APOCALYPSE 20,000 Point Horus Heresy Battle Report - Just the Luka the Dice Ep 61

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To watch the Post-Game Show, go here: https://tinyurl.com/y3rfotta To watch the Death Guard vs Thousand Sons Battle Report, go here: https://tinyurl.com/y2fh2uof

Andrew comes by the bunker with a few bigger models to share with Luka as they agree to play a 20,000 point game of the Heresy.

Luka plays a major force of Word Bearers allied with the new Daemons of the Ruinstorm. While Andrew plays an overwhelming force of Adeptus Custodes with a WARLORD TITAN.

Some Terrain in this Battle Report from: Games Workshop - http://www.games-workshop.com Game Mat - http://www.gamemat.eu

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[Music] just the look of the day hey there war gamers welcome to another episode of just the look of the dice yes you read it correctly in the title we have a special show for you today and by we I mean Andrew and myself Andrew drove three hours from where was it in New York Ian chlorine Corning New York and he was kind enough to bring some big toys for us to play with in today's game yes this will be a 20,000 point game of Apocalypse using 7th edition rules we are playing the Horus heresy I will be running the word bearers led by Lord gar with some Lee geo Titans and demons of the ruin storm as well against the custodies a warlord Titan and like ass Erastus night house from what it looks like over there this isn't me 10,000 points per side give or take like 20 or 50 points I think that's what it came down to we have a pretty basic scenario setup which I'll explain when we take a look at the table after we look at the armies and we are only playing on a smaller table but I'll give you an idea of why we're doing that when we actually get to that table I say we just get right into this this game because this video is already gonna be long enough this is gonna be like it it will be a two-parter technically but if you want to take a break while watching this I'll understand I predict probably be about three hours is my assumption but we'll see let's take a look at the armies and the table and of course if you want to come by and play some apocalypse with us here at mini wargaming do as Andrew did sign up mini wargaming comments as easy as that everyone why don't we take a look at my forces first this is 10000 points I think is actually one 10,000 and 18 points surprisingly hard to make a list with this much I know our word bearers come up to about 8,000 points so throw in the second war hound Titan thank you Andrew for bringing that up I'm trying to play everything as WYSIWYG as possible in fact I have one model in this list that's not what wiziwig and it's a tactical Marine Sergeant with a power sword who actually has a power fist instead I'll try and keep this brief and won't go over all of the little nitty gritty upgrades it's simple that I pretty much bought artificer armor on everyone everyone's gotta melt the bumps or they're gonna have melt the bombs and all the vehicles have extra armor and dozer blades of Papa if that's a legal upgrade for them I'm running two separate Crusades one will be a crusade of word bears and the other one will be a crusade of demons of the rune storm the new rulz you guys see my little oppressive on paper we're gonna see how they play in game as well I know Steve was playing the game with them and it's a little rough but we'll see how it goes in this game in Apocalypse everything's a little skewed so by no means will this game be balanced but we'll see where it goes it could be you never know sometimes you get a pretty good balanced apocalypse game leading this force is gonna be longer or alien the warlord the primarch of the word bearers he of course will be transfigured in this case so paying an extra 75 points I will roll all the psychic powers up and everything afterwards like I had to write down on a piece of paper because I have a lot of psychos with him we will have Arabists and a chaplain leading this force so the Erebus will count as the Oh what does it go I know this one died obelisk and he all he himself is also a chaplain and I brought an extra chaplain is well just cuz I had the model and I wanted the HQ we have a gal voor back to dark brethren the dark martyr will have artifice armor and light me clauses the usual loaded I give him and the rest are just stocky gal4 back one of my favorite models in the line I try to bring them as much as I can because they are quite good but they just look beautiful guys so hate me for bringing them this is apocalypse you better expect the gal war back I want to note that the chaplain is WYSIWYG he will have power as Croesus will be a power Maul he'll have a plasma pistol artifice armor refractor field and the burning lure upgrade making him a level 1 seikar now air base already comes with a burning lure upgrade to making the level 1 siker and lorig are being transfigured as level 3 siker who will go off of divination the troop choices are gonna be while these are the non-compulsory but we have a melted gun squad with the sergeant with artificer armor hiding in a rhino as like i said extra armor dozer blade that's gonna be the same across the board the next squad will be 10 plasma guns the sergeants are gonna be the ones that actually have the vessel on them even though they can't legally take the VEX Allah or again artifice armor in a rhino 2 squads of actually yes identical tactical Marines who both have the dark channeling upgrade they have extra close combo weapons and they have the legion vassula the sergeant's are artificer armor and powerful this guy is actually legal power fist where this guy is power sword which will be counting as a power fist because the power sword is going to be 100% useless in this game and of course to assault tact or sorry assault Marine squads which will be troop choices these ones are fully WYSIWYG they all have chainsaws pistols the sergeant's artifice their armor the power sword to keep it simple lightning cloud to keep it simple and they're all equipped with melt the bombs so they could be a pretty threatening unit one leaves in turn on your squad with dark channeling I forgot to mention the assault Marines also have dark channeling that is the word bear special upgrader arrow on a chart they ever get zealot strength or the demonic rule the demonic rule is it's pretty good but they don't kind of scoring and scoring will be important for this game they will all be copy boulders power fists except for the surgeon who has a chain fist keeping them WYSIWYG we have a land Raider in the back which will be transporting them we have the storm Boulder comical technically economy Boulder with the 20 heavy boulders and the spawns and last cannons again all the irrelevant upgrades except no armored ceramide on everything actually just because Andrew didn't bring any melt uh so I figured I'd save myself some points and scrap that armored ceramide the rest of my elites who are in the shadow of a Titan will be these two apothecaries and this one contempt a cordis with double mouths a gun in his hands and double close combat weapon onto the heavy supports and lord of wars one heavy support is gonna be this Spartan with again extra blades extra arm extra armor if they can take it and of course flare shields on this one that's an extra upgrade I wanted to take for him we have the Medusa squad with the tank commander out front who is gonna be actually this one who is marked as 19 instead of the 13s over here so that would be the tank commander yeah tech commander and then we have two of indicators in the back with the laser destroyer raised and had the little combi Boulter's on them just to add an extra weapon in case what the destroyed pops up on to Laurel Wars now and one thing I want to know both of us are over our 25% Lord of war attacks in the 10000 point game I don't think you viewers at home are gonna care because we're both doing it and you want to see the big guns so if you do care I'm sorry we went over by I don't know like 700 points or something like that I got a typhoon siege tank last cannon sponsons and he's got the big dumb gun in the middle two separate war hound Scout Titans both chaos marked up this one over here will have the plasma blasts gun as well as the Vulcan mega bolter this one over here will have the twin turbo laser destructor in the plasma blast gun this is like my one strength D shooting attack I have so if he goes down I don't have anything that great that's shooting the warlord with in fact I don't even know what to do about the world I do I shoot it do I just ignore it who knows we'll find out and I'm pretty sure these are both equipped with two void shields each Disick you an idea as we play the game we'll talk about the rules of everything as well if you're not familiar and if you're someone who's new to 40k edition this is the Horus heresy this is using the newest definition rule set which like 7.5 so you'll see a lot of blast templates and a lot of like weapons like a lot of vehicle damage tables if you're not familiar with that stuff just bear with me this would be a cool game regardless okay now we take a look at the demons of the rune storm I'll be running them as creeping scourge and yes I already know that they have to be the primary detachment for that to be the case but andrew is okay if we run in the creepy scourge just because I can't take the upgrades I wanted to otherwise and they are quite powerful but though I will be forgoing the changing the primary objected to something else just because there's no need to do that we're gonna be playing with a scenario we have in mind now what the creepy scourge gives me is gives me my jump my infantry my so in this case my infantry my feel no pain of a 5 up and all the other things are gonna have the it will not die special rule though to represent the slow grinding advance of the law not technically Nergal but the nurdle esque demons they will be rolling two dice when they run when they sweeping advanced brew and taking the lowest result of the two now that is my my slight right of war equivalent that they have what I will be running with them because this has build your own demons I have an Archdemon in the back I have the heavy support demon and I have a demon lord with some brute attachments to him we'll start with a demon Lord because he is the HQ he's allowed to add brutes to his to his unit act as essentially a blade of wounds the brutes themselves have the miasma of rot upgrade which they're allowed to take because they are the creeping scourge and quick overspeed they can only take two upgrades miasma rot when in close combat with whatever unit reduces their toughness by one or armour facing by one now Quicksilver speed gives that move through cover and fleet and that's pretty much it that's all they get other than their standard demon characteristics and the brutes are on a base size that's a little too big I figured that's okay because that's to my detriment I can't find any Nergal looking things on 50 mils that look like brutes because the idea is to try and make them look what they want to look like and right now the demons of the rune storm I'm sure there's some people out there that have perfect armies right now but it's kind of hard to use a lot of standard models this is the closest thing I had now the demon lord himself will also have the miasma of rot upgrade just because the whole unit has to take it he'll have Quicksilver speed as well because that's kind of useless that fleets useless unless the whole unit has it and Lord of sorcery this is a unique upgrade so he can take it and he can also take more than two levels of it but that's all it says you can go as high as you want with this technically and I am almost certain that that is going to be a rotted - maybe capita 5 maybe that's their intent for this game he's only a level 4 seikar it's a 25 point upgrade you can make him a level 100 psycho for 2500 points if you wanted to now that'd be pointless just because there's only X amount of powers you could possibly take so in this case level 4 seikar probably going to go with Bioman see across the board here and that is it for his upgrades and of course true choices to fill out this crusade these are all plague bearers now they are on the proper 32 mil base except for the third squad now if this third squad dies off and one of them is available or they're dead I would I would more than gladly swap them out but for now that's all I have to work with without using pink which I didn't want to do I want to try and keep them a unified force to represent that they are those nerville demons these guys are gonna be equipped with miasma of rot Quicksilver speed as well as rending upgrades across the board making them very expensive in fact if you're curious these two choices are 400 I'm looking the wrong way I think they're 460 points each yeah 460 points per unit so I was over 1300 points for all three of them and I would like to know that the banners and the champions and the musicians have no actual effect they're just a model representing a demon this Defiler conversion will be my default my demon behemoth he'll have miasma Brock Quicksilver speed and risk barb RIF barb is a single shot that is I believe assault it is a strength user plus 2 AP three armor bane maybe one more thing but that might be it and the last thing for my list is this rune storm arch demon who has a different what table of emanations he can take easy to be taking breaker of titans which allows them to give up half his attacks rounding down to make his attack strength d you have font of the warp this is a cool upgrade because it makes it a local force Iker for a hundred points and instead of generating only four warp charges for being a level 4 he gets a warp charge for every wound he has remaining which he starts out at 10 and Lord of Chaos giving him a for up invulnerable saving and shooting in a 3 up in close combat and because they are crew saved attachment I have three of these rift markers and I'll explain what they do as we play the game so essentially well the one thing I'll explain I know I just lied but they don't start on the table they all even if your whole armies demons of the roof storm they all start and reserve and I start showing up to turn one from these rift markers but they have a bunch more rules add to that than just that now we get to take a look at the other fun stuff from Andrew again this is 10,000 points ish of Imperium forces and I want to note I wasn't running a write of war for my word Bears because it was a little too restrictive I know I could have done multiple of attachments with the right of war but I just didn't want to confuse myself any more than that we have a warlord Titan we have I think what are you running into Crusades of eligio custodies and the war how the warlord and ass erastus nato's yeah so there's 10,000 points to take a look closer look at this warlord because it's obviously wysiwyg woodsy what are the guns on the top called they are basically three large blasts whoa big guy with a lot of strength d get the warlord Titan chassis he's got a bella cosa volcano cannon and son fury plasma Annihilator I only know those from multi tanika's but I mean it's all I can identify them all they're identical looking which is super cool by the way I'm a huge fan of this this is a big bring this is also the favorite leads you I like to run the warp runners that lead us storm we'll start with the custodies two Crusades and you want to take it from here all right so this will be my one Lord he is a Tribune armed with the solar eye power gauntlet the Presidium shield and we'll have the world trade master of ambush and he has all the other normal stuff digital lasers gotcha normal Tribune stuff this other one next to it is also a Tribune it will have a Paragon speeder Presidium armor same upgrades as the first one except no no gamma know Tribune don't worry she's not an actual the Tribune yeah oh yeah so he's just the shield captain okay that's fair alright so we're running tube crusade detachments for this because I too many elites to fit in one so one of them will have let's say three of the troops only Arabia doesn't really matter yeah they're all identical they're all five-man squads of alright so in the two Crusades I have five squads five identical squads of custodian Guard they all have mouth bombs teleportation transponders and just stock guardian Spears yeah what is the guardian of this a p3 normally are they always a p2 so on the charge that strength + 1 AP - that's right I thought ok and then a p3 normally yep got you got you got and then I have 5 squads right over there and I know it's hard to kind of see them because at the table and the glare I apologize for that but they're gold that kind of go with like the gold this brown of the table then is 2 squads of equilon terminators they all have fists and the twin yeah right adrastus calibers a drastic disruptors I mean ok yeah so they have random custodian gun that I will never remember their name yeah to be fair neither why and I play them the terminators yeah then I have two squads - very expensive squads of header on guard each squad of 615 points oh these are three wound guys yeah yeah ok so there the the Ellie's custodian so they all have Paragon blades and like the actual like strength plus 1 AP 2 like murderous strike yep oh my goodness they can all take that they're literally a little killing space we captains yeah Presidium shields with mouth bombs and teleportation transponders so the Presidium shield is plus one you're saving through a negative one to hit now yep is that what it is so what does their base and vulnerable save ah five up to four up or is it I think it's five up to floral okay well we'll double check that later but yeah yeah that is so expensive Andrew yeah but in 10,000 points you kind of gotta break them right now my dad is super cool yeah so they'll be running with my to shield captain don't say that makes sense yep that's fair and over here we got some good knots yep so behind them is the contempt or Achilles with the core of a last pulsar and two of the inbuilt same constants that uh traffic devastators so right the Terminator guns yeah so strength five AP two twin wink gets hot instant death I think instant death my goodness is that good at killing l4 back and to tell Aman's behind them looks like one's got two of the same gun I came over the names yeah so one of them's got to Iraq the storm cannons and the other one's got a seis tiss and the iliacus accelerator culverin and both of them have that Top Gun whose name I never remember if I go little apocalypse missile launcher yeah and is this the transferor gun boom now that's a gun but that's a Kuwaiti astrov tank with a twin Ilyas accelerator cannon oh is it literally this thing you like up there too yeah cool and it looks like stuff heavy both heard of looking guns yeah the last one bullet came out up front okay gotcha so a little gumbo floating around and let's take a look at the night house these are three really lanky nights what do you got all right so the HQ is the ass atropos it's the seneschal so it's got plus one weapon skill ballistics kill and in Vantaa oh nice which brings out to a three up in fallen and two up weapon skill ballistics kill raw the two in back is the Acheron and the castigate err and they're both my troops so they have objective secured cool and then the fast attack is the Lancer which is the Dolores so it rerolls failed charge oh okay that makes sense shield spear guy now what is there do they have the normal eye on shields that normal Knights have to Fox raciss knights and all yeah so they have normal front facing on shields the iron gauntlets shield it's a little different and I think the attract this Knight has a slightly different one okay also but they're all they all have the like the normal cheese effacing episode of mushroom base gotcha okay gotcha gotcha gotcha that makes sense and you know what honestly for 10000 points now we know that this guy you said two thousand eight hundred fifty points to him so he is right there obviously goes over the lord of war limit but I did the same thing I'm neither actually none of these are lord wars I don't believe that HQ to troops and a thingamajigger in the back they're fast or fast ACK there yeah I actually I eat myself went over more because I got the Titan assault tank of the two war hounds this for a ten thousand point list is super manageable right like leave you guys at twelve hundred point over twelve hundred points each for these two units I mean include the age cues that you probably had like fifteen sixteen hundred points like two units right there that's crazy alright want to take a look at the table we have a basic scenario set up so take a gander at that this is the table and you and I will be playing on for today's very basic scenario game it's just gonna be two objectives one on both ends here and again we wouldn't light with the terrain we'll have a big obnoxious piece in the middle and we have trenches as well we're gonna do Donal more just because that's easy for apocalypse and we're gonna have myself being the word bearers defending with some demon allies well technical demon crusade against the attacking force of custodies because I don't think like you said only because stories defend all that much they're they're usually on the offensive to defending Tara there's always that and the Emperor they technically always defend the Emperor yes but yeah he's gonna be a salty me from this side I'll be defending from over here when we put 20,000 points on the 6x4 table again we had this option to do something cool for you guys so and though the table is gonna be a little limited it's gonna be a lot or just various destruction all over the place if you don't like the table size maybe we'll try some of the bigger next time but I think this will work especially with just adequate amount of terrain for our infantry as well as the big piece in the middle and again the scenario is you score one victory point at the end of every one of your player turns if you control the objective normal controlling for troops most amount of troops with three inches controls an objective as well as they'll be first strike I guess we could throw in line breaker and we're gonna do the all what does it called price of failure as well but it's gonna be I'm pretty sure this is the normal rule for it anyways but everything you kill is gonna be worth every super heavy you kill is gonna be worth an X amount of victory points equal to one third of its hull points slash wounds so rounded down so my like my arch demons got about ten moons maybe more he'll be worth three victory points though the Warlord's got thirty hull points which were ten victory points things like that add it up at the end whoever has the most obviously wins if it's a tie whoever killed the most points will have the minor victory at that point and that's pretty much it we're gonna go up we're gonna go ahead and deploy and we're gonna let you two we're gonna let you know who goes first where it's gonna be a simple roll off to see who goes first and were just gonna like deploy our armies because it's gonna take forever anyways and with the table this open I'll start deploying certain things maybe away from the warlord but we'll see [Music] right so I deployed so has Andrew I'll show off my stuff first I've also figured out all of my dark channeling and psychic powers over here we got terminators in land Raider they rolled the all wood of the get zealot that's a pretty good upgrade for them and then moving over here we have a rhino of plasma guys I got a little piece of paper here with all my references and reads none of this I need all of this we have Medusa's over here we have twenty man blob with tactical Marines sergeant the power fist God zealots so I decided not to put the chaplain with them and so that whole small guy zealot we have Laura Garr in the Spartan assault tank kind of in the middle we have the big dumb gun beside him the sovereign salt tank that typin and then in front of me the assault Marines that they got plus some strength as their dark channeling upgrade oh and Laura her psychic powers are curious always kind of the same with him forewarning precognition foreboding and prescience because he gets the primary power or psychic focus rather and inside there as Erebus as well who has enfeeble as a psychic power and smite contempt record is right there right beside one of the warp rift markers i'll go over the rules of the Warcraft markers once I'm done showing off my army that doubled indicator over here the twenty man tactical blob the chaplains in there the chaplain got life leech is a psychic power as well as smite and their upgrade was demonic so they lose scoring which is bad for me because I was hoping they'd be one of my scoring units and that's pretty much it they gives them the five will feel no pain not feeling pain the five up demon save they cause fear they're immune to fear all the demon rules we have war hound war hound the one with the double laser destructor is I'll die instead of the warlord right now whereas this one is in line of sight but he does have some cover from the big obnoxious piece right in the middle in front of them we have another assault marine squad we got husband's strength as their upgrade for dark channeling and then the melt again support squad on my far right flank and now for my demons that would go over there psychic power is only two of the mirela and we have the arc demon in the back he got iron our life leech endurance and hemorrhage so that's four on Bioman see as well smite and of course my Demon Lord got an amazing said he got iron arm or between endurance and hemorrhage now one thing I want to note is these guys are counted as sworn brothers to any trader factions so the count is allies in every regard the kind of friendly so I can use psychic powers on either or for purposes of well endurance and stuff like that and the rich markers now I know only your primary detachment gets used three riff markers I put down two because I couldn't actually get the third one you have to be more than 12 inches away from objectives more than 12 inches away from enemies needing deploy these before infiltrators so these infiltrators happened afterwards and the employers have to be more than 12 inches away from them they also have to be more than six inches away from table edges and these are where my demons are gonna be popping up from everyone now what they give me is these are the locations where my demons pop up from if I'm within six inches of them I get your reroll my failed and vulnerable saving throws they count as impassable terrain so I'm not gonna be able to move through them I could have maybe suite one in over there but we realized that you can't put it in any type of terrain dangerous difficult or impassable terrain so they have to be flat on the table and plus it would have blocked my war hounds because it's impassable terrain and it counts as shooting through models when shooting through one of these pieces of or one new strip marker so it does give a 5 up cover save there's gonna be a huge light glare on that one right there apparently so I apologize for that and that's pretty much it from my deployment across from me we have energies deploying we got warlord you actually deployed first and he'll be going first unless I seize the initiative warlord surrounded by custody's we have dreadnought Telamon gunboat what's the gumbo called calles Calibos we have more custody's there and with infiltrating we have well one squad the shield captain infiltrated with his Presidium Nocturne the header and guard with therefore saving shields and then because the world war trade allows you to pick your warlord and up to three other units this squad a custodian guard infiltrated up as well being a bank guard force if telamon and on the other side of this big piece of terrain we got two three four all thoracis Knights I really want to focus on them because I fear them greatly more guard and then obviously your warlord over here in front of my to war Titans but they all heal says a3 often vulnerable save so he can be pretty safe himself and that is it for deployment we're gonna start this game I'm gonna go second unless I seize the initiative then yo try for C's I might as well this is apocalypse oh why not and in reserve you have your terminators gonna be deep striking in all right here we go Andrew would you care if I Caesar on you whatever that's fair I don't know if it's I think all that's gonna do for me is I get to avoid I get to shoot once before that warlord annihilates he picks so the wards really cool if you're not familiar with what do you do instead of picking you to shoot you just picked points on the battlefield that Andrew doesn't like he's got these big 10 inch circumference apocalyptic D strength blast is like all right take all those out the table take all those off the table I don't no matter what I don't like those take those off the table please sir thank you so I get to avoid one furnace shooting of that which I'm terrified of and I want to know that because this is such a big game and I am using beams of the rune stone for the first time we're gonna try to get the rules as close as correct as possible but I do apologize if you forget about anything I keep that in mind this is a 20,000 point game there's lots to remember and without further ado I say we start this game yes yeah [Music] so what we're probably gonna do is I'll end up moving everything but I'm gonna show you my demons coming and Reserve cuz I roll for them right now they show up on three ups except my Vanguard of hell which is my demon lord and his brutes that came with him all brutes at Vanguard of hell and the Demon Lord has Vanguard of Hell which means they automatically show up right away and they show up within six inches they just do a move within six inches of one of these templates here to represent them coming in from the warp I'll gonna roll those and I'm gonna move everything and show you where everything ends up just to save you guys at home time as opposed to watch me move everything as a normal game would normally go so let's go ahead and start rolling so the vanguard of Hell is already gonna show up so these plague bears here are showing up anymore dice yeah so what I got I got like a thousand dice what I'll probably