100 Fruit Rolls in 3rd Sea vs 1st Sea Blox Fruits

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hey guys today I'll be rolling 100 fruits and dropping all of it in the first sea and another 100 fruits and dropping all of it again on the third SE so we can see once and for all does a higher SE really equal better luck and if so how much is the difference so let's start with our first roll on the first C first roll of the first C what will it be what will it be barrier that is a strong first rle so we're going to drop this down here next to the monkey you know for the thumbnail you know you got to drop the fruit third SE first roll and yeah look I'm I'm going to shut up what's going to be the first roll with the third SE Falcon we are starting off very weak so I just hope the theory is right put it right there second roll the first C come on come on diamond burier diamond back to back on the first C dude that is really good especially for the first C where I got like a trillion quintilian comons that's right you are you my good boy oh oh oh my bad oh that was awkward all right second C let's see Diamond okay maybe we aren't starting off too weak they right there third account parkour parkour come on Z something something so far we have not got Commons on the first C drop drop drop third account of the third C what is it going to be Diamond again okay okay okay okay I see I see I see I see let's put it right here fourth roll oh it's getting dark now okay will we get our first Common oh we got another flame fruit no Commons yet let's see let's see how long it takes for us to get a common fourth roll spring fruit so far I'm actually having better luck on the first SE than I did on the third sea but you know that's not rolling 100 times cuz you can't just determine the luck by four fruits you have to go all 100 fifth account let's parkour this hey that was kind of sloppy but that's fine cuz it doesn't matter we're here ice uncommons bro no almonds whatsoever yet let's put this huh let's put this right here next to the flame will it melt okay I'm not funny if you guys are wondering how I'm having all these accounts most of the accounts that I'm using are my Noob To Pro accounts that I got to max level and also the counts that I grinded in the past cuz I used to play this game a lot oh my God I I it just glitched and we got a love fruit okay so okay so the luck is actually getting bter good collection so far just kidding it sucks first C six roll I wonder how it's going on the third C because I'm doing rolls first oh sand still no com wait is sand a common guys yeah I don't think it is put it next to the firef fruit three okay this is our sixth roll yeah sometimes I forget what number ah it doesn't matter let's see let's see light okay yes so we are getting pretty decent luck our luck is not too bad right now guys seventh account since I'm recording 100 fruits on the first C first and then 100 fruits on the third C second I don't know how I'm doing right now U hold on let me see what the fruit is ice fruit oh my dude we literally are not getting Commons what the heck see the thing seventh roll anything good we got a bomb fruit oh guys I'm might I'm starting to okay hold on I'm not going to say anything yet see1 fruit 8 can I jump up here yes I can easy easy easy easy come on come on come on come on Spike okay it took eight rolls to get our first Common that is actually not bad at all guys eighth roll eighth 8% we got another light so I think the luck might be better so far I don't I know maybe ninth roll what is it going to be bomb fruit okay our second comment I wonder how my third SE self is doing when i'm recording tomorrow like yeah I know you guys can see it right now cuz you know I'm switching them back and forth but right now I can't see it cuz I'm recording it tomorrow ninth roll we're still on the single digit rocket okay okay okay okay let's uh let's put it right here cuz I don't like rocket that much and I don't want to see oh our first race Fish Man bro I got to make sure that once I jump I don't accidentally jump on top of the fruits because bro spreading them out again that's going to be a bit hard hey yo come on rubber why wait why am I actually getting better luck the reason why I'm making this video is cuz on my other 300 FRS video I got so much comments and bad luck dude but why am I actually having good luck 10th roll the third C what will it be another light oh I'm getting lots of light Okay the third C might actually have more luck guys it's kind of starting to look at I mean we got three light we got a love already say less I'm burping bro here we're on our 11th first SE roll my partk is really bad today okay what will it be spring our third common so far we have more non-c commmons than we do Commons so I'm grateful put it right here okay the 11th roll I beg of you ghost fruit yo ghost fruit is pretty good hold on hold on hold on what the heck yeah thir SE might have better luck guys it actually might die oh look at our pile you guys see it so much neon color Okay up here for Block Racha let's see come on Rocket I think this is our first rocket am I happy I'm just just happy it took 12 tries to get it 12th roll huh spring oh wo wo wo wo wo wo that is a bad FR fruit let put it back