Adepta Sororitas vs Thousand Sons Warhammer 40k Battle Report Ep 43

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we play and call it work mini work gaming's warhammer 40k battle report meeting we're giving dave here from welcome wargamers to another warhammer 40k battle report today is gonna be strike force it'll be luca who's holding the camera and it'll be myself and we have 2 000 points of thousand suns versus sisters of battle let's take a look at the armies taking a look at 2 000 points on the nose of thousand suns i'm trying out the cult of knowledge which is taken from psychic awakening ritual of the damned i've never actually tried this before it's my first time doing it it is a battalion detachment that i'm bringing my two hq's in the middle there are two exalted sorcerers on disks of zinch the one out front is my warlord his warlord trait is ardent scholar which states that when i take a psychic test i can reroll dice rolls of one so that makes it really helpful for him the sorceress arcana that he's got which is his relic is incalladian's cry this uh applies to him because he's got a warplane pistol and it replaces it with the following profile so basically it makes the range better it's 12 inch range pistol d6 still the same but strength 6 ap2 and it auto hits which is pretty cool one damage but that's better than what he's got the units that are sorcerers which is basically everything except for my cultists here and my vehicles of course gain access to the psychic power psychic delve which is pretty sweet warp charge value of six and it states here if manifested uh it's 18 inch range which i believe is actually extended by six because it's thousand sun so it's 24 inch range it says until the start of the next psychic phase when resolving an attack made against that unit by a friendly cult of knowledge unit re-roll a wound role of one so that's pretty sweet because i'm going to be all over the battlefield and i think i'll have multiple opportunities to actually use this in addition to the smites of course because that's the default one that i'm typically tempted to use with my thousand sons army going on to the troops i have three units of rubric marines 10 man units they are equipped the exact same with their warp bolters and then i have soul reaper cannons on each one and they are each traveling in a rhino for my two other troops choices we have two 27 man units uh 20 man squads of cultists the reason why is 27 is because my exalted sorcerers here needed to come on discs otherwise uh you know they'd be foot slogging along the rest and they're a little too pretentious for that you know they got some arrogance they have an air of hey i'm better than you because you know they're sorcerers so you know they want to travel a little faster they want to be up higher so that's it they're all equipped with auto guns and then uh in the back there my elite choice i got scarab call terminators hellfire missile rack and soul reaper cannon on them as well and then uh for heavy support we got a predator just the predator autocannon up top no side spots and weapons uh you know i didn't want to spend the extra points on it i have a defiler here with a scourge reaper autocannon battle cannon and then we got the hell drake in the back with the bale flamer for psychic abilities for my troops and my elites i'm doing weaver of fates i'm going to do it across the board because i always forget if it's way too many psychic abilities that they're each unique i forget them all anyway if it's weaver of fate there's one for me to remember and the chances of me actually remembering to do it and for it to be beneficial in the game greater so in my situation that works uh now i'm not doing the same thing for my exalted sorcerers because they're a little different from my warlord i'm doing warp time and prescience and then for my other one who's the non-warlord i'll depressions and death x and that's what i'm doing for my psychic abilities in addition to smite of course and the one i get for the cult of knowledge and that is my two thousand points of thousand suns apple of corn nice here is the sisters of battle for this 2000 point game playing our martyred lady because it's my favorite and we've got i've decided to name her lucidia the canon s my my typical favorite canon has to bring this is a battalion of course being led by sister lucidia let's see if i can remember that for future games though she is going to have her typical loadout i love it so much guys hate me for bringing it i think it's awesome she's gonna have the righteous rage warlord trait and she's gonna be carrying the emperor's wrath relic bull pistol as well i just i i love everything about it can't tell you why it's just it's just comical i find it's not it's there's a lot of great options in there and i just think it's one of them and i just really like it plus i kinda like the idea of the same canonist coming around with me everywhere i go with the uh our martyred lady i play this one part of it right picture it that way and then beside her we're gonna have a missionary as another hq choice she's not bringing her heroin into the making this game just because i'm not running exorcist so it doesn't make sense to have two canonies at least i don't think it does and we have a preacher there as well who's gonna be filling in as an elite slot uh but for our troops on the left we have four squads of battle sisters the the newer modeled ones are just gonna be bulk guns and a chain sword on the sister superior and then we have three identical older squads of battle sisters i'm going to be trying my best to play them as if they're on 32 millimeter bases all of our old models are obviously on 25 millimeter bases being that these are the original metal sisters so uh they're almost as old as i am not almost they were getting pretty close they're all gonna be riding in emulators and with the immolation of cannons i believe they're called immolation cannons and they're all equipped the same the sister superiors have a chain sword and the special and heavy weapon options are melted guns so instead of taking a heavy weapon i just took another special weapon which is just another melted gun so two melted guns per squad there onto heavy supports in the middle there we have a lot of them this is where i find i had the hardest time building a sister's list because obviously you just want to run three exorcists but they have so many other awesome heavy weapon or heavy support options that i just didn't want to bring any of this game and i want to see how that goes for me this is the first game i've tried without any exercise we have one squad of retributors that's a nine man squad now i am going to mark of dave the flamer on the top left there it's just gonna be a melted gun i can't i can't find our fourth melted gun or we don't have a fourth melted gun sweet i was also a little hesitant to bring the squad because their heavy weapons are going to be changed fundamentally and then maybe i just should just wait until they're better but for now they're just kind of old school kind of crappy melted guns but want to play with them anyways because i i don't mind them i honestly i don't mind them at all but they're going to get so much better soon they're going to double their shots and have a more guaranteed damage uh and then i have four sisters uh retributers in the back with both guns one of them upgraded to have the simulacrum because i had the points for it this is the superior or the the retributive superior sister superior is going to have a chain sword and we have an armorium cherub in there too because i had the points for it didn't have the points or two only for one we have a squad of four modifiers on the left uh they are modeled with flail and buzz saw so i'm going to play them as if they had to play on a blas buzzsaw they have heavy flamers and the guy out front is going to be the anchor right because i had the points for him all that does is give him plus one to save so instead of a four up save the one model has a three up save i guess he'll just die first and we have the old school i can remember this oh we've got mortifiers and we've got penitent engines that's what they are yes i think the modifiers are much better but uh the peneton engines typically have a better way to ignore damage they have a five up as opposed to modifier six up but the modifiers have kind of better weapon and better rules in general it depends we'll see if it shows up at all as we play it probably won't so interesting because uh in a recent game did we not call that a penitent engine uh so we have one actual penetrating engine in the new models the difference is the modifiers have the casket right and the pendant engines have the open kind of tortured soul going on there got it uh the main rules differences are the mortifiers get to shoot their heavy flamers as if they were pistols and i think they changed the if they are equipped with heavy boulders they become assault weapons instead and have a six up to ignore wounds and more wounds there's another rule as well i can't quite remember and the penitent engines just have a 5 up to ignore damage just a 5 up right but i mean like these guys get like we'll see if it matters if these guys can free themselves up from combat by just flaming whatever they're in combat with and then just charging something else true like that's super cool that they're they have eight heavy flamers that are pistols yeah like that could be that could be outstanding that's why i really wanted to run them and they can be up to a five or six man squad but i only have four models that's why i only brought four of them that's one unit right there that's one unit of four yeah and uh lastly or for the sisters lastly we have two rep sister rapunche units with they're going to be joined by rapunzel superiors riding in rhinos uh they're eight man or eight lady squads because i'm going to put a missionary and a preacher with them so they get extra attacks through war hymns and lastly for the list we have a calydus assassin adding the new assassin to the list because of uh the new ages in the imperium rule of war the spider makes it very flexible i still get my sacred rights rule they're actually added to the detachment the battalion detachment without taking up a slot and i don't lose any of my army rules anymore which i would have lost my sacred right so i get to keep my sacred rights but because i'm playing thousand sons i always typically bring the calydus assassin i am gonna spend two command points right now on shadow assignment and it kind of tricks my opponent to thinking i'm bringing a catalyst assassin i'm actually allowed to remove her and add any other assassin that i want to my list oh weird i'm going to bring the anti-psycher assassin well that makes sense right so this stratagem actually lets you tailor your list against your opponent that's awesome but it cost me two command points okay that's fair so we'll go with the collexus instead now it kind of feels not a huge fan of that but i wanted to show it off so let me know what you guys think about that like i hate the idea of like i feel bad because he's of sons now andy psyker we'll see if it has that much of an impact in the game but i really wanted to show off this the capability assassins have i think the calydus even if i didn't bring the collexus would have still been a great addition to the list because of the well i can't remember the rule but the things that uh make you whenever you use the stratagem on a four up it costs you one additional command point oh so that could that can be very taxing in and of itself the sisters themselves already have great defenses against psychic powers so now hold on one second uh so what is the ability what's the anti-cycle mean okay so he is immune to any psychic powers okay so if he's the nearest thing to your army and you smite he gets hit by smites but he doesn't take any damage oh wow so he ignores all the smites if he's the nearest i believe he also gives you a negative all your casting roles oh man and he can only be hit on sixes like psychic like like when you shoot out shooting at him or you do close combat he can only be hit on come on yeah but he has no he has like next to no offensive capability yes he has no weapon you're not allowed armor saves against his attacks but it's a strength user for attacks he's got a weird shooting attack but it's a little bit better against likers but it's still like when i say a little bit better i mean it is like it's nothing still he's got all utility no offense whereas the calydus has a a good mix of both are you able to bring more than one of these in a list uh you can bring up to four of them in a vanguard attack come on without an hq but we only have a couple of the models anyways i typically only ever add one assassin to my list because they're 100 points each oh are they so if i added four yeah yeah right there that's nuts well that's cool i've never fought against that before well he's yeah he's he's tailored incredibly hard against likers no kidding cool today's mission is eternal war strike force scorched earth the deployment map includes six objective markers with player deployment zones running the long table edges two objective markers labeled a run 12 inches vertically from the center and 24 inches away from each other two objective markers labeled b run 12 inches vertically down from the center of the battlefield and 24 inches away from each other the last two objective markers run horizontally from the center of the battlefield each 36 inches away from each other the primary objective is take and hold which is progressive at the end of each player's command phase the player whose turn it is scores five victory points for each of the following conditions they satisfy for a maximum of 15 victory points they control one or more objective markers they control two or more objective markers they control more objective markers than their opponent controls this primary objective cannot be scored in the first battle round the secondary objective in this mission is called raise which is an action you perform during the battle and you score victory points at the end of the game it states one unit from your army can start to perform this action at the start of your movement phase if it is within range of an objective marker that can be raised and no enemy units excluding aircraft are within range of that objective marker player a can only attempt to raise the objective markers labeled b and player b can only attempt to raise the objective markers labeled a the action is completed at the end of your turn if this action is successfully completed that objective marker is raised and removed from the battlefield at the end of the battle a player scores five victory points if one objective marker was removed from the battlefield due to a successful raise objective action performed by a unit from their army during the battle and 15 victory points if two objective markers were so removed heads up everybody i'm going to place some tin heads in the mini working vault against josh and his brand new my host martin yeah yesterday's for playing some new armies which means she's probably do horrible with freshly painted models but that isn't the vault right now jokes on you i do horrible with old painted models special thanks to the following companies for providing the terrain for this battle report we got table war for the gaming mat this is one of the new sizes we have games workshop for these pieces in the middle there those uh i i love these pieces by the way i know they're age sigmar pieces but they just look fantastic stormvolt stuff yeah yeah and we also have gw for the footprint here for these trees we have four ground for the trees and adam from greenlee terrain assembled them and made them and then we have tnt laserworks for the objective markers thank you very much ted and just as a reminder to vault members if you have a silver vault membership check out our discount codes that you gain access to when you're a vault number there's a number of different companies we have in there that you gain at various discounts too a couple of which here are table war and tnt laser works secondaries what'd you choose luca right uh these ones are kind of self-explanatory i think well so as a rule dave and i and steve and i typically all of us here always take the mission secondary even though it can be crap sometimes and it might not fit into your army's idea or philosophy when you build it it's just it at least makes the scenarios unique so we always try and take the secondaries just for fun mostly and then we try our best to do them if we can in this case raise is really hard now i also took aboard the witch because thousand suns and i have no psychers so that's uh easy pick i'll i should be able to do pretty well on that one and then i went with raise the banners i'm gonna keep trying to make raise the i'm engaging in all friends would be better though uh i'm gonna go unfortunately with engage in all friends because i forgot i could abort the witch typically i do raise the banners and engage in all fronts with sisters because i have cheap troops and it's it doesn't hurt me too much to raise the banners