Bob Ross - Graceful Mountains (Season 14 Episode 6)

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hi welcome back glad you could join me again today tell you what let's head and run all the colors across the screen and then we're going up here and do a fantastic little painting and I've got my standard Oh 18 by 24 inch canvas up areas covered with liquid white it's all slick and ready to go so let's go today I thought we'd do a little scene maybe that has some great big mountains and I get a lot of letters saying I'm still having problems doing mountain so let's let's work on some mountains today handout take your step by step through that procedure I think it'll make mountain painting a little easier let's start out today with a small amount of phthalo blue very very small amount and we'll reach right over here and pick up some of the midnight black so we get phthalo blue and midnight black black and blue blue and black black and blue that's the way I look when I talk back to my wife there we go alright let's go right up here using little criss-cross strokes let's just lay in a quick little sky just just let the brush just sort of dance and play and have fun like so okay get a little touch more of the color and all we're doing is making little X's and leave some holes open here and there in your sky when we blend that out that'll come out it almost looks like clouds up here and you've done almost nothing there now the more overcast you want just got to be the more black you add to it that'll bring it down and gray it'll make it look very overcast Oh bagel mean-looking sky here we are okay while we have that brush dirty take some of the same color just blue and black just tap a little into the bristles on blue and black and let's just go right down here we'll have little water maybe coming right there right there pull from the outside in that way you have these nice feathered edges here that are very very easy to blend if you if you start here and go over it's very difficult to blend out those edges this is a lazy persons way of painting we want it to be as easy as possible for you now then let me wash my brush give it a good scrub shake off excess now I'm all warning you if you do that in your living room the same way I do here you're going to redecorate the whole room in one heartbeat suggest to get your brush beater rack it's a little racket goes down in the bottom of waste paper basket you shake the brush inside of the basket and beat it on the rack and it it saves your happy home that's no joke now then with just a clean dry brush I'm going to begin blending the sky now you can blend it until it's very smooth and very subdued I want it to to keep some of these light spots in it I want to kill all of it but in your painting you blend it to whatever degree of lightness or darkness that you want painting is a very individual there's as many different ways to paint as our painters big thing is as you do what makes you happy if it works that it's right there we go see that little light spot still remains in there even though we've gently going across it all right let's have some fun today we're going to do some mountains so let's do some very simple little mountains we'll take some Prussian blue and a midnight black and to that I'm going to add a little bit of white so we got blue black and white Prussian blue midnight black titanium white pull it out and very flat get tough with it go straight down and cut across so we have a little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife now you have to make your first major decision let's go right up in here use a lot of pressure push push very firmly and then just begin to creating some basic shapes for your mountain there and you make your mountain see you make notice that you like you make the shapes that you want the only thing that I would recommend is be careful not to make them just all look like little ice cream cones somebody in class one time so me look like wigwam village so that can happen without you even realizing it when you first start so all you're worried about right now is the basic shape of your mountain you could really care less what's happening anywhere else take the large brush pull that downward there add a little hair that dropped out just take a cornea brush and lift them off okay now then I want this mountain I'm gonna put a couple of mountains I think in this painting I want this first one here we want it to be far away so I want you take titanium white I want this one to be very bright and then we'll take a little touch of the mountain color and put into it I want to dull that white down there okay pull it out flat once again really get tough hard as you can do it now this knife has a straight edge joint so you go straight down just touch and pull all there is to it get that little roll of paint I want very very little color back in here just the least little indication and even that I'm going to blend it and diffuse it until most of it goes away see that this is too far away don't want a lot of detail in it if it has a lot of detail it'll ruined that illusion of distance and painting is nothing more than games of illusion the hair is like the magician just like the magician I won't take a little bit of the mountain color and just very gently I want a dark edge here just put a little dark hair in there I'm not even gonna really put any big shadow colors in there just a little dark hair in there and that helps create that illusion once again who is it I think you Nene once said there's no trick to taking the rabbit out of the Hat the trick is getting them in there in the first place so same thing here we're just working with illusions there we go it gives you the impression of a lot of things happening and you've done very very little now with a good clean dry brush should be sure it's dry very gently just tap all we're doing just tapping and follow the angles that you put in there lift slightly upward very very lightly see there just let it blend right into nothing at mountains way back here it's just sort of floating there okay it's a very very nice soft Mountain that you've done okay and then let's put another one that's closer to us bigger stronger there's that clean the knife here it will take black and Prussian blue let's just use black and blue today what the heck pull it out flat once again cut off our little roll of paint now I have to make another big decision or it is your big mountain to live maybe it lives way up here and you just make a decision and firmly firmly push this paint right into the fabric look at that get tough with it I say this color this base car is darker than the base color you use back on that mountain back here so that helps create the illusion