Thayers BMX Dirt Best Trick: FULL COMPETITION | X Games California 2023

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foreign [Music] 23 here at the Ventura County fairgrounds and the action continues as we get set to hand out yet another set of BMX Metals here it is the return of BMX dirt best trick welcome inside the booth here everyone Jimmy Coleman standing alongside Scotty Cramer we got Kristen beat out in the field and as we get set to kick off BMX dirt best trick you have to talk about Brady Baker coming off of that gold medal performance in BMX earlier today it still doesn't feel real I mean Brady Baker a kid that I grew up riding with at my skate park just got a gold medal on the BMX turquoise as a rookie with some of the biggest tricks that we've seen here today as well so going into this best trick competition I'm expecting more even bigger tricks than he did in the other one which is gonna be crazy to say yeah he's still got more there's more gas in the tank but you have to also have to talk about Ryan Williams it was the first time we'd seen him in the dirt competition made the final he walks out of here with a metal as well when it comes to best trick Ryan Williams I mean he's the first name you think of because this guy has invented so many impossible tricks on BMX bikes but he's doing it on dirt now it's a whole different world he's fully capable we saw what he did in dirt earlier today and I'm excited to see how he's going to push a sport and himself it's gonna be a jam session with some amazing things on tap right now let's check in with Kristen before we get to it Scotty you mentioned dirt is a completely different environment it's constantly changing it's inconsistent so I have Andy buckworth with me in what ways have the has the track changed since you guys started practicing on it today so all the week we've had a bit of a tailwind and uh we all got accustomed to that we were getting that little helping hand from the Tailwind pushing us over the jump so we got really comfortable we knew our speed we were really calculated with that and then this morning when we showed up it was a headwind it was completely different we only had a very limited amount of warm-up and practice so by the time it came time to do the contest no one was really ready so it took our first couple of runs to kind of get comfortable again and that really played a part in you know the results for the contest but but now we've come back to the dirt course things are a little bit more dry they're more written in so they're going to be faster because they're more written in and it's a Tailwind again so we've had a little bit of warm up and now we've got to get everything fine-tuned again for best trick but fortunately with best trick we're just going to pick one jump to do our best trick on so now it's not a matter of speed and making it through the full set it's a matter of just doing that one trick Andy best of luck guys an exciting course to follow we don't have anything to break down now he just took care of all of that for us right there you talked about that earlier in the dirt competition about having to adjust with that Tailwind we also don't have the Marine layer out here anymore as well it is Bluebird Skies but let's take a look at that start list right there it's nine riders in the field here today Ryan Williams is going to ride last we started off with Kaden Stone but I mean that is a stacked field and as Andy said I mean you know you just pick your favorite jump and it's it's trying to impress the judges here with all the Firepower you've got and hopefully you're walking out with X Games gold yeah I mean any one of these Riders has a trick that the other Rider on the on top of the Rolling can't do so it's gonna be who can channel that energy channel that focus and be able to step up but I think that this competition right here could be the event of X Games I mean I said about your as well but this one we're talking about one jump one trick one rider that's gonna step up I think these audience that are in attendants are going to be in for an ultimate show right now yeah and that's the thing too when it comes to these best trick events I mean the energy these Riders just once things start going down everybody feeds off of one another and then just keep pushing the limits as we take our first look at Kate and stone something's off with the Twister right there so that is like a court off access 1080. it's like a variation of the cash roll which is a uh pretty much it's like a version of a frontal 360 but you don't officially like go forward like a front flip you kind of use the uh off axis rotation because you can see watch he'll like cut into the lip and he's like leaning forward and spinning and then that last rotation of that 1080. it like rolls over itself so that's why we call it the uh the Casual version of it so he just sets the bar right there X Games rookie we saw him in Mega Park earlier in the week he was in uh BMX dirt earlier today yeah or the eliminations earlier in the week as we look at Brady Baker here walking out earlier with a gold medal in BMX dirt [Music] that was a huge trick but watch the rotation you can see like his body's like moving towards the landing very awkwardly catches the double tail and then rolls over itself he landed with his feet on the pedals Road away clean as could be right there got up to the left right there it was like oh wait a minute I still have to clear this next jump I mean this is