Can You Beat Bloodborne Using Only Frenzy Inducing Attacks? (Without Sedatives)

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all right it's pretty relaxing here on the shores of the lands between listening to my favorite tunes which makes me wonder whether we'll be doing another eldering challenge today or maybe something else ah let's go and check out the round table oh not all right the shadowing isn't playing tonight so maybe we are taking a little break from ellen ring hey what's that ah bloody bandaid is back in town and it says here that they will be playing a theme appropriate intro song for a frenzy attacks only run made by prescott oh that's me ah son of a gun wait there are frenzy attacks in bloodborne huh i better go and check this out then this okay then the bloodlatter in bloodborne one hell of unique type of weapon and one of the only options available to do pure blood damage with melee attacks however it also has a unique l2 attack that inflicts frenzy which unfortunately like madness and eldering which is that game's version of frenzy essentially is only applicable to players and not enemies so in pve whenever you use it you yourself are the only ones suffering the frenzy build up it causes so what would it be like to go through the game using that specific attack exclusively meaning that every time you attack you inflict frenzy upon yourself now that sounds pretty harsh but hey it might just be crazy enough to work at the very least it's a nerfed version of frenzy that takes away only 50 of your health rather than the usual 70 from other frenzy sources and for a single attack it has at least potentially a high damage output although that definitely requires a massive blood things investment now because the blood ladder is a late game weapon meaning new game plus is a requirement for this type of run however i decided to start the new game plus cycle as close to a fresh start as possible so i only leveled to meet the stat requirements and i got rid of everything i picked up in regular new game apart from the most standard non-cursed blood jams and numbing mist to prevent a potential soft luck against vikramelia so the rules are simple i can only inflict damage using the l2 attack of the blood ladder and the only exception to that is the minute physical damage you inflict when hitting amelia with a numbing mist or you know accidentally falling on an enemy's hat or something i also did not want to use any runes before defeating the witches in this playthrough even though i technically already have the rune tool although to be fair i got rid of all my runes like all other items to begin with so basically in order to use something i would first have to acquire it in this game cycle and as a goal rather than a rule i wanted to see how far i would be able to get in this playthrough without using any sedatives to counteract the frenzy build up so would i be able to get through the entire playthrough without using any of those or you know at all without literally going insane well let's find out this is the bloodborne french attacks only challenge well i started to run facing two problems one is that with the starting attire literally every single attack immediately inflicts frenzy because it has a very low frenzy resistance and secondly although the blood ladder has the potential to inflict some high damage numbers i started off doing rather weak damage not even enough to kill the wolf at the beginning in one hit and that enemy isn't even at full health the blood ladder may have a capital s in bloodthin scaling but at this low level we only have a lowercase bloodladder for now at least so when it comes to the first problem my goal was to acquire the hunter's attire in the sewers which at least would give me enough resistance to prevent the frenzy effect to proc from a single attack but only barely and when it comes to damage output or leveling in general to be clear i didn't want to do any farming first of all because i hate it and secondly because then i might as well have started to run at a higher level to begin with so although it would be perfectly alright to level up a bit before fighting first boss i did want to at least keep a sort of natural progression for acquiring blood echoes however leveling up does not impact frenzy resistance at all so when it comes to the progression of increasing my frenzy resistance it would have to come down to keeping my inside low and acquiring the entire pieces with the highest resistance one of which is the beak mask of eileen sat which unfortunately requires me to do the unthinkable i know that it's crazy but remember that in this one insanity is the name of the game so yeah there are obvious issues we'll be facing especially early game tiny health bar nuke and plus damage and low blood things which is the sole skating stat when the blood ladder is in its transformed mode fortunately at least in the first boss fight against father gascoigne we can hide behind cover in order to stay away from his axe which is good life advice in general to stay away from axes they will only tear you down and because our attack is an aoe well and because it's a from software game we can actually hit gascoigne through the gravestones unfortunately gascoigne can hit us as well again because it is a from software game and taking damage is extra painful because i only have 20 blood vials and after every second attack i will lose 50 of my health bar and on top of that healing is percentage based in this game meaning i need