NEW 9th Edition 40k - Tyranids vs Space Wolves Battle Report Ep 1

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Is this with 9th ed points?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CrushMurderFist 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

To watch the Creations of Bile vs Astra Militarum Battle Report, go here:

Matthew and Luka try out the new Warhammer 40k 9th Edition rules with 1,500 points of Tyranids and Space Wolves.

Some terrain in this battle report by: Game Mat - Green Leaf Terrain - Games Workshop - Micro Art Studio -

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[Music] we play and call it work Mindy working means Warhammer 40k battle report hello there war gamers and welcome to a very special Warhammer 40k better report this is our first 9th edition game or at least we're calling a 9th edition I don't know I think they've actually I think they reference to this not even that they referenced it well that's what we're due today it's going to be space wolves that 1500 points vs. tyranids I am Luca from any wargaming and this is Matthew we're doing one of the new war eternal war missions where you kind of pick your secondaries and the primaries are all essentially the same lots of points to be thrown around lots to discuss we're gonna be doing this through the course of the battle but yeah otherwise this intro would be for everyone and we should we should get a big caveat here we don't have the new FAQ right or any new points values cuz I'm pretty sure those are gonna be dropping probably day one we we don't know actually we just I'm just assuming and so if it happens to actually come after we film this well then we're still going to put this out yeah so if the points have been changed we're working with the old points from 8th edition if an FAQ comes out and does fundamental things to the space holes or tyranids well we don't have that yet so we're just working with the assumptions of what is just in the rulebook and maybe a couple other things too like we've noticed that the plasma pistols or gear changes big time unmodified ones now kill a guy and storm shields give you plus when your save and a for up and vulnerable so we are gonna use those two because you have both you have plasma army right I don't well you have some shield 5 star shields I do so we will we'll use those rules and then the other big question was to chain sword 4 star DS which they basically the new units of star DS chain swords are minus 1 AP do they intend for all chain swords that Space Marines wield to become a star DS chain swords and we don't know so we're not gonna do that so not gonna do that for this game but if that's been clarified in a warhammer community post right just watch this we don't just understand that we're working under certain assumptions right now so let's go take a look at these armies explain the scenario and he explains some new 9th edition rules and throw down we are gonna start this off by taking a look at my 1500 points of space foals I'm running a battalion I was thinking about doing a patrol Josh almost convinced me and then I ended up changing up my list a little bit and then the battalion made way way way way more sense and I am running a an assassin from war the spider at Calais and I'll explain the rules of her when that comes up now for my battalion I am led by Ragnar black name he will be my warlord he is going to have his own warlord trait I believe it is saga of the hunter I gets to advance in charge and then if he kills a character he gets to apply that deed of legend to everyone nearby and other than that though he's just my ward he's dragging our II hits like a truck you can kill anything he wants except he only has a four pin ball and saving the three up safe so he also gets killed very easily he has to be on the charged beside him we have burned the ancients a venerable dreadnought of legendary deeds also joining forces with Ragnar just because I wanted to run a lot of dread-nots I like to receive my I like to see my space full of Lissa's mostly infantry and dread-nots though I'm always a little too paranoid to run too much infantry without transports because Steve has scarred me for life in a few games so I'll typically run a lot of transports now when I play space wolves regardless of who I play against and then of course we have a support character an iron priest I've never run one of these Neethu dition but I do have a lot of dreadnoughts so it seemed fitting he is good to have his war gear as you see that thunder hammer and the hell frost pistol I believe it's like the only guy that can take it and he's got a serval arm of course he is a tech Marine and of course I'm Bjorn he does have the assault cam model there now we're gonna move on to our troops for the battalion I have a 10 man squad of intercessors I'm spending 2 command points right away on a veteran intercessors so they have an increase in leadership and they're gonna have an extra attack on their profile putting them at 3 attacks base now the sergeant here I'm trying this out and if I like it which I suspect I will I am running a thunder hammer on him now you can't see it obviously it doesn't have a model so you can make fun of me for that I do not blame you I typically don't make fun of you thank you yeah I don't believe you I do not like playing models that don't have the proper war gear but you know I figured if I really like it and I want to run it all the time I will paint up with under hammer and put it on them I don't want to commit to that yet you're wondering to feel like 5 in the charge with a thunder hammer I realized how ridiculous that sounds I know I'm gonna like it I'm just trying to be me I wonder is that good I suspect I like it yeah they all have bolt rifles as well I didn't change up their bolt guns at all and I'm running two squads of blood claws they are 10 man squad well nine-man squad the blood claws but they are accompanied by a wolf guard so he is gonna have a thunder hammer over here with a bull pistol and then the blood clot pack leader will have a power fist the remaining blood clouds just have their bull pistol chain swords over here is a little different because of this is where I kind of followed my rule of if I don't have a model that I don't pay for it I only have one guy here with the storm shield Thunder hammered the other one doesn't have a storm field because I couldn't find a model that was appropriately modeled so he will have both of those storm shield under hammer power fists on the pack leader the rest will have their bolt pistols and chain swords they're gonna be riding a rhino's of course that just has storm boulders each and I had points left over and I really did want to run some sky claws so I did these are essentially blood claws that are fast stacked choices and they have jump acts so they are fast attack fast assault Marines we have a pack leader with a power fist but no wolf guard so they do have to charge whenever legally required to chart well they always have to charge if they're within charge range and we're gonna hope that doesn't mess them up too too too much and the last parts of my list are two dreadknots that are gonna be accompanying Bjorn as they walk up the middle of the battlefield shooting and charging and killing hopefully everything in the way we have a redemptor dreadnought who has everything you see here he's got two storm Boulter's on his chest he has the onslaught on his left hand and keeps kyc is underslung and we have a heavy onslaught and then we paid for the rocket pod just because Lois modeled on there and I have no choice but to take it well I do have a choice but I took it and then we had a venerable dreadnought over here kind of to go along with me or he's gonna have the fender region great axe and the blizzard shield and he's got a storm Boulder for the blizzard shield there I couldn't quite afford the flamer and that is my list at 1,500 points I guess I should note there's the callous assassins forgot about her but we also had the armor of Russ my relic on the iron priest over there that will give him a before up invulnerable save and at the start of the fight phase I get to choose an enemy you and they essentially lose their charge bonus they've just they fight after everything else has fought so if we get stuck in combat he can be a little defensive without ability and the khalid assassin the way the new assassins work at a war the spider 'they do not take up any forest organization slot and they don't take away from any army rules even including combat doctrines that's one of the examples so combat doctrines say every model in your army has to be from the space wolves for example nothing else can be included now the assassins supersede that rule and say they can be included in any Imperium force and I brought the Calibos I'm not gonna swap her up she's one of my favorites so I will stick with her and then that is it for my 1,500 points that's baseball as we move on to not tyranids now so I want to talk before I go onto the tier it's about the new detachments because we're gonna assume throughout this battle report that you guys have not read every Warhammer community post and everything else so basically if you've played eighth edition then the detachments look very familiar to you in fact they look almost identical with the exception of the supreme command detachment which thankfully was completely reworked pretty much was removed and replaced with something else with the same name and the Air Wing detachment was also removed so you have to bring them inside of your other ones and the way they work is instead of earning command points by taking detachments detachments cost command points and everybody gets a number of command points depending on the size of the battle so because they're clean out 1500 points we're doing the I think it's called the strike force or the incursion eye camera what's one it's called but we get twelve command points each so if you want to bring a battalion it costs three command points patrols to Brigade is four but in the case of patrol battalion and Brigade you get those command points back if your warlord is in it so essentially you're not paint for this first one whereas before you would try to stack up to a brigade to get more command points now it's just whatever your list that you want to build naturally falls into the vanguard spearhead an outrider still exists but they all cost recommend points and they give you no extra benefits whereas before if you had an extra HQ and three heavy support why not throw in the spearhead and get an extra command point and then the supreme command attachment is only allowed for primark demon primark or supreme commander not for your triple custody' shield captains or you know our minion demon princes and all that exactly super heavies just that one works depend on how many command points you pay and then the Knights override it if you want to bring a lord of war three command points you want to bring fortifications one Command point but you get it back if they're the same faction or as your warlord so if they're not unfactual that terrain pieces from your army it won't cost any command points to bring them still to pay the points of course and then you can bring one off units for a cost of two command points each so Luka essentially spent three command points in the battalion and then got it back because his warlords in it right now that calots assassin is she inside of a detachment of her own she goes in my battalion but takes up no slot okay so she does become part of that detachment she doesn't cost any complaints to my gods nothing right okay so that's how it works now so it looks similar but is pretty much the opposite of the way it used to be which I like way better because is amazing it allows you to build a list you want to not because you're building it for command points where you get those cheesy Astra military allies who just meant out Brigade but then they actually are playing Space Marines right and then you also have things like custodians who now perfectly fit into a patrol detachment without feeling taxed by taking x-ray to use and extra troops which for camp is very expensive yeah because the patrol is just as effective as a battalion if this is what you want exactly the day you'll see a lot more patrols in the future I suspect yeah yeah I think so and on my side we have a 2015 our point list sorry not 2000 I swear and it's also battalion because it just kind of worked so I had the way I built it was just to kind of pick the army I wanted and I saw you had fits in the battalion so I will bring a battalion which was natural and so this is going to be high fleet Kraken the last few times they played tyrannous which has been a while because we've been off for a bit and then I've been doing all the web development stuff I've been playing a lot with the high fleets the custom high fleets from the psychic awakening book blood of ball but I've decided to kind of go back to the roots of what I like and just play Kraken which I'm still gonna be bringing stuff from the blood of ball as well as you will see in a moment leading it will be 3 HQ choices will have a brood Lord here I gave him the Kraken specific psychic power synaptic ler which allows me to choose an enemy enemy a unit and all my guys get to reroll charges against him also gave him these resonance barbed which allows him to Caston us your psychic power manifest an exercycle power and get plus one to a psychic test which is kind of nice and he is gonna be my warlord because I think he's cool he deserves to be the warlord and then we've got a narrow throat and we've got old one eye and you can kind of see how I grouped my units in these themes with the odd Horace pecs and termagant South so for example we've got two units of gene stealers 15 and 1 and 14 and the other just the way the points worked out and so they'll be obviously a company in the brood lord who gives them +1 a hit and close combat and only got these term against just 11 of them because trip choice and then with the narrow throat we got 2 elites we've got two units of four is own throats who will benefit from the rear owing ones for their psychic test come from the neuro throat and then accompany an old one I will be a couple of carnufex as heavy support choices both with monster sighted talons and crushing claws tusks spoor cysts on their back so you get -1 to shoot them and because and normally I leave that out because I'm like ah that's too cheesy but against Space Marines god I bring out the cheese and I'm not even sure if this is cheesy to be honest because they're carnufex is which are good but they can die pretty easily against a concentrated amount of firepower and then last but certainly not least we have my Haro specs which I used to never bring because it just wasn't worth the points but a couple things happen first off his points went down in the last chapter approved a while back which was nice but still not enough but then the psychic awakening bloody fall book came out and it gave him a couple benefits first off I have is there's a new stratagem that makes them better but more specifically instead of taking a warlord trait I can take an adaptive physiology and one of them is give a monster one of their weapons plus one strength AP and damage so I give it to this guy so he hits like a tank in close combat if he makes it there if he doesn't get shot to death and that is basically it so I'm not going to go over every second power that I have or every little special rule will kind of catch those as we move on I wanted to see how psychic works in the new addition I wanted to once again go back to a close combat army I'm thankful that Luca didn't just bring a super shooting Spaceballs list like with lots of extra primaries dreadnaughts and repulsors and stuff because this list would not hold up to that and it's interesting to see the little changes to close combat that you're going to see and we'll go over as they happen that might make this more effective than it what used to be but we'll have to wait and see because he's also good in close combat with his five attacked under hammers and things like that so that's my 15 air points of crackin man tyrannous we are gonna be playing frontline warfare ii eternal war mission for strike force so this points level it's kind of nice they have different missions for the different levels so hopefully that means they put thought into what happens when you scale up and they scale down so this one has four objectives all 16 inches from the center of the battlefield and then just your typical deployment of the long table edges now depending on the table size that you're playing this on you're always going to be 12 inches from the center so whether you're playing on the standard 4 by 6 or their minimum 44 inches by 60 inches just remember you always deploy more than 12 inches from the center now this one has of course their primary objectives take and hold that at the end of each of of your players command phases so not the end of your turn but you're under your command phase so essentially after your opponent's have been able to go you get 5 points if you score at least one objective you get another 5 points if you score or if you hold at least two objectives and if you control more objectives than your opponent you get another 5 points for a maximum of 15 victory points per turn the normal rules apply which you might not be familiar with yet but you cannot get more than 45 victory points for your primary throughout the entire game so for example you took over the whole entire table and we're holding all the objectives and we're getting 15 victory points each turn after the third one you wouldn't get any more secondary objective wise we'll go over after this but the one that comes in this mission is called vital ground then at the end of each of your command phases you get another 3 victory points if you control the objective marker in your opponent's deployment zone and two extra victory points for each objective marker that is in the center that you control for a maximum of 7 victory points each turn so the train we are using in this game as a mat comes from game a tu the ruined buildings with snow on them are custom built from Adam at Greenleaf terrain we have a lot of Games Workshop kits in the form of the space sea cans and the cranes and all of the sector mechanicus stuff and lastly some of the Spacey cans are also from grow art studios if you like that design a little bit more than games workshop's now as part of setting up for the mission each of us has to choose three secondary objectives I'm not going to go over all of them here because the best at the point of this video but the ones I chose are assassinate so I score three victory points for every character that I kill I chose thin their ranks where I score a victory point for every ten models at a kill although any models with 10 or more wounds count as ten models themselves as well and then lastly I'm taking the one from the mission the vital objectives or whatever it's called where I get the extra victory points for holding the middle ones or the one in Lukis deployment zone and now for my objectives I took one from no mercy no respite I took attrition so I score for victory points at the end of every battle round if I destroyed more enemy minutes then Matthew was able to destroy it mine we have engaged on all fronts I gain points based on how many table quarters that control - at the end of every turn if I control at least three of them and I get three if I control for and then I also took a t1 from the scenario which is vital ground and I score two victory points if I control of the no man's land objectives and three if I control the one in my opponent's territory so still go over the same ones on that one and ideally for these you choose one from each section I don't want to go into too much details but that's why I didn't take a hint there's more than one from each section that's right yes so you only take one from purge one from no mercy one from here one from there that's why they're all spread over part of the missions including strategic reserve is choosing who the attacker and defender are now this is nearly a big a deal as it was an eighth edition but we roll off the winner decides attacker defender essentially the defender gets to choose