Blox Fruits Noob to Max THE EASY WAY

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in this video I will be leveling up his brand new boxers account from level one all the way to max level now how will I do that well for the past 5 minutes I have done some strenuous and extensive research and with said research I was able to formulate what we will be calling the easy way with the first step requiring a light fruit so if I head on over to the Jungle okay this is the jungle you can tell because there's a bunch of trees and monkeys but that's not what I'm here for normally you can buy a fruit from this guy but I'm not level 50 so I have a plan to overcome this so I I have this special ability where I can spawn fruits at my feet whenever I feel like it so let's try it out there it is well let's eat this bad boy yummy okay perfect as for these fruits I'll take this one cuz I need it and the rest can stay here all right let's get started now first things first I need to go to the starter Island now I'm going to grab this Bandit Giver Quest gather them all up take them down just like that okay now I need a code let's finish up this Quest do it again I need to get level 15 one more Quest I should probably be doing this shouldn't I blocks roof yes perfect and we got the light flight which makes this much easier by this I mean heading over to Fountain City we're here okay it's the usual grab one of these guys bring them over here and just begin hitting them there we go one of them down and I'm done here I'll come back to finish you guys later don't worry now next place I must attend to is the p village with the power of light I'm already here and is buggy here buggy oh buggy I have a couple things for you eat this sword that was actually really quick level 60 yes right next door is the desert let's take him down here this loia ability is amazing I don't even have to think all I have to do is swing and by Swing I mean turn on my auto clicker Quest is done there we go that's enough of those boys let's move on to some tougher men come here everyone gather him up and start swanging easy let's do it again and I'm done let's go next destination right here now I am tasked with fighting these snow Bandits which of course is easy just like that no my Double XP ended that's not cool okay it's back level 100 snowman time oh yey time amazing now the dash Strat die okay let's keep farming them gone all right it is that time the last Yeti oh the Last of Me good thing I respawn I'm back get out of here level 130 now before I leave this island I need abilities one of them being air jump another one being Aura and the third one flash death let's go next place I'm going to use a trick to get there a little quicker if I just talk to this guy here I teleport really close and then I can fly over there also here's another little Pro tip if you're fighting the vice admiral spawn marine and you spawn much closer okay he's finally here vice admiral what I was going to say I was going to say vice admiral you're going down let's do the little trick right here get him stuck and he dead and I got the code wow but that's not really what I want I need to go over here drop down this little hole this guy speak I'm speaking I can buy an accessory which is way better than the coat I'm wearing two coats at one time oh yeah also I'm going to need this little slingshot not here because it helps out with aggroing the vice admiral but he's not here so I can't show you okay check this out watch way better way better than having to go up close to him goodbye and good try actually not good try you're probably the weakest boss in the game next prison let me get in there let me get some of this action I don't want any more of that action I'm sorry they got credit though come here bud let's take them out be gone Warden let's fight the next boss same thing with the chief Warden okay it's do Flamingo time come here you bird now die got him down okay this is the last do Flamingo I got to fight and ab Buddha is here to watch me and I'm level 350 that means my sentence is up that life is behind me now and I can move on to the next Island and I'm here I only have one target let's take him out later oh not yet now later byebye he gone and check it out I got the refined musket which is something that I do really need not yet but for the future ooh a chop fruit I don't want it wait what what what is happening this is a new server and there's a chop fruit on the ground again this is a new server bro cuz look ainu is here that's so weird okay this is the last Ayo I have to fight I am ready to get out of here this place is really creepy those chop fruits bro uh-uh I'm not doing it okay let's go let's go swimming let's go golfing let's go to the beach come here boss back to the wall Strat I guess you'd call it a window Strat huh okay is this the last fish I got to fight it it is yes sir all right I think I've harassed these people enough let's go harass people at a different Island okay we here let's fight the boss great thing about this guy I can