Blood Angels vs Space Wolves Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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[Music] we play and call it work mini ward gaming's warhammer 40k battle report many working for dave here from here with luca behind the camera right now welcome wargamers to the new battle report with the new blood angels in their new supplement which is awesome we're going to be fighting against the space wolves which are also new they're very very recent so two pitted up against each other we're gonna we have a bit of a disagreement we're to be fighting each other we are brothers in arms yes but there can only be one true right correct honest person in this argument that we're having right now over this manufacturem and who should rightfully be controlling it uh that's what i think and that's the narrative reason for why we're fighting also because fight angels is brand new and uh i asked luca not to bring necrons so there's also that too there's also that the necrons and blood angels are buddy buddy i mean they are but that doesn't make sense for them to fight right of course yeah um so i gotta mention uh that's where uh this lovely hoodie came from as well as the t-shirt that i have my corn t-shirt so check that out there's a link below for that if you want to get your own merch from them let's take a look at the new armies and taking a look at the brand new 2000 point blood angels battalion strike force that's what this is i have two hq's right out in front we have my primaries captain who i've paid uh extra 20 points for him to become a death company primaris captain because that's what you can do now you can make captains or lieutenants death uh yeah death company if you wish which is one of the new things in the book which we'll be focusing on uh something else i'll also mention something else that i'll be trying to do in this game is showing off the death visions that he gets now they're all pretty much uh melee based but they're super super cool something to note about the death visions which i'll say out loud just as a reminder for myself and for those of you who are watching for the first time and learning this along with me it'll be good for both of us i can only do one of the three death visions once per game but there is a stratagem which is visions of sanguinius that allows me to actually use a second one so i can have up to two or use up to two death visions in the game if i wish those come at like various times and i will mention it when it comes up you better believe it now because my primaries captain is a death company primaries captain one of the rules there states that he cannot be my warlord because of that he doesn't get a word or trait however i've given the relic to him and it's the visage of death which states that each time a melee attack is made against him i subtract luca would have to subtract one to the hit roll so that's pretty that's good that makes it more survivable in addition to this i negate objective secured for uh units that have it which is pretty cool they have to be within three inches of me for that to happen but still cool ability nonetheless and the last thing to note on him is that his rights of battle only apply to death company core not just any blood angel core which makes sense these death companies kind of partial to them so we're just going to go with it going over to my actual warlord my primarist tech marine which is the first time i'm fielding this guy his warlord trait is gift of foresight which states that i can reroll one hit roll one wound roll and a saving roll uh in each turn so that's pretty sweet that's actually really really good that reminds me a little bit of desk goals he's uh yeah in a way he's similar or also known as a victor of the blood games i like that name it sounds awesome zooming out here looking at the rest of the army starting with the troops choices i got two squads of assault intercessors equipped with their astartes chain swords and their guns we got some plasma pistols upgraded on the sergeants i also have a unit of intercessors five man squad right in the middle there just because we needed to round out the troops choices and uh i wanted to try something not just another assault intercessor squad so i wanted to make it another intercessor but not that one they are equipped with their bolt rifles moving on to elites i have two units of death company with jump packs and austerities chain swords and bolt pistols that's what they are equipped with i have two eight eight-man squads because let's face it they are corn after all that's what i think of they are the space marine corn army that's what the corn should be so uh that's why they're eight also because i needed the points to include the intercessor squad to round out the troops choices in this battalion detachment that's another reason why they're two a-man squads um but more importantly because they're corn uh i look forward to them i plan on using the uh forlorn fury i believe is the stratagem that allows them one unit to move yeah they just move forward yeah moves forward has to be more than nine away from you but i can move them 12 i think i have to double check that but i'm a free movement basically before the game begins one one fun fact about the death company now is they're back to two wounds they used to have two wounds in the second edition i didn't know that yeah huh they're back to two wounds it was taken away and i was giving back yeah i think the guy with a pamphlet but yeah you know two wound death company i like it yes two more elite choices i have in victor war suits they are equipped exactly how you see them with their auto cannons their heavy stubborns and their heavy bolters with their fists of course i do have two because i wanted to ocd it up and mirror it and they just look cool that's really the only reason i do like their what is it the concealed positions or right they start yeah yeah they start a little bit they can start closer like i play very aggressively i have the option to do that i don't know if i will but i like having the option knowing that i can if i wish got a couple impulsers there in the back with their shield domes which is a five-up involvement i believe um you know here's the thing i've been waiting a long time to actually feel the good-sized blood angels army and because different pieces of it keep on being painted up and new and added to the army so i'm using new stuff all the time so this is actually the new the first time i'm using these impulsers oh i have brought an impulser before but like once maybe so off the top of my head i don't remember and after double checking yes that is correct five up and don't save again saying it out loud so that i may remember it as well uh going out to the rest i have a repulsor executioner right in the middle i love this guy he is scary to say the least so this guy is whizzywig we have the heavy laser destroyer and the heavy onslaught gatlin cannon which are the most exciting ones the heavy bolt is pretty good too and then he's got all of his launchers up top to wreak havoc on the battlefield now last but not least we have the hammerfall bunker uh here i'm gonna take this out of the way so you guys can see it a little bit better some people have another name for it but uh the other name the hammer fail bunker are you talking about that one it's not the most efficient model in the game well that's okay i wanted to bring it because it looks cool um i didn't really care what i didn't know what the stats were right and i had a painting like david just got it he's like i'm gonna run it i'm like yeah it looks cool it does look cool and so you know he has the heavy bolters yeah right so like however it does it does and whatever happens happens i just i bring it because it's cool it's like pure rule of cool obviously not rule of efficiency it could be cool i mean heavy voltage is going to be getting good against primaris so right i i mean there is that too right you have primaries in your army so that's it that's my 2 000 points and yeah we have our lists below so you can check them out in greater detail and let's see what luca has hey guys we're in the middle of the game right now we're showing you this before you watch the bat rep this hits on fours but we didn't catch that until later on in the game unfortunately we were rolling threes to hit with it for the hammerfall bunker now that being said i think it's safe to say that it i don't think it made like a one way or another difference swinging one way or the other it's just that it's a mistake that we didn't catch until later on in the game so just keep that in mind when you're watching it this hits on four is not threes and when i mentioned i have some primaris on my list it is literally only primaris so i'm trying this is the first time i've playing all 2000 points on the nose primary space holes i've mixed in the past i played a couple of incursion games like that but i don't know why i've always wanted to try it utilizing the studios collection mostly old primaris like the new stuff that came out in that big batch i don't have too much of the new stuff but i mean we're getting there i have some assault intercessors on the way in now this is a battalion and i am going to have three hq's they're gonna be right there in the middle and the warlord is going to be the wolf lord in gravis armor he is going to be a warrior of legend so i'm spending a command point on him to give him two warlord traits in fact the blood angels have something identical to this if if they want to go down that route i'm going to give him a saga of the hunter as well as wolfgang so he's going to be able to advance in charge and he's going to get plus one of both of those and then the wolfkind will give him extra attacks during shock assault instead of the normal one and i believe he always counts as being under the effect of shock assault so instead of one attack he'll always have d3 extra attacks he's more of a he's gonna try and get stuck in combat he's going to have the army relic the pelt of the beowulf that is the relic of the fang that gives him in melee negative one to hit and negative wonder wound now the blind angels get plus one to wound so they'll be able to counteract that but being at toughness five that will still make him quite durable i like that relic on the gravis wolf lord as well as the thunder wolf wolf lord because they have t5 and that is huge it is very effective other than that he's got his mastercraft power sword and his bolt storm gauntlet beside him we're gonna have some second in command here we're going to have a rune priest a primary rune priest he's going to have his fourth sword he's going to know murderous hurricane and stormcaller as his two psychic powers hey that's neal's ability murderous hurricane uh stormcaller yeah he's the storm caller the storm caller gives cover light cover to all space wolves within i believe six inches and murderous hurricanes i pick one of dave's blood angel units and they cannot they're not eligible to be picked to fight until all of my units no way stop it what's the range of that ah it's like 18 inches but it's more or less on my turn in case i say i charge two things you won't be able to interrupt the one gotcha i put the power on the one and then fight the other then you won't be able to interrupt that's actually really very powerful it's really good it has a secondary effect too where you can't benefit from defensible terrain where you can't like uh plus one to hit in close combat or overwatch on a five plus if i recall but it's mostly for the first effect i bring it and then stormcaller like i said is cover we are going to have a wolfgard battle leader which is a primarist left-handed model which is all it is he's gonna have a power sword and that is it actually i didn't give him anything too fancy he's just there to help reroll ones to wound for spacewolf core units nearby him now for the rest of my list we'll go on to the meat of it which is the troops we have three intercessor units i would like to run the five man squads as assault intercessors but we don't have them in right now so just kind of going with what i got the two outlying five man squads have astarte's chain swords on the pack leaders and i had i had 10 points left over at the end of my list building so i gave them auxiliary grenade launchers as well allowing them to shoot grenades up to 30 inches if i want to with them now the big squad in the middle is a little bit more expensive the pack leader there has a thunder hammer as well as i spent a command point on thane of retinue this is where you upgrade a pack leader or start in this case technically sergeant but uh he can take one of the special issue war gear that the space wolf had access to one of the listed ones under the stratagem and i took a more chi teeth bolts so he's got special ammo for his bolt rifle that until the end of my turn if i hit something with it the rest of my army gets to reroll rules of one against it so i kind of mark it with the bolt that is probably worth it i it seems really good this is the first time i'm trying it out the guy might just miss the entire game so it could effectively do nothing he hits on a three like any other space room he does and this is a 10-man squad of intercessors as well we have five aggressors in an elite slot they are gonna be all bolt storm gauntlets and they're going to be riding in the repulsor that's why there's five of them the repulsor is going to be what you see is what you get we have a heavy onslaught a regular onslaught we got the stubber in there as well now i believe those are crack storm on it i'm just going to be playing those as auto launchers because i do like the smokestream capability and then we have a set of we have a frag storm we have some frag storm we have a storm bolter on the very back just because that's what's there and we have two twin or sorry a twin last cannon on the front there instead of the heavy bolter we're gonna be running one of the little atvs as a fast attack choice just got it in vito painted it up so i'm gonna give it a shot it's not too expensive it's like surprisingly it seems pretty good for what it does it's 80 points and it's got like eight wounds it's got the onslaught on there and uh a pair of bolt guns so we'll see what that can pull off we have two redemptor dreadnoughts they're gonna be behind the characters there they have identical loadouts in the form of storm bolters and onslaught under their left arms but one has the heavy onslaught and the other one has the macroplasma only because i've never played it before and i don't know i figured this is a good opportunity to you know try out new things we're showcasing the blood angels so this gives me room to be flexible with the space holes and if it doesn't work it doesn't work it's not the end of the world okay those guys are scary-looking luca right so now dave is scared of these redemptive dreadnoughts and i'm trying to like the the venerable dreadnoughts with the blizzard shield and duty eternal is wild and they're way better oh way better so the old vendor yeah because they have a four up and one will save and they take they reduce it now these guys take one less damage as well yeah but the other guys have a four up and vulnerable save and then you follow them around with an iron priest and then like any little damage it does sneak through he just bangs it back out and just fix fixes them up they just walk right up the middle of the board and they are amazing i love them i i have i would love to run them in this game but they're not primaris and i don't want to bore everyone at home by constantly running the same thing but i have a blast every time i ran them and i'm honestly just looking for my next baseball game right around my trio dreadnoughts again these guys are good though without a doubt but you know the i like the avengers a little more and lastly on my spiel here we have two units of inceptors for two reasons uh for one reason they're primaries okay they are primaries and that's why they made the cut i didn't have any more i i guess i had more room for it if i wanted to bring hell blasters but they're kind of boring these guys are at least fun why are they born well they just sit there and shoot plasma guns it's not really that exciting these guys jump down from the skies and shoot their guns in all directions and i'm bringing the plasma weapons and the heavy bolter ones or the the bolter variant the bolt one i like a little bit more is a little bit cheaper i could have done more but the idea of jumping down and just unloading plasma even though it's probably going to kill them i think is hilarious why is it going to kill him are you going to supercharge yeah of course i why wouldn't i right you just i don't know we'll see maybe i can drop them near the wolf floor and it won't be so bad that is that will be my hopes and dreams there and if that fails well whatever they die they die dolph lundgren today's mission is grand tournament 2020 strike force surround and destroy the battlefield includes six objective markers with the player deployment zones running the long table edges two objective markers are placed in player deployment zone a and the other two in player deployment zone b with the last two in the center in no man's land the primary objective is take in hold which is progressive at the end of each player's command phase the player whose turn it is scores five victory points for each of the following conditions they satisfy for a maximum of 15 victory points they control one or more objective markers they control two or more objective markers they control more objective markers than their opponent controls this primary objective cannot be scored in the first battle round secondary objective is surround them which is progressive and end game it states score four victory points at the end of your command phase and at the end of the battle if you control both the objective markers in your deployment zone and one or more objective markers in your