How to Create a Modern Short Cut 2016 (Inspired by Clair Underwood Pixie Cut)

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another installment of hair tube I don't need to introduce CJ you guys would remember CJ from a look that we did probably there would have been probably about a year ago now CJ had very long hair it's the second most viewed video on our channel has around 220,000 views and you guys have had a lots of nice comments you can see someone else has had a chance at cutting CJ said before me but she's coming today and I'm gonna cut all the hair off so I don't really know exactly how it's going to turn out as always with here that's been lightened it's kind of have its challenges but we've had a reference arm picture from actress named Claire from house of cards you guys probably aware of that miniseries so it's going to be quite short soft in the front sweat fringe that can be pushed left or right nice and tight in tonight one thing I want to be sure about is to make sure we keep it nice and feminine someone I couldn't do too many sort of hard lines around and yeah I think CJ look really good and stay tuned let's see how it turns out you happy yeah are you ready yeah go until I see before I go and make a major change with someone's link even though CJ's hair used to be there now it's here we're going to make it shorter I'll make sure I give it a really really really can't stress enough really vigorous shampoo it's very important that there has really good cleanse has a really good cleanse and it's super super clean and then before I start I like to go through and identify any sort of problems with growth cuts or anything straight away you can see the hair separates there so that's something to to note that if you were maybe considering doing something short here which we're not you probably avoid - I guess to ensure that you don't have an embarrassing you have to make any an embarrassing omission or have an explanation at the end to why something doesn't sit the way you thought it would it's really good to start mapping out what's happening around the hair and identifying anything that might be a bit of an issue so the first part of this haircut is understanding distribution and where the hair needs to fall I'm combing this board on to CJ's face just so I can get it out of the way primarily and to also see how the hair is growing because this is going to be cut into a section that is going to be flexible in terms of which way c.j parts are hit you can work with a part without one it's going to spin your in part we're gonna start in the back today [Music] so much a section yourself just leave your feet on that whistle you can just so I get ankle caught underneath that can be up so as I mentioned to you guys we're going to use clay an Underwood short style as inspiration obviously I'll need to tailor the haircut to suit CJ not the same person however we're going to use that silhouette as an inspiration for for this haircut on CJ so there may be some variations I'm not attempting to make it look exactly the same so please don't judge me for that but nevertheless we start in the back that's not true fuses so I've taken home obviously center parting split it in half even distribution yeah we might be partying it on one side but I like to have symmetrical partings when I cut I'm gonna work this section here which is just below the occipital bone slightly diagonally lines just purely not for any other reason other than distribution of here I don't need to hear about the easiet so I wonder other way I'm just going to work three vertically I'm gonna do some graduation and start to build this shape I would normally sit directly behind each section I cut but in the interests of you guys being able to see better and I'll have my big arm in a way I'm gonna see it just off to the side a little bit the reason why I'm choosing to build my shape using vertical sections this time is because horizontal sectioning for this particular haircut would build too much weight and I want the hair to be flatter purely because there's so much of it I don't think we'll need to actually build pronounced shape hence we don't need to use horizontal section I was talking to CJ earlier about a haircut when she showed me the the Claire underwood picture as inspiration I mentioned to her that I think it was either in season so either in season 2 or 3 where they actually whoever was responsible for doing the hair that cut it quite short and I felt actually didn't suit her so I also recall I think at the end of I think it was the end of which season wasn't when she went up to New York to see her boyfriend remember that her hair was actually quite long was like almost like a short bulb did you remember that was the slot was a slightly longer version so we're going for essentially a slightly longer version once I've cut my shape vertically just gonna go back horizontally and we're just going to cross check just to make sure when it's even it's very important that we get this part of the haircut right because this is going to provide us our map or our guideline or our foundation for the sides and for also the back the back here and transitioning into the slide right next section just gonna work in half inch or one and a half centimeter section and we're just gonna continue all the way up to the crown working that out at 45 degrees spin you guys around so you can see I see guys ask what Caesar and coma music I'm actually using a nine I think it's a nine and a half inch carbon cone I'm using seven and a half inch straight blades with swivel bearing and mountain edge and they're made by our excellent ledges in Australia the reason why I've chosen these scissor is because the scissors with a a mountain edger of bevel on the top generally have more weight in the blade and are sharper and more sort of geared towards cutting thicker larger sections of hair I think you guys have heard me speak probably at length about making sure that not only we're working accurately but we need to work intelligently and to the time constraints that us as commercial hairdressers have we don't have an hour to do a short haircut