where the deployment is but they also must start deploying first but because deployment is back and forth now and I guess it's back and forth now by deploying it then Luke will deploy a unit it's not as big a disadvantage so kind of disappointed in that but yeah I'm gonna choose this side go over here this is a dump and down Luke up and down I was I was thinking about the scenario for a second your daugh noir style over there you like Gordon Ramsay pan down Lucca pork pan down so yeah I'm going to play on this side and I think that's good because then we got all this terrain and stuff I think I think I don't know I'm over thinking we're just gonna be meeting in the middle and fighting there and there might be some things out of you there's a lot of new terrain rules as well that we're gonna go over and throughout this thing there's a lot of improvements to terrain so hard per se lots to cover maybe we should cover that right now really quickly I agree let's cover the basics at least so they've added a lot of new terrain rules which at first glance I think are actually gonna be a huge improvement as I remember when a third issue first came out it was a bit of a mess yeah without terrain worked and it wasn't clear or just didn't seem to make sense especially when it came to custom terrain and so what we have is we have different kinds here I'm not gonna go over every last rule for terrain but essentially every piece of terrain you have to give it some key words and those key words basically are the rules that follows such as defensible so all of these ruins are defensible what that means is that if because they're ruins if an infantry unit is wholly on it then they can elect to hold steady or set to defend if no enemies are an engagement range what that means it holds steady let's sum over watching a 5 plus and now overwatch requires a command point it can only be done once and set the defend is they cannot overwatch but they get +1 to their hit roles when they're in combat so basically you know as your opponent's making their way through you're ready to go and and attacking them but the ruins have more than just defensible so what they suggest ruins have are also scalable breach Abul like cover and obscuring yes so light cover is what you think it is essentially the whole units on it they get plus one of their saves I get shooting attacks against student attacks but the really cool one that I'm gonna be having fun with is obscuring so the way obscuring works is a basically blocks line-of-sight that's the short version of it it breaks that yeah you don't use true line of sight when obscuring right exactly so if this is blocking unless you can see the base of the model outside of this so like if this was a model and it was like this and you were over here then you can see it but if the model is here but you could see its arm right then you can't see it and then of course even through the windows if you can see them through the windows it doesn't matter yeah it's like you have to basically this thing blocks you have to treat this is blocking line-of-sight and the only way you can see is if you see their base so if there's an arm sticking out which is all the case is my cheat with all my my models they're all big and gangly with large arms it's like I can never get covered because there's some tentacle or wing or something sticking out well now unless you are enormous I think it's 18 moons or more correct then you cannot be seen through these and so for example we're gonna look I set this up in the middle here and he'd called it obscuring yeah which means it'll also block line-of-sight so if I have a model here and you can see his head doesn't matter you can't shoot him unless you come over here I'd have to be over here to see his base and obscuring has to go on pieces of train that are at least 5 inches or taller exactly otherwise they can get what's the other one called that's 3 inches or taller dense which is what I suggested we put on these secta peas they don't actually suggest anything for the sector mechanicus but it probably will eventually come up with all the different data sheets for these different pieces because that's what they had before but dense basically is you get - when it hit things when you fire through it correct but if you are in the dense thing you no longer get the -1 to hit because I think these are dense to our ruins dense no because obscuri Trump's dense that's true yeah cuz he can't see through it anyways exactly but if they if they were dense rather than obscuring then if you go inside of it you no longer get the - when a hit but you'll get cover right so it's like if you're behind it it's - when a hit if you're in it it's plus-one safe the same is true for obscuring if you're inside of it you under obscuring correct yeah so being inside of the ruin you ignore everything I just said you can you can see into it so this all sounds complicated at first but in just like 10 minutes I was able to look through it and be like oh I think I get it and it looks complicated when you look at all their suggestions for terrain all the different key words you give it but then you start to notice a pattern that they're all just telling you the rules that terrain mostly had already it's just they've added a couple little things like it like obscuring and dense and he already had cover before of +1 but now it's this is beyond it it's either you can't see or it's minus one to shoot and little things like that there are a couple other things too that will go like unstable positions or inspiring or all these different ones but we'll go over those if they come up so I I think it's slick I'm pretty excited to try this out because maybe for once I can find places that I won't just get shot off the table turn one right but we'll see I'm I'm completely impressed as well as well throw my two cents in there so let's get we're gonna get to plate and then show you the deployment after that now Matt and I are done deploying I have Rhino with blood claws I have intercessors and I have the intercessors like this for two reasons because it's not a lot of room there in that one particular spot good reason and I have to have them coherent now the new coherency rules are as follows if you are fire or less models it's the old rules stay within two done now if you have six or more models you have to stay within two inches of two models or else risk breaking coherency and then bad things will follow we'll explain more of that when it comes up that's in the morale face if you played your cig more you'll know what I'm talking about we should point out that you cannot choose to break coherency when you're deploying or moving exactly it can come up when you're losing models from being shot at or in combat but when you're deploying or moving you must remain in coherency and if you cannot you cannot do that move second no that's the same as before that's the same as before but if you if you if you remove models through attacks then you risk serious repercussions and I don't think it's gonna come up in this game and if it does is probably gonna be accidental I'm hoping and that's gonna be a Mayan so I'm hoping that's not gonna be the case we got Ragnar with intercessors there we have my venerable dreadnought with his accent shield we have borne the much more venerable dreadnought leaving behind and we have the new character look at enter Buller venerable Ravenna blurr you're right he's a vet Venable era dreadnought the venerable list the venerable list trend so we have the new look our rule where characters it's essentially the same rules that before that cannot get shot at unless they're the nearest but they have to be within three inches of a unit of three or more models or a vehicle or monster so in this case Bjorn is a character with less than nine moods or nine or less moons and then we have the iron priest here who is the same qualifications Bob beside these two vehicles which will be protecting them but if off on their own then they are easy prey for all of my shooting all of my eleven term against and my host X's ton exact I can't tongue them I have the time the guy is out front and lastly I have this over here one right out with the blood clause and this is the wolf guard without the storm shield now in as reinforcements I can't remember the proper term is on top of my head teachers and reinforcements I believe for those units that have built-in rules that allow them to wait patiently in reserves I have my talents assassin and my skype laws were using their jump axe to descend upon the battlefield to come turn to and onto your side Matthew what do you got I didn't decide to put anything in reserve because when you when you pay command points and put things in reserve which is something you can do now they only come in the sides right and the objectives are so far away from the sides that I can't it just put a nickel in is it your right yeah yeah even if we we've talked about because they have a new minimum size table that's smaller we've talked about just kind of that would be three inches smaller than the sides of these and I kept saying just kind of added up three inches on to whatever things are coming in to and but whatever it just doesn't make sense so everything is of mine is on the table it was hard choices I chose this side even though it restricted my deployment because I had more obscured cover and if Luca goes first I want to really limit his shooting so that we can actually get fighting rather than everything just dying within the first two turns of shooting now he doesn't have as nearly as much as he could but there's still a decent amount of firepower over there and so since each of these ruins are obscured I tried to hide stuff behind them and because this thing is dense and it's anything behind that'll give a minus one so what you're essentially seen is a neuro throw up in the middle here what you can't see but he's within six inches of the two zone throat groups one on each side and that'll give him their rear ol one if I keep them there on the one flank over here we got old one eye back here and then two carnufex is up front so he is lookout sir capable because he's got less than ten wounds and both these own throat groups and as the current FX's would qualify for giving him a look how sir in the middle we have some term against I'm not sure if you can see that but they're holding the objective right now at least and then we swing over to this side and this is where we get our genes to their group so we got our brood Lord and Tunis of genes to this no the one was purposely put to try to avoid being shot at but obviously the other one couldn't be done perfectly although if you kind of go that way towards the treasure map relatively safe thanks except for it you know you have your Rhino with a little bit of storm bolt right there's that it is hard to hide from you can't hide from everything but I can make sure that you don't have free rein to do whatever the heck you want now a part of this is a product of how much terrain we put on the table here at mini wargaming especially me I like lots of terrain because I think it looks cool whether I'm a shooting army or close combat army I enjoy the look of a thematic board so what you do at home is really gonna change it even in the rule book there suggested setup has not a lot of terrain on it and I've never liked their suggested setups because I just don't think they look nice but were spoiled here well I know what I'm saying you might be using books and cups doesn't matter I still think you want some pretty good amounts of cover even though you're both shooting armies because it forces you to reposition it forces you to make choices and it's not just sit back and artillery each other until the game is over so that's how I feel in a game that for Takeda has a lot of shooting Aegis Sigmar is more close combat oriented so the cover doesn't play as much as on a roll but it can still manipulate the game for sure so that is my deployment they mentioned the higher specs in the middle there's a high respect middle card sex in the middle threatening yeah as always the end I also wanted to know one thing about terrain it's very minor but I I find it funny Games Workshop seems to have given up on trying to give vehicles and monsters cover there's there's no hood there's nowhere in the rules does it say this is how you gain +1 to your save for a vehicle or monster it just doesn't exist now they can still be obscured yes they can still have dense thing but this the he's talking about specifically the ones that give you plus to your saving throws yeah no that does that is not a thing for them that's fine because it was always janky before that yeah at best it was janky at worst he just ignored it and never got covered I don't blame them for giving up now Matthew and I are going to roll off to see who declares who goes first there's no bonuses to this or anything like that it doesn't matter who finished a point first it doesn't matter who had the bigger or smaller army it doesn't matter anything we just roll off which means we rewrote ties so when you're deploying you have no idea who's going first and there is no season initiative which makes thank you well because we're just going to roll off why would there it's like let's roll off and then all of us roll again see if I get sick since they screw you because you already deployed not knowing whether you going first so C's really has no tactical purpose at this point buh a 6 & a 5 well that will give me the power and I think tactically I could be a jerk and tell Matt to go first I would be really would that make me a jerk I don't know well cuz you kind of even we're gonna say the opposite for the first part of that sentence right I thought what end opposite right in the second part what don't really have any like the biggest thing I could do is move forward and shoot this redemptor and that's my turn there's objectives there is objectives to to go for I'm not gonna tell you which one's better but I'm just saying like you go first grab objectives you go second obviously I exposed myself more for your shooting I'm curious I'm just cute I think when we go second I'm kind of curious receiver this game's no double turns in this game there is no double turns that's right I'm gonna I'm gonna opt to actually go second oh you know what isn't in the new book the defensive positions that uh prepare positions you know where you spend your command points again cover that's actually out of the game now they think about it's not in the new strategy wasn't in the new stratagems yeah interesting yeah seems to be gone I also want to note another reason why I want to go a second is because of one of my secondary objectives which is attrition I have to kill more than you killed the mind so I get to see how much of my stuff you've killed which will be like nothing which might be nothing so I'll better I'm like okay I only have to kill one things that it's one of those things I don't wanna kill too much because I don't want to go then later on like if you kill five things and I kill nothing but then you're just gonna win because all right I'll be dead that's true too anyways you get to go first here it is turn one now before we get too deep into the tyrannous stuff I do want to note a couple things I said incorrectly in the army showcase right now I said be wrong warlord trait he actually has warrior born saga of the warrior born he always fights first in the fight face unless you know my opponent has charged and you alternate starting with the opponent and that is unlocked by killing a character which will allow all those face book units nearby to always fight first as well and I forgot to mention that the ORN here has an ability that gives me a command point because he is a legendary commander I believe he does that to be my ruler for that he just gives me one Command point so I'm starting this game with 11 after spending to have veteran intercessors now we can do tearing and stuff so starting off we've got a new face the command phase the first part of the command phase is that I get one command point so I'm up to 13 so you're actually always gains more command points for those last minute late-game kind of pushes and then any other command phase stuff is resolved for example in this mission it's at the end of the command phase that we start to get points now both the primary and secondary objectives that come in this mission cannot be achieved on the first battle round which makes sense it'd be like hey with you know the command phase we get five victor poise 5 necessarily maybe I would like go step off man I think I would first I'm so good at this game so yeah you don't get any of the first battle round for this specific mission then I have nothing else that happens to command face for me I'm just I'm assuming that the longer ninth edition is out the more things will be introduced to happen in the command phase but right now I just get a command point and then we have movement my movements can be pretty straightforward I'm gonna be moving up and readjusting should point out when I move I need to make sure that we stay in coherency which for my bigger units of six or more models each model has to be in coherency with two other models please keep saying that well show an after of all my movement but the one that's gonna be kind of interesting will be this first group of gene stealers so because I'm cracking when they advance I can roll three dice and take the best one so that's a five and there's a crackin stratagem that lets me double my advance and it does not prohibit a charge afterwards and gene stealers can advance in charge and so I'm just wondering if I should actually take advantage of that because that would be an 18-inch move hello you know what what the heck I'm gonna do it yeah I never sent a command point it's a Kraken specific stratagem that lets them double the length of their advance and the fun thing about that is I want to point this out if I had the swarm Lord if I got them to move again they would still have that double right because it adds it to the movement period it doesn't yeah I could move 20 inches twice but I don't have this warm leaves so we're all good and then everything else is just going to run forward and reposition I had rest my team says brood Lord and heiruspecs come in to join the very ambitious geniuses up front everything else was kind of floated forward my to Cardiff X's and old one I are taking cover behind this big old obstacle to minimize the shooting that can get at them they might still be able to charge me but that's fine and then the term accounts to stay in the back nice and simple we're gonna start with synaptic lure so in the psychic phase there's not much that has changed importantly you can't fall back and do psychic powers but the other little minor changes when you choose a psycho you got to resolve all their psychic stuff before moving on to the next one I think for some armies that will have some effect but for most armies and won't make much of a difference so deny the which works the same perils works pretty much the same all that stuff works the same point of interest though they did incorporate the match play stuff from 8th edition into just the rules so you can't cast the same power or manifested same power except for smite so we're gonna start with snap tickler which is a Kraken specific one from psychic awakening I choose an enemy unit anywhere on the table and I can re-roll charges against it from any of my units you got a plus-one to my tests as well so that's a 9 and you can't deny because you've got no you got no wizards get them suckers yes domination and then there's no smite as well I came the resinous barb so I can cast one additional or manifest an additional power so that's an 11 it's plus 1 oh yes yeah you know what it's got to be on this one what a suspect he's dead anyways so this do whatever what a loon all right and I can't reroll that with the command point that's right so the command point re-roll stratagem has has changed okay there's only certain things that cannery roll a can reroll number of attacks of the weapon has psychic all the stuff you'd think like hits wounds saves damaged psychic tests so you used one command point to reroll the entire psychic test not just the die because an eighth edition it was reroll a die and now