Jason Rothmeyer | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 204

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well we are back huh we're back at the nine club everybody today we have a very special special special guest mr jason rothmeyer is with us how are you man your intros are they make you feel really like important and special you are important yeah yeah i'm doing good i'm doing good man good straight from the office straight okay okay it's awesome yeah it was a long work day i mean this is fun but you know we did have a long work day we had a 8 a.m sales meeting this morning like oh you know so that's like everything you gotta accommodate europe so we had to do it early so i had my west coast reps were like eight o'clock really i'm like hey man you know gotta get the europe guys in there at the same time otherwise we have to do like five sales meetings so but wait a minute why don't you just reverse that and ha and make it uh not fun for them wow it was 4 p.m for the europe guys so it's okay at the end of the day okay the later it goes you can't if it's 8 a.m over there what time is it 8 am here no but if it's 8 a.m there what time yeah then our guys have to do it at 6 00 p.m yeah but people have families they can't do that yeah they can't do a sales meeting in the evening you're already checked out yeah i'm just trying to help you oh yeah we could bring you in there as our uh coordinator for scheduling i would love that because i what are you talking about i don't think that's a good idea dude listen jason our consultant obviously says no listen you have the wrong consultant [Laughter] schedule naps okay i'm already i would install cots in everybody's office if you share an office then you get a double cot bunk bed uh cubicle um yeah you can still sleep because it's a break you know and then you wake up cause stanza didn't have a problem sleeping in a cubicle bro yeah exactly right you wake up little milk and cookies get the get the blood sugar back up you know what i'm saying i think coffee for everyone starbucks delivery i think you're starting on monday get him it is there it is and you're gonna get all the flies too yeah yeah sorry about that well i'm just trying to help you guys out man because it seems like you guys are uh you don't have it together over there no i'm just kidding um dude how are you thank you so much for coming man good just listen straight from tampa right here bro how was it let's talk about timber fun it was fun kelly yeah it was great yeah it was good seeing you out there like it was going to hang out a little bit yeah yeah nice it's going to contest when i'm not judging oh it's like it's like a vacation oh you weren't judging no i'm just getting in there because you are a judge right you've judged a lot of stuff i've been known to just you've been judged right you you judge people yeah i don't judge i'm just you have judged listen i didn't like it with me i didn't like it the the manny the manny on the stage it was a wheelie dope i hated it i hated it i don't like judging somebody's skateboarding i don't like it i understand that i can't do it i i just totally get it it throws me off man i don't like it it's all subjective that's why the judges get so much heat you know because somebody thinks that this person skated better and this but it's all subjective right why weren't you judging oh i stopped doing uh tampa in 2015 i think that was the last one i did the one niger one not out the door why why'd you stop jumping oh we just you know we started doing other events because the border dudes still split off from the spot dudes and so it's just a okay reorg yeah got you yeah it was just a so i started doing the border stuff and then they did their own thing so yeah that was i got you it was just a different like different time sure sure sure although now i could go back and do it and it wouldn't be a big deal i felt like there was a little bit of a competition around that time when it was real fresh you know ryan was just gone brian's still there but now it oh yeah enough times passed and it was like our parents divorced and now it's cool right little little little heated but now it's amazing totally yeah so let's talk about the judging thing really quick because there is so much debate over judging there's so much debate over like i said earlier i was like dude i'm never going to hear anybody say like oh judging was really good in that you know what i mean like one out of a thousand yeah very rare so how does one you know kelly's on the show he just you know he talks about judging and everything but listen gets a outside well outside opinion well jason is the longest judge i know that's been in the whole industry i feel like so you have a different perspective it's been yeah i've been doing it for a minute i guess we'll get into it when we start doing history but yeah yeah it's been it's been a while well we'll start here with where we want right but um how do you like take on the judging thing do you like because listen you do hear it right afterwards like oh this person should have you scored this would i mean it's just it never ends right how do you just block all that out and just do your thing i mean it it's you got to have you feel like it would be old after you definitely have to have a thick skin and you have to understand that everyone's got a boy in the contest and they think their boy should do good whether you're your own boy and you're like hey man i [ __ ] should one you know that's that's a little bit less rare mostly it's like hey how come this dude didn't do better but if you don't sit and watch every single run like i can critique tampa pro as much as i want while i'm sitting there in the corner but i'm not judging the contest because i'm not watching every single run like i'm supposed to be watching i'm like i'm talking we're doing something else i might have missed it but this guy did if you really concentrate and watch it that's the only person that really knew what was going on because you have to watch from beginning to end right if you're a competent judge who like is really paying attention and there only should be competent judges over there because it's i mean there's money on the line there's status there's trophies you know it's a big thing tampa you know in any contest any contest is yeah and you should like we try to do every event we do like it's a major contest even if it's just like a um the hot wheels junior contest where it's like 10 and under division and you know 12 12 to 13 or whatever those kids should get the same experience as someone does at tampa pro everyone should be paying attention no one's on their cell phone no one's like half watching and you know doing something else and talk to their friend while your runs going on because we've skated enough you know am contest growing up and you definitely looked over and you're like the three freestylers that were judging you and no one was paying attention you're like this guy doesn't know what's happening i remember that experience of thinking well that sucked man i got like 20th place and i felt like i did good or i got top three and i sucked that's happened before like where you're like did i really i don't think i deserved to be in the top three in this contest and these dudes weren't paying attention to anything you're right yeah yeah yeah it's always a little bit of a give and take but yeah a little bit of a thick skin um i would say you try to listen to what someone's saying and have an answer for them because you don't want someone walking away where you're like i had you in there but that but kelly he had you would last and that's why you got oh yeah that place because you want to have an answer for him you're like hey man like we you know we watch the whole contest and this is why you got what you got she tried to remember what their run was if you took notes you can go back and read the notes back in the day when we had spreadsheets and you know now it's all ipads and the notes are kind of gone so it's a little bit of a different process sure sure if you're doing the world skate stuff though they like you're note-taking you're taking notes right yeah i mean we still do take notes uh yeah i mean we all kind of do every contest but used i used to have some detailed notes and i would i would be able to write i just was able to like watch it and write without looking down the whole time yeah and um then you know once like live scoring started to come in then it was like it changed really fast you don't have time to like review what you wrote because you were the one that was kind of dictating how when everyone went they were looking at judges you ready you're right and so you were but now it's like a score has to be in five seconds you gotta get the next guy and especially if it's live tv that's yeah it's fast it was it was at a malouf contest where it changed overnight we were like holy [ __ ] like we have to get the scores in within like three seconds we got some dude yelling at us what the [ __ ] going on what were your thoughts on that when they changed it to that it was hard to adjust to but there was no going back if if you want to do a live broadcast people at home don't want to wait for you no yeah you know and so we i definitely had some people that were like oh i can't no i can't do it like that and i'm like well then you can't judge like you just have to adapt to it you're not going to be the one that's like going to hold the technology back sorry say you just gotta like figure it out and roll with it because you gotta hold the viewer's attention too you know it's like they're they're what 10 minutes in between a run like people just yeah people turn out yeah i will say it was really awesome that you suggested that they put the tampa back to not live scoring or they don't show the scores right away i thought that was pretty awesome why i talked to zitzer about it maybe four months before it i just thought it was a cool separation i the anticipation of not knowing what place people are in during the finals during those final three runs and especially being in the contest and not knowing what place you're in you're gonna have to go hard every run yeah if you know that you won and you're like the last dude to go victory lap who gives a [ __ ] i'm already in first yeah but if you don't know you won you're gonna have to go bonkers on every run and it kind of it makes for um uh the anticipation is so sick when you're like oh man like and in fifth place jamie foy you're like whoa jamie's in fifth and fourth place felipe gustav and you're like oh bring the top three up actually i screwed this up jamie was on sixth philippe was fifth but whatever yeah you bring the top three up and then you still don't know your top three are standing up there you're like dude who do you think it is huh that excitement's kind of cool and it's it's cool and for the skaters as well it's a little bit of a throwback because i would i don't know what their viewership was like but i would think if i was at home watching i probably would have stuck around to see who did good yeah but if you already know who's going to do it you're like click how do you think it went over this year good seemed cool it was awesome i mean it definitely felt like people were um starving for like a really intimate uh heavy duty skate contest you know it's uh there was a lot of excitement and that's a knowledgeable skate crowd you know that everyone there knows what the hell is going on i feel like there's other events where you go to i mean you know i guess we didn't really have spectators per se at the olympics it was really just the people in the contest so you didn't get like that cheers and stuff like that but yeah you've got some contests where you know whether it's that one's like that's the one interesting wow i like that i like having no score i mean not no score but you know through qualifying and through semifinals i think it was cool but sure just why not separate it and i like it you know be different than everything else that's how they did it back in the day right yeah man that whole like bringing the three people up and not knowing was always like oh i knew what was happening i knew who won yeah yeah i was like who won i'm like it's gotta watch yeah yeah yeah okay it's great for everybody yeah that's true i think i really respect about your judging too is that you can you do like the park and you do this you can do the street where a lot of a lot of judges don't really mix in between yeah i mean just grow up skating mini ramps and all that kind of stuff it's yeah spine ramps and you know we all skated all that stuff so it it translates yeah i think you know but um burrard can easily do both real easy like he could actually skate park if he wanted to he could be like a competitor in that sure in that realm and then he's not too far removed from being pro for street so yeah he's like a good dual threat judge you can have him do anything yeah that's cool i like that i like that but it's also nice to get the new people in there as well that that really uh know not saying you don't but know that oh yeah that play yeah i mean if i could have you know alan peterson and and wade spy or judge all the part contests with me i would but everyone's got lives and jobs and that's true they live in different places so it's hard to find people sometimes like i've wracked my brain many times when i'm like is would davis torguson be a good judge let's have him do a couple am contest and he judged some you know like i want to border am at um huntington beach at the vance park like four years ago and i was like oh he's good he's i mean i already knew him and you know you kind of have an idea where you're like oh this dude's gonna be good but then like i brought haslam into judge contest and he [ __ ] hated it yeah he walked off of tampa i was there yeah he did he did day one and he was like i'm not [ __ ] coming back man like really i'm just gonna hang out and watch you just figure you find someone else yeah he got nate alton yeah he's like i'll find someone i'll find someone to do the semifinals and finally wait a minute why did he give you a reason he like hates judging people yeah he thought he would like it he's a super cerebral guy but he just he just hated it he was just like hey why'd you take the job yeah i just think you think you're gonna like it maybe and then you get into you're like man this is and i've had some i've had some definitely like crazy people judge where i thought like this is insane i've had you know people like their scoring scale was from 70 to 79 that was it i'm like hey man we have 100 points to work with and they're like this dude gets a 70 this guy gets a 71. the guy who killed it got a 79 i'm like that's like a 94. man he's like i don't want to give him too high what if someone else comes i'm like there's no one else that's gonna be that good but that's also not them not knowing how something works too right right well there's a little bit of playing it's safe there's a little bit of a math thing involved where you're like you gotta know you know how math works there's a lot of criteria there's some basic criteria where it's like can you show up on time can you not sit on your phone are you not going to be hammered right when you show up um and then you get past that you know besides the skating qualifications yeah skating qualifications would be like you know like someone like you you got the history like all right all right like he already knows everything about skating he's got a history with it people aren't gonna look up there and go like who's that dude like i've never seen him never heard of him they know who you are so you're like okay you pass that hurdle and you can show up on time and then you get into like can you um multitask while the contest is going on can you you know hey you give that guy an 88 but you really think he beat this dude you're like oh i don't think he beat that guy i'm like well that guy got an 85 and you're giving him an 88 but you don't think he beat him so think about what you're giving a score down you have to like keep a lot the running track of the placings in your head are really heavy duty when it comes to like live events where you cannot make a mistake you can't [ __ ] up yeah and if you do it's like it's true it's dramatic when you're like oh man nick yeah yeah you know but that's why the scoring it's like the highest and the lowest right yeah but there's some events we have three judges all scores count yeah because you know they're like hey man the budget's tight yeah three judges and you're like okay i have to get the right three guys i cannot have like one person who's a total buster because if you have one buster you know yeah it's always no big deal schaefer would always say you know because if one guy used to date your girlfriend and you want to give him a bad score and that was always kind of funny but you're like yeah okay well i guess the one score isn't that big of a deal when you have five guys and one gets dropped right but with three scores you can't you can't you can't mess up yeah no i i admire you guys i i like i said i i'm with haslam i just i wouldn't walk off sure but i didn't walk off during the manny thing no you didn't you killed it no listen even when someone did your trick you didn't get that bummed you might have stood up i think i did i think i gave him a zero wait i was i i skated that contest carlos iki switch flip manual the stage i love carlos it was awesome he did it pretty good bro listen hey hold on one second i was the first since we're talking about this i was the first and i won't be the last you know thank you have a present for you chris roberts world greatest world's greatest switch flip bro bro look at this i feel like it needed you need to have like a wait a minute the recognition of it right did you just took you just took out i took my one of my one of my old trophies that was just in a box and i was like hey he needs some he needs to have that's amazing that's from 1990 probably that's like history it's history bro the year i started skating 1999 perfect timing wow look at that it all worked out i think i feel like that needs to go you know hey right by the right by that thing there you go everyone knows now let's try to make it work it's it's a it's a receipt and you got it from a qualified judge that's for sure i mean it's it is the best one so it needs to be known oh there you go that's a good spot for it ah there you go thank you for that how thoughtful bro chris roberts world's greatest switchflip manual yep love it that's awesome thank you hey he told me i was coming on wow had my wife go to the trophy shop while i was gone okay like hey this is what you need to write out don't put robert right sure it says roberts right don't misspell it hey you got that done quick quick turner i need to pick it up on monday wow that was i yeah we talked what it was on and i went in saturday and it was man it was an old trophy shop it was it was old school that guy was like man you guys have been here probably for a long time because this guy that was he i don't know how many more days he's got that might have been the last trophy he made i could just picture him like engraving it being like what the [ __ ] is that yeah yep what is this and why is it just one little black it's not like a whole trophy he's seen the clip i bet he knew who you were well i understand though because you know a trophy for that manner it would be like up to the ceiling it'd be huge i feel like i needed one because i've heard you talk about maybe you got fourth at manny mania and you missed out on getting the trophy are you judging i did judge that oh yeah so did castillo beat you yeah yeah [ __ ] daniel cuz he did that he did knows manny up uh shove it around to front side shove it and then manual back down it's kind of tight [ __ ] are you remembering all that yeah i don't even remember all in there i don't remember what i did but i'm sure it was better than that i think snyder man 180 fakie manny fakie trey phillips it was pretty sick switch front big manual on the little pyramid thing yeah listen i should have gotten second at least kenny anderson might have done cab faking manny at that it was pretty good i know that's kenny anderson yeah he shouldn't have been in that contest in the first place he's a ringer i did get fourth though i liked it i it was actually a fun contest and i really did enjoy because it was more our speed yeah i can't skate these contests those were good i wish manny mania was around in 93 i would have had a lot of fun i missed out on a lot of [ __ ] man they put a lot of cool stuff after i was competent at least you were a part of it yeah yeah exactly there you go there you go but i did like it and shout out to joey brzezinski for doing that with red bull and everything because i i it gave us manual skaters a chance to shine you know and do our thing right because we can't we're me joey brizzy daniel we're not entering the these normal contests that are no no especially back then it's not we can't i can't put together a [ __ ] run well i mean or if the course is like i don't know like some of those like x games courses from like that area where you're just like it's like a mega quarter pipe and it looks like a box jumping a biker would skate airport ride yeah those are no those aren't good no no no but i yeah they were fun man listen they needed those i enjoyed it oh yeah game games escape you know manny mania those are all like great for another kind of because there's a million kinds of skating out there it's not just like 14 stair rail dudes you know dude john dilo skated uh tampa like was manny mania oh it was hey there you go yeah yeah yeah yeah cookie too yeah flip fakey manual fakie flip out like on the back i'm like yeah i'm like what are you doing john yeah like this is a contest yeah you shouldn't be doing that well that's a video trick that is not a contest that was best trick yeah it was but i don't know but it's still like doing it live in front of people seven hours yeah like in his ryan in his line both times did nollie over nose mail nollie flip out yeah both times the first part of his two front five flip faking that's the hardest manual trick i've ever done just the first part yeah i had to [ __ ] film it right you know exactly so it's just doing in a contest no manny mania survived and it kept going man i mean i could have potentially been in the olympics you could have been somebody yeah wow you know what i'm saying dubs if that was the if that was my ticket in there and i was getting third and fourth you know maybe one day uh the olympics will have that yeah let's just start breaking it down to like 20 30 skaters minis ledge it was three good i was thinking longer than that they had to be maybe maybe three or four years ago they did the first one in venice then they did the rest of them in new york yeah yeah which i was bummed on because they could have just i did one of the ones in new york i think pang maybe um helped organize it so i remember doing one of them and then the next one i don't remember we didn't do the one where there was like dude i found i found something like that but oh yeah i wasn't at that one yeah i found i got third i still have my belt i found it yeah that's the best i've ever actually no i think i got second the one you guys judged at the courthouse oh yeah i got second i know why i would have judged you but that wasn't a red bull event no no no that was just uh on delay i think it was a really dope it was just it was it was the next version of this yeah yeah that was cool though i do you know shout out joey for trying to get this these contests in total like that and giving uh different little you know skaters a chance yeah i'm saying i'm kind of surprised they don't do that still because they do like random events here and they're like the curb ones they did the curb kings yeah mind the gap like they do those ones out in atlanta and they do them a little you know i think they just did one in orlando the street gap they just find like a street gap and do a contest yeah yeah yeah and the one you did here a judge with you the the wall ride gap or the oh that was a red bull wall ride come on yeah that was awesome yeah that was rad because like some of the old timers were there for sure yeah that was sick yeah bring them out ah when you could get different generations in on the same contest that's [ __ ] amazing yeah sure wow we had dressing judging with us oh my god it's so sick eric d yeah the man uh let's go back because we were talking about you know your heyday and if emmanuel's if manual contests were around back in your day [Music] i'm not making it sound like it was you know decades you know it was decades ago that is the weird part [ __ ] been in this thing for a minute i don't want to show your age it doesn't feel like decades ago but it was but um you grew up where long beach for life long lbc my whole i pictured you like a minnesota guy oh yeah you know what i used to get like no [ __ ] i used to get kidding aren't you uh you're from tampa right and i'm like no i'm not from tampa well you were out there so much and i used to get oh aren't you from san jose because i was in santa cruz tying okay and i'm like no long beach my whole life man i never i mean whatever i was born in yreka which is like have you ever driven up to portland or something like that and you passed that town weed everyone knows that yeah yeah yeah yeah why rick is the next town above weed nobody that nobody stops at no nobody stops there but then anyways the parents divorced at like two i don't remember living up there i was i was in long beach from when i was three years old oh there you go till now perfect i mean you could have been a yrica guy i could have been a rica guy what about the road that you drive up to vegas it's like y yyz oh yeah it's isaac's like what did the [ __ ] who's the x that's just the desert the cup it is i think it's just but who's name in that road i think they named it just to have it be like the last thing in like an encyclopedia or something i feel like there's a story behind it it's perfect there's a research perfect i mean there's a research station out there you can like go look for snakes and [ __ ] we'll talk about that oh yes i know about the desert the big reptile guy i know the desert um so you grow at long beach and then you uh started skating obviously how same you know similar trajectory to a lot of people you have on who are about my age you know um 85 86 started skating but kind of late you know i was probably 13 14. so i started in junior high but it's like same thing i i think jake rosenberg same kind of way like here a lot of these guys are like yeah start skating at 14. i think the dude had the same exact oh i started fourth skate skating in junior high but for whatever reason um yeah my brother told me like i need to start skating just straight up was like you gotta pick something to do you gotta you gotta like you gotta you gotta figure something out you know you can't just be like playing football with your friends on the corner you gotta like be a part of something and i was like okay he was like a music i played he was in a band he played guitar he was like oh it's too late for me i'm like i'm 17 like i can't start skating now but he goes you should start skateboarding and i was like think about this and of course like my little cousin had like a shitty target board or whatever you know and it was at our house and so i remember like going okay i could probably ride this thing and and then like once you start writing it you're like oh huh and i remember like learning how to ride we had a pool in our backyard and like a pretty big um cement around it okay and i remember just riding around it backside over and over and over just like trying to learn how to like carve around not in the pool like just on the top just trying not to fall over and over and over you would think that for a kid riding a skateboard you'd want to ride around at front side i went backside a million times and then like figure that out and then went front side a bunch of times and then i was like okay i think i got this but i was like i'm talking like instantly like five hours a day yeah till it gets dark you're just like oh man like it just it just sticks right instantly and then it was like come down the driveway and try to make the turn on the sidewalk yeah and i could vividly remember that like i would hit it and i'd get into the grass and he didn't get in the grass and then the one time you made it like man i [ __ ] did something i made this and then we would you know i'd like i remember the grass was dug out a little bit on the driveway so that was like kind of like a quarter pipe like a shitty scratch grind on the thing you would just carve grind it and that was like so yeah just it was once you're in yeah you're in and then you see a video and then you're just like oh my god like what the [ __ ] just happened sure how are you seeing those videos i had um my first skate homie was this dude jeremy who lived in long beach also and he had uh oceanside beach style it was an 85 nsa contest and it was just a street contest and it was like gones and um i don't think natas is actually in the beach no he's in it uh but it's like john grigly and [ __ ] johnny copp and you know all those guys and there's a freestyle portion of it and then there's three three portions they have freestyle contests and they go back to the street contest and go back to the freestyle contest i remember like watching johnny cobb and just being like what he's getting to seven seconds and the music was like i was like new you know first thing i hear of this like punk and then i'm watching skating and i was just like oh [ __ ] this is like cool i probably watched the thing like a hundred times the first time i saw it and then i think maybe the first pal video also we saw right around the same time but it was really that contest video that i was just like dude i want to do this like how did he do that you go out and try to like learn hand plants on the ground you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing yeah just how did he get his hand on the ground yeah replicating what you saw