what we've seen out of the first I mean it's a 20 minute jam session we haven't even gone through a minute and a half of this now we have but I mean look at what we've seen in the first two hits as we take our first look here to Tehachapi California's Jake leaver Jake live has got such big tricks he's got so many in his bag I have no idea what he's gonna be bringing out for it but there's a few of them that he could uh he sent on this last jump okay set up the first three sets gonna do it on the left oh wow that's a crazy combination so that's like a decade to 360 tail up so your body ends up doing a 720 total but yeah decade to three with nuts so if you're watching this you're wondering where are the scores there are no scores in this one it's just a ranking so as the tricks go down and as things unfold they're just gonna Slide the names into the spot the judges feel they need to be in some Brady Baker sitting in that top spot just under the 18 minute Mark taking a look at Jake Tui here he uh he does own a medal in this event he got a silver in 2021 the only other time this has been contested at the X Games and he's looking for something else there Jimmy I think you can potentially which is crazy to think about but the timing is there these Riders are going to be using their runs too to be building up for that moment because the tricks are gonna be trying it's not something you want to just go to practice but look at nothing from bike foot catches the bike with time you can see he actually did like a little bit of a move and he's like getting ready for something so I'm excited to see what comes out yeah agree with you because the way that he was looking back at that jump as he wrote off and just the look on his face and knowing Jay there was definitely going to be another combination that he wanted to put into that but it's a jam session there's a lot of time left so he's gonna get multiple shots out of here so again nine athletes are going to run in the same order as we go through this jam session and basically like I said earlier no scores in this one and uh it's just a live ranking so uh best trick walks out of here with the gold Daniel Sandoval we saw him earlier in the week the Monster Energy BMX Mega Park he did not make it out of dirt and eliminations for the final earlier today we will see him later on today in BMX park but right now sending it on his first attempt at dirt best tricks looks like the last set's gonna be the Warren oh 360 double downside tail he's looking for something else there I saw him shake his head when he landed the question is what's it going to be he has so many of those 360 downside tail combinations like base it off of like things I've seen in the past but he could be doing something completely new that we've never even seen before so that is Mike Varga up on top of the roll-in he owns three gold medals those all happen to come in the form of BMX park best trick see what he's able to do here in dirt best trick today as well these Riders get to pick whichever job they want to use the speed jump over the long and low the league yeah he did the 720 no-hander to late barsman right there it's a trick that we've seen him do before we've seen we do it in Mega Park actually he sent it out there but let's get a slow-mo let's see the hands come off not the biggest extension ever I know he wishes he had more there but you gotta go with what feels right sometimes you know or I can't keep my hands completely off right here the rotation doesn't feel fully right but let's see if he progresses it didn't have the speed as well because they ended up checking on the landing on that one this is David goziak he won at BMX dirt gold in 2022 what just happened there that was a casual tailor at the downwind back the other direction at the end there and it looked like it was going to work it actually looked like it was all about the piece together but there's something missing right there that he didn't get over the top of the bike I'm guessing maybe the rotation wasn't right where when he kicked the tail at back but man he was so close so here comes the first of our fan tweets right there these guys are putting it all on the line the only other time this has been contested at the X Games it was this gentleman right here walking out of here with the gold this is Andy buckworth yeah Andy Big Show bunkworth he's known for huge tricks absolutely perfect it's just crazy that hey double backflip down here I'm not saying it's common ground because nobody else does it besidesworth but he could bring it to so many different variations of jumps that we're almost like used to seeing it but it does it so good every single time and he can do more which look at the extension I mean look what he tucks into the bars and I mean those hands are off as far as they could possibly go and he holds him out there it was beautiful like you there's some riders that can't do a single back look no-hander as good as that and he just did it perfect right there yeah you said it this is his time to shine like we'll see what the rank is so right now it's Brady Baker J Tui and Kate Stone in those top three spots so again no scores it's just a live ranking out here in this dirt best trick final coming up on the 14 minute Mark here in this jam session Ryan Williams he's another one this is where he excels when it comes to best trick events I mean this guy is an absolute machine [Applause] oh my goodness jump wow that was a trick that we saw him try in the actual