Bloodborne Gameplay: Luke Plays Bloodborne for the First Time - WHERE IS THE ORPHAN OF KOS?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hello gang hi welcome along it's me luke look there's my name hi hi hi hi everybody welcome along to another bloodborne live stream where we play the horrible video game bloodborne uh yeah so last time i got my butt kicked in the fishing hamlet which is this new area that we got to in the old hunters dlc hey everyone hi everybody in the chat it's good to see you all hey hey hey hey everybody happy monday from rainey edinburgh says nora blanche good to see you all bear chills thank you very much for the super chat that's very kind thank you um so yes um where are we up to oh chris parker says i feel bad for asking this but could we get an arachnophobia livestream episode of ellen and just bloodborne spiders best of luck and good hunting oh my goodness well there are enough horrible spiders to make one and gentle mandrel says more bloodborne best way to start my three weeks off work three weeks off work amazing time to get rid of certain orphan you know how to deal with orphans now now hang on i won't have uh i won't have i won't have myself slandered in this manner so okay uh but but that said yes uh so um if you're new to this uh live stream series this is my first time first time playing through bloodborne i know that the next boss uh because a bunch of you have been telling me is the orphan of course course cause i don't know but that's all i know uh that's all i know and i'm in this fishing hamlet so last time we just got here after taking care of um maria i think it was um and yeah i absolutely got my butt kicked by some sort of whale beasts since then i have not touched the game at all i quickly popped back to the hunter stream just before the stream started uh to equip um a new blood gem that i got but yeah i have not touched it so hopefully hopefully i've not forgotten how i took care of i killed one enemy though you all saw you all saw uh okay right what's your situation harpoons is it right so um i got my butt kicked in a well um there it is the well like that joke we did in that oxventure once uh where does a mansplainer get their water from from a well actually i like that joke okay good all right look we're making quick work we're making mincemeat of these murlocs so that's good um but there's a big old whale also there's like a magical a magic one over there who i have to sort of run past um okay so uh i'm going to there's the magic one i wanna i think i wanna kill the magic one first if i can because i seem to remember them being pretty weak yep just one hit one hit oh no no no ray get out of there buddy oh gripes oh this one's got my um stuff brilliant hey results because that's a lot of echoes okay good right now now now so last time i went down this well got my butt kicked uh so i'll be going down again to get my butt kicked oh forgot about you how did i forget how could i forget about my favorite enemy in the game oh there it is now look let's talk about it let's let's let's talk about it let's not why must we war good good right i got it i gotta kill you because i can't be fighting on two fronts here now now buddy come on now there are a bunch of these things in the well so i kind of need practice at killing them right oh oh nasty they hit so hard though all right here we go the old one-two punch oh yeah that was it the one-two punch as in get punched once get punched twice by this thing oh my gosh i'm taking using so many health files ah so quick nope nope nope okay there we go successfully dodged that one okay good well i think we're in good shape to take on two of those at once inside the well right okay that was grim that was grim and went terribly but you know what we persist we don't give up we keep on we keep on trucking we keep on trying what's through here oh hello now oh dear gosh i'm getting i'm getting my butt kicked by everything today oh didn't see you crafty murloc no no no oh my gosh i don't believe it i just died i just died terrible starts the stream terrible beginning didn't even get down the well didn't even get that item it's okay it's all right just getting just getting my eye in already dead let's see those already deads in the chat okay ready bloody murlocs okay right gotta get back to that point now um okay right so you kill you wait am i if i run the wrong way no i think i'm going the right way hope i'm not accidentally backtracking okay so i can kill them in two hits if i do if i combo which is probably a little faster it's all right frankly you know what i need the practice so it's good it's good that they killed me so so easily right now let's back up so we don't have to fight the whale at the same time as everything else oh no stop it stop it stop it i said stop it man they hit really hard these things they're like they're sometimes they're real easy to dodge and then sometimes they are just not easy to dodge if that makes sense right now i would like ideally to fight you before um papa whale gets involved so can i pebble yeah yeah it's pretty pretty irritating right a pebble a pebble why how dare you that's what this murloc is thinking okay here we go again ray oh my god there go all my echoes oh wow okay best animation i've ever seen you know what you know what you know what that was freeing that was liberating i'm glad i lost 42 000 blood echoes or however many it was because now i'm free at last i'm finally at liberty to just cheese it past these things and ignore them and try and get into the well double quick because that's what we got up to last time yep yep yep yep annoying i know now how did you get in here was down here yep oh boy okay so hopefully they're not gonna follow me now now now now now look look there's things i want down here this much i know okay well there's one of you wow you'll move so quickly well done oh boy okay come on gotta dodge later i'm dodging too soon that's more like it i've got so much health it's sarcastic okay now don't don't go no no no no no don't swap out for the new one i don't wanna what okay well that's just not fair oh no no no no no no no cat no not cool oh okay welcome to the new plan just live pray just live no cannot live cannot live okay okay okay okay okay how about that so how about the old tag team approach all right we're getting down there again we're doing it again horribly unfair says outside xbox in the chat yep but you know what you know what we'll we'll we'll figure it out we'll keep don't think i won't keep throw myself against this brick wall over and over again because i i will yes hello everyone hello friends kill you down here sorry fellas can't stay i've got bloodborne business down here in the depths right there we go that was good that was a nice clean sort of cheez-it run okay so i'm gonna try and this time when it runs away i'm gonna try and stay back here okay here we go here we go here we go hello yep come on bit closer oh nasty okay wow they move so quick oh i can only get in like one hit fewer hits than i think i can each time and then back up okay let's try back let's try moving around you to the left seeing as your swords in your sword anchor whatever it is no no no no no do where you going have a pebble come back come back no come back come back come back face me oh my god there it is he went to get his friend he went to get his friend oh my god okay so so i maybe i can't maybe i can't avoid it i tell you what let's just try running around here maybe if i go up and come down maybe if i just keep backing around but basing out that jump attack no no oh wow tough tough tough tough yikes yikes laura dealey says sign of madness uh doing the same thing expecting a different result quite a few people in the chat saying and and many of them in all caps use shaman bone blade don't know what that is should we see if i've got any in my inventory slash foes to make them lose their sense of direction okay is it like a weapon or i've got three of them yeah whatever i'll give it a go so let's let's swap that for the so presumably i have to get up close to them and then press square which is the item button give it a go turns one of them hostile against the other okay well that would be useful uh but i presumably i want to wait until uh until the other one is like retreating let's let's see it let's let's give it let's try it frankenspine says if you beat the orphan first time i will die oh dear well that's quite an incentive to not beat the orphan first time i don't want that blood on my hands i think it's unlikely you know i've been very lucky uh taking out a few of these bosses in this game first time but mostly not mostly that hasn't happened okay i'm gonna try this blade thing it has the feeling to me of one of those um he has the feeling to me of one of those items look there's the other one up there can i can i fight that one first no no no that'll surely outgrow that i'll grow the other one hello yes it's me again your friend of mine ray bloodborne oh no okay right can't get greedy can't get greedy with these whale men oh dear i'll do okay okay here we go all right these folks are hard these folks are hard but we'll persist i'm not