cheese him there we go he's down okay that's the last one let's move on to these guys and I should yeah I have intangibility good all right that should be enough now we can move on to the Royal soldiers let's knock them down lemon squeezy dude 575 good it is time to fight a God to become a God you must fight a God the bad news is this God is kind of dumb and very weak oh I take it back I'm dumb and weak all right finally I'm done with this boss I still don't like him now it's time to head on over to the Fountain I forgot something I forgot to grab hockey darn let's do it as quick as I can let's just start hitting the buttons all right the torch burn there we go water actually I guess that was just a cup wasn't it now I have water here you go Bud it tastes delicious I swear you're still not supporting your father I see he's on his deathbed by the way what is this guy doing out here all I know is he's dying I did the thing so give me the thing thank you oh I've almost died but I'm not going to not today Shanks take my money please and thank you now we have hockey now I can go to Fountain City I told you I'd come back to finish you off I did tell you guys that you didn't listen thought I was joking I got to F these guys till 675 okay there we go 675 now it's Frankie time you're going down pal oh I'm going down pal I'm level 699 I really want them Shades right about now give them to me nope no well I'm level 700 I'm going to put Frankie on pause for right now let's grab this thing from the detective we got a key again like always put it in the hole let's take this guy out goodbye friend well we're not friends we didn't know each other very long but stat done back to the detective hello mate open the doors Two to Second C and I'm here Look At Me Now what I want to do is a little bit bit of trading okay I think it is about time to get rid of this light fruit it was great yes but it's time to move on to bigger and better things I give a quake I receive a Buddha here's the Buddha fruit let's Munch delicious dude with this I need to go back to the first seat all right my first Quest back in the first seat is to walk in here and grab myself a fighting style now it is time to go back to fighting Frankie okay first I need to reset my stats sub to Uncle keys Z redeem refund them that should work for now Frankie I'm back and stronger than ever I don't think you're ready for this hey I got them I got the shades finally Super Why did I do that I'm going to keep grinding Frankie until Level 775 that is the goal there it is level 775 that means I can leave the first C goodbye first C I will never ever return here it is now time to take over the second SE let's do it it the goal right now is to fight Swan Pirates until Level 850 they're easy to fight they're close together and they give a lot of XP there it is 850 dude that felt illegal that just felt dirty to do the ease in which I got all of those levels woo I'm surprised the FBI haven't cracked out on that anyways let's do this little Quest here which is just more Swan Pirates okay it's done give me all those levels I love them I did it sir now I have to go fight Bellamy there he is Taste My Feet buddy they taste good I hope so now I have to go free those prisoners they've been freed now it is time for me to get race V to hello Alchemist man now it's flower time my finger hurts from dashing I got the blue one now red flower the last one I need a yellow one I finally got it look at it give me shark me too man thank you okay now what I want to do I want to awaken My Buddha fruit I'm trying to start the raid on my phone it's a little it's a little hard I respect you mobile users bro this is difficult I can't even hit a button I need to get to a safe place once I I spawn in so I'm just going to go over this way all right let's get this boade done there we go it's done budha raade has been defeated let's go ahead and awaken it hello you mysterious entity where are your clothes okay Ascension Z ability for 500 yep now I can transform into this big boy wow okay now the great thing about this awaken Buddha watch this I can do this right here do I look any different no but I can hit him from this far absolute cheat code dude there we go it is time to move on from the swan Pirates I will fight fujit Tor for a little bit oh there he is he's break dancing dude Buddha fruit makes it so easy look at this love it all right goodbye Fuji Tor you put up a good fight but you're just outclassed buddy you just are and goodbye I'm out of here and I'm going over there zombie time put my boots on and get started These Boots Were Made for Walking and that's just what they'll do one of these days These Boots are going to walk all over you and level 1,000 let's go nice look at this moonwalk look at oh next up just the best farming spot in the game nothing crazy please Mountain please why is this so hard hello friend we meet again I should probably allocate some stats oh hey Max melee let's begin unfortunately I have to leave this wonderful place goodbye friend this is the last time