Dark Souls, But I Fall On My Face Every Time I Attack

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all right the four-pronged plow in Dark Souls one of the more obscure weapons that was introduced in the DLC that a lot of people have never used or don't even know exist given the low drop rate and even if you manage to acquire it it seems to be nothing more than a pretty unremarkable spear however it does have a unique little twist on the Stagger penalty that a lot of weapons have when you miss your target most of which merely cause you to lose your balance but with a plow it punishes You by uh well by magically untying your shoelaces it makes your character forget all about the loop-de-loop well actually that's not entirely true because as long as you don't miss your target or if you had a wall you won't fall however what if we all do that a bit with a little modification that makes you fall flat on your face every single time you attack well in that case I suspect that instead of plowing through enemies they will just end up telling you to go Fork yourself as it may it is actually a pretty damn powerful attack especially if you focus on leveling up dexterity without telling anyone about it of course and then you can even apply a resin or magic weapon to it and yeah I don't know that's a bit boring so let's Nerf it at least a little bit by doing something that practically nobody ever would even think about let's upgrade only down the occult upgrade path which sounds completely arbitrary but given that you first would have to upgrade it to Divine and then repeatedly fall upon your face until you are deformed monstrosity what better way to express yourself as a fallen angel than by wielding the devil's Pitchfork as occult is more or less the predecessor to dark damage so there you go not arbitrary at all a bit convoluted sure but not arbitrary I guess oh and as an additional challenge let's see if we can make it through the entire game without ever wearing any kind of armor because that's obviously not beneficial when an attack leaves you completely vulnerable however it does make sense to take your clothes off when trying to plow everyone and everything inside I mean if you're going to use a gardening tool you might as well behave like one you know what even though my character might not be able to wear an appropriate attire that doesn't mean that I shouldn't so uh hold on a second and there we go back to my roots in a way although we all know how much I actually despise farming regardless I actually went through the trouble of purchasing a real-life dairy cow unfortunately because I declined that raid Shadow Legend sponsorship I had to import it from Eastern Europe but at least it fits the theme of going directly from Farm to Fork although that might be a bit on the nose but then again even that is very theme appropriate well even so I may be a man of Agriculture but when you follow a strictly face plant-based diet you might end up eating a lot of dust instead regardless falling your way through the lands of lordran is sure to be a quite a trip [Music] it's very easy change [Music] [Music] now although pyromancer is my reliable old flowers when it comes to starting classes that's not going to work this time so another unique twist we're playing as The Wanderer a class named after the fact that everyone is wondering why it even exists at all however it has enough dexterity to will a pitchfork and it even has 11 intelligence which sounds Superfluous but it might effect be beneficial given the route that we're taking now because we start with a weapon we can immediately fight the Asylum Demon and we can already notice how vulnerable we are after every single attack especially when we deplete our entire stamina bar regardless I understandably tend to fall for a Pokeball butt and this is a very pokable one indeed and it's also already noticeable that it is in fact a powerful attack probably because it consists of multiple hitboxes although that doesn't really have to mean that much if you remember this video now despite the boss being defeated we still have to pay a visit to Oscar since he magically has the key now somehow and even if he didn't he still has our asses flask moreover why wouldn't we go to him I mean he is our savior the very person who provides us with a purpose as we are to carry on his legacy so don't you worry Oscar I'm here to oh well damn it by shoelaces uh whoops for collages I tripped by complete accident and imagine how much worse it would have been if I actually was wearing shoes [Music] anyway our path through the beginning of the game is almost the same as usual but after collecting all the solo pops along the way while making our way towards Andre so that we can immediately upgrade to plus 5 because I clearly wasn't going to get much gardening done at plus zero but the first boss on my list was actually not the goggles yet but the Moonlight Butterfly given that we will need the Divine Amber first if we eventually want to go down the occult path and speaking of the path we're going down just like not wearing armor I also intentionally left the wolf's ring behind but you know especially because I accidentally killed Oscar on purpose I think everyone watching would want to see me suffer for my complete lack of decency of course if I had any I would be doing this run with a knife and fork but speaking of suffering fighting the Moonlight Butterfly this early might in fact imply that it would pose an actual threat this time and unfortunately it doesn't start out as a caterpillar so no matter how early you get here it's not even a Moonlight pooper but already in its full-grown