Blind Dating 7 Glow Up Girls | Versus 1

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(ethereal piano music) (high tone chimes) (upbeat rock music) - I'm 19, I go to Saddleback right now, it's a community college by where I live. I'm majoring in real estate development, and then I also do photography and acting. (tone chimes) (Marshall laughing) Honestly, they're not that bad. The goggles are so funny. I've taken a photo like that too, I feel her. The awkward stage of life. They're really not that bad. My little sister does cheer too, so I kinda thought of her. She definitely looked like that at one point. I mean, are any yearbook photos really that good? Like, everything's bad about taking a yearbook photo. So honestly, again, still just kinda awkward stage of life. They're all taken at school, all these first four ones. And school's school, so can't blame 'em. This one's funny too, just a bad angle. And the blurred out face in the back's funny too. (Marshall laughs) I had acne, so I feel this one too. I've taken plenty photos like that, showing off my acne, trying to get it better. And then this one's funny too. This one and the end one are my favorite. Because this one's just a double chin, and super low and awkward and funny. (laughs) (tone chimes) Do I have to give a reason for eliminating them? - [Cameraperson] I'd like to hear a reason. - It's so mean, I feel really bad. I'm gonna go with contestant three. (low tone chimes) I don't really know my reason. I just think number three first. - [Anwen] Hi. - Hi, nice to meet you I'm so sorry I feel so bad. - That's okay. - Nice to meet you, what's your name? - Anwen. - [Marshall] Marshall, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Glow up for sure. - Thank you. - [Marshall] I like your outfit too, very nice. - Thank you. - I feel so bad. - Don't feel bad. You know I kinda want to say redheads are an acquired taste, so I figured I'd either be the first to go, or the last to go. - [Cameraperson] Who will be our next elimination? - Number seven. (low tone chimes) (guitar music) - [Xenia] Hi. - Hi, nice to meet you. - So I felt like me and the other girl almost my age are gonna be eliminated now. - Yeah they're really not that bad. - Well, they are. (all laughing) - Yours is funny, how old are you in that? - I guess 14-ish. - That's not bad, that's just young. - Okay, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too, thank you. (high tone chimes) All right, contestant one, can you tell me about the goggles? (Jen laughing) - [Jen] Yeah, so, a very silly picture. We were just in chemistry class one day. I was about 14 or 15, and my best friend, who I'm still so incredibly close with, she just said, "Pose right here, do that smile that I always like to do." (Marshall and Jen laughing) And she's gonna come up with an alter ego for me. And that's where Jerry came from. - I was just about to say, who's Jerry? (Jen laughing) - [Jen] And to this day, it's a really cute thing, I think. She still calls me Jer, that's her little nickname for me. That's where the story came from, but I love that picture. I really think, - [Marshall] Yeah, it's funny. - [Jen] personality pic. - How old were you? - [Jen] 14, 15-ish. - Okay, number two, can you tell me about your picture? - [Ellie] Yeah, I was, like you said, awkward stage in life, but I still did cheer, so I just smiled. My mom was like, "Smile," and I was like, "Okay." And I looked at it and I was like, "Oh my God, that's what I look like?" But it's okay. - To be fair, moms never take good photos. - [Ellie] Yeah. - So it's not on you. Number four, can you tell me about your photo? - [Hailey] Yeah, I was 15 or 16 in that, and that was my best friend's high school graduation. So I was looking good, to me, at the time. Looking back, not my best moment. But, I mean, it could have been worse. - Then number five? - [Sahai] I was in a production of the musical "Hairspray" at the time and I was in the green room getting ready just for the show, and one of my co-stars thought would be hilarious while I was halfway through my makeup, to start taking photos on my phone while it was at that angle. So you get that glorious five head. (Marshall laughing) - And number six? - [Janiya] Okay, so, I was around 