two blood vials to be at full health you could save blood vessels by healing only once however then i would be at constant risk of instantly dying because the most common damage i take other than from frenzy is from gascoigne's gunshots which i can't survive together with a frenzy proc at full health but only at full health meaning that constant healing would allow me to get through the fight rather safely however then i would run out before i could finish the fight but if i hadn't i probably would have died 10 times before even getting half way however when you run out then not only do you need to avoid the boss but avoid them long enough for the frenzy meter to go down which is a very slow process and then you still need to find a safe opportunity to attack like after his giga jump well i did put up some valiant efforts but maybe this was a little too much insanity to handle well as i said i didn't want to go and farm to level up so i just picked up the blood echoes i've accumulated so far and pulled hunters marked out which at least gave me some extra blood thins and because of the scaling that does provide a noticeable difference but would it be enough now the hitbox of the frenzy attack is essentially an aoe meaning you can actually hit something above you so it turned out that instead of using the gravestones you can get gascoigne stuck on the staircase instead it does require both you and him to be in the exact right location and not only can he still hit you there but you can also break free meaning you all have to learn all the way around again in order to get him stuck again but even like this it still came down to the wire just die no not me [ __ ] i can't heal okay stay in place yeah it has to go down a little bit more stay in place please please stay in place die no he jumped oh i killed yeah oh two happy that was not dutch that was just me losing my mind well it's a frenzy run after all you would think that leveling vitality would be my priority but because of the constant frenzy based damage i inflict on myself which is percentage based anyway i would be better off needing as few attacks as possible meaning i would first focus on blood things and speaking of frenzy the coat of the other hunter set has a little more frenzy resistance whereas the hat has way less now true it would be theme appropriate to dress like a mad hatter but since i wasn't going to wet my beak drinking sedatives i'd rather go crazy by looking and quacking like a duck however i wouldn't want to be a sitting one so i frantically avoided the flurries of dura's furiously fierce firing firearm in order to sneak up behind him because he is the one holding the remaining pieces of attire with the highest frenzy resistance now i don't actually know if it's possible to inflict frenzy upon npcs but at least i can say that i didn't inflict frenzy upon any npcs now i thought this would allow me to knock him off the roof but at this rate i can basically just kill him or both even better action one what is wrong okay well i don't know but at least we have the maximum friendship resistance not counting any runes of course but hey since we only just started to run that's pretty good now despite not having the same type of advantage from hiding behind obstacles rita rose beef curtain also known as the bloodstar beast was far easier to deal with than father gascoigne in fact she was the one working herself into a frenzy trying to desperately inflict damage upon me however i only took damage when i decided to take damage well sort of just stay calm get behind her for safe attack opportunities take things slowly when the poison cloud is around her and lingering in the air in the third phase and this time with blood vials to spare i guess rita just tuck it herself out but speaking of blood wells it would obviously be helpful to equip runes for extra blood vials and of course eventually for extra frenzy resistance since we can no longer increase it any other way while other than keeping our inside low so now with access to cathedral ward even though i technically already had it i got to rune for one extra blood vial however that's not that significant of course what is very significant is the sim money you get from the doll set to increase my blood ins quite extensively in fact however there's yet another thing you can get from the doll given that the frenzy damage i take is exactly 50 that means that any amount of healing after the procs would allow me to survive another proc so i equipped the teal jam from the doll in a gun i held on my back which only heals 2 hp per 3 seconds so normally that's almost useless however that would already be enough to get me out of the danger zone in case i would build a frenzy again before getting a chance to use a blood vial i'm not actually sure if it did save me at any point in run but you gotta admit at least in principle it was a pretty solid idea well as i've said at the start i would only allow myself to equip runes after defeating the witches even though i technically already have the rune tool now field safe is not seriously so how much damage do i do [ __ ] oh [ __ ] teleported before [ __ ] that's not a good thing the witch built for stoppage that's right they can actually attack huh how about that yeah dying against the witches probably the most insane part of the run fortunately since i would want to keep my inside as close to zero anyway given that inside lowers a frenzy resistance i might as well be at zero meaning that zero summons gets summoned