do is not put down on the table I'll put one of the other proper base sized units on the table first and then if that one dies then I have a replacement at least so these guys here are showing up the other plague bears are not sure them so that's perfect I'll just put those two proper sized squads on the table then and ideally if one of them dies before my next turn then they'll have a 1 in reserve so automatically showing up now my heavy support is a no-go and the arc demon is a no-go so we have troops and the vanguard from hell they're gonna be holding back so my forces moved we went combat speed combat speed trying to disembark only roll that three actually it's only getting those guys up there they're probably gonna run to get more up in the ruins so what we're saying is the trenches are 5 up these are gonna be for up same for Andrew across there doesn't have as much infantry as I do the demons of the real storm showed up within six and then the Archdemon behind them now these ones try to move through cover which they happen with recovered but only roll the 5 so only a few of them made it up there and those guys shift it up there jump axe jumped across sparked moved up 6 - and The Vindicator is just pivoted and face this way because we're gonna try and take out that big net over there yeah the lesser demons showing up here they didn't move through cover only rolling a for both the more hounds only ended up moving up like 4 or 5 inches this one is in line side of the bella cosa still but the pellicle is only once it's a massive shot right it like sure its strength deep but it's grated taking out a big area or big collection of models and the Sun fear you can see this one and the gun and Andrew saying the gun on the top can't see this one what does the cold on the felt we firmly blaster Reaver laser blaster the big sky show the landing Platteville haces yes this thing's being super useful and even the things that can see there is cover but unless the strength is the the d roll six and that won't matter we have cruising speed and then they jumped up the suicidal assault marine squad moving forward we're just going to the psychic phase now where I will be getting we have lore gar and Arabists so three doing this now on the table is my level four Archdemon so it's gonna be three four five six ten extra dice to whatever I roll here so I get a 13 and Andrew gets three we're gonna open up with endurance from my Demon Lord targeting the lesser demons in front of him well throw six dice at it I just kind of want that feel no pain and what's the other one called Oh eternal warrior on them would be super good now they're part of the creeping scourge they already have a feel no pain but this gives my for up and eternal warrior whoa oh we got it without Apparel's we go with four so you can't stop that with three dice so they will have eternal warrior on them or endurance he's gonna throw to smite on two dice yeah yeah of course yeah well do one died one dice might be against them oh we fail man this guy rolled some bonkers banana powers and he's got an iron armor and warp speed as well so I got six days left iron on himself he'd get through the perils now they have a different perils chart would you like to try and stop it triple six is to stop it no ok well overall the next one quickly and I get it with two so that sorry that was that this is worse for you that was iron arm so iron arms gonna go off by us upper perils and that is warpspeed alright so i reroll failing tonight the which attempts that was a very big fail that was a big fail yes and so he'll get warp speed iron arm and they have endurance but I also had the summer apparel so I'd say it's a chart I roll on I got it too that's not good so that result as the tides calmed the unit acne sufferers d3 plus re just deep roots with no say is any kind of cloud including feel no pains so d3 wounds three actually I think that kills one of my be stopped that's not great and both players I'll an acting at D three plus one work charges as well so we both get two more work charges but I don't think I'm casting anything else because he's already done four powers and he's the only sick her on the table I care about because the chaplain over here has a real target so I'm done there so no more charges and I lose a brute I don't think I guess that guy for anyone curious they have if you're familiar with the old hive tyrant and tyrant guard they have effectively on the same tyrant guard rule where they take all hits automatically I'm actually pretty certain he suffers the wounds so he's actually down to three from that parallels which is an awful start and there's no real way to heal I think that just because he is part of the unit and it doesn't it says the unit slash model takes D three suffers D three wounds there's no saves allowed couldn't put it on the beast maybe I'll put it on him just to be safe though we'll see where that goes from the hair from henceforth that is it for the second face and when they go into the shooting page I'm gonna start with running things I'll finish all my running and I'll do the shooting alright so I've ran through some things the low behold these plasma gun guys only ran one so they just went an inch further that was not good the Rhino is gonna stay true the stay pro was these guys ran I tried to get them off the objective they failed so unfortunately I had to run my lesser demons and that's bad because they're you treat per model who that's within six inches of the terrain the rift marker here they get to rule invulnerable saves so ones that are farther forward we're gonna be taking the moons are not gonna be rolling invulnerable safe but they do have endurance on them so there's that's why I was kind of okay with it because I wanted to score the objective right away whereas the Demon Lord ran up behind them they stayed still the cornice ran a three on his run Tyree rolled it into a one that was bad the last I keep my own plague bears the lesser demons here ran I believe six inches so they got some good distance these tactical reads ran six inches but they kind of just shuffled up a little bit I'm kind of punching them up but at the same time I want them to take ground but at the same time I want to stay behind the trenches then I already have some troops on that objective so that's already worth a point and again they then running they're not gonna be rolling there invulnerable saves either but I needed to score the point I think the points gonna be very important the Warlord's didn't run obviously they pivoted and ready to start the shooting phase here and I don't know where I want to start I know of my targets so I think I'll start there and figure out where I end up obviously the demons of the rune storm cannot charge the turn they come in from reserve so I'm gonna open up with these indicators shooting at the sarasu Snite with love Lance and the shield and obviously all this ion shields are gonna be on the front facing in the shoot face I don't wanna disturb them too so it's gonna be six shots hitting on threes twin linked Batman we have one miss boom these are all strengths nine ordinance we have one miss after the twin linked your armor 13-second so these are one at a time ordinance strength 9 so we have five hits so first one is gonna be a 12 so as a fail actually it's the one that does nothing fail I need four ups here people hey you've got a pen so a 110 nothing and the last one is going to be a pen so we have two hens so four of ion shield saves come oh sure okay so I'm ap one so I'm only look I'm looking for five ups to matter here on the vehicle nope nothing so he just takes two whole points he's down to four yep my Spartan assault tank is gonna fire the two quad lass cans at that same night it's not gonna be as deadly but I get off a few whole points here and there is gonna matter for twin link shots on threes twin linked and we are looking for for ups to glance anything hires a pen triple pen boom boom boom for bond yields fell one who knew it could potentially count of six it has the potential to kill oh nothing just one more Hall point down to three we're gonna fire the typhoon heavy siege tank we're gonna put the two spots and last cannons down to that night cuz I wanna try and take them out and we're gonna put the big dumb gun right on top of the Warlord's head to see if we could do anything here that before component will save I guess these guys only have a 5 up and born we'll save but they were more expensive and I want to feel good kill it so we're gonna fight you're both last cannons at the night first we have one hit one mess and again a 4 up to do anything we have a pen ion shield we make it no damage so it's a massive blast can't find the template anyone I apologize I think someone may have threw it out and that would be heartbreaking so we know it's a 3.5 inch radius so if I put it right on his head I can hit all four of these guys I will be missing him though that's on a direct hit of course so direct hit would be good ooh that is gonna be a 4-inch scatter kind of behind them so it lands there it hits that night and it hits them once so what do they want it to bang that's a wound you have a ball in the hole it dies they'll one of him boom what's an ordinance yes its ordinance oh it does hit actually it's what we brush the hits from here oh yeah so he goes down there and then him I roll twice cos ordinance so we have a pen and he has an ion shield from the front which he makes so we only kill one guy that now we fire this war hound with the turbo laser destructor its primary weapon - so large blast I'm gonna aim it right over here on the edge direct hits will be paid in both nights I guess I should have shot this first I thought it was single shots I didn't realize it was blast so I'm gonna try and pick both here so aiming right there will pick both but only on direct hit so the first one is OS 4 inches so just be hitting him and the second shot is gonna go direct hit so it hits him twice and him once I'll do him first so string D is an automatic penetrating hit Oh - I was good though 6 is even better oh it does nothing superficial damage nice now we have to it's on this guy sixes he's dead way overkill a guy okay so now he's dead and he goes catastrophic damage table but let's see what the strength is first before he goes down so rolling on the chart the bigger the worse for you so it's a smallest explosion and let's see which way he falls before he blows up because it always scatters from the center of him oh wait so it kind of goes this way 5 inches so he's gonna fall over this way and the explosion will reach - right here a circle like that and it doesn't do anything to anybody but I do kill a knight and then the plasma blast gun it's gonna do one large strength 10 blasts a p2 over here against them this is the overloaded version so it's gonna hit all five of them if I put it directly on this head with a direct hit of course and it's gonna be direct it so that is five hits moving on twos why thank you boom that's only four moves I've got a rollback so for wounds five up involved five up in bones and three reasons to kill it three die from this direction boom because Dodi's this for Hans gonna fire has even put his Vulcan mega voltar into them he's gonna do the plasma blast gun overloaded into I think his head hit both of them and some of the guardians behind him so it has both nights and all the guards on a direct hit one in scatter forward so I know for sure I'm missing the two bad guys and it'll be hitting both the knights and three of the guard and the three of them moving on twos only two of them have to make five of invulnerable saves and did they die - not two of them to die from that overloaded shot usually the double shots better that's the exact same gun that's on though the bane hammer I think or they're the one storm blade it's from blade so primary weapon on him rolling twice strength ten so we have nothing actually and then the other night is during 10 pen so one penetrating hit at AP - you had before involved you're fine this land Raider only went six inches are gonna fire both he's gonna fire one last can normally run a power the Machine spirit the other one into the the flying grab tank there two shots twin linked into the front of him he doesn't have covered though I assume he's gotten invulnerable safe and one hit and shrink nine getting 11 which would be nothing it's actually got a flare shield so those wooden strength eight against the front of them in the end I dunno damage these three Medusa are gonna fire the same thing I that's a terrifying squad I would love to try and take that out but at the same time these are scoring over there and like I like I said I'm not even on this warlord I have no idea what to do a lot of guys like it's got six void shields I'll deal with that when all the other scary things that the custody's are dead so we're going to put the Medusa shots into V mmm what do I do these guys over here cuz they're easier to kill I'll put on his head they should all be direct hits on him just in case they scatter a little bit so he will do the tank or the one who has line-of-sight they've all they all have line of sight on his head and bsl-4 so that's gonna be a three-inch scatter scatter there it's gonna be two direct hits and then a barrage is twice so the first barrage will be a direct hit so the best I can get out of that is hitting four of them I can't hit the fifth one so that's a total of six hits in the second barrage same thing so for 810 hits on them from the Medusa there's still so many more custodian guard on the table that's ten G's all right here we go oh wow you actually made a good amount there I said work I think they just died though ah they removed boom so I killed them that's the one spot they're one squad they're one squad there's squads over there I'm hurting that custody's pretty bad here then I killed a knight but I I'm done shooting guys that's all I've got I can't charge with them right away though I do have endurance off on them I'm curious for this games then they go for morale I think they're I used to mean the Cape morale right yeah like an unmodified elite ership they're stubborn okay yeah so the only head owes me leadership are those two squads because they lost 40% in they lost 60% leadership on the squad leadership no we favor a breather again and this squad hope they do not run off the table oh it's one I'm pretty sure they're off I think one my goai as long as one goes off they all go off so it's a five-inch right yes definitely what some random shots of thing well I was trying to get lucky and hit them too but okay I don't is that a good first turn I don't even know is that okay I it's definitely interesting I don't know it's something okay having him have 40% of my scoring units oh wow that's true that's why I'm trying I'm trying to really go over the scoring units but the same time you just hammer my super heavies so these guys are worth four so four eights if you kill him he's worth three sets seven so that's gonna be 40 12 where you got four eight 12 23 yeah yeah so these are three Oh at the third right so the three two so three six seven eight points in victory points we kill them have the other Archdemon is another three or is these guys are two four six eight altogether and I don't know how I'm gonna deal with that guy so I've been in my turn I get one two victory points no reserves I'm turn one for the custody' so we're gonna go ahead and move everything that needs to move then we'll show it off and tell you anything significant that happened okay so the crew custody' forces the Imperium forces that move forward the warlord state still because that well he already see everything he wants to shoot at and to take to moving we actually disassemble them and then move him and then reassemble them we have both of Judas moved up move through cover of rolled sixes on both of them actually I think he rolled before they moved up roll the six on the move through cover he stayed still these custodians all move forward he stayed still cuz he's already got good line-of-sight and on the other half of the battlefield the three cerasus Knights move forward no problem with some of the scoring custodians staying behind the two troop Knights and your warlord and as you moved up as well now it's time for shooting fees the psychic babies doesn't exist for your force where would you like to start are we thinking a big guy agree well I'm not so you want to start with the big guy okay so he's guys a fella cosas son of fury plasma on nyah later and literally with the warlord shop at three bales per guns he's actually got six blasts that's Frank D on the top there plus two oh yeah plus two six shot when we spring snakes ap yeah those look things like the defender like our next defense they're kind of guns okay so we're start with him we'll figure out where he's shooting so yeah he's gonna fire the bellicose cannon for sure right here he's got a real cold world burner we can just choose any piece on the table at any area on the table you can see you'll have a target models which is super cool supposed to go in here it's a its strengths D AP one I assume lardy metalic apocalyptic mega blast marker so it's that five inch radius all around says it's gonna look something will hit my lungs and machine destroy us everyone on vehicle - yes that's right that's very important so you can't have superficial damage so against vehicles to up destroy your table ruling one so they're all being hit and a lot of my Marines are getting hit as well you have to River laser blasts or carapace weapons they have a rule that they can only shoot at like flying monsters things that fly within 24 inches so anything that's not boat like mafia monstrous creatures and stuff can't get shot by those so I have like this safe radius of please don't shoot me really Gary care of his guns both of those are gonna go in this direction one of them is gonna be firing at my Spartan assault tank and the other one is gonna be firing at my typin so the Sun figures gonna go directly on top of my demon Lord's head and then the Ardex defensive systems are going to go into my little lesser demons so we'll do that one last which one you wanna do first about the cosa yeah okay we're into the bellicose up first so Amy for this spot here a direct hit will get you well all three of them for sure and anything that's within five inches in this direction as well so is EPS v or ps4 well you don't leave ps4 don't so this if you're rolling a 10-plus that could scatter off the table clean probably won't know I mean do things so this looks automatically getting all three of them for sure but seven hits on my Marines and three automatic hits on there you just want to see V annihilate the Marines yeah three or seven hits on the Marines might feel a pain obviously will not work that's just seven dead Marines and his primary weapon so just from the front one two three four five six seven it's a good thing there's no let's though this happens some like oh whatever we don't care for Lauri our border and then I guess three on these guys over here we rollin ones so we have okay so it's it's just d3 automatic penetrating hits so I asked d3 damage for the first one he's got three hull points so one let me see if maybe there was an order in this because maybe we were all in the vehicle damage table first then d3 damage so he takes the one whole point but it's a penetrating hit first so role in the vehicle damage table it's gonna be a 2 which is shaken so he's shaken and he's got two whole points left so the second one I hit him and I don't have any cover because of the the angle of shooting right here is I'm not 25% obscured so actually this guy would have a 5 of cover saved I don't know unless he doesn't ignore cover I don't think he does so it would've been against the first two so this one here the first ones so I would save the first one in the second when I would fail and that's maybe two whole points and then the penetrating hit would be shaking as well so he's got one whole point left so he's got one whole point left i only role to cover saves the last one please don't make it back it's only this one that's got covered - these ones are too far back I'm so disappointed atleast you kill a second tactic lemarcus Thanks he's got one hull point left and because of the tank commander alive on 4th they ignore that he ignores the shaking result he's not shaken either so he is perfectly fine to keep going but you still have those guy that guy over there can fire that guy over there conspires - those are pretty nasty guns so I don't expect them to live that much longer but the fact that they survived this I am astounded because you've ruled a single six dead for each six is a dead guy we're gonna put the apocalyptic barrage marker right on top of the demon Lord's head and with that we're gonna be hitting a wall a big chunk of people so you're gonna try and position the barrage as much as you possibly can so we'll see if you scatter or not he's BS for look for a direct hit yes so a direct hit so the way this works is there's a large blast here in the middle and then there's four large blasts in each section around the model so we're going to position in a way to cover the most amount of models we had to remove the terrain feature just so we can measure properly and you're gonna roll four dice one two three and four and five and six are hits in the middle so every number you're on those dice that is where the the the apocalyptic barrage scatters - this is gonna go so it's gonna go two three four four all right so we figured that we did it a little bit better because you initially place the marker and then you position it so it hits the most amount of models and we all saw that it turns out we're actually hitting the custody' supposed so we had to push it back a little bit so it was a direct hit anyways - four words on top of them and then it was like one two three four we rolled four twice so we got four hits twice eight yeah because he was not being hit so it was six hits on them and then they got hit up there which hits them again and then they got hit over here which is hemic them again so it's eight hits on them and in total nine hits on these lesser demons I know it's a little confusing but the apocalypse we brought marker is cancer so that's why it's this like that but that's the we're good nine hits on them and it hits on the guys in the middle strength is nine so nine so these are toughness five right now so rooting them on twos so that's nine ones against them twos so eight wounds so I'm gonna have the five of demons room save I'm not within six oh I don't get to reroll it so that is three passes and these this is not instant death because it's only it's not doubling my toughness currently because this still turned out around one I will have an endurance or I feel no painting instead I take one one damage now before the game started I was talking with Andrew saying I think the demons of the ROO storm are pretty strong we're gonna see how they play I'm only using about a third of my army as them and Dave seems so durable it's not funny so one wound so far on them and then we're gonna have seven hits on them I think no as they did if they hit that's right they have it this is the worst part their tombs each so he doesn't even die we have one guy yeah they're tuned each so boom over there they're pretty much space cruise with two moons each and an invulnerable save and yeah just its overall I don't know what they were thinking and then we had eight hits on the squad in the middle that's Frank nine so Louie on twos the average toughness is seven and that is that many hits and because of their rule they automatically take the hits for the big guy so it's gonna be a five up because they're taking hits they get a five uh pre rollable and bone safe we have okay one damage and because they're part of the the Rite of war thing I had they have a 500 feel no pain now for the Ardex defense or guns to D even because it was a barrage it comes from the center over there so he's only wounded and then the ardèche defends her guns hitting on Therese they almost literally good oh it would like noise so they probably all gonna hit oh one misses so these are spring six against T five currently so threes to wound yeah that's really good hey these are five up and formal sings and not really so I make four of them and then these are gonna be for feel no pain I killed one huh well kill this guy off cuz he seems like the closest so we're gonna fired the double guns up top this one on the on the left as I point is gonna be firing at this Spartan fee is a less cover and then the other one's gonna be firing at the type and even it doesn't really matter though either one because this one's giving him up for cover safe so the first one that's the Spartans well I'll have five up covers against them we're gonna by assume right in the middle yep or do you want to try and tag both because if you put it right there you can tag him and let it try it both and then you could do by subversive the other one hitting him so - my tribe doesn't see so direct hits is hitting both so the first one is a direct hit so I hit both and it's three shots so a second shot he is not broschi one I'm two inches though that one hit then just one hit on him so to hit someone hit and oh wow that's a 4-inch scatter over here so it is still hitting his hull barely it's still a good hit though so that's good was that tuna three and two yeah three and two that's right this is terrifying this is a Spartan yep strength is d so we're just rolling on the D here so sixes are oh is that is that the bellicose that rules once yep oh so we only have one I have a five up cover save I fail this with d3 whole point Oh penetrating hit first so let's see what that is he is immobilized okay so you take all that AP - so oh he's dead nevermind he is dead and then Lister's oh this one then shall we did that definitely makes up for the rest of the shooting so okay no let's see let's see how much he blows up and then we'll resolve the shot against him so he blows up d 6 inches 6 inches huge shot in a sergeant right that's she's my defects Allah so my vessel is actually gonna be getting hit by that which I there's Deluth anyways I guess it doesn't matter if he dies so he's getting tagged by that all my assault Marines are getting tagged by that nothing else can get hurt by except for the ten guys inside ken so if you'd be so kind to roll that one wound for him on a four no and then we have ten wounds on the assault Marines over there with melt the bombs forms wound not bad so my surgeon is the first guy I'm gonna look Oh sir all of these and then let the dice gods figure out who dies here so he's taking three one at a time two up thank you out of his armor so far you've held okay you've saved some guys lives these are three ups okay so one guy die is the nearest guy to him dies you guys decide on fives cousin t5 not bad we got four four wounds on the unit we have to randomly allocate them so on eleven plus it'll be your all make two piles to show you guys what I mean look here we go you see I'm gonna separate these into two piles on an 11 plus they're randomly allocated over here then I'll roll a d6 on a 1 to 10 it'll be that pile now I'll roll a d6 if that doesn't matter cuz those are just normal guys over here so it's one going to the left one going the right the one going the right doesn't matter cuz they're all normal guys and then a d6 to see who it hits but first there's four of them so I should do that against the one on each side and then again once though two on the right two on the left there's a little complicated but we have one two three four five six gets it so we have five six so the dark martyr and a normal guy so three normal guys are hit in the dark martyr the dark martyr has it too up to rest have a three up the dark martyr to up he's good and then three normal guys with three a power armor they're fine so all of that for nothing and then the vehicle is out of here which is important because this guy doesn't have nearly as much cover now they're gonna dis an emergency disembark there they would have the pinning check but the pry marks with them they're fearless and then three shots with the other one at my type in now how would you like to play C's let's see here I don't think you can tag the guy war-bag now that's good oh that's very convenient immunity so over here no cover safe bang bang bang three shots direct hits this is a squadron as well guys so direct hit hit both of them so first one it's gonna go oh wow five inches towards my gap or back that does miss the gal for back by a wee bit but we have one hit on the typhoon so one hand on the tank and so far we got two more to do second one direct hit so - its own type of one hit on them and the last one oh hey that's a 9 so it's a 5 move scatter forward so it's right here so it hits the track of the type in and one-gal war back there so that's gonna be three hits on him one on them one on the gal boreback will do the gap or back or this a primary weapon isn't it yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and look oseroff levorg are there although this could be very unfortunate event for him okay he look Oh sir is it too then random Miguel boreback beside them and D strength so on the table one okay nothing so these guys will have a five up cover save what unless you're all six will do them no they have a five up cover save against that and the cover protects and then three hits on the big guy I think of your role single sixties day he's only gotten six off oh my goodness what is the love doing I have no cover against that soul just go ahead and roll it's a p2 so a6 is good so this is one whole point oh wait that's d3 all points to all points yeah so that sorry that was the vehicle damage result so if you roll the six it would have been destroyed which was in d3 extra whole points so now we're all again to see how many whole points it does one now we move on to these nights over here now we're done fight you know the world it took a while to resolve he's got a lot of shots so we still have all that stuff over there result but we're gonna move on to this Erastus nights over here so he's gonna fire his hellstorm exhibit any other guns no killing us look we got like a 20 heavy blows right we're in heavy bolt there is a super AB you can split fire so we put the first shot over here which is the hellstorm