Bloodborne Gameplay: Luke Plays Bloodborne for the First Time - FINAL BOSS!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello gang hello hi welcome along to another bloodborne live stream how is everybody doing hello hello hello let's see some of those faces in the chat there we go let's see some familiar names already hey everyone uh my name is luke let's see wait let's see milo a third so you can see my name there it is bam awesome uh cool hey everyone welcome along we're playing bloodborne again um now let's get right into it because because you might say um if you remember the last live stream ended with me um not quite having defeated the orphan of course and i said i was going to hand it over to let's play luke which is uh me off stream um who can take a run at some of the difficult things that stream luke um has proved himself frankly incapable of handling um so i know that many of you will have been waiting and wondering and and excited to see how let's play luke god on thank you for the super chat jennifer provost hi everyone um oh video and audio are rather out of sync hang on let me have a look hang on a sec let me do a little test oh yeah i think i see it weird hang on hang on hang on let me try and fix it let me try and fix it this is always good to fix live [Music] let's see dude audio coming in for the video weird weird weird all right um let me see if i can fix it i might be able to uh if i do that let's see if let's see if the audio is coming in for the video then i need to delete the delay on the video maybe or reduce it does that work is any better i've reduced it i'm going to clap again boop there we go i'm going to i'm going to fix this live i don't know yeah there's people saying it's fixed show me again does this clap look look is this clap look in sync let me know i'd be frank i'd be amazed if that fixed it oh okay cool okay hey i fixed something cool all right well no no idea what was going on there nick jeffrey says luke are you planning giving us a spooking this evening i need to know so i can plan my evening around it thank you nick jeffrey for that super chat that is in reference to the ghost stories i read on my personal youtube channel yes i'm gonna do one this evening so um yeah see you there hopefully um okay right so okay good all right everyone's saying the lag is sort of fixed we'll cut this out of the on-demand version maybe so hello yes let's start again welcome hello hi luke here bloodborne livestream uh you remember last time uh we um last time we i was battling against the orphan of course um unable to beat it so i handed it over to let's play luke uh who which which is me doing stuff offline sometimes he's able to do some of the difficult things um so i'm sure many of you will be wondering since the last stream how let's play luke got on so why don't we take a look let me pass over now to let's play luke versus the author of course let's play luke versus the orphan of course i hope you're feeling chiller then last time we talked yeah that's right yeah hey weren't expecting that were you being hit by me ray come on there we go this is going this one's going well when i look back at the young man i was in those days it is with a sense both of envy and pride envy at his boyish ambition for though i have seen and experienced much in the intervening time wisdom must always be bought at a cost and the cost for me though i hardly could know it then would be the ineffable joy that one has when one is just beginning oh rey no why why in phase one does this happen no wow okay oh wow hey cool you can walk on the water fight me on the ocean hello everyone me again yes don't get up don't bother getting up that was cool that was like the matrix have you seen the matrix orphan of course it's about a guy called neo who has the bravery to to say hey are things really the way they seem what do you got oh this oh wow this phase man how can men fight against such evil what's it going to be jump attack that's big and new big aoe oh no it's the lightning but it's happening back on shore presumably oh no it's happening out here as well oh no now come on now come on now seriously though ah now look let's sing to try and distract ourselves when the beating of your heart equals the beating of the drums there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes okay cancel singing without a doubt so far i'm doing worse than i did on the live stream worse better as a young man i dealt in such absolutes i recall now the sense of clarity i felt in those days regarding all things that the orphan of course would be defeated of this there was no room in my heart to doubt i hadn't time i thought for doubt but time i would soon come to see was all i had at some point you're gonna have to use the phrase meat sword just don't just let me lock on t to the to the to the boss fight but see that time i dodged the i dodged away in the right direction and that was good as well except for when it went bad like that that's when it did you see when it went did you see when it went bad yeah you died you that's that was the bad i'm equipping that rune that gives me more blood vials this one's gonna give me four extra vials that feels like a big difference in terms of like the last stage of the fight i've only got 26 stored up oh no okay so i've got like a few more attempts and then i gotta farm blood vials you know what i'm relieved i'm relieved this game has been too straightforward finally they had their guts to give me some kind of challenge finally come on come on let's get stuck in not impressed not impressed what's this attack is it ah nice try oh attack me air will not no it's basic it's basic you're basic you're basic oh okay i'm sorry i said you're basic i'm gonna absolutely ruthlessly parry wow i actually did it great yes man i'm so chill i i like you open of course yes okay good hey nice all right you know what i think we can sort of parry through the first phase oh no ah i've got to farm blood vials now though farming for blood vials it was a thing i freely admit now that i had dreaded to undertake for what sure a sign could there be of my own inadequacy and yet in the rhythmic collection of the blood echoes needed to buy my way back into the fight i acquired to my surprise a sense of peace as if it were only by the cool breeze on one's face that one finds they were too hot what was i learning out there in the darkness of yharnam patience of course and bit by bit i felt the gradual loosening of the grip with which i held onto all of those false idols parries charged attacks runes bolt paper all the things i had at one time been sure would turn the battle quickly in my favor i had determined now that the path to victory was one of forbearance and fortitude and that when my prey was finally slaughtered it would be a triumph of skill and resilience over petty superstition [Applause] you know what i think the problem is i'm not wearing the right t-shirt i gotta yeah got a new shirt it's a new day got a brand new attitude but you still gotta catch em all and be the best you can be okay as i tripped for another day down to the shore that was now the sole focus of all my waking efforts and attention i experienced something new a kind of enui and as my determination to beat the orphan of course hardened into something like resolve so my will to offer pithy and entertaining commentary began to melt away like the last stub of wax on a burnt out [Music] candle [Music] [Music] so i'm gonna listen to a podcast [Music] how long i laboured there on the shore of the fishing hamlet i could not say the burning desire i once felt to vanquish the orphan of costs long extinguished replaced instead by an almost academic curiosity in my own powers of persistence i felt no enmity towards my foe whose many moves and abilities by now felt to me as familiar as a well-worn shoe i had established myself a comfortable strategy staying in close and dodging through on the orphan's left side for the first phase then moving out over the water for phase two and attacking only as a follow-up to dodging through certain melee attacks with my saw cleaver in its transformed state for increased range or sometimes trying my luck with the transformed hunter axe i had then little notion that this attempt the one you're seeing now with its inauspicious beginning will prove to be my last join me and my past self now in watching and apologies again for the total [Applause] silence wow [Applause] uh wow [Applause] wow wow [Applause] did hercules field us when at last he captured cerberus and ended his twelve trials i pray not what does one truly find at the end of the long pursuit when the day is won and the quarry turned to dust only oneself alone on a beach in the dark with nothing to say except over to you live luke thanks let's play luke what a great guy putting in the hours not like live stream luke that no class clown shows up for a couple hours a week hey so there we go and here we are look and with that we're back in the room we did it we did it let's have a like spike shall we for let's play luke i think i feel like i feel like he earned it the poor boy uh how many attempts did that take us frodo baggins i don't know i stopped counting the important thing that i have to say up front right now is that yes although it was equipped in the fight at no point at no point in any of that in any of those attempts even once did i use any bolt paper because i because i sit because i still have my pride i still have i still have my pride so yeah so there we go we're playing bloodborne so yeah now we're back here just let's let's play it some more shall we um loads of amazing uh chats coming in uh through there alex boyce says level up the gun no no all of my levels go on health and damage amazing no i won't i'm sorry superbed it says alex b thanks growly says storyteller chill voice luke doing voiceover