right but i'm gonna be able to get much more points and it's a lot less stressful because with raise the banners i have to both watch my objectives and make sure you don't get near them with engaging all friends just mindless i'm like okay that model that ryan's gonna go over there or that emulator's gonna go over there and bam two three points easy done right and that's it for me so for me i also chose the secondary as you said raised that's at the end of the game one so that's that's pretty cool i have to worry about that throughout the entire game i wanted to mention also we're getting the secondaries out of the core rule book for this one not chapter approved so in this case it'll be worth five points for one 15 points for both objectives that's right for raise uh i also chose assassinate because you have six characters in your list and it's just fitting so why not and then i chose attrition which is grind them down out of the small room yeah supposedly worth four points instead of three in this game that's right yeah so attrition so i just gotta kill more than you this should be easy enough and if i focus on your characters it should be easier right kill my stuff but kill my characters and then push into my territory we're both going to try and push into each other's territory because of the race which gets hard rolling for attacker defender two one out of my hands i will be the defender which side would you like um yes all right see and here is our deployment so we have uh rubric marines inside there we have hel drake with predator back here with cultists on that objective we have defiler with the both of the exalted sorcerers on disks with another rubric squad inside the rhino and another squad of cultists and then the last squad of rubix on the very end with my scarab cult terminators in a deep strike right i noticed a comical error in my list as i was putting them on the table but i'll show you what i got i got an emulator with battle sisters inside emulated with battle sisters inside this rhino is gonna have the retributors the cannon s inside of it and then uh also i get we got the mortifiers there as well in between the two rhino and the emulator we have the collector's assassin deploying on the table not gonna hang out with reserves because i don't want him not being able to show up in an optimal spot i want him in the middle of the table and this is the best way to do it we have uh sister rapensha with the preacher and a uh and the um rapentra superior in these woods because i didn't buy a rhino for my retributors i only bought it for them so i did do a little al before we declared what's going in rhinos and everything i realized yikes i don't have anything for my retributor so i decided they're going to go into rhino and these are going to act as backline defensive uh rapensha even though they're like super easy to kill if they're not a rhino i would have changed up my list a little bit but this also works we're going to make this work and we have the other apentra squad inside of this rhino ready to rush up the table and go cause some issues with the penitent engines battle sisters and an emulator with battle sisters over here and these are the bare bones ones no melt again just both ends on them cool nothing in reserve let's roll to see who gets to decide who goes first you get a one two wow great rolling so far it's an awesome start uh deciding who like i don't have any any good weapons anywhere oh i don't think i want to go i don't want to go first i want to go second okay yeah i'm going to go second oh and by the way my ank right is like this guy furthest in the back here because he's got a better save so he if he does die he's gonna take the hits first if he dies he'll be way in the back so it shouldn't matter too much i'm actually gonna go second okay but i'm gonna roll for my miracle die at the beginning of the battle round i don't have a beacon of faith hey i got a six right away nice so i don't get another one on my turn i'm actually me i'm not gonna have a whole lot of miracle days to play with though i am our martyred lady so i might i might but you're sacred right i should roll you know what uh i i could choose one or i could roll for two so we know i'm gonna roll for two i'm gonna go ahead and roll for those now don't roll doubles hey four to five what happens if you do you just one's negated or what i just i just get the same one twice oh but there's a stratum to change it up that's funny yeah so there's a little bit of way to rectify that but in this case i got four out of five i kind of want the passion and the reroll charging but i can't have both okay so i got the passion which is five and then divine guidance is four whenever i make an attack with a ranged weapon with any models sacred right if i roll a six to wound unmodified it's ap one improved by one ap so my bolt guns are ap one on six to wound my mouth guns are ap5 um and that's pretty much it i only i only have both my models with sacred rights only have bulk guns or have um melted guns i i guess other than the rat the bull pistols will be you know better ap as well so i'm rambling at this point but yeah i get better ap and the passion is you get an extra hit auto hit actually if you roll sixes to hit yes unmodified sixes to hit in close combo close comes two hits instead of one right thousand suns turn one first things first gonna gain a command point bringing me up to uh 13 yes sir 13 yeah uh so that's it for the command phase i don't think there's anything else to happen i'm going to start moving up i'll start by this rhino over here on the far side i'm going to move up my rubrics up to the middle of the battlefield advancing them five so after measuring it realize that 12 actually gets me there which which is where i want it to be but i'm gonna pop smoke anyway because you know he's up there he's first and you're gonna probably shoot at it maybe or maybe not now that i've pop smoke i'll be able to charge you with my guys and they'll give you buzz saws then uh buzz cut away i'm in the army cultists over here i'm going to move them forward because they're kind of useless where they are i'll still hold the objective my goal is to get closer to that central objective to help out the rubrics that are also on it right now just in case you pop that there's another unit there that is close by i don't think i'm going to be able to shoot at anything really and do anything to it so i'm going to advance these cult this up three that helps a little bit predator is gonna move over here let's move this rhino up to the middle we advance no we're just gonna stay within three i'll just stay within three yeah i'm as well i don't want to make it uh too easy for your buzzies you know what i'll do that you like that i should be about the same charge in the end it should be about the same final position reason why is in case you do pop it i have some places to go around the back which is right that way you won't be forced to go over here exactly got you these cultists will move forward and they will advance i advance to three that's perfect that makes them perfectly within range i'll hold that objective as well my exalted source for warlord will go here and my other sorcerer will go there and then i'll move up my defiler as well hello rhino on the far side with my rubrics i will just advance right up and let's see how far i get nice huge and that's my final move with this guy so block and engage in all front for you i can't i can no longer get this one to zip past that because you were able to go there first i need to roll a five up on either one of the emulators this one still has potential to do it but now i can't get three points for it i can only get two right four over here unless i go here with my hell drake just to kind of mess with you and if you put the hell drake there that's okay with me too i think now it's interesting a couple things it's like i'm like what do i do the hell drake so a couple thoughts one i do that right because that's just kind of like a an annoying thing it doesn't really matter too too much but it's kind of funny number two i go here in the middle your other vehicles can't get up heck your penitent engines or and whatever can't come up uh but you do have all of those retributors that can shoot melt as abby correct plus sisters right you know like there's a lot of that we also have uh the storm vaults are acting as ruins effectively uh for all intent and they're obscuring as well so they can't shoot through them uh we don't you can't draw line of sight through them so i would be able to come up with the retributors and then be safe if you use if it was to go up there the other thing too is it could just move up right here and since that does block line of sight that kind of messes you up too right so unless i go into it then i can shoot anything on the other side of it ah that is true but then i'm getting shot at so right like if you disembark i'm happy yeah like i want you to you know i have this habit of just kind of running my hell drake at you or at my enemy and then attacking something and i usually sacrifice them you want to try and get value out of it right like you have to make sure whatever you're hitting is worth more than its life but it does draw my attention towards it as well so there's that that yeah i mean that's always the idea your sister's repentia in that forest look really juicy oh yeah it's like two like the auto hits so you ignore the dense terrain and then they have a five six up shield of faith and yup that's something that's it oh they have a five-up took more damage but they do yeah but you do two damage with the bail flamer so right i've decided to put my hell drake here ah no you're just gonna go in that terrain and shoot me anyway what can i i don't depends on how if i can even make it there so like essentially nine but minus three go up so it's like six inches no i'm going to end up like right in front of it i won't have the move to get on top so you absolutely cannot but the thing is i'll be in it therefore you'll be able to shoot at me i might have a couple of ladies up there if you don't go in it then yeah i'll shoot them but so what you're saying is it's impossible for that unit of retributive retributers to actually uh go in the terrain to be able to shoot at my hell drake over here if i were to go over here they'd end up on the stairs and the stairs it's hard to balance them so they can't actually go on the stairs they'd end up i wouldn't be able to get up there in one move so i cannot go into the ruins okay therefore you can't shoot my hell drake correct if he's on the other side of the ruins right okay um well then that's what i'll do because he lacks aircraft no it just feels like i'm afraid forget it sure forget it i'm all this like thinking back and forth this is what i want to do it's probably a bad move interesting but that's what i want to do i just want to be in your face and i want to do some stuff that's it okay yeah i think that's right i feel good even if i die that feels like the right thing to do so this is my final move here in the movie phase with my one of my exalted not my uh not my warlord because he still gets access to the uh knowledge cult of knowledge strategy which allows rerolls ones of wounds when i attack a unit i think that's probably necessary right now you know i just realized suffer not the witch huh i just realized uh suffer not the witch i i knew the ladies didn't you know they they don't like the heretic right they typically don't like the cultists uh those who worship chaos they definitely do not like the psyche and it makes sense so it's reroll what now i uh for one command point one of my units of uh adaptive sorority here get to real wound rules against a siker unit so just general wound rolls just all we rules wow melters melters oh my goodness but to be fair the melters are going to be shooting at probably not psychers okay so there's that well i mean you shoot my rubrics then i could shoot up rubex with melted yeah but i'm moving on two's re-rolling it's like yeah it's not bad i guess yeah maybe maybe i spent a command point on that that's fair i feel that's too far so uh starting in the psyche phase now psychic delve which is the cult of knowledge psychic ability i'm gonna cast on this unit over here of the penitent engines do so that's the uh that's warp charge six outside your null field no range yeah my my psychic abomination rule is only 18 inches so you're safe that makes it so it would be plus two to this it'd be harder to cast by two yeah and usually this is 18 inches but because i'm thousand suns we add six inches to this therefore you're in range and here we go okay i don't get that this is the one where you get to like reroll wound rules one or yes okay let's finish this off with a smite to your pendant engines it might hit the right probably have the rhino oh yeah what is closest ah the rhino is further forward is it yeah okay i'll hit you right on the rhino seven well i can't stop that with the shield of faith getting two two so uh down to eight on this rhino now over here on this side my warlord psycher gonna cast uh prescience on diffie so let's do that did you get apparel i did oh double one parallel wow double one you can spend a command point to re-roll or you can spend a command point to ignore the perils i'm pretty sure it has a thousand suns right well if i'm gonna spend a thousand i can spend a command point i might as well re-roll it i think well you need a seven plus right yeah yeah yeah misery rules so i will do that free science here we go down to 12. did you get the offset yeah i got a double six interesting okay uh too bad that wasn't smite right so d3 mortal wounds on myself one not bad okay i know i can stop this with a stratagem folks but i don't think it's worth using right now i'm hoping it's not okay definitely really has prescience yeah now for smite onto what i'm guessing is your rhino it'll be yeah the rhinos they're they are deployed further it's the in this case to be the rhino the emulator and the rhino are equal distance i did deploy them a little bit further back did you okay yeah so right now it is eight good oh d3 okay two again also down to eight on to the shooting phase now i'll start with uh defi and i'll shoot at your rhino nope modifiers yep okay this is what i was a little worried about yeah i'm gonna do this i'll spend uh command point on demon forge argan demon forge him boo yeah i'll do him even though he has prescience uh because you know baleflamer auto hit so i don't really need it too much right and i got more shots with this start with the battle cannon how many shots did we get three all right okay uh hitting on threes because of prescience and rerolling the misses because of demon forge and only getting one out of that winning on a three i'm guessing uh yes and rerolling for demon forge getting a wound so two wounds two wounds i'll put on the ank right way in the back you'll have a five up save against these you will fail both okay and no like five up to ignore wounds or anything he has a six up to ignore damage okay you gotta see what i get all right so here's for the first one went up to three roll both i got five wounds so that's five wins in total so you need a single five to save this six six sorry so we got six of two more days ah i ignore one oh look at that my weakness is showing i could have ignored another maybe there we go and then we have the reaper auto cannon hopefully this can finish it off with all the re-rolling problems on threes and three's too much as well yeah and that's all wounds at minus one's a four i'm not i have to do this one at a time because he has a different save than they do he's got four up against that i don't want i would like to try and mitigate some damage on him but i think we're he sucks up to ignore the damage he's dead and then i have the rest are our five ups because they have a four base they don't save any of those and six up to ignore they take three so the next guy will take three will go down to two wounds and my anchorite is dead no more icharite you're not anchored anymore no longer moving on over here to my predator i'll shoot these penitent engines in front of my hell drake bring it on uh negative one hit because we got a lot of woods in the way so it hits on a not that what are we firing is that that's a predator auto cannon yeah creditor autocannon it's got 2d three shots oh yeah you're right d3 shots yeah so that was number of shots so we have a total of four which i'll keep that's not bad now i'm hitting on force mm-hmm they all hit nice okay now i'm wounding you on uh threes that's two wounds ep one i have a four upstate that goes to a five up hold on one second um i'm going to command point reroll one of these all right you go down to ten go down to ten every time five ups fail both that's six damage yep uh they only have five wounds overall five dice like north three i gotta roll one so i've taken two damage so far i take three damage the one in the back's got twos left okay hell drake bell flamer into the same unit same unit five auto hitting uh wounding on threes here getting three wounds at minus two minus two six up saves just three wounds yep uh six is failing all of them now