it's rural the roll same thing with morale tests all that but that's it so that was that is not a reroll a bull roll yeah well now that I saw how that smite went I had positioned these zone throats because basically if this one cast my tittle hit your Rhino and if the one on the other side cast my tittle hit your dreadknot and because I have at least four they'll do to d3 mortal wounds or d6 + d3 if I roll really high and so if I had done a lot of damage over there yeah owww totally would have if I could have gotten lucky and smitten the Rhino to death and then charged the guys inside that would have been tight that's not gonna happen so I'm gonna go with these ones next remember I have to finish everything they do and every time I cast smite it goes up by one and difficulty and that is built into the rules now so I'm gonna have this zone throw up attempt it's like to smite and I pass it and I don't really think cuz I'm not close enough to the neuro throat so d3 + d3 mortal wounds so 3 mortal wounds tier dreadknot and because there's at least four then they can actually manifest to powers so I'm gonna attempt to manifest catalyst which ignores wounds on thighs ooh that fails but oh I could do my because it's once per phase I will do my command point re-roll - reroll this test now there was so many arguments I'd get in the comments whenever I'd reroll only one died in 8th edition because in the old one it was reroll one of the dice they'd have to actually pay to command points we were all both which of course he couldn't do in match play but now it specifies you roll the whole test it's well it's yeah guy cancels it out because before I just reroll the lower die but if I roll two twos I want to reroll both so I got it the gene stealers out front cause they're gonna get a lot of retribution when you come out so five up and vulnerable five of ignoring wounds might help swing on over here we're gonna go with these zone throats necks because I really want to get their smite off because it does the extra mortal wounds so we're gonna start with smite which will unfortunately only be able to target your Rhino not the most interesting target but hey maybe I'll get lucky and get D 6 and D 3 and roll a 6 and a 3 but first I got to get it so it's plus 2 to the difficulty now so we're up to 7 difficulty and we get it with 8 so it's to d3 mortal loons looking at for mortal loons to your Rhino thanks they also know the horror which is 24 inches - one hit roles and leadership and you put on intercessors if I can get it need a 6 I get a 6 I don't need to reroll the 1 because I've got it and you can't deny yeah I double-check that yeah when you move you make sure this if anyone's curious that we're forgetting security yeah it's it is yeah it was there I made sure mark there you go and now we have my narrow throat who knows onslaught which allows me to advance and still charge but I don't have any need for that right now but you also know smite now if he can only because of the obstacle we can only see the Rhino but maybe I'll get lucky and do six more mortal wounds to it who knows I need an eight to cast all right okay and I can't reroll it if I wanted to because I've already done that come in that strategy once per phase into the shooting phase I do have guns but none of them are in range 12-inch shots from my term against and a bit of a tongue from the heiruspecs so we're just gonna skip that and go straight to the charging phase I am going to declare charge of the gene stealers here now the fun thing is you still kind of works like I did before you can declare multiple charges whoever you declare the charge against is who you can fight but they've added a couple things first off if you declare multiple targets as your charge targets you have to get into engagement range with all of them an engagement range is 1-inch horizontally or five inches vertically this is cool because now you can't just be like you you you and you because before it's like here close so you're my safety but I really want them so you and you and then if I didn't make enough for them it's like whatever else go for them now you can't do that because you have to actually get to both of them second thing is if you're a heroically intervened if a character come in or in case the space hole is one of their units because they have a stratagem for that you can still choose to fight them as well so you don't have to think do I need to target that character who's probably gonna pile in anyway so I can attack him if they heroically intervene they're fair game so I checked I need six inches to get into engagement range yeah it should be I get to re-roll it because of synaptic lure but I don't like the fact that I'm reroll in this hey you know what I'm glad for that because more guys are gonna get in combat so interesting there's a couple things I have to think of first off their rule has not changed or Pilon you have to end closer if you're piling in so if you're touching you can't move at all whereas an Aegis Sigmar you can but the other thing I have to think of this coherency for example like right now I'm in coherency when I move these three up because he's within coherency of two other guys but what I want to do is wrap because yeah because he's within two inches of him yeah or they are an inch each I want to wrap around and then spread out so that you have nowhere to disembark but I don't think I'm gonna be able to accomplish that with the new coherency rules with the old rules no problem because I got that two inch gap right I could easily just pile in like this and then pile in closer but we're still gonna try it but I like I said I doubt I'm gonna be able to accomplish it we also forgot to talk about overwatch overwatch is now a stratagem cost one command point unless you're tau in which case you just need to bring a little rose whatever and you obviously didn't want to spend a command point to fire a storm bolt or hitting on sexes of it because I think that it works just like overwatch didn't 8th edition that brings us to the fight phase now it's mostly the same that Chargers go first and you have a to command point stratagem to interrupt back and forth but now once all Chargers are done your opponent chooses who goes first in this case you're not really gonna see that matter but in future future turns where there's more stuff in close combat you might really see that come up so I'm obviously gonna go first with my gene stealers in just a nily hopefully hopefully so we're just gonna so basically who the people who can fight are those that are engagement range with is an inch horizontally or five or within half an inch of somebody who's within half an inch it's not half an inch of somebody who's an engagement range it's half an inch of half an inch so if I had a higher up level for example and somebody was up here then he's an engagement range but the next one that's within half an inch is not correct so the half interesting only works if the other one is within half an inch so we're gonna pile in a couple of these here to make sure we get every single model within half an inch of a guy within half an inch we got spikes stopping me but we can all get in there yeah now you might think oh no problem this should do it sixty attacks but I'm not so confident Jesus lives there never been good vehicle killers so we got threes to hit these are yeah these are the running claws that won't talk to their strength four versus toughness higher than for probably six seven it does it doesn't matter it's higher and it's not a double it's the same strength first toughness chart as eighth edition so I'm gonna be winning out of fives but six is our ap minus four thanks to my rending rule and I think that'll get you one two three four five six seven eight nine ten right there one shot you just with the rending see if I explode now so they kept that rules the same for this it's still the same order you're all to explode then you put the models down and then you'd see if they disappear on ones then you remove the right now so do I explode no and you can't reroll stuff like that anymore yes we're before you could yes nothing you never usually refer all our explodes result right but if there's a lot of little dice rolls you make that you don't get to re-roll anymore so this is my placement they're all holy within three outside of engagement range at the enemy when they do their immersive dissipation unfortunately two of the blood claws cannot fit so we had a discussion about this because in the rule book at least the quick glance that we took in disembarking it does not actually say what happens to models that cannot disembark it just says they must be placed wholly within three inches that's changed and not an engagement range period so it doesn't say what to do when that's not possible there is a one command point stratagem called emergency disembark which lets you do it with wholly within six inches instead so clearly you're gonna turn to that but that stratagem now has you die on ones and twos rather than just ones and so we're not sure exactly what to do with models that can't fit we're thinking that the FAQ or somewhere else in the book we're gonna find that it says they're just destroyed because I can't imagine they say that the whole units destroyed or that those two can just be placed as close as possible because what if there is no as close as possible what if you be backed into a corner like there's gotta be an answer to when he literally cannot place all the models because it might not just be models in your way it could just be terrain in the way or the edge of the board so I would assume and I looka agrees that you'll FAQ it or there's somewhere else in the book that's already clarified it that we didn't find that destroys those models so Luke has a choice does he just all I could kill two models then roll a die for all the remaining ones and everyone kills another model or does he spend the command point so he can place those two models because it makes it six inches and then roll and every one and two they die if you do the math you lose about the same number of guys but if you spend a command point you've spent a command point but you have a chance to have more guys on the table I'd say that you still lose as many guys but it kind of becomes one of those it's it's just a lot of averages right right like on average you'll do this but it kind of spreads out what the high and low is so you don't want to send the command boy don't think I'm just gonna take the loss on the tube I'm gonna roll to see what happens to the remaining eight let's see how the real question is how many to zero not how many 1 0 ok that's unfortunate so to die but you would have had one more die and he would have rolled two more dice so it wouldn't have been a benefit to spend the command point riesling and which is good because things like that where it's like you only roll ones and this happens being able to roll is basically just guaranteeing that it's not happening so two of them died it means four of them died so we're actually gonna be able to see what morale does I think four is enough for you to care it is but the Rhino did protect some space for flies I will consolidate for one purpose which is to get me off of this building because I want it to obscure me because right now because I'm in it I'm no longer obscured by it so you can shoot at me for the units that Oh right so I'm gonna come closer to you but not engagement range this one's gonna move this way closer but not engagement range and we're gonna just do that make sure I stay in coherency we're just gonna kind of punch everybody else up so that when you charge in yeah sorry can you used to come closer to you so I should have left that space for him and I'm getting off that so now you can't see me as easily like you might be able to reposition and see but that forces me to do that yeah exactly so that'll hopefully keep these guys alive a little longer into the morale phase and the only models removed were from this unit now morels changed I'd say significantly it looks the same at first the way you make your morale test is the same you roll a d6 you add up how many models were lost from the unit if you roll a one it's an automatic pass so that's changed so no matter how many you've lost you got a lost 50 guys from a 60 man squad and if you roll a 1 you're good you pass your morale test but if it gets exceeds your leadership then you failed your morale but what happens next is different one guy out of IP runs and then you roll a die for every remaining guy and for every one that you roll you remove another one if they're at half strength or less than for every one or two they are then removed so it's weird dynamic it kind of shifts how many guys will be removed we're still trying to figure out if this the benefits hordes or benefits elites because hordes now if you take out 20 guys and they had a leadership of five you're not automatically were moving 15 or only thing we know yeah but at the same time when you do the math it just means that like with a small group of Space Marines if you fail this for example before at most you could lose one or two guys but you could lose more than that if you fail but now you got your space marine and they show no fear so you're likely to pass this anyways but if you did fail it could be much more devastating so it feels more devastating towards the lead units and more forgiving towards horns which is kind of opposite of what you think would be needed so let's do it so I am because I lost four I'm gonna add four to this result and I roll the one so you pass no matter what that's it now as much as I don't count these victory points till the end I did take the thin the lines secondary objective which is for every ten models I destroy I get a victory point but any models I have ten or more countess ten models so that Rhino has ten loons so I've actually counted as an entire victory point on its own so that's basically one and a bit victory points right there and then when we look at objectives I have taken control of number four right here on the side and the one in the back now they're not worth any of victory points yet because we're still in the first battle round not that I would score them right now anyways it's the end of the command phase but it's just to note that I do have both of those right now so I go into my command phase now not scoring any points because still the first battle round but I do get coming up when going back up to twelve thanks and on to movement pretty basic these guys are just gonna stay there there's no reason to move too much not too concerned with them now the rest of my stuff is going to be a wee bit more aggressive and by a wee bit I mean a lot more aggressive you know what technically I think that this would be in the command phase now the Rhino repair is something that happens at the start of your turn that would probably go to the command technically before the command phase yeah technically before the case well that's important because if you had zero command points left and he had some sort of stratagem to help repair better than right that's that you just don't have that yet it's true that's because the start of the turn is before the phase starts there's nothing we care right now it's just on a d6 roll of the six I heal I got five if I did not I'm glad to move this 400 right now of his eight inches dragging that guy along with him he's gonna end up here and then we're gonna go ahead and advance the Venerable he only moves six pace advancing who's technically there he's gonna go an extra three inches and then Bjorn is going to move eight because he does have the assault cannon I wouldn't mind to shoot for some reason being the most venerable astre not he's also the fastest venerable so the most been herbalist objective is something important go for is well I haven't idea what I'll do that the iron father here is going to advance as well not the iron father sorry the iron priest and you said before don't have to worry about too much he's gonna go back there and then it's technically face but I'm gonna remember it right now he has the battle Smith rule he has to heal a vehicle D three wounds if he is within one ensure he's gonna heal the redemptor 300 that's Mike damage has been and prepared these intercessors are going to move six inches up in this direction they are negative one hit right now unfortunately but hopefully that doesn't hurt them too much and we're gonna move I know what we're actually gonna bring it a little bit closer to the peace of train because I do you want these guys to call up around and be your objective one because I do need something around it they're gonna end their move like this getting near the objective making sure they're all still legally coherent and then ragnar right now we'll move little bit advance am I suppose I'll do sure whatever for I want to stay away from my carnufex for now they're a little scary so we're gonna go ahead and move him just to about here ah that's sure what his plan is yet but he will do something later this for Rhino is going to move it was 12 inches it's gonna get the crappy note of it but we're gonna go here and get near that objective anyways get within three and again you don't actually measure from the center of objectives anymore it recommends to use objectives of 40 millimeter in size and then you measure to the nearest part of set objective I'll be honest I kind of preferred the measure to the middle but ain't no better than I do and I I assume I know that so with what they say and with that that will conclude movement I'm gonna go into shooting I'm gonna start with that Rhino it's gonna fire it's storm Boulder at will go with these own throats I suppose that's scratch I'm gonna rapid fire into the cart effects I still have I have sight on the card effects even though we're near the obscuring from bad tread over there you can see my base oh man look at storm Walter five - Oh balloons and no a thief we're not the tactical doctor yet and I don't get any plus the save I would anyways is no monster it's the three up save oh when I can stir a whole damage nice now we're gonna go on to the intercessors they're gonna fire next and because of range and the obscuring trait on this piece of trade the firing the targeting isn't gonna be a little we're bound to spend a couple stratagems first one the command point will go to our steady advance they are treated they stood still only for the purpose of bolted discipline so that means they get to rapid-fire the bull guns and then I'm gonna spend two more command points on rapid-fire changing their profile from a fire one to rapid fire two so they shoot many bullets sperm Boulter's yeah they're all pretty much normal tears now these guys in the back here don't have line of sight or range to fire at anything so that is unfortunately wasted for them and this one guy here doesn't have line of sight to the Jeeves dealers that I want to shoot at which are over here because of the piece of train so he's just gonna fire at the heart of X because well why not why not yeah so his four shots will go there and then the remaining seven are gonna fire 28 shots into the jeans to us but i am- want a hit because of the horror yeah or we'll start with you one guy at the harvest bag is hitting on fours because of the horror I do get to reroll once because I am near Ragnar and won't be or same same ability we're not fives nothing forced hit because of support we only ones though oh look at all those juicy threes okay threes three rolls which give you two more it's more stupid now strain for cough this poor Oh yikes the sixes look scary that's actually why I still got above average yes true oh I have oh I have five up invulnerable saves so I don't really care about your minus-18 P cuz they a quick jump out of the way no nine died Oh golly that sucks I'll pull from the back obviously right five for me yikes that's not ideal you call for me it's not that you're one of my unit so I have to make sure I kill in order to get your extra victory point yes I know challenging I'm not quite set up for that these guys can't fire at them they're obscured they're safe I let them rely on them to like grossly overkill them somehow and that's that's not probably gonna happen so we're gonna go with I almost want to put fjords assault Canada but I don't think he's