deserves a point on me or maybe even two with uk prices thank you final girl 93 says i look i've been i've embraced the silver lining with insomnia finally got to catch a live stream live from melbourne hello hi hi in melbourne nawson says the podcasts i need let's play an orphan of course discussing about the matrix and screaming yeah mostly nicely screaming nate skaronski hi luke want to thank you for these live streams chill attitude and boundless patience has made watching bloodborne almost calming um spoon of doom says that edit fight wraps amazing luke you're one talented son of a bloodborne uh congrats on beating the placenta guy thanks very much yeah um we uh como montanari says luke use the bolt paper on the shame and bone blade yeah we'll talk we'll talk about we'll talk about the boss fight um uh in a minute um yeah um sounds about white says so now let's play luke stream luke and narrator luke luckily it's not a jekyll and hyde thing that could get awkward on a stream yeah it could and gentleman says congrats luke that last fight was so tense val's at zero vowels at the end phew brilliant editing commenting on the clip also say hi to let's play luke hi let's play luke hope you hope you hope you're okay i hope you're arrested uh and sammy george says andy will have to work really hard on his intros to beat that maybe it's good that dob killed uh those orphans they would be hard bosses oh boy look look swan or c says are often across my excuse to say placenta weapon and scream incessantly like the orphan does well it's a reason i don't know if it's an excuse andrade says thank you luke you suffered for our delight you've done some amazing work uh thank you and vanilla knox floret says um loot my dude go get let's play luca drink he needs it oh my gosh even more chat's coming in i can't keep up angela sanchez says good work you deserve a whole month off after that imo i agree question when will the next stocks venture be i've completely lost track of time i believe next friday francisco iowa says hey luke love the content you planning to suffer through i mean play the rest of the souls games no no more i don't know maybe probably not probably not um john burnham says hats off to you sir that was fantastic display perseverance and great commentary thanks irritating 105 says maybe bolt paper was your lucky charm yeah just having it there just having it there so if you want us please upload that clip of let's play luke on its own and i want to be able to easily find it forever and see what true grit and determination looks like okay maybe we can upload that separately and mr logan clad says luke thanks euro started this game when you started and as of tuesday i beat the orphan and the last three bosses and i shall never return great congratulations okay right thank um yeah great job okay so yeah we did i did it i did it offline it took absolutely bloody ages it was unbelievably hard easily and by some margin the thing that i found most difficult in this game in the end you saw my strategy um uh like i i was managing to like parry through the first section the first phase but it just was taking too long like i was you know i would get in successful parries but i would get hit more and i would use more vials and i then i would basically have run out of vials um so now we can finally progress uh i've lit that lamp already i've not done any i have i've gone back to the stream i've done a few other things off stream that you should know about i sorted out the brain fluid glitch that we were having a few streams back so we can go finish the brain fluid thing hopefully um and yeah we can uh yeah so now we can walk up to this thing the orphans and take a proper look at it which i haven't yet so it's horrible obviously it's covered in scales which is nice it reminds me of the dragon from sakiro actually it's a lot like the dragon from sakiro look at these claws and stuff ooh it's like when you find a jellyfish all washed up um i think someone in the chat said i'm supposed to like hit it so let's do that goodbye nightmare slain cool that's a new one nightmare slain oh we got oh we're cut scening we're cut see i'll turn up the audio ah sweet child of course returns to the ocean the bottomless curse the bottomless sea accepting of all that there is and can be cool all right well the nightmare is slain i mean i can still hear crying faintly in the background so that sucks but there we go we did it now we can finally install a zip line up here um you know get some sun beds out hopefully you know get get rid of this dynamite this whole mess turn this into the resort that it was always meant to be we can do scuba diving oh into the wrecks that would be nice loads of stuff you can do loads of stuff you can do um right okay i'm gonna go back to the stream i'm gonna try and um finish up uh finish up the brain fluid stuff uh which we couldn't do um before oh hey it's not really playing ball today i'm just gonna leave it okay um so i know we've got one more boss fight in the dlc uh so like don't worry we will um we'll uh we'll attempt that um but first i do want to try and cross off this thing that we didn't get to finish later which is the yeah the brain fluid thing it was annoying because it glitched up i had to like go back and forth in the hundred stream loads and loads of times um it was it was winding me up i don't even know if it's if it's fixed um but that was that's the thing that we wanted to get the um uh there was a cool reward for it cameron but it was a rune so we're gonna we're gonna finish that um alrighty so research all here we are so i gave i gave her the second bit of brain fluid and she has gone she has turned into this she's turned into this i knew this i knew this oh hello one last time just one last time so because this uh because this whole thing was so glitchy i had to fix it i did have to look up how you do this and i'm i'm pretty sure you i just have to like hit her to get some brain fluid to give to her now just a head that's all there is i need my baptism stop break please stop wriggling around in that bag okay all right okay look i'm just gonna give okay yep good giggling giggling good drunk on brain fluid please stop now there we go okay right so i think i have to hit it i think that yeah brain fluid okay now it doesn't seem fair that you can give her brain fluid that you just took from her this is no this is no good here you go let me make you people hear that sound i see a shape milkweed that's the rune revelation just for me oh thank you you're welcome i'm gonna go god okay well that really made me jump okay okay okay rooney knight says luke don't forget the boss in the chapel too to finish off eileen the crow's questline i did that didn't i wasn't that was that the wasn't that the um wasn't that the let's play luke did him as well this okay i got a and i got a key to this door i've not as you see i've not been through it yet so we'll we'll do this i don't know what's out here just a balcony i mean there's a balcony can i get down there i don't think i've been down there have i been down there there's an item down there let's go down there will i survive that fall a lot of questions i think i'll be okay oh yeah look we're fine bill even barely even scratched old ray can't hurt him okay right so we'll figure out what's around here looks like a big load of nothing there's an item over here though which is kin cold blood alright cool that was worth getting um this looks kind of familiar because this is the this is like the lumen flower gardens isn't it from earlier in the game except it's like a sort of bizarro version can i sort of can i pop down there hopefully this is where we did the um that boss fight with the big alien that kicked my butt and through here oh we can't we can't so we can go through here again oh i hear footsteps hmm okay ah there's an item over there is it we friendly some things in this area are friendly so i don't want to be fighting are they friendly are they friendly no all right all right well that answered that question at least i got the black sky eye are they friendly no um okay they were friendly in a way oh man okay can i go through can i like go through to the that was wasn't that what boss fight did we do there oh god that was a breyer task wasn't it that's where a brayer house was can we can can that be like can i go down there i'm not going down there for if i have to fight a brayer task again i'm never doing that again right now look regarding my echoes where are they are they on the floor to be honest ray slaughtered says jorduk yes nice already dead already dead um to be honest i only had like 10k which at this point in the game is nothing so i might just i might just let him go um rather than waiting there again and maybe get killed again because it'll not seem worth it especially um but i i don't think see anything else around here but i will try going through that window just to see what happens there might be some items or something that we want to pick up i don't know hello it's me ray i don't know how i'm gonna get back from here to be honest oh a chest okay cool this was worth it then oh no no ray why you clumsy oaf oh ray why did you do it why did you do it that's so annoying and now wherever where even am i i know where i am yeah yeah yeah ringing your stupid bell oh whoa whoa whoa oh my goodness it's this guy again i thought we killed you for good okay right all right back up back up okay i wasn't expecting this oh no he's used his um shielding thing whatever it's called lead something or other come on then come on then let's have it oh stuck on a door oh ray get out of there get out of there and heal oh no oh boy oh too close too close oh okay i actually pressed the wrong button and killed him so that's good that was lucky brado's testimony is that an item is that guy dead for good now oh my god coming down