it C says Frank 683 us 27 a frank 7 EP 3 so it's gonna be hitting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 probably 10 11 of the lesser demons and one two three four five of my oh six of the war bears and dr. Blinn having poetry is also going to go into the lesser demons sorry who's - who - the lesser - yes drink 7 that's good enough good enough amount of ones there and the automatically hits them so these are just 5 us and vulnerable tapes which I'll make 3 and that is they have oh they do have a fine don't feel no pain because of the they're weird demon thing so I killed off two of them these two go down and then there are 6 hits on the tactical Marines it kills on twos boom Wow nice I do have an apothecary which might help out a little bit here and by a little bit I mean 1/3 of it which is average so forwards go through an AP 3 you said it's gonna be from this direction it was definitely him because the other guy wasn't hit and 2 3 and then my sergeants up next who will yeah out of it why not II make his armor save 20 volt Iran what's their BS okay guess we got once that works but 20 linked Oh twin link that's right so they all hit these are strengths by moving up fours we have two wounds demon save and fill the pain we take one more no more dice yeah do that slowly yeah they're slowly guys are still technically 20 more in reserve waiting to come in now this night in the middle it's your choice isn't me firing at them as well it's eight shots for okay really used to it everything now you so many one miss that you said Frank six seven only three choose to movement bang bang bang oh man what is it with the 100 what your Army's doing in poem save oh wow Beulah pain oh one dies my troops not to be fair they start at base cost why I think they're about like 20 points each no they're more than 20 points each yeah cuz their 460 a squad of 20 before we fire him he told me a rule that remind me about that my supercharged them if you left a comment saying well lookie you supercharged oh man you didn't roll to see if they take home points I apologize I do it now they're fine ones are bad but this is the 8 inch range Frank D gun that could go into the Rhino or go into a single tactical read and he's just super every signal is fire so what do you want to charge do you want to charge them uh I don't know maybe you if you want to charge me of this room with something one D shot over here and then the large blast is gonna just annihilate some tactical Marines here's where this is gonna scatter now and hit your own guys that'd be great so that's six guys hit on a direct hit there so I'll hold it for you and yeah that's this guy's hit killing on twos I guess should I go to ground uh we're gonna get charged I'm going to ground whatever they're gonna get charged anyways hey bout the bomb so so yeah I might as well yeah so we're gonna go to ground huh sticks up cover against almost ignores cover is it Braj probably not yeah I'll go to ground if it was barrage I think ignores my go to grandpa's stuff like that but it's not brush so we didn't killing on twos and all the sticks I've covered oh wow the one sorry this where I roll two sixes good ground I roll the one so three actually died of that dead dead and dead so I did save well I've actually saved one guy's life and then one singular strength II shot with his laser cutter which actually close now yeah hang on - nice so strengths D I have no cover anything like that so six he's dead so he takes so we're the penetrating hit first or the results see what it is so it's a p2 in at JP wanna close combat okay so it's gonna be stunned which I I'm I don't know I'll see if I can take extra Miren let me can't remember I can and be three damage you did he's wrapped he doesn't blow up and then I have to disembark them the emergency disembark back they're making this a 12-inch charge in them because you can charge something that you shot at the dedicated transport for penning their good it was good true believers is only from Ralph checks nothing penny might be Marat check but I passed anyways we're gonna opt to not fire the custodian guard at the Beeman's there it's because there's already kill them it's it's so insignificant at this point in the game over here we have lots of shooting still well probably not them since you don't want to shoot with them well like if there's five of them maybe but two of them wouldn't on fives what's the range twelve eighteen Oh 18 okay it's not so bad get a couple potshots in there up Tiffany two guys two guys again two guys from there but like five guys from there can hit yeah well do the honors at the same time okay oh gosh is looting to those five plus these two shooting at them yep will do there's quickly first because it does take wounds way from over there whereas those ones take wounds away from over there Hank so Tuesday all hit moving on fives two wounds I have a five up in Vaughn and feel no pain they do have endurance up so they make it other squad dues couple three ones again I work for one's a five to moon and we've got to with a demon save I guess I get it and we make our feel my pain and that is why I didn't fire but I understand now yeah scan this guys three shots Rhino man reader yep alright so he has armor 14 Saudi three shots maybe three shots these hit on Tuesday stove Ian's okay to his naturally good luck good luck good luck and then that vibes we got a glance uh through my own guys so cover that only vehicles have a different one where they have to be at least 25% obscured now I'm out of that elevation it's just one glancing head use down to three whole points this tanks turn what's the plan uh small nose west or demons look for demons alright and we got the gun on top the gun on the bottom yep gun on top is a shot straight 7ap 328 okay so heading on twos trim liked hey links be there Roy wouldn't gotta tune yes during seven triple wound well demon save course why not alright the bottom one then the bottom Ghana is three shot straight six AP three okay linked so what we rolling there we go and threes to moon because I'm t5 currently I don't know these really some demons demon save or yeah I failed on it endurance five turns of this garbage that guy there's gonna fire everything into my lesser demons he didn't move with the guy on top so it fighters ten shots instead of five and although the two arms gonna fight him them as well so we're doing the gun on the top first just got off camera a little bit some nice ones some classic there's a standard three ones we're seeing a lot of three one see Jesus Frank five William floors because my my toughness increased on turn one and two and even say it was safety on this oh there might fall this is actually for a farmer save now that was eighty-four so in a mattered but I'm just like my mind is blown with the durability of these basic troop choices at twenty three points a model it's nuts now we have the two armed guns firing at them as well I've shots each all right excuse to hit again here's the three ones system sees a beautiful thing let's drink seven yep twos one one five up demon save saving none they're not instant yes these are just endurance they kill the demon to put in perspective he's about three hundred and sixty five three hundred eighty point something around there close combat one Gary shooting his what we do you want if you wanna kill the Medusa yeah right so at least one you know moral victories exactly so we're gonna go ahead and try and kill this guy off he's got two shots at Frank nine nine all right ap one tubes nice no one's I'm armor twelve on the process release does have any armor Bane or anything like it doesn't have armor Bainer anything maybe I'm Armour 11 I go double-check so the armor is too strong on the Medusa for that strike 981 gun to do anything so he's done shooting because the other gun the the carapace gun on top wouldn't it be strong if actually hurt their armor on the front and we proceeded on to charge physics I think we're actually done shooting everything yes so I'll be honest that was pretty lackluster don't a lot of ones I was not good he was cool and you know what like I said I don't know he said on camera he's probably be shooting for the next 5 to 7 turns I'm gonna play we'll play ran various tears so we'll do 5 then it will go on to turn 6 on the 3 up and turn 7 on for up I think you'll be shooting the whole time I don't think of anything that can deal with him other than my Archdemon if he decides to show off at some point remember I forgot to shoot them on my shooting fees I'll remember next turn they have a rift Barb's you can shoot one shot so these guys gonna charge my lesser demons oh they make it what a surprise hey closest closest yeah for the first guy there then ever one else tries to get in the base contact well there's an objective there I forgot all about that they're all happy there they can attempt to charge probably looks like a six or seven measures that one so they do make it in over there is a five and a half inch charge for the guys in the Nook as they fight under the flight path fight under the flight platform there we go alright mr. big what's the plan might be a mistake but he's gonna try and charm us why would you a morale check I apologize could I have three dice please for I am a true believer I'm cold-blooded I roll three dice take away the highest result and then from that and then they're super good so you're charging both squads yes so I will get to overwatch with all the melt up as you charges in let me know when the three up involved will save them yeah cuz his front shield scratched out I only get two guys in range to a shoot overwatch it's kind of treated almost like a tradition I'm pretty sure on that one so six it to hit double miss and then those guys aren't gonna do anything so you needed 12 in charge making to them that looks like a six nothing eight so I something I couldn't make it to them but you're gonna be crushing some poor little dudes here courage I had regard so who's the header on guard they're gonna charge it so they can't get shot anymore yep but what's their charge target that were the demons the lesser demons well there's no overwatch no it's a pretty easy pick for you and you might be able to pull me off the objective as well unless I overtake you the combat somehow I don't know what I'm sending the nice into oh that's very about overwhelming forces right and seven is good like I said no overwatch so they're gonna make it into their night number one charge let's start with the flavor one yep so he's gonna charge in he's getting it's good enough to smash boom and then that guy's gonna trying inches way in there as well looks like needs a five a nine will get me are your charges all around well I guess that were ideas that guy that works so these are all charged in there all charging over there's better for charities yeah well fight we should like to start with first core will be to get a hammer wrap do you have any champions or anything no boring they're just normal demons none of them are a little too ambitious they're all this alright so hammer ass money on the tube yes drink 10 OOP though I don't think it has any TP now says let me get my normal AP AP three OOP well I make my save and then initiative I'm going down to initiative step one because of I'm gonna use my melt the bumps and you get to go with your close combat attacks so you hit me on three so you get +1 attack for charging two misses and use your strength II so once do nothing so you kill two guys so you cut him down and the next closest guy who looks like him ish and then an initiative step one piling and you've already piled in so I'll pile of you and you get your stumps pretty sure the same time to get my mouth bombs I'll double-check that though so I piled in we'll go ahead do your stones first to get D three of them oh yeah so first it's gonna be one stomp so he can cover three guys with one stomp and then rolling on the chart one does nothing to to five is pretty good okay so it's three strength six hits lean on twos three wounds three oaks he does squish one but he gets two throws multi bump before you die so you go one two three four five month bombs hitting on fourth this does he get invulnerable saving close combat or no oh no I'm richer well you double check he's armor 13 on the front and I got four melt the bombs these might just be the Marines that could no one vulnerable saves in close combat so armor Bane armor 13 strength 8 so that's nothing on the first one the second one's gonna be 5 13 so we have one glancing hit we've got I can't be math as a pen as 14 is that a fork that's not yet support team does a pen and then the last one is glance OOP so we have two glances so you take two glancing hits in a1 AP 1 which is just nothing so three all points on him does he have three left yes Oh down to four and then I actually attack on that side combat which is really good for you because I don't actually know how to do with that now because I can't fall back at a combat I'm just stuck fighting you mm-hmm impact hits against my demons I'm gonna choose both wound I have my four armor saves apparently or doesn't really matter ah that's instant death so I just kills two of them I just because there's rank 10 so kills in you all and almost as good as all the shooting yeah no kidding right these guys get to pile in at initiative he's initiative 1 so he goes last so they'll go trying to get in and around so he can probably hear what he tried walk-arounds long stays in combat and this guy's gonna I don't know what Hugo their fight boy so all the attacks being on threes has the better weapon skill oh boy jeez straining 6 with Paragon blades 3 2 and sixes are instant death with the captive murder strike and of course message no.6 is I definitely goes through my armor for up so you have a demon saved we make two of them and be able to fire buff feel no pain oh wow actually kills two demons and woods one so two demons died closest once and then you would take wound all the initiative step forests are piled in so only you go with the Knights first and then I'll resolve all my demon attacks but they get to fight at the same time this blade here might be huge so we're debating do we do the initiative step to get three Matt Achatz or do we do the five attacks potentially give me five hits because that guy could kill off enough to make it only to automatic it's so I think you decided to do my wife's got a turn sometime you know five on we got to my luck did not turn not yet these are strength ten weary on twos got two wounds and these have to fly great so I have to dive to even saves don't pay more so that would have looked into fibrin that would've been for extra automatic hits because it's for every unsavory wound you cause so I get lucky there because I could have killed off and easily for more demons so then the other one has five strength the attacks with the chainsaw okay he is web skill for it has four hits and shrank deep and these are strength ten usually so these are do I get all involuntary against that actually fail all of them so I think oh oh a shrink distel one at a time because it can only do one damage right oh yeah so one at a time because these damage can't spill over so it doesn't kill him so there's death so dead that kills one guy kills a guy so it three died from that so these three would die but they get to fight first so those two are gonna put their attacks into that night and they're gonna have one two into this night I think yeah so 300 those tune of that night and then the rest are gonna attack the guard here so three two and one two three four five six seven is the guard six attacks into the first night hitting on only two hits these are renting though and because of miasma rot your armor values down to 12 so we have nothing for attacks into that night on force three hits strength five so I need seven so I need sixes here nothing now 14 attacks into the header on guard on fours and you're down in toughness for because I'm a Asma broadside we're on Three's with a rent but the rest are just normal to ups so do why would I do the two up first so I'm doing one of the times that might do lookout sirs that's all they know looking old ago sir for each other you know what go sir off with this guy's he had the pillar coasters first so he takes two of them and he takes one of them so we'll do the two up save on him so he is takes away and then that guy has to to a farmer saves he takes my god and then you have one rent as well they could look out sir if you want yeah sure so fork will go sir you know doesn't so he's got a three of them oh I would've been a Laura's mom poor involve he tell ya and I forgot about the negative on the hip I didn't kill anyone so they are all dead and then you have your to stop attacks from these guys is this guy why we go ahead and pile in him with him first and then do your stomps these all haven't at the same time so he's got seven attacks because he charged i whoops go five for digital lasers threes to hit one miss not masa crafted the solar power going oh yes hits and use our wound and tubes yes thank 10 oh yes being straight there's three three three ones these are my demon saves but make any that make none so these are all instant Destiny's kill for that was a pretty good swing for him oops that was his wound there so he's dead you would die you would probably die and we'll say you're the next closest I'm pretty sure to kill for Bank okay ahead her and garden apart with the way I'm rolling that's the next thing we going so before before I actually move them we should do the stomps just because it could spill around into more attacks so I'm ever forward dead who knows those nearest four and then to d3 snow all Salas terribly stomps from this guy he gets D 3 3 so you can go first one hits 2 2 is gonna flip and you can you could stack all the stops if you want to as well yeah but this one I'll hit for this one go there twice yep so 610 in total so yeah there over the first one the first blasting those two it's gonna be nothing nothing and then two on these four so you're rolling twice any sixes are yeah it was all gone so he kills for more off with that second stone at the same initiatives that's true so so that's 8 dead so far oh yeah but for the stomps it doesn't spill over so only die under the template removed so those guys are technically dead but this guy might also remove them so don't put his stomps there if you can avoid it so he gets d3 you would get one soul so it's kept in those arenas - practically - yeah pretty much - because the ones already dead and they're dead - ok so that's 8 plus 4 so he stomps em dead and he stomps these 4 dead and then he would actually kill four so actually does all dead oh because that's all it is just step one that worked out actually really well that was that was super good but it also opens them up to shooting yeah now we got this big dumb combat to do your initiative step 5 yeah well you know this guy what sticks on him yeah actually yeah he doesn't have the gauntly you got to go first do him first he's hitting on threes does he have the master crafter working it okay baby yeah seven attacks with this bad boy breeze there's a couple ones there yeah that's right six is pumped new attacks outs with two more hits and they wound on three straight 72 yeah nice to fit my five up demon safe isn't too far away we make three of them and because it's not instant death endurance zero damage so these guys all they're all up initiative stakes means n plus one month they're higher ones killing you yes or attacks each mo vo a measly initiative for anyways so for tax each 20 texts alright only 17 dice so oh I can give you three more I just realized the twenty is the highest amount of dice we've thrown so threes the sixes are instant death on these ones freeze to wound oh there you go oh there they have endurance up right now they can't be instant killed but they won't have a feel no pain against that so we're gonna ask you to do some death ones first even save we save two and that's just to damage it kills one so there are normally it's the death but endurance gives them eternal warrior so that's one dead guy give it saves save one and these are real pains so feel three seven two and a half two and a half die well we'll say well I guess we'll stay you die I will say you die and then you'll take a good these guys should be higher initiative as well so they're gonna pile and get all of their attacks are they three tax base as well oh maybe 215 attacks in total from those custodian guard you stood on threes again there's no better weapon skill nice Hey okay that's not nice see I shouldn't say nice that's nice for me it explodes into a hit maybe yes and these are strength six so winning on threes well one two fails Cindy be Saints here whoo I made three of them and these are all gonna be endurance feel no pains which is gonna kill one model it'll kill I'm still that guy they're just like in charge would be get later maybe so he dies and I way back they'll pile in there all coherent we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven attacking them for twenty two attacks and then there's four and they're attacking them for eight attacks I'll do the four first the in attacks on fours oh five know that those are fours they don't have the shields so these are gonna be winning on threes with rending so we have one rend a five hope invulnerable save you're fine and the big squad on fives good per se diem shields need a more defensive that I've got a actually get only two fours it matters three students with rend you set it all up saves you can't look at what they're all split up so you can't really look out serve those that much that's weird so who do you want put these wounds on huh we'll start with what start with him start with him Martha is that great or demon if I can write so two of armor save one at a time so we'll look out sir well you can do the safe first and if you actually take wounds and you start like oh sorry nice so two ups so we find you're fine good we're good and you are he takes a wood so yeah so he'll have two moons remaining and that is it so that'll be for combat this guy is actually wounded over here I was like oh that guy's also went from a different initiative step and that different on based on piling and all that so you in combat for sure so I roll up Harold's of the warp instead of the old way to lose combat this is much more powerful at worst I lose I suffered III losses no slaves allowed including Philippines and my in weapon skill and ballistic skill is reduced to one may be my initiative as well if I roll six actually a boosted but I think I still lose d3 models Oh from losing combat the war blooms I lose nothing and my weapon skill and ballistic skill go up to five until the end of my neck my following turn so my next turn coming up right now so I just lose nice treaty so so far I've lost five green dudes and I think that concludes battle round one everyone as we are done combat off for scoring purposes you will control this one because they're not scoring and I think the same for over here that guy's locked in combat which is huge for you now these are oh maybe the point you're right I forgot the troops that's one victory point nice that was huge big things that happen this battle round the demons of the rune storm proved to be insanely durable no surprise there lor gar and the zune of gal boreback were forced out of the spartan assault tank losing that to a destroyer hit the two war hounds did a pretty okay job but these guys are lined up for some strength d it's stacked on them which is no good for them and of course all this stuff is still lined up - and not to shoot at them before the gala for backin Lord Gaara jindo wipes them wipe the floor with them I have a squad of melted bomb salt Marines over here I have a squad of notable submarines over there tied up in combat and you're able to destroy this Rhino because I had a plan of this Rhino moving up and then disembarking and melting into the back now I don't have to do about that because if I shoot over there you have for up and vulnerable saves because he's tied up in combat and I don't have a vehicle to go hide in with them anymore so we'll see where this goes as this apocalypse games wild guys let's see what the word bears can do on turn 2 okay big boys let's over the Archdemon on three of you show up he does super heavy support no and then the other plate lesser mean no lesser demons Oh show up either would the baby the big boy shows up you like some a mocking kind of room I'm think I'm over committing over here at themes of the rune storm I think my archdemons gonna go over here though and I don't want to commit too far forward because I'm thinking of putting the strength D blasts on them back there and it's not like he's going to yeah whatever he's gonna go here here it is he pops in this Terran reality let's Lucis giant monstrosity I'm gonna go ahead and move the rest of the stuff and I will let all I know where everything does but I'll let you know anything significant ah yes so completes my movement phase I think you're gonna go like that though so I was debating on moving him up because I really wanted the Terminator vs. the custodian guard fight by the same time I have so many things that are just good at shooting at the custodian guard so I might as well just shoot at them first and they actually made a three-inch move through cover so a few of them got up on the barricades the Rhinos stayed stationary because there's no reason for the rider to move the Medusa's repositioned the one that took Hull points fell back a little bit knowing that this one move forward this is the tank commander still they moved through covered they got a two which is not good the Demon Lord and the three beasts accompanied him moved forward a little bit just a little more than an inch away from the custodian guard there but not the head around guard they all repositioned over here the contempt of dread I moved towards the the rift marker and I know I can't move over it but I'm gonna try and commit some more forces over this way whereas the galfore back and the assault Marines move forward over here the assault Marines moved more than an inch away from there but I wanted to make groups that gal4 back to move through that little crease because I I want to force the gal4 back and Lord our fight versus the the header on guard with the the prey tour well the what is this upgrade called the atropine The Tribune want to fight the Tribune with lorg are these guys rolled a five for the move through cover the type in heavy tank and the two Vindicator shifted their focus over in this direction to try and light this side because I feel like I already did a lot of damage over here the goal here is to run these Marines on the objective to try and get some guys over there they're not going to be fighting all that much they're mostly therefore objective grabbing they're gonna try and take ground and fight later on well you know what I've gotten with these guys up I'm gonna go ahead and move them six inches because I've just shifted their position to face these two troop Knights these two cerasus Knights and their front facings are gonna be here and their side face things will be a quarter according to the base because that's how they have to charge in the combat to get into combat yeah you mean after moving them there's not really any and rays just shoot at the cerasus nice so they're gonna unfortunately have to shoot into the custodian guard sorry the header on guard they're not gonna be in sin death oh so I won't be killing them over right onto the same phase holding this does they too long for me I've got three four five mastery level guys down plus nine over there for surplus for four nine and then I give myself ten three four five I guess I get myself ten last turn but I ended up getting more died so I apologize I cheated I think and this guy is gonna give me ten because his rule is I get instead of getting one for master level I get one per his wounds you've got ten moons so I'm gonna get nineteen dice we get nineteen days plus one written and even 20 against one Aramis is going to enfeeble the header on guard unit air missile board I said you got a three I'm sorry you cannot stop that all terrain is difficult terrain and mines from Frank toughness Aramis doesn't like to fight fair in any way shape or form next we'll have Laura gar throws some powers hey Hill four days four warning he got it with three that gives a unit of four been horrible save of his choice I can do demons of the rune storm with that one if I want them to hold more but kind of account more back to have a fourth and vulnerable save at the same time Oh so we'll do the gala for back because they could be obnoxious and plus they're my favorite unit though I think it is more useful if I was to throw it on them but now we'll do the government Laura is gonna precognition himself to dice he gets hit with - yes - reroll all failed hit wound and armor saving throws no I'm sorry hits wounds and saving throws the demon Lords gonna would cast endurance he gets it with three with your one diary rollable that's gonna go on oh that unit so durable endurance a endurance you know what you're gonna put endurance on him now we're gonna put on the big squad of 20 it just makes the most sense for them to hold on hold it hold the ground and the archdemons gonna cast endurance on the gal4 back because they're friendly and they're sworn brothers he get to it exactly - so no stopping that will give the Demon Lord warp speed I think it was a long one well I see we stopped it yeah this takes a Hannibal no joke we roll ball for everyone he's got warp speed they have endurance they have forewarning endurance lorg are has precognition and they're enfeebled that was a lot of stuff guys I don't think I could have asked for better psyche phase rolling one die so poor Andrew only has one die and I'm just gonna so as a reminder I wrote it all down because this game might spill into two days we've guy was it's actually almost certainly goes fill into two days warp speed endurance forewarning endurance precognition in feeble and I think that was it endurance yeah noise it's time to start shooting everyone and target priorities here are pretty important I'm gonna start with this well we had all T at the dreary you're your shield your facings alright so he you say front for him be really locked in combat so these guys I