opponent's deployment zone score eight victory points instead if you control all four objective markers that are in deployment zones huge thanks to the following four companies for providing the awesomeness that is all of the goodies that we'll be using in this battle report starting with table war for this battle mat we have death ray designs for the blood angel themed terrain pieces here we have studio level for the trees and rocks and we have tnt laser works for the objective markers now an awesome thing to note about all four of these companies is that all four of them provide discount codes to their stores for silver vault members so for those of you who are watching who are silver vault members be sure to check them out and check those codes out before you decide on making purchases on those stores and if you're not a silver vault member then we invite you to upgrade so that you may take advantage of those discount codes all right luca rolling for attacker defender you got a one i got a six okay i'll choose a defender and i'll choose my side a couple things to note before we begin the battle i'm spending some command points pre-battle here uh loose for patterned engines that's a blood angel i'm gonna make it so uh these two impulsers have that what that does is instead of rolling my advanced roll they automatically get six because they have loose for pattern engines which is sweet for my primera's death company captain i'm spending a command point on the extra relic giving this guy scratch that it's not an extra relic although he gets a relic in the end and i'll explain why it's because it's hero of the chapter that's the actual stratagem that gives him the ability to have a warlord trait even though he's not the warlord i am choosing artisan of war which allows me to choose a relic in the relic that i'm choosing is the adamantine mantle which makes my feel no pain of six up that i would normally get as being death company for the black rage and improves it by one so it's on a five up i ignore damage and a slight amendment to my verbiage it's not a relic technically it's special issue war gear we got to be pretty specific here uh just in case you're learning along with me so that's what i'm doing spinning a command point on that and i'll spend another command point on relic of the chapter for my primarist tech marine here mortis machina that replaces his weapon with a slightly better one right now it's strength plus two minus two two damage but that becomes strength plus three minus two three damage plus if i uh wound a vehicle and you have an unsaved wound it's a mortal wound that i inflict on it which is in addition in addition normal damage which is pretty sweet might as well do it it's another command point i gotta spend before the game but i plan on choosing a specific secondary for this guy which you'll find out uh next secondaries i'll tell you the one the ones i chose first uh because i was just talking about the one right uh so that's blade of sanguinius that's a new one from my new uh codex supplement it's gonna sound very familiar yes it will you might have the same exact one you know what like called heroic challenge i did i didn't look at it word for word but just kind of reading it reading how yours works reading how mine works again didn't compare them more toward but ah they seem like they're carbon copies it seems like they're the exact same thing so for those of us who don't know what it says here that at the start of the first command phase i need to select one of my characters and then i issue a challenge to you and then you select you must select one of your characters to accept the challenge and i get five victory points if uh that character your character is killed an additional five if he's killed in melee and an additional five if he's killed in melee by the guy that issued the challenge total of 15 potential points there that's right and it's the exact same for you for me right and uh okay i i also i also took that one because it's the most fun it is fun yeah that when i read i'm like yes that is very fun you go right you you can't do you can't do anything but that one when you read it right yeah no super fun i also chose engage in all fronts and i chose grind them down oh yes grind them down yes yeah i got to kill more than you kill me and i plan on being everywhere on the board so it just makes sense i went with engage in all friends as well okay the hero challenge like i said and i did surround and destroy which is the mission secondary one actually okay so actually dave did not get a chance to look at this one so he might want to change actually that might be true yeah you get four victory points at the end of your command phase so you have to your your pronoun has a whole turn to answer this we went over a little bit earlier but if you control both the objectives in your territory as well as one of the two in the middle at the end of your command phase you get eight points if you control all four though at the intercom oh you know what mm-hmm i might do that one instead i'll do that instead of grinding them we'll have the exact same secondaries but that's okay that that is actually funny it makes them it makes it makes the sense looking at our deployment in here i just got to show this yes i have my guys here but i do have what is this i do have my concealed positions here with my invicta war suits right out in the middle nine inches away from you how did i not notice they were there how could i not see them there well there's a there's a fog of uh snow happening yeah definitely that that's definitely there's a storm it's definitely that it's uh that's what we're dealing with here so dave put those there after i put my redemptor he was like you know what better double go get him right and i'm like oh come on what is this now if i go first i'm in a good position to beat him up but if i don't well i'm probably going to lose my redemptor so i mean there's a chance there there's there definitely is a chance um so obviously i'm hoping to get the first turn if not we'll see what happens yep i guess uh so just to show you guys i have all the stuff over here everything's on the board nothing is in deep strike or anything like that my warlord's back here i change the objectives to have the blood angel insignia on it just so everyone knows that they are being held by the blood angels all the neutral ones are not actually technically well whatever i'll just stop my turn right i'm going to be losing i'm going to be like moving away from that anyway so it doesn't really matter too too much i was going to say like if you yeah like my goal is to get to you with those guys anyway not to hold that objective not with them uh my sky fall bunker hammer fall hammer fail there we go uh he's back here i put him in such a way where i could actually see all of the objectives on the board he's got a good position there yeah he's right up at the line where he's supposed to be deployed and his range is such where he can shoot anything he wants uh there is no objective he doesn't have line of sight to which is uh pretty sweet uh and i placed my uh executioner back here after an answer to my repulsor after you went back there right like okay well if you want to do that then i'll place this back here and see how it goes your warlord subsequently is beside it as well same with mine i'll support my guy as well anything else you want to mention in particular i got my inner two five man squads of intercessors hiding behind these buildings and we have ten more around the warlord this is where the more kai teeth are on the sergeant the pac meter yep and i have my wolf guard battle leader with the the plasma repulsor and we got the little invader atv over here hey tv i'm gonna try and utilize him to get engaged on all fronts it depends if i go first and if he lives or not you know we got dense trees in the way so that should help i'm gonna try and utilize the dense trees as much as i can if i don't go second so if i don't go first right and i have a plan on my first turn we'll see if it works out or not dave did a crazy aggre like it's a very it's a gamble right it's like this will work really well or work real bad you know or really bad we'll see all right so let's roll yeah yeah okay here it is okay oh no a one oh oh oh would you like to forlorn okay well yeah yes okay so before so now is the first battle round i will choose the first turn obviously i'm going to spend two command points on forlorn fury i have to do that because there's six or more models in this death company squad and what that does is i can move them up to 12 inches and i'll do that right now and that's uh two command points like dave said put him dead six yes before we do anything we need to issue those challenges before the game begins so dave's gonna make me do mine first yes i am both happen at the same time it says turn yep uh i'm gonna issue a heroic challenge with my warlord of course yes makes the most sense my uh my uh wolf lord and i need to accept with any character okay it'll be with him death company guy okay yep now i will issue with my warlord over here it's gonna be my room priest okay equally hard all right you like really hard yes yes exactly good luck come on over i'm not going to get to you and i'm going to make darn sure that i stay away from you i'm going to hunt him down well then pray he is come my way here are the uh death company right there oh command face first and foremost i gain a command point bring me back up to seven welcome back because i spent a whole bunch there and but well worth it look at all this stuff that's happening very exciting uh and there's uh i don't think there's any other secondaries that come into play right now so looking at the uh board here in hindsight there's the secondary which is surround them which states that if i control my two of my objectives in my deployment zone plus the two in no man's land i actually get eight points right but if i hold three at the end of the command phase yeah which is right now which is literally right now literally right now and i could have done that had i been thinking with my objective mind but no i was thinking with my core mind i wanted to go forward here and this is just happenstance that i happen to be holding that which actually does grant me four uh victory points right because it happens right now at the end of the command phase the the other thing that could have like again in hindsight had i thought about this i would have also recommended one of these could have concealed deployed over here could have and then the gamble would have been i get the first turn and i get a victory points because this one you score in any turn it doesn't it doesn't exclude the first one that's correct typically you're not going to get on the objectives at the end of your first command phase right yes hilarious it's pretty pretty wild i am pretty pretty amused by this outcome now it could have been eight points but i mean regardless you're still putting a lot of your focus over here because of that that's fine and you know what i have to say i don't regret it and here's why because of redundancy of here you know like i did i want to take him out and i want to be a thorn in your side over here that certainly will be the case and i need that to be the case over here and if it was only one invector war suit and one death company unit i don't think i would be confident in really causing a lot of trouble for you on this right yeah so i am happy with this outcome i'll accept my four victory points and actually proceed with the movement phase that's wild you got 450 points right away and awaken the machine spirit my tech marine will choose my repulsor executioner makes sense giving him plus one to hit for his ranged attacks which uh you know he's giving him a little bit of a pep talk before he starts shooting also in the command phase i shouldn't skip ahead too much so stay in the command phase because i got to do adaptive strategy and i'm going to spend uh is it two command points two command points you know what i'll do it and i'm gonna put it on my death company and the reason why is because you have chosen your room priest yes for the uh secondary right for the challenge wings of sanguinius the blades of the ladies ladies yeah yeah so if i kill them in melee with my death company then that's ten victory points absolutely and because of forlorn fury i'm close absolutely possible to do now i figured uh i was safe back in this safe bag here probably should have picked him but i knew he was gonna die at some point throughout the game so i figured he typically my rune priest survives until the end but uh obviously i'm maybe wrong here so and here's the crazy part because i pre-measured it uh so these four learned fury death company move them up twelve yeah they do another move right yeah yeah so i can move them up and then i can charge with them uh much better because they're closer uh they're just outside of eight away and so those over here i would have to upon wings to fire these guys and then i would be nine inches away from you which would be a harder charge right right so much better choice and not only would they be farther away but it's actually next round that i bring them back in right so this is my best chance and so i've moved these guys up and they are nice and close-ish to you closer well there's always a hope that they failed their charge i suppose failed two rolls i know you get plus one to it as well uh that's right because of red thirst yeah yeah and as promised i will come over here and be bothersome now there was the option for the one tactical suit that dave just moved to go for these intercessors over here i didn't want to though because you're minus one damage right and i need as much as possible to take out the redemptory for only one you would definitely kill me yeah so we'll see what happens i mean if you survive i mean i'm killing one of my guys then all the power too like right i hope i'm open man now coming on over here i'm going to start moving some of my impulses because they are doing no good for anyone back here in my deployments primaries captain is going to advance towards the impulser he gets that's true yeah so and he'll be inside the impulser and i'll spend another command point on upon wings of fire i will take off these death company and uh i'll bring them back on the board next later on so that's the enemy movement phase i put the impulser there on that objective the other impulse are on this objective and i put the blood angel symbols there so that everyone knows that they're being held currently by blood angels i move my repulsor executioner over here so to take advantage of these dense trees protecting itself and good line of sight to this bad boy absolutely he's a little bit scary not going to lie i'll start with this in victor war suit shooting at the right in front of his face oh everything uh everything at him all right yeah i'll start with the autocannon six shots on this oh yep bail hit that's all hits two bad sixes weren't like mortal wounds too bad right too bad what a shave now i'm holding you on a four five five wait no you're strength seven no no yeah i'm only t7 is fours okay i was into that oh hey look at that roll only one it's ap2 though okay deficient doctrine yeah i have a five up and i tank it okay eight shots with the stubbers okay well that's not see that's why we have an insurance policy of two of them right right we learn from our mistakes and the other guy's gonna be awesome so one wound there ironically this will go through that's the damage yep and now for the heavy bolter that's three hits and when are you on fives getting two moves there you go minus two you gotta stop this nonsense four damage it reduced each one to one though that's true because that's right so he does go down to ten and we have the frank storm frank storm d6 getting three okay hitting on threes two hits and uh one no ap on that i'm am i no it's assault that's right i'm okay brought you down to ten with one guy that's not too bad okay you know what the second guy he he's got some courage he's gonna do the same thing okay he's got some curves so he's doing the same thing nice auto cannon first okay oh he's not nearly as accurate as the other guy i understand the point-blank nature of it makes the shots hard clearly yes uh but if he gets two wounds they need wounds better than the other guy uh only one that's the only one that's right yeah so minus two i will fail that that will be one damage though because of duty eternal that's right he's down to nine eight shots with his stubbers okay that's uh and then wounding you on fives that's one maybe two come on once once down to eight heavy bolter that's three hits look at those sixes and wounding you uh that's only one moon there minus two minus two i'm going to die superstitious here oh we made it and now for the frag getting four shots this time hitting on freeze oh and wounding you that's a wound that's the three up we're okay here's the irony the first guy actually damaged you better and it seemed like he just failed sauced right that's true this guy just failed sauce even more even more yeah hammerfall bunker now gonna shoot at your redemptor dreadnought because it is very much in range so here we go uh that's two hits and wounding you ah that's one wound there and just so everyone knows the uh heavy missile launcher is also going to go into him as well so one moon nice save it and you save it okay now for the two shots here we go missile launchers oh that's not good for me two hits now winning on threes yeah oh it's not bad one wound minus something i fail my save is minus three i believe yeah because it's uh devastating uh now d6 damage yeah one i'll spend a command point to reroll that will put you down a three i'll still do it in the end it's one it goes down to one anyway yeah that's hilarious seven moons left okay and then i think we gotta measure some range but he has a a weird rule for firing his heavy bolters he fires he could target everything