here was the best thing that's ever happened to me that's incredible i'm leaving i'm leaving you to it i don't know what your deal is um right so i really screwed up getting that item so now i need to so now i need to like go back again you have to kill him in his cell in his cell is that him in the in the room there where he was oh my goodness i should have gone in there and killed him in there as well downstairs through the cell door down the stairs through the cell door is that right oh wait down this uh go back in his uh was that is that where i was oh god i can't believe i'm back going back sorry if we go back hopefully we can get that item then we can go down and then we go down the thing okay okay all right all right all right ah okay we'll figure it out remember the guy asking if you hear the bell oh very very vaguely all right i'll try and i'll i'll try and i'll try and kill him the important thing is i got this hat now everyone will take me seriously oh he's talking to me who was that who was that hello okay don't know what that was right okay through here hopefully i can do that jump without screwing it up is there anything over this this this oh oh oh crystal lizard no you don't you rascal oh yeah i got those bloodstone chunks good right now i'm going to fall down a hole this side no great but there's also nothing here right round we go mm-hmm okay right now can this be i guess this can be jumped jumping in this game is hard though hang on just need to figure out who's tend to go too late okay let's give it a go oh my god you know what i'm gonna come back and get this off stream maybe i don't like what is even in there is it important i don't know who cares oh irritating though right now wait so where was this someone was in a oh oh dear oh no he's not he's you're oh my god back again is it well before you can equip your thing there now uh right now where where were you then in one of the cells i remember the bit where someone was like do you hear the do you hear the ringing okay was it down here oh i think this was it yes here we go matching hats one of us is gonna have to change and it's not gonna be rey this is cool are you going to kill me i think i am after all you've done kill me kill you as if to have a spare of your hat what is [Music] such is the nature of man oh shut up don't be philosophizing to me on the nature of man you've been ghost attacking me through the whole game stupid antlers come on let's have your item i want to get out here blood letter cool okay right right so i think i think i think we're done i think we'd i think we're i think we're about as done as i am comfortable being i didn't get whatever's in that chest let's play luke we'll take care of it right um let's um okay let's let's try out that rune that we got the milkweed rune um have a look at it also let's put on someone suggested the crow feather garb with this hat oh yes that's right ray has gone feral he lives in the woods now he's more beast than man okay right uh milkweed rune host phantasms as a lumen would [Laughter] oh my god no this can be undone right if i de-equip this rune please say this can be undone um great great well now i'm a now i'm an alien please make a note of it um the chat was also saying to equip the weapon that i got from oh no i can't equip it what am i missing what do i not have enough of don't have enough i don't have nearly enough arcane to wield it oh i guess i'm not gonna be able to hold it but can i can i at least sort of if i de-equip these things can i at least sort of see my hands yeah good gross how about that should i do the rest of the game like this i mean obviously not because i miss rey's beautiful face okay fingers crossed i turn back oh thank god okay right good well that was funny i enjoyed that right now look i will actually level up the hunter pistol not that it's going to do me any good it's only it doesn't do any damage at all really um oh god look i haven't put in can i have a superior yeah that's okay what's that using the patented numbers go blue method oh yeah look at that wow now it does a tiny amount of damage um cool cool cool cool cool right um here's a thought how many blood files have i got oh my god barely any yikes okay right so folks i think we've got i think we've got to take it i think we got to take a quick break for farming if we're going to do a boss fight um although maybe we could go like do the boss fight see it you never know maybe i'll get it in one and then we could uh yeah let's go do the boss fight and then and then we can we can always take a break and go farm that's not enough that's not enough i i i finished let's play luke finish the orphan of course with like hardly any i could buy i could buy some the chat's suggesting yeah i'll just buy some you know what yeah you know what i'm just gonna buy some i'm just gonna buy loads let's let's let's pop one of these let's pop one of these oh that well that's not gonna get me many vials but it might get me enough to get through the stream without having to like annoyingly go farm i don't know not very that's not very many folks it's not very many i would say that like compared to dark souls i do feel like these things you pick up don't really scale um i mean that would get me a few more they i feel like the the echoes you pick up don't really scale with your level so much okay well that will look that's that's a that's a chunk of isles okay um [Music] right so i know where the new i know where the next boss fight is be the first one wouldn't it church nightmare church no because it's right it's up at the um it's up at the you know it's top of the thing where the big on fire guy is [Music] hmm everyone's saying talk to the doll for new dialogue i think i already got it i think i already had it because as i mentioned i did sort of i did pop back and do the brain fluid stuff but wait no this isn't the right way or is this the right place no no this is this is the right place but that okay yeah so wait hang on yes so i'm trying to get i'm just trying to get up to the chip this wasn't the right this wasn't the right lamp was it i'm gonna have to run past some jerks aren't i yep here we go hey hey you you i don't like your ghoul friends no way no way about to be killed by this dude no don't shoot me don't shoot me beware of bird beware of bird ray you roll all the damn way up those stairs please yikes okay right a bit out of practice for cheesing it through this area um something's about to something's about to fall on me though right this on fire thing there we go sorry ghouls you're an aggressive one unfortunately it's annoying hey hey you you i could be your girlfriend take a look at my ghoul friend whoa oh yeah that's right i've seen this before um i'm gonna have to kill you again can i not can i not just run run past you i could oh now let's talk about it buddy we're all upset how about that how'd you like that just ran past bet you can't get back through the door can you yeah that's what i thought maybe don't go through doors if you can't get back through them yeah that's yeah well you'll think twice alrighty oh okay now that's going to be a real tough boss fight isn't it this dlc has been really hard i mean really hard in terms of like value equip the cost parasites stephen clement i can't i don't have the stats um in terms of like value it's real good i know they only released this one um look at me i'm procrastinating i'm procrastinating doing whatever this is because it's gonna freak me out and possibly take the whole rest of the stream okay okay let's let's just see let's just see what we got oh we're cut scene okay hmm oh we got twitchy hands you've got antlers as well antler buddies and the twins i don't think this guy wants to be antler buddies with me you know oh that's a oh no oh you're so big and on fire oh pretty though one of the more graphically pretty bosses what do we got lawrence the first vicar okay he's on fire and he hates me okay and he and he does that so that's fine all right what do you got what do you got lawrence what do you got what do you got what do you got oh oh okay okay no no lawrence lawrence no see reason see reason let's talk about it oh god oh god right roll and heal and then heal again nasty okay okay all right okay he's strong i get it all right i'm not really dodging properly past past these arms am i oh and that's not gonna that's not proper so i can get behind him it's just all right okay come on let's get a bit more room it's not quite got the measure of these grabs yet because they're very quick and by the time i get through i'm having to heal up instead of attacking which is not ideal oh nuts get out of there ray keep going round keep circling oh no okay all right already dead already dead yikes okay guessing molotov's don't work on this lad says mr mister i would say not all right settle in folks this is your live stream this is it this is why i don't want to do sakiro on a live stream because that game is just like boss fight after boss fight after boss fight and they're all really hard um all right you know boy i'm gonna get really good at running this route aren't i see ya oh it's going to have to do this every time bong bong let's see if we can get up real close and exp experience this f all this fun hey you oh you don't know who you're fighting oh you i tell you what oh oh dear okay there we go all right we're in all right hey buddy all right i got it i gotta get in closer like that that was that was okay although i didn't really hit him very much you know okay so that's so that's bad when he does that oh he's gonna grab me yeah nice nice try mate damn bit greedy there all right oh see there we go that was okay and out again there we go just nice and easy there we go that was a good dodge that was well i mean how was i supposed to even see what was going on there frankly i mean the playstation's very the playstation's