BMX Triple Hit | Nitro World Games 2022

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foreign foreign [Music] welcome back everyone to Brisbane here in Queensland we are downtown just off the banks of the Brisbane River here inside the iconic suncorp Stadium It's the Return of the Nitro World Games after a three-year Hiatus and as I mentioned before finding a new home deer this season on Australian soil two events in the books four more to go coming up next we've got BMX triple hits brought to you by none other than Brisbane Queensland Jimmy Coleman here in the booth I am now joined by Todd mine who is going to be calling the action with me out here today and well we have been waiting a long long time for this one because we haven't actually contested this event at the Nitro war games you got to go all the way back to 2017 when we were at Rice Eccles Stadium all the way back in Utah we broke off for a couple of years we did some Park competitions inside California Training Center so it's been a long time since we've had these ramps back out here at the Nitro world games but right now let's send it down to the floor with Caroline Buchanan and Travis Pastrana I'm down here with none other than himself Travis Pastrana this is your vision Nitro World Games tell us about the history and how we got here oh this is the Big Air of action sports all these Riders have been throtting to get out there and do stuff that's never been done stuff that they've never done and stuff that no one else has ever seen so many riders from BMX to skate to scooter are trying tricks that literally no one in the world has ever thought of you can't even do it in video games so thank you all for coming back the sun is out today let's get it on and we are about to kick off with BMX triples what is it that people love about this course behind us you know this is a really awesome event because you have three best trick events back to back to back they have to be absolutely spot on definitely a crowd favorite one that I love seeing and then what's really cool is you got our Willie who just came from scooters he's doing this over here and then he's got big air later the trifecta absolutely awesome cannot wait to see what they all throw down and uh Local Hero Olympic gold medalist this is going to be awesome get behind the Riders and give it up for Travis Pastrana everyone we're gonna send it back to you guys okay so there you go Todd mine take it away take a look at that start list talk us through it who are your standouts here today without a doubt my favorite standout is Logan Martin he is now an Olympic gold medal BMX just debuted in the Olympics he took home the win but we have a heavy lift the list of riders David godiak Brandon lupos Pat Casey Kieran Riley he's also a new Guide to the sport in terms of coming to these contests he is without a doubt going to be throwing down some massive bangers Justin Dow Daniel Sandoval they've made their way over from the USA and I cannot wait to see what goes down yeah as Travis said it's kind of like a best trick contest but you've got to do it three times in a row I mean that you've got to have the big tricks but the Hits come three in a row right here and I mean what we saw at the inaugural season in 2016 and then the follow-up year in 2017 inside the rice cycle stadium in Salt Lake City Utah I mean it was absolute mayhem out there and you have a heavy hitter start list out here a veritable who's who in the world of freestyle BMX and this one I always get a little extra wound up for this one Todd it is BMX triple hits brought to you by Brisbane Queensland Queensland we are about to start it off with a young man out of Omaha Nebraska it's Jacob thieb he writes dirt and park won the pannonian challenge in Croatia back in June earlier this year as well as the butcher Jam in June in Germany Junior this year in both Park and dirt yeah the thing with this contest as well Jimmy is you know out there you have a lot of one-trick hits these guys have to land their tricks perfectly in a row to hit the three jumps and uh on the on the last jump there you have a rezzy set up so this is a little bit safer for the guys and this is where the big tricks are going to go down you can see everybody hanging that up there and athlete staging at the top of the roll and they're just steely-eyed looking down that rolling right there with the exception Ryan Williams he's got a big little smile on his face but here we go we started off first Rider and it's Jacob theme out of Omaha Nebraska he is dropping in 360 double downside whip into a quadruple tail whip into a 720 bar spin oh just sliding out there just a little too much rotation on that seven right there and slides out on that res he gets up weaving that one up to the fans are right there you can see you got a little bit of road rash on that one that rezzy will burn you up a little bit when you slide down that thing Todd it's definitely not knife falling on the rezzy even though it is a bit softer but as you said just seeing a perfect quad with their mid set with with just a 720 bar it's been unfortunately just overcooking it there a little bit but we have many more runs for them to make up yeah it is the best run that counts out here today in this event and I believe at this point in time we are down to two rounds of runs if I am not mistaken so we will have to look to the next round runs there for Jacob right there so he's going to clock in with a 44.33 for that first outing right there it's always tough being the first guy in Todd yeah it's always tough beating the first guy in uh to kind of set the bar you know but uh up next we have a favorite of mine Boyd Hilda man this guy's Super Attack has lots of Street skills starting off with a bar spin backflip right here uh one one-handed Superman seat grab into a quadruple truck driver wow it's that happens straight there Boyd Hilder out of the Gold Coast your simple session 2022 BMX treatment are back in June and he also won best trick out there Todd yeah Boyd normally rides a lot of street so he doesn't really compete too often in these kind of contests so it's going to be cool to watch him compete this weekend big backflip Basket in there into a Superman secret one-hander watch this one so fast it's just the bar catch bar catch bar it's in the middle