Bloodborne Lore | The Tragedy of Lady Maria

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hi everyone hope you're doing well today we will be discussing lady Maria descendant of royalty hunter of the church protector of the astral Clocktower I will be referencing red graves the pale blood hunt occasionally throughout this piece and I recommend each of you have a look at the work in its entirety at some point let us begin before the nightmare there was arrogance before the scourge of the beasts there was ambition before the fishing Hamlet there was Maria the tale of Lady Maria is one steeped in sorrow and regret such a life is not just worth analyzing but heeded as it is above all a cautionary tale to understand completely we must start at the beginning the description of Maria's Hunter attire reads among the first hunters all students of gehrman was the lady hunter Maria this was her hunter's garb crafted in cainhurst Maria is distantly related to the undead Queen but had great admiration for Yemen unaware of his curious mania from this we can understand that Maria most likely began her life in cainhurst castle I have spoken extensively on the culture and society of cainhurst in the past but it is important to note that Cain hosted had their own hunters who were tasked with dealing with outbreaks of beasts hood within their borders discreetly I expand on this theory in my two videos on cainhurst which I will link below Maria was clearly noticed by the Knights of cainhurst perhaps of her natural talent for combat it would not be until later that she would reach her peak of her skill under the tutelage of gamin but we'll get to that later it also states at Maria was descended from the undead Queen presumably an Elise unlike the apparent majority of the female inhabitants of cainhurst however it appears that Maria would be trained to fight rather than becoming a lady of leisure this is not to say that female Knights were not a completely foreign concept in cainhurst as they are illustrated in paintings within the castle something curious is that Maria had a knowledge and admiration of gehrman from a young age whether this respect blossomed while she was at cainhurst or perhaps later at Bergen worth is unknown as we know gehrman was in service of Lawrence in scholar of Bergen worth and the man primarily responsible for the founding of the healing church gehrman when it was in the business of trading hunters himself very early on in our understanding of the time line when the healing church was still in its infancy the fact that Maria was probably trained during this period means that her tutelage under gehrman probably predates the executioner's massacre at Kane host castle which occurred after the healing church was more established at least from my understanding it would also make sense as Maria a cainhurst descendant would most likely not be allowed to join the ranks of the healing church unless her presence preceded the attack when Gammons original workshop was overshadowed and eventually made obsolete from the official workshops of the healing church Maria's background as a vileblood would have no doubt forced her to hide her true nature her great power Maria's tale at its core is one restraint the description of the rakuyo reads hunter weapon wielded by maria of the astral Clocktower a trick sword originating in the same country as the cainhurst chikage only the sword feeds not off blood but instead demands great dexterity lady Maria was fond of this aspect of the require as she frowned upon blood blades despite being a distant relative of the Queen but one day she abandoned her beloved rikuo casting it into a dark well when she could stomach its presence no longer the rikuo encapsulate Maria's ideology for the most part while Maria holds great power within her that she can use at any time she prefers instead to master the art of combat through hard work and perseverance hence the rikuo's dependency on the user's skill rather than blood tinge this would set her apart from other Cain host hunters who not only worshipped their blood swords but allowed them to eat away the resins bit by bit the final aspect of the rikuo's description detailing Maria's abandonment of the blade is emblematic of Maria's eventual pacifism something that we'll discuss shortly the fact that we find Maria trapped in the hunters nightmare and making a mistake she is trapped tells us for all of Maria's foresight all of her wisdom she was not without sin of her what would take place in the fishing Hamlet would send ripples throughout the waking world and Beyond Burnham was black a lot blasphemous murders led crazed things tournament for the wretches by the rat of mother cos mercy for the poor wasn't child mercy oh please and sown mentor for the wretches lay the curse of blood upon them and their children and their children's children for evermore each wretched birth we plunge each child into a lifetime of misery I know Redgrave does not buy into the concept of magic existing in blood-borne and to a degree I do not either however on the topic of curses I believe that this is very real and tangible concept part of the description