What Happens When You Freeze Dry International Candy?

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in today's video we are freeze drawing candy from other countries [Music] in the lion the witch in the wardrobe edmund a british boy makes it to narnia where he meets the white witch who is a bad person she offers him any food or drink that he could possibly desire and he says he would like turkish delight when offered anything that his heart could desire he chose turkish delight and i didn't know what that was i have to say i was a little disappointed in edmond's choices there's like a soft gumdrop covered in cornstarch i love them i think that the textures are so much fun and the strange flavors that you can get are great first time i ever had them i was in england and they had just like this towering just piles and piles of different flavors of turkish delight and my friends and i we probably bought ten dollars worth of turkish delights just trying all the different flavors it was fantastic this is the one i think you'll be most excited about i didn't get this because i thought it would freeze dry well i wanted to freak out my co-worker warning can cause cancer and reproductive harm okay food [Laughter] it smells like an aquarium oh it does no it smells like fish food like flakes it tastes like a food how encouraging so a few different types of i went for gummy candies things that might have fillings things that might change that's definitely what we wanted there but then i found these two kitkats are a big thing in japan from what i understand they have tons of different flavors and these ones are sweet potato flavored these are some little like cookie pillows with a soft filling on the inside so while i don't think the cookie part will change at all the soft filling might so i'm going to try a couple that are fully closed and i'm going to cut a couple of them open i got some mochi now normally mochi is this soft if i remember correctly it's like a rice flour on the outside the gummy stuff and then on the inside it's normally got a sweet bean paste these ones however have a cocoa filling but it's just milk it's a milk flavoring and i love them these are strawberry gummy candy individually wrapped oh these are so tiny these are tiny mochis mochi i want to put a couple of these i think it's a good choice for the freezer jar green tea marshmallows so they're just i don't know i don't know if they're if they're full of anything let's find out i think not i think it's just a marshmallow it's like uh it is there's there's the matcha we've done marshmallows before they normally harden they don't really change size which kind of surprised me the first time i really thought they would but it just hardened and turned into like lucky charms marshmallows consistency delicious all right we've got our turkish delight and we've got several different flavors some good some not we're in cali's case all good all good and then we've got some candy from mexico now i got this mixed bag hoping that there would be more gummy candies or chocolatey or things that we would be able to uh freeze dry and have a good result i think this is mostly just hard candy though marker camera guy spent a couple years in mexico so he's actually gonna help us out here this one is a like a goo right okay this is a watermelon spicy candy with a tamarind flavored sauce i love spicy candy it's one of my favorite things like this one this is going to be a spicy chili pepper covered watermelon candy that sounds amazing now it seems to me to be a licorice and i think we've freeze-dried licorice before and when we did it before it just got a little bit harder okay like it was stale i don't think we had much real change in it all right i'm gonna squeeze this right onto the tray maybe it's not wanting to squeeze all that easily there we go with real fruit spicy salted tamarind i can't pronounce it nope no nope not gonna happen we've got an assortment of things i'm excited i'm curious to see what happens see which ones change and which one's done we're gonna throw them in the freeze dryer and see what they turn into we'll be back tomorrow well some of these changed some of them changed a lot i am shocked at some of them yes kit kat that's about what we expected just melted chocolate the heating cycle melted the chocolate does it taste like sweet potato no but it's the same not tasting like sweet potato that it had before okay so nothing's really changed there uh our little chocolate filled bear guys are now falling apart if you try and pick them up it might be a little softer now usually they have more of a crunch to them these were the mochi [Music] i didn't try it before and i think we uh they're right there oh here's some yep okay well the texture is very different the size for example the size is different it has fluffed somewhat it's no longer squishy this is hard like a rock i'm gonna try one of these half opened ones [Music] i don't like that i don't find this enjoyable really at all all right so this was our strawberry gummies and we said that we weren't sure because we've seen such a difference in gummy what does and does not happen it has changed it's puffed up or fluffed up it's still kind of gummy on the inside it's got a crispy shell actually i like that like a nice crispy shell and then just gummy on the inside flavors still the same i like those ones i would eat those i would buy a bag of those on purpose okay our matcha green tea marshmallows they are lighter weight a little it doesn't okay so the middle the soft green part has mine looks like caterpillar it does [Music] dislike it tastes like um green tea lucky charms i guess that's about what we expected turkish delight i thought this was going to be kind of like the strawberry things over here i really wanted this to puff up but it seems to have just sort of it's like a little more solid it's still gummy it's still squishable but it's like a tougher squish so in america and most places i've seen ingredients written it gives you the ingredients in order of like most to least but this it's actually telling the percentage of the ingredients so we know it's 78 percent sugar 12.55 percent corn starch so it seems very exact it seems like it'd be hard to keep recipes secret there are bubbles on the inside it has been puffed a little okay yeah it's basically just like a stale turkish delight which the orange one at this point is almost identical to like a jujube but with powdered sugar on the outside or cornstarch whichever that is both let's move on to the really weird stuff yeah our these guys didn't do i don't think anything slightly solidified or dried out licorice yep that's what we thought would happen but like look at this this was a hard candy with a gummy center yes and the whole thing popped up we didn't expect the outside to puff up okay there was a you had another one it's been a little bit enveloped this one is the one you broke in half yes it is still crunchy uh beneath this fluffy layer i just wasn't expecting that fluffy layer there you go oh i see this piece has solidified lovely that was the one that was basically fruit leather before not even the texture that looks like fruit would [Music] oh it sounded painful now it's a fruit cracker a spicy fruit cracker that's odd mm-hmm do you like it i do there's almost no chew to it anymore it really is like a cracker consistency and i enjoy that all right so this gummy gel candy stuff has done something awesome it expanded about as much as anything we've ever put in the freeze dryer and just turned into a puffy light styrofoam type stuff i love that that's another thing that i would buy on purpose the most confusing for me is the turkish delights because they did nothing except get a little bit stale all that cornstarch i guess yep just kind of holds it together guys we love our freeze dryer and this is the first time we have tried freeze drying exotic sorts of foods is there any other kinds that you would like to see in our freeze dryer let us know guys that's not all you know we've always got more for you to see if you like this kind of content make sure to hit that box up there to see our most recent video we'll see in the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 680,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: candy, international candy, candy taste test, international food, international candy test, Mexican candy, Japanese candy, asian candy, exotic candy, exotic food, turkey, Turkish delight, Mexican food, Japanese food, Chinese candy, Chinese food, freeze dryer, freeze dry candy, how to freeze dry, freeze dry food, international taste test, candy in freeze dryer, king of random, random happens, nate, calli, tkor, tkor food, tkor candy, king of random freeze, tkor freeze dryer
Id: dkFoyKeo_0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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