BMX MegaPark: FULL COMPETITION | X Games 2022

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[Music] welcome to vista california we are at elliot sloan's compound that he calls the sloan yard as it plays host to x games 2022 and a brand new event that we call bmx megapark hello everyone i'm jimmy coleman here in the booth alongside chris doyle and chris as we get set to kick off this inaugural event two people to watch for let's start off talking about ryan williams in the history of big air the last three contested events at the x teams he's walked out on top three times in a row yeah ryan williams is absolutely dialed showing you that huge bike flip throwing that bike forward completely dismounting and getting back on and then he heads towards that quarter pipe and this the huge front flip flare at height landing perfectly showing you why he's the guy that everyone has their eyes on here at x games mega park he definitely has the technicality and the trick depth but when you talk about morgan weight it could come down to those quarter pipe skills here today morgan wade one of the most explosive riders in the field showing you that huge double tail whip one hander check him out 360 back flip no hander showing you why he was the silver medalist that year and he was pumped he was on one that day jimmy so with those highlights we just watched right there that was big air back in minneapolis in 2019 this is a completely different animal as we said it's an inaugural event bmx mega park and what exactly does that mean the big air ramp we call it the mega ramp so it's got some elements of the mega ramp but also some park elements hence the title mega park yeah and this is gonna be a lot of fun i know these riders are really excited about it where we traditionally see only two obstacles in which these riders do tricks on now we have four we have two jumps two quarter pipes and everything counts in the eyes of the judges well we started off with bryce tryon here he came into the x games last year at pat casey's dream yard as an x games rookie he walked out of here with a bmx dirt silver medal this year he is the youngest bmx athlete in the field at just 20 years old but let's see what he can do he starts us off here at the first ever x games bmx mega park yeah and what a rider to set us off showing you that backflip bar spin one footed flat he has to carve back over and take a few cranks there's that bar spin front flip heading towards the last quarter pipe here tuck no hander to late bar spin that is a good first run jimmy to set things off that's wild too because you're hitting that step up and you've got some gap to clear right there and if you don't land perfectly on that roller it's gonna throw off your whole approach to that last quarter pipe and you know what bryce is at a bit of a disadvantage because he carves to the right whereas a lot of the field they carve to the left so he has to get over to the other side of the quarter carve his natural direction and then do his era showing you that tucked no handled a late bar spin never easy to be the first guy to go in a contest and i think he did pretty good there well it is a jam session it's 30 minutes on the clock here there is not going to be any scoring as we roll through that's through this we will just have a live ranking but right now we take a look at daniel sandoval he has four x games medals to his trophy case but all of those are in park he was the overall winner this year on the monster energy bmx triple challenge uh i wonder what he's going to be able to do here on these quarter pipes though chris well i watched sandoval in practice he looked a little bit shaky but he's looking good now shooting that truck driver to late downside tail tabletop on the quarter taking some cranks there's that 360 double down side whip didn't see any of this in practice oh i'm showing that bar spin wanted the late tuck no hander but uh not a bad run for daniel sandoval i know he wanted a little bit more out of that he's going to be back for runs two and three yeah it's still echoing what you said we didn't see a lot of this out of practice yesterday and he was having a tough time on the bigger quarter and uh scrubbing a lot of speed but looking good here in round one yeah he did not look confident in practice but he looked pretty confident in that first run showing that 360 double downside tail whip so we take it back up to the top of the roll in here this is australia's jay tui he got his first x games medal last year at pat casey's dream yard he got a silver in dirt best trick riding with a little bit of adversity out here today he's suffering from a separated shoulder competing at two events here in 2022. check him out jimmy that double backflip almost comes out at the back a little bit there's that tuck no hander on the quarter pipe getting some cranks in there's the huge bike flip throwing the bike forward slipped a little bit of a pedal nice looking look back there does that look like a guy that separated his shoulder not that long ago i mean his right shoulder is all covered with kinesio tape he's been going through therapy he did not look phased by that at all chris now he's a tough tough kid and look at this run showing you that double back flip kind of overdoes it a little bit you see he has to lock up the break lands a little bit