the one with two wounds left five up to ignore the first ignores the first one second one ignores one of them i have one wound left and then the last one kills it boom one thing i wanted to point out for the mortifiers for anyone who might not notice they have a rule called anguish of the unredeemed where when they die on four up they do mortal wounds to things nearby but it's only enemy units ah for them that's why i didn't roll for my stuff got it now for the charge phase hell drake gonna charge your penitent engines well yeah dave's hoping to go in and kill one out before i get to retaliate with them i will spend a command point on overwatch though as you should uh there's four heavy flamers the four heavy flamers oh nine shots nice wound yeah we got one yeah you know what let's just do a damage let's get it down alright oh we didn't even get the image oh it's all right overwatch sometimes not so good and that's all you got that's all we got okay charging in four good now that's enough so i'll bring them in then i'll pile into your rhino right and then attack these ladies here oh yes now for the attacks spinning a command point on demon forge here all my attacks going into the penitent engines hitting on fours that's they all hit okay and wounding on threes yikes and re-rolling the one for demon forge okay that's really good uh minus one minus one i have a five up save against this oh man it looks like a good call from dave here the d3 damn might as well roll them you gotta do like two at a time i'll do two at a time yeah okay so the first one three so three in total of the first of i don't know i'm only rolling two so i i take two one of those down to three on the first one so you don't do one at a time now okay three three yikes i gotta make one of these i do okay so we've got one moon left okay last one two two and then i gotta make both of them you got it so it's dead okay uh and then we'll remove i suppose you and then on the last die here i think you've only rolled three did you do three or four so i had uh i had five wounds on you yeah so here's the fifth one right is it the okay i wasn't sure this is the fourth or fifth one and oh cause you did two d3 on the first one that's right correct five up two i take one that puts that penetration down to four wounds i will retaliate with this pendant engine i get five attacks because i have two buzz blades hitting on fours uh we do not get the passion on them and we get to reroll for zealot which helps uh these wound on threes oh two booms okay and that's minus a lot i'm guessing minus three yeah so five up involved saves um nope and there's four damage in total four damage in total okay then i accept and then the rhino rhino gets the swing sixes ah of course the passion does trigger on that because it does have sacred rights so we actually have four hits with the rhino i have nothing nearby to re-roll and then we have i think three wounds uh wait are you seven seven i'm actually probably just trying six you're only shaking so there's only one one yeah and we make the safe you are good that's the end of my turn i didn't actually kill a unit unfortunately so no attrition for me however i am satisfied with the amount that i've killed because that's three to ten engines down here and one and almost another mortifier the other side yeah and then for leadership for them they don't have the role because leadership eight can't fail leadership ate as well in the mortal fighters they could potentially run if you shot a lot of them up though but the penitent engines are they're all right they're not going to be running and here's the cool thing right it's like you're meant for close combat right uh the problem is i go first in your turn yeah unless you charge me with other stuff but i don't i probably will be yeah i see those uh rapencha coming in this is their job that is what this is literally their job they just sit back here and stop stuff they get my get back in my lines exactly so beginning of my turn we do have some rhino repairs to do on the savory towel rhino so this rhino that has my warlord will not heal and then the other one that's got the repentia will also not heal that's okay that's to be expected i will gain a command point going back up to 10 and then there's no real scoring in the first battle round so uh let's go right on to a movement where these guys apparently move nine inches for some reason that's nuts so i'm gonna go up with their nine inch move already pre-measured it's a five inch charge to get into the rhino if i want to and then i'm just gonna do their daisy chaining uh we're going to have you go no we'll keep you there you got your wounds i probably should have moved the rhino i am going to move the emulators up first though before yeah i'm going to go ahead and technically move the rhino in the emulator first so as to not get it so as they don't block my weight because obviously i can't go through this gap here right so we'll just have you because you can move oh no they can only move 12 though so they only move three inches before them you know that's okay we're gonna go there with you because i kind of want you to hang out there anyways and this one will do the full move which will end up 12. right beside the objective there hello and then this one will advance uh let's see what i need i might just automatically make you go six we shall see you know what no i know because that one could automatically go six over there and get me two victory points because i have a miracle die on a six i need that one to roll a five this one the back of the front of it's gonna be about six inches to there and then yeah we're gonna advance it goes next to two so it goes up to fourteen and then we'll go further two that's eight and we have to do i do like some weird fantasy stuff here folks another two and then precise ten and we have to go four more inches forward not within seven of it are we now we are outside of seven it's not ideal there's gonna go forward too advanced i did advance i only got a two i would have liked the three on that that's where we end up the assassin is gonna go ahead and advance right there one sure it is what it is minus two though because he's in woods so only really going five inches i think which will take him to about there hello oh dave made a good call it's actually they actually moved seven so i get to go one more inch ah you figured as an assassin that got a little bit more flight of foot on them i you know what that's that's what made me go look as well i'm like i should go double check their move you know playing a lot of like third to seventh everything everything in this game if you haven't played before moved six right no matter what it was if it was infantry it moved six a vehicle it moves it could move more than six but then it suffered penalties and all that terminators move six everything was six it was nice and easy so i was gonna move this rhino through the hell drake but then i realized wait a second this thing is not aircraft no it's aircraft so i'm gonna instead fall back we're gonna leave this combat here we're it's gonna take leave me luca it's gonna take us about six inches to get there and then i don't have enough movement to actually clear and get an inch away from so i'm just gonna end my movement there okay penitent engine uh staying in combat nice indeed and then we're gonna move these battle sisters up a little bit they're gonna stay in the woods why uh because i want to have troops on the objective they're they weren't quite on the objective yet understood now now they are i can't even see the objective so i'm confused it's underneath his base okay that's actually what he's like oh you're right that's what he's bouncing on totally right okay so they're obsessed so now you have that correct and then we're going to move these repentia towards him i might adv i might advance them now that you don't have to do that you could stay because i know how dangerous they are they're two damage of pop aren't they it's over ten they move four so it's a six inch charge we get to reroll they are two damage to pop they can advance and charge through the cp the advance could effectively well i mean technically the advance would always give me something so you know what we're just gonna move them they're gonna go therefore that's kind of where they end up they're all coherent of two other models so we're going to advance the repentia though four not bad so effectively two because of woods you're still in the woods well she is yeah so like repench is superior i mean oh i gotcha oh you know what they're still gonna be in the woods i am actually gonna advance them realizing that they're still in the woods that's negative two in my charge they're gonna go an extra two is that enough well it's gonna give me negative oh yeah that should be enough to get them all out of the woods should be let's see here i have you go there you'll be within that model that model yeah this should be good the back of its base no this one's still going to be in the woods because it's on 32 mil technically so it's going to be negative right negative 2 to this charge but whatever i'm a little bit closer yep that's fair that's where everything's gonna end up unfortunately still negative two on the charge there but i think i have to spend the command point now actually for the advancing charge we're gonna go ahead with this emulator over here we're going to advance it uh i think it's yeah four so yeah we're gonna go we're gonna try to avoid i'm gonna go five inches and avoid the trees uh-huh so what is that a 16-inch move we have 11 inches more on my move so it goes six we're just gonna go up here we're gonna opt to not worry about engaging our fronts for now we're gonna try and deny the point uh i see that's it for movement uh we're gonna go into shooting no psychic for you no sliggers no no no i know that's blasphemous i just none of that nonsense here whoa whoa careful with those words we don't bring that here uh we are going to do some flamers oh uh this guy over here is going to do the immolation flamers into the cultists so i guess we'll start with that yeah i don't think i could have avoided that if i stayed back yes but right i wanted more bodies on that objective in the middle all right so it's 2d6 automatic hits eight happen reese's wound oh these only strength five so we have six wounded hits at minus one i do get the benefit of cover there so i'll roll because i get my six up still right we're gonna put it on the guys who actually gain cover and there's eight guys that are in cover so i'll just roll all six right and that cover helps one and now this one is going to do the same do the same thing yeah yeah we're going to go right into them with that uh we'll do the flamer first the 2d6 flamer oh i didn't shoot the heavy bolt over here because i advanced and that's why so i got four shots with the flamer got it i'm gonna roll the heavy bolter up as well and add them together because it's the same we have two more hits so a total of six hits on them next wound with the heavy bolter and the heavy flamer uh four wounds this time minus one for both and i'll just remove them because yeah this one wouldn't have any saves we're gonna have the mortifiers uh the two in the front are arranged to fire the heavy flamers into the rhino or d6 automatic hits it's gonna be five eight ten and these are fives four wounds and um four up safe on these did i do a couple things three three damage nice we do the storm bolter from the rhino into the cultists if i can see them i can see the one culture the defiler there yeah threes and threes but no ap so one wound no ap sticks up yup one more cult is die sure i'll kill the one by the father so he doesn't do that again a couple of the last things i have to fight with are gonna be these battle sisters all five of them are gonna put their bolt guns into the cultists down at them and we don't uh there won't be a negative one to hit in this case because i'm in the woods and i can see i can draw landsat to a few of them that aren't in the woods either so five shots on threes oh okay that would have been bad if it wasn't one hit and threes three wounds six up saves today let's kill these two this is the last thing to fire with the emulation flamers are going to go into the cultists as well the heavy bolter ride advanced eleven purged filth three's to kill ah kills seven no wait six six that's math two three four five six not bad uh we're gonna go into the charge phase now and spend a command point on oh sorry she's supposed to be there to keep coherency to spend a command point on holy writ you know what we're gonna we're gonna spend a command point on holy rage that lets him advance and charge we're gonna charge the preacher in though first he probably needs like uh seven or so okay well yeah that's probably it that is it yes the preacher is gonna hang out over here and activate warhammes gives things near infantry nearby an extra attack and then they're gonna go ahead and charge they needed a four but they're in the wood so they needed six oh six a good and then that'll be it for their charge they only get to move four so they move four uh the sisters over here okay i'll come back to the simulator i might charge it into your stuff over there just to get engaged on all front oh my advance i can't i can't do that that's right and then this one over here no these modifiers are charging the rhino you better believe it i assume you don't want to overwatch yeah i don't know what they need it looks like a five a six you get it get it all day long yeah i'm gonna go to about there ah can you stand forward yeah okay that kind of works and you'll end up there and then you'll end up there it's gonna be for my charges i am gonna start fighting over here i'm just seeing how far i can pile him before i lose her bonus of re-rolling one rule one so i'm about to the back track of that rhino there so we're gonna have the ladies pile in a wee bit get them a little bit closer get them nice and in there again try and play them on 32 so i'm only really gonna be able to get them in but these ones should be able to get within that half an inch and then two of them are not going to be attacking and on to their attacks they have three attacks each because of war hems these hit on fours because they have eviscerators every six is two hits because of the passion and i get to reroll these hits and hopefully we get more sixes ooh well i got a couple more hits oh man that's brutal you've got two sixes in there so that's two more hits that's right for the passion and then fives to moon oh wow well no rerolls but that's pretty much a whole wound i don't think you needed it how many eights is that eight corn wanted it geez that's eight sixes guys that's brutal so you're minus three two damage right right so it goes right to your demon save so eight wounds one at a time here luca oh you've got six oh you made one okay so i made once i'm down to six down to four down to four good down down to two and then yeah so he's dead unless you re-roll that one there you have two more to make after that five up yeah let's not waste it you kill me all right he is does it explode do i explode i rather you didn't nope i don't so i do a hell drake i get a hell drake out of my face and i'm not going to consolidate no consolidation for you i can't think of a reason why i'd want to immediately my brain is feeling small right now so your brain is feeling small my brain is my brain is not coming up with great plans at the moment these mortifiers on the other hand are going to pile into about there and they're going to get generally closer to the reino i'll just three inches get you buddy and you're gonna have to go to there so what that means i'm going to drag you back a wee bit just so you're within half an inch of that buddy all right so these mortifiers the difference between between them and the engine is that they hit on threes and on force but they don't have zealots obviously i'd rather hit on fours and not threes with a reroll but can't always get what you want they have a bunch of weird other rules already that lets them shoot their weapons in close combat or shooting weapons these hit on threes with the buzz blades and i am playing them with both the buzzblade and the flail just because that's what they're modeled with and uh maybe i'll like that build i don't know i doubt it i usually like to skew into one thing but this is okay we don't get the passion because they don't have sacred rights in fact they have none of the army rules they don't have sacred rights they don't have shield of faith they don't have active faith and they don't have zealot they got nothing they got nothing uh these wound on threes oh only two yikes six up safe that was unfortunate both go through four damage in total yeah down to three okay sometimes you just sometimes it don't work not gonna lie i wasn't expecting that i was pretty expecting to kill it too i was to be honest i was kind of hoping you were going to because then on my turn i could have shot you twice because i wouldn't have moved my dudes ah it's true there's always that but that's okay and that is the end of the combat oh and we get to fight back over here oh sure okay so what am i down