Bloodborne Lore - Story and Endings Explained

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there's a lot going on in blood-borne story and I want to make it as clear as day for you with no BS that is why I am making this video I don't want to be pretentious and be like look nowhere else because all your answers are right here no one else is right because I'm not like that but in all honesty I spent a lot of time on this video figuring things out for me and you just to get a better understanding of the whole blood-borne world and the plot so I very unpretentiously say you can't find a better story explanation anywhere else ah thank you and don't forget spoilers warning this video contains possible spoilers on the subject material please be advised yharnam is a city hidden amongst the farthest reaches of the treacherous eastern mountains and is named after its Queen yharnam is known for its blood healing as was the plague epidemic called the scourge of the Beast that has spread outside of its walls many sick travelers have made their way to yharnam skates to seek a certain mysterious procedure despite his puzzling and sacrilegious nature that is why you're there you are cursed with the plague and you are having a transfusion of blood done by a mysterious man and a top hat known as the blood minister to rid you of the scourge of the Beast the burning beast is a hallucination and symbolism of the beasts blood being bled away while unknown yharnam blood is transfused back into you the man warned you you might see things like this during the procedure whatever happens you may think it all in exchange for the healing you sign yourself into a contract to become a hunter to help rid the streets of the plague as did many others before you will signed and sealed but that's not all the contract entails and this contract can be broken as in Eileen the crows jurors in Alfred's case when they die they die for reals no more dreams for me this is my last chance I no longer dream but I was once a hunter - you're a beast hunter aren't you that's precisely how I started out a message in the hunters dream reads to escape this dreadful hunter's dream halt the source of the spreading scourge of beasts less the night carry on forever it's a bit riddling at first but it's actually your contract it basically says to be freed of this contract stop the plague so the Sun can rise again in this world it's basically an endless night while the beasts run rampant and the healing Church believes the pale blood is the first step to stopping them immediately into the hunt you are told to seek pale blood oh yeah and just what is pale blood I'll explain you talked to Gilbert about it but his lack of knowledge on pale blood is misleading he doesn't know what pale blood means as he's not a member of the healing church and thought you were actually asking him about blood treatment but that's understandable he's sick so cut him some slack from software is trying to mislead you on purpose blood pale blood is actually referring to the color of the moon and sky after a certain ritual and is another name for the celestial deity that governs it known as the moon presence that's how the moon presence got its name because when it descends the moon in the sky looks similar to the color of a pale blood a note in the college reads the nameless moon presents beckoned by Lawrence and his associates pale blood that's saying that the moon presence is pale blood so after defeating rom the vacuous spider you back in the moon presence and there's your pale blood a pale blood moon brought about by the moon presence behold a pale blood sky as he progressed as a hunter defeating many celestial great ones absorb insight but understand this the numbers on your screen do not in any way reflect how much insight you have gained plot was you progressively become more and more powerful with each great one you slave despite how much insight the game says you have after the rom fight you consume all his garnered insight and you become so enlightened that the amygdala creatures become visible before this was only possible after having 40 insight also after defeating ROM you can't help but hear a baby's cry in the ambience of every area which also was only possible after having 60 insight so if you defeat ROM and you have zero insight you'll still hear the babies cry and see the creatures on the building's that's proof that the number of insight does not have any correlation with insight you have via the plot in the scriptures of the Bergen Wirth mansion it says when the red moon hangs low and the great ones descend a womb will be blessed with a child hearing the baby's cries all over the place leads me to believe not just one womb but many and three that we know of the great ones are unable to conceive children themselves and do so through Immaculate Conception in humans this has to have happened before as these infants are found swarming the upper grand Cathedral only much more grown ah ain't it the cutest little bugger since you found pale blood your next objective comes from a message seek the nightmare newborn and another message nightmarish rituals crave a newborn find one and silence its harrowing cry your hunt is now for the celestial newborn mergo but you will encounter three newborns in your travels and for the true ending you consume their umbilical cords as gross as that may seem for massive plot related insight this was hinted at in the college their studies were to achieve a high enough enlightenment to be on the same level as the great ones and to surpass their own stupidity I believe Yosef Koh was a graduate of this college and then later became a part of the choir ascending the ladder of the healing church the woman in the gown seemed after defeating ROM and seen just before encountering her goes wet-nurse is known as the queen yharnam that's right the very establishment the game is based in was named after her and I believe she is the first to give birth to a nightmare newborn judging from her bloody gown and I'm assuming she died shortly after defeating ROM appearing as a spirit but that is just speculation on my Murr goes wet-nurse is acting as a nanny to tend to the newborn after yharnam death the wet