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this is officially the coolest account that I own I am a level one with the spiky Trident with the awakened dough fruit we are doing one to 700 then 700 to 1500 and then 1500 to 24 50. we're going all the way to max level with this account one to seven hundred in this first video but since we already have awakened though we've already got the spiky Trident that goes with it we're kind of already katakuri so let's dress up in him while I'm doing that press like subscribe if you're excited for this cheating account let's reset let's reveal the character all right now we are full on Cut to Curry and we even have the awakened dough fruit for those of you that are confused Indra recently tweeted out saying that he would help people who wanted to make impossible videos by editing Noob accounts for them and that's exactly what I did I've done this before with the dark dagger but now we have the awakened doe and the Trident to go with it we're gonna big brain this so we're gonna go all the way to Fountain really quickly we're gonna kill like two NPCs skip all the way to like level 40 or so then we'll go to Pirate Village and start grinding like a normal player would all right we're gonna defeat these guys I think we only have to kill two of them I do have to worry about the knockback a little bit but these punches do way more damage than if I was to just use combat although I think combat would be faster and I'm dead all right it turned out that just smacking him slowly with my spiky Trident was pretty fast and now that we're getting closer I'm gonna finish him off with the the dough fist Oh I thought that was him dead but it was just me being low on energy come on guy just die already man it's so slow especially when my attacks Miss there we go all right the dough Mastery is rolling in look at the levels all right we got 38 dough Mastery so we haven't unlocked anything new yet you know you die a bit doing this method but it totally feels worth it yes there we go we got another one and we're just gonna gain more and more Mastery although it looks like I didn't quite hit 50 Mastery we're level 36 though which means we can like I said we could go to Pirate Island already I'm just gonna kill this last one that I accidentally started fighting yes and that's it my master is 53 I died but now I can do the scorching Donuts so that hopefully means I'll just be out of roll my way back to the island I want to go to yes this is amazing awakened dough is already so fun I have a feeling that this brute Quest might be really easy if I do this just can't I no it doesn't really drag them I can't really like turn fast enough to keep damaging him yo 55 we can kill buggy Bobby Quest let's go let's see if we can actually I already ran into the guy when I was driving past oh that does decent damage yes easy game all right I'm gonna hop servers and kill a Bobby for a while all right Bobby was so efficient and easy that I decided to do him all the way to level 90. if you guys have watched my channel before I hate the desert island so I just completely skipped it this time easy game it also gave us 150k so we're gonna actually instead of buying the coat I think I'll just buy all of my like my gecko everything like that why do I have a boat I don't need it all right I silent let's get up here we're gonna buy all our things I think we might even let's Robux but we'll get like a cheap hockey color all right air jump 10K easy game Aura is 25 super easy I think this one's 100K yes so we're able to get all of them sweet and then let's pick a color okay so in the anime his is a slightly darker like maybe really light purpley where Luffy's is normal and that is light blue okay his conquerors is also light blue all right Easy Choice so I guess this blue let's go with this one blue jeans enable color we turn that on oh yeah that's definitely the lightning color so now we have yes I realized I haven't really showed you guys how this fruit plays and I mean like awake and dough in the first C so what I'm doing is I'm using this to collect like to aggro all of them and then I'm coming back here and building them all up my low gear is already kicked in so now I just charge up and I punch and I sort of just repeat this I don't use missile jab that much because sometimes it sort of just messes them up we'll see if it goes all right yeah if they shoot straight up like that then I can usually pull them all back into a group and they're easy enough to kill and that's 105 or 106 so we can take on the yeti now which I will probably do the yeti until 125 or whatever it is I need to do so that I can go and fight the vice admiral at Marine Board I got caught up in how much fun it was and I forgot to record the kill but that is 130 which means we can head to Marine Ford we'll buy ourselves the black coat when we get up here the black cape whatever it is and then we'll start farming the