giving up yet i think in 15 minutes if i if after 15 minutes i'm no closer with this i will consider leaving it to let's play luke which means doing it offline and filming it and playing that video at the start of the next let's play but you know like this is the game you die to things over and over again and i haven't had a chance yet to try these shaman bone blades so i want to i do want to give that a go so long suckers ray out got to pick up my zero blood echoes wouldn't want to leave without them okay right who's what do we got what do we got where are you where are you hello oh okay okay wow good jump well done you one hit two hits ah damn it come on i dodged that i haven't even thought about parry oh my god am i dead amazingly i'm not dead i haven't even thought about parrying these because they seem too big but oh okay that okay that move can be parried so that's good ah no darn all right okay okay okay it's okay it's okay every time we learn a little we learn a little more [Music] but golem says interesting fact it looks like you don't get blood echoes from the fish wizard by the well i know right samuel pierce i know is joking when they say uh luke you have to use bolt paper look i'm not using bolt paper the point is a point of order now even if it's a great strategy those who've been following these streams will know we don't talk about vault paper okay bye everybody okay that's cool that i got that parry um because that helps and it was it was in that big lunging attack which comes out quite often so let's try and get it now presumably it's coming yep the thing is i just have to all right well no hang on if it's parriable hey if it's parriable maybe it's a valid strategy to back up a bit more and like oh wow okay getting oh no it's too slow on that oh no no he's getting away he's getting away gotta hit him with the shaymin bone blade thing did did i hit him maybe i hit the other one let me try and throw it throw another one did that work do i have to stab it in real close oh guys i feel like i'm using these items and they're not registering this is why this is why in these games people end up not using items because you get given like three of them for the whole game did that just miss did that just miss or what it just missed it's not a throwing weapon so i've just got bone blade is super close range okay so i've got to be like right up into it and then use it well i've only got one left i've only got one left i've been playing this how many hours have i played this game and i've collected three so that is absolutely classic souls born this is why people don't use items because it is not clear how they are to be used and you get so few of them but there's just not a valid strategy okay here we go so i think i gotta like properly touch them but on the plus side all that that parrying stuff kind of went well so i'm going to try and maybe i can try and get in some more parries come on jump at me i'm all the way over here how are you going to get over to me quick all right there we go just gotta face your fears even when your fear is a whale darn that that visceral did not register so hard to dodge so hard oh all right back up back up back up and heal and try and parry again yep good come on yes just let me just let me have that okay so now i'm gonna try and stab it because it's gonna run away right yeah here we go so i'm getting up real close to it oh my god oh my god the last time the last time i listened to the chat are you serious are you freaking serious well that is all of my shame and bone blades so there we go well you know what good luck everyone with your shay with your shame and bone strategies [Laughter] that was almost sarcastic okay okay shaymin shame and bone blade indeed all right here's the new strategy get as many viscerals as i can on that one then keep doing the thing that i was doing one time where i like back around in a circle and maybe i can like keep landing some viscerals on on one of them okay i could not believe that that was so funny okay right come on you hey it's me it's ray come on no mom i know i know i know i know come on oh come on should let me have it very uncool oh okay all right all right all right it's cool it's cool just back up back up wait for another visceral opportunity oh my god it's so unfair too early too early jump jump at me jump at me come on you know you wanna there we go that's the one that's the one we're trying to bait out and that's the one we're going to be trying to bait out in the next phase yep yep ground you go so go on so here i i'm thinking lock off oh no damn it darn that was an opportunity that was an opportunity that went horribly wrong okay there it is there it is come on give it yes yes let me have it let me have it is he dead he's not dead why isn't he dead this is the closest i've come this is the closest i've come and i badly need to get out of here and i can't see and i can't see and now i'm being eaten by a whale please let me go although letting me go is not going to help me much is it unless i can roll away and get very lucky with the healing oh no oh wow they're tough boy they're tough [Music] clarity rex says i genuinely think i needed more goes at these guys than the orphan of course all right luke you got so greedy then says level one three nine seven did i did i get group would you would you have called that greedy i don't know i mean obviously i was a little too greedy because i died i keep killing this thing i don't even know if i need to i just feel like that magic might like knock me off the ladder if i don't kill it okay all right here we go round a million let's do it let's do it let's do it whale come on hello i'm not no only the only the jumping attack is effective that one damn damn that range all right i need to lock off after every visceral basically or do i is that even gonna help hmm hmm they're weak to fire according to the wiki says stephen clement yeah that would be useful just leave it to let's play luke he's better says sayo not until half i've got eight more minutes of attempting this eight more minutes yeah all right fair play i did get greedy because there was that bit where that where the whale was on low health and i just went in swinging rather than backing up and trying to get the visceral to be honest even if i kill one it's no guarantee that i'm gonna like be able to take care of the second one because they are very very tough will you be playing sakira after this says uh ikea like one two five absolutely not after this i will be sitting in the bath for one year can't get in close enough don't give up i can't go in close enough again not fair because it just puts me in range come on do the jump do the jump no but do it when i'm like further away do it on exactly on my terms come on jump for me jump for me oh damn come on up up up we can still get it we can't still get it we can't still get it damn okay it's okay oh it's not okay jump jump jump jump jump okay you didn't jump you didn't jump which is fine i get it oh yeah i forgot about that thing you do the whole point of the what makes this difficult okay molotovs are effective says the chat let's find out shall we i don't know come on let me have it let me have it let me win i want to win i don't just let me win why won't you just let me win okay right i need to i need them both to be on one side need you to i really need you to jump at me or it's curtains damn folks is this is that fair is this love he's gonna jump at me no but i'm only interested in you let me have done i don't think i've actually landed a single visceral in this fight in this encounter but this one is this one is going better unbelievably this is what this is what better looks like [Applause] damn damn i was healing not good not good luke get out of there come on no no no no no no no no no no no no because no no no no no no it is just so hard to choose the healing window all right i've got five minutes left i've got five minutes left if it had let me have one of those viscerals a molotov might finish him when his health is that low says chill claire i don't know i don't know have you tried getting good says duba fletcher that's that's my current strategy my current strategy is get good at bloodborne see if that helps and you know what that's the closest we've got so you know oh can i ignore you can i just not bother yes it seems fine okay right oh whale hey you big stupid whale idiot come over here and fight me what's it gonna be jump attack i would jump attack if i was you damn there we go all right i gotta really really roll in to make that connect have you considered rolling at me there we go nice have you considered jumping from where you are now i would i would i would jump from there i mean look i'm not the boss of you but okay right can i get a few free hits in now or while he's walking away oh my god come on yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes come on just shoot just shoot it no no no okay oh my god right this one folks is really nearly dead like maybe i can like like one hit like one hit will do it kind of dead like i'm rushing in is this greed there's one one is down one is down this is the best shot i've ever had okay