Bloons TD6 - 4 player Natures Only Challenge | JeromeASF

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name decided to take Steve's suggestion we're doing the nature's challenge in bloons tower defense six well that means that we can only use towers that have some kind of natural origin comedy playing as the ice towers to get that ice bazooka staines got open greenfoot blades got the druid tower and last but not least we have vale as the wizard monkey now if you're wondering why vales using the wizard monkeys a lot of people go wait a minute isn't magic like the complete opposite of natural well yes however he does have nature driven moves some of those are wind based attacks fire based attacks you get the point so we bigger will count them how far can we make it one way to find out all right so who could put down their towers I see the wizard monkey can put down I need like $30 I gotta drew it but I would recommend getting Oban down as fast as possible so he gets that automatic experience alright we get it you want the oblique you give him your extra 90 bucks not even I just need like 45 okay let's do this yes let us do this thing I'm not sure if you know this but the middle route you know how like he sends out like that cold air around him yeah if that's over water you can place regular monkeys on top of that and it creates like a ice platform for them stand up pretty serious wait what yeah wait the ice monkey you put it on the air water and so if you put the ice monkey near on land near water and you go the middle route to where he has that like ice cold breath going around room or whatever it is okay Arctic go ahead plate yeah you can then place the like regular land monkeys on water that are near him and he'll create an icicle patch for them to stand oh dude that is awesome I don't know if I believe that it's free real estate yeah I mean oh man I want to get cryo cannon and icicles they're so expensive it's $1700 it's gonna be a while yeah it's gonna be a little while and I seem to be doing all the work here yo Wow okay Steve rub it in pal I'm a shades oh I'm glad that I could really help you get those shades yeah those are pretty cool huh yeah they are pretty cool huh I'm gonna save up for metal fries that way we have some one of those negative bill mm-hm so that way we can have one of us that can actually hit lead balloons and then bail ooh what should bail do I feel like he should be on camo duty because none of us will be able to hit cameras agreed that's bottom round right yes okay I'll go for the fire in camo there we go ah hi counter to glitch what's wrong the I'm gonna screenshot this because look at the price on this guided magic if you're watching this right now everyone I have no idea good luck afford in that one Vail a hard pass on that I don't know what to say crazy crazy stuff guys hey uh Steve I have you have nineteen pops do you mind uh let me do something thank you I would love to but I'm too good at the game also Logan is crazy keep my knees 495 bucks so if you're playing like just for fun at home have you just put this one tower down you get all the way of 17 without doing anything and just saving your money you get banana farms anything at all you want yeah he is crazy good he's probably my favorite hero right now cuz not only that but once he hits level 10 he he generates money like so super strong and has money yeah so much where are you going first plate I'm gonna go for the heart Thunder I'm going middle Bert the heart of thunder is awesome and that used to be a wizard monkey ability you know and was he called heart of thunder pin blue insider fence five but it was just one of his things like lightning and he would just use it it was really good though my goal is to get to Druitt of story with super storm so that way as thieves get to me in the back I just send them right back to the beginning again nice that ability lightning was what made the wizard monkey my favorite tower in blue insider defense five like my number one was was the wizard monkey ninjas but then they took it away and they broke my heart in the process I don't know if I could ever forgive them to be completely honest with you alright uh-oh okay camo nice boom I get it once you get shimmer to Vil any of that happens to get past you I'll be able to pop ya want me to commit to bottom row like for that one yeah for that first one yeah cuz you also begun necromancy which is cool it's a good thing I hadn't gotten the lightning yet why cuz we just had a probable that was passed by oh that was a close one yeah I can get wall of fire right now and that made it help but oh yeah well fires big time big cool okay I can still speck in the shimmer like that that like pit of fire right there Vail it can even stop like ammo a balloon it's crazy G they're not making it past you for a while to come uh hey Steve do you mind uh you know not do my job for me I'm supposed to be lead guy thank you I mean I'm also getting things up there because I have my part of Oak so basically anywhere on the map I call up a divine to come up