Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Discount Tower Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today we're taking a suggestion from one of the viewers out there like you and we're doing the discount challenge shout to UM three-tenths unicorn by the way keep suggesting stuff down below the comment section solar order this we took the four cheapest towers and we're each going to pick one of them and specialize it we got Matt on the regular dark monkey we got blade coming in with the tacks shooter dropsy rocket igloo gunner and last but not least I had a choice the boomerang monkey and the submarine are both tied for the fourth cheapest Tower so I'm gonna choose the submarine how long will it last one way to find out play decide to be a big bully and pick a map without water so I'm gonna put a nice hot tub right there you guys are all welcome to hang out when it gets too hot outside okay wait a hot tub to hang out if it gets too hot there's no waiting with you guys first so you can get like three upgrades right off the bat so are you but yeah I totally missed that I'm sorry but well I got the guy for free so I'm already upgraded three times on this monkey and the round just started oh yeah my dart my submarine I should say was also mega cheap my first one it's good that's why you play the game to keep applying your monkey knowledge and sitting right on the edge of the pool Matt we're gonna need you to put another monkey down that can actually see came up so I'm gonna do one that goes the rocket way here both of course you don't have the rocking way okay I actually know I think camera is second tier but I can't upgrade it much higher wait what Matt are you not maxed out oh gosh we're doomed it's fine I'll max out during this man you're scaring me I'm worried it no it's fine don't you worry about a thing blade don't you worry don't you worry blue it's between Matt and Jerome to be able to see camos well I'm gonna see him in a certain area I say the good news about it is that blade put a giant race top map that I can't shoot around so yeah well I mean if you get you know I'm just gonna be a tiger blade ie runer of all things good in this world is you have advance Intel seeking I can't shoot in areas I still can't see so I can't hit where the glue gun turrets I literally that's funny Oh Mike oh my gosh blade slick on his sub and see how much vision he doesn't have look at what you did to him but you massacred my boy what have you done what have you done to my boy [Music] all right well I'm doing barbed darts as soon as again they're not actually barbed like with spikes it's just like a dart comes out named Barbara and it yells at the manager of every fast-food place oh yeah oh oh here comes barb again I didn't think that you didn't give me the extra cheese that I ordered on my cheeseburger it come calm down Bert okay my guy had and my next upgrade is heat tip darts so I'll be able to hit lead balloons for us soon nice hey whatever you do get a shot off it just goes straight through like a million balloons so that's kind of good you like follows the path yeah it's true plus you start to get some use in there but wave really we're gonna win till I don't thing we're gonna be 100 but I think we'll get through a hundred five hundred yeah if you're definitely I getting a five hundred I actually don't have a lot of hope that will be 80 but now we can get eighty we should be able to if I don't know uh-oh I should probably get one that goes submerged in support root two in the swimming pool yeah it does submerge and support so it basically permanently reveals cama balloons in its radius oh nice wait we know help me well no one's really built around that yet so yeah well great let me let me upgrade monkey oh no I shouldn't do that yet I'm saving up for ballistic missile missile seeks targets over any distance does extra damage moab and ceramic balloons drop see what was that I just banged my knee up my desk oh whoa the ballistic missile actually doesn't have to the tree stuff doesn't matter for it look take that way your tree stump can't stop me now you did tell me what tower you are picking until after we have started the intro and ya done the map so false I don't know I'm just saying false I have no idea I don't honestly don't remember but right boom advanced Intel is 425 summoning so I'm getting some submergence supporters another 425 but I'll get there very soon so we'll be good I think we're gonna guys I think we might amend my answer we might make it pass wave 80 with the cheapest towers in the game just goes to show you don't judge a book by its money cover yeah I mean it's price tag no money cover its money another name you don't read a price tag cause money cover I'm using that term from now on what's the money cover on that thing next time I go to the store like oh can I help you yeah I can't seem to find the money cover on this question cuz we got some time here before we get real crazy what's your guys favorite Thanksgiving food bean casserole dude me too love green bean casserole stuffings gross I love pot roast [Laughter] SETI Thanksgiving yeah what do you have at your Thanksgiving Jerome pasta just off no turkey no no she's besides no salad nope no pies just pasta yes of course okay oh we forgot about pie yeah pumpkin pie apple pie Oh guys my both are good denne were wrong but pumpkin let me get this is a discussion we had in class today come on said key lime and I was like you're just wrong no key limes no it's good but it's not a Thanksgiving pie I mean no