Babylight Tutorial with a Shadow Root on Blonde Hair (Easy Technique!)

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hey what's up welcome to my channel in today's video we're going to be doing a full baby light height light with a broom shadow and taking my model super super platinum blonde so stay tuned [Music] what's up guys welcome to this video I am so excited to be doing this transformation today my model has kind of grown out hair she hasn't gotten her hair done in a little while and so we're gonna be brightening her up adding a beautiful money piece but I'm gonna be sharing it with you guys my full highlight slash baby light technique and some of my most favorite toners for blondes including how I do my shadow roots and one of my favorite formulas for a shadow root so let's get started and I want to show you her before alright so this is our models before you can definitely tell she's got some blonde in there but lots of depth especially back here in this back section it's been about six months and she's done her color and it was like a balayage back then so we're gonna brighten her up a ton and neither's can even see she has some of these kind of warm tones still in there just residual you know how hair kind of gets brassy and dull after time just from hard water and stuff so we're going to be brightening her up we're gonna do a fun little root shadow a pop of blonde around her face and I'm really excited to share with you guys this technique of how to transform somebody who's a little bit darker into a bright beautiful blonde alright so for her I'm gonna start with 15 volume you guys can see she's really light naturally and we're gonna be doing a cold baby light and so because I'm doing baby lights and because I'm doing a full I'm gonna start really low and I'm also gonna be adding in olaplex which I'll kind of take down some of the strength of that too we don't need to start crazy again she's got really thick hair itself but it's really light naturally and it's gonna be sitting on for a little while so I would rather go more conservative by starting out with 15 volumes [Music] all right so for sectioning for a full baby light I am NOT a person who likes to section each section and make it all perfect so personally I just take the top section just above the ears and clip this away and really just kind of separate kind of the top and the front from the back and then I will go through and actually start from there but honestly I don't really like I said section super crazy so I'm just gonna start from here we're gonna work our way around the hairline first kind of do some diagonal back and then we're gonna start working up alright so one of the things that I really like when it comes to baby lights I like when my clients can pull their hair back and have a beautiful blend now we are gonna be doing a slight baby shadow root owner but we still want to make sure that she has some brightness coming through here so I'm going to take my first section and this is gonna be a little bitty baby light guy I want to make sure I'm getting in all these little baby hairs so we'll take this clip this away and this is gonna be my very first section that you guys can see it's really thin it's not super thick and I'm just gonna leave a tiny bit of hair out and for this kind of sectioning I personally like just regular oils and I feel like they lock into place really well you guys know I use frame our coils a lot these are just regular hair foils I personally think they get a little bit tighter for me and the technique that I do but that's just me personally so for this foil now this one can feel a little bit awkward especially when clients like don't move their head or whatever it's this can be a little bit awkward so if this foil feels a little uncomfortable to you that's totally okay it feels uncomfortable for me too so just keep practicing it especially if you don't do a lot of full highlights or things like that honestly just keep practicing this little area and you will get a lot better at it so I'm actually gonna fold this foil into thirds just to help lock it into place a little bit tighter and get those ends in they're gonna lock this guy down just on the corner here and I'm just gonna kind of keep moving my way up on this section right here so this can see I'm gonna take and he's here she's got a few little baby hairs and stuff so I want to make sure that I'm capturing those in there and sometimes it can help too if you have your client just kind of turn their head a little bit and look down that sometimes can help it just depends on how you work and what's comfortable for your clients for me I don't like to have make my clients like do too many crazy things with their neck because I know it can't be uncomfortable and if you guys realize this is their time to relax - and this is like the first part of the service so you want to make sure that they're feeling comfortable they are feeling relaxed but for these few foils that can feel a little awkward and then it's totally okay to move their head and adjust them and just like let them know hey I'm just gonna do it for these first couple foils so I'm just gonna get him in there and you guys can see she's got a lot of depth in here it doesn't look like she really has a lot of lightness so I'm pulling all the way through now again this is just 15 volumes so it's it's gonna sit on for a while and these aren't dinner sections so we don't have to like bust through it with 20 or something like that she doesn't need that this is gonna be perfect and it's gonna lighten that beautifully so now I'm just gonna fold in half then fold in half again and I'm just gonna continue this up for like maybe a couple more