Bob Ross - Natural Wonder (Season 14 Episode 13)

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hi welcome back I'm glad you could join me today tell you what let's start out today and haven't run all the colors across the screen that you needed hope to paint along with me while they're doing that let me tell you what I've done already I've got my canvas up here I've got a cover with a thin even coat of the liquid white it's all wet and it's it's ready to go so let's go but today we just do a beautiful little maybe just a little bright painting that you really like this is the last show of the 14th series there's 13 shows in each series so we have a bunch of shows now hope you've got to see all of them tell you what let's start today with a small amount of the phthalo blue and we'll just use the old 2 inch brush what the heck just tap a little color right into the bristles takes very little color let's go up in here and we'll start we'll just make little crisscross strokes like so we're just very quickly just this drop in a happy little sky here there we go Keeney the color is continually continually mixing with the liquid white and it gets lighter and lighter as it works down toward the horizon lighter and lighter in a landscape that helps create the illusion of distance hey everything's you get lighter toward the horizon okay and that easy we've got some color in the sky I think in this painting we will put a little bit of water what the heck so while I have this whole brush going i'll go right back into the phthalo blue no reach over here be right back get a little touch of the black I want to darken this a little bit so we have phthalo blue and a touch of black maybe we'll have water down on this side wherever we can certainly change your mind later if we want to there okay I'm pulling from the outside yeah and I'm leaving a little error area open right here that'll be our light shining across the water when we're done okay it very lightly just go across the entire bottom a that easy okay blend this out a little and today I think we'll put a happy little cloud up in the sky wash your brush we we wash our brushes as you know with odorless thinner shake off the excess and just beat the devil out of it okay let's use let's use the old fan brush today and you could put these clouds up here with a 1 inch brush 2 inch brush just just about any whole thing just use a fan brush today what the heck all right maybe maybe there's a little cloud that lives right there comes around I don't know however you wanting to be just sort of make a decision and drop him in clouds are very free they just sort of float around the sky and have fun all day okay maybe take like maybe right here another little cloud maybe this maybe this is the same cloud what tag see just just throw it in wherever you want it that's the beauty of this style of painting we don't we don't draw any pictures on the canvas we don't do any tracings there's no fill in the blocks we just sort of do it and to me that's that's fun that's freedom years ago I used to set in that draw picture on the canvas and it's been days days trying to fill in the blocks without getting out of lines sort of reminded me of my little coloring book I hadn't as a kid I was so happy when I found this because here you just do whatever makes you happy just let it go now that large brush using just the corner just the corner I'm going to blend those clouds out a little bit just blend them a little there knock off the excess paint very lightly using circular strokes I'm going to fluff these little clouds just fluff them there maybe I left this one this way however they're very lightly three hairs and some air just blend it a little bit just blend from there we go okay maybe I mean in our world maybe there's another little cloud that's right here just sort of wherever you want to don't we put several layers of clouds here today and it'll give you some practice doing clouds because there's so much fun to do there we go just sort of scrub that in yeah there's some little stringy ones that live down here maybe right there there's a happy little cloud a little bump on give him some character shoot that little rascal house with fun out here in the Sun maybe make the way up you're right there you but just let your imagination go let it go and when you get very free with your painting that really is when you experience the joy of painting get a little plug in there there okay and we'll lift it fluff it there we go very lightly once again just blend it see the layers of clouds that you've created that easy a little bit of blending here give it a little lift upward when I beat this brush all I'm doing is not going excess paint off the bristle so I don't have to clean that the brush again and you blend these clouds you pick up a little bit of the sky covering a little bit of the cloud color so if you just wrap it real hard just really slap it against something solid then it takes that out okay I think we're in business let's build today maybe back in here let's do a little mountain for that I'm going to use some vendek Brown a little touch of the Prussian blue brown a little bit of blue mostly bramble put a black in there too just make sure it's good and dark what the heck okay pull that paint out as flat as we can get it go straight down and cut across we get that little roll of paint right out on the edge of the knife now maybe back here today let's do just a little ridge of mountains back here firmly push that into their cameras you're really trying to push this color right into the fabric get tough with it show it who's boss they're just sort of push very firmly we just let it go we're down then I'll take a 2 inch brush and I want to pull this paint because this is wet you can move the color on the canvas if you tried this on the dry canvas you'd be upset with me but on a web canvas then you can move it and on a good canvas liquid white should stay with for a day or two sugar then dry very fast at all it's an oil-based paint and it'll stay with there now the one thing I get a lot of letters people saying can I use canvas boards canvas boards have cardboard in the center they have a tendency to absorb a liquid white and it leaves you with a dry surface and we're dependent upon the wet surface let's wash your brush so I really recommend you used museo pre-stretched double primed canvas two coats of primer on it and that way it'll assure