and grab the balloon well that's heart of hope you mean true to the jungle oh is that what's up oh so far lives what at that time all I saw we drew the gunboats not telling me hard about look guys I got a rocket launcher man I love rocket launchers you right surround you right it's giving me more on the information got ourselves a little freezer burn combo over here oh cool could still hit the purple ones even with lightning oh oh that's all me that one fire patch yeah right wasn't even on the right one oh my gosh well easy does it there Vail Oh to be fair Steve I didn't even get the middle fries ability I completely forgot so kind of like ah Steve forgot II muted himself yeah yeah I muted myself cuz a train was coming by and then I never unmuted good I figured you guys didn't want to hear the train but chugga chugga choo choo chugga chugga choo choo yes I'm actually a really big fan of spirit of the forest - I'm a big fan of the ice monkey of the forest then I put the like vine spikes throughout the entire map just do constant damage I get I get up my tree soon okay I just got shimmer nice - not that anything's in passed you anyways I'm still yeah right like I popped a hundred and eighteen balloons oh that's it yep I've hopped 6,200 Oh opens just so good I love it whoa Louise you're trying to sneak on through [Music] this is getting bad now all something about to start I mean they're only getting the two blade they still then have to get through you and me again Rosie very true I think okay it's gonna take me a while to build up enough money to get necromancer so I think I should place down another right did another fire pit going mm-hmm and that one if you want Vail you can do whichever way you feel like really I was gonna try and stick to a fire just because it might be bad actually this is really bad oh my oh my why shouldn't give you guys oh ho so my icicle impale ability is 25,000 25,000 hey look you made this challenge Steve okay you put a veil do you want to get arcane spike maybe no God is so expensive but arcane spike maybe this the topper yeah can work on that let me get wall fire though just so we can have that like extra a little bit of help I'll have my tree soon Oh your tree or wall tree can't eat the balloon to the low abs yeah I only need one more level so should be there pretty soon not I have to make it through two fire pits [Music] the steer for icicle monkey is good he looks I've never really gotten into the whole ice monkey they're actually really or strong like they start out really really weak but tier five of them is really good yeah I never I never really used to give them a fair chance in BTD five I wasn't a big fan of them but a BT v6 honestly I'm really happy I did that series that I did the one where I would like basically just go over all the different towers and there's here five four because I learned a lot and I'm lagging really bad the game just froze there whose player three sinking p3 time speed not it might be me please don't be Jerry waiting for other players I think good that's what we're all getting I don't know might be me I think it's I think it is fail not p3 well who got control of his towers blade you got one blade you got both them okay so blade you want a player too got the second one I got them that girl oh sorry I'd look at the drudes player to is me I guess a drum you go oh joy my veil will miss you buddy I appreciate you Boop all right let's sell all this stuff off pawn it off take my power see I would but then we lose the ability to get the camos I know I'm totally meaning I want to get my tier 5 icicle impale though it says it's really good it has huge damage to my lab class blues and freezes them look where my tree is that's so unfortunate I'm glad your druid is able to pop the Purple's for us me also - power of nature Steve that is like the war his case scenario I know right at the end how am I ever gonna get money for that I don't think you are I don't either well veil you'll be happy to know your legacy lives on you're not permissible or killing the game dude yay do you see the new place just like made it even worse it's like like we can do this all day Steve keep complaining whoa how come all of a sudden that bulbs taking much more damage than it was - who's that you see I I put down my bramble thing on top of it my my vines oh nice it just happened to spawn on it fail you're doing good against these Moab spores pal yeah good job fail yay I'm currently trying to level up another monkey now nice oh my gosh you're destroyed the canvas ceramics do fail I don't know what's going on but you are killing the game my friend I'm so good at balloons I don't even need to play Steve thank you for domani yeah I have my tree now so I mean how could we got the money I'll send you money next and actually no I want that icicle impale that's a the 25,000 but might what jungles bounty well that actually make you a lot of money or no no it's like 200 every single time it comes out oh it's meant to be combined with my trees just sucked up to Moab's that's a good placement