yeah exactly but you did it something clicks i think when you see it on video maybe i had a magazine before that and you're looking at it and it doesn't translate the same way you're like oh how did he the wall ride i don't know how he got that but then you see it and you're like oh jump ramps uh what like because drawn used to rent videos right yeah i was gonna actually say that i would rent like those like contest videos all the time like holiday havoc oh man street style but it wasn't blockbuster right it was just like random it was before like the corporate like yeah just everybody mom and pop like video shots i almost feel like blockbuster did have some type of skate videos too maybe they probably yeah but it wasn't like these mom and pops like they had like a dope little section i was like oh and you figured you feel like the dope mom and pops are like how are they even getting these skate videos exactly i didn't know really yeah i was thankful that they did have those for sure yeah i mean there's a lot of people that were you know maybe like they watched skateboard madness for the first time or one of those weird obscure 70s videos that like got him into it and so yeah but yeah once that once that was it it was like i had a you know had a crew like real quick and you know when you're in junior high junior high high school so you're going to meet yeah exactly and and there's um it was still low it was that time where like there were only a few skaters in the school man like junior high there was like maybe five of us outcasts not yet uh once i got to high school then we were [ __ ] losers it felt like you know you're just like whoa like because no one was still there was like no one skating in my high school it was a huge high school and this is long beach this is a big it was community um there was you know we had a couple dudes that were like ron chapman that was the banger that was the dude like he was the guy and so he went to my junior high and he went to my high school he's a little bit older than me um he's one grade above me which felt like so much older right and he because he was so much better he started skating early he's probably started skating at 83 84. so he'd already had that like three year run on us by the time we started he was already good you know the first three years you're you go from like zero to like pretty good in three years sure and he was good as [ __ ] already and so we're always like ah but my brother was a teacher's aide in one of ron's classes and so we got i got the pass like ron's like i don't know if you know ron at all but like he will [ __ ] cut you down like he's just witty as hell okay and and he's like the first guy i met that i was just like oh man like this guy will just bust on you like he'll make fun of you like right away right when you meet him and you're like whoa but i he would destroy my friends and then i would get the pass because like hey your brother was cool [ __ ] to me when he was a teacher's age rothy you know like and i got like the like hey and so not that he wouldn't get me he just wouldn't go all in yeah yeah pump the brakes a little bit so but dudes like him you know they were like a blessing back then because they taught you like the right way to do [ __ ] yeah you know don't do the whack tricks pay that stupid dumb bone unless you're doing it that's that's not it keep moving keep it moving was he sponsored at that point already or he was sponsored pretty quick um they were shop sponsored so that was like still a big deal and even sponsored back then it might have been discounts yeah you know like you got the discount at like vans bike and key or whatever you know but um yeah he was he was early on like pretty pretty sponsored probably 11th grade maybe so i was in 10th and he was already like getting so you go to school with the celebrity yeah totally were you in his crew were you skating with him no i never got never i never was like you know never that never that good i mean i was threshold we were doing our own thing and and he was like that much better and his crew was uh yeah they were good man but would you see him around definitely yeah the jump ramp spot and you'd see him and you know and and he was always like encouraging if you showed up to like the um there's a there was a like a straight up half pipe built at the railroad tracks probably just stolen wood from like a construction site and someone just built a railroad like built a half pipe out here down the street from our house and i was like oh this is crazy and we've got we roll up we just sit there and watch and ron's it was a shitty half bite man it was like no coping barely any flat six feet tall wow that was like it was it was gonna make the best it was jacked up but you know he could like little airs here and there and stuff he's still like pretty young at this time but he was way better than us but he wouldn't let you sit there and just watch he's like hey man don't just watch get on it like get up there and eat [ __ ] yeah you know because you know and you need that like you're not like you just can't sit around and watch man like plus and but he kind of kicked you out of the session if you just sat around if you didn't participate he's like hey man well you gotta go encouraging you i think it's both right i think sometimes it just sucks when you're just trying to skate and people are just sitting there watching yeah you know it's like just skate you know yeah but he gave you the pass also to come and skate totally which is awesome too because that made you feel like oh wow i can yeah skate with these guys man i feel like i i knew uh i might have known him like i mean as soon as i first started skating it was like you knew right away who he was within like the first like i feel like it was like first three months like oh this dude ron chapman like so yeah it's interesting yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah it was good starting out was was fun you know that first like first time going to the shop getting your board like that that's like all burned in your brain right what was the first i remember being in french class and talking to this dude who was in you know who also skated and um he's a year older than me and i was like hey man i'm going after school to get my first board and he's like oh man you know like big decision and i'm like yeah and he goes whatever you do this is the dumbest [ __ ] advice i've ever heard in my life whatever you do don't buy a lance mountain and i was like what why he goes everyone has that board you don't want to be the dude that has the same board as everyone and i was like okay i went in and bought a rod brass cup i like that like it was like the i think it's a two with the arm coming through the thing but you don't see the monster yet but then later on i remember thinking man [ __ ] lance would have been pretty sick and i ended up writing a bunch of lances after that but thinking back like how funny is that like and now when i see lansing he's like hey what's up jason i'm always like what's yeah yeah i'm sorry but rob roskop isn't bad no i don't know i ended up riding for santa cruz at people still like the right connection there you go that was cool it was a cool board so speaking of santa cruz i mean you just grew up you kept skating did you film a sponsor me video to get on santa cruz yeah i just kept skating you know go through cruise i ca i was the dude who just like some dudes would quit get girlfriends get cars they gone got you know a new new crew um and yeah just i just stuck with it you know i mean i guess that's perseverance you end up taking these like you know you you start out and you're kind of like you suck obviously we all suck at some point like really bad and then you like take a little bit of a leap i think you know when you you've been going long enough that you get a little bit better but you get lucky i feel like in skating when you have uh maybe someone moves into your neighborhood that's way better than you yes so my friend so i was i remember skating down the street like right around the corner of my house like i went down here what half a block and i would go to like the liquor store and there's like a a rounded curb that you could like ride up and manual across and i remember skating by and seeing this dude out front with this other guy and they were skating i'd never seen him before right now in my neighborhood and i skate down keep going to the liquor store i'm like as i'm going there i'm like who the [ __ ] are those guys man what are they doing in my neighborhood and then coming back and it's kind of uphill so i'm going a little slower because i was cooking and i was like oh [ __ ] i didn't want to stop and be like hey guys yeah but then i came back and they're like hey you live around here and so it ended up being this guy ron mendoza and he was so much better than me and he was the coolest [ __ ] and so that was the dude that like you you get that like friend that's like so much heads and tails better than you you just come up to his level right away skating today everywhere every day and then same thing like yeah you just kind of keep doing that i feel like throughout your career what did you just move in hey just he's like yeah my family just moved into this back house right here me and my brother wayne and i think his brother was he claimed he was on z flow he had z-rollers on his board of course but i think he might have just got some maybe he got one box okay because i don't remember him getting anything after that but but he was also really good he was he was older than us he was probably like four years older than this so he like unnaturally he was going to be like better at this game as a as an 18 year old when we were 14 15 or something like that so sure so you were saying shop sponsors were big back then it felt like a huge deal which it was for me yeah you know what i mean because a big contest for us i think at that time was um the powell state zone which was what was it called um uh what the skate zone or the contest the contest quartermaster quartermaster cup and that was huge for me yes sir are you a vowel surf i wasn't skating for vassar if i was going for blue alliance ooh blue alliance and you were skating for at that time do you know i do know but i i'm having a [ __ ] brain [ __ ] it's not working right it's not working it's not working correctly we were all on zimbabwe there it is subway so many different zimbabwes definitely yeah um but those days were pretty i don't know they stood out for me i'm i'm sure they stood out for you because those that contest was very important it was huge yeah it was massive like why was it impactful for you um it was the first like real contest that just kind of like and then you're you're along with your your your team you know what i mean so you're obviously it was a shop team versus team contest yeah yeah yeah so remember that one being cool because i had already gotten sponsored by the time that contest rolled around but my friends weren't yeah like ron got to skate the contest with me he never ended up getting sponsored i got lucky and got sponsored and he didn't even though he was way better than me all of our homie videos he's got the best parts in him and all that stuff but he just it you know you got you got to get lucky along the way and so um and i got a lot of team managers there like looking at you know always see kids there scouting for sure okay did anything come about for you after that contest uh i got flowed by i think birdo he gave me some wheels oh yeah yeah and that was dope i was really psyched that was like probably one of the first people and then and solomon of god oh [ __ ] oh yeah started getting real boards after that yeah yeah i got some um i have a contest run i'll have to um send it to you but um you're standing on the deck right before i drop in he's like right he's like back there he's got this huge like little baggy ass shirt on and he's like right there with his helmet on like getting ready because he maybe his shop was next and so i like drop in and you can see him on the deck like right there behind me so i got that footage still right that's like pretty have you seen it i haven't oh you gotta i gotta tag it i gotta show i gotta send it to him that's pretty cool i haven't like posted like probably four years ago who would even have that contest in its entirety like i would have the pro one still and i have like a bunch of footage from the pro one that was before i turned pro so i just was like they're filming and like oh [ __ ] there's kareem and adam mcnatt and tom knox and like all these bangers mark gonzalez was there i believe oh my god he front side pivoted that [ __ ] wall so the vert wall it's just like nothing just wrote up like kind of a little like air to front pivot and you know how like he's definitely balanced on it and then just roll and just ride back dude six seven feet of v it was like nuts bro it it was 12 feet high with four feet of vert it was 16 feet i was a little kid i mean you look at this thing as like it's a mountain i remember like liking it though because the transitions were so slow you could ride up as far as you wanted to crack a frontside dollar you're never gonna hang up there's a [ __ ] lip you're gonna get to i'm never gonna get to the top of that thing that's so true and yeah gone's uh he got like top qualifier in that contest and then completely like blew it in the finals but that qualifier run was nuts he did the like that was the first time i ever saw anyone do the gons grind no from the front all the way around to switch back 50. oh wow so sick and you see it and you're just like what the [ __ ] we did on the quarter pipe you did it on a no bank to ledge front front 180 switch back 50. which baked ledge just there was like a little bank with a um with a little ledge with the white coping on it oh on the if you're looking at the left side thing it's on the left yeah he did it on that side dude they're rolling even it was like i mean i'm a little terrified it's rolling and like you have to like dodge people you have to make sure that [ __ ] gets smoked down yeah oh yeah you gotta do that you gotta watch out what's up man that was the closest park to me and probably yourself as well back then so going there oh yeah it was like this [ __ ] adventure yeah drive up three times a week from long beach just because it was like there were no other parks there were two parks that one and this one in moreno valley called skate underground those were our only two parks moreno val who wants to [ __ ] miranda would like to go there because he lived in san bernardino when he was there i mean listen he was there all the time yeah he's convenient i'm not trying to drive down there yeah santa barbara is beautiful i haven't yet driven out there she take the coast yeah for whatever reason so i was like [ __ ] marina valley and santa barbara wait instantly did they drive up to santa barbara encinitas was mcgills yeah um mcgills was around still but they didn't lose it was carlsbad felt farther than santa barbara for some reason even though we would go to mcgills all the time too when we first started going um yeah i definitely went before i got sponsored yeah we would go skate the mini ramp we'd get the six foot right go pump the boot ramp when no one was watching you know but then the good dudes would show up and we'd get off it but um yeah we would go to mcgill's quite a bit i wish i had more opportunity to skate pal skate zone growing up but it was like i said it was like it was like a field trip it was yeah this whole adventure because you weren't driving there yourself you were absolutely young i mean i started skating at 15 so 16 i mean i had my car but listen i had a shitty car i can't drive up there it's not going to make it oh we went like i'm a city i had a city car you know if something happened i could just call mom and dad like [ __ ] tire popped you know yeah engine blue you know [ __ ] smoking i don't know what's going on you know what i mean yeah i couldn't drive that thing up there so it would be an adventure uh field trip totally i wish i did oh it was the best park close uh 94 i want to say 90 maybe yeah i guess probably about 94. no one ever i paid the first time i went i paid to get in after that never paid no one [ __ ] paid right so it was just this free park even though you're supposed to get in like um mike taylor not mikey taylor and not mike taylor that wrote for genes but the mike taylor that works for powell he was usually working in the front and he was always like hey like you went once and he you were his boy because he's cool as [ __ ] okay and he's like hey let you in like oh jason what's up hey man like come on in and so then you just started walking in and you never paid and i think it was just like full four years of no one paying a membership but i definitely did not pay that yeah yeah you still have your like do you still have your membership i wish i did i think i do i think i have in the box somewhere i think i still have in the box i gotta like fish for it i don't know where it would be that's pretty sick i don't know that opened right when i got sponsored i got um i went to visalia skate camp in 90 and that was my graduation present so i was like an 18 year old going to visalia i was like a little old you know going to skate camp with like like and that wasn't really like a kids skate camp that was definitely like 15 16 17. that was the most the age of most of the guys but i remember going there and i'd skated a couple am contests uh i might have won the like castle right before uh that before i went and so then i went and i was like i wonder if like there's anyone gonna be here i could maybe like talk to you about getting sponsored and um i talked to this dude ron lemon who was the artist for blockhead he was there skating and he brought up he was just saying he's ron lemon yeah raj 3d animation guy oh okay is that what ron does now bro he sends us these crazy he was a good dude he's great i mean he hasn't sent us anything in a while right raj but on instagram he would like tag us on these like super complex like nine club animations that he was doing you know fascinating i remember bugging him i was like hey man you think like i could get a video to blockhead but then spencer fujimoto was also a camper at the time he went and uh he was like hey if you got a tape right when you get home send it to me because i want to see if i can get you on santa cruz and so wait a minute you said he was a camper but he was sponsored he had just gotten sponsored but he'd already paid like he just got on like getting getting bored from santa cruz wow he was like a little dude but he was um he was probably 16 you know like he was just a little 16 year old yeah for sure and uh that was poor world then yeah yeah he was on santa cruz for like a good year year and a half he had a part in strange notes video and so he definitely like was in there and then i s yeah i mean we've always been filming you know i've been filming for since like i first started skating we always had a camera so i've definitely had a tape like oh edit this together real fast send it off i hope it happens and then man i got an actual call like pretty soon after i was like hey man we're sick like we need someone like we don't have anyone in your area and who called who called you uh gavin o'brien he was the team manager at the time you have this [ __ ] gnarliest memory yeah yeah it's crazy no it's [ __ ] nice it's it's everything's there it's crazy uh yeah i don't know if it's a burden or not but no but it's like something you're passionate about my wife out sometimes because i [ __ ] know i remember it and you know so what did you just blurt out like skate information i mean just like you know or just anything you know i remember what happened you're watching tv not arguments you know but that was a year gonzalez did this oh yeah everything's uh and everything's tied to like um oh i know that was 87 that um because i was riding a cab that year and you know like you tie everything from from when you started skating it's all tied to like oh that's the summer you know i'm sure you're like oh that's the summer went to barcelona i know that's 97 like god bless that one right everything's tied to skating so uh yeah it's but yeah i've got a weird it's definitely it's almost like a photographic memory it's yeah i can just i can recall like contest runs and what you place people got and that's amazing all that stuff it helps for judging the thing i do i guess yeah it works it works in a lot of different ways so that's a good thing though dude it's not for sure for sure so you were the old guy at the camp i was the old guy yeah men spencer sent in and sponsored me you probably put the little your little name on the label definitely number yeah they sent it off they called yeah they called and was like hey man we're gonna send you a box what do you want and i remember ordering uh bullet 66s were the wheels i [ __ ] ordered 66s like that's what i wanted to get what were you writing about what size were you writing back then definitely not 66s i mean maybe the first package but the next one was probably 55 street razors like oj's how are you knowing what to order are you looking at some type of magazine are you no no no no no i'm having like a skate shop you know we all knew like what wheels were around and i think i probably had watched speed freaks one too many times but what about the ball and some dudes like you know they had all the wheels on the speed freaks like this was what this guy rides oh 66 bullets and i was like [ __ ] 66 bullets sounds cool and he goes i remember he goes really and i was like yeah and then and then when they got there i was like these [ __ ] things are huge maybe maybe i didn't like really know like what yeah i mean i should have yeah i'm a you know science dork i probably should have known but anyways got a sick box i still have the first board i got in that box i kept that board for some reason i thought like brand new no no no i scattered the [ __ ] out of it yeah stickers but i didn't give it away i didn't sell it to anybody i kept it and i still have that board isn't it funny that you do these weird things cause i still have my first board you have to show your first board my no actually it said support america oh yeah the car's so sick what i don't i've never saved a board except for that one i don't know yeah i didn't save a ton i should have saved a bunch i saved the pro models and then i didn't save any um written boards yeah like who saves written boards you know wish it was a whole complete going into skate zone one time there was a [ __ ] stack going back to lance mountain there was a stack for some reason of they were i think it was clear in the warehouse out bow knight lance mountains it was this tall they were 10 bucks walking into skate zone and i remember walking by and going who the [ __ ] wants a bow knight lance mountain use those are like two no they were brand new they were out of the warehouse like hey we're getting rid of these things this is 93. wow and i remember thinking like that stack's worth like 200 grand now you know those boards are 2500 bucks a piece wow i mean maybe they're not collectors probably gonna be like you [ __ ] idiot they're not twenty five hundred dollars like whatever it is they're they're yeah they're worth way more than ten bucks but you know what i did grab this ray barbie poster that was him doing a no comply like it's at my desk i still have it i did i was like oh great barbie poster that's [ __ ] sick rolled that thing up and kept going and like i probably had you know 50 bucks in my pocket i could have grabbed five boards too yeah just dude but you were ah but you were already getting santa cruz stuff right now i was just like yeah i was like yeah no one was collecting stuff yeah we weren't thinking like that yeah my my now me is like oh get that time machine going man let's get back to the skate zone yeah wait what session what boards did you ask for in that in the box i they just sent me uh i got two jason jesse boards the v8 uh with the flaming santa cruz logo on the front and then um after that um i most it was like pretty soon after that they're like hey we're coming up with this new technology it's called everslick we want you to try these out and so then after that it was like ever slick boards and it was always i would always order tom knox sports because i'm like tom knox was my dude like that was a huge that was my guy stick was pretty big when they came out yeah it was interesting i remember thinking like really they're like you don't need rails you don't need it just it just goes and i'm like that seems crazy were they were they did they patent that idea or something i think they definitely did the name ever slick oh but then slickball on boards became like it was just a thing you could put on your board everyone had slicks after that yeah yeah but they definitely had the first like thing it was like everest i feel like you might have had that name what rush i feel like bbc had uh everest like before with them oh maybe well there you go didn't like um like this at the bottom of a snowboard the uh right right did uh those those z skins came out maybe around the same time too remember z-rollers they used to have the skin like the they they had like it was like a sticker you could put on your board yes make a never slip yeah you put it on the tail you put it on the nose you could put it on the middle yeah what skins z skins yeah and so it was like an adhesive but that [ __ ] would peel up yeah you know like it can only ride unless you slid it to where like it smoothed out i think it was probably going to fall off at some point yeah it just got yeah you can't have a like the grip tape yeah and then it starts making that weird noise and [ __ ] flapping around oh yeah man rails all over the place like flapping i usually just use masking tape for my entire board you what i took masking tape and put it on all across my bottom of my board to try to make a slick yeah no way that's amazing surprise though no wonder he likes to take i think on that thing on that first board my cousin had for some reason it didn't have a skid plate and i was worried that i was going to ruin it so i put duct tape all over the tail thinking like oh that'll that'll protect it horribly it'll protect it and it's like you stop you go flying right as soon as you touch the ground [ __ ] straight and then he never did it again himself yeah yeah roger was probably onto something at that time yeah slide a little bit further did it work raj oh sort of yeah i guarantee you i'm going to see him first slides putting masking tape on his board over here even when the slicks came out i was curb dancing so much back then i still was riding rails oh you are yeah but it was great for no slice slick over the slit because heavy as [ __ ] though it was the boards were slightly heavy they were heavy damn yeah so you're santa cruz when did you get on santa cruz like so it would be like uh skate camp i was there like probably june 1990 i was uh my first box probably arrived and i want to say august or september 1990 i guess real quick okay and then it was like man that ba oh that first box oh oh if you could relive one more day one day what would it be the ups truck pulling up dude coming out with the ball oh my god insane rip the box of stickers open your whole house smells like stick new sticker [ __ ] man you can't beat that [ __ ] hey shout out suspense for fujimoto dude he hooked it up it all happened yeah yeah i remember i think ron actually was like you should go to santa cruz you don't want blockhead but i always liked blockhead blockhead was cool like that the video was out at the time might have been splendid eye torture it might have been like the rick howard first part and sure i remember thinking like oh that company's sick i could have been teammates with sinclair yeah damn there you go but santa cruz was tight yeah yeah yeah there were so many people on when i got on on santa cruz jason adams spencer all those pros i think they had 26 ams on the when i was going it was [ __ ] nuts now is this are they cons were you talking flow or actually i would get a team letter typed out and it would have all the dudes names that were on the team they had dudes on the east coast dudes in the midwest and then i remember gavin's like hey man we're doing a huge team cut so you know i'll let you know what happens and i'm like oh [ __ ] like you're kind of [ __ ] nervous you know yeah they cut it down to four m's whoa out of 26 out of 26. some of the dudes left adams went to think okay spencer left went to world you know um some of the dudes kind of you know and i think when they left they didn't put any new dudes back on you know but they they filtered it out man and that was like you know cuz times were getting lean yeah you know the talking 91 late 91 man you know i'm sure that the budgets the budgets were [ __ ] pretty quick real quick like especially when you're a big company like that yeah it's hard to adjust man it's hard to steer the big ship fast you know because there's only so many there was probably like a handful of like companies that were really doing well yeah and it was you know most definitely world yeah like they were doing they were so much business that all these other guys were like how do we you know but santa cruz is doing great with their um and powell i'm sure their distribution's always been so good you know from the business side now like i'm like the you know dork that's like doing it now i'm like oh yeah but they were they were selling to europe and europe wasn't having a downturn at that point and they you know they're probably killing it in japan australia so they're able to like survive those big those waves whereas some of the other guys it was tougher so you were one of the four i was one of the four i can't remember who the other guys were william nguyen he made the cut okay um we're talking about me um caesar might have been on at the time he is he from long beach too no he uh salinas i think he was like just out on the other side of monterey yeah okay yeah like but he moved down this didn't he he lived in long beach for a second