have just this guy's in the front this guy's in the sides is it because these guys on the front of this one yes decided yeah yes this one's hidden down the side this one's hit in the front this guns hit in the front but I from the D cannon suicide yeah so side so the fronts are gonna be open luckily these guns are pointing that way I guess I'm investing a lot in the D cannon to do a perfect hit because I really wanted to focus a lot of my efforts over here to support so I might as well start with addy can and to see if I made a mistake we're gonna fire the turbo laser destructors into them and we're gonna put the plasma gun the strength 10 version on top of their head because I want them dead I'm gonna aim it right there on that point to hit both and BS for so we have a direct hit with the first one and the second one is going to be a direct hit that was for strength D hits on both the nights we serve with this one they're both armored on the side so two on each night yeah become one yourself so two on this one first the six he's dead he's dead it's these six plus six whole points so he takes eight whole the m9 he's got x-ray D testings okay so he's dead so we have to do catastrophic damage before resolving that one I strike these rough I apologize so on the chart oh it's see how far scatters this that's the weaker catastrophic damage so scattered from him let's see which way he tips as he goes down into the other night so the other night is taking a strength D hit was actually not gonna be hitting them it's gonna be like Lambie right beside them but he is getting hit by the strength D hit so I'll go ahead and not roll another six okay before that night let's see if the other one would have mattered into him anyways so I'm sorry I got both the nights with the nasty strength D my war hat my war hands been on point so this guy better he's so expensive but he's got the potential to do so good they're free to move they're free to move so what's gonna happen now is we're gonna roll for him the strength of the catastrophic damage as the other Titan crash could hit him that could be huge this you were this scatters Oh could he might go for back like it was kind of a little bit seven that actually might stop on inches so I should make it not open I hit them so he falls over crashes into the side of the building and explodes from this point and it doesn't hit anything significant it's just it does damage to the building as both of it both of the nights go down and then I got the plasma blast gun to try and kill them off I guess I'll put it on to the side of his base right there I'm doing the big 10 inch blast right there those direct hit maybe one in scatters and will still be hitting both window Mon Tues w5 up in vulnerable saves these poor this poor side one dies one guys doesn't say do the leadership I might shoot them with more things I guess this where Hans gonna fire he's gonna do I'm hard pressed cuz once ranked 10 shot against him or two strength eight shots I'm gonna put the Vulcan Mega Ball turn of that guy for sure to strength ten shots or true strength I glanced on five there's primary weapon so fives rolling two dice taking the highest I'll do the strength end shot yes you're right I do feel stupid for putting milk bombs on them they're gonna do anything if even if I want to put them on the warlord he's got a rule right when we hit it on sixes and close combat what am I gonna do with that nothing that's why I'm gonna do so see we get a direct hit on him oh that's a seven inch so it's a three inch got it it'll still hit him for me in half yeah mathematically can't miss him with that scatter so a straight ten primary weapon armor thirteen on the side we have nothing nice wall can mega walls are on threes to try and take out this last custodian guard threes to moon and you get that many to a farmer says this is only a p3 let's give me heat into it yes Allah he's gonna run the squad because I won't get the objective running oh I fail like that that is unfortunate there we go done 10 melt the guns into the header on guard three sticks okay there bang bang bang to swoon you have a four pin vault and do one at a time in bones dazing start with me Oh sir so he takes the wound he's got one two left hey just look up sir he'll take two he'll go down to one and then one okay so he makes it in bone safe so he sees to us and you know there's our ball casters so gives me honor if he fails at weekends doing it so that someone goes three fails yeah easy is it look oh sir he passes so the next guy has a four pin ball yep he makes it and then we'll go sir he fails he has to take it on a four up he dies he's got one wound left and then look Oh sir he fails he's got four people died - firing next the big dumb gun at the custody's right there ignoring covers from 1080p - if you want actually and we're gonna do the the two last because it's a super heavy cuz what fire into I guess that dreadknot that tell one and no more no matter where I put it I can't hit that guy but I can't hit all five of them with that initial blast we keep Andrew key for you and they have a three-inch coherency if you want I'll let you go back and fix their coherency I feel like it's not the only way I'll learn I feel like I'm just hammering at Saudis right now so okay the two last cans into him they both hit looking for fours yeah double cat double call cat ends kind of been born we'll save it as a bad boy have floor up oh nice sicko Leviathan for up and vulnerable saves naturally you fail one this is Doral six I want world six no no six is here oh wait he's not super heavy walk crazy no I don't think so wait does he have any like rules reduces the damage table by one so he's got a ruler I roll two dice discard the highest so I had to roll double six okay so he instead takes these immobilized which is all saying he's facing it oh wait he's close combat one nuts he's got four more points four five let me three whole points remaining any of them mobilized now the big siege cannon on them unfortunately we have a direct hit that was a double directed by the way if anyone noticed as a four-handed direct hit to Stu wound that one rolled a bit we have five wounds they have five up invulnerable saves the ignores cover if there would be any and they are almost all that one remains everybody all right we're gonna put the plasma guns that are this Judy m7 plasma shots in the hip on threes why should I gonna randomized match words we have three gets hot so I'll do those in a moment these are winning on twos oh yeah he might live to five up in bondable saves and he is dead I had three gets hot these are all just kind of random guys so they're not super significant they're three up arm saves they're all alive anyways this land Raider is gonna fire wall to trembling shots last games into this dread knock trees both hit armor thirteen I'm guessing on the front not these tube indicators have to shoot to tell them on cuz they don't really have a good line of sight on anything else like I start trying to pop void shields on the big guy I guess that is six shots I could reliably do it well I'll think about that in a second on them why I'm doing amazing ideas that the mobility online active it means it's garbage so not getting this objective and I'm pretty sure I'm knocking that one over there either that's not great for me I'm gonna supercharge their guns into him the first one is hitting on three Eastwind linked and then the second one's gonna be getting on threes twin linked nice these are all strike nine so I gonna use one at a time because these are my 30 teams all over for UPS there's six hits right yep so four up we have a glance we have a glance we have a pen got a pen and there's pretty good pen so far everything's something and Wow pen nice so you have four pens and two glances muscles do the pens first for up and humble saves because they're not blasts and you make you then none of them does he blow up though he oh he got the roll so none of those were blow up so I means doesn't blow up because I have to reroll those and then yes that would have been like the five or something so he's just immobilized and he's just a wreck I will go ahead and put the smoke on that bad boy because toady stuff is kind of buckling I don't know what's going on this is a I'll be honest pretty meager assault this is showing I had to see if because they overcharged their guns this one on one ballpoint the other one on one oh he does take all points out of two whole points the three producers are gonna try to go into that flyer can you remember the name with lanius cladius it's got flare shields but garage is always at the side facing so the fire shield won't work all that well put it in the middle here and I don't like a mic hidden too spoiler like bang like discounted because it's technically clipping his art like shoulder plate there I'll aim there maybe I'm hitting his toe a little bit so that'll make me feel a little bit better so it will technically be hitting the warlord as well but hitting his void shields and that won't be close enough ready to tank commander benefits so the initial shot is gonna be oh jeez that's gone that's probably overall miss that comes it actually lands right about here so that's a complete overall miss right way off the table with them bound time and miss something right so I just finished shooting I think that shooting phase was a little bit better than the last turn yeah just just a bit we have once their asses Knight left with four Hall points he's in an opportunity pretty good position though like all things considered really wanted charging we're gonna have well so was a demon lord charging that squad a custodian guard with the Guardian Spears because that's the only thing I can legally charge and we are you boy yes I can only move that far though so yeah they're the beaters and swarm around them in fact let's go like that I guess to make room for I'll go in the corner there make room for the heavy guy to pop up who the heavy guy who's more shooting at the door Lord the summaries are gonna be charging much the gala for back dark brethren might as well they're going to attempt in charge over here here some charges first this wouldn't let me let me tell you one thing he might get in combat here I don't think it's a straight fight that's a seven is charge and the dice gods say yes even if even if I reroll the dies there in anyways that's a Niner all right so err doesn't play fair these guys aren't playing fair oh boy does he have to issue an accept challenges is everything so okay with that twelve in charge they will end their um therefore my charges cuz they ran they ran over there already locked in combat over there I say we do the exciting fight last I'm cured this one goes you can do first because I'm using not the bombs for attacks on threes okay three hits that's not gonna kill all we go stomp still who is this strength Dean spring time strength each rank normal ones Andrew yeah I I don't know what's say are you good that can't save against that thanks AP wonder some thumbs them so in addition step one we pile in I leave you oh it's my turn I'll do my melt the bombs first three months bomb attacks two of them hit no.1 for most is gonna smoke bombs so armor Bane we have a pen and a pencil two pens oh and there 81 so fives and sixes are bad for you Andrew he's dead he's gonna die yeah can he kill my guys in return viewers I use two stumps so you can put a stump on all three of them and you can actually chain the stomp off on to anyone else you want so I think if you do that as I guess for yeah if you do like that it's all three and then you want to like chain over here in an ultimate for yeah yeah so the first one there and then touching it so it'll go somewhere around there and then I'll be hitting for mochas so we'll do the guys underneath first on six they're dead so that's three strange 6ap four hits so twos dude and I will do will do yeah now the fixes are there due to three of armor saves and three farmer save I don't want sergeant so they're all okay and then for the four guys hit under there on a six through dead so that's for strength six eighty four heads so three and then those are all three of armor saves one guy actually does die to that so he dies and then he blows up and where does he go so rule the strength I guess what world of strength in the attack the strength of it's gonna be the good one okay so he could go on that direction and just annihilate my forces but he's gonna scatter first and go a little bit a slight angle to the left here ah I thought maybe it's from the center I don't think it's off the table the ativ scatter goes to the Rhino like the light there and then nothing is within five inches for the the mass of the big blast template so he is you just he falls over this way explodes and doesn't do a whole lot it's only it's only beneficial for me when they fall over and explode much of that explodes so they win combat they survive some these guys are heroes turn one they move right up into force or ask this Knights and like what are you gonna do about it boy there are wheelbarrows wheelbarrows in front of them I guess I shouldn't challenge with my monstrous creature my demon lord character are you who do you want to accept with you accept any custody's just for fun this guy's gonna accept it that guy way over there is still a is he like a special sergeant or anything uh random room to move them around or something I don't know I think I'm initiative plus three with warp speed so puts me on initiative ridiculous what's his initiative five six so he is got four attacks no fire tax base plus one for charging plus three for warp speed why thank you and we're off to web skills six we're hitting on their website with all their initiative so I hit you on threes that was not optimal and these are going to be strengths 7 in your t4 cause of miasma Rosso Tuesday moon at a p2 because we're a monstrous creature so you have 5 up and vulnerable saves and it kills Titian exactly there's no instant death here so to keep the guy who accepted the challenge goes down and then that guy goes down we got this guy next and then the rest of initiative stuff so with him your custodians and the rest of my initiative step 4 attacks with him into them so they have endurance on them currently the three stick it's not master crafted there is lightnings thanks lighting strikes that's right and I've ever hit nice and these are gonna be wounding on I'm t5 so three strikes evan is facing alright so threes one fail and these are gonna be demon safes not reroll but we make two and these are gonna be for up endurance oh hey nice to kill so that guy's long they like you one yeah yeah it would technically view the closest for him so he's dead and then the closest from him is gonna be two more guys will stay out whatever this guy dies actually my initiative is a five where the same weapon skill so these guys who'd be fighting the same time as all of your guys it's my turn I'll go ahead and do my attacks first he would have still have gone before them yeah and they're still in this year four so nine over here attacking and four of they're attacking after piling in oh we're hitting you on five still because the pro stadium shields five stitches and you deep down t4 I'm still strength five threes two wounds the friending we have one two armored save and you put on whomever you want so duo let's go from the side sure of course okay one bit of the color sounded too and then we had a new tax over there from those guys in the corner against the normal custodian guard we hit on fours against them actually because they don't have any fancy shields though we are the same weapon skill and only matters for your attacking me back we would oh wow so two two ups and 2/5 up and bonus saves so I'll have you do the 5 up invulnerable cigarettes actually can you let go sir for each other yep okay so you wanna do one at a time and then yeah so I'll take the first two and then I'll probably look at well those only have two ones each so so you could kill a guy him yeah so you make one a fail one and then you have to up-armored saves and you're good so one guy takes one you get to fight you back this guy would have to pile in over this way hitting on fours because my whoops goes five I assume you want to put all the attacks in a little demon is enough big guy yeah yeah cuz I guys super tough right now winning on T 5 and your strength strength six silver keys actually maybe five oh it's only plus one of the church oh boy here we go here's the wall force the wound on those men you got three five anyways dude saves you make one these are gonna be endurance saves we take a damage so wooden on that guy and then these guys get to go to dishes step five as well as they cut into my demands hit me on certainly let's go five eight yeah oh jeez so forth oh there's no there's no threes anyways there's no reason that that is the garbage roll oh and these are strength six coz of Ariane blades so threes and sixes are instant death but there are no sixes so I have Dima saves Mik to and feel no pain no it's a wound and like allocated any illusion yeah cuz this is so they would've had like I had a hello Kate over there these guys would have to allocate over here and this guy took a wound earlier on from him at a different initiative step so I can actually put the wound on just like human that guy you wanna do they're supposed to be touching base base to base my humble opinion on their demons of the rune storm is the fact that lesser demons have two moons each is far too much I think that was way too much because he piled in and initiative step four he's within an inch of them they all three of those brutes are able to attack those custody' nerds the brutes accompany the Lord or four attacks each for charging an even bother looking with their web skills so we hit on fours these are Frank's seven it gives your toughness of four so we have two and they have rending so why don't you go ahead and do the ring first cuz there's a guy with one wound he's yellow cat sir sure to Bob for our so he has to take it five up you did and then these are just two of armor saves hmm what you're good so that's it for combat and I realized there's a morale check go me over there why don't go ahead do that now and then we'll do the morale check over here nine yeah good now can they they're stubborn right because they yeah okay so no matter for all morale so their leadership nine there so they're breaking let's see if they break either probably ten because M can you roll oh so he's prey if he's fearless they might they passed it was but they end up breaking and running oil he's fearless do they have any rear old mechanic I don't know so they break another failed morale check on the custodian side that's not good they just run to d6 I can't sweep me advance them because I'm walking combat over here so they go six inches I know that I could sweeping advance well anyways because of my crimson now are the creeping scourge I have to reroll swim you dork roll two days to close who's all for sweeping advance that is then breaking and running so it squad today I know IRAs disappointed I would be so disappointed they they go and they form this unstoppable line then just fall over to these well overpowered demons of the rude storm thank goodness so my initial thought was I'd run the word bearers and like some other random trader Legion like the sun's a horse or something cuz I wanted double prime works on the table for something cool and I'm like all the deals of the room just came out I'm sure people want to see them and I mean kind of curious to try them out they looked overpowered on paper and yeah it's crazy it's like Ludacris they're like a third in my army and they're holding the line just has that third alright so I'm gonna go ahead and issue a challenge with Lord Gaara aurelion for sure are you except with the new he's gonna do it okay so what we're gonna do here is so technically I would have to respond Florida with a model based contact with him if that's not possible he swaps a model with basica basically relyon so what we do is actually the closest thing is you're supposed to do this guy spots of him and he goes back there and then this guy swaps with Gore gari and then boom and they're pretty close to being base contacts I was putting the base contact and those models are not allowed to pile in I did not know that until now digit death primary versus close to Primark I am NOT gonna bother popping dark fortune because Laura's not hurt at all so I don't think I need to use it that's the ability that forces a unit I choose in close combat once per game to reroll all fives and sixes to hit and wound lord art so it would be good here but I think since he's got heavies to killed he's six ones remaining he's in a good spot so Laura goes first with the highest initiative he has a lot of tax for tax base plus one for charging use data lumen arm and in our ko tech pistol so a lumen arm is not a specialist weapon he gets the extra attack for that he hits on what's your weapon skill I do the same oh that's bad roll so I hit on the force for sure oh maybe naked one Laura only hits on flies because these are the same weapon skill so what I do is I have precognition up I am pre-roll and I have one hit this moves on twos we have a wounds and you have your three Amazon I do know the image alright so they kind of bounced off each other and then we go down to initiative step five which is your guys that might got four back and you're the same web skills same initiative so you don't get the extra attack so I will pile in first because it's my turn so they'll pile in back out by this is the actual dark martyr you'll pile in you're already kind of happy where you are you'll pile in around you'll still be able to fight you can't pile in and Airbus will piling is also initiative step 5 you'll go over here you're gonna be this way so they should all be able to fight except for that guy who can't pile in and the new pilot go there you can't pile in he's what oh yeah he swapped that's right so he you still fight there yeah but he's within that's true ok so I guess I will go first with my gal for back they attacked your unit now they're gonna be negative on the hit and we hit you on fives then if that's what I am in FEMA righty yeah so they have rage and they have zealot going for the right now so five attacks each I'll start with the dark martyr who has six attacks he hits on fives reeling for zealot we have one hit the precedium shield is huge for you in this case uno threes re rolling also we have a wound at two up our save you are good Toma 40 attacks here's 20 of them I hit on fives but I have to sell it up so I get to reroll the fails and the reroll gives me one two three four five more hits for a total of eleven hits so I'll just rewrote the next volley five say for the second volley or re rolling and that gives me an extra four for twelve nine that's just 20 years old that's 20 hits altogether these went on threes with rending series to wound no real rolling though oh wow only one rent why don't you go ahead and do all the two up-armored safes first well do all the toolbar mistakes first then we'll figure out look out look at how stares at the relevant because you have currently four wounds and base contact with me that you have to take first kind of season sale - so you could choose to put one on him and another one on him if you want to so bulky down to one and then if you want you can then look Oh sir this to go on that guy yep Zola try for up yes so he's got me in a vulnerable safe for up he's fine so that is my end result attack so you get to go with them as they fight back and then the solar power gauntlet or taxis per model for total of twelve attacks into my ghoul war back who has endurance on right now and for a warning yeah they're pretty done they're pretty tough right now alright so hitting on fours because we're the same weapon skill because I mean people you're down to strength or so I have to fly with the parry on blades sixes are instant death though but I do have endurance on them right now so these are gonna be invulnerable safe so which ones do you want to do first let's do the advanced eights first so I'd be instant death ones yep okay so that makes no sense and I passed to the forewarning saves and I have oh I just take one damage I have eternal warrior and I lose my feel no pain so that's one damage so far and because these are the same initial step but they all have to go on the same die I don't have any fancy let's go sir mechanics these are invulnerable safes and feel no pain so it kills one guy in base contact with me oh I will say this guy because yeah and then we had solar power gauntlet seven attacks cuz the counter attack and digital lasers hit me on force so dark fortune would've gave me four Studios three rerolls these would be on twos that's four wounds I'm gonna Boggess the two solid I they were also Mastercraft yes oh there was one mess so yeah reroll the oneness it hits and wounds on it too okay we have another wound I have a foreign policy with precognition up so he takes those rear rollable he takes two damage he's got a four up feel no pain zero damage so it's just the eye is just two super durable units just beating the crap out of each other I actually got to attack with therapists I'll go ahead and do that quickly ever we've already piled in our guys at the end of a oh I guess there's a Thai combat so I guess maybe because I did two damage you did to damage if Erebus does one damage I technically win by one but you're stubborn ten never mind we're both fearless so I'll see if they're of us can just eat go to wound ever says this many attacks he has L it up right now so he gets on the fives we have three hits at strength six your T four twos it's just you get your two up saves and those are the closest guys in base contact so any twos they're dead you're fine so fearless fearless everyone's all piled and that is the end of that comment a little lackluster I'll be honest but I expected them to hold and this is the combat we both wanted though to be fair it's not exactly fair there enfeebled and I have three buffs on them well Precog forewarning and endurance yeah I was hoping for like a full fresh squad to go after him yeah that's fair I understand that Erebus doesn't play fair though yeah at the end of my turn - I score nothing these two points because these aren't troops and they actually don't count scoring at all they failed the run so that was pretty detrimental and they're not scoring so it's just overall no one scoring score is still q1 not it must have killed warlords I will say warlords worth like I forgot I think I forgot to mention is worth one point and then yeah that's it we're gonna move on to turn to for the custody's and also to note they lose their blue mobility that ended on this turn now so on dis turn coming up they are not gonna have weapon skill ballistic skill and initiative +1 day two will apocalypse game let's start off with the custody's turn on the bottom of turn two the game should speed up quite a bit well at least for us probably the same pace for you at home well one thing I forgot is because he's a monstrous creature as it will not die not to feel no pain and he took three wounds on his first turn from the perils saws roll - and I'll get zero wounds back the dice God's always there to make sure you forget what you forget I can't remember if I roll the two-run dice for both of those units and took the lowest wait no I yeah I did no I didn't I don't know I can't member fight it well if I forgot - I apologize everyone I'll remember that now they're all supposed to take the lowest row result when they run look we're gonna do regrouped we're gonna move everything and show you where it ends up but unmodified leadership of course they're back they are back they get to do a 3-inch move they snap fire and can't charge this turn but the back in the fight unlike the other squad that decided just to fully run away give you a quick little sneak peek of the movement look that we've disassembled the warlord some pieces over there somewhere behind me and now we're gonna move him up 12 inches and see where he ends up because I think the princeps here has decided that he needs to be a man of action and get great in the battlefield plus he's actually pretty good on the stomping and not so bad close combat boom moon face done he did roll move to cover it so for super heavy Walker's rule israel three six and double the highest resolve actually got the six he obviously hasn't recovered he tried to move to recover only got a three so he only cleared the trench as he struggles to make it forward we're gonna have oh sorry those Kasturi group Diaries showed that that vehicle over there just moved over less than six inches to make way for the warlord tighten that telamon stay still just gonna move forward to try and get to the objective though failing to get within three yep he'll have to run so you might as well go ahead and run him now we're in the shooting pace he's gonna go he only needs the one he was he's good enough there now we have a true choice on a victory point I gotta kill him that she's pretty bad he's not dead who will actually go back one step before the shooting phase will pivot this guy in this direction to make me shoot a mime elta or no I saw trees alone yeah they literally turn one that jumps in front of four nights and said come at us they have no fear d3 last cannon shots in another land Raider one shot hitting on a two that's a hit and it's ranked nine so looking for a five nope nothing the grav tank back there the gunboats is gonna be firing at my plasma guns we're on a power of the Machine spirit the little gun underneath because it did move oh it doesn't okay so a little gun when we snap like the big gun on top will be firing up OBS firing the big gun this is the big gun on top it went so we got two hits we're rolling to two hits straight to seven yep nice too soon okay of course with a ps3 I see two okay so I am in cover so maybe that'll help it that's and then snap firing the little teeny guns which are still like strength 683 yeah I've actually shrank 683 get nice six is brilliant yep we have no hit so far that would be a mess so you tree roll the five yeah one hit winning on twos and I'll have to do is cover save again left no my surgeons at the very back we fail that will kill this guy this Telamon is gonna fire his two arms at my more I'm