that it's in the front and we don't know where it goes away scrape off all the excess paint scrape firmly I think you could probably hear that really get in there and scrape it scrape it you can't get all that color off the canvas if you want to it's in the fabric now but you can move it because of canvas is wet you can pull it and it helps create that illusion of mist out at the base that easy already there we go pull it all right we can wash your brush that's a fun part of this shake it off hmm there we go okay let's put some highlights on this one for this one this one I'm gonna use just straight titanium white so you can really see it pull it out flat once again cut off that little roll of paint let's write down the edge of the knife damnit no pressure let it float soon make a little noise let it float just flow right down the side of the mountain but no pressure if you apply pressure it's go to look just like your icing a cake and that don't think you're going to be happy with it want to paint a break so it has all these little things and they're automatically and just make big decisions where you think things are to live drop in easy you have unlimited power on this piece of canvas just it's phenomenal what you can do absolutely phenomenal but the first step is to believe that you can do it let's just say go blue and white little roll of paint once again there we come right along here touch it flow maybe would take this one and come right directly through push that first one right back into the background now we can get this big one bring it directly through C hat creates the illusion of different planes in that mountain over here there's one create a little valley in there a little place for the mountain go to go and hide he's got to have a little secret place he's just like us hey everybody needs a little secret place to hide there maybe this one there comes right over that yeah we don't know here and there maybe there's a little Ridge but you see the angles are very important mountains are just geometric shapes they're just their angles just play with them have fun see here we can bring it right on up like if maybe brainy's right together there's no end to this you could cook anything there just see it in your mind and then put it right here on the canvas watch here watch here see this ones we back in rehab there you can see it see it way back look at the power you have watch here watch here grab it and we're going to pull it right into the foreground do you know you could move mountains that easy you can do anything there now we need a shadow right there that has to have a shadow or he won't play with us a little shadow in there and wherever you want to very gentle touch though okay by golly we've got a mess of mountains going here now I want to create the illusion of mist down here so once again take a good clean dry brush two inspiration and begin taffy and lifting very lightly very very lightly tap it's just this just diffuses we don't want to destroy we want to diffuse there we go alrighty just lay in the mist down there and over here we'll go in this direction what we've done some fantastic mountains and if you if you've painted these with me if you've been painting along by now you should be really really having control over the mountains let's say I get a lot of letters from people saying they're having some problems let's take some black and blue and get some Van Dyke Brown little little lizard crimson - what the heck what the heck I'm going to take a little white be right back here pull a little bit of that color out put a little white with us so it's a little bit lighter okay let me clean my knife grab a one-inch brush here you go right into that just take the one-inch brush and go into it let's make some little foothills back here we've spent so much time working on mountains that's just real quickly here throwing something else so we have a nice finish painting but when you're practicing at home just make layer after layer after layer of mountains the important thing is not ending with a finished painting it's learning how to do mountains or whatever it is that you want to learn and when you're painting at home look at look at each painting each painting is a learning experience look at it it'll have super good things in it maybe it'll have some things entered a little weak those things are a little weak spend some time practicing those don't get upset with them don't get upset with something I used to tell my students all the time which I sincerely believe with all my heart if you ever in your whole painting career do a painting that you're totally satisfied with you might as well stop your painting career is over you have nowhere else to go the fact that you're dissatisfied with your painting when it's done and you can see room for improvement there's a blessing cherish it cherish it I love people who are plagued with dissatisfaction it's the most fantastic thing you can own if you're satisfied with everything you do then you don't try anymore I hope you're always plagued with dissatisfaction in your painting there because of you if you are you're lucky I have yet to do a painting that I'm satisfied with but one day I'm going to the next painting maybe it now I've used the same color here only darker I want to put some little footy hills or closer to me same exact color on the darker this did not have the titanium white in use the same ol dirty brush I'm going to tap the base of it to create that nice little misty effect junus tap and then while I have that color I'm going to have water here someone just tap a little bit right in there and we'll pull that down and make some reflections that easy there where hey grab it decide where you're flexing is going to live pull straight down it's important that you pull straight down there look at that now very lightly very lightly go straight across and we have some instant reflections now take some liquid white I want reach up here and get a nice little touch of the phthalo blue I mean just the least little touch just want to tan it a little bit cut across let's go up here and let's put us in a happy little water line back here there we go just a nice light area to separate these darks there maybe there's a ripple or two one across the water whatever whatever as ripple should be straight also though okay let me grab a big brush shoot let's get crazy here go round to the dark color Dyer color same color alright let's go right over in here and maybe over in here yep let's have a few trees and stuff over on this side maybe they come down right in there wherever you want all we're doing is putting in a dark base color maybe maybe maybe yeah right there we'll just have one big tree I don't want to