of a 360 right there so that'll put him up there in the low 70s he's got a 71.33 here just our second Rider and as we get ready to go back up to the top of the Rolling here take a look at another Australian Rider Todd this is Jake Walworth he is a ramp Fest local it's also a carpenter full-time Carpenter into ditch in addition to being a professional Rider yeah Jake uh definitely has some big tricks in the bag so I'm certainly expecting to see something pretty big here he's BMX park winner in the 2018 peace World Series Chengdu China event he's dropping in we got a massive double flip on the first set into a front flip tail whip into a 360 triple whip that's an awesome run there for Jay that double the start off was wild it almost like he slowed down in the second rotation right there we'll have to take another look at that one but a big run right there for Jake Wallwork here to open it up here in round one this double flip was absolutely unreal spot is landing there on the first flip do you see how he kind of extended a little bit Am I Wrong to see that no a lot of guys on a double flip you know you kind of spot your Landing coming around on that first rotation that that was an unreal Rob the double flip into a front flip toe whip not many dudes are doing that out here and then finishing it off with a 360 triple whip it's an awesome run there for Jake I know he's going to be stoked with that one so the judge is working off of a 100 point scale out here today and we're into the high 80s here in the opening round it's an 87.66 right there in round one here for Jake Wallwork so nicely done there so you get one of the books there Todd that takes the pressure off you a little bit right moving on into that next round taking a look at Ryan Williams coming off of a second place finish already today in the scooter best trick category he happened to walk out of here with the win both in 2016 and 2017 it will be held BMX triple hits Ryan also starting off with a double flip into a front flip no-hander coming in on the last set we've got a double backflip 360. that is absolutely out there doing that and especially to do it on a jump this big it's uh not very often you see that trick get done on on a box shop this size you can see him pointing at his eyes right there maybe you get a little bit of sweat in his face right there I know he's talking to somebody as you rode away from that one but let's take another look see what went wrong here Todd the double flip spot not Landing again on the first flip into a front flip no-hander getting set up for that massive double backflip 360 on the last set unfortunately just coming up a little bit too short but that's what I was saying Jimmy you have to land perfect on all these jumps so you can get over the next one and and clear the jump and see unfortunately just come up a little bit short there yeah a little under rotated and got the back tire on that knuckle Landing right there everybody's got a smile on his face he's already seen the podium once out here today over at Scooter best tricks with a 47.66 for him so he's gonna throw that one out and look to that uh second round of runs I mean and that's tough too and you only get two runs uh you don't have a lot of shots at it out here on the BMX triple hits going back up to the top so we get set to welcome in Mr Josh Matthews here lots of Instagram Clips this guy's got uh big rotations makes him look easy he likes things like 1080s uh and double backflips over spines as well as double flares double flipping straight off that first shot it seems like that's uh speaking of titties unfortunately just coming up a little bit short there on that 10. that was just another day at the office right there second hit you know what I'll just do a 1080 right here that it was such a casual spin right there yeah Josh is really good at 1080s too so I just think unfortunately he landed a little bit low on that double flip which didn't set him up good enough for that 10. so he too will have to look to that second and final round of runs right there take another look a double flip just getting a little bit uneasy there on that Landing which just truly spin off there on the 1080 but as you're saying Jimmy there's two runs best run counts so he has another shot to make up for that I mean he had the height the rotation was there just a little too over at their time a little too anxious yeah as I say Jimmy it just kind of looked like he just didn't kind of land as good as what he wanted to on that first jump okay we go back up to the top and welcome in our first polish Rider here David godziak this is your X Games 2022 BMX dirt gold medalist by the way dropping in into a 360 double bar spin into a cash roll what do we have in the last set and a triple whip to finish off I don't think they've got quite what he wanted on that first jump Jimmy let's see if we could take another look at the replay here and you can kind of see by the reaction right there you're absolutely right I think you wanted a little bit more right there and kind of thinking that one through but you get two runs remember it's the best run that counts as we take a look back here for David goziak dropping in with a 360 double bar and he wanted to send it back the other way yeah I think he definitely wanted to spin the bars a couple more times into the Castro into a triple tail whip you know it's crazy David rides both mountain bikes and BMX is incredible on both oh yeah he is an absolute beast in the mountain bike world as well but yeah you could see on that replay he wanted more in that first hit right there so that's going to put him down there in the low 70s with the 73.66 so uh it's gonna have to come down to run number two possibly if you're gonna get on that Nitro World Games Podium here in BMX triple its taking a look at Chris James right here from just down the road out of Gold Coast as he loved riding big balls and going as high as he can in addition to be the pro writer he's also a butcher as well he's multifaceted Todd dropping in with a backflip no foot can can haven't seen that one yet into a front flip no-hander land a little flat and finishing it off with a Superman secret shaking his head there yeah that first one was he went to see another camera angle on that one but he definitely looks like he wanted more by the