I Got 10M Bounty in 10 Days (Blox Fruits)

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so if I open up the leader boards as you can see I got 2.9 Million Bounty by the end of this video I will have that all the way up to 10 million Bounty let's begin day one and the build that I've been using I've been using doe plus God human those are the only two things that I'm kind of good with so I'm kind of bad at like implementing the gun and the sword into my build and here are my stats Max melee Max Defense Max Blox fruits that seems to work the best let's start off going to anybody there's this person let's fight them oh yeah we're going to pop off oh I missed there we go where he go I lost him oh my God I'm not good at this game yet oh they escaped me bro this guy so what I do normally if someone's far away I switch to portal teleport to the place I want and then go back to do so I tried to sneak up on this guy and to put it simply it didn't go well with no options left I ran away but of course I went back and it went the exact same way with me running for my life but I'm not done yet Feast your eyes on the power of the sneak attack if you are wondering about the combo that I'm using well it's Dov dox doc then God human Z God human C and finally God human X oh we clapped him get him out of here get him out of here easy that's the combo that I've been practicing yeah some people say do spammer no skill whatever I don't care listen it works and that's all that matters come here Buddha you're mind oh he's he doesn't have fishmen he can get clapped there we go easy this fight was kind of messy nope no [Music] no but I did get him in the end I just hit 3 mil with that nice we bot never mind you're not welcome here Mr bot oh I oh my God is he fighting back he's fighting back he's fighting back yo he's fighting back no you're not beating me Mr bot come here buddy I need your Bounty same old combo easy got 9,000 from that not too too bad easy Bounty easy Bounty do that I want the Bounty buddy I do thank you thank you go down finally oh how'd he die so fast now he's dead now he's dead bro that guy did not want to die oh check it out we got 3.1 million now let's keep up the pace easy kill here easy where am I that's annoying what is this a Buddha fruit oh my God I'll take [Music] it now you're you're dead buddy don't mind if I do easy enough thanks bendy appreciate it bud just die thank you [Applause] thank you thank you and that kill right there marks the 3.2 million point now I wanted to try out a little bit of PVP in the secondy see how that works thank you get out of here I'm going to say it bro this should be illegal are you kidding me that marks the end of day one let's begin day two let's go find some victims get him out of [Music] here different day same problems at least I hit 3.3 million though if your eyes are sensitive to flashing lights close them immediately hey uh are you okay down [Music] there oh he died lamu at this point I started incorporating Crystal Katana into my combo right around here gotch [Music] it wow thank you oh that got me 3.4 million there we go [Music] nice good try but good try what are you swinging [Music] at catch [Music] it die thank you professional Runner bro that kill got me all the way to 3.5 million Bounty I love it get him out of here he's dead there we go oh that kill got me 3.6 [Music] mil enemy spotted not today sir he says okay he was trying to [Applause] TP another one reset okay don't tell me you went thirds little [Music] bro GG little man GG that got me to 3.7 oh no right do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside your [Music] head that one got me 3.8 not bad thank you oh what is that cold blooded and shampoo what are those titles oh that was [Music] easy that was 3.9 mil there we go bro there we go there we [Music] go oh that got me to four mil bro we got four mil Bounty now [Music] so I'm getting chased by these two people my health is kind of low I'm not really sure what to do I tried running away then I decided to turn around and my Do's V ability was off cool down but I opted to just kind of stare at them then I may have died I think it's safe to say there's still some work that needs to be done [Music] thank you double kill yoink oh that's [Music] 4.1 get out of here we got 4.2 million now it's getting fun bro I'm going join this what he reset I guess this guy somehow managed to get stuck underneath the [Music] map hello he even managed to get away from me okay this might be the craziest thing I've ever seen I'm just going about my business I attack these two people and somehow killing him counted as two kills what I get his friend and then like 10 seconds later I'm way out in the ocean but somehow the dude I just killed Is Right on top of me I was like wait he got here really quick and then I look at him it's a PVP bot or some help me help [Music] me oh that's [Music] [Music] 4.3 there we go 