Butterfly State however despite being at plus 5 already and despite falling face first into a butterfly when it came to my damage output I did not exactly fall with my nose in the butter oh hold on wait that's actually not an English expression oh why does English have to be the international language okay well I'll see it through the fingers this time but the point is that I did so little damage and only got two or three attacks in per cycle that I had to survive multiple cycles of magic protectors and my shield doesn't exactly have high magic resistance so I was constantly taking chip damage while getting next to no attack opportunities myself in fact the fight was so lengthy that we even got to see an attack that's so rare that most people don't even know it exists fortunately it looks pretty easy to avoid what the fork was that American this is not working out fortunately the benefit of lung is that I'm not required to cultivate my own garden and therefore I followed the advice of the chat to go and get to the wooden Shield because it's supposed to have high magic defense and you would think it would be easy to acquire since it's among the early game enemies but you also think you wouldn't need multiple attempts on the Moonlight Butterfly or to go and get a specific item in order to defeat it but eventually I did get a shield and it turned out that this piece of wood has less magic defense than the grass grass Shield yeah thank you very much chat I love you guys to be fair I guess I should have known since normally wood is what makes the magic happen therefore I decided that it might be a better idea to go and fight the gargles first especially if I made sure to acquire the fat ring first in fact it was specifically relevant that I would acquire it by rescuing low track from itself myself even though he automatically frees himself after defeating the gargles however then he wouldn't give you a Sunlight medal as a token of gratitude and that is an item that you can trade with snugly the crow for a white Titanite chunk and that's obviously going to be helpful later on and I would say that it was a reward well deserved since it wasn't exactly that easy to even make a dent into the Trident Triad mainly because of his overpowered maniacal minions who like always were the real threat here and therefore I had to play things very carefully combined with a little bit of a lot of luck but eventually I was able to claim my two prizes and remember that the kick does no damage so it's allowed within the rules in fact it's even theme appropriate in a run that's all about falling down moreover a good fap is a nice way to increase your endurance or at least we'll provide a refreshing boost of energy and together with leveling up to 15 endurance that meant I would still have stamina remaining each time I would trip over my own feet so that would at least leave me a little bit less vulnerable but of course despite all of that if I could not correctly time and aim my attacks because keep in mind that this attack has zero tracking meaning that fighting two bosses at the same time could still turn into a colossal catastrophic Calamity of uncontrollable clumsiness okay that's gonna hit the deal nice Fork over your tail weapon that I cannot use yeah oh that's actually the wrong direction by still Heaven yep oh yeah no no nothing to fight ah it's getting hot in here and I've already taken off all my clothes well I got him some good RNG at least there that I they didn't just happen to attack me was while I was on the ground there yeah kill him quick get out of the way get out of the way hey [ __ ] me chanic squashed I'm more a tennis guy okay how are these guys easier than the moon I bought a fly although although I died almost at multiple points in this fight but still you know what's ironic even doubt that there was in fact a shield with very high magic resistance right next to foiling shrine so together with having more Health available but of course still the same damage output and therefore still required an immense amount of patience but eventually eventually I could turn the butterfly into a bottle flue God damn it that's about time so Fork over those souls and that Amber because we're still only at the beginning of the game after all so that did make me a little anxious for the rest of the game however despite having the proper instrument for farming collard greens I wasn't exactly in the mood for farming any green color Titanite shots but fortunately you can pick one up down in lower blytown and while we're here anyway a specific green colored ring would be very beneficial to help the Regeneration of my green colored bar moreover we need to be here anyway to pick up titanite chunks but remember that this time we need the white ones that you normally tend to pick up by accident since you never actually need them in fact it turned out that the second one is all the way down where the curse frogs are [Music] and although I did not actually get cursed let me tell you that I did some cursing of my own due to the nature of platforming in Souls games yeah you would think that lring would be an improvement but then of course they had to include the pakura session before the frenzy flame that's better finally hey what the [ __ ] dude oh oh my God this is annoying platforming in Souls games always fun okay reinforce all right we had plus three already now I have a divine polaria hey Lucas when I'm plowing someone it's divine you know because it's a miracle if it happens regardless even though I suppose it's only appropriate that these leeches suck you know in reference to having to form them however it still didn't take long at all