boss here as well we totally skipped the regular NPCs and that's just because you get so much xp from the bosses if you can kill them quickly you might as well just grind them alright rolling donut climb the hill no no no no no no no all right we're in and I get down here we go I suck at getting down these little ladder areas buy the coat for 50 bucks even though it's equipped you have to press equip all right now we got some bonus stats oh man this is a preview for how easy doffey is gonna be as well when we do the bosses at the prison yo that was just way too easy okay we'll be here a while I just accidentally joined the Marines and I spawned here if you join the Marines you spawn closer to the quest Giver man I wish I had known that that would have saved me so much time alright boys this is the last one then I'm gonna be 220. I decided to do this guy all the way up to the next boss so I could just completely avoid having to do any of the like Father mobs I'm just gonna do bosses apparently time for the worst grind or this used to be the worst grind in the first seat it's a little bit better now that you can do the mobs from 190. even though I skipped all of them double punch bomb Oh easy game boys I'm gonna love grinding here I will do this until I think magma Island all right last Chief Warden and I oh he's not there oh there we go I think 230 means I can no that was the last warden this is the chief Warden and I think I can fight him now yes all right 2 30 easy now we can just grind two bosses okay I hit 241 I figured it was 250 but Swan is actually 240 so we can start doing Swan now if I could find a server that he is in what I'll do is I'll just keep him pinned up against the back wall just like I did the vice admiral oh no I guess he could still hit me from back there yeah I'm halfway through killing this guy in Swan respawns this dude better give me two levels yeah there we go all right level 300 we still have 50 levels to go but I wanted to update you guys this is where the stats are at I'm kind of just building blocks fruits now I don't get hit much I don't seem to run out of energy anymore I just want to do heaps of damage because this route's already really fast kill things oh no I need a quest I basically just want to be out of Blitz my way through with as much damage as possible all right this will be 350 and then we'll be able to move on and my plan is we actually have to go to the sky island because I chose to do bosses I have a lot of money and I think we're gonna go buy an accessory that usually I wouldn't use but because it gives 10 to devil fruit damage we might as well go get it it'll be a five percent upgrade from our current accessory all right Sky Island please be exactly what I think it is I'm fairly certain I remember this correctly I'm pretty sure we just climb up under what we just climb up under here and I know I can jump it but also you can missile jab to shoot yourself up in the air very easily here the guy is okay 500 000 is what I think I have to you're not ready yet come on here we go sub to Uncle kizaru let's do that let's go 200 uh I think like 130 was what I had and 7 17. yeah that'll do we lost a little bit damage but we're also gaining five percent damage from this yeah 500k boom feels good man big upgrades all right magma Admiral and we're doing this from 350 all the way I think to 425 yes I can roll into the middle I'm dead but it's okay because I rolled into the middle all right level 400 this is an important level we have to get 24 more levels before we can move on but I think it's about time we got observation hook all the buttons have been pushed next all right we got torch downstairs in the little house we're gonna light this on fire casual vandalism all right collect the cave water wait give me a cave water there we go feed cave water to the man I wonder how this guy got rich and then managed to also get robbed by low-level Bandit leader or mob leader sorry let's go murder that guy yo he's waiting for me what are you doing out here son this isn't where we're meant to meet I too hit the guy feels bad all right give me ancient artifact thing right Relic all right please be spawned yes okay this server has Shanks you're weak Shanks katakuri's way cooler than you are bro your attacks don't reach I can't wait till they add real Shanks into the game that's gonna be sick and you're dead Perfect all right here's the dude I think it's 750k please let me afford this come on yeah I know I understand 750 perfect amazing this is our last magma Admiral then we're moving on I think maybe the next boss or maybe by level 500 ish we'll be able to unlock Pierce in clothesline I really hope I want it before the second seat there we go 425 easy game let's go under the sea whisper is at 500 so I'm gonna stay here till 500 get as much Mastery out of this boss as I can please be here yes okay I think I can beat this guy pretty easily alright last Fish Man Lord