so there's only one of you get the benefit of kills my monkeys mate or are you sweating it evenly you think I think I think it seems like we're making money faster so I think instead of spitting splitting it four ways we just split the money three ways now yeah so that's good at least at least it's not broken and just makes that money disappear so the treats are only big enough to hit the Moab's right now in the placement that it's currently in okay I mean a there why not way to go there's blade so that vine thing you have what's the biggest thing it can be it's just X amount of damage so let's see I think right now I think it's at a hundred balloons so putting out 100 balloons worth of damage so what are the odds you guys place that will actually get to wave 100 I don't think I think wait 80 will be able to do I don't know I mean I'm getting close to getting ball lightning now so there we go that's good placement of a tree this ball like that good and so long as I well yeah because it'll send stuff like across the map and like and with me continuously sending them back to the beginning of the map again fair enough like so long as they don't get like as the Moab's and the zo and like so long as their regular balloons by the time they get to me Steve pick up your bananas they're wrong oh no I was looking at something got him Oh close it close one bud yeah I was looking in my abilities thank you Steve I am now three thousand dollars away from the Icicle net bail oh my gosh your wall of trees just ate all those camel woods I didn't even have a chance oh the Big Kahuna anyone have the $1,800 mm actually 300 I don't have any it just drove right on through is like hey gonna be around whether or not we could stop all these buh abs afterward we might need to upgrade that arcane mastery room because I don't do more damage take my money Jerome well I do a blade set and it worked but now we don't have icicle and tail okay we'll start work I hope you're happy please I mean it made us live longer who needs to live longer the content pish-posh fair oh my gosh he shreds those bow ads hey Steve can i as soon as I get some more money yeah I've just been dishing off all my money to you thank you God sir yeah I feel like open greenfoot we all get marginally better at this point so it's like I think getting the tier fives is more important Oh lightning greased lightning you rang all right Steve yeah you see the tiniest bit more we'll be good [Music] do you mind sending me that $700 there yeah of course the night I swear yeah don't worry blade me too I can't afford it better not afford this is wide open because I like Batman cuz you like the night here's the night is it worth after this getting more ice guys arc mages or like like upgrade an arc mage that's your five or I know I don't really know I'm not sure to be honest not sure [Music] all right grand away now just a grand piece randall tie a grand old time [Music] whoa no sneaking those bananas working on and I'm working on it let's go icicle impale oh my gosh look at that very nice that's what it's all about so what do you think then arc mage or I guess cuz bails out of here it is fair for us to put down wizard monkeys so do I get more spikes arc mages ice maybe more ice monkeys pretty awesome [Music] and maybe just start standing up for because if you get the top route you'll do even more damage with your other eyes monkeys so I for a really low price of twenty five hundred I get snow storm which will freeze Moab class balloons easy to true that is such bad placement for that tree actually speaking a bad placement let's go with right there so what do you think then blade snowstorm er um it's really cheap I mean the routes are actually relatively the same the top row is cheaper but but that won't hit Moab's until super brittle which is 25 grand [Music] but you do get the benefit of when they get pop this - no sharp razor sharp - the ones around them as well all right we'll go top route do I want refreeze or deep freeze and hands freeze packs bastard freeze for longer that roof never go we now have embrittlement we're doing pretty good yeah we are did you see another twenty five thousand five hundred yay that won't take long at all my sure he's got the covers mine let's play the game thank you now that my tree is gone you can feel free play as much as you want [Music] I can't believe how good nature towers are I really thought we were doomed for a while but Steve good call this challenge man I actually do because of the purple towers but apparently apparently the drew is can get those we lucked out there thanks Steve so what are you actively saving up for right now blade I was in the last wizard down nice so we can get the Phoenix tonight cuz they're pretty much I have Tier four of all Druids going already and what about the night yeah I didn't hear you saying what part of the Dark Knight is a magical nature what part is nature played pledge pledge you would understand that oh my gosh your brambles now pop 500 balloons each with that upgrade to open green foot to it uh Steve