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well it takes me a great day the world of blue sour defense because we are taking the missile launcher tower and we're going to be god boosting him that's right our man the dartling gutter has the moab assured destroyed the only thing about it though is that with a little help from our monkey knowledge points giving us the hydra rocket storm allowing the stun balloons and the help from our four friends running banana farms and the help of our three friends running banana farms we're gonna be able to make this tower the most overpowered tower bloons tire defense six has ever seen jerome hey what's up blade so gallon gunner shoots in one line right yeah and more or less either at the longest position or move it yourself right yeah so you decide to pick the map with the most movement yeah all right so let's go ahead and we'll place down the dartling gunner and now all the rest of money we should place to people to get ben jamming so plan to see you got benjamin over there uh man blade how do you always start with more money than everyone else get good steve yeah i actually don't know how he does that either i feel like i should know that i start with a thousand i don't know well you guys can find your money let's get on steve put down benjamin there you go i don't know now you have enough steve haha i've read a while is there an is there a knowledge point to start with more money i have no idea i don't think so because i have all the knowledge points so i don't know why you keep starting with double money but guys you know like could you like up your accuracy my friend what are you doing you're not even hitting half the ball okay steve that costs 255 dollars you're a broad side of a barn okay i'm sorry steve that means they're pretty thick bro there you go you can now place the banji man they've got that bone thickness oh can you guys pass over some cash so i get my own benjamin there you go i mean we just whoa whoa whoa you calm yourself you got it all right and now we can start focused firing and advanced targeting look at this go oh man we're going to be rolling on through them okay i think each of us should probably focus on getting what monkey wall do we want let's go ahead and start throwing all our money together who wants to be the main person all right steve we're gonna focus on getting you to banana central okay buddy what if i put down an engineer right now i mean it wouldn't do anything at the moment but you know in the future it could help okay there's the engineer thanks blade [Music] all right so in terms of all the boosts we need to go ahead and give the darling we're gonna need the engineers ultra boost we're also gonna need the monkey alchemist we're gonna need the village and pineapples oh the submarine problem it's been a while you said i'm going monkey wall street yes yeah okay right guys making the gun spin faster there we go actually wait i don't know if you should go monkey wall street but oh well it's too late you can do it steve you can do monkey wall street if that's what you want you got this stevie i would rather go top route i feel like i make more money that way all right we'll sell and start over then buddy it's fine it's not a big deal well i mean if you're gonna go the top route then you want the middle route with you yeah yeah yeah yeah all righty cool y'all are terrible thanks buddy laser shots check are we finally oh we haven't even gotten skimming yet so we're not even maximizing the amount of money we can get per round oh we'll get there soon so does each of us want to be responsible for our own things or do we want steve to have the banana plantation i think we all kind of maybe make our own farms first first off leads are coming up soon correct yes you know we have to take care of that so we need to get to hyderabad i mean they come in here okay thanks bud well uh hide your rocket still yeah yep so we are no longer have to worry about leads or really anything for the next like look at that dude this new tower has to get debuffed man he is way too opie oh this nerf this all right so steve would you rather us give you all of our money to uh you know get the money rolling and rolling and rolling or no the money steve wants all the money all right steve here you go buddy we're relying on you to be the best farmer that you could be okay because we're gonna need to keep in mind for it to make this happen steve we're going to need probably in total around 200 to 250 000 i can give that to you right now there's no way you can do that would be enough to make the dark knight that is literally not even possible steve i can do that right now okay i just got you berserker brew thank you buddy can you go the middle root on him as well uh for the uh stronger acid and perishing potions okay i think that the perishing potion yeah that's actually very important so there we go thanks buddy no prob bob who's bob oh you know bobbled oh bob bobbled yeah yeah bobble he's friends with trey dude blade got mad at me because his real name is josh and i thought it was shorts for joshua then and he got really upset with me did you just say shorsh she did yeah i'm pretty sure it's short for josh adaya though you know what's my favorite thing i told you guys i already do this i whenever i find someone who has a very common name that's like abbreviated often like john just get the thing wrong so instead of saying oh is that short for jonathan if somebody introduced himself as john immediately just go oh what's that short for donald and they will they will be floored you know for years you're well aware of what my name is joshua then also you have eight thousand dollars play can you pass it along to steve so we can uh you know make some monies but in two four thousand i can get overclock but we don't need overclock we need the hundred thousand one after that so we need to invest in the and and the banana farm so we can get that late game i