foils kind of totally get to right here where I meet to the middle of her nape right here some clients I will have to do a straight across foil it totally depends on the hairline but I'm just gonna keep working my way up and then we're gonna do the same thing on the other side [Music] all right so I went and I did let's see about four foils just around the hairline you guys can see now I've gotten to this kind of V section in the back and I ended up covering her entire hairline down here at the bottom like I said for some clients that have a really wide set hairline or a really wide set nape you will have to do a straight across one like a little baby light down there at the bottom again it's all gonna depend on the client she didn't need that so what we're going to do is now I'm going to take this little baby triangle piece and I know some of you guys might think you're really gonna foil that tiny triangle yep I am so I'm gonna take this football triangle piece and this is gonna be our straight across foil so you guys can see I'm just kind of deep weaving it there leaving this little bit out and I know that this might seem a little over detail there over intricate because it's down here at the bottom is really anybody gonna see that I don't want her to have a big dark spot down there at the bottom so I take the time to put in these little tiny foils and you guys will see it when we go around to the front those little boys do make a difference and maybe I don't have to do them every single time but she doesn't have any lightness down here at all so I have to put those kinds of foils in down here in order for her to get that brightness around the hairline so now I'm moving up to my next section and you guys can see this is a little bit thicker but I'm still going to continue with doing baby lights so the difference between a highlight and a baby light is a baby light is definitely more thin you can totally see through it verses the highlights gonna be a little bit thicker for me I never really did like full full highlights I always would do something that's like a little bit thinner of a highlight anyways so I would always kind of call them like hybrid lights I just totally made that up right now but something like that where they're just not quite as thick this would be almost like a hybrid light but because she has so much depth in here at the bottom we need to get a little bit more brightness in versus just only baby lights so again you'll figure out what works for you and how thick your baby lights are the baby lights are traditionally a little bit more thin than a high light definitely something that you can still look see-through when you're looking at the foil so I'm just going to continue up her head until we get to kind of about where I started this section so I'm just gonna finish all the way up we're going to continue this and when we get up here I'll tell you what we're doing [Music] all right so it worked all the way up to here and you guys will notice that I do have some hair I call these almost alleyways you're obviously not gonna be able to get that in this middle foil so I always make sure that I'm not over directing this hair into this foil because otherwise you'll get some spot that's not quite blended well so I make sure that I stay pretty much in my lines if that means you need to section out this section and clip it away whatever works best for you I just know that I can do that and I know how wide my foils are so I'm not over directing that's just something that works for me so now I've gotten there what I'm actually gonna do is I'm going to release the rest of her hair and I'm gonna kind of find the spot on her head that's kind of the top of her head and I'm just going to section this little area out and again if you guys watch my other foiling videos you're gonna notice that I don't really like clip it away and do all this crazy stuff I just get it out of my way and I actually flail backwards so now we're gonna start in the crown of her head I'm going to work my way down to that foil and then we're gonna work our way out forwards so if I was doing a partial highlight this is actually where I would start this is just the extra that I do for a full and then if I was to do a partial I would just go from here down there and then work my way forward so that's kind of the two differences between what I do but what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my section right about here and I'm going to weave it out and then instead of boiling down like I was before I'm actually going to place my foil and foil backwards now I know some of you guys may have seen some of my other boiling videos and you know that I'm foil backwards but if you haven't seen them and this is totally new to you this is exactly what I do and the reason why I do this is it allows me to get a little bit closer and they don't have to stand over my clients so I feel like it's a lot better for my posture and all of that I just personally love it I feel like it works a lot better so I'm gonna fold this down here and we're gonna keep continuing down so I always leave a little section out with her we're trying to get her a really blonde almost like platinum blonde so I'm just a tiny little baby light out but it is important to leave some hair out and the reason why is it grows in really really nicely and it's gonna grow and really subtly now we are gonna do a shadow root on her but even if we didn't this would grow in a lot nicer because we're leaving a little bit of that natural out this is also a really great technique because you're able to get close to the root you guys can see I'm not going all the way down and the reason why is we are going to move these