Blonde Hair Color Correction Before and After 😱 How to fix highlighted hair including root shadow

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what's up welcome to my youtube channel in today's video we are doing a full blonde color correction so stay tuned I'm really excited to dive into today's video because today's model has a full color correction and I know sometimes we can look at blondes and we might not think that it's a full color correction or might not put as much thought or effort into it as we would with somebody who's like level 5 hair and it's brassy orange right but today's video is for sure a color correction but I'm going to walk you through step-by-step how to easily tackle all of the different things that we have going on and it's gonna be really really valuable so I'm gonna be combining a couple of different techniques into today's model I'm gonna be doing a full highlight I'm gonna be doing color in between her foils I'm gonna do a shadow root and some bullion at the shampoo bowl I hope I said that right I know a lot of you guys and asked for me to do this particular technique so I'm gonna show you guys my version of it and we're gonna be doing just a lot of different things along the way to really transform this clients color correction situation into something that is so seamless and blended and beautiful blonde so let's get started alright so this is our before as you guys can see we have a lot of different things going on it's been about three months and she got her roots done but you guys can see there's a very solid line of demarcation up here and then we kind of have this like mid band and then we have some banding kind of through the ends a lot of like golden tones and dimension and so we're gonna be breaking through not only the roots but also through a lot of these ends and this kind of like brassy gold any color down here at the end she just has some old lo lights that have been stuck through in the end so I'm actually gonna show you guys exactly with each one of these bands how we're going to tackle them but it's gonna be a huge transformation and I promise you you guys are not gonna want to miss this make sure to stay tuned till the end for every single formula and everything step that we do okay so I'm gonna start by mixing up our Lightner and what we're going to be doing is we're actually going to be doing kind of a hybrid between my full highlight technique and adding in a little bit of a shadow root so I'm gonna be mixing up about a scoop and a half to start and I'm gonna start with 25 volume now she has a pretty light hair to begin with and so that's why I'm starting with 25 I don't think we need to really increase it will probably go up to 30 when we get up to like the front of our hair and stuff the top but we're also gonna be spacing out some of our I got a scoop around for the lid here we go found it okay as I was saying we're mixing up about 25 volumes as you can see my 30 volume exploded a little bit so it's probably closer to 28 volumes so in order to kind of counteract that if that ever happens we are going to be putting in olaplex and the typical standard recommendation of what they recommend is about a quarter or an eighth of an ounce sorry eighth of an ounce mixed in with about a scoop of Lightner so technically we would be just under a quarter for that but if we want to dilute our Lightner just a little bit more you can add a little bit more olaplex and it'll actually just kind of bring down the strength of the lightener so if that if you guys have any questions about that feel free to reach out to olaplex and they have tons of answers over there but that's gonna be how we're gonna make it back down to 25 volumes so if that's confusing don't stress it when you're mixing up your formula just mix it up equal parts twenty and thirty but that's gonna be how we salvage this one here alright so to start out what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be doing a full highlight you guys can see that her blonde goes pretty much all the way down through and still that line of demarcation is pretty much all the way down there as well so we don't want to just tackle the top or the mohawk section we want to make sure that we're doing the entire head because we don't want to have this line of demarcation down here either so we're gonna be doing a full highlight and then what I'm going to do is because she has those bands that I showed you guys in the first before photo you know we've got the roots and then we've got kind of some a little bit of banding here which is just some leftover like natural low light then we've gotten overly highlighted section and then as we get down in here you guys can kind of see we've got a little bit more of that dimension and really what this has come from was when somebody was doing the highlights they didn't pull through they pulled through to about here but then they left some of those ends out and so that's what creates this warmth and a little bit of that kind of gold any dimension it's not terrible but this was something that she actually mentioned when she came in to see me that she's like my ends just feel kind of golden II so that's how we're gonna tackle these is we're actually gonna be doing something at the bowl and just like a little light bleach wash because I don't think we need to pull through or do