Adepta Sororitas vs Necrons Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Battle Report Ep 139

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hello there wargamers and welcome to a warhammer 40k battle report i am luca from mini ward gaming and i am joined for morocco from albany we are going to be playing at 2 000 points of necrons up against the sisters of battle in today's game and after this battle report there is another upload in the vault right now i'm gonna play my orcs against mike and some great knights that is in the mini we're gonna be bolt like i said so you can follow the link in the description below to get that bat rip we play and call it work mini wargaming's warhammer 40k battle report the necron list today will be 2 000 points two patrolled attachments both using the novak rules the warlord is cat motek an overlord and necron overlord he is going to have the veil of darkness relic a resurrection orb a void scythe and his warlord trait will be implacable conqueror joining him in that patrol we have a scorpek lord by the name of rapture we are going to give him an extra artifact of power giving him the nano scarab casket as well as another warlord trait blood fuel frenzy 20 necron wars will fill up the troop roll for the elites we have a unit of scorpek destroyers to follow the scorpek lord with a viral construct as well we have catmotek's honor guard ken lichguard with warsides the second patrol will be led by a royal warden as well as a chronomancer the chronomancer will be running around with an entropic lance for this game the troops will be filled with 20 necron warriors the elites we have an unleashed avoid dragon in this game and lastly two units of six canopic scarabs to fill out the rest of the list let's go take a look at the sisters of battle hey wargamers i am running a 2 000 point adepta sororita army i'm going to be running evan chalice and for my two sacred rights i'm taking divine guidance and the passion my canon s is starting things off she is my warlord she has a righteous rage warlord trait and the mantle of ophelia she is armed with a blessed blade and a condemner bolt gun i've also given her the righteous judgment blessing of the faithful my second hq is the triumph of saint catherine i know it's not great it's not meta that's okay i love it it's beautiful so i'm gonna use it and rounding out my hq's will be my third hq slot which is a palatine she is armed with a power sword and bolt pistol she's also carrying the book of st lucius to give her a three inch extra aura and she is going to take the warlord trait of terrible knowledge so i can start off with a six on my miracle die for troop choices i have three slots i'm taking a 10 woman battle sister squad they have two melted guns the superior has a kama malta and a power sword and they're carrying a cherub and a similacrum imperialis i also have a unit of five battle sisters armed with a kami melta and an incenser cherub and then finally a unit of five battle sisters with no upgrades at all just a naked sister squad for my elites i have a big unit of 10 celestian sacristans i absolutely love these girls i think they look great they perform well they are cheap they have nine anointed halberds and the superior is carrying a spear of the faithful and an infernal pistol i'm also bringing astrid thurga and her sidekick agatha dolan um don't think that they're particularly competitive choice but i love the model anything that has banners in it i am a sucker for so she's coming along i have a converted creature model she's carrying a zealots vindicator i have two death cult assassins also converted from the asia sigmar witches kit and then finally filling out my elite slot i have a hospitaler and she has no upgrades of any sort for my fast attack i have three units i've got a unit of five dominions they're carrying four artificer storm bolters and the superior has a combi flamer and power sword i also have a unit of five seraphim they're carrying four inferno pistols between the two of them and the superior is armed with a plasma pistol and then finally to take advantage of retrieve octarius data i have a small unit of five seraphim with no upgrades at all keeping them cheap for my heavy support i have two units of retributors one is a big unit of ten they're carrying four mini-storm heavy flamers the superior has a combi flamer and a power sword and they are rounded out with two armorium cherubs and a similacrum imperialis and the second unit of five retributors is carrying four heavy bolters with no other upgrades and then finally i have two emulators both armed with twin multi-melted and my dedicated transport slots along with a sorority rhino with no upgrades and then last but not least a battle sanctum we're gonna see how this works i again i know it's not great it is not meta but i love the model so we're gonna use it today's mission is grand tournament strike force battle lines the battlefield includes four objective markers with player deployment zones running the short table edges two objective markers run vertically each 14 inches from the center of the battlefield and the other two run 18 inches each from the center of the battlefield with no man's land 24 inches wide the primary objective is take in hold which is progressive at the end of each player's command phase the player whose turn it is scores five victory points for each of the following conditions they satisfy for a maximum of 15 victory points they control one or more objective markers they control two or more objective markers they control more objective markers than their opponent controls this primary objective cannot be scored in the first battle round the secondary objective in this mission is vital ground which is progressive it states at the end of each of your command phases you score three victory points if you control the objective marker in your opponent's deployment zone and score two victory points for each objective marker you control that is not in either player's deployment zone for a maximum of seven victory points this secondary objective cannot be scored in the first battle round let's go ahead and take a closer look at the shrine world that the sisters are here defending against these uh dynasty that is waking up and attempting to reclaim some of its territory at least that's what i imagine we have this is one of my favorite maps by the way uh this is a 6x4 map we're playing on a bigger size table for this game so just keep that in mind is cracking war games that's like the roads and all the ruins and everything and it works all for all types of deployments too because you can just scatter buildings all over the place without taking over the roads and you can still obscure good lines of fire on it we have uh some statues from games workshop this is the sisters of battle battle sanctum this is in rocko's deployment zone so we are going to be that's we've already figured out where each of us are deploying and then we have a bunch of ruins here from green leaf terrain as well some other kits from games workshop we are going to go ahead and start deploying but i want to remind our silver vault members all the discount codes to a model companies terrain companies model supply companies it's all there folks go check it out you can even check it out if you're not a super bowl member you'll save yourself a pretty penny if you are thinking about increasing your terrain by quite a bit if you just go take a look and see what they have available there anyways let's see what it looks like after we deploy and start rolling some dice and here we have the deployment all finished we got scarabs warriors royal wardens oh my we got our void dragon more warriors lich guard with forsyth right near the overlord our warlord in the middle um we have our aeon aeon manser it's a chronomancer with scarabs and the scorpek destroyers and the scorpic lord off to the very right now i am only going to be starting with eight command points because i'm running two patrols so i cost me two i have blood fueled fury from the novak warlord traits on the scorpek lord as well as the extra artifact on the scorpek lord as well you just got he heals two for living metal every turn and he does mortal moons on sixes to wound when that comes up if that comes up and i do want to give a shout out to i apologize if i say the name incorrectly it's either steven or stefan this was his list he really wanted to play he had built it painted it up he's got no one to play with though so he just he asked me if i could play it i'm like you know what i like the list it looks fun more scythe litch guard one of my favorite models now i understand a lot of people give me flack whenever i run them they do die easily whatever it is just it's just trying to get as much value out of them as you can and if they die they die if not you know they trade up real good but i mean they usually always die and uh that's pretty much it we got the void dragon here because it's a beautiful model uh and uh christmas we got our sister as a battle okay so starting on the flank i have an emulator and that's loaded up with my five dominions hoping to get a good scout move and maybe put some early mortal wounds on uh next to them is the unit of celestian sacrosancts and they are deployed partly in the terrain for cover and all the characters behind are clustered around to take advantage of the bodyguard special rule so next to them i have the triumphant catherine i've got the uh right behind that i've got the hospital alert to give a six-up feeling pain and then behind her is the the cannonness right here and then the preacher to give out the warhem buff if and when that applies moving further down the line i have the rhino deadset in the middle and that's got the unit of 10 retributors with ministorum heavy flamers in it and then on the furthest flank i have the other emulator and that is just loaded up with a unit of five uh sisters and next to that are the two deckhold assassins they're just kinda to run around and maybe be a backup to claim this midfield objective right and then we have sisters in the back screen yep and then so i got the big unit of 10 behind that emulator they're just spread out to screen against your veil of darkness next to them in the middle i've got a small unit of five sisters they're there to claim that objective uh and also to get the uh battle sanctum miracle die to perform that action so they got a dual role and then i can also use them to sort of help with the screening in the backfield uh in the battle sanctum uh i've got the unit of five retributives with heavy so they just have cool elevation and then good battlefield coverage for the 36 inches right in the middle is the palatine and then over here um i couldn't figure out anything else to do with her so i just plopped it down for some more um veil of darkness denial yeah to increase my footprint yeah it just leaves no openings in the back scale right away yeah all the way to the battle kind of progresses and things get a little sloppier than i'll probably exactly yeah so there you go cool i like it i like it a lot i also i felt like i wanted to say something but it escapes me now so it must not have been important it happens yeah we're gonna talk about our secondaries now what do you uh what do you got okay so i've got retrieve octarius data and that's just seems to be the the rage right now so everybody's taking it and i wanted to be able to say rod because it's fun it is so i've got a couple of my seraphim units in reserve so they'll be going after retrieve bacteria's data i've got vital ground which is the mission objective one got a lot of units got a lot of msu so i think they'll be able to spread out really good as long as i can obviously fight you for him yeah so we can cover a lot of ground so that's a good one and then the third one is defend the shrine uh it's thematic it's fluffy for sisters i like it so we're going with uh that objective over there right it will be the shrine that's what you picked this is the one this is uh like a sacred it's the sacred area the sacred area they must defend this i myself went with grind them down because well msu and i'm necrons which is not currently msu and uh so i should be able to benefit from that as well somewhat i also went with treasures of the aeons which is my own cool little specific one i always think is good and that was at the rocco to pick three of these objectives on the table and i liked your picks which ones did you go with okay so i went with the one in your own deployment zone here that forces you to leave somebody back there to defend it which means you're not fighting me up front that's true i had to put value back there and i am a very like i might have to do the scarabs or something i don't know like i didn't expect that i won't lie i didn't expect that okay um the the next one i picked is of course the one deep in my uh deployment zone you got a relatively slow army minus a veil of darkness so that's going to take you a while to get there and then the third one i went with is the one that was not the shrine so it's the midfield objective over here and that forces you to not spend resources being on my shrine hopefully make it a little bit easier for me to complete my objective interesting and then the last one i went with was also vital ground controlling the two the two no man land ones and then the one in the opponent's territory as well yeah uh that should be about it we are ready to roll off to see who must go first in this game warhammer 40k here we go all right best of luck to you let's see what we get here i got a three and uh i got a one that's one oh yeah the israelis the sisters battle dice that that's a one and the imperial i or is the inquisitor yeah is a six yeah okay so uh necrons must go first must go first so all right next round's turn one then next one turns one a couple sort of bat around things to do we have a scout move with the dominions they just stayed more than 20 away from the void dragon so we can't hurl this javelin right off the rip and uh you said you have a miracle diet you had a miracle that generated with the triumph yeah so the triumph gives me uh one miracle diet at the start of the battle round i rolled it and that's a three and then in addition i get one at the start of uh every turn normally and because of my warlord overlord you know as the game has just begun and we are going to go with obviously a sudden storm plus one move characteristic to all things of the command protocol rule which is everything minus the void dragon he cannot benefit from that everything is within six inches of a character so the overlord gives out the protocol the command to all the characters and then the characters give that commando to all the necrons nearby them and uh i have my will be done to cast on somebody i'm gonna give that to the i'm gonna give it to the warriors right there beside the overlord so they get plus one to hit uh that is both shooting and melee i don't expect them to be shooting right now but in case they get charged or something you know that might come up there and then the chronomancer is going to target these scorpek destroyers with his chronometron it'll let them reroll charge rules and then give them a five-up and vulnerable save until my next command phase royal warden i mean he can he has nothing to do i'm not gonna he targets them they can fall back shooting charges turn we are gonna go ahead and go on a movement here everything gets bonus moves uh we're gonna start with the scarabs i suppose uh they are moving 11 actually with command protocols uh so we'll see what we can do with that the bugs they surge forward they move their 11 because they fast they got command protocols we are going to advance these necron warriors right behind them apparently they move seven because they're near a relentless march character and they have sudden storm active plus a three so they go up to ten they're ending up in that position i do have the models on the top level just to show you where they are underneath without me having like get real down and get my hands in there they're behind the scarabs scarabs are a front we are going to move the void dragon forward and i i think oh by the way is that anti-matter meteor if anyone's curious i usually just take that power around them all the time we're going to moving forward as eight we're just gonna be aggressive with them we'll see what the heck let's do this why not right we got him let's do let's have some fun with him we're gonna go directly forward eight we know we can't throw our javelin our little fancy javelin but we can throw a couple katan powers out or at least one so i'd rather just get that plus i want to try and benefit from the escape ring like not commit to going on it and i'll be protected from firing on this side i mean i'm obviously very exposed over here but yeah whatever the other necron warriors will also advance one boo wow they're going to go eight in eight entire inches had the daisy chain back go a little bit because i didn't want to go over the wall and take the negative two on the entire unit so that's why they're back here a wee bit we're gonna go ahead and move the royal warden i suppose he does move seven currently we're gonna go tuck ourselves in over here i believe yeah we want to go to about right there just to take a couple of good shots with this really ghost blaster see that gets us and then we're going to advance the scorpek destroyers i believe they currently move 10 inches they're just 9 inches they don't get the core relentless march now that i think about it then adding five to the move you get to go up to fourteen oh fast we're gonna compile behind that wall there get three of them on the objective and then we're gonna we'll advance the score pack lord as well an additional suits well you go pretty far my man so we're just going to be let's just go right there with you why not it's an assault weapon just going to position there just so he's in range to fire the mitic annihilator at the rhino because it's the only thing i could see in range so why not they might as well take the shots if we got them it doesn't really expose them either so ideally it doesn't i gotta run the little bug over here the little viral construct we're just gonna keep it oop we're just gonna get get it stuck we're gonna keep it over here just in range of the scorpic and uh these scarabs are going to go ahead and advance as well they go 14 inches start at the bottom legs are going to end over here chronomancer is just going to snake his way over here he's got fly which is going to get him a nine of the lich guard and nine of the scorpic destroyers for next turn if that comes up in fact i'm gonna commit just a little bit further forward with him should be a-okay there that is gonna conclude pretty much most of my movement i'm gonna reposition the lich guard just so they get some cover here and well like rocco planned i'm gonna have to keep something back here for now and i got a couple of these warriors that are just towing it as well just to get the points for it and uh i don't really want to commit my lich guard right away i do not want to veil right off the bat i could just like boom front line here we go but that's uh that's how you lose lich guard right now you can shoot at them but they're not much of a threat the overlord also going to hang out back there he's got a reservoir that can help that unit or the lich guards that get shot at we'll see if it comes up he's also got the void sight if i didn't say that earlier but i believe i did then the movement phase the katan is going to shoot out some powers uh the only one i could really see is actually literally the only thing i guess i could see them technically too but this is closer for antimatter meteor conjure a little meteor of antimatter yep which i don't know what that is but he's gonna throw it at that bam all right three mortal wounds on the nearest visible within 24 okay and then he'll conjure a voltaic storm he points his nasty little finger at an enemy in this vehicle here specifically and uh emerald lightning erupts from it on a two plus and it so it's normally d3 more rooms but against vehicles is d6 three and then you count the wounds you suffered as double for your bracket so you suffered ten wounds technically uh it's actually twelve oh twelve because it starts with eleven oh it starts at 11 okay then 12 wounds so you're in the lowest bracket yep sorry i said that effectively on the second bracket yeah yeah i said that horribly incorrect it's actually you have the number of wounds it has remaining so it has rounding up so we got three uh which should be second bracket because one and two is the first one yeah okay then two is the first well i got something out of that damage is what i got out of it and now we're gonna go into shooting uh these necron warriors who have my will be done on them no those ones i thought my will be done on so these ones who don't have my will be done on them will fire a few like little scattered shots at this emulator because four of them five of them have range i gotta double check that though just the front row of five because they advanced far enough to be able to fire ten shots at it on fours to hit though fours to hit hey if this was seventh edition that's two glancing hits right there maybe that we have five hits and we are looking for fives to them because it's only strength five we got nothing not strong enough to penetrate through the hole and the last thing i have to fire is the animatic annihilator from the scorpek lord into the