Bob Odenkirk Was Banned From "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"

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[Applause] hey how's it going man i'm good how are you doing i'm good i'm good we go way back we go way back we wrote together at saturday night live and we actually shared an office this is back in the late 1950s when that show was first it was a radio show then first getting started did my snoring bother you not at all when you'd read a comedy very nice very nice no we had uh we had a lot of good times together yeah we did you've done very well this year's show of course well thank you so many shows of all time i think very well that's very nice to say i just said it i thought one we're going to edit it out later um it's going to be turned into another comment you haven't uh you have all your hair from that time what happened what do you have a special spray from dell markers i have a lot of female hormones yeah that's what keeps my this big pompadour going i have a uh powder that i use oh really my whole head is powdered your whole head it looks nice you're very attractive it all fell off like five years ago oh really he looks good you look fine you look you've been working out i i actually haven't been on for a while on this show you were what were you on like about a year ago no no no it's been longer than that conan really yeah really i thought it was kind of odd and i was talking to people in la and they were saying you know because rumors get around and and they were like no you insulted somebody on the show and i was like really who did i insult do you remember this no i don't know so i went and i found a clip of it and i can't figure out who i insulted well wait how long ago were you on it's like a long time ago like two years ago two years ago yeah at least i mean i got the clip but i'm one warning it's it's like like it's old so like andy richter is still here and the set's different but i probably look a little different you know yeah a little bit but you know what let's watch it and if you can tell me who i insulted please i'll apologize now let's take a look at this uh clip from the last time bob was on [Applause] [Laughter] yes great interview great interview change the subject change the subject change the subject so bob your new tv show mrs howe no it's not mrs howell conan it's mr show it's on hbo what it's on hbo i'm also gonna play an alien on star force 3000 next week i play a pot belly guy a name fleet you know what this is just andy's falling asleep over here and this is just unprofessional and rude change the subject change this you realize you're saying change the subject changing subject over and over coney chewing gum i mean this show max is over there making those weird noises just to piss me off you mean this yeah yeah it's our theme song yeah well it sucks okay and this show the whole show is going in the toilet if you don't make some changes uh yeah and you know what the audience is a bunch of morons that's what i think of you yeah they don't have a response to that huh yeah some audience we had back then i don't remember it was only two years ago and max why did we have a sign that said conan show on a bed sheet that's the only it was the biggest mistake we made back then uh you know what i see this is real i actually thought of that little bit uh in a dream really you have a lot of dreams you know how comedy writers always go i dreamt something so funny it's so funny okay what is it what there's people with cheese for heads it was so funny at 3am when i was asleep i still like that one yeah now this is your first film you've directed melvin goes to dinner is my first film and i am um a filmmaker now yeah which is quite exciting and i have a theory yeah you want to hear it sure aim the camera at the front of the actor's head that's known as the face you can come up with technical terms if you want but yeah i'm really proud of this little movie it started as a just a small film in we shot in los angeles last year and it's gone around to festivals everywhere it's about it's called melvin goes to dinner and it's about a group of people who get together for dinner and they kind of get a little drunk and they they kind of don't all know each other and they start to share really personal things with each other about their bad relationships and their sexual fetishes it's kind of like a porn with no sex and really good dialogue wow i'd watch that if you can get some porn into it uh now um this has been received well at film festivals right we've won a bunch of awards and we've gone to so many there are so many festivals conan there's a ton of them now oh my god every town's got two or three and and we we've been to big ones and there are some really small festivals and one that i went to that i actually taped i made a video of it and i want to show it to you it's it's called the frank international film festival and i i just said yes i think internationally yeah i just said yes to every festival sure and uh so i said yes and we showed up and it and it's it's a festival for one guy thrown by one guy for himself really yeah frank frank yeah okay all right i got a clip of us at our uh q a session you want to see it sure we're talking about the movie and here's what it was like um so i'm going to open it up to uh questions are there any questions yeah frank you me yeah oh yes this question goes for the writers where do you begin is it with characters characterizations a storyline something you read somewhere is it a title is it a genre and where do you go from there good question hold on a second from there you go into what is going to be viable as a film or something that's going to be viable as a story because sometimes i've gotten either sometimes i've got nothing and i'll take those pages say what's what's the average for it for a movie is a thousand and what 11 pages i told you because you guys get this all the time doesn't hold on i know i know i have to be that's a fun festival it can feel like that yes that's actually on our dvd too is the the entire frank international film festival okay uh the dvd melvin goes to dinner will be in stores next friday bob odenkirk thank you very much good man bob thank you thank you everybody when we come back tom shouse is here you
Channel: Conan O'Brien
Views: 6,431,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan O'Brien, Conan, Team Coco
Id: RWf2P9pdoBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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