of the defiled chalice reads curses are caused by inciting the anger of the great ones and used to hex others what happened in the fishing hamlet in my opinion would result in the surviving inhabitants using the anger of the great ones to place a curse on Maria gammon and several other members of Bergen worth a curse that would ensnare and trap the blood-drunk a hunter's nightmare an endless gauntlet of killing and suffering the question remains however what caused this anger long ago before the night of the hunt that we experienced there was a seaside fishing hamlet a rain-soaked village of fishermen and their families far from the relatively advanced city of Yana the description of the causes parasite reads when the carcass of cause washed up on the coast its insides were teeming with tiny parasites unlike any found in humans whether or not the inhabitants of the fishing hamlet killed caused themselves the result was the same a great one an alien cosmic being now lay dead on the beach of the fishing hamlet and the villages were soon infected by the parasites that lay within cause while initial transformations may have been unpleasant for the villagers they eventually formed somewhat of a symbiotic relationship to cause worshiping the corpse as a God I believe redgraves interpretation of the events that played out in the fishing hamlet are very close to the truth and his thoughts can be read in his masterpiece the pale blood hunt which I will link in the description my version of events does differ slightly so I'll recount them as I believe they happened even though there is some crossover between my interpretation and his through their sources the informants of Bergen Worth relayed this news of a dead great one to Willem and the rest of the scholars it was then decided that gammon and Maria would be the ones to travel to this quiet village and discovered the truth of what had transpired it is unclear what their exact directive was or whether Maria and gammon were given separate missions what is clear is that the fishing hamlet would become ground zero for the hunters nightmare the description of the accursed brew reads skull of a local from the violated fishing village the inside of the skull was forcibly searched for eyes as evidenced by innumerable scratches and indentations no wonder the skull became stewed in curses they who offer painful chants weep with them as one in trance Maria and gammon did not only butcher the villagers they mutilated them searching inside their heads for eyes as proof that they had been elevated biologically from their encounter with cos and her parasites there is a decapitated corpse which hangs upside down next to the first lamp perhaps the remains of one such villager whose head was searched redgrave argues that the great ones can not for the experiences and feelings of human beings but I believe that they are able to understand great swellings of emotion like happiness or in the case of the fishing hamlet great sorrow curses are caused by the anger of the great ones and the skull of the fishing hamlet villager is overflowing with curses let us now look at the dialogue of the hamlet shaman whose words might be able to be taken more literally than you might initially think they the curse of blood upon them and their children and children's children for evermore and so a curse was placed upon the defiling hunters of the church created by the anger of the great ones whether this stemmed from caused herself the orphan or otherwise is unknown what seems to be implied is a Maria and gammon stole something from the corpse of cause it could have been a one-third cord but a theory of redgraves that I tend to agree with is that either the unborn child of causes or some other member of the fishing Hamlet was brought back to burg and worth for study on the elevator that leads to the research hall there is a tapestry of three people examining a strangely formed humanoid one of the people look similarly to Willem and it is possible that the humanoid could be the child of cause we will return to this a bit later when discussing the research hall the curse of blood is most intriguing personally I think it is possible that this curse the survivors of the hamlet massacre levied against the Bergen worth murderers could have stretched as far as yharnam itself but I digress that is not what this video is about the most important factor about Maria is that she is a person who is trying to leave the legacy of her namesake behind she does not want to be known for the power of her blood or the villainous nature of her lineage in spite of this however Maria became everything she swore to abandon she states to us a corpse should be left well alone oh I know very well how the secrets beckoned so sweetly redgrave asserted correctly in my opinion that the corpse at Marea is referring to is not her own as we may presume but the corpse of cause Maria is as guilty of ambition and had a lust for knowledge to the same degree as any other Birkin one scholar disgusted by her actions of the hamlet Maria through her beloved weapon into the well in the hamlet and swore that if her allegiance was to the healing