thought it would be fun but that's okay here we go steve have all the money i've been saving for my entire life it's fine thanks blade you're a good man all right steve we'll get you to the banana research facility and then they'll start falling like dominoes after that and then once you have all the banana research facility then you can maybe go ahead and get the uh maybe one banana central or that be yeah one banana central whatever we might as well overkill it so how do they run affair against this moab i think we'll be fine but easy yeah i think so too it's kind of how i'm feeling we're barely even getting on the screen yeah but we haven't dealt with the moab yet that's the only to be fair if we get rocket storm ability on you it'll be game over the game yeah i'm honestly i think we'll be able to take out the moab anyway like i think we're gonna be fine oh wow well now we have the ability let's go dude he's gonna be so op i can't wait to get the bloons destroyer the the rocket storm ability is so often that you should probably just hook up a bot to it oh is it really that quick it is pretty short pretty short cool down for well once we get better well once we get the monkey sub as well it'll be super duper quick super duper quick well yeah because the monkey sub lowers the cooldown globally so it's pretty cool there we go uh so oh nelly look at that dude they don't stand a chance out here anymore they just don't stand even the smallest isn't the monkey sub have to be don't you get a buff if you're in the monkey subs range no tier five it's global uh so energizer says reduces ability cooldowns everywhere by twenty percent oh that sub's gonna hit some things it's gonna pop the balloons have to get there first and whoever put down the totem you're right we gotta get that totem going there so yeah there we go boom what was my totem not good enough no i just you know just in case one of us forgets now we have two people we're memorizing all right what are we memorizing see exactly that's why we always need two tim can't spell totem without toes and actually that uh sub is submerged so it can't fire anything yeah right but the radiation around it pops balloons yeah whatever we'll be fine steve he's kind of out of the way the whole point is just to see how good the darling gunner is and i think maxed out we're gonna be shocked i think the laser uh tower so the right of doom will be better but that's for another day no cause once you get mad too like you're going to be stunning whatever you damage i'm getting angry steve you don't need another one dude oh you want to open up you wanted me to go to monkey wall street as well oh i mean if you want to i was going to just say bananas central but whatever you want man bro you're just making so much money is excessive like you're not even shooting at anything with that ability dude oh the ability's ridiculous it's basically a shotgun of missiles i'm a fan i'm a fan captain's like hold up uh what did you say could you repeat that again with uh more emphasis oh i just overcharged you oh my gosh he's a beefy one there we go and ah i can't the village wouldn't really do actually the village can do something right now i could go ahead and get him the jungle drums ability so he'll be hitting you ready for this i think it's 10 or 15 how much it was it 10 or 15 um upgrades increases attack speed uh increases range so the range is increased by 10 which doesn't really help him but his attack speeds increase by 10 or 15 percent so he's gonna be really good he's he's gonna be really really really good by the end of this um steve you have enough to buy banana central dude yep i just yep working on it there you go so now steve you have all the money in the world so start shelling it out to your pals and oh my gosh you make money ridiculously fast dude you're making like twenty five hundred and two thousand if you wanna get blade started on that it's probably best because his takes a lot of time uh keep in mind yep and then after that maybe pass it to me because i still don't even have my tier five either um i i can't believe we're already at round 57. dude we just finished look at us go absolutely crushing it yes that is the word [Music] been a while right gotta bust bust that one out yeah it actually has been a while since we've busted out unit so blade i recently found out if you go ahead and overcharge it once and then you hook up a tech bot it'll continually do that for you so it does work it remembers what tower last got the overboost interesting yeah that was a recent development that i had uh i didn't know that happened until very very recently oh my gosh steve i almost have mad already yeah yeah so here we go tier five coming in hot and spicy oh my gosh oh god what is that i mean you don't need to be accurate with that steve try to cross right hey what it did do it automatically yeah dude isn't that cool so you don't got to worry about it and you can just keep them going and and just uh yeah you can forget about them now so that part's down my guy's already fully upgraded so i guess i want to give cap his permanent brew next already working on it steve a gentleman and a scholar look at you i'm a scholarly gentleman scholarly gentlemen steve i love it when you give me all your money there we go we got grow blocker on now so it stops the uh the balloons from regenerating if it hits from if it gets hit by a tower within its radius so that's good um what other buffs can we give him dude look at all of his buffs already he's a handsome champ all right we need to get radar scanner going and then after that even more more buff steve yeah it's just the monkey village now right well we're all gonna need to get tier five monkeyville just keep in mind for homeland defense because we need to keep it running at all times oh yeah that's right and we need space for that too yep yep yep some pontoons in the water might help hmm true if we run out of space that would help um [Music] there