unfortunately since the witches can resurrect each other and you cannot see the second one's health bar you need to make sure that you don't kill the first one before the second one is near death especially because they gained that telekinesis attack at that point the problem is that normally you would recognize which witches you would differentiate between them based on the fact that the first one would be bloody from your attacks but the frenzy attack from the bloodlatter doing blood damage ironically doesn't make the witches bloody and therefore i couldn't tell which which i couldn't differentiate between them now [ __ ] it i couldn't tell which witches which which which is kind of a [ __ ] [ __ ] that was the wrong one by the way i i framed through that attack or something that was real oh this sucks and now i but i can't spam because you can only do twice delicious where is she quick killer yeah it worked out it worked out it got very lucky there but it worked out anyway now we have the roon tool again i guess but before we can get to the really helpful runes we first need to get past emilia however because this is new game plus i already accumulated enough blood echoes to max out my blood things which by extension meant i more or less maxed out the damage output of my blood ladder therefore i might as well go and get rid of the cleric fury at this point since i intended this to be an all bosses run so with 50 blood things i would probably annihilate this oh that is less than i expected especially because blood damage is a great all-around type of damage since almost nothing is explicitly resistant to it yeah if only it did fire damage instead but this was before the flame of frenzy was invented and even then there are still some do's trying to extinguish your flame so when it comes to amelia as i said before i had a small exception to the rules namely the two physical damage to do when hitting her with the numbing missed now to be honest i don't always make that exception but in this case you would simply out heal my blood vial supply come to think of it in that case i could have used knowing miss to test which witch was which which well whatever amelia is often a very easy fight because you can stomach her for the entire duration of the fight but not in this run because although this attack is powerful for a single hit it's not exactly the fastest attack in the game so you don't have to benefit of using combos like you would normally with melee attacks so that means having to deal with animalistic levels of insanity where amelia goes full rabies on your rear end yet i mean it's not the slowest attack in the game but it's still slower than a normal melee attack that's definitely the case ah nice i can't visual of course but still extra damage oh doctor watch out no that was kind of scary all right that went a lot better than i expected expected but well i was not expecting to first try this fight to be honest and even and without sedatives but very nice it was definitely noticeable that i had a bit more health to work with but the frenzy would always inflict exactly fifty percent so in a way blood vials and frenzy resistance would be more vital than vitality fortunately now with access to the forbidden woods i had access to upgrades for both obviously the communion ruined from the clinic for files but no not the great warden set for frenzy resistance yes it has very high french resistance but as i said before i already have the best attire for this run however we can increase our resistance massively by the rune found in the viper pad now i wasn't going to include chalice dungeons for the other versions but this one alone provides 200 extra frenzy resistance which is a massive increase meaning that as long as i keep an insight low i could get three attacks in before inflicting frenzy and we're definitely going to need that because fighting the shadows three bosses at the same time with only this attack is insane enough as this so i decided to get some extra blood echoes by taking on amygdala first therefore i had to traverse the nightmare frontier and oh wait no now i thought i heard the doorbell because i'm expecting a package and it would be a real dick move if they would deliver it in the middle of a boss fight or something but that was of course the sound of the bell ringing women in this area because when you're online that can mean getting invaded like what happened during my no stamina run well i did not get invaded but i did die in the most from software way possible still it's just story of my life i suppose oh what the really well at least the shortcut is open i'm going to take a piss ah god damn it i really need a break from this madness tinkle tinkle tinkle tinkle tinkle flush sorry i initially wanted to google for piss and flushing sound effects but then i realized how that would look in my search history then again i could also just have not included this part in the video okay so then we got to amygdala and my damage output was incredibly good and on top of that the frenzy rune made one hell of a difference at least it would have if i actually paid attention but from falling down the elevator you could probably already tell that i'm a bit too easily distracted however as i said my damage output is extremely good what the [ __ ] now i suddenly did way less damage oh and again i didn't pay attention because i got stuck and i supposedly somehow switched damage output all right third time's the charm then i'm not even sure why the damage