until I got to the necessary upgrade materials given that they dropped five green titanite at a time and therefore with a plus then Divine Pitchfork I was ready to put the power of Almighty agriculture up against the devil's defense of an archdemonic arachnid and holy Fork that's not a lot of damage well actually it wasn't as bad as it initially seemed because again this attack consists of multiple hitboxes just like the park Giants moreover because it's a frost attack we can get bonus counter damage and yes that's finally the actual appropriate use of the term counter damage well other than the fear of accidentally diving headfirst into the lava the only attack that were at me was our AOE explosion that I would not be able to avoid in time after face planting right beneath her so I chose to play things a bit safer than usual and I mainly went after relax while not aiming directly towards her body in order to prevent getting stuck underneath her but fortunately like the majority of Dark Souls 1 bosses her attacks are actually rather slow in fact her third sword attack has quite a bit of delay but are supposed to make sense given that spiders are Infamous for having a lot of lag and even though the weights attached to the spider despite having lost half her body is at least still 50 lag in name only depending on pronunciation of course I even wonder if I could have used the falling animation of my attack to essentially Dodge underneath her stab attack because when you think about it how beneficial would it be if I could turn my clumsiness into a tactical maneuver with Strategic Benefit but eventually and somewhat ironically I suppose we like fell and I raked in a very nice amount of souls in fact we could Farm a lot more because let's say that her brother maybe overdid it with his falling animation but in all honesty I shouldn't be laughing because just like ceaseless I myself might end up charging off a cliff given that the Iron Golem would be up next and well it wouldn't be the first time that something along those lines occurred yeah yeah another problem would be having to deal with ons afterwards without a fully upgraded weapon as you might already expect what I'm going to do given the gimmicks of divine and occult infusions because I chose to upgrade to a cult not at the first opportunity I had but I purposely waited until after the fight against Neato so perhaps I would be better off to not go to Sans forters yet but instead make a quick trip into the catacombs for the right of kindling although it has happened before that oh oh that's nice that's not that's a lot better than uh the pie charts only oh [ __ ] okay maybe I spoke too soon okay maybe I spoke a little too soon holy crap I've got it flamethrower to death here where's the real one that's the real one quick kill him what the [ __ ] I can't even see myself great at that no not in the corner what the [ __ ] kill him yeah oh my God well it was def it was not so bad this is the price has only run but still I almost died multiple times here oh my God that was a bit clumsy but that's what this entire place was about hey mask of the mother now okay if I wear that I'm a motherforker get it yeah hey hello hey don't block my way what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I couldn't even push him away with uh my stupid falling animation oh now he fell he felt better than I yeah what else did I oh I [ __ ] Alexis I wasn't paying attention how I don't like this snake yeah die oh he's not he's not that no no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] sense foreign yeah maybe I should block yeah okay that's better low I mean he's mainly resistant to physical damage not too uh Elemental oh it's pretty decent oh [ __ ] yeah that's the problem if I'm on the ground I'm completely vulnerable however if I can knock him over the edge and not plow myself over the edge then that should work oh [ __ ] up okay that was enough time oh that was close oh well they make him fall off I don't know but nah probably not he will probably not fall off but hey at least I can get enough damage even if I can knock him down yeah okay he almost fell off that's not helpful come on okay just in this groin just plow if you're going to do some plowing you have to be in the groin area after all okay that was not that much extra damage but still [ __ ] alicious oh that was close ah [ __ ] no oh nice I have a safe on the ground for that attack oh he's still alive kill him no he's still alive oh good thing that he did that attack that's better wait a minute he's a concept of iron was using ax he's the Thin Man from The Wizard of Oz has to be a joke somewhere with [ __ ] force and a straw guy well the funny thing is in the classic uh uh Wizard of Oz movie the Scarecrow had a gun I don't know why well then again he didn't have any brains so and having no brains but having a gun does work well together I mean at least that is what people in the United States have definitely definitively uh demonstrated so there you go oh by the way uh do you know what the wizard of Oz's favorite drink is Dorothy let's get the bonfire down there but uh Gwendolyn maybe I will include Goodman I don't know what the [ __ ] wait he doesn't if you sit at a bonfire he doesn't actually uh move back to his position Ah that's weird you see I said that bonfire but he's still active that's kinda you can't escape me I'll chase you what the [ __ ] I wasn't what I didn't do anything I was just drinking my Raspberry wine and eat what the hell dude well there you go you're never done learning in the Souls game because I did not know that in a 12 year old game now at this point we could have gone into