rhino there it's uh 2d three shots at minus one hit because i advanced it's two shots boo boo hey we hit twice that was strength six so it should be five soon nothing oh here's the score pack lord he rerolls once never we're good wow all right we're gonna go right on to charging the scarabs i'm gonna declare a charge against the emulator would you like to overwatch i think i am gonna pay a cp that to overwatch with all right yeah then one cp bring on the fire one command point you're down to ten but the other part of your roller trade is so the other part of terrible knowledge is that uh i get a five-up uh refund on every command point that i spend to a max of one return okay and that's on this character so that's on the palestine she paid the extra um cp to get the second warlord trade so so we're gonna roll that now so on a five up does it cost anything i will get uh so i do pay you the one cp it doesn't get come back down to ten let's see what you got so uh doing overwatch i'm gonna use my automatic six to score one hit for overwatch so this is gonna be the three other multimelter shots gotcha uh into and hoping for a six somewhere in there don't have one okay so it's just gonna be the one so we'll go ahead and roll that now so we're moving on to two it should be two to one yeah i'm only t3 yep so there we go doesn't wound and we're in half range so it's dc that's d6 plus two damage six plus two yeah don't roll the one wow and then the three heavy boulder shots sixes no we do not okay so that's it uh i'm gonna go ahead and remove i guess we'll remove you from back there and we'll see if you reanimate after the attack i cannot reanimate closer so i guess i should i'll just put it back where it was do i get four five ups not even close so that scarab is dead as dead can be and that leaves rocco with the one miracle die at a three right now correct all right what do we got here we got a six that's a fail charge i believe i need an eight here yeah i think that's uh discussed earlier i think i'm gonna command point that why not why not and oh i thought it's even worse i forgot to show this off early for anyone who's curious i was at nine because it was my turn and i got a command point in the command phase and i think my turn's done now yeah looking at the board that is it now i do score some victory points i am on uh you can't score the vital ground one right away so that doesn't matter that i'm over here right but i am on treasure of the aeon for two of them which is i believe three victory points and that that's honestly i didn't kill anything so no i cannot possibly get grind them down as of yet and that should be it i did forget about the royal ward and rocco was kind enough to let me go back and just go ahead and take a couple crack shots at it bam we got one hit and bam yeah look at that we failed we're done all right now it's gonna be sisters of battle turn one [Music] okay so in the command phase uh astrid thurgood is gonna use their buff on herself to re-roll uh one hit role in one wound role if it comes to it she's probably not gonna be in combat but it's more or less about not forgetting to do it right yeah that's fair yeah i do i do the same thing with royal warden yep the next thing i'm gonna do is the war him from my uh missionary here she's gonna put warham attempt to do it on the unit of sacrosancts she needs a three up should be easy let's see if we can yep we got it with a three that works and that should be everything i need for my command phase all right and then you're up to 11 command points as well yep okay so i'm going to start by moving the celestion sacrosancts out we got to figure out some way to deal with that boy dragon either to hurt them or keep them occupied and i think they are the best unit to do that with so we're going to go ahead and move them out six inches oh big company you fill in this gap here yeah we've already measured it's about an eight inch charge i believe to get in and uh yeah it's going to be about an eight inch charger if i want to go in i'm not yeah sure i'll not do that i get it i get it um we'll see we'll see okay so next up uh we're going to be getting the dominions out of the emulator and probably just putting them in cover over here to get some shots off and then we'll be moving up the emulator forward in a little bit okay so the emulator moved up just to get in melt the rage of the void dragon and i got the dominions out put them in the ruins up here they got 12 inch shots to either the warriors or the scarabs they're going to obviously be using their blessed bolts trying to get some mortal wounds in on them all right so uh astrid thurga and agatha they're just gonna move over like so just to um continue to take up uh real estate space and stop the um veil of darkness uh possibilities the cannon s is gonna move back here to also deal with that footprint the uh preacher is going to move in close so on her subsequent turns she can still affect them warham the the triumph triumph of st catherine is just going to move over and up a little bit make room to give her buff ability to the sacrifice and then the hospital is going to move in so she can give her six up feeling the pain aura dr doc over there okay so for this emulator the uh unit of battle sisters they're going to go ahead and pour out they're going to get into these ruins here right over here again fight coming we do have a fight coming and this this is a character right luca yeah is he small enough that i can shoot at him or do i is he get uh look at his therapy look outside he does get the look out he does okay so we got to deal with his buddies before we can do anything there that's fine so yeah so she's going to move up to there and then she's got some friends with her and really what i'm doing here is a couple things i'm going to try and screen out any melee attacks onto the tank right and she's up a little bit too far i don't think she knew and and also yeah so we're going to try and screen out the melee attacks and also get them in scoring position yeah for some all right and so with that done the tank is moving up so just to see through the obscuring just to see through the obscuring terrain and now that i got this in position and seeing where it ends up i'm gonna change this around just a little bit here yep that's all good just to um keep you from wrapping around take that take up that position instead with that one battle sister gotcha makes sense spread them out a little bit there yeah so they're going to do an advanced death cult assassins and they're going to go total of 10 inches because they have a 7 inch base movement oh okay that's cool i'm gonna go screw it up the side and threaten this area or at least try and run right past them later on yeah maybe run past them um obviously keep them out of shooting and then they can potentially get on that for scoring uh in future turns so these this unit of uh sisters they're just going to stretch out in a way that at least the melted guns can be useful up front here for whatever comes through this avenue but i also want to stretch out the remainder in the back to try and take up as much area as possible to deny luca's veil of darkness it is a tricky relic we're gonna get the melters up there and that's where the battle sisters ended up okay so uh out of here the 10 unit or a 10 man unit of uh retributors they're gonna pile out nine inches so let's see what that looks like all right aggressive no the ladies stop so we're going right about to here so i'm gonna put a die down to market yeah and then they're gonna be getting out hello ladies are these uh the heavy flamers here these are the heavy flavors yeah all right so that is where they have ended up and then the rhino itself i think is going to this is obscuring terrain right luca yes so unless you move into it then you could shoot out so i think the rhino is just going to move up to cover their position against charges that are coming from from that angle right trying to hide yeah just trying to hide them yeah gotcha makes sense what have we got going on okay so over here we're doing two things first of all i want to declare that this unit of battle sisters is going to retrieve octarious data for this quadrant right and the only other thing i'm doing here is this unit in order to do their uh prayer uh action in the battle sanctum they gotta be holy within it so they're just moving up here gotcha to uh make sure that they're all in it and yeah we'll take advantage of that we still have like this entire area zoned out with this triangulation i don't i do think you've got some room back here so the nine inches goes to about there and then my unit's going to be it's so you could cluster around this pillar that's still 10 32 we got this guy over here pushing it back for another two yep yeah i think i'd have to there's no way i'm fixing 11 32 millimeter i don't know if you can get 20 guys back there no no no you're good so when with that movement is done they're going to pray so they're going to pray and get the miracle action that's the end of the movement phase so let's see what they get for a miracle die yeah it'll complete at the end of the turn but nothing's going to interrupt it so we can go ahead and roll okay yeah i guess you won't be able to use it though yeah so i probably shouldn't do that yeah okay that makes sense yep okay so we're into the shooting phase now and we're going to start off with a big one here hopefully it's going to be a big one i'm going to spend a command point for cleansing flames which is order the evan chalice stratagem i'm also going to pay two for cleanse by fire the two of these things in conjunction are going to do some pretty nasty stuff so first of all all the flamers in this unit are going to have 16 inch range instead of 12. we've measured it out that's just enough to hit this big unit of warriors no my my metal robots so in addition to um the 16 inch range from cleansing flames every unmodified wound roll of four plus on them is going to do a mortal wound to a maximum of three motor wounds okay so you'll probably get three probably for sure but especially when you take that in conjunction with cleanse by fire which means all the flamers are just the maximum number how many we got there four we got four heavy flamers and one regular flamer oh i got two armor or more room cherubs so we're looking at six heavy flames six heavy flames it's gonna be 36 shots that are automatically hitting that's fine well where where are the bolt guns going so the bolt guns are both are probably going to go into the same unit okay we've learned to not split fire when it comes to necrons right yeah that's fair it's just a bad idea so yeah we're going to go ahead and uh we're going to see what happens maybe we can wipe out this unit of warriors or at least take them down a notch i'd like that to not happen so here's the uh i'm sorry it's actually terrible knowledge uh strategy memory roll so if we get one five uh we did which we did we got a six so one of them comes back so it only costs two in the end only cost two and that is the that that that's the command point for the battle round we're going on the second one soon anyway that's pretty good so that is gonna put rocco back up to nine from eight because that only costs two in the end i'm just gonna show off the valentine just forgot to advance the valentine up to help out the retributive squad yeah we want to reroll those ones to win we don't want to waste any that's what it is yeah okay over kale then so what yeah yeah here's the first 18 so here we go uh 18 the first 18 mooning on threes we're rolling ones okay well we have uh like what two ones that's oh there's a few more ones in there so we got four ones i'm re-rolling the moon rolls these are threes to them because they're strength good yep so we dropped two so 16 total and how what do you need to roll the wound on more ones sixes uh anything four up oh you got it there it is three more ones for you all right it's important to note that these are in hp2 because of divine guidance correct yep you're sacred right and then these are the rest of the moons we have five seven eight nine ten eleven twelve wounds so far right on the first half here's the second batch of eighteen looking for threes or higher we're rolling once and uh sixes are good well that's a lot of sixes that's a lot of walls what's a lot of ones there's one there's a lot of sixes yeah all right okay this is rerolling those ones to wound and done perfect so there we go that's another is that one that's one yeah that's one they all wound all right so these are at minus two yep these are at negative one and there's three more wounds in the pool noise okay i don't actually think any of these are getting covered from that position of attack because this is i have to be honest again it's also a retribute or special rule that you don't get on cover against uh retrofitters well then there we go even better so these actually might be dead so we're gonna do these are six ups yep so that's four dead warriors okay i'm just going to say seven because of the mortals yeah so we have one pass and then i'm just gonna add three day set in a second here and these are all five ups and these are five pluses it looks like i rolled rather well on some of these maybe it's pretty close to average though too so here is that so we have four so seven ten fifteen you did it they're dead one volley okay over kill by one okay and then still in the ball guns too shooting in the bowl guns yeah it's like they know they've done this before we've done this before yeah boom all right so that is a that's a huge that's a good hit that's a good hit and that also exposes him he does not have a lookout sir anymore okay yep and then the two armorium characters were spent i spent them right up yeah they're going away okay okay okay so the next unit for shooting is going to be this unit of five sisters right here and we're gonna do a couple things here so all the bolters are going to shoot into the scarab the base over here and then the sister with the combi melt she's going to fire into the score pack destroyers over here one other thing i'm going to do is going to burn the incense or share up here for this turn for this particular unit so they're going to get to roll 2d6 and take the better of the two as a miracle die that only they can use in only this turn okay we'll bring it on so here we go so they're going to have a five so we'll keep the five absolutely for them and that will go away and yeah we'll go ahead and proceed with the shooting well in response they're going to twirl their blades and try and deflect any of the projectiles and miss out so negative one to wound them okay so it's going to be uh one two three four five six because these two are in a rapid fire range so we're gonna fire total six shots into the bugs you're saying this is a minus one to hit or wound uh that's for the that's for the the score effects when they're targeted oh melts again will be negative okay very good yeah okay so uh six shots into the bugs hitting on threes threes to hit and so we're dropping three and then we're what's the toughness about there are three bugs get three three so winning on fours and i get to re-roll one because the palatine is should be threes two on the bolt guns oh strength four toughness yeah i'm sorry yeah so threes to one we're rolling once so we're gonna have three wounds at no ap oh i get a six up safe bug armor 60 million years old stops the stops one i got they take two wounds the two wounds on that scare base back there and then we got the melt gun so the melted gun is going into a scorpek so we're hitting on three yes this is where i need you to miss because you get the miracle die yeah yeah well i'm saving the miracle diet for either the wound roll or the damage i'm not really sure yeah here we go uh two oh no i guess i'm going to cp i got command point yeah okay command point here we rolling okay and um yeah i am going to use that five for the uh for the moon roll yeah because it would be for us to win them as of right now correct yeah and it's going to be d6 plus two so that should be enough to kill one so let's see what we get because they only have they have a five up in vulnerable save cards oh sorry go ahead yeah so let's see if they can make it no oh do i re-roll that probably not i will take the hit i'll take that okay so let's see what we get for damage it's gonna be four damage that kills one okay i'm gonna lose one of the regular pair of blades here we'll lose you and that their shots are done resolving correct for that unit yeah so does he i need three five ups three animate okay not even close right so the rhino's gonna fire into the uh scare base here maybe try to finish one off absolutely so hitting on threes and we got two bits and wounding on threes and so we'll get uh well uh one only one yeah just the one wound can't roll over six plus that's a five that's the damage we're down to one okay okay so next we're gonna fire with the heavy bolter unit that is actually inside the battle sanctum uh two of those girls are gonna shoot at the scorpek destroyers over there and the other two on the right are going to shoot over at lucas stuff that he's got we got warriors or scarabs uh warriors are only one wound i think i'm going to shoot at scarab bases i think it's better usage if they don't have a feeling of pain right no not at all yes i think we're gonna shoot at the scare bases um it's a better usage of the extra damage i think so as well okay so let's start over here on the score pack destroyers so six shots six shots we're hitting on threes or threes right should be threes yeah okay it'll be negative on the wound so we have three misses we have half hit three misses and let me just check to see are they within so we got three hits we are wounding on fours normally but they're twirling their others right so five five so wounding on fives and i'm rolling once so we're gonna get uh just one one when we hit that minus two actually because a divine guidance minus two okay i'm going to put it on a guy closer to the or the guy we'll put on a cover say closer to the lord so he should have the four of save against this i'll reroll that we good we're good yep okay all right so we're gonna do the other two uh sisters with heavy bolters into the scarab bases on the other side all right these are much easier to kill yeah so hitting on threes is it one hit wow that is not a good roll that is not ideal no i guess i can't complain and uh oh but we wrote that palette there we go there we go all right no save so let's do that minus one two damage yeah yeah i guess we'll put on you it's gonna keep track you're on the bottom that one's gonna put that moon dye right beside there so we remember we're up to the emulator next so the emulator is going to go i'm going to put the heavy bolter shots into the scarabs and the twin molten melter is going to go into the uh square packs over here is that four multi melted shots on that back four well four melted shots not four multiples that's right yes sorry your multiples would be eight milliseconds all right what going to be only one interesting well that is going to kill the base off that should feel the base and there's no more shots at it so let's see if we can get four or five pluses here we got uh uh only half that's not quite enough though obviously so i'm gonna kill that base off before it starts uh moving metal and i knocked this guy a little bit they melted here this is where we gotta good luck look for some some good rolls here looking for threes with three of them and then wounding on four right yes because and i got no re-rolls from the palatine so this is just it is what it is so we'll get two not bad news a lot all right wait mine's a lot they do have their chronomancer save on them does it save either one of them oh i'm gonna command point one of these because i'm just gonna yeah i'm trying to lose my guys no so uh we're gonna go down to six and two oh no they're not dead dead but they might they're probably better do they have a female pain no so they're going to be within multi range oh that's right there are three lines they're both heads so two guys are dead two guys uh there's no point no any point you rolling so i'm going to go ahead and grab six days because i'm going to take two from the back i guess i'll take those these guys i'll take the two on the side yeah those guys there yeah okay let's see if they reanimate i do get one of them back oh okay which one you want the uh let's do the big weapon so this is the guy i'm going to reanimate and he thinks and he thinks we're just gonna doesn't i'll just give more years the viral construct might be important do they have any shooting i should have asked that long time ago these four here yeah no they're all they're all cleveland so they're just gonna be charging yeah charging something okay okay so next up is going to be the celestial sacrosancts shooting their bolt pistols uh just into these uh scare bases here we're gonna see if we can pick off a few more gotcha so i looked and it looks like we got seven girls that can shoot alrighty seven days so we're looking for threes and threes i believe yes and i have no does a triumph help them out in any way the triumph does not help them out but the um a canon s the canon s does help them out without it yeah yeah okay so hitting on threes we're rolling once one one no no that's six that's right yeah yep so two go away and then these are wounding on threes with no re-rolls here so it looks like we're going to have five two of which are at minus one oh so i'll