fluctuates but maybe it's because it sometimes hits both the head and an arm at the same time given that the attack is an aoe after all now speak of the arms those are much safer to attack in the second phase of the fight and in the third phase when he rips them off you can just bait jump attacks by getting up in the boss's squads now to be fair if someone would get up in my crotch with a spiked weapon like this i would probably jump up as well [ __ ] i missed but one more jump attack and uh and then i dodged it and beat the boss as i said third time's the charm okay move on unfortunately next up are the shadows and three bosses at the same time can turn out to be a massive obstacle in many challenge runs and despite doing over a thousand damage in a single attack that still would require a lot of attacks to take down three health bars but there was a bigger issue normally i would drain the katana and the nitrous shadows life bars right up until the edge where that transformation is triggered and then use that opportunity to kill the katana one so that i would only have two shadows at the same time to deal with in the second phase however the katana one has the most health so there was no way i would be able to do that therefore i would have to go for the tinnitus one which is not exactly preferable since that shadow is designed to keep distance from you making it much easier to separate him and the candleshadow in the second phase and yes i know he's not actually holding it to nitrous it's just a metal mace but heck apparently the katana shadow is not wielding a katana either but some type of curve sword but speaking of curved i got thrown a massive curved ball not merely because now in the second phase i had to deal with two shadows that would constantly cling together which at the very least did mean that i could hit them at the same time sometimes but the biggest issue was that even if i would be left with the candleshadow in the end i would not be able to use my usual approach where you constantly make him sidestep with a single melee attack because the frenzy attack is simply too slow and therefore that same trick wouldn't work and that means having to deal with the insanity of frenzy build up in my brain but also with a snake in my pants in the grass and that's a lot of chaos to deal with fortunately i had done quite a lot of damage to the candle shadow already at this point however would i have enough vials to survive this onslaught i missed did that fact [ __ ] where are the snakes he only had like one hp left jesus [ __ ] dude delicious okay but we made it through hey first try or is i'm not allowed to give an applause to myself no well that was still pretty damn clutch but instead of three enemies at the same time now we would have to deal with a whole hurt bright cackle well [ __ ] of spiders because i initially slowly killed them one by one which takes ages because you need to wait for the frenzy beetle to go down and well then yeah i definitely wouldn't have the patience for that however that meant i would have to leave the small spiders alive which is initially not a problem but then near the end when rom herself can attack as well at melee range on top of all the meteor showers and aoe attacks finding safe attack opportunities is like finding a piece of hay and a stack of needles [ __ ] i just don't see any opportunity here okay whoa i got lucky oh okay one more attack only one more kill yes boo okay whoo well that was the best strategy it was not elegant but and required a lot of luck but we made it work all right so next up was the one reborn and at the very least the bell ladies were not much of a threat and i can't imagine them becoming a threat later on for unrelated reasons now i initially went for basically the same approach i would take in most other runs where i keep the boss stun locked for the duration of the fight by first attacking his weak point for the initial stun and then by getting continuous knockdowns by breaking each lame in succession and it seemed like the frenzy attack although not the best suited for this approach at least was capable of doing that however then something truly madness inducing happened because one of the limbs just didn't break for whatever reason i mean maybe there's some mechanic here that i'm not even aware of after all despite my experience with this game keep in mind that i have practically no insight whatsoever which might also explain why i had no backup plan and therefore i had to kind of improvise okay for some reason i couldn't break that uh that arm ow oh that sucks whoa [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] me [ __ ] oh you don't see anything camera what the [ __ ] dude [ __ ] [ __ ] up the [ __ ] i don't hit him that's a waste of blood wells that's at least a hit but maybe we should get to the other side to try to hit the entrails again if i get the opportunity oh whoa that actually had me what the [ __ ] that's not what's supposed to happen [ __ ] no not good oh i stunned okay good just go for the entrails yeah one more one more hit please one more hit where we're at one more hit oh i'd have barely survived okay well that was a bit of a mess but it worked out now at this point i was pretty much determined to complete the game without using any sedatives but the dlc was still looming in the distance so therefore i at least would go and get the cosmic eye watcher badge which allows you to purchase senate from the messengers actually there is another reason why i didn't want