the painted worlds to collect the dark Amber and then backtrack through Sans Fortress all the way back to Andre but here's the problem with that we need to keep it Divine until after Nido because of his respawning skeletons after all without armor we're not going to tank away for that fight however this implies that our weapon is rather Weak by comparison for a fight like against forkstein and plow not to mention that we don't even have the benefit of a cold damage against one of the very few enemies in the entire game who is actually weak to occult in the first place on top of that if I want the benefit of the Leo ring Smo has to go down first and that's something I almost never do although appropriately the last time was the pie charts only run but of course if you've seen that one you know how uh how poorly that one went and you know what makes it even worse the Leo ring only boosts physical damage meaning that it will only provide around a 10 damage increase because with a cult of fusion you mainly do magic damage but Frost me once we get to the DLC that little bit of extra damage is going to be a very welcome addition oh yeah and now attack oh [ __ ] one scene oh once you miss me the bot slime is actually now a good attack opportunity uh in the first phase because he doesn't have the lightning yeah my priority is all forked up I guess that's that's true in that context oh I have to heal first to be safe okay quickly kill him nice okay that's a pretty good oh did that count as a damage because I he did hit me but I didn't see my alive bar move so I wonder if I now start off with taking damage oh yeah I do but whoa what the [ __ ] is that church what the hell well nice start damn it I want to say nice rule cash it was more a fall catch oh at least I avoided the grab attack okay got a bit pretty lucky there oh I couldn't afford that one [ __ ] whoa good thing that I was just in time to heal no oh a lot of damage quick deal oh that wow that was luck otherwise I would just merely had to heal again oh [ __ ] ah no [ __ ] oh delayed that's a good thing I went to pinwheel first snake what do you have in your hand the fork why a four what'd you do with your knife it ain't dinner time yet second you have to think bigger than that a Fork's good for more than just eating dinner oh yeah like what the weapon a weapon yeah I can use it with the weapon button the same way I use the survival knife of course it's not going to be much use for CQC this mission is all about procuring on-site I have to use whatever limited equipment I can find any way I can to achieve my objective so I have to make the most out of every item by adapting them to different situations take this fork for instance at first glance it looks useless but it can be an effective weapon if used the right way you have to learn to think flexibly and see all the different possibilities and the best part is if I use this to spear a snack I can eat it right there without having to put it in my backpack first I knew it you are using it to eat come on just one good hit [Music] Keller please no oh wait you stay out he's out he's out he said ah on the final it oh yeah all right and there we have it the Leo ring and to reiterate we don't get the optimal benefit out of it since we mainly reflect magic damage but given a massive amount of magic resistance that several upcoming bosses have especially the DLC ones it may only be a small upgrade to our damage output but it's certainly still a helpful way to boost my plowing and speaking of things I would like to plow with now the Luscious lady Guinevere would hand us the Lord vessel no it's lowest honey let's make sure we do this delicately all right our son would like to plow you which under normal circumstances would imply a fork in the road with multiple directions to choose from but this time I knew exactly where to go first after all the whole reason for not upgrading to our cult yet was to keep nido's little cartilage Compadres from respawning given that without armor I would not be able to just tank my way through and I wasn't exactly willing to sacrifice the Fab ring for the ring of fork and the slumbering dragon cross ring strategy however not only did I not have any armor I also didn't have any purple blooming masks to cure toxic which I only realized after I fell had first into neither's toxic inflicting sword and despite the fact that I fall forth rather than on my ass I did fall multiple times Within Reach of nido's my asthma however even with all of that going on I could still get through this fight without much effort at all which I guess goes to show that as long as you can take care of nido's little Merrell minions and Don't Go Near The Big Bone Bros in the back the very lord of the Dead is not much of a threat at all which in all honesty is kind of a disappointment if you ask me in fact we all know that the ultimate spooky scary skeletons are the bone wheels in the painted world and we would have to face them given that that's where the key God damn it I forgot to pick up the doll first oh well back with my ass to the Asylum and even though I might have acted like a total ass towards a certain someone I'm sure that uh Oscar is not the type of guy who holds uh grudges hey what the hell why is Oscar here the [ __ ] why is he here is it because I opened up the shortcut and he got accurate somehow that's weird I've never seen that happen before wait is she also one of those enemies that don't reset when you sit at a bonfire what hold on I want to test it out yeah you see it's the same thing as with the gargle but for some reason he's stuck against the door now that's kind of oh there he is see same thing