here cuz I don't want to I don't want to see this fruit I don't want to see it so you can go back there let me just parkour so so make this faster wait let me touch this nice come on please Quake okay let's put it right here is that good a spot is that a good spot 13th row let's go a bomb Oh man God dang it I hate bombs so much guys look it's a daytime again doesn't matter we got a job to do 100 fruits in the first sea and 100 fruits in the third sea can't think about the daytime it's kind of Dum spin fruit oh my God like oh I hate this spin fruit so much all right 14th roll flame I remember you got like lots of flame oh 15th on the first SE and we got a bunny Bunny's fast I think I think I don't know let's see rocket God dang it got a rocket fruit unfortunately I'm thinking this is our 15th love okay two love fruits it's only been what 15 rolls oh yeah the third seat definitely has much better luck bro say less three light fruits one ghost who loves 16th come on can we get up here yes yes yes yes yes ow I almost coughed I almost choked on the air spring fruit okay now it's beginning to look like the first SE rolles bro cuz what the heck is this bro let's put it right next to the Quake I remember portal oh my God yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the third seed definitely has better luck I've got bro portal is like better than any fruit that I got in my last video where I did 300 rolls well it's our 16th all righty 17th roll get up here yes yes yes yes yes what will we receive what will it be oh my God okay all right blocks uh 17th roll rubber okay hey it's not a common it's not a common you know might not be the best but it's not a comment that's all I care oh look at this big pile bro I'm afraid that monkeyy is going to take it at all can NPCs can they steal fruit okay that's so dumb what the heck did I just say can NPC steal fruit smoke so we are collecting our comments block through 18th roll rocket okay yeah okay yeah dude what the heck whatever let's put this behind here okay that was a lot oh no we actually can we can jump high as an angel what does it even do bomb fruit oh yeah dude I don't think a single non-common in so long we're almost at 20 missing up dark fruit oh dark is kind of bad but it's not a common can I really like you know complain no I can't so we are 20 oh okay whatever we are we're we're 20% oh a fisherman well will oh my God can we stop getting comments this is what I'm talking about bro the first SE is just a common SE bro it's just a common C we're at 20% we're at 1 F oh I hate Falcon so much but all I can say is that we are getting less Commons than we are uh up until like this point go go go go go go oh no oh no oh no oh yes okay not a common not a common not a common uh 2 first roll rubber okay yeah we are getting way less comments and actually more decent fruits I could tell like I'm not even just saying that bro trust me trust me trust me come on please flame fruit okay at least at least it's not a common that's all I care about right there 22nd roll no like legendaries t- oh oh my God oh my God yes yes yes guys I should just end the video I should just end the freaking video right here bro you saw it firsthand bro the the third C has better luck than the first C it does I'm not making this up bro what the hell I'm sorry guys for acting like this I'm just so happy right now I don't think you understand how happy I am right now like oh okay this is kind of getting bad because bro like logging in and logging out from every account dude the security things hold on what fruit do we get Quake fruit nice but oh my God bro it takes so long to do like the are you not a robot thing when you're logging in oh look at this T-Rex FR oh whatever guys we got to focus you got to focus and we got to lock in all right please please okay yeah I think I used all my luck getting that T-Rex but that's fine cuz we still got a T-Rex boys that is all I care about there that right here haha but the only thing I don't like about it is that you have to do it five times and it takes so long just stop bro the AI they're going to know just quit it bro we're cooked you're cooked I'm cooked of a pizza of the way magma yeah this this SE is definitely good guys it's definely good please flame fruit thank you not a common so thank you thank you very much uh there we on our 25th roll this is going to be the pizza roll the pizza please sound Oh I thought it said sand for a second but it was a sound for yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no this this se's def 1 million per 1 million per more lucky bomb fruit I jinxed it I got a bomb fruit I definitely jinxed it okay um let's put this right here okay the 26 roll please sand okay that's fine that's fine because you already got lots of good luck already oh that light fruit is tweaking so I can't be too happy all the time but a whatever chop fruit I had to do the capture and then I got a chop fruit is this our first chop fruit I think it is okay it's long as our first shop for I don't care 27th roll I hope we get at least one more mythical oh we got a rubber that's really that's actually really good dude like I love rubber bro it's just so funny to look at I love rubber look at him oh perfect placement come on bomb fruit