Which Guy Gets the Most Girls? Girls Rank Guys by Rizz

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- I may not be able to take you from the Vava to Cinquante-Cinq, then back to the Vava. If you know, you know. - What? (giggles) (group giggles) - But what I can do is make sure to be a chicken noodle soup when you're sick. - Is there a medic here? 'Cause this guy needs to be checked if he's having a stroke! (group laughing) (relaxing hip-hop beat) - I would say my definition of rizz is every single time I've talked ever. (group laughing) - If you're Gen Z, you know what rizz is. It's just using your personality and charisma to romantically entice a girl. - It's like an all-encompassing thing, right? It's the whole package. - Right, right. - Right? So, it could be the looks, it could be your personality, could be the jokes could be your pickup lines, 'cause you're witty. - It's also your approach though, too. - Yeah, yeah! - Like how you can't just come up to a woman and be like "Oh hey, I think you're gorgeous" like- (group laughing) - You can't be awkward, you can't be cringe, that is the number one rizz killer. Even if you're not that good looking, if you got mad rizz- - That's true, that's a hundred percent true. So how do we, how do we wanna shake this up? - I would say, you said that you would like sing to women in public? A hundred, that's first place because - Yeah, I can't sing. - I would not want to do that. - That's confidence and talent. - That is a lot of guts. - It's not confidence. - That is confidence and talent. - What about you guys? - I think you're funny. - I think he's gotta go up. - I was gonna say, yeah, I think you're up here for sure. - I think you're funny. - I think he's gotta go up, you gotta go up. - You want me to go higher? Like actually? Hell yeah. - I think you're funny, I think you're really funny. - [Host 1] What's your go-to move? (Dave yawns) (group giggles) - No, no, no? Okay, I'll go. I'll hold myself. I'll hold myself. (group laughs) - I dunno. - I feel like it has to be more in the moment. - [Group Member] The whole approach- - Yeah, it's more of a moment thing 'cause I don't use pickup lines also. - 'Cause anyone could Google a pickup line. - That's what I'm saying. - Well that's the thing, it's like pickup lines can be cheesy but I feel like in the right context they could also be effective, knowing that it's cheesy. - I'm so ready for your pickup line. (group laughs) You don't have to waste it on us. - I didn't say I had any good ones. - I think you should probably be number three. - Me? Or this guy? - I think you should be number three. I mean you're rizzing on Dave. - And it's working. That's the crazy thing. - Nut, number one. - You want me to be number one? - Nut number one for sure. (laughs) - I think you got the confidence. - I wish I had your rizz. - Wait, but every time you talk, it's rizz. - That's true. Yeah, I should be number one. - I did say that. - I'm okay with him being one. - I can't compete with that. - I think those three are good. - Dave, I notice you're still at the end. - Y'all got the first three. - And I'm wondering why you think you're at the end. - You're kind of leading the conversation right now. I feel like that's an up the line sort of thing. - Okay. - I think I'm more a middle of the pack kind of guy. - I think I should be higher too, come on. - I mean you dress nice, You talk nice. - I'm a cool guy, come on. I've been stuck back here this entire time. (group laughs) - Do you think you should be higher? - I mean, I don't mean to brag or anything but yeah, I should definitely be up there. Come on. I mean nothing against you, you're a cool bro. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's fine. - May I? - Fine, if you want. - Yeah, I think so, I think so. - Do it, do it. - I'll let y'all stop me. - Do it, do it. - Oh, he goes to the top. - Don't stop. - Oh he's going to the top. [Group] Top, top! - Thank you, brother. That means a lot, bro. Thank you. Thank you for that. - Hell yeah. - [Host 2] How do we feel about this? - I feel good. - I feel like this is perfect. - I was just happy to be here. (group laughs) - Nut goes, "I'm number one. I'm just happy to be here." (laughs) (upbeat rhythmic music) - Rizz is cringe. - Yes. - Am I wrong? - No. - Uh. - [Monica] Right, okay? - Wait, what? - No, you're not wrong. No, you're correct. - I mean like I guess a guy can try to like rizz