got enough to take em out so we are I kill something mm-hmm so yeah we're gonna put the rocket pod into the zone throats because it gets bonuses to hit things that fly and then we're gonna put their slightly floating off to the ground oh oh targeted sense of the game hold on oh no I lost them Sir oh my god sir I lost them Sir it works I know it's fine rules boys it's just hilarious we're gonna put everything into the remaining Jean Steelers take I get thing that guarantee killed but know that I don't do it probably do it right I'll start with the rocket boy that's the easiest III shots uh-huh three shots nice we have plus one to hit those that fly and because of big guns never tired now in ninth edition vehicles ignore wall the only thing that suffers moving you're firing heavy weapons is infantry well yeah that's not big guns never tell you though big guns and retired lights your fire in close combat actually a heavy rule says infantry models get minus one if they move that's true so they they get that big guns never tire says you can fire when you're engaged but only a things that you're engaged with which is what I'm most excited for in this game right right charge of the guys they're pointed in close combat is all my bullets yes dudes did a zoetrope no need to reroll what's your toughness or okay once rank 7 I have to woody hits these are three up and vulnerable saves how much damage do these two flat two well sorry zero okay sorry I rolled this somewhere you couldn't see okay I'm good I'm good now the onslaught weapons or anything on three into the gene stealers Oh all those twos no one dirty I feel a little bit better here me fine you'll be fine now that I shot everything okay I am very happy I oh this is actually bad I might need orange well we got three windy hits oh cool what I know I rolled nine fails I don't have a wolf guard battle we don't I understand by the number of two's there five up invulnerable saves and I even save one they one jumps out of the way the rest of them just kind of they hit me but they don't hurt me yeah that's kind of weird eh I do have a shots business through them oh well that might do it then this could help probably got three left want to make you commit more uh I got one left okay jump out of the way no I'm curious if this is better or was this something I may be safe for future turns for attrition if I need or do I kill him now hmm well I'm immune to the all the Morales back because I have a synapse with them and I'm very grateful to the heiruspecs was in three inches of him because otherwise he could be your next target that's true me uh we're gonna come back to Bjorn and as a cell cannon later I'm gonna come already here and see if I can do any damage with I'm gonna throw Frankie if we get to see the blast rule you know check that out why not and that's gonna go from the wolf guard battle leader then we're gonna have one two three four five bolt pistol into them as well afterwards so a lot of weapons gained the blast keyword pretty much anything you'd expect anything that had d3 attacks for d6 attacks pretty much is that except for flamers essentially if you fire a blast weapon at a unit of Owens this is it six or more I think it's six or more the simple yeah six or more than you at least do three hits so if you roll d6 Nero love to does three if year-old for two spore if there's 11 or more which there are you do Maxim number of hits so that that grenade will automatically hit six times so you can just wrap it in with whatever hits with your pistols that's true so these are the grenades I do have to do through suffer because of string three they do hit on threes because it's wolf guard throw in it and then he's going on five then you could you already saved at the same time yes one so far then five they're both pistols their blood clot staying on course okay one miss because of that and we got boars two more minutes so three total between those two it's a five loop invulnerable saves will fill all the but I'm not done yet get back out of this catalyst will hopefully save at least one of them five up to ignore wounds yeah no classic catalysts yeah so I don't want to pull from the back because that's within twelve inches of my brutal arch so I'm gonna start pulling here but I need to maintain that to coherency things so I'm just gonna pull from this side I am gonna go with Bjorn his assault cannon will be firing into that one I do have I can see him through the harbour specs there so that's always guys got a heavy flavor overkill maybe I am six shots man no I know but you already rolled your bad dice so so he's venerable he's old he's very old he's been doing this a long time he hits on twos that's how they represent that works right he hits with everything I'll hack your model threes to moon it would be a p2 because he does here okay be a little bit overkill here yeah but did you say well I could roll on five buses that's true five up in vulnerables can hear all six of them nope that's that's what you get with no confidence yeah that's not that one guy does go down hey that's 1.4 my attrition I do have to kill uh not yet you have to kill it again before you get it these guys to roll like gods over there or I need one of him specifically to make attendants charge and kill him one go not likely but I'm hopeful and that's gonna conclude my shooting we are gonna go on two charging we're gonna start with this one over here because it's not that exciting no what can you make it ha ha oh you're gonna say that for the other one don't say that that's how they end up they're all still coherent of one another again it is two inches and now we're gonna attempt to the long bomb you already rolled your 10 plus man you don't get it again that's not true please don't kill my Harris Beck's I know right I don't want well you know what actually if you get in I have a bit of an advantage because then I can spend 2 command points and fight after you fight so all of them you have to choose do you want the horror sex to kill your dreadknot or do you want the gene suppose to kill you guys so think about that before you charge let that be my argument against you charging I'm gonna do it anyway so come on I might kill you too man Oh No do you want to re-roll it with a command point 9 you got a lot of command points everybody's got 12 we're gonna be like drunk on command points for the first few games yeah maybe like yeah I'm not just because it isn't quite really worth the church because Matt is ready you could interrupt and he is fully capable oh yes because I gave him the monstrous size days plus one strength APN damage I'd rather my units as Spaceballs there's their Spaceballs they act and pact tactics right they do want to stay close together that way they can counter charge and hero clear intervene for each other so they are a little bit stronger whiling group so I'm not gonna roll that we're just gonna go right to this fight and hopefully roll out I am going to spend to one command point on overwhelming and what I assume is pronounced as overwhelming or sorry impetuosity because impetuous their blood class that's their nature if they go to fight something with a higher power rating than themselves they may reroll fail hit roles and what you did yeah I'm 15 Armin I'm 12 power new or 9 yes now one thing I should point out I forgot to declare when they destroyed the Rhino I have a stratagem from psychic awakening called aggressive adaptation for one command point that increases the AP of all my melee weapons by one for the rest of the game I want to say that now and not after you fight because I don't want to make it look like I waited to see how many guys you killed before us that the command point or not so I am spending that command point so they're gonna have Ren to base on there yes making much more deadly and these are sixteen attacks with the chain stores they get +1 for a chance for +1 for chakra solving plus 1 for the desert there's our charge it's a black law rule this way for taxi here is to hit because of hunters Unleashed which is their space for when they charge good thing you spent those fragile yeah every hit here I think does matter it is mostly for the power fist and thunder hammer these wound on fours oh ok you're doing it again well have fun dear ones and tunes from before by hate mint 504 oh yeah please please please please please that's not as X below average by one no yeah actually got four they're not two more died for nice so far okay I'm not pulling from the back because I don't want you to get your extra command pull our victory points right so I'm just gonna pull from these four and then you can keep going that's four attacks with the blood loss a computer and its power fist he hits on its but I hit and +1 it's we hit on threes and we reroll ones and twos because of overwhelming impetuosity and Tuesday we ah o nights they'll hit a mood let's start with the 5 up and vulnerable saves only one makes it so 3d three damage yeah but yeah but I happen to roll them one at a time so three on one two and A one yeah cuz ignoring ones in five sides against the 300 very close dies dies stays alive so two more died so as long as he's alive and incoherency so right now that's still coherency and that's still coherency to - yeah there we go and again I can't kill them but I can do a good amount yeah so please feel free because plus one minus one re rolling for him too he does get the blood clot keyword and there we go rolling which is your flat free damaged I really need the involves five up Oh one so three damaged five up ignoring yah another one dies just splattered oh I got to be careful here right now you have to do some very careful piling it so I know that's gonna pull this guy off because then I'll be able to do some coming in while you're so your coherency now is it's gone it's gone yet but I can pile in so I mean um you only have five models you don't have to worry about oh I don't have to worry about anymore cuz who lucky me I am NOT gonna consolidate after swinging either okay so now that I realized that the coherency doesn't matter as much I can get I think I think four if not five in cuz I do dyad this guy this guy in the back that has to stay within twelve I cannot move him he moves slightly and he's out okay so yeah and so I'll just do this erase half an inch and half an inch the four guys are in use that that's well that's a huge that's only twelve attacks they're only three attacks each because it's less than ten of them yeah squad does not have the storm shield so I will use my rending claws then because there's no storm shield and we're gonna be hitting on threes yeah warning on fours looking for sixes though Oh yikes that's only ap - that's 80 - - because the extra ones five of armor Hey alright so you know what I didn't spend three command points to fight again I think I can - actually I don't okay I guess leave interesting and if we both at the same time who gets to go first and I don't think it's worth three command points to make twelve more attacks because you saw how many twelve did which was zero I know I wrote below average but if I that's just my point is even if I roll average for the next one it's not really worth three command points whereas if I had killed two or three guys with those twelve I would totally spend three command points to try to kill another two or three of them that's not gonna happen now rotted morale I don't think I lost see those moms nope he lost all those last turn right and I lost models but I'm within 12 inches of sin so I ignore morale and so that and that's the only one that I lost models right yeah everywhere else he shot you took a wound off with carnufex and he destroyed the entire unit of genes to lose which wouldn't matter anyways because they're close to a synapse but it does matter because he killed 14 G's I didn't really get any points towards my objectives I couldn't quite kill a second unit and for controlling table quarters I'm not I can't I can't be within six of the center and I have one unit over here I've got maybe one over there but I have to have at least three so that's obviously not happening this bad around but we're going on the second battle round and now the primary objectives will start kicking and as well as the one secondary my command phase I get on that command point bringing me up to 11 because I haven't really been using that many great yet he's right one two yeah because I've gained two and I've used two and at the end of the command phase this scenario gives us some victory points so you get five victory points for controlling one or more objective which I do you get five victory points for controlling two or more objectives which I do so you actually get them separately so that's ten you also get five if you control more than your opponent but we both control two so that's ten points right there the secondary objective that it shows from this mission the vital ground says that I would get two victory points for controlling each no-man's land and three points for yours now I don't control the one over here you do but I do control the one over here so that's two more points and I don't control that one in the end obviously so that gives me 12 victory points in total and the moon phase I am gonna fall back with these genes dealers just a little now you could spend some command points and try to mortal wound me as I try to leave I'm not too concerned with that right now so my main objective here is just to do some blocking great keep this fight going between these two units the thing is on my turn Luka gets to choose who fights first after Chargers are done so he could just choose those guys and finish off my genes dealers so leaving them in combat really serves no purpose and swinging all the way around it's time for the carnufex charge hello so carnufex is injured old one I whoops sorry did not mean to get extra movement there I'm gonna swing this tail around though because all our tails you can innovate each other and carnufex number two are ready to partay I'm gonna float up my zone throw-ups a little bit why is that one backwards because he doesn't really care okay he wants to show you his enormous brain said look at my brain look at all the ridges this is it wonderful and then he was like yeah you're right I should be facing the way I'm doing it really he's just he's having a conversation with the neuro throat as he was going he's like hey sir is this exactly what you want me to be doing yeah okay glam-mom there's not really nothing for it I gotta go in hello I stay back he was gonna charge me and kill me I'll advance the brood lord I assume he can advance the charge as well he can he's just like he's just a hero gene stealer thank you Jesus and rolling three dice remember that's a crackin thing it's crackin but little extra hitting power and also just kind of gumming up your lines a bit more zone throats no need to run five which is faster than they can move they're gonna float really fast towards that objective yeah use them over here because you don't continue to hold the objective when you leave it it's only three inches from the objective not from the center anymore it's from the objective they suggest he's in 40 millimeter objective markers these are 32 so we're slightly smaller area but it's a disadvantage to both sides psychic phase we're gonna start with the zone throats back here we're gonna go with a smite which will hit your ear dreadknot my daughter all right well go for it 22 five that's good a ten oh I don't have the plus one from that got it that's yeah he had that so he would have just got t6 but they still do 2d three mortal wounds which is four that's that's decent he goes down tonight I know I could Armour of contempt over here but I think it's could be more valuable in this Rhino against the zone throw-ups and the Nero throat I don't want that game popped too early that's where our Merc attempts gonna go he's gonna go down to nine and hopefully just take a beating and survive the rest doubtful but maybe and their catalyst on a seven they fail only double check but I believe it is so my apologies it is actually six to cast thankfully and I'm gonna place it on the Haro specs yeah five up to showing off moons coming over here we'll have this group is own throats smite next yes yes no smite next so hit the right now they need six rolling ones and we said plus one so it's - it's a 2d three mortal wounds why isn't it on ten plus y is it eleven plus that's why they just say more is ten plus ya bet sleepy 3:06 mortal wounds okay that is definitely an Armour contempt so one Command point ignore them on fives yes and that's gonna bring me down to eight command points five bucks okay so you shrug off - I have two remaining wounds and you still ignore them on fives from now on for the face correct you know what we're okay because I want to point out something when these guys charge they do mortal wounds on the charge that's right be able to finish it off with a charge right and I don't know if he attacked the guidance the other guy recharged the guys inside very true so I just see I'm going to eventually do the neuro throw by I have to finish her psychic test first but he's gonna smite one more time and even if I just managed to think off one more woman that might be enough to get through with the carnufex but let's finish them first we got the horror which will go on uh actually I don't think I have any choices because I can't see your intercessors because of the same obscured rule and the same thing goes for everybody over there as they all are obscured so it's only on the Rhino you risk the perils no I don't need a pair of us I don't care about - one two hit on a storm bolt or that gets best get overwatch so no we're just gonna stop there now the narrow throw up is going to attempt a smite needing a seven now and we get an eight so that d3 mortal wounds not 83 not to d3 that's one Oh neither get ignored on the five just don't ignore it don't ignore I don't thank you okay now these guys only do more to lose than a four plus mid charge he he does more is it just 1 or D 3 yeah he does yeah it's still on a on a 4 plus I think he does d3 mortal isn't okay yeah so it's not great but your armor contempt will only work if you spend another command point against that if this only works against more rooms in the psyche phase I think no no it just says until the end whenever suffers a mortal wound until the end of that phase so you could use it again in the charge phase but more it's more command points at least didn't make any burn I guess we'll see if you're rolling for UPS he also knows onslaught which is not going to help me here so we're done with him to brings us finally to the brood lord who will try to smite so now I need an eight force mites he does get +1 from his residence barb oh holy yeah last time he did that he only got one mortal injury so can we make up for that get a 6 and average it out nope we're still below average but I'll take 3 no save against that you can't even choose to Armour contempt it if you wanted to we've already use it this round for the space he's less than half now he's pretty hurtin yeah and we'll throw a synaptic lure on him as well just re-roll my charges in case of real double ones and 5 is enough I get +1 to that so we got it we got it and it is again like I said real charges shooting phase I'm gonna try to tongue yeah so I'm gonna shoot up my grasping tongue I can't target your characters your character otherwise I would so I'm just gonna target your dread net Oh friends on a 4 yeah ok so is that the only sure you attacked well I technically have shooting attacks in my term against but they are too far away so yeah that's the shooting phase booth here it is very good charge phase this is where gets interesting because Luka really screws me up with his 1 stratagem which lets his space wolf units heroically intervene 6 inches not just his characters so I have to be very careful with what I do but it's also a stratagem which means you can only do it once correct so right here I'm gonna declare charge of the high respects but remember I could only attack what I declared a charge against or what heroically intervened me so I have to think if he does not heroic interview me where do I want my attacks to be so the Karthik's is gonna declare charge only against you written out under dreadknots so the first question is