose off yes sir took a knife swung in his throat started right here went all the way around here all of this falls down to chester's pocket three a.m in the morning three a.m in the morning you can't make a doctor's appointment then but there's chester every time his heart beats sounding be pouring out five gallons of water on the road wow so anyway we carry him to a doctor place up there in atkins texas three o'clock in the morning and i wrecked his head up in a towel and drug him in there and i i won't say what the doctor said but he said something like oh shucks he said i can't sew this up i said i came in so he sewed chester's face back on just like you're lacing a shoe with a needle like that and he sewed his face back up didn't attach any muscles or any tendons or anything and chester when they got all healed the little bitty blue scar here no flesh didn't lose any facial muscles or anything they brought them down here to houston to see these uh plastic surgeons and they couldn't they couldn't understand that they the guy sewed him up like he saw a feed sack oh man crazy man yeah i'll tell you a story about chester chester had called him an automated peace shelter you know it looked like an old washing machine thing with the uh rotating little the bars like that and you'd stick the pee in there in the wall and put the pieces in the bucket and the holes fall over there so chester still has his beard his gray down and chester is running the peace show in the little work room there and his wife yeah his wife rain is out on the kubota mowing the pasture with headphones george straight and chester's running the peace show and catches his beard in the beach and he misses something and he's got this and he can't get to the shut off and he's screaming but lorraine came here and she's got all the headphones on the kabob out in the yard he screamed so loud and then she found it here's now watch this you did this this will qualify you to be a redneck you ready there's chester with his beard caught with the peace shelter it's pulling him in like this and his wife hears him screaming she runs in and hollers wait i've got a video of this i mean listen video from chesterfield how long we gotten here you tell me oh my goodness okay we've got to be there a little while hey i went to brownsville high school oh now i was a good football player so i took algebra one two times a day for four years we had to it's the craziest thing it don't make a little bit of sense you know how it starts out pi r squared crazy pine square cornbread square see it's already lame but anyway i played football i was pretty good at that but anyway i took drama i now take my drawing all her over to drama and miss ellis miss evans she's a teacher she's about twice the size of my little finger and hyper nervous she signed my yearbook individually signed your yearbook this is the truth if you pull my yearbook off the chef and read miss ellis's uh thing here's what she said it's your fault i had a nervous breakdown that's what she said drama is a stage like this but the old money come to brownsboro and they built a brand new auditorium they had curtains like hollywood and they ran off a button [Music] and a bigger order towards them and bigger than this with chairs like this and so that's when we had the drama class and the samus would walk around and go [Applause] i said i'm fixing to give them some drama you ready up there the the curds are about i think 35 feet off the ground you know they went up there and there's there's a stairwell up there and it's electronic and so i thought to myself i'm going to give him some drama i'd watch the television pack in the parachute so i climbed up this got 40 something feet off the ground and i take the curtains and i pack it like a hair and put it on my shoulder all right hey there made a plan and it worked better than you thought here's what i did i cut it on my shoulder holding it like this and i run down the balcony there about 40 something feet off the ground and i screamed something like tear on the ball and died out there across the chairs and i got compared i got those things and it's unfolding so i'm not falling like that i go [Music] she goes into a screaming oh lord she screamed because you couldn't scream carried me to the principal's office mr h riley don't forget him he looked like an old mad marina and a funeral director mixed together big old dark rim glasses water gray suit and he didn't sit at his desk he lurched over it so this is still screaming oh [Applause] and finally mr riley put your call i was so glad i read one of these uh reverse psychology books they were spit in this reverse psychology it tells you that you can impose your will on people by the same so i thought this is where i'm going to use my reverse psychology so mr riley is there he's on that he said glory we gotta do something so now i'm not gonna expect it because riding that football is kind of sick that's as well structured appreciate that he said and i could not stand one single point off of any grade i had i was making a's right you know how awesome and you know some things were delightful bad grades and he said i'm not going to explain yesterday i appreciate that and then he said involved or if you were what would you do i said let me get this straight if i was you and you were me and i had done something like i've done i would give me corporate punishment this was like this thank you guess what he said great idea pull out everything out of your pocket and lean over this desk now i don't remember a whole bunch of stuff that happened in school i remember that day he goes to the closet pulls out a piece of fly board yeah pizza fly board with a bunch of holes in and two handholds 17 of the hardest licks i've ever had and i'm still mad at that author of that book reverse psychology that didn't work for me but anyway i got to go back and preach for the 40 years thing that was crazy i get there after 40 years and uh i thought i was at a nursing home see thank god for the holy ghost he'll keep you active he'll keep you rejuvenated he'll infuse you with the strength i got there i thought i was at a nursing home you know but we got to preach the gospel most of the people were dead they had the big people's pictures up on the wall and here's how i started my message that night you ready i said look most of our friends are not with us tonight