gonna try and get his void shields down he's only got two void shields how he shots this bad boy ten that's right five per arm strength seven is it yes two's to hit oh very nice that is not like your usual three misses and these are gonna be fives to do something to the void shield oh wow College yeah very good so which shields collapse on my one more hand tighten before we proceed with more shooting these guys should probably come in from reserve on a three of us has more than that or less than that but no they show up a few spots older two separate squads gotcha one squad dropping into the at this point dangerous Trin it's gonna be six inches backwards they're gonna be fine still so they end up like that yes second squad will attempt there you don't want to land on that thing though yeah that's a Miss EFT and six inches towards my should be okay though - landing right there two guys would be in the trench beside and they will all have to take dangerous terrain for lamian cover but I mean two of our Mercedes so and also he's technically on an angle a little bit we just put him up there just for simplicity but he was not with an image of this thing so there okay now into the shooting phase they're gonna shoot in the side of the Medusa which I believe is only armored 11 that's rank 5 it's very fine armor Bane hey that's a thing well they don't really put much effort into armoring the sides and the rears of these bad boys 12 on the front of 10 and 10 so these are single shots hitting on twos strength 5 armor Ben gets hot and 12 o gets onto it okay so we have they all head and one at a time armor Bane on the side or what ap are they - okay so they could potentially blow it up as well so that's gonna be a pen for the first one the second one's gonna be a pen and the third one is gonna be okay so triple pen I can't do anything about it so he's wrapped let's see if he blows up though it's over all three dice and on a 60 blows because it's 82 so no it wouldn't blow he's just a wreck so you just you destroy one of the deuces that's a wreck because they show up and kind of take care of my artillery in the back and let that redirect my forces now they're gonna be shooting at the side of him which is lower I believe it is 12 so that's three shots hitting on twos it's been linked with gets hot so you get two rear over one it is still one so yeah will randomize which one has to make an armor say we'll see if you will see will rule the two a farmer save and then we'll see if we have actually take a wound we've done it so one guys is not shooting and the first one is a pen and the same that's a that's a lot of a 17-2 pen and that one is a lot special I've actually eleven fail so we have one pen and one fail I have automatic shielding five up and vulnerable safe No so it's a pen with plus one and six it's immobilized oh that's not good for a dread not at all so she double close to comments he's he's pretty much dead you pretty much just killed him he's got to melt the guns but I'm pretty sure I can't even pivot so I can only shoot my mouth two guns this direction I don't think anyone would be upset with that we just figured out the shooting for the warlord Titan so the Sun free plasma Annihilator is going to be putting its apocalypse Mirage mica right on top of this and we figured out that one two three or sorry one two three and four gonna be sections for it so if we roll ones it's gonna be hitting this one in this one fives and sixes are gonna be hitting this one and this one twos are gonna be hitting this one in this one twice three is gonna be eating this one at this one four is gonna be hitting him once and that's it's a complicated one the bellicose the volcano cannon because its warlord you just target the ground who's gonna target like this spot in general we're gonna try in them we're gonna hit the greater demon we're gonna be hitting the warlord those tax remains and any of indicators that are in range they're the left carapace weapon as we look at it now for the camera was going down on the spot as well and then the right one was going on top of this one and that's a lot of shots we're going to start with the the apocalyptic barrage and their test guns will just go into that oh yeah that makes sense chest guns into them and the Ardex defense er matrix the image igger we'll start with the apocalyptic barrage one let's see if we get a direct hit or see or perceive it scatters anywhere those being the center of the holes right there that is going to be the reefs oh wait three way that's a seven right yeah so three scatter we carry over the apocalyptic bra just going we're in all four dice here ones are hitting it was these two twos were actually hitting nothing over in this section threes were hitting both of them or just him and fours were hitting both of them and 5s and 6s are hitting both of them as well the rule for dice we got one one so both of them and then three so that it's just one it was just him yes we have two it's on him and so three hits four hits on the unit because two on him and two on him so that's the squadron and then two hits on this guy as well I will have four up cover saves against this but successful cover states have to be rear old from the landing platform aims got plasma wave as a rule so we'll do this guy first yeah I guess I'm a fourteen looking for threes or sorry fives but primary left primary weapon for the first one nothing and the second one ruling two days in silence we have one singular glance against him from the plasma and I will roll a four cover safe which is we had the real successful ones he takes a whole point from the glancing hit down before then we had four hits on them and again it's on the front armor thirteen so we're looking for fours the first one we have a pen second one's gonna be a pen third one will be that is a glance and then the last one is a glance so two glances two pens I'll do what do you want to do the pens versus glanced first probably the pens yeah because his first in case it's hitting him a cab Loma so he's got four up cover has to roll that so he takes one penetrating hit which will see what it is it's just shaken and then the other guy takes two all then he just takes two glances which he has four up saves against that I have two reroll successful saves we take someone glancing hit as well so he's down the one whole point and shaken next we do that carapace gun Oh note down on top of there and that is 1,000% zero cover I'm gonna target the ground here right there so if we do scatter it's maybe more likely if we go left we will hit either one of them so that is gonna be like one inch scatter so if it's right here it's gonna go to there and still it's boat that's the first of three strengths eblasts that is going to be a three-inch scatter that would be getting them twice so it's technically three hits on them and one hit on the - and the last one is directed so or hands on them and - it's on the type in from the one carapace or just through the two on the type in six is the story he's out of here that strength the UH man is super heavy so he go he goes - got catastrophic as well and he's gonna go the little catastrophic let's see where he scatters before he goes catastrophic he's gonna drive off in a random direction and blow up and die oh he is that that's probably off the table yeah they're like from that shot he either goes flying off in your direction blows up or like just like loses control and drives off the table and blows up and he is dead oh boy here we go this is the turn that I'm gonna suffer a lot of damage now we have four hits on them that strength deep which will be resolved that this one first and there's no cover so we're gonna have does nothing and these are all penetrating hits that do d3 whole points so let's see if you say p1 I assume so what I think I think the bellicose though these are only EP 2 so the first one we'll see if he blows up because they're both automatically dead first one he doesn't blow so he is just a wreck and this one over here takes two does he blow no oh yes yes so he doesn't blow up and it's gonna be D six inches which could hit my troops four inches it does take those two there which are wooded on fours from the explosion both are wooded they have three up arm safes and I do have an apothecary I lose a guy so we'll get you now we got the warlord showing up we still have the metal cuffs and the other one yeah it's true silva bella cosa was shooting was around here and the other one was shooting like that seems yeah it was pretty much that same spot yeah actually the TS so the bellicose i can go over here and try and peg the tail end of this grab or the my Archdemon so the bellicose is gonna aim directly right there which will be pegging him and obviously a lot of them and the total war hound who doesn't have Boyd shields anymore so we'll see where this shot deviates if it deviates at all two inches a little more that way on top of that Marines head I'm guessing that deviates towards that marine there on his foot so that poor marines gonna get annihilated it does miss this guy though so do you want to do the one hill on the war hound get through that goes so one destroyer hit on the war hand rolling ones this is the bella cosa yep this is d3 hull points it's a penetrating hit that does v3 hull points but AP is this one so roll the pen first because it could be what's a call it explodes so no so it is just three is done that can't hurt the war hound but he takes d3 hull points take seven whole points remaining and all of those Marines get hitting that collective so you got for a 10 in total that are gonna be destroyer and these are two ups to kill so die a little nine die from that I was super dead yeah two of them are Boober mega dead and there's obviously no field when paying against the story weapons yeah one of those is the chaplain which I'll try and look out sir so there was nine fails so for one of them would be this guy the first one yes but checking line of sight you could only really see five of them chaplains there I am demonic though I just realized so I do get I'll be 't cover saves but not very good they're kind of in the open from that the bella cosa so I'll be taking demon saves on them and there's two sixes rolled so obviously no demon saves allowed against those what order do want first ones personal and then we'll do the sixes gadgets so three at a time before the chaplains hit you got five up in bones and they okay okay BB's be praised five above envelopes and then we have two left to do I saw two Marines left so those two died and then I have two destroyers left who we hit that guy than the chaplain so the first destroyer hit kills him and then I'll try and look out sir off the chaplain I do so just cuz the guy said so the chapel actually still lives and I saved a lot of with in bonuses there my favorite thing is I only realized now that they were score because I tried to run last time to get the objective they're not scoring through demonic so out the score was something else but I do have other things nearby now the last carapace weapon is actually gonna go over here now we were kind of just getting an idea where they might want to go but this one's gonna go targeting the ground they're hitting it looks to be three of my Marines and the toe of the Titan so we'll start there remember it's that spot over there rolling the scatter direct hit so it's gonna be three Marines in the war hound second shot is one inch scatter so probably civil war hound actually mentions the war hound and hits five Marines so it's gonna be eight Marines hit and one more hound hit and then the third shot is a two inch scatter so we know that's miss in the war hound and boy that's a yeah it's a two inch scatter and it'll be him or Marines eight hits on the Marines plus another six for a total of fourteen hits on the Marines and one head on the war hound will do the war hound first unless you don't want to so one just record on the warhead oh he could oh he's dead sake plus d6 automatically dead oh so he's oh that was a huge hit he is going to be rolling on the chart you got a three on the the catastrophic damage charted customer will see what he scatters because he might just go backwards off the table he will go towards the other war hound that's gonna be strengths D on him he's gonna walk towards and walk into this vlog this war hound here and the explosions gonna come from here and I gotta figure out if this is treated as a shooting attack or not because boy shields only working in shooting attacks I believe so avoid shields say any close combat attack so any hit that is not a close combat attack will hit the void shield so he crashes into him now in depth is Titanic is avoiding shields have a two inch radius where they don't work at all so that would have actually hit Titanic is but the void shield does stop that in this game which automatically pops in one level of void shield so he's got one boyhood left and then the chest guns down at these boys 12:20 on threes we rolling we're twin links to swoon and ap three really good at kill Marines though two fails I will have five I feel no pain to the Apothecary which will save one marine so five eight and reason get gunned down from here so one two three four five six seven I guess eight yeah good thing there's elet's they will keep walking towards as warlord and that everyone at home is how a warlord does he killed off everything I had over here he killed the war hound Titan he killed about half that marine squad and you kill a few things a couple those guys - not bad that was overall amazing shooting and imma have to deal with that for three more turns at least I think all right so this bad boy is gonna declare charge against my lesser demons that's a nine in charge to make it in here we go huh oh my goodness he may sit into combat everybody our ace we have to dissemble them and then build them back up over here as this toad makes it a combat with this guy scratch that no combat for him he actually didn't he didn't clear them as a shooting target this is Nate edition so no charging for him we proceed on to close combat X I think that was the only charge because they regrouped and that guy chose to run droves yeah he chose to run to get to the objectives we have this little big combat going on over here I mean it's just step four so you definitely go first with your shield custom duties threes tips you've got two misses is it master crafted no but is no but these are lightning strikes this right so one more hit out of that and threes to wound your strength six yes so Frank stakes down threes to wound we have three wounds and these are gonna be demon safes oh we fail all of them they're one damage each so I have endurance up right now so that's gonna be one damage but he'll do a wound to the guy right in front of them and then we have the hair on guard going next before my my demons get to go three header on guard greased moon all right so we had that many wounds these are sixes our instant death so you won't do that one first yeah sure okay so that is going to be it even save which I make and then these will all be demon saves as well tell me for of and then these are gonna be for films pains so that is to wound that has to go on the same guy so kill off well I guess this guy here he was gonna go home go ahead and they all piled in so that guy piled on over here to shrink in that little nook that just opened up and those three over there gonna pile in getting into combat as well so it's gonna be 3 5 + 10 12 and total attacking with 24 tax he got fives why I've hit the garden and not so great both these users just refused to die identity for so I will be weaned on threes with rending we have two Reds and one normal stave so I'll have you do I guess the wrens one at a time or so go ahead and do the rents you have for involve most saves against that though will do this guy here one at a time and if he starts taking wounds or enough wounding start looking elsewhere to that guy beside so he takes one mood but he's got three rooms in total so he can keep going to you wants to he'll look at start to the next one look over first he fails it and save he fails it so they both hey who won right now so he failed to look up so he's down to one wound remaining so he's gonna be taking the rest of these these are all two up so he might as well roll all the two ups and if you fail any you could try and look upstairs so you fail one even friend logo Sarat and he does so this guy takes him instead they're the header on gardener just splitting up their wounds as much as possible here before they die that's all my attacks and that combats done actually won combat but you're fearless I don't know yes I know the true you does he's not fearless for his use of 10 stubborn so you're holding and of course we have the big combat or the ongoing challenge between Laura Garr and your tributon is going on or door goes first at five attacks he hits on fives he's got precognition going for him so we have only two hits which one on twos we have double wounds you have four open three of them really well that's right he's fine so Lord our does nothing and then we have I guess your guys about the same time as my gal ball Rex I'll let you go first but I have to pile in still so everyone's piled in I'll go ahead and do your head around guard first three times face on fours wait what's your weapon skill at five all right yeah that's right so we had on force we only have three hits and these wound on threes s Franks 685 - it's in death though would you like me to do the instant-death ones first genius so I do have endurance up so that means I don't get the feeling of pain so I have a forewarning save I fail one make one so I take a damage and this one's gonna be just a forewarning stave which I mean big guy and base contact definitely not him we'll go with this guy over here he's got one wound remaining and then I'll go ahead and fight at the same time so I'll do my lightning claw guy first four attacks because we lost the charge bonus and no prescience up right now so all the way to my next I can face to make that a thing we have on fives because the Presidium shields and I'm strength 5 right now we're on fours just two boots to a farmer safes on that guy there but he could look at whoa I guess if you look how serious he just kills the next guy beside yeah so he will die and then 24 tax with the rest of the elbow reckon that would've been at the same time all of the gap or rectangles only hang on fires there was no reroll in because the proscenium shields they're just like two unstoppable units trying to fight each other here these are gonna be wounding on fours with rending so we have us two wounds at two up saves you could do one of time on that guy but it would look out search at that guy it doesn't matter it's my little just to to up save storoe once you're good oh yeah don't roll one get your true being he gets to smack Beauregard six attacks with digital laser is hitting on fours master crafted so two hits so far with re-roll two hits these are Frank 10 winning Lord are on twos one who won who non-lawyer he's got a four of ammonal save he makes hey I would combat but we're both fearless I knew one combat that's a draw forgot about Erebus actually he has on fives oh wow he was on he's currently shrank 645 Toomes add to UPS nothing there we go that comment I will conclude finally a good turn from Andrew thank you to pop a warlord over here really kind of evening things out I lost a lot of my heavy getting back here and I'm trying to think of what to do I don't want to I don't want a tunnel vision on the warlord yet I want to take out the other threats I still have to deal with these two squads over here I still have to deal with that guy over there because he can easily as long as I can rely on my boy shields he's actually not super terrifying because I'll have all the void shields but um let me just have that like commit more shooting at him so he's got to go down and they've got to go because we're gonna hit my Medusa's and uh yeah he's a mobile I see stuff that kind of sucks but it is what it is and again there's no morale for them in the shooting phase because there is salad with their dark channeling upgrade and they have a chaplain giving them zealot scoring on your turn you're not getting that one but you are getting that one for a victory point scoring is low so far okay everyone so top of turn three first thing demons are the rune storm lose their bonus strength and toughness across the board so they are fighting at a normal profile so they're a little more tame they're supposed to be pretty you the idea is they are pretty overbearing on the first couple of turns so much so that I'm going to assume a lot of opponents might concede right away I don't know we'll see see if there is if they're a little more balanced now and as the game progresses they actually get weaker that's not until turn five I believe well double-check that when that's relevant oh I know it's not turn four so turn three for their base stats I stopped the role for a couple of units showing up if they don't if they don't show up this turn they show up next turn automatically we got a big heavy support guy he's showing up little guys are not showing up oh this is a this is a down side you can see to them to like big squads they don't show up it's painful you know what at this point there's not a whole lot left on the battlefield other than really big expensive things some start showing you movement with your cover on them they will roll six for the first time everybody that is where they will end movies recover on the big guy he goes 12 inches to use a gargantuan monsters creature gonna end there try to deal with those terminators 6-inch movement on these guys over here they're gonna try and make a run for that objective to get more points honestly the name of the game here is to survive and points everyone survived and points I forgot to mention my Rudy Storm demon behemoth shows up within six of the portal here these assault ranges jump over their core is these tax corns are gonna go through cover we gonna have to go through the trench you go five inches assault Marines squads gonna hide behind the building over here I gotta try to keep my troops alive as long as I can the brutes and my demon are gonna start coming through underneath the platform to try and take out these custodian guards I have to kill the troops troops are important to kill kind of want a fun fight with these terminators against that guy's evil doing a last turn and I got afraid and I realized what I got a four pin bottom save let's do it let's do this so this bad boy is gonna move up six inches and then pivoting to look at the Telamon over there because he's still pretty big threat we are gonna have the ternary system work from the hatch over here because they're gonna fake this guy this is a sole vehicle I don't know they're gonna end up here in the back here and you think you'd be safe buying a warlord Titan but never forget he's got last cannon defense systems back here I'm gonna put the tank commander Ford a wee bit just so he's the closest and you're gonna go the four inch unit coherency I don't know I don't know why I wasn't doing it before but yeah they'll keep their foreign unit coherency he'll go over there this Rhino is going to I don't just drive over there just I don't know like so he's not caught in the explosion or something I removed the warhead there is gonna be cover their side than with your cover doubling that to 12 so he's got no problem going where I want a war ground will end here getting some cover from the warlord as well as being able to shoot I want the the destroyers over there and I want to shoot the plasma blast and on top of that guy's head but first we have to do this I keep face so I'm gonna get these six things I want to roll low just this try and stop the custody's from getting dice too so that's gonna give me two three four five six seven plus ten o plus four so set up so 1121 dice so 21 dice against the custody's turn and so I need I definitely prescience on them for sure and I'm almost gonna need a lot of powers up over here he's gonna open it with iron arm on himself he's gonna for days because it's pretty important it's for charge one oh my goodness oh why I have to use a destroyer attacks who he's gonna cast endurance endurance on himself would be super good I don't think he's in the super big threat right now heat wall and there's the warlord right there he's gonna cat oh I'm so upset he's endurance on these guys over here um with that endurance I do things train 10 right now yeah the shrink 10 yeah so endurance on them I wouldn't throw three days at it we get with two so that gives them eternal warrior and feel the pain I'm trying donal six bricks toadies nope that's close halfway there so day you will have endurance so he'll life leash them then just rank 682 two shots I got with one it's the only book to join if I if I do damage he heals but he's not he doesn't need to heal gotta hit first we have oh I think we have one hit yeah we have one hit wins on a two or three nun thing president castle powers on himself he's gonna two days precognition on himself he gets with the one that precogs only one he's gonna put four warning on his own unit on uh it was three days on that he got it to he get he manifests on the three up so for warning on his own even giving them a four of invulnerable save and they have endurance and he's got freshens up and no he doesn't impressions they got Precog so he's gonna prescience the unit so they can rewrite rules so for dicing it getting with four so that you to get sorry Rohit rolls again so that'll make a little bit better close combat and I got four dice left the Demon Lord there is gonna cast endurance as well failing it that's not a good sight you face for me so they do not have the feel nope they won't have therefore feel no pain anymore and they won't ignore instant death so that header on guard units gonna be kind of obnoxious I may have forgotten these guys are enfeebled last turn it wasn't that big of a deal it wasn't it wouldn't have killed off that many more guys so no one feeble this tie forgot to cast if you will too because I kind of forgot habit so we're on shooting where we are going to start with the Demon Lord cause I keep forgetting about the riff bolts actually they don't have rip both they have me a smile rot and and quick SuperSpeed so they don't actually have that upgrade to shoot this guy shoot is something though what do you shoot at I guess you shoot backwards that's only a p3 though that ever to a bomber stay but it instantly kills him cuz it's ranked n it strength user plus to you strength eight base mm-hmm one thing I know I want to do for sure is this for house we're gonna do him we're gonna Overlord the plasma blast gun over at these guys giving them shrank ten AP to one singular very large blast and they're going to put both the D blasts on top of that guy there so go right on the top of him the first D blast one-inch little hit him and the second he blasts direct it so to strength DS on him and the front and six he is dead well except we were joking like go and be amazing if you popped all his boy shields they're all double six on that guy so how many whole points would he have suffered if I had shot him oh it is 14 Jess 14 is 14 it would almost I would have almost had helped him from that if he had no voice shields he is destroyed though um does he blow up no so he is just a smoky wreck killing him was a big deal to save my troops though so I have my guy want to try and secure this side of the table for myself all the Nova's that I can are gonna shoot into that lone custodian guards only seven and range hitting on Three's to missus who's to wound forwards five up in vulnerable faves you know he's a live one who remaining is not instant death against him very interesting these guys are gonna fire full pistols into him any ones that are in range in fact you know what I was doing these guys first there's gonna shoot pull pistols into the back end to him says uh three bolt pistols ya know I guess that guy will throw a cracker need and then to pull pistols but one cracker nade hits it wounds cuz drink six you have a two of armor safe and he's fine and then to bolt pistols one hit no wound there will be 11 bolt pistols and range for the taxco Marines on fours threes like over shootings little puny guns now - they're important fives we do for wounds to you or to a farmer saves on my garden he does go down to the bolt pistols all right that's my objective if I feel they're gonna try and charge and tie him up and then I have troops on the old they're not scoring that's right but at least I'd be tying something up actually forgot to fire at the war hands the plasma blasts gun over here so I'll go ahead and do that I'm gonna aim it on top of I'm gonna say this guy's head direct it will hit all of them and nothing else we have a one-inch scatter which were just in this direction which won't be hitting them because it's only a 5 inch radius so three hits on them putting on twos twos that's three wounds at four conformal saves that instant death - haha to go down automatically and they're gonna be taking a morale check unless they're wall feelers from you know psychology actually even more this guy is gonna take a single strain ten shot at them because he's a monstrous creature he has 360 art he may be it's gonna be to the moon to a farmer safe we have a wound and to up he's fine the rift barb off the armory tactical Marine squads gonna run for the objective don't roll one a nice on to the objective we go we're gonna end there he goes much more important for these plasma guys to shoot down this guy only the guys up here can see and shoot him so it's gonna be with two rapid firing seven shots in total I'll do the sergeant first he hits and then the two guys rapid firing both hit and one miss so he's got an arm save he's fine he stuffs one hit and two more random guys shooting just one misses no overheating he's wound on twos for booms for him audible saves he takes three he goes yeah there's a pretty pretty pricey squad goes down but not without doing something cool first they did take out one of my Medusa this laner is gonna fire next we are going to fire this weapon of OBS at the contempt ER and then this one we're gonna power the Machine spirit split fire into the custodian guard there certainly that one it is a hit it is a wound