How to Highlight Curly Hair | My Favorite Blonde Highlighting Technique (with a Base Bump)

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what's up welcome to my youtube channel in today's video I'm gonna be showing you guys exactly how I do a full high light and low light on somebody who has curly hair and I'm going to be showing you guys a little secret technique that I haven't shared before so stay tuned [Music] alright guys welcome to this video I'm really excited to be doing this particular model because she was actually one of my clients that I had back when I was taking clients full time now I'm full-time in education the fast one I was doing clients she was one of my longtime clients and so I'm excited to be reunited with her and I'm really excited to show you guys exactly how I do a full highlight and a little light on somebody who has curly hair now she has beautiful curls we're not gonna be cutting them or doing anything crazy like that today but I wanted to show you guys my technique for doing highlights and lowlights on somebody who has wavy or curly hair because it's slightly different than somebody who has straight hair so let's get into it oh and one last thing I'm gonna be also sharing with you guys a little secret technique that I have never shared on my channel before something at the shampoo bowl that you're gonna want to pay attention to so let's go alright so here is our before and you guys can see it's been a little while since she's gotten her hair done and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna tackle those roots and I'm gonna share with you guys a secret method that I use to really break up a lot of that depth at the base and also how we give some dimension to her beautiful curly hair alright so we're gonna mix up her Lightner and so I'm gonna start with a scoop of our blonde or and I'm gonna start with 25 volumes so the way that I make 25 volume is just mixing equal parts 30 volume and 20 volume to get 25 volume and you guys will notice that I don't actually measure with this scale for my Lightner personally for me I do it based off of just kind of the consistency and that's pretty much how I've always mixed my Lightner some people do like to measure with the scale or perfect measurements that's not really how I do it so this just works for me but we're gonna mix up 25 volume to start and then we're gonna increase to 30 volume as week up the head and then we're also gonna add in some olaplex as well and then for her low-light I'm actually going to be mixing up color on a ten and seven in equal parts this is just their regular dem eye color and I love using this especially on my curly hair girls just because it really adds softness to their hair and from what I've heard actually co-op's has some sort of technology where it's like anti-aging they call it inside the hair so I personally love to use it on my curly girls I love using this as a low-light it's different than permanent color it's a lot softer a lot less harsh I guess you could say so I always mix mine up in a bowl especially because we're going to be applying it as a low-light but then I use a whisk to really make sure that it's super mixed in there and then I'm also going to add oil flecks into this formula as well a lot of times people only add it into their Leitner's but you can absolutely add it into your low lights and your root colors and all over colors dem eye colors whatever you want you can add it into that especially working with curly hair I like to give it as much nourishment as possible so we'll add that into all right so to start I actually combed out all of her curls and the reason why I like to do this is it just allows me to get into the hair especially if they have any product in the curls a lot of times curly girls sometimes wear like a mousse or something that's a little bit more crunchy so I like to just comb through it so I can run my fingers to it it just makes it a little bit easier to get through all of this hair okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just section out this top section here and if you guys have ever seen any of my other full highlighting technique videos we're gonna do the exact same thing it just happens to be on curly hair so a section out that top section and I love these little Clips because they allow me to section those out I do have those linked in my Amazon favorites if you guys want to check those out in the link below and we're gonna start down here in this bottom section now you guys can see she's got a lot of depth under here and typically clients do they typically have a lot more depth under here because the Sun doesn't seem this area so we're gonna start down here with a diagonal back our first coil now again if you guys have seen my full highlight videos you'll know that this is the exact oil that I always start with will click this little guy away and I personally like to start with a baby light right here on the hairline I just think it's a little bit softer when clients wear their hair back so very few hairs are kind of hanging out of this foil because it's a baby light it's really soft now sometimes you will see with curly girls they sometimes have a little bit of breakage down here I'm just from the texture of their hair so if you need to use a second clip to kind of pull that back to separate out those little baby hairs it definitely make sure to do that and I'm going to go in with my foil and we're just gonna start here with our Lightner now she's got a lot of roots this can be a little bit trickier this section is probably the hardest section on the entire head and of course that's the one you got to start with so if when you're first trying this technique it's kind of hard or feels kind of awkward don't get discouraged just keep practicing and actually one of the things that you can do is you can practice on a doll head because this section on the doll head is even trickier than it is on a person on a client so practice let me go ahead and you will get a lot better at it but just get as close as you can in there and then what I personally like to do is I'm going to fold this in so it just helps me lock it into place a little bit easier so that we're not having anything slip out and then I'm gonna go into our very next section now I like to do these first two foils right around the hairline