lose all these mountains those are pretty nice mountains don't you'd be able to see them underneath here for putting some dark that'll be our reflections see just through it yet we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents now then take our brush pull straight down see see there that turns into our reflections go across and instant reflections the instant reflections all right let's go on this side over here let's just put in all kinds of pretty little things there I'm about to cover up that mountain - that's all right long as you learn how to make a mountain we know he's back there we know he's there maybe this old tree comes right up into here we get a touch of the dark see it on a brush to just add a little dark Sienna right there let this limb hang right out over the mountain here I almost try to save that peak and when you do you're painting look at the things that you want to save and work around them there see that sort of just comes all the way around that I like that and I like big trees in the foreground of the painting it helps to produce that Illusionist depth depth distance just makes the paintings deeper there we go tell you what same old brush I'm going to go into a least little touch of yellow under yellow CAD yellow oh yeah yellow ocher because I have that cut on there it's going to turn a very dark green let's go back up here I want to begin putting the indication of a few little highlights here in there we're now painting the limbs that are behind the trunk in a minute I'll paint a trunk in this tree and it will put some bright highlights there on this side but sort of think like a tree I know it sounds crazy but you have limbs that are behind the trunk some that are in front some that are hanging to the side sort of paint that way there see just just little indications we're just looking for a form a bit of shape right now we're not really too worried about anything other than that maybe we'll do the same thing over here on this one just a few little things here and there and it's fantastic you take a brush this big and paint all those little things don't be afraid of these brushes cause they're big ok tell you what let's get crazy I'll take the small knife I'm gonna get a big bunch of Van Dyke Brown I've got quite a large roll of paint on there decide who are you where you tree-trunks gonna live this is your bravery task for today um gotta make that noise I don't work there put in that big tree that fun just dropping me and when you paint for your friends or family why they say you do something like this they just know you've destroyed a beautiful painting they'll get all excited and carry on enjoy it I'm going to take take a dark color black and some blue put a little SAP green in there too a little brown the crimson whatever pointer point ever wanting to start clean my knife okay let's go right in there with a fan brush shoot maybe maybe right over here lives a happy little evergreen tree just fill up that little hole there there we go give him a little friend there let's go on the other side maybe there's one that lives right here right in from the mountain he's got some kind of view doesn't he I really wouldn't plan on doing this all this in the painting I just want to show you really had to do a fantastic mountain but it's turned into a pretty last little painting to take a little darks and a little white pull it out very flat grab it let's go up here yeah there just let this touch graze and touching come right down a tree put some highlight on that rascal on the other side put a little touch of blue there we go darker darker darker zit works around the tree want to use the liner brush here a little thinner go right into the brown let's have a little tree limb here and there there we go just here and there however many you want I will put some highlights on here so you're not gonna see many of those maybe back here in this tree we need a little trunk and just put that on with a liner brush now let's take a one-inch brush I'll go right into my yellows right into the yellow tap a lot of paint onto the bristles I want this to be quite bright won't this to stand out this is going to be our leaves and stuff is in the front a lot of lights hitting here like so there now if you have trouble making the paint stick at little paint thinner or a little touch of the liquid white just to thin it down and think about patterns and shapes and here don't just hit it random there little individual things going on in here there where and there's some in front of the trunk just all kinds of little doers there we go maybe back in here this little bushes that are nice and dark there see you see him right here so tree sitting down at a bunch of big bushes that easy till you let us do let's take some Van Dyck Brown and go oops maybe a little bit of brown white maybe there's some little landmasses in here there and vector one inch brush anything put all kinds of little grassy things that grow all around there but all I'm doing is using the corner of the brush and just tapping down very very easy very simple and you can make some of the most striking effects little yellow ocher indeed yellow there is a nice one there but work in the layers think about the lay of the land we're going to leave some of that last dirt showing in there let's go to the other side right up that little tree look at there look at you shine and decide there in that one that nicest little ways of making all kinds of little leaves and bushes let's have some dirt on this side too there we go and you just drop in wherever a little touch a highlight just brown and white again there and a few little bushes and stuff there we go maybe one big bush here and with that and the old clock on the wall tells me it's about time to go today I hope you've enjoyed this it's a good steady in mountains and it'll teach you how to do some of the most fantastic mountains that you've ever seen a little water line under there I think we have a finished painting from all of us here happy painting and God bless you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 711,449
Rating: 4.8833284 out of 5
Keywords: ocean, bob ross asmr, canvas, bob ross full episode, beauty is everywhere, coloring, paint, lake, livestream, happy trails, landscape, full episode, the joy of painting, joy of painting, tv show, chill, painting, drawing, stream, bob ross marathon, host, pastel, happy accident, bob ross inc, mountain, free, pbs, alaska, bob ross painting, bob ross twitch, steven ross, happy trees, twitch, bob ross, snow, oil, bob ross joy of painting, kappaross, brushes, art, asmr, wildlife
Id: 0uVe8T-vVVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2016
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