as unhappy as i am playstation's about as unhappy as lawrence okay now we're jumping so that's cool okay buddy now now where where where where am i i thought i had more room okay oh damn whoa that's gonna hurt what's that can't tell what he's trying to do or even where he is especially okay oh no ate that okay nice and cool nice and cool yikes oh okay next phase where is legs he's on fire oh man oh my god uh oh fire whoa wow okay hey lawrence so you're a big strong guy whoa okay that that's the claw attack i don't want to have hit me this is like a small opening after that fire breath make a note of it folks maybe i can like back up and just wait for that because that because i don't want to get caught in anything else here it is that's it yeah oh no it doesn't hurt too much but no no no ray get out of there get out ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray right right no no dodging the wrong way entirely the wrong way gonna get him gonna be killed gonna be killed by the swipe okay okay all right all right more fire breath please yeah there it is oh no okay bit bit delicate bit delic bit delicate the placement in that one oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god okay disengage camera lock oh no we're fine we're fine okay there's the fire there's the fire that i think i like and then in no but then out i'm not don't think i'm doing enough damage when i get in okay it's much easier to get away from him with the camera unlocked i'm over here lawrence a big fiery clown that was good that hurt him that made him bleed oh and there's the fire again but but no okay all right oh no a lot of locking and unlocking fire breath fire breath no no thought it was the fire breath thought it was the fire breath am i gonna pay for that miscalculation i mean yes heel up ray heal up twice there it is come on get in get in ray get in and hurt and hurt him but don't stand in his lava what if i shot you with my weapons of which i have none okay right just run around we're running around we want we want to bait out the fire breaths but in particular i think that's it no that's not it that ain't it that ain't it oh my god oh my god three vials left come on yep there's that's it that's it that's it that's it if i get this right if i get this right it could all be over you're done pretty slaughtered beasts embrace whatever the hell that is wow okay cool cool cool cool cool hey let's have a like spike for live stream luke he's not completely useless that's is that all the bosses of the dlc done there's no like secret secrets are we done yeah cool what was that was that the second second go oh cool and now that there's all like scratches in the thing awesome awesome awesome awesome oh yeah gotta get those 3000 vials oh man okay excellent excellent that was great that was great okay okay well how did that like spike go let me i'm gonna check in on the numbers you get those stats we're at 922 wow great can we get over a thousand i mean i know like i know you're working on it folks i know you possibly already hit that like button 942 that's good that's good what if i told you we're not doing anything else until i see that 970 that's yes good good good good good 999 who will be the lucky 1000th liker 1k brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant cool all right all right all right good fun folks good fun right uh is there anything is there anything to do in here can i can i sit on the throne there's the new lawrence king lawrence uh uh beware of inquisitiveness oh i guess that's a note for like before the lawrence of before okay cool cool cool cool cool um let's return to the hunter's dream shall we i guess oh let's have a look at that new rune cool well um do do do do [Music] um beasts embrace assume the form of a ghastly beast yeah oh my god i've turned into oh my god okay okay let me tell you immediately let me tell you straight away what this aesthetic is i can tell you right now for free at no cost that the look here that they've gone for is ron perlman in the beauty and the beast tv show that's the inspiration that's what the team was was was drawing on that's incredible rey you beautiful werewolf i love it that's amazing look at his little teeth oh he's so cute use beast claws the chat is saying do i have beast claws is that a thing is that a weapon i've got beast cutter beast claws i don't think i have beast claws no what's beast clause i'm gonna go i'll google it i'll google it to save a small amount of time maybe it's a weapon i can buy but haven't bought beast claws oh oh it's in a chalice the ailing lauren chalice hmm okay well i have been doing a little bit a tiny bit of chalice stuff but like not much wow cool all right this is brilliant i love love being the beast do i have like what does it do to my stats can i can i still can i still like yeah yeah have a taste of my beast claws yeah that's great what a result the stream has gone so well so far the more you attack the more damage you do and take it only works with the claws okay so it's basically gonna unless i it's going to be purely cosmetic right um oh man it just looks so good i just want to keep it on all the time i just want ray to be a werewolf all the time but um that said that's way better than the milkweed one who would choose that um all right it seems like it it seems like it has like stats that aren't gonna be helpful to me let's let's go back to my hunter one which is just so good raises stamina blood valve maximum yeah cool all right happy with all of those um great capital alec telford says hey luke was wondering if i get a shout out to my amazing parent allison we both love your streams and they always put a smile on our faces much love to you and the crew of course alec shout out to you and to allison hey allison congratulations on your amazing parenting thank you for watching the streams um you guys rule you guys rule as hard as these sweet antlers um okay so i am i right in thinking that we have like basic that's basically the dlc done except for like a few spare bits and bobs and items and stuff that i can't that i don't really want to do on a stream because it sounds boring and i want to see new areas um i think so i think so okay um uh which i guess means do we now like do we now go back to where we were pre-dlc that is the dlc basically done yup says claire t-rex sweet sweet welcome home good hello what is it well very well how far off am i oh gosh i'm not even halfway to leveling up i do have some good hunter no i don't i don't have i don't even have any um goo to eat no no no all right great uh so uh where were we before let me just think it was a we were doing that we were in like a horrible castle we did was it it wasn't one of these was it was it one of the was it one of this was it in the spooky altar i can't remember the name of it mergo's loft that's the one murgo's loft middle that's where we were um and let me just see let me just see how we're doing for vials now we've got 54 stored up that's not loads folks um why don't we do a little bit of um why don't we go why don't we go do a little uh um should we do a bit of farming or should we crack on let's push on let's go we'll go get more we'll go get more we'll go get more valves when we're short of them all right decision made go go in here i think this is where we were before okay doom nightmare of menses ah such good times oh you know what i actually um popped back here in in that montage in the let's play luke montage uh because um yeah all right all right look look sinister bell yeah whatever look this was cute before the orphan of cost but now i'm now i'm not into it bird dogs i actually popped up here already because i read online that like just oh crying baby forgot about that uh i read that this is an ama there's an amazing farming location up here um but i just sprinted past some stuff to get to it so i won't do that now i will i will i'll try and like so i don't even know what these dudes are they look like the shadows of yharnam are they the shadows of the arnhem i mean they've got don't look like they've got as much health they certainly don't have as much health now cool uh all right let's let's check in with the chat for if we crack on properly um spun off c says no lawrence bad grabby hands and now there's love on the floor again lawrence what do you like nice and the theme of the world says lawrence drinks molotov says his evening sip that's good that's good growly says okay luke let's make a deal you'll not play sakiro and we'll be okay in return you stream re-reckoning you know the one now come on those aren't the rules desmond kelly says bloodborne's been great to watch thanks how about hollow knight next ever played it no i've never played hollow knight that's an interesting i'll i'll um i'll do some research abigail wassel says thanks for the hours of entertainment probably not suitable but have you watched the entire game but probably not suitable but we've watched the entire game with our five-week-old son he seems to enjoy it too abigail that's amazing i think that's young enough that you're safe hopefully it's not you know going in psychologically maybe they'll be like the strongest most hardcore baby in the world um philip wilkinson says luke can you explain your the difference between the frustration of this and doom and why you can't do something like your zoom zen that impressed us all i don't know i feel like i try my best to do the zooms to do the doom zen in this game but it still comes out a bit more stressful it's just because this game is just more intense i think um yeah there's something about oh wow a lot of support for hollow knight in the chat okay okay okay check it out um there's something about doom i don't know it chills me out to play it it's different to this and i'm struggling to explain why but i'll think about it uh milano 37 says hey luke now you're