here we go come on no no no don't lose my lock on please what is that okay right you've got a different move set of course you do why wouldn't you why wouldn't you and you please tell me this one can be buried back up ray back up come on okay so when it's when it's sprinting at me there it can be buried but it doesn't have a weapon so it's a bit harder to gauge the attack oh i don't want to have to do this up close and personal not when i found a sort of technique you know come on there we go come on let me have it oh let me have it hang on does this one have significantly less health i think it does okay that's good it's not gonna let me have that visceral what is love what is come on i've only got three bullets left no no no no no fight ray fight it please god fight it do i have anything left anything left in the tank no why why oh that hurts so much that hurts so much ah i've got one minute left you know what that one i don't think viscerals are the right move i think it's like it's i think it's got less health i think if i can get into that situation again just try and kill it just try and just try and kill it use the shaman blade from inside you can't miss can i not miss i could show you evidence that i could miss look i may as well get the blood echoes of killing that first one all right here we go that's really annoying because i feel like i feel like i got really close there but no cigar no cigar it's all right it's a hard game come on come on you know you wanna you know you wanna dive at me you know you're thinking about it you know you're toying with the idea damn i was i was just holding the stick forward at the point where i pressed the button the button at the point where i pressed the button that makes rey win at bloodborne yikes okay right back up come on then jump at me there we go are you leaving you're leaving oh okay right we're where we were we are where we were right before this jerk showed up okay right let's just try and let's just try and do this the old-fashioned way shall we with a bit of clever come on please please please oh that was the last attempt that was the last attempt that was the last one we could do before the half past limit we got that weapon rakuyo what even is that we did it we did it oh my gosh let's have let's have the like spike for that please if that's okay if that's okay please would that be all right yes we did it yes ah man you know what you know what sometimes sometimes sometimes this game just makes you think that everything's going to be okay you know when you try and you fail for a solid half hour and then grindingly inch by inch you you get a little bit closer prey slaughtered right um okay real serious question because i never want to come down here again do i get the these items do i get them from where i am now or do i have to come back from later i don't mind coming back from later from another direction but if i get up that if i get up there and leave that well that ladder like i i want it i want i i i never want to do that again okay okay okay so let me know let me know in the chat what's the situation there you did it you got good says dwayne g yeah i did that was a good strategy in the end david dt says well earned lots of love to ox crew thank you illustrator says you're doing amazing sweetie i hate this area and causes my absolute nemesis sending you and ray positive vibes you've got this thanks thanks okay and bear chills thank you very much for the super chat okay come back later folks are saying i will get there from another direction so i'm out of here i am out of here now upstairs is crawling with enemies because i didn't kill anything because of laziness well not laziness really to be fair to me but let's try and clear the area now if i can avoid fighting the other big whale so much the better the one that's around that corner you you're you're involved you're emotionally invested in this in this battle come on come on come on all right fine i'll come to you sneak in try and get that item without oh no okay we've awakened the beast do i do a must i must i have i not suffered enough watch this whale now easily kill me yep here we go can i get out of this i might get out of it with just a tiny scrap of health and yet just enough to be polished off by a spear thrower okay right oh bad times bad times [Applause] wow sure sure have a lot of expertise in killing those whales okay okay okay right we are ready to start exploring places we no we're not we're not there yet few more murlocs that's okay that's okay i'd be upset too i'd be upset as well austin ramsey says i just started dark souls 2 and the start of the game is just massively overpowered enemies you're doing good luke thank you that's kind of you to say oh can you see me from there yeah you're throwing you're throwing a spear at me from there all right i kind of don't want to go all the way up there because i haven't explored down here yet but at the same time i don't want to get speared while i'm trying to look around so now if i can is that a little murloc dog oh it is oh no it's the worst case scenario folks it's a murloc dog okay right now now i think we can look around this place is pretty pretty horrible okay barnacles everywhere so that's cool what's in here oh a murloc are these going to explode or something because these look like lanterns like like lanterns that might catch fire or something i think they're friendly firing each other right now spicy in here um but wait can there really be no items oh sinister is the note oh wait look there's an item up there so let's try going up here can't stop the beast's first day of school year five teaching band and quiet i feel like uh i don't know what i'm doing because of online teaching watching the streams calm down while i make my lunch mondays am i right boy yes you are right man this game is such monday's vibes beware of ambush you know what i'm not gonna be beware of ambush i'm just gonna go for it live my best life and not worry and down you go oh let's have your item boy then cool cool cool cool ah andre martinez says hey congrats on the world slaying today's my 27th birthday and i have no choice but to celebrate at quarantine thanks for the stream happy birthday andre martinez happy birthday everyone in the stream chime in with some happy birthdays i hope you uh i hope you have a great day despite the quarantine and the on brook says luke i don't know if you really want to advertise being good at killing whales that contravened several international treaties yeah it does doesn't it i tell you what then i won't advertise it i'll just sort of like wink wink like do you have do you have a whale that you would like taken care of you know do you would it would would you be happier if a whale who's in your life were to go away you know because because i'm ready to uh ready to slice up some whales is what i'm saying okay good so we went through that house there was nothing nothing nice in it but we went through it so let's let's let's let's press on um what do we got here we've got an item here an oil and so that's good i suppose and we've got blood vials that is that's good i need blood vials what's this a horrible statue oh yep i remember being here oh you're the one who you're the one who killed me oh and now i remember that there's another one waiting to surprise me well not on your nelly folks kin cold blood good that's that was worth trekking over here for doesn't seem to be anything else around here though which is fine which is fine with me okay okay um i feel like the place to go now is up this up this slope oh hello hello where'd you come from oh i knew yikes i'm sorry wow tasty tasty stuff in the fishing hamlet okay i have a whales this person mcreal fellow he's become a nuisance jeffrey says best not talk to prince charles he's the prince of wales okay now forever in my mind prince charles is the prince of wales as in like it's an honorific title they gave him you are if ever we need a diplomat to negotiate with whale kind charles we'll send you in okay good slicey slicey oh dog moloch dog don't like it gotta gotta kill it oh my goodness loads more of them and this and they're throwing spears at me as if that's acceptable okay now look real talk now i can go this way where there's another spear thrower or it looked like was there like another path like up around here or did i no i think it was just no i don't think there is i think this is the way capital t capital w gentleman says i'm sure johnny approves of your whale caretaking you know caretaking shouldn't really have taken my hands off the attack button there oh good ghosts oh my goodness can we can we not where are you even up there right i know what to do with you ow oh my god they're hurting me so much no you're joe you're joking you are joking oh my goodness and look what was waiting for me just around the riverbend just around the riverbend beyond the shore i missed a shortcut near where whale above spawns i missed a shortcut you're joking oh no okay well i tell you what shall i shall i cheese it up to there i didn't see that shortcut at all okay i'm gonna risk all those echoes by cheesing it through because time is of the essence