okay he was there during the plan earth days yeah that's high with ty was filming him oh yeah i believe he was in silver yeah thai's first video yeah silver so good and you don't remember the fourth right i don't remember who else was on the beginning was on oh yeah wow okay so yeah that was like the uh pretty much like the am team wait a minute did they tell you that you were so after they had everybody then you were like on and i think i still have the letters like congratulations you guys made the cut here's our new phone yeah are you constantly sending him footage i went i think i just got put on the am team seriously i don't think it was a flow program it was just like i went from like here's my sponsor video hey you're am but it was kind of like that back then there wasn't really like flow you like got on you weren't getting paid though no no no no no no pay for ams until like yeah i think that stuff came like after my generation well even world was paying attention you guys you guys started getting like early when i saw one of the foot on blind uh i definitely got paid i got paid like 100 bucks and then it went to 300 bucks yeah i think eighth street was one of the first ones to like start paying like maybe ams i think i skated a lot with ocean howl back then a ton and i think he got a little bit a little bit of scratch here and there which is cool i would just get packages to sell you know and you know it was always like here's an extra box you know make sure you can like keep doing what you're doing um but yeah i would go down to um i would go down there quite a bit and skate with ocean and mark wyndham and stuff so that was always and that was another like one of those people that like you know i got to the point where i got sponsored and then you know like you're doing your thing in long beach with your same friends and then start linking up with people like that and then you're like holy [ __ ] these dudes are [ __ ] serious like not serious at skating they're having a good time they're just so [ __ ] good you can't believe it and mark windham was light years like oh my god if you watch some of those old blockhead parts you're just like holy [ __ ] switch back big spin down a force there to start a line in 92. like you're just like what what's going on so i skated with lottie quite a bit back then because lottie would come in with ocean and like go skate and we'd go to carlsbad elementary or like one of those places those three were ahead of their time big time yeah man it was cool mark made such a crazy quick break out of skating he was just clean break never saw never saw him again mark wyndham dusted what's he doing now i honestly don't i think he went to seminary school and he moved to the midwest and maybe became a pastor or something like that crazy but like i just remember he was gone like one day ocean was still on birdhouse and like doing you know thing but that's right mark was gone big fan random question when did you guys start seeing contracts come into the situation skateboarding like with like writing for people i had a contract when i turned pro for santa cruz okay it's always the hard goods ones are always so loose yeah it's like a um a nod where it's like if you want to get off you can get off and if we want to kick you off we can kick you off but here's how much we're going to pay you so you know like yeah it's pretty i feel like it's pretty loose on both sides you know like if you don't well they just want to if you do quit they just want to sell their sell your boards exactly that's it yeah and then back then i mean our boards are coming out every two months a new board so i didn't even get a chance to like have a board in a magazine like to promote by the time the next graphic came out like you couldn't even get a photo quick enough in a magazine while that graphic was out before the next like one like that board behind you that that like star wars graphic like um santa cruz board oh yeah yeah that was gone by the time like the next graphic came out and so you're like oh like it was really hard for those places to you know it was hard as a pro to make money at that time because you couldn't generate any hype for a board graphic right right you're just like onto the next one oh we made 500 we sold those 500. you know and you got paid a buck aboard yeah you didn't make over your minimum dude sorry we only made 500 of them and you're you're getting 600 a month so like right sorry so when you first got am to turning pro how long was that uh two years it was pretty fast two years i was on the fast track i guess so eighteen nineteen so by two tony yeah pro yeah um a couple video parts uh actually they pumped out pretty fast video parts um had uh part and troops of tomorrow that was the first video i had and i was like tomorrow early 91 all homey footage um i went out and filmed with ortiz artis was filming filming yeah back then he was doing everything because he's shooting photos he's just doing what he could you know and uh i remember i filmed so much footage with him i was like man i can't wait to see my part it's gonna be so sick like i'm gonna be [ __ ] four minutes long they're probably gonna be they're probably gonna need two songs and then it's like 30 seconds in this like montage and it's only the homie footage i sent them and none of that stuff and i just remember going what the [ __ ] you don't like there were no video premieres you just got the box you got your boards and oh hey the video's in the box i'm like oh [ __ ] everyone come over they're gonna watch this [ __ ] and then like you see it and you're like what happened i never knew what it never i never i do not know what happened to it and you never asked him since i think i asked him at the time like hey man like what happened to that footage and they're just like oh we just couldn't fit it in but realistically this is like the first video i'm in i'm not gonna get [ __ ] top billing yeah you know and like me and i think william's in that one edward de vera's in that one there's like you know um it's all quick it's like they're gonna show like yeah dressing's getting the [ __ ] three minute part dumb [ __ ] you're not getting the you're not getting that part man knox is getting that part like but in your head you're like dude i gave him five i gave him like five minutes of edited footage you invited all your buddies over to have a premiere but then you know the the uh the montage yeah some you know videos weren't an hour long still they were they were like a proper length video it was 25 minutes long you could actually watch that video from beginning to end so anyways yeah so they got part in that video still stoked yeah obviously but like like still like oh hey reality kind of set in um and then uh what'd they do after that hi karate that was the next video santa cruz and sma at the same time um and i had the ender of my only ender i think ender part oh oh what video and hi karate in that one that was high karate you got that yeah yeah yeah i love the names for these videos i know hi karate was like borrowed like yeah they uh like a strange note almost yeah yeah uh hi karate was like some shitty cologne and so they spliced like the the commercial they would like splice that into the video to make it kind of funny that was kendall taking over from um from gavin so jeff that was right when jeff kendall took over as like the tm what year did high karate come out well early 92 maybe late 91 so yeah and then big pants small wheels after that ah okay so how long would bps do you like that name kelly yeah just like he looked at me so you're on santa cruz uh i think everything's going fine but you actually left to go to foundation yep how and why did you go to foundation oh uh hold on big pants small wheels since then i just said it i got something i got something to show chris another what another oh oh used to ride right here oh you have a i got a couple i got a chris in but then that one's a that's a 40. this one's a 42 that's a big ass wheel right here 42. that's a 40. no i used to ride these bro not this look at how weird it looks in your hand though i know that's that doesn't even look like this imagine getting it imagine getting a pack of these wheels so i mean they're they're obviously yellow now but white crispy white wheel that's what i mean you're when i would go filming when i would go filming though i had to bring a lot of those like if you're gonna go do a manual trick and film a manual trick i'm bringing like two sets of wheels for fun just in case i flat spot the [ __ ] right when you start filming your flat spot you're like like and i i i feel like the wheels back then flat spotted they did way easier that thing right there would probably i feel like i would be rolling around non-stop everywhere i went yeah and that's why i would buy [ __ ] off girl and chocolate dudes yeah at the courthouse because i mean they're sending me wheels for 10 bucks a pack of course what was the wheels that came out that you got six wheels yeah they did small real small real small wheels yeah yeah he got six wheels six wheels for the price of four so really good deal but really it was probably like because those this is only a tiny amount of urethane you're not really selling it doesn't really it doesn't really cost as much to make those wheels for sure 42 millimeters 101a oh my god yeah those are tiny those are really small yeah man there's there's collectors out there that have full sets of those things i'm sure it's crazy wow yeah it's riled i only get kept for some reason i had had a couple still left i love it well i had the chris sam one because you know i'm gonna put this little star wars one that's kind of sick so yeah i got uh let's see uh you know turning pro also was just kind of like a a thing like you just hey you want to turn pro like hey there's a contest in venice this weekend kendall was like maybe you should skate in it and i was like pro contest are you telling me you want me to skate in the pro contest he's like yeah you like i had one enough am contest by then that like i was like okay he's like yeah there's nowhere else for you to go like you should just skate the pro contest and because you're a contest guy right you were definitely the contest yeah i knew how to skate a contest i liked it i like i didn't like and that's not like the competition i liked uh i like skating the course by myself for your run a lot of times yeah like you could just kind of tune it out yeah turn it off yeah it was like it was fun it was i just it's a cool challenge you got your own skate park to you well you know what from watching all those contest videos all the nsa contest videos that we grew up watching oceanside 85 the 86 one was the banging one because that was the one with gonz where he [ __ ] killed it killed it and we would watch those and then we would like set our jump ramp up and set our flat bar up and we would try to like figure a run out back then for in the drive you know in the in the street like that we were at and so i i don't know we grew up doing that like it was fun so i feel like it maybe just half-ass prepared me to skate contest cause like oh i can put a one-minute run together without falling no problem like let's make it happen so um so yeah i like one uh i won a couple quarter masters the am ones and uh the shop one i think i got first and um castle finals you know in in like turlock california i won i would always do well in 16 and over it was like me and kareem uh all the other dudes had turned pro by then the first am contest i skated carol howard bertino costan uh baby mark johnson it was all is that oh um oh my gosh san diego uh murphy canyon so it was like you i have a couple of runs on tape and you're like miracle mangum you're up next fabian elmar get ready like but it was but there were so many like mcnatt killing it back 360 tail grabbed one foot over the hip and i was just like what the [ __ ] and so but those dudes turned pro pretty quick after that so then the castle guys left was like me kareem daewon would always win 15 and under amazing always and so um yeah i remember winning that and i think um russ pope and berto both like put in the word and they were like hey he's kind of he's kind of like he's done he's done the am contest thing like you should just throw him in and then you can figure it out after that so skate of the venice one um not the one in the parking lot right next to here yeah but the one that was at the beach that was in ended up being questionable some of the footage uh javante trey flipped over the really steep hip yes um maybe there was a car there too they were just getting the car okay wait a minute i never realized in the uh is it the santa monica or venice park in one of these guys like on the beach it was on the beach it was like on the beach i think i realized that that was there yeah that was there solomon won that was the uh he you know first dude i ever saw do like nollie backside flip on a bank switch nose manualed a like filing cabinet he was so [ __ ] good um yeah it was it was shocking i remember skating in san jose you know because i would go up there a bunch with santa cruz like oh go skate with like jason adams stay at spencer's house whatever and we went skating with solomon one day and he was skating the whole play you know we skated to the market and skated somewhere the whole time he skated switch he never once skated regular footed and i was like oh this is weird and he was just starting out like learning it but he like focused on it he was like i'm gonna learn how to skate the other way so he like months of it like that and i was like that was dedication because we would try to do switch tricks oh switch pop shove it but then we'd go back to like yeah our good [ __ ] you know hey you don't want to look like a sucker he didn't like he was [ __ ] good at it right out the gate but he looked comfortable like that's how he looked so comfortable at it did people look at switch back then like it was kind of whack or weird no no no not at all no no you just wanted to look good on your board yeah yeah you just wanted to look through that and and styles were kind of sketchy you know we were i mean dribbling flips on the ground and stuff so like as good as you could do a regular you knew the switch one you did was going to be even worse and so they didn't look at it weird you were just trying to innovate it was just innovation yeah yeah you're just trying to learn new tricks constantly like yeah i would go out at night and like try to learn a trick every night i skated like a new trick like oh like i can do blunt slides like maybe blunt side to fakie nose grind tonight and you get that and try to get dialed and you're like oh next next night i'm gonna do switch blunt slide switch multiply big spin pop shove it nose blunt big spin you like whatever like take it to like the [ __ ] way too extreme and and you know yeah driving it down to the ground yeah so did you you felt you were ready to turn pro i i guess i remember just thinking like i could skate a pro contest okay like i mean i've skated with a bunch of those dudes in am contests i could skate with them in a pro it wasn't really about the video parts is more about the contest or was it a little bit of both contests were just a bonus i just like had fun at him and i was like cool i never thought like oh i'm gonna do good i'm gonna like make my career being a contest guy there wasn't really any money in contests and there wasn't any money in being pro either so you know i i just kind of just was going like cool i can do good at contest and if they think that's cool then all right i can do i'll do that there were dudes that just didn't skate contests and were doing videos but it still had that like it was a little bit of that like hey you still gotta skate a contest here and there and you gotta kind of do good the nsa am finals was like a big deal if you made it to the m finals and i worked my way through the regionals and the whatever qualifiers and got to the am finals so that was always like okay cool like you made it you're the top of the top like you made it to houston you flew they flew to houston to skate the am finals and maybe matt pales won that one oh matt beech killed it met pales um yeah it was so you got there so then i think you like check all the boxes yeah and then they're like oh what's next like it wasn't like the one defining video part but i definitely had like three parts so i guess i did something why the move from santa cruz to foundation so i skated the venice contest and got like 10th okay and then the next contest after that was encinitas at the at the ymca and uh a one somehow [ __ ] won the contest won it yeah okay the like street finals perfect there's 125 pros in it [ __ ] what yeah it was [ __ ] crazy what tricks were you doing do you remember what tricks i couldn't remember my line yeah what would you do of course you could remember yeah back tail back tail off the transition onto the box knows manny to turn around because that was the always the go-to but was it the nose manny to turn around and then turn around again no i just went to fake it because then it was half cap flip after uh yeah i like i still love that trick the man i turn around at the end yeah oh uh yeah i think um i definitely saw like henry or someone do it and then everybody carol everybody was doing this yeah do you know who i saw do 5.0 to switch crooks for the first time and was like [ __ ] i think i could do that this guy duh what at encinitas at an am contest that we were at and you were skating this like curb high like single-sided box and you were like just you might you might have just been learning them you didn't even make one for sure and i came home i was like [ __ ] i'm learning that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was sick dude do you remember that dubs yeah yeah yeah i mean there's certain this was at a contest yeah but i mean you would do that yeah you would learn stuff on a whim yeah just take it to the contest and try to see if it's gonna work and that was my first santa cruz ad that was the first ad i ever had five oh switch crooks big spin out on a sequence video or no video grab video grab for sure video yeah for sure just making sure yeah that's so right but i remember like seeing you do it and you like just seeing you do it and get into it and i'm like damn that was [ __ ] sick i gotta learn that one spider man i'm sorry but it's so crazy because at that time like i think i'm not trying to say oh i did this before [ __ ] the first person i ever saw even definitely didn't see anyone but i saw um what was that guy did what the guy um brian lottie no bro at the end at the at the pit the pond the pond yeah the pond but before the i hadn't seen that and i had already been doing it and then the video came out so you would automatically yeah you're like he must have done it for me but i was like i did that [ __ ] before yeah yeah yeah right yeah it was a that's it was a trip man it was i did that before i saw it um and then sure enough i ended up uh having a real ad and that was one of the sequences at emb on the block yeah yeah i saw that was after the fact and you know wait a minute the blind line brian why don't you talk about the tim and her headers yeah he does he does it at the at the pond yeah wow yeah that was the first time you guys saw it in the video was that one that i saw him do it before that video but that was the first time tim trying it way before that video came out like i'm talking like a year probably year and a half before that video came out how did you get the inspiration wait so you saw lottie do it or you know he was doing them before he's saying he how did you think of trying that trick i mean dude you do you know like occur by your house and like this would be a daily thing for me to like go skate this curb cross street from my house on sherman way in balboa and not showing away about but sherman way and i'll just go across the street to this little like abandoned like not even abandoned but just building that closed down at five and i'd skate there all day and i'm sure enough i did it there yeah wow you know you probably did a couple of five hotel slides enough times and it like just kind of slid in and just like went right right into it yeah that's exactly it yeah for sure sick wow that's amazing that's funny crazy so you won the con so man being a like knowing how contest formats work and you know being definitely like a contest like organizer now man that contest was [ __ ] up 125 dudes one cut 25 cut oh damn you were you eating and i mean i barely made it i think i was like 22nd place or something like that so like i'm the third person to go and they're like hey it's getting dark because it's taking a long time one run finals one run finals so i'm like the third dude to go and i'm like you know whatever one nose manual [ __ ] turns around like i you know remember that little the wedge um there was like this yeah just like it was it was a no pyramid top wedge uh [ __ ] guy does uh front to half cap lip over it not questionable it was super fun i remember like backside flip over it trick on the bank trey flip over the other way come all the way around a fakie firewall this little flat bar and then and i'm like you know you're kind of in the groove and like oh [ __ ] like i'm kind of doing good like whatever and then i'm like they're like five seconds i'm like oh cool like in my run with there's a there's a quarter pipe on the far side it's got like a little shitty channel and i was like i'll just kick flip like into the channel not like over the channel just like a backside kickflip you know where you land in the channel gotcha i'm going up and [ __ ] tony hawk sitting on the top of the rolling and he looks at me and he goes make it and i'm like it and like [ __ ] you know you're everything you're skating up to this thing and you're just hitting the i haven't bailed yet oh my god like i'm gonna ruin my run right now because everything closed in and i'm like oh reality set in like oh [ __ ] tony hawk's watching me right now oh god and it was the most dog [ __ ] kick flip you've ever seen but it rolled and then it like rolled under my feet and you made it and um and then i remember like hearing like them call off like the top 10 because it was like they weren't going to call all 25 like at the end at the end of the contest they're like 10th place you know ninth place like anyway eighth place costing you know and then it's like top three and i'm like oh man guess i didn't make it man and then it's like second place tim brosh and first place and then they call my name i'm like what the [ __ ] like are you [ __ ] kidding me like how on earth but i rank dinked my way into a win because i didn't bail and like that's how judging was back then you didn't bail you're gonna [ __ ] win and it was a one-run final and i'm the only one who didn't bail and and danny weighs back three over that pyramid into that [ __ ] was harder than anything i did in my whole run but that's just how [ __ ] was judged back then so but solomon judged that contest he was hurt so i remember him coming up and like hey man like [ __ ] congratulations did someone film that do you have that footage stefanotardo apparently filmed it and he [ __ ] recorded over it i think he recorded it like as a fan like with his pops's like camcorder i've never seen any footage of it he's like dude we used to watch that [ __ ] all the time but then like rich caldwell recorded over here or something i was like [ __ ] man that would have been cool to see thanks how does winning that contest correlate with you getting off saying one foundation 1500 bucks that was a problem big ass check i bought they gave you the big check no i got a little check but fifteen hundred bucks at the time was like a big figure yeah the publisher's clearing no and then uh bought a uh i bought a 1970 nova hot rod okay like hell yeah i'm gonna be looking at that ride did you have a car before that i had a shitty ass celica 75 it was i it died at ocean howl's house and i just i called a junkyard and they gave me 50 bucks for it they came and got it like i threw uh a rod in the engine it wasn't gonna work again and so we just like left it the junkyard and i got a ride home from my homie lou he came all the way down to get me but um yeah i remember i did good in the contest kind of felt like all right [ __ ] man i just want a contest like can we get a board going and then it was like oh wait a minute wait a minute this was i thought you already had a board no no i just turned this is the contest i went to venice and then like the next month was encinitas okay won that and i kind of was you know i was feeling [ __ ] good like hey man like maybe i should get a board now because i turned pro and i obviously did pretty good at this contest wait wait wait let me so pros didn't get boards back then not right away you had to work your way into getting a board you're just in the pro contest yeah i just skated a pro contest like you didn't get like like it's cool now i love like the like you're [ __ ] pro like big makeup they make up some cool thing where like i remember um maybe it was the mike mo one where he was at the hollywood park and everyone was writing his board and he didn't notice kennedy kennedy that's just that's just amazing i love that yeah it's cool i think we you got you got a board in a box and you're like who's your board yeah um but which is still amazing but i didn't but i did like they turned you know i remember they like turned someone else pro and then they turned someone else bro and they're like here you're gonna be next though oh you're gonna you're gonna be next and i was like oh man and i remember like at the time i was a little chapped and you know you're you're 20 like you're a [ __ ] idiot right so like you're like sensitive about like we still stuff um we were filming for big pants small wheels and i went to go skate you definitely know the school the santa monica spot um it was a two stare waxed on top rick howard i think did heel back nose no it's called hamilton school uh no no no no i'm sorry i'm not handling mckinley mckinley yes mckinley exactly that place it was [ __ ] great um i went there to go skate with just some friends one day and kendall was there and i think he was with like um maybe andy roy and like someone else the santa cruz dudes were there filming and i was like yo what the [ __ ] man like i live in long beach you guys are in santa monica what the [ __ ] are you doing here oh i remember just being so bummed like and then they're like oh yeah we're just down here filming for the video um you want to get some footage and i'm like well yeah man it would have been cool if you would have called me and so i they were on a film and mission they were obviously like go but it was like that was like my [ __ ] like that was my spot like a two stare and a [ __ ] manual pad like sign me up that was a great spot i got like three lines in that video from that day okay but i just remember like that stuck like oh man like these dudes really are they like down or maybe i'm just like whatever and writing for nhs back then if you weren't in like that zone all the time you're just kind of like forgotten out of sight out of mind yeah because there's no cell phones no one's communicating with anyone i'm definitely skating but they don't know you're skating and what you're doing all the time and so you definitely get get left out of a lot of stuff and i probably should have been more active where i should have been like going up there staying with dudes skating all the time yeah whatever but you know your comfort zone is back home so like you're just skating and stuff so so definitely like um was skating with richard mulder a lot at the time yeah skating with josh beagle a lot of the time and one day mulder was just like hey man be cool if you you should get on foundation and i'd never even like it didn't even cross my mind to quit ever and i was like well what like foundation like you beagle man that dude ronnie krieger that just got on he's [ __ ] sick yeah and i'm like damn like and tony this dude tony brisino was on like they had sick guys it was a cool it was a fun team and i'd never had like i was friends with william and um i didn't know caesar at the time really but like william i got this dude frankie mata on santa cruz so he was like one of my dudes and he was san bernardino guy but like i didn't like i wasn't tight with anyone those guys are down here yeah the donation guys are doing foundation or dad's like i'm skating with them we're going to ramona all the time we're going to 7th street together you know we're going to like the spots they go to come skate at t with me and skate the manual pads and so um you got that thing where you're like well it'd be pretty cool to be on a team with some friends like that would be sick and so i called up kendall and was like hey man i think i'm gonna bounce you know and he's like what i'm like yeah i'm gonna quit like you know these dudes are cool like they're my friends like i skate with them all the time i don't skate with anyone on the team and he's like ah and he was like pretty bummed you know but like of course like and i remember just i kind of knew like to me for me skating was going to be a little bit fleeting like i knew my place like i wasn't going to get on world like i wasn't that good i was pretty good i could you know want a contest and but like my window i knew my window was like pretty short so i'm like i should do something [ __ ] cool with these dudes okay that'll be fun and so um bounced got on foundation they put you already talked to them on foundation like you could get on or you just talk nah he was like i think it was like yeah you're like you're on so like as soon as he told me i was on i quit okay oh i didn't make that mistake where i'm like oh [ __ ] they're not gonna put me away yeah yeah yeah whoops that's no luckily i could have easily made that mistake but luckily i made it in the right order i waited till i got like maybe i maybe got a box or something and then i was like okay i gotta call these dudes you know and that's like a stressful call if you've ever ever quit a team um it sucks never really like quit quit but you've