Bloons TD6 - 4-Player Copy And Paste Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today it's gonna be a hilarious day the war was a blue side effects because we did have you stop that right now this is my turn well okay it's gonna be a hilarious day and balloons pt6 because guess what I'm in charge whatever I place these guys have to copy me that's right everything's gonna fail it's gonna be crazy but we're going for round three hundred three hundred three hundred goal today the child the challenge is right here but the challenge is 100-300 god alright well this is the copy paste challenge Matt's gonna be leading us we have to do whatever Matt does that's it I'm patting my head and rubbing my tummy I don't think it means oh god he's right okay stop it I can't stop it now I'm showing off the chicken merge oh yes Georgia fresh free chicken it pinches on a grill Jerome SF combo hit that like button bow like I did on that one for ten thousand likes for more crazy challenges well Matt how do you suggest we can say yeah yeah so most people would suggest we put down our free dart monkey but I disagree I think we all put down a singular sniper tower as far off the screen as you can okay i sounds like a horrible idea but alright I put him in the trees good good good now we've realized we've made a mistake and that the tight the the guy can't even hit the stuff up top so we hit play and hope for the best oh boy matt is oh that's a horrible plant we can see up yeah okay oh oh he's right click on her guy you can't see off the temple oh my goodness oh man oh for a minute and then we panic and put our free dart monkey at the top okay okay Sam at least there was some sign of I actually can't put him up there I could put him that's as far as I can go yeah I let it slide okay okay okay that's so weird you would think that they would section it off so that everybody has like a section of it no sorry I'm put on auto start have auto start on I don't think so I think we were just sitting here hanging out yep 50/50 up now we wait until we see a singular balloon but we have not yet seen a singular balloon so we panic so how do we let that'd be the one in charge of the copy machine yes yeah I just hope he doesn't run out of toner yeah now we don't really know when camos come so we go straight what do we do no that's a floor okay so just go ahead and putting hands eyesight on there we don't care about when they come we just do stuff okay okay let's wave 24 back wait what did you answer enhanced eyesight two in the back and he did I saw them maybe they'd enhance ear sight Steve we close our eyes and go up and down over the last one oh we just press it random okay looks like we're going topper out boys what what yeah yep man I love this side of you keep it up right and if you could Simon Says pay me 50 bucks Simon Says this isn't Simon Says the copy boys says we ain't got no money that's fine now when you think about that you think we could have some money if we put that banana farm so what we do is we just wait until we have enough money for banana farm and we do nothing else we're gonna die no no no no relax relax relax you see these guys are getting popped that happens get pop it's popping out here okay Ben okay so I really did we're gonna die out of your van no you come on you got em maybe we freaked out a little bit even though we're doing fine and we upgrade no way that sniper [Applause] I like wait a minute wait wait pause well how do you have 200 more dollars than us what yeah what did you know you didn't go to the top oh wow for you see it's all comes even in the end yard wait to the top on that oh I know it's just because didn't update okay now because I said we're saving for the farm we lie and we put a submarine in the pond cuz that looks cool thank you don't need to lie to us we're stuck doing whatever you do anyway all right well I'm going for advanced intel on this boy that way he can hit anything on the map ah anything on the map right only the first Steve is this the Steven Libby copy challenge through Steven I'll shut up by the immigrants I'm just gonna need Matt as a LexA to tell me what to do all there and you realize you're supposed to tell Alexa what to do right not male is Alexis like take you on the world like Bale I need you to take this USB to the FBI headquarters now okay Alexa Wow why do all of these things so much demand great and we realized that this is a useless tower what'd you get there well you need to leave this no we need to leave this EMP Drive at NASA what alright p1 yeah yeah now because Steve's been saying so much on my challenge we're gonna put a glue gun er here Steve's favorite but we never upgrade him he's just waste money because steve told us what to do steve-o stinky okay so what round are we trying to get to 100 yeah 100 somehow okay so we're gonna go a little bit closer towards the crossbow master because he's one of my favorite towers okay so we're gonna upgrade that next as long as we don't die in a second oh my god okay we're fine the course professor is awesome Matt we don't have any let bobbers Oh God so now we do it and on the sniper monkey we go to large caliber rounds that goes so that goes through full metal jacket you're right Matt Full Metal Jacket I'll do the trick yes yes yes laughs also a cool movie way to see us Matt yes captain good movie alright now we realized that that's really dangerous what happened there and we need a way to hit those more reliably from the top but anis I just need a transcript of this entire video yes whoever you know remember when they're used to YouTube heroes and people would put like the the text to text to text voice to text what does it call closed captioning oh okay so I like those those snipers I think they're good but unfortunately we need to pop leads and and everything higher