coming up on the end of your bloodborne journey fingers crossed what has been your favorite part aspects of the game that's a really good question um we should do like i don't feel equipped to answer that now but when this is finished if it's finished ever then we should um we should do like a proper like post match like talk just talk about the game not play it just just like talk about it i'd like to do that live stream um the one who snack says that's what happens if you don't eat your vegetables i think that was in reference to um uh the um the broccoli headed alien thing crosscourt says hey congratulations on the boss kills the ballad of ray sunshine is almost over and he plans to stream another game or as well deserved rest in order i don't know i am thinking about it i i think really hard about what games to start because i do like to kind of keep going with them as far as possible to be honest it really depres it really depends on how many people watch like whether we continue playing a game then like a lot of people have been watching this uh series oh great now this jerk's involved so that's cool um and that's and you know like the reason that this went on for like is gonna go the whole way through the game is because oh now you're down here all right oh look i remember you from the boss fight i was not impressed by you then and i'm not impressed now um the uh yeah the numbers on this have been pretty strong like a lot of people watching it which is really really gratifying but like if no one was interested we probably probably would have stopped earlier um well that's not good is it sinister bell resonates with another am i being invaded is that what's happening oh god i am being invaded that hasn't happened before oh wow this literally hasn't happened before i'm about to do some pvp i think all right cool let's get my butt kicked oh yeah here we go i see you hello i if i knew better how to wave i would wave uh hang on hey okay and now do it now we fight to the death i take it yeah here we go oh wow you're quick adversary appumato this is cool yeah you thought i was gonna attack how wrong you were is this how all pvp is just like loads and loads of dodging and then like oh healing up is it oh we're the adversary apomatte uh we've both presumably got so many blood vials that this could go on for absolutely ages unless one of us gets like a decisive killing blow so maybe i should try and be more aggressive oh god there we go backed back away to heal and that's what happened oh tasty tasty damn damn i stay on you stuck in a tree oh oh is that gonna do it i'm gonna do it for ray you'd like that wouldn't you oh he's using his gun to interrupt the healing that's a cool idea i should have been doing that oh wow now he's got a big gun oh no there we go that's gonna do it that's gonna do it that was fun hey [Music] well done adversary that was fun i like that i can see why people get into that so if that happens again you better believe i'll be firing my gun to interrupt their healing that's cool um yeah sorry uh uh come on luke dark souls 3 has to be next is austin ramsey i've thought about it gay teenager says the same thing dark souls 3. andrew ortiz says california loved you all stay awesome thank you honestly i like i'm wary about even saying this because i don't want to feel i want people to feel like i'm committing to it because i am scared of commitment but i was considering um do maternal which i didn't finish because i was playing through it and then you know everything happened this year uh and also animal crossing came out and that took up all of my time so i didn't actually finish doom eternal um but i was really enjoying it i was thinking maybe i could just try and blast through do maternal maybe i'll maybe i'll play the beginning and we'll see if people watch it but you know what we're a long way off that because we've still we've still got a um we haven't finished this look at me talk talking about this like it's over like i haven't still got an immense amount of difficult stuff to do hmm right good new game plus of bloodborne no no i'm vetoing that right now okay good all right we're making progress here what's down here little stereo stairway what do we got this feels bad this feels like a trap i hear snuffling but see nothing so crying baby still going going on we got a pumbaa we have a confirmed pumbaa i knew that pumbaa was there already because that pumbaa is good for farming echoes oh look hang on i can go down there how do i get down there can i from here can i sort of can i like creep around there or maybe i missed that because i wasn't looking at that item okay here we go great bam got it got the bloodstone chunk so bully for me should we go down here see what's see what's see what's popping oh not down there already went down there come on shall i do pumbaa or listen let's just pop down here oh we're in the water so that's not good bloodstone chunk cool oh no ah the bell ringing really the bell ringing does my head in there you are i see you you're up there this is this is a this has got to be a trap oh my goodness oh wow okay the bellringer woman is left and the sound of the sinister bell has ceased well poor timing okay right didn't know they were there didn't know they were there didn't know they were there okay all right back we go um not paying attention to you maybe i can probably cheese it past those first shadows can't i what do you reckon sorry fellas got places to be i've got antler business yep i know you're annoyed i'm annoyed we're all annoyed we're all busy we're all busy yup okay so let's try that again that path has amazing views of the moons as a scene of the wild whoa hey it does oh my gosh how about that tell you what hang on let's let's make me invisible bam so you can get you so you can get your desktop wallpaper there whoa that's rad that's cool um right now now i hear angry pumbaas i don't see the shadows i wish that pumbaa would stop stomping around there they are let's try and run in and just get the jump on you good ah nice try buddy nice try okay it looks like the blood the bell ringing woman died permanently so maybe so that would be i mean that would be ideal if that was the case um okay alrighty alrighty alrighty alrighty ready oh oh loads more of them oh my god there's like four yikes they seen me ah i know where i am i know i am you guys want to see something cool i know this because this was the farming technique i was using so that bum was mad at us right but then the pumbas oh also mad at these guys look at that oh no they killed pumbaa too quick i wasn't counting on that wow yikes okay let's let's we've got to dispatch this lock quick if we can they don't have much health but they hit so hard don't do your magic at me mate i don't think i'm impressed there's one left i feel like there was one left oh there's two of them two of them they just wandered off okay well i do kind of want to like clear out this area and check stuff out so here we go ow okay fair play i walked right into that oh yikes yikes yikes yikes no ray no no oh damn damn damn you shadows and many eyed pumbas i could probably just run past all this goodnight at this point the clown jingle all right that was annoying i rushed i rushed that i rushed it and i shouldn't have rushed it and the only solution when you're rushing in bloodborne is to rush even more and to rush back to where you were rushing and then rush even harder so let's do that i'm gonna if i can get if i can get that far again i'm gonna ignore them all because what do you know what do i what do i care shadows and dust maximus says silly button pumbaa so god i'm sorry pumbaa i am sorry oh here we go here we go right we've got more pumbaas but here's what we're going to do let's try and kite them up to these jerks all four of them hey losers i think it's working yes i think we've got pum they're at war with the pumbaa oh that was that was the sound of pumbaa dying that's good that's good because one at one at a time these are a bit more these guys are a bit more manageable um you've got that one's got my echoes damn oh boy where even are you oh no fiery boy over here you have no idea how little patience i have for you right now mate don't don't don't think about it right good now there was another item back here that i think i sort of ran past oh no forgot there's one pumbaa one pumbaa still lives uh look how many i think i've got enough blood vials i think i've got enough blood echoes now to level up twice which makes me pretty unhappy about but you know what we're here now let's try and let's try and kill pumbaa come on damn oh pumbaa oh you're hungry for a hunting fat and juicy meat eat my buddy from beer because here's a treat come on down and dine all this tastes fine all you got to do is get lime you could be a big pig too okay right good kin cold blood okay now i've got a question for the chat if i push on do you think i'm do you think i'm like gonna get like a shortcut up here do you think i should press on or should i go back i really don't know there's a okay there's a giggling person up there that seems bad on for shortcuts okay i trust you i trust you all even though this feels why are you crying it's not oh oh oh dear um okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna ignore that for now that's like something from the haunted mansion except probably the haunted mansion wouldn't have all the blood yosefka's blood vial oh okay all right i guess i've got the most i can have of yosef because blood vials somehow what's in here something i mean someone died here lifts good good good good lifts lifts lifts lifts this looks like a shortcut tremendous great so where hang on where is this again oh right okay it's up here great great great great great great great oh wait why did i just go up again i'm meant to be going i'm meant to be going home aren't i to level up come