you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah probably should have killed the magic user now if i get up here hopefully everything will stop jumping at me and i can just live a quiet leap like a quiet peaceful life are they following me oh yeah wow we got a whole we got a whole little army okay so can i find can i find this shortcut i'm going to lose those blood echoes aren't i who's following me okay let's see let's see let's see how much we can kill here oh look i got my blood echoes back so that's good now what though do i run away where on earth was that shortcut all right come on everybody fight me at once let's do it no no no i take it back i was joking it was a funny hilarious joke wow with it quit it quit it quit it quit it whoa okay so much dodging required here i mean sure whatever so so i missed a shortcut apparently maybe is it in that house oh back in the village square oh no there's a shortcut behind the first whale there is a ladder oh no oh no that means i cheesed it in the wrong direction what a waste of my valuable cheesing time so it's actually round oh wait hang on we didn't go up here few notes remember item and treasure weights ahead yeah we didn't go up here maybe this was the shortcut great one's wisdom i mean what is over here though ah look that's i rec yep kick down ladder okay good shortcut that's okay good so that's a shortcut great that takes us now but you better believe i'm going back to level up also well actually what's in this room what is in this room can i get in from here yes apparently sort of not elegantly but yes is there is there a cool item here oh hello oh harrod garb ray get up ray anytime you feel like standing up is fine with me by the way yikes why are you so tough and hard okay all right bloodstone chunk okay that's pretty useful anything else in here oh no i fell damn where am i now i'm not where i want to be am i but surely i'm somewhere where i can oh no okay there's the well right i know where i am cheese it ray we're cheesing it back to the lamp hello hello i know oh my goodness this was oh what a ride oh my god what a rough 41st 45 minutes to the to the stream should we try on the harrowed armor harrod hood ah that's cool where's the rest there we go oh my word hey now that's pretty neat oh wow look at that welcome i wish to level up please oh i can't i don't have enough but i got picked up that like kin cold blood right so that might be enough to just get me just get me over the over the line i think so i think that'll be enough i desire to level up i desire to level up vitality by one point good right now oh my goodness you know what i need to repair my weapon but i don't think i'm gonna have enough okay i think i'm gonna have to go back oh this is irritating i think i'm gonna have to go back to the fishing hamlet just kill and kill anything and then um and then go back again yikes okay so let's just i just need to kill one fish man i think hey little fish man do you know about christmas maybe let's just kill two just belton braces you know all i need to do is repair my weapon which takes like hardly any echoes that'll do it that'll do it i'm pretty sure cool people speculating on what's in the uh what's in the backpack good question good question uh simon rag says thanks for the encouragement on the last stream i did indeed dodge the writer's block and get the visceral on my dissertation and finish my degree today simon rag amazing huge congratulations that is awesome well done you should be exceptionally proud of yourself how am i doing by the way for 186 blood files so it feels like it might be enough for this stream but you never know do you oh and there's me going the wrong way um the one who snack says killing fish men equals pringles you can't just have one so true right let's use that shortcut that we that i earned um and the one who snacks also said yakity saks intensifies okay okay osiris laura says did luke get the rakuyo yes i did i did the weapon um let's have a look at it shall we if i can equip it i cannot great all of that for a weapon i can't equip because i don't have enough points in star arcane and i'm not going to put any in so just use your imagination can i at least look at the description that might be fun um oh it's lady maria's weapon cool a trick sword um only this sword feeds not off blood but instead demands great dexterity lady murray was fond of this aspect of it one day she abandoned it casting into a dark well when she could stomach it no longer well guess who fished it out of the well me goth corey says hey luke i'm preparing for a job interview tomorrow and i'm super nervous any kind advice kind words would be super appreciated also huge thank you to you and the oxbox crew for all the support during lockdown two stay eternally rad thank you got coy oh boy job interview advice um i don't know um i would say oh i'm lacking points in skill not okay well you know what maybe the next time we level up we can put a point in skill that's not going to do us any harm um uh job interview advice i would say um obviously you are going to be nervous so don't be annoyed at yourself for being nervous nerves aren't necessarily a bad thing it's a little bit of adrenaline it's going to sort of keep you on edge it's going to kind of keep you focused keep you on your game you don't want to be too nervous and you don't need to be too nervous because you've got this but you know some nerves that's okay also a little tip my mum gave me this tip actually if you're really sort of stressed and nervous if you just pull i guess maybe don't do this actually in the interview maybe in the waiting room if you just pour on the underside of your chair just like either either side with your hands just like just pull down it's a good subtle way of just using some muscle just releasing a tiny bit of tension so maybe try that uh you're almost there luke you can do it says khan x60 thanks okay that's the best advice i got i'm sure folks in the chat might have some cooler advice so keep an eye but you've got this you don't need advice oh yeah nice try nice try right i've got to kill all of these things again for like the fourth time or something all of these things but it's okay because we got we did get the shortcut so this is going to be hopefully this will be you never know we do well maybe this will be the last time we have to do this maybe ah now look here's the gang here's the here's the here's the hunt here's the wild hunt it's all right because we're dodging masters yeah yeah that's right and we're not afraid to hide behind a tree i'm gl i like that i'm picking up blood vials here come closer because because i don't want to go all the way over there rey is a lazy lazy mr sunshine that's what they call him okay right now now let's rush in and kill you and then rush straight up and kill the magic magic actually nope magic straight away because these skulls hit so hard not as hard as the stupid whales come on come on and off offray no are you joking i successfully rolled off that cliff it was cool and badass oh man that is that is rough that is rough hmm shall i try just cheesing it past them just see what's up i'm gonna try and cheese it up past kill the magic thing see if i can maybe hide from the whale already dead already dead just cheese it passed to the lamp then backtrack says mj yeah that's not not terrible advice potentially um yeah you know what this is going to be one of those moments where i'm just going to sprint through and i will have a few seconds before i die to take a look around and see what's what but i'll try and make best use of that time yep here we go well there's an item so we got that not a great use of my cheesing it though ah now the whale didn't do a great job there okay you know what let's just run onwards let's run onwards maybe we can hide in this house there's a lamp in this house great that's the result now that's what i call that's what i call cheesing it that's how the pros do it oh oh can you come in can you oh my goodness can i can i cheese you from in here give it up buddy you're embarrassing yourself you should have seen what i did to the well whales okay you know what you know what all right am i gonna have to fight that one or is this the way forward does not open from this side okay so that's gonna be a shortcut which is cool and good um is there anything i missed out there i only saw that one item hang on if i just return to the hunter's dream then i can come back here and he won't be the whale won't be angry at me anymore and i don't want to fight you alright you know what i'm gonna come out there and i'm gonna i'm gonna come out there and i'm gonna try and fight you now wow it was a bad idea it was a bad idea also all right fine you know what you know what you know what okay and these tough tough whales okay oh okay um [Music] speak to simon wait i missed simon simon's in here simon oh simon oh no i'm afraid i've made a bunch of things god it's like i didn't kill you i can hear the bell now the beast hide assassin he's after me the beast hide assassin again and again is it the whales because buddy i'm with you it never ends if it's the whales you have my sympathies oh knowledge is the