Bob Ross - Golden Glow (Season 11 Episode 11)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TubeUnblockv1 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

I enjoyed the heck out of this episode!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HidingOutInPlainView 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Bob ross will always be 2 steps ahead of you.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PeacefulAlmond 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm glad you could join me sort of caught me today I thought today we'd do something a little bit different and I've got the old standard 18 by 24 inch canvas up here but today I'm going to start out and I'm gonna cover the entire canvas with just a nice thin even coat of liquid clear with a tiniest little touch of Indian yellow in it that's liquid clear and Indian yellow so I tell you what let's have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and while they're doing that I'll finish this up now when you're using this liquid clear probably the first thing to remember is use a very small amount it goes a long way and I'm just mixing a tiniest little amount of Indian yellow into an Indian yellows very transparent very nice nice yellow bright shiny okay and I just want to finish covering the canvas with it here just like so and scrub it in just really really make that ole brush work for you scrub it in and use long horizontal and vertical strokes just to ensure that it's even all the way across the canvas there we go it only takes a second when you use a big old brush to cover your canvas today today I thought we'd do a beautiful little painting and show you how you can use this liquid clear and a transparent color to do a fantastic effect and when you're doing this at home try any one of the transparent colors using the same idea and you'll be amazed you're absolutely amazed to some of the effects that you can achieve let me wash the brush then we get started we wash your brushes as you know it odorless thinner yeah shake off the excess just take out all your frustrations now then today today we're going to use a limited palette that means very few colors on it I will start with some dark Sienna little dark Sienna and the least little touch of Van Dyck Brown just sort of mix them together on the brush like so do a nice warm little winter scene I think today that's that's always fun okay let's go ahead up here let's do some little things up in the sky like so just where do you want us we're gonna make some little little Pettit let me show you another thing just thought of something else that that you really like maybe maybe you want to put a bright spot in the sky watch here watch here watch here there's so many things you can do it it I'll take just some titanium white and let's go maybe you want a little bright spot right in here shoot you can try this with a like phthalo blue or Prussian blue very transparent and you can make beautiful beautiful skies then you can put an indication of sunlight up in here see this is an opaque color look at that see that just it sparkles it's almost it's almost so bright it'll hurt your eyes and then we can take this color and bring it down here and there see there this is one of the most exciting paintings in the series I'm really crazy about the effects that you can achieve for this there and it works very rapidly it only takes a second because the yellow here will be your base color and how we're going to use today is nice warm earth tones of Browns and yellows I just want to decide where you think these little things should be drop a myth this little streaky's in the sky maybe one there wherever wherever yeah other ways if this is going to be a light area the other way you get from it a darker so I had a little more Van Dyck Brown in the areas that are far away and that'll make that look even brighter you need dark in order to show light so the other way it is the darker it is something like so okay we can wash your brush just scrubbing off here's the screen in the bottom of this bucket it stands about an inch higher so and that allows that that allows the solid materials to settle to the bottom and it keeps you paint thinner relatively clean came out with a clean dry brush be sure your brush is dry sure it's dry watch you have it just follow the angles that you want your scare to have you can blame the sky just like that it's that easy you have a beautiful beautiful little sky very very effective as I say try this it and any of the transparent color so you'll love what happens back into my Browns I'm using both Browns here the Van Dyck dark sienna just tap the brush into it just tap it okay maybe there's a little foothill back here little just take corner the brush touch pull down a little footy Hill and he lives he lives right there just touch give him a little downward pull just snap the bristles this snap and I want this to be almost the same colors the sky because it's far away far far away now with a clean dry fresh I have several brushes going here so I don't have to spend all my time washing I want to tap just the base of it just tap it give it a little upward pull that'll soften it there now let's get out of fan brush I like like fan brushes so let's play with fan brushes today we go into our browns both of them dark sienna and Van Dyck like so load the brush quite full of paint okay let's go in here and touch give it a little upward push see it's touch push upward and see ya thank you so that makes all the little grassy things on the top and if you go straight in chances are you're going to get smiley faces or smiley frowns depending on which way it bends use the side of the brush use the corner of it there we go and we can drop in all kinds of those things out wherever you want to wherever you want and we'll pull a little bit of that down with that will create the illusion of reflections in a minute so all we're doing here is just applying a little bit of the color to the canvas the liquid clear makes the canvas wet and slick it's just like when you have liquid white on the canvas on it's clear now maybe back in their their lives a little evergreen now sort of make a center line by just touching and then take and give it a little upward pushes see this will make the branches just bounce upward to see there and now the super way to make a little tree cute little treat let's give him a friend okay there's some friends and you can put as many or as few of these in your painting as you want just drop them in just wherever maybe maybe over here - we don't want this side to get