on luke i might i wonder if i can level up twice that would be nuts wouldn't it if i if i killed lauren like vicar lawrence in the dlc and couldn't level up but then like i killed three pumbaas or something and that was enough okay here we go um right good so um wait hang on obvio yeah yeah leveling up did you see i was about to just run straight back straight back to where i was going there i must have drifted that's okay it happens to us all what is it to level up please very well let the echoes become your strength um i will uh okay i can only level up once but then hope i should have some i might have some stuff i can pop vitality let's see what i got surely i've got a little little taste this is gonna this this will do it yeah that'll that'll do it welcome what is it very well speaking of become my strength strength please and then how many does that leave me with i'll spend i'll spend these on vials even though that's not going to get me very many seven are you serious that's hardly any vowels cool okay [Music] do i need to prepare yes cool oh the chat saying level 100 am i level 1 did i hit level 100 welcome with it very well let me hey level 100 a milestone awesome great great dragon v says he's really literally put nothing into blood tinge wow i look first time i'm playing the game i don't know what blood tinge is does the game tell you what blood tinges no i know what vitality is i know what strengths are i know why they i know why i know why they're important um i'm gonna change my runes so i'm not carrying 24 vials anymore um because i needed it for cos but maybe i don't i feel like there's probably something more useful i could have raises hp raises stamina they're both pretty useful it's like five percent that's pretty substantial um visceral attacks restore hp i had that for a while when i was doing orphan of course it was kind of useful more blood echoes that's all right as well um man i don't know probably there's something particular i need for the next boss fight but i don't know what it would be because i haven't seen what the next boss is yet so um say well let's just go for raising hp that's all right cool cool cool cool cool all right about two of them uh mogo's loft middle rally potential is good says stuart ugly yeah i didn't know what that is what is rally potential should we google it rally potential bloodborne rally is a risk-reward combat mechanic after being hit by an enemy you may jump back into the action and attack your opponent to quickly refill any lost health oh oh right so so increasing rally potential would that increase the amount of health you get back because that does actually sound good because i use that all the time hmm as usual i've googled it and i'm absolutely none the wiser um so but look hang on by now the chat should have caught up so i'm sure i'll get it i'm sure i'll get a nice clear answer it's the time before health get back from more health from each hit okay that actually sounds pretty good ah screw it it'll be fine um [Music] you you know you know by oh you know by now that i'm not about the the min maxing um okay up we go oh it gives you more time to restore health oh well that's useless oh no where was the rune for that bloodborne montrell stowe says boss weak to bolt paper for sweet sweet okay ray i tell you what once more with feeling eh here we go can i have oh look right now let's focus up shall we so here's the ghost the ghost is clearly looking in here right so i've got to go in there but i think we all know that some bad stuff is going to happen if and if i do oh no there's like and i can't i can't talk to her right she's not an npc she's just like an animatronic yeah okay okay what do we got here okay everyone here is dead and they've got like those um mikalash cages on their heads which sucks for them and for me because i have to look at it oh i feel really nervous okay bloodborne i can see a pram i can see a full moon and i can there's a screaming baby so some i i think we're gonna do some of that what even is childbirth you can fathom it's horrifying mysteries i think that's what we're doing now oh that's crunchy that's crunchy when i step on it oh we're cut scene i'll turn the audio up for you a little bit okay now there's no face it's my first observation my second observation is that's a lot of knives mergo's wetness okay that name rings a bell all right okay mogo oh okay that's that attack has a very hard to predict wind up okay i feel like i should probably be trying to stay behind because that's where fewer of the blades are although surprisingly hard to hit i think murgo is it was a bit further away there than i anticipated yeah oh okay okay mogo now come on check out my rally potential aren't you impressed that's pretty cool this is a cool attack ah stop stop wiggling it's really hard to okay that was good got in a good good good bunch of hits there okay general grievous says min maxed why am i looking at the chat right now focus up luke yeah but but for real yeah general grievous vibes big time okay mogo you haven't yet transformed into something horrible but this is new that's not gonna be good is it okay i don't know what that was oh okay oh boy okay no oh okay i'll tell you what the tell you what yeah she's definitely moving faster now isn't she i mean i mean okay don't do that look no idea where i am now oh that's not going to be good where are you where are you where are you there we go good dodge that was a good dodge very unpredictable uh timing on the wind-ups of these attacks okay that's new so we're doing that now which is cool there we go good dodge again and is that now the hell the health bar hasn't gone the health bar hasn't gone why hasn't the health bar gone nightmare slain third umbilical okay was that okay now looking at the chat i think my game glitched what happened to phase two people are saying you did that so quick she forgot her second form says annika brock i think that's unlikely the fact that at the end when her health was all the way down she like just died um yep oh well that is not meant to happen hey i'm not complaining that was great it's random the boss ends when the crying stops it's been known to darkness phase has a hitbox he dodged the hitbox all right well look i guess look there was simply no time for phase two so uh so i guess it didn't happen hey look the important thing is no you can dodge a second all right cool the chat obviously people who know more about this boss fight than me are having a good chat the important thing is the important thing is it died so so you know cool good it hey look i count it as a win i don't i don't i don't care if i missed a phase the second phase sounds horrible i count as a big win maybe the spectre died to the second phase and we can sort of glean what it was like yep there they are dodging around dodging around judging around trying to avoid trying to yep oh but what's this oh dead dead to whatever mysterious phase we never will ever see um cool okay everyone in the chat is saying eat your chords um so uh yeah i can do that right i've got three now that's what i need to get like the proper ending should i do that shall i do it now is now a good time i guess there's no bad time to eat three-thirds umbilical cord uh let's do it uh all right use presumably it's just use i'm gonna check with check this with the chats it's important i just use use right i don't have to like take it to a special alter or something like that yeah okay yes okay cool everyone's saying that everyone's saying that's the plan okay use use third umbilical cord yeah why not let's do it mmm delicious uh and i'll eat all three of them and the last one oh i heard something when i did that one so he said something something old hunters oh creepy okay all right i'm gonna i'm just gonna pop down and see if the ghost npc has like changed or anything's happened to her oh oh hey that was well that was worth doing i'll tell you what hang on if that fight was all glitchy let's save the clip of it it could be useful footage to have right cool cool cool all right um let's go back to the hunter's dream level up oh what we're on fire now that sucks this is bad uh dole i i don't know if you're made of flammable materials but please let me usher you away slightly come on stand just stand slightly far away from it what's happening good hunter you have come don will soon break this night and this dream will end gammon awaits you at the foot of the great foot of the great tree can i still channel my blood echoes though i guess so let the echoes become your strength let me stand close now shut your eyes uh all right what am i gonna pop up i mean look we're we're right at the end of the game now aren't we so it probably doesn't probably doesn't matter um especially so let's do hey look i've been doing vitality and strength i kind of want to get them up to 50 in my head i don't know why so yeah screw it okay now now when i go to the foot of the big tree that's like the end of the game right i don't know where the big tree is but it's gonna finish the game for sure can i go in here yeah we're still we're still still good to go in here hmm okay now all right okay okay so this stream ends it's supposed to end in 17 minutes so what i hmm shall i go for it and try and finish the game or is this something to wait for or do i at this point do i check do i punch out this point do i punch out and maybe like come back and we do it on monday hmm there's two bosses reading the chat and i'm thinking no time for two bosses here's the thing i do want to see it i do want to see it i do want to see i do want to see the end i want to finish this game i want to finish i want to finish this game but i also adam the anonymous says stalling i'm not i'm not stalling i promise try it once if you don't win do it next time yeah well no yeah if i okay all right serious question to the chat if i go