Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Natural Elements Challenge | JeromeASF

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all right I'm not gonna lie guys this blue insider defense six challenge has me more excited than roach anyone's before like I don't know why but I really like the idea behind this and my discord dare one to seven to add an amazing idea we're gonna do the four elements challenge now unfortunately dropsies just straight-up dead so we replaced her with faith they'll give us a hot tea yeah see it safe sneeze yeah I think this is thick of it the point of the challenge is for each of us to pick an element and we can put down any towers that we see it's fitting that mold does it for instance I'm gonna be the water element which means I could use ice monkeys males gonna be the wind which means he could use the wizard as well as the druid to the top root Steve is using the hero Gwendolen he also has access to the Ring of Fire the Phoenix you get the point and blade as Earth gets not only Pat fusty but he also gets himself too drew it through the middle root and last but not least the banana farms I feel like plants crops things like that that definitely counts somewhere in the earth category all right all right we all know the drill fork over some cash to Blake at spawn Pat fusty how much you need blade six times of ten more bucks okay nevermind then we don't know I mean these guys alone the two heroes she'll be able to carries for very long time so I'm gonna spend money what do you guys think what's a good thing to do so I think deve I would say for fire you might be good enough with that I don't really know if the Ring of Fire I'm not really super feeling it what do you guys think yeah no no the Phoenix no yeah Steve you dude a Phoenix Beretta I sure will Oh blade do you think you should do banana farms and then when the time calls for it use your druid through the middle route to get jungles bounty B AB that's one of them uh plan no okey-dokey and then who else is in there I just need to go top route for my druid honestly captain of the winds you can also this thing's wait we can't needle or he can do arcane right like the arc mage yeah yeah I think I can use the wizard okay cool cool well let's keep it up then guys but I think for now let's save our money and actually I'm gonna save my money I'm setting it all - blade blade I don't need money oh hey okay well I mean I eventually do need money but your guys's Heroes will keep us safe for so long like we should really get started that banana fact we promise you to God started a while ago mm-hmm that's money for it I can get one yeah guys I'm actually getting very less and less confident very red I don't understand why no Jerome this is going to be easy you know understand why I'm not confident or why Billy didn't put down the banana farm or why are you're not confident because what I didn't put down a banana farm to be the banker anymore there's a banana farm you know fail did a great job as being the banker we even taught him how to be assertive [Music] we did know about that it might not have stuck there go I set you some more money there blade I'm just gonna keep sending you money as long as you keep putting down banana farms and being a good citizen well you guys as heroes are level four wait why is Pat busty a lower level than Gwendolyn when Pat fusty was put down first do they get XP at different rates oh if you use your ability to get more I don't know that's the only just making stuff up so confident to like not even no hesitation just like that doesn't make sense yeah that's uh cuz I'm lying I'm really good at this making thing I don't know why that's so funny straight up lying I just assumed you spent money on gyro you know I didn't I've given you all my money well let's keep it up let's keep it up and blade here's some more cash for you I think a very good oh man with Steve on fire getting that may the Phoenix not even the Phoenix I don't even care about the Phoenix as much it's the the second upgrade where you put the fire on the ground that's the one that's like oh my goodness powerful you know what I'm saying Steve alysha's good good did he just like out for anyone else [Music] hello hi see just I think he just said no and stop he didn't why gasps oh my god oh that is the end of this conversation simply how do you understand what do you think is the way to go three one each banana farm path or do you think doing four I'm gonna do two on the top row and then one bank and one burger place okay but how many banana well that's four no no I'm just talking about like the minions banana what what are you even saying right now I'm just trying to confuse blade I think job well done he should did it Oh been like banana banana player who can it camos yes guys this is gonna be an actual problem soon I'll put down a wizard yeah I think we don't have a choice yeah I'm putting down 1/2 C middle we're out is what I'm going so I'm gonna um key sense yeah I'm gonna go to bottom but first I gotta get my fire before he shoots up well we missed so blade you got three two - banana farms that's good oh no for it and this will be my market place ok nice alright alright we're doing good here guys keep my bulbs are coming in 9 waves I don't think we really need to worry yet but this is cool I like the four elements challenge my favorite part is that I don't have a tower I've been giving you all my money so we can you know try be a good team player I don't need your money anymore sure hope your tears only 425 big bugs like they're by a tower upgrade of the bed boy vales just like take a shower my god man here here's here's 25 you live in this squalor I don't even know which one I guess I'll do ice shards I'm gonna top root with this but actually camels are gonna be a problem yeah I