juror composition he he always tried the flood he was right there but he did it on the smaller jump the final jump but to send that over the 30-footer is Bonkers wow I had to react to that I'm still trying to process what just happened and I saw that look at that double backflip 360. now this this trick was invented a couple years back but look at this the way that he spins gets that 360 in that flip rotation the last one ends up coming around like a more of a straight rotation but that was perfect beautiful he found exactly where the landing was Man X Games mode sums it up oh and we have a new leader Ryan Williams goes to the top spot here as we are working our way towards the 13 minute Mark and that will take us back up to the top of the order again they will ride in that order okay you can't see it on your monitor but right in front of us Ryan's walking up to the start structure and just cheering on the rest of the athletes and the crowd here and pouring them to make more noise here for Kate and still 14 40. and it was really close right there wow that would be insane if Kaden gets this one and it looked perfect it looked really good the way he was able to hold off that spin get that rotation there wow that's going to build a lot of confidence going into his next hit do you see how fast he got back up to run back to the start structure he is not messing around so we'll move on from Brady Baker we're getting worried that he has pulled himself out of the contest we'll get word on that as we hear why but right now we take another look at Jake leyman yeah so Jake was doing a trick on the last set see if he goes for the same it was that decade the three whips oh just didn't get the right rotation there it's really crucial that he gets that first spin of the decade so that not only the timing opens up for the next one but sets himself up to be able to kick that 360 tail with so he was your bronze medalist in 2021 and this gentleman right here he took the silver in this event in 2021 Jay Tui it's Ryan Williams Brady Baker an Andy buckler at the top three here as of right now still lots of time left on the clock oh man that's such a big jump he's waiting so long for that bike to come around but he wants to do something out of that yeah he's he's eyeing up a combo you can tell by the body language there so he wants it he will deliver at some point in the next 11 minutes and 19 seconds I guarantee you that let's check in one more time with Krista before we get to Daniel Sandoval yeah guys just a quick update on Brady Baker he did withdraw from competition he said listen after this morning after winning my first gold medal I'm just not in the right mindset to compete here and I want to start focusing on BMX park best trick tomorrow so he is just letting himself enjoy this one from the sidelines guys so there you go so congratulations to Brady getting that first ever X Games appearance you walk out here with a gold medal I mean it was time to just relax after my first gold medal if I had to do a competition a best trick went after that yeah forget about it so I completely understand you know Sandoval look at the height and the pop that he has that 360 here so he's looking for that last jump these are all just prepping up for him let's see what he's got one more setup of that long and low here we go to the last set double decking wow sends that one around to the pedals Ryan Williams loves it oh that was so cool right there a double dick double decking is a scary scary trick to be able to get that rotation you're bottling up like your your body above the handlebars above the frame look at how tight of a ball he has to stay up look at this look at his angles are crossed up over the top of the handlebars rotations but he's got this trick figured out he he's got the ticket for this one he's we saw him land this one on a throwaway run that he did in Mega Park and like he landed at the same exact time as a bike so when you have a big jump like this to be able to open up and control it beautiful so Sandoval is going to jump up into the top three he's looking at a potential bronze medal right now as Mike Marcus sends it down to roll in again no that was so close 720 till late barsman on the second rotation there I mean there is so much going on in that yeah imagine two two rotations with your body right two rotations with the handlebars attached well actually three rotations if you factor in the bars exactly there's a lot going on so coming up to the halfway mark here again it's a 20 minute jam session coming up on 10 minutes here that is David godziak sitting Atop The Rolling here you can see the flag whipping around up there andy buckworth was talking about that win at the top of the show let's see what Mr ghaziak puts down here in this round oh so close that was is there something I don't think it might have fell off this bike right there actually there's something on the landing hopefully yeah all right so somebody's getting that one I don't want anybody to drop in while it's on there but me that is such a difficult trick I mean and that's a trick that's going to put you right there at the top with the best of them so a little over 10 minutes down 10 minutes left to go just under 10 minutes left to go here at Bear's BMX dirt best trick no scores in this one it's just a live ranking and as of right now it's Ryan Williams sitting in that number one spot followed by Brady Baker and Daniel Sandoval we got Andy buckworth coming up next here we saw a perfect