to risk using any sort of potion to suppress my insanity after all what if that would create an evil alter ego like in jacqueline height huh i can already picture what that would be like and i am evil oh wait i forgot the mustache yeah i am so evil well then again maybe instead of getting evil it would actually get good anyway after going through all the tentacle prawn although that drains your insight so in a way not even that bad in this playthrough although it is ironic that getting sucked leads to losing insight when post not clarity means that so another thing is that there was a very helpful rune waiting for me up at which you get from defeating the celestial emissary so the fight against all the rogers took place i suppose not exactly much to say about this one but as i said defeating them was still very relevant because it gave me access to an even better communion rune but of course there was a far more interesting boss fight awaiting us after jumping through the window oh what the [ __ ] apparently if you jump through a window in the virtual world you jump through a window in real life [ __ ] me i guess the only thing that would be worse if someone would ring the doorbell in the middle of a boss fight or something but then again what are the chances of that happening anyway i was nearing the end of the first stream but i decided to give a brightness a quick try and initially it went very well i approached it in the same way i would with a standard melee weapon going for headshots pretty much exclusively since that is a weak point and therefore i did really good damage the answer although i didn't realize something given that this attack is essentially an aoe although i should have realized it when i got a tentacle stagger even though i was trying to aim for the hat and also how the hell did that next attack miss her hat that doesn't seem right but speaking of staggering and hitting her hat the frenzy attack apparently is not that great at breaking her head which turned out to be a good thing because i got the stagger very late causing her to go through her transition animation to her third face twice and it's definitely a good thing to have her health this low when she reaches the third phase and not merely because she becomes incredibly difficult moves at wise but also because she gains an aura that automatically builds up frenzy which is obviously extra painful in this run in particular however then right before the end i got dive bomb to death yeah that attack is so difficult to avoid almost first try but no cigar or something i don't know i don't smoke or understand expressions all that well and what's worse is that next attempt i suddenly played like [ __ ] and i also tried out an alternative way of avoiding a chart by outrunning it with mixed results i would say but all in all i guess i was just getting tired so i ended the stream there and decided to continue first with mikalas in the next stream yeah it definitely would have been handy if my package would get delivered right now but i guess we'll just have to continue so in next stream i ran past the frenziest source of frenzy namely the brain of menses and i also noticed that the bell ladies were rigging here as well now i didn't get invaded but who knows if the ringing women would have an even more sneaky way of getting me killed because perhaps they are the true brains of mances nah that sounds doubtful but no matter what part of manchester may be nicholas is the cockatoo's dick and balls of menses because [ __ ] me can he annoy the ever living [ __ ] out of me i wanted to make sure to get them away from the respawning marionette skellies but he doesn't take direction very well and when you get him into the little hallway it's still vital for him to attack first to prevent trading hits but when he just refuses to act i become impatient and then he puts the torture in cbt i suppose however then i finally made it through the first phase now it would be even a thicker move than mickey is to distract me now in a highly inconvenient way huh oh [ __ ] there there's someone at the door well that sucks ah god damn it and this game has no pass button if it's a jehovah's witness he will regret that his religion doesn't allow blood transfer oh of course it's the table i ordered yeah not exactly the most convenient time but uh okay there you go that's not surprising that i didn't expect the post guy because after all he had already been here before the run to deliver my blood letter why am i back at the lantern ah that sneaky [ __ ] at least i hope that the table i ordered doesn't disappoint and that it has a nice build quality and whatnot well my character might not be allowed to drink any sedatives but fortunately i have my own version that i'm very much required to drink at this point no doctors orders and of course i cannot chase captain carcage from the balcony with this attack but at least i can immediately follow him into a son of a [ __ ] well at least you can manage to stay close to him to avoid getting called beyond into skyrim or oblivion i don't know what the expression is but still that does leave you wide open for tentacle prawn and get infested but in return he can take splash damage to the face so that's something at least now after dropping the brain of mantis a few iq points lower very relatable at this point i would say but the point is that i acquired a duplicate of the blood damage boosting gem that i had from the previous game cycle meaning that that would be my final damage