get no save against that awesome oh so i am in cover so there are swarms yeah so i will get a six up say let's roll those ones first okay at some point six is that's two damage and then there's three more three more at uh no no ap and these are five ups so i okay i feel all five so five three damage you die if i can get you and then there will be two more damage on there so i'll put you down to two we'll do the heavy voltage first emulator emulator it's going to fight the heavy bolter into the bugs see if we can pick off that last one and then the multi melt is going to go into uh the big daddy there have you bolted first heavy multiverse we have so three hits nice good start three spoon yeah three oh sorry i felt good uh so it's actually only one wound does that get the extra ap it does get yeah everybody gets it so no yeah that does oh i should probably reanimate the bug that died i'm gonna try and re-animate the first one oh okay and then this one's dead i'll re-animate i'll see if i can really get that one that's two separate instances first one that died no not close and then i'm about to pull that one does he die yes boop and a boop and then we got the meltdown on the poor poor void dragon but we only wanted to hurt no one and four's because of the bracketing right yes you are that's right so you're at a technically three wounds remaining three moves which is four yep yeah i guess would have been fours against seven two that's fine we're not the word but i don't care about them they actually all hit that's true you're right yeah that was i was actually watching it i wasn't sure if it was uh fours or fives but they all gotcha nice it did look like a good roll yeah three fours sorry fours and uh it's gonna be three hits all right not bad good start and these are threes two in the void dragon three still in the void right seven that is ooh only one at minus uh yeah that's guys four yeah i guess there's no rules either yeah one four up and down one four as long as this gets through that's all you really want yep that's true it does not does not goes right off his neck or dermis no problem he's gonna fire bolter shots into the warriors i don't plan to do much but right um two of these girls are gonna shoot into him and then the other two are going to shoot into the warriors i'm using blessed bolt stratagems for one cp one cp and uh yeah let's see how it goes best of luck to the ladies what are we starting with okay we're gonna start at the two that are shooting at the uh void dragon i got eight shots total what does the blessed bolts do so any uh hit rolls of six will generate two more wounds and the attack sequence ends oh gotcha okay you're just trying to fish for three damage yeah that should do that so here we go pair of sixes with the re-roll uh you got the two oh that there are two more ones there got two more wounds and i guess is the cannon that's too far away for the rear she is too far away from there we got two more ones these might these might go through and do some damage and then these are probably uh fives correct and we have oh that's definitely this one more or two more so he's taking two more wounds and two more damage there's a three there's six wounds left because he can never take more than three a face correct and then the rest of the shots the other uh two groups of four are going in here so we got eight into the warriors also looking for sixes well we've got four more ones four more loons very nice these are missing these are four and then moving on fours so it's gonna be two more wounds uh no ap i'm gonna put that yeah i'm gonna put that on some cover guys for three ups it matters so that's a total of three damage because the more wounds uh oh these are two each that's two each right yeah so five and we have the bulk under result and we have the whole thing i'm just gonna put a five there and then one bolt gun shot because she's uh out of uh double tap range so it will hit and then it does not move no all right so i gotta remove five of these warriors that were i'll say i'll take three for them four more wounds we'll say they all die because they weren't doing much back there and then we'll say you die the cover save people that's five that die and they are part of attack so i do get to reanimate them even though they are immortal yep only have a five up but they get to reroll ones we have uh two standing back up three are dead for good cool we animate those two on to the objective where the scares were before uh just they're technically underneath i guess it could be on top two but we'll say underneath though for ease of play and we're going to pass on charging they're going to act as a wall to protect the characters behind them with their invulnerable saves and just uh generally harder bodies than the other sisters i guess at the end of the shooting phase you get a miracle dice for whopping uh necron warrior butt over here so go ahead and roll that bad boy up and then the miracle die for the action over here so four and a five not bad we have a three four and a half three four and five again we have extra miracle die was from the sanctum the action and then we we complete retrieve bacteria's data in this table corner over here and that should be at morale checks i only lost three scarabs can't possibly fail lost one scarab over there can't fail and uh two scorpic destroyers they don't care about that we are good to go and not enough warriors either if anyone's curious this is the objective that rock was trying to go for but i do have more models on the the sacred site uh than he does at the moment so i am denying that for now until they were all dead and then started the new battle round we are going to enact command protocol undying legions we're going to do the first uh we're going to do the second directive every time i make a reanimation protocol roll for a unit near a character i will reroll one of the dice also rocco gets miracle nice so two miracle dice at the beginning of the next battle round because of the truth one for the triumph and one for just that's the ability so we're going to have a four and a five now we got two more oh i got two fours two fives in the three and this is where we're at we're at seven command points each i just gained one going from six to seven we're gonna go on to the command phase and we uh well we're in the command phase we're gonna do my will be done on the lich guard giving them plus one to hit i think we're gonna be aggressive this turn just for the sake of being aggressive unfortunately i just lost all my characters uh my warriors i was gonna hold this back objective with so i'm gonna have to pull back with something i'm not too sure what that's gonna be it's gonna be one of those scarabs i believe we'll see and that's good for you because then that means they're not tying things up getting stuck in everywhere so might will be done over there we don't need to do adaptive strategy and i have to figure the chronomancer can put the chronometron on the it's nine inch range so we can put it on the scorpek or the lich guard and i'm not i think it's going to be the lich guard because they're going to ideally get stuck in this turn i mean ideally i say you never know let's go ahead with the lich guard they're within nine they're gonna reroll charge rules i mean ah they're those guys they don't they don't need the reveal chargers yeah we're gonna go even though the litch chart are gonna reroll chargeables near that character already we're gonna put it on the litch guard plus they'll have a five up in the vulnerable saving that should be for the command phase uh living metal of course i don't have any little wounds to heal the biggest one i have to heal is the void dragon going up to seven wounds that uh would technically happen at the start of the command phase though there's no interaction you have to worry about for that we're going to movement now where i have to figure out where i want things well definitely what these warriors oh you know at the end of the command phase i do gain points now this objective i control as i knock warriors off the building correct i have some uh object over here we obviously have this back one and then i don't control that one because the one we're just we're putting her there she was just towing it just to take the obstacle on it yeah with the disembark she had more than enough range to get there so denying me that one unfortunately but i am going to get 10 points because i have two objectives so luca for whatever you're considering for your void dragon the um celestian sacrosancts with the shield they have a stratagem one cp called in violet shield wall and you'll only be wounding me on force oh they've got insulin range yeah so that's something to keep in mind that's a melee combat only okay so just something to keep in mind when you're trying to figure out what you want to do with them do they have a way to mitigate mortal wounds no okay yes they do actually i'm sorry the uh hospital there gives a six up feeling oh of course that's right yep okay okay i like it i like it that that trans human does change up my plans a wee bit yeah i think i'm gonna have to i think i know i'm gonna have to volley them with the warriors yeah and then just try and overwhelm them with fire power probably yeah that's probably my best bet because i was gonna avoid dragon and tropic strike try and take him out but thank you for letting me know because that is spooky that would definitely neuter his my plan with him i think he'll try and just sap some wounds off this uh and absorb its matter in its weird void drag anyway it's actually minus one of the one rule which is still enough to be annoying because it means he only was on three still is that against all attacks or melee only that's just melee okay well i think what we need to do is we need to pull bugs back bug bug tactics backwards scarabs move 10 currently because sudden storm is over we're gonna go up to 12 that way they're pulling back because of the treasure of the a i on 100 percent wouldn't care about this objective back here if it wasn't for treasures of the aliens i think i was going to camp the warriors back there a little bit and just do some like little uh crappy shots but they're dead they are they're their bodies are still exploding and sparking and burning right there the royal warden is gonna go for an advance here an extra four okay that does help he moves up to eight but he's gotta hop over the sandbag so he's gonna go only six that's gonna get you buddy to there technically still getting lookout sir from the scarabs i just needed you to get a little closer to the warriors because they're gonna commit that increases their movement to six and they're gonna commit to fighting in this area so the necron warriors move up six the void dragon flies into that position there we're gonna try and hit them up with some more wounds hopefully the doctor isn't a miracle worker and we're gonna hope to kill a good amount of them off with uh some good katan powers royal warden's there i'm not gonna bother moving them because there's gonna veil this turn they're gonna probably commit because i have no room over here to really veil with them and i got a lot of like stuff going on over here on my this flank is weakening fast so i think we're gonna throw uh big muscley boys over there and we'll see what they can do we're gonna advance those scarabs oh i think i need a little bit better than that that i might have to command point let me double check no we are good with the one on the advanced heck we didn't even need to advance them but that's okay they're gonna hang it over there i'm just gonna abandon my backfield and hopefully the reinforcements uh from morocco here do nothing we are going to try and make a gap we're gonna move all of that there and we're gonna see where i need my lich guard to go because we're probably honestly just going to veil to the front and push in it's got some dice there to show where i could go i want to make sure i don't put anything to clog it up as my hopes we are going to move these units here we're going to move forward and we're probably going to stick you into the ruins just so i can i i think i do want to deal with these guys i'm going to put the animatic annihilator into them and see if that does anything for it but for the most part we're just going to put you in a breachable room so we're just kind of there just more than an inch away and then we're gonna move you and then you the viral construct will take up that position the chronomancer because i don't know the right answer is just gonna move forward it's eight to about this position you should just be touching the objective there he does have a cool lance attack we'll see if we can get any value out of that oh goodness goodness goodness all right let's see where the lich guard and the overlord are going to end up because he's going to activate his veil of darkness they're all going to disappear and reappear around this area so that's where they're going to end up we have some end of the movement phase stuff to do with the katan shard of the void dragon we're going to start by conjuring an antimatter meteor against the the shield bearing sisters what are they called the celestian sacrosancts all right i'm going to keep going shield bearers i'm afraid of this thing dying and exploding does this do anything more than d3 motor wounds uh no i don't think so okay i got to check it i think it's emulator it just automatically yeah yeah not automatic you have to spend command points it's an option six inches d3 mortal wounds so standard excellent yeah okay so i was like ah do i like try to mitigate that i'm like no because i'd have to go like fly over there make my charge harder it just doesn't seem worth it because i'm gonna if i flew over there and hit them with a bunch of more wounds then you pull away make the charge like eight or nine yeah i'll just take the d3 motor wounds and hopefully uh all as well hopefully let's do anti-matter meteor against the shield bearers it does work so it's three more wounds on there just three automatic little explosions let's see if i can get some six-up fuel paints doctor doctor he's got one all right so only only two dollars we're gonna go down okay let's just take you out taking a couple from the front there and then he has this voltaic storm which i can't see the vehicles over there because of the obscuring i guess i could have towed the terrain but that's okay i'd rather if i kill something without a gain of wound back and just three per face i mean i have no other vehicles nearby that's not ideal ah let's just do i need to do more let's do let's do voltaic storm we're gonna conjure a storm on the uh ladies there sounds good it does work and it's gonna be d3 more wounds three emerald lightnings they don't like it it hurts doctor doctor six up uh just trying to think if i wanna and success we got oh no doctor only helps the one that's actually average so far though so we go down yeah all right mr katan we are gonna do dimensional destabilization for one command point we're gonna roll the d6 and that is the katan power he unleashes it's out of my control we got a five i don't know which one that is that's seismic assault that's not ideal that's a anti-horde ability so i get to pick a unit with an 18 invisible and i roll a d6 for every model instead unit every six plus in this case would be a mortal wound who do i want to hit with that let's let's just keep doing them yeah i think it makes some more sense at this point yeah there's so five of them i need some nice all righty we do nothing they avoid it they the ground starts shaking they're good i've seen it like a potentially interesting throw with the javelin i was like like a target hurt she doesn't look like her but she's obscured because it hits everything on the other point on a line but you're good i didn't actually i can't hit her you're safe you're good i just thought it'd be quick i always want to try and utilize the cool of the spear yeah but realistically we're just going to hurl the spear i think that makes sense at the emulator on a 2. we hit um does it wound strength uh strength nine i believe okay yeah so wounded the emulator i'm going to use my ebb and chalice ability to spend a miracle die to automatically treat any other one as a six so yeah a two for one make a six four six so that is the shield of faith savings feel the faith how much damage would that have been that would have been five damage which would have blown it would have blown it up all right so nice just it just deflects right off it i guess he pulls it back he's completely the emperor protects i believe is what they say that is i think that is what they say you're right you're right divvying up the necron warriors fire here these four don't have line of sight or range to the shield bears so they're gonna put their shots up there and then we have nine here that can fire at them so the shield bear so we will and then these remaining four do not have range so they're gonna fire up at the battle sister so in total we have eight at the battle sisters and then nine at the shield bearers these are the shots into the sisters of battle in the ruins these are hitting them on hmm threes into the minions oh it's the diminished squad they're storm bolters that's right that's a good roll three misses yeah these are strength five so these three i'm not a bad follow-up for fails that was a fail these are nine wounds at minus two so you should have four ups and they survive reaper fire nine at my at uh my four four up yeah there's an 82 here two up saving cover there just trying to see if it is i don't think i'm gonna use so we will make one nice two three four four i think i killed them just i think you got them all unless you the command point oh i have a lot more fire coming i don't know like yeah yeah i think that's it that's that's it because even if even one left it's not going to do much for uh blessed both so that's it yep they're down that's a that's no martyrdom lady gets a miracle by there right correct yeah i don't i don't get a cp for a miracle die for losing a unit and the remaining shots and the shield bears okay threes to hit we got five misses threes to hurt him uh no re-rolling boop boop boop they're all clustered over here we got another eight uh the one and two yeah these ones stay out here oh okay you got it so we are going to take three of the saves first at the shield bearers in the room so they actually have three upstairs because they have plus three they're safe minus two so back to their basic savings reup can this i was debating on solar pulse here but i'd just rather save the cp so i'm going to roll this two at a time and depending on the results i might use a miracle die for one of the saves ah okay so here we go for the first two uh uh is that a double one that's a double one oh right off the bat rolling a lot of floor deletes i think we should swap the uh value if you want to you want to swap it i'll give you guys no so um two um so it's going to be uh how much damage is just one it's just one so here's my six up feel no pain doctors from doctors so good lord i've got one two dad maybe we should swap it to the sixth yeah that's rough so i'm swapping in a four miracle die to save one just to burn one of these just burn one of them yep so then i'll do the rest of these one at a time one at a time here we go three up so i made it pass that's one three up oh doctor there's always the doctor yeah yeah six i'm feeling the pain come on oh sorry so these are still four ups on the remaining two yeah still four ups but all right here we go nice four pluses well the remainers made it made it so one more dead doctor though oh yeah that's right uh so two six ups uh nope okay that was some pretty bad roll okay only oh only one more dice yeah only one place yourself two it does protect the characters from the void dragon because i needed that spot open for him to land there so that's that's big that's pretty big i like it i'm going to beat this thing up it's going to conclude shooting over here i don't have a whole lot of shooting over here i have the chronomancer who is going to put a shot of his entropic lance into the emulator that is protected by the characters let's see if we hit we do hit ah do i need cp or can i use technoracular targeting to auto wound i have like my own version of miracle dice but it's just a cp for it let me think you know what i'll do techno regular targeting i'm gonna roll the die though for my own curiosity god dang it okay it would have worked all right so what took damage this is the emulator it is a negative three or negative four you have a six up and vulnerable either one either way yeah so how much damage is it d3 plus three i think we'll just go ahead and roll it one singular lance the zamp yeah let's see oh oh no dang it that's the one the floor no we are officially swapping we we're i will on polarity i'll do it if you're watching polarity it's good it's gonna backfire of course it will yeah okay but it'll be fun just to prove that out right so this now this symbol here officially is the six on the d6 this is the one all right you all ready so we're saying this is the one because like all the other ones have the numerical value with the correct yeah so we're gonna say that's the six now if it confused anyone i do apologize but my man rocco would stop rolling once so he got it so we gotta swap that up there's three damage plus one so four damage not bad it has no real lasting yeah and the last thing to fire would be my score pack lord who's gonna fire through the windows