Bo Burnham Savage Moments

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i'm not gay and that's what i said if i'm gay hey god strike me dead what is your advice you must have a lot of young people that say bo how do i get into the business how do i accomplish what you've accomplished what's your advice for young people you got to just take a deep breath and give up don't the system is rigged against you your hard work and talent will not pay off that's it good night everybody what do you call a kid with no arms and an eye patch names [Applause] younger generation so i just wonder for all of you uh who are you my aunt used to say slow and steady wins the race she died in a fire and i would say people always ask me uh because i'm tall if i play basketball mine is worse i go i always say hey your face is all up do you box that's pretty good it was mean yeah yeah it was before i hadn't found my way it's so hard you have to get that laugh up top another one is do they say how's the weather up there and you say it's raining and you spit in their face taylor swift telling you to follow your dreams is like a lottery winner saying liquidize your assets buy powerball tickets it works yeah you will get you just you won't it's it's at one point movies were trying to represent reality and now reality is representing is trying to imitate movies representation of reality i have no idea where i'm going with this thank you very much um to the other nominees in the category um have fun at the oscars losers no no yeah this is my father's uh horrifying google history okay the first sport pretty easy is a boston guy he's looking for bruins tickets and then it takes a sharp left turn in the next search if we can go okay next search what the hell the only thing worse than girth is misspelling girth yeah as a dutch absurdist uh one of the things he does is uh he brings out a sock puppet which is a black sock see already i don't like him yeah all right all right so it's a white sock and then uh rob you're an actor yeah do you have a lego scene or something no what about what if i gave you like a scenario could you just do it could you do like a little version of that yeah like let's pretend that we're all bank robbers robbing a bank you're in charge okay and uh we're gonna put put the gun up to the clerk and say give me your money go for that wait i said look at me rob [Applause] when did my mother first describe gay sex to me good question i was eight years old i was eight years old she brought me into the dining room she sat right across the table from me she said do you know how your father and i love each other i said of course you and dad love each other more than two people in the world could possibly love each other she said well two men can love each other in the exact same way that your father and i love each other she said what happens when two men love each other like that what they do is they uh they take off all their clothes um they get in a bed and they [ __ ] on the bible you guys like impressions like impressions why thank you that was uh that was socrates um the worst thing they've said about you uh the first comment i ever got was uh when i was 15 it was go go gadget [ __ ] but i can do comedy without stupid gimmicks or anything and it can still work so uh this is for all those comics out there and judge this uh what do you call a kid with no arms and an eye patch names for 15 cents a day you can feed an african they eat pennies thank you very much thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you thanks shut up [Applause] what sorry i'm not the girl who plays the girl in the movie is is fantastic she is just great did you did you know right away that she would be the person you would cast yeah what is for sure kelsey fisher who's absolutely incredible um i knew pretty quickly it's a story about a shy girl and sort of every other young actor that would come in to play the role played it like it felt like a confident kid pretending to be shy and she felt like a shy kid pretending to be confident which is what the role is and what shyness is you know a lot of people think being shy is cowering in a corner but it's really trying to speak all of the time and not being able to but she graduated eighth grade a week later we filmed the movie and then a week after she went to her freshman year of high school and she didn't get cast in her school play really well so i promised her i'd do this uh mr donia from thoughts knows high school [Applause] he's old he's on [Music] see you just came all right um so i'd like to read these poems for you guys we'll uh we'll read these poems and then uh we'll think for a little bit get a little contemplative then we'll go back to the silly stuff i promise here we go perfect in the lights exactly what i wanted thank you so much amazing amazing is that real or was that not real [Applause] it would be that [ __ ] tweet boom that was the that was the widest thing we've ever done i think and then the seats were a little lower i know yes your leg's a bit of a you want him to be here yeah yeah but we're on eye level both of you are uh both you and i are tall that's weird i specifically asked to be always higher than the guests yeah yeah that i might have heard you you've heard like obviously oh you're tall you play basketball i finally heard the comeback it's not mine but it's uh so give me it give me it hey bo you're tall do you play basketball no do you play mini golf are you a jockey bo burnham for so many people was one of the first quote-unquote internet sensations yeah bo burnham for most people was who but yes um for some people i was an internet sensation which is a term i love yeah maybe gotta warn you guys though the cameras do add a few pounds of muscle oh zach stone's got muscle oh ladies well this is how your arms stand when you got lots of muscles all right i'm living my dreams wow and now it's become at least in the mainstream a symbol of misogyny hey girl what [Music] what [ __ ] the song is [Applause] i appreciate it man all right he's the weirdest heckler interaction though you're doing a really good job in my opinion [Applause]
Channel: LaughPlanet
Views: 1,010,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bo burnham, bo burnham savage moments, savage moments, funny moments, funniest moments, jokes, comedy, funny, hilarious, roast, trolling, thug moment, best of bo burnham, hecklers, stand up, bo burnham songs, laugh planet, laughplanet
Id: E8vY3vATFvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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