anything like that there she doesn't have a ton of it in there but I'm gonna be showing you guys the technique that we're gonna do at the bowl to really kind of help brighten up these ends after we do the full highlight so we're gonna dive in I'm gonna section her off and we're gonna get started okay so to section off I usually just take this top section kind of write everything that's in front of the ears and I just section it off up out of my way to get started whenever we're doing a full highlight so that's out of my way and then we're just gonna go in and we're gonna start down here in this bottom section this is gonna be for anybody who has kind of that depth underneath there and like I said you guys can see that she still has a lot of that line of demarcation so we do want to do a full and in between these foils we're gonna be adding in some color so it's gonna be really natural and super blended so I'm gonna take my first section here and we'll clip everything else up out of the way any guys can see I'm pointing to this isn't a super fine baby light sometimes around the hairline I'll do a fine baby light but I'm not too concerned about it for her because we are gonna be dragging in color in between so I don't really want to do it super fine I'm doing just a regular highlight right here and there is this hair right around here hurt year will actually tackle this when we get to the front section so I'm just gonna tuck that right up there that would be when we get to the front I'm gonna take my first foil and I'm just using regular foil as you guys nothing fancy these are just like the reynolds foils that you get from Cosmoprof or your beauty supply store torn in half nothing fancy about it but I am using my frame art brush and the reason why I love using this brush is it allows me to get in to this tight spot right up in her hairline and really nice and precise and it has these really soft bristles like I honestly could not imagine using any other brush to highlight so I have this actually linked in my Amazon favorites if you want to check that out there and I'm just pulling through these little sections where she has some of these extra lowlifes I'm tackling those because again we want to make sure that we don't have that like warrant still in her end so you guys can see that was a little bit of a low light right there and just kind of feathering through the rest and because we have olaplex in this I'm not too concerned about it like overlapping or anything like that but one thing I will show you is we're gonna pull this piece out we're gonna pull this into thirds so that we're not overlapping the lightener all of that thick thick Lightner onto her really soft and blonde ends that are already previously lightened and I'm gonna go in with my next piece so I am doing two pretty clothes back-to-back right here just for around the hairline to get that nice and pop a blonde so when she wears her hair down or when she wears her hair forward she's gonna see that but from this I'm actually going to be leaking out quite a bit of hair out we're not doing a full thick highlight like I normally do if you guys have ever seen my full highlighting video which I'll actually link down below you'll see that I am really close and tight we're not really going for the full highlight look here so it's okay to have a little bit of dimension in between those foils and leaving a little bit of hair out this will not only save us time but it's going to actually add in some more dimension that we're looking for here I'm going to do a couple more foils back to back or not back to back leaving a little bit of hair out right around this hairline probably two more and then we're going to do the other side [Music] okay so we finished our hair Alliance section and you guys can see that it's kind of in a V pattern and so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to start going up the head just kind of going straight across so we have this little triangle piece and because we're going to be adding in dimension into our hair not too concerned about getting it really really tight in there but I do want to break it up and so we don't just have this like dark hole so I am gonna do one straight across this will act as our dimension piece in there as well if I was doing a full highlight I would definitely do this a lot closer so that we don't have that big piece of dimension but again it's working with us this time so it's going straight across here and you guys can see I am having to pull through a lot just because she does have some of these like existing low lights so I'm making sure to apply my product really heavily in the area where it's virgin hair and then press tethering it through a little bit so that it's not like fully saturated on the areas where there's those existing LED lights and leaving that previous blonde hair so like I said normally if I was doing a full highlight I would come in and do a section about that thick and weave it but because we're not gonna be doing that much we want to leave some dimension I'm coming in a lot thicker up in here and leaving out a lot more hair you'll see that I also do this on the top as well so just something to be aware of that it will change your highlight pattern and your thickness and how much you leave out every single client who's a little bit different because we are doing a