Fighting a Giant Sushi Dragon?! πŸ‰πŸ£ - Bugsnax PS5 Livestream: Ellen Plays Bugsnax

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[Music] um [Music] hello everyone oh hang on i gotta bring my microphone down hello everyone there we go that's more like it how you all doing um welcome to this wednesday afternoon bug snacks stream whoop whoop i'm gonna do bug snacks and we'll just listen to the the chill out music from uh the title screen here i'm gonna turn it down a tiny bit it was a little bit loud for me last week looking back at it um hello everyone hello and chat hello hello hello hello snack some bugs for us i will laser i will um for those of you don't know we've been playing some bug snacks let's uh jump straight in because uh i really i really love bug snacks so much oh good morning from indiana hello curry am i saying chloe right um hello everyone we're here in snacksburg now last week uh we stole some of uh philbo's um feces no yeah fool though is that yeah we saw some of his his uh look we gave him potato ears we gave him a spud and then we we stole his poop and we gave it to this man because what is this game uh i don't like the way you're stop no uh stop looking at me like that thank you thank you oh better go and i'm on fire there we go i drowned but at least i'm not on fire anymore there we go okay so we've got some things to do how are you doing dog we can open up with some uh just interviewing because we've got a couple of new people join oh my goodness that reminds me i need to get out my uh my interview recorder well handy handy dandy there we go i'm profit proper professional press person now who's been sent to this island of snaksburg so let's introduce interview all right chandler good good hey hey no wait come back hey there shut up hi hi dude dude stay still let's let's chat to you while we're listening to some amazing music from wiggle in the background because she's playing her banjo again and i'm very very happy about that okay let's just say that um john nigma talking to befika results in fire honestly makes sense indeed indeed we're gonna bring up a tiny bit just don't want it to overwhelm but i want you guys to hear what he's saying right have time for an interview gonna quiz me dog i'll crush your questions all right this isn't the gym okay right start the interview i could have gone never mind [Laughter] okay oh we're in his house now okay who are you chandler funk bun i lift bunk lifting is a job it's a way of life bro anything that needs to go up logs buildings balls snorpy i'll get them there [Music] this game is just innuendo [Music] um right why come to snacktooth island i want to push my limits i gotta go somewhere extreme i heard nobody comes back from this island sounds like a challenge to me but that's fine for you but what about snorpy he's like a pal hey i'm always looking out for snorpy i know ruffin it isn't his style but there's no way i was coming here without him how did you two become a thing i don't know what you mean dog we're like the sky and the sea been together since the dawn of [Music] bug time are strong like a primal kinda strong like they own this place i gotta respect that okay why did you leave town bro snacksberg was a disaster without lizbert i couldn't stop all the fighting with lifting or wisdom i gotta keep things chill for snorpy he's got a lot of that social anxiety i mean hard saying any info on lizbert lizbert is top dog you feel me she really inspires me to test my limits but uh that's about it i'm really tighter with okay what can you tell me about pickleball pecan bells is sweetie she was always looking out for me no showed me how to stay safe while still pushing my limits okay but she was always pushing herself way harder oh wait she was working out yeah she asked me to train her surprised the grump out of me because she really wasn't built for that kind of stuff we'd go running every morning and lifting after lunch though she would get real down on herself sometimes but she never gave up and i respect that okay what happened to lisbet and edgar bell i wish i could tell you those two were strong together i can't think of anything that could take them down they've got to be okay out there somewhere thanks chandler you really slam dunked my questions bro that's not just don't anyway i recorded eggabel's progress while we were working out she shared some pretty private stuff but maybe it'll help you bring her back to us don't let me down bro okay ah okay so we've got a thing that we can look in the chest okay okay that is good right so oh is there a thing here um hi hi you're a nice lady from canada or perhaps minnesota because they have a similar accent um yikes um right okay where's the other where's where's your bud where's where's the nerdy one that's wiggle um [Music] oh wait wait you would have been in the in the in the in the upstairs yet because it's the two colors it's the two colors that's the clue they're colored to match their hey wake up talk to me greetings wait where are you oh my god what have i done to your arms fully like they're just flat now talk i can't have my secrets plastered all over the front page news of course i do but at the same time i don't want them finding me i suppose i can reveal a tad bit so long as my identity is protected yeah okay all right so first question who are you i am snoop redacted i have devoted my life to inventing devices that foil the imaginations of the grumpin artist i like that they've literally just taken the video and got redacted over it that's great oh my goodness right why come to snapchat island well i was dragged here by my dearest friend chad redacted he thought i needed some fresh air or something much as i hate the outdoors i simply can't say no to him no how long have you and redacted been in a relationship well i i i mean we've been together since kindergarten it would make perfect sense if we were together together he's never said we are has he oh you guys need to talk about it you guys need to be honest with each other oh my god [Music] huh right thoughts on bug snacks i surmise they are some sort of synthetic life form designed to beguile our taste buds if bug snacks are artificial where do they come from i'm so glad you