and then we can go into the sky where my scorching donut won't really be helpful for getting around which is kind of lame oh and I have to worry about punching stuff off the islands there we go level 500 I think it'd be faster just to do this all right whispa level 500 easy I guess I could do that be a little bit faster oh I can use this ability properly if you jump and use pastry River it does more damage very easy kill all right we're nearly a piercing clothesline alrighty boys last whisper kill and I have I've unlocked piercing clothesline We're not gonna make it to dope Fest that word that I can't say not in this video but in part two we will definitely unlock our last ability for sure oh no oh yes easy game I just got the Bazooka feels good man all right moving on to Thunder God this is probably one that I'm a little bit worried about so I'll be spawning down there I can use scorching donut to get up to here get my quest it is gonna be a little bit slow it's gonna be a little bit slow because the distance you have to travel and I can't fly let's just hope that we can easily kill this guy alright and easy game okay cool he won't really be a problem at all feels good man just over level 600 I was gonna record level 600 but I was listening to music you get in the groove of grinding and I just forget to make YouTube video this should be our last Thunder God really easy to grind this guy although I did have a fair few people kill me in PvP for this one I guess when you're hanging out in this sort of area you know it's probably the second highest level area that you'll see players in the first sea a lot of people from the second and third see come to kill you and they see I have awakened dough so they probably assume that I'm a higher level than I am still the the core issue here is like what kind of a trash panda is coming back from the second and third sea to kill people in the first sea get good at the game boys hey that's it easy kill so we might as well just home teleport I think yeah perfect and we'll just roll the donuts that way so I ended up just stacking more and more blocks through stat I did go 400 melee defense I have a little bit of HP I really don't need more energy than this yeah there he is all right I accidentally attacked the guy oh and the rockets out actually hit me whoa watch out oh it's uh it's a Max Level Dragon nice this guy just asked me to 1v1 I'm telling you they don't realize is this it is that yes oh we got cool shades no way yes these are actually like the accessory that I was considering grinding for even if I already got max level this is perfect yo this might actually be the last one this guy gives so many levels like obviously have double XP but even compared to all regular bosses he just gives so much experience is that it that's actually 700 feels good man alright let's go and quickly unlock the second C usually if you're a smarty pants you would keep doing Cyborg and Skip fighting the NPCs here but I'm just gonna do all second see so we gotta talk to this dude and then fight the super annoying guys down here and finally 725 or 27 we can move on from the worst NPCs and Fight The Mercenaries that's 750 we can move on to the boss now if it's not too difficult alright so I ended up skipping out on diamond it was kind of a pain to find one that players wouldn't just kill me obviously you're really close to the cafe so if you're in a public server you get killed a lot I ended up just fighting these guys right to 775 and now we can move on to is it the I can't remember if it's the swan Pirates or whatever but it's it's just over here and these are some of my favorite to grind yo so I just hit Level 800 after doing Swan pirates for ever 25 levels Jeremy is at 8 50 so I'm just gonna stick to the swamp Pirates because Factory staff are the actual worst and now I have dofist all right I just hit 850 which means finally I can move on we skipped the factory staff obviously whoops and now it is Jeremy time I don't know if I've put enough into defense because once we move from Jeremy on to the gravity boss well actually start getting hit so you kind of need to finally have a decent amount of HP but I'm fairly certain since this fruit is just brokenly op I won't have any trouble regardless he hit me once and I'm half HP yeah okay so this is a bit of a problem all right here's the game he's not gonna be difficult and I can actually fight him on public servers because I just get the quest here and then roll up the mountain yo I did not even realize but I'm already level 900 it's kind of breezy doing Jeremy now I'm gonna stay at this until 925 then I'll move on to the next boss but something good happened I got this bad boy can't remember if it's actually good or not but it kind of just looks cool on me someone did just wear it this should be our last Jeremy kill I haven't gotten pvp'd too many times there's actually one guy that I want to like fully shout out he