that's eligible to target so everything within 36 inches yeah so your other guy yes the question is is your atv in range may not be uh he is so you can fire the atv negative one hit the atv though yep now what about the dudes you can't see the dudes behind them right you shouldn't have minus that on anyone else all right so hitting the redemptor here that's three hits and winning you on fives nothing and now for the atv one hit and wounding you on not that okay there we go okay is that why this guy sucks he's something he's certainly something yes now for the death company i'm gonna target your redemptor dreadnought four can shoot you with their bolt pistols and one right there is able to throw a crack grenade at you i'll start with the crack grenade that's a hit and winning you that is not a wound no now for the bolt pistols three hits and actually no ap on that though yet we're okay now time to switch gears here we go big boy he's hitting on uh twos with everything because of the tech marine nearby now the big turret technically hits on gets plus two to hit right now but it's not gonna change too much here no uh so the question is do i go against your redemptor dread or against this little wii atv the wii atv well technically the wii atv would have some dense cover because some parts of them are behind that so you would be negative one to hit him whereas this guy's white right or wide out in the open so it's not negative when i hit him correct okay well i guess that answers my question if i could pop smoke on him i would starting with the heavy laser destroyer hitting on twos oh no we've already used the rebound i did i can't re-roll that three wound oh i dated that somehow you did now for the heavy onslaught cannon i only have uh 10 dice there so if i get a couple ones which i did i will roll this again hitting on twos because of mr tick marine that's right and wounding you on five yep all right oh boy sure is like five it's not bad yeah that's five wounds ap2 because of the devastator so we're looking for five oh that's a five hole damage we're right down eight right away wow twin heavy bolter now six shots okay so that's that many and uh fives that's two wounds again ep two five ups make one fail one it does get reduced down to one damage so he's also down seven combining all the stubborn shots now again only ten dice here so um all right he says i mean sorry that's another one and then i'll roll one more okay okay there's technically one more in the head pool here david's got ten plus angel dice all right when you go on fives yes and then you roll one fail okay so two wounds all right minus two five ups we're going to make one going down to six six he's definitely bracketed i am outside at 24 inches from you so no more of my guns are actually in range to fire so that's it for my shooting um okay you know what i'm surprised i survived that i'll be honest with everyone he should be dead i think yeah at least one of those uh heavy lasers destroyer shots yeah now they can only do five damage to them but minimum four right minimum uh so it's yeah yeah it's it's d3 plus three but he reduces it by one so he could be true so yeah his is three to five each shot is three to five damage so it's actually still one no no no it's d3 plus three right yeah so b3 minimum three minimum three to five damage yeah three to five yeah back over here i will charge first with my death company declaring them just him 100 okay just him i know you have your uh i got hero conventions and stuff i can do i mean i assume you're not too concerned about it yeah so i'm inside of eight which means i need a seven and plus one for red thirst right so here we go i'm six oh interesting so you know that touch that that feels bad i know i get it but it feels good for me but you know what here's the thing i can pile in three inches right it's true so i think it's still good oh is that a good enough charge yeah well you only needed a six i thought you needed seven no nelly okay that's right i think i'm gonna re-roll that's where you end up with this seven yeah with the modifier that's right so here's the thing you can heroically intervene and you can heroically intervene over there potentially because of the six right right so it's got a command point this is the situation dave's in so if dave's almost broken if dave stays outside of the six then his is the death coming you're stuck up against the wall there yeah i'm single filing it which i don't want to do and you do that now you would heroically want to be now then they could still counter charge and you would mess up my amount of attacks for your room priest correct yeah so here's the thing i'm contemplating re-rolling this just to get a higher initial charge yeah yeah well to be the average you should roll is an eight so you might be able to get like one more guy in there and eight being the with the plus one modifier well here's the thing if i fail it then they are just dead right or you could just go with the dice and see where the dice go at this point too you know yeah because right now yes i'll have some in and then if you do pile in they'll do some damage since you heroically intervene i can choose to attack them absolutely and at least i kill something and corn will be happy so there you go you're gonna stick with this all right i think so do you want to see what it would have been i'm cute if only if you do i don't i don't care either way this is what it would have been actually i'm curious okay good very good very good very good okay so this is what i'm deciding and doing egging me on i'm gonna egg you on yeah because if you do pile into me that means i could just forego the attacks there yes it is 10 victory points however i'm not going to kill you i know there's not enough attacks to kill you at least i can take out a squad or get close to it i wonder i wonder in the meantime oh i guess it would be now right that you would do that or would it be at the end is that the end of your chart okay so i'll charge over here then uh first infected warsuit right here okay i'm not gonna overwhelm no overwatch right so we're good with a five and then the second one yeah that's a neat okay well is that it for charges that is it for charges so another thing i thought of here is if my heroic interview with them i get a bunch of attacks without it though they'll get three attacks each shock assault but the problem is there's no ap they don't have melee weapons and i don't want them caught up in combat with death company so i can't shoot their guns you know what i'm saying interesting so i think i'm gonna spend counter charge with them just to protect him and then they'll be free to rapid fire their guns next turn that way i get to use the more kai teeth bolts as well next turn interesting so i'm gonna spend a command point on counter charge because well i have to actually i can't there's no way i can move three and get within range because i'd have to go up and around that's just not good that's not gonna work so you have to spend a command point to make them go six inches roughly intervene so two will take him there and then like one like he'll end up his base will end up like right there so i have to go the full six okay that's it yep that's with a six inch counter charge that's where they end up i have uh no other ones to do so here's the question the question is who do i go with first right right it's like if i go here with one of these guys you can interrupt me and either attack my other guy which you might do or you would just attack my death company and therefore which is another reason i considered going with them because they had the threat of so many attacks that they could be devastating to the death company if you choose to go with an evictor first yeah but the librarian could do a lot of damage too maybe could now you don't have a whole lot of attacks with these guys uh so like you do he's got four chain sword attacks the rest have three regular attacks right um but we're only in the devastatory doctrines we are only but i'm not you're you're you're they're in every doctrine right now yeah ah this is a hard choice man death company core wild i think it's within my best interest here to go first with one of the invicta war suits probably doesn't matter which one so i'll just choose this guy and touch your base boop um yeah so i get five attacks on the charge here hitting you on threes here we go oh okay not bad that's not bad i'll keep that who's to move and it is twos to wound that's three wounds that's not enough to kill you so i'm gonna have to command point re-roll one of these you're gonna have to you're gonna go down to two because your attacks don't bracket luca i'm gonna spend a command point to re-roll that wound i only hit on fours if i'm in my last bracket yeah all right even still yeah oh i gotta make a six up save okay you made it so you're down to two down to two so you gotta make a six up save i gotta make one six up save here oh i do you make one he's got so they're three damage each because of duty eternal they go down to two each so he takes six down to one wound down to one that was that one that attacked yep and here's the question do you interrupt here or over here i'm gonna counter offensive over here he's gonna try to do anything to him okay with all his attacks that brings me down to seven though do you like that though do you like that choice he had to make that choice i do i do i'm gonna go for the gamble he might work out it might not he's got five attacks though because he's shocked assault he's a space wolf so he normally hits on fives in this bracket but down to fours okay that help for one of them yeah okay i can respect that these are twos to wound all right that's all wound and it's the same thing you have six up saves oh geez yeah you might kill him ah i have to roll pretty hot you have 13 wounds as well do i have 13 wins yeah and i gotta roll sixes to save yep all right here we go minus three oh so no re-roll there ah yeah d3 plus three so that's nine oh actually nine thirteen actually i do one shot a mile because i rolled super hot but it might explode i explode better don't i no no his yes they changed it so it's not the obnoxious g6 it's not the d6 mortal wounds anymore which is good for you because i only have one wound i only have one moon i might have to do armor of contempt or something dumb here i guess so i hope to roll a six here luca oh yeah i think that'd be amazing oh of course it is of course it's okay all right it's okay let's see well you might explode back i think it's i might but i might do armor of contempt if that's if does that do what does that mean was it i have a five of two normal wounds but you could do it too it's it's a space marine fashion i just can't remember what is it it's probably every phase it's any phase okay okay well i have to lose the wound first so i at least get to see how many more wounds are going to be allocated too oh okay and depending on what role you're going to spend or not right so if you only roll one then i'll probably do armor all right d3 that's three so i have to make three five ups a you can do it how many command points is one one point or two i'm not going to bother you're not going to okay all right are you gonna i'm gonna roll with this c though i gotta know okay no it's good okay yeah it's good thing it didn't yeah so he's dead so i'm he's dead now how many more was the it's everything within six which i think is just it should only be yeah because it was him right yeah yeah so here we go one okay so do i explode no no all right so he's dead and then he's dead yes he is worth it oh man oh so nervous okay i knew you'd kill one i was you know what i was pretty happy with the outcome there yeah that's uh i mean it's a fair trade i suppose right okay now for here uh i'm going to pile in and i'm going to attack your dudes i don't think i'll bother with him go point the library how many attacks is he or how many wounds does he have he's got five wounds there's five five five ones of the three up armor safe i might be able to get him you could you know what hold on oh my goodness because you have four seven of the death company will attack your intercessors the other one who the only one who can actually attack your rune priest will attack him so 42 attacks into your intercessors that's a lot of attacks yeah so they have an attack for black rage they have an attack for shock assault and for savage echoes because it counts as the assault doctrine right now chain sword and chain spirit they have two bases and they have two six attacks a model and i am going to translate when the blood angels have i would like to keep these guys around as long as i can so i am going to transhuman them yep no problem that's that's kind of a given right yeah i'll go down to six all right so um four is the wound you know so there's 15 wounds here and it's minus two because it counts as the assault doctrine yes and so statistically correct you should fail right five ups i have to make six five ups to live here with one wound oh there's a two over there one two three four five six oh see i rolled seven five ups okay that just means i keep the pack leader with both his wounds because that should be one dead two dead three four dead yeah i have exact this this just the pack leader left he could still run away to morale that's not ideal true and then i'll roll for my one guy my six attacks into your room priest so hitting you on a threes he was too distracted by the other guys oh no they do it for the fang and three to win that's one wound you got you still got it though why is that four he's not oh he's a different guy my bad he's a different guy yeah he takes his damage he's down to four okay very lucky if i rolled higher on my roll on my charge he would have been dead undoubtedly yeah yeah yeah so very lucky and just if anyone's curious because luka transhuman he actually negated six of my wounds keeping him alive keeping this one guy alive and so i will uh consolidate like so he ain't gonna escape me bring it on we go with the rune priest he'll attack back with his rune sword or fourth sword he hits on twos because he's a space wolf and he's wound on off force but good ap so those are ap three ap three okay so six actually this one on three says i forgot it's a four sword it gets plus one strength i'm gonna go confirm that because i know power swords went up i'm pretty sure four swords did too six up here so i made one wait and then six up actually now you gotta roll your face yeah yeah so i'll do whoops one at other two ones you tell me went through three the first guy is taking one and then maybe he ignores it on a six nope and then he takes two more he has to make both of them oh luke what a hero i got one more maybe i kill one guy uh two more all right so i do i strike one down okay uh let's see one that could never get you and uh and then one takes more room correct no that's just there's only two damage he's got two wins oh true yeah the pack leader has five attacks because he was charged and he got twos he's a wolf and mooning on force but these have a one he's at ap1 chain sword okay four up why sucks up to ignore the damage six up you're okay all right one is wounded four round check more out time on him he lost four of his he's okay with the seven he's sticking around all right end of the round i get three points for engage on all fronts and uh the other one the blade sanguinius we score that at the end of the game correct [Music] okay well it's uh my command phase i don't get any fancy objectives like dave did i am in a pickle over here i would like to stay in combat and ah so the problem is i'm surrounded on both sides right now i'm not too sure they're not going to be the assault doctrine anymore oh maybe it's until your next hero faces my next command phase so they are assuming they won't have the black rage attack because they charged last turn correct but i would be charging them now i could fall back with the room preset i'd have to do desperate breakout with him oh but he could die if he does that because i spent a command point and then cut him down you could also attempt to cut him down but you know it's not worth it it's because it's only it's per guy that's you roll five dice you would need two sixes on five days to kill him but i could also do this are you talking about him yeah him oh okay right he him he can fall back but the problem is that guy's right there you just walk up and i'm in a super bad i'm on my right flank awful awful position i am not too sure what to do about that other than like maybe the repulsor goes over there and like charges the invicta war suit to try and protect him but that's just me charging my repulsor that's an awful idea also unless i kill him which could be interesting too i'm not too sure how i go about doing that though well i guess i have some ideas this is mostly me rambling i am i am going to spend a command point on the wisdom of the ancients though in the command phase so i'm gonna go back down to six he's gonna have an aura of re-rolling hit rolls of one for core he is core himself so that'll help cool uh that'll just mostly help so this plasma doesn't eat him alive nice then i'm gonna go on a movement i'll move him forward there and then we're just going to push him to there he's a slow boy right now he's bracketed big time yeah so redemptor is going to move up there and then the invader atv is just going to shoot forward to get me some engagement all fronts points invader atv the back of his base he's going to go forward and that should no he's gonna have to advance to get there now nice the nice thing is he automatically goes six when he advances oh to for engaging all fronts yeah i'm i'm missing out on the onslaught which sucks but on his cannon yeah you can go there to give him some dense cover from things shooting at me in this direction and then i'll we are going to tuck you in there a little bit more you should i want you to have i'm gonna move you up lieutenant three yeah my battle leader doesn't move to there and then we