on the building at the death cult assassins to try and take it out there's a couple of them we have an enmity annihilator 23 shots that's gonna be four shots and i think he hits on uh twos but it might be threes two's to hit bam and he is a uh destroyer they like to revolve rules one and two is to wound he's a destroyer lord they really like to be real wound rules of one oh it didn't matter three wounding hits minus one ap all right so it's just gonna go to their involved save which is five up five up dancing they're fast and i will save one of them but that's all it takes is ah that's okay look how efficient he was look at him go all right that should conclude my shooting we're gonna go on to charging and uh we are gonna start this charge off with these necron warriors declaring are charged against this yeah because uh i don't want you overwatching him uh makes sense yep so go ahead i'm definitely not gonna overwatch there against warriors we'll go 10 inches come on i need that roll for later we're gonna use the charge to do something like this just to ch these guys have to do a little bit closer so they're all within two of two of the models and uh i think that's content i actually don't know what i want to do with the void dragon which is a little iffy because i want him to get the wound back but in doing so he would be taking d3 mortal wounds which is not ideal i do want to take out that final shield bearer there uh which feels like an extreme waste on a you know katan shark but the idea is just trying to like deny their value right and uh but i also have ground them down so i need kills i i don't think i killed one unit over here and that was correct that's it right um no you got the death cult assassins oh that's two units that's right you got the uh in the dominion so right now you got two i don't want to go too much more the problem [Music] yeah i'm gonna charge uh into the shield bear okay so oh sorry my bad so um so you are within six inches so she has an infernal pistol i was gonna fire overwatch oh she's got an infrared well i can't do much about that i'm gonna charge her anyway so bring it on are we gonna do it yeah we're definitely gonna do it because the triumph's abilities i can uh change one miracle die to a six oh cool so boom so that's a six it auto hits i see it too i see the little bugger oh you know what this is fine now we got a wound though so it's not going to wound three days through the moon so three to wound that's a vibe there we go that's good all right so mine is a lot through that necrodermis oh right off the necrodermis oh all right well it's worth a shot that was brave of her though i rolled the seven on the charge we're just gonna go ahead yeah that's fine i guess we'll go right to there i'm not in love with this position by the way but yeah let's go beat up a lady some shields are friendly all right now we're gonna bring charges on over here uh i was gonna use the viral construct to eat the overwatch but i mean with that in mind that's why we overwatched over here into the void dragon so we are gonna go ahead and have the viral construct charge both the retributors and the rhino i guess why not oh little bug go that's an eight and bug makes it let's go ahead and do the scorpek destroyers targeting what's this guy oh no the guy's in between yeah they're gonna target just the retributors i guess yep yeah um no let's do the lich card first litch guard no oh so many options let's do lich guard into rhino oh the rhino yeah yeah that's the rhino so they're going to need a nine but they get plus one of their charge because they're novak okay well we got plus one that's it there we go okay wow nice all right so we're going to charge the lich garden like this because we do want to leave a path for the mighty overlord who will declare a same target oh that's a 13. boom all right taco cat's available on the store the scorpec destroyers will target only the re we'll target both the retribution and the battle sisters because i'm going to get with an inch of the battle sisters anyways so they're going to go six technically seven because they're no buck and then the scorpek lord will declare the battle sisters in front of them and only then and he'll go 12. nice just he'll just go like straight just like one inch forward yeah nice sick and then uh then uh that should be it now i have to pick where to fight first uh i'm gonna pick the boy dragon first because i think that's actually the most like scary so let me just see if i want to do any now that you're done if i want to do anything heroic interventions um oh true true true do you have any like crazy sexist ones i got to worry about no but the oh that's right she's not oh that's right looking at this no hero conventions i think i still want to fight here first i like how scary is the wreck is there any weird shenanigans you could do with the retribution squad to make them like scary and melee no i mean the the sergeant has a uh power sword there's still only two attacks so and the the rest of the damage one strength three attack no oh i actually might have to do something with a viral construct i will be one second okay well i could i have never failed and infused madness before my gut's telling me it's gonna backfire i'm saying no rocco's saying he's baiting me into doing it you're fine oh okay so we infuse madness we don't lose it so if anyone's curious it it infuses madness into an already incredibly insane unit on a one it overwhelms one of the models it's just slain other regardless though they always get an extra strength in attack so they are strength six base and lots of attacks i think i think i still want to fight with the void dragon first just because i don't even want to take one moon so we're gonna try and put down that shield bearer yep we got five attacks with the spear let's see if we can impale her and make a showing of her twos there's no negatives to hit her right no is there any negatives to wound or i'm not gonna spend it for one yeah twos so three rooney hits at your four open goal i am not gonna entropic strike this and if if she shields them all then she's a freaking hero of the damn chapter of the order yeah looking for four up um you got two sixes though oh my god two sixes and how much damage is it it's a lot it's d6 damage and then i have d6 attacks after this that are eight oh yeah yeah that's fine she's dead she's dead do d6 damage you get a doctor no yeah it's only a one damage doctor looking for a second no no no she's down oh she does go down and uh i don't think i'm gonna consolidate too much i'll do a little bit but not a lot well you know what i'll do my allotted three the game says i can do three so i'll go right there look at that would you like to counter offensively no no there's nothing nothing worth counter offensing then i will go with the scorpek destroyers attacking their retributors i'm gonna do the reap blades first they're three attacks normally i get an extra attack this is the pair weapon so who's going right now these are the score pegs the scorpix okay uh so they get an extra attack for the paired weapons and then because of the infused madness they get an additional attack so are they all going on the retribution attacks all retributes all four of them are recognized all four there are contributors here so we have threes to hit the retributors we're rolling once we have a couple twos and then these are strengths six now because there's two one twos yeah two's rolling once because we're near the lord and these are ap four because we're nobody that's ridiculous so you have eight uh shields of faith yeah accidents no ships yeah number six up shield of faith the floor we're looking for the floor oh look at them all right well there's three of them still three of them yeah and then on the other side though there are two inquisitorial eyes we do cut down five sidebars and we have the big weapons and these are the big weapons which are ironically worst at killing the sisters here well that's four ones but we have uh they are destroyers they reroll their own ones that's still a couple misses these are two's to wound with the lord nearby rerolling those three ones five sorry six six seven eight carving them up boom uh yeah they did oh no no now the stupid inquisitorial symbol show up oh my gosh all right so they go down and then i will go with the you know what i'll just do the necron overlord why not he's here the the lich guard are gonna let him go first he'll pile in a little bit closer to the viral construct all right we have the overlords attacks hitting i'm trying to roll them where rockets with c2 there we go they all hit and these are strength i don't know so the void scythe is strength tan that's three wounding hits which bring you to your shield of faith save okay three saves on the rhino uh that is going to be nothing that's nine damage okay three a swing with the void left and uh i guess we'll go with the lich card next piling them in getting six attacking it's gonna be 18 attacks i could boost it up but i think this one would rhino will succumb to six wow so yeah uh six more sizes okay on the rhino yep yeah these are hitting on twos because of my will be done we have a pair one miss each so 16 hits and these are strength seven so it should be wounding around four pick up that die and roll it these are ap technically minus five uh which doesn't matter so we have six wounds number six is not gonna happen oh there's two two of them all right so okay uh does it blow many damage does it explode yeah no no we swapped it do you want to just eat that as the explosion no no no no no consolidate them like so just have a few of them towing the cover just so they can benefit from that and uh that should oh i got the uh jesus scorpek lord gonna carve up the ladies over there or attempt to the scorpic lord this probably the first time i'm ever gonna use it he's got two weapons he's got the weird butcher weapon and then the flensing claw that flensing claws a two to one attack ratio and he's got a blood fueled frenzy warlord trait every six to wound is a mortal wound in addition and these are gonna be ap2 with one damage a little more efficient against the sisters i think he's hit on twos with a reroll because he's a destroyer and these wound on threes i believe with the re-rolling of ones because he's a shorter lord uh that is probably not one on two's though let me just consider this eight woony hits he is trying six bass with that these are ap2 because novak no more wounds up five ups can they hold i don't want two three so five five he kills them exactly do i want to use a command point okay so what we have decided here i've failed five armor saves i'm going to use a cp for a reroll right but i'm going to treat that reroll as the five that i haven't actually faced absolutely yeah so luke and i discuss that and we're pretty sure we're doing that right if we're not leave us something in the comments right it's just before you make a die roll you're going to reroll it you're going to make another die roll so before you roll it you're going to roll five with the mirror before i commit to that that is all of your attacks right lucas yeah i'm done yeah that's well i got to beat up this uh that's all your attacks over here yeah that's it yeah so we're gonna leave these four girls i want to keep this one who's touching that objective but my objectives got objective security but my objective this is to see if i get a command point refunded i do not return to so far with what i have spent and the second role is for the overwatch we did earlier on the internal pistol yeah on the infrared pistol okay so i think we're all caught up yeah i gotta i gotta try and beat up this beat up the tank heat up the tank let's see what can we do here and then you can take up that position and you guys can just do that these models these these two models aren't fighting here i just wanted some guys on cover and we're gonna do three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven attacks into sorry i'm getting them stuck over here eleven attacks in the game later eleven attack setting up threes with these necron warriors we have uh three misses that's kind of close to average these are wooni on fives uh we have two wounds technically at eighty-one because we're novak so just two four total that's it two whole wounds the one thing i actually do want you to blow up you can't kill it for me uh i'll save one of them sorry i'll take one one whole dimash he's down to four so we got four wounds left there and that's that's it you get to retaliate with okay that bad boy so i got the tank and i got one sister over here though oh yeah the lady yeah all right so i got one attack hitting on this on a four i thought she will hit uh this is against uh regular scorebox here right yeah so five to wound uh nothing nada and then i got d3 actually should be d3 with that yeah so it's going to be one attack hitting on the six uh misses oh no the one that is happening and that should conclude combat because i didn't engage any of the heroes over here we just got a little bit closer to them and uh we have battle shock i don't have to take any for my turn my units didn't really take too much hits there but the lady yeah so as crazy as this seems i'm going to spend 2cp to save her from any morale tests uh door to auto pass morale so that she can uh claim that objective on it it's going to give you victory points in the end that's all that that's the mission absolutely so for myself i am going to score this is not the truth you know you actually deny me treasures of the aeons too funny enough so i get cool i get two points because i can't get that one yeah so i get two points for that and i might have two points for this objective and that's for the oh i can't remember the name of the objective but we were doing it earlier it's the vital ground that's what it is so i got two points of that two points for that uh and then i have a certain tally right now for it's called grind them down which is quite high if i'm to be quite honest i've killed many units but the tally's had five for ground them down so if i if you know rocco's able to kill five of my units i have lost the game i'm trying to be completely honest uh yeah okay that's it my turn is done before we proceed with this turn we have to roll to see if you get any of those victory points back you do look good not victory point cp yep and that's for insane bravery so only cost one yep this means you're back up to six and i'm at five and we're at the end of turn two so what are we doing in this command phase right so the command phase turn two for the sisters i already got the cp i got a couple choices so uh astrid third is going to give her buff to herself because she's the only character i think within nine inches um actually let me just double check that lucifer oh because we have a canon okay so aspen thurga is actually you know what no she's going to give it to herself because the canonists have righteous rage she automatically rolls her hits and wounds immediately so it doesn't matter what with the ability okay so she'll get that my uh she'll give war him to the triumph on a three plus three plus so let's see if that goes through it does on a three and that is uh what does the warhammer do it just gives plus one attack to every model in the unit but unfortunately again it's that's only one model it's it's not like on all the melee weapons it's just right yeah that's why i needed the sacrifice right this is why that taking out that unit was so critical for you okay so yeah uh we forgot to score primaries so i've got two objectives i got the one i'm holding underneath the sanctum and i've got this one that i'm holding with this one uh sister right there and that'll be ten points is that ten points same same as me okay so starting with movement this one battle sister she's gonna fall back because right now she's blocking up uh shots so she's basically just going to retreat into the ruins here right she's going to stay more than three away from the scoreback lord so he can't hear him intervene and not that he can really get her behind the wall there anyways and then uh i think the tank is just gonna stay right there okay this unit of sisters is going to start moving up i won't lie i forgot about them because the sanctum was like perfectly blocking them the whole time oh no more fire support well let's see what they could do they got melted guns oh i know my lich guard that's their final position so that's those guys over there um let me move the peloton really quick and i'll lead her out on her own she's going to move back here and give her buff to both the heavy bolters in this unit okay okay so the um the heavy bolter retributors are going to stay where they are and fire this unit is doing their action to gain a miracle die okay my canon s is going to be moving up uh six inches to here uh astor thurga is going to advance and and agatha dolan says they're going nine inches is that her name agatha dolan yeah yeah that's her name i just feel like that's such an old-school name oh it is well i guess they're old the model uh the head of this model is supposed to be like an older lady's head but i swapped it out i didn't like it it had like a weird leather skull cap thing on that oh so i changed it to something a little bit more um dramatic and interesting so the triumph is going to we're going to see what this thing does prepare to charge heck yeah let's see what happens here what are the doctors the doctor gonna stay there i think the doctor is gonna stay pretty pretty uh you know what she's gonna go into this ruin right here all right i think that's a good spot for her right in there lady is just gonna go right there i think i i think i lose my void dragon i think i do lose my void dragon because we have the seraphim who could show up yeah you know what he killed uh like the end of the movement phase we have sarah from showing up over here more than nine away from the void dragon i can't remember what the stratagem is called but we're gonna be fighting some shots into him as they arrive because it's important to be able to do damage to him in multiple phases and over here we have these sarah from showing up and they're gonna retrieve octarius data over here in the stable quarter we're more than six away from the other one so that's going to accomplish that's two out of the four done now what is this track called okay so it's called uh i think it's called the descent of angels or am i i think that is one for sure okay so we're playing deadly descent for one cp all right so you can go ahead and they get to shoot uh on the turn they come in now this is a long shot luca because really all i have this unit has um four inferno pistols in it which can't shoot right and then i've got two models with bolt guns and one model the uh superior with a plasma pistol and a bolt gun i'm trying to get one wound through that's one that's all you need you already made two of your involvements i should fail i'm do something here i shouldn't do something here that's important he made two melta saves so he should not be at seven right now i'm saying so the thinking is if i can get one wound through here in because this is still technically the movement phase right uh that'll bring it down to six i can hopefully do three wounds in the shooting phase and then three more wounds when i charge with the triangle and that'll take him down um so i'm do some luck here i think i'm i'm i'm rooting for it i'm rooting for it i got my butt kicked in uh on turn two so hopefully we'll make something happen so here we go um we're going to overcharge the plasma pistol because i am within six inches right and um yeah so it should be okay i don't want to see that stupid uh the inquisitorial symbol come up all right i don't want to see that come up here we go here we go oh two dimas he's down to five and we might as well fire the bulk guns as well yeah you do want to do is as much damage as possible yeah so i've got one two three four so i got five bolt guns this guy is dead for sure like that this is what he needed to get passed so we got the one so we got uh one wound one more no ap and uh there you go maximum damage okay he's down to four no more damage to the movement phase okay you hear me stop it and also at the end of the movement phase i think we said it earlier but these battle sisters will uh pray at the battle time to get a miracle that's been in the turn okay man this this order goes through them fast yeah yeah i can see that we are doing the triumph of st catherine at the beginning of the shooting phase has an ability enemy models within six inches i need to roll five up to do d3 damage it doesn't do anything and so that's that all right okay yeah switching it up we're going to start with the seraphim because they have nothing else to shoot at so doing this i think we're going to do the same thing as i assume we're going to overcharge the plasma pistol best of luck that's a six that's a good that's a hit and winning on a three it's a five so that's minus yeah uh necrodermis no where's it always okay you know what the melted got it all i got two ones left you can take one more damage from uh is it uh we're rolling any ones that hit i don't have any so we got three hits got twos left sorry guys i'll fix that in a second and we're looking for fives nothing nothing for the whole pistols okay cool oh goodness my poor void dragon you see all right so we're going to do the uh canon s just with a condemner steak so it's assault one so she's hitting on a two uh she will hit that's strength four so it's