mean I'll have I can hit them right now but wallah fire would be nice I mean yeah once Steve gets set up though with wall fire I don't see it being a problem well I can go to in the bottom route to be able to hit camos with my wizard too so do I learn to larger radius and refreeze or don't a deep freeze cool you want deep freeze deep freeze okay I figured mr. freeze mr. freeze mr. freeze man bring me ice cream I want ice cream what's your favorite ice cream so let's go right now Moose Tracks men men chuckles ooh Bell homemade vanilla wait why the ability freeze I had metal freeze like a Papa lets my favorite I like mint chocolate chip oh yeah copycat can't pick mine I've been liking it for longer than you have on top of it that could be good you know we make an apple crisp tonight and we're doing vanilla ice cream with the apple crisp and it's gonna be so good you know it's incredible but I don't go there too often because it's just in my opinion very expensive is Cold Stone Creamery they do something called mint mint chocolate chocolate chip dude it's incredible but it's like I just don't I don't know if I want to pay that heads-up but did Pat fusty just smack that no I bet you I said that they back where it came from well but yeah I don't know I I don't like the price of Cold Stone Creamery but it is incredible it's incredible I completely agree like their mint mint chocolate chocolate chip they take a brownie and they shove it in there and a bunch of other stuff dude incredible I felt my arteries clogged just from there have you ever been no cold stone Dale we actually have one opening up in my hometown as we speak there they are really good but like Jerome said they are a bit pricey I have the wind I've almost got a dragon's breath nice Sarah boom I almost have the IMF loan look at us guys the elemental masters we've mastered all of the elements nothing says nothing says the four elements like IMF loans and fire that's a big problem how are we gonna deal with that purple no I'll tell you how we're gonna deal with that Steve you've got to get shimmer no so who is in the front you got to get a shimmer one the guy's the front you need shimmer you need shimmer what is shimmer to the bottom you matter you need some attitude toward the Druids yes he can because he could still be he's still like air guy and Steve we need one of your guys would she matter we need more matter Shamar I'm gonna keep saying it one second hey I can't get shimmer yet wait then what happened you could have afforded it he just put down another tower completely disregarding getting shiver Oh God we're gonna die well and Steve monies yes shimmer all right I got shimmer [Music] yay never say never gave me nothing we're doing things what level can Pat fusty grab em oh I would smash it at that 10:20 time come on it seems trying to lie again those necromancer couches we know okay yeah stop at the shimmer yeah sir please drum drum drum drum listen okay this guy ready yeah necromancer right bring back the dead right yeah where's the Deaf out in the ground no no oh you're stretching yeah you're stretching it and stick to your IMF loans the real you know earth I mean money it's made from trees and trees comes from the ground if it's backed by a gold standard so there you go not since 1964 actually I was silver standard gold standard was like what 1930 yeah but I was thinking of monkey novice so I wonder the bloons economy is backed by gold maybe guys things are getting a little bad and by a little bad I mean things are horrible believe we're gonna need money yeah well I've got I can't make money I just had to send a bunch to Steven bail I gotta get the banana research facility you're not gonna be able to research anything if we're dead yeah this is why I hate when blade is the banker because you're putting profits over the fact that you don't have profits when we're dead okay then what should i do what who do you want want money who wants money with mm I can get some and pheenoh all right think that sounds good well there you go that wasn't enough said it's not mm he head over to Maui I needed $2,000 like additional no I'm not taking that because nobody said hey if I had this until just now and yes I asked I'll do icicle impale I'll start going that route if I get 25,000 get icicle impale I'm pretty sure that'll be really good for us high school in pill sounds like a lot of it's really good against Moab's you never actually played with the ice monkeys so I'm gonna just take you at your word there but it'll help us out with it and then who's the wind guy if we can get actually know what's the most important blade can we get Vail up to our cane spikes that will be like the death of balloons 4,200 that's there we go Oh to kin spits yes so now that guy will do a lot of extra damage see how much damage doing the bulbs there Vail oh yeah I love it I think we might need more shimmer stuff though meaning more shimmer maybe do you guys think I should shine let's take huge damage while frozen putting my live class but so do you think I should get super brittle or icicle impale you if you do you don't want one of those ones like closer to where we're hitting them not just in the front cuz if they're taking more damage it's really only gonna get hit by the one drew it truth okay maybe do iSchool impale well if I get like $27,000 I can get that was that all yeah just a small loan of a million dollars hey can a very cute Oh Oh the Purple's are trying to break through we got it we got it oh my gosh yes we're actually almost sad that I didn't think you were making money that quick this is good let's say if either Veiler Steve want to fork over the need to have it otherwise have to wait a little bit and we've got 1,700 bucks mmm I can do that for you there yeah there we go we have a five of the money to send over I