boost which i probably would going to need when facing the dlc bosses although what arguably could be considered a final boss merger's wetness went down very easily yet this boss's threat level is reduced significantly when you know how to avoid the clone phase since you can dodge that attack because it's actually a projectile that initiates that phase for some reason and just like how you would get behind her for melee attacks in a normal run just use that same opportunity to get a frenzy attack in and there you go in principle we could end the game but we're not going to do that however before going into the dlc i first wanted to clean up the main game bosses and therefore i went back to a brightest now not only did things go a lot better after taking a break since the previous stream but i discovered something near the end of the fight that made me realize that i approached this fight in completely the wrong way because i was constantly waiting for head slam attacks however with the frenzy attack of the bloodladder which is an aoe you can hit her head by simply slamming the ground underneath her head basically the same reason why i could hit father gascoigne when he was stuck on the staircase so that meant if i would have simply stuck close to her i would probably have had a much easier time getting both tentacle and head staggers just by attacking in front of her rather than waiting for opportunities to hit her hat directly now when it comes to parle he's skilled for mid game so usually you can easily keep him on the ground and defeat him in no time well i guess i should have drank a little more of my own version of a sedative so i mean me not my character because when things didn't go as planned i went from press continue to press panic button okay this is not working as i expected it to work i expected that you would just be able to knock him down like with oh there we go there we go oh but you can't keep him come on that's where i'm stuck what the [ __ ] i literally am stuck okay i'm messing up pretty bad here okay now i'm just [ __ ] up okay i love the camera in this fight by the way all right it's a good thing that he doesn't have that much health because that was a bit messy really now that is some [ __ ] well despite having really high resistances sinterklaas still took almost 1100 damage per hit although he has also a ton of health on newton plus and i couldn't use my usual approach to phase one where i get him stuck in a loop so his sudden skull explosions kind of took me off guard so much in fact that i didn't pay attention to my frenzy meter although in the end it definitely wasn't the first phase that was the issue after all he does leave himself open a lot and he is nowhere near as aggressive yet but then in the second phase first of all i obviously couldn't do a backstep attack during his transition but since i also couldn't use a gun i had no easy way of destroying a sword so when he opens up the gates of babylon on your ass it's quite likely that you will fly off the handle when you can't handle the flying swords oh oh [ __ ] no not good okay this sucks this sucks this sucks this sucks and i'm stuck which sucks even more okay this is not good this is not good at all suckalicious and they just keep going that's the worst thing oh [ __ ] i couldn't do the attack animation because one of the swords hit me [ __ ] this is not good this is not good this is not good at all and they just keep going those [ __ ] swords okay now i'm just panicking yeah okay i'm not going to be able to straight hit like hits like this [ __ ] you can react faster than i can do the attack oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] happened there they really shouldn't have placed this boss on a roof like this oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm going to get frenzy now oh no huh oh okay well i'm not complaining oh [ __ ] i couldn't see him oh from software is that really necessary [ __ ] not good not good on my head no no i can't see anything [ __ ] not good no not good i need to heal i'm getting staggered like crazy because of the [ __ ] swords oh what a mess quick kill him no it didn't it it didn't hit ah jesus [ __ ] well that was that was a complete mess that was a complete mess but i did make it through i guess my health bar really saved it because it was not strategy or anything i was just panicking like crazy alright then with the main game bosses down it is time to make our way to ludwig at least if the bloodlakers would let me and my blood ladder through the blood yeah well at least getting to ludwig is nowhere near as difficult as fighting him because basically in any play through loot weight can be a very tough fight but surprisingly our damage output is still around a thousand and a lot more when it's counter damage or instability damage or whatever you want to call it after all as i said before blood damage is the best all-around damage type because almost no boss is specifically resistant to it and that's why the numbers are so steady now of course because of ludwig's giant health pool which applies to all dlc bosses especially on nukin plus even with this damage output it will still take a lot of hits and in turn it takes well very little for him to drain my health bar now because i'm constantly inflicting frenzy damage upon myself against a hyper-aggressive boss like lutewick it's essential that you don't just heal at random moments but use attack opportunities in order to safely heal rather than get another attack in now one