back wheeled locking things up we haven't seen a lot of guys going big on the quarter yet but check that out showing you that bike flip throwing that bike forward a little bit of a slip of the pedal the judge is taking note of that and we'll have to see where that lands him uh yeah i mean that'll be the story with that shoulder and he's more focused on dirt but i mean he's in the top spot here early on again it's a 30 minute jam session another australian coming your way next this is andy buckworth he got a gold medal in bmx dirt best trick last year in pat casey's backyard and well this guy's definitely got the jump skills here for sure yeah double back flips to andy buckworth are no big deal which is so crazy to think about because just a few years ago that was like the the most sought after trick showing you that front flip tucked no hander great great run from buckwhere though looked like he was going to go a little bit long but he pulls it around and if i got to be honest i think these guys look a little bit nervous this is a new event this is a new new format that they're working with like they're all a little bit shaky but they're getting things done there's that front flip tuck no-hander clean as you like heading towards that last quarter pipe huge flare that's such a big quarter pipe and a lot of the guys don't feel great on that quarter pipe you see he landed a little bit long but uh impressive first showing well we keep talking about that quarter pipe and how it could come down to who has the prowess on that quarter pipe this is one of those riders that can definitely change that here in the standings michael lahren he's been a fixture when it comes to bmx big air in the history of the x games also an accomplished vert rider and he was looking really solid out here yesterday in practice yeah a lot of fun to watch mike kell ride on any kind of terrain really i mean he can race he can do dirt jumping showing that huge superman seat grab just settling for the tabletop seems like he's taking a little bit easy here 360 with a look back notice he hasn't pedaled once all pumped there's that downside double tail whip great first run from mike keller it wasn't as explosive as we've seen from the other riders but that was a really smooth nice looking run from mike kell showing you the huge superman sea grab classic bmx trick right there stretching out fully and keep in mind like i said before jimmy he did not pedal once he landed at the top of every transition he was smooth well it's gonna come down to that flow and that continuity as we bring up pat casey he played host for the bmx event in his backyard last year before we get to him let's check in with the third member of our crew victoria arlen guys pat casey is a busy guy he's competing in all five bmx events here at x games and he said when he was younger that biking is my hobby but when i grow up i want to make it my job i'd say he's doing a pretty good job at that wouldn't you and made it his job he did and he earned a gold medal last year in his own backyard and also he's riding in moto x110s this year as well that was a cash roll tail whip perfectly clean bar's been the tuck no-hander he's got a great run going here jimmy 360 double tail of heading towards the last quarter pipe bar spin to late sale but already goes long and he comes out of it looks to be okay though that was a great run he had going yeah he was putting it all together in just that last hit however as we roll through this it is the best run that counts it is a jam session they're not looking for overall impression it is the best run we should get three possibly four runs here today but man pat was putting it all together showing you that tail whip cash roll just pushing through it super clean and heading towards that quarter pipe he had such a good run going there's that bar spin to tuck no hander i think if he had pulled that run together he'd easily be in first place right now well we'll see what happens in round number two this is morgan wade we talked about him at the top of the show he just loves to go big and well i mean this could be won or lost in that quarter pipe and he is a monster when it comes to those mega ramp quarter pipes i mean he just sends it and has absolutely no fear this is his 21st x games appearance here in 2022 morgan was born for this event i mean come on if there's a guy that's going to go big on every single element you know it's mr morgan wade there's that 360 backflip oh and he comes out of it unfortunately goes down hard morgan is one tough customer i feel bad for the ramp sometimes when he falls on it he was really really consistent in practice i mean he got out here a little earlier in the week and he got uh he logged in a little bit more time on this thing so uh uncharacteristic to see him slide out there in round number one but another rider we talked about at the top of the show and one to rock watch for ryan williams he definitely has the trick prowess over the gaps and this guy is hungry and wants another gold here in 2022. well our willy looked like he was taking practice more serious than just about anybody else so i need a yesterday had to ditch the bike yesterday on a few of those flares but a slip up here in round number one for our willie and i know that was a big slam to the people watching at home but that could