like this I'll probably take half an hour so maybe it would be a 45 minute appointment 15 minutes to prepare the hair for the haircut and then wet-to-dry will generally be half an hour and probably run a little bit over time because I would like you guys to see as much as you can of this so I'll probably go a little bit slower not that I would ever rush someone but so you can see we're starting to build that shape and yes you can see weight starting to build there we probably will remove or soften that way but as I've mentioned in previous videos I'm not going to remove it and my son 100% sure that I don't need it there it's very easy to remove waiting here I want you to remove it you cannot put it back so don't cut it off unless you're sure another half inch or one and a half centimeter section we're getting towards the crown now we're not that far away I'll just spin CJ around so you can see where I've sectioned that too and the side so now working just to the point of the ear so the point of the here to me is here and again before I start cutting it I always like to have a nice and neutral distribution of hair I don't like to stretch it into a direction and cut it if it's not where it naturally falls so for example I wouldn't go and climb this over here and cut it what I want to do is make sure that the hairs falling a natural fall so each section I'm working into is being cut that natural fall you're right CJ sweet - this hair here is essentially now the length the reason why I've over directed it because I will address this length here when I work through the side and cut it around the ear there's no need to continue this around and cut that hair off at this point because it doesn't need to come off yet so through here is essentially the length of that whole haircut how it's going to be I think that's real real nice length obviously once we texturize it even we'll get a little bit shorter and it seemed really good I was a little bit worried that I wouldn't but it's great it's really good it's it's cry I tried to get CJ to do this man how long ago I remember I was like come on to a shoot with me but you've got to cut your hair off like now I can't do it yeah we've reached that point speaking of photo shoots on my photographer J's will be in soon I don't know if I'm mazing cameraman you guys have never met him but he's standing there right now behind the camera Jimmy he might hang around later and just get a couple of minutes behind the scenes footage of of jazz and I'm doing some light testing before he takes off for today or any of those interested maybe we can tag it on the end of this video or created a separate one one thing I want to mention is and I'm not doing it but I would is I'm leaning to the side and I'm sort of look a little bit lazy if I wasn't obstructing the camera I will literally be working parallel to my section every time I'd be radiating but obviously then you guys wouldn't see anything so something really to keep in mind you found your lessee you know you're less likely to drag the hair from the section that it should be cutting if you're sitting right behind and you're literally section comb goes in fingers going behind my arms in line my elbows up and working working that way I don't recommend doing what I'm doing that sort of slash into the side because if you're less experienced you'll end up cutting a hole and ruining your whole shape and then you have to go back and start again you can see again on this side I've left that length I've over directed it because no point cutting it off until we get down we know we need it gone cheating they're quite nice section right on this side then I'm gonna spin CJ around so you guys can watch me cross-check the back [Music] it's pretty good saving for me close enough so good enough hey CJ my jacket not to cry just kidding okay it's all we're gonna do now who's going to skip from the sides and we're gonna go straight up we're gonna use this guy this length here as a guide to take a actually we did this on let me recall the video we did this on so name did we do what I'm happy yes we did it on Abbey and I call it square layers so this is horizontal square layering was a technique I learned while studying the philosophy of tiny enjoy who are amazing hair cutters I might add this they call square layering square layering essentially is horizontal sections and it's increased layers so increase those means we have a stationary guideline which is now there we just bring this up to make sure that we don't leave a weight line behind I think the cut bring the sliding and the reason why they call it square layers is because a section in square or rectangle patterns so it's been CJ around if you could just put your chin down for me gorgeous so we're just going to take a square section straight through the middle we're going to bring everything back to that point so it's essentially short too long you could do it vertically so we could do it coming around this way if we wanted I just find doing square layers for us he's going to leave squareness in the sides again it's gonna leave the hair there until we need it to cut off so go for it take this section real quick and I'll try and section it out neat you guys probably noticed that even in my long videos in any video I've very rarely used sectioning Clips there's a couple of reasons for that it may be a good or bad habit but I find it's sectioning Clips can sometimes slow me down because you've got to put them in take them out so provided my clients not uncomfortable with having the hair around their face I generally don't use Clips this been ceejai back make sure sections right and then I'll get it put a head down and you'll be able to see that he's a square or a rectangle they can see it square later yeah yeah what I find with using horizontal sections the reason why I use horizontal and not vertical so horizontal this way vertical that way just because generally speaking vertical sections when cutting through the top will make the hair fall onto the face I find the horizontal sections a neutral so that won't do either which allows you a little bit more flexibility with styling