they have a five up and Varmus a but it won't be instant death one damage and then one shot into the dread-nots there we have a hit and ok I have a pinball you fail it interesting so I'm looking for I don't know what I'm looking for the CAA +16 he's immobilized that means like his back armor in close combat so he's not a super mimin yeah he's not well he said that is d3 last game shots that's true I guess yeah you know he was kind of scary on the charge but I'll go fight him still determined to go beat him up pretty on point shooting not too bad pretty pleased these two Medusa are gonna fire at bad grab tank there cuz I'm trying to get rid of all the small arms fire and tie everything else up the plan there is to tie them up through charging I couldn't reduce it them off the table but no I think would have charged them let's see your shot duh no no no I'm okay we're right on the right on the top there the first one is gonna be two inches off so still be hitting but the said the barrage will come from somewhere around there which we direct it so let's do two hits on him or I guess I could do like let's see that last template I don't know like so it was right there I could put it like over there and it's kind of like I don't know I don't know I don't know I have no idea where the Warlord's footprint is I'm just gonna say I hit him twice because I'm not trying to get the warlord here so two hits on him it hits the side so the flare shields the flare shields will kick in though which is the most important so the first one is going to be strength 10 against 13 I think its primary weapon by the way those are both pens if not so it's ordnance so I have one pen and the second one's gonna be a pen so 14 twice the other 15 or 14 against the sides and because it's barrage it comes from exactly where it hits from so there would be no cover saves unless you have your own built-in defense nope we got flare shields that it yeah turns out this does have machine spirit there Andrew look what you got to say for yourself it should be a special rule and not a more guitar option okay then to be fair yeah it is kind of weird that's a warrior option you can upgrade your tanks dad machine spirits instead of them all just having with a special rule anyways two pens against a side at a plus I think these are a p2 he's dead he blows sky-high off the table with the Calibos he's not arranged to hurt anybody shootings been 100% I'll point sister my psychie face was like okay but like he did great they'd be good enough and thank you both pistols killing both of them and shooting was like the destroyer perfect shots plasma over there was good enough to make it so the plasma could finish them off I guess cuz there was only plasma now I think it's gonna very quickly think immobilizing this guy as well so I could charge or I'm proper I'll probably charge them why not just for the fun of it these guys are not the charge over here and I think very quickly it's gonna be tied up units and the warlord Titan left in the end and then after that I think it's gonna be everything else left on the table trying their very best to bring down the giant because it'll be my entire army for Isis that guy but I have to deal with the header on guard over here still Oh which brings us to some charging I think I'm gonna start with these terminators declaring a charge against this guy who by all means can overwatch he's got d3 shots with his last gun one hits em six no way he's got the best terminator yep oh we got two of them that's right yet I'm the rest so six is in the twin linked yes it looks like there's a they look like the same okay to hit some moons on a kid strength five a me to put my serginho friend oh look out sir I make it got a Frankie Terminator army that was scary charge distance I should be charging five maybe you if I was more than enough to get all three of the front guys the base contact on the initial charge brutes and the demon room you charge of the custodian guard over there they can overwatch sure we have two hits I'm down to toughness six through strength for all right so fives to one or six is to wound all six the six definitely wounds I owe you a save I am within six the unit is within all supermodel basis never mind so that models not within six inches so I fail that and I think their infantry I'll roll the feel no pain and then I'll go look they are infantry need you get that feel no pain and they have fleet so they get to roll this charge they get a ten so it'll keep the time they're gonna end there you got here declare your charge against them they get to overwatch three shots hitting on sixes but twin links so we have one hit re rolling for twin links two hits 25 I'm T I got an iron arm up so I'm T I'm only t8 so what's this is to mood oh he actually got a wound Oh the model is within six inches of here so I will have a form of ammonal form of honorable Sabian shoe because he is a lord of chaos and it's rear Ola ball he makes it that was actually instant death that could have done a lot of extra damage to him charging I haven't with recovery so I ignore charging through the terrain here I'm just going to honest I was gonna put him like right there just know he's in combat so we know he's in combat so you'd have to go there anyways closest to closest the tactical Marines over here can't charge because they shot at the one custodian guard that is in for charging where to start with this combat my chiropractic terminators versus your custodian contempt ER he gets to go first because I'm unwieldy for tax base already included in the profile with the extra double weapon and he's got counter attack two hits wounding on to is it master crafted I assume you're using the sort thingy yeah is a destroyer if you charges on six of the hit so it's master crafted you have three hits that one on twos no lose the ones all right Oh cata Frankie Terminator armor doesn't stop it it does impale one and he dies as they charge in and then add initiative step one you'll take a spot and then you actually wouldn't able to fit there so you're just gonna stay there I'll do the chain face first three tacks are charging we hit on fours but we're still in their mind I'm gonna say we're zealots so it's three Ottomans it's three hits he's immobilized so I'm hitting the back armor of 11 with armor Bane so we're gonna do the first one is gonna be a pen because that's a total of I can't do math 8 plus 7 is 15 the second one's gonna be a pen and the third one's gonna be a pen a they add all three pens I think he's gonna stick something close combat he actually has a refractive field that's always a 5 up in ball 3 pens so he takes one penetrating hit at plus one he is weapon destroyed so he's got one whole point left do these count as how do these bands where he has to drive not close combat fist with two guns and spear who the to dread not close combo weapons would think the the bolter guns on them count as one weapons us two weapons and the spear is actually a third weapon so on one one two so on a d3 one two three the spears be three jingo enroller so the sphere and the sphere is destroyed and I have three six nine power pissed attacks forced hit but they are zealots so you get two reroll failed hit rolls in the first round of combat from the dark channeling upgrade these are gonna be threes to glance anything else is a pen so we have go ahead and do the Pens first hit for penetrating hits and it's gonna be the hill he's dumb does he blow he does blow up so he's gonna blow up enough hit all four of the terminators wounded the terminators on fours so we have two two up arms apes we fail one goes to Terminator eyes it goes down that guy and he is gone as well consolidation after destroying the Walker oh geez we will be inside the void shillings yeah yeah but I mean we still have to deal with these like two twiddling glass cannons they're gonna shooting any every turn it just it's just step one - everything focusing on the world our Titan and I'm as close as possible to him because he was 12 inches of turn but love to do this combat next you get to go first for sure with the the shield captain guy as well he hit some threes it's not master crafter but the six gives you an extra attack with lightning strikes they all hits there and he's wound on on p4 now a tooth little bit weaker though there we go now see you said it's already starting to show I have a vibe up demon safe which I'll make two of them and I do have a normal I think two of those were instant death ooh I have to reroll a safe because injuries right the two of those who are instant death so we have to it's to death and to no three normal saves to make which ones would you like me to do first there's a guy in base contact with him with one wound normal same so if there's a normal stage first Dima saves make one film attains five up just cuz they're infantry so about one guy dies does this guy here and the next closest guys are that guy in that guy which are demon saves and no one's in death so one guy dies completely we'll just say it's this guy so those two are dead and that's a total of three wounds after he attacks and the custodian guard gets swing or the header on guard but they're already in close combat hit now on three seed be next they broke through these this troop try stupid bike no game I still have one to come in there actually they're gonna take Photoshop they're coming in next turn no matter what these are Frank 6:29 three twos then there's that one instant death so only the one fail but I have two guys with one wound so if you choose you can tell me to do the not instant death ones first and I could put the wounds on the not wounded guys and it's the best ones I get you could tell me to do them first I could put them on the wounded guys yeah gotcha he's gonna be five up demon saves five up feel no pains so we make two of those so that's three wounds so that's one guy dead one guy takes wound and then that instant death ago and the guy who has to take the wound so he's got a five up he makes it so I'm gonna put a wound on so this guy's dead and then the third wound will go on well that guy there I guess actually no not him I'm gonna go with you and you'll take a wound over there then I'll get to go and they'll pile in and the goal is to get them into combat over here so that the big guy has room to squeeze through then they pile in like that back a lot of wound markers floating around in this combat here that's the family's multi wound models now four five six seven eight nine attacking the header on guard and not the shield captain five stitched into the header on guard no rear o lling you got one three hits you've done a t4 still so I'm moving on forest now with running two wounds two up saves you just you can roll them in and look up certain if you need to there you go combat is finished and I definitely lost so rolling on the perils of the work that is d3 wounds to the unit with no stays of any kind of loud or one wound and I'm gonna go ahead and put that on a guy who's got to instill so his combination of all these guys have two Tunes each and that perils of the work table not this guy that'd be based not being nearly as annoying as it or not being as a obnoxious as it should be so it's my turn I will do my end of combat pylons first as Gaza and try and wrap around keep doing separate and then your shield captain would go into this guy over here now this combat over here you actually go first I got another check that made my Demon Lord goes first please guys gonna go first initiative five on them to tax each two hits and these wound on I'm T six on my boots dead is fiercely get an extra attack on a three so two hits wounding on spies cuz my toughness nothing and then - just step four piling in let's go go there this guy would try and go it around and then because I mean boom for this guy he's gonna come in this way and and there but still be able to attack because he's near that guy six attacks from the demon Lords on Greece they all hit wounding on your down to toughness for because of me hasn't over rot and I am strength six of two and I don't think I have or anything yeah I do have runny because I'm a monstrous creature that's right so you have five up and borrow saves you make two fail to that guy dies like take food and at the same time my brutes would attack the brutes at four attacks each on the charge forced to hit at weapons ago four and these are strength six with miasma fraud I'm going on twos no rending on these guys though so you just had a straight up to up farmer saves they're only allowed to take two emanations so I took miasma of rot to keep the unit and then quickserver speed to keep the unit album with recover clean and but that is still to fails so the boots in this case aren't actually that good they're literally just a blade of wounds for the Demon Lord well I guess to be fair in this case they were the the nail in the coffin for that unit so that bet worked out pretty well I haven't finished my first objective of the game in three turns I have killed all of Andrews scoring that was my one goal I had to kill all the scoring just to make the objectives important and to lord over them Andrews next goal for this apocalypse game is to kill off both my remaining super-heavy the gargantuan monstrous creature and the warlord war hound Titan for the extra victory points and to kill all of my troops off as well to prevent scoring we still have this combat to resolve those like guess we should do the head Laura will be going first as his men watch him and cheer him on though to be fair that guy's putting up a heck of a fight so kudos to him as well I'm hitting him on fives I have precognition up so we have two hits that turned into two hits he's wound on twos that tunes oh he takes a damage everyone he's down to three teams yeah yeah three moons remaining on him and then we have your header on guard I get to go at the same time as not Gow war backed so you know what to do your head around guard because there's only a couple of them left they're getting swarmed and beatdown though to be fair wasn't a fair fight to beat from the beginning uh-oh we hit on three oh they were life yes without force and strength six swing on threes two wounds once instant death so in base contact with that guy well I guess this guy's wounded I could put the instant death on him you want me to take that first but if you don't want me to take me into death first then I'll put it on some other guy so in the end I don't Lee it really matters all that much so I will do forewarning all good substitute the instant death one first forewarning I fail wound I don't get endurance against that either so he is dead uh yeah I'll put on the one guy hoping to get the forewarning off on that one and then the save that isn't instant death I say so just the one guy dies the same time he would fight back this guy would technically pile in and around these guys would pile in and around make their way in then going behind this guy was sweet through the dark martyr first hit not oh I'll be oppression so we have one hit there's still one hit we hit on fives board wound because I am strength five who are toughen five and we have a wound to have armor safe it'll be hitting that guy over there technically you're making and then the rest of the gal war back all of them still attacking fire stage we got supper stadium shields and with pressure and stuff I get to re-roll this should hopefully help that was a five or six I suppose that doesn't matter prescience gives me I could about a heads back so four five six more hits because oppressions prescience forced wound with renting so we have two wrens and a variable you know we'll just do the twelve armor saves first and then we'll see where the rents take us so you take one you could choose to take it on that guy if you want yep cuz you got one we left so that both the head around guard have one wound remaining so these are just gonna be you have to do how you do both for can borrow states because the shield captain won't be taking these they both buckle everyone so the header on guard on the left flank of the battlefield are still living now Adrian I've had a couple like gentlemen's agreements in this game back guy technically well I didn't fully break this one but I was thinking all the classrooms Alaska and sure could instantly kill a whole squad of header on guard and leave the shield captain alone and was the same for like the Medusa's for the same on that side over there so I agreed I'm not gonna shoot them I want cool close combat for those really expensive squads who are like they have amazing stats right so they held over there their head there hope you're doing an amazing job over here holding because there that's the second squad no that's the first squad they still fight in the first guy it was the second squat over here that buckle tells us Erastus nights and then these guys now granted they didn't get the fight with lure gar and his gal boreback but it was not a fair fight man no not understand a fair fight a lot of a fair fight but I had to throw in the psychic powers because I am almost certain that the gal for back in Lord Gaara nervous would lose that fight if it was not for all the psychic powers and I forgot again to tackle therapist or whatever that's placed already anyways yeah Eris always plays dirty it's thematic for sure listen to listen to betrayer and find out what Erebus does yeah it's awful for attack with Eris with precious hang on five strength currently six till threes one wound to a farm say this would technically long the guy there but he's that to a farmer the the greater Nobby is completely surrounded by gal war back this guy's dead I wouldn't combat but doesn't matter double fearless and in my turn no more I'll think I get a victory point for a troop on that objective and I have the assault Marines as scoring on that objective as well for two points this all breeze that could those guys hold note and I'm hoping that no blasts can go over here cuz that guy's still alive so I'm honestly really using this as a hub of state from safety from the warlord tight I'm gonna try and bunch as much stuff over here as I can I forgot you just choose the around the battleground of the battlefield but at least the back kind of stuff and the worst the worst thing is if it scatters over there that's bad because I at this point I don't know if you care if he dies or not well maybe like I don't want him to live you want like it'd be nice to be living throughout the battle and he could three of them save negative one to hit I don't think Laura is killing him anytime soon and I have to be lord guard actually I guess these guys in pilots are getting to now [Music] I forgot to do one consolidation with these guys after they beat up the custodian guard so they're gonna go an extra four inches guess you're a little more mobile so we go go and then I was forgot it will not die so his it will not die he actually get something back he's up to four again because of the creepies courage and does this four hands void she'll come back online it's currently missing one of two he does not give void shield back so you roll for each mission void shield on a5 up the Ignite oh my goodness oh yeah we're gonna go ahead and do this everyone you're unwieldly with your power gauntlet so I'll go first with my Ark demon let's see what you can do I will use the breaker Titans upgrade here just because I'm not instant killing with my normal attacks Maloofs rank 9 whereas if I was on turn 1 or 2 I would have been instant death so I would have definitely done my 7 attacks on the charge I only get 6 and 3 attacks so the way this works is I sacrifice I give up my normal attacks and get strength EAP 1 attacks but I have to give up half of my attacks rounding down so even at 7 attacks it's 3.5 rounded down to 3 I won't just go 6 I hate on threes and I'm done just Bulls that they get to pile in and beat the crap out of me next now you get to talk back with your strength 10 gauntlets I think only eight you hit on fours scrub that we have to re-roll after all Mastercraft is still three at a time so first guy has two hits - it's the second guy is gonna have three attacks oh it keeps it simple and the last guy has we roll mantra master crafted No so we have five hits that went on to strength 10 versus toughness eight-by-tens insane guys now I have a three Ivan bond will save in close combat now I know we're on the Casoni turn but three of ammonal save and if I'm within six that the models within six inches of that I get to reroll it so they took the three up real and vulnerable save away from the custody's and they gave it to the demons of the rune storm but it only works on this big guy cuz easy one can get a three up in bone as per upgrades and it's pretty much saying you strength you to kill him so now we're done except I have my stomps I got D three stomps I get two I was gonna go stomp stomp right on top and I'm looking for a six only one so three strength 684 hits so one wound you have to a farmer save against it and we are locked in combat folks and now we begin the custodies turn Ainge is being brave we're moving though we're moving the warlord without taking him over art he's moving over this way he's gonna think about what to do about all these troops well he got within an inch of me I don't know there you go you're good there that's good right on this shooting page there's no safety face with the only shooting we have is a big boy big boy himself now you know what I'll consider myself lucky I actually got stuck in combat over here with these terminators canal he can't be shot I mean you technically see the one cheesy thing with this guy I don't wanna call it she's the one cool thing you can do is he can aim at I wanted to be an aim here and technically pegged him I'm curious why I just double checking you're not allowed to place a blast marker in any way that it would cover an enemy unit that is currently locked in combat but it can always deviate and lock something in combat we're done moving we're gonna we figured out his shots so again the characters mounted weapons can not shoot it anything unless it's a gargantuan earth creature or super every or something that flies they believe you said yeah if it's within 24 inches and that is like all the way up to the building here and this guy's locked in combat and you can't see them so the one care of us weapon there can't fire anything underneath them and you can't see anything else where is that one or that that entire left side can shoot it the war hound and everything in from the war hound so what you just said is you want to put the apocalypse missile launcher thrown out the apocalypse FL cos the bellicose oh where exactly probably somewhere around so we're trying to pop the last void shield on this war hand with the bella cosa and then obviously get some just hits on some troops and whatnot so you said right here yeah alright so put a little die right there then the Sun fury doesn't have any restrictions on working fire so it's gonna fire it's apocalyptic barrage on the Demon Lord and the boots we're going to do the the bellicose the first of course then the twin chest guns will go into them and we have the last Cadillac and one will go into this and one will go into them so you can multi charge Oh smart okay so yeah so the one they have like a 180-degree arc in his back arc so I can shoot to the sides and down so one down here one down here the little guns in the front there and then everything else as I said okay so we're gonna scatter it dress it so I don't leave that void shield done there's a void shields gone we had form of the guns and five of my demonic Marines so why don't we go ahead and do the five demonic Marines then boom ones are bad these are actually all invulnerable saves except the Apothecary is the closest I'm gonna look up there off the Apothecary well you know I guess this coming from him isn't it because it's not barrage so because it's a primary weapon it's not barrage Braj is like one of the only weapons that actually draw from where it lands so these will be demon safes so I make two of them and their strength decent no feel no pains so my vex cyllid eyes and this guy would die as well suppose to go down to that and then we have four hits on the multi guns and a hit once so if you want to save one guy's dead and actually the rest of the Dead to because they don't then on demonic so four guys get blind they wouldn't take a cover only would get correct right so what we do is there's four of them so you can say this guy wasn't uncovered so he's dead so you don't I don't get to save against that and this guy would have cover so you can say I take the six so then he dies because there's no cover against that and then there's two over there which I can get four of covers because of this thing so I make one fail one so one more dice yep that's right Hannah that's three of them die so I had to do leadership on them after the shooting it's done and then the characters bump in bang bang bang all three shots right there so that is gonna be a two inch sky still hits and then the next one direct hit and third one direct hit nice all three right on top of the war hand no void shields I was really hoping to get a second one back so the bellicose it couldn't pop them for free so six is pretty much killem oh hey so so that's gonna be at least that's three penetrating hiss at ap is it ap one on the bellicose no this is not the bellicose that's a p2 so roll those to see if you get extra damage on sixes No so that's just three D three damage so you could kill him one go but you don't one two three for five whole points and he's got four remaining I would I would have actually had some cover saves from this only only five ups so there was no sixes to actually get those so there is an instance of one and two instances of - so I'll roll the one damaged so I make the converse a four the one damaged and these ones I'll just roll them I actually made all of them so you back to fall he takes zero damage from the destroyer and the apocalyptic brought down on them we have to make do because I cannot find the ones we have here at the studio and I know I act them in the move so we're gonna go ahead and resolve this off-camera it's essentially this blast market with four other five inches all around it these ones don't touch and they go around that inner circle there so they're all labeled one two three four the one in the middles five six you've rolled four dikes to see who it hits but we have to scatter first so the senator is gonna be exactly right there we'll see where that one DB in steam so it's gonna go oh hello that is seven-inch scatter directly to the right in the same orientation so this one yeah so it has to be the same orientation so so it's hitting both of our guys there and over this one's gonna be hitting yourself and I think even the bass line itself is hitting yourself as well so is that one because it would be hitting laya all the way down this one over here wouldn't be hitting with hit my roots okay so only only bad things only bad things for ager here on this one so now we roll four dice we'll go one two three four five six is in the middle so one one two two okay so it's two two is two hits but yeah two hits on him and then one one is it hits both of our guys once so two hits on both of our guys over here as well so I just do your to void shields I'll roll for that these are strength nine so look for threes you have nothing you're fine your void shields hold and - it's on your guy's moving on twos and you have four of them normal saves you take a damage this is the nearest to him would be that guy there so he's already got two wounds so you can take one and then - it's on my guy's moving on - so two wounds I get invulnerable saves because they're not strength eat I feel both and they are instant death so it's gonna kill him and what's two hits I guess kills him two guns done and then we have the little guns at my tactical Marines hang on threes whoa hunter all almost a direct hit these are Frank's 683 so killing on twos but I do have my um my art kisser armored guy nearby oh wow okay it's gonna be three guys so one two three and then then my sergeant and I saw my apothecary three guys feel no pain one dot survives this is one guy left feel the pain he's dead and then it's just my sergeant which I'll start doing one at a time - up - up Oh feel no pain wait what am i doing just trying all these reassuring six oh I make it to up and then to up to up o5o feeling pain he may not carry our armor so worth never been so valuable to game to me before but I do lose those three tactical Marines there but they're zealots so like it before they refuse to run that is such a strong special rule things that poor tactical ring squad looking like that we have the last cannons in the back to fire now are they twin last games or they get star the two twin Lasky okay so do the one of my land Raider it hits and looking for a 5 yep nothing and then one shot over here it okay we've been late that's right okay sure but you still technically charge them so where is he charging what's your primary target so we have to choose a primary thing you choose as many like secondary primary will be the land Raider and then secondary tertiary them and you all three of them technically I'll be trying to like position is such a way that gets all three I can't overwatch with that and I'll throw a cracker name all right maybe I don't know maybe I could get a void shield one Kraken aid oh that's a beautiful start to this boy yiii kobe boom five-point shield left from the hero sergeant by the way don't you go ahead and roll that charge up and see where this goes you can go pretty much anywhere like I guess like that foot can you can even like pivot him so like that foot is touching both of them and then that puts actually over here okay yeah that bad makes the most sense to me so after realizing certain positioning here we're gonna put all the destroyer attacks which is two three or three he doesn't get the bonus one for charging because that's the disorder charge into this dude here trying to get me off the scoring so three tacks hitting on fours because he's weapon skill too yep we are a hit for this destroyer this strength D so on a two out the guy's dead yeah go ahead and just take care of the closest guy there what initiative is the Titan anyways I would have one I would have check-ins we fouled in first with these guys so go ahead