15, 16 at that point. My acne at that point was just really bad. And that was the biggest insecurity I had at the moment. So I was like, "You know what? Let me take a picture, you know, what if I do glow up?" At that point, I didn't know if I was gonna or not. - I did the same thing. (high tone chimes) I'm gonna go with number two. (low tone chimes) (cool music) Hi. - [Ellie] I'm Ellie. - [Marshall] Marshall, nice to meet you. - How are you? - Good. Glow up for sure, again? - Yeah. - Thank you. Nice to meet you. - You as well. Number two is pretty attractive. - [Cameraperson] Yeah. - Yeah. Number five. (low tone chimes) (upbeat music) - [Sahai] Hi. - [Marshall] Hi. - [Sahai] My same's Sahai. - [Marshall] Marshall, Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you - I like your outfit. - Thank you. - Looks awesome. - Thank you. How'd you like my photo? - I think it's the funniest one up there. Like first, second, I think. - Yeah. I don't know how you guys got that one, but good job. Like, he looks like Elvis. It's like, I don't know if it's because the trailer for the new Elvis movie's in my head, but he like, looks like slick back, like grease monkey kind of, but in a good way. (high tone chimes) - This will be for all of you guys. How old are you? Are you in school? Where do you go to school? And then what do you do for work? - [Jen] So I'm 21, I'm currently a senior at UCLA, and I'm about to graduate in two months. I'm trying to go into something along the lines of marketing. - Okay. I just got rejected from UCLA yesterday, so. (record scratches) - [Jen] I'm so sorry on behalf of them! - No no, it's not your fault, very cool. - [Hailey] Hi, I'm 20 I'm not in school, I was gonna go to school after I graduated but I was just not in it for the online thing. So I moved out here, lived out here in my car for about five or six months, and now I do social media work. - Very cool. Where are you from? - I'm from Albuquerque, New Mexico. - No way, very cool. - [Janiya] Hi, okay, so hi, I'm also 20. I'm currently double majoring in real estate and nursing, both at two different schools, but I'm doing real estate at my local community college, and yeah so hopefully I can get my license this year, and hopefully graduate nursing in the next two years. - Okay. - [Jen] What about you? - Okay, I'm 19. I'm transferring right now, I just got rejected from UCLA like I said, I'm still waiting back on a bunch of other places, but what are your guys hobbies? - [Jen] Music is one of my greatest hobbies. I love to sing, and I'm part of like some performance groups at UCLA, they have my entire heart. - What's your favorite song? - [Jen] To sing or to listen to? - Both. - [Jen] To sing, probably, throw some Feelin' Good by Nina Simone in there, to listen to probably Put Your Records On, that's always like a classic that I can never sick of. - Okay, that's a good one. - [Jen] Yeah. - [Cameraperson] Do you wanna like give us a little, a little singing? (Jen laughs) - Yeah! - [Jen] Sure, I'll do the song that I said, ♪ Birds it's flying high ♪ ♪ You know how I feel ♪ (Marshall scoffs) - I'm not laughing at you, no I swear! - [Jen] No, no you're not, I didn't think that. - [Hailey] Mine is also music, I've been writing songs for 11 years now, and singing pretty much my whole life. Yeah, just like hanging out, too. That's a cool hobby of mine. (Marshall laughs) - [Janiya] I guess my main hobby right now would- not to sound like a gym rat- but I spend a lot of time in the gym. Like, try to go every single day. I also crochet, I feel like that's such an old lady thing to do. - That's cool, no, that's cool. - [Janiya] What's your music taste like? - It's not very good, I like a lot of country music and just kind of what's ever on the radio, but country's like my number one. I was born in El Paso, Texas. - [Janiya] Oh! - So I grew up around it a lot. Not a lot of people like it though, so - [Hailey] Yeah. Understandable. (record scratches) - Understandable? - [Hailey] I'm just kidding, I love country music. I grew up in like the same area. (tone chimes) - Unfortunately, I'm gonna eliminate Jerry. (low tone chimes) - [Jen] Hi. - [Marshall] Hi. Nice to meet you. - [Jen] Nice to meet you. - [Marshall] Marshall. - [Jen] Jen. - Nice to