because I generally just fall like this this is where you'll see lots of hairs that don't know I'm not doing the sides yet we're just going through working this center panel increase layering so we're increasing the hair back to this original guideline which is just above the crown and it will leave the hair longer towards the front I'm actually looking into at the moment doing some live feeds I get Jimmy to look into how we can hook the camera that we're filming with today it's all computer so we can do a live haircut for you guys will probably do West West Coast time USA that's a majority you folk from and that way I'll have someone come in and while I'm cutting here we can have you guys asking live questions we tried doing it on periscope when we're in LA we just found the periscope just gets clogged up real quick and there's too many too many people on there all at once so if you guys remember we did in the last couple of the last couple of videos we did commercial not I don't like the word conservative but commercial wearable versions of the shag well I just showed you an edgy one so if you had someone with a bob length haircut that wanted a really edgy shag and want to leave it you can do that on there you've left the disconnection then you just need to go back and texturize just through those mid links so that it wasn't real hard and it was soft yeah centrally that's the same technique is what you do if you're doing like a shave and you got that coming through like that looks pretty cute actually yeah alright so now we're gonna burn those sides in again increasing back to the regional section so you guys come all the way down from Byron Bay to see us today which is amazing for her to make the effort no not really well she did come from Byron Bay but she actually has family that leaves here in Canberra so we're always try and catch up when she's here this time I'm the one that has that that's a privilege to these these haircuts gonna change a lot I'm not going to say I'm going to change your life because that's a bit conceited but these haircuts gonna it's gonna change your life it normally they come and I can proudly say it long responsible you really so I just so I can say it did you salon so again I'm working down this song have gone into the side we're using vertical sections in the side and we bring this up to that point not cutting off here and I don't need to cut off you and you guys probably asking well why do the back and then the top like why would you just go straight to do the sides because won't give you my crazy rationale and that is cut myself a guide in the back I'm gonna get dizzy body into these I'm gonna cut I cut myself a guide in the back here you can see the length I brought that through the top now all I need to do is connect the bottom and the top are connected those links aren't going to change they're just going to get texturize you can see the length of the hair here you can see that coming through now it's just a matter of connecting the top to the bottom so literally come through and there it is I'm just going to take that off then we're gonna go around the ears and we're done just got texturize so that's why i do it because i know that the top of his haircut he's a really crucial so it's an important part the sides well they're not they're not not important but in terms of the construction of the haircut the top and the back of the most important so i over directed and left here he until I was ready to cut it off similarly with this so yeah some of you guys why don't you just like cut the corner off you're right I could have I could have just cut that off but I don't need to cut it off yet so we're leaving that there spin back around on the back I'm gonna work our old way for me so the start of joining the top to the bottom is we're just gonna find that that crown could you look up to the ceiling for me I just want to show you guys a little tip this is out too far by this cell I I find the crown so I'll just comb the hair to the side and it's sort of like when you you're looking for a party in the front and just push it back that's where the hair wants to grow back so that's our guide for the back really important you get that right because if you don't a lot of the time what happens is you end up with the weight line here you don't really know why well it's just because you've cut through far forward and then you're trying to make these come back and it doesn't belong there so I'll show you again just come to the side push in finds itself look at that crown spring up do that really really important you know what those all right let's go fruit and cut this uh middle section out there's my god they're on the top spin around so you can see from this way there's my god they're in the top here's my god they're in the bottom and we're just going to literally cut that point out and the reason why we get a point is because we're to two techniques meet you get a point you can either leave the point in if you wanted to create almost like a bob shape and you can see that forming like that and then you could just this party you could soften texturizing we actually need it shorter than that so we need to cut that off well you got a fleece you said you're going to someone's party right yeah so they know you're cutting your hair off Wow awesome I hope the people around the house I'm gonna be upset that people will be asking more questions about your hair than the house whoops some people use water as destroying it I use this stuff this is magic water you guys can see now that this thing is starting to come through hey Jess good the Horace Mann sign everyone on YouTube they can see now this this length here is actually perfectly poised to cut around the ear how do I do that I've pretty much a guess comes from experience you just sort of know from experience where to where to learn where to find the right length just from using sight but the whole time that's what I was aiming for to get that top right so that we can just work through this side and you literally just then have to cut it around the ear and texturize and we're done mr. good AG this is now addressing