are going to advance the primaris here they don't need to be back there anymore they're going to go an extra five inches so they move 11. okay we're gonna move the repulsor we're not disembarking the guys in the back of his base will clear this it's gonna end up like that the intercessors are going to move like that and then we're going to advance our wolf lord he gets two plus one to that so he moves ten inches because he only moves five normally woof so he'll go six to there and then the other four he'll just go up to stay in his way excellent now is that the one you nominated yeah that's the one i know you want you want to kill him he's the one i'm trying to kill your death company captain with right we are going to follow him back from combat we are going to go way over here even more so and then we're we're gonna do desperate breakout and try to get him out of here as well i gotta look at the strategy but i'm pretty sure it's on a one or two he dies after he after he finishes his move so i'm not gonna cut him down i have very few command points to play with right so you may uh proceed to leave me and i will not punish you for it potentially but i i have to roll the desperate breakout first for every model in the unit on one or two he's slain as he tries to oh wow i had to do desperate breakout because i can't move through that i don't have fly or anything like that and he's got me trapped there uh it's two man points i'm down to four on a one or two he's dead oh luca feels super bad oh well you had to try right he was useless otherwise it was i didn't you would have died to combat anyway right i was gonna die to combat and i wanted the troop choice still alive yeah to just walk on the objective at any point i needed it to yeah unfortunately it did not quite work out but that's okay because now we're still free this guy can't do any psychic powers because he felt it because he fell back uh we are on to the shooting phase okay we're gonna go on the shooting phase now we are gonna have this unit fire into them we're going to start with the morkai teeth bolt from him so he's going to load it up that's the uh special ammo he has if he hits they i get to everything that shoots at them or attacks them for the rest of this turn re-rolls room rules one so intercessors into the death company and then i'll have a guy throw a crack grenade as well okay so he'll fire his bolt which he of course misses and uh the rest of the nine eight guys rapid firing plus one grenade and i wasn't spending a command point on that reroll because i'm already at four so these are threes to hit with the bolt guns we rolling any ones because the right's a battle there we go nice and these are fours to wound that's just string sports even one though so we got one two three four five six wounded hits four up saves and let's see i killed this the one guy yeah because he had one moon left yeah man then having two wounds i love it oh that's a good healthy change and a crack grenade it's on three wounds on a three with an ap of two because of the devastator all right so d3 damage three okay he's still alive yikes geez he is now wounded and the black rage is rough right now uh they advanced he advanced he kind of advanced uh we have the re not repulsor but the dreadnought he's gonna fire his the only real shots he has is either into the repulsor down the table which he could supercharge and he would take negatives to hit because i would draw through the trees there or the impulser here so i'm you know i'll fire i'll fire everything in the impulse because the only thing i really have line of sight on and maybe we'll get lucky we're going to supercharge the macro plasma it makes a strength nine three damage a shot so we have is that d3 more wounds that's uh that's one shot it's the amount of shots it has oh okay i'm gonna command point reroll that and get a five instead i'm down to three command points okay i am not command point rerolling that i forgot i probably need that for the repulsor which i should have shot first so i only have one shot with his macroplasma which misses anyways because he's bracketed and then the icarus it says two shots one reroll because of wisdom in the ancients which still misses and it wounds that's not the die it's dropped today the moon's on that at ap two or three it's been so long ap2 so five up save goes through one thing i gotta fix is i thought it was two shots it's actually d3 so hopefully i just roll the two or three okay we're good that's the amount of shots it had i rolled two got you guys thinking it was only two gotcha okay so it said two damage two damage all right now the onslaught hitting on fours re-rolling ones hitting on force because he's bracketed unfortunately for him but he's alive which is good and we roll the one because he's core with the battle leader nearby we have one wound ap2 five up save no one damage all right down to eight and storm boulders on fours one for some of the ancients see this is the one that he's going to get a couple wounds on you'd be nice that'd be nice i'd be happy with that these are still fives to win we're rolling any ones though oh three right there so sure no ap on those yeah four wounds a couple of these we'll go through absolutely yeah we got them down to six folks the last thing to fire is the repulsor everything into the tactical suit of armor here hoping to kill in one shot or at least severely it we will see this is what i spent that i kept the command point for and i can't fire the wolf lord because he advanced so let's just start with the twin last cannon going into the dreadnought we don't get any rerolls of any sort other than command points that is a double miss folks that's what we want to see right here so we're going to command point one of those this is four it hits i'm down to three start to get through the wounding part and we get there it's minus four so no save and it's going to do one damage everyone beautiful i love it love it and then all of the onslaught on threes to hit no we're rolling five's the wound no we're rolling but yeah that's pretty good though one two three four five spa that's like incredibly good yeah always bring on slot flow it's just like such a oh man i hate that it's like so reliable well that's a really good die roll so anyways we got five nine winning hits at 8p2 by the way if you want to buy these taco cats they're available in how ironic the previous roll was so garbage though minus two because of the devastated doctrine so i'm a five up save you should make three-ish i made three exactly he's got five moons left wow i got two storm frag and a storm bolter i'm gonna combine them together so do the two storm frags that's eight plus the four two shots on the storm boulder so it's gonna be ten in total these are threes to hit no rerolling that's another excellent roll and these are fives to wound no ap though we got another four another four so you can't kill them nope uh and this is not minus anything no negatives here we still do two damage okay he's down to three i think we got him in his last bracket yeah probably but is he still dangerous could would you still want to fight him no but you only hit on fives now i'm gonna hope that that's something for me stubborn time threes hey good fives it's so one moon out of five minus two one damage he's got two well all i want is for him to not be killed lastly the two crack storm uh both hit ooh into five stones though how very interesting at stop it is that a grenade technically or is that assault these things never do anything i can't say never crack stronger i can't even find this assault one no edges ap1 okay you can't say just ap1 it's just two four ups okay first one second one okay he lives one d3 is d3 damage is it yeah so i should definitely i didn't know that so i'll command point that you want to yeah go for it because i think you'll kill me otherwise oh you do okay all right so he got you down to one command point that will conclude all the shooting i got now i got some ambitious plans here with these intercessors to go ahead and charge i'll do the wolf lord first uh he did advance but he's got saga the hunter so he gets to advance in charge he gets plus one to this roll a seven so he's gonna go eight with that i will go it's a good question i think i'm just gonna go to here i think that's what i'll do and we'll end there and then they're gonna declare a charge just against the warsuit now it's a nine inch charge interesting so no overwatch there from dave looking for a nine oh he failed this is kind of important but he only hits on fives against this guy is the issue i will spend a command point here i'll go down to two because i don't need them i do need them but this might be important i failed that as well okay so they are stuck there i kind of wish i declared both but i was too i i wouldn't have had a lot of attacks because i would have had to keep coherency from here to here right and just looking at it and i knew that would be pretty hard and i wouldn't have had a lot i would have had a thunder hammer over here but i've only would have had three marines maybe attacking over here and i needed a little bit more than that right so unfortunately they do fail and then we're gonna go ahead and charge with this redemptor dreadnought into the impulser there and i assumed overwatch no overwatch is that good enough we're just gonna go right to there are you touching my base yes okay you have five attacks on the charge with his redemptor fist now he's on threes because he's a space wolf and he's bracketed as opposed to twos not a bad roll and these are twos to wound i believe definitely not the one and these should be six up saves five up because of my shield right do i re-roll maybe i re-roll that it's kind of important i kill it yeah i'm too afraid of dave making some saves here so i'm going to reroll it one into a one ah it doesn't matter in that regard so it's two saves five ups for dave one fill one now this is d3 plus three damage if i roll five of his dead unless you want to reroll that uh with my last command point last time hold on hold on hold on hold on so i need a five plus five plus this could kill him this one punch could destroy the rip compulsory you know what sure you re-roll it yep let's over okay i'll have one command point you'll have none that that is right that is right all right go for it please don't make it oh no so we both are very rules failed and he is dead yeah he is that sticks damage does he explode no no so i'm going to disembark there that's my max distance that i can basically move away because i want to be more than four inches away from you because you can normally consolidate three but you have a stratagem that allows you to consolidate up to six i believe it's called relentless onslaught release assault if uh if that is a thing then then i wanna force you to do that if you choose to do that if not then you you don't engage me with which is fine with me but if you want to i'll make you pay for it uh and here with the five dice to see if anyone dies looks like today that's unfortunate you know what i'll do this to make it even harder interesting i'll see if that's in range or not for the assault okay we are unfortunately going to spend our last command point for the space holes for relentless assault to tie them up so that they can't uh run into my lines and mess my stuff up so that's a six inch consolidate which will take me to right there now they're gonna get to fight me back but they don't get any charge bonuses since you consolidated into me i'll be attacking you let's get their attacks out of the way now no red thirst bonus no bonus anywhere no shock assault so just with the base attacks but there are sturdy's chain swords hitting on threes okay not that great and wounding you on five right getting one one move all right and then if you want on this chain sword we have a four up we are not okay we do take a damage it costs us the damage to try and tie him up for a turn then on to the wolf lord who charged i'm gonna try and unlock a couple of my sagas here all i have to do is kill i've already unlocked one by charging with them i have to kill a model to get the other one and all that does is allow space rules within six to advance and charge and then they always get the bonus of shock assault gotcha if things like you know so having a pilot of them so he's gonna have an extra d3 attacker saga the wolfgang instead of one so he only gets the one he's gonna have six attacks with his power fist or a bolt storm gauntlet on twos because he's a space wolf he does not re-roll though because he's not core anymore which is that is what it is two is to wound and three winning hits at ep three okay so six up saves none two damage each all right so six ups okay dies six ups no six steps it does take out three all right these three well this one here has to do oh true that's true so one two three we'll do that so i can just tile in so because i did not charge you i do not benefit from the extra attack given by the black thirst however all the other conditions for bonus attacks apply they're still technically in the assault doctrine and they are yes because that ends at my command phase so here we go with my attacks hitting on threes that's uh decent very decent oh he's hitting on fours against him oh did you he's got the pelt of the beowulf he's got a red liquid negative one to hit and wound in close combat okay so there's another couple that don't go through which okay i will accept but red thirst does come into play yeah so they counteract each other so i'll be winning you on three he's t5 on fours he'd be fives on because you're negative i'm negative on the wound are you yeah in melee as well that's his relic so next so negative one plus one counteract each other and then you have your minus one to remind you yeah okay all right so i'm five zero hopefully it helps them stick in here a little bit longer all right that's still four wow no fours roll don't you love it when that happens that's it is what it is i guess so minus two minus two yes he's gonna have four up in vulnerable saves and he's gonna take two damage he's got five left morale leadership seven lost three so bad news on five and six i'm good they are a-okay my unit of assault intercessors lost two but they're good for leadership no need to roll there right if you're scoring at the end of my turn the only one i really get is engaged in all fronts for two points i have uh this librarian and you know my captain in this table quarter i got some units in that table quarter both in on my side of the table and then i got my little invader atv really trucking over there getting me those two victory points and maybe he'll be a distraction maybe he'll he'll take some shots possible we'll see we'll see you as we go on the second battle round [Music] top of blood angels turn two i get another command point so i go back to one look at that only one with command points we burned through our commands absolutely i had like half of mine at the beginning of the game blood angels just they they force so much they force so much aggression right away in the beginning they can't if they choose to force so much aggression at the very beginning of the game that was definitely my choice yeah and i enjoyed every second of it and i score 15 victory points for the primaries because i hold a total of one actually three four five so yes i hold one two and more than you so 15 there also at the beginning of or i guess it's the end of the command phase right i hold the four objectives that are here so i get eight victory points for that exactly that's very good yeah because that's uh their obsec on there with you my infected war suit heavily crippled i only move six right now however that is enough for me to get you and i hit on fives so that's not that great either two wounds left i'm on this objective my goal is to kill you if i can that'll be ten victory points and that'll be glorious unfortunately my death company cannot fall out of combat black rage so i'm gonna have to just uh stay there um [Music] yep so i know for sure i want to disengage with my assault intercessors yeah i get that um and i should probably stay away from you want to stay more than three away from them more than three yeah because i don't have the command point to counter charge with them so i can't do a six inch hero convention only three but you also want to stay on the objective so correct you should be able to pull that off yeah it looks like it's good before i forget though i am going to give this vehicle plus one a hit again right it's one of those like it goes without saying yeah it's automatic i just mention it as long as they're close to each other in the command phase yeah which they always will be unless one is dead or one so i'm gonna move around with my repulsor executioner so i can get a little bit closer to your redemptor drag because i might dread i plan on killing him not gonna lie i'm gonna keep my impulser with my uh primaries captain and my assault intercessors inside of it and i'm gonna stay exactly there just marking the objective yeah i'm staying there because see i'm questioning it questioning it because over here it's true yeah it's pretty much the last thing you have to move before reinforcements hmm [Music] so after looking at the board a little bit closer i am going to choose to move this unit this impulser and i think i'm going to hold the objective still and go about there to help deny deep strike uh area aerial denial a little bit i got the two inceptor units you do now there is like i have my terrain which is perfect i love how i have this because it denies that doesn't it i believe it does it is a unit in your army it does a fortification tonight i don't know i'd have to look it up this is literally the first time i played against the fortification in all of eighth or ninth edition and i'm pretty sure it does and even if it doesn't let's say you do go here i see november it's kind of a dumb spot for you to go in anyway right there's no value going over there either way