do you spend a command playing overwatch now you may just proceed with your charge ok we're gonna charge 8 inches obviously gets me and I would have had a reroll so this gets a little awkward and then you're not gonna do something that's not gonna look nice but will allow us to be able to measure more specifically you just want to say just out of his engagement range yes so there we go the brood Lord will also declare charge only into your Redemption now the reason for this is because this guy can heroically intervene now characters immured army can only heroically intervene 3 inches though right same stakes still the same sec so that's been a command point and he has a relic that he can choose a guy in a fight phase 2 fight last so I do not want him getting to my horror specs so he is so my brood Lords gonna declare charge against him and your redemptor right because he can intervene without a command point so he's gonna get there anyway so I might as well get in contact with him and force it so he cannot get to me if you do do that that means he'll be able to hear Oakley interviewing around only if Hispanic boys he that's Buick I know right forgot that he's a character it's just the redemptor even come on in but you won't be able get to the hearts bet Scott you because get to be within an inch to you Zia relic right yeah I choose an enemy unit within one inch at the start of the fight face yes okay so Brynn large just to the read under charging yeah - yeah so we're still gonna come over here though no we're gonna be very careful we're gonna get to engagement rage right I'll make it up with your six-inch pile in you can't get within it yeah he's not gonna be able to fit between that gap right there right and I qui gonna be in it within an inch so we're good right there next up we're gonna try to crack open your Rhino with a charge but I can't use the command point to reroll anything here except the charge ranges so we are gonna start with carnufex number one right here to clean a charge into your Rhino know overwatch overwatch you sure very sure okay I'm in so once again all these talons and Tails get in the way right I'm just gonna flip em around and on a for Plus does a mortal wound which you can then spend a command point on armor of contempt fine you saw two more Cardiff area but the next one that old one I would have to go all the way around I know this is a random question but does he improve their chance to do mortal wounds right no he improves their hit whirls okay which is very important because they suck at their hands so the problem here is in order for him to make a charge is gonna have to go all the way around but he's the one who has a better chance of actually still on a four plus it's just a mortal wound so but if he does it next then you guys can just pile it at the back and whatever this Rhino is dead but I just hope it'll fill up now here we go so we are going to all have forgot the minus one they shoot them when you shot him before cuz for - both oh whatever is just one wound this carnufex with the Clair charge no overwatch I can't anyways so 9 inches I'm gonna really use that 9 inches I'm going to take advantage of the fact that you can only have one unit do the heroic intervene he's gonna use that full 9mm yeah and don't worry about I think I got bigger things to buy I don't know I got it I got you got a thunder hammer right there as much as you don't see it that guy's got a thunder hammer I know it looks like he doesn't have a thunder is just felt yeah he's a citizen but it's a bhoot thunder hammer it's extendable you pull all right so for uh for up I destroy that Rhino unless you decide to use a command point to try to stop me from knock come on well now it doesn't matter if I destroy the Rhino because well I would be nice whatever card I did old one is gonna charge well going right here and a 4 plus hill yeah Wow yeah so he is a ok they're different charges I think so ok well I have to think about what heroic intervention the easiest one is the iron well yeah the ones that are characters you can just decide to do yeah so he's gonna go there in fact that's like the only he's outside of six if anyone's curious that's about almost 7 inches away so jeez I didn't see him yeah I was just looking at this way I did not see him I measure just to be sure I would have I would have to be honest it might have been a bad idea to move them in anyways cuz the carnufex would get to fight him first so it's true so yeah unless you inter interrupt so what which one you're gonna spend a command point on to heroically intervene with Luka so either goes vend red I go with intercessors or I could go with blood clause over here that's what we know you can do but what are you gonna do all right choice what a cool stratagem though right guys I love space fools now I get a score I think it's cool I think I am gonna go with vend red we're gonna do one command point counter charge venerable dreadnought can hero claim to beat up to 6 inches we're just gonna go engagement range and then that will trigger Hunter's unleash and all that good stuff as well which is um plus one if he survives because I'm allowed to attack him that's true you are able to attack him but he is venerable and he's got Blizzard shield so hopefully that works and yeah that's never in the pie-face started the fight phase I will use the arm of Russ on the brood Lord making him so he he fight after everything else in the game has fought this phase I'm gonna select my Horus picks prospects hah respects to fight I'm going to use two strategies on him voracious appetite as a tear into stratagem that lists among to reroll wound rolls when they're fighting and I'm also gonna do feeding the hunger which is the psychic awakening specific blood of ball one for horror specs is only which listen reroll hit rolls which is good because they'll only hit on frickin fours now I'm a fool and callous assassin was out of mind out of sight I would say that it might and you mad at spent command points earlier on when I could worry about those we're gonna try and kick in now the two stratagems mats using the cost one each yes that's this is the reign of confusion ability even though she's not on the battlefield this ability still works I roll a d6 everytime math uses a stratagem on a four or more it costs one additional Command point so the third I have to use that command point or I can choose not to use it Trajan you have to use that command point and if you don't have that command point you use the one you had in a stratagem fails nice it is annoying yes that's fine I got lots of command points so I forgot so it fails and I forgot so far like dude you forgot words on you and we're just gonna go ahead and do all the owns failed as well that's what I did I'm gonna use all four of his attacks using the ravenous MA to try to kill you redemptor ravenous mob gets d3 attacks per attack I will spend a command point on the yielding agent against this to reduce his d3 plus one damage back down to d3 because my monster size I'm up to strength AP and damage on this weapon specifically is where I applied it so now you've just negated a damage aspect so this weapon is better if I roll well from ID threes if I just get ones and twos then my other weapon would have been better because it's times two strength minus 3 AP d6 damage what if we roll the average which you've all right so now it's it's statistically way better now so now we're hitting on fours re-rolling because of my stratagem thankfully sorry that's off-camera I'll do my best not to have that happen where you roll please because I actually got 4 out of 10 no I should miss me too yeah freeze the wound are you rolling re-roll it come on yesterday's what ok ok ok ok 6 minus 2 AP d 3 damage a piece you said - - yeah ok 5 bucks yeah I'd only make two yeah you know he's dead on average unless you roll poorly well I can reroll one of them that's true because of the command point where you roll one two three yeah we got a guy that's eight exactly they blow up does he blow up explode no he does not except two things happen because I killed a model with that I eat him by the way oh wow yeah that's impressive film yeah really it's it'll give me indigestion later on but two things happen first off at the end of the fight phase he'll regain a wound and of the fight phase is important so if you don't kill him he'll get a wound back hopefully I'll remember that and additionally I get to make one free attack with my shoveling claws for every model I destroyed with my rabbit a small now ideal you have a whole unit of infantry next to you and you just eat them up and like I killed eight of you so now eight attacks if I something class it beat up my vehicles with that yo oh it's awesome and I have done it before and it's great and so now I'm just gonna do my one attack it can't kill him even if I do perfectly because it just does D six damage but it could injure four is to hit these are all reroll of all I still worry rollable and this is strength 14 so twos so Tuesday wound also be rollable and these are - three AP so you got your four up in bone with your shield D six damage blizzard shield does not work so D by D six no D sagal on him - I could I could reroll that damage the damage roll I got lots of command points like every more cost you - yeah I know that's fine that's fine everything might cost me - it doesn't it does not because your caliph is not here or one though you figure out to show up no she's polymorpha she's disguised yeah yeah yeah whatever she's nobody realizes she's there oh that's way better five damage baby but I am venerable and I ignore none of it nor the damage I have three wounds left down to three and I'm definitely not gonna interrupt with a rhino so by all means that you sure very sure very sure but I might no no no so this carnufex will go and I'm not quite touching so it'll pile in boom now it's touching that's aa four based attacks plus one four tusks and having charged that's a specialist Pacific head morph normally he down force I'm going to use my crushing claws to get nice high strength that'll be on fives but then I charge I get plus once it's a four and old one eyes nearby to give me another plus one so we're hitting on threes no rerolls though oh no they might not kill him with this first carnufex one thing I should point out because it almost came up here is that your hit roll candor dice rolls can never be modified below 1/4 first off but they cannot be modified by more than one you know I know now in this case I had plus two minus one so they're only modified by plus one but if I did end up with a plus two like if I had used my siding tones for example on the charge with old one I I'd only get the plus one to it so that's that's a bit of a nerf for my carnufex --is but probably good overall I agree yeah we're looking at 3s to wound because we're at strength 12:1 wound I have a six up save which I'll fail and he's dead does he blow up boom no I wish I do I really do right well these four models in the back here are not able to get within wholly within three of the hole of the rhino so I am gonna have to spend a command point on emergency disembarkation which means I can show up wholly within six but now whenever I roll the d6 for those models on one or two they are vanquished or they are slain as they try to escape as well but it's better than losing four models yes straight up for I think is agree because losing just flat for it you may be a loose for right now right like that actually be better most likely than what would have happened and then that go all or take away in a second but here's the 10 dice for the guys inside ones and twos for well that's still you lost for yeah what you which means you probably would have lost more than that it's true yeah it just makes me sad seeing the twos yeah of course lose the four from the back there one two yeah because we're two losses four and then six dykes on average is one more one taking the right oh and before guys and those four guys over there I will consolidate my carnufex closer but not into combat range or engagement range this one will then go I almost want to spend to command hittin points to interrupt which I don't see why you would know he'll get closer but not an engagement range so that's just slightly closer and he won't consolidate my old one I could but he's gonna stay where he is right because he wants to continue holding the objective shroo gotcha that make sense the idea of pulling him back a little bit was a screen old one i from any easy charges i know you can catch them if you want to but at least you'll have more stuff to deal with and also to make sure both these guys are within three inches to keep him his lookout sir going that's all the charges except for my brood lawyer but he has to fight laughs now right with a vendor ed and see how much damage he can do to this our respects not likely to one-shot it but if I did the degree try Swain with the ax I'm definitely gonna cleave which is the negative one to hit but the d6 time and an extra-strength profile instead of the sweep I have five attacks because shock assaults and I hit on so it's minus one to hit the plus one to hit because of heroically intervened because I hear open space bull I hit on Tuesdays I'm venerable and no need to be rule and his wound on threes fist ranked no.3 wound he hits at minus three three up saved normally it's a six up let's see if I can get one of these oh I did easy do to get through how much damage hd6 okay you can't kill him with this but you don't though but now we got acid blood well I've got I've got catalyst on him the true I'm gonna ignore these in fives I've got 13 wounds by the way so tens not gonna kill him but it could really neuter him so fives to ignore but then it's acid blood you're right does state that on sixes any ones that you did to me will do mortal wounds so its first off the five up catalysts that's really good yeah I just ignored half of them with that and I'm getting one one back at the end by the way it was nice and now the five that actually got through we're hoping for three sixes here because I will actually one baby kill you because you ignore wounds and why do I have no I have one who I got nasty blood all over you so you instead of taking fibers gonna have it you take four yeah we said you're not gonna do any more damage to me right and he's done with one so I got you down to nine I'm down to one the harbor specs are showing a pretty big gray yeah I've liked his upgrades first the psychic awakenings made him valuable because giving him the reroll the hits made up made up for his stupid 4+2 hit and that monstrous whatever the monstrous size actually made his his weapons decent right now the iron priest gets to go next he does have four attacks because a shocked us all +1 to hit minus one to hit for the Thunder hammer so twos rear only once because we are beside Bjorn he was the last of the company of Russ good thing they all hit good thing and an iron priest does have web skill to plus thankfully and these wound on Tuesday unless 45 IMT 500 big difference I am in a command point rear old roll it helps I'm gonna dodge out of the way though with my uncanny reflexes five of our neural safes there wasn't dead so to get through how much damage we the flat three Thunder hammer well then that'll kill me unless you want a command point reroll one of you yeah I think you did on a damage role yeah you know he does go down you killed my warlord hey was that good yeah well doesn't really matter I don't I don't have any secondaries for warlords yeah and my I don't have a warlord trait cuz I took the last physiology instead okay so still host good got him what are the things have sent up these guys have sent ups right yeah that's so they're still providing synapse where I need it yeah mmm and so I do have a stratagem in space fools it's called knowledge of the foe whenever I kill a character the space book unit I gain in command point they just just flat out i if it cost zero command points and I gave one okay yeah and so that's my command point for the battleground seer you observing my brains oh it's got really mushy brains yes this is where they're softest I'm not gonna bother consolidating because he can't fight again well he's too busy observing the guy and tell everybody all that hammers turn out to be really effective if you bash him on the head really hard at cracks who do so that brings us to the end of the fight thing yeah yeah is it time it's time but my question for ya whatever you know I'm not gonna last long enough to use all my command points anyways right okay go ahead roll it so for command points for whatever it's called for the tear in it at the end of the fight phase I can select a model that's fighting and fight again and that's the hardest thanks in the horror specs has one more wound to get through and he's gonna kill you oh of my well not to vend res but what am i dreamin he whatever you do to them after that I'm like you you did well he's got his value all right here yeah now we already restarted wound to him but we have to remember that that's at the end so if I do any more damage and kill him I don't get to restore another wound gotcha so I'm touching the dread-nots otherwise I would totally swing and stick my butt into that guy cuz he heroically intervene so I could attack him as well cuz I can only attack people that I charge or that heroic intervened and he heroic near beans so I'm able to charge him or to attack him want to point that out because that is a change from 8th edition rhetorically intervening in a tradition did not allow you to attack him unless you had declared him as a charge and it opens you up to all sorts business well also the charge the charging is changed is now you have to get into combat with everybody charged they had to of course they had to do that they it seems that way so I'm gonna use just my ravenous ma cuz as more attacks Ford III that's that's that's a little below average but I just gotta get one wouldn't actually three four five so yeah it's a little average but it's gonna get wound off of you force to hit I still have those strategies on because it's till the end of the fight phase oh it didn't help on the hits but we showed the wounds threes to wound rear oh and I need all of them because you've got a four up and vulnerable safe which is which we know for ups either deny everything or nothing right and then one of these has to get through there D three damage each I have no reroll you have no reroll but you do have you still have your strategy Don which is reducing damage no those the other guy know what's him no it was the redemptor I reduced I reduced the damage he takes by yeah so this is D three plus one exactly yes okay so it's minimum to four you've got a role for six ceases this wouldn't be the first time somebody's rolled four sixes for dramatic effect oh yeah it does the explode no he is down hard respects okay now fun fun fact I could consolidate now into you and you wouldn't be able to fight me because we're at the end of the fight face interest so this is after every spot I could pile in I think an eighth edition yeah I did the reason I want to do that is because it would force you to not have charged me an extern right I want to say that there was an epic you an eighth edition I think I really replied that you can fight so even though we don't have a rule book explanation and the FAQ is technically invalidated we're gonna pretend that that still exists to dissuade me from doing this because otherwise I told you we just go I'd go right into the two of them and the reason for that is because then you will not next turn have counted as charged or being charged something thought that would feel wrong yeah and then you'd have to shoot the horror specs with your assault cannon and you'd be wasting some some good stuff on him right but I will not do that but I will I will just kind of me back yeah and try to block you as much as I can I have nine moons with catalysts on I'm in synapse so you know whatever but yeah that was pretty good round I was really good you killed we have three of my things yeah yeah I have to kill for you have to kill for to get your points so we got morale on these guys though that's true fibers morale on them they're okay they're fine since they're okay that will be the end of the topic turn to yeah