quit yeah thought that sucks man yeah it's really hard especially young age sometimes you just yeah you just don't know how to do it there's plenty of dudes that don't make the call that's yeah yeah that's true just like oh they'll just [ __ ] they'll hear one yeah magazine for one two because i was there that day oh you were yeah i was at foundation when that when it went down okay that's sick let's continue we'll go oh yeah yeah uh and and yeah like um i had probably a little bit of homey footage that we just used for that cocktails video so the foundation video came out like right as i got on it's like hey we're putting this video together you got any footage like we're always filming right my homie videos i filmed more of those than i filmed regular video parts we just always had videos come out with like 508 crew and sellouts and like whatever so we um so yeah we i had had footage like through them i don't even think i had a i don't think i was riding one foundation board in my part in that video it was just like you know some at the end of santa cruz too you know was also weird i didn't ride any of their boards why i hated the concave it was so steep and i rode some sma boards because i was like a little bit tighter with those these like i was tight with jason adams tight with tim brosh for some reason you know it's like riding the other board but then also it got into that time where like riding the other board was cool like yeah i rode i rode apollo diaz stereo board or something like that i wrote a bunch of firm boards and they came out like and i was on sale and put big santa cruz stickers on them but like they were flat and i like that style and you just trade them into the shop trade them at the shop yeah down in zimbabwe try to hide it as best you can and yeah but it's that's that was a strange era so a lot of people are doing it i mean i was wearing stereo shirts and random shirts yeah when i was skating for actual company so yeah there was like an okay time to do that remember henry did uh did the switch flip front tail and he's riding uh oh [ __ ] what was he writing wait switch flip front he didn't okay i had it this was [ __ ] up i was like super proud of myself kickflip front tail first felt like i was the first person to ever do it i'm like i'll kick the front tail i invented a [ __ ] trick the same big brother comes out he's doing its switch on the same sequence i'm doing it regularly and i remember just being like damn i'm so far behind the eight ball on this [ __ ] man wow i felt like real good and then i felt like henry is on just another [ __ ] level but then big brother just doing that like oh yeah they're definitely like yeah yeah yeah but he was riding a mirko boarding that thing there was a planet earth mirko board eminem and it was like henry's riding amirko that was this like the tower it just said henry's right in america they called him out and his big brother yeah that was like it so but that was the that was the time so i do remember thinking like i'm already riding other boards like am i really down for these dudes so i ended up quitting ride with those dudes get a video part um and then took a couple trips um we did like a sf trip um maybe that was like towards the end uh we don't there was a halloween contest at skate zone we went and skated that was [ __ ] sick they built the coffin put that [ __ ] on top of the pyramid that was the night things changed for me after i met tim and then that was it that was the thing that i met tim it was the second uh time meeting tim but then actually like going to like you ditched your friends i ditched my friends yeah yeah hell yeah and went to sam barrog's little uh vacation home in santa barbara yeah that was amazing yeah they all came together i did unfortunately but it was a good it was all for the better of good hey they were still there and they were they were cool with it i mean i'm sure they were kind of bummed but they're like [ __ ] so loud it all helped out your friends when you're doing that [ __ ] right like definitely free product helped everyone i used to big time thank god ron chapman got sponsored i got you know i didn't get free boards i had to pay for my boards for ron but that's like a huge deal when you start getting like twenty dollar boards this is how this is how like by the book ron was 20 bucks for a board it was 20 bucks yep i skated to his house it was like three mile skate had 18 bucks and i got up to his room and i'm like hey man like cool and i'm like i'm like oh hey by the way i only got 18 bucks and he saw ooh well you better go home and get two more bucks than little man and i was like oh [ __ ] and i was like in my head i thought we were boys and then he's just like this is business and i'm like life lesson learned all right i will go but i'll come back and i'm you know like hey grandma can i get two more bucks and you know of course your grandma's like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what do you what do you need to have something but man like two bucks but it's crazy because he would like i would buy boards off him when he was on gns you know by and then he got on world those were the good and he would have but he would give you like packs of stickers with the board he's like here's like four packs of stickers those four packs of stickers are worth like a hundred bucks yeah i could trade those in the shop to get other [ __ ] no doubt so you could you know level level up a little bit but man that was a good those are like those are good lessons you know and and all your friends get to benefit from you getting free product and it's a little trickle-down effect total trickle you know i tried to give away as many boards i could but sometimes you need gas money and you know you're like okay man these this one i you know rob g sorry man like you got to pay for this one 15 bucks this time but like next time i'll get you for free rob g yeah rob g was getting like hand-me-downs from me back then and stuff yeah bro i have 50 sets of like uh terminator henry terminator oh man and uh [ __ ] i think they're plan b blue balls bro i was giving those shits out like candy bro i had like 50 sets of those things you guys got boxes though yeah the boxes that were they definitely hit different yeah that was some [ __ ] man what were you getting what were the boxes like dude i'd go in there and like really i would come out with a box of 10 and sometimes even more but like gang of like clothes wheels for day like dude they had everything so i was like yeah and it was it was all right you know what i mean yeah yeah i remember got to a point where it wasn't all right yeah yeah yeah because that you have so many people on doing it so often that it's like 20 boards 20 boards blank board thing came here that's why they came in yeah because they were like [ __ ] this we're getting hit monthly on some on the budget for that monthly like [ __ ] sponsor spin oh gosh yeah that was i do remember chapman rolling up the year after i went to skate camp i went back to you know hey visiting am like i get to go for free now [ __ ] sweet and he just rolled up popped the trunk and was like skate shops open who wants to buy some [ __ ] and that was like and he'd you know him and jeremy would like and jason lee because that was you know that was their crew they would just compete to see who could steal the motion not steal but like really get a lot of product and they would sell everything and then we was like jason lee walked out with 20 pairs of blind jeans on he would put him on like bigger size bigger size bigger size and he would like where all these [ __ ] jeans out it wasn't just like one particular everybody everybody was doing wow so and you know and here i am like three boards from santa cruz like i can maybe sell one yeah you know like i gotta ride those other two though man i can't you'll get a used one i can't give you a new anything nothing's new for me like you're getting slightly used but yeah those amazing times so let's go back oh the the foundation thing so you're filming videos yeah what what happened though you went back it was quick dude i got i got kicked off what [ __ ] quick i don't even think i was on for a full year wow it was quick i got on at the tail end of 92. uh night skate zone contest like you know we went to that and then um todd didn't give a [ __ ] about the contest and i was like no i want to skate the contest he's like oh we should just bail before the contest starts i'm like we came up here for a contest i want to skate this thing he's like okay like all right like i'm the stick in the mud like sorry dude yeah and then um filming i remember uh oh yeah i guess we got to get into like the beef and all that stuff right like there was like company beef back then like that [ __ ] was [ __ ] real um so and also to add i quit santa cruz and then todd's like hey here's your first ad fakie trey flip fakey knows manny uh you know the spot i like my spot like att like the manual spot that i always skate and um cause i'm like oh i want to do something like no one's done in this ad video grab that trick like cool maybe javonte like had just done it and um he did it way better than me but i still i was like okay this is cool it's a hard trick yeah yeah um and then the logo they put on them is [ __ ] them it's the santa cruz dot that says [ __ ] them this is the foundation it's a foundation ad it's like meet jason's new friends and then it's like foundation skateboards now the [ __ ] logo it's the red dot logo exactly like a santa cruz dot but it says [ __ ] them but that was their logo they actually used that graphic all the time like they would uh salva would use it and stuff so yeah but it was different though no it definitely did santa cruz and now they're using that todd like started a war that i was like all right like now i'm wondering if santa cruz you know like jeff and them were like not blaming you but no blaming foundation made that i had to have known that like oh yeah no no you didn't request but they also weren't going to let it slide and i know like for a fact that that you know whoever was the art director up there was like [ __ ] that like it's [ __ ] you know this dude with this janky ass little company is gonna come at us and like start a war and there was already like this war going on like powell was fighting with world they made the blind graphics and so everyone kind of like did this thing and so um what a time dude it was crazy we were talking to deshawn jordan about the [ __ ] and he he like he couldn't believe it we were just telling him i think we were talking about like just crazy how weird it was back then and he was just like what the [ __ ] are you serious and i'm like yeah that was company beef and dudes were fighting that contest and [ __ ] and it was like it was it was wild but it was wait so real quick you had an ad for foundation that said [ __ ] and that was when you got right when i got on that was my first that was my first ad for foundation okay and actually yeah they gave me board right away like he taught graphic and had a got a board out and um you know i was like that was my first pro model because i didn't have one on santa cruz so i was pro for like i don't know maybe it felt like forever right like everything took everything to it might have been five months right yeah now five months goes by like that yeah but back then times slower yeah when you're that age time is you know it stands still yeah it's slow so what did they retaliate with the uh the caesar sing ad where it was like [ __ ] us and then it was like me and todd with like gay porn oh oh yeah yeah and that was like and i remember like seeing it and everyone was like dude have you seen the new big brother and i'm like this is like santa cruz and i like see it and i'm like god damn like okay like [ __ ] what are you gonna do like yeah you gotta laugh it off like you can't be like oh [ __ ] go up there and kick those dudes asses like no like you're like damn that was they came back with a [ __ ] hammer boom and then i'm like okay that was pretty gnarly and tom's like well i want to do another ad what do you i'm like okay like well i have this letterhead like from like all these team letters that i have like why don't you just use that and do something like that and i don't know if you guys remember the next ad was steve olson doing a trick and it was like on the santa cruz letterhead very official pre-photoshop days and he photocopied the letter took the the writing out and retyped it and was like dear todd hey sorry for the like ads sorry for the back and forth we've seen the error of our ways we started making mountain bikes we're gonna go to start making rollerblades we're gonna get out of the skate game thanks for like i hope you like squashed the beef and i was like damn that was pretty [ __ ] clever too man these dudes are funny man like these guys are really funny foundation's putting out a santa cruz ad yeah no that well it was i mean it was a it was a foundation it was a letter to them from santa cruz yeah yeah yeah and so that was pretty funny too and i was like yeah but that actually ended it they stopped both both parties stopped two shots fired from foundation one shot one big giant shot fired from santa cruz and then they squashed their beef at the same time that this is happening todd's like he runs a [ __ ] ad of chris markovich in a trans world markovich is on 101. todd runs chris markovich it doesn't say welcome to foundation it just says chris markovich foundation skateboards and which he was listen yeah right exactly what are you going to think you're going to think oh he's on yeah they were friends and todd asked him was like hey i want to run an ad of you and i think chris was like go ahead don't give a [ __ ] like you know he didn't really care and so that happened and then wait was there like a photo of him skating too oh it's a backside 180 down a double set it was a [ __ ] sick photo photo yeah it was a good like black and white you know like double set photo that that like that whatever that double set he always skated that thing yeah gns videos and stuff um and so right after that this line of foundation boards comes out through world and it's like me and it's krieger and beagle and it's like buy your foundation boards over here and i'm like [ __ ] man this dude is getting us into some [ __ ] and we're like i'm like what the [ __ ] going on uh that board right there that's the that's the board that was that was my board but not my board that was a foundation board through the world wait wait wait so they just made boards they just made boards for us and i told them yeah i was down yeah i was down at uh foundation like one day me and todd and josh are there and i'm like dude they can't do that right like that's like they gotta pay us royalties and todd's like yeah they probably didn't have anything copyrighted no i mean they could do whatever the [ __ ] they want any old trademark look at it oh and you know what's [ __ ] great about this so that's like hey draw something stupid like foundation would drop that's what that is that that's gonna say that's like at that time yeah that's that's that's how that's how like that's how tom would draw and you know i ended up finding out who [ __ ] drew that not us no pretty [ __ ] sick wow dude and i didn't get that board until like four years after uh jason strooming at skate works had one and was like i randomly was in the shop he was like dude i got this board in the back and i was like [ __ ] yeah that's amazing i didn't even but they used to give it out for free with subscriptions for big brother so you used to get they're legendary i know man that we're like dude i wrote so many of those boards because free board with the subscription to big brother big bro was only 19.95 subscription they would just subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe keep getting free boards you're only paying 20 boards and you get a bunch of free magazines perfect pretty [ __ ] why so dude we were like bombed we're at foundation one day and i'm like dude what's up i like this is my name on a board like we should get royalties right todd's like you should call rocco i'm like i am going to [ __ ] call rocco man what's his number call him up on the phone i was like hey man this is jason rothmeier he's like hey what's up you're making boards with my name on him krieger's name and and beagle's name goes yeah so i'm like well can't we like sue you or something and he goes yeah you should sue me man you should get a lawyer and see me and i i'm like at the time i'm like oh my god i'm in a battle of wits with the [ __ ] smartest dude in the industry right now what the [ __ ] am i thinking like it was like wow like the princess bride like talking to the [ __ ] dude that was like don't get into the battle of wits i was talking to that dude and i was losing badly and so uh yeah i remember hanging up going well that didn't go so you should yeah you should get a little bit here you [ __ ] 20 year old [ __ ] like yeah okay you're right that dude and so they stopped making those and then the next time i was down there the [ __ ] ad came out the mag with richard mulder's ad in it and it was like you know uh fakie trey flip switch back five-o on the um you know it was like a red oh sorry my phone it was red i got excited it was red and it was like a foundation ad it was like our first minority writer richard mulder it was his first ad for them okay but on the back was richard mulder in a porsche waving by in a world ad so he had a foundation ad in the front of the mag but a world ad in the back of the mag in the same [ __ ] issue yeah because rocco owned the magazine and richard quit and rocco never told todd hey you should get me a new ad he was just like he's quiet take his ad money and when that and dude tom was so [ __ ] mad he's like [ __ ] i [ __ ] you know because he didn't know richard quit he never called him so he didn't find out until the match came out he never called and he's like i spent three thousand dollars on this [ __ ] head and he was so mad i could imagine he was pissed rocco was loving it yeah yeah he was probably laughing oh yeah he was just just turning the pot man he's just oh god this is all some of that stuff is so genius it is you can't think of that like no who comes up with that no that's genius oh you're about you're on a magazine make sure you don't tell him that this ads in there like don't don't tell him to get a new writer on that ad just leave it let it ride and saved it towards the end it wasn't the beginning is that the end yeah yeah oh yeah let's see yeah last last page flipping it like he's waving by i was like and it was like no hard feelings todd it was like oh it said a bunch of [ __ ] in it wow oh man so funny but wait you said you you went back to santa cruz i got the so oh you got kicked we took a trip we took a trip we took a trip up to sf we were filming for um super conductor yeah okay yep oh man ronnie's part in that part that video that was like when you like really like knew like oh my god ronnie krieger is the best [ __ ] skateboarder out when you saw that part but anyways film for that part and uh we took a trip to sf same thing like there was a contest in um tahoe i want to say um oh yes it was like kind of snowy [ __ ] another there's another car like i was always a car at a contest back then because they didn't have [ __ ] money for obstacles but a jumper in front of a car like you know cardio like car became a really yeah staple i remember cardio i was like that was one of his first like concentrate like holy this dude's [ __ ] sick okay and i but we were gonna skate that and todd's like let's get out of here and i was like oh man like again like we're doing this like we're gonna leave this thing and this is a fun event and i'm hanging with like you know i'm like kicking it with my friends and at the contest like that was the thing i liked about it was like i got to see friends who i don't normally get to hang out with and so you get to skate with them and you get to connect and so we we go but we went to emb super fun skated met york for the first time we and him skated the whole day skated like um you know the far curb and then i was skating the block and harada was on the trip with us he just got on frank front side half cab and switch flipped the seven switch levels amazing real good we went to hubba krieger no slid no slide big spin uh they're just for fun like no filming or nothing wow and i was like real early early hub hard edge you know like oh wow like yeah 93 hubba so like it was like real crisp i remember looking at that thing going [ __ ] that thing's really big i can't skate that thing like i knew my lips it was tall it was like beyond my limitations even at the time when like i was in like my prime i was like nah i'm not there that's not me yeah that was a weird thing that was like a legitimately just tall mellow ledge it was yeah but it was tall as [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah you like some of this and it's short too so you can't like gap out to yeah cause you're just gonna dink it at the end you wanna like really get it on it yeah sure you wanna get on it like conversion back nosebleed like gershon's kickflip front no slide that's how you want to get on it yes boom right on top slide he wasn't really going fast he just went yeah that was locked yeah he's just locking in so um so we skated that like we went to that trip we filmed and then when i got back i turned in another ad for another trick now kind of [ __ ] stupid to me but i turned in a trick at the same spot as the first ad okay okay but to me i was like it was cab flip switch manny and i was like thinking of like the trick is definitely something no one's done i did it as good as you could i ever could have done it and i was like damn this is like i feel [ __ ] good about this this is [ __ ] sick and he got he was just like really like you're gonna go to the same spot like come on and i was like oh and he's like hey i kind of meant meaning to talk to you and i was like okay cool what do you want to talk about he's like you know like you're on the team but like we went to says emb and like you didn't skate the seven and like it kind of felt like i think you were like going to be someone different like when we got you on and you're not the same dude and i'm like i mean i've always been kind of a ledgey manual guy i've never been a i've never like people were just starting to huck that that right then right questionable was maybe just came out yeah and i mean i wasn't i remember thinking to him i was like yeah i could have done what a backside flip down the seven like i wasn't gonna do anything no one had done at the time you were not gonna do something that someone had done yeah you couldn't just like go and [ __ ] oh i kicked flip the stairs and they're like well really because jeremy ray just switched backs i flipped it yeah so you're gonna look like an idiot doing something basic though and stuff so i just was like eh like i'll go over here and do something hard for me you know and like try to innovate where i can innovate sure and he was just like yeah and he made up a bunch of like really it was a it was one of the most awkward conversations i've ever had because in the middle of it i'm like it's like breaking up with your girlfriend you're like wait a second is this [ __ ] breaking up with me this is because i went down to get a box like i had no clue i went down to get a box turned in an ad which i thought was good and i got [ __ ] kicked off i left getting kicked off like oh he's not in person in person which is how you respect that admirable yeah in person and then i think later on i you know he definitely like was beating around the bush i think it was like hey man we got to cut the budget somewhere because we got to put steve barrett on because he was like a story writer right after that i just like it it made sense to me later on i was like oh okay well he was just like fishing for ideas to say like instead of like well you're not as good as this dude so we're we're gonna have to like we gotta figure out a way to get this guy on right so your 600 bucks goes to this guy so you got kicked off without no no inkling anything was gonna happen no and i remember just like he was like yeah we can keep you on as like a like a um it wasn't he didn't say b team but in my ears i heard b team and i was like i bet the guy said it to him was like like a [ __ ] b team yeah and he was like no not like a b team but just like you know like temporary thing like you don't get paid you're just not going to get paid i'm like [ __ ] you know i'm not going to stay on and not get paid like i'm kind of used to getting paid now i mean even though it's 600 bucks a month or whatever it was so i was like all right um guess i'll figure something out so i bailed you know and um went back let me think i was like you know probably like a little bit in shock i was like oh i'm gonna get some boards here um but i remember like i rode for formula one at the time wheel company yep i had just gone on i had i don't i'm on my first tour with those dudes that was the first tour i actually went on where like i i flew to the you know midwest we drove from the midwest all the way to the east coast skated these contests came back um so it was me bo akita remy stratton omar hassan and we did like demos and we went to a contest we went to the bricktown contest we went to the contest in connecticut at the playground um where cardiel did the padless melon five yes yeah and then um coston won uh oh no duffy one costume got second at the bricktown contest um that was one of those ones where i was like i got fifth and i did not deserve to get fifth in that contest but then the playground contest i got like 18th and i was like i thought i should have been top three so it was all [ __ ] up like over you know i remember like thinking like now i did some [ __ ] in that run and i i got jacked but um so i wrote formula one and i was like and they were like hey you want to get on acme and i was like i don't know if i want to get on acme or not you know like i wasn't really feeling it but i was like yeah i'll go i'll go on a trip with you guys and i went to um they went to back to the city ah okay probably the back to the city too probably that one so went out it was like me and 94. yeah it's like me and clyde oh 93 it was still 93 still 93. me and clyde were in the in the van omar again maybe maybe nandez was in there like young young baby fernandez oh wow and um dude uh there was like a beef with like jim gray and danny way at that contest i know if you remember that oh really jim had made like a board that was like kind of making fun of danny and i remember coming back home and i was like i'm not doing this [ __ ] [ __ ] again i'm out like so i was like on and you know sorry for the gym like i was on for three weeks and i was like i'm not doing this again like no ad no nothing i didn't get paid i'm like he has not to pay me like i'm just i'm just gonna i'm just gonna be on nothing like for a little bit and then i'm like really gonna pick and choose what the [ __ ] i want to get on because because i again like i'm conscious of like i don't have a big window and i'm like you know i'm not like the main dude so i probably got a good couple of years left i want to like get on something fun and and you know be on like shoot for the stars a little bit some of your enjoy totally so i was like hanging out at giant a lot and i was like i wonder if i could get on um underworld element it was like just kind of switching to it wasn't element yet it was still underworld element but man like chris hall was the [ __ ] best and like i was such a huge fan of like sky pager and like all that [ __ ] the [ __ ] music in the video i liked andy howell pep was amazing like all those dudes chris hall was like my dude though like i would i've definitely watched probably 1281 more times than i needed to and would just try to poach all his tricks because he was the [ __ ] best and so i remember like and i was friends with andy a little bit oh man i guess yeah this is a good one i met andy at this weird skate camp um there was this there was a skate camp in um hood river oregon okay like random out in the middle of nowhere place i think this is the first place santa cruz ever flew me to okay and it was in 1991 92. this is andy stone oh sorry andy holland howell okay sorry but andy stone was on at that point yeah yeah he was sick good call um but there was this they kendall was like hey man they uh they want you to go to this skate camp and i'm like they want me to go to the skate camp and he's like yeah we're flying you and gershon up there those are the two dudes that like they they like i think they sent a questionnaire out to the kids that were like gonna be in the camp and they're like who do you want they're like oh this guy and this guy because the in the video they're the young dudes cool this camp had everyone at it it was like um lance was there um dan paterka was there pat brennan was there um matt beach was from there so he was there um uh i mean i swear like ricobeceta was there justin girard was there andy howell was there like i'm talking like 30 pros were at this skate camp and then like sort of you know like hood river's not portland it's like an hour and a half east of portland it's in the middle of nowhere but this lady had like had been organizing this and she'd done it like at the school yard every year and we're just thinking what the [ __ ] are we doing out here this is crazy but i met andy and like he was super cool super accommodating and i remember just being like i could probably ask him for some stuff that contest was the first place i ever heard about pat duffy dan i was sharing a room with with patrick and he was like hey man there's this new company coming out in like a little while because he was like dan was on h street but he was like he was another one of those ripping dudes that came and went right he dipped like banging us apart in eight street next you know um but he was like there's this new company coming out that like the guy who the partner at h street is gonna break off and do and he's got this guy that he's been keeping on the dl that he