God dang it bro what is this our 29th fruit I think it is or 28th I don't even care at this point bro we are on our 28th uh spring oo no no I hate spring bro bro I think these login captures twostep I mean prove you're not a robot things are making me like more perceptive and smarter and like have bigger Precision rocket fruit you know what dude it's a first SE 29th we're almost at 1/3 ice fruit Y is this our first ice fruit is it yeah I think it is normally you get like heck of ice fruits in the first se but it took a long time 30th we are 30% in well that makes sense cuz if we're doing 100 fruits it's 30% in ice fruit nice I like the ice fruit because you know I have ice it's an icy 30th yes 30th please mythical okay what if I say please common will I get a mythical Den I don't know I don't want to risk it last time I did that I got I actually got a common 31st fruit I wonder how my third sea self is doing probably better than what I'm doing right now spring fruit I hate spring so much much spr makes me so angry dude 31st roll hey spy yo this is our first Spike I just realized this is our first Spike and like we're at 31 rolls in and like it's our first Spike 302nd come on come on bro what the heck what is going on flame nice at least is not a common you know what I mean that's all I care roll 32 oh I'm really fast on this one ghost okay our second ghost we're not yeah our fruits are not too bad bad pretty decent let's put it next to the ghost fruit 33r so which this means that we are 1/3 done with the first C barrier okay finally uh right here blocker gotcha I already forgot which one this was 33rd so we're exactly 1/3 flame flame is not a common flame is 100% not a common the Sun is setting right come on Sand I think there's our second sand you know I'm not going to complain sand looks nice makes the color spectrum looks good 34th Row third see FAL oh no oh no no no honestly bro I'mma to put all like the bad fruits in the back cuz I don't want to see 35 fruits I'm not tired but I'm just frustr Diamond diamonds bro okay there we go that's oh that's a perfect placement block fruit gotcha oh no bro did I get a spring fruit because I was wearing a spring fruit oh no no oh I forgot to talk this is a YouTube video I was about to do so not talking oh barrier oh this is our third barrier barrier is a good fruit for the thir the first sea oh no hold on this side needs more color cuz of this stupid Commons 36 roll please magma okay all right magma is not a bad fruit so I'm actually super supremely happy 37% rubber oh barrier rubber Quake back to back okay not that not that I don't think we did that yeah oh what the heck did that explosion just throw it off course I like 37 is a lucky number okay never mind luck uh 37 is not a lucky number it's a crappy number cuz what is this dude H it's much easier to do that bro screw the parkour light our first light oh it's going to make our pile look luminescent dude we need like multiple colors so 38th please barrier okay barrier is not a bad fruit and this is our first barrier right let's put in the red cuz you know it's like the opposite okay why is it standing okay get up get up 40 rolls in and we got a bomb you know what from all the good fruits I've been getting re recently I'm not even mad bro I'm not even mad you know I'm just grateful always got to be grateful I got to take my own advice cuz I am not grateful we're getting to the we are okay dude what the every time I'm like happy they just have to ruin my mood with like a Falin bro a Phalen yeah we're on the 40th yay light fruit okay that's pretty good wait wait hold on wait Phoenix Phoenix okay um okay um now that's where all the luck went right almost halfway done with oh dude did I didn't I just got a Falon this game wants to troll me it really does what the heck I'm just happy we got the light and the Phoenix even though like the Phoenix doesn't really count but it was spawn in the first sea sand fruit our third sand please don't fall yes do not fall into that that would be bad fruit 41 pleas ice okay it's ice so it's fine I guess just had some good coffee oh my God I have a stomach ache dude please oh a spin oh God I hate spin so much it's fine let's just put it like in the corner it's a background character get the heck out of here 40 second roll down it's just you know when you guys stuff like chop you know you're not really in the best of moods the 1 is actually better even though I get Co like chops common sometimes the 13 is actually better I hope my third C S is doing better yeah I definitely hope my third C S is doing better cuz we just got a rocket and you know we do with rockets we put it in the background I forgot which roll this is I'll try to remember next rooll my God I don't know what's going on but my luck is dooky right now we are almost halfway Cho fruit okay our luck is kind of getting bad you have 15 minutes to defeat this I'm good bro this time please I'm lagging SM dude we're at 45 oh oh Quake yes it was worth it it was worth getting those comments to get a quake at the end 45th bro break our common curse oh yes okay life Fruit is not the best best best but it looks nice and it's not a common and it did break our curse so let's put this this is going slow because dude I'm getting gotches