you that your liquid white will stay wet through your entire painting okay little dark sienna little white maybe at least little touch of Van Dyke Brown there too just to streak it up some pull it out flat and once again our little roll of paint and all those little colors are in that role of paint also and we can go up here no pressure no pressure at all so you get all those little variations our color though because you didn't over mix your paint on the palette if you over mix it on the palette and you get one dead old dull color and we're looking for some life and some action in this we want this son of a gun to stand out and shine in the Sun there see no pressure though Jenny for shadow color I'll make some blue some white some Van Dyke Brown there we go just blue brown and white and make us a good shadow color put a little black in there - that'll gray it oh that's nice that's nice okay once again that small roll of paint right out on the edge of the knife that it you have to sort of make a determination where your lights coming from and in our world today it's coming from the right site get the little knife at little knife just sneaks right in there does such nice things okay go right up in here so we can just begin putting in all kinds of little things little knife gets in there where the big knife might be hitting other things that you don't want to hit just hearing there but in a few little shadows I sort of let them blend together and work that a little bit there we go very subdued very quiet but little bumps here in there a little shadow behind that bump but your limit is only by your imagination only by your imagination and painting you can go to any world that you want and I think it's probably what attracts a lot of people including me I like to be able to create my own world and I'm very happy that you joined me in that world thank you you've invited me back into your home for this series that's very special the fact that you bother to call your stations and tell them that you enjoy the show or you write them supportive that's what that's what allows us to come back for another series so thank you very much for taking the time to do that it's it's very special then we'll take just a to inspiration I want to create a misty effect down here at the base of this mountain so tap just lightly following the angles and then very light ooh just barely barely grazing the canvas oh just hmm barely touch it barely touch it make love to it gently very gently caress it see they're very soft though okay let's have some fun let's take well we just use whatever we headed that was our mountain color we'll add a little SAP green to it throw in some light color I want this to begin having a greenish tone to it not a great deal of green yet but a little maybe throw a little more phthalo blue in there a little white alright nice Kenny let me clean my knife off grab another fan brush I have several of those going just load a little color into it let's go right up here and maybe ya have it right here maybe right in here there's some little footy hills it builds a little Foothill far away and all I'm doing is striking and pushing down it makes it look like just hundreds and hundreds of little individual trees that are far away a little more paint maybe goes where I don't up like that okay now I want the illusion of mist at the base of these trees so I'm going to take the 2 inch brush and tap firmly right at the base of these trees this is really where you take out all your frustrations see look how soft that becomes there very lightly very lightly just lift up right and that creates a beautiful illusion of mist in there let's take the same color here we'll add some black to it a little bit of Prussian blue but it's basically the same color only darker I want it darker as things get closer to you the landscape remember that they get darker okay now then maybe there's another range of foothills and maybe they live right here sink tap downward though and you have to decide where they live and they go clean enough I can own over there somewhere we don't know where you don't know at this point we really don't care doesn't matter does not matter we'll make those big decisions later right in maybe this Sutter goes up on this side whatever now then back to our large brush once again I want to create this little misty effect in between here so to do that take this big brush use a top corner and firmly currently half the base of that see there tapping creates a beautiful beautiful misty effect that's mixing with a liquid white that's on the canvas and that happens automatically you don't have to worry about it think about it just tap and it happens that very lightly lift up or dad it pushes all that back look there now what separates these two rows of foothills is that little misty area that's in between that and the difference in the color but that little misty area is your good friend it's so important so so important we'll take it take a little bit of blue phthalo blue little lizard crimson mix it together like so proportionately more crimson and blue now maybe just take a little roll of paint there we go and the small knife going maybe right up in here there's a little that a little hill this is an excellent study in plains different areas helps show how important all these different areas are to create that illusion of depth and distance in your painting I bet you've seen paintings that are very flat and they're not I just don't look right to you you another question that that I get repeatedly is can I do this style of painting with acrylics well it really does not work very well because the acrylics dry so fast it leaves you with a dry surface and as I mentioned earlier for this to work effectively you really need a wet surface just does not work in I like oils because oils are so forgiving they're so forgiving you don't make mistakes if you do something wrong scrape it off and you do it again that's about the only medium you can do that with that's like when I was in college a touch class in watercolor it taught me two things first of all it wasn't my medium secondly a great respect for those who could do it because you get one chance son-of-a-gun well I messed that up and it was over I won't take your two-inch brush two-inch brush go right into that will go right into a little lavender color we made okay now then I'm gonna start putting some grassy areas right into there I