here you got e3 attacks so here we go d3 down to two so you get one more attack as a hateful oh you're right i do don't i okay so here's a six and that's not a wound no okay uh that brings it to morale time morale time cultists cult is definitely i think they i think they both auto fail unless you're all the one yeah for this cultists uh i'm hoping for a one i get a one would you look at that okay over here on this side hoping for a one i get a two so i'm gonna lose a guy and then roll for the rest i only uh need uh well i only need two rounds yeah yeah so four more looks like runaway still a lot more geez well more than this should have been shown like i said only should have been three okay well that's okay i'll fake it that's a note i do get a miracle die at the end of the combat phase when this unit killed the hell drake so i got a three i got six and a three so beginning of my turn here i gained a command point bringing me back up to 10 i believe yes yeah okay and i get 10 victory points for holding two objectives this one here is contested otherwise i would have gotten more so good on you for that let's see if i can run a repair on a six i actually do wow that never works up to four can't say never know i think you got me in a kind of a pickle here luca because you're equally in my face now right and if i disembark my rubrics then you're just going to flame them to death and you're lots of flamers shoot them disembark your girls and shoot them so i don't know if that's necessarily the best strategy like but at the same time you pop up my rhinos and then i don't have any rhinos and then i'm stuck in the same position that i'm in right now so i actually think it is the best strategy for me to disembark on my stuff then it's not like you know you're picking off one at a time then it's like you have an entire table to deal with that's in your face it's equally in your face so i'm just going to have to do that these cultists are going to actually move back now i'm going to disembark my rubrics from this rhino they have disembarked and now they need to move their uh distance over here i'm going to move them over here on this side and then move my warlord out of the way so the rhino can disengage now for my warlord i'm going to move forward in advance let's spend a command point to re-roll that four awesome and why did i do that well it's because i want to be able to go here this is all pre-measured so that was the three and then that's the four i'm right there i take that away from you vowel on second thought i'm not going to do that because you have a of the witch i reminded him off-camera that that's worth five like like i'll beat you the 95 victory points but if he dies that's your warlord dead you're like you're dead and i get five victory points because he's a psycho character yeah so we kind of cancel each other out but then my warlord's dead so right i mean i have to commit to killing him but even still i think that's a good investment for you right right so i'm not going to do that if you're cool with that i am okay with that in fact i'm gonna actually switch where the rubrics have gone and where the warlord is yeah and just i'll do that instead because i do want to try to deny you that uh victory point back there so they're going to disembark from the rhino and do a move towards the object correct so that's my final position on these i made a little switch i'm there my warp time actually has a nine inch range because of a thousand suns which is pretty cool i'm outside of 18 inches of your knoll field from your psychic abomination yeah from your striker or your anti-cycle rather yeah so i still have a good chance of getting warp time off plus i can always communicate roll if i fail it i'm only about an inch and a half away from holding that objective or taking that objective away from you i'm obsec with my rubrics so that is a better plan plus i'm back here i'm protected by some bodies so i'm not the closest unit to things that might be tempted to shoot at them and then they'll just end up there because i gotta be able to disengage which i'll do right now with my rhino it's probably best that i keep some distance here because i still wanna i can only move six i still wanna make it so my cultist can shoot at you no problem and i wanna make it so it's a little harder for you to just uh walk all over me here then over here on this side i'm going to disembark these rubrics as well and they're going to move back here so they can rapid fire their warp folders over here on this side i'm going to disembark my rubrics from this rhino as well so they've disembarked and now i'll move them forward because they want to say hello to summer pentia and there they are that's their final position now it's time for me to move my cultists up and forward predator uh sure i'll stay back here i might just want to hit no matter what so i might as well be back here i'm gonna move my psycho over here and when i say over here i mean over here back over on this side i'm going to squeeze my defiler so that he fits right there so out of my movement phase i'm going to bring on my deep striking unit of scarab occult terminators over here on the side where luca has his five sisters in the shrubs and the rapensha outside of the rhino and the one still inside a rhino yeah now i'm a bit concerned about that because you can disembark and then you have your advance you can spend your command point to charge after you advance so i am a little concerned about that but they're not the only unit on this side i'm also going to have my rubrics there kind of yeah there's gonna be a lot of there's gonna be a lot of threats at the deal with my turn too yeah so i think i'm okay with it psychic phase i'm going to start with my warlord i will do warp time on my rubric so i don't forget about that i'm outside 18 inches so here's the regular psychic test let's see if i make it six i believe so it's probably a six i'll have to double check but i think that's right not gonna bother stopping it there's no point in trying to stop it you just charge me to get on the objective that's true so i guess i could have just done that anyway wasted his other ability but that's okay and they are in now the question is do i smite or do i pressions i think i will smite might as well try to smite finish off one of those mortifiers so here we go with the smite roll ah that's i do get it i can try and stop i i am allowed to try and deny with i think it's called shield of faith is the rule that lets me deny only on one d6 though so i need six to stop it no and i could spend a command point to stop the d3 mortal wounds i'm not going to bother though i'm going to conserve my command points okay bring it on and d3 so i need a uh three plus yeah that's two i have a six up to normal i take two you die and i believe he only lashes out to enemies within one inch okay this unit that came out will smite those mortifiers no no do not make it now moving on over here let's do a prescience on this unit um i will do it from this uh exalted champion felt the sorcerer and i would make it give them with a plus one to hit i'm gonna try to do something there you know what i'll spend a command point to try and stop that on a four plus no i failed can't we roll that either so i'm down to eight psychic delve which one do i choose i was thinking of your penitent engine or the you do have eight repentia though i have eight repenter right there and i got eight more in the rhino yeah let's try that second of the penitent you know what i'll do the penitent engine what kind of i want to get rid of that okay it feels dangerous yeah that's good that's an eleven so you get to reroll your army gets the rear one rules one against it yes okay i will smite with uh that source actually hold on one second i have my uh weaver of fates now they are in range of his psychic abominations of the negative 2d cast as well yeah okay i'll smite it's still minus two it's still yeah so i need a seven which i get oh wow and it's only one did twice before zero than eight yeah yeah you needed a seven you show you needed to show a nine essentially you got it so more wound for the last one i'll do we were fates on my scarab cult terminators ah kind of makes sense oh they got that as well nice they have a four up in volume right now yeah onto the shooting phase starting with the predator targeting your penitent engine does your pentium engine explode maybe no no okay so two d3 shots only two oh my goodness it does not explode but that's enough shots i think hitting you on fours because it's uh through trees it misses the trees protect ah always scary call terminator's gonna shoot we got the hellfire missile rack and the soul reaper cannon still reaper no that's uh it is a sore reaper yeah the chain yeah oh reaper chain kit i was thinking of it so soul reaper cannon at the big guy here penitent engine all the rest of the comedy wilters are going to be at the uh repentia all right starting with the uh warp flame kami bolters or whatever they're called the mine is two ones yeah the warp something comedy boulders yeah so hitting on fours because of the trees that's it the trees protect they do a lot look at all those threes in there that's brutal only five hits oh yeah that see that would have been right right that's about that's a lot of threes dang it uh wounding on threes yeah and uh ap is obviously super high so i don't get cover on them anyways maybe two but they have a shield of faith so they have a six up involved and then they have a five foot two ignore damage wow wow just ignore all the damage brutal hellfire missile rack now to the penitent engine hitting on fours well i thought you didn't think one didn't matter there it didn't matter three to wound uh minus three right i don't have a save against that no save okay they don't have to shield the faith okay so it's d3 damage bring it on one are we rolling it or am i doing my i think i need to re-roll it it is what it is the dice gods want it so do you ignore it i do not i take one okay down to three now for the soul reaper cannon that's four shots hitting on fours two minutes the woods one one wound no save five up to ignore because they have crazy high ap i'm down at two who's left my rhino has a comedy bolt here gonna shoot at your no negatives here sure i'll just shoot at it why not that's more fun to kill repentia though there were two shots at the repetition oh two shots of the penta here we go you got one hit re-roll though because you got a lord nearby oh yeah i guess the sorcerer does give me that doesn't it so we got one wound so far and uh that's a reroll into a hit so yeah the rewrote the wound which is yeah two words uh no ap on that well it doesn't matter i have a shield of faith six up nail that and five's up to ignore the damage i lose a sister you've made so many of those crazy i mean three now if the cult is they're gonna focus fire to the propentia so i got six there that don't suffer any modifiers because of the trees that are not in their way the other eight i do so these ones hit on fours re-rolling ones because my sorcerer is nearby all right and for these eight they hit on fives but you got anyway you said fours yeah well you know these are these these are hitting up fours oh okay these are hitting on fives gotcha i thought you're wrong yeah these are hitting up fives uh okay so that's what i get there the trees did nothing nothing uh wounding you on fours because threes and three three so that's four wounds four wounds i have a shield of faith which does not stop any and then uh five up to ignore damage see because that's how you kill them with a bunch of cultists definitely not terminators that come in that's overkill one two three four i guess we keep those three rubric marines now i'm gonna split fire i'll uh put all the warp boulders into the repensha and then i'll do the soul reaper cannon as well into the penitent engine here are the bolter shots plus the warp pistol so hitting on threes and then re-rolling any ones if i have any well it's all hits that's not good for me this is going to be wounding on threes that's a little better but that's minus two for you seven yeah faith ladies okay one's gonna survive that there's only three of them left and then a five of two more damage two of them ignore it unfortunately they all do die but they have a rule called martyrdom whenever they're killed i get a miracle die they give me a six oh wow i'll get one at the end of the phase two now four shots from the soul reaper cannon into your penitent engine uh that's all hits and i'll be wounding you here on uh fours if you're a toughness five oh i t5 yeah okay so force the wound three wounds ooh yikes that's not good oh oh i need to make two of these actually he dies oh wow so reaper soul reaper's always putting work sweet now coming over to the side of the board we've got these cultists they're going to focus their shots into your emulsifiers that's not their name mortifiers mortifiers there we go yeah these are hitting on fours we're rolling ones because of my exalted sorcerer nearby it's actually a pretty good roll looks like that's not a good read roll winning on fives five wound snake through four up save oh luca six up to ignore damage nice oh still alive still alive with one wound crazy it's hilarious now onto the defiler i'm going to shoot everything into this rhino that's holding your cannons and your retributors i'll spend a command point on demon forge why not how many battle cannon shots do we get two i'll spend a command point to re-roll the amount of shots i get into a one oh yikes oh i wish i had some miracle dice on my side all right yeah it'd be nice so hitting on fours re-roll uh-huh okay all right uh now wound you on threes that's a wound at minus two minus two we got a five up which i'll fail okay so d3 damage two got six rooms left so far and then let's do the uh reaper auto cannon that's uh two hits thus far three hits and wounding you on fours re-rolling three wounds at minus one three four saves i take two four down to four the squad of rubriks i can do all the bolter shots and the pistol into this mortifier mortifier and then i'll do the soul reaper cannon into that rhino hitting on three starting with the bolters winning on fives only three minus two minus two sixes fail that and then they have a six up to ignoring the damage one makes it so it's one damage on him and then this dude's gonna go down to four i also reaper cannon into the rhino that's gonna be uh not threes because all is dust awesome i got a two in there so that's a miss uh and now wounding you on a five yep one one wound uh six up i make it now for my warlord shooting is in caladian's cry is a relic pistol at your mortifier it's d6 spin spin spin nice worth it absolutely worth it uh these are auto hitting it's 12 inch range so that's awesome strength six so i'll be winning you on threes yeah ooh okay very nice i have five rooms five wounds well that's not good for me uh minus two sixes i make one and they're one damage each yeah i gotta make one of these folks i do he's got one wound left oh jeez i mean there has to be something allocated to him he fell back so he can't shoot i'm gonna shoot with this rhino he could shoot right through the rock you can't see it but there's a massive hole in there that goes through it so uh hitting on threes uh yup that's two hits putting on fives nothing for these rubrics all of their shots are going to go into this rhino you got what four left four wound remain okay starting with the voltaires hitting on threes that's not the greatest not the greatest but hopefully we make up for that by the fact that we're veterans did you i was gonna ask did you mention veterans or not because we were we were gonna do veterans on this one you're down to six yeah i saw i i must have said it off camera but luca knows because i literally just said it so okay so here we go force food forest to wound doesn't make a difference doesn't even make a difference oh my goodness looks looks painfully familiar three wounds at minus two yep fives oh we take three you got one move left we saw the soul reaper soul reaper cannon so here we go so hitting on threes this should do it okay and three ah five four still it's fours yeah yeah two wounds two when he hits two six ups double six oh he's dead explode do i explode oh all right so d31 my psyches did my assassinating d3 that's probably taking d3 and you're taking d3 all right i'm gonna roll for my emulator it is within the blast radius it's down to eight and your rubrics are going to lose two of them so i'm going to roll my oh wait these are mortal wounds these are mortal wounds uh okay well i will lose two back here and then my poor poor psychic abomination we'll lose two as well i think he's got three or four left three remaining wounds on this bad boy there okay because he's hard at wound yeah he's that's that's super good for you and then that should be oh you know i might as well measure for my repencia superior though i think she's out of range yeah she's out of range okay uh and then i got into spark and that's how they're going to disembark at a roll for 10 models though so i got opsec and you don't cause they're not troops right you have their head their heavies okay