have been so much worse he actually got out of that pretty good there jimmy so that is round one in the book still plenty more to come here from elliot sloane's backyard mike keller currently sitting in the top spot we'll have more from bmx mega park when we come back [Music] well you're taking a look at a packed house here in vista california in elliot sloan's backyard that he has dubbed the sloan yard what uh is typically frequented by skateboarders now plays host to x games 2022 for both skate as well as bmx events we are in round number two here of a brand new event this is bmx mega park at the end of round number one it's mike keller and sitting in the top spot however still plenty of time left on the clock and it is best run that counts mike learned in the lead followed by jay tui and andy buckworth we're taking another look here at bryce tryon who started us off where bryce sits just outside of podium contention as of right now in that number four spot chris but uh the wind's starting to pick up a little bit here wind is not your friend when it comes to these quarter pipes absolutely not and if i can say something about mikel's riding he was easily the smoothest guy on the course he didn't take one pedal he did tricks on everything and that just goes to show you that consistency really counts here you have to have something on each single hit and it counts if you don't have to pedal if you're landing at the top of the transitions and you don't have to pedal that means a lot to the eye in the eyes of the judges obviously so as we mentioned before he came in last year's x games as a rookie and then walked away with a silver medal and bmx dirt out there at uh pat casey's compound the dream yard so up on top of the rolling here you're right but just that wasn't the win waiting for uh the wind to die down here before we send him in for run number two on course hearing that backflip bar spin again similar to what he did on the first run there's that one-footed flatting notice he's a goofy-footed rider so he's turning into that front foot laying out that front flip there not what he wanted on he's gonna call it on that one yeah you can see when he comes over that gap how he has to go all the way to ryder's left right there to reset to hit the quarter pipe properly to come back and go into jump feature number two but uh sitting in that number four spot from now as we look at daniel sandoval here he sits in that number five position and going back to what we said in round number one he looked very tentative and nervous here in practice last night but uh i was really surprised with how well he rode in that first round yeah i was surprised too because i didn't see much out of him in practice so to see him come out and put put down a good first run it's only going to fuel his fire a little bit more and he's going to want to try harder and harder let's see what he's got here jimmy corkin out the back flip with a superman seat grab showing you that tabletop a couple cranks here there's the there's that decade 360. probably one of the only guys you're gonna see doing that in today's competition kind of uncharacteristic to see him mess up but check him out corking out that did he grab the frame yeah he's grabbing the frame when he does that wow wow we can catch that at real time speed but i mean again extremely impressed compared to how he rode in practice speaking of impressed jay tui right now sits in that number two position he's riding in this event he's also in bmx dirt this weekend but uh the story with him that separated right shoulder he was definitely not feeling it when he showed up yesterday before practice and he finds himself in a silver metal spot right now yeah and i i think we're in for a show here jimmy because i saw some of the things he was doing in practice i think this is going to be a good one here yeah i think that last one took the pressure off starts it off the double backflip again heading towards that quarter pipe there's that tucked no hander what's he got for the third hit there's that bike flip again cleaned it up a little bit slipped the pedal on that first one there's that triple tail out he hangs on and rides away i mean again this is a guy with a separated right shoulder he was out in practice and axel hodges comp in a day riding dirt all morning came here an hour before we did this comp and right now he's in the number two spot that was a crazy run jimmy showing you that double backflip again that is nothing to j tui the double backflip is just like second nature to him which is so crazy to think about and here we go there's this triple tail whip on a very difficult quarter to ride bringing it around coming in a little bit low but he hangs on to it i think we're going to be in for a really good score there jimmy yeah so again as we roll through this it is a live ranking so we will see the names bounce around here on the leaderboard so it is going to stay the same for now not enough to overtake my calendar but there's still lots of time left on the oh no j2 he does he slides into that top spot there after his second run so how about that story unfolding right now andy buckworth sits in the bronze metal spot here as we hit the 18 minute mark sending it in for run at number two double backflip again another australian going doubles on that tucked no-hander what's