church it would be to serve the institution without violence this assignment would come to her in the form of the research Hall the research Hall simply put was used primarily to conduct experiments on people through the use of brain fluid the final objective of these experiments seems to be to elevate the patient's to something above a human from an evolutionary point of view however I digress as this video is not on the experiments of the healing church Maria was appointed as caretaker of these patients within the research hall and took this occupation with much care and thoughtfulness despite the obvious suffering that the patients must have endured Maria still believed in some aspects of the healing church's cause the dialogue of the patient's we can encounter tell us all that we need to know is that you lady Maria know you're someone else Oh lady Maria lady Maria please take my hand please help me don't let me drown Oh lady Maria save me please I don't hear anything lady Maria mama Robin will I ever grow up and become in there I would say you lady Maria lady Maria say something anything as we can hear from this dialogue that comes from multiple patients Maria acted as a soothing voice in the darkness for them a respite from their pain unfortunately it seems that at some point Maria abandoned this Duty and locked herself in the astral Clocktower perhaps the endless stream of patients going mad and failed experiments took their toll on her though that is something that can be debated when we find Maria in the clock tower she appears to be dead perhaps from a self-inflicted wound I think it is possible that it was at this point at which she became trapped in the nightmare while gehrman would eventually become trapped in the dream forming a tragic dichotomy upon interacting with Maria's corpse she comes back to life grabbing you by the arm before delicately releasing her grip on you she fights you not out of bloodlust but because she wants to prevent anyone else from making her mistake the search for knowledge is not an innocent one and Maria understands this more than anyone else the startling truth we learn during this fight with Maria is that her greatest foe is not you but herself inside Maria lies a power that not only asks to be used but begs any true cainhurst hunter draws mite from their own blood but Maria is different she actively avoids using her blood during the first phase believing that her speed that her knowledge of combat will be enough to best you but it is not Maria has been engaged in a battle with herself for a lifetime but it is in this moment that she decides to let go to give in to her nature just how Gascon allowed himself to give in to his own nature as a beast lady Maria allows her guise as a hunter to slip and shows herself in honesty as a vile blood she attacks you with her blood-soaked rakuyo with each slash errupting into flame in crimson maria could have fought you like this from the beginning but believed more in her own skill rather than her innate strength when Maria dies it may seem sad but rather it is a release for her she was trapped in the dream not trusting anyone to venture into the fissure Hamlet less the nightmare begin again if we speak to the doll after defeating Maria she has new dialogue in States this may sound strange but have I somehow change moments ago from someplace perhaps deep within I sensed a liberation from heavy shackles not that I would know how passing strange the doll is something I probably say for its own video but it is apparent here the Maria and the doll are linked more than just an appearance the doll senses Maria's death and understands that she is now free from the nightmare her spirit has finally been laid to rest and the pale blood hunter absolves her sins by ending the nightmare and the fishing Hamlet Maria's death who is not in vain she teaches us many things chief among them would be faith in one's abilities to be wary of one's ambition and to know when to let go thank you for watching everyone and I hope you enjoyed yet another blood-borne lore video I really enjoyed making this one as Maria has been one of my favorite characters for a while now if you liked what you saw make sure to subscribe as I do have a lot of interesting things in store for the future if you want to talk to me about anything feel free to hit me up on Twitter or via the Facebook page which should be linked down below I'll also link redgraves the pale blood hunt his youtube channel and my two videos on cainhurst if you are still curious about that side of the story see you next time
Channel: Mitch L
Views: 681,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, bloodborne, bloodborne lore, dark souls lore, maria lore, lady maria lore, gehrman lore, moon presence lore, tags, vaatividya, dark souls 2 lore, dark souls 3 lore, bloodborne pc, lady maria, maria of the astral clocktower, cainhurst lore, logarius lore, davecontrol, silvermont, theashenhollow, Aegon of Astora, Redgrave, swords and stuff, thinking of tags, who writes these things
Id: S9PmejoWiJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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