Who Makes The Best Chicken Wings? Taste Test

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- Which chicken wing is the king of the chicken wing? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical summer. - Welcome back to another week of good mythical summer. And if three episodes a week is not enough for you, fear not mystical beast because we will back to our regular schedule of an episode everyday, five days a week, beginning with our season 14. Season 14. - 14. - Premiere on August 20th. - But before we do that we have some pressing matters to attend to today. You've spent your whole life walking around not knowing what the best chicken wing was according to two men on the internet who are doing everything in their power to desperately hold on to a sliver of their youth. - Well, today we're gonna remedy that. It's time for we're wingin' it to see which wing is bringin' it. (chicken croaking) We're gonna be tasting wings from various restaurants while wearing blindfolds. Each wing will be the original hot flavor. Then we're gonna rate the wings on a scale of one to 10, and then guess which restaurant they are from. - Whichever wing has the highest of our combined scores will be crowned the lord of the wings. Whichever of us identifies the most correctly will also be crowned the lord of the wings, but we'll actually get a crown. - Oh great. - The prize is a chicken wing crown. - Okay. The contenders are Hooters, Buffalo Wild Winds, Wingstop, Wing Street, which is AKA Pizza Hut, Domino's and KFC. Not all KFC's sell bone in wings, but we found one that did. - Let's get some wings. - [Both] Round one. - As you can see we can't. - And all our wings will be brought to us on our very own patent pending Bling Wing. - Now before we bring it in I consider you more of a wing aficionado. I think you have an advantage here. - Ah, I love wings. - And I'm interested which one comes our on top. Do you have a predictions? - I think that Wingstop is my favorite wing. That's what I would just say if you asked me. - Buffalo Wild Wings has a lot of flavors, so I'm assuming that their original is very good. Right. The hot wing. - Yeah, but it's so many distractions there. You don't know. - That's true. That's true. You mean with the screens, sports. - No, but so many different flavors. Wingstop just has like-- - Two. - Five or six or something like that. - All right, bring in the first one. - Oh gosh, a lot of pressure on me today. - I'm gonna get the hot lips. Oh feather, wow. - I got a whole bone in my mouth. - Oh really, you ripped the whole thing out of the clip. - No, just a bone. - Oh nasty. - I just spit a bone and it hit one of my bones. - As long as you don't-- - My finger bone. - Don't hit it towards me. - Oh, this is soft. - We got a nice spicy flavor, not too overpowering. - I'm not a huge fan of this one. - You think. Why? - It doesn't have um. There's not a lot of crispiness. I think that-- - It's a little soggy. - It's got a little bit of a sogginess. Now that could be just because they've been out for a while. I don't know. But not a huge-- - There's a sweetness in the spicy sauce. - And a sweetness that I don't particularly like. I'm gonna give this one a four 'cause I think there's a lot of room for improvement. - Yeah, I would agree with that. I'm gonna also go with a four. - [Woman] You ready to guess? - What is it? - I got a guess. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - Wing Street. - Domino's. Okay, you think Wing Street. See, I think Domino's because the sogginess-- - It could be Domino's. - It was like one of those wrapped in foil and delivered with a pizza kind of a vibe. - Well Wing Street is from Pizza Hut, so that would also be the case. - Okay. - So, I think that's definitely Domino's or Wing Street, and I'm not 100% sure. (chicken croaking) (upbeat music) - [Narrator] Round two. - I've never had a KFC wing. - Well, you will this morning. Bring it in. Oh, there it is. Okay. Bigger wing. Oh my goodness. (laughing) What is happening? What is happening? There it goes. - Huh. - I think I ate a string attached to a wing. - That wing it-- - Meaty. - Genetically modified. - I can taste a bigger wing, more meaty. It's more fried. - That is a good wing. - Really good wing. - I don't think it's perfect wing. - You said genetically modified, but I think the chicken itself and the fried part taste better than the previous wing by a long shot. - It's like the chicken had been working out. - But the sauce itself was the little underwhelming. - A little weak. - It was quite mild. - Hmm, man. At first I'm gonna give this one a six because it's a step up from what we tasted, but it's not a perfect wing. - Yeah I mean, I really like it. You know what I'm in total agreement. A six. Two notches up from the previous. I'm ready to guess. - [Woman] Three, two one. - Buffalo Wild