backflip double backflip no hander out of him the first time around he's looking for a combo with the double backflip right now I've seen him do this one before this is a really nice gel for it I think it's going to set him up with the right timing he's trying to get that turn down and then do the no-hander out of that I mean this one to me is mind-boggling to do a turn down in the middle of two vertical rotations and to click into it like that yeah because it's so important that your body stays rotating in those two rotations when you do the turn down your body ends up twisting up so it's amazing that he could Channel it and get it back rotating again this one's gonna be this one's it I mean you're already sitting in the Top Shot excuse me like stuff like that he's like this what's it oh he might be going for something that only he is still doing right now Jimmy I heard rumors about this we're gonna find out right now here it comes Scotty [Applause] the nothing from bike flip front flip his signature move just imagine that doing a front flip but also sending that bike for an extra front flip detaching from it trying to grab the grips and pull it back underneath from you you can see that he barely got a hold of the grips right there so he needs it he needs to get that bike a little bit closer to him to be able to command him back underneath but there's there's hope it's possible you got dings pretty good on that one but he got back up and he's smiling it and then as he walks by our booth he turns and smiles and now he's talking to you yeah he just told me it was just a little too far away and like just like I was saying there's still eight minutes and some change to go here so we'll definitely get another look at it maybe a second one [Applause] Look At That Swing these riders in BMX best triggered to find physics right now oh my goodness so a twister would be a core 1080. that is a quart 1440 right there that was unbelievable and it was perfect as well [Applause] I'm gonna lose my voice we still have part to do after this look at him just looking and twisting rotating around coming over on that last rotation where the bike comes over his body comes over the top of the bike and it was perfect he landed in control that was unbelievable the way that it twist his head around into the spin there and then just tucks back in here right on the last rotation so that that rotation of that cash roll opened up so much for these Riders to be able to achieve a 1440. I mean a 1440 BMX was impossible nobody ever thought it would be possible how about that Kate and stone is just overtaking Ryan Williams so now it's Kate Stone Ryan Williams Brady Baker the bronze medal spot and they're still just under seven minutes left to go this best trick composition I knew it was going to be special but before we see it already the sport has been pushed Jake leave is setting up for one here again over this last set [Applause] he's got to get that rotation a little bit more I looked like his speed got a little bit lost on that jump before he needs everything ounce of speed and momentum that he can get to go up over the top of that bike okay it's like all right after that I have my top of the leaderboard I'm gonna stop and I'm gonna hang out he deserves it oh another look here at J Touhy I think Trump's like flip oh he's looking for Jimmy you can see right there he's twitching he's trying to set up something it's going to happen the dedication the focus of that guy has it is going to happen I promise you it's not a matter of if it's when j-2e is going to deliver the goods out here today with that one attempt number three but we got another one I think we're gonna get another one around yeah but the way this is rolling through and like we said earlier Brady baker has stepped out so now we're down to eight here so uh we'll definitely get another round of runs here Daniel Sandoval back in yeah he's looking for a trick on the last set right now he's making his way over there let's see what he's gonna bring a couple of 360 setups here so he's gonna fire on off on the last set oh my goodness that is so complicated to break down right now I was gonna say you got your work cut up for you trying to explain what just happened it's pretty much a decade bar spin to decade that's what it comes down to so he did the double decade but he's gonna put a bar spin in between the two and then to try to jump back around the head tube again after a marksman it's right there okay here comes Mike Varga he's been firing it off over that fourth and final set with a straight shot here what's he bringing Cemetery that was in control oh Vargas got to be proud of himself in his full X Games appearance so far I mean that was an amazing trick and it was pulled so clean as well he did exactly what he needed to do to fix it keep his body weight over the top of the bike just look at the control right here 720 Talent catching it in complete control going right to that bar spin being able to rotate get his way over the top of that bike keep his access straight up he pulled it clean it was perfect everything was where it needed to be on that one look at that your body's doing two complete rotations the frame goes around another rotation and then to throw the bars in that one as well it's a lot going on it's a lot to process and even in slow motion to try to explain the magnitude of what's happening in some of these tricks but this trick right here this could be this can help up up you know completely