reaction there Todd yeah Jimmy as I said uh James throwing down massive tricks didn't quite get what he wanted I think but that flip no foot can there on the first jump into a massive front flip no-hander Landing a little bit low not getting quite too set up there on the last one into a Superman seat grab it's chorus I mean if you don't Landing that next hit is coming at you super fast so if something goes wrong you've really gotta think fast a lot of these guys don't have brakes so it's super hard for them to slow down if they're carrying too much speed through that'll slide them in just out of building detention for now 61.33 puts him in that number four spot so it's wall work godziak Hilder your one two three as of right now but again this is just the opening round out of two as we get set to bring in Sydney's Brandon lupus two-time X Games medalist he owns one gold one silver both of those are in BMX steward Brandon lupus is certainly a contender to take out the first place for this contest he has some massive tricks also was a part of the Australian BMX Olympic team unfortunately having a big injury which set him back but he's back and ready to send it it's also your natural world games 2017 BMX best trick silver medalist as he's coming down that rolling for his first of two starting off with a flip triple whip on the first hit into a 1080 unfortunately putting a foot down and just making it over that last jump unfortunately having a little bit trouble there with that 1080. not getting quite what he wanted but expecting big things on his last run again it was just kind of a slow just super casual rotation on that 1080 right there at this last second had to take that foot up maybe to slow down yeah spinning tricks are kind of weird like the most when you when you carry a lot of speed your rotation does get thrown off a bit and it looks like these guys are carrying out a lot of speed into that second jump so again it is best run that counts so again looking to round two there for Brandon lupus as we bring in Placentia California's Mr Pat Casey five-time X Games medalist he owns one gold three silver one bronze including a BMX dirt gold medal in his own backyard when they hosted X Games BMX dirt and park and park and dirt best trick in his backyard last season one of the best Styles in BMX it's pretty much a dream to have X Games in your backyard especially to take home the win here we go let's see if he puts on this guy it's all about crazy rotations and big combo moves Pat dropping in starting off with the 360 Superman seat grab into a 360 bath spin tail whip getting set up in the last into a cash roll [Applause] same deal I don't think it's quite exactly what he wanted but at least he put a run down and got a score on the board so right now that High Mark to beat is an 87.66 if I'm not mistaken as we take a look back at Pat Casey's first outing here look at the extension massive 360 Super Scene into that 360 basketball width Landing perfect he's got the 360 Boston to toe whip into a casserole [Applause] [Music] as I said Jim I think it's just stoked to get a rundown at least he's got a score on the board so he can throw down something massive on these last runs yeah and it's kind of the same boat for these guys as we were talking about earlier with skatever with the red this whole week it's not like these guys got a ton of practice out here so with the sunny conditions today and just getting out here and making some stuff happens so that'll put him in that number two spot right there Pat Casey checks in with an 81.33 to slide him into that number two position so that'll bump boy the Elder out into that number four spot so for right now out of Newcastle UK this is Kieran Riley very explosive comp Rider who's been making waves on the BMX scene since he was a kid he has a very heavy YouTube presence this guy is constantly putting up new edits and content Todd yeah it's pretty hot these days to do a trick no one's done before but Karen just constantly throwing down something new got a 360 double tail with the boss pin 360 double bar spin into a 720 whip on the last jump that was a lot going on in that run right there that was a good run there from Kieran Karen is just such an explosive Rider has so much power and just has some of the biggest tricks in BMX 360 double tail whip to Boston an elite bar spin as well 360 triple bar spin possibly winning a fourth one there one two three I think he might have wanted to go for that fourth one Jimmy I think so too looking at the body language right there I think he wanted to throw the quad bar spin it's crazy too to spin up catch spin catch that was Unreal Karen can spin like no other guy out there he's just his combinations are just wild so again working off of a 100 point scale out here today in BMX triple hit you get two runs it is the better of your two runs that count so far we haven't seen anybody jump up into the 90s yet we've got a couple of scores up there in the 80s we will have to wait to see your judges are obviously talking that one over as we have not seen the score populate next to uh Karen's name here so what's it going to be an 88.83 so that should put him in that number one spot for right now so nicely done there Todd by Karen Riley yeah it would be straight with that one Jimmy especially being on on top at the moment putting a score good good score on the board so getting ready to go back up to the top there he is we're looking for G2 they were zooming in on Logan Mark right there your X Games 2022 Bronze in Mega Park and he got a silver in dirt also a fixture on the Nitro Circus live tour this is Jay Tui Joey's massive front flip by flip there into a flip what do we got on the last in the quadruple tail with to finish off as you saw Jimmy just landed a little bit low and then set him up not tight quite well on that second jump that's all right Jay it's best run counts you get another one still to cover yeah he wanted more he just got a little bit of Milwaukee Landing here that would look like he was going to get away from him yeah he definitely had to reach out extra extra far for that one but I think he's quite possibly may have wanted to double on that second one nothing at the same time yeah the way he tucked into that he was thinking about that double I'll walk that plank with you as