Wings. - Windstop. Okay, so we're both thinking higher end wing chain dedicated to a good wing. - I thought that I would like it more if it was from Wingstop. Again, not all these are the same, so I don't know. I think that one of us have gotten both of these right, and the other has gotten both of them wrong, and I don't know who's who at this point. - There's other options. - Another time. (laughing) (chicken croaking) (upbeat music) - [Both] Round three. - Sink out teeth into another wing. - There's something dangling on there. I believe we got a little dangle. - Oh yeah. - I think I can control it better like this. - First of all, I'm just smelling this one. It smells totally different. - Oh, way different. - More breading. - Uh-huh. I think I pulled some of it with it. Is it illegal to touch it? - You cannot touch it. It's a tangier sauce, wouldn't you say? But not a hotter sauce. It's funny because the first one still has the hottest spice. - I feel like I have a memory of this wing, but it's a wind I haven't had in a long time. There's more breading on it. I think I might know where it is, and I used to love this. But my taste have changed. - Well, you're talking about Hooters. Let's just be real here. (laughing) - I don't think it's a great wing. - You like to hula hoop on your time at home. - Yeah, yeah. I think that a lot of people who think that they want more bread on their wings are wrong. The more you get into the purity of the chicken, the better, and the breading is just clouding the whole story. So, I'm gonna give this one a five. I do think it's better than the first one, but just a five. - Again, I 100% agree with the rating. We're in lock step there. I'm also giving it a five. And I would've guessed a fast food delivery wing, like a pizza place, but it's too small. So, I'm left thinking the exact same thing. Let's vote. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - KFC. - Hooters. Oh, you tricked me. (laughing) - Well, because. - No, it is Hooters. - It could've been Hooters. - It is Hooters. - Because it's so bready, but I just figured that KFC also does a bready thing. - I know I haven't been there since high school, and it was a very awkward experience, but I do remember it pristinely. (upbeat music) (chicken croaking) - [Both] Round four. - All that stuff you said about Hooters you were just bating me to vote for Hooters. - No, because it could've. It might have just as easily been Hooters. - Well, then you would've voted for Hooters. - But at the last minute I was like the sauce taste a little bit different than what I remember from Hooters. - Bring in the next one. Flutter, flutter, flutter wing. Oh, I was about to say this is more of a barbecuey sauce, but then it oh, it got hotter. - Well, it's real spicy. - Definitely the spiciest one we've tasted. - Again, there's breading there. - There is breading. - There's breading, and where there's breading there's a breader, and where there's a breader-- - There is what? - I don't know. - 'Cause are you're saying that Wingstop doesn't bread their wings? - It is if any breading super light breading, but I think it's no breading. I think it's just a wing skin. It's just wing with skin on it just thrown into the fryer, and then drizzled with sauce I think. - Okay. Boy, that's a really good wing. I'm starting to feel some heat rising at the top of my head. - Yeah, I'm going with a-- - It makes it harder to experience the chicken itself, but the sauce is really good. I'm gonna give this one a six. - Um. I was gonna say six as well, but I don't want to say the same number. But I can't go all the way to seven because again the breading goes against my philosophy of wings. I guess I'll disagree with you as a six. - Ready to vote? - Yeah. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - Hooters. - Wind Street, Pizza Hut. (chicken croaking) (upbeat music) - [Both] Round five. - At this point, I would just like to interject that that second wing to me was the best, and I think I went to low. I'd like to bring up my rating of that second wing from a six to a seven. - Okay. - 'Cause that was the best tasting wing. - That's respectable. Okay, let's bring in this wing. Oh, there it is. I like way it let's me know it's there. - What is that down there? What is that? - It's the dangle. - I'm just finding the dangle. Oh goodness. - That's a super sweet wing, almost. What you said about a wing, a couple of wings ago was that there was a barbecue nature to it. - Uh-huh. - This one has that. - It's a good wing, but it's odd. I mean it's not what I come to expect from a hot wing. You know. - Yeah, I'm putting this one back. I'm putting this a four. - Yeah, this is not a hot wing. I put this at a three. And I know what it is. I know where it's from and I'm dialing it in. - Okay. - [Woman] Okay. Three, two, one. - Domino's. - KFC no doubt. You think it's Domino's. Have you eaten a Domino's wing? - Maybe once or twice. - This has that KFC 11 herb and spices underneath. - Really? - Yeah, it's in there. (upbeat music) (chicken croaking) - [Both] Round six. - Well, I'm having a good time. You having a good time? - No, 'cause I feel like there's so much pressure on me, and I feel like I may have missed all of them. - Oh. - You know what I'm saying? - Yeah, I have no. I just feel like I'm laid back in a corner booth at Hooter's, just trying to advert my eyes 'cause I'm just there for the wings. I haven't guessed Hooters by the way or Zack's pizza. Is Zack's Pizza part of this? Nope. (laughing) Guys, that is by far the best wing I've tasted. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hollywood. (laughing) - It's a great size. - There's something weird about the sauce to me. - No. - Just hear me out. It's vinaigry. - The sauce has multi-layers. You know what I'm saying. It's like prrr. It's got some spicy. It's got some sweet. It's got something coming from the left side. I don't know what it is. It's a total wing experience. I have to think that this is Wingstop. I hope I'm not wrong. Sorry, (mumbles). - Let me way in on the sauce here because I said it was very vinaigry and then as you started laying out the sauce layers-- - You started liking it. - I started experiencing them. I mean, it's a very juicy sauce, and it rises. - It's a juicy sauce. - The heat rises. - Those are those dry sauces. - Well, I'll put it this way. It's more watery. It's less thick. - Yeah. - And that's a good thing. - I'm giving it an eight. - Wow. - Maybe, I'm giving it a nine. I hope I'm not wrong. We have a blindfold on and it's just-- - You just had to tell when you have a blindfold on. - Yeah, 'cause you can't hear. The confidence is high. I say that with no confidence. Like it might be a Domino's wing. You know, it's like. But I'm giving it a nine. - It definitely has a much more of a journey that it takes you on. - Yeah, it's a journey wing. - And so, I'm definitely giving it my highest score, which would be an eight. - Okay. All right, well let's see where it's from or let's guess where it from. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - Buffalo Wild Wings. - Windstop. Oh all right, see I think that's Wingstop. But I don't know am I gonna find out? - Shall we remove? - [Woman] Let's. - Okay. All right. - [Woman] How do you think you did? - Let's find out who's the lord of the wings. - I think I did either really good or really bad. I have equal confidence in both results. - I just had a great time. I'm just really happy to be here. (laughing) - [Woman] Well Rhett, you got two correct. (laughing) - Yeah, really bad. - That's not good. And you also have some on your nosy nose. - But Link you also got two correct. - Oh really. - And they were different twos. - Really. - We can unpack that and more, but your champion of course is-- - That means we don't get the crown. - You know what we'll share it. - We get to share it. - Let's see if we can both our heads in there. - Probably can't. Dual lord of the wings. - Maybe we should just share it like off days. - Yeah, we'll take turns. - [Woman] Your dual highest ranked wing was of course Wingstop. - [Rhett] Yes. - And was that the last one? - Yes. - [Woman] Correct. Followed by Buffalo Wild Wings. And your worst scoring wing was from Wing Street. - Okay, that makes me feel better. I feel like our scores are consistent with the reality of wingdom that I live in. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - My guesses were just wrong. - Well congratulations Wingstop you are the lord of the wings. - Thank you for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hey mythical beast. My name is Clare and this is Lucy. It's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - It's Belvedere. - What kind of message's she trying to say? - The cockatrice. (laughing) - Click through to watch us rank chocolate desserts from all these wing joints. - And to see where the mythicality wheel is gonna land. - Yeah, we're changing the name. That's a new (mumbles). You can get GMM logo tees in different colors. They come in men, women and kid sizes. Go to amazon.com/mythical.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 8,764,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blind chicken wing taste test, gmm chicken wing taste test, gmm blind chicken wing taste test, chicken wing taste test, wings taste test, wing taste test, gmm chicken wings, best chicken wings, worst chicken wings, gmm chicken taste test, chicken wings, rhett and link taste test, gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, good mythical summer, taste test, gmm taste test, foood taste test, hot wings, taste, test, gmm food
Id: MBPdKxlazD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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