he got going on here oh check out the the new line there coming up the landing of that first big jump flipping off of it into the other landing hey listen why not roll the dice let's play the creativity card right there yeah it's good to see some of these riders thinking outside the box a little bit taking a little bit different of a line seeing if the judges are into it or not which i mean that's a flat front flip right there he's pretty much just bunny hopping into the next landing beside it pretty cool to see this little pop right there look how much real estate he covers when he comes off the side of this here past the roller and then to do that and then try to set yourself up for that quarter pipe that was pretty impressive right there i always like some originality out there okay so now do we see mikel take it up a notch here on the quarter pipe he went for the tabletop they're on the first quarter pipe i should say i keep forgetting there's two of them here in bmx mega park but does he take it up a notch here we're about to find out there's that superman seat grab it again similar to what he did in the first one there's a nice clean look back holding it no pedaling 720. i don't think i've ever seen mikel do a 720 before and he tries it over that third hit there would love to see him clean up that run a little bit pull that 720 and then hit that that last quarter pipe maybe send that triple tail up again that's a wild one too because i mean when you come off that quarter pipe you're hitting that step up right there and you've got to hit that roller just right mikel's still sitting in that silver metal spot for now as we were working our way towards the 16 minute mark here pat casey pat sitting in that number six spot as of right now as victoria mentioned earlier riding in all the bmx events the exception of street as and he's also in the moto x 110s this weekend there was that tailwith casserole 360 with a double tail up hitting this last quarter pipe bar spin the tail but he hangs on [Applause] okay so this is going to be interesting here do you think that's gonna be enough to overtake that number three spot possibly that number two spot well i don't like to pretend like i'm a judge because i let them do their job i stay in my lane but this the cash roll with the tail whip bar spin to tuck no hander he was solid on every single element on the course the jumps the quarter pipes he had it all and he hung on to it this time around we saw him slam on his first run brings it around liz a little bit low and he just hangs on to it there so in this round pat casey puts himself in that top spot okay the ante has just been up that's pat casey jay toohey and mike keller you're one two three with 15 minutes left to go here in the jam session as we get set to bring back in morgan wade remember he had that slide out there over the first hit he does hold the x games big air height record by the way 23 feet 11 inches set that at x games minneapolis back in 2018. does that backflip tucked no hander looking like it's getting a little bit windy out there jimmy huge double tailwind oh he's going a little bit slow here yeah he landed a little low and it killed up to speed you were talking about that pedaling through the flat there earlier you don't see morgan do that but just that bottom out landing there caused him to have to slow it down a bit well you know he's gonna come back strong for his last visit to the course but i love this here's the double tail this is maybe the biggest trick we've seen in today's competition on that quarter pipe just letting those legs fly and just reeling it in and he lands a little bit low here jimmy and that's what scrubbed off all that speed just didn't have what it took to get over that next obstacle so with 14 minutes left on the clock we may get a fourth round of runs here we'll have to see i mean we're rolling through this pretty quick ryan williams currently sits in that number seven position here remember he had that back tire hang up on the flare on the first quarter pipe hit oh and here he goes he tucks it in how in the world did he bring that back in before the limp chris there's that front flip flair wow that was a run there jimmy and you can tell by that reaction that says it all there wow yes the front oh man our willy is pumped i can't wait to see some replays here check him out showing you that casserole pushing forward putting those eyes on the landing stabbing it right in there huge flare on this quarter high as you like tucking that back wheel just avoiding the coping has good speed for the next hit and then this the front flip flare coming in so he landed so perfect on that and he's pumped so that had him down there at the bottom of the pack and that's gonna jump him up good enough for podium contention for now he's not gonna overtake pat casey however that will put him in a silver medal spot here there's still time on the clock it's still plenty more to come here from the first ever bmx mega park event here at the x games it's pat casey sitting in the top spot will there be a lead change we'll find out when we come back to elliot sloan sloane [Music] welcome back to x games 2022 in elliot sloan's backyard that plays host to a brand new event here bmx mega park hello everybody i'm jimmy coleman here in the booth standing alongside chris doyle