up the chain so what we're gonna do okay looks like we are gonna go with hold on we need to take our moment to read because Matt forgets all the time but anis banana farm for same for banana phone really it's a weird way to say Benjamin no Benjamin doesn't you know what I'm just gonna put this wizard here and then decide what we'll be besties yeah why do you do this thing okay where'd you put the wizard you distract Steve you distract him Steve and then good good good okay wall of fire yes I don't care for them you gotta wait see I like the wall fire that's a cool move yeah can we make it a camo to Matt please cut make a request for camo for the wall 5 I was gonna go that's camo then you're good Steve you're about to be devoted at hoagies are us 9 94 power level Steve already 9 94 to movie Wow okay Wow alright you know fine we're demoting Steve in the discord two homies are us 9 93 ok so we're going for a monkey sense and then we're going three to the bottom but then after that I just remembered about the chin hook being able to carry things so we're gonna do that the whole that's very expensive so fraught we got later on you just called the chin hook yes yeah who's in the player for you can get cable guys okay with zoned out which one are now monkey was the bottom okay thank you alright now we're just gonna save our money won't spend until we get shimmer okay how much like that okay I know we're doing after this no master okay panic I think I should be okay right now yeah really what else master doesn't sound like you guys are listening oh sorry I was too busy not listening you never said Simon Says Simon Says kick into high gear Steve unless you wanted to motion Oh Steve you're gonna get demoted again can we take guesses on what round we're gonna make it to 93 I'm thinking 65 whoa 70 70 okay okay all right can everyone get the crunch yes okay we're good now next we're gonna get sharpshooter okay I'm not gonna lie Matt I'm shocked we've survived as long as we have what do you mean dude I've beaten some of the expert maps but yes did you think about it or did you just play it's like a super usually I'm not thinking right now okay I love it okay so sharpshooter right yeah yeah yeah there we go there we go now cross your masters gonna come to us later so we're gonna go back to the wizard and get shimmer okay okay Jim shimmer hear me out what powers do we all have yes what's your power level that's a rude thing to ask I'm confused about the question I'm talking about the usable powers we can follow you on those two oh right we don't have any okay okay well now I'm sad but I trust you met cool get zambese uh is that the bottom route for the wizard yeah yep that's the one that's the middle row no we already got the dragon's breath going there we don't need any more but we don't drive seven doesn't wall fire no yeah it's just yes you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right Steve's right see they right okay shimmer shimmer time that's gonna really help us out you know that you're making some good decisions here buddy thank you let me see if I can find a way to mess it all up no no no you don't need to do that do it okay alchemists at the entrance okay okay alchemists at the entrance yes we need money so we're going bottom round alchemists okay about this yeah we go here you know how much did you up go to a bottom rat for him okay uh-oh we trying to get led to gold Matt yeah and we're also gonna go to to the middle to get you really messed up and so did P - I mean P for yeah I had no choice because P for took the wrong one and that I had no choice well yeah you were supposed to go up and then Cathy was supposed to go up one too late now why I Selena okay we'll be fine we'll be fine okay led to gold it after you got to on the top or two in the middle two in the bottom and you're gonna go and let the gold yes yes sir alright we're surviving at now we just wait okay are we good old we're making money for the gold we're going all the way boys yeah nice oh well the way I really think that's shrinking those bow abs while it may not help us a ton it's very fun it is very fun you're right that's what this is about you know Lutz is about having fun with your friends and yelling and panicking yeah I like the panic um-hmm I don't like how slow the money's coming in this part gets boring so what do you think we should do should we bite someone I think we should sell the steep tower because it's useless Wow Oh Steven all right goodbye no Steve's not useless just the glue gun or tower just crying my glue boys useless yeah you know I I just I haven't really mastered him Steve I'll be honest with you after we get this though after we get our money coming in where to go engineer we're gonna try to get the the big box cuz I like that too alright alright now you may be saying WOW we just place a slew of random half and proof towers and you'd be correct though just has pretty much exactly what I was thinking it's okay did everyone else upgrade their alchemists yeah there we go sort of is that the bottom is that Steven Livi no second one technically cuz Matt did it okay now we wait what do we want to do actually you know what let's save up for a necromancer unpopped armies and I appreciate well then all right when we go back we actually up guys I really we're making a lot of money right now because these leads Cheers what was that what lawyers stop that stop Steve cheers to you guys okay Tyrion Street chicken oh we're about to beat the round that drunk though we're gonna die on all right dams we have made a lot of money on it honestly Matt I'm very shocked right now I'm uh you know I'm a little bit shocked but I you know all right my friend I am shook now we're going for the big bucks you're talking about much money we're making well we're gonna save save save