one for 10 ladies one lady's not gonna quite make it we're gonna say you didn't quite make it the rest are ah are you coherent two models no you're not you know we'll zoom zoom instead makes it easy you got lucky there i think i think you should like two two maybe yeah more likely to lose two there but then because i'm playing r martyr lady i get a miracle die at the end of the shooting phase because i lost the rapencha i got a four so you actually get two for them because you have their own rule plus another one yes and well our martyred lady only gives you miracle dice for your stuff dying unless it's a character in which case it gives you two oh interesting which is nice gonna do some charges i'll store over here for these rubrics i'm gonna charge your rhino overwatch no no okay see what we got eight corn wants it nice now these cultists are going to charge your emulator i could overwatch too you could if you wanted to are you going to do you want to charge them i'm declaring it i will 100 overwatch that you got two way hold on you have two flames i got two heavy flamers on there yeah so are you sure you i mean it's up to you no here's the thing i can't the thing is i can't i guess i could charge with my character but that might even be sillier because then you'd still overwatch i kind of uh made a little boo-boo here with my positioning because in retrospect i should have made it charge of the rhino exactly yeah so maybe it's not the wisest thing because my thoughts were surround you wrap you and then you're forced to spend cp to like get out chances are if they charge they get the overwatch and they're going to take a morale check and they're going to start losing and they'll be under half strength as well whereas right now i'm actually sitting on two objectives so i'm kind of forcing your hand a little bit you have to deal with them okay you know what i will keep them where they are okay i think that's the wise thing to do over here though on this side i will charge with the defiler do the mortifier yep a little part of me wants to overwatch just to get like maybe a couple damage in if i'm lucky so i'm going to i'm going to go down to seven command points okay 2d6 automatic hits from the two heavy oh that sucks oh it is what it is vice wound oh double wound okay minus one all right four up i got what i wanted all right uh i'm going to also charge your uh emulator you're going to declare the emulator as well yeah is it are they the same weapons they're the same weapons yeah okay so i would have overwatched with the emulator instead okay because it's got heavy bolters i get three yeah go ahead do that then give me shoot me three times in just to be fair all right i missed anyways okay here we go here's my charge roll getting a six and we're good all right so i'm just going to go in i'm actually don't quite have enough room to do the emulator right i missed my overwatch with them anyway so it doesn't matter yeah uh so i'm just gonna go like that my goal is to really take out this little uh a mortifier mortifier and then just get in range of that one there yeah exactly so i can contest that objective that's my goal and then my rubric marines will charge your uh retributors just the retributors where's your i got my canon s there or right in front yeah sure i'll charge your canon s i'm not gonna charge your assassin though i think that's suicide so yeah i'll do that you're already overwatch i'll just roll and getting a six that's good enough kind of my rhino's gonna charge your emulator oh look at that we got it it'll touch you i'm going to attack first with these rubric marines and attack your retreater squad because those weapons are scary i don't want them alive in the game and yeah and i'm not hero clearly anywhere that i i can't i'm too far away from your assassin so he can't go and your cannon nest is already in combat so i'm just going to pile in there so this one rubric back there has to attack the cannons all the rest i'm going to put their attacks into the squad these are the non-swords for first uh hitting you on threes i am spending command point on veterans of the long war because i just want to kind of make sure that i get them five left and hitting on three is looking for sixes we got a couple sixes all right death to the false emperor i got another hit out of it now wounding you on twos awesome that helped us four more wounds that is yeah so that's a total of nine these are all going to go on sisters without melting guns threes i lose two of them lose those two now for the fourth step all hits death to the false emperor awesome yeah uh all wounds and i came up pretty big there these are going to be these are minus one yeah so these are kind of valuable i'm gonna do two at a time because i don't care about the the two ladies so that's one dead this is some simulacrum don't care about that and i have two more to do so the sister's superior right so she fails that and then i'm gonna use a miracle diet automatically pass the last one okay so you don't lose your meltdown act of faith yes and there's one attacking your cannon s yeah two attacks death to the false emperor here i'll just roll this again okay that's three three hits and this is booting on a two yep because of veterans three wounds and three ups i take one she's got four left i am gonna do counter offensive for two command points go down to five and attack into the defiler i don't i'm not gonna kill it but i want to chip away at it as much as i can here before i lose my mortifier so i hit on threes with the buzz blades oh okay good start ah like nah i'm not gonna come up with that and these wound on threes as well and yeah two wounds all right so five up involved save yeah made one one goes through two dimage down to ten wounds and now for my attacks back onto you uh i'll start with his claws he's got five attacks on the charge here hitting on fours rerolling ones because the sorcerer is back there two hits two wound and twos to wound two wounds at minus i have no cd no save okay 2d6 damage oh yeah because you have you can re-roll your stuff so it's five damage let's roll these two you got him cause he's on a six right yeah and then on a four up he does d3 mortal wounds to enemies within one inch he does the defiler he lashes out and does a final three damage wow tyler bring it down to seven yeah all right and then that's him dead and then i'll file in here or i'll consolidate rather into your emulator and i'm on the objective contesting it since we're over here i'll just go ahead and make the roll four attacks because i charged you one six look at that that's not a wound no need five i'll pack back over there sure why not i'll get that in this other emulator out of the way that this one here misses and then the emulator into the defiler gets one hit but that's the passion so we actually get two hits which wound once and do nothing now for this unit of rubrics over here i'll pile in with them by doing so i'll pull in this guy i didn't want to declare him before right yeah so we got 18 attacks from the regular dudes and look at all that death to the false emperor five subwoofed three rounds you take two three okay chase down five and now three attacks coming from my source rear one hit and nothing okay i'll fight back with it d3 attacks on a six nope i'll fight back with the preacher as well we're just gonna keep where he is he has five attacks uh no uh no zelda though because you piled into him and one wound but you have a two-up save against that because of all this dust all is dust then we'll go ahead and fight over here uh we'll do the retributors first into the rubrics no we're going to do the the the canon okay so i'm going to spend a command point on indomitable foes that increases their involvement saves by one okay it makes them a four up then yeah one command point for that and she hits on twos get two more automatic hits for the passion and then she was charged so she's strength five winning on threes and she gets to reroll fail or wound rolls because she was charged that helps once five wounds d3 damage i don't get all his dust so my four ups my four bin bones are good here yeah uh okay i lose three and that's called it doesn't even help did not even help me then the retributers get to attack i will have you pile in that direction and you're going to be closer to oh whatever you just go there don't go figure it out they have one attack a piece hitting on fours we rolling any ones didn't get any ones and five's tuned one wound and you have uh two up you're okay rolling for leadership now lost five guys in this rubik's squad i'm looking for a one two or three oh one runs and they're under half strength not looking for ones and twos and only oh two more runs oh wow okay oh we know which ones yeah it's fair i am going to be lame here and insane bravery on my retrograde squad i need their melting guns for this upcoming turn i think okay i think uh i could re-room what am i gonna keep two no i'm gonna roll it one or two they stick around ah there we go nice insane well one or two they would have been fine okay so for the purposes of uh attrition i killed four units at the beginning of the turn though so the hope luca does not kill more than three on his turn yes i have to kill four things to deny points which uh hopefully that's doable okay let's do some rhino repairs i got this wounded rhino right there not today the other one is destroyed so my command phase dave did an excellent job of denying me any points i get zero points for the primary this turn i'm gonna just have to hit him back just as hard and uh i'm gonna go right into movement we are going to fall back from combat this preacher he's just going to end in the woods just moving the sisters of battle over here just so i get a couple more in range of the objective that should be all five by doing that the sister no we're gonna move her after actually we're going to disembark those from inside we're going to start with this sister superior or a pencil superior disembarking it's kind of important this is marking about there and then we're going to go ahead oh i guess i got to get that within three only within three aspect two let's see but like that and then we're going to advance her she's out of here five she's gonna go eleven inches uh we are going to have her yeah you know what that's a little too that's gonna block my sisters i think we're just gonna be a little safer with her and just have her come over here it's not too important for her to get over there i just i think i want the repench over there so we're gonna have her hang out there and then the um repention themselves are gonna disembark i don't think i'm gonna be able to pull off what i want with my characters as well so just the repetition are coming out so that's how they disembark and now i gotta get them over to these terminators very important that they make it to the terminators now it's important that we get one to right there which should be we're just going to advance them let's just go ladies we get to go three only look at the rapeness superior does for their advance rolls that was oh this is tough oh man so i'm gonna reroll that six beautiful nice so they go 12 inches easy here we go come on ladies you're lucky were you were you uh tempted to put a miracle dice there i was thinking about it i was thinking about it but it wasn't super important i think i just needed like honestly a two-up i probably shouldn't i should have just kept the three badges of greedy because what's your goal they're gonna charge them so yeah definitely something higher than three because you would have been way too far i think so i don't know like where were they that's with yeah i guess because like look at them right now well no the charge is a nine inch charge so i have a double that's why yeah you needed 12. but i have two miracle dice on sixes so i could automatically i'm gonna automatically see yes so i got this greedy play was so i could use a six and a three instead of a double six right let's see if we can't get this missionary anywhere particularly cool six on his advance as well okay so that actually might be able to help me out here he'll go what does he do again uh he gives them an extra attack and that's it actually if he has to be how far six so it's gonna be i might have the daisy if i could daisy chain out like a couple of the ladies maybe it depends a nine inch charger gonna end up doing that anyways i think and then this rhino is going to leave this combat by going over there don't leave me and then we're going to have this rapunzel superior move six in that direction and then we're gonna have the assassin come seven in this direction we're gonna fall back this retro beer squad and they're gonna spend two command points on judgment of the faithful which allows them to shoot and charge still we're then gonna get the sisters out of that emulator into the fray and then we're going to move them a little bit just to get some of them near that objective again i have to stay in it away from you but i'm trying to play them on 32 mils we're gonna have the emulator uh leave combat as well okay uh canon s is gonna stay there because she's gonna have to clean up this nonsense and i got a couple of ladies in a couple of vehicles here that are probably gonna have to get on out so we're gonna disembark the ladies inside of this they disembark move forward a little bit the emulator nudges forward a wee bit as well and uh the last thing i have to consider geez i've lost a lot of stuff is uh this emulator over here and it's contents that are inside you just sit there and shoot back and forth for the rest of the game that's not something i typically want to do ah man that's a tough call that is a tough call because we've got a bunch of cultists over there that i'm probably going i can't fall back and shoot with it either so this side of the battlefield not looking super good for me but we're gonna have we're just gonna keep it in combat i guess yeah we're just gonna keep it in combat just gonna leave it there i'm not testing barking either so it's gonna bring it to shooting phase so we'll do the frag uh it's gonna be three hits uh because their unified is not big enough to make it six she hits twice wounds none no times i guess we'll go with the sisters over here firing their bull guns into the cultists it's gonna be five bulk gun shots hitting on threes and wounding on threes one wound one dead cultist boop later we'll go next everything into the cultists we'll have 2d6 automatic hits from the immolation cannon flamer that's eight and then i'll throw in the heavy bolter which i'll miss threes to kill kills four i hate to take away my champion but well they're probably going to fail morale already they probably will so here i'm going to do this and then i'll do this because i want to make your charge harder if you plan on charging me and then these lovely ladies are up next i won't be able to shoot the psycher so i'm gonna put the two melted guns into the rhino and then one sister is gonna throw a frag grenade and then three will shoot both guns all right grenade first it's gonna be two shots that are gonna be hitting on threes if i can grab a die and we have fours so nothing there and then we have six bulk gun shots on threes and threes three wounds no av kills two more we'll go there melt the guns both hit ooh nice ah threes two wound no save against that tuesday wound for the melters oh i'm shooting at the rhino oh you are okay yeah didn't know that so no save against that so the first melta gun is going to be five damage he's got what five wounds left yeah do i just automatically kill it or do i save that for the defy he's got four multitudes coming so four pin bone saves yikes hmm i would love to kill this rhino off it'd be nice to kill this rhino off thinking about using a miracle dice i'm thinking about using my six but i could just yeah you know what i'll use my six on the second melted shot so i'll perform an act of faith and he is destroyed okay do i explode no that's one unit dead now my collexus assassin's gonna throw his psycho grenade and his animus spectrum at them he's allowed to throw his grenade as well as fire his main weapon as long as i'm targeting a striker sorry it's i can always shoot the grenade in addition i believe d3 shots it's three because of the size of the unit hitting on twos they all hit and it does something weird if i roll a six to wound oh here okay a hit roll with six plus is a mortal wound so i do one more wound if it's a psyche or a demon and then i wound on sixes so i just do one more wound it's a weird weapon and his aim animus speculum which is his headgear has assault d6 now well that's only one and hits on a two and one's on a that it's minus four oh okay you're good you make your own ball though oh yeah because involve volume yeah we're now gonna go over to here we're gonna have one crack grenade from the sister superior two melted guns into the defiler and then three bulk guns into cultists in the back there the bulk guns into the cultist hitting on threes they're all still at health and then wounding on threes we have one wound not occultist right safe uh sorry into them save or no oh yeah you get safe sorry six up just a bull gun one dead cultist