waited until I was done killing Jeremy I'd gotten my level up and then he murdered me with his third C abilities but at least he let me get the NPC kill and level up kind of gotten into a really really good rotation as well it's so easy to fight with this fruit like if you have it in the second sea Just Awaken it here it's so overpowered I know it's getting nerfed in the next update which will probably be a little bit sad hey spiky code again 926 which means finally we can move on to fighting the gravity boss I know this boss will hit me a couple of times which is why I grabbed a little bit more HP but hopefully I can just I mean I can long range everything with this fruit no matter what happens yeah I can just stand back and throw punches if I have to yeah very very easy game and there's no boss here again okay so when I hit level 1000 anytime soon I will be moving on to different NPCs I can do snow troopers over on the island over there from a thousand onwards it's just the gravity boss is all always been killed it makes it a massive pain oh these guys wait you have hockey you can hit me right yeah hey there we go level a thousand definitely oh the adventurer nice we need to move on the gravity boss is really easy to kill it's just he's in the middle of the map so he's kind of always dead on every server that you join all right we're gonna set our spawn here now I know usually I could go off and I would do like my race quests and everything like that but since there's no way for me to turn into a mink without going and grinding fragments for now I'm just gonna stay as a human and in part three when I can easily get fragments in the third C that's one will uh change our race to mink and probably get version three all right final four and then we're moving on maybe to the other side of the island they bounce wrong and they didn't catch them all no in the past with like other devil fruits the other side of the island has been a real pain to bomb so maybe I'll come back over here and do another 50 levels here but we'll just we'll go see I destroyed the bridge oh I'm so lucky that I hit there and I bounced up Oh I thought it was gonna fall I didn't get the quest oh good the bridge is back all right nine of this can I not get across the bridge does that mean no it's fine okay the last three winter Warriors these have been so easy of course one would get stuck I gotta kill three more and one of those three would get stuck in the ground that's just whatever these have been great to grind I'm excited to do lab subordinates though they're faster moving on we're going to hot and cold we're nearly up to where we get to grind another boss which will be such a like increase in speed for our leveling and then I don't know man it's it's kind of smooth sailing once you get to smoke Admiral alright 1150 lab subordinates are the worst because they can Flash step to you or teleport to you until logia kicks in then they're actually kind of the best to grind I had no idea you could destroy that door I had no idea you could destroy that bridge in the other Village too wow the dough fruit just ruins everything all right hopefully this guy won't be too difficult he's using the old smoke fruit which is kind of worse to fight against than the new one this could be a little bit annoying and there we go okay he's not too bad I don't think I'll die every time we just hit 1175 I was gonna stick to Smoker but he is a massive pain I'd rather just do magma ninjas this is them right yeah I think I did these guys when I did the devil fruit notifiers they are kind of good to grind alright level 1200 but I'll be sticking to magma ninjas because the other ones the lava Pirates are a massive pain 1250 boys let's go I think cursed ship is where we're at which can be a little bit slow to grind I'm thinking if I get like sick of the cursed ship I might come back do a little bit of smoke Admiral because he'll still give me a few levels but kill and I can sort of just alternate depending on what I enjoy I know the dough fruit is like a pretty good all-terrain vehicle but can I get up this no there's a there's a gap there how you drive this thing let's go ah yes yes ah all-wheel drive boys all terrain all-wheel drive easy all right 1250 give me them deck hands yeah all right here is the last two and then we'll be 1300 we move on to ship stewards these guys have actually been great I don't know what I was worried about except for what I miss with my attacks like that these have honestly felt amazing I don't even know if the stewards are gonna be as good or not this was also a big milestone because during this training I maxed out my blocks Roots which means now I'll just start sort of like evenly increasing these I know in the third C I'm gonna need a lot of energy so I don't want to under commit to that I have a feeling that if I get all of them and I bring them like yeah closely oh they do that that's not good and then I