as with the gargle now I'm curious let's see if we can actually guide him into the straight even fight let's see what happens then hey Oscar can damage hey this is interesting Oscar attack police yes can Oscar attack the the stray demon if he can attack regular Hollows why not okay Oscar defeat the boss for me oh he didn't hit the street even wait oh that the straight even killed him okay but that would that would have been an interesting Strat holy crap I really insulted uh Oscar on this one first I killed him accidentally on purpose and now I made him uh die by having a demon butt in his face and fight the night slap that we don't need we need the other one that we already already have but at least got a lot of souls from that oh and I also have the crash shield now so that's good would be helpful against the Four Kings after all okay so with that little detour done as I was saying in order to reach the key that leads to the dark Amber which in turn allows us to turn our Godly garden tool into the devil's Pitchfork we will need to survive the tunnels that are filled with the terrible Tonys of the wheel variety and I was especially afraid of them given that I didn't even know where the ski was located in the first place but perhaps that's a good thing because I have heard from a reliable source that fear is the path to the dark side of the fork wow and even though we are independent world I am going to be knife to Priscilla because even though I would love to spoon with her I'm not going to Fork her on camera at least not on this particular website but now the time had finally come to upgrade our weapon to Max down the occult upgrade path well at least I could have done that if I had enough white titanite chunks so if I would want to make my Pitchfork pitch dark I would have to submerge myself in darkness once again and no I'm not even referring to the Tomb of the Giants but to some other very dark moments uh engaging with those annoying bone meal skeletons but now I would be able to get my final upgrade well I would have if I actually remembered to uh you know use the materials I just gattled I honestly forgot to upgrade regardless I probably still would have defeated Gwendolyn first try if I wasn't looking at the stream chat at the obvious wrong moment wow yeah maybe my next challenge one should be can I beat Dark Souls with the attention span of a goldfish pretty much any playthrough I do is like that apparently but the reason I went to gwyndolin at all is because this is one of the very few bosses in the entire game that is weak to occult but it also goes to show how irrelevant that is you're still quite resistant to Magic which is our main damage type but even without taking that into account you would still inflate more damage with a regular upgrade path especially with an additional buff on top of that old weapons cannot be buffed after all and the only other boss that is weak to occult is Gwen but that is at the very end of the playthrough and before we get there there are several upcoming bosses that are very resistant to Magic damage so therefore I decided to go to izalith before making my way to sieve which in all honesty was pretty uneventful by now firestate was no problem at all and the centipede demon was a little more tricky since I had to manually aim for his legs and I would have to make sure that I would not end up in front of him because of his jumping Fireball and grab attack but still it was a pretty easy fight regardless and well even after all these years the Bed of Chaos can still go and Fork itself but by now on top of having a fully upgraded weapon we were also at a very decent level which made me confident enough to take on the magic resistant parts of the game however that apparently even applied to the armored tusks who are guarding the path towards the Duke's archives because I honestly expected them to be weak to Magic however I quickly realized that I put too much pork on my Fork but not to worry though these little bacon bodies have a softer side as well but after giving these standalones a little prick I was growing up my own for the upcoming fight so to be clear I was screwing up my own loins not my little uh prick but actually it turned out that this would not be the dragon in this playthrough that would leave me sieving ironically because Steve's magic defenses dipped a scale Less in his favor than you would expect So Not only was the damage at least somewhat okay he has so little Variety in his moveset that is just a matter of baiting him into a loop of Crystal breath attacks that allowed me a safe attack opportunity each time all I needed to do was to make sure that I would have enough space available to outrun this big explosion however the DLC bosses would be a very different story as they are much more aggressive and have much smaller windows for not only attack opportunities but also healing opportunities when I inevitably take damage while lying helplessly face down on the ground or remember what I said much earlier in the video perhaps that could actually be used to avoid specific attacks well speaking of specific attacks as you might know I tend to bait out the sanctuary guardian's wind attack because even if you get hit by it you can still avoid the inevitable headbutt follow-up which then allows for a free attack opportunity even a tail cut if you so desire however I don't know what the fork was going on this time but he just refused to do that move or actually even worse he would do it but only when I needed to heal instead so therefore I had to improvise a little bit now fortunately even though it feels like ages ago by now I still remember fighting him