well but again it's best run to count so we'll see him change that up in round number two right there see how extended he was I thought that thing was getting away from when he does that I watch it time and time again and I'm always amazed about how he's able to grab that thing and pull it back under him at the last second yeah there's not too many guys out here doing that one uh Willie was the first guy to throw that one down and then Tui came in and started throwing variations into it you can see right there as he's waiting for the react shot he's thinking about that one but again uh two runs best run counts he's gonna shake it off gonna get another crack at it right there somebody checks in with the 73 flat here that's good enough to put you in that number five spot right now so you need to be in the 80s as of right now if you're getting that top three Pat Casey sitting on that bubble Podium spot right now with an 81.33 but this thing is far from over we still have some uh names on the start list here and another round of runs taking a look at your BMX park Olympic gold medalist right here this is none other than Logan Martin yeah this is definitely going to be a wild run Logan just has an endless amount of tricks dropping in what have we got we're starting off with a flip bar spin to no Handa into a 720 double bass been on the second jump into a op opposite quadruple tail whip he's stoked with that one I was gonna see did you see the smile on his face as he rode across the resume after that last hit man that's great not not many people are even doing quadruple Tailwinds and Logan just did that one opposite he he can literally throw Towers both ways like it's it's hard to tell which is normally what's opposite but huge backflip fast been no hander there 720 double bar spin oh my goodness so much High yeah take another look here this was another shot in the first hit it's just so precise with everything it's just so dialed it's so methodical and again going Oppo with the whips over the last hit there that was a that was a very good run from Logan he's definitely stoked with that one that's uh I think without a doubt gonna put him on the top play sir okay so here we go did we crack into the 90s on this one and we do almost hit the midnight he's right there and 94.66 Logan Martin finds himself in the top spot here in the latter half of round number one so it's Martin Riley and wall work here one two three so that'll bump Pat Casey down to that number four spot for right now so with two Riders left to go on the Run order here things are definitely heating up here in the latter half around a number one Todd out of Virginia Beach Virginia this is Justin Dowell taking a silver medal in BMX park uh at this year's X Games just missed the podium and BMX park best trick he had to settle for fourth Justin has some super quick bathrooms we've got to flip triple basp in there into a 360 tail wit letting a little load to a 360. that's called the Twix where you do a tail whip and you throw the buzz at the exact same time that trick just doesn't make any sense to me yeah when you see that you have to see that one in slow motion to fully appreciate what the world is going on there he has such fast bar spins that was insane I mean that went around so fast Landing a little sideways on that 360 boss bin they're still managing to get that last trick 360 ball spin Toe with that's called the Twigs he's completely off the bike at that point in the middle of that rotation I think he's got a flat tire Jimmy so he's maybe just from Landing a little bit sideways there well fortunately yeah I think his point is here because the with the tire blow out those things though I mean you could speak from experience on this one those things uh sounds like a shot out of a cannon when that goes off so that one probably blew up the eardrum temporarily right there but taking a look at her standings here Logan Martin that top spot only Riders score in the 90s as of right now but we still have one more Rider to go here yeah it's going to be hard to beat Logan's score there that's a high a highest High School trees Tara gonna explode oh so trying to see where the tire actually blew out was able to ride out into the airbag right there but you can see him tapping that ear right there and uh that's never fun when you're that close to the old uh tire blow up that'll that's that's definitely one you'll remember for a while last guy to go in the Run order here out of Corona California this guy is another one who's got style for miles and he's a bit of a tech wizard when it comes to combo tricks this is Daniel Sandoval your overall champion on the 2022 Monster Energy BMX triple challenge I think we're going to be in for a treat here Jimmy Daniel is so consistent we've got a 360 Oppo double downside tail whip into a 360 bar spin off Hotel wet bus binge at 360. I can't even keep up did you see that reaction right there just throws that one in at the end what is this gonna do to the states well I that's gonna be a tough one Jimmy I I think that might have it that was that was wild I couldn't even keep up with the tricks he's stoked on that one yeah I think I think that one's gonna take first place so again Logan Martin sits in that top spot with what I believe is a 94.66 but I mean look at the mechanics of this run here for Daniel Sandoval three Boston whip to Boston 360 double downside tow up there three bars down whip to bar so many tricks so dialed Daniel's so consistent the best was the reaction out of that that's it right there and he just looked just looks up at the fans and just throws that hand up and claims it yeah got a little came in a little hot on Rider's right side right there but rides that one out that's a make ladies and gentlemen this is going to be interesting Jimmy and 96.33 so at the end of round number one we have a new leader here in BMX triple hit here at the Nitro World Games what a finish to cap off round number one there for Daniel Sandoval so it's Sandoval Martin and Riley you're one two three at 96.33 a 94.66 and an 88.83 for now however we still got one more round of runs to go it is still it for grabs we've got plenty more BMX triple hit when we come back to Nitro World Games here at the sun Park Stadium foreign World Games is brought to you by Lego City ready build race