every time I'm not really talking about it but this is going really slow I mean not gotches captures every time Diamond fruits nothing too special but it's not a common 46 roll I'm going to try to be more enthusiastic dude I guess being enthusiastic still doesn't work 47th 47th come on light nice not oh I almost fell on that pile that would have not been not good dude please dude we literally got a Cho fruit already why am I getting another one bro even with all these comments it's still better luck than the first C so far so I'm not going to say anything oh my God look at that pile guys it's hold on I want to touch this green thing for good luck okay well touching that green thing of good luck yes yes yes yes no no no no no 48 I can't do this anymore bro like I'm 49% 49% flame okay you know I should have touched that green thing dude I will touch it later I'm put it right next to the Chop so I can make it look better 49th roll dude like I'm not even going to like be sad or mad I'm just going to like roll it drop it move on okay okay okay okay oh no okay I'm not I'm not ever saying okay ever again I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I got a stupid Spike Fruit by saying okay that many times 50th we're halfway luck oh halfway luck yes this is our second portal okay yeah that does it all those comments were worth it bro and that basically confirms yes the third C is better more luckier than the first C cuz like no one really actually knew it was just speculation but now you know what if you can't Thug it out anymore bro cuz at this rate I don't think I can no no no and I'm not even talking about getting common fruits bro I'm not talking about block Roots bro I'm talking about the real world bro what if you just can't Thug it out and any longer 51 rolls please okay you know what sure that portal made me happy uh let's put it next to the portal even though it's kind of disrespectful the sun is coming out let's touch this green thingy and let's see if we have better luck smoke uh uh uh never touching that again right here is perfect 52 please okay spring ah spring is so bad oh yeah we are more than halfway ah screw it I'm going to touch it again you never know bro you never know spin okay I'm not ever ever ever ever ever touching again should I give it to the monkey I'm good bro 53rd please bro I kind of sound like what the Venom would sound like Venom T-Rex in 53 rolls we're not even at 100 Third C is way better I don't care what you say it's way better it's right here Falon fruit oh no oh no not the Falcon not the falcon 54th roll oh my God that Venom oh my God Spike okay you know what give me a spike bro we got T-Rex and Venom give me a spike I don't care Spike you can't ruin my mood bro guys it's 55 a lucky number or no or no or yes oh it is a barrier finally roll 55 ghost okay okay okay you know I's put the ghost right here right next to the avoid touching that green thing because you touch it you get bad luck okay maybe we should have touched it because this is worse Lu blocks fruit gotcha Spike okay okay I mean okay sure 57 we get anything good please magma oh wait this might be the best fruit we got so far 57th roll 5 fo7 I'm way tall than 5' 7 all right I'm just saying I'm like 68 I mean I'm just so happy from that Venom I I don't even care that I'm getting like you know chop and stuff like 58 spins oh my look at that pile I bet it's a better pile on the third SE isn't it future me come on Spike oh no 58th roll bomb fruit no all right that's that's cool oh an angel does this mean better luck hold on Angel and press the button Spike okay let's not do that ever again let's put it next to the spike 59th roll almost 60 flame flame is not a common so I'm not unhappy you know I'm not unhappy this is the 60th brot why am I saying it like that what's wrong with me Falon yeah that's what happens when I say it like that bro nice let me put it next to the magma oh 60th Row I Remember I got a spring last time cuz I was wearing a spring please don't spring third C literally has better luck like oh look at that okay 61 please chop fruit oh not a good start not a good start not a good start oh the monkey's over there got to watch out for that one you know what let's put it right here 61 roll please rocket you know what I'll take it bro I'll take it I'm not even going to get mad a bit mad but not as mad as I would be if I didn't roll that Venom 60c roll okay what will it be will it be no no not rocket again I hate Rockets so much dude please [Music] please okay um from now on all of my rolls for the new fruits like T-Rex will be on the third or second never roll the first C I beg of you please R 63rd on the first C what is it going to be I'm already tired of all this I'm already tired of all this dude oh can we get another mythical can we can we can we can we life Fruit okay you know you can't expect a mythical all the time but like fruit you know it's not that bad at all 64th dude what is going on why why oh my mind dude I think when you beg you actually get something so please please please okay no that's not going to work uh yeah it's just by chance you can't just beg your way into a mythical sayy fif get up oh Lord bro I have not like I have not got a single anything bro but that's fine