4.4 million now day two is over day three here I come let's get some Bounty there we go I got 4.5 mil nice is he dead already got him or he's dead got him oh 4.6 that was fast all right I'm calling day three here let's get started with day four I'm ready to grind up all the way to 5 mil see if I can get a little bit past it we'll have to see let's do this gotch it got another guy who's next going on a rampage bro I got two people [Music] bro [Music] got [Music] him got somebody damn dude that guy runs so much oh that's 4.7 how about it got him oh that's 4.8 got him double kill oh got [Music] 4.9 got another guy got him oh I got it I got 5 mil I Got 5 mil Bounty bro what a way to do it look at it bro BR gotcha got him let's take these guys down got him let's get us a double kill here got [Music] him nice oh that's 5.1 mil got that guy why does that guy have no HP where is his HP oh I got 5.2 I think this guy died to water and we got to 5.3 million got him both oh I got him or the NPC got him 5.4 Mill me just like that got him Mr leopard you're dead 5.5 million just like that [Applause] nice stole his kill out and killed him [Music] got him and with that kill we got the 5.6 milli there we go nice got that guy and we got [Applause] 5.7 poor guy he was stuck in the corner why is he using why is this guy using this puny boat in the third sea got them both got them both and we got 5.8 now got [Applause] [Applause] him that kill got me 5.9 million nice can someone please tell me where my HP [Applause] went oh I got him okay not bad that kill got me 6 million bounty all right wrapping up day four let's move on to day five I've been using the D fruit but I think it's time to change I'm going to change to the leopard fruit for today I've never really used a leopard fruit a whole lot in PvP let's hop right into it there's a guy first victim of the leopard fruit and he's down in like 3 seconds all right second victim how quickly can we get him down dead that is strong that is powerful I got a kill got one guy another one dead one guy dead got him dead are these teaming die teamers got him oh that's 6.1 Millie get him out of here got him dead that kill got me 6.2 million just like that we got 6.3 million dead dead that right there got me 6.4 million and that got me 6.5 million bro nice this guy's underneath the ground what the heck dead if you can't tell what's happening here while I'm stuck in the ability while a Buddha is Ming me to death got him got him there we go we got 6.6 million now poor little guy he was trapped that one 6.7 nice day five is J everybody give it up for day six the leopard fruit's fun and all but I kind of just want go back to D so that's what I'm doing today there we go we got [Music] 6.8 [Music] there we go that kill finally got me 6.9 million funny haha number [Music] bro let's go 7 million boun [Applause] [Music] bro that got me 7.1 mil too [Music] that got me 7.2 nice day six is no more Hello day [Music] seven [Music] 7.3 mil oh that got me 7.4 million 7.5 [Music] nice 7.6 got him [Music] got him okay that got me 7.7 million that got me 7.8 million that wraps up day seven it is your time day 8 and recently update 20 came out so we're going to be changing up the build we're going to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's 8.3 [Music] though apex predator title what what does that mean oh and I got 8.4 million like that okay oh raging demon what is that title okay that got me [Applause] [Music] 8.5 get out of here nisu 8.6 Milli Day N is coming to a close open the doors to day 10 but I think what I want to do I want to switch dark blade for cdk I feel like this is an improvement got him oh he died oh that's 8.7 okay nice nice [Applause] [Music] 8.8 [Music] 8.9 oh that got me nine okay I am so close I am embarrassed I have to say this but I died to a mammoth ooh 9.1 nice get out of here 9.2 just like that yoink wait 9.3 four oh that kill was [Applause] 9.5 oh 9.6 9.7 got one guy whoa whoa [Music] whoa got him nice 9.8 [Music] dude get out of here die oh I'm so close I'm so close 9.9 million bro I am 100,000 away from 10 let's do it that's one come here where you going got him [Music] nice got him nice goodbye is that it no still no [Music] nice look at him fly dude got him there it is there it is bro new title unlocked War lord of the sea and look at the the bottom of my inventory look at the bottom of my inventory bro oh look 10 million Bounty and hold up this is what we did it for this guy right here this guy right here is my new pet look at him oh this is so cool this guy does not yet have a name but I will leave that up to you also if you're interested here are some statistics about this journey
Channel: bradinx
Views: 365,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #roblox, #bloxfruits, #onepiece, #pvp
Id: 7YA9FmyPU7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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