and I don't get any this is not when I score victory points because they do two at the end of the command phase which essentially is like the old beginning of your turn yeah so I I like by the way I love beginning to turn gaining victory points for holding objectives yeah cuz what that does is it forces your opponent to react to you rather than you just be able to walk over and grab something like because before if it's the end you just throw one model on it right if you are you're shooting do all that so yeah I'll put one guy on its line but now if he put one guy I think it's like well I just got to shoot that one guy off and you never get it next time yeah so now I have to try and kill old one right and I also wanted to get you off that with that Rhino I'm like I can't just leave the Rhino alone began I have to make sure you disembark it that way because I don't want you on the objective exert route choices too so they're even objective secured right correct so that's another reason to take care of it but they'll be able to come up and take it from me so we'll see what happens at the beginning or sory at the end of my command phase I gained my command point and back up to six I will gain five points because I hold one objective I don't hold two objectives and I don't hold more than Matthew so I only get that don't gain any of the secondaries from vital ground which means that have to control those two or the back one or all three of them so that's it for my command face so onto movement and I do have some things I could show up a namely the Calais assassin remember this time that's right that's right oh but yeah so I realize this now and I forgot to mention it the reason why I was rolling for Reina confusion in the second battle room is because I spent two command points to make it last for the first and second battle round it normally only lasts for the first one and I felt bad that I forgot about it something spent to command points to make it last for the second one and let's just not have these from the two command points because you forgot to use it all the first round and I definitely used at least three or four like you only you only made me burn one command point I suppose I definitely spent enough in the first round that would happen so we're just going to have those two cancel each other out wash you forgot these are for the first round so you've got to use it for the second round okay that's fair alright and I'm not gonna use Reina confusion for the third round I don't because I don't have enough coming if you want to spend to command points I'll let you take it to the third round I could as you totally forgot it for around so the way it works you can use it any bat around you want now I could use on the fifth bat around if I wanted to but I don't know the command points to do well I do but I don't you know yeah do you want to burn to to hope that I burned more than two right no I want to do more we're getting low I only have four command points left yeah you can see they've been very influential this is going to be a this needs to be a high damage turn for me I think I can do it I think so too my goal before anything you said and done kill him kill all three of them and killed that oh is that all i anymore good thing is I think I could do it hang out for a second so your goal is to kill my army yes all that would be left on my zone throats and tarragon yes so much so my goal my goal is sold Luka this is my goal you ready my goal is that you don't kill any of my guys it's just brilliant tactics here might act is he ready for attack how they kill to kill that and that and that and that at that Ed Wood tactics I guess that is essentially what I said just an ad for bait well movement is pretty basic these guys moving up here we are gonna try and take these are this is gonna be a fail-safe in case I don't kill before use I need to kill this turn well we're gonna end there i rehab yourn mom Bjorn bring it right in for the tongue that is brave Bjorn iron father charge into the tongue iron priest right there yes I'll go right into that tongue ah I could be some catalyst up now the move over here kind of move up and over we're gonna stay on top of the crate for the most part just because you got six guys yeah oh you still have to follow those directions oh that's that's why this isn't just tuck them back a bit he'll be within two inches of this guy too because it's five inches and two inches something like this something like that cuz they're gonna charge and go around this way and then we're gonna have these guys move in this direction hopefully charging enough to get to old one eye now granted they can't shoot them but I do want to I want them to try and take him out and then Ragnar will try and solo this guy with a six-inch move they're gonna come up to that line stay out of engagement range and you know trying to maintain the coherency that's where they're going to end up and then well Ragnar is going to move to there he has an aura called Warhol everything your cerebral charge is around him he also makes things consolidate six inches instead of three I'm mostly saying that on camera so I remember piling or consolidate they get a consolidate three so no such things not piling though it's gonna conclude my movement phase now they the rules have the certain phases broken down when moving to have movement then reinforcements so essentially saying your reinforcements coming at the end of the moon phase so from the sky is to send sky claws more than nine away from the term against there and from the xoan throats over here with the intent of you know claiming table quarters and trying to go for that backline objective or at least threatening it making you have to start focusing back here a little bit as well as opposed to defeat in the crap out of my front mine and now for the Khaleda s-- either put a near objective one because I am foregoing that objective or I could try and go for all four table quarters by putting her some over here and then maybe going that's only an extra point though your objective is worth well Dave each objective is not worth five it's if you control more than me that's worth I mean whose is the Nero throw path narrow throat uh uh I'll have to double-check that she could does he have no safe obviously here's a five up safe okay base she's got a three for their phase blade I'm really tempted to go for the near-earth rope it's a little bit more assassin II like so I'm gonna go for that so I'm gonna place her more than nine inches away from the Nero throat but she has an ability called poly morphine where she gets placed three inches plus D six away from enemy so she can get within that night so she has to be just outside of six inches not bad this little corner here making it so she has this table quarter well she'll be in this table quarter I'll have sky claws in that table quarter in case you know bad things happen and then it's a six inch charge to Mister Nero throat on to shooting we're gonna go with the hell frost pistol from the iron priest into the horror specs hitting on a three ah we hit its Frank eight three three all right I think let me double-check it might be toughness eight how old the two anyways they're all the - sorry he's toughness eight so it was forced I know you missed anyways but yeah it's a thick boy all right so he's done we're gonna go with I remembers Bjorn Bjorn the venerable asti's gonna go ahead and shoot guns the most venerable is he's got to do his flame her forward and then we do the assault cannon into they have no wounds on me I guess we treat wounds each three up in bones I will go for the har specs just in case he does kind of have to die he's apparently like a major threat who would have thought hey have you flame her for the bugs here we go that's uh five automatic hits at six days we wound on fives you know be rolling we have one woody hit at a p13 up becomes a forum and a five twit nor from catalyst oh wow he actually got a wound through at the head lamer hole damage Tuesday with his assault cannon re rolling once that wasn't to regrow fur in his own rule he lasted a company abroad fives to wound and no reroll into woods at ap one it's minus one gives me four up damage five to Norman oops sorry over here one more demage she bring me down to seven out of nine and I do not do my acid blood from shooting just merely yeah that make sense okay then we're gonna go with the blood clause we're gonna throw a frag grenade but I don't think I get any automatic results on no random amount and then we're gonna throw shoot for 5 bolt pistols at that both pistols though for us to hit forced wound double wound with full pistols in no way no relevant AP there's nobody P actually yet and then because there are only five of them I don't get an automatic result on the grenade d6 easy way to remember that vo5 anyways yeah is that it's the same as unit coherency as soon as there's six or more they get hit more glass yeah and they have to be kept together more that is an easy way to remember and winning on fires two more wounds yes hits those are hits there so I hit on three C's wolf guard and five to two more Dario it's a four words in total from the bull pistols and a frag grenade and we're gonna do some acrobatics acrobatics kind of work two of them that only to die the other two tried they really really tried I'm gonna keep them from the back just keep you forward and now we move over to these blood claws we're gonna throw a crack grenade into that one from the wolf guard over here and then one two three four five bolt pistols into him as well I wonder if I'm securing will come into play there yeah but we're not too concerned about that mumble pistol hitting on fours we roll the one for Ragnar five if you're talking seven right yeah okay place them two moons so far and then I have a cracker nade which Miss OH once it hits because it's a wolf guard throwing it and five you would it also moves out minus one so the two pistol attacks three up saves one gets through and then the crack grenade for up save and a and it's gonna do four damage total oh my she brought him down to four probably unnecessary I think your thunder hammer power fist combo will kill him but it's nice to know that more insurance than anything yeah of course Ragnar doesn't actually have any fancy shooting attacks he's gonna throw a cracker Nate at the carnufex right in front of them to to hit and a five to learned no now their shots I'm gonna put these four into those zone tropes and then the remaining six into those own throats and nothings rapid-firing I just don't I wound him on sixes wound them on fives and I think I've already done enough for shooting damage to them anyways the four shots into those own throats hitting on three zero one four Ragnar nearby we have three hits that wound on t54 for four sweet the AP does not matter two three up embargo ah lamb into the shield and then the six shots into the other squad on Three's one miss and fours to wound two three up and wound and then I have one last shot and that is with the calluses assassin in the back well you got these guys - they got pistols seeds don't want to fire and risk me pulling you further away five charge robably won't actually fire their pistols Oh I'll consider it but the callous will go next into the neuro throat now here's a weird question was his leadership oh I never have to know that it's probably nine shooting with the neuro shredder the way this works is if I hit which I do I instead of rolling through wound I roll three d65 role equal to or greater than the leadership of the target then that target severs d3 motor wounds that Lucia was nine yes I do 33 mortal wounds and he will take three more wounds from the Nero shredder the information from the iron priest reins true they are powerless without their brains we target the brains bury the reins and from over here not gonna shoot not worth it not worth risking that nonsense we're gonna go into charging Noda I think I'm gonna go with those sky clouds first because surprisingly their charge is probably the most important so if I do use a reroll using over there might not be the worst idea we should like to watch their one wound each yeah for yeah it's it's if I if I could see the future and I saw that I killed a couple of them I still wouldn't do it because I realize that's not enough to really slow you down okay then so if I saw the future and I killed six of them with my bolt pistol equivalent flush bores like no hate against flesh bores it's just you know if you only got 11 of them it's not worth a command point and I think I need my for command points for some of the other craft it's about to go down yes fair no fair okay so we're gonna go ahead and roll on nine know very close and I can't reroll just the three to look for a four up I have to reroll the whole thing which I will do I'm Hispanic command point I'm gonna go down to five and I'm gonna hopefully roll nine no that's a seven they fail no they tried the calles assassin is gonna be clear charge against I had to make a choice here now I see I kind of want to go for them but she only has five attacks it's not gonna have to really hurt them they are gonna be fearless they essentially write they ignore morale with close to the synapse creatures so I am gonna go for there's no overwatch here yeah we're gonna charge this zone throat well with his own throats for the neural I might the deer with rope I meant if you declare them to you've got to get here which makes it a longer charge right now it's just a sixth of Jenner his own throat okay no rear although no reroll look for a six where was that ten well she's gonna go if you could please and thank you right up to him exactly thank you the rest of my charge is we're gonna go with I'm not gonna be over watching so you can just start wrapping your charges Bjorn then we'll go right there and then iron priest go there there's no reason to heal anything that's why I didn't bother and then blood clause charging just that okay I'm gonna go six which is fine that's how they're gonna in their charge they are all still coherent with two other models in their unit now Ragnar is gonna go ahead and Claire charge just against that guy specifically you gotta got him what a hero of the chapter lastly the intercessors arguing declare charge against both yeah because you won't barely get to the other one yeah though get into the one old one I end at current effects area they're gonna charge a five now that's probably good enough but if not Ragnar does let me reroll Lee allows me to be role charge rolls and that's obviously successful when it is successful so he's gonna get with an engagement range over here that's barely read the reason you might want to like if it was May reroll charge rolls you may have actually considered rolling that these live interest doesn't get as many guys in now mind you gets here where's your Thunder hammer yeah that's a guy pointing yeah he's the most it's hidden his finger yeah no it's it's it's extendable in his big maybe is his boot maybe it's a thunder boot there we go just paint up his boot with some glowing effects I'll get a Thunderbird this is nothing for charges people we got blood clots charging gene Steelers Wow look at that I wouldn't be surprised if after this fight phase my army has disappeared we as space holes we love to smash I'm liking the combat though rather than just shoot me off the table yeah make it personal now I am gonna use the armor of Russ here at the start of the fight phase to make him fight the heart respects fight after everything us in this way in this case it actually has zero effect because either I used to command points to be able to choose him anyways or I don't and you've all charged him yeah yeah exactly so now I have to make a very careful decision of who fights first not super concerned over there over there I'm mostly concerned over here you know in my head it's either Ragnar or the blood clause I have to go first Ragnar doesn't for from vulnerable save hits like a truck ah but the blood clouds don't have much of a say but I do have a storm shield in that unit and I'm mostly relying on the heavier weapons I think Ragnar is gonna be the first one to attack and I'm in true spacefill fashion and true showing off fashion I think I'm gonna spend a couple command points here and we are going to do I gotta look up the name punch of the wild for one Command point every time I roll an unmodified roll of four plus it counts as two hits instead of one four but yeah and then seeking a Saga lets me expense of what his power level is what's a carnufex is power level it's another one of those weird space well stratagems that require knowledge of my foes tower level I actually can't use seeking a saga because we're the same power level funny enough so I guess I save a command point and hopefully that thank you ghetto I think so I don't think this is a problem so when writing our charges he has ten attacks on the charge I know I know he is that just his rule he has hit three tacks for shock assault instead of one so he has seven tax babies that's the rule please buy this model yes absolutely Ragnar is like the best 120 points he could ever spend his face holes that for sure but we are hitting on tubes three rolling ones and again every four up is an extra hit so we have four five six extra hits this is a touch of the wild is 16 out of ten hits yes nice yes there's uh there's another funnier actually if you're fighting thousand suns where it doubles up is the same thing every four up counts as an extra head then if I'm in the assault doctrine every six counts as three hits is lost acting on that guy only shrinks six Aussies t6 I think it see seven or eight no probably seven fives to mooned seeking asylum would allow me to reroll that brought these are AP for so no save so one two so that's four six eight ten - yeah ten yeah he had seven left do they have death rows no oh that's not fun it's gone you got him I got him I feel real good about that so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna consolidate but we're not gonna get an engagement range and then his base is touch right now we're trying anywhere it's gonna go like right here you know yeah right right there for that are we interrupting I'm gonna try but you still have your all the entire battle round you disrupt me on a four plus Carina confusion I do so it'll cost me three command points I had four left but the important thing is I'm gonna use I wanted to command points less like a do to command our two strategies on my Horus pecs right so I'm gonna put one on him and it found a four plus you were just gonna no I feel bad about this one fails it does think okay so I'll use the one that lets some reroll hit roles because it's better than the we roll wound roles cuz he hits on fours and he's just gonna pile in touch both your guys just believe me he's touching them yes he's and then he is going to yeah I'm gonna just try to eat your dreadknot yarn okay well I will do the reduce the damage he takes by one stratagem as well it's called unyielding ancient he is the most unyielding Nastasia NIST all right let's do this so I got four d3 attacks here we go again now I call that above average by a bit yeah a little so we got a lot of attacks that's nice assuming night make these roles for us to hit thankfully with the reroll here hey that's pretty good role without a rear all exceptional no no we rolled it basically nothing now I'm wishing I'd put three roll on the wounds instead three is to wound strength eight oh I might be ta let me double check sorry his toughest eighty is you know in hindsight I may have thought of using the other weapon but having seen that I got 11 roll I got 11 attack just my stuff I'm happy that this is the one I did use but it's only four stab wound no rerolls well technically enough to kill him but probably not going to four wounds no one voter will save on Bjorn it goes to a five up-armored which he fail okay so they're all d3 plus one but I've reduced the damage I take by one so they're just d3 HP's and these eight wounds yeah so on average he doesn't die right guys on average I get eight and then you ignore them on fives with your most venerable list of venerables exactly you're on beam Bjorn come on above average again that's average I got eight oh why are you three I do I survive Venable oh you you