use my clothesline it'll pull them all together right it actually does that's amazing and then I separated them all right the stewards were so good to grind and we're about to hit 350 which means we can go to the ice Island and start grinding there once we get to the ice Admiral things will get super easy because I'll probably do ice Admiral all the way up to tidekeeper then tidekeeper to 1500 and then we're done and we'll be able to go to the third C we're up to the last four and then we can move on to the ice Admiral at 1 400 feels good man I'm fairly certain I can go roll up the hill pretty easily and then just server hop when I originally did this on my main account I never even did the tidekeeper I just stuck to this guy because he was the easiest I'm fairly certain with awakened though I can do the tidekeeper as well so we'll be doing this guy for probably a hundred levels alright here we go boys last one of these I said I'd probably do this till tide keeper but I guess just so many people grind bosses for levels now it's kind of hard to find a boss that hasn't been killed I genuinely think it'd be faster just to kill the NPCs on the Skull Island from whatever level 1425 assuming I don't just die here there we go man that was close Okay so we're gonna go to Skull Island I'm gonna kill regular NBCS it just feels easier the bosses are always dead now it could also be a bot thing there are a lot of bots in the first and well there's a lot of bots in every sea all right the final four I don't know if I'm moving on or not I can't remember if grinding the other ones is terrible these guys aren't too bad their ability the fish man or SharkMan karate that they use so the ability that they use is a little bit annoying but yeah see a little bit annoying it's like instant cast it's very hard to dodge but other than that these guys have been really really good to grind did he does he have low HP yeah cool and then boom that's it 450 we just roll up the hill here and then back over to the quest NPC oh no they have a ranged attack yeah that does make them annoying to die and die no die there we go not too bad the final stretch boys and unfortunately like what I consider to be one of the worst bosses in this game the tide keeper don't know why but I always die to this thing I just I can't get the hang of fighting it let's not be lame about this if he doesn't summon a Sea Beast I'll be fine but I think if he does the chances of my abilities getting interrupted is way too high alright almost dead almost dead I think I'll just I think I should just ignore the sea beasts if they do appear there we go finally all right final kill time and then we can move on to the third C so while I'm murdering this guy like always I want to thank you all for watching I hope you guys enjoyed the first episode of this did fantastically because obviously this is a super hype account just like with the first video as long as this vid does well gets good comments gets likes views all that sort of stuff we will definitely be doing a part three I'm still really enjoying awakened doe like it doesn't seem to matter what you go up against this fruit just it handles everything that's why it's getting nerfed that's also why we really need to finish this series before it gets nerfed oh man I'm gonna die on my last kill that stupid CB still kill me oh he's behind the rock this is it this is it yes 50 1500. let's go save and talk to the NPC oh yeah right I have to do a couple of quests before we can go to the third C but that's fine I'll do that off camera you guys don't want to see that boring stuff existent boys the third C on the account we're no longer special because you can get this in the third C and obviously you could get awake and go in the second but that's fine I wanted to go all the way to Max so I have some extra plans to go along so we're gonna start with the pirate millionaires obviously but in 15 minutes time I'm gonna roll over to the castle I'm gonna get an elite NPC I'm gonna go fight them because I would like to get the Hunter's cape and things like that just to up my movement speed and you get a heap of XP when you kill them uh how hard are these guys did that look like yeah I do good damage and that I didn't even there is a lava man on this island somewhere and I think if I defeat him I will get to level 1525 which means we move on from the millionaires to the billionaires and of course he was in the last place that I looked come on this is the magma one he could kill me there we go I can't actually managed to beat him and I get the 100 fragments every time too which is for our hopefully our One race three role that we do in the future all right last four of these these guys are easy you just group four of them up and kill them two lots easy game I don't wait boom there we go now we're 1550 we can serve a hopstone who shouldn't be too bad with this fruit because obviously I can just roll out there just be