true secret testament to the old sins testament to the old sins okay go on it feeds this hunter's nightmare okay oh nice to see ray's arms i think it's his arms often bring to an end to the horror all right yeah sure how hard can that be bring an end to the horror yeah got it easy hunters cannot bear their weight forever yep i know exactly what you mean it isn't fair it just isn't fair okay oh are you dying don't die oh no he died no but he gave me a key does it open this door no that's annoying you could have given me a key that opens the that door oh sweet simon how i mourn thee um okay so i can go up that way i don't think i've been there but let's just have a little poke around outside here as well let's see if this is this a new direction is this somewhere i've have been before is this many paths you know um okay well here's a door oh wait maybe this is the door does not open from this side okay okay okay don't do me any favors game david badolotti says not bloodborne related finally started breath of the world because of the streams curse you for making me play this evil frustrating infuriating game that of course i can't put down i didn't need to spend an hour trying to get one particular korok seed honest oh man that's why i just didn't bother with the korok seeds they're too hard too hard to find too hard to do often i'd be like oh here's a korok cool can't figure it out though can't figure out the puzzle okay so we've got a bunch of locked doors in here um oh dear there's okay there's enemies can i sneak around here without meeting the big whale again that would be great i guess so this looks like the way doesn't it firearm is effective is it against what against what though what am i about to encounter the one who snacks says rop simon rest in spaghetti never forgetty that's good okay sarah francis do you remember the guy who asked if you hear the bell the key is for his door okay oh dear that's not good is it that's that's not gonna be good am i over where i was before ring ring ring ring oh dear oh no it's a hunter well i probably don't want to be on this rickety thing oh for god's sake bloodborne i ask you are you far you follow me down then or what what's happening what's the deal you're gonna fight me down here we're gonna stay up there like an idiot oh for goodness sake absolutely outrageous well look on the one hand whatever that thing was at least at least that got me out of fighting it that was annoying um okay where the hell even am i now all right let's just start wandering around until things make sense oh good like a million enemies cool cool cool cool and good but there's there's a ladder there i can use that would require kind of cheesing it past some stuff i feel like maybe i should wait around lurk around the corner here i'll just let oh boy i'll just let them form an orderly line and kill them as they come oh wait maybe they've not seen me some of them have seen me those dogs have seen me is that the hunt is that the hunter was just fighting up there are you a magic oh dear that's not gonna be good is it oh okay you fire lightning of course you do of course you fire lightning and why wouldn't you who wouldn't fire lightning if they were able to okay let's try and take out some of the some of the some of the dogs that lightning looks exactly like the lightning in sakiro and i hated the lightning in sagiro all right come on fight me lightning is it yeah nice try nice try i'm picking up one picking them off one by one it's like okay let's get up here whoa okay okay let's get in here maybe oh there's a crystal lizard it's escaped it's here oh man you can't lightning me indoors now look that's that's dirty pool old man right lightning jerk is dead now where was that hunter it was it on this was it on this no it was on another oh it was on the rickety oh it's up there on that rickety thing over there can i get back up there there's a lot in this area to to process a lot of paths a lot of roots all of them unfriendly uh i don't see any glowing items down there wondrous bloodstone but treat fall with care okay okay good tip maybe there is an item down there then but i don't see one maybe we can approach it from somewhere else um he used bolt paper says hunter cell yeah well look where it got him dead now there's a good creaking sound effect as i walked over that thing oh that looks a bit gross so that's just out to sea so there's nothing over there okay so um no wait hang on just trying to see how i can get back up there let's just keep going around maybe i'll maybe i'll get just get up there from the other side now you are a conspicuously straightforward enemy for this area yep of course should have known lightning jerks another lightning jerk why not why the heck not where are you lightning jerk i bet you're up here there you are ah okay oh whoa okay now you don't have that much health so can i just yep good good good good you're not coming back are you you were a hunter you were a hunter and i just murderized you good good that's that's broadly how i wanted that to go okay now look folks i can progress this way it's full of monsters and at least one item i kind of feel like i should go back to that house where the warning where the notification told me about like a an item though i sort of feel like maybe i should be in there if there if there is a cool item he comes back luke he comes back he killed simon oh man all right okay well um okay there's still lots of enemies down there that i haven't slain um i'm gonna keep going i'm just i'm just gonna push on i don't know if this is the way i don't if this is a side route but i'm gonna just go go through here i'm gonna go through here and you know what if i miss some items i can come back for them later we'll never come back for them because really you know i'm not that fast i'm going to be honest i'm not that fast but i do need to sort of make it across here oh my god and there's lightning from somewhere what is what is what is going on you need to kill him three times before you can finally kill him in his cell okay you have to go back to the corpse pile to prevent him from coming back oh boy that was so that was irritating wasn't it remember when i died just now already dead okay here's what we're gonna do run fast to that point see if we can just see what see what see what we can see so if i kill if i kill him again now i didn't have that many blood echoes i don't think so i might try and just get a cheeky killing because oh look he's got slightly less health i think than than before then how then the amount he started with last time so maybe every time he comes back he's got a little less ah lightning idiot missed an item there but it rolled off and i don't want it that bad okay so can i get um now oh look there's my echoes hooray now if i just run over here can i avoid that nasty thing happening again good right and there's the lightning i don't know where it's coming from unnecessary visceral there it is there's the all the lightning you're the lightning bringer and i don't allow it i say no ray bloodborne says no okay okay okay okay okay right hey that's good okay cool that's a little shortcut i mean it's not really because i could have just jumped run through there the first time okay all right well where am i exactly i'm above all all of that mess but i don't i don't really see a way to get down there yet and even if i could why would i it's horrible looks horrible um blood six blood vials nice great uh um you're you're a lightning you're a lightning one i saw it just in time and by just in time i mean a little too late and there's another one another one around here no you don't no you don't now form an orderly queue to be got by ray sunshine good okay got blood vials man this area is tough and quite unforgiving um which is a shame because i like it when the game is less tough and less forgiving also i'm in a position here where i really really don't want to die i mean i'm always in that position to be honest but like i don't want to i don't have to backtrack all that again so i'm going to focus on being cautious keeping healed and maybe just maybe i can make it through this all right cool what's going on here then so we've got some nasties over there a lightning enemy down there down on the ground can i continue up here lots of blood vials that's good so you know useful for something these guys um [Music] okay this takes me to this takes me down to ground level it's full of caviar which is gross okay okay oh i'm missing a shortcut the chat says well thanks for letting me know the chat how do i how do i do that go back to open door to lamp go back for short i didn't see a shortcut there was a shortcut what the hell oh wait oh i didn't i didn't look behind me foolish luke for not looking around everywhere okay good that's where the lamp is right great that's makes me very happy because it is a clue that this is definite that we're on the right track that's right because i just sprinted around here trying to kill the lightning thing and didn't even look where i was going especially okay thank you the chat that was very helpful and i appreciate it here we go um dear magna says have you still never realized 20 