exactly exactly yeah so i'm going to move there with him and the last thing i'll do for my movement is i'm going to bring in upon wings of fire this is when i bring in these guys and they're more than nine away from the like priest they are yeah so they're going to be here they'll be shooting at you they'll be charging plus one because they're at theirs and as an insurance policy lion victor is here to take him out either way my goal is to take you out in close combat and soften you up a little bit in the shooting phase speaking of which let's jump right into that so shooting phase i'll start with my hammer fall bunker and he shoots everything within range right with the heavy bolt with the heavy bolter with the missiles up top though i'm going to target the redemptor dread i'll start with that first a couple shots there okay a couple hits oh boy and that's a wound one wound 25 wounds left yeah i'm gonna i assume you're not going to reroll that with a command point i hmm that's a toughie one command point i think it's only ap2 so i have a five-up save against it you know what i won't no okay well i'll roll my save and then look at the ap we're not in the devastator anymore well we make a six up anyways yep good thing i didn't and now for the heavy bolter that's uh three hits and wouldn't you on five so that's one wound with that is that it for save only if you won we're okay saved on that okay so let's do heavy bolt throughout the atv uh minus one because it's going through the trees four he's essentially a bike with eight wounds if anyone's curious these are four ups i take two damage he has six left and now into your unit of uh just intercessors back there that's two hits and three is to win these guys and they both don't load okay lucky looks like my repulsor executioner is gonna have to finish the job off i'm targeting all my shots all right that's fair yeah this should do it we'll start with a heavy laser uh yeah yeah let's see if we can just get it over with what is going on but you have so many other shots i mean like i don't know what to tell you okay i'm going to let that go luka just don't fail this part all right what are you going to three that's right hey i have no savings eight before it's d3 plus three damage minus one uh minus sorry so if i roll a five you're still dead because if i roll three i'm dead if i roll a three on a d3 yeah yeah that's one so you take a total of three damage now it could be four damage oh it's minus one might bad i forgot about that yeah i forgot all about that so i could re-roll that so if currently he's at three if you want to reroll it he can go down he can't actually you need to five up to kill him that's right no no you you go down to two two two two yeah for sure yeah that's what i meant yeah uh hmm yeah if i reroll this i could kill you with it you need a five up but you have so many other guys darn it i should have actually saved that till last that's what i should have done well i feel no i like i like going first with it because all the other guns are also aimed at him and they should kill him i don't think the reroll's worth here but i know but the thing is the gambling i've already damaged you i know i'm damaging you right right yeah whereas the other ones i'm like oh let's see if i wound you then you get your save on top of that right whereas now i know it's there's so much ap now because you're in the tactical doctrine so all your weapons have ap on it not high ap but ap1 across the board okay well we'll let it go i should accept my damage of three and proceed twelve shots with my heavy gatling cannon uh only ten dice here though but look at that i guess so here's a one and here's the other one all right so they all hit and wounding you on five yes and then i will just roll two more getting four five wounds all right these are eight one so i have a four up safe uh-huh i'm gonna make four of them now he's dead okay does he explode he does not redemptor does go down through a volume of shots nice glad i didn't spend the ap or the cp exactly over here now where the impulser is i'll focus all of my shots into your intercessors okay so because the stats and my storm bolters are currently all the same uh my weapons rather are all the same stats i'm just gonna roll them all together because tactical doctor minus one the ap and the storm bolts are so less than tactical doctrine getting you on threes okay decent these are against your tacticals so fours to wound getting four okay okay so minus one minus one no real save bonuses on them we lose one intercessor we're gonna lose uh you buddy no we'll lose you over here so although i hit on fives with my weapons i got a lot of shots coming your way and they do two damage a piece plus there's a lot of uh other shots with the just the heavy stabbers so i'm actually going to go first with my death company if i manage to whittle you down to a couple wounds then i probably won't even bother shooting at you at all right with the maximum ability to clean your maximum points exactly so those are all hits and then wounding on fours unless you're t5 i'm not okay so that's three wounds uh three up save no cover against them we take a damage he's down to three damn that kind of makes it worse but it doesn't change too much for him right no let's come back to this these three death companies shooting their bull pistols into your lured so that's two hits and moving on five yes one move one move i should have a three of save against that and we're okay so luka i've decided to shoot with me here because yeah because i only have 81 of my weapons right and you have a two-up save so you have a three up so chances are you're going to make all of them only he's only got cover yeah because he's got cover against the driver because you have not the dread but the war suit yes uh so i'll do it so i'll start with the heavy bolter see what we get hitting on fives of course and when you on uh that double one guy i saw a three up save against it though yeah three up and he takes two he's down to one oh darn it i'm gonna kill him uh auto cannon does he go down only one okay one hit right three to one no three up he's okay he's okay he was a two that was two now is there eight uh heavy stepper or yeah that should be eight stubborn shots okay all right all right so here i can do it i can miss you i can do it i can miss hitting on fives okay that's three okay that's not too bad uh wounding on fours yeah okay one wound and he is alive okay ideal wow oh my goodness whoo now for the charge man why am i so nervous whole game luca ah okay so death company i need an eight no overwatch for you because you have no command points right oh dude good thing you saved that command point you almost used it earlier i almost did you're right i'll use it no oh you don't trust in the uh war suit hitting on fives ah well i had i had a crap ton of shots before right so i trusted that more now i'm nervous that i will actually miss so yes i will spend a command point re-roll this yeah they make it they get a 10. yeah and now i'll just pile in lucca i'll pile in in such a way where he can go around here and then he will go here and then these guys will move forward and they are now within half inch of a guy that's what half inch so they're all in so i get 40 attacks in total five apiece i don't uh benefit from the savage echoes because it's not the assault doctrine right now i'm gonna roll half of this is 20 right now so on threes and three is because of the red thirst all right so that's 10 so far so if you make them all i will roll the second ball he's dead all right in close combat killed that's 10 victory points it does not make sense to move closer to you so i will not consolidate so it goes to you oh yes full florida he always gets shock assault with his warlord trait so he gets an extra one attack geez it's something though it's gonna have six attacks i almost wanna go with the power sword i'm gonna go with the power fist though because it hits on wounds on two so yeah you know what i was gonna explain why but it doesn't really matter why uh these wound on twos three wounds at minus three six up save okay two damage each all right first one dead second one dead third one oh he wipes him yeah oh i was very clean for him debating on if i consolidate him or not because i have to go in this direction right i want him to go up and around to go for the uh dreadnought uh gotcha uh because i have no other real way to deal with the dreadnought but then again yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna he's not gonna consolidate it he's fine okay and in my turn i get two victory points for engage on all fronts i am not in this table quarter currently right so my command phase i get a command point on that one again only one on the board with command points because they were forced to be so early force but opted to use them so early yep and we are gonna go and gain five victory points because we only have this one objective over here on this table quarter and that's it because dave went with a very aggressive trying to keep me in my territory which is working for now now is the time for me to push out of it which i should be able to do we'll see i hope we are going to go ahead and start a move and we're going to go with the wolf lord and he's going to advance an extra ooh too so let me go seven inches let's see where that gets that is not ideal i'm ending up over here but you can go tangle with them and then he's just over here tangling with them the whole time yeah because i can't take them all that one round right right i'm debating and knocking a little bit i'm debating if i just reroll that that one kind of point on a stupid advantage i know that's painful nah i'm not gonna bother you rolling that i'll figure out where he's gonna go in a second we are going to be aggressive with him he's going to move there it's an eight inch charge with the modifier on his plus one charge to get into the impulse r here if i need to we're then going to move you uh three to there i just wanna and then seven more forward i don't know if i want to block completely though i want to keep a line open for him so we don't want to go the full we'll go to there i'll come to the full move i'll go to there are you on your range of the objective i don't think so no never mind these things are so slow these days folks yeah 10 inches is brutal i'm still gonna go to there anyways because i'm going to try my best to charge with it i guess with it yeah okay we will see we will so you're you're blocking your way a little bit i am yeah i'm gonna go with full it's full move to get to there and we'll see where we can pull off with that okay and these intercessors are gonna be the ones to deal with the uh the death company over here and over to here the invader atv is gonna move to about there we're staying this table quarter get within three of the objectives and we're gonna hopefully shoot them to death and then for reinforcements i'm not happy with it but the inceptors are going to show up over here they're going to try and deal with the last couple wounds on this guy and if they fail that i should have some extra guns on the repulsor i'll fire him last uh i'm pretty sure i just want him to try and annihilate this and pulsar here if i can the acceptors and all that should help there and then uh these inceptors over here i moved all this stuff over here to try and kill off these three assault intercessors realizing that's actually not enough firepower so i'm gonna have their plasma try and help compensate for that i'm probably not going to supercharge it because i don't want to throw their lives away but i'm not happy with their placement or where they've ended up so hopefully they are the linchpin to taking out those intercessors and if they fail well that sucks for me shooting time we are going to start with them we're going to be firing into the back of the you know what we'll start with these guys here make some sense start with them okay intercessors we're going to fire his special ammo first he's got the morkai's teeth bolts into the intercessors here they all have line of sight except death company death company sorry except for these two which are going to fire at the impulser because that's the only other thing they can shoot at oh gotcha okay because they can't see the death company exactly so i'll do them first get them out of the way they hit on not that they do get real ones though because the rights of battle from the wolf lord and it does not wound okay and then the rest firing to them we'll start with the more kai teeth bolts it hits and now that they're marked by more kai i reroll all wound rules of one for the rest of the turn including close combat is that just for these guys or anything that's my whole army if they want to shoot rules of one it's i think it's pretty good and it wounds as well with an ap of one shape you're good all right next to the bolt rifles on threes we're rolling ones and wounding on fours we're only ones for the didn't matter geez so four at ap2 oh wow they'll go through how much damage just one all right six is ignore just one kills one and one no uh yeah you're right so let's do this let's make your charge harder and then i'll wound him now these guys are gonna go ahead and fire next we're gonna fire at the back of the dreadnought so your inceptors inceptors is gonna be 18 shots that's a lot oh yeah there's six shots per dude these did not go up to two damage each so i shouldn't use the example of heavy bolter anymore these hit on twos you mean threes threes sorry i was looking at the twos to remove as i said it and then these wound on fives with only two these are ap2 okay well that's all you need right that's all i need two five ups he is gonna have one wound left he is that's okay that's what i got him for we're gonna go ahead and fire the repulsor now he's gonna put the last cannons into the impulser of course we're gonna do the onslaughts into the impulser as well and then all the small arms fire just for the strength for ap1 stuff is probably just going to go into him the invicta war suit yeah the invicta warsaw which i do have last night on i'll do all the small arms fire first okay and i forgot to say for the crack storm we're gonna go into this as well i'm not gonna fire them over there so we have the storm bolter which is four shots and then two four four more for the the stubborn and then two storm frank it's gonna have an extra seven shots these are on threes not a bad start pretty good and then fives to win them ap one four wounds four wounds okay so four up safe he's dead he is does he explode does he does that's actually not good that's not good it makes you charge harder indeed three more wounds to them they have black bridge okay so that kills him and who's the next guy yeah and it'll wound him now the rest of the big shots into the impulse will start with the twin lads on threes and threes one wounded hit you have your five up involved and here we go nope d6 damage six very nice dang that's the second time that it's gone through and you did max damage so down two five the two onslaught weapons on threes dang and five stones ap of one because we're not in the devster but that was an exceptional roll so eight nines eight wait minus one four up save so that's a four that can go through i am down to one wound okay we got two crack grenades okay both missed sorry am i still alive yeah that's okay i wanted a charger that was the whole thing i wanted to charge and then we have all the firepower on this side of the table we're gonna start with the invader atv it has a regular onslaught and a couple bolt guns on it so the regular onslaught's gonna have eight shots and it does not suffer the negative to hit because it is not infantry so threes quite a few misses and threes ap one four wounds four wounds here we go it wounds once okay the twin auto bolt rifle which is the assault version so six shots hitting on threes and wounding on fours ap two three wounds eighty one three wounds yep oh kill one and one another these intercessors are up next only three of them have line of sight two of them don't to fire at the intercessors there and the other two that don't have line of sight i'll take shots at this if i have ranger line of sight afterwards at the repulsor executioner uh there should be no negative to hit the intercessors here we hit on threes they get to rapid fire because they didn't move for both of this one and fours two at ap2 one wound left on one guy all right mr sergeant well i guess it's a good thing these guys are here for that yeah no kidding oh you know what we'll fire his bullpist let's see if it was all he's actually not in range on what i'm doing that's definitely more than 12. all right they're up next they're not going to supercharge everything into him all right i think they are two d3 they're plasma cannons essentially so one so two four six d3 shots okay it's not bad that's a lot three six nine 12 13 14 shots it feels like overkill a little bit it's gonna do ten here sure threes and threes and it should be no save because it's ap4 oh wow oh wow let me go confirm that okay yeah there's all weapons this is it before all right well works for me that's all i needed i had a few more shots too i only rolled 10 out of the 14 but huh very nice and then i got to check the range i forgot to check the range on them to see if they're you know i'm just gonna do a couple shots if it matters at all and who knows this is into the repulsor executioner with them i forgot to fire them one that doesn't even when you're t8 oh yeah your t8 so i don't even want okay that is it for shooting okay well it is now time to charge we're gonna start with the intercessors charging the death company here it's a pretty important charge i'd love to make it it's not that difficult it's a little bit more difficult though so hopefully my shooting didn't punish me too hard naturally oh okay six maybe we're okay on the six you're in by about a quarter of an inch not ideal because i i'm ending up like about there technically with my