lonely there's one there's another one right there just have to make a decision and a lot of times it's better not to pre-plan you're painting it on you when you're learning how to do this just start off with the canvas and have a general idea in your mind the time of day the time of year and just go with it go with it let things happen and it teaches you it teaches you how to create on canvas and how to compose I used to teach classes where I would take and have people just hit the canvas with a big gob of color and from that they had to turn it into a beautiful painting that was the project for that day it may be one of the best learning experiences that we have ever taught we just put a few little bushy things here and there wherever you want to see there just pop them in I give the recommend pushes and trees that are far away okay a little touch a paint thinner and I'll go right into that same color just turn the brush brings it to a point and maybe back in here we have a few little trees and sticks and stuff it may about here just sort of decide where you think they should be and drop in a few just sort of breaks it up breaks it up and all these little things happen you always have little dead trees and sticks and nature so don't be afraid to put some of them in okay now there let me wash my brush here give him a good scrub to shake it off there here you go all right now then let's turn this into reflections take it and pull straight down grab it pull straight down be sure your brush is as dry as you can possibly get it because liquid clear and paint thinner have violent reactions so get it as dry as possible you don't have enough color add a little touch you can add a little touch look at there so you pull down all those beautiful reflections still using the same brown there takes very little paint very little paint okay feed off the excess and very lightly go across very lightly and we have instant reflections and then take another fan brush here I have several fan brushes go inside I like to spend all my time just washing brushes as I mentioned earlier going to load this full of titanium white really loaded full of paint okay now then let's begin making say we're going to have a little winter scene let's take this and pull it allow it to pick up some of that brown and begin making all kinds of little snow banks way back here angles are very important when you're doing this pay close attention to your ankles close close attention to your angles and maybe maybe there's something that goes on back here there whatever comes back let me leave a little opening there so it looks like it goes back in see this is a little one of the things that we call happy accidents we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents there we go now that's very likely you can smooth that out there I had it let's take the knife a little touch of the liquid white just pull it out very flat and cut across okay let's do that again so you can see people seem to have a lot of problems pull it out flat as you can get it and cut across that's all there is to it then you go right up here and you cut push very firmly right into the fabric just give it a little push and we can put nice little edge here there we go sort of cleans everything up it brings it all together and maybe there's a few little little things out in here wherever you want there we go isn't it super this liquid clear maybe one of the neatest things that have ever designed I really really am happy with it tell you what let's do let's put a tiny little cabin live we back here I'll use the small knife for that pull the pain out get that little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife okay just decide where the roof is at touch it and pull this is going to be just a small little cabin he lives we we back here a little bit on the other side there or firm it up yeah that's better that's back now then we can take some brown a little bit of brown just go in here and put some sides in front on him that easy and take some white a little bit of the dark sienna just mix it together a little little bit of paint we can come right in here and just put in a few little boards the stakes here this cabin is far away so you're not going to see a lot of detail and then take a knife cropping down the hair of you wanting hmm and you're zipping right off put a little snow right there take take small edge of the knife put in a little doorway yeah he's got a way to get in and out of there all right tell you what let's do this let's have some fun I'm going to take the 2 inch brush and go right in to the to brows right into a dark sienna and vendek Brown just mix them right on the brush now then I want to have some nice trees that live right in here so here all I'm doing is just pushing on some color just push it on you have to make a big decision know who you want this there a lot of paint they're just really really putting it up create all these little little bushes and trees and whatever it is that you want in here just throw it yeah and we know it's gonna be some reflections down here so we put a little color down into this okay now then don't want this side to be left out so we'll put a few over here to just drop on that let's see how quick you can drop these in so big brush will do fantastic things for you make friends with it should be your good buddy and pull some of that down anything we don't like in these reflections here we just cover them up no big deal okay and then with our clean brush very lightly we just go across see already that looks like reflections and you've done very very little okay once again to my fan brush right into the tube rounds loaded brush full of paint really full of paint let's make a let's make an evergreen that lives right here this will give you a lot of practice what he's ever greets so you can if it helps make the entire trunk sometimes it helps if it just gives you a guide take the corner brush it just give it a little upward push just the corner of the brush as you work down that evergreen add more and more pressure and they're not perfect remember that these things grow different there's all different kinds some of them maybe they get stiffed on when they were little and they get they're crooked there they hurt they're like people there are all different shapes all different personalities don't try to make every tree in your painting perfect it'll bother ya let's have one over this side don't make the whole trunk there it is now gently pushing upward and sometimes maybe there's a bad year nothing grows for a little bit in the trunk