nurse is a descendant of the pale moon in a great one on par with the moon presence as you can tell by the nightmare slain message that only occurs after defeating the moon presence and myrrh goes wet-nurse after defeating it the baby's cries are silenced and its umbilical cord is taken the second womb is that of Yosef qey before you can even witness her birth you can kill her and the nightmare newborn within her womb taking the second umbilical cord the third womb is that of Ariana the woman of the night who gives birth to the nightmare newborn in the sewers beneath out on Chapel it is said her baby was immaculately conceived by the deity Odin the formless one killing her baby results in the third umbilical cord a fourth elusive umbilical cord is on what would be the rune workshop of the abandoned old workshop it's an ancient celestial umbilical cord dating back before the encounter with the pale moon which beckoned the hunters and conceived the hunter's dream basically it dated back before the plagues and corruption before hunters or the hunters dream or even necessary they are considered a third of an umbilical cord because it is really the precursor to the cord and is lined with eyes and when consuming them you gain 3 in-game insight each there's no telling how much insight you gain plot wise but let's just say a lot enough to repel the very God the yharnam i'ts worship when consuming at least 3 of them when you defeat the moon presence you are born again as the next god essentially lifting humanity into its next childhood what I think that means is that the slate was wiped clean a fresh start and the world has begun anew free of plagues caused by humankind's misuse of old blood and free of insanity ridden curses caused by humankind's obsessions with the arcane this is the true ending I'll reiterate this later in killing menses killing the nightmare newborn and releasing the captive great one that was used to study and harness its power you basically stop the source of the scourge of the Beast and end the endless night thus your duties are fulfilled and the contract is null and void if you choose to become the next great one for the true ending it is up to you as there are still two other endings in confronting gehrman he makes it very clear that if you die you'll forget everything and wake anew in the real world everything having been purified and cleansed thanks to you all the tombstones surrounding you are clear indication that many hunters have died here in this way to reawaken in the real world this is the means of ending the contract you signed when getting the blood treatment at the beginning of the game even exalted hunters are terminated in this way and look they're doing fine mostly gehrman comes off as very non foreboding and explains it to you in very clear terms you will die forget the dream and awake under the Morning Sun you will be freed in the good ending if you accept death you wake anew outside of yharnam under the sunrise successfully being cured of the plague alive and free you have fulfilled your duties and you can carry on that's why it's the good ending but if you refuse you get the bad ending gehrman will try to kill you against your will if you manage to defeat him the moon presence comes down and appoints you the new hunters advisor assuming that's what you wanted essentially taking gehrman's place as an advisor and being trapped in the dream for ages and that's why it's the bad ending let's go back to the true ending as I feel it needs reiteration after consuming the umbilical cords you become more powerful than the moon presence itself and it is unable to appoint you as the new hunters advisor to take gehrman's place in realizing it is unable to control you it attempts to kill you after it dies you're transformed into the next newborn deity from which you will grow how this happens is intentionally unclear but it is up for interpretation so theorize away maybe you become so insightful so enlightened and so powerful that you collapse in on yourself and you become this little leech baby I don't know theorized it's up to you but for me other questions are brought up such as if you stop the source of the scourge of the Beast why does the hunter's dream still need to exist I thought maybe the workshop being on fire was symbolism for the end of the hunters dream there would be no more plagues no more beasts and especially no more stragglers seeking blood treatment in becoming hunters so why does the hunter's dream still exist in at least two of the endings perhaps the hunter's dream will always be around as we all know history does repeat itself and more than likely does in this world we know at one point the hunters dream was non-existent maybe it's just around for gameplay purposes so you can start a new game who knows is it possible that after the sunset beasts come out again and it's an endless day and night cycle perhaps the moon presence is the moon-god governing when the night ends and begins and yet there's another deity pulling the strings for when the Sun rises and sets similar to ancient beliefs there's plenty to theorize about but with little evidence to go on I'd rather just keep it the mystery it is for now as I may have said before once upon a time I'm all for the Lovecraftian mystery so there you have it blood-borne story in a nutshell who you are what are hunters and all the endings explained but you were really lost at first like I was but now it should all make good sense to you as it does for me be sure to subscribe for more on blood-borne lore and explanations of other characters and more
Channel: Fungo
Views: 896,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodborne, lore, story, endings, explained, great ones, hunters, old blood, paleblood, tonsil stone, nightmare newborn, mergo, umbilical cords, bloodborne story explained, bloodborne story in 5 minutes, bloodborne lore, bloodborne endings explained, bloodborne ending explained, bloodborne true ending, bloodborne good ending explained, bloodborne true ending explained, bloodborne moon presence, bloodborne story, bloodborne bad ending
Id: Nj15A0g3etg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2015
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