into this boss fight die do i like am i sort of stuck in a loop then can i still travel around the game go other places can i yes or no yes or no nope you can you can travel yeah game is still open yes you can all right well then screw it let's let's let's get let's get at least get like set up for the finale shall we what the heck yeah what the hell what the hell life's too short right uh that all that said where do i go though is it through here i've not done anything round here okay because it's not round here here we go here we go folks it's around here might be around here oh yeah it's got to be through here right it's got to be through here right i'm just popping onto slack to let my colleagues know that this stream might run over a little all right do final runes and min maxing says derpy burb no i've got no i've got i've got nothing i've got nothing new since then also oh hey this is cool this is awesome this is rad hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hey mate we've not really talked through the whole game good hunter you've done well the night is near its end now i will show you much thank you that would be nice you will die forget the dream and awake under the morning sun you will be freed from this terrible hunter's dream sounds too good to be true even if i didn't have the chat in the corner of my eye which currently is just like a wall of the word refuse that sounds too good to be true okay okay we cut xenon i can't believe i can't believe this is happening dear what was it the hand the blood or the horrible yes to all of the above oh it doesn't matter the antlers the antlers are ridiculous it always comes down to the hunter's helper to clean up after these sorts of messes good voice acting bad times for rey sunshine tonight okay oh okay okay german what do you got okay all right i want first blood i did not get it wow he's quick oh yikes do you say swear she's got like a scythe oh okay guns now is it for shame german this music's good let's talk about that i mean let's not actually talk about it i can't talk about anything oh my god come on let's do let's let's hurt him shall we just trying for a parry there as you can probably guess he's been doing some pvp he's interrupting my healing now wow he's quick he's quick all right all right let's let's just stop and hold up and refocus hmm is he saying swear i think he's saying swear or is he calling me a square it's like square you're nerd okay well this isn't this isn't gonna be good is it now what tentacles is it it's usually tentacles can't you be more like mergo's wet nurse and your second phase is just like horribly glitched or something now stop shooting me dude i said stop it what no don't do whatever you're doing don't do it oh okay i should not have stayed should i have stayed in close when he was clearly charging an aoe attack no okay dead fine no worries let's get back at it spooky okay right so yes so everything is basically as it was uh which way was it down here hello well done german i've turned my um ring light up too high okay good yep sure you've made your point and it's and it's a good one ray come on now transform your weapon this was easier when you had a gun all right no one's impressed i mean i'm impressed you're hella strong i went to the parry there but you couldn't see because it i screwed it up let's see if i can get one see if i can see if i can get one nice just one just one so it's so i've done it you know okay all right we're gunning now at least he's not parrying me so far at least and we're really sort of just trading what's this oh there it is don't think i'm getting close what's the range on this then what the hell is he doing okay it's just a big aoe attack and now he's glowing which sucks for me probably okay he's a ghost so he's a ghost what do i care what is what is what does ray sunshine care if he's fighting a ghost or the living he's killed everything oh no oh no oh he got me there okay okay okay oh man oh nuts he did that thing that i do all the time where you get the visceral but you're too far away this health's nearly down guys folks okay oh ray bless you okay now i didn't think that would be the end of it ah [Music] no it's fine to not do that to me the hell oh okay wait wait wait hang on hang on hang on hang on let me let me just back up let me dismiss this notification the hell is this thing it looks i would wow okay i'll tell you what it is i'll tell you what it is it's tanking my whole health is what it's doing but i am hurting it a bit all right come on jump at me jump in me or do something what the heck that took all my health away and i need my health for living and now the music has gone very musicy did i basically do incredibly well to survive that aoe or whatever it was i've only got three bars left that's not very much i'm gonna have to be what do you do no stop doing that that's the that's oh my what what's happened why can't i heal why can't i heal what are you doing what have you done to me i've got three valves left oh man what was what was the deal there why couldn't i um why couldn't i heal up there folks i'm gonna hang on i'm gonna sort out my ring light situation you touched the blood and now you're silence oh the aoe takes you to one health by default yikes yikes you need to attack it when does that health drain you got silenced i think they you all saw me trying to like heal there right okay all right i must you must use the rally you can rally the okay all right i'll try that next time let me sort out this light situation okay that's a bit better right okay now presumably we're back in the german fight no okay we don't have to do german again hey that's the game's done me a more of a favor than i thought it would there yeah all right come on jump at me jump at me jump jump jump i say jump okay well you were stuck on a tree there so you'll be wanting to try again okay all right all right all right tough guy okay buddy what do we got what do we got what do we got what's it gonna be oh oh there it is there it is okay so i gotta hit it but i could still heal that time it didn't stop me healing oh although i don't know what that was but i bet that stopped me healing let's back away and see yep yep okay what are you doing come on come on ray just keep hitting it just keep hitting that alien do it send it send it are you cold bloody hell guys we got there together oh good hunter i'm a squid now i guess did i just finish blood i think i just finished bloodborne hey oh my gosh and oh my god i can't believe we're only five minutes over amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing wow what a stream that was oh unbelievable hang on wait i have to get my footage good all right cool now i can relax wow uh like spike i suppose um that was wild we did four bosses we did four boss fights in this live stream is that music too loud that's gotta be really loud let me turn that down a little rob c says was that five bosses no no because i did often of course as let's play luke technically oh this music is so epic race sunshine you champion you okay all right okay chat you know i love you i'm gonna read a bunch of messages in a moment but i just i'm going to close my eyes and just listen to the music if that's cool [Music] [Music] ah so do [Music] okay let's uh let's check in with the chat time for new game plus says office prominence oh no oh no okay lots of messages to read loads so many maybe too many to read lawson says hey live stream don't forget you still need to finish master mode baby how about an origami king livestream i've been playing a bit of origami king i don't think i like it enough for a live stream i like it i don't think i like it enough um sorry i'm all over the place i'm looking at chat messages but um i'll get to it let's um let's read some read some chat in a let's read some chat in a minute um what an incredible game um so much fun such a good time rock hard but in all the right ways like the best souls games i enjoyed that a lot more than i enjoyed sakiro and i really really enjoyed zakiro i enjoyed that more than dark souls and those the only souls other souls pawns games i've played to be honest um but i enjoy i i didn't i really didn't think i'd like it more than dark souls which i absolutely adored but you know this i feel like this is the one um that you know that this feels like the apex of that kind of game um incredible bosses really really memorable um really fun environments a really ideal length i think you know just like really long great value but didn't outstay its welcome if you know what i mean and and i was playing it longer than when people would have been playing it when it first came out because i did the dlc as well yeah i mean you guys don't mean need me to tell you this but bloodborne's a good video game i think um that was great i just i think um uh because i was so used to so used to the sort of dark souls oh my god we've got a little bit more let's begin oh are we starting again oh don't you worry we are i think whatever happens you may think it all amir we're looping around all of this has happened before all of this will happen again um that's a nice comment jackie iv says i remember when luke said in the first episode i'll give it a go but i don't know if i'm going to like it and actually that's what i was that's what i was about to say like i was so i really really love dark souls i love the fighting in that because i just like the stamina management stuff with your shield it like really really clicked with me i really like that but i just think that not having the shield um dodging in staying aggressive and like just always being on the move and the the faster pace i just think it's it's exactly my it's exactly my kind of game it's exactly how i i love games that reward you for being instinctive um and that's this game you know like if if you see something attacking you odds are