different technique with this same pattern and that's why I like to teach these techniques is because they're really versatile and it comes down to how you customize it for the client or the look they're going for it so again I'm just kind of feathering it through making sure to get all of those lowlights some of the hair is already previously blonde so I'm just being careful but it's kind of pulling through right in there and again folding it into thirds so that I'm not squishing that hair up on the really saturated part so I'm gonna continue up her head kind of doing about half inch wide sections doing a full highlight and I'll show you guys when we kind of get to up in this area okay so I just finished up kind of the back and you guys can see I did leave quite a bit of hair out like I said cut about half inch sections so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to release this section and I'm actually going to go start kind of at the apex of her head so I'm going to just find my section right here and again if you've watched any of my other highlighting videos you know that this is how I like I highlight backwards so I'll just section this out she's straightening out just a little bit more here I'm not a huge person that likes to section out ahead of time and get it all settled this is just how I learned to highlight and it works really well for me and lots of people who watch my videos it works well for them too so I would recommend trying it out so we're going to take our very first section here and I'm gonna weed this just a little bit this is closer to a baby light then like a full highlight and what I'm going to do is I'll place my foil and lock it into place you'll see I hold that tension here with this hand this hand is holding the tension and we're gonna just go through and in arm Lightner now we'll leave it just a slightly a little bit off the root there because we don't want to cause any bleed marks or anything so if you're struggling and you've been trying this technique and maybe you're having to bleed marks or some issues chances aren't either your sections too wide or you're getting too close or you're moving the foils too much when you pull them back over and I'll show you guys that in a second here so it takes them you know practice for sure but it's a really great technique and I feel like gets it really tight in at the roots so we're gonna fold that down and that's the only fold that we're going to do I'm gonna take a little bit of hair leave this out go in for our next section I like I said of course if we were doing a regular highlight I would be going a lot closer in here but I am at this time so what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue doing this all the way down until we meet those oils that I just was showing you guys and then I'm going to show you guys how we bring these all forward [Music] okay so what I do is as I have finished that section I take my tail comb and just kind of brace it in there and fold the foils down so this one I have done because I fold it into thirds so that one doesn't need to be done but what you want to make sure of is when you're doing this is that these little corners actually stay down and that you can sometimes see right here this little corner will sometimes get pulled so occasionally I'll actually pull this back and just reapply a little bit of Lightner right in there to make sure that it's staying in and tighten it right up in there so that sometimes happens you do have to just be careful and aware you don't want to have any bleed marks happening and like I said if bleed marks are happening take a less wide section that usually will solve your problems I take my sections pretty wide just because I've been doing this for a while and with this technique specifically and it's something that I'm pretty comfortable with so I feel good about it but again if it's if it's happening it could just be that this sections are a little too wide okay so now that once we finish this back section we're gonna spin her around and we're gonna start foiling backwards but going towards the front so now that we've finished that back section all I did was spin her around and I usually like to leave a little bit of hair out because I don't want to do it back-to-back coil right there so I'm just going to clip this little section away and then we're gonna dive in and get our next highlight going so okay I am leaving a little bit more hair out I think said that multiple times but I just want you guys to know that it is a little different than my other foiling videos if you left this much hair out and you weren't doing a roof shadow or weren't gonna blend it and like we are then it wouldn't look right so definitely make sure to go watch those videos if you're not planning on doing a root shadow or blending it in like this technique so one thing I will let you guys know is there's been quite a few little little lights that I've been kind of pulling out this is another reason why I love using this brush because it almost has that tail comp in there and so I just kind of weed those out and then fold it back up so I'm not having to pull Lightner down into that area and with this all we do is fold it up that we're not going to fold it any more than that again this is just nice because it's already kind of late in the right direction we don't have to fold a