that little corner that are over directed to the center when I started working the back section first we're just now removing this lengthy you got goodies to CJ goodies I snuck out a lot you might want to can see that Lee Hyori's is that really weed someone something you got goodies I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo I do not have an ear fetish but I get child enough on my channel please don't show me that easy it's moppy that's not just to see me creating the shape I'm in front so the gold leads today so CJ's last video has 200 and I think and I remember exactly got really good night two hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred and twenty four viewers the reason why is because we weren't sure whether she held the record for the most views or the second most absolute has to be a second so what we want to do is we want to get this video to five hundred thousand now know that sounds a little bit ambitious but I guess it'll be done but to get it there what we need you guys to do is share this video on Facebook share it on your own channel make sure you click just here above CJ's head subscribe click the subscribe button here so that we can now spread the love and get CJ half a million views so once they get to above the year I need to stop we need to preserve this length in the front plus b CJ bug i need to preserve this length in the front here we're gonna start over directing bringing the hair back to here and do not cut these fringe off we believe it so one variation could be for someone who wanted to leave that he is covered you could leave it like that that would then give them the ability to talk which i think the long version of Claire Underwood's head she actually did tuck it um so that would be long version which hmm I'm actually considering leaving it because now that I tuck it I don't know there's actually going to be advantage to cutting it off so I might leave it long and you've see John wants me to cut it off after she sees it and touches it it's a very easy adjustment it's just a matter of this nice toggle back section here cutting it around the ear and cutting that around the ear because all this doesn't change it's just this little bit of lengthy alright let's gonna go on this and then we'll do the other side so over directing it back to above the ear you spin this way we're good making sure the way still vertical don't bill wipe towards the front you only gonna have to go back and cut it out and remove that section back up to there okay yep love it well [Music] sleepy that's good like that you look good like that let's be realistic okay we could shave CJ said you look let's be realistic about don't wanna you know I'm very proud I'm a very proud cutter of here I've never proclaimed to be the best but a rule admit one thing I haven't saved the world nor have I found a cure for some of the most heinous disease on earth I stay humble because I just cut it so you cannot take the credit for a haircut on someone when they look good with a shaved head along here give credit where credit's due right all right let's go round to this iPod on the ramble months ago - just the hairdressing cadet Jeannie you just saw I just got lost and I tell you why I got lost because I started talking not concentrate on what I was doing so if you do get lost like me don't just think you know where you're going go back find that part find that crown that guideline that we so desperately need resection regroup it can happen when the phone rings Adam in ex-clients here Adam in phones ringing adding someone on the phone for you whatever so you need to regroup so going back found my original sectioning because my god so we can continue to work the shape through we are human after all I think it's the failure comes from the fire failure stems from failure to admit that we're just human rot it's like I decided I'm just a man i'm not superhuman thank you also to you guys who are watching the videos Jimmy and I are always trying to make this clearer and better for you guys we did get it wrong but thank you for the positive feedback because are you guys have acknowledged that the filming is much better and that's you guys are now being a better your experience watching it even as jazz brings in his equipment and sounds like the house is falling down we could eat Jimmy he's that little bit but over directed and didn't need so now I'm gonna dress that you can see that little corner there I'm just gonna lock that off it's really easy to do because we've got our guideline there always remember to keep your fingers pointed in the direction that you're trying to cut the head if you remember that less chance of mistake [Music] I continued around further side save myself ten minutes I'm going to come back and check the balance there's no point continuing if you don't have the length of same on both sides because you only gonna have to stop and come back and start again it's pretty good [Music] it's no magic water [Music] but just why the the matrix Hydra sauce spray a test here kind just glides through I don't know I'll find the time it's almost like it stops me from applying unnecessary tension to the hair with the comb but because I don't need to try and I know it's hard to explain like here you don't have to you don't have to pull I guess he's a pull or push push or pull through the air with the comb that's hard when you use that it just sort of just glides through just done making a little adjustment on this side wasn't quite perfect now it is almost done in this side panel then we'll address the top and what actually even after the same I'm not going to use clips just CJ's comfort it's starting to dry up and it gets very cheap when it sits on your face it seems is we're gonna be taking some nice photos although we don't need it with red watery eyes brilliant absolutely brilliant awesome amazing okay so we've done the sides they're not finished by any means nor are they perfect because now what we're going to do is I'm just getting rid of this I'm not getting rid of it I'm removing this original section we did because of now I'm looking for balance so I'm just gonna spin CJ background this way so you can see what I'm say I'm looking for balance the hair starting to dry so I'm looking for a few things one is the hair in the hairline he's going down this way so I want to make sure that it's incorporated and it's layered in that part of the cup so we're just going to comb that down and then similarly on this side again you guys can't see from there but if time's it push back found that part the part that goes right over CJ's crown take this section out and again with the other side you can see that this hair is growing down and it's going this way so we're going to leave that out you if you guys haven't already can you please check me out on Instagram if you guys are educated I'm sorry if you guys are interested in in live education especially those of you in Asia Southeast Asia and the USA I am taking expresses of interest by my Instagram in the month of October because I would like to come out to California and out of a area and then definitely um probably the East Coast Boston Massachusetts New York around there too not only just to meet some of you guys but to maybe we can do some live workshops and stuff so make sure you go check out my Instagram like like my on follow me Instagram because the details of the proposed workshops that we're going to do in the US will be posted on there probably in the next couple of weeks so just looking back through now you can see they're starting to dry and what I notice where it's starting to draw a little weight line so the weight lines can come from you know I say it all the time when I'm teaching my classes for matrix around the country if he'd get it if you get it wrong by one millimeter there and you're taking one centimeter sections by the time you get ten centimeters around the head it's one centimeter longer than it needs to be so if it's a little bit out it's best to stop go back through and make sure that you've got the length right before you continue [Music] just gonna get this length here right then we're going to do the top and draw it off I'm going to do my fun part to texturising texturising for me is you know I guess but let me let me go back let me go back one see I guess it's um probably maybe in but for some it's a criticism or B to fair criticism that I'm a may be a classic hairdresser that the haircuts I do are based on two classic shapes and I would agree what I would disagree with is if the haircuts that I do aren't on trend aren't modern and aren't relevant and the reason why I believe they are is because also I used classic shape for is to build the the crucial foundation in building structure in here so that for your client he grows our well at last and it's easy to draw then you make things modern and you adapt them to whatever trend that is by adding a fringe or changing an element or lots of texture or less texture you know we've been doing in a I think we mentioned the last series in the last video few videos we did we were talking about increased layering because we were in a period of blood cutting minimalist layering or no layering at all people want to change all that video showed you a great way to be able to change the haircut without having to do anything too dramatic so I believe that by introducing elements such as that makes your haircuts relevant and and on trend so the reason why I like texturising this for me that's our white personalized my haircuts and that's how I make things mine is while making sure the texture is of the time whether it's light whether it's heavy I think that definitely doesn't make it classy even though some people say it's classy so I'm now going to over as you can see I've come back round to redress this length wasn't quite happy with it I want to be able to leave some hair for CJ to tuck because I think talking looks good so I'm going to over direct this part keep it low keep it tight and it just gets behind and the reason why I wanted to just get behind is because we wanted to look short we don't want to look Bob if you leave it too much it would look like Bob cool cool oh that's cheek bones back back look at that face back can you believe that all that hair on it for so long [Music] now if trust me if they can seach me they can teach anyone but thank you for the compliment did you get that she said I was good and she's hot and she's won so that means Tim taught well this summer that's it all right back to what we're doing here come here Jimmy can we say that we're good Jimmy has a voice did you hear that please give a thumbs up on the comment section he just told you to heard Jimmy's voice I will try at some stage for out the next few videos to try and get him in front of the camera but good luck with that because he edits it he'll just delay himself out [Music] actually I'm had to go back a little bit Dean because I've found it a little bit behind most of us stop behind the ear that I missed I fixed it right over direct into the back only just salt talks behind the ear you're counting it out should just get behind hopefully look I'll resemble something similar to the other side it should be nice we'll leave that top section we're gonna get some of our smooth setup I'm gonna quickly blast this I'm a texturized dry leave the sweat pull this down and then we're gonna work this in and create that beautiful sweat fringe so you're just using a little bit of matrix move set up you can see that the great product really nice a lot just to help dry one thing I'll mention is this is cut completely with straight solid lines yes obviously I mean not solid as in solid form what solid as in I've not used any thinning scissors texturizing shoes whatever you want to call it nor do I point cut shapes Thank You viewpoint cut shapes they end up growing out poorly you can always add text you later you shouldn't be our local you shouldn't be able is not the right way to say you shouldn't create structure with point cutting in my so I think it's fair to say probably looks all a little bit solid and chunky and yucky that's all about to change so I like taking horizontal sections when I do this essentially point cut the entire haircut which can sometimes take me ten minutes