dead there we go wait have I I haven't gotten an item yet still alrighty I've just hit 1 600 I'm hopping public service to farm Stone still I've switched over to the pilot helmet I got it as a drop it makes me move way faster so like getting over here is quicker I'm doing this for another 74 levels then going straight to the island Empress because apparently You Should Skip most of the regular island or Hydra Island mobs alrighty guys I just hit 1626 and I was looking at the leveling guide and it said you can do the island villages in the middle as long as you're you're not a Buddha user and I think that has to do with all the ledges you can get stuck on so apparently my dough fruit which I have just hit 600 master and we're now Max Mastery on a weekend though which is insane it should be able to do this pretty easily let's go boys we're about to be six 1650 I think I just killed like one of these and I'll level up come on please be enough XP no oh that actually wasn't even that close it did like nothing all right last two and by looks of my XP bar I was gonna have to do an entire Quest anyway all right now we can move on to the big Islanders over here and then finally onto the empress all right I just missed the level but 1675 I'm gonna take off the hat now go back to the glasses to get as much like additional damage as I can and now we're moving on to the empress boss so we'll be hopping servers again this is gonna be is this difficult with this route Maybe not all right we're so close no of course she happened to just hit me with an arrow stupid game die what there we go okay not too bad 1700 and honestly what an unpleasant experience why does so many max level players PVP at the second lowest level boss in the third sea like brah I died so many times but it's fine we're done now we're going to the great treat we're doing 75 levels of the next ones alrighty boys well I killed only these three NPCs the entire time I was on this island but this is the last one then I'm pretty sure we're going floating Turtle which will honestly that's when it starts to get a lot faster so more levels more often sounds good there we go the last two finally Turtle time it's been a little bit so I think I'll go to the castle and get an elite NPC all right come on Beyond giant turtle floating Turtle yes perfect one two come on ah three not three lame I did get a bandana though which is good I think alrighty boys last a couple and then we are 1 800 and we'll be moving on to whatever the other fish man things are the ones over there that throw the tridents come on last hit let's go oh there we go come on one thousand eight hundred all right that's 1826 so we're moving on to the pirates that are next to the mansion I think the forest Pirates we're gonna do them for 75 levels before we move on to the Jungle Pirates at 1900. all right last time doing the forest Pirates these guys are good they're easy to like you group them up in twos and they're pretty easy to kill except for when that happens come on all right last two here we go after this we're moving on to Jungle Pirates which aren't very great to grind but for whatever reason there's a huge XP jump between like every other Quest before jungle Pirates just doesn't give as much XP and then suddenly jungle Pirates gives a lot of XP so we'll do those guys for 25 levels let's go boys last two the jungle Pirates kind of fast the third sees good once you get off like Hydra Island but according to the the guide that I'm following these next NPCs are like some of the fastest in the game to level up with so musketeer Pirates I'll be doing these I think for a hundred levels these are so easy because I can just roll over here and there's a couple of them right here there's a guy up there there's a guy up there this guy right here they also like a flash step so I think if I oh I can't hit them where they are okay I have to shoot them with a different attack all right last three boys let's go these were so fast these are actually awesome to grind we finish off these three and then we get to move on to haunting Castle the skeletons I grind those on my main account for Mastery so these are gonna be great here we go so I'm gonna do skeletons I'm gonna skip living zombies and then go into the I can't remember if they're vampires or whatever they use the magma fruit just in there and then I don't know if I'll do the underground ones I can't remember all right I am back on the turtle I've got 3 000 fragments now so is it taught yeah it re-rolls your race for three thousand come on yes I got rabbit that's exactly what I want I just wanted to move a little bit faster I also didn't set my spawn on the haunted ships I have to drive all the way back there yo I was too busy watching some YouTube two videos I totally missed the level but 2026 means we're moving on to oh not these guys yeah this is so easy the Demonic souls are right on top of the quest Giver apparently these