meet you. Where did Jerry come from? - Outta my friend's mind, you know? - Yeah, nothing like sparked it? - She's a genius. Jerry has stuck with me and she is truly like my alter ego. And I like to keep the silly fun side still, life goes like by fast, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - So she's like the child within me and everything. - Awesome - [Jen} I still wanna- - Good photo, love it. - Thank you. - Yeah, yeah. - I do appreciate it. - Of course. - Honestly, the cracked singing was so much more embarrassing than the actual photo in my mind. - [Cameraperson] You were so good! - Thank you. - [Cameraperson] Next elimination. - Number six. (Janiya sighs) (low tone chimes) - [Janiya] Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, I'm Janiya - [Marshall] Marshall. - So real estate, that's cool. - [Marshall] Yeah. That's what- - Yeah - I, uh, it was so hard! I was like real estate, you know, it's the same thing - But that's cool that you're like- - How far are you out from your license? - Two months away. - [Marshall] Okay. - So in two months, I'm gonna- - There you go. - Take my test, hopefully I pass the first-. - Very cool. - Did you pass the first- - I did. - But yeah, it was really nice to meet you. - Yeah you too - He's what I expected him to look like. Right after he said he's into real estate, I was like, I had like an image of what he would- (Janiya laughs) would definitely somebody I would've had a little crush on back in the day. - Oh geez. - [Cameraperson] Are you excited? - Yes. - [Cameraperson] Okay, do you feel like you make the right choice? - I think so. - [Cameraperson] Can I have a number four, please come out now. (upbeat music) - [Hailey] Hi! - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, I'm Hailey. - [Marshall] Marshall. - Good to meet you. - I thought she had a- I thought you had a cool story. - Thank you, I appreciate that, yeah. - So what do you do for social media? - I currently live in a content house and I do assistant work and yeah, that's like pretty much it for now. I'm trying to get into management. - [Marshall] Mm Hm. - Yeah. - Awesome. Cool, cool, cool. - [Hailey] Very cool. - Cool. Cool, cool, cool. (Hailey laughs) - [Cameraperson] How are we satisfied? Are we like, let's get a side by side? - Yeah, she had a good glow up for sure. - I got bullied so much in middle and high school, like specifically based on how I looked, and one morning, I don't know, just started getting progressively cuter, I guess. Progressively, not that bad. (Hailey laughs) When, right now? Oh, no. Aw, oh, you look like a little theater kid. - [Marshall] Oh, bro it's so bad! All right yeah, so I was on a family trip. My photography page started getting a lot of followers. So then I thought I was like an influencer. I thought I looked good. And then I realized I most definitely do not look good. - Is this a thirst trap? - At the time I think I thought it was, but- - [Cameraperson] What does like a "glow up" mean to you? - I mean, obviously there's the assumed like physical glow up, but I also think it has to do with a lot of like confidence and coming into your own and just like finally figuring out how to like, work with what you have as a person. And I think once you figure out how to do that, that's the true "glow up". - Everyone is taking like their own time and space to grow into their own skin. If I see a bad picture nowadays it's not, "I look bad, I'm ugly," it's, "This is a bad picture, and I'm a beautiful person." - [Cameraperson] I'm gonna get this tattooed on my face! (Jen laughs) - I feel like it's like that photo where you just get home from a fresh haircut, and it is like looking in the mirror, he's like, "oh yeah, this is good." - It's not that bad! - No It's not bad. (contestants agreeing) - I will distribute this phrase, how you use to repeat it. - Feel like you're confident in that.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 6,195,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Jubilee glow up, jubilee glow up girls, glow up guys, jubilee versus 1, versus 1 glow up, dating 6 glow up girls, blind dating jubilee
Id: z-EjlzKA460
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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