asked i believe there may be a factory located on this very island hidden somewhere deep underground i have charts let me show you my charts later okay why did you leave town i was too exposed floofty tried to wrap me up in that experiment now that lizburt and igebel weren't around to occupy them i could see that this was the next step when the grumpanots plopped against me disappears we are hit with an earthquake we suffer a snack shortage all that in one day do you really think those are all coincidences the timeline is on my charts okay there's a big thing about how like um conspiracies only build up around big events that have like big consequences like there are lots of big events that happen all the time but there aren't huge conspiracies out there because like stuff either there's not like huge hot like bad consequences conspiracies are just people trying to find you know [Music] just just an answer as to why the bad thing happened and sometimes things just happen and it's a shame but we should all just be there for one another anyway next question uh any info on lizburt elizabeth megafig was a curious sort and had a foolish bone in her body she could rival me in wits and chat redacted blow an arm wrestling we would share secrets now and again dreadful terrible secrets dreadful terrible terrible secrets i'm not telling you the terrible secrets because they are terrible and secret [Music] excellent interrogation chum so great that you deserve another hugging experience oh no hi hi hi hey this must not go on the record elizabeth megafight discovered something on the island that came to me for help an entrance to the underground locked behind a strange device i assisted her in unraveling its secrets and soon after she vanished you must take extreme caution i can tell you where to find it but the rest is up to you [Music] oh bless okay holy moly so we've got a key to her chest in her house and we've also got um okay so that one we've opened that's this is it this is it and and we've also got a map okay oh wrong one there we go that one okay what i was like doesn't it and it's just first aid stuff um i still cannot get over um like this is scramble please please [Music] good workout today let's hit the showers no this is pathetic i won't i just need to get strong enough to catch my own snacks bugs hard already ah not you too oh no i'm saying you aren't doing this for snacks alone i can't help you if you're not honest with me oh i'm just so sick of feeling like an empty shell so many eggplants i want to stop relying on everybody else i want to keep up with liz for once in my life respect i know things are tough with liz right now a dog she loves you you two will be back to normal in no time but i don't want to go back to normal i don't want her worrying about me anymore oh this is so this this game is like bug snacks look it's a bug and it's a snack and then it's like here is something deep relationship related so that starts with me christ will make you i will get you there think about real life oh my goodness maybe i'll hit the showers after all i smell rotten egg okay right oh my goodness oh my goodness outstanding oh oh we've not uh let's let's interview from dome what's something yeah all right uh let's have a chat right i could use some practice they'll be interviewing me every day when i'm a gazillionaire all right let's do this all right who are you business king sales savant future ceo of starbucks the one the only crando face okay why come to snack teeth island you ever smell the future kid huh i could tell you this smells a bank of opportunity she came on tv talking big about this new super food and i wanted in so i quit my dead-end job and followed that stench of possibility what was your dead-end job yeah i used to go door-to-door selling gruel to grandma's paid on commission for grump's sake [Music] that's bad um thoughts on bug [Music] i think snacks delicious irresistible marketable they're gonna catapult me straight to the top of money down baby okay why did you leave town yeah i tried to make use of what lizburg didn't need anymore and befika didn't like that yeah she went and told everyone that i'm a thief weren't you stealing i was salvaging that's a community service pal but befika planted evidence in my house said i stole her diary so i did what any artist grump would do i ran right any info on elizabeth oh don't get me started everyone here thinks she's so great such a fantastic leader but i know the truth she came here to stroke her ego and get eggerbell her fix the rest of us were just disposable disposable that's pretty cool that's elizabeth mega fake when you push came to shove lollipops okay she abandoned what i i gotta confess i was thinking about sailing home after things got hairy but when i went looking for a boat it was gone there's only two grumps missing you do the math oh i bet liz and egg are living large in new grump city by now calm down yeah yeah yeah i get it pal i'm not the nicest grumpists i learned early on that life is like a box of trash you always know what you're gonna get to rash just go check out where the boat was see what you think of liz bird after that all right all right okay so we've got we've got some maps to follow now oh you came up here to see me yeah okay okay what else do you want you look like you're screaming ah i got a business opportunity okay so i'm gonna just pick up as many side quests as i can on some sort of treasure map while she was digging around okay cool they say it'll lead to a huge bug snack imagine what a snack that size is worth and then i was thinking of taking that map off her paws that's where you come in okay so you're just like oh she said that it's so delicious and we'll trade then we'll split the profits 50 50. i clearly said 50. okay so got that okay philbo is there anything else that you need almost to everybody great job buddy but hey don't forget to take care of yourself in fact maybe you should turn in early today and just relax uh maybe later i've been i slept it sucked well i definitely slept in in real life don't worry everyone um okay hey there bestie we've got a new target cromdo's back in town okay i know that greedy crumb bag has some juicy dirt i'm not talking about