and then the two melted guns into the defiler both hit and wound on threes both wound ladies five up involved save for the first one nope would you like to reroll that one no for the second one you can see my damage yeah okay they both fail would you like to reroll that you know what you get to see my damage technically before you roll the second one all right so it's going to be you have three wounds left would you like to reroll that second one uh i'll have two wounds left right you just got five oh yeah that's right sure why not i'll reroll this no okay the second one is going to do double ones six does he explode explode come on no ladies well these bret you know what they're gonna go after my cannon nest she's just gonna stand there and shoot the emperor's wrath of these two oh i see they're gonna go after your cannon that shoots yeah not after her no no yeah sorry they're gonna they're gonna resolve their shots after she shoots this is supposed to be with them the little flying cherub hitting on twos and wounding on threes at strength five and sixes are extra ap uh i've been remembering that now these are these are ap so technically this is where you're supposed to throw dice one at a time because there's no defined order that dave's supposed to roll this in i don't really care dave can do whatever he wants to these are ap3 these are ap2 and they are two damage so you don't get all this stuff up involved safe for the ap three ones right yeah okay oh nice and then ap this five you know what's five up by the way all right one dice one sorcerer left that is uh well i'm gonna go with the retributors firing their melted shots into the rhino there not the it's got four ones left only has four ones left wow okay one's in melted range it's like i do her separate yep the one up front is a melter ranger gotta do her separate she's got one shot hits on that and one's on not that uh yeah because i'm the other three gonna fire they hit on twos because we're our martyred lady we're missing models not that mattered they hit on everything and they wounded on everything as well and it's just no save so it takes an obscene amount of damage do i explode i do not oh you're up to three units killed now you just gotta kill this guy now my emulator has to fire into the rhino so it's gonna be 2d6 automatic hits from the immolation flamers which is 10 and the heavy bolter hits on fives so it's gonna be 11 heads at the same profile i've wound it there's an ap of one two three four four save one damage one goes through okay well that's it for shooting we're gonna go on to charging the only real charge i can do is the canon s is gonna charge the sorcerer which i assume you're gonna not overwatch no and she does get to reroll this if she wants to she's not going to she's going yeah you got to kill me otherwise i get that point i'm hoping that she can kill him you deny me five points if she can't kill him then he deserved to live yeah that's fair uh we're gonna go with the collector's assassin charging the uh you know what we're gonna do her first we'll charge her in first okay go ahead all right she's gonna charge she did not advance so 11. she's gonna go over here towards the objective and then the collector's assassin's gonna charge in and he's gonna go four which is good enough no minus one because no trees doesn't matter still hitting on sixes so here we go with the bolters first and this brings dave down to two command points that's two hits and when you want threes that's a wound that's a wound at minus two shield of faith nope five up nope nope and that is gonna kill one of you in the back help fire missile rack here we go two hellfires six is one it got a two ah all right why every time okay soul reaper can do it stop getting hits and two wounds man six ups make one all right 502 nor the other damage we take another one we lose another pencha okay so you lost two not too bad that's gonna probably make it so the missionary doesn't help them out at all and by the way before the overwatch they did spend a command point and i go down to three on holy rage which allows them to charge after advancing yes you did mention that already and then it's uh with they're within 10 inches so it's an items charge i'm gonna spend a six my last two miracle dice actually i get them i get a miracle die i'll do that in a second i'll explain that in a second they're gonna automatically go nine why do you get a miracle today because i killed something in the shooting phase uh with something that had shield of our act of faith which is like they killed something yeah you killed three units yeah yeah so you might as well roll that i'm gonna gain a two all right yeah so that's where they end up charging that is it for charging because i don't wanna put anything else at risk and i think everything else that oh no these uh they're gonna charge that's right they're gonna charge the cultists all right uh i guess yeah no overwatch so they're going to go with three oh they fail well oh well okay i still knew the objective i guess and we're gonna fight over here first okay so they are gonna go nice and in there get within that half an inch so they can support the next row of ladies getting in there and i think you should be good and then that means these ones are gonna be good to fight as well i'm not gonna i'm obviously not gonna opt to stay back had i not lost those two in overwatch i might have but it's not worth the extra attack so he's just kind of out in the open on his own kind of waving his uh book of banner yay overwatch actually did something there it did it did so dave was debating on popping indomitable on them yeah so i get a three-up involved because i already have the weaver plus one the weaver of fates and the reason why it was contemplating that is because i have two command points left and i was thinking about interrupting with my sorcerer over here to attack your canon s could possibly get it you charged me so i got three attacks d3 damage on each attack so if there's a chance i could take you out now you gotta want a four pin ball we got four up involved so the chances are low and i my miracle dies at two so that's not gonna help me at all but i do have re-rolls you do every rolls right so it's like i don't know what to do so i'm gonna let it go i'm not gonna give them indomitable foes so let's see what they can do with these eviscerators four is to hit sixes are good and we get to reroll for zealot okay so everything pretty much hits and we got four extra hits because of the passion oh boy and now you're winning on threes and they wound on three you're gonna probably like overkill me anyway so i think it's a good thing no rerolls here because there's no repent of superior but we do have five ten wounding hits i'm just gonna roll them all here for pinball saves yeah it was like they re-roll anything he kind of wants to i have exactly oh i got six yeah so four gonna die so obviously the source first stays alive okay well i i'm glad with my choice then so i am going to spend two command points here luca okay because that would be amazing if it happened so here we go so hitting you on threes that's too bad right oh well it was a fun little thing so let's see if i wound you you do you because you're strength sex yes and i fail myself so d3 damage yep she's got three left oh man and then she is uh because there's no more interrupts i'm just going to go ahead and attack with her yep she's got her blessed blade on twos and two extra hits because of the passion the passion wow that passion is awesome it is it's showing up quite a bit this game because i'm forgetting about the wow oh so i don't have to reroll any woon rolls those are all wounds that is uh seven when he hits here i got four on my hand let's see if i make any no i die then i will just consolidate back into a lookout surposition she's got four attacks to propentia superior into the uh what are they called rubrics rubric marines hitting on all that but we got the passion for two more i love the passion man it's showing up a lot now i like the passion and i like the uh the plus one advance in charge those are both really good uh that's three when he hit that ap two so the passion is a better death to the false emperor basically oh well yeah it's strictly better bet death of all's emperor we kill one yep yeah i'll be assassin he's got four attacks on twos we have all hits and he's got a weird rule called life drain no armor saves her allowed against their attack his attacks armor saves yeah okay forest wound oh wow okay never mind you're good awesome i don't know i like i actually kind of wish i had the calydus in this game i'll talk a little bit a little bit more about it at the end of the game but he hasn't really been doing much so i will attack back with this unit now ah yes yeah because i have no more attacks to do so i piled in here uh my one source will go after your assassin and six rubrics will go after the uh repentance period three attacks from my sorcerer you only hit on sixes oh then i miss everything 12 attacks into your repentance superior death to the false emperor got a couple there didn't help me see if those were the passion i would get extra auto heads yeah uh wounding on threes that's decent and to be and technically the passion works against every enemy type too if you think about it instead of just imperium that's true it's even better uh six six saves on uh the lady there eh yep that's actually pretty good all things considered she has a three oh i think that kills her indeed it does that's nuts yes leadership now on a six this scarab does something he actually runs away oh wait did i attack you back oh you could fight me back yeah but okay so before he runs you get to fight back yeah so i get three attacks with him come on death to the false emperor no uh wounding on that's twos yeah okay one wound and i have a shield of faith no uh d3 damage yep and five ups to ignore i ignore one but they only have one with each so that's gonna kill off i guess you wow and then okay before we go to morale i do have to do a before we go further i did i feel something with close call yes like my canon s killed something in close combat so i get a miracle die i get a six so i'm gonna use the two and automatically passes their morale because i don't want to risk i don't want to rescaling it i have just a six left for miracle base now these cultists back here i lost one therefore on a six more run no no they are insanely brave now these ones automatically fail in this roller one yep so one boogie nice oh yeah one automatically runs and then i roll four and on ones and twos okay two more that's the end of the turn now oh yeah i get it's i'm having a hard time pushing through these lines um we're just like i've lost we both lost most of our armies yeah it's pretty pretty bare bones at this point beginning my turn i get another point bring me back up to one welcome and i get 10 victory points because i hold two objectives right i actually hold three technically but we're tied so i don't hold more than luca because luca also holds three so we both hold three there movement phase i'm going to move my predator up like a sew actually i'll go like this and then i'll move my cultists back over this way hide you like that i do okay it works it does i think my sorcerer right here actually has a very good chance of taking these sisters out that they are upset right now so i might as well try to that was funny but on second thought there's a little bit of bravery in them i need them for their shots against the sisters because they ironically actually do well they might kill one maybe two it could matter yep over here on this side my rubrics will walk around this rock so they can see those retributors but i don't know if i care about shooting them because i have the sisters that are actually on the objective and that probably matters more maybe i can charge them maybe that's what i do and then i just overwhelm the objectives so i take it away from you shoot the retributers charge the sisters i think i got my plan i moved my rubrics up i move my cultus up and i also move my exalted sorcerer up now for psychic phase i'm going to cast warp time onto this rubric marine squad oh boy here we go reason why is because you know they're really far and they can't really all see those sisters yeah so here we go oh we don't make it you know what i guess they weren't meant to make it they're gonna have to shoot them they're gonna shoot them anyway yeah you got a line of sight and range over here on a lot of them yeah uh he will cast prescience on them free science off by one off by one isn't it so not very good psychically let's do a uh let's do a smite actually you know what i'll do a uh weaver of fates on themselves yeah i'll do it on them seven yeah they're far enough away from my psych abomination they get it i'm not gonna stop it okay now for this exalted site carrier over here let's do a smite onto the sisters that works oh minus two you still got it yeah i did i don't want that to happen so i'm going to i'm going to command point this and out of four wait no you're down to five i could technically deny it on one d6 on a six because my modifies yours down to a five i do so every one of my sisters can deny psychic powers but only on one die oh interesting yeah cool i get a miracle die now actually because of that because of that yeah that's pretty cool gonna cast the the cult psychic ability reroll rules of one i don't get it because it's on six oh plus yeah minus two as well plus one is from him yeah and i can't cast smite because you're the closest enemy yeah you'd have to smite him he can't be targeted by smite he can't be affected by smite crazy you've already weavered over there okay well that is what it is i get my miracle die for purity i got a two again now into the shooting phase starting with two cultists they're gonna rapid fire into those sisters on that objective in the middle there hitting on fours getting one this could make the difference winning on a four one wound three up no they should have hid let's do a frag grenade from this guy three okay decent all hits winning on fours two wounds three ups we're okay stop it no sorcerer's shooting bolt pistol into the assassin on a six yeah nope this feels like a complete waste i think it's a good call but i gotta shoot those sisters so it's one shot the last candidate no sorry it's two three two three bam four nice i always love the average hitting on fours no this one's threes oh no no trees they're all a couple of them are poking out and then wouldn't you want twos yes sir two ones four ups from this one autocannon blast two of them to smithereens uh the superior's there so these two are gonna die now over here on this side uh yeah let's shoot all these rubric marines at those retributions retributers for the warp bolters non threes all the rest are misses uh wounding up threes these are oh cheese only two two five two five up no that does gun down two melted guns ah excellent we'll lose you we're gonna replace you because you're standing and i guess we'll lose you as well soul reaper cannon now hitting on three oh they might be too far oh maybe not oh with him yeah should be good yeah you're good it's it's pretty close it's good okay could have made it good this guy could have just nudged backwards a little bit and two and two more wounds these are six ups oh dead dead okay very good called us into canonists so here we go hitting on four is rerolling once because i'm close enough to my lord keep on calling lord my sorcerer he's like a sorcerer lord sorcerer lord and uh winding on forks yes sir oh wow that is six wounds my friend okay well i'm gonna have to do this one at a time now folks you know i'll do two at a time she's okay and now it's it's got two runes left and then only one at a time now oh my goodness yikes i'm gonna command point that okay so i'm down to two command points and i still have two more saves to do so first one and then last one okay she's got one move left wow yikes now my warlord will shoot his pistol auto hitting pistol at her always fancy this 12 inch range so it's all good it's d6 getting five not what you wanted to see uh wounding on twos because the strength is six yep so five wounds you know what that is okay i forgot you had that i probably should not have used my reroll i'm just gonna roll them all don't really care bam she's dead but i'm gonna spend two command points to bring her back to life at the end of this phase okay and i'm gonna use how does that how does that work for the purposes of killing characters oh she's not dead okay so it's like celestine really right yeah yeah she just comes back to life exactly right there and that's two command points for that it's two command points uh i can only do it once per character right so it's all my command points i don't want a loser she's still a pretty hard-hitting object in my army i won't be able to overwatch but it's okay i didn't really bank on it too much anyways uh she's gonna come back with x amount of wounds where x is the amount of miracle dice i'm willing to dump into this interesting you only have two left i have a six and a two i think i want to get rid of the six just to give her an extra moon i'm trying to think