wonder where they are see that narrow down the destination heaven so that was pretty good now i don't want you to go to church and not have fun i don't i want you to enjoy jesus psalm 16 11 says he needs presence his fullness of joy is rather your relationship how are you 15 that's about uh one year younger than mary was when you gave birth to the lord jesus see we think there's no place for children listen jesus said it says he becomes a little child you can't see him with the kingdom what do you do yeah take a guess you'll be right i'm retired i'm an engineer what can i engineer chemical oh man kevin clinton i worked at nightback trinity river complexes we did an anhydrous among them and stuff like that we've got a blown pack of texas doing that with crazy i like this girl what's your name you can you're going to take things that don't even look like it's supposed to be painted on if you're going to paint them that's true you'll be painting on a pen and painting stuff and people about it okay that would be good wow i've got one good things i can't get it to work really it's a funny part of this moment you know spencer the preacher the preacher that uh that was preaching when i got saved uh he's adjourned his name is paul nause he's in heaven while i'm talking he's about like that the biggest thing about him was his head he had a big red head and uh i'd see him in the grocery store and this is true i hate it now but i'd see him in the grocery store and i i cursed him i i would have beat him to death if he said something i'd curse him and he'd get right and look at me with those big old blue eyes and say bobby i love you and i'm listening i mean that but anyway he's the one that was preaching when my wife got saved so that's where i carried my wife and my wife little boy i was going to go kill myself i thought if this is all it is i'm through with you anyway but i i pulled up there and i gave my heart to jesus and i walked in there there's a brother mouse the guy i hated i pulled him up and fell on his shoulder and squall like a baby see some of the hardest people you need to have that kind of compassion he loved me when i was way unlovely isn't that something he's yeah paul mouse he's enjoying heaven have you realized heaven's real it's not something other people's imagination it's real it is really real and it's so much better that you can anticipate it it really is that's going to be one of the wonders of heaven is every minimum lord is going to be revealed for who he is wow can you imagine that somebody asked me one time i used to preach on heaven they said well brother do you think we'll recognize one another in heaven i said do you think would be stupider there than here yes you'll recognize one another they won't be the same kind of relationship because there's not marriage and stuff like that but you know we'll recognize one another that's right well we got to go this guy seems like he's just what's up tell me about yourself i'm a student right now yes what do you study lvn stay away from psychology especially reverse psychology that's kind of question yeah what that's good that's good well yeah he said yes i will i don't even know what your question is but i don't know what his answer is he says yes i will okay so whatever you're asking he says tell you yes he will okay that's good that's better than saying no way you ever wrote a song yes you should it's gonna get in your head and it's gonna stay there and put it on paper okay you think i'm joking i'm not uh he's going to bug me to write it down there'll be a melody in the song that'll jump through your head you know you'll be like ping pong balls and a little air cylinder okay so that'll be good you speak spanish i don't know i've got stories about it though i got knife scars i should i'll show you what kind of person i was i'm laying on my mother's couch stoned a tv zone and a commercial came on where somebody was riding a burrow across the window my god i'm going to mexico i got up and wrote my mama a note on the paper sack throwed it in the floor went up brought this got some money from a place bought me a bus ticket and went to new york down there in mexico that's when the president got killed kennedy my mama thought it had something to do with it because of this suddenly he disagreed this is all true crazy stuff bro that's where i was listening well i did speak spanish i had a wilderness full of rats man and then you could lease a horse and buggy and they would drive me around so i thought my pace and i just knocked the guy and the horse and buggy carried me all the way back to where we got on it you know police was all around there you know you know all these steps off down in the same place as i was just to be redeemed where i've been but i got stabbed in the back crazy stuff but anyway i'm here to tell you the way the transgressions are there's pleasure in san francisco for a season i'm having more fun now i've ever had i mean that i've been in places you couldn't even imagine i've been in places where it's crazy crazy crazy yeah yeah uh-huh but anyway i'm i'm here now in the gulf coast christian center and i want to tell you something you're not ever going to get over this message you're going to think about it saying you know i just can't only i don't understand something like that that's what's going to happen they couldn't understand john the madness but i'm here to tell you god is going to speak to you some of these words that we've said he's going to talk to you about and you're going to go i see that now won't that be something he'll turn our darkness to light and i'm going to pray prayer of psalms 18 28 psalms 18 28 says lord light my lamp and flood my whole life with light i'm going to pray ephesians 1 17 and 18. i've heard that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with rapid poor life you will have a grasp and a comprehension of the ways of god and so that's what's going to happen to you enjoy yeah good okay all right anything else anybody here sick enough to get burned anybody who's sickening your prayer if you are come condemning
Channel: rrayw757
Views: 1,452
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bobby conner, gccc, rrayw757
Id: ynPSxXAeu_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 55sec (4855 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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