gonna be a five right five to one yeah that's nothing from there yep okay so nothing from her the vindicator's uh zealot shooting from the missionary is an assault weapon that's a d6 auto hits it's basically like a flamer oh heck yeah and if you're wondering where it's coming from she just lowers her standard basically like a flamethrower and just shoots it out in case there's any uh any questions about how exactly that happens here we go it's gonna be uh six shots very nice we love the floor yeah so when we got fives correct so wounding on fives oh that looks like uh two two two minus one oh i ever just say this should do it no that's too damaged he only takes one more though he's got one whole wound kicking perfect okay uh can't shoot into that combat so we're going to shoot over here into these uh lich guards you might as well start picking off the ledge guard a little one two three four five six six bolt guns eh or both pistols did they hit on twos uh yeah are they probably not core yeah uh we only have fives against edge cards and we got oh my goodness one the curse has returned and then we got the emulator firing into warriors okay so we'll do four multimelters first i am bracketed so i'm hitting on fours i got minus one for heavy so i'm hitting on fives we have a one hit all right this will be winning on two believers yeah two in no safe that's a that's the dead that's a dead warrior oh heck yeah even with cover he's dead yeah so i guess uh we'll lose i don't know we'll lose you whatever no yeah we're gonna lose you yeah and then uh three heavy bolter shots plowing them into and there's gonna be nothing there so nothing does that warrior reanimate that's a fight it does heck yeah oh yeah there we go it stands up over here why not what no i'm going to make everyone who hates warriors at home happy he's going to reanimate where he died there you go no one says anything make sure they're coherent though there you go well fire hearing at the lich guard um i had to move i would have had to move a couple of them in order to get them so these guys are going to be hitting on fours all right oh they don't ignore moving and firing heavy anymore right no they don't oh okay and sorry i started a camera a little late this is the retributive firing at lich guard the build guard yeah yeah yep so hit downforce luck to you oh no the ones oh my god no no no what is that rule i mean now fours that's the wounding on fours when they have fours we're rolling ones so we get one wound at minus uh one minus to the left yeah okay well then i will put that on the cover of this guard it was gonna fail he's dead so two damage here uh does he re-enemy that is a five and one we do have undying legion act we get to reroll he does not remember okay so i'm gonna realistically i'm gonna have to take you to keep coherence and going strong no cause you're gonna break points for you cover gap i'll take you because they should yeah that should be okay so this unit of battle sisters i'm going to put all of the uh melted guns are going to go into the score practice throwers all the bolt guns are going to go into the lich guard i'm also going to burn this in sensor cherub to get a miracle die and it's gonna be a three all right we'll take it three take a three so yeah why don't we go ahead here so we're gonna do three melted guns over to here all right we are gonna whirling on slot uh the score packs here and then the balkans are in the litch guard and the bulk ones are going on yeah that's right all right so good luck so multi-guns and threes oh they all hit yes and i need a threesome minus one is four four is the moon here so i need four wound and i believe re-rolling ones because of the uh and that is so unfortunately a couple two only one only one i have no save against that so so uh yeah d6 damage d6 and that's going to kill that's right that goes on this one yeah i don't know who i really want to kill there we are gonna kill i'd rather have the more attacks we're going to lose you but that's it for the shots at them so i'm going to reanimate one doesn't matter who i failed by one side you did okay so these are the bolt guns but into the uh lich guard i'm going to roll i have a total of 12 shots with rapid fire i'm rolling eleven i'm going to use this three because why not otherwise it's wasted exactly yeah and okay so we dropped three all right looking for fives we're rolling ones because of the palatine we have oh several one two just two two okay all right we're along the ones and uh two no all right one of them is that minus one though because of the not the passion divine guidance divine guidance yeah uh i am gonna put these on lichchard in the open because uh cover is a little suspicious on them so these are four up and a three up okay both thanks up and where is he firing actually uh so all of the melter is going to go into these guys and the heavy bolt is going to go into this card okay okay what are we starting with uh start with the multi-melters into the score practice oh score pack one on threes that is well half hit that's not ideal no threes to wound them or threes to kill them pretty much double sixes double sixes that's 85. that's 85. okay well why don't you go ahead and roll up that kills two there's actually nobody so eight and six damage okay well i'm going to take the two the one big weapon and i'll just have one guy left with a pair of weapons so these are rian oh actually do you get one back oh my gosh i've never seen destroyers do this that means i was gonna kill you and you and then you're gonna reanimate boom we'll re-enemy forward and the heavy bolters uh two hits one miss and then these are five and fours force yeah uh nothing pair two's hot let's charge a clock that's it for shooting so i think we're going to have two charges the triumph's going to go into the void dragon and the cannon s is going to try a long bomb charge over to here yeah yeah let's do the triumph up first yeah so the triumph facility is going gonna make it with a four good enough good thing just good enough hello all right looking for a six for the canon s and i think command point you could re-roll it if you want i'm not too sure what her build is if she's actually pretty good is she a warrior multiple she's she has a worry uh no she's not a warrior mulcher she's more of a a big type of thing uh destroyer how many command points am i sitting on you have uh five still yeah let's try it yeah let's go with the glory let's get her in there that's it yeah that's good for sure so the tank's going to charge these scorpek destroyers uh just to tie them up right hoping that uh so that'll be enough so that is just going to kind of go into so yeah staying away from the scorpion yeah i'm not gonna viral construct my gut is telling me that's a bad idea plus i don't they're winning on five they're not the ideal target i was kind of hoping they'd mulch up some sisters but i forgot the tank can charge them so i like it all right we're doing the triumph that makes sense that makes a heck of a sense to go here yeah i think so i think so so um so we're going to go with the uh every time the model fights it's got 10 attacks normal i got one because i put the warn him on it so it's got 11. but every time she fights i can put four attacks with the martyrs make four additional attacks with the martyr sword so we're gonna go ahead and start with that so uh hitting on threes because i don't believe who's the lucky lady that gets the martyred sword i want to know who does the order the murder lady right in the front oh that makes it she's she's leaving the charge that's cool all right so here we go looking for threes threes to hit uh so it'll be three okay it doesn't get to be roll once strength is strength is going to be it is plus three so swing six all right three four fives to move five zoom yeah t7 on this bad boy so it's going to be two moons minus um three all right let's see if my necrodermis kicks in not even close he's dead i assume it's at least one damage it's two damage actually oh yeah each one is two damage so he is now his corporeal form is collapsing he's going to coalesce into singularity and then boom maybe maybe maybe he just vanishes oh he just vanishes all right no no dramatic effect here okay but boy boy boy dragon so we're gonna go ahead with my canon us hey and so she is going to be attacking she's got four attacks she's got a blessed blade ah nice so yeah here we go choose to hit ice him re-rolling she's hitting the twos um so three hits nothing procs uh she doesn't have anything to oh yeah she does she's got her uh warlord traits right let's roll all of her own hits okay so four hits boom is it rebel heads and moons real hits and moons yeah cause i never used to be wounds only but i think i remember getting changed to be because she used to be able to reroll before because she was a candidate yeah yeah this is strength five so threes rerollable um and three moons at minus three probably yeah minus three so no save at all on that so three dead there uh is that it for her attacks uh yeah that's it so she's gonna carve up these three over here and they are going to die and do they stand back up they do have a character nearby for undying legion one stands back up and we're gonna she does take two down permanently they're too damaged to stand back up so three packs hitting on sixes bring it on we got nothing never got nothing all right well i'm gonna go you know what i'll just go with the score pack uh if you don't mind piling them in just for one model piling for basically just like that i'm not going to do the viral construct so i'm but hypothetically i should have all right well obvious in hindsight i should have they have eight attacks on trees reroll ones because they destroyers they like to destroy that's a couple more fails there and these are fives to wound yep uh with the reroll on the one because buddies in your voice that's two at eight ap enough to put you on your involvement so shield of faith uh i'll save one all right two damage two damage okay so it brings me down to five yeah so that's that that worked that was a good gamble nice yep after that attack i'm not going to bother consolidating but we all we forgot to we're going to go ahead and consolidate the triumph a little bit further forward so it moved a little bit forward plug that gap there between the rune and the destroyed vehicle and then the only other things we have to do so i get a miracle die for killing the uh oh heck yeah you do the void driver that's the only unit that i destroyed i believe right i believe i only get one anyway and then i get a miracle die for completing the action at the end of the turn there we go so go ahead and roll up two minutes so it'll be a six and a two right i'll actually keep those well not that i have a choice i was gonna say could you change it no i can't yeah so i do have to resolve the necron warrior attacks but that won't affect anything that just happened there we're gonna go ahead and pile in with these warriors and we're gonna try and beat up this canon s a little bit closer by doing that keeping coherency they do get an extra ap because they were charged but i don't think that's going to matter too much in fact that's all who's attacking that's all i'm getting okay so we're going to do two on the canon s four on the canon s and the rest must attack the emulator one two three four five six seven eight because they're all engaged and good to attack i'm gonna try to use blood rights here so not try i will use blood rights here i'll go down to three command points it's gonna be 16 attacks on the emulator and eight attacks on the canon s so we'll start with the canon s on threes okay well that was not ideal but hey we tried we tried these are your t3 i assume or four on her maybe no she's two three yeah okay so we have two winning hits at 81 because we're novak and we were charged so it'll be a four up either way two four ups i do save one i do one hole damage and the doctor's a little too far away to help there and then sixteen attacks on choose the emulator these one down fives yes sir threes to hit oh that's a better well i mean average y is better than attacking the canonists i suppose these are fives to win though let's see good high here we go we got three minus one so three minus one so four up he's gonna live for now save save one down one whole damage go ahead and ratchet that down to a three four minutes remaining and then you should be able to go with said emulator yeah so what have i got left three wounds three moves so that's still d3 all right d3 so it's gonna be one nice hit not a six no that's a four all right and that should be it that is turn two all right oh go ahead i was gonna say i don't think you have any morale to take i don't have any morale morale no you get those are your miracle days now scoring wise i performed rod yes so you're working on rod and that is this table cord over here completely so you have this one completed and this one that one completed yeah on turn two not bad you're on a fast track to getting that i haven't been able to defend the shrine for crap i know i keep the war the warrior presence over there is not yeah that's definitely no defending the sanctum the warriors are too done the vital ground is i'm currently you could steal that on your next turn if i keep the battle system if i don't kill but i'm gonna try to kill her yeah and then the scarabs are mighty and defending this back objective we're going on to hungry void now for the third battle rounds command protocol and i am novak so i get directive one and two ooh so the first one is what you can read here this is extra ap and extra strength if i charge morocco will gain a miracle die times too so here's two miracle dice we got a one and a five that's actually not horrible that's not horrible the one could just make something else the two of six essentially yeah or or morale ah that's right and then you're gonna pick up 15 for primaries i know yeah i do i do have good control of the table right now so i got three of the objectives which is more than the opponents that'll be 15 on primaries i did forget to mention at the end of the second battle round i would have gotten three points for grind them down uh which because i killed five and i believe you killed one being the void dragon okay now to do my turn all command phase proper adaptive strategy on necron warriors they're able to fall back shoot and charge his turn that's horrible i know the royal wardens like auto include for a necron warrior build we're gonna do my will be done from the overlord on to the lich guard and uh oh the chronomancer will put a vulnerable save on either the score pack or the lich guard i must use some brain power here to figure that out i'm gonna pull the resurrection orb from behind us cloak and target the scorpek there and we are going to try to reanimate them so resurrection orb is a once per game ability i every model from the unit that's missing automatically tries to reanimate so i'm missing 12 dice worth a score pack and i'm gonna get okay at least i got one i got at least one back the other ones are far too damaged to stand back up and we will never see them again but we do get one score pick back and he'll stand up right there resort is burnt and we are gonna go on to movement proper oh yeah the stupid chronomancer i guess we'll put the invulnerable save on the lich card because there's more of them so there's technically more value there when it comes to movement i'm gonna move these scarabs back i'm gonna advance them oh man it's tough because i got to put pressure on these seraphim because they're one of the only things them and the battle sister that survived last ring can rob this table quarter so i have to try and prevent that if i can i don't know i don't know if i have to try and brenda's like oh you can have the points but obviously i want to try and i want to win and by winning i guess i have to stop you from getting points so but i'm also thinking like do i get more value understanding on my own objective you get your points i get my points it's kind of like one of those mutual things i don't actually know what the proper answer there is you can do both with the other units that's true i could but i'm afraid of them dying to something dumb they might not they probably actually probably won't i'm going to advance those scarabs because they can't legally charge them right now they're too far away so we're going to go 13 inches with them we're going to end up around the statue they're not going to do the full move i just want to make sure that i have models on the objective and we're keeping coherency and then we're going to move those scarabs by advancing them 11 inches that's more than enough to get there bugs i'm gonna go hide behind this wall a little bit bam they do have flies they don't care about the uh difficult terrain there we're gonna go ahead and move these warriors they're going to fall back from this combat falling back like that we're gonna have three of them able to fire at the cannon s when that comes up and then the rest were just gonna light up the emulator i mean they could put shots into other things too but yep uh i can't really see them because the obscuring terrain so they're quite safe and from there we're coming to the other side of the table we're going to move the score pack lord i've already measured remove him just to the other side over here and then we'll see i might charge backwards just to take out that that battle system is more important to take those than some might imagine and then the chronomancer and the lich guard so let's go take out the triumph but the lich guy could also go beat up the ladies over here so let's look at this well scorpio can't quite make it there on a charge because they're too far away from the building so i can't fight from the building and the uh emulator is in the way so i guess we'll go beat up problem is like charging and trying to say catherine gets me on that but we have battle sisters on it who are obsessed so i think we're just gonna go six with the lich carpenters we'll beat up these ladies because they have a lot of two melted three melted guns so they're a lot of damage marching forward and then i think like a gross overkill on this freaking emulator here but where the overlord's gonna go there the bug the bug will hang out here and then the chronomancer well we are gonna probably just you move eight so we're gonna move you to over here objective yeah and then you can just fight your lance maybe at the triumph why not i'm gonna go there with the chronomancer to make sure it's within 18 of the triumph that should conclude my move because these score packs are tied up in combat so i might as well keep them in there if we're going to beat up this rhino anyways we're going to shooting the only shooting i really care about is the anemic annihilator backwards in the battle system there's a 2d three shot so it's gonna be four again and these are twos to hit we're rolling any ones and strength six so twos rule the one because he's the lord four wounds at 81 but you're backed with three up we got some three ups only one damage each yeah i don't i don't think that's gonna happen though oh two one of course you could command point yeah yeah would you like to or no it will force him to have to charge back there he might fail it though he's no walk i don't know she's gonna go boom all right down with the battle sister yep we're gonna fire the chronomancers lance over at the triumph of saint catherine though it does have a negative one to hit on it we're gonna miss even without the name it's just a bad shot not a whole lot of other shooting so we're gonna go with these warriors uh you know what let's do the royal warden into the emulator he does have enough shots to kill it and if we do that's a lot of warriors into a cannon that sure is we've got four shots that are two damage each with his master crafted or relic ghost blaster hits on threes and these wound on fives two wounds ap two so you should have two five ups but if you make one oh you could just auto pass one of these yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna use a you can roll a diaper you can roll the die first and then if you pass it you don't have the burner so uh minus two you said minus two i need a five up oh you hate it you could just roll the other one if you want um or more autocad yeah no i'll roll the other yeah i'll roll the other one and okay it's two damage yep go ahead down to one ratchet down we're going to get them to at least you have to go with my original plan just try and kill this off but these three will fire six shots into the cannon that's the remaining many will fire into the emulator into the cannon s on threes that's two hits and threes two wounds uh two her involvement four applause we do one damage okay three moves let's just do this twice this is the um this is this is the amount of shots if i do it twice into that emulator i have fives so we got one five up safe that's all right let's see that again because you could auto pass that that's right yeah i i need to know what yeah second and let's go with a okay we have three three you can do two rolls in a pass if you wanted to not quite fail would you like to automatically blow it up you know if i had one more wound on my candidness i think i would okay but i could kill her if i roll 300 yeah and i'm not within uh a range of my medic there so i just don't think it's worth it i might kill two of your guys you bring one back i can't reanimate the explosion only attacks yeah i just still still don't think