of where i would need the six i don't plan on overwatching obviously i could use it for damage on melting guns but i think i think i'm just gonna bring her back to life with two wounds okay at the end of this phase which is about now all right my rhino will shoot your emulator got four shots here uh no hits so now at the end of the shooting phase she comes back to life with two wounds through divine intervention and because i lost my retributive squad i get another miracle die i guess there's my six back nice luca i'm gonna charge now in the charge phase let's start over here with this exalted uh champion this is where i wanted to overwatch i had a six on the miracle die i had the command points all lined up to automatically hit and wound on a six and then you were just gonna have a four of save but i didn't wanna if it was too much of a gamble the command points were better spent elsewhere so i have no watch because no commit points no command points so i will um i'll charge both then i think that's the best thing to do ah fair yeah yeah we're good that's good i'll touch both now over to this side so i actually have a very important thing to do right now i got to take you off the objective in the back if i do then i take you off that objective i also need to get you off of this objective if i can do that then i deny you points again if i kill all of the troops there right i'm hoping that's not the case right um so i'm thinking i'm gonna have to go warlord versus warlord here okay it's an eight inch charge we've pre-measured it let's do it at one command point left so it's my reserve in case i fail that's an eight that's an eight awesome oh boy here we go yikes guys that's spooky stuff and then over here with my rubrics against your sisters overwatch in there and you need a five i get a five for that and oh yeah that's getting an eight and we're good so they're there you can't interrupt me so i'll just pile in with these guys the most i can get here i'm gonna pile into your tank yes you can attack me back but i don't know if that's gonna matter too too much probably not the most i can get into combat here is seven of my guys but i'm overwhelming you with the objective anyway so it doesn't matter so we got 12 attacks there for the ones i can reach hitting on threes looking for sixes we got a couple deaths to the false emperors in there okay good they actually re-rolled the one as well oh no he's too far away you know mighty charges at the range yeah and uh wounding on threes okay threes that does slay two of them regular sisters and now for the uh sorcerer down to the false emperor very nice okay that's four hits and wounding on twos getting three wounds minus one minus one yikes all right ladies one more one more and now going here warlord versus warlord so hitting on twos with five attacks six yeah six deaths of the false emperor excellence and who's yeah she's super dead five wounds all right one at a time because i got a miracle that i could perform an act of faith here she's okay she's not okay so you get to do d3 down i i have to do before i roll i'm not gonna do it on the first few okay i'll do it on like the last one yeah she's dead she's dead okay uh sadness sad now over here to this side we'll do this exalted sorcerer five attacks hitting on twos re-rolling ones okay that's four that's all we need wounding on twos that's i got one command point left sure i'll spend it are we rolling on a two yep that's a wound four when he hits eh yup well i'm gonna do these three at a time four ups i lose two this is who's dying here uh i'll melt this bam those are gonna die keep the melters going and one more i got one more save a four up i pushed my leadership down to that i'm thinking about performing an act of faith here just keeping going uh yeah we're gonna act to faith we use the sixth automatically pass that save all right i get to attack first over here with the assassins i got four attacks on twos there's a miss there and fours we have at least the wound this time no armor save allowed but you'll have a four up involved because it's only one damage oh yeah yeah i kill one rubric ring all right so we'll do this i'll take him actually no he's kind of nah they're all in range aren't they i'm outnumbering you so it doesn't really matter so i got two attacks here from the sorcerer into your assassin one hit and death of the false emperor and death to paul's emperor no i could take him out though it could that's a wound that is involved he's good your sister's attacked back here right uh you get to attack with the um the gun oh you're right one attack nope nope yeah yeah no can't remove and then the sisters here don't pile in too much they have two attacks on fours both miss and then i got the emulator to attack three attacks uh it's four hits though because of the passion and three wounds but you have a two up one damage uh of course and then we're gonna move over here this emulator will strike four hits oh passion all the time passion two wounds yeah two ups you're okay and then these sisters are gonna pile in the arrangement swing we have uh the sister superior has three attacks because of chainsaws and two more from the regular sisters forest to hit and fives one wound no ep it kills one oh wow and then over here nothing you me of course we get the passion five spoon one moon no damage so that's the end of my turn yes uh kill three of your things you did uh well we gotta do uh i got i get miracle dice because you killed my uh character when a character dies i get a miracle die and that doubles up with our murdered lady so i get two miracle dice a three and a two it is morale time uh i think i only owe you morale checks i lost three ladies from over there ah so they're gonna perform an act they're not going to perform activate they're going to roll it they're okay and then over here i lost four i'm leadership seven so i'm going to perform an act of faith with my two and automatically pass their morale run a repair on a six nope still have five wounds now uh i at least give command point i get victory points in my command phase i'll get go up to one command point i gain five points for that objective over there and i'm gonna not gain anything else because of the upset over here my poor poor cannon s got charged down by the exalted sorcerer so we're gonna have to get a little bit of retribution back somehow somehow is the problem movement these sisters are going to be disengaging out of there they're going to stay near the objective i suppose and hopefully they don't die to cultist fire but that is all together too possible we're gonna just think we're gonna disembark the sisters from this rhino though oh sorry they're gonna disembark there and then we're gonna have them move up in this direction we're gonna try and melt this guy's face off over here interesting we're attempting this one's gonna move it's in wood it's gonna have to go through the woods a little bit it's gonna end its move there staying an inch away from the terminator or sorry the rubric marines i'm gonna keep you in combat you're gonna hang out over here you guys are gonna hang out they're happy where they are uh preacher hanging out there missionary's gonna move six get them on up and in here up and then up and in there open at the ah we got one command point what's the charge looking for like these ladies not good not good we're going to advance them is it one command or two command points to one command point to advance and charge them so they're going to advance oh that's bad they go seven inches eh okay okay not bad that's what we got the rapunzel superior for do you add one to your roll or re-roll uh they get to re-roll so if they fail they at least have a re-roll it's gonna be a seven-inch charge and you are within six so you're happy there we're gonna have you just stay we're gonna nudge you a little bit you're going to stay in there actually you're just going to leave the woods you're just going to jump on these ladies are going to get out of that fight though they don't want to be there anymore smart and uh that should be it for movement because i can't afford to move that emulator out of combat or either later out of combat they're unfortunately stuck together forever now uh we're gonna go on shooting in retrospect i should have definitely touched your emulator there so that was stuck in combat so you can just shoot at me freely with the meltas right i yeah that makes sense neither of them are in melted range so we're gonna hope i have a command point but i'm gonna have to use it here on holy rage so i'm gonna not use my command point on anything because i need their support to take out these guys yeah we should lighten this up over here yeah because we got a long game here uh that let's just i guess we can just start this off with um firing this rhino into those cultists over there last one two shots yes actually you're hitting on fives aren't you let me check one thing but he's in the woods there so he actually ignores the penalty fours to hit only got one hit three two three to wound one wound six up nope all right that we got i actually may have made yup i made a horrible mistake i just assumed they're in range oh well it is what it is your sisters yeah i could i could move them around but that's okay we are going to go yeah they have nothing to shoot at so this emulator is going to shoot everything into that guy there and see what that can get him we got 286 automatic hits from the immolation flamer which is eight and we're gonna fire the heavy bolter into him as well which will give me one additional hit for nine three is to win them oh that's a good rule that's eight wounding hits geez minus one point two no command points i'll roll all of these it's eight four ups isn't it yep average says he's dead but he's not going to oh he'll live somehow got one wound left boo heavy bolter i've already fired it oh geez yep simulator's going to fire into those rubric marines now three autumn hatted hits and then we got the heavy bolter on fours so nothing there either then might as well just roll these up the wound putting on threes and you have a three up because of all three boons all this dust i kill one beautiful i'll do one of the guys back there because there i'll just shoot this one next over here okay 2d6 automatic hits so five plus the heavy bolter which is nothing wound two wounds eight p one one damage down to eight getting there the squad's firing next four ladies shooting bolt guns at the cultist uh one or two might be rapid firing i'll check in a second but two melting guns into the exalted sorcerer which i'll fire last both guns are gonna have seven shots into the cultists on threes good start ladies yeah they don't get the plus one to hit and wounding on threes three moons i kill three trace and then the two melted guns i'm not gonna use any command points here so threes to hit oh they both score hits two wound them oh double six uh the higher ap technically because of my thing which i've been i've constantly been forgetting about all games he's gonna five up involved yeah oh he's only got a five up yeah interesting so first one for dramatic effect for a dramatic effect goes through what we're rolling i'll just roll a second all right just to see okay they both go through they only have four up uh one at a time i do have a command two not whatever he's dead he's dead yep oh just because of the clerical error didn't get the note to touch your guy yeah yeah and that is going to end my shooting which i do get a miracle die because i oblaterated something with melting guns i get a four i'm gonna start with some charging now uh this is where i use holy rage for one command point they're allowed to advance and charge this rhino is gonna declare a charge against the source work because why not i get an eight because of the uh the thingamajigger the woods so yeah we'll take it you know maybe we'll get him with the passion your vehicles are the best at attacking i swear there we go he's got five left yeah he's got five oh good he's not looking so good got something to attack on my turn it's true creature charging in and then we'll have the uh this is a seven inch charge right it is i'm just gonna use i'm gonna go ahead and charge them but i'm gonna use my three and my four on miracle dice to automatically make it because i don't want to even risk failing that charge that's fair ending like that the rapeensha superior will declare a charge she'll go in with an 11. and i probably could be utilizing this in a better way somehow but i don't care so they're going to go in there and he the missionary himself will charge in the three is going to be good enough but uh you know what no i should be okay to go over in that direction i don't want to block the rapunzel but he will not be blocking zara pensia and uh they can't charge because they can't know where to go this is already all in combat so we're right on to fointing and we're fighting his best we're going to start with the rapencha all of them getting in after they pile in they have warhammer so they get an extra attack each on fours re-rolling for zealot good thing man yes and we got some of the passion not too much on the f not actually not on the follow-up so this many hits and wounding on threes re-rolling any ones because we have a rapunzel superior nearby so we have eight eight woony hits uh five up involved saves here i made four of them so four dead one wow there's seven so there's still three left killed four so you now hold this objective back here uh we're gonna go ahead with the repentia superior now getting on in there she's got four attacks five recall you know what we're gonna do the missionary next cuz i got the page open on him he's gonna have three attacks plus one four warhams plus one for chainsword and he hits on threes re-rolling for zealot only three hits like we rolled a three for zealot right i guess yeah no it misses and fives he's got nothing okay and then we're gonna go with the preacher who's got like the exact same profile he'll pilot an attack he's got five attacks with the chainsword uh they do not get the passion and four hits no wounds oh my goodness yeah they're not very good they're a pension superior though she'll give it a shot hitting on threes with the propensha superior uh no re-rolling though because she doesn't have zealot and booney on fives ap2 i think you go to a four-up involvement because i'm only one damage yeah you pass it because of all this dust it'd be a two-up armor or involved it wouldn't matter there because of its only one damage on that attack now i'm gonna go ahead with the rhino which is the exalted source for d3 attacks three he sixes no success no the past every time there's six threes my two wounds three of saves i might get them hey here's here's the first one i got him with the stupid wine goodness i got him with the rhino ridiculous and let's consolidate a wee bit as well and that's gonna be a miracle die because it's got active faith i think he's got activate i'll go over here let's do five against the sisters now is one of the five the sorcerer no he's uh he's the sixth he's the six okay so five regular ones death false emperor no we got threes four wounds all right against your sisters we lose one uh we're going to lose the superior i guess ah i don't think i care about the melting guns that much at this point i don't have the command points though fall back oh i got two sixes death of the false emperor oh two more hits and wounding on twos that's four wounds minus one they're probably not long for this world no you got him that's another you killed four units now consolidate i'll pull your sisters into combat so they can attack back if they want i'll go with the assassin over here before these guys go over there okay four attacks on twos assassin sucks force to potentially kill we got two wounds no armor save but you have a four pin bone yeah yeah okay this assassin i'll attack back with the uh sorcerer first no sixes and for the one behind uh not attacking the assassin because i'll do nothing against it you wanna attack the preacher or the missionary or yeah it doesn't matter they both have like three wounds each they're i think they're both four wounds each i'm not too sure they're something like that four pin bones though okay uh i'll do well i'll do a missionary because it gives your things more attack they both do it they're both like the identical model except he has a weird leadership thing i'll do the missionary because i don't like his white robe there we go all right nothing easy i guess technically there's two more over there that can attack your emulator death to the false emperor and fives one ah we're good and then it'll attack back nope no passion this time no and we got the uh we got our rhinos fighting i got nothing there all right mine on yours nope nice i get to fight back with these sisters now that they were dragged into combat so i might as well bring them on in and then you're not gonna be fighting you're just gonna be down there so we have five attacking but the superior has uh extra two attacks because of chainsword and she's a superior so seven attacks on fours we got the passion twice so everything hits pretty much yep and fives we have three wounds no