and do that my one guy still dies because I can't hurt you even with cracker Nate's armor fifteen on the front if anyone's curious and the power fists aren't able to hurt it either but though Pilon and the chain fist could hurt it so he'll go there and I'll attack with the chain fist he's got two attacks six is to hit because that's the warlord special rule for infantry you only ever hit on six is everything else hits it on fives in close combat because it's just so big that that's why it's a good form of defense for it we have zealot for the first round the combat we have nothing we we miss it or we hit it and we do such superficial damage it doesn't matter because I'm only attacking its toes you imagine us guys literally just trying to change fist the toe and trying to accomplish something then your stomps happen now you get D three stumps and there are large blast stomps as well so yeah three is gonna put all three right on top of them yeah so three so if you're gonna put them day you got one there and then the next one has to go here and then the third one can go something like that they have to kind of be touching each other yeah so you can for sure put one there and then if you want you put another one there and then the next one could flip and hit the land Raider that's smart all three on them and one four six get off my table one persistent unit of just Apothecary and tactically sergeant are just squished into atoms they lose combat but they are so it we'll go ahead to resolve this combat you get to go first with your shield captain's threes 10 6 is our extra attacks so you got 1 6 nope 4 hits these one I'm too similar T for now and sixes are good nice you have one fail and an instant death so the guy in base contact with him is not wounded so I assume it's been dead first demon save no Fila pain doesn't work here so he's dead and then these are just no and even saves make or fail both demon there kill the pain oh wow so he does a total of kills 1 and 2 damage gonna kill him OOP and the next closest guy so he kills both of them down as they finally start to break through the demons of the ruins storm 2 only have the fight thing yes you did coming up header on guard that guy would pile on over here and yes and then everyone else yep everyone else is already face the header on guard over here probably gonna beat that true choice I brought it only took seven around the combat heat around the combat this would be seven maybe know I probably less than that hitting on threes they just have swords so no extra tax on sixes twos to moons because it's ranked six sixes are instant death that is a record about a one's for you thank ya so I assume it doesn't really matter yeah it doesn't matter what order actually meet ya make you do all the ones first because I fail these is one guy left with one what two moons and that it's deputy Adam so five up demon saves we make one and these are feeling pains so that it's gonna be three damage which I'll put two on this guy and one on the guy beside them then I have three models with one wound left which will have a demon save and the feel no pain will work it's finally happening so I'm definitely losing combat here these are the guys that came out on turn one I'm gonna attack back with four tax into these guys five five stick because of the shields and you're done at t4 cuz the miasma of rots we have two wounds at no AP so you just do your saves and figure out look coceres later if you need them nope I definitely lost combat over here because I'm demons of the ROO storm I roll on the perils of work the new perils of war that's a four so I suffer the unit's hours D three wounds and no saves allowed of any kind so no Philippines and no invulnerable states they're dead no they wasted away back into the thrown with them Hey finally the header on guard freed themselves against the ruse of the demon storm and I have another squad coming in on turn four so you know what overall they're still pretty healthy they're only slightly wounded here and there I believe in them that they could kill him out of squad I think they got it in them now that's true they're all even when they come up there on these Frank 44 so they don't to do that t5 nonsense alright big dumb combat over here I'm gonna use the D strength attacks with Titan Hunter again again only three attacks hitting on threes let's not get a 1 1 2 again shall we three attacks hitting on threes nice we got one we got one do you know what I'll take anything that was better than the last time so you have one hit d Table two so you have an invulnerable save against it and you fail so it's gonna be d3 damage how much one two yeah two or three wounds each spring wins each oh they live thank you no guy takes one and you get to fight back with your 9 solo right power down the text we have to do them one at a time yeah it was gonna be the first one hitting on boars they all hit next one is all on fours of the nine we roll the one miss cuz their master crafted so two hits and the last one we roll from ass crafted nice great ten two's to wound one fail these are all three of informal stays and I'm near my risk marker forget to reroll it power demons of the rune stone I get to do my stomps I get D three of them three stomp stomp stomp on that spot there six gets rid of all of them No look at that that's six string-- four hits on them threes to moon and you're gonna have to up our Mercedes well it only is one damage to whoever you want you can even spread the ones that let's put it on him again and we have more locked combat which is not ideal for me but I guess at some point I'll just I'll deal with him I really want him fighting the warlord at some point well I guess we'll get there when we get there yeah he'll take its time now you're going on about how much my troop choices are holding up your header on guard these guys are equally holding up my art demon we got the big fight lorig are goes first he's got precious he's got preached so prescience doesn't matter that's mostly for the gal for back we hit you on fives because I proscenium shield so you have two hits with precognition failing again only ever get to choose to wound precognition dooms well we do all dude yeah it's true now he's got one we left is it took one previously yeah Erebus you know Erebus we'll go next because that guy goes that initiative step one so everybody got for tax thing on fives precognition oh wow not prekow sorry that's oppression it's not three tugs strength currently six threes we have two moons and you have to up armor safe so I'll share this take the final blow oh I thought he was gonna do it okay he does it now we have only got more back going Adam - we hit on fives with prescience this is sorry this is the dark martyr because he's got Lane class hero spilled moon rolls moon's on horse with rending re-roll we have three wounds at AP nothing relevant 8300 so the dark martyr just gives him the claws through the back and takes the glory away from Lord guard but Lord guard is a humble individual he doesn't mind that so much in fact he's happy that they can now finally move on to bigger and greater things as a consolidated six inches and that will be warlord kill as well I'm almost afraid to move because now they're now they're gonna be shot at by the freakin warlord Titan consolidating Sixers they're hiding behind this large train feature that's gonna protect me from the warlord Titan um and that's pretty much it that is the end of the turn let's see if you get your void shield back so you have your missing once you get to roll one die and a five up comes back no so he still only has five void shields remaining the plasma should do pretty good at taking that out I mean we'll see I would um I'll check on the melting from the shooting face I'm truly versatile and we can see Lord are so they get something bumps their leadership but they roll the three so Vegas [Music] now rode a paddle around for currently you don't score anything for your turn out there's no scoring units running the objectives I currently violated this half of my war hounds I my war hounds were like amazing this game and over here I have to get more troops on that but I don't know that's not gonna be easy because I had to get through the header on guard first and at the start of the fourth turn well look at that the last student of use of the rooster that haven't showed up yet to the fray twenty more lesser demons they can't charges turn though but they can run the republics can stay were there honestly just because they get to re-roll they're invulnerable saving throws if they're within six of that marker and they all work because they have to be and happen is this run is gonna move back this Landry was gonna fall back at a combat I'm just gonna go six inches not like a tradition pulling back at a combadges the vehicle just drives away they stay in combat the beasts are going to move into there the Demon Lord taking that position the demon behemoth well and they're this poor sad boy a stuck here we're gonna have I guess there's gonna jump on the objective around here there's no real threat to their lives anymore these guys are going to move as well but they have to move through cover because of the trench they're going to move six nice way to go guys ending there and then these guys in there six as well they're not going to be able to make it to that warlord Titan and any times at any time soon so there's gonna move over here spread out and be like a secondary troop choice I can go for that objective if the first one dies and then the war hounds gonna move it's got to move through cover ties it's technically on cover still and he's gonna go ten inches because he doubled the highest roll go in here it's time to take out the big guy it's the only real Tiger to have left so I might as well try and work on his void kills and see what I can do he got war back gonna move as well but you know what Lord Gaara is there feeling brave you're gonna go in in Malda they're gonna hit the Warlord's legs on safe this let's go do that that sounds great so here we go here it comes a super powerful play Lord guards gonna stay back we bake you never know like he's probably the best to take some of the hits though you know what so yeah Laura we'll go forward we'll have one we got more back in the front Laura we'll go next and then actually they're just gonna keep this little daisy chain going so they move six and then it is the psychic phase okay these are salt rings gonna make a 12 inch jump over here too because they all have melted bombs these are actually a pretty broad band on sixes which is the issue but they could do some damage to this warlord they're gonna do 12-inch jump spread out a bit all of my threats are coming at once includes movement we're gonna have the psyche phase I'm gonna get two dice we have two so three four five six seven for the Chaplin so 11 so 21 again so for for him and then plus ten for the the Archdemon over here my total any one dice I'm going to share with some Laura are casting because that's pretty important to me um listen we can do here you can put precognition on himself he gives it with two so that's himself rolling hits wounds and saving throws would you like to try and stop that yeah sure let me might as well kiss my own things up oh oh wait I think after we were all in a hole can you roll the whole thing or just one appreciate the reroll both because it says you you make a pool of warp charges to beer deny the which test and you hit the river we roll the test so even if you just Rover roll the one who wouldn't helps and then he'll cast poor warning on his own unit as well three dacing it getting with only one it's that is a work search one you know three days precious it's not that important to me so it's more charge to I need to show to three episode I wholeheartedly fail that one so I'm not overly upset about freshens not going up that's his three psychic powers I want to see if in Feebles and range because I can enfeebled them that'd be amazing put them down and strength three and toughness three or sorry strength for chemistry within feeble in combination with miasma broad we are gonna have in feeble from Erebus go into the header on guard for well three days nearly pour up we give it to so they are strength and toughness for and they treat all trainers difficult dream then I have this video dices left I gotta throw some endurance is down we're gonna have the big guy over there throne endurance down on the gal boreback that's pretty important so we'll throw four dice at it yeah so we got it so endurance on them and then we have him throwing endurance on the twenty man blob there ah I do to his own yeah well do to his own unit the beast and himself and we fail so no endurance there I could rapid fire these plasma into those header on guard but I think they're gonna be overwhelm and slowly die so what I'm gonna do is fire all of the plasma to try and pop some void shields here so they're all rapid firing so here's all the plasma here's the sergeant okay almost kills himself he's that part of his armor he's good he has one hit and then I gotta do one at a time and then we'll see if any of them died so he's that's his armor safe he's fine he gets a hit I'm sure there's a better way to do this I just can't immediately think of her for some reason next guy we have a hit and miss snow gets hotting so far three up-armored save he's alive we get a hit so I don't they're not both hitting there we go keep it simple guys just hit with everything hey thanks guy and then next guy and the laughs ah there we go accuracy beautiful those are all hips and plasma looking to break the void shields they have armor 12 some of her every 5 up breaks level avoid shield boom so one two three four five levels of void shields go down so his voice chills go catastrophic gonna blinding light and absolutely will blind everyone nearby but now he is vulnerable he has 30 whole points to get through so let's start this show off armor 15 so we serve this guy firing the lads into him and then we'll see where that takes me to twin lads hitting on threes and armor 15 strength 9 so I need the Nexus to glance sixes to glance not Medusa's are gonna be firing him yes I know I could insta kill all them but no the redeems the roof swimming get them I'm soon go I guess like technically right here so just to keep it simple for scattering purposes direct hit and the second one's gonna deviate a flip this way like directly towards me won't hit any of my stuff and it should certainly still hit him because of how biggest top is Mirage they hit a sidearm or technically but still 15 but it's for immense so roll two dice nothing on the first one second one gives me a penetrating hit everyone women oh yeah I forgot invulnerable safe he's gotten barnable step five up and bowling against everything still because of just like how dense his armor is his ceramide okay so I do no damage so far this is why I wasn't shooting it by the way everyone this is why I killed literally everything else on the table before firing at this thing we're gonna fire a singular rift barb into him it's the strength ten armor bang one shot one hits strain ten armor bein so ten plus nine for a penetrating hit but you have a 500 invulnerable save you instead no no hole no damage yet okay we're gonna get there we're gonna get there um that's all done his milta is too far away and he in fact he can't well I can see him draw - I feel but yet cover so I mean he would do one thing this whole game is shoot his mouth is that them but he's not even arranged to do that so he's literally just stuck so we'll have the war hound fire the two strength es right on the feet there and I'll consider the plasma I'm not too sure I think I wanna do the strength 10 version though just because straining can't really hurt it oh yes rank day he came and hurt it so I happy to this rank 10 version okay so we'll do the two strengthens D shots so first one right in the middle we have a direct hit this boy is on point ooh there's a six inch scattered kinda at a slight angle even though I scatter six inches that still hits cuz like we're thinking like even if I scatter like the center to 11 inches 11 inch scatter would be a missed that's impossible because he always subtracts for from his scatter so if the most he can scatter him just to here which would still clip the side of them so no matter what he's pretty much getting directly hit by those plasm or that the laser destroyers to destroy table hits just you had a 5 up in Borno State you know what I'll I'll take yeah there we go the first damage oh that was the best of Buechel damage on a 6 he would have taken d3 extra hole points because it's a penetrating hit and now he suffers to hall points so it would have been crew stunned but he ignores that obviously and he then takes two whole points so we we've done our first damage boom is that one eight whole points left and we're gonna overload the and blast gun for one overly sized blast template right on you know we're gonna put it like on top of the gun over here so like kind of like on the lake no I can't cuz it's gonna hit my own guys so now you're probably thinking we can't shoot at him he's locked in combat he has a ruler he is never locked in combat so he never has the trait or the the affect the status effect locked in combat so you can get shot at and all that stuff so we're gonna aim it so we can't hit them so just can put on the top of his or I guess over towards here so it's not hitting any of my own guys so we're gonna hit the toe here I'm purposely trying to avoid hitting his head around guard there I know whatever well put it right there so it's it's gonna be tagging some head around guard if we had get a direct hit NBD so it's gonna be hitting one header on guard so we'll meet him on a - he has a four often vulnerable safe he fails it would technically be this one because it's the closest piccola Kosar to that guy if you want eat on a four or more so he do so this guy gets pasted against the warlord this is strength ten so I needed five up at his primary weapon so looking for the highest result we have a glancing hit everyone he's got five up involved and we do zero damage so so far we've done two whole points with all of our shooting and again this is why I don't you like you absolutely need destroyer to take this guy out now in a proper apocalypse I his game I probably have a little more destroyer I was lacking destroy overall I haven't this guy but he only hits him on fives in close combat so we'll see what happens if you can actually make it over to there but he's got a lot to chew through we are gonna go into running things so I want to run the gal4 back they're gonna run one whole inch yeah I actually meant to run these guys first because they're kind of blocking so we're running them they go two inches huzzah so that is my moving I even moved them up their entire one inch so not a whole lot there that's all kind of happy back there in fact we'll run those guys I guess that's them running there's gonna go a little closer to the objective and try keep up kind of spread coherency yeah they should all be withing to each other each other now charging stuff we're gonna charge the big demon into them would you like to overwatch with your shield captain yep well oh yeah he does have seen him a cracker made from okay I guess you know what that makes sense a cracker needs cracker nade first no assault two six is my charge distance is gonna be a sin for those bad limit and then I'll move him in a second I'm gonna charge these demons of the rune storm the the Demon Lord and the Beast into them as a primary and the warlord is the secondary think only the rear glass cannons can shoot yes that's true what am I thinking Oh cause I want if there is one the mines when tough armor so that they could maybe do something to him on sixes and the chain fist could do something as well I'm sure I guess we'll go ahead and overwatch he gets overwatch on bs5 so he gets on twos no BS - oh is it BS - OH fives they're BS to the head on fives boom but they're unlinked so first ones fail look at they both fail so I'm gonna go ahead and charge BAM so I can make it into the primary crash and this guy will crash there - and then this guy's my number too heavy room just going to stuck there they move through cover so charging through this doesn't actually subtract - then we'll go Boop - there and they're all happy so again him and base contact with this guy reduces his armor through miasma over off by one brand on armor 14 which will just help out them a little bit not so much them because never ending never got to throw this guy in combat so BAM in combat he goes well start with this combat see if I can take him out I'm gonna used to strength D attacks again I don't want to kill them now is the thing all maybe so I'm not stirring ten right now I should probably do my little weak attacks oh yeah look at my little weak attacks no strength D here he has six attacks now hitting on threes okay we only have three hits these are wounding on twos but not instant killing so my strengths not high enough that is invulnerable saves and oh you feel one are you actually put on that guy yeah because Andrew wants them to die at the same time because again this guy's victory points through Oh what is it called price the paler and then you get to attack me back all right here we go hitting on pours oh I guess the I do one automatic master crafter that's right so the first guy be on four is your ruling one there you go and the next guy we roll one okay so one more hit and who's your intent yes at three wounds I have two different vulnerable safe uh rollable and you do a damage hey he's got nine wounds left I had the stumps I get one stump I'm gonna put on top of that guy's head and he takes the single strength of six hit he is not wounded all right combat doesn't all day oh wait i combat i comment oh I was like oh man if I lose common actually lose wounds here that's dangerous that was actually it to be kind of careful with that no throwing combats with team and folks so you got to be careful I got lucky there because I'd only I did one I took one and it will not dive in my turn before I forget nope he takes that wound he's down tonight and we're on to this fight um I was to accept that issue challenge my Demon Lord would you accept with your yes you would okay so then I should challenge with my Demon Lord I was gonna do it anyways I guess who do you want to accept with a no accept it the freight or is gonna accept it alright so the shield captain's then swap out with him oh wait not for a torrent and they end up over there I have IOU to hammer of wrath attack so this one's gonna hammer wrath over there you strange something good that's definitely wound know a pedo to harm you're fine and then a hammer of wrath into the challenge believe you do it into the challenge I'm strength six that's not a would never mind you're enfeebled and you're down a toughie so you're actually t3 on that unit that is a wound and you make your safe your shield captain gets to go first into the challenge counter town I don't think yep counter-attack is a thing so you hit me on almost feel six I have also loved skill is six and but you know that means that that one higher ones go for you for higher initiatives when he's hit me on horse it is not master crafter but the six gives you an extra attack hitting on it for the paradigm plate leggy blows on a four yes these are currently stray so you're currently strength five to six but minus one down to five again and I'm t6 I believe them double check we have four wounds on me by through those aren't balloons nothing I am in Kuta and then you might as well go with the rest of the field guard it's up to you where they go this guy's got to go here this guy would try to get in base contact with the nearest guy but they're kind of equal looking so discretion there yeah they have a three-inch go here to anyways and tiling it doesn't really break that usually so we're gonna put three tacks in the Brutes one attack into my big guy so that's the one guy attacking my big guy I guess he's got three there counter-attack yep so second attack gets give it to the unit that's right so here the header on guard will have four attacks in my ruin storm even in the Keinath hitting on maybe III you hit him on 3ds if he wound him on he's talking to seven so six is because you're done Frank five but sixes are instant death again I don't think he's got eternal warrior and he's still within six inches of this so he's got a rucola unstoppable the sixes normally instead death with that but he's got ten wounds I have you support ten moons for 350 points so he's the easiest deal with his stats unstoppable means instead of incidentally roof from play you to suffer next fifty three boons and anything that's poison her flesh pain only women's -6 instead of the normal rule for that so I haven't even safe which is brutal re-roll bolts I fail it I don't have to feel in the pain so instead of doing one who does d3 so to pick up eight ones remaining this little ball back there twelve attacks into the beasts who are not eternal warriors so you could swipe the beasts on sticks of the women I think it's ranked five sex with me up fives so you hit me on threes and wound me on five seven case o the sixes are that was huge rolling so those are instant death and the beast don't have unstoppable yeah because I did not get endurance on my unit so these are five of demon saves hikes oh okay we failed through that's just two that's two of them dead that's huge and then five of demon saves and because these aren't incident I have a five uphill of pain for being creeping scourge I think it's good good one too okay so the header on yardage did something cool finally they they just swipe to the Beast the Beast Charo the brutes sorry the ruins from brutes charge in and just got annihilated and there goes to smoke well that is kind of scary the Demon Lord is going to go ahead into the shield captain now this your captain's does not internal warrior and yes I know me as Marat says it doesn't change the threshold for eternal warrior but imp evil doesn't say that I'm gonna know what I'll go checking I think you quickly maybe it does maybe got changed I hit on fives because the precedium shield yeah there you go you're safe nothing yeah I check different people there's nothing no different people changing the instant-death threshold so you live because of the shield so let's see twos and then we've had two three EPs to make does this shield save your life well I guess that doesn't really matter because the shield will give me a three up anyway it's course we have the shield yeah stupid shield I guess you I'll get you and then the the monstrous creature gets to go the behemoth it's hidden on fours and fives because the shield he does a lot better he's currently strength 8 so two's to wound three wounds and these are instant death because of enfeeble three for ups one get wall of the one in base contact with him gets killed I guess you could look us here but the other guy also full woman so it wouldn't matter yeah and we pile into each other at the end the combat there I I lose combat so I lost three six nine wounds and I only did one wound so huh all unit three I did three that's right but I still lost let's see what I roll and then I'll figure it if I roll six good things happen one Oh bad things happening you're supposed to roll per unit though so I got the one I'll keep the one now I just like a normal round check on a four out it was him who ruled the one on a one-two-three it was the Demon Lord who rolled one so it was the monstrous behemoth that rolled the one so his weapons skill ballistic skill and I believe initiative or going down to one and he's gonna suffer D 3 additional wounds with no stays of any kind allowance so he goes down to six those replaced out with a d6 so he's slowly dying and the Demon Lord is gonna roll on the chart getting a three so he just suffers d3 he takes one as well and then I'll do it will not die on him first so it will do the Demon Lord first Demon Lord gets that one back and then this guy gets a wound back because they're not the creeping scourge gives him the it will not die they back up the seven I guess I just get get another d6 re-roll his it will not die failed that one and then I have to avoid shields to try and bring back on this guy on five ups he gets one void shield back so at least that'll help him out a little bit and I will score one victory point at the end of my turn when you Jeremy hitted the warlord we moved to a little bit to face this way and as we were doing that I forgot it with combat over here so I fight you and you fight me I should have done this combat first from the beats were touching him so I kind of defeat the whole purpose of my plan but I got one shame fist against your armor 15 and you get to do your three destroyer attacks against me so we were looking for sixes to hit oh we got hit with a chain fist rank eight plus two T six for armor Bane oh it's only five that's only 13 this isn't do anything and then you get your three destroy your attacks hitting me on force as you like kicking me or something so two destroyer hits against them and on the straighter table so looks four sixes so one just kills the guy so we'll just a was like oh that's the surgeon will say not him there's Ella they can't fail and then b3 stomps as well d3 stomps we're gonna go you could do you can do stomp and then stomp stomp if you wanted to or you just do stomp stomp stomp well there's any kid oh sorry you do you can do stomp and then stop if you wanted to to try and get this guy let's see if I can remove it on a6 so on a six to see you take him out of here no so strength 16 version and then to stomp on them no it's too strange six hits both food actually kills guy so kill that guy and they lost combat but they're zealots so they can't fail and then we got all of this nonsense stuck in combat and now we have to resolve all the shooting of the warlord so the idea is this half is gonna be firing at the war hound and this half or plus the gun on top so both guns on top finish them off and then this gun shooting down at all this nonsense coming up on the side so we're gonna start with the Sun fury plasma now they're gonna boom Center it right on lure gar and then we're gonna have the bellicose so over at the World War two pop the boy shield yes and then the two carapace guns down at