you'll ever see me I'm out and now I'm here last one send them home who's next are these guys any good to fight why do I have to fight nine of them are you serious that's a disgusting number oh hey look I have 400 Mastery on dark step that means I can finally dump this dirty fighting style all right what do I want I'll take water Kung Fu I think yeah water Kung Fu will be good for for now thank you that was actually really expensive what the heck yeah look at me look how fast I can hit this feels way better dude all right there we go this Quest has been wrapped up next smoker son die that was laughably easy what the let's do it again and again and again and again and again and again and and again and again this is the last smoker I have to fight I don't know who is up farming this guy at this hour I guess I am but but don't worry about that part the important thing is I can leave this place I can actually have fun again at this ship oh there's a leopard here maybe not is he friendly let's see he is friendly nice let's start the party ding dong these dudes are done who's next over here yes let's start cooking wait water kung fu is at 400 Mastery that was quick um let me finish this Quest first and then I'll do what I need to do okay there we go it's time to change fighting styles I guess the only one that I can choose is electric right yeah okay sure let's buy it wait look how cool this looks is Electric Better Than Water Kung Fu it does not feel like it but I'm using it anyways I mean it got me to the level that I needed to be and I did so in style which might just be more important than efficiency let's move on where am I going next that's way pull up with the AK or something I don't know it's your turn to die all right this is the last dude go down dude later dude next up more dudes wa 1,400 okay that means means ice Admiral is this guy going to be hard to fight does not seem like oh he hit me owie doesn't matter Goodbye Oh I got a library key right off the bat okay put it in but you're reading this is what reading does to you look at that head I can get death step but I don't have fragments now I do let's buy death step give me that thank you let's go death step has been acquired get death steps buddy later uh-oh someone's coming he can't F through the door he couldn't f through the door that's funny aliji we had fun we really did well maybe you not so much but I did and I'm done moving right along to this wonderful place is it a nice quest number one okay last sea Soldier you're the lucky one next Quest your time is up my time is now next enemy The Last Enemy of the second sea I can't see him The Last Enemy of the nope what where is he hiding finally I see him please don't hurt me ouch that hurts but I hurt even more oh thanks for the key let's stuff it down this guy's mouth shark man karate that's expensive wa doesn't matter I got it I guess now that I have it I don't really need to farm the tieke keeper anymore so I'm going to wrap up the second sea with water Fighters and it is done the second sea has been conquered and there's one ocean left I'm pretty sure I still need to defeat Don Swan oh wait I need a fruit don't I I don't have have one right can I get in here no cannot access this area dang it Trevor can I get a fruit here please give me something give me legendary this is not legendary let me do a trade really quick I'm going to trade a barrier for a quake now I can please Trevor okay here's your fruit now I can fight Swan let's take him out okay well I didn't get his Shades so let me do that I wonder how many attempts this is going to take hopefully only two no wrong [Music] nope okay this is getting ridiculous let's just skip to the part where I get the shades finally oh man oh I got them wow that took way too long all right let's dip like some ranch hello just go go go all right inur time the cut scene how fun wrap it up you two I just wasted 30 minutes trying to get some glasses I can't be watching this Child's Play Come On blah blah blah let's get out of here go go go what is this guy's problem you're not good by the way just remember that just remember that you're not good let's do it to the third sea bring me there now here it is let's do it I got no time to waste millionaire time by the time I'm done with them they will have Zer in their pocket there we go all right this is the last billionaire on Earth next what have Dwayne or Dwayne's brother might be more accurate all right Pebbles you're on your last life enjoy it while it lasts goodbye before I move move on I want to go grab death step again cuz I don't need SharkMan karate anymore let me just quickly grab death step really fast there we go now let's go to the next Island all right I'm here and here I will be very kind to all the women on this island these are Taps of love I swear I promise see how nice I am I help them train their durability and they give me free levels it's like a symbiotic relationship I think didn't think you'd be getting a biology lesson today did you that's what I'm here for all right next