leaving opening it really makes these trees look real I lived in Alaska for many many years and the old trees are boyyou your tree live in Alaska you had a rough life here's one right here whatever see put in a trunk and we can come right along and give him some little arms tree needs little arms this is where the little bird sits got to have a place for the birds you know me and my bird I showed you the one that I raised and letting go showed you one of them this year okay I see already you have all that blocked in there maybe tell you what listen let's do another little tree right there just the top Thanks now then I'll just take the same brush I'm gonna write into some yellow ocher just leave that color right on it and go right into yellow ocher and just back and forth and we come right back in here and let's put a little bit of highlight I want to kill all that dark all we want is a little bit of highlight see hey you can make those limbs stand out create little individuals that easy look at that and this is where you separate them okay there we go there we are just just highlight and once again it's very easy to overdo this and it gets to working well here's what I cover up the whole thing I do that all the time just overkill can keep these trees quite dark I don't want to leave this one out over here I don't put some color on him he'll be upset with me and I know what his tree to be mad at me okay there we go now maybe maybe washes brush just wipe it on the paper towel there I'm gonna take this is just yellow ocher you will take a little touch of the little touch of the CAD yellow just mix it together and let's begin war working on some little individual bushes here now we're gonna do is take the corner of the fan brush and give it a little upward push you can create all kinds of little bushes just with a fan brush just with a fan of right there one at a time though super-super way to make all kinds of happy little things there they go see Bush after politia have to push work in layers that's most most important work in layers tell you what let's do let's put some snow in the front of that okay maybe maybe there's a snow bank comes right out here see there grab some of that dart cuz that that ends up being shadows in there he really makes it nice and maybe this little projection just wherever you want it you make the decision look at that that easy that easy let's get crazy what the heck maybe this comes yeah make a decision and go with it sit right there you've changed the whole way of life in just a heartbeat because this is your world and you can do anything that you want to do here to bring some of this ochre down into the snow to break up those harsh edges see there and maybe there's some little things that grow out here in the snow maybe right out here on the edge wherever you want sort of just make it a sage and drop them in there let's go we need at the site put some snow in there maybe this one comes yep right on down like so you take it almost come together if you want to what the heck bring them back up from there so I want to pick up some of this darker color and bring it out bring it out like so but look at look at what you've created just a few minutes with just angles just angles okay there we go now then we can take her liquid white let's get a little more on the knife here and we can come back in here and just add a little water line show you something this even is that you might like to try watch this watch this so many things I want to show you I get carried away here take a little bit Brown and if you want to show a little ledge in here just take a little brown and scrub it see and it'll create the illusion it is a little ledge under there and it's a good way you clean up the bottom see there look at all that wherever you want it to be and you can bring some of it right on up into the snow here and then take the other brush and work it out that'll turn out to be nice shadows there we go okay and then put her waterlines out of there okay and we put a few little bushes over here just using the yellow through the fan brush bring them right on down wherever you think they should live that's exactly where they were to be okay let's get crazy you know me I'm a tree fanatic let's put a happy tree it lives oh right over my other trees right there we'll give him a friend right there hey hot don't want this side left out we'll put one right there these trees help push everything back they really really make the painting more interesting toss them and also drives my director crazy when I do this there's only a minute left so just take the knife a little highlight here and there right up the same there we go say a little bit on this one I know that we can take our liner brush then the paint down this we just paint thinner on the liner brush and we come back in here we put in the indication here and there of some happy little limbs just however many you want how many if you have trouble making this paint flow off your brush add a little more of the paint thinner to it you need a thin paint for this to work thick paint will not flow give this tree here some like that in the little tree on the other side he he don't be left how we'll give him a harm or two there we go see wherever you want him and as many or as few just whatever I have him watch here watch it take a little bit of the liquid white right into the titanium white let's go it up in here and all you do is just touch and let's just pop in do a happy little little little white highlights here in there see there and you put these in just wherever you want and they really like look like little things of snow lay up in your tree we put a few over in this tree and with that I think we have just about a completed painting I really hope you've enjoyed this one the liquid clear will open whole new avenues for you until next time happy painting and God bless ah you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 1,310,943
Rating: 4.8712001 out of 5
Keywords: art, host, twitch, free, brushes, paint, bob ross joy of painting, alaska, tv show, happy accident, mountain, bob ross full episode, the joy of painting, pastel, landscape, bob ross twitch, kappaross, happy trees, canvas, drawing, wildlife, asmr, livestream, coloring, bob ross, chill, joy of painting, full episode, lake, steven ross, bob ross marathon, painting, beauty is everywhere, snow, pbs, bob ross inc, stream, ocean, oil, happy trails, bob ross asmr, bob ross painting
Id: aA8RhtaWACA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2016
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