take change yes absolutely okay David Godzilla coming down the rolling that was a whole different trick and he landed it oh my goodness he went for a completely different trick I'm pretty confident to say that he just hit a 360 body burial look at that that was never been done and if it's been done it might have been hit before but wow that was it was Unreal for him to just completely Go a different direction and just try something completely different from what we saw the last time around wow on a BMX but like that's never been done before I I can't think of anybody that's been doing that one that's crazy I think that he might have done that one before but just look what happened he does the 360. but does an extra 360 with his body catches it and continues the rotation I did not expect that oh that wasn't on my radar did you see his watch his right hand I used to play again looking he's got to get that right foot to be able to stop the bike pull it he found it the last second that was unbelievable he missed the grab coming around and he's holding on to the right side under the grip of the handlebars comes back and finds the grip to land that one wow I I don't know how to judge us anymore there's just too many impossible things happening I don't know what to do that was like some Moto X body burial best trick Badness going on right there weighs 25 pounds underneath the view you got nothing there exactly this is gonna be huge right here all right so we're moving on to Andy Buckner we haven't seen captains I need a break Jimmy I can't imagine I'm still waiting to see if anything was gonna change with the top three but it didn't so it's still showing Kate Stone Ryan Williams and Brady Baker but then Here Comes [Music] this is unbelievable I'm still hung up on the last trick but look at that backflips double backflip turn down to no-hander and he did it loud and proud as well I mean it gives to click perfectly into that turn down and then to take your hands off as well look at that look at the no-hander whistling he was out there that was a big trick right there will slide into that number two position so he's looking at the silver medal so it's Kate Stone David godziak and Ryan Williams with just two minutes left to go here so with time Ryan's the last one in the Run order so with time still on the clock after this run it looks like we will go into another round of runs here oh I can't handle it Jimmy oh my goodness here we go what does Ryan Williams do this time nothing from Fight Club [Applause] oh my goodness I don't know what to do here I am I'm so glad that I'm calling me and I'm not a judge at this point because what we're seeing is BMX history being done over and over and over again to try to describe the energy level that's going on with the fans right now I mean the amount of people the Sea of humanity that is out here I haven't walked through a crowd like that and actually said yeah you got to go back to the San Francisco days I mean there's so many people out here and they're loving every bit of what they're seeing out here only Ryan Williams does this trick but it's never been done before I'm like a dirt jump on this caliber look at that car the bike it just whips it around I mean he's still completely inverted at that point and just comes around the rest of the rotation oh this is unreal but what's gonna happen here with the judges I don't know I feel so bad from I really do it is a lot to process another round left so Kate Stone's not gonna go for this next round Brady big has pulled out so we move on to Jake lieva here of course that means Jason chases down that trick to Dickey to 360 Tailwind that's gonna be this next joke right here oh Jacob this one down he's doing it a little bit too early unbelievable I just had a moment with Ryan Williams as he walked by and I could see on his face how much that trick meant to him oh this is crazy this is this is just craziness right here so time is expired we will finish out the run under here so everyone gets the same amount of attempts here so and he says it is gonna deliver and it happens on the last attempt Jake Tui making it happen so that was Jay to his signature trick he's the first person to ever do that one never been done before the X Games at the X Games for sure that was the first time that's been done and that was beautiful it was perfect and it was over the biggest scariest jump he liked that he's all about the big jumps he says the bigger the better he's not phase watching again yeah just watch this he catches a bike and then somehow gets a tail with going while the bike's upside down working its way back down to him I mean how do you get that to come around in the position that he's in watch where he starts the whip yes he absolutely is in the Superman still like the bike is not even in the same direction it's supposed to be and he somehow gets a tail of going and kills him down this is unbelievable we I just want to say I love my job I just absolutely love my job oh I don't know that they could say the same in the judges news right now their heads are probably on fire there's no way right it looks like this is just going to be the reveal so on our on our security monitor we don't see the rankings anymore so this one is going to be the big reveal at the end it looks like I think we take our last look at Daniel Sandoval sustainable if he gets this one right here this is going to be huge dick oh no he lost a decade no Santa ball of unreal impossible for this Kaden who is