see that little little bit of mist right there that separates so important that you separator okay let's come right on down maybe we just throw in some color right down there maybe like yeah anything we don't like will turn into a reflection if we have water in here and we say we've gotta have some water so we'll do that hey we're just tap it in you can really put this in with a paint roller reflections grab it pull straight down there it comes there they are we'll say they're right there come lightly across and we have instant reflections instant reflections maybe that land area comes right out through there just like so this is just a dark color so when we put highlights on it it'll stand out I'll tell you why I'm going to add a little black to my lavender let's just use this old brush what the heck maybe there's some happy little trees that live right in here you can use just the top corner of this brush and create the illusion of all kinds of beautiful little tree shapes just just turn the brush just use the top corner all kinds of beautiful little things there get a little touch more color maybe there's another one this right here you can just put as many or as few as you want in your world and come right up over the mountain so we can see it better it's like all we're using is just a top-line brush I guess another thing attracted me to this technique is the fact that you don't need many specialized pieces of equipment I used to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on brushes shoot this is a very economical way to paint them to learn and it gets a lot of people so excited but then they go into to more traditional art forms I get letters every day from people who tell me they've now enrolled in their local college and university so they can increase their art knowledge but this is a beautiful way to get started and as we tell people when we go out and demonstrate this is a way to get you hooked because you'll get hooked on this it's addicting and we don't make any bones about it so much fun that you will get addicted to it if you're like most of us okay take a ladder brush liner brush put some paint thinner on it a little bit of a little bit of brown okay now let's go right up in here you will put an indication or two here and there a little tree trunk just here in there wherever wherever maybe over here we don't want this side left out okay who's gonna use that same old brush it's working so well I want to tap that corner into a little bit of yellow ochre a little bit of CAD yellow just tap the corner want very little paint just want to give the least little indication that there's some things happening up here in the top of these little trees that we made I don't want too much just a tiny little bit there even now even though using this prescient one rather than how we normally used you still need to think about form and shape these trees don't just grow at random okay right here Aurum and shape are so important anytime you're doing bushes and trees and all those things a little bit here I think just a touch very very soft okay we take it single brush and I'll tap it into some color just tap it right in there now then let's go right back here look at there see now we can begin applying color right on top of that dark there we go just the different yellows and because I I had a dirty brush Greene's going to occur automatically like that layer after layer and if any of it gets in your water all you do is pull it straight down go across it becomes part of the reflection watch here chair tell you what let's take some blue and some black little SAP green put it together take mold fan brush load it full of color maybe in our world here let's get crazy right here there's a nice evergreen tree I want a very dark area against this light Mountain and watch what happens at contrast oh it'll snap your eye right there leave the outside edge is very soft and subdued let's put let's put another little in a little friend right there there we go see then okay we take our knife just cut through here and there get the indication of some trolls little sticks a little bit of green a little bit of green few highlights on there just a few once again I want to retain that darkness I want to keep that a little more of the yellows on the big brush let's go in here and we have to make some big decisions here just begin bringing all this together want to get darker darker darker out here toward the edges softer and softer there it is just follow that right on down darker darker darker out here and all we're doing is tap just tapping in just a few minutes we'll conclude this show and it'll be the end of the 14th series and I'd like to thank you as I mentioned earlier for allowing me to come back and paint with you this is probably the most exciting thing in my entire life the fact that I have the opportunity to meet so many fantastic people and paint along with them each week let's take a little brown here maybe in our world we have a little soon treat that's right there really it there soon we give a friend a little touch of white we're making a little birch tree not much just a little like so a little paint thinner we need a few little sticks and arms and things like that on him there niel clock on the wall tells me it's about time for me to go I look forward to seeing you again we've already started production on the next series so I'll be back as long as you'll allow me to and with that I think we'll call this a finished painting I look forward to seeing you next time happy painting had god bless Oh production of this program is made possible by a grant from the Martin F Weber company manufacturers of fine artists materials and by langnickel manufacturers of select artist brushes
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 310,966
Rating: 4.8774157 out of 5
Keywords: drawing, bob ross painting, happy trees, pastel, bob ross inc, the joy of painting, canvas, ocean, wildlife, coloring, art, steven ross, bob ross joy of painting, painting, snow, host, happy accident, bob ross asmr, lake, bob ross twitch, kappaross, joy of painting, paint, tv show, landscape, chill, bob ross, asmr, free, twitch, bob ross marathon, beauty is everywhere, stream, livestream, brushes, mountain, full episode, alaska, oil, happy trails, pbs, bob ross full episode
Id: knOutsaiKfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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