benefit that ludwig has is not merely that he staggers quite a lot but that he is even designed to stagger at specific moments in his second phase so even though the french attack is relatively slow you can still get multiple attacks in at those specific moments regardless especially the second phase takes a lot longer using this attack than with standard melee attacks and that was ludwig it was a lot easier than i expected you see i am doing really good damage that's definitely what uh what helps all right then this is probably go what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] now i'm the living the not living failure where's the damage that's basically all always around a thousand now so that's always good but this is probably going to be a lengthy fight like this maybe we should focus on the castles in general it's too slow to avoid that oh that's that could be a bit of an issue okay group they're from multiheads uh well yeah in principle but that's not really safe oh hey that was a nice multi-hat that's pretty helpful when the melee ones put themselves into the hitbox let's get another head quickly oh [ __ ] i was too far to the right no no ah [ __ ] okay now i'm panicking quick oh there we go again okay final it nice okay there we go by the way they are live as you can see yeah of course flowers are live but i mean alive in the sense that they are moving like actual sentient beings i mean this is not this is not waving in the wind i think this looks like actual movement i mean if you look at the flower petals the wind is coming from the right and that's not how the the sunflowers are moving so it's little as if they are like sentient beings okay for maria i definitely had to take the beak mask off because here's a little known cheese tactic if you wear it during the cutscene she will automatically kill herself when she pulls you towards her piercing the beak right through her face well would have been an interesting mechanic at least i suppose okay so maria is an incredibly fast and agile boss so not only do you need to carefully choose your attack opportunities but that applies to healing as well because he has several ways of punishing you for healing including using a gun on top of that this is one of the few bosses who is resistant to blood damage meaning i did significantly less damage to her per attack now one benefit though of the french attack is that it makes a flinch cancelling her attack animation and on top of that because it's an aoe it lingers a bit and she can launch herself right into it however the first phase already takes a long time this way and during a second and third phases attack opportunities become much more scarce and whereas you could normally do backstabs for massive damage that was not a possibility this time meaning less opportunities doing less damage per attack meaning a very long fight of attrition regardless when i made it to the third phase i still had 12 blood vials left which sounds like more than enough but would it be and now she has boys oh not don't you don't want to be in the corner now [ __ ] okay now [ __ ] up i'm [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] ah follow up dammit i'm getting low on blood valves like this oh well this time i took the follow-up into account at least ah she did to still get staggered oh [ __ ] the fire craplicious [ __ ] i'm choking a little bit now oh [ __ ] whoa that can cancel that attack nice that was kind of a gas [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm frenzied no no fuckalicious that was scary that was pretty intense down near the end jesus [ __ ] do it wow i almost choked but it worked out alright then orphan well at least he doesn't have maria's blood defenses but he is even more aggressive than maria is as his newborn mind is even more unstable than my stupid new table and possibly even more likely to get me killed but i ran into another issue in this fight namely the recovery time of the frenzy attack i guess it's not that slow but it takes a while before you can dodge after using it so in principle i could use my standard melee approach where i bait backstabs but then use a frenzy attack instead of a backstab however after an actual backstab you have enough time to create distance again but with the frenzy attack it doesn't even always make orphan flinch and depending on which attack he does next he might be able to hit you before you can even move again so there's rng involved and in the second phase those backstab opportunities become even rarer and more rng dependent in hindsight i probably shouldn't even have gone for those exclusively to begin with i guess i'm just too used to fighting him on bl4 where you pretty much have to approach the fight that way therefore i at least have to make some adaptations to this strategy for example when orphan does the sideways attack that goes all the way to the right indicating that he's going to jump towards you next i had to make sure to position myself to his side before attacking so that his follow-up attack wouldn't be able to hit me otherwise he would immediately punish me after i would punish him and he can do a lot more damage than i can do now because you have to be so patient you do save some blood vials because frenzy doesn't activate as much so running out of blood vials was less of a problem however that doesn't mean that frenzy build up was no problem at all in fact it very much was [ __ ] not good not good because of friend frenzy [ __ ] got him there we go a little bit of