we go and homeland defense so i'm all good so now the next person should go ahead and get theirs all set up uh who who put the one right next to me player three that is blate here you go blade give you the 14 000 i had left over there you go blade there's another 13 000 look at him go already and with the engineers boost he's at eight he's not even maxed out with the engineers boosts yet dude he is boogieing oh my goodness he's like god dude look at him this is ridiculous okay middle path this is just not okay i can't even see half the time what is happening all right we got another homeland defense so if you want to try and time it right after mine so like time it let me know when you're ready to time it uh let me get rid of that stuff all right i'm also and i accidentally put a uh on it and it went off okay yes you might wanna make the bot activate in five four three two one now good that was almost full dude we could we couldn't have done that better if we tried that was incredible i think they're both going wait is it working now is it official let's see let's make sure the loop never ends hold on dude it's working i don't think you even need me i don't we might not need the fourth one yeah i think they're all good all right and we have the energizer sub so we're good there what is that i'm thinking now the last thing oh my god it's ridiculous and the last thing we're going to need now is because we want at all times him to be energized which i don't know if the monkey this monkey engineer lasts the whole time or is there a lapse i mean you're at 10. yeah but there's also like the overclock ability like right there see like so there's a little tiny lapse it's not much but if we have nothing else to spend money on we might as well get it up and running so steve do you mind passing it over this way what are we doing uh you might just pass me some of the money i'm gonna get an engineer going to make sure that my overclock also is going at the same time as blades oh sorry at the time blades isn't smart that's smart i see what you're doing i'm picking up what you're throwing down i really really just want to see some of these towers like picked up by a support chinook oh my gosh dude look at this so now he should be getting boosted pretty much at all times what even is that that doesn't look like anything that just looks like octopus bloody arms wait dude look at that he's got two of the wrenches next to oh my gosh that's wrong that's just wrong and steve i need like 16 000 more you online buddy no problem i forgot he was so expensive and there we go so he is now maxed out that is a god tier of our new pal the dartling gunner that's ridiculous that everything about this is just wrong guys it's just wrong this guy can probably easy crush 100 by himself easy i'm saying 500. i sold my energizing totem just to put it in an area where it's easier to click because right now it's like getting lost in there yeah there we go like hook up a bot to your energizing totem so you could just automatically pay for it just take my money well uh guys i don't need to get quicker than this so let's see what it does to our friends the ddt's all right guys so right now it's going so fast i don't even think we're gonna be able to see the ddt like look at that what straight like the arms like dude that it doesn't stand a chance it genuinely doesn't stand a chance i don't think the ddt's will even really appear on screen look at that what i mean what round were they supposed to appear on screen 90 and that just blew by and we didn't even see them i think they were supposed to be on 93 as well then i think the next one's at 95. 95. they definitely so try to find a big one for them so yeah so they'll be coming in like 10 seconds a huge chain of them steve they're i mean they're supposed to yeah they're supposed to be to be clear that they're there whether or not we see them no i think they're in that mess right now that they were somewhere in there dude what how is this gonna fare against the b.a.d that's what i'm also curious about that b.a.d is gonna barely get on screen i mean yeah like this is ridiculous dude i missed balloons i did too dude this is awesome i'm so glad they brought back the darling gutter in time for christmas just in time for nothing christmas christmas because i ain't been nothing but bad oh okay here we go what that was the bad what we didn't i i didn't even see it i blinked what happened i said there we are and it was already over i wow so believe it or not we are still on around 150 using this thing i mean we fast forwarded a bunch i was expecting like 120 130 for it to end and it's just straight up not like this tower is beyond ridiculous i i am confident in saying this is the most op tower in the game prove me wrong because this this is out of hand this is this is genuinely just out of hand at this point but we're gonna let it keep rolling and hopefully next time you see my face it'll be the end of the video or round 200. all right so we lost that round 158 so to show you guys what exactly that looks like and give you a frame of what it takes to stop this tower let me just say it's a lot it takes a lot to defeat this guy i mean this is ridiculous but here we go spin it on through oh my gosh we might actually end up winning solely because the missiles are actually timed perfectly now because it was at the very beginning of the round we'll see we'll see but wait it's like they haven't even moved they're back there oh wait wait wait they're fighting through now that's a huge oh wait no we might i think we're going to win i think we're going to win again let's win bro this is absurd this tower's ridiculous he needs to be nerfed oh and out it goes round 158
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 339,164
Rating: 4.9359202 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: Mh6Zd3dH8zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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