his pathetic little lies or scams either i'm sure you'll find something good don't let me down bestie tiffany hi how's it going oh not too bad actually would you mind helping me out here i dug up this journal out in the canyon it's um a record of historical landmarks and bug snacks i want to follow in the writer's footsteps so uh if it's not too much trouble would you want to go exploring with me um should we go exploring oh you're too kind the first place of note is in flavor falls meet me there whenever's good for you okay is it gonna warp me straight there yes it is all righty what we're looking for is a big stone grumpus face and a bug snack called a pinkle let's look around ah so bye now can i okay here [Music] did you hear that i don't know whether you heard that right okay so we got we've got all of the things okay done done all righty what we're looking for is a big stone grumpas face and a snake called a pinkle let's look around okay here we go yeah this is it okay it's here how do i how do i tell you to come this way oh just we just need to scan scan a stone eye sorry i need to double check what my things are in the corner and then there we go there we go done dun dun dun [Applause] a civilization from over 5 000 years ago all that's left to them is statuary and some puzzling mechanisms unlike the desert grumps these folks didn't preserve their dead in fact the writer thinks they would sacrifice him to the bug snacks like an offering to the gods and whatnot this means bug snacks may be a more lasting legacy than any of the stuff they built right let's eat i need to feed you a pinkle um oh wow with the jar and everything okay let's give you a leg there you go oh wow that's a gooden you might have noticed pinkle statues scattered around here these must have been an important food source to the ancient grumps well i was hoping to find a camp of some sort maybe a corpse or something but oh well there's plenty more spots to check out let's head back to snacksburg for now no i don't want to go yet hang on don't don't make me leave oh hey that was all i wanted to do great hooray [Applause] right looks like up [Music] you like cheesiness [Music] latches into snacks and traps with its upsettingly long time that's great okay so need to put trap down and see i'll see if i can catch you [Music] with the right stuff i don't know whether i have i don't have the nacho cheese dressing i think that's what he wants yeah i don't have that yet so i will come back later okay right leg it all the way through okay oh hello everyone hello everyone watching upsettingly long time is brilliant you're right all right it's just like just upsettingly long you know i just why is that so funny the sound and everything um someone in the chat saying the music undertale it is isn't it it's that i mean it's a little bit less uh 8-bit but it's got that feel to it hasn't it [Music] um okay oreo look at it i think it's like gone okay okay okay right so you're all you're all grown yeah i need one more thing and that's evidently the cheesy thing that i'll need to get the upsettingly long tongued animal um right let's have a look at what does he want okay buffer locust i haven't met those yet but to keep an eye out from though midnight um oh yeah hey you're so cute [Music] [Music] let's get a little pack okay how are you oh yeah oh it's trying to be friendly okay so i think i think we're good to go we can come back and do that i don't care about the big snoop what are you doing about the big snook um let's let's follow the main quest oh he wants me to take a break let's follow no let's leave i want to escape we've got three new areas to have a lookout we opened up that whole new area at the end of scorched gorge remember last week we opened up the bridge we bought the bridge and we have let's take a little quick little nap i'll come i'll come have a nap i'll go i'm gonna go explore and then we'll come back and have a nap after our exploration i promise i promise we'll have a nap before the end of the stream but if i take a nap before four o'clock i'll get really cranky so all right okay so i want to go [Music] okay [Music] okay okay don't think you're getting across that bridge yeah no i agree let's let's leave this hey come here i don't need to get mad at this one get mad at each other hey guys [Music] hate each other okay you love though ranch dressing right no ketchup there you go i'm gonna donate you let's go let's go let's go [Laughter] there we go there we go we got them we got them we got them we got them got the sweetie fly i didn't really got those sweetie flies but we'll get one eventually okay right oh man the corners there we go right okay well let's have a rest i'll talk to you and have a rest after and then maybe maybe once you've domesticated it'll be karma hey buddy hey yeah we're friends buddy but hey don't forget to take care of yourself okay very important in fact maybe you should turn in early today and just relax okay good idea [Music] oh no benfica something's wrong buddy we better take a look what what africa gramble what happened he saw something real spooky walk right into town i thought it was a grumpus at first but like something about it was not wrong was this creature wearing a crown by any chance or was it perhaps holding some sort of ceremonial dagger no no nothing like that it looked kind of normal until it oh until it it turned into a bunch of bug snacks and like scattered frankly i find that hard to swallow ah what a load beth not enough trauma around town for you lately huh zonk off kromdo unlike you i don't lie for a living wow so tell me then what were you doing skulking around at midnight break it in the huts again i've seen it too and this time i know it's not just one of my nightmares get some grump and sleep gramble i can't not with all y'all around here with your hungry mouths don't take this the wrong way darling but you are a bit high strung a little beauty sleep would do you wonders maybe then you'd finally let us eat a few pets you say that again hey chill the grump out bro there's no need for all that if what bramble and befakar are saying is true there's got to be some physical evidence left behind yeah indeed we should sweep the perimeter keep watching