i don't think it sounds worth it you gotta roll though see if it doesn't that's right yeah it could blow it could decide it wants to go no it's not quite it's just uh immobilized yeah it's just not functional anymore okay that will conclude shooting we're gonna go on to charging i'm already here so we're gonna declare a charge number two the cannon s is it with the warriors well they're gonna go uh seven because they're novak sure though i have to these guys are gonna move in this direction because i don't want that thing to hear with luna being into me we don't want that free fighting on my warriors it's all though just staying alive to charge like that just get as many attacks on to the candidates as we can without dragging in the hero convention and then trying to protect the royal warden as well necron overlord began to declare a charge against the emulator right in front of it rolling uh seven if you could just shove them right in there uh yeah i guess actually i'll roll for him first and then i'll do the overlord next uh just the guy with the orb there 13 inches he's gonna go straight and then we'll keep the plasma site where it is the lich guard are going to declare a charge against them and you could overwatch if you want to yeah i think i'm going to um how many cpm am i sitting on luke you have uh four still four yeah i think i'm going to use one all right so go ahead and roll a d6 on a five up you'll get a command see if i get it back because this is turn three so no i don't get a b-roll over here we're gonna do all the bolt guns first the 16 of them because we're going to uh fire the combi melt up bulk gun part because you might as well oh that's actually not horrible so it's like three three heads so far yep we're rolling ones bias to wound we have we roll two two ones only got three ups on them that is going to be all we do they also passes both okay and we have three melted shots yeah so three melted shots i'm using a uh one of my miracle dice and so that'll be one hit and then we have two rolls on six no no not quite okay it does wound on a three though we're gonna three whoops and i'll have no save but the involvement we're rolling a one so that's balloon we have a five of chronomancer safe oh we do pass it would be distort time charge they go nine that's where they're gonna i probably should have declared the the lieutenant equivalent here the palantine i think uh but you know what now what is temperature would you like to hero can you hear us no are you sure yeah oh okay okay well we are going to go ahead and fight first with the lich card okay why the heck not 27 attacks with war size i'm not gonna oh sorry i guess i would have had to declare the emulator at the same time because i ended up with an inch of it i'm just yeah that's fine i'm putting no attacks in it with them twos to hit the battle sisters because of my will be done a few misses and because we are novak under the hungry void these are all strength eight and uh minus six ap on six to wound who's the wound with the war site no we're rolling so we have a couple of three fails and then these are five 10 15 21 saves 21 six ups here's 19. all right here's 19. sixes are dead oh we got him oh no what a horrible show it's a massacre oh no just going to hang out there because they don't want to overcommit too far from the chronomancer or the overlord so we'll go with the overlord next he's got four attacks for the void scythe is uh hitting on three because it's negative one hit we have miss and these are strength eleven i think yep so we have three wounding hits at uh six up in vulnerable saves all right that is two go through two uh six damage okay so that's going to destroy uh i'll spin the cpu oh blow it oh no it's a one cp yeah one cp so let's see if i get it back five you know yeah it's gonna hit literally everything around it so i'm super ready to take eight million more wounds all right okay so starting with lich guard please i killed three that's two that's one and a half dead i'm gonna pull from over here and i'm gonna go grab a die uh overlord he's got five wounds two's got three wounds uh you know go do the other score pack lord two other scorpions i actually know i do the construct yeah you're constructed yeah i think he's actually auto dead yeah my chronomancer one one all right he's got uh three moves left i think these guys they have three moves total three two one oh he's got one more left yeah and then one one all right all right so we've divided all the wounds they took a pretty big hit there that's a lot of more wounds necrons don't like that kind of forgot about that but whatever i committed and the plasma site is super dead then we're gonna fight with our necron warriors we are gonna commit to a more of a pile in just to get like one or two more attacking maybe you can go there you're already attacking so i guess you'd go there then two two yeah they're all coherent still so there's one more attack we are going to use a command point on blood rights to give them all two attacks each hitting on threes and and strength five it doesn't really matter if they're moving on threes the sixes won't matter here because the ap one is enough to bring her to her four up in variable save oh wow okay five ten fourteen wounded hits on the canon s so we're looking for four ups four blue's gonna die but that's what we got divine intervention yeah okay she is dead zero one two three yeah four five yeah so nothing yeah okay so she dies okay now i know there's lots of weird things to do with the characters yes i assume you have plans yeah so we're gonna do um this is called divine intervention and uh these are starting to run a different sort of character model from the army is destroyed instead of using any um rules that triggered when a model is destroyed eg sacrifice of the chaplain or sacrifice route discard one to three miracle dice at the end of the phase set that metal back up on the battlefield as close as possible to where it was destroyed and not within engagement range of any enemy models the emperor's hand so we're gonna let's get rid of two miracle dice okay and she'll come back with two ones she'll come back with two ones at the end of the face at the end of the face okay still correct uh i guess i'm not gonna worry to make it to keep it simple i already like the position my necrons are i'm not going to consolidate okay and that's this is pretty much the end of the face so i'm going to pick her up she can't go there because she has to be an inch away from enemies right so she's going to be incorrect she's going to be in the ruins underneath but about right there welcome back lady uh that's it for that go i guess uh if you could pull him he gets to consolidate in pilot just put him in that gap where the emulator used to because yeah he didn't get to attack so he'll be happy there that's where she ends up at the end of the phase yeah and then we're under morale where i think it's just the wash i don't think anything happens in the morning correct yeah so let's see if i can get any of the cp back first oh yes of course how much was that it was two um do not get it back nothing so that should be out okay for scoring i am on this for vital ground i am on that for treasure of the aeons and i am on that for treasure of the ounce and vital ground so i'm gonna gain three points for treasure of the aeons and four points from vital ground and to note i killed uh battalion three kills of ground them down that does not count as a kill and uh that's it round the bottom of turn three for the sisters now yeah it's redemption time we are going to get a command point for rocco and the ladies so that should be one cpu that i have right yeah you got one there and i still have three left all right so command phase i'm gonna do warham um she's gonna do it on the triumph of uh actually i don't think it's kinda there can i do it okay so triumph of st catherine wore him let's see if we can get another three that's a two so two so it doesn't go off that's fine it's not really critical there's one more to get it off um and then the other thing that i'm going to do is have astrid there she'll put her ability on herself okay that will be it for the command phase all right we're move it now so we just went ahead and moved everything it's all very minor movements so the triumph path in there we have the character with the banner and the warham moving up in that direction the character the canon s came out of the ruins over here the doctor and the the pair of characters i can't hear their names yeah agatha dolan and uh i can't remember that i got the christie yeah they're moving forward they're gonna move over there and then the seraphim flew over they're gonna rod they're gonna rob this turn and then the uh the sister squad that was under here generating miracles just moved out they're just trying to get away from all that melee strength that luca has over there but they're going to sit on this objective claim it palatine got out of dodge yeah she advanced a three nine inch move the um heavy bolt has moved up to the top they're going to lay down some fire on these guys and at the end of the movement phase she's going to heal her for both so three to three hey welcome to full strength back and then the last thing uh down there is that seraphim squad way down there is going to pay one point to do angelic ascent to go back into uh essentially deep strike reserve well that is quite good that'll get away goodbye from the scarabs and they power up their packs yeah and let's see if i can get my last command point oh yes that does cost the last cp so on a five up you get it we need to get this back no you don't get any cp no c heavy bolters into warriors down there we got to take those out so we can defend our shrine and deny some uh it's like my presence like pretty much wipe my presence out over here because without the void dragon is feeling pretty slim all right so we moved so we're hitting on fours we got 12 shots back let's get some turnaround going here exactly average all right so hitting on are winning on threes yeah and sixes are actually p do we have sixes we have a6 and there goes money oh yeah yeah you're right there's three wounds one's a better ap i'll put the better ap on the guy in cover i suppose uh that's ap2 he's got a three up safe so he fails that he's dead and then ap one will be on a regular war over there that is also a dead warrior is that it for their shots oh the bull the bull gun could probably have ranged on them one singular shot of threes hit nothing oh no that's the one okay reanimate one stands back up yeah of course we are gonna hang out over here you're dead and i just i did something slightly out over the uh triumph should have done itself oh by all means yes it always it says at the beginning of the shooting phase so that should have happened for a cylinder shooting attack on a five up nope it doesn't happen not quite okay it's one of the artifacts that yeah it does uh more wounds the triumphs actual shooting which is six bolt pistol shots is there like a grenade or anything no they don't hit i'll double check i don't think and both pistols and on threes so we got four hits couple misses and fours so two at minus one two at minus one five ups oh we're going to lose two warriors a little warrior and that'll be it for that unit's shooting i think i want to lose warrior warrior actually we'll lose them and then we're going to try and reanimate those two warriors they're looking for fives they have the rule and the one does stand back up indicator is that authenticator d6 flamer hits d6 is gonna be six hey nice strength five yep so is that oh it's three will be three wounds one at minus two and the other one minus oh yeah yes it's pretty much a heavy flavor then eh yeah okay one at minus two which i will fail and one up and two at minus one which i will say i want so two of these die we'll lose you and you sorry they should have been minus two minus three oh minus two minus three yeah this six should have been minus three and then the other two are minus then i feel all my faces all of the warriors die so let's see if all of the wars stand back up two of them two of them do actually of course of course we love necron warriors we'll have you stand up over there and uh you'll stand up back where you died and then you're dead so here is the bolt uh the bolt gun part hitting on threes because she has a minus one to hit she'll hit once and that is a no that does not wound what's the other part of this it's the crossbow condemner steak oh cool it's the actual crossbow like a freaking demon hunter from diablo hits it does that's the wound and i think that's minus two i'll take a look really quick if it's minus two i i guess i would have do make it out of five i was gonna put on that guy so he'll have like some cover from over there but we make it it's only minus one yep and we have a few characters as well these guys are rotting so they don't need to do it right and uh can the does the um hospital have a clear line of sight to one here yes i can see through the window okay so she'll stop firebolt pistol i guess we have a blind side over there too well pistol and number three it does hit wounding on a not that not quite there we got charges okay so trying for saint catherine will declare the for actually um so yeah we'll do the triumph charge again first i'm not going to overwatch not gonna overwatch that i was thinking about it but realistically it's like three hits like maybe a wound yeah not worth all right so charge range bring it on horse nine that's fine oh heck yeah that's fine so you just want to go anywhere yeah just uh over to the side there just to kind of put as much distance between all this messes all right so the missionaries going into the warriors here we go my poor warriors oh heck yeah anywhere is fancy anything i'm missing here i got like i got like warrior attacks that's pretty good right in already it's as deep as we can going in janus for sure wants to fight that is going to be a fourth good enough that's good enough she'll just go over to here uh the doctor doc gonna go in with the agatha i get the going she got that she needs a seven well seven is for sure we do make it in the hospital hospital so she'll just scoot in right here perfect we got a lot of fighting on these warriors everybody's going okay uh no chargers against the lich card then no no not quite high i get it you have like no shooting over here i i think it there's nothing and this is my table quarter run away from over there right there there just doesn't seem to be any point in screwing around over there you could show your your marshall prowess i don't i might counter offensive so i just keep that in mind yeah so that's why i'm starting with the triumph so yeah and if anyone's curious someone gives me that is coherent by the way i know it's hard to tell on camera but like that is two inches i was looking i'm like awesome is going to call me on that no that's good anyways trying to say catherine go ahead trying to stay attacked so we got 10 base attacks to start with right hitting on threes oh the him failed that's right yeah just threes to hit we got two misses three misses three misses what kind of weapon is this so this is the regular attack it is uh relic weapons it's plus two strength minus one damage uh minus one ap and minus one okay cool oh um i had a six in there so that trick is another hit ah yes the uh passion yep and everyone gets the passion right everybody gets the passion yep okay so moving on threes this is strength five i believe that's five saves that minus one minus one yeah minus one so these are five ups i'm gonna pass one four dead and i'll just keep a tally there because you have more attacks yeah we got more and uh then we have the martyrs sword which are a slightly different profile smarter sword so that's going to be three no uh passion also wounding on threes yep and good ap if i were so two at minus three yeah oh no save at all so two more dead so six dead warriors in total i am gonna go from over here i guess one two three four five six and let's see if they randomly yep boom we get one but yeah they're endless legion endless legion we get two okay that's very kind of average so two stand back up so we'll put them over there and figure out where they're gonna open these four dead as dead can be and this is gonna pile in next i guess if i was smart nah nah it doesn't matter if the canon s is gonna go next because i'd rather save points for um insane bravery if this works out so vortex uh hitting on twos and rebuilding fails hits because she's got mad yep uh we get an extra one because of the passengers ah and she's got strength six i think so moving on threes with the rebrand yeah with the reroll i won't need it so five at minus the three two or three i think five dead warriors i'm gonna pull these five oh i gotta put two back oh my goodness well you know what just to keep it simple right there i'm gonna kill those five leaving those three left ah actually i'm gonna put them right there yeah i'll put them right there and i'm gonna kill those five though one two three four five reanimating them we get through two of them so these five points oh okay all right i was gonna say just for the point of the um um for the film to uh allow her to get in there just to see what she could do but that's okay uh i'm actually i'm curious what she does do yeah but i also know that yeah yeah i'll look at her profile profile she's not super good it was just a matter again i took her in the the triumphs because they're just not models that i ever you know you don't see them yeah yeah we got a lot of cool sister stuff you don't typically get to see yep she's going to consolidate into the necron warriors just to keep herself in combat but also i think the missionaries should be able to pile in three inches oh missionary is still good these guys are out for sure okay so the preacher is hitting on fours but she has zealot oh nice valid so one hit so we rolling the other two so we're gonna get all three and that six will trigger an additional hit sacred rights so four and then she's strength three she's strength three plus two with the vindicator so it's five so we're looking at threes so it will be two there's nothing i can do to reroll so two with minus two i fail both i feel both and they're two damage so we're gonna lose you and you and then let's see if they stand back up oh hey both of them oh god ah actually i kind of messed that up a little bit we can still make this work we'll have those two over here then we're gonna use the pylon and consolidate on the two named characters in the hospitality hospital they're close keep some sticks and feel the pains get as many models on the objective as possible even though you've got objective security they can consolidate as well even though they didn't swing if they want to get them even further they'll go consolidate as well i guess i will go i will swing now uh i don't expect to accomplish much here ah i have three command points i need two for insane bravery just to keep the troops alive over here i'm not gonna blood oh dry blood right i feel like i'm no i'm not gonna blood right i want a blood right i'm gonna blood right it's fine i'm gonna blood right for fun all right let's go in let's be let's do necron warriors versus characters uh we're gonna have you fight we're not gonna fight the triumph though screw that that thing's too tough right for what i've got over here too tough yeah so we're gonna do three of them attacking the canon s and then those two are attacking the warhem uh the banner character the vindicator for the candidates blood rights gives me an extra attack so the twos definitely missed there these are strength five and the x-ray people matter oh no they'll with and then we have four attacks into the banner bearing character on threes okay and toughness three yeah oh it's four when he hits that ap good ap on the preacher yeah so it's ap there's two ap two and then one she's got a rose area so it won't matter so far yep four four ups we do make one two two so all right two damage very average nice two is left yep all right we get the six of female pain uh no no okay so two damage still to dimash anything there we go two damage there unless of course you're not spending your 2cp i will i mean they're not going to run away but i lose them all i'd rather have the shots there's still 20 shots still 10 shots at strength five so i will insane bravery then that's my last two command points keep them around and then scoring wise i do retain control of this objective yep and you are you've completed rod in this quarter rod so this is the last quarter for rod over here yep and uh that should be that all right we got vengeful stars as this protocol i just didn't really know what to do so with this one i'll do the first directive extra ap on range attacks on six to wound probably won't matter though everything's invulnerable save over here i'll get in one command point i'm gonna have one command point and um that's it the high only i have one command point rocko and the sisters are at zero right now because the world trade wasn't open so i got two miracle dice yeah one for triumph and one for regulars so i will get a five and a one all right and we still have a five story we still have a five in the command phase we're going to adopt a strategy on the necron warriors they can fall back shoot and charge and we're gonna do my will be done on the war side litch guard and then the chronomancer is gonna go ahead and put the five up and vulnerable save on them as well for