maybe longer I learnt this technique many moons ago amazing hair cut up do I believe is still a Sassoon in Manchester his name is Bruce Masefield I spent had the pleasure of spending a week with Bruce in London working on a few things honing my skills I was feeling a bit flat and needed some inspiration so I went home for me cisterns home everything has to be premeditated measured and calculated before you do it and that's why I love Sassoon it'd be different in a sore finger Olaf it gets a really nice texture doesn't look chunky and classic anymore youth in the area I'll probably mention this in my videos before scuse me for leniency J you have to remember that short-haired the Rex along here so if you go on cut short hair amongst long hair in here it's gonna make it speak up it's gonna give it more volume unless your texturize it to the point that it absolutely collapses and then you just spend 40 minutes creating your shape and ten minutes destroying it and growing out in two weeks so for me your remove density freed the meet lengths and ends and leave the rest alone because you don't want to create more volume and well I guess you could say more both form or freeze and that's what those awful Caesars do I do use them I have to say sell them do I use them I think there's better tools now there's a amazing company here in Sydney in sorry Melbourne Expo majors that are always have a very inspirational creative guy named Peter who's always developing new scissors that make our job easier but also keeping in mind the impact that it has on the hair and making sure that it doesn't compromise our haircuts it enhances them so I do use some of those but they're not your traditional you know want to miss a few of those really nasty things is hedaan off texturized enough I feel it in my hands and see it with my eyes and when it sits right I feel right I stop you can see the difference up there an evil eye see difference they'll often talk about working efficiently and intelligently and sometimes that does mean compromising certain things for me this is one thing we never compromise some things that I will compromise and I think I've spoken about it a lot is section size I think that sometimes I do take quite large generous sections and generally some would say that that's technically incorrect in there right but my point is that I think that's one thing that can be compromised without severely compromising the outcome of the haircut for the client if you're using sharp scissors and you're experienced and you know what you're doing you obviously make a decision based on the amount of hair the length of hair the haircut you doing and I quite often take generous sections to be more efficient but I'll never rush this process by using primitive nasty tools that are designed to try and make this job easier because there's no way of doing it other than this way I hope I smile all right CJ sorry I do where she helpless I hope it smells good almost done I like to stand behind because I like to look down onto the hair so I guess I get a better view from up here I guess see how much weights coming out and I find that I have more control with the hair between my fingers hope it's looking alright because I can't see it yet feels amazing almost done all right so you can see we've now got our lengths in there and one thing I remember I said in the beginning I wanted to keep it soft I wanted to keep soft lines I didn't want it to be masculine so I'm quite happy for this stuff to be soft like that you know I don't I don't think we need to go on sharpen it up around around the ears actually it's incredible texture right weekend I mean that's amazing all right the fun part so at this party while we have an audience gathering in the street watching through the window is essentially that's gonna look cool so this is essentially how it's going to look if we do it this way obviously we need to texturize this you this will be tucked you see how it looks amazeballs the other way well this way I think this way will be nice if we want to have an upward lift in terms of the styling because you'll be able to get it up off the face this way so they'll be good if you want up off the face of the earth essentially we're going to texturize this entire section in so I'm going to do an ounce grab my smooth center again just a tiny bit a little bit of my magic water also known as my large pipes or spray spray that in the top wet products going better when it's wet up the wetter the better it's actually quite cool if your client wanted a bit more drama because she could you can leave it quite disconnected which I have every intention on doing but I'm going to texturize it first which will remove some length you guys are probably well aware that texturising air makes it shorter as you can clearly see by this what do you guys probably were looking at a going ad and it's not short enough that's not what CLE Underwood says like for now we've gone from point cut at all it's you know it's exactly how it is a perfect see how important it was for me to go through and do that because look what happens when I try and calm it up that way don't want to go there say fine with the crown who's coming to the left all right leave uber it belongs towards the back you probably saw I'd just cut myself a little cheeky guide for my texture before I start drawing I was wasn't gonna not explain one of you grab these metoya but this employer haircut drying it off I've not used excessive amounts of manipulation one thing that's really important CJ and I were talking about it she's from Byron babies I know a barn bass it's on the north coast we said why's that right just before the Queensland water she's a beach lover I live by the beach shame gonna go home and use a round brush like why would she I mean she's not 50 it's a young woman and want something wearable if he cannot make it sit right with something simple minimum will help the manipulation a great product which these days well aware of she wants it to sit well she can use something like the messy makeup which is a great sea salt spray all the smooth set up if you need to stretch or manipulate