you and be cringe but like if he has good game and he's smooth with it, then like, I personally don't think it can be cringe. - I'm with her. - [Group Member] Yeah. - But like cringe rizz is like the common pickup line type. But like a good rizz would be charismatic, positive confidence, right? - If they've Googled how do I hit on a female? (group laughs) - No. - It's like blech, I'm cringing. - I like confidence, just not cocky. So, if you like approach me like you are entitled already and like I should just automatically go out with you just 'cause you tried, I'd turn them away, very easily. - [Group Member] Right. - And it's like you don't have to be super confident as long as you put yourself out there. - And funny. - [Group] Yes! Funny! - You can be like a four, but if you got like, you know, immaculate rizz... - Then you're a 10. - Then it goes up, yeah. - Probably nine. Probably nine. - Yeah, I wouldn't push them all the way to 10. (upbeat happy music) (girls laugh) - Girls, girls, I was trying so hard not to laugh. - [Host 1] Let's start with you. - [Announcer] Round one. Rizz! - Hi. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Hello. - Let's see. If we're at a bar, you said? - [Host 1] Yeah, sure. - Okay, bar. I see you're buying a drink. Where's mine? - You have to buy it yourself unfortunately. (group laughs) - Okay, the other cheesy pickup line that I had. - You're gonna tell me it's cheesy before you tell me? - One that I thought of was, are you a camera? - No. - Because every time I see you, you make me wanna smile. - Oh my gosh. - (laughs) This is two minutes? (group laughs) - I'm not rizzed up yet! - You're good, you're good, you're good. - Alright. Yeah, yeah. Right back, right back, right back. Okay. Hi, it's nice to meet you. - Hi, it's nice to meet you. (group members laugh) - I'm Logan. What's your name? - My name's Kyiema. - I think you look really great tonight. - Thank you, I do too. - Oh, I like that. You have confidence. - Thank you. - Can I get you a drink? - No. - Okay. - [Host 1] Okay, great. Let's cut it there. (group laughs) - You guys didn't let me finish. You guys just started laughing. I'm not old enough to drink, okay? - How'd you get in here? (group laughs) I'm not trying to catch a case, all right? - Smart, you gotta play it safe. - It was a pleasure meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - Yeah, I was the first person, like kinda the icebreaker, of the entire activity. So, I had no plan whatsoever and thought of a pickup line and then fouled out. - Hey. Hey. - How's it going? - I'm Monica. Nice to meet you. - Monica. Errol. Nice to meet you, too. - What was it? - Errol. - Errol? Nice name, I like it. - Thank you, I appreciate it. - All right, so what you got? (laughs) (group laughs) - I don't do pickup lines so I was just gonna try to get to know you. - Thank God. Okay. - I wasn't... Where you from? - New Jersey. - New Jersey? I'm from Philly. - Oh, really? - East coast. - Sick. Look at that, we're already bonding. - How do you like it over here? - It's not my favorite, but like I'm more of a person that's wanting to like travel everywhere rather than just like one place and stay in that one place forever. - Favorite spot, where you want to go? - Probably Amsterdam. - Amsterdam? Really? - Yeah. Yeah. - Why? - I wanna backpack in Europe for like six months and like- - A little Euro trip thing. - Exactly. - I see you have a lot of tattoos. You got a favorite one? - Probably this one. This is why I moved to LA. - I have this one too. Really? - Yeah. - I actually do art, too, I sell my artwork. - Oh, sick. I would actually get - Yeah so if you ever- - an artwork like tattoo. - I was gonna say, if you ever need any- - I've done that so many times with all my homies. - Really? I was gonna say if you ever need any artwork, I got you. - Sick. Cool. He's nice. (bell dings) - It was nice meeting you. - Nice meeting you, thank you. - Hi. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - What's your name? - Emily. - Emily? - Yeah, we're kind of matching. It's kind of a vibe. - Kinda. (Emily chuckles) I kind of like to sing a lot, so if I sing to you- Are you gonna serenade me right now? - I could serenade you. - Okay, let's do it. - Would you like me to serenade you? - Yeah. ♪ Can we talk for a minute? ♪ ♪ Girl, I want to know your name ♪ - Okay. - But you said your name was Emily though, so I already had that. - Yeah. - What do you do for work? - I'm in clinical research. - Okay. - Yeah. What about you? - I am a full-time college athlete. - Okay, for what sport? - Basketball. - So can you dunk me or no? - I can do more than that, but I can show you later. [Group] Ooh. - [Host 1] Okay, on that note. (group laughs) (bell dings) - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Firm handshake. - Listen. - Did you just tell me to listen? - I may not be able to give you... I may not be the richest one here, and I may not be the most handsome one here. But listen, I may not be able to take you from the Vava to Cinquante-Cinq, then back to the Vava. If you know, you know. - What? (laughs) - But what I can do is make sure to be a chicken noodle soup when you're sick. Make sure. I might just cry right now. I wanna make sure to pick you up when you fall. - What's going on? - And I wanna make sure you're the best version of yourself. - Is there a medic here? 'Cause this guy needs to be checked if he's having a stroke. (group laughs) Are you okay? - Yo, no, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. Actually like, yo, I have a. - That's the funniest thing. - I have like an In-N-Out gift card if you wanna go. Yeah, I'll buy you every, I got like multiple meals on there. If you wanna go to In-N-Out or like Shake Shack, we could go, whatever. - You haven't asked me one question about myself. (group members laugh) - All right, listen. - But you've told me to listen four times. - I'll listen to anything you have to say. What do you like to do for fun? - Not this (laughs). Please help me. - [Host 1] Let's move on. (bell dings) - I'm so sorry. - Yeah, so I basically kind of threw in the beginning. I got a little bit nervous when I came in. She was so pretty. I just didn't wanna get last, to be honest. Anything but last. - Go Dave, go for it. - Okay. Hi. - Hi, I'm Tiffany. - Tiffany, I'm Dave. - Nice to meet you. - My pronouns are he and him, but I want to be yours. (Tiffany sighs) (group members giggle) - I play Valorant, so I've heard that a lot. - Man, you play Val? - Yeah, I do. - Will you carry me? - I need someone to carry me. Are you immortal? - No, I'm silver. What rank are you? - You're silver? - Yeah. - I'm plat. - God, I used to work for a company called Riot Games that- - Oh, oh, really? - Makes Valorant. Yeah. - So why'd you quit? - To start my own startup. - Oh, good job. - Thanks. What do you do? - Oh, I'm an advisor for a management agency, and I also do content creating. - Oh that's so cool. Do you do Valorant content creation? - I think my gym stuff does better than like- - Oh like- - or like any like, yeah. - Lifting? - Yeah, like - Oh, can I get like a little flex? - No, no I'm shy. - Like a little guns are itty bitty? - You can check out my Instagram though and then look. (giggles) - Okay. - So I can get your IG? - Yeah, sure. - Okay, okay, you had to think about it for a second. - Yeah, you can get it. - Oh good, thank you. (bell dings) - [Host 1] That seemed like it went well, let's move on. - I think it would be nerve-wracking in the bar regardless, but there's no alcohol, no music, it's all quiet. Everyone is standing there. It's like a dance battle without the dancing. - Hi. - Hi. - What's your name? - My name's Kyiema. - Kyiema. - Yeah. - Hi, Lee. - Hi. Very nice to meet you, my dear. - It's nice to meet you too. - Tell me, are you in college, school or anything or? - I am in school. - Cool. Where at? - I go to RCC. - RCC? - Yes. - No way! You're from Riverside? - Yes. - I'm from Riverside area. - Really? - That's completely coincidental, by the way. Wow, that's cool. - Wait, oh, you're being serious! - I'm being dead serious. - I didn't think you were being serious. - I'm being for real. What are you majoring in? - I'm an English major. - English, okay, cool. So you can write like thesis statements? - Yep. - And, okay, cool. Nice. - Thank you. - Anyway, tell me what's your favorite band? - Band? - Yeah. - I don't think I listen to bands that much. - (sigh) Anything? Do you know- - Wow, oh my God! - Do you know the- Wait, wait, I'm working here, I'm working. Do you know The Killers? - No. - You never heard of The Killers? - I'm sorry. - Coldplay? - Yeah. (ding) - You have to know Coldplay. - I do. - Okay, that's good, that's good. - I've seen them in concert on my birthday, yeah. - Okay, no way! - Yes. - I'm gonna see them in September. Artist, then. What's your favorite artist that you currently have on repeat? - Probably Maggie Lindemann. She's pop-punk. - Mary Magdalene? - Maggie Lindemann. - I haven't heard of her. - Pop-punk, like alternative. - Cool, nice. (ding ding) - Yeah. - Was I good? - You kind of scared me, I'm not gonna lie (giggles). - Oh, no. But was that W rizz at least? - That one was scary. - Hi. (clears throat) I love this bar, how's it going? What's up? I'm Cam. - Nice to meet you Cam, I'm Jess. - You can call me Nut though, if you want. - (giggles) Excuse me, Nut Cam? - That wasn't like a weird... That's like my... People call me that sometimes. - Why? - It's like my music name, I do music. So. - Do you like squirrels? - Do I like squirrels? - Yeah. - Sure, yeah. I don't know, they're cool. Yeah. Why'd you ask me that? - Because... (giggles) - Can I get you a drink, 'cause we're at the bar? - No, I'm okay. - I didn't even want to get you one. (group laughs) - Cool. - I'm kind of flushed for cash right now (giggles). - Oh no. - Oh yeah. - The nut music isn't working out? (giggles) - It's not, surprisingly, not going that great. - No. - Yeah, who would've thought. So like, what's up? Do you do any impressions? - (laughs) Do you? - I have one. - Can I see it? - It's Obama. - Let's hear it. - "Uh, Michelle. Uh, thank you." (group giggling) - It's really good. - Does that change things for you? - No, but maybe you could start doing impressions. - More impressions? - Yeah, you should practice. - I only have the one. (group laughs) (bell dings) That's it? I have more rizz. (group laughs) Thank you so much. - You're so welcome. - What was the longest relationship you guys had? - Three years. - [Monica] This'll be good. - Three years? - Yes. - I've actually never been in a relationship. - Okay. - Never had a girlfriend. - Eight years. - Eight? - Yep. - That's your wife. - [Dave] No. - Go find her! What are you doing here? - I used to be married. I used to be married. I'm a divorcé. - Oh. - Yeah. - I'm sorry. - So thanks for... (cries) - I'll carry you, I'll carry you. - Thank you, thank you, thank you. - Four years. - Four. - Five and a half years. - Two. - Two and a half. - What's your biggest red flag in women? - If your music taste isn't there, it's not gonna work, you know. Hey, nothing against you, my dear. - My red flag would be like being unable to articulate or communicate her feelings. - If the girl is not down to have fun. Like let's say you're singing in the car and she's like, "Stop, like that's weird", or like, "People are watching." - Mine's probably laziness 'cause I like to be active and go out and do stuff. I mean, I get staying in watching Netflix or whatever but like, I like to go out and do stuff. - I think mine would have to be energy levels in terms of like if they can match you or not. And it's not always like 24 hours but if they just can't ever hit that level of just matching your vibe, then it's not there. - What's your number one red flag of yourself? - That's actually- - Lift too much weights. (group laughs) I love too hard and care too much. - So tough. - Whoa. - I troll like insanely a lot. So I don't know if y'all would be able to tolerate that. - What do you mean by troll? - [Lee] Like just mess with you. - 'Cause I'm thinking internet troll and I'm like, yeah? - Like if I find something that you don't like, I will like immediately- - Oh, why? - Just to troll, just to make you mad but playfully not anything... Well, maybe a little bit just to like push your buttons, - Just a little ha ha. - [Lee] but- - Just a little giggle. - I'm always late, like everywhere. (group laughs) - Yeah, straight up. - I was told that I care too much. Like I care a lot for a person when I am attracted to them. - That's great! - That's a LinkedIn answer. - I'll give another one. I dance too much, I dance everywhere I go. - Mine, I don't know. I'm a procrastinator so like I'd probably plan something last minute, like a date or I'll be ready last minute so we're kind of late. - I think mine would have to be, I'm a little stubborn. I learned it from my dad. Sorry, Dad. (group members giggle) - Good answers, guys. - Yeah. - [Host 1] Do you ladies feel like you have enough information to go off of to make your decision? - Uh oh. - Oh, no. (women laughing) - I had it a while ago. (boppy music) - So, you guys, great. Lee? Babe, I'm sorry. Like the whole troll thing like got us a little like questioning