foil a million different ways so so I don't like boiling backwards so I'm going to continue this all the way forward we're gonna do her Mohawk section but when we get around the hairline I'm going to show you guys what we're gonna do because we are going to do something a little bit different right there so I'm gonna continue this on you guys can watch and I'll show you guys [Music] what's my way all the way through to the front and now we kind of have about I would say almost an inch from the deepest part of her hairline left so what I'm going to do for this section because we are going to do a stronger money piece on the front and so instead of leaving out so much hair and barely leaving out any hair at all because I really want to make sure that this is super super blonde and I'm also going to make sure that we're doing more baby lights versus highlights so I'm going in really making sure that it's like super woven and just for you guys wondering like what's the difference between a baby light not highlighted I'm gonna show you real quick tonight lay down my foil this is a baby light you guys can see it's pretty see-through you can still see through it a highlight would be a little bit more solid and I typically don't really like to do highlights around the front at all because I like it to look really natural and I don't like to have like chunks coming from the front so I don't mind doing highlights in the internal like in that mohawk section but when it comes to around this the hairline and stuff I really like to do more baby lights now you guys can see there's a little bit of that little light right here so I'm just gonna pull that down lighten it out pull these hairs aside and I'm gonna fold this boil into 1/4 just because it does make it a little bit easier to pull those hair back so I'm just gonna finish up this section again not leaving out a ton of hair in between just kind of a little bit of hair and we're gonna make this money piece really nice and blonde [Music] now you guys can see we do have one little kind of widow's peak section so I'm just gonna barely weave a tiny bit out but I am gonna use this as a baby light now you could do a smaller coil here you wanted to pull the foil in half but she's got enough longer hair to be able to let me do a regular size foil but I'm just gonna pull that through as a baby light and hold it still but that little piece right there will make such a difference versus just leaving it out so now we're gonna do is now that once we finished that front mohawk section we're gonna work into our sides here and I'm gonna show you guys what I'm doing there okay so she doesn't actually have a ton of tiny baby hairs on this side so normally you guys if you've seen my other highlighting videos I would do like two boils right here I'm just gonna do one little tiny baby oil right here because she doesn't have a ton of baby here so we're just gonna fill in this little tiny widow's peak area and I did do a foil where I just kind of folded it in half so we'd have a little baby one right here especially with fine hair this is a really great way to do it just so that you're not having a really heavy foil pulling on these baby hairs so I'm just gonna oil right just right in there pull this guy up and then we're gonna go tackle the sides so it's kind of nice she doesn't have a ton I think on the other side she might have a little bit more but you can just see that one tiny little foil and then we'll move on to down here so now you guys can see we've got her hair line here and I'm going to just kind of weave this out a little bit the burden announced do like a chat whoo Costigan now for this next foil I'm gonna do it pretty close here because again we do want it to be a pretty strong money piece we don't want it to be platinum right around your hairline but we do want it to be pretty strong so I will just do baby lights and then just kind of weave out just the tiniest bit here so the further back I get from her hairline I am going to leave just a little bit more space in between each one of those foils so what we're going to be doing is we're going to just be doing diagonal backs all the way up into this area and as we go I'm going to increase it and just get about half an inch width in between our foils but you guys can still see it still pretty tight right up in here around the hairline and then we'll just get a little bit more and more each boil as we go back [Music] okay so for her in between color I'm gonna be mixing up a 6n and 8g I equal parts and the reason why I'm doing both of these together is because I ultimately want a level seven but I want them to be a little bit of warmth in there so that's why I'm doing the HCI getting some of that golden in there but not too golden and then a little bit of that six and to make a seven ng I basically so we're gonna do that equal parts a developer and then mix this up real quick here in between I'm also going to be mixing up what's actually not mixing up I'm gonna be using the color care aesthetic no prints from biology a clean as our blending agent now you guys have seen me use this in my foilage videos but we're gonna be using it in a slightly different way so I'm just gonna put a little bit of this into a bowl here and I'm gonna give myself a thicker brush right here so we're gonna be using this to kind of help blend out so that we