foils in a second so I don't want to go to too close for it with cause like bleed marks so I'm just gonna kind of leave it right about there it's kind of hard to see on her blonde hair typically I only fold in half this one I fold it in thirds just because of her ends I didn't want to squish them too much but normally I just fold in half so I'm gonna keep working my way down and we'll meet up with that section down there and then when we get around to the front I'm gonna show you guys what we do there [Music] all right so we finished all our coils all the way down to this foil and so what I do is I just take my hair and I'm going to kind of place my column down here just the tail comb and just use that to kind of fold my foils down this takes a little getting used to because you want to make sure that you're not holding the foils out so if you are going to try this technique just maybe go slow the first time I'm really fast and efficient at it because I do it all the time and I practice it a lot but you know just practice it so we're just gonna take all these foils down until we get to that top section and I'll show you on some of these foils sometimes they may slip and move so occasionally like her hair is actually not doing this but sometimes clients a hair will slip so you just have to kind of hold this little corner and then just kind of reposition it back in there if that ever happened like I said her hair is not so bad sometimes it happens right here kind of where the head starts to round off so if that happens don't stress it if a foil slips just add in another foil it's not the end of the world you didn't mess it up it's pretty common but yeah you do want to make sure that when you're pulling this hair down you're not seeing any bleed marks or anything like that if you are seeing that grab a towel wet it down make sure that correct that you might need a place in another foil something like that but if you are seeing bleed marks as you're moving down it's meant that you got too close to that edge so you just want to be aware of that so now we're at the top here and I'm gonna spin her around and we're gonna start working our way forward all right so we've moved my model I spun her around now I'm standing in front of her and I'm actually gonna do the exact same thing I'm gonna file backwards but we're gonna work our way up to this hairline and again this really allows me to get in really nice and close so because we just finished with this last foil I am gonna leave a little eye out here right just like I did in the back but now we're starting on this section so we'll start with a low light and then I'm just gonna keep working my way up and obviously every time I start this section sometimes I will have to depending on how the clients head rounds out I'll do a few more with her spun the other way so I'm not like leaning over too much but it all just depends on the client and again hair their head the head shape all that fun stuff so once we paint this foil in I'm gonna show you guys we're actually not going to fold it back or not have to worry about that so I'm just gonna fold it down just like that and these foils just get to hang out like that and this is another reason why I like this technique of foiling backwards is because I'm not I'm gonna fold it into like tiny little sandwiches they're able to just kind of hang out that way and not be all squished up in there now one thing you do want to make note of is with her her part line is kind of over here so I'm making sure to get both of those sections in there you definitely want to make sure that you're getting both sides of the part even if the client parts really really far over I just parted her hair right here but she parts on the other side so definitely gonna want to make sure you get full sections in there so that it looks really clean as she parts her hair any direction so I'm just gonna keep working my way forward and I'll kind of pop in if I have anything but this is pretty much just rinse and repeat just continue down so we're gonna keep doing this until I get around to the front alright so now we are at kind of her hairline and you guys can see she's got a lot of these little baby hairs and I want to make sure that I'm getting those in my foils so you guys can see even these lost couple ones I've got ended up folding down again that just helps walk it into place a little bit more especially when we were dealing with baby hairs so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to continue what I've been doing all the way through her hair but I'm taking really really small sections just to make sure that we get these little tiny baby hairs in and for some plants that have like insane amount of baby hairs you could even tear your foils in half if you need to because I want to make sure you guys couldn't see these little guys kind of popping up I want to make sure that we're getting those in the foil so I'm gonna place my foil down pop that over yeah you could tear your foils in half have really small foils four up here again it just depends on how you work but I definitely done that before for those clients teeny-tiny little hairs just barely hanging on there these are really important to get because if not you're gonna have this like fuzz of dark hair and it actually shows up really strongly so I like to make sure that I get all these little guys in and like I was saying in the back where you're gonna take time to do those little extra foils this makes a huge difference in higher clients hair grows out and how it looks especially pulled back into ponytail things like that see how small and find this foil is it really makes a huge difference one note that I want to make is I