honestly dude that's fine you know that's what's expected to happen we're on the first SE anyways 65th come on rubber not bad it's not a common it's not a common whatsoever so please flame okay finally it's not a bad fruit ooh that's kind of too close ooh that was kind of close roll 66 chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop um hm let's not disrespect all the great fruits and you know put it right next to that stupid Spike block through gotcha dude oh my God bro I can't do this anymore I genuinely can't this is actually like vastly insane roll 67 sound let's go we got another sound oh oh my god let's oh yes let's put it next to the Phoenix oh a perfect placement 68th for the first C rocket nice nice nice I should have not said anything I should have really just not said anything 68th please flame okay okay okay okay I'll take it bro we're not getting that much comments thank God we're not getting that much comments now we're on the 60 ooh can't say that you know what I mean that's a no no word I mean a no no number can't say that spring oh my God I should have just said the number bro who cares you're all in that number roll that should not be spoken YouTube flame okay did we just get another flame though oh well I kind of don't want to pile of flames like that so I'm I'm going just put like right here we're 70% done and 30% not done dude dude oh my god dude bro how we not got anything like good dude like what are these fruits dude 70 throw please spin bro I just realize this is like my first spin remember how much spins I used to get on the first C this is literally my first spin bro holy crap that's that alone should be reason oh look at that pile over there bro 71 BL gotcha spin bro spin oh my God oh my God what are these fruits 71 gsha dark okay all right okay at least it's not a common cool with that I'm cool with that 72 oh God get up get get up block through to gotcha Falon dude dude no no my luck bro dude that Phoenix used all my luck 72nd roll dud this mythical I believe oh it is a mythical bro I thought it said spin fruit and I said ah but then I I read spirit I was like holy crap what the what the hell bro what all right I'm sorry for my Outburst I just had to because this is such a beautiful fruit Spirit R 73 blocks through GA please light okay this is actually our best fruit so far like the last like 13 fruit my my oh and it's a r 73 bro getting like mythicals back to back bro spin fruit ah I don't care bro you don't bother me spin anymore bro almost 75 cuz you know 75 it comes after 74 dude whatever bro whatever dude like just like whatever bro whatever dude pretty good bro mythical rocket okay okay rocket spin back to back sure we're back with the bunny we're fast sand fruit hey it's not a common so I'm I'm like I'm happy even though it's an uncommon you know I'm still happy because you know it's not a common usually I get a good fruit like a legendary fruit on the 25th of every roll will we get one okay never mind we didn't but that's it's a okay bro um hm spring fruit spring Good Old Spring bro good old spring look at it bro always wanted to be behave and look weird looks like just like rubber now I think about it 76 roll as you could see I put all the mythical fruits right there to separate it from the commoners what do that mean the fruit let's see smoke o before we hit 100 we're at like 76 right now hopefully get one or two more mythicals just one would be enough flame fruit hey it was a lucky number cuz guess what it was not a it was not a common it was a uncommon and you know I'm happy please so okay that's fine that's fine dude I'm not complaining roll 78 I'm so tired oh flame that was a late reaction but it doesn't doesn't matter 78th row please spider okay spider is not mythical but it's a really good legendary Right Here 79 we got an angel here I'm going to uh press this button sound okay this is actually the best roll we got so far now I I I forgot like I forgot what tiar sound is in yeah I don't even remember was it legendary yeah it was legendary was Legend yeah it was legendary 79th roll only 21 more rolls to get a mythical only 21 B oh look it slides oh we just we're at 80 guys we just got the sound so I think our Luck's going to be pretty bad you know take our all our luck away well actually not really we just got a flame I don't even think our luck has went away yet including this there's only 21 left Spike spike roll it down the sun is coming up 81st roll ice ice I love I Haven got D I just realized I have not got ice in so long dude you know what I mean ready first roll oh I'm praying I'm praying oh okay okay let's just be quick about this 82 roll um flame yes flame yes flame no I hate flame oh that's a good positioning we have the kitun on right now hopefully we get a kitune phoenix okay you know it's not a legendary but it's good let's put it next to the spider oh yes 83rd come on anything anything anything ah spin of course they get spin in out of everything dude I'll just put it right here please don't fall roll 83 roll 83 love okay okay you got lots of fruits love is a good fruit love is a really good fruit let's put it oh it fell over but roll 84 chop oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no stand on top of his head I don't think I