ap so two up yep i killed that's what you get for pulling them in i guess i guess oh geez so here let's let's do that i still outnumber you yeah so i'm not too bad about that that sucks though get out onto morale so that actually forces leadership over here for me right well i got a miracle die for my rhino running over your character i get it too so i'm gonna roll die and hopefully i get a one i get a six i lose another guy oh wow i think you only needed a roll of six yeah and i'm rolling four more and they're good yeah they're all they're all they're all cool they're all cool cool okay colt's over there i lost one so anything but a six okay they're fine and then same with those cultists over there except they're lucia four so if you're all four up he's gone so this uh his leadership is now four because he's not the champion so he's fine he's that's that doesn't really matter actually doesn't change too much i just would have liked to kill him ah that would have been nice and then these these ones over here they're leadership eight still so on a five up yeah cause i lost four of them oh come on one's going and there's two left roll the two and they're both they're both fine beginning of my turn gaining command point bringing me back up to one and this time i hold three objectives which is more than luca which means i get 15 victory points for the primary because of this back here um i managed to kill the warlord off of it but my warlord died but i think it was a good good trade-off even though i made an error i should have pulled it into combat with the emulator yeah i'm trying to think of i think you also got grind them down and i got engaged on all fronts last turn i could you did because you went in with your sisters there were this i get two points i'm i'm pretty sure because you killed you killed yeah you gotta grind them down you got four attrition technically traditional nutrition yeah you got four points for that so there isn't really too much to do so i think i'm just going to not move anything you got a whole command point you could do rhino repair never for sure sure around the repair nope okay now on to the uh sidekick phase i will psychic you schmidt uh yes i will smite you that's a fail it is a fail isn't it and over here i can't do anything cause i'm too close to you now onto the shooting phase rapid firing my autogun into your sisters one hit no wounds 2d 3 shots into your sisters can they survive that's four shots hitting on threes oh my goodness you're too close obviously wow huh one bold pistol from my sorcerer and to you on a six you could hit one of those let's say you're shooting at him because they're all engaged they can shoot at all of them that's fair yeah obviously we don't want to shoot at him i kind of did i mean if i'm honest i was shooting at him so okay i missed this sorcerer has a bolt pistol over here that's a cool boy that's a wound and that's a live sister definitely a safe so what i'm going to do i think the wise thing for me to do is actually to shoot at you or sorry not shoot you but charge your sisters here right here right so no command points so you can't do anything i will get a four that's enough hello i guess i could do that too that's probably better because i'm not pivoting that's the only charge so it'll go first no hits all right i get my two attacks back at you we're gonna pile in just to get there and they mess they don't hit on force yeah so technically i would have fought first with my assassin i'm just getting them out of the way that's fine four twos and fours we've got four owning hits he's showing up in bones there's only one damage i'd kill him you do kill them all they're dead they're out of your hair they're so annoying no over here rubrics against your sisters uh yep oh violin thank you actually that's fine that's okay i made a mistake over there wow so regular attacks that's two hits and threes two wounds two wounds uh one failed save so we're gonna lose sister okay and for the staff one hit one wound minus one four not okay it's another dead sister it was all ruse i wanted them to get hit first so i lost model so i get plus one to hit ha ha perfectly part of the plan that's four five six attacks because of the chainsword on the superior hitting on threes now uh no rerolling but we have the passion we need on fives whoa four woony heads go ladies go oh we got one one one i should probably spend a command point to re-roll that cause it's on two up yeah it is a two-up save aha that's your command point gone gone then my emulator is going to go aha they all miss and then your rhino gets to go finally finally no nope my emulator haha nothing so that's it for that uh leadership on sisters or no i only lost two i can't fail over there okay same is true for over there so yeah no real morale i did i kill something i did oh no but my assassin killed him i don't get any miracle days for that okay that's the end of the turn and you killed did you kill anything on my turn no no okay so no more attrition i killed something i actually denied the attrition i killed one thing over here you did so now it's my turn four where i get some points so i give you command point go up to one i'm on one two objectives so i'm gonna gain 10 points for that which is finally getting me in the game a little bit here and uh they're gonna probably yeah i got my command point they're gonna end up falling out of combat and i wanna see how far they can go so i've i'm i'm falling back into the ruins in the cover but i'm too i'm too far away horizontally from the objective i cannot get you off of it so instead i don't know there's like literally nothing i can really do about that i'm not too concerned about this stuff back here i am going to move this rhino is a few inches to there this emulator is going to hang out where it is i've got rhino repair rhino repair didn't work emulator just going to stay move up a little bit as well i'm not too sure what i plan on doing with them i don't have to kill this that cultist back there at least i have to do something about that predator uh over here we are going to have i it's just going to keep all this in common oh i could fall back and get on this objective but then they're all opened up that's the problem that's the problem oh man okay we're gonna have the assassin run south is gonna go seven plus two for nine he's coming in this direction it's not that it's gonna matter yikes i don't know what to do yeah i guess we're just gonna stay in combat over here and hopefully this works out we're gonna go although this doesn't matter i can't get anywhere in the next two turns uh i guess we will advance the rapencha the repentant superior that character and this character trying to play a little bit faster here dude okay so they all end up in the terrain ah we're gonna go on a shooting now where we're gonna put like everything into that cultist there we'll do everything from the emulator into them we both are first we gotta hit and he's dead bam i'm gonna do the bowl pistols from the battle sisters they hit on threes okay and oh that's actually both ap one all right so three ups doesn't matter anyways i killed the one that actually matters well i mean it didn't matter if the ap didn't matter everything from the emulator into them you start with the in uh emulator can amelia flamer six shots plus the heavy bolter which would be one more so it's gonna be seven shots running on threes that's five four winning hits i kill one more charging i guess we'll do this rhino charging the predator i assume we don't even think you can overwatch nine we'll just go like that that's it so we're gonna go fight with the rhino it's gonna do three attacks on sixes nothing and that's my charge so you get to fight first over here and i shall so for the one rubric nope and for the sorcerer one and wounds on a two one wound minus one i make my save and then they will fight back not that it's gonna matter too too much you'll get to go there you're already kind of there so they have six attacks can they kill another one they hit on threes because they have a lost model but they have the passion so they have four hits and these wound on fives two wombs chipping away one and one they're both okay okay emulator he'll go ahead and touch your base but pile in and around not that it matters too much three attacks passion two threes two wounds both goods are okay and then we get the fight over here you know what's up why you find me i can share it quickly oh you actually got two heads one wound one wound i make my save i have nothing i'll attack your rhino back here nothing nada all right that is it and at the end of my turn i get engaged on all fronts again but only for two points so not so great so here we are at turn five top of turn five getting another 10 victory points for that right uh things to note here we are you dave's getting his 10 points and he's kind of tied up everywhere he could he could fall back with those guys and shoot cultists into them and try and kill him off for the attrition that is what the plan would be i guess but that's pretty much it for dave's turn i would say yeah that's pretty much it like i could shoot at your rhino right the explosion might kill your things like i don't know um but even still i hold that so it doesn't matter you're not gonna get it at the beginning of your tornado i'm not getting that on so it doesn't matter i can't we're not raising each other's objectives uh i'm not scoring from your back lines the only thing and then if you fall back over here we're still contested on this objective unless i move forward with my cultists yes but it doesn't matter because you're not going to get points in your turn anyway because we're contesting right i'm going to get my 10 points no matter what i'm not going to get more than you i'm going to get my 10 because you can't stop me from getting these two so over the only thing that really matters is if you want to try and get points for attrition here which probably is a good idea because i don't think i'm going to just leave combat here i'll leave combat i'll move forward in such a way where they can rapid fire and i'll still be within range of the objective hitting up boars winning on fours that's a total of six and saving i lose all four we got him got a lot of cheese uh i could command point one i'm not too concerned about it though and then my predator will shoot your uh tank yep two three shots five i'm hitting on fours because it's heavy yep two hits four smooth one minus one i take three he's got twos left okay no morel to do no morale to do uh my turn is super quick as well i would you could flamer my guys and kill them and if that happens you deny my attrition right that's all i'm gonna really try and do like if failing that i will then go ahead and move and charge these ladies in as well into the predator into the predator to try and get that because i got the fall i'd fall back shoot the melting guns and then shoot the immolation getting guns and all that uh you know what i got the melted guns right there so might as well do it might as well just say that oh wait you would have to you can't advance that back you can only go three inches with that thing right so i would i would just i'll just go back to three and just leave him there yeah he doesn't really have to move your sisters need to move through there you gotta like move over though oh yeah i guess so i was i was just gonna run through the woods and do it so my melted guns we got a hit we wound no save and it takes five damage okay so he's down to six wounds left we'll remember you know let's put six moves left on him so when i go in with the rest of my stuff that that's like a yeah i'll worry about that later flamin uh flamer is gonna have nine automatic hits plus the heavy bolter which hits on threes so ten hits you're gonna probably kill them if you do then you tie the attrition and that's all that matters that's all that matters yeah threes to wound here so that's five six winning hits and they have four ups or three upside there you go got em all right so that just ties the attrition that's all that really matters there i got my 10 victory points i could not get 15 because dave was on um two and that one was contested no one had this one uh i had this one and the middle one over there so i gave you my ten points and um let's calculate all the stuff at the end of the battle and we'll come back in a sec right oh i guess so all the secondaries have been added up you killed uh you got maxed out on your or the witch you got 15 15 points for that was that was that killed the two characters and killed a couple of useless psyches that one i we all knew that was gonna be easy for me to do i floundered in the primary though i i only got 25 and dave got 45. so he trumped me pretty hard there he just he was able to maneuver too much it's all about sacrificing units and just get points get points get points that's all ninth edition is these days i didn't do too well in the secondaries though no you only got you got nothing for raise but either to die for assassinate you killed two of my characters for six and then attrition you only got the one turn only the one turn so it's only ten that's all that matters i tried my best to deny attrition that one turn in the third battle round where you got attrition won you the game it actually did oh and proper proper primary play yeah no no right of course but that's that's the thing that actually put it over the edge because the final score was 55 to 52. it was that close it was it was a it was a pretty big denial game and like granted we both took the joke secondary and this one's kind of hard to accomplish we didn't have the units to do it yeah literally none of us did it yeah uh going second kind of was my downfall in the end unfortunately i you know i was thinking about that i'm like hmm it would have been very different had you gone first 100 yeah but i i did in my head i didn't even i was worried about it's the stupid mortifiers and the penitent engines i was worried about rushing them forward and then them just getting shot up by bolters i don't like them now i'm going to try them again let me know what your opinion is down below but it it doesn't feel good having my opponent shoot it they're not durable at all they're very easy to kill uh typically all my units are in transports i do not care if my transports get shot that is their goal yeah but to have the mortifiers and the penitentiars get shot at felt bad and i felt like i was wasting points and i was not safe at all so that's my opinion on them that's only one game though so i don't know so i'll try it out it just i don't like my army getting shot at unless it's under unless i say okay now you can shoot me right you shoot my transports all you want sure but not the things that you don't want to get shot you want to give them the close combat exactly the soft insides no thank you so i don't know how i feel about them because you gotta remember they're replacing exorcists in my list yeah so there's that yes and they do work like they do damage every round every round and they're super they're super tough hard to kill you can protect them pretty easily and they're even if they do die they're not overwhelmingly expensive so it's not too bad i'm going to assume that a lot of people out there prefer exorcists over the mortise the penis engines and the mortise not mortise engine that's agent sigma but oh i can't remember her name anymore mortison ah something like that so i i want your opinions down below i obviously forgot a lot about the one sacred right where i get extra ap on six the wound but i don't think it mattered too much or hopefully didn't matter too much the passion came up a bunch that kind of made up absolutely that's that's pretty much my two sense of the game yeah it was good close game fun yeah i thought i had it there but you you worked out the primary way better than i hoped you were going to i tried to block you here and there but you're able to sneak through certain gaps and just rush into my lines like with no care and that's how you it's kind of how you have to play he's like i don't care about my troops dying as long as you don't get points yeah for this game that's how i had to play it yeah yeah and it paid off in the end just barely though i gotta say just by the skin of my teeth well thanks very much guys for watching stay tuned for more battle reports and happy wargaming doodles thank you so much for watching everybody now remember josh are playing another game right now in the mini wargaming vault i'm going to play 2 000 points of tin heads that's orcs against josh in a new knight army he says something painted up first game with them yes house more tans reinforcements have arrived so they're about to hit the field for the first time big stompy robots against my stompy robot list that's not already a vault member you can click the link below give it a 7 day free trial thanks for watching everybody and happy wargaming
Channel: MWG Studios
Views: 133,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Id: I49hYIP9M14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 25sec (8365 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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