charge if only you could have killed one more right i think i need this guy to get in there though so when i roll six yeah so he gets to go to there with his pile in oh he's pretty much oh it's gonna be tight if he makes it i need the thunder hammer in there and then the rest don't really matter the repulsor executioner is going to go ahead and charge next into the impulser i assume i know no command points in overwatch uh three well poops us ah that might warrant a re-roll why don't why dave and i are using re-rolls on the dumbest thing like that's like a four-inch charge or something you know what i might i might even be good on three who knows it just three's so disheartening if three you know what so i need a four to make it in it is important to get that model on there just to at least deny the points because i what if you blow me up though that i can just pile on top that's true if that's the case that's the case i mean i i mostly want him right here in a better position yeah okay yeah we roll i don't care at this point anymore bam look at that eight hey corman's wonderful i'm just going to no more fly on you so something like that and then the wolf floor is going to try and be big he's going to charge he has plus one of this he rolls a 10. yep should be good then i think he needed a seven before so five will take him to there oh man maybe not because your thing's in the way yeah do you want to re uh no no no i want the repulsor in more than anything so five to there so five takes into that little smudge there i've already measured off camera to make sure before we committed to it and then another five takes him to within an inch so we i mean it's i i mostly want him up there as well i'm hoping he can survive combat against all this nonsense but uh it's a little risky but that's how i like to play so we are gonna go on to this fight here i think so we're gonna who's that wound on is it on him yep okay we're just gonna move that over here off the table we're gonna have you pile in we'll get in there and then we're gonna have you go to there to about there to get within that half an inch and we'll see if we can get the thunder and we do get the thunder hammer in but the support of that guy moving there and the rest will not be fighting but we'll be for some reason hanging back here we're gonna do the non thunder hammer attacks first though because there's a wounded guy there maybe we'll take him out he's hit on twos because we're spacewolf and these wound on fours but no ap six three up we kill one or do one oh wow you have black rage though black rage okay one dice so i've got to take this guy off and uh i'll place the next on him because i'm within the objective i don't want to correct run away there the thunder hammer is four attacks hitting on threes because we're space wolves and wounding on twos three rooms ap two so minus two is a five up save so one two of them might be dead three damage each first of all i got him so got him and him i'm right and then i'll consolidate nothing really too fancy you you and then bring them bring them back in here before it's going to go ahead and swing we're just going to pile you in in that direction i know we'll go more here i think actually are you touching my base yeah we'll touch the base there and i want to close the gap between the woods there now that it matters too much but it might i don't know what floor first oh sorry i'm changing my mind we're going to go over here instead it doesn't really matter we're going to go uh shock assault first we get an extra two attacks so we have seven attacks this time with uh the power fist hitting on twos because of space wolves with hunters unleashed and threes oh four wounded hits and you're in that actually gives an involved against melee attacks as well three wounding hits yep five up involved because of my dome shield diggy he dies he does do i explode please no so i can roll for my guys to see uh who i need to take away i was kind of going to kill one no one this time i'd take away my i guess i got concerned two last time so i shouldn't be too concerned about it now so just embarked wholly within three right make it a little bit harder for you so you can't just consolidate enemy you would have to again spend that command point to go six if you want to move it right with your captain yeah impulse for or repulsor on the other hand could just pile in then consolidate now what i'm concerned about a couple of things because i had a plan here but i've forgotten about the new rule the blood angels have the visions of death where they can just um do flat mortal wounds which is a not very conducive to the build of my uh the wolf lord here there's not much i can do about that unfortunately uh because i think it's like 23 more wounds because he's pretty durable i could do relentless assault where he consolidate six right into him and then just have them stuck in combat fighting hopefully his attacks wouldn't be able to take him out hopefully he's durable enough to survive against that i would be using my last command point in doing so though but because he's got the black rage he's not allowed to fall back and that means i would be able to hit him first on on dave's turn coming up and be able to i would i would still get my shock assault i wouldn't get the plus one to hit that's my thought process here but i have to survive the visions of death and i'm not here to spend a command point on relentless assault for two reasons it's fun and it's a cool gamble that could work out really well for me so he gets to consolidate his normal he gets he essentially adds three to his consolidation so he's going to consolidate to there yes and then this guy did charge he gets to pile in and consolidate and he's just gonna go let me go in this direction so we're gonna go three to that and then we'll just go oh so the problem is i don't want to uh get shot at by the repulsor execution ah you know what i was given the options to shoot over here if it wants to oh i can do so much damage though because the problem is they're going to be attacking him as well and i don't like that so you know what we'll just go over here so you're not going to engage we're going to engage them but we're going to try and utilize the behind the building i'm not too concerned about we're actually going so we checked the line of sight yeah with him he if he's going to be because i can move 10. right there and then i would easily be able to see luca even if he went close to the building there if you want to be able to engage these guys you sacrifice me being able to potentially shoot at you and that's you know what that's okay this thing's already done its job it has no real other other than and if that's shooting over here i think i'm okay with that too because that means it's not shooting at my stuff over there which i also equally need that stuff right inceptors my intercessors and all that stuff true so we're gonna have him hang out there and uh you get to resolve your combat with this stuff or these um death company death company five attacks each hitting on threes there's always like a big clump in the middle that miss and then wounding on threes because a red thirst that was a drop die okay getting a couple threes in there not bad so a total of seven wounds at minus one because of the astartes chained swords that's gonna be four ups we're gonna lose one and a half intercessors at this point we're just gonna lose you and you so luca this is the point of the game where i show off one of the new things that the blood angels have which is the death visions this is to slay the war master or the warlord yeah to save the war master this is it is warm especially these are the visions of sanguinius when he died on the spirit of vengeance that's right uh and so how this works is we both roll a single dice if i have to roll higher than you so if we tie you i don't beat you it's not only higher all right so i gotta roll higher than you if i do then i inflict three plus d3 mortal wounds right um these are these are a substitute for attacking but correct it is substitute so i have five attacks if i attack you hitting on threes because i have a power fist wounding on fours because you're minus one to wound and your toughness five or whatever right so uh yeah and then you got your four up involuntaries on top of that so there's like all of that jumble right versus i beat you in a roll-up or roll off or d3 plus three which could kill i have no way to ignore more wounds that could kill you right pardon me wants us to work to show off the death visions the other part of me who doesn't want to work because i don't want to lose my and i made this decision going into this knowing it and if you're curious with the other the other visions are you get extra attacks if you want to chew through hordes of guys i think it's like one extra attack for five for five guys yeah and then the other one is free up involved that's right yeah but that one's weird because you have to declare that when you go to attack so it's kind of like i know i'm going to be pro in a prolonged combat so like i'm going to charge a knight or something basically i have to anticipate me not killing the thing that i'm attacking and then also hopefully not dying correct right but that's that requires a command point because i can only use one death vision per game correct but my strategy allows me to use an additional definition right and then they would still you can still do that later on that's the nice thing is that the visions of sanguinius where you get to do another death vision with the same guy or you could do two at once correct yeah you just can't do the same one twice that's right so um in the spirit of doing things that are cool and uh hopefully it working i'm gonna do this so i have to roll higher than you ah yes so here it is luca you want me to roll first do you wanna roll first i'm just going to roll it oh sorry oh i want to see it all right let's see what that would have rolled it would have killed him i would have killed him there would have been six more wounds yeah okay well better than his attacks though better than his potential yeah uh so i just have to know because i'm gonna it's gonna kill me oh you do so those are my attacks all right and four is to wound one goes through and a poor open bowl okay so either way you know i'm glad i did that it was a it did nothing i don't know it did not okay so both floor is super tough there we go nice and now for the assault intercessors starting with these three total ten attacks because one of them is the sergeant so hitting on threes okay okay because he's a death company captain he only gives the reroll hit rolls a one to death company those assault intercessors are not death companies so i don't benefit from that so i'm wounding you here on five what are you what's your toughest 88 so six is six yeah because i piled india nothing that does nothing okay all right now the six attacks into your wolf lord okay you should be fours because of the pelts oh is it mine's one a hit he's minus one hit and wounded dang okay so there's that too and then sixes to wound him he's that's how tough he's super tough yeah dang it's a crazy relic all right well i'm just gonna have to kill everything else on the table and then shoot him with my repulsor that's the only way i can kill him no end of the round so i gotta roll morel for these death company i started with eight i now have three and so that's a five so two on a one or two i'm safe don't be safe not safe oh so i lose one one boogies and then i'm below half so ones and twos oh they have they show no little fear though so they their thing never gets modified only once on space marines ah does that definitely have that right they should no yeah they have what's it called uh angels of death angel to death which is which which is what happens okay so on one side anyways end of the turn luka i get engaged in all fronts i do have all four quarters only because the wolf lord made a great charge yep so i got this quarter i got this quarter with him because he's over the line i got the invader atv and the inceptors over there and i got my uh wolfgard battle leader in my intercessor so that gives me a whole three points for that putting me at five now the score is not great that's the end of the second battle round and if you're curious it is currently ten for me to oh what is it twenty seven thirty two thirty 32. you had 32 to my 10. so the blood angels because they played a very aggressive beginning of the game they took a huge leading point i'm trying to struggle to get that back is what's going on top of uh turn three here blood angels i score 15 points for the primary because i hold one two three four objectives absolutely so you're maintaining that that lead on me right now also i score the maximum for this secondary because i hold the two in my deployment zone and i still hold this one here so i max out on that secondary you have 15 on that one right now plus i get my command point bring me back up to one oh are you going to the assault auction i think i shh that's a good question because i got a lot of fight part of this guy right because he would lose the uh ap on his guns he would i'll tell you what i'm going to assault doctrine without a doubt okay i love the assault doctrine it makes me feel good yeah you know what here's the thing even though i probably shouldn't i'm not going to that might seem counterintuitive for blade angels but here's the thing i don't have very much left to actually assault with in fact it's pretty much just him yeah yeah so no tactical i stay okay so it looks like i have to move uh on the command phase as well i'm gonna put make this uh plus one to hit of course yep um i'm gonna move my repulsor out here i think it just makes sense hey big boy to do that um and i'm gonna also move this guy out because it also again makes sense to do that on second that luca i'm gonna move up here so this has all been pre-measured i'm able to move up here it would be an eight-inch charge factoring in red thirst if i want to get those inceptors i think over here this is i'm pretty compromised over here on this side right now ironically right now i'm holding three objectives but that's not going to last very long i'm thinking maybe of pulling out or falling back out of combat with these assault intercessors but if i do that then i don't force a command point from you because you get to fall out and shoot for a command point uh so if i stay in then you're you're forced to make that decision yes or no right right because my thought is i can go here and i'm on that objective and then you don't get it because your wolf lord has the option of just swinging into them and then taking them all out this turn if that happens then you get the points because you're on that objective now you still wouldn't get 15 points because my plan is to come over here and in the very least contest this objective oh so that actually uh dang that means i can't shoot him oh cause you want to kill him yeah you want to charge him well actually no i could because on your turn you don't get the points for being the objective so that that's the same difference right so i probably could i got no more movement anywhere else so i will shoot with my hammer fall bunker starting with the shots where are the missiles going they're gonna go into atv sure yeah i think that makes the most sense and i'm pretty sure he's in heavy bolter range over here as well 36 yep at your inceptors minus one hit let's do them first heavy bolters two hits and one wound ap one they are not okay are they toughness four or five they're t5 okay so one would so we have one left on an inceptor we're gonna put it on you wait which one's the surgeon where i put you on that's that's the pack leader there okay we'll put on the guy in the back and then now over on this side uh let's do heavy bolter first into the atv it's two hits and uh no wounds because your t5 and for the missile launchers into him you might as well resolve that one hit and that's a wound ep 2 i have a 5 up safe we're not okay it's d6 damage d6 who three he's got three moves left he gets hit by a missile he's okay and then now shots into the other inceptors that's uh that's minus one because of the trees right so that's one hit and then one wound as minus one uh the trees are an obstacle but they're not i'll put it on i don't put on this guy here oh he's not okay he actually takes two damage he's down to one and then now the last shots into your intercessors in the back there that's uh two hits and one wound one moon uh they do uh i'll put it on a guy in cover and oh there's another one he's dead boom so primaries tech marine now gonna shoot at your inceptors yeah start with the forge bolter i got three shots with that hitting on twos all hits yeah there's no negatives here uh wounding on uh fours because it's uh strength five that's one wound at minus two because we're still in the uh tactical character we do have cover from that we it doesn't matter it kills this guy off oop bye-bye and then now for his grav pistol hitting on it too that's a hit and uh wounding you that's a wound and i failed that same as well it's only two damage though so this guy that's not the pack leaders over here so you'll go down to one uh i'm gonna go over here i'll shoot at the this guy will shoot into your lord sure this i could all thank you shoot into him if you want to yeah let's do that so the other four gold pistols two hits uh one wound no ap on that we're okay okay uh and then my i'm not gonna supercharge it sure so i'll just hit normally nope i miss and then my dude here will fire at you as well adjustable pistol on my captain so that's a hit and that's not a wound yeah it's only negative one hit for a fight oh and melee he's okay though okay and coming on over here these death company will shoot their bolt pistols okay now for the repulsor executioner i'm going to split the shots between your atv and your inceptors i'll do heavy laser destructor and heavy bolter shots into right here in front