oh I'm one Quest away all I did was blink and I'm already here I'll take it let's just keep conquering this island we meet again beautiful how have you been as aggressive as usual I see okay these are the last two it was good training with you guys now for the most beautiful one of them all this this is my Roblox wife I'm dead that won't stop me let's go now the unfortunate part is that she's never home there she is welcome home sweetie oh and I have 400 Mastery you know what I'm going to do I'm going to switch to Dragon Talon no dragon breath yes I'm going to switch to dragon breath awesome I am sorry but I got to go I have business to attend to off to work we here what up Donald give me the quest and this Quest is nice and done let's go and my reward for completing it is another Quest exactly like it good thing about it though is that I'm done with it and it's boss time although I do have some bad news which is I have to stick here until Level 1825 get it stick because we're in a massive tree H shut up well that went a lot quicker than I had anticipated that's always a nice feeling next place I must go is way over there I don't need dragon breath anymore I'm going to switch to Electric let's begin the floating Turtle okay there should be enough Forest Pirates and it is moving right along to Jungle Pirates they're this way right yes they've been defeated the jungle Pirates have been defeated how about some more Pirates these guys or actually actually I think that's a girl I like to make music that moves people clap clap clap clap clap that ass die oh hey I have 400 Mastery on electric as you already know that means it's time to dump it h so I need to get to Mansion within 30 seconds okay can I even make it in time I have no idea to be honest yeah there's no way 15 seconds 10 seconds uh-oh five there's absolutely no way there's no way I can get there okay well so I'm going to set my spawn that should work right I hope so let's try that again all right right give me another shot at it now we should just teleport home yes easy I did it I did the thing would you like to learn the electric claw fighting style yep nice maneuvering is hard with this oh I'm done yes I'm done next place I am here Auto clicking with electrical makes moving so difficult like you know that feeling when you're tied down to like your bed or something that's what this feels like all right no more skeletons they've been defeated how about some zombies and now they're dead for the second time in their lifetime and I can move on and these demonic souls are done too next enemy these possessed mummies here all right with the swing of my claw this will be the last mummy that's the last mummy now what I want to do I want to see if just maybe I can get a hollow essence or whatever it's called what is it called I don't remember it's some sort of flame uh-oh it's not looking good this is my last 50 bones I didn't get anything are you serious right meow you know what I'm not doing Dragon Talon nope not doing it not doing it I'm going to the next Island but first let's grab SharkMan karate cuz I'm going to be rocking it until I get max level all right sea of treats let's conquer it let's show them who their real father is go down peanut boy Mr President Mr President how did my fist taste Mr President one more question Mr President what are your thoughts on being defeated by one man with a pile of bacon on his head who next more chefs you already know what we do with chefs around here they get cooked who's next no one's safe no one's safe when I'm around cookies laughable did you not just see what what I did to your maker of course you would have the same Faith a measy little cake C is no exception either baking staff nope they suck yep head Bakers you ready say hello to my little friend my left hand and my right hand did it Chocolate Land time let's make some delicious cocoa out of these guys and some chocolate out of these guys I'm running out of food to make you know what let's just finish the game sweet thieves done candy Rebels dead candy Pirates be gone just keep blocks fruits Sing Don't Stop never stop just keep on holding W just keep moving forward the end is nigh I think that's what a horse says I will not falter I will move on to the next Island that's what I'll do but not only is this the next Island this is also the final Island in bloxs fruits which is great news cuz this journey is almost done but it's not done yet all right that's one down that means three more to go Island Boy the island boys they're washed we moving on to some sun-kissed Warriors all right last sunkiss Warrior that means there is one thing left in this long journey let's lock in and do this that man who stands before me is the only thing left between me and the max level he alone is the honored one all right video's over subscribe
Channel: bradinx
Views: 455,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #roblox, #bloxfruits
Id: e--w-uMVKGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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