more than these simple tools you might want to think about other ways you can approach your haircut because I do believe that there is a place for straightening stretching round brushes but for me as a hair cutter washing wears how we really just want to use minimal manipulation just watching how the hair Falls so what we come up with you when you're texturizing I've said in many of my other videos be careful not to remove the shape that you cut how do you remove the shape you cut I only did it once his time once this is a good yes the drama came someone got upset at me because I failed to get what she came afterwards in one video make sure you don't go in sideways behind sideways it's not wrong be actually going to dramatically change the shape of the hair we don't want to do that we just want to essentially move some of this weight and we want to soften it I'm on up the fall quite quite naturally yeah that goes so if I'm going to be rough it's never my intention I can see how much shorter that texturize have just made that top part I'm gonna move a little bit of length going in sideways now I'm going to soften by going you really nice and straight [Music] it's been staged anyway so they can say what's happening on this slide started directing it back now I want to make sure we don't cut too much length off in that front it's been a background so you can see where I was directed to back to the year if you guys are remember when I did decide I brought that back to around the ear and this is where we'll stop in terms of progressing towards the face so going in a little bit on on an angle just to remove some lengthy cuts can see that the length coming off and then straight in to remove the bulk and I guess in a way this is going to leave the disconnection it's not going to be perfectly blended but as I said to you before I don't want it to look like a classic shape I want it to be edgy and this is the way you leave it edgy it's awesome I'm sure you've got this side so you can see out starting to working around here see these slightly disconnected here that'll working behind the ear really nice let me come around there so I can see make sure this insight [Music] just watching you the movement seeing how this could potentially flow that way as you cut here as I've learned over the over the years things can change here is a completely unpredictable medium you can cut it expecting it to do one thing and it does something completely different so when I'm doing things like this I'm always not in a rush this is as I said the area that I won't compromise I'm watching how the short hair on top is affecting along here underneath and making sure it's moving in in direction you can start to see that it's going to be working to that sweet friends it's starting to happen so back to my horizontal sections on the top you guys a side view final section or the money shot as they call it make sure it's back up to where that ear is and if I've done it right the length will be great again this one I've gone in slightly diagonal yeah removing length at random because again we want this to be modern and edgy and soft and textured just taking off those little burrs on the top and then we're going deeper and directly Australian to remove the bulk we're going to work back in a little bit horizontally and now vertically just to check to make sure and you can see we have that nice gradual shape coming in towards the front I'm gonna keep CJ a bit of a blast cause you got hair all over face [Applause] now I'm gonna let you decide because this is a variation that you're here and that's why we're here if you don't forget that these people I sit in these chairs are real people and although you might not hear us have the intimate conversations we have about their lifestyle and making sure that the haircuts a bit they're having and what they actually want I'm actually do have those conversations because they're very important so I'm gonna let CJ decide whether she wants to leave this long so that you can tuck it because once I cut this off that will sit there and this will be like that so you will be able to tuck this part behind the ear yeah and you will be able to talk these pop your injury yeah but if we give you that little bit of length off there that might not travel all that won't travel there so you lose the ability to get it out of your face I think so I agree and I think it looks good too so given that CJ's that's exactly what I would have done because as I spoken in my other videos I'm all about flexibility with styling I think it's really important women have options when they style their hair they're gonna leave it a little bit longer just taking some weight out again here and here and then we're actually going to do some graduation just in the front I'm actually gonna people all these hair up it's brilliant she really would actually the same about this kidney and we're just going to give a tiny bit of structure in the front so I'm just going to take a little bit off the reason why I want to do this just below 90 degrees so technically is graduation nice straight line I want to give a bit of structure around the face to so I think it needs to grow out nicely so I've got a strong shape in the front and again I'm just gonna go back and very very gently point cut that I'm gonna work my way back take some way out there work my way back take some weight up there and we are literally seconds away from being done okay so to finish off the haircut I'm gonna use a pair of these texturising modern texturizing scissors that I was discussing you can see that the blade has been constructed to preserve the integrity on the ends of the hair and it doesn't take as much and it's brutal and why you can't say he beat you actually the the blade face actually goes on this end and a half I'm sure there's a reason for that what I use these for is I'm just gonna go around through the hairline here and just really gently put some texture in with the direction I want the hair to go very very softly again I'm not doing it at the root I'm just doing the mid lengths and the ends sorry if that hurts a little bit sometimes it does grab