hadn't told tony mag about basically he kept him like kept his footage away and he goes it's gonna [ __ ] blow your mind and i'm like okay i'm like what does he do he goes he skates a handrail in the rain and he does a back lip down to 10 stair hand railing around like [ __ ] liar you know and he goes he backsmiths a kinked handrail and he goes he front 50 50 front lip and back 50 50 this like 12 stair rail all first try and i'm just like he's telling me this and i'm like this dude is lying through his teeth there's no one this good because there's no reference point at that point to like any of this stuff you're like okay well jeremy klein backsmith a three stare in rubber sheep and that was [ __ ] shocker so you're saying this dude does like a kinked handrail and then six months later that video came out and i was like oh my god like i couldn't that's the to me that's like the ultimate like kick in the balls video part where you're just like what the [ __ ] i remember thinking like i just turned pro and i gotta retire yeah i can't do this like right i can't do any of this that this guy's doing you know i'm just gonna stay over here and like yeah skate the three stairs three up three down yeah i'm cool sure forced air yeah i can do some stuff but like what the [ __ ] man like the [ __ ] kink and then through the king and then they're the next game yeah yeah whoo gran feel like that part video days gone's part and pj's part were the three to me that we're just like the mind blowers of all time like you couldn't believe it so yeah for sure it was that was like a super not crazy tangent to go off no no no but i did feel like i knew andy a little bit and i could go to him and be like hey man can i get some boards i'd like to like i'd like to try to get on and he's like cool like let me you know i knew um um pepper was on at times so maybe i had just been switching to element because pepper was on billy and i was friends with billy pepper okay and so um or you know acquaintance is enough to be like hey man can you put in the good word yeah he's like yeah like for sure and so i gave him some footage and got some boards and you know i was definitely like shooting for hire at that point i was like well this is like the best [ __ ] i could get out i'm not gonna send my video to like blind and try to get on with this dude because i just like i need my place like hey you know stay in your lane like i'm conscious of where i'm at okay i'm like oh [ __ ] like that would be cool like this is i could i feel like i'm on the same like kind of same level these dudes maybe i'll mike west coast for them and they got a lot of cool east coast dudes sure getting out like you know send videos to get in boxes and like you know not like doing anything like out of my you know lane like not saying i'm on just like hey like i got a couple boxes and i'm feeling good go to giant get another box and then kendall hits me up and he's like hey i'm starting a wheel company it's called direction and i was wondering if you wanted to get on and i was like yeah that sounds cool like you know because he like buried the hatchet you know like he it was cool for him to reach out i think he'd ask william like yeah you think jason wanted after this william's like for sure and he's like are you sure you think he he's not pissed about that is that a hat yeah and then william's like nah like he he didn't care like he wasn't tripping so um but you know like that's that's a big step like he's like man we kind of [ __ ] you up in that ad yeah yeah but so i get on direction and then like like three weeks later he's like do you want to just get back on santa cruz and i was like that probably sounds like the best idea man because i'm like yeah that's that's that's probably where i should be and so we go skate um the first contest after and it was always like the first contest after that because that was the next place you met up with everyone that's the next place you saw everyone at right sure it was like four or five contests a year you've gone and seen all your bros and all these things so the next one was that sacto contest um i don't know what the park was called back then um i just remember carol backside flipped the pyramid and switched flipped it and it was [ __ ] that was like the things i remember like oh that was that was pretty sick i just gotten on right and andy hell comes up to me he's like hey man i talked to the team dudes they're all down oh and i told him i go hey man that's like the best news but i go i cannot quit another company like i just can't do it like i already quit santa cruz then i got kicked off foundation and i don't want to be that dude it's like doing doing doing i'm like i'm kind of like in my head i'm like all right santa cruz out this is going to be my like last one because i just got back on three weeks ago i can't call kendall and be like oh sorry man yeah i gotta quit again like that's what did andy howell say he was like i get it man he's like i i you know it took a while because it was and again a while three months maybe and in that um in that time frame uh like while i was looking for a sponsor that's when uh 401 started so that was the same time so so that's where like my profile was my sponsor me video for andy that was my oh profile yeah the only reason i got a profile was because uh it went jeremy ray i think this is how i was supposed to go supposed to go jeremy ray costin scott johnston okay wow costume didn't have his footage ready and ortiz called me three weeks before they were supposed to do the video he goes can you film a profile like i need you to film a video part in three weeks i'm like yeah i'll film video party so i filmed that part in three weeks seriously yeah and i was like yeah dude like opportunity like so what's that for one issue two or so two yeah wow yeah but at that time like video parts weren't like crazy long no no like a minute and a half well especially in the forward one yeah yeah there was like little like smaller scenes yeah it was two songs but it's two bad religion songs so they're short of [ __ ] so yeah i think that that part was maybe yeah that was maybe like two and a half minutes or something like that i mean that's still legitimate part yeah i felt good about it i was stoked i was writing yeah i was writing just random random boards i think i had a couple like a couple giant boards in there maybe like i said stereo paulo diaz i remember that was okay that was a board i wrote in around that time star wars collection yeah that was the star wars [ __ ] was in there that's probably the like the thing that i probably get asked the most like from skaters of that era that were like a little bit younger than me that were watching and consuming the media at the time they're like oh man i [ __ ] remember the star wars collection like that's so sick you still got that stuff yeah again still got some of that stuff like that so yeah that was like um but i'm my part i didn't have like it wasn't like hey i'm jason rothmeyer i ride for x and x i didn't say any of that stuff no i was just like here's my shoot and i'm a nerd and here's my star wars [ __ ] like yeah you know like that's just what it was but i think that for whatever reason like you put a little personality out there and even though to like the pros you're like oh [ __ ] dork but to the dudes who are consuming it they're like oh like i connect with this dude he's got like instead of just like yeah what's up like you can sit there on the curb and be cool and they're just like oh this guy's i don't get anything out of this guy yeah for whatever reason i yeah i just threw it out there i mean star wars but yeah star wars you still got wait do you still have all this i yeah i traded like two completes and this kid gave me like all this brand new [ __ ] back then oh wow it was like a bunch of stuff in the package and like you know i mean toys we're talking toys yeah just star wars figures but like they're still in my garage just in the package in the package look at you yeah i didn't open them up and play with them or nothing star wars is cool as [ __ ] now though with the mandalorian and all the disney plus shows mandalorian's great man i was late to that party i didn't really i demanded laurie listen i like star wars but no this is the last of the party oh my god i want one sitting i finished the whole thing that's because they're westerns i love it they're a western genre western genre that's what that show is supposed to be it's supposed to be a western show he's so he's like he's the cowboy working his way through the thing all the shows that they're doing for um those different things they're all going to have a different spin to them yeah like if you watch uh falcon winter soldier that it's a marvel show they had okay that's like lethal weapon that's a buddy buddy cop show oh like they're just like so homies busting off each other are they gonna be doing more of that mandalorian type [ __ ] but yeah they're doing follow different people well they're doing a boba fett one yeah but that's the one that everyone wants to see right i feel like that's going to be like the equalizer that's going to be a revenge show where he's just going to go [ __ ] people up right right because boba fett was in the mandalorians so yeah yeah it's interesting we can go you know i love this whole show could just turn into like a [ __ ] star wars show but i will i won't let i won't let it go down that road okay we'll just go stick to skating my son would love you bro don't you trip out on people that haven't seen star wars uh yeah i mean well sure there's a lot i get it like yeah there's plenty of people that are just like it's not for me right right right yeah but if you i said the same exact thing i was like uh i'm not going to watch star wars i got hurt watched oh right and then you're like oh wow then you steered the whole story yeah there's a reason that like yeah they are as big as they are because they're so good yeah little grogu i will say that the mandalorian you you get worried when they bring these new ones on because you're like dude don't destroy this [ __ ] legacy right and then they did a good job with them yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bill burr he oh he's so good i know like there's so many good people in it man like the guy from breaking bad yeah oh yeah giancarlo esposito you know what blew my mind like just we just talked about this like me and that tyrone i blew tyron's mind because we're like giancarlo esposito he's the dude that had the jordans that got run over and do the right thing that's him that's crazy really yeah that's that's the actor he's he's uh bugging out yeah that's him oh you're like wait what the [ __ ] that was the same that's an actor you've never seen do the right thing it's a like all-time spike lee movie oh okay really good like new york period piece from like 1987 like hip-hop movie you know early days like it's just like a one hot day in new york and it just kind of goes through all these characters yeah yeah huh hot ass rosie perez it's a good movie man great movie it's [ __ ] so good but that was the same i was like what he's been around for every so good to everything but it really breaking bad yeah i mean i just first realized uh noticed him embrace breaking bad that's why i first really think so so anyways 401 yes back to the back on track so can we talk about how excited i am right now because i try to check my phone and the dodgers won that game no yes we wore the right hat today kelly yes yeah hey i wanna real quick in the middle of all this you've been a lakers fan for quite some time i've i put it out there he changed his hat mid [ __ ] uh when he walked in he was wearing a different lakers hat yeah cause this one was just like this is a crispy gold pot oh yeah yeah this is a nice one listen you grew up in l.a yeah and that's your team you know i grew up watching the lakers with my dad and my brother my dad would turn off the sound of the television and turn on the radio make it a simulcast that's what he would always say it's a simulcast yeah and god bless chick hearn because he would literally paint a picture for you if you're not even watching the game that's why he was on the radio i mean the man had the gift he was the sound of my childhood literally there was a time when i was like watching a game probably like i don't know maybe 96 97 somewhere around there i remember thinking like because i don't know if you knew this but chick hearn never missed a game right right he didn't he didn't miss a game until he got the flu in like i want to say maybe he missed a game in 98. let's say let's say 98. so i remember thinking like holy [ __ ] i've never watched a laker game that this dude didn't announce they've never watched one without him because he never missed a game from like 1962 to like whatever golden and so yeah man he just and it was just so good and he's just cracking jokes the whole time and and then i remember thinking like i'm gonna be bummed when i don't get to listen to this guy call the laker game so i better like really soak it up and enjoy it but yeah i started watching and when magic got drafted i was like a little kid oh wow 79 so i was six or seven and the first team i ever hated was the sixers because that's who they played in the finals that year yeah and then they ended up beating them and i was like oh my god the first time i ever watched these dudes and they won the whole thing and then then and then they lost to the sixers and that's when i was like damn damn sixers yeah i didn't even i didn't even hate the celtics because i didn't know any of those they get you know they lost seven in a row of the celtics in the 60s and 70s so yeah i didn't know any of those i was i wouldn't i wouldn't look at the history but then i i [ __ ] hated the celtics later though damn you no green yeah but they're like i mean listen you know it's a clippers right the clippers too that los angeles and oh how do you like that and it's like listen i grew up in the lakers you know i have much respect for clippers i go to clippers games i watch clippers like i like them but you know my heart lies with the lakers you know it's it's one of those that's not the same you say you're more of a lakers fan than you are a doc i know different sports but more of like you're saying than a dodgers fan yeah it would go basketball one yeah baseball one a okay not even two but when when my wife and i first started dating i was like i can't remember what i think it was like maybe summertime so i was like watching baseball and she's like oh this dude likes baseball he likes the dodgers that's cool and then like you know baseball season starts winding down and then basketball season kicks in and she's like oh he likes basketball and then like i'm watching some football and then hockey season started and i was going to kings games and she's like son of a [ __ ] this is your round isn't it yeah and i was like yeah you're i'm sorry but i'm like this is it you know but i will like you know i'll forgo i'll try to try to not dominate the tv that much but it's tough yeah there's a lake with ipads what ipads and phones are for now you're like hey we'll watch this movie right now and have the i might have the game on something a little dvr yeah yeah dvr's hard these days with the texts coming through you see that [ __ ] oh yeah yeah what's uh what's your football team you know i was a huge raider fan growing up and i was so pissed when they left when i was a kid when they went back to oakland i'm like [ __ ] those guys yeah so i'm like honestly whoever i'm betting on that weekend yeah i'm i'm rolling with them you do a lot of uh betting on like i've been known to dabble at gambling you're a gambler huh yeah i gotta have something man there you go i didn't i never drank never smoked none of that stuff so yeah got it you gotta have something football's tough because like you said the raiders i would go to raiders games with my dad yeah you know we'd park in people's driveways they were totally paid the money you know they'd be renting out their driveways oh yeah free people to park and then uh they left and i didn't it's hard like who's your football team i'm like i don't like have one we never well they got the rams like that but i didn't even grow like my parents my mom was like we were a football house like yeah sundays was like nfl my it was my i would you know live with my mom and my grandma uh when my parents divorced my dad lives far away lived in alaska so um but and he was not a sports guy at all but my mom was 100 sports person and she loved football amazing dodgers and football yep so they love the ram so i [ __ ] with the rams the rams are cool i like the rams cool they're cool yeah i mean [ __ ] they got a fantastic coach a cool stadium yeah you know they got a guy they just weren't here like but yeah they weren't here what i mean and when they went to st louis i was like yeah yeah screw you guys so same thing like right you know they came back and i'm warming up a little bit take it let's take a little take a little time it'll take a while i'd like that we have l.a team period it's great yeah that's great finally you know notice no one's mentioning the chargers sorry guys you guys should have stayed in san diego they should i i'm actually a chargers fan but they should have stayed in san diego i don't know why yeah they wanted to make that move but yeah so wait they're sharing the stadium with they are yeah yeah yeah same as the lakers it was honestly it remember like i mean and i'm a total sports geek so like sports talk radio and all the stuff it was down to raiders and rams and chargers right in that stadium and it was supposed to be raiders and rams and that that would have been can you imagine like i mean la is a raider town like i know it's they're in vegas now so i know yeah and hey i don't mind going to vegas i've been there a couple times listen for the gambling addict yeah it's a bad place to have a team no no it's smart they're going to have an nba team at some point soon they have a hockey team yeah yeah probably can't play baseball there that's a summertime sport i think it just sucks for the bears indoors indoors yeah you could have they could probably build an amazing indoor stadium for sure they could yeah basketball would be sick but it'd be you know i think the sexual players should be like in that city because it's so wild they said it's way harder for the home for the for the road team right like the when when the when the night started the golden knights started their home record was so good cause dude would just come into town and get [ __ ] destroyed gamble strip clubs like all that stuff and then come to the game and they're just like zombies yeah thanks to constant for not having enough footage or i had you know his four tricks that he probably had filmed by then were a lot better than my [ __ ] but i snuck in there no opportunity man like i know hey kelly hit me up and he was like hey you want to do it i'm like no problem let's go i'll do it yeah opportunity you've got to take it got to answer them um so yeah 401 came out same time like i said that was kind of my sponsor me video for andy right um and then but santa cruz i came back back to the motherland they give you a board right away bored right away right that little hey star wars board behind kelly that's the star wars graphic pre-licensed deal yeah you know just snuck it in i'm like hey can you give me like the the rebel logo off the helmet in like empire when he's like you see the snow speeder and you see the red helmet and they're like cool we can do that so yeah now it's more easier for people what's that but by the way that board if people can't tell but it is flatter than anything on this planet it was a lot better than the boards i left with and now i came back and i was like yeah this is the [ __ ] right here you guys finally figured it out so the relationship with santa cruz was great after you came back yeah and we had a cool team and and i was those dudes were great like that was a fun team caesar excuse me william nguyen yep um who [ __ ] kills it right now i don't know if you guys are paying attention to no dude he is so good william nguyen yeah he was like he took like some years off like i don't know like playing tennis or something like that like as an adult you know and um you know got back into skating and he had a uh they did an edit on thrasher he had like a full part on there not too long ago i give him shoes you know he's on rothfull over new balance yeah and so you know hey look sometimes and uh but man he's murdering it now he's so so good to see that yeah that's cool i just like seeing people get that like it's not like a second win but it's like you know you get that like henry sanchez is doing it right now yeah henry is killing it yeah like the hardest manual tricks that i'm like shocked that i'm like oh man i think he might be like in water he's drinking oh yeah yeah he might be here yeah i questioned that first and i'm still questioning it but dude manuals he's doing tricks these are like nollie 270 switch front nose oh the hardest stuff yeah yeah back one 80 50 files henry's on tyrone flow i love that oh yeah he got in he got nbs from tyrone i mean you didn't flow from tyrone you're doing something yeah yeah tyrone hates everyone yeah error too but uh okay so santa cruz is going along right yep now what happened because later on you started your own company i didn't start it started end up riding for it oh yeah i wrote santa cruz out um what did we do um maybe nah tail end in 93 i was it's so crazy right foundation yeah it was like it was nine i think it was nine months that's insane it's like november to like may or june that's got the boot yeah like damn did it feel like forever felt like two years or something like that it feels like so long right there is like a i've heard people say like the philosophy of like that that time isn't a constant right that it is dependent on you know what age you are um so when you're a kid time's so slow you know in the middle like time like now like time's going by [ __ ] quick i mean big time and then and then as you get older you know it slows down again it slows back down again so right but but man i'm telling you those that it was slow it was felt great though because sure everything felt tricks were happening so fast it was such a crazy weird innovative time like it was going fast but it was all slow yeah but it was strange though i mean skating at that time look at like um let's say 89 to 93. that four year block of like 10 you know 89 was like tail into jump ramps um a little bit of haul yeah like maybe maybe like catch a guy doing a street plant here and there and then 93 it's like dudes are hitting handrails crazy tech stuff tray flip no slide down you know hubba tricks things like that not down the hubba but like a small hubba yeah and um take a four-year block from any other time in skating 2000 to 2004 it looks exactly the [ __ ] same yeah you know look at 2015 it looks i mean skating doesn't really look that much different you're talking like it's so much like shapes and [ __ ] oh my gosh holy [ __ ] like you know [ __ ] yeah the boards were skinny and giant wheels and then like all of a sudden obviously we rode some crazy [ __ ] now like the little tiny wheels and uh why did how what what sparked the whole little wheels thing just making your board as light as possible okay and uh honestly like light as possible low to the ground a little easier to do flip tricks when you're low the ground yeah yeah yeah i don't know if it was slowing it down so much because i mean you know some dudes were creeping but i felt just yeah we just had to push a lot totally yeah there's like you can go skate because they can't go too fast yeah you just go skate pioneer banks you're pushing your ass off to get over those hips for days you know and you're gonna like you wanna only the fence at seventh street oh my god i better hold the rust in there was no rope pools no man you had to really push eric rix probably had to push his ass off for that late 360. but uh yeah you know um i think that's what it was it was just it was low to the ground i remember going back to solomon too for some reason he had the lightest board i'd ever seen he would like two bolts on every trick every truck diagonal just two though that's what i used to do and then he would like have like shave down no washers on his tr on my on the on the axle nuts okay no washers ever he might have gotten rid of one of his his kingpin washers okay like just straight to the bushing i remember just thinking like he's like yeah that's like the lightest board and i remember something like wow what if you break up one bolt one hole in your [ __ ] boat your whole session's gone you know you don't carry like hardware with you that was a crazy setup i used to do the two bolt thing but i heard that when i was back then i heard it it came from sf it was like all the sf guys were doing the two bolts and i was like weird yeah look cool you started dabbing they look cool don't don't poke the holes through ah yeah you could only see two yeah and then i started doing the three uh-huh start doing three bolts yeah i still ride a really low truck though oh yeah i wrote it right now stage eight 139 low which they don't like it was just a low like it was like uh i think uh constant had a pro model on uh when he had an indie uh low it was like a indie low 139 it's just a low it's just like low to the ground the low now is a little different so i got stuck riding that truck and wait so you just have like this back stock on them i do now i i i tried to like i meant to get a box and i'd like oh man like you know okay skating curbs i mean i'll what i end up grinding through is the kingpin it'll i blow the like um the pivot cup and the washer will just fall off and then the bushing will just fall out so when i really grind it down when you're skating doing enough like whatever curb dance and [ __ ] yeah um so then i was like oh i need to get a box and i'll call up um andrew cannon get a box and like andrew's like oh we don't we haven't made that truck since 2008 and i was like oh [ __ ] you know and this was like four years ago five years well i think that might be a problem because that's like the really and i tried to skate another one and i like rocket kick flips i'm like oh no i can't lose it that fast i need to get back down to the ground so uh i called up eastern skateboard supply first i started calling i was like oh whatever i'll go to socal skates or someone like that that has like a lot of trucks and hit it up from them no we don't have any i'm like i went to ccs or tactics or something like that and they didn't have any on there and i was like oh no i'll hit up eastern and then um the homie there was i was like i'll send you shoes if you can find me some of these trucks he's like we just did inventory i have three of them i'm like three sets he goes no three trucks i'm like three trucks will get me by because i my front truck wasn't that [ __ ] up so i'm like okay that's like that's two cents and then a couple of friends throughout the like throughout the years fab bob he he was like hey man i'm at the shop right now i found those trucks he was at like you know some shopping that he's going to as a rep and so he got me some i went to um i think it was prestige and boise they had two sets i was out there you're hunting them i was up there for the x games i got like nine at home now i think that's good to get me until i'm seven that's a good yeah 70 years old that's good i'll be chilling with that many trucks especially if your front truck wears out quicker than your back or vice versa you could just put a new little well you could just then you could frankenstein the trucks also yeah i think i'm i think i'm gonna be swapping parts out and stuff like that so the senator cruz thing yeah what what what what i just wrote it i just wrote it out it was coded out yeah we did like uh you split amicably or was it just kind of well it was cool like i mean i got like a a smooth boot so it was it was a boot it was but it was like it was very it was very nice like hey man uh kendall told me in like let's say it was june he's like december is going to be your last check you're going to get two more boards we're going to let you go in december you should probably like start lining something up okay and so um how old were you at this point this is super funny uh you think 24. and he's like hey man probably should start winding it down you're getting a little old yeah yeah and i'm like 20 24 i don't feel old but i i guess but you know his era yeah they were way done by the time they were 24. yeah and so he's coming from that era where it's like yeah you got to wind it down and i mean you know i'm like i said i'm realistic about it like that was like welcome to hell 96 oh yeah yeah yeah okay i'm not i wasn't doing that right you know i'm not that dude like it my kind of skating kind of came back a little bit later on but right right i didn't i was never going to bridge that time gap where people were going to keep doing stuff so yeah we made a couple cool videos so i did i did good another contest i got second at slam city jam so you know the first one they did that was fun sick got 500 bucks turned it into 1200 bucks at the casino that night though look at this guy yeah what are you what do you play at the casino back then it was just strictly blackjack okay that was just like blackjack you know nicole kino no i play um i played poker for a long time i like played a lot of online poker played a lot of live poker a lot of cash games and then i got stuck playing stupid video poker oh but there's like it's like a math element to it like there's certain games you can play that have like a certain ro pay table and so you're kind of like seeking out certain it's like they call it like advantage playing okay i play that a little bit probably a little bit too much but yeah i get some freebies in vegas here they're in here free flights and [ __ ] like that gambling here yeah um james craig just did that world series he was just playing i was just getting updates from a man he did all right he came close to cashing but he got bumped out um he got