should have did that spin yeah I probably should not stand on top of his head cuz I just got a spin for for standing on his head 85 15 more rolls I can't wait until we are done dude didn't we just get a Cho fruit are you crazy oh my my dude we're getting closer until I finish this video please mythical will we get a mythical yes or no we might I believe we will like what the heck why am I oh rubber we got the rubber fruit oh put 86 roll don't stand on his head okay I'm I'm just going to stand on his head next time bro through 87 look at this gigantic pile ghost oh yes this is our first ghost of the first sea H let's put it right next to sound 87th roll please bro I'm just getting comments now I'm just getting comments now bro what the heck roll 88 blocker gotcha spin how nice oh oh no just give me something nice light okay that's fine that's fine dude uh since it's light uh I want to put it somewhere good like right here is good 89th almost 90 please yes diamond diamond is not o diamond is not a bad fruit whatsoever H H please bomb bomb we got a bomb slide it off right here guys you're on our 90th roll we are inching closer and we get a rubber perfect we're getting closer 90th roll only 10 more please dude what's up with the Rockets recently dude bro have yall noticed all the Rockets I've been getting oh my mind can't wait till this is over rocket through yeah I definitely can't wait till this is over cuz what the heck so since we're on 9 first roll you guys might be wondering is it possible to get another mythical it's still possible you know what I mean don't let this dark be the reason why you don't think it's possible cuz it is very possible spin yeah our last few rolls are going to be so butt cuz what are these fruits bro seriously spin does it look like I want to spin bro 92 roll one more mythical just one oh oh Falon dude FAL no oh whatever 93 we are so close please dark okay that is a good fruit 93rd roll I think so rubber hey he not a common bro we've been getting like a lot of commments recently for some reason 94th I think yes oh no rocket oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no 94 dude hopefully we can get a mythical magma hey Magma's not bad but next to the fire ooh 95th after this one only five more and it's sunny outside please please yeah love fruit oh yes I love the love fruit bro it's like a legendary right I just realized yesterday was Valentine's yesterday was Valentine's bro what 95th fifth please ghost okay it's not a it's it's not a um it's not a common so far our last few rolls has not been any Commons is not our uh 96 roll so with this four more rolls after ice nice I like the ice fruit bro it looks nice it looks aesthetically pleasing 96 roll guys will it work no it won't oh dude like okay I'm starting to think we won't get anything but you never know you know you never it might surprise us 97 rolls Falcon good way to start bro cuz Falcon is so bad are we on the 97 I think we are on the set 97 Spike oh my dude didn't I just got a spike 98 we're getting close to my b time we're getting close Spike okay Spike spike it is we're getting close to ending this video I still believe we'll get a mythical probably not we just got to shop shop I mean chop you're at 99 we're getting closer we're getting closer let getting closer come on light oh that's a perfect perfect 99 pray for me guys please light okay we only have one more try to get something good guys this will be the 100th the last roll the last roll and it's a diamond guys this is going to be the 100th roll the 100th roll then we don't we get a diamond I'm on my main account so let's just collect it all oh this is going to lag this is oh yes it's not lagging at all I thought it was going to be worse but that's fine that's fine oh yes collect all these fruits now okay for our mythical we got four mythical Venom Mammoth Spirit T-Rex we got seven lights two phoenixes three dark fruits six FL fruits one barrier then one barri I thought more four smoke fruits four magmas two sounds two portals four ghosts six spikes two ice two Sands nine bombs that's a lot of bombs five rubbers four spins seven fans nine Rockets six chops five Springs three diamonds love fruit three love fruits and then a spider fruit all right now let's inspect let's collect it oh my God it's lagging oh my God it's lagging it is lagging no it's not I'm kidding it's not lagging that much we got five ice fruits eight spin fruits nine rocket fruits five Diamond fruits four sand fruits five spring fruits seven Falcon fruits 11 flame fruits yeah 11 flame fruits rubber I mean four rubber fruits light five fruits damn bomb fruit is five chop fruit is six one magn fruit three dark eight Spike three Quake that was surprising that's a lot of quakes four smokes four barriers one love one sound one Ghost and the Phoenix doesn't count but yeah we got a phoenix
Channel: Sai
Views: 633,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox, blox fruits sai, blox fruits kitsune, blox fruits rolling 100 fruits, blox fruits rolling 300 fruits, blox fruits 3rd sea higher luck, blox fruits gacha, blox fruits 3rd sea lucky, blox fruits rolling fruits
Id: 4S3hchvtPtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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