a great friend of Pat Casey supporting Pat Casey every Rider here is riding for Pat Casey fun for the crowd yes that's what we want to hear oh this one's for the crowd that's what that you see what he says stuff like that this one's for the crowd it also means it's for progression because this man does not know how to take his foot off the gas pedal when it comes to taking things to new heights I'll say it again I'll say it over and over again we are so lucky to have Ryan Williams on a PMX bike just made a whole lot of new fans right here I mean they all knew him already but you see that happen in person over and over and over again and one of the next games he's having Take a Bow sir yeah this is Ryan Williams world we just live in it that's one of my favorite tweets right there he's already got a golden Mega Park he got a silver in dirt his first ever appearance in BMX dirt a possible medal here right now we don't know they've taken this look at these statue Jimmy the bike hit him hit him oh he is he is look what his heels are best trick rider to do so many different tricks in a best trick setup he's not signing off he's delivering for the crowd like I said Ryan Williams we are lucky to have you in this sport grateful to be calling his runs and seeing him push our sport over and over again so he was the last in the Run order there's no more time on the clock so this is going to be the reveal moment we don't know they took the ranking off of our timing and scoring and timing monitor here so we don't even know so this is the big moment at the end I mean I I can't even process I mean the Annie was up every time I talked about that energy and how they were going to feed off of one another and I mean this is an absolute bad and I hate that we have to just because every one of those tricks in their own right deserve a gold medal everything that we saw right there but we're about to find out okay so they're in the two box you got Ryan Williams on the left that's Kate Stone there Andy buckworth and now Ryan Williams on the right as well so what's it gonna be there there's a monitor right there in the athlete staging area they're all waiting and it's gonna be right oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he was built for these big moments wow that's all I got to say Jimmy I can't handle this is that cam now I was just trying to listen to what Ryan say because he has so many awesome sound bites but let's take another look the nothing from bike flip it sounds crazy to even say that it's an impossible trick that he brought to reality and look at that's the one he did for the crowd right there X Games is lucky to have Ryan Williams absolutely everybody that's here watching in attendance got the ultimate show by him stepping on his bike today and just putting it on so again we talked about this dirt it says check on your mates on the gloves that's a tribute to his friend Luke Bryan let's check in right now with Chris news with our winner a writer known for big one-off tricks Ryan throughout the day there have been a lot of emotions what is behind that for you yeah obviously I'm out here rotting from my best friend who passed away Luke Belling but I'm also writing for Pat Casey this should have been called uh this should be called Pat Casey don't mess trick and look at me I end up looking like Pat Casey at the end of a best trick contest so I actually want to donate this whole purse the prize money for this all turpack Casey's family so I want to donate I don't know how much it is but whatever it is give it to bad cases family because they deserve it I wish you was here jumping in with us and what the contest would have been even crazier we love your part let's go Ryan it takes a lot of Bravery to get out there and land the tricks that you land where does that come from yeah I don't know I just have an ultimate belief myself you know I grew up and I I got picked on but I don't know who cares like as long as you don't believe in yourself it does doesn't matter what people say people gave me crap for riding a scooter so I just got so good at riding scooters that they didn't give me crap anymore start riding the BMX they still give you crap they're never going to stop giving you a crap just believe in yourself don't listen to them and just keep smashing live seven career X Games medals Ryan Williams enjoy it no I can still get three Golds dude I'm Coming For You Charles [Laughter] oh my God what a huge surprise I mean it's not about prize money it's not about medals for him it's all about progression but I mean to give that money away the prize money to Pat Casey's family man it was huge it's about the glory but to share that to share that money with Pat cases family I absolutely love Ryan Williams what an amazing person that's David Godzilla Caden Stone and Ryan Williams takes home his second gold medal of the week [Music] thank you
Channel: X Games
Views: 162,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, bmx dirt best trick, bmx dirt best trick full competition, x games california, x games california 2023, full competition, watch x games, watch x games california, california x games, x games california 2023 lineup, how to watch x games california, watch x games bmx, x games bmx, bmx, dirt, best trick, Mike Varga, Daniel Sandoval, Kaden Stone, Ryan Williams, Jake Leiva, Jaie Toohey, Andy Buckworth, Brady Baker
Id: l5WaWnUG-qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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