and well we're two rounds into this brand new event here and right now i mean it's your last year's dirt gold medalist pat casey sit in that top spot yeah so fun to watch all these guys do their thing i mean they're they're all just absolutely throwing down this is a new event they didn't really know what to expect so uh it's it's been a lot of fun watching these guys do their thing i mean pat casey just put it down on every single hit we're getting a good look here at mr j2e double backflip clean as you like no problem with the double backflip for mr j tui here's ryan williams showing you that big cash roll kind of surprising that he didn't move into that first place but hey i'm not a judge then pat casey showing you that 360 double tail whip bar spin the tail up on that last quarter pipe and you see why we have our one two three casey williams and tui well he's definitely been a key player in the comp here today right now let's discover more brought to you by pacifico i'm ryan williams and i'm 28 years old from the sunshine coast in australia this is going to be groundbreaking ryan williams is in the history making business i really appreciate what elliot sloane's doing with this mega park concept it's what needs to happen you know the ramps need to innovate so the tricks can innovate as well i'm excited to see what it's going to unleash i've got some well first tricks that i think can be done on that ramp [Music] what drives me to innovate would have to be just knowing that the further i push the sport right now the further it will be in the future i feel like when i was little someone would do a trick and it would become doable and then next minute everyone's doing it so the more i push the better the next generation is going to be [Applause] well he's no stranger to compounds he has his own compound in his backyard down in australia also spends a lot of time riding on the nitro circus uh tour show so he uh he's been in this environment plenty before right now he finds himself in a silver metal position pat casey in the top spot and jay tui sitting in bronze for now however it is far from over remember the format here it is the best run that counts and there is still time on that jam session clock so we go back up to the start of the order and we do it all over again with bryce tryon here starting out the run order here he was just outside podium he was sitting in that number four spot before round number two he now finds himself two more spots down the ladder chris sitting in that number six spot yeah and you can see i'm just waiting on the wind you see the umbrellas blowing around you see a shirt blowing he's dropping in now still looks a little bit windy out there check him out there's that bar spin backflip he's done that every every hit now there's that one footed flat he looks like he's just trying to stay consistent oh there's that bar spin front flip to late tucked no-hander tucked no hand at a late bar spin fitting in a lot of tricks he's pretty hyped i mean a lot of these guys didn't know what to expect when they got here so it's it's awesome to see how they all adapt and and are able to do their own things on this course there's that bar spin front flip late tuck no hander heading towards this last vert quarter pipe tucked no hander to late barston you see he's a goofy-footed rider so he rides right foot forward and he also spins to the right looked like he was trying to throw another combo there off of that first hit and he had to uh think twice about that one and as you mentioned that win definitely it's starting to kick up a little bit here as we roll deeper into this competition but bryce is going to have to settle for sixth and stay in that spot for now daniel sandoval currently one spot behind bryce he sits in that number seven spot but again i mean we keep telling the story of how he looked in practice yesterday and i've been very impressed by daniel's riding here in bmx mega part yeah it would be awesome to see him clean up this run there's that superman frame grab corked out backflip always landing a little bit low trying to crank it out the double decade what [Music] that might have been the highest i saw him go on the quarter pipe yesterday but it he gets better with each run yeah check him out on this first hit there's that superman frame grab corking out the back flip looks so crazy jimmy and airing out that quarter pipe went nice and high but you know just didn't have what it what it took to get over that third hit okay so just under 11 minutes left to go so lots of time left here in bmx mega park currently sitting in a bronze medal position j2 we keep talking about the separated shoulder may fourth of this year he had a ruptured left mcl as well and we he was off the bike for eight weeks so i mean once he got back on he was training super hard to get up here for the x games and again competing here in bmx mega park as well as dirt this week i don't know how they're able to pop the double backflip like that off such a mellow transition on that first hit showing you that big bike flip leaves it out there for the superman switching the feet triple tail it pulls it man's a little bit low slipped a little bit of a pedal but he had three really good hits to this course today jimmy you can see him grimace a little bit there with that shoulder obviously landing a