if you hit dodge you'll sort of glitch through it i forgot how horrible the start of this was i mean it's horrible all the way through but there you go um yeah let's this is this is about to finish isn't it we'll get back to the main menu i'll read some chat and then we'll wrap up but i think you found yourself i think on monday hey okay that is not the right clothing to wear um when you're going to be operated on wow oh my gosh 230 000 blood echoes i gave me brilliant great all right exit game that's the main menu please um and you know what i will mute that as well just so that it's not like crazy loud oh i'm a little bit sad that that's over i didn't think that was gonna end today i really didn't but you know what i'm glad i'm glad you all persuaded me to push on uh at the end there i really was planning on holding it over till monday um but i'm i'm glad you i'm glad you persuaded me otherwise to be honest um because we got that gun we got that done in good time and actually i would have been i would just have been sat you know dreading it overthinking it all weekend so delighted i'm absolutely delighted i'm absolutely delighted um i'm thrilled to chuff in bits to finish that still do a stream on monday how about on monday uh maybe we could do the maybe on monday we could do like a sort of like bloodborne discussion maybe we could just talk about it i feel like you know obviously i'm quite tired like this is like mentally exhausted right now because we did a lot on this stream but i really would like to sort of gather my thoughts and come back and talk more about this game um and talk about the boss fights um i'd say yeah yeah on i'll tell you what on monday on monday let's why don't we just on monday let's just talk about it let's just have a chat that would be really nice i think um yeah yeah and reminisce and reminisce yeah oh ace um the headline of this stream is shall we finish the dlc um i suppose i'd better change that uh cool right i'm going to run through some run through some chat because i'm i'm so behind on on the super chat uh go van gogh says must be the girlfriend's effect ah that's good um angry pants man thank you for your super chat and says the ghost npc is queen yarnham that's interesting uh nam newgan said uh hope you enjoy the the background music coming up whatever it was trust me i enjoyed it um justin mckinney says you can use a bold hunter mark after killing the boss if you want to keep exploring after or just end it i wouldn't blame you i didn't want to explore anymore i think we'd i'd seen enough um spun off c says rejected bloodborne serial names umbilicals frosted cords honey bunches of nope yep angry pants fan says it's ray slug shine rooney knight says yes luke that was amazing it's been my favorite live stream uh sad to see it come to an end thanks for being a great source of entertainment congrats again that was amazing athena the world says hashtag luke the legend master of bloodborne thanks athene of the world and thanks for all your cheerful chats through this process in fact thanks to all the live stream regulars um uh yeah it always makes me feel right at home when i see those familiar sort of names coming up in the chat and i think yes these folks are not going to kick off or send me horrible messages if i can't do this and that actually is like genuinely really relaxing before when i was i was when we were playing um breath of the wild i think i got asked on a stream would i consider playing bloodborne or something on a live stream and i said no just because i can't just because like the pressure is is too much um and people have very strong opinions and certainly we've seen some strong opinions as we go through this brackets bolt paper etc but like actually just you know thanks thanks for being a great community um because you have uh yeah you made you made this game playable for me so i appreciate that i'm saying nice things and it's quite at odds with the absolute horrors that are unfolding in the cinematic growly says luke you're now allowed to say the middle name skywalker justin mckinney says congratulate you're a legend thank you dave long says finishing the dlc we're finishing the game ray sunshine baby kyra v says congrats luke lowe point fair says congrats on beating bloodborne from someone that is at new game plus seven whoa that's hardcore good job says tell him alec thank you spun off he says well you did three and a half bosses but hey you done did it you gorgeous champion thank you gentleman drill says thank you for all your chats gentlemen well congrats thank you madman and you guys thought he wouldn't make it in time that would have been a short stream on monday this answer to silva says mad respect you were a god wow thank you um elise lag says good job phil um oh man oh man so many chats it's all right i'm gonna keep going uh phil amnesty says awesome stream luke awesome rey uh there aka says my hero it doesn't say my hero it's the little my hero like dog uh thing um i'll tell you what let's let's let's put the game music back on but like low because it's real loud on this main menu if i remember um uh go van gaal says congratulations you're amazing i really enjoyed the series from uh from the burger king saga to ghoul friends party thank you origami must be next to her no i can't stream i can't stream i can't stream paper mario it's too long it's too long and there's too much dialogue um but yeah i think the ghoul friends thing was probably one of my highlights uh new member elise lag welcome along what a great time to join luke t simmons says the stringfish though did you become one at the end yeah i finally assumed my final form stringfish and michael jokin says you beasted through this game thank you all for keeping us companies for everything going on master mode should be easy now we're almost done with master mode it's just gannon to do and i kind of don't want to bring it to an end but that's something to think about john toronto said congrats league absolute legend if you want to know more about bloodborne story you should watch varti videos lore videos on youtube yeah i've had them recommended a lot i will check it out um i'll try and read up on some more lore before we um uh before we crack on with uh with a chat on monday jesse richmond says congrats you can thank you for the great streams thomas angel says now that you're a squid you can catch yourself in animal crossing they don't actually bloop etc goblin pusher new member welcome and matthew fraser hello hey says luke congratulations i've been looking forward to these streams every week can't wait to see what you do next thanks these 1989 says oxford's live stream is the highlight of my work week thank you thank you uh matt konabeer says you're our ray sunshine shucks matthew fraser says uh proud of you this was something i look forward to every week can't wait to see what you do next love your positive and cheerful gameplay thank you well if you weren't positive and cheerful about bloodborne you would simply be overwhelmed i think um uh nam newgan says um i hope you get a chance to go back to the older fromsoft games and see how you play them differently either way this was an awesome stream you awesome man thank you thank you nan that's really kind of you and um sorry if i mispronounced pronounced your name there i'm i'm getting all my words wrong at the moment uh and norsen says shout out to let's play luke yeah the real hero i tell you what i spent i just spent like about two hours and 10 minutes playing bloodborne but let's play luke spent a lot longer than that fighting the orphan of course that was i mean not a lot longer to be honest casually count on the hours which i didn't do on purpose because it would have stressed me out hello shimelia thank you very much for the chat where we can says congratulate you made this look so easy i'm almost tempted to pick this up myself almost you should you absolutely should give this a go um i think people are i think if you can complete these games then obviously you are entitled to feel good about that and feel smug about that because they are difficult but we've got to make sure that like that people aren't by default put off playing these games i approached dark souls with the assumption that i wouldn't like it couldn't finish it and can't do it and that's not true i don't you know and i am not that good at video games in general so if you like if you've been watching this and you want to give it a go just try it and you know they're they're they are tough and unforgiving but like but not too tough you can do it it's all right it's all right you got it it's um yeah i think everyone should i would i would love more people to give these games a go right okay that is going to do it from me thanks so much everyone we finished the video game bloodborne today and i feel great about it welcome along new member dan daniel ollette uh let's talk about um uh let's talk uh about this game on monday i'll try and like compile some clips maybe things like that uh vindicate says absolutely anyone can finish these games don't feel intimidated that's that's a good that's a good wave that's a good way of putting it um all right that's gonna do it from me we finished bloodborne folks we did it and i hardly used any bolt paper that's the main thing take it easy folks you're all champions stay safe out there look after yourselves and see you next week take it easy bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 83,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne gameplay, bloodborne boss fights, bloodborne blind, bloodborne longplay, walkthrough, old yharnam, dark souls, bloodborne bosses, blind, bloodborne walkthrough
Id: 1s9a2UbdpRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 54sec (8634 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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