tease me that's already out spurt I know one moon won't wound remains on Bjorn man that horror specs telling me everybody heiruspecs sucked but then you got a points update in psychic awakening gave me Purvis obviously psychic awakening did its job making bad units good well the psychic awakening gave me that +1 strength a peon rent I'm sorry and damage and also the stratagem to re-roll the hit rolls I'm gonna keep saying that because I wish that I could have three heiruspecs is all with that upgrade but I only have two only two well cuz I can pay command point to bring in another adaptive physiology so I could have two monsters but I can only have one of them re-rolling hit rolls so that's the hard part right unless I do the one hi fleet adaptation where they get a plus-one to hit when they charge so it'll be threes a little better but still okay with that said and done I am gonna go and then again that interrupt does supersede the armor of rust so I'm gonna go ahead and finish resolving everything over here and I'm gonna pile in get a little bit closer and then you know what I'm not gonna worry about it because then I have to watch over the tail and worry about coherency not worth it I'm just gonna tack with a big weapons first so this will be the wolf guard with a thunder hammer first on tus reroll one for Ragnar within six they all hit threes tuned s frankly Oh triple one-one that - three six up note South's three damaged great one wound lefty okay now the power fist also has yeah also has four texts hitting on twos 33 rolling ones and I think I said the other guys think I'm too thought the double check that but I think they might you're gonna overkill him anyway so it's not a big I think the power kiss on its own should be able to kill - three as well correct so I need triple six to stay alive you got it yeah so he does but no death throws on them so does go down and then I will consolidate towards old one I and I get to consolidate six so we're gonna Alton I have the objective with Rebecca secured do you have some troops over here now the intercessors are gonna pile in and around us need two hands to do that and I only have four guys five guys in range to attack because that guys with the National is only the four but the Thunder ham is the most important so they are veteran intercessors so he's gonna have so lots of attacks as a sergeant or pack leader he's got three tax base one for being a veteran faculty and one for Jacques also he's got five attacks for that Thunder hammer hitting on threes rear only ones there's no ones and wounding on three threes only two ah you know what I will command point re-roll one of those which helps three go through all three don't go through by minus three six up was only six damage I forgot he's all the one I he's got nine wounds he's got three remaining so now I have some chain swords that might do it lots of attacks so you're not chained swords as I said I didn't see any chain swords there they don't yeah only the pack leader can take it forward the intercessors but they have three tax base for being veterans and then one extra for the shock assault tuesd hit with their close combat attacks again matching swords re-rolling or regular five through told what i we only have most likely to kill interests i thought you'd kill them if I have to fail all three three up saves no my dad fell any of a single one and we'll get a little bit closer in when we consolidate just means he gets to fight back he does survive and he does get to fight back there we go and yes I still do like the Thunder hammer on him I'm probably gonna put a Thunder hammer on yeah okay we're gonna go with Akalitus assassin attacking the Nero throat he's only got to who's up that means I have to snake one end to get them five attacks with her face blade I believe any on tubes haha no really and toughness for strength for wounding on four is -3 no one vulnerable state is allowed so that's for damage I think what stem energy I have I have two wounds left right so you got did you want to consolidate into my excellent ropes watch out they might smack you with their atrophied claws I'm curious with the guide so sure it's one attack each strength for AP nothing like fours to hit yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna do it let's do is for the fun I'm just thinking if I fall back I can't psychic power that's true but useless like your power if you stay there Mikey this is a prayer if this might poor girl though I will note that I can't do priority threat neutralized as a strategy because I did the knowledge of the focus battle round already you can only get a command point with stratagems and abilities once for bad around still so even though I have two of the similar abilities from two different still moving from strategy including from stratagems yes he used to be those didn't count before but now they do and I understand why it's because already have so many yeah by a Bjorn six attacks Chuck salt with the true claw you can do it two's to hit because it can't helm ones ruling ones because he is himself and that fails strength 12 six threes to wound re-rolling though cuz that's what true coladas 5 when he hit that ap you ridiculous what - for yemen to upper 303 oh ok so these are 5 D 6 damage yeah you can do it 7 wounds got him well maybe maybe I still have I still have gallons of 13 14 15 17 moods I ignore the one-fives catalyst oh you know he's dead now more importantly he did seven ones to me right so he asked his blood he only Thurl seven times for it please roll a 6 look at them one of the time right yeah so as I just need a single 6 although you dude nor on a 5 plus I lived like two sixes just to be sure there's one six the accident cards on six I will thrash out and do three mortal wounds three three inches three were loose whatever Oh oh good he's not dead yet yes you gotta roll three five pluses most venerable man alive so close so so venerable you can't use c'mere boy not that I could think about a yacht right yeah whatever but you can't use that stuff like I think it's gonna matter too much explode maybe oh wow I got to see if he explodes I think he does that might actually kill him now - yup he exposed those d3 balloons - namely him which I just took three more wounds so he takes four and which means he's dead so even though whatever I was like maybe I'll attack with the iron free sperm because even if I attacked with the iron freeze first all that still would have happened yeah now the last fight because that is gone Horace Beck took it off all of that you know I'm so happy all of it you have no idea how happy that makes me that that's so many for so long Mahara specs just was the coolest looking notice this here is model that did so little so nothing and now all thank you blood of Baal for making him actually useful worth his points Oh this point so yes it's just I'm so happy are you so happy I can't agree more that was outstanding I don't feel great about it but it was cool haha so now we're gonna go ahead and resolve this yeah goodbye Jesus I'm gonna go with the powerful weapons first I suppose I imagine since I do the chain swords I guess they're more likely to kill it was just gonna be sober with they might be that's for yo more attack we 416 attack twos to hit with chain swords they hit them twos being +1 charge yes that's right forest woo no it was a craft roll but it should still do it well maybe not yep you gotta got him good job good job look hey you get your extra points for killing four units thanks four units my your backup was important look at that so there's gonna consolidate out towards that objective we've been six inches right no they have to be no ragnar for that that's good cuz you could actually have grabbed that objective otherwise maybe actually yeah but they can't go that is where they end up ad that is the end of my turn there's no morale but do for the tyranids or myself I don't think no I don't know you didn't lose any old right old when I get to tack back oh yeah he doesn't fly yet we're gonna do his monstrous sighting talents he gets his own bonus of Plus once it's gonna hit on twos five pluses allow me to make another attack so I naturally don't get any but it will give me ones either so you know he can't really complain they all hit and these are gonna be three whoa I think x3 is doomed yes they are strength 7/3 is to wound all right ap minus three three damage okay well that's a 6f save for intercessor we will make one of them at least so that's two dead intercessors gonna pull him back here I got his tail - okay I forgot to mention the tail is gonna be on them cuz the tail just does one damage each is d3 attacks until they're three damage they're really good for killing primaries if it spilled over it wouldn't matter like ages thing where but it does here d3 attacks at the tail which will hit on twos and their strengths 4-1 AP so fours to wound one wound at minus one one damage we're okay you're gay and now for morale on them they are veterans so they're up to Lu ship nine they don't have the test they are a-okay and now we're at the end of the battle round where the only thing that comes up for me is my attrition I get four points four attrition because I killed more than Matthew did then for table quarters I have the intercessors whole Luth in this one more than six way from the center the Khaleda isn't that one I have my sky claws over there and then I have these blood claws who didn't go past this quarter so I do get three points for that I believe three for having all of them renewed up to twelve that ties the game twelve twelve at the end of turn two around too bad not bad now runs about around three where now my reign of confusion is over and I am going to go into the assault doctrine as well which means my melee weapons have an additional AP and any time a space will funerals an unmodified sixty-day counts as two hits at the beginning my turn first off old one i before even the command face old wine i gain saloon back here that would end up being the command phase or i just says begin to the turn so it could be outside of the command favor yes sure and I gain a command point in command phase and then the end of the command phase which is now I control two objectives which is more than my opponent so I only have one I did forego this one objective in a gamble at them making that charge which they did not it failed but why don't over so that I get 15 points five for controlling an objective five for controlling at least two and five for having more than my opponent plus two for my secondary objective of holding one that's in no-man's land so that's 17 points so the square was 12 12 now it's 20 9 to 12 which sounds like a lot but he can quickly make that back because we're only in round if everyone's curious you can get up to 19 points maximum in an eternal war mission plus TANF your Army's painted plus 10 which is a little stipulation to have at the end movements pretty simple these guys are going to you know what I'm gonna throw a run at them oh no you know what I'm not no advancing I'm yeah cuz I'm gonna charge oh you know we forgot to attack with those into her as well oh I don't care yeah okay well you know what if she has one wound left then then I'll do the attack because they could have maybe planked off one wound right gotcha but that's a quick way by if i smite and it doesn't do anything that i don't care but if i smite and she's got one wound left and then all quickly Ralph the attacks from last turn so I'm good that's yeah easiest way to get so they're gonna move up there so they can engage them because they're all in phone ring it right you're gonna charge me anyway so I'm also keep you away from the objective the term against are kind of the same mentality we need to make sure they stay in coherency and that they're gonna stay within 12 inches of his own throats back with the Calibos but they just want to keep you away from the objective as much as they can yeah I didn't end up putting the sky claws wholly within the ruins they're mostly because I was kind of hard to pull off maybe an upper levels fly doesn't work charging down levels so it would have been the cleanest and I'm hoping that they're both pistol equivalent weapons aren't gonna be that devastate can get lucky yeah straight to psychic we'll start with them actually the more important one is killing two called--it so we're gonna come over here because that'll be easier to pull off cuz we need five to cast smite we got ten there's no plusses we do to d3 mortal wounds she's got five wounds so that's for wounds does she have any way to ignore them no sorry the mobi quickly resolved therefore attacks to see if I finish her off I know I didn't have to put her in the combat but I wanted to to either force Matthew to fall no I wouldn't have gone after her I would have floated them over here actly lamb them and for them would have just melted away so that was that was still the right choice I think it was a right choice if mostly because if he didn't fall back then I would have got to attack on his turn as well and remember you can't fall back and cast like new powers in ninth edition anymore so exactly I think this was a good call we'll see if she dies though so therefore tacked to the would've done last round would hit on fours wound done force oh yeah Gary what's just gotta foreplay me reflux dang it I can't remember off you know I can't get you know you did rerolls in the clinic I found that I did rerolls and I probably would not have done every rule not her number one attack point in the game yeah so she hindsight you'd want to write oh that's super unfortunate but you know what it's cool anyway they also know the horror that's the - one hit and leadership we might as well try it we get it we'll put it on it doesn't matter yeah and leadership hope I'm gonna put it on your ear intercessors I just I don't know what this guess and then we're gonna super smite over here try to really do some damage to your blood claws over here I need the six just got it to d3 mortal wounds come on spike it oh that's four of them just straight-up melted so yeah yeah I know you better keep your coherency otherwise I won't charge and I'll just let them die automatically from be no to cohere it's late they got they got the regular coherency now the old yeah yeah so I'm gonna lose I'm gonna keep the power weapons just because they do do the d3 two three damage and do do you you said dude do do I'm gonna take he's technically a great hunter so it was actually four here we go yeah cuz they're not in coherency i oh oh you can choose to remove the guy here but if I choose not to charge into one of them just automatically disappears where if I choose the charge you might actually do some damage cuz I guess I do have to lose the power you don't have to I bought lose them no matter what true yeah yeah well unless I charge and then you wouldn't have because you could then I don't think you charge though they also know what catalyst which they're gonna try to put on themselves which they do so now take Nord ones on a five plus that does throw Jake me now shake me now shoot face we're just gonna put a bunch of little flush boards into these sky claws should be fine right she's loving guys yes and I'm gonna use my last command point or my newest command West for squash bugs this gives plus 1/2 moon on flesh boards don't worry they have to still hit on for sure ok good old time again yep I've got two hits a 3s2 wound it's true that one first see if it mattered it did I got one yeah I got the one is because of the strategy strap that guy will go down yeah I got one charge phase for zone tropes are gonna charge I need to get to them because they have objective secured so I need to tie them up so they can't come oh I guess they could retreat but well we'll see what happens maybe I'll kill them oh that's kind of it I'm not I'm not gonna overwatch no discharge I know I made it good enough hello hello these guys could show these ones could charge because they don't have anybody in close combat with them anymore but they're not they're not they're not no right no and the term against are not going to charge you there for two reasons one they would die and the other one is they'd be out of synapse so they would oh yeah it's big double die that's a double die in that one so that means you get the flight first over here yes watch out for the power of the horns those drugs you know how embarrassing would be if these guys died too zone tropes I would feel pretty I'd feel pretty bad yes yeah okay it's just raw dice here looka no rerolls no stratagems no tricks just four attacks that hit on fours new downpours and no AP they're just floating it to me one marriage there's gently I guess three claws yeah those are atrophied claws from years I don't know why they still birthed them with their attribute claws towards the hip oh I could still kill both of us to kill that could've killed both of them fours - where'd I kill them oh goodness oh okay well I will then go over here oh you know what would you allow me to go back in here Oakley intervene with him yeah sure bring it in I know the old one is dead anyways so so remember at this point this is probably our first time actually seeing this in this game in 9th edition now that Chargers are done Luka gets to choose first yes that's a big deal that's because old one I would want to go first off what early say he's gonna die no matter what but it'd be nice to take a few guys with them and then Ragnar is gonna obviously do the honor to the arms I got ten attacks because I hear ugly intervene you can do it for shock so I hit on twos your roll one because you're watching yourself and because I'm in the assault doctor now savage fury kicks in every six counts as two hits so it's both so 11 out of 10 yes wives to wound and these are all minus 4 to damage so that's 6 damage yeah you got him hey and now now we're in the third battle round I'm gonna spend another command point on knowledge of the foe to get a command point and I've turned out he too is powerless without his head when we can't actually consolidate he can't fit through that gap who cares you got it look at all these guys I did it if only I hadn't won ha respects if only we have you think he's gonna talk abou think he's good against dreadknots he's fantastic against elite infantry because he gets the extra tax for each guy he kills right yeah yeah even your leader just get sniped in three pieces it's wonderful Oh last fight on this turn we have well I was like like nothing left to do battle run to bellezza forever not gonna lie that was the game the game Madden one was a little bit of positioning soften up the side the number two is where all the crap put down so we're gonna start with the chainsaw because I know we'll do the Thunder hammer whatever I let two wounds left on the guy so you have catalyst to say about the stay in the flat three damage I do ignore wounds on a 5 plus yeah this is gonna suck for you no matter what no matter what I use you know what we'll do chain sword he has got one to four chains already he's got four attacks no he's only got three taxes he didn't charge to someone he was charged low I look at that shock assault I have to charge for berserker charge okay they have to be the one to charging at that so twos cuz I was charged not real rollin mooning on fours - Wow oh that's enough looks fancy well ok we're done there so now we got that guy who has it's got to base +1 because I was charged she doesn't get a charge any threes to hit because last one and to doomed because of strength II does he hit the warp field Rio eyes dude oh yeah I see spray - pretty good - I guess I could fall back behind three but I make my guys might die yeah you have to spend command post and risk and risk them there is some dying right see but it is an easy way for you grab the objective but you still don't get the points in your turn cuz it's the end of your command and now we're on to leadership which I do owe you one over here I lost four guys and what's your leadership seven or eight eight with just don't roll of five or six we're okay we passed and then for keeping tallies of how many things Matthew was killed he killed my calluses Asuna I think that's it yes looking over what's happening it so you have to kill two units to get your extra for victory points right hopefully that's easy