how are you missing this buddy do you think you can scope out the restroom you know find out what they saw fake all right it says it says right okay let's get these so scan rusty spared smells like snacks busted open someone got inside from the outside wait wait where are all his where are they all oh my goodness a picture sign the thing that i'm like oh guys can't you see all right filbo where are you where you at mate philbs there you are you found what you were looking for all right i'll call everybody together okay well what did you find okay it's probably aliens something left a deadly message behind uh these are tracks that aren't quite grumpus that's definitely that's i reckon there's got to be some other explanation cram it rambo we got a genuine monster on our paws hmm monsters a bit of a prejudicial term don't you think i'd call it more of a cryptid or undiscovered animal it's no animal darling we're witnessing the queen of bug snacks in action she's giving us a wand oh that is absurd which is more likely that a so far unseen giant bug snack politely left a note on our door or that this is some form of coordinated gaslighting by the grumpiness what's more likely dear is that you've watched far too many movies at least my theory has scientific data behind it what is you haven't even drawn one chart i was top of the charts thank you whoa whoa you know what let's split the difference huh so mad what does it even matter whatever it is it wants us dead between this and the earthquakes snagsberg's becoming pretty unlivable i hate to say it bro but i regret coming down from the mountain me and snorpy were a lot safer before we came back same goes for me and my little ones no no no we shouldn't split up again together that might have been true when lizburg was around those days are long gone you don't know that she might come back don't hold your breath pal face it bilbo without lizzberg all we have is you that's that's not true listen i don't know why lisbert put me in charge but i do know this none of you were really happy out there alone we don't have lizberg but we have each other maybe if we try we could all add up to one of her no i guess you're not wrong so we're all staying in town then seems like it as long as we can watch each other's backs if we're gonna make it we need everybody here floofy and sheldar are still out there and and who knows if they're safe if you must find fluffy according to the tracking device i placed on them they're out by boiling bay okay last time i saw shelda she was meditating in the sizzling sands but don't forget about eggabel if she's not with liz bird we gotta find her mm-hmm we will chant you how does that sound yeah okay great now let's go get some sleep sleepy times okay hi my friend right okay let's have a look at our well should we go and find fluffy or sure i think we met flooftie we met floofty well let's find floofty again okay we'll get to egabel soon um in the boiling bay so i'm guessing that's next to the simmering springs should we go down to the simmering springs and go along or is there another way that we can get there let's try going along the beach we should now have like i'm guessing that the first last time we were here we didn't have all of the stuff that we do now so i'm guessing [Music] there she is hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh it's a volcano okay let's not walk on the lava frosty boy stay away yes yes is that supposed to be like lacrosse mcroy or whatever it is is that that's what it's like a a parody of because it's french hey got you got you got your buddy and that's where you hide out that way are you a different flavor [Music] against the spicy ones okay okay you took your precious time getting here okay any longer in my leg might have rotted away come on let's finish our work um my experiment costs an arm and a leg and nobody else was offering good absolutely not i'm on the verge of a breakthrough now assist me or be gone with you okay i'll assist what is your desire oh great fluffy ah always a question worth asking preparations for my grand experiment are nearly complete soon we will see if we can amend my ambulation ambulation simply transform my arm into a red banana okay get a banoffer these [Music] where are you going red one okay trip shop could be useful here also it is red okay right [Music] oh ah no i'm on fire now i shouldn't have picked it up like that that was very stupid of me right retrieve there you go [Music] right okay okay all right there amy like dad no but he's on fire no he's reset himself oh buddy oh [Music] come on come on [Music] okay all right [Music] [Music] no [Music] yes yes [Music] got it got it can i get a like spike for that yeah yeah oh that felt good i guess i just my brain was just like think of an ore pun or i could just [Music] talk uh let's eat a hand change your hand hand hand hand into a red banana right hand there we go excellent that is one more thing i must do hand me the snack to beat her the snack activated worthless scrap i have updated it it is now capable of altering snack matter through a process of sonic and amnesis my body remembers what i eat the snactivator can change snackified limbs into anything i've ever eaten use it change my arm from banaba to straby are you amazed you've seen nothing yet if my hypothesis is correct the bug snacks can remember the shape of my body it is time to test that hypothesis okay use the snactivator on my missing leg okay peg leg aha my leg is back bug snacks can cure the sick revitalize the frail this discovery will reshape the world that's amazing i think elizabeth and eggerbell walked away from that authenticity isn't this iron man 3. but i refuse to dwell on personal matters while there is yet more work to do use and just get some coca mites frosty vengeance on its foes all right nope that's just scenery all right i need some coconuts ah hello what are you right let's see can i alright i need to crack this open oh i needed that little okay okay i need your little buddy to uh come on chevy hit it hit hit the cocomite hit it no [Laughter] go hmm yes ow well i've i've done that anyway [Music] do you like chocolate oh you're mad okay okay i think i got two of them then yes no yes yes no yes