short stacked and then he just when you get this when you get short you just got to shove it with with any ace he got he got down and then his buddy robbie d was in and um i think james's father-in-law made the cash he actually cashed in that tournament it was one of the tournaments it was a 1500 buy-in one oh there's like 67 tournaments in the world series so you can go there and like play a bunch of you know a bunch of ones and how many people were in that one 20 oh i checked it was like 2 700 it was a grip oh wow that's a lot of people yeah you're talking like multi-day oh it probably went for four days you know or something what's the cut off like when you know pay table on a 2500 person tournament would be around the 600 place okay maybe yeah you'd have to you'd have to get through a pretty good chunk of the field to get paid and that first pay if it's 1500 to enter you're going to get like 2 300 on your first first pay so you get your money back plus a little bit of profit but you got to work your way into the final table to really get to that november 9. yeah but i mean that you know that that final table probably was six figures well into it easy yeah it's good it's good money yeah that is good money man yeah so what happened with the senate so you got it so he said this is your last board yeah you're done totally and uh got um you know so he's like he's like you maybe you know he's like he goes like maybe team managing you know he was like giving me advice and it was like we were friends by then for sure like the first time around where i was young and i didn't know what was going on i was cool with kendall after that and he's awesome um so yeah he gave me you know he's like maybe maybe find a small company to ride for and so i was like i remember like hit up i don't know who else i hit up right after it because i went i went back to work at the skate shop after that oh you did i always like like the first job i ever had was a skate shop i worked at zimbabwe right out of high school before i got sponsored maybe like oh maybe it was maybe it was actually right when i got sponsored it's like you know gotta make some money hey can i get some hours to shop you know work two days a week in the middle of the week and then um you know do my thing like you know am or whatever sure and then oh like i'm pro i'm making money so i don't need to work at the shop now so like got kicked off and like went back to the shop zimbabwe had turned into marges at that time okay do you remember who worked at marge's when he was on your show marge's well i know uh shane heil me and him you and him ran the shop together okay oh wow yeah and it was like [ __ ] hilarious working [ __ ] i would show up on sunday to go to open the shop and people would roll up and they would be like hey man why the [ __ ] were you guys closed yesterday and i'd be like what do you mean why were we closed yesterday it was saturday and then i would shane and he'd be like oh man i couldn't i didn't i was out doing some other [ __ ] like i'm like you can't just [ __ ] not come in like tell one of us dude so it was or i would come in and we would have like 30 same was like living with the owner at the time yeah he was living with john it's like so so [ __ ] good at least the owner knew i know yeah i don't know if you knew that yeah i was like hey man like the [ __ ] shop was closed i would have worked like i would have came in like i'm sponsorless right now i need like whatever i can get so um i remember we had a cash drawer it was like 35 you had to leave 35 dollars in it and change like you know 20 you know or maybe it was like two tens and five and some change and whatever you had to like 35 bucks you had to leave the next dude some money yeah so that he could make change for whatever was going on at the time yeah you know whatever and they were but we would also pay ourselves in cash because it was just like you got 10 bucks an hour under the table right take it out by whatever you make and you work for 10 hours you got 100 bucks whatever and you take it every day you were there yeah you would just take it out at the end of the day okay but if like you know i mean a skate shop in 95 that was this 96 um wasn't making so much no shoes back then you know like soltec just started not everybody had a shoe account and even if they did it was like scraps you weren't like selling a lot of shoes it was just just before shoes took off in skate shops and so i would come in sometimes and be like bone dry i'll be like shane man there's no [ __ ] money anything he's like i'm had to get paid and i'm like i know but i can't i mean people would come in and be like can you come back with exact change to get your board like wait i can't give you anything back and so that was tricky that shop got put out of business because the huntington skate park opened up the one next to the high school oh people are selling [ __ ] there jason dill would sell boards for 10 bucks a piece wow 10 bucks we would tell them like dude can you just come into the shop we'll buy them for 20. right and i wasn't running the show i was just working at the shop but i was like hey man everyone's coming in for grip but that's it we're selling five dollar sheet five dollar sheet five dollar sheet this ain't gonna last and um but maybe then like everyone was selling boards to that park but for sure he would go get those 20 more packages and that was a quick you know 200 bucks oh yeah for sure for sure plus like you know that's kind of it's fun to have that clout yeah like you don't want i can understand like i could go sell them at the shop for like 15 or 20 and they would take them but i could also go to the park and that's kind of [ __ ] cool feeling hey man like totally got some boards yeah a little crowd around you yeah that's just kind of open the trunk up yeah yeah those dirt cheap prices though that's not cool yeah so someone hit me up um it's cool for the person buying it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure that you should be tim you always come and [ __ ] the game you're [ __ ] up the market oh yeah yeah like tim might sell these [ __ ] for 25 bucks why are you selling for 10 bucks oh yeah dude yeah you're screwing the whole curve up man yeah that's what it was like at skate camp too when you sell them for a certain amount of money at like you know when you go to woodward you go to visalia and sell and then someone would come and just [ __ ] ruin the whole thing you're like dude well man he sold it to me last week for 15. you're like yeah and that's when you could have probably really come over you dude you could at skate camp man because all those kids had money yeah yeah that was and they were captive audience they couldn't go anywhere yeah you had to get a [ __ ] board if you were like you know you showed up to woodward and you got like a big santa cruz would send me big packages when i would go to camp and it would be like ten dollar shirts twenty-five dollar boards and yeah [ __ ] wheels and they would buy big-ass stickers off me you know like sure nice come up bro yeah that was those are good those are good those are fun come-ups but it was um steve sayas uh also from long beach yep so chapman size like long beach legends um he hit me up for a company he was um starting called nation he was starting okay i thought you were part of it but i was just a tm he was like hey i want you to like be a pro and you can run the team with me and it's going to be out of this it's out of cincinnati this dude's starting a skate magazine called strength so that's going to be like his in-house brand he's gonna it's like you know for all intents and purposes he was making a sort of little big brother play he was making a magazine he could control his content he could put as many ads as he wanted to and he could sell ads in the magazine and he could do a board brand so it was cool and you know and i was like perfect for where i was at because i was like okay cool i can make some money as a tm and still have a board out and you know that's cool so um so yeah we had uh rob g was on stefanotardo was on wow um james riff was on damn panama dan ended up being on after i was off but he was on like right he was he i think he was getting bored while i was like there um i got jake brown his first uh work visa going through that like back that whole process like talking to a lawyer and like hey like what does he have to do oh he has to like show that he's you know like damn getting you know this and so um yeah it was a good it was cool it was fun squad we did a couple tours um tuan was on no way one wasn't an ad tuan was sponsored was sponsored his brother was better than him yes but tuan had a mean front feeble and a good ass front crooks he did have a good front crosstalk this is ton win win filmer yeah fulfill the dream shorty's filmer he's he was um so we we did a uh we did like i think they took those dudes on their first tour like we did like rented a van went across country all the way to the full east coast like we went from long beach to boston okay this is like a month long tour yeah we went for days nation tour 96 nation swan loved it he thought it was the best and he was [ __ ] stoked we drove we went to woodward state for a week there oh wow yeah it was cool man it was it was good it was good times and like get those dudes a little taste of like road life sure rob g was on the tour and he was writing for a nation but he was also on new deal at the same time he was double dipping i was kind of sick and i remember i wasn't even like bummed i was like the tm and i'm like you should refer new deal man that's [ __ ] that's some serious [ __ ] right there this is cool but like this ain't going to take you anywhere right as much as i wanted him down oh malcolm watson was on a trip watson yeah how come hey that's one of the best dudes ever dude he was a very skate camp heavy guy i felt like yeah he did because he was a hustler yeah yeah he would stay out he would stay at skate camp and sell [ __ ] he would maybe he would make his own boards he would make his own swiss bearings uh what he would he would get this is such a [ __ ] good hustle he would get he found a place to get like the little tube of bearings right right little blanks and they were like 50 cents each so what was that four bucks a set okay right okay and then he would but he rode for bones at the time and be like hey can you send me the little tiny round swiss stickers little tiny ones and they would be like yeah no problem send them packs of those and he would put those little swiss stickers on the top and he would be like swiss prototypes yeah 20 bucks and he would buy like a grip of those bearings and then sell those [ __ ] at skate camp for 40 bucks 16 profit hell yeah and kids are ready to buy [ __ ] yeah and malcolm's the nicest dude ever so who the [ __ ] not gonna buy stuff off malcolm like you're like this dude's the best i wanna he was the king of skate camp back then yeah i think he met his wife at skate camp oh yeah i think so too yeah yeah you know what we used to do at woodward which was i thought was fun we would he like me him like maybe steve hernandez arcade steve hernandez we would play games to skate against each other and we would all represent a cabin so be like they would do it we'd like to do a draft and like it'd be like five cabins like who do you want they're like i want malcolm they're like all right who do you want i want rothmeier and then we would play and whoever won that cabin got like all the [ __ ] like a bunch of free [ __ ] okay and so that was like the thing we would do but so you'd have like the crowd like cheering for like your dude when he would like land a trick we would play a game of skating that was kind of funny but malcolm was like he was hard to beat he was a kid bro oh dude his skating is amazing yeah we're deals like real early hands down switch back yeah he was good especially for a tall skateboarder definitely he had it down his manual game was crazy so nation was cool we did like we did a couple trips um we did uh i did a good trip um so you know because of strength it was like we would do tours with not guys that were not nation it would be like me and like oh jason king was on with me jason jason king of course energy like shredder like so good he was off planet earth on that okay and so um he would he went with us and it was like me um jason king cui jason dill okay and i don't think drake was on it with us our filmer sorry our photographer was patrick odell on that trip no way like 19 year old patrick odell wow shooting photos for strength crazy and so that was cool we filmed an article for 401 we did like a you know it's like whatever it was like later in the issue 20 something maybe or something like that yeah um but yeah i remember that was cool dill was on um he was just at the tail end of 23 getting alien boards all the time we had to stop an sf because he had to get his like paycheck from i think he was on was it ceo that was a wheel company a wheelchair or was it fit fit was the board company ceo was a wheelchair i think he had to get like a i guess paycheck his paycheck was like a [ __ ] rolled up wad of fives tents like this yeah i remember just thinking like that is not a paycheck man and that did not come from some clean stuff right there that is sketchy i do i i love all the errors of dill you know but that era of 23 to 80 dude was so good so good love that we uh he got so [ __ ] mad at me uh we went we had to go uh we did a demo in vancouver so we had to cross the border we did a demo in oregon did a demo in uh well seattle somewhere and then we're like oh i gotta cross the border and i was like hey do not have any weed in the car because i don't wanna i'm the [ __ ] dude in charge and i'm like you know i'm not i wasn't trying to be like a straight edge [ __ ] but i was like hey like it's all on me if we get caught and at the time like it felt like crossing the border across the board in canada is always a pain in the ass yeah yeah i'm the cleanest dude ever and i always get [ __ ] with every time and i'm like dude this sucks they grill you so hard for questions you know and so um matt's super funny like jake rosenberg's like saying like yeah i'm here to film i'm here to work yeah like i would go to judging contests and know no i'm here to watch like luckily i always worked at a company so i was always like oh i'm here to watch a contest and meet with my distributor i'm just here like as a spectator and they're like okay so we're like he's like all right i was like look we'll we'll stop at a gas station you know he just bought a grip of weed like wherever we're at in portland i was like we'll stop at a gas station you can like hide it somewhere and he's like all right cool he hit it like up in the toilet um the toilet paper rolls oh smart it was actually genius like the rolls stack right they come down so he like put it all the way up to the top i'm like cool come back and get it but then the next demo we had was in boise and we did not go back that way oh and he didn't realize it until we were like coming into like [ __ ] idaho and he was like wait a second we just crossed the border i'm like oh yeah sorry man i forgot to tell you we're not going back that way he's like he was so [ __ ] mad i'm like i'm sorry man like oh yeah he was pissed those little stories i wonder like who found that yeah so what happened it just kind of fizzled out yeah yeah it was we just we just uh yeah it was like the i think no i think it was just honestly like hey man like ran this course thanks thanks for the time you had i thought it was there probably two years something like that and then just rolled it out and it's nice time to slide out i tried to get i was on i was getting wheels from washburn at the time so i was getting power wheels and i was like hey what if i get on powell and lowry was on and mike v was on and charlie wilkins was on i was like really tight with all those dudes i filmed a bunch of mike v's parts in the pal videos that he was in like i randomly would film all the time i had filmed like um ocean and birdhouse videos and i filmed like his next street next all the shitty footage i filmed all that [ __ ] that was me i filmed that [ __ ] so we could pick it out yeah you can pick it out that was like all the like the lame bird house stuff and then from uh ravers and untitled that was that was this guy that's amazing um but uh yeah i remember like i feel like v he lived he moved to long beach and so i was like oh maybe i could get on powell because you know like powell didn't seem like unachievable at the time powell was just like some friends and then they all quit to go ride for transit and i was like all right you know what i'm not like i'm not going to pursue this anymore i'm going to have to figure something else out because i wrote i wrote the skate street contest what was that 98 there was like uh you you probably go to skate street every once in a while they had a pro contest really good right ventura yeah i didn't like it but i put a run together made the cut to the semifinals made a full run in the semifinals and i missed the cut by [ __ ] 15 spots like i was like the cut was 12 and i was like out of 30 i was 25. i was like and that was reality like i was like and not the contest of the end i'll be all but for me i was like time to [ __ ] wrap it up homeboy so when you're trying to when you're thinking about wrapping it up is that i mean it's it's a scary moment for any skateboarder because this is what we've lived like you said no no real job totally skate shop stuff like where do you turn honestly man kendall telling me i was too old to like be pro was probably the best advice i ever got because i started in my industry like like roll back right around then you know what i did i went back to the skate shop okay my buddy bob who used to own milk yup he had milk he opened up a shop to like sell off all the old milk products and it just ended up turning into a shop so he had a shop called byob okay bring it buy your own board pretty sick um i was just i was just going in there hanging out you know and i was like hey bob like i don't have any like income anymore if you need help i see that you're working here every day you don't even have an employee i'm down to like help you out and he was like dude that would be great i've never had an idea off in two years so we you know worked ran the shop together shoes that just started soltec globe you know fours are [ __ ] starting to sell you're selling and those were 100 bucks wow you know and like it was it was cool so living that skate shop life like doing that and it was cool like i've always like gone back to the skate shop like hop's like in my blood so yeah yeah yeah um so yeah we ran that and um ended up getting a job uh my first industry job was airwalk as the tm wow really yeah and this was their walk in 99 um rowley uh rude oh the people who got me on were lowry was on brian howard got me on and paul zitzer they were like my homies and they like lobbied like you gotta hire this dude and starting salary was three grand a month i was [ __ ] stoked i was like 36 thousand dollars a year like i was you know you could barely make anything in a skate job i'm like i [ __ ] made it i made it like this is it they got sold right when i got the job and so i don't know if you've ever like been through a company sale but everything freezes when a company sells because the old people aren't trying to spend any money and the new people haven't taken actually over yet because they're waiting for the final paperwork to get signed right so i get hired and i didn't get paid for like four months and so you get into that predicament where you're like three months in you're like well they owe me nine grand and i know if i quit i ain't seen that nine grand yeah yeah so you gotta ride it out so back to the [ __ ] skate shop this is some [ __ ] you know like i had a going away party and everything they're like oh man like you did it and then i'm like i need to kick a couple more hours up i guess like this sucks but they finally they finally did do it but um no yeah i always get paid back pay i did get paid and that was a twelve thousand dollar check and i was like what the [ __ ] dude i mean even though it's like it's back pain but yeah it felt it still felt good for sure it's a big chance i went to vegas and turned that into a hundred grand i did not do that i did not do that yeah but no it was cool but um air walk [ __ ] sucked it was terrible the first thing i had to do when i got the job oh no kick off lowry kick off zitzer kick off brian howard i had to kick off the three [ __ ] dudes who were getting good checks that that got me the job i'm like i have to i'm like you you hired me to be the hatchet man well a lot of companies do how did who is the one telling you this there i had a we had like a brand manager at the time that was just some girl out of business school like just random yeah i think she used to be a pro snowboarder and she got a job at airwalk and when it was in colorado or something at the time annie mack was on like he obviously he stayed on for he might still be on our yeah no i think he's on facebook he rides he wears vans but um he uh but he hadn't yeah he should he wrote that [ __ ] out for a long time yeah so i got i got let go i got let go i guess i got fired whatever i got let go at a contest while i was working for him i picked up bucky lassic from the airport going to vans triple crown cleveland or some [ __ ] like that and i got a phone call on my early little [ __ ] nokia you know and it's that girl shannon she's like hey we're gonna dissolve this skate program for air walk and so i'm just letting you know like you won't have a job after and i'm like you're telling me at the event you could have just waited till like like got home from the event yeah i'm like here representing you guys picking your dude up and then um and bucky's like yeah you didn't hear about that they're starting this new brand called genetic i thought you would have found out about that i did not hear about this man but i guess thanks for giving me a heads up wow oh so they they told him that because he was going there he was going there but you weren't involved no they i was not involved in that wow rob dodson oh that rob dodson i think rob was the tm for that so he like basically they just shifted their skate program over to change the name because nobody wanted by no air watch yeah yeah i got you but guess what nobody wanted to buy any genetics either so that [ __ ] didn't last either i got out that was probably you know oh yeah and while i was at that at that contest i got fired at the contest so you were looking for another job i went over to the bostics and i went over to shrugi and was like hey if you ever need any help judging contests you [ __ ] call your boy because they know and shroogie right away like the next a month later it's like hey we're doing this contest do you want to come judge like sure [ __ ] i want to come judge that thing and so he like got me all these gigs yeah i used to judge uh um castle contest with don brown i would go to like castle contests with the homies i was already pro though okay but like rob g and i'm taking montoya and i'm taking dennis baloo and brian paws and like all my homies they're like kind of coming up and they're like trying to work their way and you know do you know get that shine and stuff like that so but i'm sitting at the contest i'm like oh i'm not doing anything and sonia was like do you want to help judge and i'm like i remember thinking like i can probably judge better than those dudes so yeah i would like to judge i will help you out because i care about like not looking up there and seeing like some dude who doesn't know what's happening because those dudes as you know as they didn't have like the you know pick the litter of judges but like those dudes didn't know what street skating was when we were doing it we were yeah it was it was happening so quick they didn't know what was going on yeah i at least felt like i had a grasp you need somebody everything was like totally and you still do sure you still do i mean we've had this conversation like this we'll go into this maybe you know whatever like people always talk about like oh man like they need impartial judges that don't work at companies right good [ __ ] luck finding that person because you want to try to find someone who like is knows what's going on you have to pay attention to everything that's happening but you don't want them to work in the industry they don't exist yeah it's very hard there's no dude that works at a bank that like knows everything about skating and knows who everyone is well it has credibility they are right the credibility part for sure but there are people out there that died right but you're not gonna know everything we don't know them yeah exactly we can't find them enough they might know everything but guess what can they take a week off to go to brazil to judge a contest in rio probably not right and you can't just it's not just a one-time thing you've got to like do all these events yeah so it's it's really um it's it's difficult to like find that person so yeah shrookie hooked it up he was awesome he got me in started working for a world cup um doing you know contests around me and sinclair bob and john muldoon and we got a crew and we're rolling dice every night after the contest and um there's [ __ ] some good times man and frasier's in there with us and you know shirts are getting ripped off when you roll one two three and it's just all silo games all night is [ __ ] nice i love it dude it was really fun man listen at least you found a nice way to stay in the industry as well and also new balance too i mean you also work for new balance yeah i ran a wheel company after air walk mike v started a wheel company with lowry called excel wheels i remember okay and i didn't excel so like i lasted there for a long time okay till about i want to say 2006. oh it moved to the giant at the tail end of giant like not the giant you remember but like giant had like a little run at the end when it was like bueno giant yeah poppor you know they still had like stereo was in there you're right um so i worked i worked at excel ran the wheel company and got like a lot of i mean that's like you know that's like good experience but team managing wasn't my [ __ ] not well i was going to say that's cool and all but i i mean like as we get older like is that really a career judging's not a career but i'm saying like a wheel right running a real but it was fantastic it was a fantastic experience sure like i ran uh i had to run you know inventory levels i had to figure out like how many wheels are we going to make it wasn't it was in a urethane plant okay so it's actually like an in-house brand a manufacturer so they made wheels for zero and they made wheels for flip and uh they made wheels for sector nine which was like a huge part of their business longboard wheels in like early 2000s they were making [ __ ] completes like you can't believe for sure they were selling so many i mean that company made a fortune yeah i just because i would see all the wheels rolling off and it would be like a little bit of skate wheels and a lot of longboard wheels man someone's making some money but we had our stuff which was in-house so it was half the cost of what you would have to make so you're making you know that much more money because you're vertical as they say yeah you're making it and you're selling it for a true wholesale price so right right which used to be the case back in the day for skate companies totally they used to make everything themselves so i did everything for it i was like sales and i mean i lasted i outlasted a few people and then it was just me running it and i'm like oh [ __ ] i just i guess i'd run this company yeah you know and i was like you know went on a couple tours but uh yeah we had a cool cool brand and yeah you know clint peterson had a wheel and burrard had a wheel and chat children's had a wheel and you know it's like you can give pro wheels to whoever you want well i know like you just said like uh judging isn't a career right but at the same time you are in the industry you have the new balance thing but the wheel i mean the i'm holding the wheel the wheel the judging aspect of it goes back to what you're saying before is it hanging out with the bros going on trips traffic feeling like a skateboarder yeah by doing all this there was definitely like a period after air walk when i was at the shop for like a year and i didn't get to like go to anything and you're like oh i'm out of it like if you're not there at some sort of function yeah you're just out of it and it's like the the new guys know who you are you know what i mean like to meet all the kids and the new guys and that's what's rad it's like you're not just an office worker totally doing a job now you're in it no judging is just a fantastic like way to keep involved in you know sure in the industry really so yeah i did uh did that um 2006 um giant kind of dissolved went away maybe three months without work without work real short amount of time um sinclair hits me up and he's like hey man rla correp just left because that guy did uh he did crew at the time but then super started so he was like he was doing fallen and crew superstar he had to make a choice at the time keep that crew job because crew jeans were selling like hotcakes yeah so he kept the crew job falling job became open and mike's like we want to be a sales rep and i was like man i've been selling wheels for a long time i could i could definitely sell some [ __ ] shoes i could do that and so um that took it felt like it took for a long time to get in the door but i had like chris cole's like in my corner and like trying to tell you know get these guys to make the decision and yes man let's make this happen so but i did i got that job did um fall on it first which expanded the black box with hard goods and stuff and um i did that for uh almost eight years oh so it was like a long time a long time la rep okay um my territory kept growing bigger as the skate industry changed you know um 2006 was like still like gravy train shops were ordering a ton of [ __ ] doing