forward slash events be a part of the action at queensland's Live Events and by City Beach Australia your number one destination for the latest skate Street Surf and fashion what's going on guys it's Logan Martin here me and my family are spending the day up in Brisbane at the Lone Pine koala sanctuaries come join us for some fun Wildlife experiences do you like it it's your first time traveling koala crocodile [Music] I just want to make sure that she has a good exercise [Music] definitely my favorite experience here was holding the koala I've never held a koala before I've padded one but never held it I would definitely bring my family here again Noah had so much fun Luna loves the kangaroos she loved checking all the animals out as well so definitely bring the whole family back so there you go Logan Martin in the family taking in some of the sights and sounds here in the greater Brisbane area I made so many great things to see and do I've had a blast I've been here for almost two weeks now Todd just down there Gold Coast for uh Nitro Junior games and just what a beautiful city here right on the Brisbane River and I mean this stadium is absolutely epic he got over 52 500 seats here across three different levels for these fans to pack in out here for this BMX triple hit presented by Brisbane Queensland and Logan he just saw there at the koala Sanctuary finds himself in the number two spot followed by Karen Riley in number three but it was Daniel Sandoval last guy to go in the Run order that sits in the top spot for now here with the 96.33 however we get to do this all over one more time it is two rounds of runs and it is the best run that counts that's what's going to get you on the podium out here at the Nitro world games Jimmy Coleman here in the booth alongside Todd mine calling the action but uh you know we saw some guys having a rough kill there with some of their lines uh kind of over rotating a little bit a couple slide outs and two guys wanting to throw some extra moves into the mixer we go back up to the top of the order once again with Jacob theme try again starting out with a 360 bar spin straight into that quad triple whip mid set finishing off with a 720 boss pin unfortunately not getting quite exactly what he wanted there on the first hit he might have to take his first score it's got him in that number 12 spot for now yeah I think he wanted a little bit more than that 360 boss been Jimmy but that quad whip mid set to do that trick alone is just incredible and to be doing it mid set you have to be dolled at it to be able to do that 720 bar spin still gonna be better than his first run I believe we are about to find out here again first round round there was a 44.33 it is the better of your two runs that determine our final rankings out here today okay our top two riders in the 90s and then are rounding up the code there you go bumps up to 69.66 right there so that'll bump him up two spots he was in 12-3-1 pre-run so that'll wedge him in there between uh Hilder and James there so not the one that he wanted but still bumps up a couple of spots right there as we get set to bring in Boyd Hilder for his second and final attempt currently finds himself in that number nine spot boys started off with a massive flip Bossman into that Superman seat grab one-hander doing a tail whip X up on that lost jump you know haven't two runs Jimmy and only one counting you know it does does put a lot more pressure on on the guys than usual well as you said earlier I mean this guy he's got the street Savvy I mean he's got this gnarly mix of not only riding ant Technical and extremely consistent he really shines in the street category but getting out here and boosting the BMX triple hit Cannonball one-handed there that tail whip X up almost looks like a bit of a Superman there as well oh it's always smiling he's going to stick with that first run score that 68 going to get to throw it so that's going to keep him in that number nine position we get set to bring it back in Jake wall work now he was in the top spot for a while slowly slid down the podium he finds himself just on the outside looking in as of right now with that 87.66 Todd starting off with a massive double flip no hander we haven't seen that one yet front flip boss been to no Handa into a front flip Tailwind that is an unreal run from Jake he is so how in the world did that just happen because he looked like he got a wacky Landing coming out of that first hit right there and that was a heck of a save we'll have to see it again on the replay but man you can see him Pat in his chest on that one and rightly so watch this so the double backflip no-hander on the first set do you see the wobble of the flat going in that second always makes it happen he always throws down it has the biggest tricks out there I fit I'm glad I'm not a judge how did he tuck into that late no hander out of that I mean he wobbled across the flat and still had the presence of mind to do that that's absolutely incredible Jake is going to be over the moon with that run and as I said she'd be having the two runs you know you kind of have have to throw down as big as you can you can't kind of give it you know kind of a half kind of effort because you have the best guys in the world he's into the 90s 91.33 he's ever gonna he's gonna overtake Karen Riley puts him back in the podium he's he sits on the bubble spot that run right there by cheek wall works so now your top three runs all in the 90s it's a 9633 a 94-6-6 and now a 91.33 so it's heating up here in round two as we get set to bring back in Ryan Williams I wonder if he'll say that double foot 360 on the last jump again but starting off with that massive double Flint land a little bit low front flip no hander getting set up will he pull it oh just back tire heavy a little on that one it ends up looping out right there so close for Ryan that's unfortunate I know he's going to be upset about that one now at least still got best trick coming up he's already found himself on the podium and best trick on the scooter side of things and again uh just always a great attitude and a smile on his face a double flip on the first set setting up with the front flip no hander that's his setup trick Jimmy and then that double backflip 360 just overcooking it just a little bit believe is your 