movement we are going to get out of this combat we're gonna fall back in this direction we're probably gonna move you back the full six we're just gonna get you out of dodge we're gonna we're before going this objective it's not gonna really help us out anymore and uh you're gonna move six and that we're gonna go in the ruins we go all the way into the ruins we're just gonna put him up there to represent the bottom level and then we'll move him first and then you just take up this position here we'll keep that there to represent that's the sacred site we're going to the other side of the table forgot living medals he heals to full this guy heals to four this guy heals toons because his relic so he goes back up to full this guy's at four that litch guard goes back up to full and this guy goes up to two it's a lot of healing go ahead and start moving we're gonna keep you on this but we're going to just hang you out in the ruins and i think ironically enough this guy had the prismatic observation a cryptek arcana upgrade and i just i swapped it out because i wanted to do the lance instead and uh now you're with me i wish i had it because it'd be so amazing right now ironically oh man whatever all right let's move all of this in this direction because we want to scrap with these lich guard and uh the overlord that litch guard right to that point there and we are we're looking to scrap with the ladies they get 2.6 because they're near a marching character all right overlord to there we was a little dangerous actually we got the bodyguard we're fine the scorpec lord on the other hand the scorpic lord you're moving quarterback lord he's going to scuttle do weird spiders squirt back things to about there now if anyone's curious this height to this height is over five inches so i can't charge the second level and engage them sorry up here i have to go all the way up which is uh quite a substantial charge probably yeah so but not even like turn four i'll go up there sorry turn five i'll go up there and probably get the charge off uh i could keep them over here so i think i will honestly just to protect the lord the character and just this is their life this is uh we're going to you know what we're going to move you further in we're going to advance them doesn't really matter i'm just going to poop just going to go toe to the train get some cover and uh this is where they're going to exist now they've done enough they've done enough i don't even know why i resorbed after that i mean i don't have any shooting i have no line of sight with anything over here i can't quite i can't see the top of the building uh they have the height advantage and then i will i will fight over there question is none of this stuff gets lookouts here so what do you think deserves all the firepower rocco what do you think we should put all 10 shots into well so you got a total of 10 shots 10 shots i would probably try to split up i try to try to kill the preacher or the missionary yeah it doesn't make any sense okay the triumph this triumph is done no no triumph is uh it's going to murder me all at once um oh we got you know what we got this guy this guy's got a weird we're going to put his shots into the war priest i mean everybody's got to four up well the the hospital doesn't have four pinball safety that's true but the hospital isn't particularly useful anymore the hospitaler can do the weird sixes to ignore damage here now let's go let's kill the vanquished indicator three stay with the royal warden oh this guy's been aiming oh gosh only two wounds i'm not even gonna command points so two booty hits these are two damage each though before also both or else you get the doctor too the doctor three sixes oh yeah that's right how much damage uh four damage in total so i need four sixes not happening all right so we do lose the vindicator i'm not touching the model i want to break it it shots here into ah let's think about the think of the canon s okay ten shots in her face yep our threes to hit i would like to hit so we have yeah these are threes and threes we got half miss and we would like all of these to win well it'll take three wins though they're all ap2 uh the ap three on that one doesn't matter though oh one dimash i'll save all three oh no and then this will take it and i didn't i'm i i i plan on committing to the charge yeah because uh why not because i'm going to get hero clearance anyways so uh that's where we're at oh we're done shooting let's go on a charging over there let's charge with the overlord into the battle sisters okay it's pretty long yeah there's not going to be i don't have any cp anyway so it's a seven i fail we're gonna do the lich guard right beside him they get a nine so they're probably gonna make that okay so one inches for the legendary i'm gonna charge both the paladin and the battle sisters because i forgot that that was the valentine was there again so we're just gonna go to the other we're gonna go on the inside of the ruins and fight from the other side you got a nine you said yeah so it goes yeah it goes right through them almost you can fight and they're all over there on the on the inside of the room so you actually can't really see them that well we can kind of see through the window you guys get the idea the overlord failed this charge we're gonna try with the scorpio i don't think i can make this charge i do get plus one of the roll to the top box cars no i fail i mean i guess we'll charge over here uh with the warriors we'll declare all this as a charge target because it's going to hero clear me anyways oh gosh i was only doing more damage with the shots at zero all right let's go with uh six or seven technically and they're just going to go bloop bloop your feet is sealed warriors and i'm going to stay out of the hero convention of the triumph uh the hope was to kill the cannons and then beat up the banner character but i have no idea what the banner character does we're about to find out uh there's no interrupting so we're already over here we're gonna go ahead and fight here first we'll put all the attacks on the cannon s i don't want to use the command pointer but i'm going to use the command point here on blood rights to get the extra attack to have 10 attacks you never know what and threes did oh no warriors you must do better you must do you know what you guys aren't good enough i take it back threes to wound three wounded hits at minus one because we're no box so four up either way four pluses so i will save one of them all right and then the doctor just one yep so six up six is nothing so she'll take two damage she's gonna go down to three down to three i'm gonna do three of the lich guard attacking into the past so i would say four models a max of four models could go into the palatine okay i'll do three and a half and then the remaining six into the battle okay and that's what 18 attacks uh three each yeah it's 18 yeah okay so let's see so let's just do this and then but roll against the palette because you never might live through it six she's got a rosarious nine oh over zero that's pretty good all right and then these are twos we have a couple misses and then these are i assume t3 yeah twos uh we have six wounding hits that are just two damage each you have four upper zeros you could do you could do uh four or is that you could do like minus one and then maybe activate the last one yeah that's good we'll do one at a time so that saves save uh oh save oh one at times always so stressful so that's a fail that's two damage two damage uh let's do one more uh actually how much all right we gotta keep going to this one four come on oh she'll make it she makes it and then we're gonna oh we're gonna actually yeah we're gonna activate the last one heck yeah yeah okay he's live with two wounds two wounds remaining and then i'll consolidate get a little bit closer around him that's what it looks like afterwards she survived with two would you get the fight back you might as well with her yeah so she's got a power sword let's go ahead and go with her all right she's got three attacks hitting on twos she'll hit with all three t5 uh she'll win twice three minus three well we're gonna have a five of them vulnerable save was it two of them yes two of them we take oh wow she actually cuts one down unbelievable unbelievable she survives and kills them maybe i'll see if i can ah you do you kill it yeah okay cool nice i'm gonna go ahead and lose you from back here we're gonna move on over here and we're gonna start with the hospital because she wants to get she wants to get in the fight she missed out last time she's got three attacks hitting on probably three four actually so she'll get two hits one will proc uh so i'll get that back and these are with the cherry guns tools which gives her a strength uh four actually so bring on so two moons so two wounds these are at minus one i make one fail one then okay so you're dead she's done attacking yeah oh he does reanimate of course look at this guy go oh all right all right candidates could do it maybe vortex hitting on twos she'll hit with everything and that will get me another one ah five attacks five attacks winning on threes rolling all failed wounds which is pretty much three of them two one so far these are like straight dead warriors so four of them oh you didn't kill them there's one left four dead warriors you know what that means oh that's a good point oh yeah there was always okay yeah uh we reanimate one reanimate one so there's two warriors two words left it's up to the name character all right that's cool because i want to give her a shot let's see what she does so ag she's going to hit with her staff on fours this is the little character she hits twice and she also gets she gets the passion yep and she is wounding on probably pranks plus two different things so four one yep so just she's wound at minus no no pedal no ap all right that's kill a warrior okay but that's one unit that's a one right so one unit yes so i don't i do not reanimate that so now the banner girl no and she's sitting on two is the 23's which was the more important characters that actually the banana bear is a more important oh okay okay uh so two but uh that's going to rock two more the passion yep and then this is the blade of visual plus two strength because he's moving on threes so it's gonna be four wounds these are minus two and two damage each and i can make four six plus saves and they're dead you did it you have vanquished all 40 of my warriors one was a lot quicker than the other oh and you killed the unit you get a miracle die miracle that is going to be a five not bad so we have a five five and one and uh that is where they end up so something like didn't consolidate consolidated just a little bit and then those two did a full consolidate all on the objective uh i forgot i gave up the objective because i knew i was gonna lose all my warriors there and uh over here no morale to take warriors are all dead yep so that the that is the end of my that was my turn so that's the end of that uh because i tried to murder her over there so we get i am on i do score this you are for treasure of the aeons and for a vital ground i scored that for treasure of the aeons and vital ground and i've given up on this one oh and i get that for treasure of the aeons because that was it so i get max points for treasures by five points this turn for it yeah and then some for vital ground i should note that uh you killed one unit i killed one unit i am not getting any points or uh grind them down in this turn turn four sisters of battle one command point for them i have none i did blood rights in a desperate attempt to kill stuff all right command face stuff you're out yeah i don't have a missionary anymore so astrid uh is going to put her buff on herself okay and that'll be for the command phase i do score five points for having this objective and hopefully i will keep it until the end of the game that should be relatively easy um so yeah that's it for the command phase all right okay all right do over go over some of the movement they're pretty basic the triumph advanced in this direction we moved some of the characters uh towards my royal warden we healed unfortunately only one on the canon and then over here we fell back with the paladin and then the seraphim had jumped forward getting one on the objective and they're going to try and shoot down the lich card and then over here we advanced the retributors down to the bottom level just to get the five bodies on the objective because we could fit and not be engaged in range of either unit and outside of three of the score pack loads so we can't hear a lean just to get them counting as the objection because that's five inches up there but we're outside of an inch we're not engaged there so the goal is to shoot up the lich guard and make it so well you can reclaim the objective for yourself we'll tap into your guy there all right kenneth's is going to fire into the house so i'm going to fire both profiles so hitting on threes with the bolter part uh so one hand and toughness on him is five so when he got a five no nothing and then the condemner bolt gun hitting on a three it misses all right nothing there easy enough uh we'll try to shoot the bolt pistol from the hospital okay and that will hit five to one five nothing and we'll try the same thing with astrid thurgood if she can see luca yeah yeah you're good he's he's he's down the bottom okay we'll hit maybe no nothing okay so over here this is where it matters um we're firing everything into lich guard and this is the seraphim firing they have like a couple inferno pistols plaza pistol yeah so so they got a pretty good array of weapons so let's start with the inferno pistols it should be four should be four of them yep right so we're hitting on threes okay best of luck that is not three hits one miss and we're gonna move on threes yep we're rolling ones because the palatine is right there absolutely so we're gonna six six four so oh there's all ones yeah they do have the five of them involved they sure do and that's going to save one of them one of them i have no command point so that's odd the range yeah they have more shots though so i do have more shots yeah i'm gonna pull guys i guess i'll pull these two okay uh so i've got five bolt pistols let's try that next fibo pistols oh and i'm not um sorry i'm not over charging plasma oh okay so three misses there and fives to wound re-roll pose for that you get to reroll them oh that's right yeah because of the the pillowcase so needing five so no okay and then finally the plasma pistol uh we'll hit i should have overcharged it too late yep invulnerable we're good okay it wouldn't matter so just a two so two die and then do they reanimate do i get one of them back i get neither in the back they're dead as dead comes okay we're gonna make all right charging candace into my real warden i'm not gonna overwatch because i don't have cp that is uh seven so that should be funny you just put it on the top level there and we'll we're fighting underneath technically but hello okay all right we're gonna go might build a charge we're gonna fight over here four tax hitting on twos we're rolling failed hits that's gonna be four but three additional oh my gosh this should be illegal strength five winning on threes yeah strength is uh three five yeah so uh forced to win but you get to reroll everything's one fail is it for the reroll i mean i'm glad to have them this is a little late for dice i know this is nice look at these look at these dice coming in at minus three uh i have six days here so i have he's dead yeah okay he just uh not standing back up he's dead miracle dive for killing the unit there it's going to be a it's a one all right well we got so good two fives and two ones now now battle shock i only lost two lich guard there are none we are going to you get score you score three points yeah because this is your sacred site this is my sacred site uh you get two points for vital ground as well so that's uh more points there and then that should be yeah that sounds right oh yeah i knew oh sorry i forgot to show this off of course these ladies the seraphim showed up way over here at the end of the moving face from reserves that they jumped into last time and they're gonna rod and finalize the table quarters so we get max point to rod as well protocol the conquering tyrant for the fifth bat around and we're gonna get a couple more miracle dice miracle dice up six and a five all right nice oh that's awesome well this is all lost but that's okay because i hope that i've gotten enough points out of it throughout the game did you score your primaries for this tutorial oh you're right i probably did ten first i got so i got these two that that does give me ma i only needed five more for max on primer so i'm at 45 for primer this one you do steal for me so that's it i got a wrestler back on to movement i do need this objective for treasure of the aeons we're just going to we're going to run those scarabs uh an extra four so we're just going to go 14 inches in this direction i just need the one model on it for treasure of the aeons and then you might be able to take it back for me you actually probably will take it back from me so uh that'll give you some points for vital ground but i want the uh actually i want to try and get the max points as more as the five points for treasure of the ants you know what i'm just gonna already i only need two points for treasures of the aeons and i already got it over there so i'm just gonna run these bugs too you know what bugs are going back home they've been all right they're gonna go out of here the bugs they all convene now it's just a giant universe boom boom boom boom who knows who knows what these bugs why is it so difficult to get to them there we go boom boom boom all yours the jerk in me wants to charge the triumph of saint catherine so she's stuck over there and can't get it but i'll let you get it it's all yours i don't want my bugs to die and we're gonna keep all that nonsense over there we're gonna put the invulnerable save on the score pack destroyers and we are looking for a fight over here boy howdy so we are going to move the overlord in this direction we're gonna have the lich guard break through and move up in this direction okay and then the scorpek lord is just going to move up to the wall and stay an inch away from the the retributors so when the police guard's like over here yes please and then yeah easier to show from this side the scorpex board is going to bust through now you don't have to worry about that 12-inch charge to the top of the thank you yeah appreciate that and then you move six which is going to take you to right there you're on a shooting the only shooting i care about is the scorpek lords and mythic annihilator when i put that into the retributors two d3 shots ooh getting five this time two's to hit okay we re-roll or score back lord they all that and then strength six two is to wound reroll the one because we're scorpek lord four wounds that ap1 but you're in cover because that this counts as area yeah or spend one of these just one of those all right yep oh you could roll i can only spend one more okay yeah you can only do one yet so we have three three up saves to make i make them all plus the miracle die at the end zero damage all right i get it i get it that's it for shooting now that overlord has a wound on him he actually technically heals that because the living metal i didn't i just forgot to reach forward earlier we're gonna declare a charge with hmm [Music] interesting now we'll do a charge with the lich guard okay into the seraphim so we'll spend a cp for overwatch here and then we have a six yeah and so i'm going to spend at least one of my sixes there right so no more cp left for the sisters i still have one myself though they're gonna die regardless so we're gonna supercharge we might might as well try yeah all right so we're gonna start with the uh inferno pistols first so hit so that there's one hit these are the other three that's all right uh winning on threes but we're rolling ones so it's going to be two wounds at minus four minus four so you guys are involved safe right yeah i know that that's over there now oh well so we're gonna put on the cover guys they have actually where's the infernal pistols because they would they don't care what they actually know that they don't care about the dense part of it so i do so the inferno pistol is this guy yeah and this guy right here all right let's see if they duck these are six up saves against the infernal pistols doesn't matter so that's two dead lich guard on overwatch yeah and then you might as well do the plasma pistol yeah so the plasma pistol uh so actually let's do her bolt pistol first so that she can so it does not hit all right uh and then the inferno pistol is a six wow that's a three to wound wow it does wound at minus four oh oh minus four yeah it's typically three right yeah wait is it is it over first isn't my stream i might be thinking yeah yeah yeah the last round the space range goes right yeah it's minus three so we make it with the six and then we have a few more bolt pistols just a few more bolt pistols see if we can get anything no all right i killed two oh maybe did they stand back up they were infertile pistols right no they don't they don't know they're dead that's okay i'll take it we're gonna charge they go yes eleven yeah we're gonna go over here get on the objective with as one model we can and then there we go overlord will charge both the character and the series