great 2008 hits little financial crisis the housing market burst those you know those fifteen thousand dollar shoe orders turned into seven thousand dollars turned into four thousand turn to three thousand then your commission checks start going down sure reps start dropping off i start picking up bigger territory so instead of like i was i was la to santa barbara then i was inland empire then i was orange county then i was san diego and arizona and vegas but vegas is zappos so you're like oh yes i got zappos like oh holy [ __ ] okay so you're a major so you were surviving doing good like rapping repping's fantastic and i mean back to it like skate shop work yep like i'm just on the other side of it hanging out with these same dudes that i was selling wheels to you know and i mean skate shop life like that's like that's my [ __ ] i feel like that's like the dudes i connect with oh totally i mean we all grew up in skate shops right so we all can connect with that and gate shops are like the lifeblood of everything after black box so new balance started out of black box it was a licensed deal yeah and say jamie probably talked to them i'm guessing his conversation probably happened pretty early you know maybe 2011 maybe they started having like 2012 they started feeling it out shoes dropped in 2013 they told us like hey something something cool is coming i had a couple interviews while i worked there i um interviewed and for soltech but just didn't take it you know i was like because someone there was like hey something's coming down the line and you're going to want to do it she was my sales manager at the time and she was super cool and she was just like just don't don't go do that because there's this other thing that's going to come that's going to be like really lucrative you should take it okay you know luton balance has come up she didn't tell me that what it was yeah and so um i stuck around and then new mel started and but at the same time that was when black box was like taking a little bit of a dip okay and so um it was just really bad timing for them to like take on this like new brand while everything else was taking a downturn you know it was a really big again they got really big and it just it's hard to like change course when you have that many employees and your overhead's that big yeah um and man it was like a great company to work for it was so cool i had like awesome times with jamie he was like great you know so i was lucky to have that like experience of like you know being a rep for that long and then sebastian was the brand manager for new balance so he when when new balance like pulled the license deal out of there he's like hey you're just gonna like come with us survive until we start selling shoes from new balance through new balance and then i'm gonna open on office in long beach okay where you live because i want you to work there i'm like [ __ ] sign me up dude like you're gonna open an office down the street from my house yeah let's [ __ ] do it because he wanted like levi lived there he wanted me and levi to stick around so um ended up opening an office which we're moving right now currently this week we're moving just into downtown long beach we're just moving down the street but sick but yeah it's been uh so yeah he penned me in for that i did the la repping while i was kind of like the de facto sales manager but then once i got like hired hired which was the first employee job i'd had since i wasn't an employee at airwalk because i was paid like a writer which a lot of team managers are you're paid like a single check without taxes taken out and all that [ __ ] independent contract i hadn't had health insurance since like a long time maybe 20 something years what the [ __ ] so yeah i mean i i don't think i was an employee since like i the only job i ever had was baskin robbins before skating that was my only non-skate job i ever had that might have been the only job i had that was like that bubble gum ice cream bro it's a blue ice cream with bubble gums in it it's [ __ ] delicious yeah that's pretty good i like it so i was stoked new balance like yeah sales manager you've i mean you could literally say you've been with new balance since the beginning definitely escape yeah yeah yeah for sure yeah i've seen it even though it just kind of changed hands like that's a deal kind of win it but yeah but unless you get to work with great people you got tyrone you got chad tim tim you've got so many people down there the best of the team best designer out oh jeff mitchell mike yeah he's so [ __ ] good at skating and you know i mean like we've had some real hit shoes because of him totally well he started the skater i mean the guy goes out there he's skating starting with the foyer he's i mean he's damn near pro you know i mean yeah he's guys not only flip back nose blunts and [ __ ] he can do it like he can really do he can go out and test the product yeah and he's got like legitimacy when someone like thiago comes in and he's like hey man like you know i want to do this this shoe and he's going to listen to his advice because jeff knows his [ __ ] yeah so you know like when that shoe right there you're wearing the tiago shoe was that shoe presented to thiago we designed this shoe with him in mind yeah but like this yeah like i mean we'll put it out but it ain't gonna have the same punch if his name isn't on it so you designed but it was like they designed it what if we could get that dude not like and we didn't try to steal him it was just like hey pie in the sky what if we could get that dude what kind of shoe you think he would like well he likes he has a certain look you know he's got like he's got this era look to him you know and so yeah jeff [ __ ] nailed it i mean he's just like he's really good at what he does you know like thiago came in did he make any changes no he was like this is the perfect she's like this is it was like holy [ __ ] you guys did exactly what i want to do that's amazing though because you always think like sometimes a skater and listen thiago's thiago right he is the man skateboarding he is now if he came in there it was like not in i don't like that we could work on something else hundred percent you want to do that right but i mean the guy nails it yeah jeff nails yeah jeff nailed it so what was it yeah what's up yeah we got it oh tiago yeah i mean i don't know that [ __ ] looks amazing it is i i you know working for soltech sometimes you look at other shoes i'm like damn i wish i could just skate that shoe that one looks really that's a good compliment man yeah yeah it's a good look foy's shoe was the first one though that we had that took off like in you know being in sales like that's the first shoe that like first season and they sold through pretty good and then and then all of a sudden the second season came out and they were gone like like gone before like as soon as they hit i had no stock left three weeks after they hit and i'm like oh my god that's that might be the shoe and then after that i like i like had to re-up i know i'm like i'm in charge of um global sales but then i handle all the production runs so i do all the like forecasting and i do all the like i have to you know spreadsheet like i live in the spreadsheets you know and i'm like how many shoes am i gonna buy over what the guy's pre-booked you know do i want to take a risk on buying inventory you know and this last year has been pretty [ __ ] crazy like like i had to do a holiday buy in april of 2020 to buy our holiday stock covered like just hits and the reps are kind of they kind of went out and showed that line but they kind of had to stop right in the middle because i mean we didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on in like mid-march 2020 everyone's like you have to stay at home and lock yourself in your house and we're like okay well how do i have to turn this shoe order in like regardless so what do we do a lot of companies didn't buy right that season they skipped they're like okay well everything's going to be shut down we're going to shift everything our basically our summer is going to turn into our fall our fall is going to turn our holiday and we're just not going to book holiday and then we'll start back up in 2021 and i was like you know what i'm just gonna buy a shitload of shoes for holiday and hope that this all goes through because we have a lot of support from ownership at new balance they let me you know like they give me free reign to do a lot of stuff and that was the best gamble i i mean who's rolled that four five six yeah boom came out came in with a hot hand and it worked and because we happened to have stock of shoes when no one had it and you know everyone else ran out because if you remember april like as soon as everything opened up may hottest month ever for skate shops june even better month like i've got like shops like what the [ __ ] like do i've never sold this many boards because people can't go do sports people can't go to ball games people can't go on vacation the dude who used to watch fulfill the dream every day he's like [ __ ] it i'm gonna start skating again i'm gonna go to cherry park and i'm gonna start learning kickflip crooks again for sure and he went and bought a board and his daughter bought a board and you started seeing like every time i would go into a skate shop there'd be a girl buying a board buying a complete not buying a long board buying a straight up complete and you're like hell yeah like so everyone was buying stuff so everything just ended up selling out sure and shoes were one of the things and there became a little bit of a you know a need for some other stuff and we happened to make really good stuff there's a lot of shops that were like hey we used to have five of them on the wall now we're going to carry 12 year shoes because they have the wall space and they look great too i mean you got brandon westgate's shoe as well you got i mean every shoe that comes out i'm like wow this is [ __ ] yeah that's a good shoe dude make some good [ __ ] you know jamie foy and thiago move i know man those were power moves tiago speaks to like all the dudes like say i mean thiago speaks to everyone but really like like i would say like say the slap crowd 25 year old dude 30 year old dude really into skating knows everything about everything that's like the shoe that that's the the guy that they speak to you know like [ __ ] switch back tail the legend barcelona like yeah that's like the dude a 14 year old kid maybe can't comprehend that but he loves jamie foy because [ __ ] jamie foy is like the dude i don't know why they all just relate to him yeah and he's just out there doing it that's pinch he's just he's just that dude i've said to him too he was the first guy that like i think that like that art that that captured that crowd for us because i think we had like the west gate you know the little kid doesn't understand how absolutely buttery westgate is right but we're all like whiskey he's a dude and you know like so we we got a great mix of i love it something for everyone oh bro and then you got like you know hey like tyler surry like oh my [ __ ] underground destroyers like the best that last part he just put out holy [ __ ] man i've always been a fan of him that fakie ollie from the like it was like an emcee escher oh yeah that's right he went off some weird angle on one thing and went in a different angle another thing yeah he did a um that weird power slide transfer creative as [ __ ] and you got uh well you have two team managers basically levi and chad yeah they're both yeah one trail like you know one dude for like the local trips one dude levi i'll go on international trips chad will take care of all the dudes when they're filming locally it's like you can't i mean you have a big enough team you gotta have like a couple team managers totally definitely man you guys got a tight squad over there bro but yeah the employees have been yeah it's like seven dudes yeah seven dudes and they're all affiliated with skateboarding yeah i mean and you guys do a great job over there it's fun it's good it's a good i mean honestly we run a really large brand like a very small board company that's really how it is because we don't have um like new balance big new balance is involved a ton but they don't like make us do anything right like it's like hey you guys are the experts you guys run it it's a privately owned company so we don't have to like there's no extra waves there's no we don't have to do any of that it's fantastic so these clickers coming through like okay and then you have another guy like okay and because we have grown it to where we've grown it like you get a little bit more leeway every time it's like oh well cool like you guys are you guys are doing what you're doing right and it's working so we're not gonna rock the boat keep doing it so it's been it's like it's great i mean it's all it's family owned so beautiful free range do you go to boston at all or anything like that i mean under normal circumstances yeah we're there quite a bit okay like but you know pre-covered times like yeah we were there we'd do a sales meeting uh once or twice a year we'd go over there probably like three to four trips a year you know sales you would do actual skate sales meetings at the headquarters we would do them during the big sales meeting so new balance is like a big sales meeting just like you know the big nike meeting that like bob would go to or those dudes they go to like these big um sales meetings where the whole company's at and then we would have like a breakout room for like numeric stuff so these guys i would make my reps like hey we're gonna sit through like the presentation of like all of new balance because you just see what they're doing on the lifestyle side on the running side maybe on the base they're huge in baseball you're watching a baseball game [ __ ] every other dude's got new balance cleats on for sure yeah so um we i you know i want them to feel a part of that and then we'll go in and we'll do our thing you know and we'll you know do the breakaway session for the skate stuff i love it i got like six reps you know and i'm trying to run that like like it's supposed to be run because i mean sales is changing quite a bit you know there's a lot less um a lot less reps visiting shops because it's a lot of like hey man here's your pdf make sure you book it this way i'm like go to the shop show them the line like these dudes that work at the shops man like i've known these dudes for 25 years now you know and they're not going anywhere they're the same it's like i don't want to make them feel old but like you know uh trent from cow town dan from escapist nesser like from familiar like you know uh those dudes aren't going they've been working at the shop forever like dave from 35th ave and yeah you know uh tony from 35th north in seattle like they're the same crew of dudes that i've been like selling wheels to you know i'm like talking to you like at a contest or whatever it's awesome so i'm like hey man like these dudes have been around longer than we have make sure you keep stay in front of them they appreciate that they want to see that stuff so so your sales rep of of just north america or just the u.s global because we don't have like an international sales manager so by by default i have to do that but normally my title is domestic sales manager but seven i split duties between international i handle um canada and uh i talked to um we have uh cam sparks who films uh and does passport in australia oh it's amazing so he is our rep for australia so i talked to him quite a bit and like make sure he's in tune with like what's going on we're trying to hire brand managers for each region so that they really know um dave mackey who does lost art he's our guy for all of europe and so um you know we have dudes in place at like all the key spots you guys are you guys are doing great definitely no yeah and there's no denying that it's fun it's like it's it's cool it's a good crew easily the best you know job i've ever had landed at the great a great spot you know all props to sebastian because he's a really really good um hirer like he knows who to hire you know he um he picked me you know why yeah no no but like he got tyrone you know and he got like the right dudes totally he's got nick doing product stuff and he's got jeff and he really like has a good a good iphone so he doesn't want to put it all together yeah and he's sick a puppet master so sick yeah i mean every every company needs one to pick key players i mean it's a yeah dude that's the man i mean if you don't if you've got a bunch like we're such a small crew that you can't slack right there's no like big company like oh hey that's not my job that's this dude's job because there's i've worked at a lot of places where you ask a dude a question and he's like oh you got to go down the hall and ask that guy i can't do it like if one of us is slacking we all know it yeah and luckily none of us do you're not hiding you can't hide in your cubicle and stands it and sleep all day you can't do it what got you we'll find out what's up what's up what's like a cool perk i mean obviously working for new balance is awesome but what's like something like a perk working for such a big brand like is there anything like going to baseball games or random oh man we sponsored the dodgers oh we did but they don't anymore but we did sponsor the dodgers for the first like from i want to say 2015 to 2018. and so um dude our seats were behind home plate what dugout club eight rows back you're on tv the whole game yeah not that that really matters but like hey still like record the game and like okay there i am but the dugout club is like that's that free food below the deck right behind oh my god i had world series seats dude went to uh we also sponsored the umpires so we didn't have those those banger seats i got games during the season okay but like playoffs and world series there's there's a baseball team i mean there's like baseball dudes that are going to get those i get it like in escape guys they're not going to give the skate guys the league championship series seats but we do sponsor the umpires and the owner of new balance is uh this guy chris davis [ __ ] coolest dude ever he's like hey roth like i got you the umpire seats for the world series uh games uh what uh three and four and i took um i took nate kaufman from val amazing and he was so [ __ ] popular we were sitting in empire seats all these big ass dudes in front of us like old umps they're just all oh really and they're just because they're not working the game so just like go to the baseball game and we're up there and that was uh man it was it was the series against the astros so i went to i went to games three six and seven in that series wow three was the um man it was a brutal game it was like i want to say it was nine to eight dodgers lost nine to eight oh and it was like please hit a home run to tie it lucas yaciel oh but then league henley janssen gave the home run up and then we lost and it was a bar but it was probably the most exciting baseball game i'll ever go to even though i walked out like so sad yeah but and then i went with ortiz i went to game six and seven with ortiz wow you could roll with him for a while he was my photo dude yeah ortiz was my like hey i need an ad like ortiz is going to shoot my ad he told me you guys have asked him to get on and he keeps saying no yeah i sent him a message i sent him a message and he put the laugh emoji son of my [ __ ] man he'll come on once again you'll get him you'll get him in here you gotta get it it's all about timing you know what it is it's all good it's all good speaking of photographs though can we talk about your little uh reptile photographs stuff like that what's going on with that you like to go to the desert and shoot yeah yeah actually you know what that's a that's a great photo it's a great photo we put that on the uh bed of a shoe i did some snake shoes are you distinction yeah now what do you do you just you you enjoy photography it's just photography i started shooting photos i got a little minolta in like 1990 1991 but i never wanted to shoot skate photos because i was just like that's just like that's their thing like grant ortiz like i'm not trying to do that i don't want to be like i don't know i mean it's funny cause you had all these filmers on and they would like learn you know jake rosenberg like he learned all these things from these photographers but i was never the dude that was like trying to bug those guys about that [ __ ] so i'm like you know i'm just gonna have a camera and my dad lives in alaska and i would go up there all the time to you know go skate in the summertime and go hang out and but i mean you're in alaska like you're gonna go do some [ __ ] like my dad is like an outdoors the outdoors guy oh okay he didn't own a tv and he wasn't trying to do anything else but like go fishing and go backpacking and you just take us on cool trips so all of our summers for my brother and i um were either when he lived in he lived in oregon he lived in washington and then he just skipped canada and went straight to alaska and um he'd been up there for 37 years but you see a lot of cool [ __ ] up there and i was like man you start taking some pictures of these things because i'm hiking around i'm seeing moose and i'm seeing caribou i'm seeing wolves and i'm seeing all this cool stuff the northern lights and so i learned how to like take pictures of that stuff and learned a little bit of the techniques trial and error with film you know so um right that's just all like always been like kind of a side thing and i haven't always animals and i started shooting photos of birds quite a bit well you're where it started a little bit of bird watching bird nerd a little bit of burden or stuff okay okay and started taking a little bit of trips and then i ran into i randomly stumbled across some photo like some snake photos online and they were like really nice like photos like and i'm like man i've been hiking my whole life and i've only seen like four or five snakes how the [ __ ] did this guy get this photo like it's so amazing and and i was like i really started digging into it because i just sparked something in me i was like how did he get this man i mean so i have like gone to the desert in the middle of the day that ain't how you do it because it's like it's hot as [ __ ] out there that don't want to be out when it's hot but like this snake right here is in the middle of the road what are you doing earlier early morning that's early morning at the right time of year at the right time of day at the right time at location so you've got to it's all like the the whole thing with like wildlife in general you have to go out at the right time yep in the right conditions okay well first your first thing is location you want to see something you got to go to where it's at right and then you got to find out when it's out and then you got to find out what time of year is the best time to see it and what time what are the conditions that are out so you know if you want to go see birds you know when you wake up in the morning you hear all the birds yeah they're up with right before the sun rises so if you're like in costa rica and you wanna go see a bunch of school birds you gotta wake up before the sun rises and then you're going to be hiking until about 8 o'clock and then you might as well just go back and hang out for the rest of the day at the pool or something like that because you're not going to see anything after that because it's too [ __ ] hot okay oh so they're out just because it's not that hot in in costa rica or somewhere like that yeah except for snakes you go to the desert you want to go like that's in that's like on the border of arizona new mexico and that's uh during monsoon season which it rains every day from july to like september in arizona new mexico that's southwest it sounds like it would be hot as [ __ ] in that area but it's not it's like nice and cool the rains came water's out all the animals come out when their water's out and so you know and then in this in the california deserts local deserts you kind of go springtime you can hike and during the day and then if you go in the summertime what starts to get hot you got to go at night and you can drive the roads and find them and it's called road cruising and you just cruise the road and they're [ __ ] out on the road i've taken tons of dudes out i took axel kreisberg's out with burman we went out what like because dane's a australian psycho so he wants to go see snakes and yeah i took him out and i'm like do not [ __ ] pick these razzlenicks up man because i don't want to take you to the hospital i've been with my i've been with a dude who got bit when we were hiking and it [ __ ] sucked we he did what you're not supposed to do he we saw this big ass rattlesnake on the trail and we're like oh [ __ ] taking pictures of it but it takes off into this bush and as it's going in he grabbed its tail he wanted to bring it back out because he wanted to get a picture of it and it he pulled it out and it went back in pulled it out it went back in third time snake was like [ __ ] that turned around turned his head around right when he grabbed the tail it popped him right here and it was a big ass rattlesnake and it hit him right here and i was like all right well we better start walking back to the car because we were like a mile and a half away from the car we're on a trail like out in the middle of the cuts like way out and um and so there's a few things about if you get bit by rattlesnake one thing you do not put a tourniquet on don't like you know people like say like oh you like tie it up stop it to locate spreading you want it to spread out your whole body because if you tie this off right here poison's going to eat all like say you got bit in your arm or your leg you know you put a tourniquet on your leg good luck you're losing your leg because it's going to it's gonna digest your leg basically that's what that that's what that venom does it like digest it so you don't want to do that he also did the other cardinal thing you don't want to do you know like suck it out right but it was just a reaction you know when you get cut and you're like ah he did that and it he went like that and he was like man i shouldn't have done that i shouldn't have put my hand my mouth on that i'm like why he goes i can't taste anything and my mouth is all numb his whole mouth was numb luckily no canker sore or nothing like that if you've got a sword in your mouth and you pulled the venom and it's like getting bit oh your face is going to swell up just as bad as your hand's going to swell up so what happened you guys we hiked out i got his camera bag and my camera bag and i gave him my water like just keep drinking water just you know because he's sweating and i mean it [ __ ] it hurts like it really hurts and he said it was like like putting your hand slowly into hot lava like imagine that and you're like so it's just it's just kind of coursing through your body um we we luckily made it we're on a kind of a you know i mean hiking trail yeah it's like a typical one where there's like a hill here and a small trail and then another hill i was like if you're about to pass out you have to stop and sit down i cannot drag you if you fall down that hill like you're a grown ass man dude like i'm not picking you up i can't do it i'm not like he's just a you know an adult so we got to the car and he was just like he couldn't [ __ ] believe it he was just like oh my god like we made it it was like i i just bought my 4runner it was 2012. brand new like three weeks in and i'm like hey put this towel down right here on the console and he was like thanks man that's like that's like good padding i'm like yeah good padding yeah get that [ __ ] blood off my floor runner man that's just brand new but that's the thing about like a snake bite once you get to like i got to the car he knew everything was going to be fine we got to start driving to the hospital which was an hour and a half drive on a 4x4 road so you know we walk up that long we get to the car we drive to the hospital and um and then they just gotta pump you full of what's called crowfab which is anti-venom and that [ __ ] is expensive as [ __ ] it is five grand a vial oh i think he took 24 vials 220 grand luckily health insurance covers that but if you don't have health insurance and you get bit by a rattlesnake you are [ __ ] five grand of vial and he took 24 vials yeah his arm turned pretty black oh and i mean i there's like start working immediately no they have to like they give you a little bit and then they watch your arm start to slowly go black give you a little bit more because they don't want to like overdo it right and the stuff's really expensive because it's um it's like you know it's like pulled from a snake i don't know i don't i don't know the medical process behind it i know that it has to stay frozen and i think they have to put it in a centrifuge and keep it clean all the time so it's like a really in it's like an intricate process to keep it around and i'm sure a lot of people i think settles like don't even have it yeah luckily ridgecrest like they're like oh yeah like they knew yeah i was like hauling ass down the hill i finally got reception i called the hospital i'm like hey i got a guy my buddy he's got bit by rattlesnake i'm taking him in there like you know how you need a ambulance i'm like i'm doing 100 on the 395 right now so i'm gonna get there faster than you guys can come get to me so don't worry about it i'll be there in a second so okay got him down there and then um yeah he was in the hospital for a while and he ended up getting tagged again later on like a year later by a side i could buy a sidewinder and he was like i swear to god that's the last time i'm getting bit man and uh well yeah what the [ __ ] this is the right i'll sneak in this photo right yeah it's a big giant western diamondback how far away are you from taking that uh that one's a pretty far away i saw i shot that with a big lens because i wanted the um i wanted the road and like the background to be a certain way um but i shoot with a macro a