2000 and 2000 2016 and 2017 BMX best trick winner here at the Nitro World Games and uh we still have that one coming up a little bit later on but he's gonna stick with that first run score here in BMX triple hit presented by Brisbane Queensland Josh Matthews looking to bump up from that first round score there had a little slip up there find himself down there at the bottom of the pack with a 25 flat for now here [Music] all right he's starting off with a double flip again will he get that 1080. pause it puts it Down Easy here control what uh effortless it was like he wasn't even trying I thought he was going to do a 720 he was spinning that slow but he brings it around manages to make it to the last jump with the cash roll are you kidding me there's so much pressure Jimmy dropping in knowing that you've only got one more shot and you've got to put a score down on the board well say goodbye to that score at 25 from the first round look at this and I'll just land this now guys pulling it around seems a normal thing to be everyone's double flipping that first set into that 1080 there with a cash roll to finish pushing over that jump that's a good thing about that trick Jimmy is you carry a lot of forward momentum so after landing that little bit lower you can push through with that casserole yeah let's see like maybe a little bit high on the knuckle on that one beginning that 25 is going to go in 89.83 that gets him out of the bottom of the pack and puts him in the number four spot he's not going to jump up into Podium contention there however jumping from the bottom to number four that is a big big run there when it was needed by Josh Matthews again look at that amazing overhead aerial shot right there looking through the opening of the roof here at the suncorp stadium David goziak he's got a 73.66 you saw that he wanted more in that first round what's he got here in round number two Todd David starting off with a cork 1080 into a triple tail whip mid set into a casual CG me pushing through he just slingshotted that cash roll at the end and definitely a little more fired up at the end of that run that we saw in round number one well that was a wild 1080. but pulling that on the first set is is difficult super difficult [Music] Corp 1080 there Landon perfect into a triple tail whip a little low but then pushing through with that catch roll foreign just making it open with our cash roll seems like everyone's putting together Jimmy all right you know it's just that energy when big start happening and everybody starts beating up feeding off of one another say this and that Vibe you can feel it in the air yeah doing a 1080 on that first that is is uh is very risky just put down the casserole ghost riding the bike into the airbag you didn't like that camera angle take another look at it right here in that reaction by David goziak says it all right there gonna be interesting and a 90.66 for him that's going to get him into the 90s but that is not going to be enough to overtake Jake Wallwork so that'll put him in for so he will be on the outside looking in but again bumps up into that number four position as of right now so your top four scores here creeping all the way down into the 90s and it is far from over still lots of riders left to go here you've got Chris James eyeing up the top of the Rolling currently sitting down there with a 61.33 in that number 12 spot time James starting up with a massive 360 backflip front flip no handy getting set off the last double backflip no hander unfortunately not quite having enough speed yeah just kind of opened up in that one that slowed down the rotation right there and he's gonna have to use that as a throw around throw away run so much speed so much high crisco's so high that front flip no-hander into a double slit no hander and unfortunately just turning out of it but walking out of a double flip in my books is always a good thing so here we go Brandon lupos do up next that first run didn't pan out he finds himself at the bottom of the pack here with that 34.33 again the scores in the 90s extend all the way down to that number four position second final attempt right here for Brandon lupos out of Sydney stop with that flip triple whip again Landing perfect into a 1080 cash roll no hand up that was and again look at that reaction by Brandon so the trade continues here in this second round of runs time man this is this is going to be a tough one to judge yeah the judging Booth right now is a hot seat that's a tough spot to be in they're earning their keep here today I'm glad I don't have that job it's not safe for being here in the booth oh way safer that 1080 there just pulling it around flip triple whip so perfect 1080 and then getting set up perfectly for that last shot yeah control no hander that's the first time we've seen that one I believe it was the 10 that did him into that first run had to dab a foot but pulls it off clean here and then takes the hands off in the cash roll in run number two the question is What's it gonna be on the score remember the 90s creep down into that number four position he's sitting in 14th pre-run as we await the score man the second round is just going off the rails as of right now but you know it's that's kind of the trend I mean it's that's just what happens every time we host one of these Nitro World Games events So Daniel Sandoval sitting in that top spot followed by Logan Martin as of right now so Brandon lupos is going to check in with the 92.66 that'll put him in Podium contention he's in the number three spot so he bumps Jake Walworth down to fourth so now it's Sandoval Martin lupos you're one two three so now the 90s creep all the way down to fifth place and it is still far from over as we get set to bring in five-time X Games medalist Pat Casey he owns a goal three silver and one Bronze in those events perhaps starting off with that 360 Superman C grab again 360 fast with double tail with this this time into a Castrol oh [Applause] [ __ ] yeah everyone is putting it together right now the trend continues here oh my God talk us through this Run Todd that 360 Superman C grab Indie massive extension into that 360 bar spin double tail whip mid set into that casserole Tailwind that's the first time we've seen that today as well everyone is bringing out the bangers topping