don't get spotting this okay so we finished all of her foils and what we're gonna do is I'm actually gonna start in this bottom section but before we go in and start applying that in-between color I'm gonna check some of our coils just to kind of see where we're at this is a good time to do it so they're looking good we still have a little bit a ways to go but they're looking really nice and good so I'm going to clip up a lot of this hair real quick here and another reason why it's great having this hair in between coils is because I can kind of do stuff like this so I'm just gonna click this up out of our way and if you have an assistant this is a great time to have them help you but I'm going to be applying it in between these foils so I'll show you guys okay so as I've moved up the head I just keep continuing to paint down and what I'm doing this sometimes you'll see I actually added in these little half foils in here so that I'm not squishing hair on to some of the you know colored that I pulled down a little bit so I did kind of do that just in some sections where I did pull the color down just a little bit more you'll kind of see that through there so I just wanted to mention that but I'm just going continuing to go up through this Mohawk section pulling down section by section and this is really great especially when you get to this area you do have a little bit more space where you can paint this color on in between sometimes down below where you folded those foils in half you don't have quite as much hair or quite as much oil to paint it on so I'm just kind of blurring that line of demarcation but what I'm doing I'm not just painting the color down as I'm actually taking that blending agent and just kind of painting it on that edge so that we get that really nice blend because sometimes what happens is you can create another line of demarcation when you're painting color like this especially on dry hair so we definitely want to make sure that we're not doing that and so this little blending agent is going to just kind of blur that line just a little bit more so I just keep doing that just kind of painting it right on there so I'm just gonna keep continuing going forward and then when I get to the sides I'm going to show you what I'm doing the biggest thing is with this is you just want to make sure that you're staying really clean with your sectioning and not getting any of these like end hairs in there or anything like that so just be really aware of what you're doing and how you're doing this it may take you a few minutes to get through all these foils but it's important to make sure that you're staying clean with it because like I said nothing is worse than if you have an end like this squishing down on color like that you definitely don't want to do that so just be precise with this take your time if you need to and you'll get better at it as you continue to do it even more okay so now that I've gotten to the side one thing that you will this is when I do my foils there's hair that is hung out over here so what I did is I click this away be careful that you're not squishing it back on color over here so just be aware of that but I'm actually going to take this first boil and just kind of pull this back and this is going to be our first boil that we're going to love alright so now that I've section that first boil away I'm going to actually paint our color in between here and just kind of paint it up in there now be careful with this first of all we're actually going to come back to it so I'm not going to squish it up in there but I have been using these little hat oils to just kind of place my color in there and then I can also put in my blending agent too so that I'm not you know squishing it up over anything like that so I've been kind of doing this just because it helps me because she has just enough root that extends past that foil I want to make sure that we're blending it really thankfully so again this is why this little foil is really really helpful [Music] okay so now let's my finish that whole section I'm just going to kind of make sure to blend it really good we've already used that blending agent in there so I will keep these little foils in between here just again so we're not squishing it anywhere but I'm going to take this whole little section down move that foil just in case blend it in between here and be really careful too so like these two pieces this is going to be that hair left out so we definitely wanna make sure that we didn't get it on there so just again really clean and being aware and where the hair is weighing what's laying down and what's getting squished in there so now we're going to take down this last coil like I clipped away again that's our end piece right here so we've got our last little piece here be really careful about these guys because those are also in pieces sit on a little bit more depth in there so now we're gonna let her process we have a few more minutes just with this back section but again this has been going for a little while kind of our blended section you guys can see down in there so this is probably getting close to being ready to rinse I'm going to check her Lightner and then we're going to process [Music] okay so for her brute shadow I'm gonna mix it up right now but I'm actually gonna be doing the same formula as what I did for her in