bit low that definitely doesn't feel good when you have a dinged up shoulder there but i mean make it short work here the double backflips on that first hit yeah like it's no big deal whatsoever him and andy buck were both on those check him out here look at the look at where he lands on this quarter pipe lands really low coming in front heavy you got the last bit of transition right there you see the head lurching toward the crossbar there but rides away from that one clean so again it's pat casey ryan williams and j2e you're one two three for now we're just now at the nine and a half minute mark andy buckwood sits two spots out of podium contention as of right now x games 2022 his 11th appearance he's no stranger to the big air podium he got a bigger bronze in 2010 that was his first appearance and you know i think buckworth has a little bit more that he's not showing us yet but going a little bit long oh he's going to the same line again jimmy there's that front flip off from landing to landing ending things with the flare buckworth is another guy he's got a pretty busy week he's going to be riding in our dirt event as well and uh you know looks like he kind of played it a little bit safe on his final visit to the course if he clean that up just a little bit work on the speed factor a little bit but again i mean you got to give him points for the creativity here the way he's able just to pop a front flip off of a very mellow landing like that it doesn't look as impressive as it actually is but i've ridden bikes my entire life and that is extremely difficult okay so michael aaron was in the top spot early on he now finds himself sitting just outside the podium looking in here he's in that number four spot as of now stretching out the superman seat grab over the first hit well i love it i appreciate it he's riding really smooth he's not pedaling he's gonna get that 720 jimmy did you see how effortless that was and how perfectly he put that down right on the sweet spot of that roller mikel's one of these guys he just makes it all look so easy you didn't see him crank once it he landed at the top of every transition just smooth as you like the entire time from start to finish i love the way he does his look backs whips it out and snaps right into it that look at that there's a picture of perfection right there and then the only 720 we've seen that's like a flat spin j mirror on style 720 right there mike kell is also a goofy footed rodder he's left foot forward spins to the left showing you that downside double tail whip lands lance pretty good on that one that was a smooth clean run i'd love to see it so we'll see what happens here with the ranking again no scores it's a live ranking as we roll through this event taking a look at your current leader pat casey who was on a tear here at bmx mega park yeah he went for that cash roll tail up again 360 downside tail whip looks like he's just kind of toying around right now he's got that that good second visit but i mean it's very possible these guys could get another visit to the course so you might not want to play it too casual right now i'm gonna say it with two riders left to go in the rotation here it's trending like it might go to a fourth round of runs here mikel was not able to bump up there's that 360 downside tail it almost looks like a decade the way that he does it but you know 360 downside tail if he's kicking that tail up in his opposite direction right now we got mr morgan wade i would love to see him get a good run in the bank here jimmy well before he does that let's check in one more time with victoria guys we love morgan way we also love folks who love to do stuff off the course no his side hustle as he says is riding in schools and churches and fairs with the stunt dude squad because he loves to be a role model to younger fans introducing them to bmx and he also just can't get enough of soaring through the air and we can't get enough of watching him yeah he is a road warrior he's out on the road doing shows pretty much throughout the entire year there's that dude that's gonna hurt right there just lawn dart up that step up uh unfortunate for morgan to land low on that double tail whip but you know what he's having a good time out there jimmy he's gonna go up to the roller and show everyone the blue steel look right there yeah don't count him out i mean he's been in this situation time and time again there's that beautiful backflip tuck no hander lands it really clean just sailing towards that huge quarter pipe big slow double tail catching it clean just lands a little bit long just love the way how far off the bike he is on those double tailwinds well there's a shot of pat casey he was your dirt gold medalist last year in his own backyard and right now in 2022 he's looking at a potential gold medal here in the first ever bmx event however this gentleman right here is going to have something to say about it here you saw what ryan williams put down in run number two it was good enough for silver for now he is hungry and wants more he said in our package that he has some nbds up his sleeves have never been done before there's that flare again front flip was that a double tail jimmy i got to see that on the replay there's that front flip flare oh my goodness that one looked a little cleaner than the last i gotta see what he