and just holding on who you could see the reaction as well but then they get a little wobbly right away from that one I don't know either way he wrote that thing into the airbag that doesn't make right there so he was at Ninth Place pre-run it was down there in the low 80s he had an 81.33 so again the judges are in the hot seat I don't even know where the judges are sitting right now but I could feel the heat coming out of that Booth right now Todd yeah it's definitely taking a little bit longer to get those scores coming through and he's into the 90s A 92.16 A 92.16 that's how crazy this competition is right now that's not even good enough to get you on the podium so now the 90s are all the way down into that number six spot right there but again that was a huge second run right there for Pat Casey as we get set to bring in Kieran Riley he was in the top three he was sitting in that bubble spot for a while and he now finds himself all the way down in that number eight spot with an 88.83 he's starting off with the three 360 double tie whip to double bar spin unfortunately just missing his bars on that second one there yeah that right hand just slipped right off and he took a heck of a knock on that one as he took it straight to the chest on the flat right there but he bounces up quickly from that one and uh up and walking away under his own power there so Daniel Sandoval at the end of round one just blew it up with that 96.33 Logan Martin had a monster first run but then 94.66 then he got Brandon lupos here in round two puts himself in Podium contention and again the 90s just keep creeping as we welcome back in J2 he till he start with that front flip by flip double flip in set switching his feet there into a quad whip I don't know if you saw Jimmy but but uh Tui actually switches his feet around for his tail whip so he's gonna land that double flip quickly change and rotate his feet around and then kick that quad whip so looking a little bit more happier at the end of that round but again look at how far away the bike gets from him on that first hit and then tucks into the double and then finishing off with that quad whip that was a solid run there from Tui that front flip bike flip that one looked like he had a little bit more control than the first one spinning that double flip and then into that quad whip yeah that first one he was so stretched out just trying to reach out I don't even know how he managed to get his hands on the grip so pull that one back under but a lot more manageable here and taking a look over the last hit right there he got back wheel dabbed a little bit on that knuckle he got a little wobbly on the landing but he hangs on and rides into the airbag on that one he had a 73 flat there in run number one that had him in that number 10 spot yeah changing your feet around and rotting that way is is hard in itself it feels super uncomfortable but to his always changing his feet around mid runs and so you see your current leader there that's Daniel Sandoval looking at the video while there the end of the stadium trying to see what happens here in the replays and what happens with the score at Sandoval Martin and Lou poser one at 2-3 as we await the score for Mr Tui here again it was a 73 flat pre-run he finds himself in that number 10 spot as of right now we have three Riders left to go in this competition and it's going to be at 90 for Jay as well 90s all the way down to Seventh Place yeah yeah it's it's crazy uh to be doing these runs and not not making Podium so what that means now with three Riders left to go two of them in the top three there's only one man on the outside looking in that can shake up our standings you've got Logan Martin coming your way next he was your leader and then at the end of round one Daniel Sandoval best him can he trade back the favor here on the second and final attempt starting out with that front flip bike flip as well into a 720 triple ball spin into a barrel roll with I I think you just got a little bit squally there with the bars but I know he's stoked to be rolling away because missing your bars on a 720 like that it doesn't normally end quite well but [Music] Logan unfortunately not quite getting exactly what he wants but out here you have to be throwing down your hardest and biggest tricks because it is tough out here 720 double bar oh I never spun that third bar spin that was a heck of a save right there we didn't catch that at real time speed but wow uh that's unfortunate I mean that's just pure determination right there a perfect front flip by flip makes it look way too easy Seven bar bar and then just getting caught up on that third last bin let's see it again Jimmy that double bar Spin and I think it's just just didn't work and then he just cranked it back [Music] but he's still gotta he's still in second place copy map with that so he'll stick with that first run score of 94.66 so he'll stick with that so again Sandoval Martin and lupos here one two three we have two Riders left to go Justin Dowell coming up next he is on the outside looking in and then Daniel Sandoval your current leader is going to take us out of this competition here the question is is Justin Dow going to be able to upset the standings it comes down to this last run here for Justin Dowell the flip triple bar spin again 360 basketball spin 360 Twigs all the eggs I thought he's gonna ride up the side of the the rezzy right there but he hangs on he is stoked to put that run down 84 flat pre-one pre-runs has him in that number 10 spot flip triple ball spin so much time 360 Boston Terri whip to Boston into that 360 width which is a fast been at the same time as the tower whip that trick does not make any sense to me and you can you don't appreciate the landing at that point from that camera angle because he was going Riders left it looked like he was going to ride up the side of that thing but he hangs on there so we'll see what happens here we got that 84 flat what do you think Todd block that plank where you think this is going to slide him in right here I unfortunately don't build a little drummer yeah I I don't unfortunately don't think this is going to bump sandfall or uh unfortunately make it onto the podium Jimmy that what these guys are throwing down it's just it's absolutely incredible you know these tricks are