between colors so the 6n and 8g I equal parts and I'm actually the only difference that I'm doing this time is I'm going to be using the gel processing solution versus the regular processing solution I always like to use the gel one when I'm doing a rape shadow just because it allows me to have a little thicker consistency so I'm gonna be using that and as we apply her root shadow I'm also gonna be doing a little bit of boli's adjacent me to do this technique and I haven't done it yet so I'm going to show you how I do that to help kind of break up her brassy ends kind of those warm ends at the bull so first we're mixing up this root shadow and then for her bully Oz balayage at the bowl aka gonna be doing some Wella blonde or gonna do about scoop and I'm gonna do 30 volume here because it's not gonna sit on for very long at all with this I actually like it to be just a little bit thicker start a little bit thinner I'm sorry thinner than usual because we're gonna be putting it on wet hair and we want it to be really like the consistency to move really well so we're gonna almost like over dilute it just a little bit that's why I'm doing 30 volume because we're gonna dilute it with a little bit of more developer so it's probably not gonna be quite 30 volume just because we're diluting it with a little bit of extra developer than we normally would so this is like normal consistency I'm going to add just a little bit more I'll just keep adding till I get to the consistency I like [Music] that feels pretty good to me it's a little runny than how I would normally do it and that's like exactly perfect you don't want it to be watery but just a little bit more runny okay so I went through and I combed her hair out completely because nothing is worse than trying to deal with toning and doing all this stuff with tangly hair so I went through and just cleaned it out with my or cleaned it out brushed it out with my wet brush a little detangling spray so now what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to just section her hair kind of how we did it originally and I'm gonna do it in two different sections so I'm gonna do kind of this top section first and clip this out because I want to make sure again that we're staying really clean with all of our sectioning and trying to do this in the quickest and fastest way but also in the cleanest way as possible so we'll clip this away first and then we're going to come in this section as well and I just use my fingers just actually you could totally get a comb in there and get it all nice and tidy but again we're just all about getting it quick on quick and fast so we're gonna start down here at this bottom section and I'm going to take my root shadow color and I'm just going to start applying it basically about an inch down from her roots and then because I'm kind of done with that little section I'm going to take this calm this is called the Wow comb I actually also have this linked in my Amazon favorites and I'm going to just comb it through and this is gonna help it blend but the reason why I like the WoW comb is it doesn't drag the color down so we're just going to use this to kind of blend in that section we're gonna continue up the head working section by section again keeping it as clean as possible [Music] [Applause] all right so I finished this side and I did section out her money piece area we're not going to be putting any root shadow on this area so I did sectioning out both sides and then I did place a little foil over here just again to keep everything clean you guys know I'm a stickler about that so I'm just applying it about it again about a inch down from the roots and continuing on to finish up this section and just kind of combing it as I go [Music] okay I'm just finishing up that last little section and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my brush here to take each section by section just kind of and blend it in making sure that we're getting that in there [Music] okay so now I have applied her full Rouge shadow except for that top section and now I'm just going through and applying that Boley Ashly tanner just to her ends though so I mean really aware that I'm not bringing it up really much higher than kind of that mid shaft area and I'm just kind of blending it through now I'm doing this also on wet hair so that's why it's called the foliage because it allows us to just get kind of that blended look without it being anything too crazy now again be careful going up into this area because you'll get some more and some banding through there so we're just doing it through these ends now on some people's shampoo bowl you'll be able to do this with a client laying back my shampoo ball has this headrest this is the Minerva Avant bowl if you guys are curious forget lots of questions about it but because it has this headrest it would switch on her hair so I'm just having her sit up for this part and I'm also making sure to kind of clean off my gloves in between as I'm taking my sections because I want to make sure that I'm not like getting Lightner up into any other areas so I'm just kind of grabby section by section and brushing it out with a wet brush or the WoW comb either or just kind of painting it on almost as if you would be kind of painting on poly ocean I also making sure to get this really really saturated in there as well so you