the war hound as well and then the chest guns are gonna be firing down at the base all Marines gotcha and then the back guns the last games are going to shoot at him or the land yeah they got a full 180 degree arcs back here the last can so twin linked one hit on the land Raider the second one is a hit and they're looking for five you have nothing nothing we'll start with the 5-inch blast right on top of Lord ours head see if we chatters it does not so really dumb he had to guess because we were all four dice and again it's the apocalyptic brush I got one two three four or like one two three four and five and six Azure in the middle so after resolving its 13 hits on the GAO boreback and - it's on these guys here go through the going through the 13 on the Galibier back first strike nine so tus he's all come right on Beauregard's head so i'll start taking them on lorry guard he has got a four of invulnerable save it'll be the guy in front first it was broad right that's primary Levin oh it's not primary weapon barrage see apocalyptic barrage follows the same rule of barrage the lawyer has taken a lot of them so I'll do five at a time because he's got six wounds he has got four of whom are misled with precognition up so he's reroll oh he fails and got feel no pain with endurance he takes a damage and then he's got five wounds left all before robell he's okay and then that's do these two that's precognition every one one damage on lore guard and then it was - it's on them as well so they're they're just dead on - cuz it's a strike nine yeah boom Roger can't kill both them now the little mauler guns down at those assault Marines as they're a the next threatened Union coming up hang on threes their twin link apparently and a choose to kill and so we get to the artificer armor oh wow we have three guys that are dead everything and then we got this guy up next so it's three of them dead and then one at a time - up before his artifice agro he kicks the bucket so he's dead and then there's still that many more yep they're dead they're just dead that is that's a really good gun well it's the volcano oh you wanna go here red bug there's no I can't see sorry I just can't see what I'm pointing out right about here and the direct hit should hit about two or three of them so well if I even scatter off that might should still hit it's a five inch radius who was it was if it was within hitting him then yes it's still gonna hit him if it scattered six or seven then a minimus so still hits him and a lot of other guys who still four five six seven eight probably eight ish guys there's a seven that automatically pops the void shield let me destroy your hits program ooh a couple sixes so the one does nothin so these I can take cover save against season was like ants what order do you want me to do this in that the Sarge I'll ask my sergeant poor guy you won't take it story hit right away the sergeant yeah sure I mean they say if you want anyway lay down I would get how we cover stay with him though Wow yeah so it's 1/6 gone and then we'll do as this this many cover saves because of all the big building on the way in the trenches for up so saves three of them and that means two are dead because no apothecary against destroyer and then I have one destroyer left which will just kill a guy who saves kills him boom he doesn't blind sight of him so I guess we'll say him now for the carapace weapons the three strengths these shots at blast so the one on the right has no cover so weird start with that one so the first one is gonna be directives we have one hit oh six together six in scatter actually takes the to a boat here still hits and then the third shot so if you scatter more than six inches in that direction we know it's miss is for boring chef so it's another hit so we have three destroyer hits on them you're looking you're fishing for six is here I get no cover against these ones no so roll again to see if you do any extra like vehicle explodes results is a plus one so no so it's just 3d three hull points gone it's gonna take five four whole points left and another three destroyer blast coming at them I can do a lot of work with - can you do a lot of work for six just get still standing so the first one right in the same spot from the other characters but I have cover saves against these ones so that is a horn scatter so still a hit and it won't hit anything else the second one five inches that's still gonna hit yeah because there's like over there so it's gonna scatter just touching a little bit and the last one there we go that's an interesting one though it's still probably gonna hit because the angle the holes over there so that's still hit so we have three destroyer hits so any sixes I can't have a conversation against he's at it so he is down you got the other world the war the war hands he wasn't bound to live long with the warhead warlord shooting at him he's gonna go in this direction so he's not gonna hurt anyone but how big is this explosion the littlest little baby explosion my other super-heavy is down which will give Andrew three more victory points for price of failure where are a person of price of failure unless that's the real one I don't know how we charge you did shoot him with the little defensive guns so he's gonna go no she fails he's probably got fleet nope he actually feels that charge okay on the comment that's you distracted Monday pretty flushes apparently yeah he he killed the other big guy over here so all my big threatening units are dead except for I guess my Rd with you stuck in combat with terminators okay now we're onto this cop you know we'll just do this combat over here I'll go first with the destroyer attacks I hit on threes we have to destroy your hits and oh please get your vulnerable saves two for ups fail one it's gonna be d3 destroy your damage Hey kills one and then we're going to decrease stomps on him one and it's gonna be a six no so you make one I have to we just still have all you make your armor saving visitor the matter do you run a lane I guess you could technically fail morale you're stubborn you're sticking around and then we have this fight over here you have your field captain who can go and we got two wounds where you take damage from from something I don't recall if you're taking damage I think he's still fresh but I think no matter what you're getting instant death anyways so we're going to this fight you have your shield captain first hitting on threes or fours sorry I'll but you get two sixes which give you nothing more we have two hits that wound on I'm currently t6 your T your strength five so nothing then your header on guard have to attack my behemoth three said it because my whoops go for three hits in total good job header on guard you did much better last time I had toughness eight no I'm t7 so you're ruining me on four sixes but the sixes are instant death so I haven't even save which I make so damage there but with my demon Lord because of both instant death anyways because of him Fievel the Demon Lord has five texts on pores fives twos two moon two moons the reopen balm saves one at a time he's alive he's alive this ship captain lives and then I got the behemoth attacking as well I forgot to let you attack me back here we'll do that in a second once I'm done these attacks hitting on fours fives because of for saving shields - we have a wound for up hey one dies oh he's got full wound so he can look up sort of the guy with one wound if you like which I assume you would love to be one a forum about he dies I would come back by it doesn't matter because you're stubborn leadership 10 leadership 10 you're strong you're good and then we just continue this to each other and then you get to do your attacks back that I robbed you of we have one hit when you got it - okay that was easy and there we have the end of battle round 4 no scoring for the custody's because all the troops are dead but we going to turn 5 where the demons of the rune storm start to tick down my only goal at this point kill hit her on guard because I've given up on shooting that guy with all my warthog I got nothing he is just so tough and he's got so many Paul points it's not happening this guy is got free reign over the battlefield he can do whatever his heart desires yeah these guys are all strength 3 toughness 3 now from their high in mighty strength 5 toughness 5 these this guy's down to strength 7 toughness 6 same thing with the demon lord over there my arch demon is a weaker as well so across the board and my demons are suffering like I said the only goal I have is the Achilles header on guard off and not instant killing them anymore either that was like my small little window of opportunity to do that for movement I got nothing coming from reserve so these molester demons are gonna just pile in and I think I'm in a good point for scoring right now just because yeah I I've realized that this warlord is too much I'm gonna run away from him I can't fight him I even would be a coward lord gar I'm just gonna run away because I don't want some random strength D shot going for I gotta run gotta run these guys going Cal for back Nicole back behind the building they realize that you know what we just see what happened to those tactical Marines the good boys the good demons on the other side of the table are doing wonderful things for us so why don't we just leave okay psychic phase action oh I'm gonna move through cover on the tactical marine why do I leave oh wow they're like super split apart alright so it moves cover on them they're gonna go six inches never mind there's like that little line attacked over he's left the fact that I even have got two Marines left and that the very brave assault marine squad right there those are heroes these guys were very critical and be winning this side of the battlefield psychic phase I still have all my psychos down I do there's that 21 again that's the third time in a row how become 21 so all I really care about is the dream combination of spells on that live demon lord there says demon Lord's gonna five dice warps beyond himself she's he just gets it with one I'm having the hardest time being psychic powers on him I gotta to dice it a leave it nearly more speed yeah or you want iron arm to stop yeah that's actually the deadly one I actually forgot that he's only strike seven okay now I'm gonna six dice I mean once these guys got four wounds okay I'm gonna six types iron Armand himself okay guy with three there we go I'm like why aren't these working there's the average those sides can't be stopped because there's only two denied at which dice he's gonna put endurance on them over there he gets it with one that's just on the Gelb or back that's him Ellen I'm fine tonight you might as well I want to kill them if I can no roll no I'm also not a big fan of how denying the which works in seventh edition because you just load yourself up with things like bio mantaur it's all blessings and buffing spells it's really hard to deny the Witch and there are super powerful stuff too correction I failed it's for church too so those days are gone and you get your denied of which dies back and then I'm gonna have all Jesus Lord I was gonna put two dice on for warning on that unit there just in case anything dumb happens we get it with one so that's the four up invulnerable save right now try we roll so if that's up that's bad so you have to reroll that forewarning is not stopped so forewarning is the for up in vulnerable save law regards gonna put pre-college I hit one died precognition on himself he got it so he gets through his same throats and we're in a three dice from the Demon Lord endurance on - I guess the stupid little demons in front of them or do we in people oh I think I'm doing feeble actually way tire NAR makes me strength 10 right yeah you know I'm gonna do in feeble on them just because that's almost as good as doing endurance but it makes them overall week or so Aramis has been put in feeble on them and three dice we get with two so they are enfeebled again the shooting phase we're gonna run with this squad two full inches to hide must hide or run the tactical Marines they're an extra three demons of the roost or my lesser demons are charging the header on guard they make a nine charge and pile in like so it's pretty much it for they're out of the combats I have this one to do so I'll do this one I'll do I'll go first I'll do six attacks against them because I don't want to kill him hitting on threes wounding on because I'm currently strength yeah so we have to he could die here it's three four from now will save ones by two zoster you right yeah it's four of horrible saves huh okay you guys he doesn't he buckles and dies all right no consolidation find whatever you know if we're gonna do this warlord Titan let's do this come closer he's gonna roll his it will not die you get back to forwards we know what you get to roll to see this boy shields come back online I've obviously given up shooting at him and he gets he sure that's why he is for back the plasma couldn't try and pop them again but I'm not I'm just gonna work on the close combat without my Frank D that guy is unstoppable under this fight yet to go through shield captain first and then the header on guard scratch that my demon Lords got warp speed plus three tax plus three initiative he big fat but he's big fast we are hitting on forced fives because of the shield we have three hits currently Frank 10 yes two's to moon we have three wounds and you have your three one at a time three of them on old safes just cuz it could result in killing another guy six six four he lives nice so no counter-attack because you're already locked in close combat descent into my demon lord we hit on force we have two hits it's not Mastercraft right so it's only yeah it's only two hits you're currently enfeebled so strength five against my toughness of nine or eight so still is six is wound um that is instant death but I have eternal warrior so my demon save we make it both the header on guard are gonna try and kill off the big guy or at least pull more wounds they hit him on three so one miss not bad six doom instant death on that one so demon save I am too far away from the low portal I fail it so it's just d3 extra damage instead one because I have unstoppably nice so he is down to four wound remaining so taking three wounds I've built zero damage but you gotta have five attacks on five so you got two hits winning on I'm shrink seven right now and I'm toughness for yes I can't actually insta kill you so we have two moons still but not instant death they only have one we would each anyways so invulnerable and one goes down the one nearest him so as they they've they've taken taken a lot of damage over the course of this battle and at the same time these guys would have gone so I've got three four five six seven eight nine ten guys attacked me for a total of twenty attacks hit down vibes because of the Presidium shields that is not bad that was a hit you're down to toughen three cousin feeble and miasma of Ross so you're asking for me mm only strength three so forced to wound with Brendan hey ready three Ren's why don't you go ahead and do the two up safe first and then three rents to oh he's fine then three running for UPS oh yeah one at a time so he's dead and then two three ups he takes advantage from the stupid little guy alright so I think he's actually down to three I don't remember him ever taking damage does he get an extra woman he upgrades was he always got four always got four okay so he is alive the last remaining custodian on the battlefield nope oh yeah you gotta clean you got ring too Oh what's a healthy dead pile I put away some my dead guys so you won't get the full spectrum actually that's technically mine over there a lot of the custodians a lot of gold and at the end of my turn five I scored a one more victory point putting me at seven because of the slave the world Woods boom the OL are now on your turn five this could be the last turn of the game so let's see yeah booth recover as you run walk through the trenches yeah you got her twelve so the warlord has the new home over here he's on the hunt for Laura our seafloor guard cancer but Laura has survived no definitely not worse like maybe I don't know I'm not too far in the books I took some he took some plasma overloaded plasma of the face I believe three times from a war hound but I don't know I'm gonna assume a son for a plasma Annihilator bellicose and those two things up there are a little bit worse area everything that can see lore guys do we shoot module or guy right now we're be well there's so far hundred points of killing these guys here isn't gonna be that important because it's pretty much left turn of the game we've been playing for a long time so we're gonna go ahead and say that this is gonna be the last shooting phase of the wall or titanor gonna end the game here and we'll see where the points are at just because well we've been playing for five three eight public 12 hours almost and collectively over two days I'm just curious if you survived let's just say everything's arranged he's got he's got all his boss on him right now anyways well I don't have endurance on them though yikes well done that endurance matters to Lord are all that much because the bellicose that can like I can only see here and you can only really kill things you have line of sight on so we'll do you know what we'll start we'll start with these guys up here and see where that takes us and then we'll move over here for fun to see Laura gar and his gal boreback squad could take it really like this point of the battle that's true to this building they've taken a few hits from the out warlord 2 nights falling into an exploding test room there was literally a couple destroyer hit nights over here the shooting the destroyer blast there's Billy and his dance pretty structurally sound starting with the some 30 plasma Annihilator it's got line of sight on that little gal boar Boxhead we're the goal here is the kills much gal4 back as possible so laura gar can't look out sir the strength D stuff and we'll say at the end of turn is when all the rest of the word bear reinforcements show up from the rest of the battlefield that's off of this table as they overwhelm the rest of the custodian forces and the Imperial for as fighting and they need to take out this wall or that we don't have the capability to take because we really really need the help guys so we're gonna aim it right on top of his head ish no have to technically so it's a two inch scatter oh no we don't want that so it's gonna be hitting lorg our first and then we'll see where of course is the apocalyptic brush we'll see where the rest go it's gonna go the the one to blast there three four blasts here because that makes a little sense really I want a lot of one toot-toot yes you want a lot of tough yet tons of ones and twos so boom so we have well three supports of course so you got couple hits over here some hits over there will tell you what it is afterwards eleven hits all together all on for pretty long guards head and even though it's got the clover pattern all the shots are still from the center of the whole template so these are eleven hits on pretty low guards head he's hit a wound on to me like nine no fails ah well he's gonna take as many of these as he can so we do forward time I forgot whose that it will not die he's got he's back up to five wounds six wounds so he's got five wounds left he has a four up in bone okay for up in bone don't even eat precognition so he takes one they don't have endurance on this turn and poor up in Volm rollable he makes it so he takes a one from the plasma Annihilator can do all the strength 6 AP three shots in the names to clear off as many gallop or back as possible 12 shots on threes they are twin linked as well their strength sinks yep so they're gonna be wounding on 5 4 3 Wow threes then and are they rending or anything like that no no just 83 that's really good in this case so on him so he's got to forewarning saves one of the time he makes both he makes he fails one so one of the time until he dies so he still makes it for up in bones he's dead so this guy dies from that shot airburst is too far back to BC so Laura's getting hit by these he's got up put them all order to a farmer save re-roll before precognition the handle power it's one over here directly on lorry are his head three shots looking for direct hits naturally direct hit for the first one second one is going to be 4-inch scatter towards the wall that's gonna scatter over there and hit for them and which is still adding more to this so we have direct hit and forehead so far for your with the direct it actually is and direct it nice so the direct it was what six yes exits so six twelve thirteen hits I strength da well lorig are is the first one there so I'm going to do 16 let go sirs it's you you you look at what sir allocated wounds so we have to technically wound first so to strength these stuff so once the six there are no sixes there's one 600 series okay they both pass off oh gosh so you're dead from that and you're dead from that from those two sixes and then I'm gonna do these one at a time these are four from one will say be rolling I'll do two at a time to save save everyone the the the nuisance here he's only got five wounds though so this actually kind of risky is if I fail bo3 rollable that's d3 damage on he takes three he's got two left okay where's two on here okay okay no now we're in the danger zone found it there's six left look upstairs all go to poor poor Erebus there yeah air airbase would definitely survive so err mistakes all those so I do what the Aramis and now Miguel for back so Erebus has a foreign-born will save against these I'm not rural so after he wanted time with him so d3 damage oh wait it's trying out it's rank 10 so he's just yeah he does not have endurance on so Erebus is dead and then the next closest girl war back for if invulnerable safe is alive is alive the Calliphora oh he's dead and then the next thing is scale war back is dead so so dead dead and dead and lawyer lives we had the bellicose is still a Costa QP put right here and look well I guess he you can't quite see like law regards base enough to you put it like right there so we can put the bellicose of there see if it's a direct hit and even if it scatters it's probably a Hitler agarikon so okay it's hitting lugar and guys maybe though it's just one hit let's do this let's see what it is if it's like this guess this is really matter when we look upstairs anyways he wants to up or he's dead so disappointing they're all kind of close I don't want the dark martyr to die I love the dark martyr and because they're fear that they're fearless because the worgen are still alive and it sees the last one okay yeah that's right let's see let's see if this last one could do it to him so we'll do three shots they're only hitting you can aim here every time because it's the same arc as the what's ago bellicose then kind of see Lord are you really can't well whatever we're curious this is the first one direct hit so one to hit film or guard and oh that's a five-inch scatter right beside yeah that's gonna be killing some of them like puppy okay so - it's on lugar let's see what they would see what they are on the D table so nothing super scary is it look out sir the many ways he has to take one of those so the next was sued the Galois by first will live because of forewarning now lorg art has a for parole will save precognition he could live to get entire world came to the face damn it okay okay let's take points into consideration because I'm at I'm at MSM victory points you're at two as that's what that's without like victory points on the ground here and say the Warlord's soul you're able to get that for two turns you never killed Laura are so he lived that's so that's a happy low moral victory for me oh we never see that this guy died we have to finish this combat I'm very curious if you would die let's just do I go first because I got warp speed up so do I get my kit can I have my cake and eat it too so Lord our lives can I kill your last shield captain can I kill every instance of custodians on this table we hit on five because the Presidium shield here we got four hits twos two wounds okay we only got two he's got three up and vulnerable saves hope sorry I threw a die on the ground there you go and it's a guy oh my goodness he's gonna live so he has to attack he has to tackle on the challenge and then we hit on lightning strike okay we got three extra potential hits which gives not me head-on fours into my demon lord these wounds on six is because of iron arm okay nothin and then I have the demon behemoth attacking him which wouldn't be instant death but I might as well do it anyways he's got five texts on fives and two because of in feeble and miasma of rot we have 1 4 3 up and vulnerable safe you fade why do you feel those ones okay he's got two wounds left because it's not instant definitely strength 7 and then we have a bunch of little grimly attacks and stupid toughness the fish yield captain wait your toughest 3 shield captain wait no he does distance no he doesn't because he's actually t4 because miasma rot doesn't count towards insta death threshold that's right I'm like wait a second that guy were just insta kill them no I've actually good with a little grimly fives to hit no we rollin toughness 3 shield captain in what world ah fours 3 wrens that's all it is just 3 3 3 up invulnerable saves you gotta make it two of them so you gotta do let's your demons that kills them wow the guy these things that plagued you all game literally the worst pun intended 100% pun intended by the way the lesser okay okay we're gonna do run down two points book quickly my obviously mu P is the warlord Titan not turn one though you know what the header on guard are pretty cool over here too well go to will go into a full postgame discussion afterwards we are going to we'll do that in the vault by the way too if you want to catch a little bit of insight into this apocalypse game in our thoughts on the demons of the ruin storm now the score is I got some points of seven I'm I'm pooped I got seven you got two and now we're gonna count the super heavies we did we decided to do the price of failure is a third of their wounds or haul points rounded down so for what I killed I killed forced her assets nights that are all six all points that's two points thus Erasmus night so that's for eight point since Erastus nights pretty up to 15 put me at 15 I don't be I killed anything oh I got ya 15 that's worldwide included now on Mayim you killed both my war hound Titans which are three points each so the total six plus two from the type in giving you eight more points Breen at ten that's actually a pretty close game because I think that's it so the final score is 13 to 10 word Bears winning by three points with deals of the rune storm as allies so realistically if you killed him that's a tight game all you got to do was kill him he's stuck in combat for two line of you well he was if he died if you had any chance to shoot him you know what like you could actually just shot him this whole turn instead of trying to kill Beauregard well you know what killing lower I would have also been a tie game because he wouldn't move were two points for us ease up yeah he's Lord of war and and sailor warlord now to be actually I don't know what's more obnoxious because they both have a four up and boner will save and he's got 10 wounds but he had four inaudible yeah so he's got a four for oval and uh because reroll before shooting he's got a for Perot over for precognition he's got ten wounds he only had six but he had a lot of lookout stairs especially for all the strength D so he would have been the easier target so realistically if you were to go for him and I don't know people gonna comment you know what we've even say it's a tie game because there's a couple of sixes here old would've killed him nah you don't care that you went for the key one for the gable closer yeah the clutch would look like moral victory of killing Laura got a little bit nah but one really came down to the one wound love look upstairs of course I can't believe you just killed him or him as a tie game I thought it was way more ahead than that no of course this is apocalypse it's not a super serious competitive game it's very much fun and in the books like like I like I said in the beginning for me to run the the creeping scourge and for me to have only the two riff markers I had I had to have them in the primary detachment that was not the case in this game the word bear for my primary detachment because I wanted Laura to be the warlord um give that felt right now I apologize if you have an issue with that that we were just kind of playing for a friend before I ate for fun game both of us were over the lord of war limits as well for this 10,000 point for player apocalypse game and this was also a way for me to test out the demons of the rune storm and I can immediately see some issues with them and like I said we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna go talk about this in the post new cat in the in the bolt right afterwards we're just gonna we're gonna take a little break where and tidy up our models a little bit we had a little I guess I'm a whole lot of cleanin he had a pretty lead army and I got well I have one model to remove from the table I mean literally it back into his box he goes to maybe be seen in another day cuz you're not too far away you're only three hours away so obviously apocalypse games are pretty fun so you're always talking to come back from our apocalypse so a very pleasant opponent by the way as well so I'll give you that awkward left-hand handshake guru playing for 12 hours you deserve it thank you for the game everyone that is the end of this battle report if you stuck through for this whole thing or maybe you watched it over a couple of days kudos to you it was long and it was great I'll see you guys in the vault if you want to check out the postgame chat click on that link below to check it out otherwise guys until next time happy wargaming
Channel: MWG Studios
Views: 138,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Id: Jpdcr5Mxyng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 9sec (14229 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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