did increase my developer to 20 volume when we started on this front section I forgot to mention that so this is now 20 volume that's been kind of sitting in a bowl for a few minutes so 20 volume with olaplex and then we'll continue that until we get to kind of this back section we'll probably start to 25 but I'm just continually grabbing these little baby hairs kind of weaving them out and again this is really gonna help it grow out nicely and especially if your clients ever have any gray around their hairline this is almost mimicking their natural gray color so it grows out as if their gray was a highlight so clients love that kind of stuff and this really does make a huge huge difference where did you probably one more foil here so I'm grabbing this tiny little baby section right here and I did get a smaller foil because she's got all these tiny ones and I think a big foil would actually cause it to slip out so I'm gonna do probably two foils here anything grab my whitener and you guys can see I'm getting pretty close into that root area I'm not going all the way down into it but we're getting pretty close pull that guy out this is just a foil torn in half and it helps me just kind of lock it in a little bit so it's not falling out sometimes the bigger foils can be heavy so this little baby foil trick works great we're gonna do one more and I know you guys might think wow this is like so detailed so intricate I don't need to get that detail with my clients trust me you do it makes a big difference and this I didn't used to go this in-depth when it you know back in the day when I was originally doing highlights and things and when I started to that's when I started to notice my clients hair growing out beautifully they could go longer in between appointments and to them that meant added value which meant I could charge more for it so it really does make a difference alright so these little fluffy guys this is what I call the alleyway and a lot of times stylists skip this section they do the front hair and then they do the sides and they skip this alleyway and so when clients wear their hair back they have this dark section right here and I don't want that to be for your clients again clients notice these little things so I'm gonna take just a small small section here and you guys can see I just took it from natural parting so it's a little bit woven already and I'm gonna take a small little baby foil and apply my Lightner up in here get it all up in there and I'm gonna do this just for a couple files now one thing that you don't want to do is you don't want to do back-to-back boils like this because then she'd have a blonde chunk right there so we will leave a little low-light out like we have been doing and that's gonna also help it grow out more naturally I'm just gonna weave this guy ever-so-slightly this guy's stuff is detail work and yes it might take you a few extra minutes to do this but like I said your clients will notice I know I keep saying that and repeating it but it really does make a difference this one I'll actually do a normal-size foil because it is coming back further here and so for some of you guys that might be feeling like you might be taking too thick of a section or something or you feel like this is gonna be like a really harsh line just take a finer section if you really feel like it's gonna be harsh do finer it'll always end up blending better the finer is the hair so don't worry about it the finer you go the more natural it's gonna look it's gonna look like the Sun just kissed her hair right at her roots so that's really cool all right so now I'm gonna do this little front piece here and this is a really really crucial foil because this is gonna be the foil that your clients wear back around their face so we definitely wanna make sure that this is really fine every clients hair line is always a little bit different so customizing it to them this is typically the pattern that I normally go off of so like diagonal backs and I always weave out this little chunk because sometimes this guy can be a little bit thicker most clients have that but again it's always gonna just depend so sometimes you have to do two foils here one on top of the other meaning one right here and one right there but with her we don't have to most clients you can get away with doing just one foil but it always just depends take your time to do that extra foil and I swear it works [Music] so now for these oils on the sides here I am NOT doing backwards boiling and doing regular boiling so I've switched techniques at this point but I'm still able to get really really close in there [Music] so I'm just going to continue back all the way just continue doing diagonal backs up until I kind of get up to this corner alright so now we switch to the other side and you guys can see this is actually the side where she parts her hair so she parts cut right right here so I definitely got part of that side in our middle foils here but she is a little bit higher on this side of where the Mohawk kind of just came through again that's just me the way I foil so I am going to do just a couple foils down this way just to kind of cover this little section but what I'm gonna do first is I'm going to clip this away because I want to make sure it's a clean section for myself so I'm gonna do that and then I'm gonna grab just a couple tiny tiny baby lights now I don't want these to appear like straight across foils so that's why baby lights are really really important that'll help just blend it a little bit better and make sure that it's not like a straight across [Music] and this is also kind of getting that alleyway in there as well she has some existing highlights and there so