blood files is maxed out oh yeah of course i know that they will get they're sent back to the box that's but that's but that's fine isn't it there's nothing nothing wrong with that that's good uh now will it will i just guess this doesn't look very healthy to walk in does it in fact look there's a path there's a path over there which makes me think that maybe i can't walk on the eels don't be fooled reeks of unknown thing ah what's the worst that could happen oh dear hold it oh dear the worst that could happen has happened let's get out of there let's get out okay now look come on okay well that was gross okay okay all right cool onwards and upwards onwards and upwards ah that one's an enemy look you don't fool me wow there's lots of this does seem like a good farming area so many items okay okay now look anything up here it doesn't look like it doesn't look like it cool those ones are decoys all right look oh okay wow did well to dodge that did well to dodge that did well to dodge that that was scary evil escargot now says tear magnus yeah that's what they are uh zelda boy one two one says yo luke i'm vacationing uh in uh massa newton virginia i hope i pronounced that correctly as such i caught a live stream if you could go to the us what top three states would you visit oh what a great question where would i go where would i go well um i've been around quite a lot of uh california um i would uh i'd like to go to austin in texas i think that would be interesting um i had a great time in seattle uh so maybe i'd like to go to this looks like it's going to kill me lure is effective uh so maybe i'd like to go to um washington and like maybe explore around there a lot uh oregon never been to oregon i've been to portland that's pretty trendy place i think i've chosen like the trendiest towns um cool all i just like but also i could really do with like a two weeks in florida at the theme parks i mean not now maybe because it's not maybe not advisable to necessarily go to the theme parks but but you know all things being equal can i walk on this water am i going to die for realsies should we see should we just see should we am i just am i just going to fall to my death that would be really annoying no apparently not so that's good but you know there's something nasty in here oh and there it is there it is folks i promised you something nasty and look here it is crawling right at me so that's good and it's proving hard to kill i'm looking here's another one and you thought you were only going to get to see one horrible thing well you should have trusted me folks should have trusted me okay i can go around there should we try and get this item up ahead oh no bell ringing lead elixir oh it's you again oh no i don't want to okay right hang on this okay this is quite a few this is quite a lot to take on at once so there we go good damn bro no ah irritating irritating nearly had it nearly had it oh well good job we got the shortcut [Music] tough area this lots of deaths lots of deaths okay but yeah really glad that i got that oh no wrong way wrong way wrong way wrong way that's where the big whale is no no no no no okay so i've got to go in here i've got to sprint across maybe i can get down onto the ladder before anything like kicks my butt yep so long suckers this is ray sunshine over and out all right let's just get let's just let's just get straight back into it okay so my my blood echoes are inside one of these jumpy things they are quite quickly taken out with a couple of hits so that's fine now where's johnny glows a lot the idiot hunter johnny is that you the one who snack says ray is very personable those ladies are really coming out of their shells that's yeah that's good where are you come on then come on stop ringing your stupid bell and there we go all right here we go now let's fight let's let's duel no no no i take it back let's let's let's let's be friends i didn't mean it oh what why am i why are my hits doing nothing would seem like did was that a glitch are you losing health even what is happening you are it's just not making a sound are you dying what's going on okay i think that was the game glitching i think bloody trousers bloody trousers tysey says mumbles luke is great oh he used a lead elixir well he didn't help him did it and you know what i bet i bet in his live stream he had the chat going use this one item use this one item it'll make it all easy and i bet he used his last lead elixir ow ow stop it okay these things are not tough but cut like anything in this game i guess dangerous in close quarters but there we go we killed him king cold blood that's good quick silver bullets that's also good quick silver bullets that's great cool cool cool cool madman's knowledge right now now real talk look at that hole i don't think i want to fall in that hole um okay okay uh right now what was down here was it just items what's the clue kian of the cosmos waits ahead okay i mean fine um okay i think i have to go down there some folks in the chat were saying something about a blood rock i saw that i would like another blood rock if i can have one but i'd like is there one in here i don't know i can always come back and get it if it is around here so do i have to do i have to fall in this hole seems like a bad idea i've got a lot of blood echoes maybe i should pop back and level up or or how about this i just jump down and everything will be fine here we go fortune favors the bold right the game wouldn't the game wouldn't steer me wrong uh well there's an item over there before i jump down the hole oh and a lever so that's good it does something but where oh oh cool is that a shortcut i just opened should we find out i s like actually let's get that item and then and then maybe find out are you a baddie you're all just praying i think you're non-aggressive okay well something bad is down there isn't it so if this is a shortcut should we try taking it up oh okay whoa on earth am i now oh look hey awesome right let's let's head home and level up before we before we move forward hmm oh gosh intense this super go says luke come on down to charleston sc history good food and closest to disney fyi i have a room of guitars to play so i'll consider you intrigued i do love a room of guitars wait i'm not gonna be able to level up am i gonna need to eat something so i'd probably go away with just using this one well i desire to level up please um i could put a point in skill i could put a point in skill and then yeah just put a pointing skill why not and then maybe i can at least look hold and look at that weapon that i got earlier what the heck there it is oh it's cool it's like a cool sword oh nice it breaks into two swords ah that's cool that's neat that's neat doesn't really work for my build but you know pretty fun okay onwards and indeed upwards uh can i repair i did pick up a blood gem just the one i think also i'll just do a quick patented technique see if any numbers go massively blue these ones go a bit blue but not very nope okay uh all right let's crack on oh lighthouse huts i guess that's where we are okay okay uh luke this is off topic says creative designation but you need a blue screen i want to see the orc make up in the oxford stream again yeah my sort of like greenish eye shadow that i kind of do across the cheeks i've been not doing it because it interferes obviously with the with the green screen in a fairly significant way a blue screen would potentially sort that out i'll look into it okay get bolt paper says nicholas ramirez uh okay so now i can go down there or i can take this ladder down here what do we like the chat i'm gonna leave this one up to you down down this hole that's number one or down the ladder that's number two oh i'm sure i'll end up doing them both oh hang on what's down here right you know what i mean um forget that choice because i'm taking hidden option c which is run down here and get this item and see what's oh no i hate them so much you're joking you're joking don't frenzy me there i go frenzied these things are the worst do i have any sedatives i don't i can't believe them i can't believe that there's some of them should i sprint up and kill it like i did before okay everyone's saying go down the ladder so let's go down the ladder unbelievable unbelievable i can't believe i got frenzied by those oh cursed kin hunter's damp blood gem well that sounds like that sounds like it would be good uh and nothing else down here that is exactly what i like to see bloodborne thank you what have you finally done me a favor all right okay um i feel like it's probably worth running down here to see what's there even if i'm just ignoring the frenzy or trying to not get frenzied don't do it don't frenzy me don't you do it don't you do it electric i'd like to see that good get back here where do you think you're going oh my goodness that is not fair that is not can you stay still wow ow how uncool what is what's up here i'm just gonna try and get these uh cool gem blood rock we got it we got it we got it and then everyone piles on ray it's the ray bloodborne dog pile let's see if we can just should we just see if we can just leave here presumably that's well that's all