really kind of up until five years ago you know everyone's kind of got their own specific trick but now everyone can do absolutely everything and having three jumps you've got to bring out your biggest tricks with a score take in a while to come in here so the judges obviously having a discussion about that one with one Rider left to go if you're just joining us here it's BMX triple hit presented by Brisbane Queensland Daniel Sandoval our current leader waiting up on top of that rolling to take his final run So Justin's going to crack into the 90s and he will jump onto that Podium he overtakes Brandon lupos so it's Daniel Sandoval Logan Martin and Justin Dowell your one two three why because with one Rider left to go he's sitting in that number one spot so he is going to get a Victory lap out here today but how about that run there by Justin Dowell there to overtake Brandon lupos and Edge him out to get on the podium here yeah this is going to be interesting to see if Daniel sends it or just uh takes a nice crazy run he's waving the hand there knows he's taking home that first place 360 down whip into a 360. and finishing off oh unfortunately just missing coming back around there but he's taken taken home the win Jimmy again the last guy in the Run order we saw that Monster Run in round one by Logan Logan Martin that 94.66 and then Daniel going last comes up and throws that big score down it's enough to get the win out here let's send it down to Caroline Buchanan we're down here with the winner those scores were so tight all the way to the line what does it feel like how do you put this moment into words you've never won here before oh it's amazing you know a lot of hard work and uh just happy and what about what was the key to executing this is an escape Park there's three jumps three opportunities to score what did it take to execute that run for me it was just the consistency in my line and um do us our tricks as I possibly can everyone give it up for Daniel he is your 2022 Nitro world games triple champion yeah and as we said you know at the top of this first round I mean he's just that kind of like he's just got a deep Arsenal tricks he's all about the combo moves and he's the kind of guy over the hilly the practice that consistency it's the smoothness it's the style it never looks jerky or mechanical and whatnot but he really I mean to talk about the scope of this event I mean you've got to put together three big bangers in a row and as you've said several times out here man they've all got to be big and they've got to be perfect yeah those tricks out there were without a doubt the biggest tricks you'll see in BMX Daniel is absolutely stoked he puts in so much hard work and uh he really deserves this one Jimmy so we haven't contested BMX triple hit here at the Nitro World game since 2017 and now Daniel Sandoval etches his name into the Nitro World Games history books by walking out of here with the win Logan Martin hits second and Justin Dowell taking home third but let's take a look back at some of the highlights as to how we got to our Podium here inside suncorp stadium yeah Jimmy that was a wild contest again I'll say it I'm glad I'm not a judge but Logan with that 720 double bar spin fortunately not quite getting the three on the second run but that opposite quad whip I think he might only be the only guy in the world doing that one [Music] Daniel that 360 double downside tail whip 360 bar spin downward pass bin to 360 with like I can't even keep up with this and I ride Jimmy the reaction just says it all right there by the way we can't forget we got the Lego Innovation award the judges have an extra duty to do out here they've got to determine one trick or one run if you will uh that goes out to someone that's really pushing the levels of progression out here and we'll find out who's getting that Lego Innovation award once we do uh our Podium presentation and uh my eyes spy right there's some dudes on some dirt bikes right now we've got uh freestyle Motocross coming up here in just a little bit we got best trick for those guys as well we still got BMX best trick coming up as well I get to call that with you again here later on yeah fired up about that one I I can't wait for that one you know riding riding Nitro Circus all the time and having this this massive jump you know we're seeing things that are just absolutely mind-blowing and I can't wait for best trick I definitely know there's a few guys out there with some some uh big gems to come out we've got plenty more surprises still to come out here tonight right now we check in with mica Kranz with our Podium presentation Brisbane Australia can I get some noise for that amazing triples contest wasn't that great unreal as you can see our freestyle motocrosses are getting themselves situated and practicing but we got to do this award ceremony in third place from the United States can I get some noise for Justin Dowell in second place your Olympic gold medalist Make some noise for Logan Martin [Applause] and our winner from the United States of America Make some noise for Daniel Sandoval [Applause] Make some noise for our Podium please and our Lego City Innovation award for an opposite quadruple tail whip Make some noise for Logan Martin winning our Lego City Innovation award Make some noise for BMX triples foreign look here at Logan Martin in that Lego Innovation award touch talk through what exactly explain to the fans watching at home why the judges gave him that well doing a quadruple tail whip is something on its on its own but doing it Opposite is is absolutely incredible he's the only one I I'm pretty certain he's the only one doing that opposite quadruple whip so that doesn't surprise me at all for him to take it home [Music]
Channel: Nitro Circus
Views: 1,073,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nitro Circus, Travis Pastrana, Nitro Circus Live, FMX, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Inline, stunt, stunts, action sports, extreme, ramp, ramps, epic, fail, awesome, best videos, top talent, world first, most dangerous, best stunts, crashes, wheelz, triple backflip, motorcycle stunts, BASE jumping, stunt gone wrong, toys, nascar, best stunts ever, crash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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