at Max NG on so1 using only assessors which required me to make use of a lot more attack Windows since that fight would already take forever even when getting consistent damage in now at least this time my damage output was actually quite decent however this boss compared to the other DLC bosses has a much smaller Health pool probably to make up for the fact that he has an electricity conducting one and his magic resistance is lower as well so given that this fight already took quite a while that made me quite worried about Artorias and he may be one of the Lords of Lauren but he's not weak to a cult probably because he is corrupted by Darkness Itself by now okay when the hell can I attack him does this work okay yeah it's weird because she simply didn't counter attack it's not that he couldn't count to attack oh that went completely over my head okay that's good but then I really have to make sure that I immediately attack when he does that otherwise I'm already no longer on the grounds okay that also works uh oh he's going to buff nah just I'm not even going to try otherwise it will just get caught in the explosion oh there's more reason I thought no no [ __ ] notorious doesn't really like uh like it when you heal it will very easily punish you for that why is this arm droopy because he broke his arm he's actually left-handed so just imagine what a Taurus will be like in his prime see if you timed it correctly you're still on the grounds when he does that twirl attack oh [ __ ] that was not good that doesn't work [ __ ] it I want to know if I can stack him out of it no [ __ ] so that's definitely not a possibility damn it I want to heal first and Taurus doesn't really give you that many save attack uh safe healing opportunity after all okay so it's it is interesting that uh the falling animation actually has a tactical purpose as well nice hitbox porn there oh [ __ ] you're right I have the serpent ring equipped I should have had the Leo ring equipped well if he Buffs again I can change that only for the last part but hey still uh stump something oh [ __ ] no not good no [ __ ] oh wow wow I really thought that would die there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I dodged backwards what the hell that was really dumb yeah whoa got some close moments but that definitely went a lot better than I expected the falling down animation had some really uh helpful benefits here and definitely a lot easier than the pie charts only run I remember how terrible Artois was on that playthrough dude did Cover the skills you more than the toy yes that's true now that's a boss that you call Daddy of the Abyss specifically okay so how's the damage going to be that's not as bad as I thought that's actually quite doable uh oh no I'm against the wall I'm against the wall oh completely Womble combo to death I mean it's not going that quickly but so far it's going well at least oh I was too late damn it God we've got that was too late [ __ ] it went too well [ __ ] it I'll just be make sure that I'm at full health what the hell they missed oh no I did not expect that [ __ ] damn it what I'm even supposed to do with this something like that happens I mean I'm on the ground without stamina and then I'm getting decimated by that spell [ __ ] okay so bad RNG now when it comes to attack opportunities this was my first time between like a minute or whatever and now and not even a safe one that was just in time uh oh no no stamina oh I avoided it just by walking and there was not even intentional and that was also not intentional obviously oh now I do need the silver patent here and [ __ ] now this is not good I need a healing opportunity I don't remember the this fight on the pie charts only run that well but I think that's because this fight wasn't that bad with the pie charts so I think this is actually contrary to a Taurus this is actually a bit more tricky than uh that the bike charge run but we're getting close so if I don't [ __ ] up now which is a big if unfortunately [ __ ] okay good only one more attack kill yes Fork this guy all right yeah that was a bit tricky but we managed to get through it hey who's this guess I should put this on my own events but I think we need to Fork oh it's just like in real life you want a fork but you can't yeah like usual I'll just have to put my hands to the blow as in getting to work on defeating the final boss for the DLC however despite the previous fights going relatively well but fighting calamit with face plants is certainly no Small Potatoes I even accidentally did an actual jump attack so given that that was against the rules I had to let myself get killed yeah so then I definitely felt like I had egg on my face however that turned out to be an excellent way of getting that yoke of my shoulders because with the 11 intelligence I started with adiak boy would give me a permanency flame allow me to make use of power within so as long as I would keep my eyes peeled hopefully that would prevent me from going bananas however even though power within is a really good damage buff but given how much time calamit spans up in the air or moving away from you the buff already wore off before I could get a decent amount of damage in on top of that despite this being one hell of a huge Arena it is actually quite narrow near the back and when kalami charges away from you when close to a wall death massively messes with this already massive hitboxes effect speaking of massive hitboxes oh whoa what the [ __ ] no does it linger that [ __ ] long that is [ __ ] stupid come on it link is that long come on so in this fight it wasn't the fall with my Fork that would help me to prevent taking