guys are the best I used to AFK these guys with Buddha to get our free Mastery 2075 boys getting the rabbit was such a game changer we're going to Sea of treats now which is this is it we're in the last Zone we have to do what 375 levels is that right sea of treats I think this is like peanut Land Is this where you start I have a feeling that these are all great the peanut Scouts yeah this is it these are great to grind actually yeah because I can well there's one there one there one there and then one more over oh no there he is there is one right there yes four at a time I can do this last four of these and then we're moving on to the other side of the island these guys are so efficient to do like they're so easy to group up I say that as I get one stuck but they're usually so easy and the last one there we go one thousand uh two thousand one hundred we're doing these guys now the peanut presidents until is it just 25 yeah we can do 25 levels on these guys if we want but then if I don't like grinding the ice cream Island I might stick to these for a bit 2125 let's go I do not like the NPCs over here there's a good chance that I'm gonna turn around and go back an island I'll give these little Leprechaun looking dudes a go alrighty guys the last three of these guys and then we're moving on to like my favorite thing to grind it's I don't know if they're my favorite they're so easy to grind everybody who has played the end game and has done like the doe Prince has grinded this next area here we go boom there we go 2 200 let's go the last kill for 2300 then we get off this saw that we're in like the new content territory now here we go and that's it we got 150 levels to go here we go last four choco Warriors and then we've got only a hundred levels to go after this the third C is or like it's an awesome grind once you get past I said Hydra Island earlier but honestly once you get past big tree and then it's pretty golden there's also a lot of other fun stuff to unlock but like I said earlier I'm going to Japan so I don't have time to do the extra stuff we're just gonna level up and then this account will be ready for the next time that max level goes up yeah do sweet thief or choco Warriors until 2400 so these guys here are no go apparently we don't do these but apparently do these the final four let's go we're about to have 50 levels left and the next island is so conveniently set up that it's just easy to grab of course the last one would bounce over the wall where'd he go well there it is bye yes all right 2400 let's go I got the Glorious nice all right final Island what are we calling this is this the candy island is that is that the name that's what it feels like this place is great they're set up in threes they're in a little circle they're easy to grind what a guy oh and the guy's in the middle whoever designed this island is the best the final two we're getting so close and my brain has just turned off now we're nearly at the end of the grinding I'm done I'm I'm over it you did oh why die don't scatter everywhere there we go all right and that one too easy game up next snow demons we kill eight as well cool 20 oh 24 levels to go this is it boys I have leveled up so many accounts in my time but it never stops feeling good when you reach that goal level I know there's a lot of things left to unlock on this I know there's a lot of things left to unlock on this account and usually I would go and do all of that but I really just wanted this video for you guys while I'm on holiday I didn't want to not be uploading you know how it is so we got the levels done we have completed the account and I think when the max level increases we'll come back I mean increases by a fair bit say the fourth C comes out and the new max level is like 3 000 or something we'll come back we'll unlock a bunch of bonus stuff and we'll level up this account the max level again thanks for watching this one guys I do hope you enjoyed and again if you missed it the second episode kind of got like buried by YouTube so make sure you go and check it out if you missed it that way you can see all three parts or you can watch the movie length that will come out in maybe two weeks thanks for watching guys and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Magicbus
Views: 1,856,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magicbus, roblox, blox fruits, blox, fruit, devil, one, piece, roblox one piece, best anime games, best one piece games, free devilfruit, noob to pro, starting over, funny video, roblox noob to pro, anime, anime noob to pro, noob trolling, trolling, boss fights, funny moments, simulator, dragon fruit, demon fruit, blox piece, dark blade, leopard fruit, update 17 part 3, 17 part 3, latest update, storage, race v4, race awakening, roblox blox fruits, new fruit, rubber gear 4
Id: xlgzyoOF6Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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