no yes yes pokemons [Music] okay should i give you a coke on my nose should i give you a coke of my feet well let let's do your limbs first let's let's do a nice kind of uh unbelievable okay i need to get some i need to get another one right ah there's one there ah oh that's what's it okay okay guys come here both of you come here hey hey both come up to me okay come on come on i got the other one because i was too close okay he is still going i don't like sand do you does that work someone's saying use the snack machine i know but i want to collect them all right like ellen you don't have to do the thing that you're enjoying yourself doing also i want to keep one to put into the blooming are there any snacks left in there should together if they all kind of turned into a big monster [Music] you know what i want to see so i'm going to keep these two all right let's do a should i use the greater one on okay well let's do lesser on oh my body has changed into more cogamites than i've eaten can you even comprehend what has happened this means that all bug snaps are one of the same each one could change it to any other with the right stimulus and now that is true of me now use this activator to its full potential i want limbs of the monsters one of those protecting the other [Music] okay okay okay i need to and red banappa oh god that's awful okay i'm gonna do straby nose there we go that's better i need to find new noodler okay that that looks like a nightmare oh that's one of those okay okay i sort of know what those that looks horrible um boiling bait bowling bay well let's have a look let's see where we gotta go oh there's my trap okay that's the soda can one [Music] where's the noodle um that's another crapple you are a golden queevil the noodle is gonna be like around the hotter bits [Music] okay i'm gonna catch this okay got that got the people here don't push me into the thing no okay eventually go off there we go there we go okay okay okay all the little okay flame and cheap okay ah you're a noodler can't be put out while in such a hot climate okay okay got some hot sauce okay oh no oh no he's okay these little statues of them oh my goodness this is like tomb raider huh what what did that do what did okay okay can i can i i know i can't really i'm just gonna give it a go no oh my goodness wait wait okay this might be the stupidest thing ever but yeah no that's really dumb that was a really dumb thing to do ah alright okay so i can see something through there but i can't get through that ah it's a combination the tusks of course okay okay i like people are telling me like oh you do this one then this one then this one then this one like hey the answer is literally on their faces i'm gonna spell it out for you though so they just so someone just wrote the tusks and then that made more sense than one that someone saying oh this is the order from left to right all right all right here we go here we go look at them look at these things oh god that's it that's a that's a big pizza boy that's the huge one oh that's the big one that made us crash that's huge look like you can see how high up it is because like that's where the triangles oh no there's a loaded spuddy he's a supreme supreme okay okay oh wow this is outstanding no that's not what i wanted oh my goodness is that like a mantis praying pecans okay wow this is like the horrifying dead oh don't don't see me don't be mad at me okay okay i see this lady over here is this no that's hot sauce [Music] oh it is my wisdom shall okay i just all right i need to get a noodler but i don't know how the heckins okay are you sheldon hi one who is called shelter exists beyond the self restrictions have no shape yet comes in many flavors the questions must cease wisdom can be gained only through experience one who is you tainting others with the toxin that is bug snacks have strayed from the mother's path so it is you must at home okay in seeking material temptations so it is that sheldon is really grumping hungry seek the yellow sauce within the great moths oh cheesy i shall be sustained okay get get cheese sauce in here inside the yellow stone i'm guessing inside oh oh that's a pizza god the shadow of it is just nightmarish hi hi it's another grumpy statue thing it kind of oh you know what they remind me of now um the the pet in um oh what's that egg egg can i can i provide you with an egg in this troubled time no very strong egg okay okay so we need to get some cheese sauce is that the cheese sauce or is that more hot sauce that i is no that is cheese sauce okay so this is the this is the oh no hit me up there okay not quite high enough oh he's on fire still though so will i go on fire yes i'm on fire all right all right in cerritos okay okay okay so you're saying try the grabber okay i'll try the grabber i don't know how well it works let's see let's see this would be good you stars and it takes all of i got five in one go gets the whole plant oh my oh my lord that's great that's cheating slowly but that's great consider the sandscape a reflection of the mind one unable to escape its dry embrace first an active reaper to break out of my current shelter so too must you breathe yes yes everyone in chat yes jan and uh paul lots of you coming up with that joke enjoy that good good good good crack two egglers right there here we go what if i do okay okay i was not i was not saying i was not concentrating come here attack attack [Music] oh no you don't want to hit the egg okay there's one there okay so you don't like hitting the egg okay left i might need to run back at some point um okay you two busy fighting each other all right there you go there you go come back out come on little leggy boy yes oh i don't know how i did it i think i just hit it at the right angle or i hit it near a hot thing on a right angle okay crack two egglers let's get another one okay no they're on fire that's it that's how you do it at least that's one way to do it okay be not on fire [Music] they like hot sauce go on eggler [Music] yes okay out of room uh let's get rid of the trusty snackapod yeah i can get those fairly easily return to sheldor i think i only needed to crack them but i also want to pick them up anyway because she probably i don't