guys will see me like pull it through and then just pull it through with my fingers so I do want this to be pretty wet remember this is 30 volume so this will work pretty quickly and we wanted this root shadow to sit on for about 10-15 minutes so this is gonna work at the same time kind of sinking us that time without having to do a bunch of different processes [Music] okay so I'm gonna mix up her final toner and I wanted to be pretty bright blonde so I'm actually going to be using our gold wall color on so instead of shades eq you guys will see me mix up lots of different color lines here in there but I just really want to have that really poppy bright blonde hair so I'm gonna mix up this is two-to-one developer to color and I'm gonna be doing ten P and 10 V but I'm gonna be doing majority 10-piece so we're gonna do about 2/3 10 P and then just about a third 10 V all right let's go rinse her out and put this on alright so we are going to rinse her out you guys can see that we've lifted it as much as we can she's gonna solve some of those little lights in there but it's just a nice pill blonde right there so we're gonna rinse out from root shadow everything and then we're gonna play this toner to it I'm just applying her toner we're gonna play it to the entire head and let it process and then we'll do her olaplex number two rinse her out shampoo and move on [Music] [Music] so before I styled this out I wanted to show you guys what it looks like just straight now we just kind of rough dried it with a blow dryer but look how beautiful and blended this entire color is and even if you kind of pick up a section and look in between it's so beautiful it's so so blended you guys can see just how everything blends together there's no more lines of demarcation there's a lot more dimension and it just looks so beautiful so I wanted to show this to you guys because I know sometimes when you're seeing hair and after it's styled and it's curled you're not really able to see the dimension in the blend as much as you would when it's straight so I just wanted to show that to you guys now we're gonna go style it out alright and here is our official after oh my gosh I love how this turned out so beautiful so blended like I showed you guys and just so much more dimension this is gonna be a lot more low-maintenance for her and it's just obviously so much more blended so I hope that you guys learned something from this video and I hope that you try out at least one of these techniques or formulas alright guys I hope you enjoyed watching this video see NAT the color correction unfold I have to say I am honestly so proud of how her hair turned out I absolutely love how blended it was and if you guys can't tell I'm just so excited about her hair color and she loved it too which is obviously a huge bonus so I hope that you guys learn something from today's video maybe even if it's just one little tip or technique I know that this was a longer more in-depth one but I wanted to share every single step with you guys in every single formula because maybe you don't have this exact client walk in but I hope that there's some snippet that you can take and implement into your clientele or even into a color correction that might walk into your salon too now because I like being completely transparent with you guys this whole process from start to finish took us about five hours now we did do a haircut we did sell her out so just know that these transformations do take time and you want to be charging accordingly I use a lot of hair color I used a lot of time and I use a lot of resources for today's correction so if you're doing something like this don't just urge them for a full highlight there was a lot of steps in between including olaplex and the shadow route in the color between the foils and the Boley eyes lots of different things so make sure that you're charging your words and make sure that you're planning out time to do these transformations all in all I hope that this video is helpful for you and if you liked it go ahead and take a screenshot of this video and post it on your Instagram stories I love to see that you're watching this video make sure to tag me so that I can see that you're watching it and I really hope that you enjoyed it and if you did feel free to send me a DM on Instagram because I love chatting with you guys and hearing what kind of videos you guys like watching too and if you haven't already done it make sure to hit the subscribe button below I post videos like this every single week and you're not gonna want to miss out on any of them last night we use thank you so much for watching this video and it cannot wait to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Jamie Dana
Views: 341,562
Rating: 4.9182839 out of 5
Keywords: Blonde Hair Color Correction Before and After 😱 How to fix highlighted hair including root shadow, color correction hair, color correction tutorial, haircolor color correction, hairstylist color correction, how to do a color correction, how to correct hair color, hairstylist bowlyage, how to do a root shadow on hair, how to do a root shadow, best way to do a color correction, how to correct color banding, color correction, hairstylist coach, haircolor coach, how to balayage
Id: 9ETUPauY4Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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