sent him over 20 grand Steve what do you send them our banker doesn't have the money well we got a tier 5 now why is it going so slow hey did somebody click the space button again oh my goodness look at those things those mobs didn't stand a chance also what's everyone thinking we get to I think there is not a chance in the world that we be DDT's yes wave 90 I don't lose any chance in this world because we have no way to hit those DDT's except for like a limited amount of towers please wait is Shimer the only way that we can hit it I don't think shimmer works on DDT's know so all I need is monkeys right so my Phoenix will hit it yes but do you know the DDT's dude there I think the biggest course of action is getting veil ArcheAge I think that's very very very very very very very very yeah I think or we just Forks them over to you oh and blades you can also get your own druid the grass root oh I forgot about that actually making more money but yeah Vale I would save up for arc mage okay I was gonna go for a ball lightning but Archmage does sound better Theresa lightning there you go Val I gave you $3,000 thank you it's gonna sit there and I'm not gonna do anything with it until I have 27th oh that's exactly what I hoped I'd hear all right guys we're on around 84 we're closing in on the DDT's around 90 so let's get to upgrading our stuff we had a lot of rounds where play throughs giving us money so there we go they're super brittle now coming at you in action look at them in the flesh there what else do we got here we got an arc mage going by bail up front there do we have a Phoenix master wizard Lord finish yeah we got him we got a tier 5 spirit of the forest now I don't know guys maybe we can do it there's a chance I'll say that much there's definitely a chance and do you think my ice monkey attacked that for like the special ability would freeze camos I mean it would make sense right to do that yeah including cold immune camo and blow up class balloons the way it does yeah that's ok I have a small loan of 22 to 22 grand 22 grand actually I need 17,000 give it to me oh well I'll go to Vail they owe me I mean my wild your oh hey oh we have 2 rounds and then we die we're gonna die then but I don't think we are I think we'll be ok with the DDT's round 95 Steve sends so many DDT so quickly yet maybe round number 95 but the beginning I think we'll be fine well I'll be able to freeze them up now that I've got my specialty r5 I have all day t or fives or DTF I was on oh yes and oh he's got a vaporators oh do we be fine you guys are out of here panicking I like your spirit of the forest to eat sees a nice guy yeah he doesn't like cost of damages my stuff all right anymore DDT's coming at it or I don't know DDT's on round 92 no oh I thought it was every wave in the 90s but I guess honestly I have no clue I know it's not every wave exactly which ones let's see was it 91 I don't think was 90 it wasn't 92 I don't think there was 91 now there are 93 alright in two ways time this would be an indicator of whether or not we're actually gonna complete this challenge 95 and 99 and that but 95 we can do it now what we get me to 76,000 I can get superstorm oh yes please can we do that we'll start saving up I lost my cursor for a while there here we go Vail I just gave the 8 grand here comes the big times I'm gonna freeze them if need be but I'm hoping that need be knocked what other note does need be look like it needs help get ready for it no they're just gonna stop right there what's causing them to be stopped no they're getting ice wait is this my guy a lot of DDT's or is your shimmer actually working I think I think that's work you're you're freezing oh yeah so the shimmer maybe I might not that particular one though it's the icicle impale that's hitting them I'm pretty sure I don't know if it's that shimmer I guess shimmer works on DDT's then I don't know why I didn't think it did okay 10 grand more here's three grand from me Gary 97 there you go yeah super storm let's go already sending them back blade if I get another 5k I could put down another one of the icicle launchers I [Music] just sent like 40-plus to avail but anyone else got some cash I need so hard the night why no I can't afford the night I'm selling my towers but I she's like so far away from everything to Sky's blade I pretty sure the night has nothing to do with water I I think you're wrong sir that's what I think I think this can we sell off vales Tower this never gonna end oh my goodness hey back to the beginning they'll stop sending them back never male we think once it gets crazy you'll be thankful later they'll stop stop they'll stop the madness what are we fighting again what's the what's the most of you here a comg back there somewhere I think that finally got popped well yeah it's fine it's fried the night's growing old hasn't even popped the single balloon yet if you like going next round smell that boy I will next round any boys in the back for now it's getting one other thing there's just some that are in the back field there Oh Oh Val you should sell your dude that's what you should do wave 99 is coming with more DDT's hey Blake check it like 20 grand no [Music] well here is the wave around 100 this is for the wind but I think gonna beat the four elements natural challenge here can't send that one back the third this is it get rid of the night okay no oh you should have kept them he might have got into her killing blow the final Moab's G G another challenge in the bags so remember subscribe if you do and keep on commenting challenging us to brand new things and balloons
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 630,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: fItbvQspWbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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