he'll go up to eight get in there boy boom and then the score pack destroyer is going to go ahead and charge the retributors there and he'll go up to eight as well oh i don't think that there's boom any point in anyway oh yeah that's my only charge so i'm just gonna go and fight here first yeah i'm gonna put his attacks into the flensing talon again for the same reason he does more wounds on sixes and they're only one would be each sure they have eight attacks with the talons on twos they all hit yeah and these are twos to wounded ruling ones and that is going to be two mortal wounds and seven saves what are the ap on the saves minus two because five ups so seven five ups and then two more wounds on top of the foot one two four so six so that yeah the retrograders are gone oh we got him got him good job scorpic lord boom and then we'll go with uh we'll do the lich guard we're gonna spend a command point on blood rights so they have four attacks each uh i could do that or the the command proto the guardian protocol where they have more attacking or the overlord but we'll do blood rights because it's just simpler okay six a freaking scrap here we go twos to hit because uh auction oh my god is not on them threes to because these two this is the litch card yeah it's a lich guard swinging how many attacks they have these four right now because i did blood rights for my one command point you just give them one attack each more and then twos two wound no real in the ones and these are just six different vulnerable slaves because these are ep five yep so they have a five up in vulnerable state because they're seraphim and the zephyr have it as well so i'm going to roll four of these to see how i do because i might use a miracle died so i'm going to save one so three are dead and you still have you're dead so you roll four out of seven yes i got three left three left so let's try two more oh they die is that all five that's all five yeah yeah ah they die darn it all right but they were heroes they've killed two on the rules yeah let's see what the overlord can do against the valentine there we hit on threes they all hit dang i'm getting lucky with him i should bring the void size more often i can't hit on twos i can count threes with him all day uh no real one there so three when he had this rosarious uh oh i should have uh how much damage uh that is uh nine three a swing so he would have had to make even the miracle guy yeah so she's gone too she is out okay well it was worth a shot to hold that objective it's not to happen that's my home you could have that one that's your objective this is mine for losing a character murdered yep so that's a three not bad uh the end of my turn no morale i am on one or two of the treasures of the aeons and i am on five points for vital ground and i killed one two three units that turn all right so command point for you yeah so i'll give you a command point and uh i will gain oh i don't do uh primary objectives until the end of the phase is right yes so um after third girl put her buff on herself that's really the only thing that happened in the command phase we're gonna go to movement you get five points for primary over here yep you'll get more points for holding the sacred site and then the the canon s consolidates here after beating the crap out of the royal warden because those are the nearest enemies although to her they're the nearest enemies that over there was not at the time and she's just going to advance in that direction i guess yeah and so what we're going to do here is spend she's going to advance we're going to spend a um miracle die to change another miracle die to a six so we're gonna burn a one to make the other one exactly so that's gonna give her a twelve inch move which puts her just at the lip of that objective actually made it with five because oh that's fine yeah that's right boom boom and then we're going to try something extra saucy here yeah we're going to try something because like obviously the triumph could walk on there and uh so we're just going to see if the triangle beat up some square pack or see what it can do it's kind of a long charge but you never know yeah they're going to stay there that's where the triumph ends do you want to shoot pistols yeah i will i mean there's there's no point in not i'm not going to kill anything and i don't think that changes the charge distance one way or the other right so yeah he's just kind of hanging out in the middle all right so we could do some bolt pistols both piece though hit on three's moving down fives i believe that's uh okay definitely definitely i don't have to worry about killing anything with that uh all right okay what's the charge so the charge we're declaring a charge and what do we have a so we need a nine all right so let's um discard one of these to make this a six okay and then i just roll one die right all right do you have to like sub both dice in for the charger you just do one oh yeah you know what i think i do have to yeah you get this one yeah so we'll just do that to get her in there oh gosh it's happening the church is happening all right find us all right even if i kill that though is he was he on the lip of that yeah there should be three models on it uh darn yeah okay well boom okay so here we go i'm gonna put the uh four big attacks first because the two damage we're going to train kill that guy off that guy sorry that guy does have full wounds because he would have had a living medal okay i just didn't remove the dog yeah so we're gonna get three hits and two of them proc for the password total of five here and what's the toughness on these guys five so there's only one fours i believe with us that is a uh two wound two yeah all right heck yeah so two minus three i do have the chronomancer on them i would feel both so two damage a piece all right well we'll lose so this would have been off so you can choose to lose whichever model you want i'll lose what's the toughness on the triumph is this still three it's three it's minus one to be hit it's got eighteen wounds and a four up and down save so i don't know you know i just take off the uh the one on the the door left your left okay yeah okay and then and then i got ten other attacks we'll proc one passion two passions nice so these two will come out and then they'll go back in that one will come out and then these should be i think strength three or four these are strength four okay so five streams so we're gonna so that's my final cp and we'll get it five so they're actually one on four so we do have five one yes what is the ap again it's only minus one uh luca oh boy how much damage two just one each for these guys oh you kill another score pack yep and wound the other guy so okay i guess i'll try to reanimate them now yeah so i got the big weapon guy in the back has two wounds left and uh one of the score packs come back alive too nice sick dope guy would die this guy's got two wounds left we're gonna reanimate you there and you'll pile in over there boom let's do the the dual blades the pair of blades we hit on fours we're rolling because they're negative on the head yeah and these are probably what's happening are you three well this is only three yeah they both fail we're gonna do three attacks with a big weapon we have uh two hits yep uh two wounds and uh you have your four pin bone four destroy one three hole damage okay that's it that's all we got i got like one moon left on the one guy two is left on the one guy i wasn't gonna hear a cleaner bean no battle shocks so you're gonna gain uh yeah because i don't even con yeah that one's my objective that is your objective that's my objective over there so you get two points for vital ground three more points for vital ground for a total of five you're gonna hold this on the end of your term for three so that's eight and then another three because you control at the end of the game right that's another six on top of this that's a pretty good score towards the end let's see and then did you get the primary objectives for forget having two oh you're you're going through the ends yeah you're right you're on 10. so 10 more points for the primary good call because you get that after your move is done and before guys get to their post game show i want to remind you that there is another game uploaded right now in the mini war gaming vault where mike's here with his grey knights and i'm going to play my orcs you can follow the link in the description below for that bat rip i'll get back to the post game rocco my man we did it we did we did it was the game how's the game we did the things they died oh gosh my brain it's such a grindy game that was a grindy game yeah uh obviously not a lot left i've like minor forces there i have three lich guard overlord and nothing else like a scarab they got bugs yeah final score i got 84 and rocco with the sisters i wrote it down 58. yeah so i was able to take a pretty heavy point lead right away yeah 27 points and then the sisters just kind of kept fighting i mean you did it right you got on the objectives early and you counted on your resilience to hold them which they did yeah um you had a great turn too everything went right for you oh the turn two was like oh i couldn't ask for a better tune um you killed all the things you needed to you maneuvered to where you needed to be uh you made your charges i really made the charges i just couldn't catch up after that even though i i was i was happy with the damage toward the end in terms of what i was able to do right i'll definitely say you leveled the playing field throughout the course of the game because we probably have near identical points left at the end of this game yeah uh i'm not too you said the triumph is 220 she's 20 points 100-ish the canoness is about 100 i never used her uh blessing of the faithful i partly forgot about it what does that do um so her blessing of the faithful was righteous judgment what i was looking to use it for initially was with the condemner bolt gun to uh to basically snipe characters okay never really had an opportunity didn't need it in the void dragon because he can't hide yeah um the other characters were too tough it just she didn't have the right weapons to really feel it so it wasn't really a big deal um you know for my list definitely too many points in characters and in characters that weren't particularly useful i knew that going into it that's okay yeah um what what kind of success we talked about it off camera was not sucked but like the characters were heavily invested in buffing up the the shield bears i'll call them shield bears uh and i'll i'll be at the shield bears against the void dragon the boy dragons like 350-ish points against them it's like they're 160 so like the points are there but all the points invested in the characters to really keep them going and all the mortal brains he threw at them really kind of equaled um the value in fact like like they still had some value afterwards they obviously kept fighting and pushed me off the objective but the void dragon traded up i feel like in a nice way because he was able to distract and keep the 20 warriors alive and score score score until they eventually died because they had no support yeah so so the hope was to keep the ev even if just a couple models had lived from the from the sacrosanct and then i could uh start healing them up yes using and once the void dragon went down um the ability to take wounds but then heal them back up was what i was counting on but you got them in one turn yeah so that didn't happen and like you said the the other points that were invested in support characters like the 50 points for the hospital that are 30 points for the um for the preacher obviously the candidates was over there the triumph is buffing but it's just oh in the end the triumph didn't take a look i took some damage let's talk about the triumph is one of the coolest models i think so if if certainly in the uh cemeteries army if not in the game i like what it does it's just too many points i think it needs to be about 160 165 points so he said 220 220. okay it's just i just it's cool it's like uh it's a diorama model it reminds me of absolutely cataclysm sigmar where he's just the the big guy with his whole retinue around him yeah exactly yeah he's got the same rules too the more damage it takes certain ones die off yeah and you can't heal them and bring it back too yeah yeah the the problem is it's so into buffing the rest of your army yeah it's so many points to be a buff unit it just really doesn't make sense to do anything like you could like if you wanted to bring like three other battles like three more squads battle sisters with melted guns or something probably yeah maybe maybe two i'm not too sure how many points the squad of battle sisters is yeah yeah so like that's but it's a cool model right so like you gotta you gotta use that excuse to bring it like yeah well if you're gonna use it as a as a real buff everything unit though it really wants to be about buffing more melee units because your core really units are going to get a plus one to hit and be like yeah that's true it doesn't really do anything for shooting type units it helps them with the morale but right you know we've seen there's ways around that yeah and um yeah so um definitely not competitive astrid there goes another one i love i'm a sucker for banners and any model that's holding the flag i'm all in it doesn't matter how good about it it is so she had to go in um and likes morale yeah i like it so yeah um so it was it was a good time you know what like the score aside like i i felt like kind of bad that the second turn went so efficiently well i got like i the plan with the void dragons act is like a suicide bomb like he's gonna go forward do as much damage that million as possible and then ideally hold because i i was thinking well it could be difficult to do the the the nine damage in a turn or like this you know more than six but i forgot you said oh the seraphim can show up and shoot in the shooting phase like heck yeah there's your answer right there yeah because i would have had one more turn with the void dragon had that not been an option would have gone up to two wounds and then obviously he does a lot of mortal wounds he doesn't brag he does a lot of damage right so that was perfect i was actually very happy to see that because that that alone leveled the playing field yeah it did yeah and allowed you to win albe took an extra turn to do you won this flank yep and were able to push back there because i fell back with the scarabs yeah just to uh i don't fall back with the scarabs i guess they did their job they got me points they did yeah i was actually pretty pleased with the lich guard surprisingly and they're dirty the litch guard did great yeah so yeah i want to say the litch guard technic what carried me but it was my mvp what was your mvp the candidate it's the canoness did great uh once she got into the one of the other things i probably did was i um i was too concerned about your veil of darkness right so i had a lot that was sitting back to uh to block off where you could put them right probably shouldn't have been quite as concerned about that then again i think it was good right you made all your long bomb charges so yeah you know uh it's like because one thing like we were saying before you i i didn't want a veil turn one no matter what because that's a trap for those litch guards they're gonna they're gonna annihilate because then they have a big bulls on their head turn two especially if i'm going first i have all my warriors in the middle of the table i got the void dragon up there and if i fail as well it's like what answers do you deal with right so you let the lich guard run rampant they do a crap ton of damage or you let the void dragon run ramp it or the score pack destroyers run right because when there's only one threat it's obviously what do you handle right the threat right yeah that usually you're gonna it's gonna be turn two or even later before you're getting multiple threats where you're really putting the pressure on your opponent so if you would expose the back on turn two i could have moved forward with everything and then put pressure on this objective right away because i could have shown up back here or maybe over there so i think he made the right call by screening them and forcing me to put them on the front lines and fight and try and push through which they ended up doing it just took until turn like four or five to do it yeah as opposed to maybe accomplishing on turn two which could have been detrimental maybe uh who knows right uh in the end it's just dice yeah i could have showed up over there and failed all my charges it could be completely different i was i loved the game though so i appreciate it it was really good thank you for coming in thank you for bringing the sisters i never get to play against them and uh well it was just a different order as well i'm used to the martyred lady and uh well in this case they're playing with the admirals rules evan rose yeah well right now uh bloody um bloody rose is really popular and argent shroud is is the shooting scoop or scoot and shoot girls okay yeah and that i think they yeah i think you can make a really strong list out of argent shroud yeah i can see that i don't really know much about them at the moment i i knew their old codex a lot better arjun shroud is uh every model that has the conviction can uh advance and shoot as if they hadn't moved oh so it's fast yeah and you got running around with multimelters and you jump out of rhinos yeah you move more than nine you can go up to 15 inches wow that's pretty good yeah yeah so so that could be a lot of fun and then bloody rose is still strong a lot of a lot of melee potentials a lot of merely potential i don't know if you like because before i remember you just spammed repentance like he was like super powerful yeah repenter is still great um i don't i don't have enough to really make a squat out of you okay odd most people go right for the rapunzel i'm not a big fan of that prison colony kind of look that they have right and they're okay i'll get some eventually but i like the sacrosancts more i get that absolutely yeah well i think they're i think they're great man yeah like i think unfortunately for them what they were up against over here were like yeah murder wounds is a hard count and then like it was also like spamming like it was up to 40 shots that was like threes and threes sure and it's like the perfect ap to force the involved save too yeah absolutely it was like a double kind of rough one but the more wounds actually really did all the work yeah they did a lot of work yeah the boy dragon is like the only thing oh the void dragon in my opinion is one of the worst ones but in this case all it doesn't matter what it was as long as it was doing more wounds to them then it had value so it doesn't matter how scary you can sell vehicles yeah and you know it was i was trying to figure out what to you know essentially um how to deal with it or to tie up the void dragon and the first thought was the chemist because canada had the mantle of ophelia so all damage would be reduced to one which is great for me like still wasn't going to do anything against your mortal wounds man right she only had five wounds so that she would have gone through her and that's what the mantle is now yeah reduces all damage to one all damage to one yeah so great for again tanking his melee shots but in conjunction with the mortal wounds she couldn't do it similarly with the sacrosancts they couldn't do it because again the more wounded output is just you know it was just too much i didn't think that more wouldn't be like well i knew the more rooms would be effective i didn't think they'd be that effective because i always look at sisters as i get like if i'm doing more wounds like terminators or aggressors or like the more expensive space screen power armor stuff like that's valuable yeah now to the sisters i'm like i guess the other storm shields are one would each it is actually very devastating against them yeah and you know the six up feel no pain on one room it's just it's not as effective it's just not it's not reliable enough to really face anything around i get that it's good on the characters though yeah it's good for the characters so yeah well thank you for coming in rocco thank you for having me that was gonna play it again in a heartbeat yep oh and i'm happy the lich guard didn't die i'm happy the lich guard lived until the end that's literally never happened yeah you know look necrons had a rough go of it last edition so it's nice to see them competitive and strong doing yeah you go playing playing a heck of maybe i'll have to bust out my neck rounds you could you very well couldn't shoot yeah yeah heck even the old silver tide is still very competitive yeah yeah i like it quite a bit these like 60 warriors 18 27 scarabs yeah chronomancers go they have fun you don't have to worry about what kind of guns they have it's all the same things put them out there exactly exactly so well everyone thank you for tuning in we're gonna end it there it's been a long day this is a long battle report and uh leave some feedback what you thought about the game as always happy wargaming everyone thanks
Channel: MiniWarGaming
Views: 127,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Id: aZQF5shxK7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 57sec (8877 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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