there is here right because that's a bloody good item that's the kind of item that would be worth fighting your way through all this nonsense for and we got it nothing around here that i can see all right all right i'm cheesing it out cheesing it out hello stupid idiot brain guess what i'm running away from you how do you like that frenzied again eh well see if i care all right let's just get back up i just want to i could go shall i tell you what she'll like shall i pop and level up the the axe all the way just for funsies it is the other weapon that i have like you know really really pushed all the way um max axe although uh then i'm i was gonna say then i'm really committing aren't i to like to having the axe as my secondary weapon but it served me pretty well to be honest the only reason i haven't been using it recently is because the the saw cleaver has just like eclipsed it in terms of damage um [Music] yeah what the hell the axe is cool right oh yeah get that max axe let's do it yeah what the heck nice uh let's um let's just have a quick look because i got that cool gem just have a quick skim through the old tried and tested see if the numbers go really blue they do not but let's also do that for my new powerful axe [Music] nope all right so i think we're good i think we're good to crack on oh i've got bare feet that's no good max pizza cutter people say you know what i can only level up two to the max you're never gonna please everyone are you everyone's got their favorite weapons a lot of people really love that axe um okay all right let's do a let's do whatever's next i'm guessing a boss fight i'm picking up boss fight vibes from the uh from the chat which is fine with me which is fine with me i'm happy that we sort of pushed through this area it was very maze-like and i didn't love it oh it was oh god it was a triangle gem i didn't check the triangle slot am i gonna go back no just you know what next time i'm next time i'm min-maxing well that will we'll do it there uh okay let's press on hello everybody hello hi hi folks okay all right okay you're all having a you're all having a nice time out here now look at that have you ever seen anything more boss fighty now i have heard very terrible things about the difficulty of this boss so i'm not hyped but you know what let's see what we can do shall we it's a man a person they are quite wrinkly they are quite slithery as well it looks like they are being born from something because as we've discussed in this game ah birth and so on um oh dear how big are you i can't get a sense of the scale are you like ray ray sunshine size or are you oh are you like oh i hear crying is crying don't cry don't cry orphan of course my insight's gone up oh he doesn't seem he seems friendly he's not attacking me although i can lock on all right what are we what are we looking at here exactly okay all right ah first blood to me orphan of course second blood very much to you whoa check that damage out oh my goodness i'm doing really little damage i like quite like the screaming oh man you know what it's like using that lump of flesh stuff like a yo-yo trick okay timing on that here is rough that's my favorite attack so far in that i've dodged it a couple of times oh but there you go there's the yo-yo now what are we doing oh massive aoe oh boy the range on your yo-yo okay so let's stay in let's try and stay in closer but not that close not that close why am i backing away i should be staying in hello it's me okay managed to dodge the follow-up yo-yo very hard to keep track of what's going on exactly oh no no aoe aoe all right got out of the way got out of the way okay what do we got wow look at that took that right in the face yo yo reversal what's it gonna be luke dodge better dodge quite a lot better aoe that's fine stay out of the way hmm bit more oh no okay that's new and unpleasant all right okay all right i really annoyed you there and i i i see that you're upset okay that's new and seriously i'm cool oh man all right the aoe now seems to happen faster is my scared face registering holy crap holy crap the music has just kicked off all right let's man let's do it let's get tasty you wanna dance you wanna dance with ray you could we can you can dance if you want to you can leave your friends behind [Applause] where where even where even oh come on then come on come on jump at me oh no okay i didn't mean it i was joking it was being sarcastic it was satire oh harsh come on luke you gotta start hitting it a tight that's it that's gonna do it that's gonna do it that's gonna do it all right i died no worries no worries that was tense actually i was quite calm that time that was tense that was tense uh happy with that as a first attempt now if i know souls born i'm not gonna do better than that on this stream that went okay that really went okay i think you know for a first go hmm hmm um but that said in that second phase where the music kicks in i really didn't like re didn't really do any damage at all so um so you know swing some roundabouts isn't it okay all right well let's um let's keep throwing ourselves at this and see what happens at least so far no one in the chat is telling me to use an item or two oh there we go no use axe okay come on yo yo i wonder if it's carrying a thing with you i wonder okay not not easily to be honest i think it was going okay just trying to like stay around to your side and not get yo-yo'd greedy luke you've got greedy don't do that i said don't do that back up stay in the stay in the mid-range all right aoe that's fine don't even care all right come on yo-yos let's have it let's have it out and dodge in through the yoyos so that's good aoe fine nowhere near it mate no we're ready bloody near it oh okay i was near that though that's bad so that one hurts me but i don't think it's worth still think it's worth trying to oh come on come on oh okay oh no all right thought i thought i'd got up there but i hadn't hello guess what i'm inside of your yo-yo get out of there ray where even is out but get out somehow get out oh no i gotta gotta do better at dodging that's hitting me every time okay all right all right and there we go come on just give me the music give me that cool music bring it on fluffed that completely all right come on then why isn't the cool music started did i not earn it yet ah lame lame of you orphan of course lame it's not cool what you did down gnarly you are gnarly that'll do it that'll do it for ray why did i rush in why did i try and keep fighting there okay we got through to the second phase again okay okay okay all right duper duper dupe we got 20 minutes more before we pass this over to let's play luke so just keep going let's keep going um i kind of like i'll tell you what i'll tell you what let's change the clothes i know that the clothes in this game basically don't make any difference but i did like the um the maria's gear it made me feel more cool and that's a big part of it um maria maria santa's trousers insanity in here uh luke you can parry every one of his attacks in phase one except the red ones okay now call me crazy but weren't all the attacks kind of red it seemed like it try parrying okay i'm getting a lot of try parrying and i'm getting a lot of it in all caps which always makes me less likely to like makes me want to try something less um because it feels like such an order and there's a i'm slightly contrary um but uh i'll give it a go what the heck let's try and do some uh hello it's me again i see you just looking out to see okay let's try it let's try and parry some attacks well there we go i tell you what we actually got it so that's good wow that really didn't do very much jump at me again then i mean yeah it's it is good when i get it obviously but like i take so much damage when i don't nope nope no often bad orphan i thought i'd rolled in past it there but i didn't i just got hit and died no it's not letting me have it too far away too far away see it's just messing with my uh it's messing with my chi come on all right come on then how about that that was pretty funny though i mean talk about not being bothered i know i know i know no don't you do it make you think you're pretty pretty i'm doing more damage faster just staying just trying to like hug the side i think that was greedy though all right we're nearly in the second phase will this get us there oh no it'll get me yo-yo to death there we go [Applause] oh am i alive yes so that's good no no no no what's lightning now okay so that's new i'll break my lock on yeah very cool very cool there's the music all right now we're doing it now we're bloodborne the speed is immense i think this is the fastest boss surely the fastest boss we've had come on then come on then what do you got what do you got what do you got for me orphan of course ah you got my brain squished in okay [Laughter] all right looks like someone was using bulk paper says nora blanche okay that was rough hmm how many healing items did i have at the end there not enough is the answer we could always equip the rune that gives me more healing but more vials but um but you know what you know what as usual i think the answer is like knowing when to roll