yeah Durham here's $5,000 sorry 6000 Wow thank you you know bro I don't think Steve sent me any money at all okay have you asked diamonds did Jerome Steve guy more money yeah sure I still haven't heard you ask swine Steve I'll do it all myself oh man oh man that was bad Wow they were he's punching that was easy blades like hey they finally got to my towers now everything that I can buy is gonna cost like upwards of 20 to 70 thousand yeah I I need some extra cash here super brutal eleven thousand gotta take some time pretty sure we've won Oh big time yeah we're killing it moved a smidgen over there's the last round of what would be hard mode our first introduction to Azam also is anyone else like really really really really really afraid of the DDT balloon that's good no all right if you say so because we don't have a way to hit him I don't think that the shimmer ability works on him it'll be fine or does it actually I don't know I just got a doubt that it would it'll all be fine five thousand dollars away now I'm gonna get to tier 5 ice monkeys yargh I don't know why you sounded like a pirate to me there I've said it like a pirate yar here you go I actually gently gave some to Steve tonight I swear if I gave you money and you put down tonight I wouldn't I'll just leave pretty good now Rach oh yeah I got super brittle now okay cool it looks very England he does look very angry doesn't it I'll start sending some money over to bleed still got one more tier five to get should I though I mean it's up it's up to the team what's better we're trying to survive out here to be very yours are the cheapest so now you besides for the 20 grand to get Prince of Darkness yours of the cheaper ones to work out faster than shoots he does shoot very fast what does he level set uh seventeen nice I think we'll be able to crush round 100 which scares me how long are we gonna be here for wait a minute if you get the druid of wrath played the avatar breath and you look at open green foots next ability improved breath all druid of wrath paw pops start each right 200 I mean that's 38,000 I know it's a lot of money I'm all for it if we can get it I mean ye of little faith there's 21 for me and Steve oh yeah all right let's go for them but I also have to level up right yeah but that's in $58 ya need to borrow 50 bucks deep throwing you hey you were doing the me wanna pull our money in to get tonight 13 waves left i I think we can do it guys I mean actually no I am and that I will reevaluate once we see our first DDT's I'm not convinced we'll be able to stop them but you guys seem confident oh ye of little faith yeah I think we got this I think you're stressing over nothing man your avatar for a stability blade I really feel like that's gonna kill it looks just 1,300 away is it only 13 yeah you mean 13,000 Oh yesa no you said 1,300 yes and Steve's level 20 wall street's hold a lot more balloons I mean granted that's gonna be a while but that's gonna be cool too to see dude my tree instantly popped on that one don't forget to keep sending your money to the blades yep you cannot even I try to just instantly pop oh my goodness cincin [Music] almost there killing it [Music] yeah my trees are just instantly popping that's crazy that's not good because they're instant they're not doing like nearly enough damage you're not holding enough balloons well fortunately your last upgrade will be here in oh here they are Wow worried there we go I maxed out how did we do that I don't know are we yeah okay sure why don't you have faith in me I don't think it's you yeah it's the towers if I say we can do it we can do it by the way avatar vrat nice what should we save up for now arc mage we can be less you want your last tier 5 the ice monkeys really aren't that expensive there's 25 grand the arc major is also 25 grand 27 but that's what you want yeah I think Archmage let's do our page Steve with your maxed out open greenfoot it's beautiful I'm just actually kind of surprised at how far we're making it with these oh rut ro Wow DZ I mean remember those thorns they could have popped another couple hundred balloons earliest layers of balloons oh man look at them all stacking they are all stacking on top of each other all those trees full already they haven't fallen yet when they're full they fall and I don't know why they haven't fallen yet they must limit the amount like per second I can go in or something I guess yeah guys this is crazy six more waves uh Wow this is my little ad that I have that druid of wrath now like the front I'm just what Ricky's DDT's - I'm so stunned at how many that just oh no that's it round 95 you know what guys we gave it our all that was cool toes and a reminder if you guys are watching a majority below watch my balloons aren't subscribed what's up with that hit that subscribe button
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 702,046
Rating: 4.9196868 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: 14VI1B2g3t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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