i'll also do all of the stubbor shots into it and all the rest so the heavy onslaught gatling cannon as well as the strombolder the stormholder and the storm frank we'll go into the inceptors atvs starting with the uh heavy laser finally they both hit oh wow okay now wounding you that's two wounds no save he's dead okay well that solves that heavy onslaught gatlin canada now at the inceptors oh boy hitting on twos yup okay uh when are you on uh this is strength six yeah this uh oh yeah it is rank six actually three's the wound yeah there's a couple things there don't want to see it nine at minus uh one minus one uh i have to do these one at a time because one guy's uncovered there's not three dead all right well you know i think it's gonna fail all this is that's okay it makes it easy for me i suppose these are poor ups and he's also dead yeah because three wins well that took care of that uh much easier than i was expecting in retrospect i probably should have split fired some shots into the intercessors but well it hasn't been very reliable for you recently it has not your rights neutral again it's the most sense to fight over here a part of me wants to attack the intercessors but i'm too afraid of him actually doing some damage to them whereas the intercessors aren't that likely to do it so he always gets shocked so wait one second um it would be now that i have to declare my stratagem to give him a three-up involved save but he only when he fights only when he when he goes to swing you declare his vision oh you're right right darn it so yeah when i choose him to fight yes so that's why it's weird yeah so i can't do it now so you're attacking the assault intercessors no i want to but i'll say that for later i'm gonna go in for the captain i only have one extra attack from shock assault so we hit on threes no we rolling this was the power fist and you should be wounding on twos uh i don't have a command point so three moons so four people save cause i'm a captain so okay it's only four damage you have uh the black rage i do six up to ignore no i'm down to two wounds okay that's not as bad i gotta check one thing on the clips though there was uh one six for savage fury i rolled every six that roll every unmodified six to hit i rolls two hits instead of one so there's one more hit that wounds on it doesn't matter okay easy as that all right so i get to choose indeed it's your pick i'll choose death company oh yes death company over here uh let's see if i can do some damage not a whole lot today and winning you on fours yes two wounds ap one i make one fail one do i have a wound i do so he's dead okay well i guess there's that all right six attacks with the repulsor now into the intercessors he doesn't get the wolf kitten trait because he's not core and we have two hits but those turn into four hits because of my doctrine and these wound twos three runes ap1 ap1 okay i do a damage all right one is damaged and i'll choose the intercessors now so 10 attacks into your repulsor that's a decent amount of no not that's kind of crappy so i need sixes now get one move if you won i have a four up save that's a five okay and now six attacks into your lord fours and sixes yeah one hey if you want it's only got four up oh that's kind of scary against the power fist down to four oh it's real scary against power fist yep a little bit that means yeah that's one less you have to get through next up we have these intercessors i would like for you to end up there you'll go there you can come tuck in there we're gonna forgot to pile in with them i don't i thought you wouldn't have wanted to i if you want to that's fine too well okay if anything it's like the first one would touch bases the guy behind would just stay right so we'll you know we'll just say you do that then there you go it probably doesn't matter too much because you'll probably kill them if i ca no matter what if i even if you're there if i kill myself get to the objective exactly so that doesn't matter so we'll just go ahead and we have not these two attacking three attacks with the thunder hammer because no charges were made beyond fours but the sixes are two hits you have five hits of the thunderhammer on twos three rooney hits minus three because of the assault doctrine all right so i need sixes uh okay and it's flat three right flat three so the first guy dead second guy dead there it is all righty thunder hammers are awesome spaceball thunderham is really good so that guy will move there that'll get him within three yeah i'll move this guy first a little bit last but not least i will go with scary stuff so uh you still have a command point i don't know if you want to do a death vision no no there's no point yeah there'd be no point yeah so i'll uh hit you on threes because my power fist yeah because i'm negative oh wow dang i was gonna say the negative state don't stack here and that is exactly a wound yep and i i'll take two yeah plot two right i got two ones left dang that could have killed him so that's the end of my turn i don't get engaged in all fronts this time because you pushed me out of your zone out of your territory yeah so i'm not in four corners only two turn three for the spaceballs i get a command point i'm up to one we're actually both at one point here uh my command phase nothing overly exciting is actually gonna happen i'm unfortunately not gonna score that objective i'm gonna hopefully try and score it on turn four five to get some points out of the secondary uh i don't think i'm gonna make an ambition i'm not i'm not gonna make it in but ambitious push for this one i'm actually gonna end up falling back with them so we're gonna go right into my movement face where these guys are going to move into this nook here interesting in fact we're just going to advance them because i don't they're not going to shoot they're not going to do anything they're just going to go ahead and try and claim some cover interesting we're going to go exactly like that go hug the wall and we're going to advance the wolf guard battle leader an extra four not that it matters too much because all we care about is him being within three of the objectives so you have to ideally kill them first and then kill him but i should have two turns of them on the objective right to at least continue scoring that that should be good two turns of like you shooting at them unless you can somehow charge them gotcha we're gonna move these intercessors forward over here the ones that reclaimed the ground they did work they put in good work for me and i appreciate that of them i'm very thankful we're going to have these intercessors acceptors inceptors sorry um where do they want to go that's a that's a good question i think we're actually going to go in this direction um a little bit safer over it's a little bit safer over here i don't like that because if i was gonna go over here but then they can just come over here shoot and charge them and then that the the repulsor would have line of sight on them as well so this is all around better we are uh because of saga of the hunter we are able to fall back shoot fall back shoot and charge but fall back and charge so we're gonna do that we're gonna fall back and charge yeah we're gonna fall back from combat so we can charge in and fight first and then we're gonna fall we're gonna disembark the aggressors first hold on one second i'll spend a command point on cut them down you're going to try and double stick some double sticks you could all right yeah hey i can't do anything about it uh he's i'm near two models so so here it is man double six no that was a great chance to take him out though had to try we are going to disembark the aggressors so they're disembarking there i'm gonna go ahead and move them now i'm gonna advance them that's the aggressors uh they're gonna advance because i'm gonna line it up so he will be within six my primaries wolf lord of them with his saga of the hunter allowing core to advance in charge and they have assault weapons so i might as well try and get some distance with them i'm gonna try and get them over here to shoot over here or to do something at least get them out of the way uh for the repulsor so they're going to advance an extra five not bad the aggressors and there we're then going to spend a command point on i believe it's called grav pulse which allows the repulsor to shoot after it falls back i'll spend that now just because that's the plan we're going to go hug the wall here though right on the objective and then that is it for movement so the plan now is to start shooting start starting but that's why i just started blasting we're gonna go ahead and uh repulsor doesn't have good line of sight on the intercessors the aggressors do have some line of sight though but they're all gonna be in cover so we're gonna put i guess we'll put everything from the aggressors into them oh that's gonna make the charge harder i got all these things to shoot at and i don't know what to do so yeah we're gonna do we'll start with them 41st millennium problems too many problems we'll keep it simple we'll start with them then them then the repulsor then the aggressors the intercessors are going to fire first on my objective back here we'll start with the more kai teeth bolt and then we'll fire the other six you're all one shot and who are you firing at that'll be your assault intercessors right beside the repulsor okay teeth pull first it hits so they're marked one's on a four it does ap one saved you're okay and the rest of the bolt rifles not rapid firing because we moved no re-rolling and these are forced to wound reroll the one because the teeth bolts all right one moon one damage that would be on him if the inceptors are up next hitting on three same target into the intercessors no re-rolling though uh they're too far away freeze to wound we're rolling ones wow minus one minus one oh two damage okay it's a heck of a roll one dies we'll do the repulsor next it'll put everything except the twin last cannon so everything will go into the assault intercessors i suppose and then the twin last cannon will go into the hammer fall bundle because why not okay ah you know what i don't really care i don't care i don't care about the bunker so everything into the assault intercessors then i'll still shoot the last hands in the bunker because it's funny why not do the last cameras first they both had nice good job buddy oh wow one moon i have no idea what his armor is uh let's let's pretend it's three let's see if it even matters so i rolled a one it doesn't matter either way you're right it is a three up state why it's tough to say what a thick boy oh okay d6 damage five he's down at nine okay does he bracket he does but not after he needs to take uh more eight he has to take yeah okay more i will throw the on slots together because they're all winning on threes hitting on threes as well both are just floating around the table just like there's no threat to them they're just killing everything they see yeah it's kind of nice threes to right though they usually die right away nine if you won the fourth save uh kill one and a half all right so let's just put it on him so we have the stubber the storm bolter on the back two stormfrag which will be an extra seven shots let me get five from over here these are all strength four ap one okay threes to hit no we're rolling of course not core or spoon oh wow pretty good yeah that's not bad nine again yes all right so here we go and that's steph oh here we go we got him we got him we got him progresses are up next they have finicky line of sight over here i'm not gonna be too concerned with it plus i'd rather just charge when that comes up so they're gonna put their shots into the hammer fall bunker because why not okay three of the aggressors will have negative one to hit though shooting through the dense oh i guess they're within okay one of them has negative one hick because it's an obstacle and they're within three of it they technically ignore it so one of them has a negative one hit that's five shots with his uh stormfrag launchers and then he has six shots with his gauntlets complicated hitting on fours no re-rolling because nothing is nearby all right we got one all all of that for one miss can you imagine if you were like a minus one to hit i y minus one a hit no i mean like another minus one oh right yeah absolutely understandable i guess i should have said can you imagine if you hit on fives that'd be a better way of saying like technically they are negative two to hit because they advanced but but you can't stack you can't stack it yeah four other guys shooting assault bolters or the storm frag i mean so that's 12 15 16 more shots the rest of the aggressors on threes are we rolling okay here we are wounding on sixes because this thing is tough to say hey we actually got a good amount of wounds there's no ap though so there's that so six seven eight nine ten wounded hits with the aggressors three upstate with this luca i'm gonna beat up a piece of terrain i'd do two the two damage okay go down to seven hey i only expected to really do one where's the seven that actually brackets him there it is okay oh what that thing hits on fours guys guys this thing apparently hits on fours doesn't hit on threes no way i'm not even lying just looking at it now i just oh it's fine it's fine it's fine i don't care personally why is it so bad yeah that makes it even worse it's okay for anyone who's watching who doesn't know what its points is it's 175 points okay it's almost 200 points i'm so disappointed oh it says bs4 plus that's i never would have thought i've never would have thought it's bs4 dang it's a space maybe it's automated maybe that's that's probably why that's probably the idea it's automated i guess dang that sucks huh well i think that's enough of cowardly shooting we're gonna go on to charging we'll start with the uh the old wolf lord here declaring charge against your death watch captain well you can't fail that he gets plus one that's right so he's gonna go eight cause corn wants it eight we're gonna have he's probably gonna end up dying to some shooting or something afterwards we're gonna go over here just make sure we get within six of them so now because of his saga aura it allows them to charge as long as they're within six of him after advancing right they're gonna play a charge against the intercessors tucked in behind the building here this one may not make it this is gonna be tough they don't get any bonuses they just need a high roll a six that's probably not enough yeah because of the strut right yes six gets them to there not quite a seven yeah a seven inch would have gotten them in unfortunately i have no command points can't do anything about it we are gonna change up his charge a little bit i meant to stay within three inches of them for locus or in case they failed or in case the chain went long enough to go back here it's not a big deal just wanted it totally cool so we had shock assault for an extra d3 attacks we got two this time so we have seven attacks with his power fist who's hit because he charged re-rolling nothing and we have two sixes which is two extra hits that's such a good ability well it's it's it's it is it's good but it sometimes does nothing right like you you at least always get one i could have two or three or nothing because they're kind of the same like our assault doctrine abilities i see what you're saying yeah so that is the mini woo oh did you want to trans oh wait do you have a command point you don't have a command point yeah i can't transhuman seven wounds so here it is man four up involved safe want to beat it him up eight damage hate damage i'll just roll them all together okay he's dead we got him 15 victory points i'm not gonna consult we're going to consolidate there huzzah there we go no more out to do at the end of the turn i do gain two points for engaging all fronts after three table quarters i've uh opted to give that one up over there okay or you made that decision for me that's fair beginning of my turn four i get 10 victory points for the primary because i hold this objective so we had 40 in total for his primary and that right there so another five points i maxed out on the primary uh i get a command point as well welcome to one i am maxed out for my secondary for the uh mission secondary so i don't get any more there you've gotten ten points for the wings of sanguinius i believe it's called as well for killing my room priest that i did represent his death company got him real good they did they did indeed um so what i'm gonna do now is in the movement phase i will move back down here with my tech priest so i can hold this objective and then i'll move forward with uh this uh repulsor so that i'm within three of it yet i'm still able to fire it stuff down there thing of note i didn't start with in three of my repulsor with my tech priest so uh or tech marine so no hitting on twos with him only with the big gun everything else is hitting on threes unfortunately and i'll move my intercessors out still holding the objective yes i'm out in the open but it's an insurance policy for shots for your wolf lord and your yeah the other this potential dave could take out both of them yeah starting into the uh shooting now with my repulsor all the repulsor shots will go into your aggressive yeah i do not have a command point for transhuman unfortunately probably should have saved one are they three wounds piece yes okay i'm gonna do the big gun first because it does a minimum three damage and uh it's just the best case scenario so that's two hits uh when you got two yeah two's to kill that's just two dead the minimum three all right no cover on that guy there he's a little too gonna change up my plan a little bit i'm actually not gonna pull him because he would have cover but i'm not gonna bank on a six-up save to keep him going i'm just gonna lose these two instead sure i know it breaks coherency but i'm gonna try and tank as many shots on him as i can with the corner uh heavy bolt uh yeah let me