damage it was the fall of the water variety that helped me out now of course not the actual waterfall itself but the point is that the arena is much less narrow there so if you lure Academy towards the waterfall first you don't have the issue of him turning around too early when dashing away or him flat out flattening You by not even having enough room in the first place to dash away from you so that at least resolves one issue but because of calamit's massive defenses and I was still getting only very few safe attack opportunities that implied that the fight would inevitably drag on and not only does that into an imply that your healing Brazil strain away slowly but sadly but you also start to make mistakes yeah dying at this point would be a real smack in the face and as you might expect my face couldn't really take much more abuse at this point oh wow what the hell how did that hit me what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this that didn't look right that did not look right hit the Dragon Balls and not necessarily deceiver ID well oh yeah what the [ __ ] how did it hit me I just moved to the side what the [ __ ] son of a biscuit oh that's also what the hell is happening just kill him what the hell he's still alive no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening just broke the ball plow the balls [ __ ] oh my God well that that was a total [ __ ] show yeah calamit was holding on for their life absolutely [ __ ] me well given that Sif was still alive in the main game we had the ability this time to get to the alternative cutscene after saving level Seth in the past kind of ironic by the way that in order to save man's best friend you will literally have to wipe out all of humanity around him hey babe no I was not talking to your presbyten you in fact go and set up the gramophone player because the only way to make the fight against Seth tolerable especially after he cries like a wolf to the moon when he realizes he has to fight his Brave yet exceptionally clumsy savior is by having the loop-de-loop song in the background on how to tie your shoelaces otherwise I fear I would be taking too much hay on my fork and given that I assume that's yet another example of a dunamis expression let's go and use the Dutch version of that song [Music] under the door [Music] yeah really English can go too farlink I've never I don't think I've ever seen that this game is that old and I didn't even know that well you never done learning a Souls game right oh at least you'll see it curse isn't active anymore because that prevents you from using power then maybe I should actually have equipped the crash Shields okay that's not so bad oh yeah the crash Shields could have been very useful yeah so I already get massive oh [ __ ] I already have massive oh I can't do it in time [ __ ] damn that's the second king oh okay this is not goes well my damage output is pretty good but I can't really attack that often [ __ ] or hits my targets so yeah the damage output is pretty good the damage opportunities are less uh oh no and of course having to deal with multiple Kings at the same time when not wearing any armor is not a good thing foreign oh [ __ ] I'm getting laser from off screen no Why didn't it I missed twice maybe I shouldn't lock on that that would probably help a lot at least I'm getting pretty lucky so far with the off-screen attacks oh I was hoping that would go over my head but oh [ __ ] damn it why did that it's not dead not hit uh oh I couldn't switch in time okay just go for it no go for it attack no no quick heal heal heal yeah all right well first try without armor that was not uh that was not what I expected it was very clumsy but still my damage output was very good you see and that's the whole reason why I did not go with regular standard upgrades I would have been way too overpowered because my character looks more purple than anything but yeah whatever okay let's see if bearing actually helps well it did hit but uh wait so let's move back yeah that kind yeah still not great damage is not bad at least one more time all right damn it oh whoa [ __ ] no no what the hell I could move now what the hell was that man I suddenly couldn't move well that was no that was almost a very convincing first attempt and I suddenly I couldn't move well it does happen a lot to me by the way that I die when the when a boss only has like 10 HP left or whatever it is foreign oh [ __ ] Ah that's not good hey come on okay let's just heal uh instead oh whoa he actually grabbed me from from underground whoa whoa that's uh did they didn't do damage but like did hit me in some way what that was weird [Music] okay yeah that happens sometimes propolitious foreign again to steal oh I got him all right little anti-climactic ending I should I would say but I just wanted this yeah moves like butterflies oh no actually calamit was but there we go and we did eight and we did the entire playthrough including the Four Kings and Gwen in our underwear all right but there we are stick a fork in it we're done I know bless thy safe return best car flapped to serve your highness we are here to serve your highness upon the world [Music]
Channel: Press Continue
Views: 242,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls four pronged plow, dark souls challenge run, can you beat dark souls using only, can you beat dark souls without, dark souls charge attack only, Dark souls jump attack only, Dark souls running attack only, Elden ring challenge run, Dark souls four-pronged plow, Dark souls mod, Press continue
Id: ly48B8pylnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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