so make sure you tell people before you use them if you want to pair I think its edges calm that I you tell them Adam senior hopefully I might get a 5% discount on something just where I I think it needs to be a little bit loosened up on the ends just where I want a little bit of separation I'll just use these it's been CJ background gonna do the front just take some of the weight out I don't want to remove any of the length really happy with the length always seems good when I'm done I just like to go through with my hands and spin around this way I go through with my hands and I just I just like to pull the hair out from the scalp just to make sure I spoke earlier about you know texturizing and link for me is a feeling it's visual and it's a feeling it's like to make sure that it feels about the same length I don't often go for mathematically balanced in terms of measuring five centimeters here and 5cm it is there but it needs to be visually balanced this is a great way doing that it feels awesome all right now I'm gonna give you a really good blast cuz you got the hair right and down on me everywhere [Music] would you think I think you're probably do it that way all the time so CJ's just said you're going to do it this way so what I'm going to do if you're rewind this video back about two minutes you'll see me actually doing a horizontal line here I'm just going to change that I'm actually gonna make it slightly diagonal why you guys should know short-hair directs long hair so I've put it one centimeter shorter on this side and all of a sudden it sweeps across the face at all a lot better I think that's where she's gonna wear it that's how it has to be you only do horizontal if you want flexibility I think you probably will wear it all the time it definitely does go better that way again just using a flat brush to smooth it out once your texturizer head as much as we have you're gonna end up with me we've lost [Music] you're going to try styling it I'll give you something Matt the final so just take like about that much operating hand foot actually take your rings off otherwise you know cuz you're gonna stall your hair for your own shoot and then use a little bit of gloss booster because we need to be a little bit not shiny but because it's before it's blonde here I'm just gonna pull it out from behind you so I'm gonna try and either demonstrate in the replicas like this so just rub your hands together see how in the middle yeah this is a no see that all stuck in the part no good you need to rub it salt all over your fingers that's even and then just gently just sort of like just start to very gently rub it through and then you can stop once it starts going for you to get a little bit more heavy-handed with it in the back and the sides it and then through the front here in the front coming forward yep perfect yeah okay so now start puttin that way behind the ear on this side yep yep yep in the back here you want to make sure you have a beautiful solvency there beautiful long neck and don't forget the bigger the hair the closer to God so just give yourself a better use some of it of volume you know one to be flat the bigger the hair the closer to the goal that's a nice sight you're done a cracking job let's upload hi also alright so let's recap what we did huh we'll give you tell female [Music] by the caller so started out in the back very very simple all about distribution making sure that this panel here was that was the holy grail of the whole haircut so once we got that right it's all determined by hairline and crown once we've got that right we went into what we called the square layers or horizontal increase layering through there we cut our length in the front then we came through and we connected the sides to the bottom we went and locked up all that mid length left at all drive the top off all that was cleaned away point cut the whole lot so I went from looking mumsy chunky old-fashioned and classy to edgy and fun lots of tech shot actually the color and a little bit of regrowth you have works for a while as well it's cool so I'll spin around have a look at the back stole my purse truly CJ all the way around this side as you saw in the video we discussed we're going to leave it over the years and you can see why because she can quite easily pull that back chest flexibility and we're styling so she wants shorter like Amy's Underwood because we work with silhouettes the silhouette now is the same but I'm not cutting that a little bit of hair off you have that flexibility of just having maybe a little bit of softness on this side if you want a little bit of softness on this side one thing I would say he's always have one side on or one side off because if you have it on off if you have it out both sides it's going to make your face look really small and people are less inclined and want to come and talk to you they sort of like see if I don't walk away go away once a lot of weight opens your face up it makes you much more approachable and I'm really shows off these these are amazing [Music] thank you thanks for joining us guys so yeah don't forget to subscribe place press this button here right there it'll be back here I think and yeah let's see if we can get CJ to 500,000 views please share it on Facebook please share it on YouTube tell your friends the last video was two hundred eighty thousand eight hundred and twenty four we want $500 for this video thanks again for joining us there will be a separate video if flowering on from this you can click the link here and you'll see a little bit of CJ in action behind the camera bye [Music]
Channel: Adam Ciaccia
Views: 7,659,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Ciaccia, haircutter, hairdressing, cropped, buzzcut, short hair, sexy, miley cyrus, geometric, stylecut, haircutting, salon, natural, undercutting, shaved, shape, axis, Canberra, ACT, Australian, Best, Miley Cyrus, vidal Sassoon, pixiecut, pixie, matrix, Matrix Australia
Id: RpxegTIqaDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 21sec (5061 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2016
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