we'll pull those out I love this brush you guys because it has a tail comb on it this brush is from frame our love it they don't have it in this color anymore but they have it in black and a three pack if you guys want to check it out I have the link to my Amazon shop it's in there alright so we're gonna do one more of these little guys [Music] okay so now that I filled in those two foils I'm going to come back here and tackle our close to our hairline alleyway I am going to use a smaller foil on this one because they're so little in dainty up here so basically doing the same thing as the other side but again just customizing it for this client it's gonna be a little bit different each side of the heads a little bit different so just making sure to really customize it and take that time [Music] all right so now we're here to our hairline again I'm gonna do the same thing like I did on the other side taking this little fine section actually I take a little bit more she's got some smaller hairs here and she has a few more baby hairs kind of in this alleyway probably she has a cowlick there I have kind of the same thing on my head so we had a just a few more foils here than we did on the other side but again that's all this customized answer your client and that's why I like to teach sectioning and patterns that are customizable and things that you can take and tweak for yourself and your clients that's why I'm not a huge fan of a cut and dry pattern because everyone's different everyone's hairline is different and so one thing doesn't necessarily work for every single client so that's the whole goal of my education here is to teach you how to customize it for you and your clients so I'm just going to keep working my way backwards or not working my way backwards would be my way to this back section here I'm just gonna keep going at it and I'll just kind of let you guys watch along as we do this just so you can kind of get an idea of how we do all these foils [Music] all right so some of her ends are still a little bit warm and her foils are actually almost ready to rinse so what I'm going to do is I'm literally gonna take just some of these ends I'm gonna tease them just ever so slightly very loosely and I'm just gonna kind of brighten them up just for the like the last 5-10 minutes we don't have very much longer on her hair so I'm doing about 20 volume here now I know I would never stick this in a foil and do 20 volume for a long time but this is honestly just bumping them up for the last like 5-10 minutes I'm just gonna do these on a couple pieces while she's processing and this is really gonna make a huge difference on just brightening up some of those ends okay so we just finished all of our application you guys can see it did some teasing on the sides we pretty much didn't leave any ends out but we're gonna let her process just for a few more minutes because she's actually lifting pretty nicely so we'll rinse off the pieces when they are ready and just so you guys know this application took about an hour and fifteen minutes [Music] alright so we just rinsed out all her foils and before we do her toner or anything I'm going to put olaplex number two on her hair we're gonna let this sit on for just a little bit especially any time I'm doing a blonde treatment I always throw olaplex in there you guys know that I'm a huge fan of multiplex so we're gonna let this olaplex number to sit on it'll help kind of get rid of some of that teasing we put in and also just help kind of repair a little bit of her blonde hair and then I'm gonna show you guys what I'm gonna do for her root shadow and her toner alright so I'm gonna mix up her root shadow and so I'm actually gonna do a ten and seven and B equal parts I don't have a ten so I'm gonna be mixing 7n and 9n so I'm gonna do basically one ounce of a ten and one ounce of seven and B I love the seven and B because it just adds a little bit of warmth to the root area but not a brassy warmth and then the a ten will just be a nice neutral and then for the developer I'm going to do they're thicker developing a developer because it'll actually make it thicker for a root shadow so I like using this developer for root shadows or more precision application it's still one to one and it just makes your shades eq a little bit thicker versus the traditional developer all right so I have my clients it up and the reason why this bowl is a little awkward sometimes I would just have my clients lift their head but for a root shadow I want to make sure that I'm doing a really precise application so I do have them sit up in the bowl it makes it a little bit more comfortable for them and again of course the client's comfort is number one but also making sure that I get the application right it's really important too so for shadow roots I like to start in this bottom section first so I'm just going to kind of grab my section here and I think it's really really important to make sure that you're combing out the hair before you start working on it before you even start applying your product because that will really make a big difference of getting the product all the way through and making sure that it's not like splotchy or dripping I personally love this comb this is a WoW comb I actually have it linked on my Amazon shop as well this makes a huge difference because it has this little roller in there so the product doesn't actually drag down the hair as traditional combs it'll drag down the hair and you can get that spot enos in there you've ever had that happen with a root shadow that is why so this comb doesn't make it do that and it's great for color melts all that kind of stuff highly recommended all right so I'm going to start my