know i too have burst from my shell and so oozes one must break them down into their elements [Music] break two praying pecans how i need to break them [Music] [Music] okay that why is it he's on fire come on you're gonna you're gonna break you're gonna explode oh we're gonna stop resetting the timer new burrito [Music] okay okay okay give me a sec oh you made yourself dizzy there we go right let's get rid of this brutal yes okay what i i'm so full right i might run off and then i'll come back and solve this puzzle all right we'll get those picanteses and then hopefully we'll have like the you'll get the key to how the heckins were supposed to break those things oh they're fighting amongst each other that would have been useful to get them then oh well is there a nice short cut is there a nice short cut no i'm just miles away in the desert nate says maybe try it try a trip shot yeah true it's just that they're on fire so how in the heckins do i catch them while they're on [Music] fire right okay i've got cheese cheese um that is a joke my friend does that stand up and that's just worked its way into my everyday language now you're proud of yourself alex right anyway um cheese it's standing in the water to help it might do i might um i need to find a way to get it to run towards me in the water so that i can like catch it out the pineapple thing basically tarantulas fun fact i went out to uh joshua tree national park over in california and uh like had a lovely day walking around like well it was a couple of hours because it was so hot and then we went to this amazing um what do you want let's let's do this hi hi hi hi i'm just saying uh maybe your whole premise is flawed from the game oh he's trying to if bug snacks aren't like plants then no amount of elbow grease is going to make this work trippy i thought you were here to support me oh dude she's trying to it's just um you keep trying this over and over and one of these days you gotta pack it in so i'm on my own oh well that's how you choose to look at it oh no right let's put an egg in there um let's put the fancy new palatos in there let's put the cocomites in there a green grapple golden queeble look at them all yeah how cute they are puffy snackapod oh they like the rice snacks i've literally got a bag of those downstairs we're gonna crack into those the amazing japanese rice snacks oh they're so good right but you've got we've got cheese we have cheese [Music] easily accessible cheese right okay let's pick up some quests while we're here what does it look like i'm sorry i'm just about at the end of my rope it's okay done taking it slow just get me every sort of bug snag that digs underground i reckon it might aerate the soil or something okay i got one of the oh i must look mighty foolish sticking to my guns like this but you don't give up just cause things get tough if nobody else believes in me i gotta believe in myself it's that or or nothing hey sometimes there are people are looking out for you it's fine it's fine planting rinchirito done yeah good thing i picked him up on the way out right okay okay okay so i've got some things what else have i got in my backpack what i've got another eggy boy a drinky drinky drinky a a soda what's a like tub for a friend that begins with s put in the chat what's up bro what's up what's up oh there's a crawl like around like a little it's like a little lemon you get them in people are saying spuddy that works but there's also potatoes in this thing um hermit crab thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] yeah it looks like a little hermit crab and be careful though when you like make sure you recycle things and uh sensible with stuff because um otherwise uh sometimes hermit crabs make cans they're home and then they get hurt in them and it's sad right let's pick pick up dick chandler hey yep it's fine stop running wait wait for me how are you do you need help yeah dawg i'm trying to pull up this stump so i can build a v-bar cord okay i'm about as small as a grumpus can get and i can't move this thing at all okay i gotta be stronger than a grumpus okay i gotta push my limits you feel me okay everyone's still saying hermit crap that's what's though um uh i need your help to bulk up okay if you go find the biggest buffest bug snacks around and i eat them okay okay maybe i'll gain their strength okay i'll try to get comfortable in this chat okay okay fun fact uh luke and i have the same chair but is our shoulders come to the different places yeah so i have a slightly higher back chair for him than him um right okay bro cool you don't have anything above your finger okay hey there oh what's shaking baby um one last chance okay what else do you need there's a massive bug snack out in the ocean i've seen riding the waves in the morning light come on cameron to be honest i'm not even sure if it's real but i must go after it okay please help me i can't catch it alone this cameraman is set up for me when it should realize it's talking to luke fabulous there we go all right oh my gosh oh no we're going now oh okay sorry [Music] okay my critics all right you know i can't make the magic happen again i've tried skydiving crystal gorging reverse exorcisms everything okay mug snacks are the only thing that has ever gotten me close to that state again to that raw nirvana where the universe writes through me i just haven't found it yet another empty if you are out venue you won't be able to resist my siren song okay oh please oh this is ancient snack right at the top [Music] okay [Music] okay we've got we've gone like uh i don't think bug snacks can understand you oh don't give me that music is a universe 80s andrews [Music] there you are you delectable dragon come on let's make some music what is going what what it's okay okay [Music] come on come here bud all the way around [Music] this is [Music] okay right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes oh man he's flying now okay oh my god it's shooting me like the the it's the kind of like fish eggs that they put on the top of sushi that's hilarious okay and the yellow markers kind of give you an idea of where okay okay okay yes [Music] away from me [Music] okay okay that's something okay okay this is wild [Music] okay okay okay [Music] yes [Music] okay we're nearly there oh my goodness so close okay okay this is wild i didn't i wasn't expecting a boss battle against a sushi fish like because it's i know sushi's made of fish but it's literally a fish meat of sushi okay yes come on [Music] okay uh let's let the itch no no actually let's let the egg logo i've got an egg yes they're not too they're the least difficult to get rid of well if you haven't already liked this video please give me another like spike that would be amazing oh my goodness yeah luke might be playing demon souls but did he catch a large sea dragon made of sushi i don't think so oh my goodness white song says so that just happened right [Music] talk about bombing on stage still not my most explosive performance come darling let's get this show on the road oh my goodness am i gonna i might okay oh my goodness okay so these are all the mini mackies and then i've got one mega mackie oh okay what do i what do i make well i went to all that effort so [Music] that's no i don't want to take your pineapple let's make your teeth daddy i just gave you extra teeth all that my head is just full of snacks oh i'm never going to be free of it do the wiggle it's such a vapid waste of a song to think that will be my legacy that's what happens to a lot of people though it could happen one more time like collier universe bangers really but everyone just knows call me maybe and it's good it's a really good song it's not vapid obviously but like it's not not the same people just hear that one and they don't bother to listen to the other stuff and that the thing is i only know that because mike has told me that the carly rae jepsen stuff is really good and i've not taken the time to look it up myself but i like call me maybe oh i think i i like her song let's be friends that's a good one um about the harsh truth it's a rather harsh truth song um right okay so we've done we've done her let's catch aggressive meaty bug snacks i i did a twofer with that one amazing because i i got i got the because it's it's it thinks the what's it one's a meaty because like fish is tough for me good [Music] carla ray jefferson i really like you by sandra oh yeah i'm really really really really really lucky [Music] all right let's eat feed the aggressive no okay let's give you let's do do uh legs okay [Music] yeah okay and then should i do one arm or should i give him the nose or teeth shall i see if the teeth are any better with him that's a terrifying look it's a terrifying leg right um let let's try nose no i'll go for um because he's trying to get the strength oh look at that oh i want sushi now oh yeah you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like let's have a call almost there's no gaining without training dog okay i got a new exercise in mind if you're ready to spot me uh okay let's do it let's do this one as well i set up these hanging weights all around town i'm gonna jog around you use your grappler to knock them down on top of me okay maybe for you and snorpy but this is what i gotta do to challenge myself now give me the five weights let's do this bro okay all right so which what's his route when he runs around to that one hey there hi there in the nearby you want something hey okay great oh that's heavy bro ah keep you coming no it's too late too late a wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle hey there yo too late okay okay more wait okay okay let's go around go around no too late what are you looking at hi where's he no too early hello too early hey buddy no wiggle wiggle hello okay okay okay oh the door got in the way keep them going there we go there we go there we go yeah there we go [Music] ah oh grump i think my bicep exploded it's but that's okay it's it's literally she's gotta rush to the ground with this bug snack body i'll get there cause if i don't who's gonna have snorpy's back oh he's not got a big brain but he's got a big heart yeah bro i'm not getting any stronger but if you try and pull this tree somehow we went way too small you feel me okay i've been hearing i just killed this monster snack out in the forest okay wimba said it was so huge no grumpus alive could lift him sounds like the ultimate workout let's catch it bro all right bro okay let's let's do it oh wait can i wait wait let's do it now come on still stand yeah meet me in flavor falls okay okay if you leave me in flavorfuls i can pick up one of those olives as well that'd be good oh okay okay [Music] oh all right hey hang on let's do it let's see if we can all right let's go no no no jeez hey look here's a cheesy trip wow this way dog no you're thinking about that give me a snack give me oh my goodness oh my goodness oh it's the big i've heard of this thing just could you not oh okay there it is wambus wasn't kidding that snack is huge all right you big bug here comes the chill oh [Applause] oh my goodness oh my goodness okay [Music] okay out bro [Music] yes oh my goodness how much [Music] okay try to get the drop on it [Music] i need what are those things like okay they love the little snacky ball okay okay okay okay okay [Music] saying the launch pad i know to use the launch pad they like the little strawberry guy and they like the launch pad so if i like land on it but that looks like hey i could make that drop okay well let's let's give it a go hey come here hey [Music] oh my goodness that's why they're around okay come here buddy okay there's something i can drop on it you like strawberry so you will keep occupied with this little thing oh she does look like that sorry [Music] you stay there you stay there i don't know how to lure it to the trap like there's it's clearly i want to get these things ah get you there [Music] she doesn't want to leave the pool [Music] and i've tried putting the trap he doesn't want to leave maybe if i like trap all her children all right let's swap and then i don't think it like releases it in the same place it's they're all gone i've i have all your children are you mad now you're mad um but you're not going after it or anything i hate this if you leave the baby in the trap in front of the statue okay let's they don't well i don't have any left like some people in the chat are saying if you