did on that third it was definitely a front flip tail it might have been two gonna have to take a look at that wow what a run from mr ryan williams you can hear him just shouting third time's a charm check him out here's the front flip the way the bike whips around just looks so crazy there's it and then he throws it back in the other direction it came back around the other way oh my gosh and to do that and then get a front flip flare out of it come on wow wow jimmy that was a run oh my gosh and there's still a lot of time left on the clock so we are going to get another round runs because he is the last guy in the riding order and it puts him in that top spot we talked about him winning three bigger gold medals in a row he now finds himself in the top spot here at the first ever bmx mega park event it's williams casey tui you're one two three with one more round of runs still to come here oh my goodness chris doyle wow i was not expecting that that was the front flip windshield wiper they call it windshield wiper when you kick a tail up and then throw it back in the other direction a trick originally done by uh james foster a guy that we see in mega park from time to time but wow that was that that took a keen eye i'm glad the judges got it right because that was crazy yeah it was hard to tell at real time speed but that last replay angle we got gives it gives you the full appreciation of what he did on that second jump but here we go this is for all the marbles the last round of runs oh look at bryce try on getting into the double flip game didn't see that one coming i know that he has the double backflip in his pocket but we usually see him do it on the dirt jumps but just sending it out here on uh bmx mega park so he was in sixth pre-run there so with that fall he is going to stay in that spot but uh trying to roll the dice here in the fourth and final round daniel sandoval still sitting in that number seven spot see if this will be the run then he can put it all together trying to jump up a couple of spots here again it's ryan williams now your leader followed by pat casey and jay tui sitting in a bronze the time will run on the clock we will finish out the run order it would be really really good to see sandoval put a run together uh he might not take the top spot but it'd be it'd be really good to see him inch his way into that top three position there's that corked out backflip [Music] you could hear him yelling as he was floating away from the lip of the quarter pipe right there it's amazing what these guys are able to get away with and come away completely unscathed with smiles on their face similar to what we're seeing on uh mr daniel sandoval's face right there j2e here looking at a bronze medal as of right now i mean he's got bmx dirt still to come and that's his main focus i mean that's what that's his bread and butter right there and he was a little nervous talking about this yesterday in practice you got we talked about the mcl the left mcl injury back in may of this year now that separated shoulder but how great would it be for him to walk out of here with a medal today i know tui's had a lot of injuries he is one tough guy and uh yeah he's battling through injury right now he's just getting things done still leaving that bike flip out there with the superman lagging behind there's that triple tail up super clean i think that's the cleanest one he's done so far today jim you know the giddy at that low landing on that last quarter in the last run and with that dinged up shoulder i mean you could see him grimaces and grimacing as he rolled away and i mean he's still just having a go at it here look at the extension yeah he throws that bike forward completely dismounts and then leaves those legs back there and just kicks a nice little superman and there's a clean triple tail that was the cleanest one he's done all day so again he's looking at a bronze medal as of right now as we have a handful of riders left to go here the time clock winding down here to just under 30 seconds but as i mentioned before we do finish out the run order so every competitor is assured the same amount of runs andy buckworth right now just two spots out of podium contention and i know that buckworth has more of his sleeve that he's not showing us it'd be good to see him just put it down right here there's that double backflip again clean and casual nice tuck no hander what's he got for this third oh and he just comes out the back seat well unfortunate for andy buckworth there but uh had an impressive showing all together today yeah you know some creativity there using that uh transfer line off the roller from the first hit going into that knuckle landing michael laron still sitting in that number four spot i think if mikel does a bigger trick on the first jump it might really push him into that top three spot he's just doing the superman sea grab and i don't want to sound callous it's not just the superman secret but i think if he you know does something a little bit more difficult it can really boost up his his position a little bit here we go so here we go with michael laron just one spot out here stretching out the superman seat grab over the first hit huge double downside whip no pedaling oh he's just goes in just ran out of speed coming into that third feature but still able to send a flare