like how much of a troll? You're great. Shake it off. Shake it off. - All right, whatever. - So, six? - Oh, Jayden. - I mean, I just didn't wanna get last. (women laughing) - The chicken noodle song. I started- - I dissociated the whole time you were speaking to me. - I was so confused. - I think you were nervous and you were a lot sweeter in your answers afterwards. - Thank you. - But not the chicken noodle part. - Yeah, where did you get that? - Chicken noodle soup when you're sick? - I don't remember. - I'm giving you chicken. You drink that when... Like I make you feel better. Like, damn. - Okay, so next was Logan. Yes. - Really? - We didn't like your first impression. - We just thought you were playing Mr. like Mean like Cool Guy. And also like- - It's too forced. - It kind of came off like maybe you aren't used to having to do the rizz. You know, like maybe you are used to getting rizzed, so... - No, I don't approach people at the bar actually. - Really? - I sit in the corner. - It's okay, I do too, I could tell. - If you would've started with the second half I would've been like, I liked you towards the end. I did, I really did. - Four. - It was red shirt. - I'ma griddy. - Do it, do it, do it, do it! - I respect the singing, but if a guy were to come up to me and started singing, probably not. - We respect the confidence. - That's probably like a second or third date thing. - That's like a fourth. - Yeah. - Yeah, if I like you, I'm serenading you. - And that's okay. It just came out, you know, a little left field, but... - All right, so third. - Third place we have Dave. - Dave, we like how like really friendly and open you were. - Also the fact that like you tolerated someone for eight years, they tolerated you. - Yeah. - That says a lot. - A woman tolerated me for eight years says a lot, for sure, for sure. I like that you guys give a lot of feedback, too. This is a very, very constructive dynamic, yes. - And then second place. - Second we have Nut. Yeah. (group applauds) - Hell yeah. - I have to be honest, it was unanimous except for me. - She was not for you. - I wasn't. - Oh, you were the only one who didn't? - Yeah. - And you're the one that I talked to? That's hilarious. (group laughs) - No, but you're like lighthearted. You're like dorky. Kinda cute. - Yes, we women love dorky. - My feedback is just pay attention to like don't talk at someone. Like make it maybe a little more personal. - [Host 1] What do you think got you to the top? - Training, hard work, dedication. We did practice rizz on each other in the back and I rizzed in the bathroom beforehand also. (group cheers and applauds) - Rizzler, whoo! - You just like maintained eye contact and you actually like cared about the other person. You weren't just like trying to swoop in and just get to the point. You were like, let me learn more about you. And that's something I feel like a lot of men lack. It's just like, "I just want my one and done. I wanna feel powerful for this one second." But it seems like you're a genuine person. - I appreciate it, I appreciate it, thank you. - Yes, but you all did so good. (group applauds and cheers) - Well, this was humbling, but just continue to be yourself. Everyone has their own opinion. I respect that. But I don't know. I'll work on it. - Lee said that he was a troll. There are troll girls out there that he'll find like a Shorty like, you know, and they'll like troll together. - Be yourself, be genuine. Play to your strengths. Just be like Errol, he's the rizz master. - Oh Errol. What a baddy. - I could not do what they just did today. That is terrifying. Just being in front of someone and just giving it your all. Like seriously, like all of them. It was impressive. - "Uh, subscribe to the channel. Uh, Michelle." - Perfect. - Okay. (group applauds) - Good job, guys.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,696,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, love language, rizz, cringe, pickup lines, rizzard of oz, rizzler, Degree in quantum rizzics, rizztraining order, prizzon, rizzly bear, Yer a rizzard Harry, 13 rizzon why, declaration of rizzdependence, Rizz and morty, rizz lord, girls rank guys, punny, We goin' from the Vava to Cinq on Cinq, then back to the vava, drake lyrics, Drake - Middle of the Ocean (Audio)
Id: JWFkXkXHra4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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