lot of snakes i'm like you know like a foot away two feet away what like little gardener snakes no like a big rattlesnake what get right up in front of them but how get that so how are you reacting to the rattlesnake because most people if i saw a rattlesnake i'm [ __ ] running there he's like he's like come here a little bit for the most part they're just trying to get away they're trying to get away from you you do it all right like they don't chase you snakes don't chase you people go fast people will be like oh man like this cotton mouse will chase me everywhere and then they don't chase you then no no snake is chasing anyone like but in your head you're so [ __ ] scared you hear the rattle it sounds like it's coming behind you because you're like running he's like dude he was chasing me for all the way down the trail and he was just rattling probably backing up so anyways you get um uh say you find one on the road yeah you get your snake hook out you slide him off my snake hook slide him off the road and if you want to like take a picture of him at night like he's like he's mad he's mad right take his hat off throw him on top of him and he coils up inside the hat and he's like safe in the dark yeah and then you don't grab the hat with your hand usually you get the hook and you pull it from back and you pop it out and then he can probably he's probably gonna kick it for 20 minutes while you shoot photos not budge at all because he's just like hey i'm here trying to figure it out i don't know what's going on this guy keeps blasting me with a flash in my face they don't lash out when you take the hat off no they're like totally that once they get calm they're like they're chilling but the best way to shoot is to hike find one in its spot yeah without it seeing you that's like the purity of it that's kind of like what you're hoping for a little natural habit when you're shooting wildlife photos when you're finding a sloth or you're finding this stuff oh you see sloths in costa rica quite a bit yeah yeah i travel a lot for those little sloths i do a lot of side missions from skate contests i feel bad for slides to like yeah oh like we did uh the south africa maloof contest yeah five years in a row every five years every one of those years i'm taking a side mission somewhere in south africa because i'm not flying for 30 hours to not go see some animals sure sure especially like in like the the dopest spot ever so sure i like i went to the kalahari three times while i was there three like two times like full solo just out driving the roads looking for lions and [ __ ] i'm by myself like didn't drive my own car and renting it yeah remind me not to take a little road trips with you man you would love it i would love to do that it sounds awesome let's be honest when we did the maloof contest um there was a local national park right near that contest was in the middle of nowhere it was in kimberley south africa right dude it would be like hey you're going to the u.s and you're going to run a contest what are you going to do new york uh miami chicago we're going to do it in billings montana it's going to be the biggest [ __ ] contest it's going to be a million dollar prize and you're like what why i'm like i don't know that's just where we wanted to put it yeah you're like okay well i mean there's cape town and joburg and durbin you sure you don't want to do in those no no we'll do kimberly cool for me though because they got cobras and they got all types of cool shits ready to go i was high but i would tell everyone because the contest wouldn't start till noon i would be like hey um i'm leaving at five in the morning i'm already on a [ __ ] up sleep schedule whoever wants to go on safari with me i got four spots in the car and every morning there'd be like seven people downstairs waiting for me and they would go yeah they would just be like i'll get it tomorrow you're like okay cool you four can go you three you get on the next one and so i would like roth safari every morning and like milligan would go with me vern would go with me every time james craig was on with me almost every time uh took brian de la torre out i took um i think jimmy wilkins and sam beckett went with me one morning and like you know and i took him out and i saw we saw some rhinos and we saw a bunch of giraffes in all these national parks it's like it's like a yellowstone you just you drive through all by yourself you can hire a guy but like i got a rental car i'll drive that [ __ ] on the back roads and go find some stuff so do you i obviously you enjoy it but have you ever found yourself in like a really dangerous situation that you were worried i got yeah i got stuck in the sand by myself in the kalahari and i was like like this will suck if i can't get out of this cause like i mean someone will come by eventually on the national park but like i was on some back roads and like like i'm like now this piece of [ __ ] hyundai that i'm in is not my forerunner back home so this isn't going to get me out of this but i can't you can't get out of the park out of the car in that national park in the kalahari oh hyenas lions leopards they're all like you could step out of the car and they're like right there in the grass next to you and you couldn't see them because the grass is kind of tall so you just you just don't like they have these areas they're like little rest stops where you can get out they're not fenced but it's like hey man like just make sure when you go to the bathroom like open the door so there's not like a [ __ ] anything in there yeah and um but yeah that was a little what the [ __ ] did you do you know what though probably the sketchy still stuff i've had is i got i've gotten some um some diseases some sicknesses from traveling like what well i mean i'm rolling with this right now but this yeah i noticed that well what the [ __ ] this is just poison oak it's not like it's just from i was in illinois um two weeks ago with my homie lance and we were hiking and looking for snakes and i got [ __ ] chickens tore up by that but let me grab some clorox whites yeah we'll clean this up yeah it does it doesn't spread but i got um from one of the trips to south africa when i was with my wife we came back i took my dad and my stepmom too it was cool my stepmom randomly randomly was like one day was like i've always wanted to see an elephant in the wild and i was like well i mean why the [ __ ] didn't you tell me this 20 years ago because she's 83 like she's not she's a spry 83 she lives in alaska okay hard as nails but at the same time you know that's not super young so i'm like well okay let's go for thanksgiving i'll take you know like you just buy i'll buy that i'll do all the stuff for it and we'll go and i'll take you guys on like the full safari and like we'll do the whole thing and so amazing took them out all over the place they had a great time yeah we went to like the ten bay elephant park it's like mozambique border of uh south africa mozambique and there's like the big ones with like the [ __ ] they call them tuskers yeah and they're like old old males with like these huge things and they walk right by the car and you're just like what they're so they're massive and they're fully wild wow there's nothing to keep them from doing anything and it's it's sick oh yeah on that trip um an elephant charged the car and i had to go to grandma yeah i backed up and was like i saw him like he did his like the ear thing like he seemed like popped like the ears out and i was like oh [ __ ] i like got in reverse and i went like this around because there was a car next to me like and they looked at me like what the [ __ ] are you doing and i'm like you're gonna get smashed i'm getting out of here and i backed up and and he like kind of false charged and then he stopped and i was like what if do you think he had like he was just a young bull that like was just like he was giving you one he was giving you one of those yeah he wasn't really gonna do it but like he was he was doing one of those and then i got i got stuck on the road and there was a rhino sleeping in the road and i was like i was alone and i was like uh okay like i'm looking at the map and i'm like man a [ __ ] road to get back like they all like loop all over these parks they're national parks so like there's just roads everywhere and i'm just like looking at i'm like i could drive past him but he's taking up a full lane there's like say it's two lanes wide he's taking up ha a full lane sleeping yes you know and i'm like if i drive past that thing he is gonna [ __ ] flip this audi that i'm in like some rental car that i just absolutely destroyed that i didn't they didn't check the undercarriage luckily but i [ __ ] that car up but um but i didn't i was like you know what be smart back up turn around and there was a car on the other side of him doing the same thing he was like i kind of want to go that way but um so anyway i just turned around but i got home from that from that trip to south africa and i was like oh man like there's like a scab on the bottom of my foot and my wife's smart with this stuff because she knows like i'm an idiot she's like that's not a scab and i'm like oh yeah it's a tick oh no and i it was like i hadn't been in the like area where there would have been a tick for probably 36 hours so that was on me for a long time so i'm like oh well this sucks so pull them off i immediately get on my phone i'm like do they have lyme disease in south africa because that's the one i'm scared about cause disease is like such a vague weird disease that like you don't even know what the [ __ ] it does it like makes you go crazy and but it makes you feel tired i don't know what it does i just know i don't want it right and i'm like ticks are like the grossest thing to me i've had leeches on me and i'm like i don't even care like no big deal because leeches don't carry disease i got leeched when i was in malaysia and like it bled forever wow it just keeps bleeding oh they use lesions for medical procedures yeah they have an anticoagulant and there's saliva so it makes you keep bleeding you never scab from a leech bite yeah and i watch botched yeah and they have like breast surgeries and nipples won't die they have disease i don't want i don't want that so yeah i looked it up and it was like the only thing you get from a tick when you're in southern africa is african tick fever like okay what does that do does that kill me does it make me go insane like am i getting like mercury poisoning or something like something like that so i look through and i'm like fever the sore gets like kind of big you treat it with this just like a quick like um an oral antibiotic i'm like all right cool but it's like it doesn't ha it doesn't always happen when you get bit i'm like yeah no problem like all right so i forget about it and we go to look at the christmas lights because we've gone to south africa and thanksgiving christmas time like take my niece and nephew to go look at the christmas lights and like i'm like not kidding dude like we got to the parking and we get out of the car we're going to walk into naples and i'm pouring sweat and i'm like man i got really hot all of a sudden my wife's just like i'm like what she goes it's probably that stupid tick you got the fever and i'm like oh you're right and i'm like oh well maybe it'll go away like you know because like i'm an idiot because you're like a dude you know like like i don't need to go to the doctor i'm a guy like i figure this out and so um i ended up going to tahoe by myself to go gambling because i was trying to get status on american airlines i need like 50 bucks and i'm like i'm gonna buy a 75 ticket dog and i've like spent like half the time in the hotel room sweating my ass off but it kept my fever kept breaking at night and i'd be like oh that was it it's over i felt great during the day i felt awesome and then seven o'clock would roll around and he felt like dog [ __ ] again and my fever would come back how long did it last uh a couple weeks i went to the doctor couple weeks yeah i went to the doctor and he was like i was like hey i got it i have african tick figure you know so i made an appointment and he was like he's like he was [ __ ] he didn't know it's self-diagnosis is like a big no-no in the medical community you're not supposed to do that but like i went in and i was told i was like hey i got this like i know i have it look at my foot like i've got this weird sore on the bottom it looks exactly like the photos in the thing and i sweat every time got a fever every day and he's like oh yeah and he's like i'm like it says you're treated with this i can't remember what um what the antibiotic was i needed to take amoxicillin or something and he um he was like oh you know when i saw this on the thing i really was hoping you were going to have like an open sore with like a bunch of bugs crawling out of it because he was like thinking like this will be fun because he's a doctor he wants to see something gruesome yeah and i was like sorry to disappoint man it's just a little sore on the bottom of my foot but yeah and then uh i went to brazil on a trip to this area called the pentanol it's like a floodplain where um like say the andes are here and the rainforest is over here this is the area in between super any transition zone like that super wildlife heavy that's the place where you see tons and tons of jaguars oh wow and whenever you see a video of like a jaguar jumping into the water eating at cayman that's where they filmed it because they're everywhere there okay and so we went there to shoot photos i wanted my grandmother i didn't i took the i took the snake bite homie there and i was like don't get [ __ ] bitten in brazil dude and we went looking for you know like it was like a photo trip uh this dude from france he's a herpetologist which is like a reptile guy and a professional professional photographer he led the tour and we went there and shot a bunch of stuff one day into the trip i start pouring sweat i'm like what can you get in hung and pan no oh dengue fever uh okay what are the symptoms of dengue fabrics i had a fever the first day and i'm like kind of feeling run down you know when you have a fever you feel run down you don't feel like at your best yeah and uh it's like you get a rash on your foot and you get uh really heavy nose bleeds and i've never had a nose bleed in my life i busted my face open once and had a nosebleed but i'm never like you know yeah like and so fever the first day fever the second day look down got some red spots on my foot i'm like oh [ __ ] and then i like went to like take a shower that morning and like blew my nose out and the whole bottom was just blood everywhere oh my gosh come on man are you kidding me dude and then i'm like what are the treatments for it and it's like pretty much just rest okay and so i was like all right i'm just gonna write it out let it run its course i just liked it the whole time i didn't like change anything i did i was just i look back and i'm like my photos weren't like what i wanted him to be because i was like [ __ ] no cool a giant ant eater like this is incredible we're like walking up and we see this thing this giant eater cool i'm done so tired like i definitely like half-assed like a lot of it i didn't really shoot but i was sweating the whole time and then i'm like oh man so i guess that's the sketchy stuff mosquito bite it's just a mosquito-borne disease that you can't pass on to anything else and literally it runs this course he's like if it gets worse you can get an iv but the guy who our guide i was like hey i got this thing you know what i rarely get mosquito bites i like my blood they destroy me i think they're i got that sweet blood did you have to get shots before you went through i've had yellow fever um vaccination and um that was the only one that i've really had to get that was before we went to peru at peru i had to get into peru i had to go do that yeah we've done some good trips though i went to the galapagos with rob uh with marinick him and his wife went with me oh wow wow like we just went and like it was [ __ ] incredible it was like one of the coolest trips i've ever been on we've i'm going to costa rica for thanksgiving that's like an eighth trip i'm like tour guiding for our friends and their family because i'm the the dude who knows where to find everything perfect because i can go places and have you is there somewhere you want to go that you haven't been i mean i haven't done antarctica yet and that's the cool place i've turned 50 next year which [ __ ] it feels so old but um i was like what am i going to do for my fifth year get out there and do it well i was thinking about going to shoot photos of polar bears and there's like an area way north uh in norway there's like an island way to hell up there and you can like go see him like consistently wow but those trips are eight thousand dollars a person you know maybe i don't want to do that one maybe i'll go you know maybe i'll do something a little bit smaller you know that's a really expensive trip but that um that island in that area they did a red bull trip up there and i think like i want to say modders and some other dudes went there and skated they built a half pipe uh out of sand out of frozen sand yeah what it was [ __ ] amazing no no salt no it was sad they built it on a beach it was crazy you could like do a trick on a mini ramp made out of sand but it was cool yeah it was it was it was that was that would be a cool place to go that'd be cool to just go to catalina over there go go great birds over there i got bald eagles that was a lot they have buffalo yeah they still have the leftover from like the filming is that what they're for filming they brought buffalo over there for a certain reason but then they they left them there yeah yeah they leave they leave flustered some places that's crazy there's invasive like they're kind of they're not an invasive species because they brought them there but well there's another species that they i can't remember what it was they brought there but then they had to eradicate because right oh they were uh well they're feral pigs there were feral pigs all over the place over those i've been to the channel islands and there used to be pigs there and they finally got them all okay those pigs they tear up everything pigs listen jason rothmeier i know man this has been great so good we the dodgers one today yes kelly yeah you know your present's going to be the laker game right i told you i'll take you to a game dude thank you i share i share tickets with uh ortiz and joe crolick nice kelly didn't grow up on the lakers i did he grew up on the laguna wildcats oh they don't have that team there are you sure yeah but super down thank you listen chris is bob you want to go i don't have an answer i'll take you know maybe dubs goes with me my time maybe you know i'm last yeah i'm last of course you know i got you a trophy bro hey kind of sick that's that's true yeah not the nation's greatest not ala is greatest but the world's greatest but that's kind of cool though you having these season tickets you get to like kind of choose here we do like a draft where you pick which order you're gonna pick your games in so there's four of us so you know one through four and then you just kind of keep going down you have the calendar in front of you chris man he takes a long time to pick his games ortiz does because he's like do what do i want man i always want opening night which is tonight yeah yeah yeah yeah but i'm here i didn't get opening night though so good i got but i totally draw back i took the uh i took a memphis i'm taking tyrone out to memphis on this sunday okay i got the bulls i'm taking jake darwin to the bulls to see alex caruso's first game back i want to see that video tribute yeah and then uh i'll probably take you to okc sounds great man let's do it i don't think they got anybody left anymore so that should they should win that game win that game yeah i haven't been to a basketball game for like in person for a minute you know either yeah it's good stuff man good stuff they got a squad they do it'll be fun it's gonna be a good year i definitely want to go because uh i've never seen lebron play in person oh god he's so insane i've seen co i've seen kobe play a bunch of times love to see lebron play person you know insanely large crazy how fast he moves yeah how big he is i just i saw him destroy the lakers so many times when he was in miami and in cleveland and i saw him play for cleveland against the lakers that was awesome we're gonna go bro yeah listen enough this i wasn't trying to break the mic v record of like nine hours so let's let's we should wrap it well listen a lot of people have tried everybody's failed yeah kelly we grabbed him some yeah this has been fascinating this has been great i brought some for raj i don't know if he wants these but i got him some cool little stickers stickers i know he's like he's like a skate nerd like me so i figured these are cool what are those what are those those are tricks oh krieger those are like oh gee foundation ones these are the foundations yeah those are foundation ones i got a chris miller planet earth sticker in here for him so yeah i mean i don't know it's you know raj loves these problems oh yeah he'll be stoked from a refrigerator weight spike yeah yeah you gonna put those on refrigerator what else did i put in there i got some good ones uh jill jeff candle like a little sticker drawer what you know what those most of those are from those little castle packs used to get yeah you remember the manila folder was like yeah we just i would just throw them in a shoe box i got this old shoe box at home with all these stickers and that chris miller one's a good one yeah they have a couple of boxes they're just one shoe one shoebox with just and it's stacked it's like full it's real full i love it too same shoe box too these are the best yeah from that area yeah yeah it's like it's a old shelter what's whippersnapper it's a shell toe box foundation foundation little clothing company whippersnappers yeah i like that oh hell yeah get him some stickers i think the lakers owe me some photo incentive for this episode maybe i can call him up hey man good luck good luck bro they only they won't be frozen for a long many years bro this has been [ __ ] fun bro you're a great storyteller you remember everything which is [ __ ] [ __ ] with this fast which is fascinating and very helpful bro a lot of people yeah i just had to sit here and listen great uh dude hey dude the man thank you so much for coming dude here's our sorry i stole your tricks back there dude this is gator's helping skaters yeah i'll do that that's fine this is our burning mug i hope you're a coffee guy i'm not but how about tea i drink out of a mug every day water yeah there you go some water mug for you yeah and our logo mug for another for the photo incentive this is the listen if you sh if you show up in 20 20 bucks okay national geographic you start shooting for them x games yeah like right here on the on the thing why are you judging yeah yeah throwing throwing these up a little snake you know what i'm saying oh did you i got you yeah yeah like lip sticker and a snake right next to me like imagine if is imagine if this sticker was leaning up right against the snakes you think it's a joke but i'll shoot that [ __ ] and i'll send it to you i'll shoot that [ __ ] i'll send it to you and then tyrone will comment flip that thing over [Laughter] listen here's also you can't even help that though that's just tyrone i know that's it i love it um what's in the house what's in the box it's roger's morning wood oh hell there you go yeah yeah little candle uh scandal it's roger's morning wood all right it's a sandal wood and some other flavors i don't know it smells great pretty nice it's good yeah it's got a wooden wick a wooden wick yeah wow it's roger's morning yeah that is that's that's some next level [ __ ] i don't even know candles had that hey i didn't know that [ __ ] either raj wanted a wooden wick on his candle you know what i'm saying it's perfect but thank you raj is going to be stoked with these right raj you're stoked oh yeah that chris miller was amazing yeah oh i thought he gave that one to me we got to give these back oh yeah with the wheels back i can't keep those back well thank you for my first place world's greatest it's like the world's greatest dad t-shirts right kind of is but a lot better than that yeah it does say just pretty special you know what's funny i after i got it back i like looked at them like oh [ __ ] they wrote my name on the back because probably you know sonia was like oh this one's this one's what i thought you said yeah no it was like oh that was like when i won it for me they were probably like this one goes to jason no because i don't know i think that was maybe for what i don't know what place it what was it for yeah well no what place was it i think it was sixth place castle high jump so we used to just skate everything you did it's a high jump okay next time we talk we'll talk about freestyle contests and how we kind of we kind of ruined them because we started skating flat ground like me and kareem and ocean we started getting flat ground at the freestyle contest and started winning them and they just changed the name to flat ground from freestyle so i have like i have freestyle trophies and i have flat ground trophies we would just skate background runs yeah that's insane who doesn't skate flat i love flat ground five ply board firefly that's not history right that's great schmidt made that for sure so dude that's even better no not that this is what you know being but schmidt yeah also yeah being on the show fan favorite of the show but people of course schmidt that's like 30 years old bro it's exactly 30 years old so the year i started skating 91. that's what i was in a year that was 91 91. for sure that was 91. perfect bro man thank you so much for coming by hell yeah hey kelly good looks dude thank you dude this has been great i love hearing your stories it was great it was great and you're so knowledgeable in all sorts of ways you know we'll get into some more contest talk so much more to cover a lot what's what's something else you could tell people listening a random fact about something oh god are you a fun fact guys i think you're more of like a storyteller i feel like no i know something you know something like that i don't know i don't know and then that's that's a tough one to put me on the spot yeah it kind of is but like what's something recently that you told someone you're like holy [ __ ] like you said something earlier about uh giancarlo esposito yeah yeah yeah yeah that was probably the best one i feel like a good one i just i did never dawned on me when i watched that movie and i'm like wait what well when you see actors when they're young and then you see them when they're older they're like exactly the same i just don't know if i can get the cadence on his voice it's not his age bro have you seen him did you see his his mandalorian interviews yeah he's like he's getting up there bro i was like from breaking bad to that i was like whoa he's kind of put on a little age yeah i mean he was a great acting for 40 years he's i guess he's he's great let him slide right he's a great actor yeah great actor legends definitely okay so no fun facts sorry um indiana jones it's only some reason the fun facts only come out you know in in the story the story yeah okay yeah i think that they think they're uh they're tough to just pull out of thin air no doubt damn five times five i think it's 25. i'm just how was the hunch it's pretty good well so that's like a math that's just a math question it's just absolutely that's like if you can't get that you're sorry you're not judging you're supposed to pull that out of thin air 12 times 12 144 yeah that's easy it's not bad yeah yeah i think you're a good judge it does take math there's some people that disagree with you but all in all yeah it doesn't matter it doesn't listen you in this in this landscape today you could say it's blue and somebody will also say it's [ __ ] true yeah yeah so you're never right that is true you're never actually right now thank you jason hey man we'll have you back again we'll do it we'll do it like like around uh around the tampa or some other contest that we just get done with that'd be cool and we can like do like some kind of a [ __ ] deep dive on like what just happened bro you're already thinking that would be awesome man's a thinker bro you mentioned i wanted to do something around the olympics when we were when it was happening yeah i thought that would have been fun that would be cool for us to like get into like hey but that's a whole different show though it totally is it is a whole different show i think it's gonna be fun though yeah well four years from now i think it'd be rad to have like a group like uh maybe on the experience type of style but like there's a bunch oh yeah judges a bunch of judges talking about yeah what's going on yeah yeah mike would be good he's you know he's got some some stories and some knowledge and and strong opinions yeah yeah mike's got real strong opinions i love mike hey another show it's always another show yeah we could do this again and again and again yeah we got to go to the clips at the stopping chat for sure yeah like you said contest stuff would be cool oh and your old skate clips yeah oh yeah and maybe some wild oh we got you on the skate clips oh yeah oh my gosh i'll dig him up no problem yeah he's right wizard i already got all the links here yeah oh [ __ ] he's already got him right he's doing work back there let's go see you guys next week [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 53,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skate, skating, podcast, history, interview, news, motivation, entertainment, funny, comedy, thrasher, berrics, transworld, nike sb, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, skateboarding 2020, firing line
Id: UubvheRarEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 31sec (13651 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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