on that quarter pipe right there and again he makes things look so easy as far as style is concerned i mean he made that look like it was nothing most stylish on the course today showing you that huge downside double tail whip i don't think i've ever seen him miss a downside double before so uh you know really cool to see michael do his thing is smooth and silky all day well your current leader is due up next or excuse me he's sitting in the number two position ryan williams sitting in that gold medal spot pat casey sitting in a silver metal spot as of right now here there's that tail whip casserole going for the far spin wanted to tuck no hander out of that and he's just kind of toying around looks like he's perfectly happy with that silver medal right now jimmy yeah with the amount of events that he's riding in this week i mean he's got to pack it up he's got to head up to axel hodges compound uh he's got bmx dirt and moto x110s out there tomorrow i mean he's got a stacked stack schedule so there is a shot of your current leader ryan williams there in the background that means this is the last gentleman that can shake up the standings here ryan sitting in a gold medal spot followed by pat casey and g2e morgan is the last one that can shake up the standings why because he is on the outside looking in he currently sits in that number eight spot do not count him out it is best friend that counts and this is the one guy who embodies the term send it yeah i would love to see morgan get a nice full pull here kind of struggled a little bit today there's that one-handed flatty super duper high nice big superman oh no just slipped a pedal that you rarely do you ever see that out of morgan right there he did the the classic superman tail he's laughing he's loving it he's having a good time not his day but you know he's certainly having a good time out there jimmy well you know what that means is that ryan williams is going to get a victory lap here and j2 is going to be safe with the bronze medal pat casey's gonna get the silver but i mean how about the run that this guy's had he's won three bmx bigger events in a row now he comes in and he's gonna get a goal than the first ever bmx mega park well what does he do on this last hit does he go out there and drop some more never been done before or does he just go out there and raise the roof for his run i don't know i don't think he has a filter i don't think he knows how to pump the brakes on this one he just loves to get out there and this one's for the fans but this is all about for progression for him look at this huge flare cranking it out front flip tuck no hander and he calls it right there jimmy there is your gold medalist for the first ever bmx mega park how fun was that competition i mean you know none of these guys really i mean excuse me michael aaron is the only rider that had ever ridden this thing prior to june of this year i mean this is ellen sloan's a bird skater and you know this is this is an area frequented by skateboarders but you know to come out here and just put this together and everyone was just kind of looking around like all right we're going to make a go with this but i mean what a show that they all put on here but how about and ryan williams adds yet another gold medal oh yes yes holly molly let's take a look back at some of the highlights that earned him that fourth gold medal in a row chris yeah showing you that casserole he was he was really consistent all day huge flares and just tucking that back wheel in at the last second there's that front flip windshield wiper showing you why he is today's gold medalist so a big day for him as we sent it down to victoria arlen ryan williams the first ever bmx mega park winner let's talk about what's on your glove though because you were yelling third time's the charm and it worked can you walk us through that i did not mean for that to happen but i must have just i just must have wheeled it into into the world because third time's a charm and that's what i usually say when i'm riding if i'm crashing but man i'm so stoked thank you shout out to elliot sloane this place is amazing and thanks for hosting this dude love ya all right well congratulations well done let's go out willy land you yeah so a big day for him and i think what can you say about that young man chris i mean he's just he is insane to watch yeah and it's amazing the tricks that he has dialed you should not have tricks that complex that dialed well it's jay tui walking out with his second x games medal with the bronze pat casey taking home the silver here but ryan williams makes it four x games gold medals in a row [Music] you
Channel: X Games
Views: 954,917
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Keywords: x games, xgames, x-games, x games 2022, watch x games, bmx megapark, bmx megapark x games 2022, bmx megapark livestream, bmx megapark x games 2022 livestream, bmx megapark 2022 x games, x games bmx, bmx, x games bike, x games megapark, Elliot Sloan megapark, the sloanyard, sloanyard, megaramp, front flip kickless, front flip windshield wiper, front flip, back flip, 360, big air, Garrett reynolds, Daniel sandoval, Kevin peraza, big jump, x games wild, x games bmx megapark, usa
Id: vwjE4XEI7EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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