for just a little bit no actually I don't know if I want to get cross to a master I don't know I really think we're making the big bucks let's go for blue trap blue trip whoa okay we're doing an engineer down here down bloon trap more money all right three to the bottom yep I got three to the bottom and then blue trap will come cheap and fast do we want to get any of the other thing like century larger surface area larger surface area okay and then deconstruction to in the middle yep nice good thinking he'll pop those boys and any second now we should go get blue trap that shouldn't be hard that should be easy peasy I'm still mad like I'm very impressed I really am yeah I mean I don't know if we gonna make it to round 100 so don't be too impressed but we're gonna try I mean we definitely struggle the DDT's unless you got a plan for that you hold your tongue about things Ellen's not yours you know what Steve you're right I'm sorry Matt that was out of luck okay I have no plan for the DDT's it's fine don't dear God wait Kathy how do you have 600 more dollars and everyone else I don't know books have you not put down okay you got the engineer 0:02 to the middle and the engineer okay okay there we go wait who's the wise guy who put the engineer over there I couldn't fit it top okay that's fair that's fair no that's cheating no if you can't fit it okay we almost have balloon trap guys get ready all right and girl the trigger blue trap mudra gee look at that now that's gonna guess a little bit more money we have to save and get hmm I think Prince of Darkness would be awesome but that's very expensive what about Princess even not buying the bloom tread Steven you hold your horses reven do put your travelling up my trap you think you could just drop your bad four of you please mine's better Wow Steve I'm disappointed hmm DDT's these guys are making it very far at all no and here's the thing about the DDT's oh we're all gonna have different amounts of money fail us so much more money than us cuz his track oh that's fine though cuz all that really mattered so much money I have yeah but don't give me any money cuz then it's just gonna be annoying okay so you didn't say Simon Says so does that mean I just give them the money anyways no Simon Says I think we need something to do with the DDT's and I don't think these monkey subs are at chief I don't think so either maybe if we can squeeze in one of these guys huh and then we're gonna go for the grappling hook boys and just hope that they grapple hook all the DDT's all right and you get crow's nest as well okay so we're getting three mid to bottom okay you three mid to bottom got it happy I heard that sass and now we wait and then we're gonna go for monkey pirates captain sass on them no he's like thank you and Matt finally told him what round would that be your alter ego captain sass in them oh god the hope is a sea maybe he was but I don't know all right so the thing is this this guy you can only hit the bottom row but that's fine cuz he's gonna suck up those those blues real fast okay so now we just wait just a little bit longer we'll have the money so you know for monkey once you do that Matt and the traps you may be able to have enough for those crossbow masters you wanted we'll see it's possible yes whatever you were saying we're just talking about stuff Steve yeah stuffing thing and Cathy's making a lot of extra money so he might even be able to give us a little bit each of them we'll find out we'll find out okay so we're gonna run to that we're gonna get this guy and then we're gonna have to save and wait for a little bit and see what we can do okay call penalty on Jerome for giving advice to Matt dad all game this is math challenge yeah well to be fair I said I was gonna get the cross woman yeah that was his idea that was his idea I was enhancing his idea I was trying baled you're breaking the fifth wall you're not even here you're right what it's okay okay we should be able to get the next upgrade for our ships now we're gonna buy a robot and we're gonna put him up top link him to that ship we're buying robots a nice I like it there we go and linka phi all right now something along the line that's been causing a lot of lag but that's fine okay we're I was for a second oh they babble them look at that was instant yep oh it's awesome and you Bob now now we have to figure out the next part we're gonna supply hook each other oh we don't you have enough with supply hooks you need to figure out the next part I don't have anything I think that what we need to do you know this is fine for now but we can see waves that I have no idea what wave they are we're gonna have to upgrade to three grappling hooks so we can suck all the DDT's out of the sky so I think what we should do is put the with the crossbow masters on hold and supply hook each other and power Lords okay all right give me all your money okay here you go you know if you buy one we have to buy it as well though yes and we'll just we'll keep supply hooking until we all have it then we can't do anything else until then submitting but that's not how you copy into it I don't copy and then paste later it's his challenge you can make some actually you kind of do copy and then paste later it's the whole point of copy paste all right Steve have some money all right Steve here you go pal trust me you trust me you I could hear your apprehension now you're thinking wow if we got the cross masters DDT's might have been easy but this will be easy too don't worry no I was just thinking that you cheatin but there you go Steve here's somebody happy because you can't all right I'm there you go I am accidental rich man all right now give someone else your money doesn't matter who okay I'll give it to me okay perfect everybody else gave their money to Jerome and cap he's like