bolt the shots so here we go hitting on threes oh that would have hit and wouldn't you on uh there should be fours right there two fours yeah that's one wound one wound i do have cover so back to the three up the rest of the shots are gonna go on him until he's dead now okay 12 shots for the heavy onslaught gatling cannon on threes okay that's that's statistical and then wounding you on three yeah strength six now decent that's six wounds at minus one but you get cover so back to three up is that oh he's super dead and then this guy's gonna take a wound yeah heavy stabbers now 12 shots hitting on threes okay again so many bullets decent uh wounding you on uh fives maybe my toughness will help a little bit so two wounds stop one ep one so i got a whole four up save against that oh we're just gonna geez fail those horribly two frag storm getting seven that's good and you can throw the storm walkers in with that too yeah might as well there's that and then storm bolter plus four storm bolted shots i'll just combine them all hitting on threes that's not as good as the previous but you never know uh wounding on fives this might save you getting only one there oh he's gonna live hurry up we're okay the pack hammer fall hitting on sixes if i target well actually it well i'm not talking specifically about the missiles uh it's d6 right for the missiles it's true yeah he doesn't have lookouts there anymore for anyone who's curious there's only one one aggressor doesn't provide that okay well let's do the uh let's do the heavy bolters because uh that all happens anyway right who's who's the missiles going into though yeah i gotta declare that um i might as well do him okay yeah so let's do the missile shots first six is nope heavy boulders sixes is that triple six oh wow okay uh winning on fours yeah yeah two wounds hold on hold on uh i think what command point no it's not worth it not worth it i don't get any cover where i'm standing he's alive with one wound yes he is so luca asked me which one i want to shoot at and i didn't clue in that i could actually target the wolf lord because there is no lookout sir right not now because you don't have three there but it doesn't matter because those shots missed anyway right uh but here's the heavy bolter shots into him triple sixes double sixes all right it's five sixes that's fair that's right all right uh now what am i winning you on here fours he's d5 okay it's only in melee melee that's mine all right so four is the wound it's two wounds oh wild four up in the bones he's dead on average here you killed him oh my goodness what is going on oh wow yeah that's uh that's a big deal inceptors will now be shot at uh one hit on a five no nothing and then your tank your tank no hits and then your repulsor's in the way of me shooting at your intercessors in the back so i will not be shooting at them and i can't see your intercessors back there because you've hidden them so it'll shoot at nothing else but it did awesome i did for hitting on fives and sixes i think he did exceptionally well absolutely ten shots now from these intercessors and to your aggressor okay and when you have fives yeah right all right this is it man this is it getting two wounds minus one four ups he's dead yep he's dead dead boom boom into my turn again i don't get engaged because i needed my repulsor to be over here having a line of sight to your aggressors absolutely completely worth it uh so that's my turn i gained a command point i'm up to one dave's still at one he didn't use this i gained ten victory points because i'm on three of the objectives but so is dave so he doesn't actually i don't actually get to nab the extra points off of that but i do get points for the surround them because i'm on both of my objectives and one of the middle ones so i get four points of that as i'm starting to get on the board there now in retrospect i think that what i should have done with these intercessors is come out here and then try to recharge your uh repulsor because then i could have contested that right or actually held it taken it away from you but um that's this just is what it is we're gonna advance the inceptors i need a four to get within range of the objective now i'm not gonna take it right away but with their combined firepower and the repulsor i'm hoping to kill all of them off therefore tagging the objective for the space wolves that's a five we're good so they're gonna end there the inceptors the repulsor's just gonna stay where it is because he's already got good range on them i believe 18 yeah yeah he does not need to move okay these guys over here don't have line of sight and if they move they're not going to gain line of sight so they're they're just gonna tuck into this building here and if anything does poke its ugly head out over there we'll shoot them with guns and if they dare to charge me i'll hit him with a hammer that's fair and then just for shots uh we're gonna go with the repulsor we'll fire and yeah we'll fire everything into them might as well okay so the last cannons because why not both hit except one only one hits no wounds at all it's strength now it doesn't move yes it does minus three and six up nope two dimage i think to get through we do three we kill one instead of order the two onslaught guns fired threes to hit yeah ten wounds minus one kill oh one two three oh there's only one left sergeant double have to do separate now hitting on threes and this will be wounding on fours one at 8p1 okay one damage one left now let's get the crack out of the way okay crack storm one hit no wound got two storm frank which is three shots plus uh the two storm bolter the one stormwater on the back so five shots in total one miss and force to wound no ap so you got two or three ups he dies he does unless i spend a command point i have all the if you want i got i got all their shots too there i won't spend a command point and that there folks is the end of space well so we're kind of at the end of the game where we're trying to like nab any little amount of points we can get here while not losing too much yep so uh i get engaged in offense for two victory points again beginning to turn five here i get ten victory points but only five actually count because i have now maxed my primary for a total of 45 points there because i hold it with my repulsor and my tech marine tech marine or tech priest that's a primary stack marine tech marine okay so i think my goal here is pretty simple i'm going to move forward with my repulsor shoot at these guys to kill them off charge your repulsor to try and deny the points deny the points all of my shots will go into these guys i'm not going to start with the big shots first i'll start with the heavy onslaught gatling cannon first so hitting you on threes i missed a couple there the twos but that's okay uh these are wounding on threes okay so seven wounds minus one that is going to be four i'm going to just go ahead and lose that guy in the back and then the his buddy right beside him all right so here now i'll do the uh yeah heavy laser destructor shots that's two hits and now wounding you that's both wounds and i think that's just death yeah they're dead yeah yeah okay so now do you make the charge yes so i'm going to charge your repulsor and i make it yeah you're good so all that really matters there is can you get within three of the objective i think you can if you touch me absolutely so it's we don't have to do unless you really want to do the fight what do i get six attacks seven because the shock seven all right sure i'll do just for fun boom oh okay three hits and one wound uh i should be two because it's my strength oh i do get plus one don't ask two wounds i make one save i fail the other so i'm down to i think fifteen oh you know what you're swinging at me i'll swing right back at you seven for you right six is to hit every six is two hits you get two i got two hits there and actually technically hit on five i don't think i only fight so i got one wound oh you're fine look at that your pulse is so much better than that and my turn no engage on to lucas last turn all right so my turn easy i get a command point all i'm going to do is fall back with this guy to about there just getting engaged in all fronts yep uh so that's two points at the end of my turn there's no point there's no point at me yeah there's no point even trying to kill the repulsors because it doesn't give you any points i get nothing out of it yeah so we did the calculation here uh so luca at the end of his after everything after scoring everything he has 65 points i get 10 points for my primary because dave was able to make that it was a good move there obviously yeah that so what day was able to deny is nine points on that turn because i would have gotten four for the price of the second area of the mission yeah and i would have gotten 15 for the primary because i would have had three more than dave here correct so dave ends up winning by ten points ten points so even though he denied me nine there he still would have won by one in the end it would have been a much closer game now when dave and i play we typically don't like to look at the score at all while we play yeah we like to just know what we have to do deny as much points as you can we like to know when something's maxed out though can you max that yeah that's fine that comes like along the way like we see it's obvious it's obvious right like i got 50 for that i don't have to worry about that anymore but i still have to try and stop you from doing that so all after all sudden done dave gets 45 for the primary i only got 35. i could have got 40. i only got 35. why could you have gotten 40. or if you deny me because you denied me oh that's right i could have gotten five more at the end there maybe i could have snaked out a couple more if i you never know there could have been better movement at some point but you get max i get 35. yep and then for my surrounding destroyer i only get four i only got it for one turn you're able to deny it every other time that's the it's it this one was hard to do but because we were blood angels with the concealed deployment it was very easy for you to pull off unfortunately for me yeah well i got first turn right yeah and you got and you got back to points for because you scored in your command phase and then you were able to do the move and concealed deployment before the command phase even starts so yeah without a doubt dave was able to get max points for that he's got 15 of my four and then hero challenge which is the same as your blade of sanguinius which is the same thing you got 10 points i only got 10 for that one i got 15 though yeah so that's a little bit better for me and then engage in all fronts i was able to get 11 to your five yeah yeah so the secondaries are very close yeah they're pretty close what it really actually the secondaries are identical in points seriously funny enough we actually did identical for secondaries we both got 30 for our secondaries huh we both exactly got 30 except you got 10 more points on the primary that i did that's that's why you got 10 more points than me crazy and that's that's pretty much it for the game there awesome at the very end it came out that way it didn't feel that way at the beginning it just felt like oh landslide blood angels it can be hard work uphill battle right which granted it was uphill battle but you closed the gap at the end and it was a lot closer at the end than i was expecting well my favorite thing about space screens in general is no matter how hard they're well i mean unless they're table on the first turn they can't do anything about that but no matter how hard a space marine army is hit it can always perform yeah which is his greatest strength like look at dave's army for example he came forward and he didn't necessarily hit me very hard he actually took more damage in his first turn than i did yep when you think about when you look at what died because you're trying to go for my rune priest because i had him so well hidden and you were kind of like not recklessly going for it but you're making sure you're getting objectives denying me this objective over here uh and in doing so you're able to get there and get those points and more importantly keep me in my deployment zone for the first term because i had yeah walker walker death company and then death company again so i was i was kind of confined to my deployment zone which is ideally what you want to do with blood angels anyways you just want to get in their face and smack them down right away and the repulsor your repulsor like both of our pulsers did well yeah everything i lost i want to dare say was all him except except for your walkers in the beginning who killed my one dreadnought yep and then they died and then that repulsor killed my five aggressors my inceptors my inceptors over here my bike my what else died oh my other dreadnought if i didn't say that already yep and then the hammer fall bunker funny enough killed my world war but no that that thing did a ton of damage repulsors are amazing they're like super worth their points well less so now because they're not core but they're still really like evidently still worth their points yeah i like them i think it was a good move to church at the end i would have liked to lose by one point instead of 10 but it just would have been funny yeah i just i saw i'm like yeah that's the best move yeah i agree i seen it too there's not much i could do but i should have in like on my turn i should have moved him back here is what i should have done i didn't think i didn't notice it until your turn came up like oh i made a mistake yeah i don't think it would have made a difference because you rolled like a nine or something or a 10 on your charge so you still probably would be able to make it in because it was only like a five or six yeah i should have done that though just to make it harder just to make it harder but i don't think it would have mattered yeah and man that was it that's great so so the in terms of like the blood angels and uh you guys will probably hear a lot of this already if you came from the review video yes but um something i will mention though because it's fresh in my brain there's a couple things one was uh what's it called the uh the death visions i was really hoping that that would work just because it's cool it's fun it's right it didn't happen but i got the opportunity to use it and at least i got the opportunity i was i liked the death company when i'm reading it on paper i like the death visions i like the idea of upgrading lieutenants and captains to death company ones yep but it just didn't really um and in play it wasn't that big right like three of the vulnerable that's huge we have to do it when you go to attack anticipating you're gonna take hits back that's it that's the one thing i don't like about that that was a little weird it's like maybe you're charging into a horde of guys with a couple power fists in there whatever like thunder hammers like well whatever i just want to take these that's really good for charging into something and then tying it up that's what that's for i think obviously like without it yeah the moral wounds is exactly for what you used it for it's something that's two dro something's got like five wounds left yeah four was left it's too durable to kill with melee it's not it's not really reliable so just here take some more wounds but it's a roll-off yes and you have to win the role so it's actually against you it is actually against you as the blight initial player which doesn't feel good it should be equal to or higher i think for the blind blind digital player and the other one's just for chopping through hordes of guys you want to get something off an objective that one's the least interesting one i think yeah yeah yeah so that which is why i didn't even use it but i mean it's it would be cool to have in the form of like an old death company army like you could have like a chaplain-led death company army you have like death company captain death company lieutenant yep and then death company are death company intercessors troops or elites they might be elites they're elites they're not okay so you you have no troops available to you but you'd have like um you'd have vanguard armies it wouldn't be it wouldn't be cool but it'd be narratively cool looking maybe all death company for sure 100 well thank you very much guys for tuning in to this brand new blood angels game versus the space wolves who are also pretty much new relatively new relatively new it was awesome game went back and forth uh there was a good amount of damage we kept on hitting each other pretty hard so it was tense all the way through i felt right i never felt like i was safe i felt like okay i got the first hit but i gotta keep i gotta keep this right yeah it was not okay oh i got this in the bag it was never that feeling so uh in my opinion those are the best kinds of games where it's just like you're always on edge which is certainly what i felt the whole time right thank you guys for your support for being vault members without you guys we don't make videos we're not here and so we very much appreciate all of your support and your viewership and also just as a reminder this is something super cool because this is actually the first battle where this came into play all four of these companies that provided the terrain and battle mat are silver vault member discount code companies so you can go there and you can before making a purchase on any of those stores make sure you check out that page to see the discounts that are available to you that is one of the perks that you get when you're a silver vault member just as a reminder thank you very much guys happy ward gaming see you in the next video
Channel: MWG Studios
Views: 72,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Id: iR6etPLs-qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 57sec (8337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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