towards him um so the parrying there it sort of worked but it wasn't very fast and i i feel like i need to hit it and damage it fast if only so that the attempt doesn't take that long and also just so that i don't because i will get hurt trying to parry and at least this way you know like i'm staying staying in close getting some getting some health back oh oh dear ray's in trouble i know often i know i know i know oh no oh come on i thought i was out of that thought i was out of that too though so this is gonna hurt oh okay hello it's me ah nuts oh boy this could hurt this could hurt [Applause] oh no come on come on second phase have i earned it i've earned it why does that break lock on that is just sarcastic all right let's see that jumping attack please i want to bait i want that jumping attack oh lightning how do i dodge that i have no idea damn you ray when i'm down on the floor there i need to dodge past if i ever okay like i'll remember that literally zero chance damn all right i didn't need to get hit there but i did that sucks come on jump jump please or whatever you want you know what i ain't your mama you can do whatever you like i'm not here to tell you how to play oh no there's the lightning yikes ah don't do that think about it think about it we could be friends you mean oh you mean all this time we could have been friends oh wow wow did you did you see the damage on that oh people telling me off because i told the orphan that i'm not his mama awkward sorry already dead okay that's all right that's all right that's all right okay okay i think i want to stay i don't know i don't think this is going badly to be honest i mean i am dying and not winning but lightning aoe appears on the thing uh in the middle and then radiates out says the chat okay so all right so i'll just try and stay away from the middle of the beach when that happens hmm i need to take less damage in the first phase because i really need my healing vials in the second in the second phase but that's all right you know it's that was a good effort says outside xbox in the chat thank you maybe that's andy okay here we go what do we got we got 10 minutes before let's play luke takes takes the reigns that was okay that was good sounds good first salvo what is this thing on the beach it's horrible all right [Music] aoe fine fine and good no i need well i need for that to happen less quite a lot less i'm trying to be a bit more conservative with the health files but on the other hand if i don't survive to phase two which is looking very likely at the moment then what's the point of conserving them you know damn it's very hard to tell when i'm when i'm sort of going to be able to basically stay on him ah nuts nuts nuts that was bad yeah okay the mistake i made there was um i think the mistake i made there was keeping my saw cleaver in its transformed form i think the [Music] i think keep it in keep it like transformed as part of the combo yes but like generally i need to be able to get in there and hit really hard and when it's transformed you just go for it it's like a bonk it's too slow okay learning learning always learning where's the door there it is there we go i know what i'm doing head out to c for the second phase you can go out to sea all right the thing on the beach is cos a great one and also his mother it's possible the hunters killed her and that's why the hunters are cursed with the nightmare okay okay sayo says no luke just keep playing it don't give it to let's play luke i'm gonna have to if we don't do it in 10 minutes because um like other people have got a stream i can't i can't just keep going andy's streaming red dead i can't just you know overlap that oh now come on that was rubbish come on luke get in there if i can stay in when that aoe thing happens that seems like a gift oh ah okay right second i keep trying to dodge past that yo-yo move but it's hard maybe i should if the yo-yo move is happening it's probably a sign that i've backed up too far and i need to stay in more [Applause] this one's going okay i've only used five files broadly remained calm okay there we go ah that just hurts so much oh no that'll do it that'll do it just two and a two in a row nasty nasty nasty hmm argo ran says you can continue next stream i feel like this one deserves to be live no but no and i'll tell you why because this is like this this could take this could take an hour i don't want the whole next stream to be one boss like hmm i don't know i'll have a think about it but i probably will hand it to let's play luke because you know i want to keep making progress i think i think yeah okay right in in faye yeah irritating 105 says i think in phase two no more than two hits per chance yeah good good idea and i'm gonna stop and i'm going to stop transforming the saw cleaver and let's see what let's see what that does let's see what happens if i yes what happens if i modify the formula slightly like that damn okay oh okay you win this round orphan of course but here comes ray he's back for round two all right let's let's get in there let's get in there and do some damage yeah that aoe one is a gift if i can make use of it what do you got what's it gonna be oh no it's the aoe and i it wasn't the aoe i don't know what that was to too close in to tell all right first phase we're generally trending upwards you know we're doing better and better okay right here we go oh i can get behind in there oh no low battery on the old dual shock okay but here we are we're into phase two oh my god can you imagine if it died oh well speaking of dying two hits two hits not three well that was none that was non-hits what even was that i wish i didn't lose lock on when that happened this is just like such visual noise how can men stand against such evil damn damn damn damn down down oh there's the aoe there's the aoe gotta stay out of there always for lightning it's the lightning all right what do we got what do we got damn that just hit so hard and it's so hard to dodge and there it is again no it's a different move no all right in need to be more in even though the health the health though ray think about your health do it for your health too slow too i'm too slow with the dodgers it's driving me crazy oh there's the lightning oh no oh no oh no oh no but the orphan's not slowing down and that's all my vials that's all my vials okay well that's obviously bad obviously we're in a bad way now oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no very difficult very difficult very difficult one tricky tricky hmm all right well folks we got through the fishing hamlet nearly we didn't get through it exactly i feel like i'm close i feel like i'm close i feel like i'm close but you know what i am going to hand this over i am going to hand this over i'm going to hand this over to let's play luke and you can see uh and and assuming that i can do it between now and the next the next day which is thursday then uh then yeah then then you'll see you'll you'll see you'll see me try that norsen says pass it to let's play luke he's the best yeah all right okay some like some people say pass them to let's play luke some people say like keep doing it live but if i if i now leave it till the next stream if i leave it to the next stream now that's a long time to not try it i'm going to lose all of the practice it'll be like starting again now let's pl let's play lucas let's play luke is doing it um let's play luke is gonna do it on the first try just watch either way we've got to pass over now too outside xbox uh who are about to stream some red dead specifically it is andy let's find him let's find his url there it is morgan monday cowboy karaoke that's going to be a good one that's going to be a good one oh my goodness he's already started okay right well look i really i really have to get off then okay uh cool here we go um check out andy's stream um now look when let's play luke when let's play luke uh does this and a you will see that at the in the next live stream so you will see it live sort of it's i think it's i think it's the right compromise cool well thanks everyone for tuning in this was really fun uh as always uh take it easy go check out andy stream uh what should you tell him in the chat tell him um tell him tell him tell him tell him he's way good tell him he's really good at red dead redemption 2 say andy you're whaley good cool all right wish let's play luke some good luck uh as he battles at some point this week uh the um the the orphan of course all right was that what that one was called yeah all right take it easy folks have a good one stay safe and we'll see you for the next stream which is scheduled for thursday 4pm i think so yeah oh wish me luck i've got homework to do bye [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 67,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne gameplay, bloodborne boss fights, bloodborne blind, bloodborne longplay, walkthrough, old yharnam, dark souls, bloodborne bosses, blind, bloodborne walkthrough
Id: ry_-za4nmgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 22sec (7702 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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