no no I guess that's something you have more for like Christmas or New Year's know Thanksgiving you have like pumpkin pie or apple pie or like people how many dart monkeys do you need oh my gosh man I I feel like I like blacked out and just came back in I like met what are you doing oh you know you you could do get this super Bucky fan club man yes you get the super monkey fan club on whichever your most sensual monkey is Matt do that do it do that they do dude I think that we need to do Matt dude I think that boy's your most central monkey to super monkey fan club do you want to know what it does Matt you're gonna if you loses this for a certain time period it will turn every dart monkey in its radius into a super monkey you need to get that what wouldn't be as cool if I didn't there's a raid going on on the left side oh geez write out some more monkeys [Music] mom everybody relax upgrade your monkeys you don't get the super monkey fans my marbles go back to talking about cheesecake pie wait we got Marvel sir please just get the super monkey fan club we're going to lose no I'll be all right Matt we really do we will lose to be fair I have yet to pop a single balloon tasty no see oh not he died here we don't believe in Steven II don't remember he life he life he laid he alive is sorry we don't believe in Steve anymore he's a myth oh I could put one right in front of drum shot I think just buy the super lucky fan club okay it's you're going to lose us the game yes you are monkeys you're putting down can't even reach the track like why would we in it oh all right I'm saving up for the super monkey fan club all right can you at least sell the one that can't reach the track I'm not selling any of my monkeys they're all important to me they can't read super monkeys can when they turn two super monkeys yeah but it has to be within the radius of one super fan club besides wait I don't think it increases their radius I think it just makes them have the firepower of a super movie that's all it does yeah what tier five you going for her first I'm gonna get the sub commander because he boosts the ability of all my other submarines there see nothing can make it through Matt's crazy wild adventure over here oh look if you want to show up $6,800 I'll get the Superman fan club but I got your own money by selling some of those dirty keys okay now it's just for that and put down two more Dartmouth oh just save the money Matt you're not you're going to lose this for us you represent 25% of money still not pop a single balloon by the way Thanks wait stop reinforcing in I'm not reinforcing anything I'm staying in the back but I'm not popping a balloon and you're a liar you've popped over 5,000 oh I know you're not the glue gun of dropsy yeah okay you haven't done anything yeah you're you're worthless no I forgot yeah you're worthless but oh all right [Music] get them good damn never go yeah bleh oh my gosh play this game well you're gonna shred him back there if they ever get over here you want me to call off my troops and get some get something down to you you can only put them in your section of the map map that's fun so you're gonna get blade Maelstrom next blade yeah then what's your first tier 5 gonna be I don't know yet cuz I really liked the attack zone got tax what am I get super Maelstrom 2 then I can do like more you before they even get to me so I don't know well you guys give me 20 grand I can get tonight Yeah right look if I can't find more monkeys you can't have my money tonight [Music] those missiles really do not do they they're more like like you know visual than anything I get my balloon he popped them about 49 all right ban this man I pop yes where does that that one Maelstrom actually got over 700 balloons where you see these statistics you click on the monkey you know at the top oh really this monkey is pop six thousand balloons and this one's done four thousand Wow Wow is a bow so I should buy more [Music] and pops away Oh bleh they're starting to quickly make it to you go through my army of monkeys super monkey fanclub he's alive yes thank you it's beautiful and the cool part is Matt you could get multiple of them like that so you basically always have it working all right we've made 276 Matt your side is disgusting man you know you get a second monkey fanclub right and then we could have two of those like you know I'm going at all times but you would have more money if you would stop by dark monkey yeah but then I'd have less fans look I'm only six thousand away oh oh they're pushing far they ain't get past me all right what are you getting first to get the tax zone or super Maelstrom Ruby's got the tax I don't know honestly what I like best about Jerome is that he has to stick all his things in one swimming pool Deb laid I love that part too great I love that I mean do you want to know their pool really no it's sectionals now I can put more whose then you know pool closed down more whose pools them swimming pool more Blue's Clues not sure he really actually has much more room for swimming yeah I'm actually not even kidding blade I have limited sauce hot tea three of them to the hat trick we're gonna win I have like a limited spaces so I can put there's like the bottom left in right corners I can put them in and that's it if I put this here can you put one in it yes actually I can and part of it only like in the very left hand part but I'd rather just keep saving money I'm still 7000 away from subcommander Oh guys that really started to push through there push it through it's