patience ah yeah i had to adapt to some things like i said on being on his right side after he does that jump given that he can do that weird follow but he turns around like that normally you don't have to worry about that when you do a backstab however even with orphan down the hardest dlc boss for me at least is still alive and it didn't take long before i wasn't especially because for some reason i was suddenly mistiming absolutely everything so that's always helpful well what's even less helpful is that lawrence has about 34 000 hp on nukem plus so having to do a lot of attacks meaning a lot of frenzy damage which in turn means that i have a lot less elbow room when it comes to taking fire damage since they decided to give fire airwise to nearly every attack of this boss and therefore i had to be extra careful to preserve my blood vials now fortunately he does stagger a lot or even voluntarily falls down in the second phase but that's about the only advantage you have in this fight regardless i still managed to get to his third face with 17 blood vials left however that doesn't mean much because in this state one mistake can get you stuck and then your health bar doesn't mean anything anymore anyway against lawrence especially in this state you can be only one mistake away from death oh the [ __ ] okay i'm [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] whoa i'm not [ __ ] that was that was luck oh [ __ ] i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm panicking i'm panicking i'm panicking i'm panicking i'm panicking i'm panicking okay wow i got really lucky like twice at least twice i got ridiculously lucky where i was almost about to die all right jesus was definitely with me there submit no no no no no no no that's not what i wanted oh does that work not submit your life i wanted to do the other one [ __ ] it's a good apparently you can cancel it or maybe it will just continue playing when i to continue [ __ ] when i press continue refuse this is the one okay yeah close call there i guess my brain was starting to rot away at this point but we are in the final stretch let's hope we can make it before i end up in a sanitarium or maybe i already am and i'm too insane to even realize it which makes you wonder if you truly are insane do you even know it well normally german feels like a step down in difficulty after the dlc bosses but the new game plus he has over 6 000 additional hp on top of that i usually approach this fight by parrying him even on bl4 where you wouldn't use any visceral attacks but simply to create attack opportunities however that wouldn't be an option this time so i had to rely solely on dodging and on making him flinch for my attacks given that he doesn't have any poise yet after all that very much changes when he goes into his second form and gains that aura around him because then he no longer flinches from your attacks making your attack opportunities much much more risky oh [ __ ] now my now my friends is so high and now he has poise i have to be more careful when they attacking him or my friend's meters this high want franzimita go down please unfortunately he just walks to you menacingly oh [ __ ] oh no don't don't don't don't visual me don't visual me [ __ ] uh-oh no my friends and meat are so [ __ ] high i have to okay i have to make use of this okay worked out that's better okay nice oh [ __ ] didn't see that coming [ __ ] now my french meters wait why only two more hits i think so i don't want to [ __ ] up now near the end just let him do his pimp walk i got him all right then well in most other ones you would make flora hit the floor in no time making her kind of a disappointing final boss but that may also be one of the reasons why i just suck at this fight not enough opportunities to learn i guess but with the frenzy build up there was another issue because this boss can block your healing ability and also drain all of your life down to one hp so if you combine that with the automatic 50 damage from your own attacks and then suddenly the final boss of the game does in fact feel like the final boss of the game is my healing block now wait let me just heal oh yeah see i can't heal [ __ ] and i can't attack because then i will frenzy myself [ __ ] this is not good how do you see where you can heal again okay now i can heal again okay now i can risk hey you know let's heal first so that frenzy definitely cannot kill me oh [ __ ] okay let's just end it and there we are bloodborne using only frenzy attacks without using any sedatives other than drinking beer as if this game wasn't madness inducing enough as it is but at least i hope that this playthrough elevated your insight and if your mind could handle it then consider hitting that like and subscribe button and if you want early access then you can support me on patreon and of course come and hang out with all the other crazy folks over at my discord server thank you all for watching and i will see you all next time you
Channel: Press Continue
Views: 182,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne bloodletter all bosses, bloodborne bloodletter L2 only, bloodborne challenge run, Can you beat bloodborne, how to beat bloodborne, Bloodborne only run, Bloodborne without run, Elden ring challenge run, Dark souls challenge run, How to beat Bloodborne, Can I beat bloodborne using, bloodborne whip only, can you beat bloodborne with only
Id: cIjQ5k1mgVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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