application down here and kind of pull this section out right here I'm going to only drag it down about an inch now show utq is definitely more viscous so it's going to drag down naturally so that's why I'm only really dragging it down about an inch and but I do love shades eq for route shadows because it allows me to get through the hair pretty quickly and because of its viscosity so I really like it so I'm just gonna apply this like I do a normal root touch-up and just work my way up the head and then when we get around the hairline I'm going to show you what I'm doing all right so I just finished this back section now I'm moving on to the front and I will section out just about 3/4 inch away from her face I'm not going to reach out out of that area till like the last minute so I'm just kind of sectioning this out this will be the very last little section we do and this makes a big difference because we want that really strong money piece in the front here [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so this has been sitting on for maybe about eight minutes so I'm going to do this last little section right around her hairline but instead of making sure it doesn't squish back and get dark right on these beautiful blonde pieces I'm just gonna place two foils right here and this just helps to kind of ensure that those pieces don't get squished and it protects them while we're applying this last little final piece and for this part I usually have my clients sit back just because I can apply it a little bit easier and faster I'm just literally going to apply it to just tap tap these little tiny pieces tap tap tap right around the hairline no more than a couple minutes on this section [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right and she is ready to rinse this sat on for about two minutes [Music] all right so we rinsed out her rich shadow and not going to tone her and she has a little bit of residual warmth just left over from previous color and all of that and probably some hard water buildup so I am mixed up gold well color odds 10 P 10 V equal parts and we're gonna apply this all the way through her hair and I'm gonna leave it out right around the hairline just because she's already really blonde there but we will kind of just touch that at the last little minute [Music] so you guys can see this toner it's been sitting on for almost ten minutes here I love this toner because it creates such a beautiful gorgeous blonde sometimes I'll use 10 P by itself sometimes I'll mix it together but you guys can see just how to belt it's developing so beautifully it's not over toning anywhere and even if it is it's going to be like a beautiful kind of white creamy blond so I love this toner I feel like it's great because it doesn't pull too rapidly and so we'll let this sit on maybe for just like a few more minutes but we're almost ready to rinse [Applause] all right and here is our final result you guys I love how it turned out look how blonde we got her it's so gorgeous it's a nice creamy blonde was that beautiful root shadow it actually looks a little bit lighter in person than it does on camera so I will be transparent about that but I absolutely love how it turned out I think it's so beautiful so creamy so blonde and so fun so I hope you guys try out this technique and check out those formulas they definitely make a huge huge difference in the way that your blondes look and I hope you guys try this out one last thing that I want to show you guys was the beautiful hairline detail and if she wears her hair up in a ponytail you guys can see all that beautiful blonde that's gonna come in there but that nice little root shadow just softens it ever so slightly and it just looks so gorgeous this is an amazing technique for clients that do wear their hair alright thank you so much for watching this video I hope that you learned something brand-new today whether it's the way that I foil hair or one of the formulas that I used or even my shadow root technique I hope that you take something away from this video and start to maybe practice it in the salon if you're gonna take away something comment below and let me know what you're going to try in the salon this week or next week or whenever you're back in the salon and as always if you haven't it too subscribe button before or if this is our first time hanging out make sure to hit the subscribe button below and turn on the little notification spell because you will be notified the second that I post a new video and you're definitely gonna want to be one of the very first people to watch my videos so make sure to do that if you haven't come over to instagram and send hi yet please come on over to instagram say hi send me a DM leave me a comment let me know that you watch this video and one of your favorite things about it i love connecting with you guys who watch my youtube videos so make sure to come over to instagram and just say hi as always thanks for watching this video and i'll see you guys next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jamie Dana
Views: 900,321
Rating: 4.9262624 out of 5
Keywords: Babylight Tutorial with a Shadow Root on Blonde Hair (Easy Technique!), babylights, babylight tutorial, babylight technique on blondes, root shadow technnique, best shadow root technique, how to babylight, how to root shadow hair, easy hair color techniques, easy root shadow tutorial, baby lights, dimensional blonde, blonde babylights, blonde root shadow, diy babylights, diy blonde hair, diy root shadow, best blonding techniques, highlight babylight, babylight highlights
Id: 4uKe315kOXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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