have one in a trap leave it in front but that like that's only 15 seconds and there's no there's no more babies i can't release them out here let's okay yeah that other one didn't break it so i'm not sure what happened or whether i just needed to make sure it lands on that oh that one didn't work no it just well let's see let's see let's restart from save yes [Laughter] to watch someone who's never played this one before um right okay right i might leave you chandler abandoned quest for the moment oh talk to chandler after he gets knocked back okay look i'm i'm kind of a bit done with that one for the moment we've got 10 minutes got it let's give it a go but let's not be rude in the chat please thank you um echoed nightmares it's very nice that there's no way we expect you to absolutely get it first time oh thank you thank you thank you like that's like sort of like how i don't expect this is this game is about learning um where has he gone where's my boy where's my boy oh don't tell me that i've gotta go because i've left the area i've gotta go and talk to you again it's reset the quest so that i have to talk to him right at the beginning um yeah like um because hitman 3 is coming out soon has anyone seen uh the vr trailer for hitman 3 like that basically you can there's a vr version and you can play some of the one and two bits in it as well i believe this is an amazing bit in the trailer where he like taps someone on the shoulder they turn around he goes behind them then they turn around again and he just punches very funny all right all right let's get some more cheese sauce cheese sauce right we don't do we have time to get another go or do i want to just have a look out and see what it is hang on i want to put in [Music] um hey mind your own beeswax huh okay right let's right let's grab a snackery let's get a drink let's finish this because i need a drink let's finish this stream with a drink and we'll come back and get the mama melon next time because i have seen that like the mama melon is a thing it's like because i was looking for a picture to use on the thumbnail i ended up using one of my own uh i was just trying to see if they sometimes they use official art we use official art i was having a look and then for some reason this thing was like how to beat the mama melon and i was like okay it came up in the in the image searches because it's well i say that it's it's just one that you have to pass on your way through okay okay okay okay okay [Music] [Music] okay okay okay okay okay [Music] yes right let's pick this up okay okay because i want to give one to donate [Music] this little snacky boy [Music] come on [Music] all right well let's try and catch one as we go in the air then that's the easiest one to do okay here we go here we go yes [Laughter] grumpy need some snacks uh come on come on come on come plant a snackery and donate a snackery and then i will send you over to uh stream next oh we didn't see a bunga well we saw a bunga briefly okay okay okay not not talking to you you're going to take me to fight a big melon what's up yes stop evening all right daiquiri decorating snackery daiquiri let's let's donate that oh i've already donated a snackery can i just drink it myself then oh no no i did i only caught one daiquiri because i caught the snackapod instead there's something quite disconcerting about seeing bones being that flexible um oh look at the weenie one okay oh no that all the animals are okay they're all fine delicious hi oh look at you [Music] oh you cute yeah who's a good snacky he's a good snacky egg yeah so good such good snack toys oh okay so we need a cherby which is the ice creamy ones i think um frozen new ones out in the sandy bits [Music] um did you do it oh did you write your magnum opus sorry dear it's never going to happen you sang a song at a giant snack maybe you're overthinking it why don't you just write from the heart from the heart grabble you sweet summer child that's what i did before i was a star i'll never make platinum that way why does that matter you're already rich and famous because i need an audience and i've seen time and time again that when i write for myself nobody else wants to hear it oh i want to hear it grandpa that's a nice sentiment josh you're trying your best how is it hanging keep going challenge not talk to you right now all right let's sit here huh milhouse um oh my gosh he lives at milhouse no wonder yeah um anyway so thank you so much for watching um please go join outside xbox again i will pop the thing in attack chat that should be kicking off any second now it should be a lot of fun and uh yeah if you haven't liked it already please do give it a like it all helps and uh yeah no keep going chandler quick uh heads up i will not be here next week um but we'll be back again in two weeks with more bug snacks and i believe that luke will be here tomorrow with some more demon souls and on friday i think we might be uh rolling some d20s you may be hanging around in geth and also thank you so much for all your amazing positive feedback on blades in the dark that was that was a lot of fun that was a lot of fun to do and it's really fun seeing your reaction um and it it's really helpful and nice for us that it's been positive so thank you uh luke's done a lot of hard work um like he's luke's like composed music for it he's so talented it's ridiculous i'm sorry so so proud of my friend he's so good um but yeah check him out tomorrow demon souls coming up next outside at xbox playing hitman 2 and i would like you all to go over and say redacted like you can put it in a sentence or whatever but just have that redacted in there that would be great uh in the meantime take care of yourselves wash your dang hands um and yeah be careful out there it's a wild world that we're living in right now uh um see you next time [Music] bye [Music] now [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 48,163
Rating: 4.9680777 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, bugsnax, bug snacks, playstation 5, ps5, playstation5
Id: qN8_BfEgDXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 12sec (7332 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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