Uma Thurman Explains Quentin Tarantino’s Dildo Punishment | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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you know what's funny is I was so unprepared I've not even met you before and I went I just barged into your dressing room just before the show and uh you said get out yeah and I was like um no but I barged it and I was shocked at how how tall you are I wasn't prepared and I've even read that you're quite tall but I was very surprised I'm on the tall side yeah you are on the tall side I I was curious if I went through you're bigger than me though well yeah I have the hair I have the giant no no you're considerably bigger than me yes I'm a large and powerful man and uh with a pleasing odor huh really just play along [Music] thank you thanks so much for going along with that uh but I was curious if when I grew all my height came instantly like freshman year of high school and I was literally like Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk where I was having horrible cramps I was very awkward for a long time did you go through that that same experience yes I was all elbows and knees and feet and hands and it was it was bad and it just happened instantly and then did it take it it didn't stop you're still growing now I understand yeah I am I'm growing in every which way I try that's right that's my modus operandi in life you hear a lot of very attractive women say it took them a while to sort of get used to I mean when they were younger the people teased them but then they sort of grew into it's true it's very true do you like being uh tall now well I guess I'm just getting used to it you're still getting used to it because the only reason I ask is we have a lot of movie stars come on this show and they and male movie stars they are tiny tiny people for the most part and I'm not you can't tell at home but they come out here and they're like hi how you doing and you know what I mean and you're living in that world with these tiny tiny people and they live on lily pads and uh they Grant you three wishes uh I'm just curious is it the screen makes big men out of all yeah so it's the great do they ever have to whether you're in a hole or they're on a box right so that's all true sometimes you have to kind of Crouch down in a scene or they put them in a cherry picker or something how does it it's lucky I I haven't developed scolios right right okay very lucky um is Quentin here's like my next question is I saw the movie and we were talking before the show I really like this movie a lot and I and uh I I was just in it from the second it started till the end and I know this is part two and I'm waiting for that but I have to ask is Quentin Tarantino mad at you because he beats The Living Daylights out of your character throughout the from the first minute of the movie to the last minute of the movie what's going on there it's brutal I don't know there are certain days on set as I look at myself covered in blood and bruised and exhausted and just go this one right just because because this guy is there's something he's acting something out here or he's killing me yeah yeah he's killing me but you know he also created like the best role I've ever had I mean with things that no one in the world I mean Kung Fu me I mean you know that no one would really think of this combination not that they really should continue to right but um no but you see it and you pull it off and I'm watching this movie and I'm thinking you could be a Bond girl or you could be James Bond I always wanted to be a Bond girl you have yes you know when I was growing up they always said Bond girls were like anti-feminist you know and like that that was like not a good thing to be right I always thought the Bond girls were the toughest sexiest the most fun and to me they were like completely awesome right so I don't know I I thought Bond girls are good I would think that they'd take your call if you called the the makers of the Bond movies do you think so yeah and I can arrange it because I'm very big in the business are you yeah just a little cut of the money I'm gonna help you get into pictures kid uh I want just about 40 okay yeah and then I can retire to my farm okay on Staten Island uh I heard speaking of uh Quentin Tarantino possibly uh you know his his method uh that he likes to take revenge on people on the set who are who fall asleep which I can understand because you see this movie you were fighting the whole time uh you're in constant you never fell asleep but if someone did fall asleep on the set he would take revenge on them yes he did he had a he had a a weapon of choice there was a large dildo story that starts with there was a large dildo and we're talking something like this something like that I don't know who this is made for so you mean medium rapists would use this thing right um so this elephant rapist tool or elephant inseminator right whatever it was um whenever whenever snores would be found in various corners of the set would be brought out like like jaws and then we'd be sort of presented in some really ungodly horrific sort of angle next to the face of the offending sleeper you know which which I was quite troubled by I found it quite quite unkind I would never ever fall asleep again if I knew that there was a danger that photographs to be taken and um as the photographs were taken there was a wall like a wall of shame that started to be built I attempted to kidnap this wall on several occasions and the wall I believe the uh the board that it was on went missing yeah once or twice it was then retrieved by I don't know the grip department or something and um and then it was kept under lock and key yeah I would think you don't want those pictures getting out because there's some you know a lot of other stars in this movie and those are I would think compromising photos or What actors got uh photographed with the elephant inseminator I I can't remember I I do remember that at one point during a scene we heard snoring and found it was Bill our first A.D right I think he got hit up with the Big Ben I think they called it they called it Big Ben all right I like it's got such a friendly name it's like isn't that a bear that befriends children I don't know I don't I don't think was not a friend of children [Applause] you're so lovely and talented I don't know how I got you down this road I apologize it's just the quality of it yeah the next thing I know giant dildos are out and uh um we have a clip here uh from the movie and I don't I don't I'm not exactly sure which which part of the movie this is what it is oh good someone here knows what's happening you're safe good thank you um this is me battling one of my most deadly foes um a fierce sexy teenager some of the most dangerous people is this Go-Go this would be Go-Go I love GoGo all right this is uh you about to do battle with uh with GoGo let's take a look at this scene from Kill Bill vol 1. any more subordinates for me to kill hi go go I know you feel you must protect your mistress but I beg you walk away [Music] [Music] I want to get one of those I want one of those she's great she's she's fabulous um I've never seen an assassin it looked like that and and I like that she's about to bash your brains in with a giant metal mace yeah with a giant metal mace but she knows that when you giggle it's polite to cover your mask it's a great combination of qualities there territory that's that's good Japanese upbringing actually it's very good never none of this American hahaha stuff no no no no no cover your mouth uh Kill Bill volume one uh is uh definitely worth seeing it opens uh tomorrow and it was really thrilling to have you on the show very nice to have you here we'll take a break we'll be right back
Channel: Conan O'Brien
Views: 6,969,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night with Conan O’Brien, late night with conan obrien, late night with, conan classic, best of, late night, original, comedy, sketch, humor, funny, celebrity, interview, first, late late show, late, night, show, special, classic, talk show, talk show hosts, triumph the insult comic dog, andy richter, max weinberg, quentin tarantino, pulp fiction, the bride, kung fu, kill bill, dildo, kill bill: volume 1
Id: lJEBgB3j9eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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