fine that's on the case oh we killed it here it is this the last wave technically of hard mode and I don't think we're in have any trouble at all really let's see though say that drop see do you have Moab glue unlocked on any of them yeah on that first one oh nice oh oh they're not making it very far I wouldn't worry about it I would not worry about such things I won't worry about the ting net okay don't worry about a thing no you need a super monkey they are good for you oh no oh no oh no hey still getting real far you know yeah it's not looking good oh come on Oh bleep Oh somehow we're alive but in fact that's why we didn't heed fan clubs like please you're going to lose us the game I got another super monkey thank you uber best rope go even if I sell the monkeys are only worth like $100 each superb else trip go almost that sub come on daughter this is gonna be really bad guys this is it no damn host oh my gosh we actually stopped it guys I don't know how much more legs we got in us I don't know either super bathroom all I know is like a super monkey clicking on the clicking oh no oh no don't fear I am very fear this awesome Maelstrom will save us all so it's really cool that we're using the four cheapest towers in the game and we're on 84 only using them it's not bad look just imagine how many more super monkeys all have when I get more money super Maelstrom will save us how often can you do that blade as often as I'm doing it I'm listening using it I'm constantly just clicking on it I know it's okay I'm six hundred dollars away from the subcommander also this wave right here guys ruins friendships there you go friendship upgrade oh this is it this is literally guys this might be it no because everyone's getting yella be telling you it's my fault I can't let that happen I think we got it I think we got and nice action we destroyed wave 85 also what are we going to do about 86 when like little mi towers can see the camo DDT's what do you mean well you didn't you insisted on not upgrading any years to be able to have eyesight for camos no so many of them do oh really okay by so many means barely any what do you mean I mean the type you wasn't along the outside edge none of them have it well yeah but there were there working on it well we got three waves until the end of all days come so we might want to even take autoplay off and spend some time to upgrade those have you guys wouldn't hate this to the cogwheel make sure your auto starts off and that way we all cause we're gonna need Matt to actually get more kappa detection or else that we're cooked [Music] these de can't get past the super maelstrom all right someone's still that auto start on who is it it ain't me i turn it off on my set drop see if you have a lot to start on in your settings whoa blade no I never use it let's just take it slow right now this is the perfect time to think nevermind okay go get slowed down alright so what do you want to do you we need you to hit have camos like as many people as you can be popping camos these DDT's don't mess around man okay well I'm out of money again it might actually pause [Music] Oh easy can super-monkey see camo no they can't not naturally anyway but I think if you got all those two camo a-poppin i think it would work okay well I am out of money but it's not very expensive to only 170 each for kml okay well let's just we got one more wave we can do until wave 90 comes dun dun dun dun and then what do we do do we just give my mat all of our money to get camos or even then I'm not sure it'll be enough no quite buy the only one I get it came out I am I do too I hid camos - don't worry very good said I do nothing but this so alright so this is the big wave the other thing we have if someone's give me fighting at eight grand I get first strike capability it's devastating missile strike and the largest balloon on screen which will automatically go for the DDT's but as first yeah there you go alright well here we go I can't I I don't see this ending well for us yeah yeah were you able to do any super monkey power-ups there matter no I did - Wow does Botha's we can't we might not be able to beat let's hit it continue one more time I don't forgive it one more go and see there's anything we could do we could take I have $5,000 I'm buying them all enhanced eyesight right here Matt use this and get one more super monkey thing I guess - okay let's see if that would do the trick maybe I don't have enough for two that's fine that's you have three of them now is made sure enough also have a cam oh yeah I guess just keep putting out an advanced eye sight it's about took some time to get advanced eyes set on all of them we're gonna play it out here and see what happens it's also slowed it down I I don't have a lot of faith but maybe something will work out let's see this is just all around bad say dropped a year out your ability to activate will do something to him - oh my gosh that was worse than the last time what I don't think we're able to beat the DDT's I'm coming out yeah and like they're all like everything I think unfortunately we're not gonna be able to beat the DDT's but we had fun with your challenge down below in the comment section please keep letting us know what challenges you want us to try next oh and subscribe if you do come on
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 482,199
Rating: 4.9191961 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: b-6Gm7GkSHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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