well I've already killed one this battle round yeah yeah it's turn but it's each battle round yeah see I said a kill yeah no problem ran this kill some tarragon or that piece of cake right easy peasy lemon squeezy all right we're going to Spaceballs for turn three now my command phase I get a command point and that's pretty much it now on the movement although hold on oh there's more yeah you get your points yeah yeah that's seven victory points five plus two for the secondary that you chose right the vital ground vital grants I get seven more points putting me up to 19 after movement most of the stuff it's gonna go forward we know that over I'll do that in a second though this one here though I want to show up a new stratagem and it is desperate breakthrough so when this make out break out when this unit goes to fall back I can go through enemy units as long as I still and outside of engagement range but either one of us rolls a d6 for those models that go through and for every one a model is slain so I'm gonna do that it's like when a vehicle is destroyed right so we're gonna just to command points to do this though but I want this is great for that I mean thought of it for this I just thought of it if you got wrapped and you didn't want to be in there anymore that's typically what it's for and that is that I don't know I think this is gonna be more what it's for right because if you're already wrapped by a lot of guys then maybe there's a reason to break out but we often it's an objective so just don't roll double one I'll let you do the honors they're fine so the zone Propst surprisingly aren't fast enough to cut down the space flow that they do you literally hit them like like they're like balloons they're just like punk hey yeah hey Klaus is gonna do a jump in with 12 ignoring Kareena models when they move that so pretty much the rules fridge fly is still the same how they move Baker no training models in the movement phase but they only ignore models in the charge base entering and yes are not vertical they don't contain confirm yeah there's nothing for the protocol interface now over here this is all gonna move forward I'll show you where it ends up amble my thought process is here's a spoiler its it kill all right that's where everything ends up moving so we have a hold on but what is your tactical thoughts Luka Oh almost a brilliant strategy move forward towards target roll dice at them as we attack them and hopefully kill them I like that that's it's simple yes effective easy to remember so and it kind of goes towards the goals of the mission to it does it even matches the goals of the mission Tracy shooting phase we're gonna start over here we are going to spend I have to commit point stuff we're gonna rapid fire these guys here so they'll get their guns become rapid fire to and then and do them they go just want to kind of make sure cuz that's 32 shots yes I dropped a die here's 31 out of 32 attacks I have not taken that up Oh golly we roll the two there we go and I get to roll once because reg knows everybody these do hit on 300 he's hit on force because you gave them the negatives right there minus one there are two more hands there's a force to wound that's a three okay three up and varville saves ease kill why you got the one yeah that's all I wanted that's all you're getting you'll go down and then realizing I could have just pulled in all their shots together to go along with it but they I guess they hit on fours and all that yeah they're not that's five full pistols on fours yeah four is rolling ones there's a once and then wounding on fours we have one more wounding hit and then we'll start cracking it quickly reroll it hits because that's the wolf guard that's throwing that and that Doll saloon so we have one bolt pistol and then the correct lady bolt pistol saved crack renewed sake all right lastly Ragnar will throw a cracker mute as well hits wins on three booms oh yeah hey me three damage right kill five up says no it's got to damage down to one wound and that is it for shooting over here ah sure I'll throw a frag grenade and shoot for pool pistols and I have eleven guys when I build my army I didn't think about the fact that was black yeah it's automatically automatically full hits I don't think it really matters is he probably gonna murder them all anyways right but still it is and I had like five points left over and like yeah why not now I'm like oh that's attachment maybe not so the grenades got the blast rule it automatically has six random attacks hitting on boards because of like nice we got two hits there they went on for so we have one wound and then the pistols are next now these actually have AP cuz I'm in the assault doctrine we have three hits and two more wounds so - is that - one one one dead no ep6 up on the one and then the other ones just get through my six upside right I will pull from here I know it puts them up here and see but it doesn't matter cuz you're gonna kill more anyways it's gonna bring us to charging we're Ragnar is gonna lead us off I assume they have no overwatch nope and no command points either Eichner gonna go ahead and charge six which should be good enough if you could be so kind and then the what do they call the blood Klaus is going in next they 5 us and I should be good that's totally and so I can't actually roll that because it's a successful charge and we're gonna end it there the intercessions are gonna hang it on the objective also there's no room and now the sky Klaus is gonna go ahead and charge I'm gonna roll it see if I get a high number whatever 60 was cool into that yeah hello there's no way for Matthew dinner up so I'm gonna go ahead and start with right now cuz why not he's the coolest contacts because of his rule we rollin the ones we have two sixes which means I have 12 hits wounding on Three's no rear owing here that's gonna be for eight wounds from Ragnar and his legendary two damage each crashed three up I kill one guy I mean oh I don't know you know I've got it advantage for the clown wow wow yeah Adam and then I'll consolidate in and then they'll pile in and fight thank you I'll go with the Thunder hammer first Thunder hammer first has four attacks hitting on threes the six is an extra hit though with that Thunder hammer wounding on twos it's gnarly toughness eight that's five Mooney hits this is where it happens there three flat damage each and I got three wounds three up in vaults one down whoo all right then I'm not gonna worry about consolidating it's not that big of a deal I'm gonna go ahead and fight over here no piling and just throw in a bunch of chain swords sorry I forgot yeah these all all these have a p1 on the T now here's a problem you can't pile in towards the objective am I too far away because there's no enemies over here for you to pile in towards the only way you can pile in is that way oh yeah I guess I don't get that objective that oh that might be important because I'm running out of guys it's true so we're gonna be able to quickly determine who's the winner just by Counting up like just we can just like simulate the rest of the game that's that's that's another good thing because if I can blast them off of this objective which you should blame you only have one objective that's true so it's worth 10 not 15 I don't know if that will matter so you want to just jump to my turn right so at the end of the battle round I do gain four points for killing more so your six points behind me right now now what about the table quarters do I have three table quarters well you are this is a weird well you could have you could have chosen I guess you were just you were it is like a toe over yeah you're in this table quarter right here at this table quarter you're definitely in this table quarter right here and then this one yeah yeah yeah these should be fine 36 24 but are they more than six but yes they are easy so you're good I got my three table but you don't have four because they are not holy with them to one table for they're gonna have to come I over committed with them they're going to come over this way and that's right now you get this race of three more points correct so you are it's only two actually it's only two points all right so you are four points behind me and I want to point out that I'm like one model away from getting an extra point cuz of my thin the lines right I haven't killed how they kill many characters you've killed yet oh I've got a couple more points I got six more points there yeah hey let's do the math really quick cuz we're actually running out of filming time it's true but I pretty much done I'm gonna see if I smite in let's just do that right now okay so we'll go right to this and they'll get within three the objective ice yeah yeah I still float and then loaded a float Mike and then on your turn I don't think you gain any victory points in your communities in Michael Mann phase I get none because I did not have any objectives right so let's just smite them it's my life yep to d3 also about that yeah because you didn't kill so those are both dead so that's my turn for so I I just did the math I'm not gonna tell you how many points we have exactly because there's so many that's hard to see we're definitely not at the max not worried like primary or second we're gonna do the best so I am currently 15 points ahead yes I am currently 15 points ahead after my turn 4 and that's including my thin the lines and killing your characters so your County your endgame objectives yes gotcha okay and because you don't have any endgame objectives right cuz yours we're all getting them throughout the game they're aggressive one so I'm 15 ahead so on your turn immediately you've got one objective which is not more than me right so it's only 5 so it's 5 points but it's worth 2 more so that's 7 points so I'm toast I was 15 points ahead of you yeah no I'm eight points ahead of you let's assume I don't there's actually you're not necessarily gonna kill all those guys I think if the math checks out I'd take the safer route and I would hide behind the obscuring train and go for the table core like he'd go for that a Ragnar go for that objective they stay on this objective commit to this table court or they go to that table quarter so you get three points from that right so now you are wait I only get two points for that in still four table Corden's two points no it's three if you get off all right I can't get all four so then you're six points behind me right then and you're not gonna kill them so then we go to my turn five and this game is only five turns long it's not rendering right I get seven points for holding that one yes so I'm 13 points ahead of you right and then I don't do anything else maybe i smite a couple guys but it's not enough to get any more points because I just barely do this for every ten models they kill okay yeah how many points in my head of here and a 13 13 points ahead of you I know sorry then I think I may have it tried an advantage that it doesn't matter you don't need it yes you don't need it you only need to right so I'm 13 ahead of you so then on your turn you control two objectives right and more than me right that's 15 and then either you get two extra points for that and three action points for this one extra five and an extra two command point or two points for able quarters stable course right and if you didn't kill my zone throughout solution Satan right so you win it's close it came down to turn five was close we actually had to calculate the rest of the game I thought after turn - I was gonna be off the board but that Horace pecks raw heroes he was here oh I I had fully expected the forces - some of the forces I put over here push through that's what I expected yeah expected the trio of dreadknots and the iron priest that be able to do the same over here imagine if the current if that rhino had actually died yes and the carnufex has charged the guys inside that could have been that could like little things like that right put that imagine that the horus pics didn't do so ridiculously well over here exactly what I'm just say like that would have been a it was so close he's down the one with that that armor of contempt it was that was the perfectly alive perfectly I'm very happy with that but I also got lucky and he failed three four ball it was mostly the first one I think that really have for it because the first was the most important cuz after that you could start you could help maneuver me right it wouldn't no that's not sure I could get to you but it would only been with like one guy right still that one guy could have torn through most of them because a lot of them died when they got out of the vehicle funny enough I didn't use my storm she's like the storm shield we talked about the new rules for the storm shield didn't even use it it barely had it anywhere right yeah so we're gonna be doing a lot of discussion videos so we're not gonna in this video was already long enough so we're not really a ton of discussion here we've already given you lots of discussion throughout this battle report so hopefully that gives you a lot of insight of what's going on and you still can go watch the next bout report in the mini wargaming vault and that's Josh and Dave which are recording right now yeah - military vs. Biol oh geez Fabio spy obvious biles creations and he's playing demon engines and defilers cool that's cool so that'll be in the vault so you can go click that the link below go check that out with the new 9th edition rules but I have to say I really like the if I had to say one thing it's the terrain rules being updated now I don't want to try this but I I want to know how this is effective really the shooting armies because there's some really nasty guys want to play again I don't want to try that against that but the terrain definitely helps that but I have a funny feeling that wouldn't be enough does even this the minor amount of she needed turn one was enough to like start to remove unit it took out the geez deal except 14 man jeans to this squad you're just like it's gone it's just basically what you wanted to I did have I did have the weapons we're never meant to kill that kind of unit yeah but still but still it's just too easy it feels for for that and so there's ways to counter I'm not saying that but it's we see the tournament results we know that the Space Marines are doing well a hundred percent yeah and so that's a little disappointing that because the editions not really going to be such a like the overwatch I like that overwatch is mostly gone any because it's all for a job role you know it's all the roles it's like okay I'm gonna roll no thirty day well you're charging okay then a roller five dice okay you're charging I gotta roll over six dice most of these aren't gonna do anything but I gotta roll them because there's an occasional time right or the flamers you know the flavors are gonna do something but everything else overall Oh actually got a hit over here oh I can't believe that overwatch did something I hate rolling lots of dice for no effect yeah that's like an assist yeah so I like that change just for the speed of the game the scenario I know it's just the first scenario did but that was cool and they're all very they're all they're actually all very similar the things that mostly changes how the deployment works and where the objectives go you can definitely feel the heavy influence from all urnament stuff but in a good way in a good way so all the positive I agree all the positives from the ITC the et Cie is relevant in this if you want to play UTC you got Maelstrom natural on play ITC you have eternal war it's a very good very well-designed big fan of it I'm curious to see how the secondary is gonna play out they should change from game to game based on what your opponent brings yeah hopefully we don't just find those two that everybody always brings right or baby there's the the table control ones that you're playing raven guard or Harlequins or Eldar something that can get around the table you don't care about killing you care about is controlling the table yeah that would be cool yes that's that's giveaway to play right I was disappointed by the psychic once there's basically a couple psychic ones that are you take psychic actions to get extra victory points but psychic actions require you to give up all casting of that seikar and all because all my psychics could cast two powers I'm like I gave up two powers to do this one thing I'm like if it was just give up a power to do a psychic action I totally would have taken them below just sit back and one guy because I've always had like one person who had one power they didn't bother using onslaught ended up not being that useful as I would have just used it there so I'm disappointed that it's like that because that only really works for lots of level once I curs yeah like Astra military more or even like they go no even know even like scenes and stuff where they have access like excess psychic stuff to spare but no I like it I like it it's like I said the Space Frame meta is still gonna be hard Lucas space space wolf list here as much as it was good definitely was not was not the top right stuff I did I did have another list that I died Matthew was very correct and convinced me to turn it down because that was good but yeah you were playing against Steve originally and then Christ was able to come in today so so this list i'm i was actually much happier with the outcome of this list and how it looked compared to the other one i initially had that had a little bit more primaries in the form of repulse or a second read em yeah ii read em to dreadknot in a repulsor and I looked at that I'm like right I don't really see you're just removing me turn one yeah I won't be able to do anything and that'll be not any fun so I you basically if you want a guarantee that you're gonna have a good back-and-forth game have both players bring more close combat I find that's the truth for most games that I've played not just for tk8 of Sigma or Lord of the Rings or machine hordes infinity all these different games that shooting is almost always more powerful almost yeah of course because you have so much more control over range and stuff but the games that I find most exciting are the ones that incorporate more close combat but the moment you introduce armies that are really good at shooting then it just kind of nullifies what doesn't matter how good your rules are if you have armies that are spectacular shooting then you kind of throw away a lot of the positioning and the back-and-forth of the game so and you can have even to shooting armies and maybe that'll be more interesting but it just kind of precludes a lot of other things still though I look forward to see kind of how the meta shifts with ninth edition and what the FAQ kind of brings out and the points changes like maybe that'll make up for some of the things as well right now yeah I did I want a toy around with my favorite 40k armies as well I want to play necrons I want to play death guard I want to see how they perform now and that's it specifically death guard and I want to see what the new neck round rules are gonna look like in the future because I assume there's gonna be a fancy neck around codex coming sometime in the future hopefully soon you would assume so given that in the indominus box this makes Marines and necrons so not put the space raising a new book but the necrons sure could use one I actually died be wild the space room's got another new another new codex and they got pretty much the last one well well you know if the new one came out and it nerfed them well I'm all for it true I'm all for it but they just got a bunch of stuff on the book so I doubt that's gonna happen but you know it's never seen ever it is Space Marines after all after well we better get going yeah I got a late we got to go I'm tired that was a good game though it was really good hopefully you guys got some great insight into Warhammer 40k ninth edition many more videos to come so stay tuned see you guys next time thanks for tuning in and happy wargaming
Channel: MWG Studios
Views: 292,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Id: l3T6sU3dXG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 20sec (8840 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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