I'll give it gosh you're making so much more money cuz the plunder ability all right drum now paste I don't really think is cheating considering that we can't like I mean we could have just sat here and then like satting cut for a little bit while we wait for us all type in the funny that's boring there you go Cappy now you got money all right really I got money now Cappy gets money and you'll get a dollar and you get a dollar pony ponies cost more than two dollars Vail oh my homeys cost more than two dollars what ponies I thought you said homeys cost more than two dollars well they're priceless all right you got that money now we got a now in interest of Stephen not getting upset we all have to pace the cross with masters at the same time I'm not upset now we wait he's clearly very upset all right but it was a very anticlimactic round remember when you said we're only get to 63 look at us now yeah I don't know what to say I'm shocked that really ends look out the way now Oh beyond cool aw this map I mean this is going incredibly well like oh it's considered I just keep sucking up those hammies episode of All Things Considered see Matt if I had done this I would have just said okay so first we're gonna place a bomb to our sound like a bob power and that's a sounds like a brutal it sounds like a really good podcast Steve All Things Considered I think it is it's literally be our radio station oh really oh okay well then well that would explain it all right house everyone's money doing who still want the least money so far okay we'll actually me so that's perfect all right we just keep on saving boys we're about half way there woah livin on a chair att's probably coming pretty soon up there they are ever got those hooks oh we got that problem oh my goodness that last second hook we're not gonna survive the next round of EVPs oh well it depends if we get enough money for crossbow masters borrowing blade breaking the fifth wall I may make a suggestion Matt and we should turn off the bots because then we're not gonna hook the challenge does nothing about suggestions no I'm changing you to aromas biggest negative one do the judge says nothing about suggestions I'm gonna be honest strim if this were me I would be too lazy to do that so I think that we're just gonna have to see what happens oh god that's just like I'd rather just loose well I mean if it happens we could try I'll buy us back in if we lose but we're just gonna have to try this way we almost have to fight for a crossbow masters guys yeah actually I'm gonna die this round oh there they go leave it on a chair go alright so we're gonna buy back in nobody hit play now like I said we're gonna go ahead and like take off that auto link on the the pirate ship okay got it alright now one of the DDT's get crazy we'll go in rotation clockwise starting at me okay okay God alright oh but first we have to we have to remember to get rid of our money so go ahead and put like a spike oh god do it now don't spend your money you're not allowed alright there we go alright but you remember you have to put down your spike thing but it's really hard to find a spot on this map where it can't hit so good luck okay I put down my spike guy because remember we restarted stay at the spend your money which way you want us to go to middle and then to bottom all right let's be enough money okay save it up for that crossbow master go ahead use your hooks real quick a capital and we might be there or yargh alright crossbow masters let's go near oh yeah oh yeah oh no oh oh hooks sucks okay ox um are we never mind this is a mega wave now just keep remember it get your hooks whenever they make sense this is the wave get ready yargh oh my god oh my god they're still coming one life one dream use the hooks use the hooks as soon as you can guys panic hooks alright I'm linking I'm real inking the hooks link yeah Abraham oh man this really awesome ten more grand to waste now yeah that's um that's that's what I'm thinking about and I think what we're gonna do is all right no we're gonna go upgrade our sniper cuz we he's been forgotten so go a lot to the top we're going for Moab right now we got main Moab that'll help us okay should we get no vision on him or are we not doing that but I'll be doing like the job yard penalty on to Rome I'm asking if we're asking a question since it was your question are we doing night vision uh-huh now what are we doing with our $16,000 we don't I don't have 16,000 I'm not grand yeah I'm on I don't know if any more dealing Steve what you're doing is buying me Moab which is why you have like eight million more dollars than us yeah which let's who's that on what do I put me Moab oh okay find it intentional that's out there uh even if we got the main Moab who did I can't hit the DDT's because the night-vision goggles oh yeah I know but like you keep saying these things everyone gets mad so I try to ignore you but I know that we need that and here's the problem is because you said that and then play got mad I already went even faster firing who hit play fail I wasn't ready shut up okay guys spam spam a lot of lives all right now once this pops you're gonna use your hooks the hooks the hook sucks are on the car Steve's coming I don't know if we're gonna pop this boy we're doing all right 40 percent so far and he hasn't made around the bend yet a 60 right okay 60 over here we should be able to I think we're gonna be a large super toes eighty percent he's gotta warn all right yeah ready we got this soon as big chunga's pop sucks let's go we did it we beat the challenge
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 381,496
Rating: 4.9521661 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: HbjddI_NMj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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