pretty close together just because again there is a lot of depth back here so I'll put that away and you can see this foil goes a little bit higher than that first one everyone's hair lines a little bit different so it's always going to vary just a little bit but that's the cool thing about highlighting is you really get to customize it for your clients going with this foil lock it into place and you guys are going to see I've got a lot of tension on this hair with this hand I can you know move this hand away that is just something again that comes with practice though is this feels awkward if this feels uncomfortable it's gonna feel uncomfortable it's gonna feel a little awkward even for me who's been doing this for a long time it still feels kind of weird so don't again let that get you discouraged just keep practicing keep trying it will become a little bit more natural but at the end of it still sometimes gonna feel a little awkward so just want to let you guys know that guys can see she's got some of these low lights down here of her natural color so I can see it I can pull this one up and kind of put it in with our Lightner I'm just gonna kind of feather that through I don't want to overlap a lot of this blonde down here because again with curly hair it can tend to be a little bit more on the fragile side so we definitely want to make sure that we're keeping that integrity and again I used a look like in our color too just to really help that as well so I'm going to continue up this section and just continue to do a little diagonal backs all the way through here we'll probably do about four or five more coils till we get to about there you guys are gonna see that my pattern kind of starts to do this type of thing then we're gonna do the same thing on the other side and then I'll show you guys where [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so as I was doing this boy I wanted to pull this one out so you guys could see she's got some of this natural low light in here just from her natural color it haven't been it hasn't been processed yet so what I'm doing is I'm kind of just pulling it out with my tail comb here I'm actually gonna add this into a separate foil so I'm gonna grab a little foil here this can sometimes again be tall so a little tricky feeling but now you guys can see I've separated out that low light now I can paint this without having to worry about the other pieces getting overlapped with that blonde so this is a little trick that I sometimes will use it with clients that have a little bit of excess natural little light in there it could be from you doing their hair and just missing that whole section or it could be from somebody previously who's not necessarily getting all of that hair in there so when you have two foils like this definitely make sure to line them up and then just fold them really softly doesn't need to be crazy it's gonna be a thicker foil obviously but it still works out really nicely it keeps your sections clean and that's gonna be a really great way to keep the integrity of the hair now as I'm continuing in this section I've done now three highlight I am gonna go do a low light so we did mix up that little light color it's a little bit lighter than her natural color but I like it just because it's gonna give us a little bit more dimension so this is a little bit of a thicker coil probably wouldn't do this much hair for a highlight a pearler light because she's not curly hair we want it to be a little bit thicker because you want to make sure that you're seeing that actual dimension in there so for her we're gonna do about 1/2 every for every highlight we'll do every about a every to highlight it today we'll do a little light and then maybe for every three highlights we'll do a little it's all this kind of keeps pushing off and we're not gonna do one to one she still wants to be really blunt but we're definitely gonna add in some more dimension in there so I'm gonna finish up this section on this side I'm gonna go to the other side and then I'll catch you up from there alright so I just finished our back section and we did kind of our because you guys can see that we did all the day I go back about four or five foils on each side and then one low light for this entire section because it only did you know four to five highlights so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this little tiny triangle piece now a lot of times people want to skimp on this little section they think that it's not important but it is technically part of our hairline down here so what I like to do is I like to do what I call like a microwave through it where I just kind of like pick up pick up pick up really fast see that little tiny bit out and I put this in its own foil because a lot of times there is a lot of depth that hangs out here and again these are going to be the little tiny things that do separate you from other hairstylists that aren't taking the time to do these little extra foils these little extra pieces so that little foil does make a difference because it is part of that hair line down there so now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to kind of take my sections here and you can see there's a lot of depth in this one I would potentially leave this as a little light because there's so much depth in there but because it's so close to my hair line I actually do want to get some brightness in there but sometimes I will leave pieces that are already kind of a low light as a low light and work that into my pattern because it makes sense we don't need to lighten something that's dark just to lighten it and darken something that's light because we want a low light you know so work with the client and what they already have but there are some times where you do need to kind of go in and let them melt these pieces so I'm just gonna kind of work up this hairline again for every two to three highlight I'm gonna do a low light again just to kind of break that up and this will help it grow out a little bit softer for her when she has those low lights in there so we're gonna do one more highlight and it will pop in on her life [Music] I'm gonna do my mullet you guys can see I took a little bit more of a chunky piece again just to add in some more of that depth in there this is much more than I would do for highlights so sometimes I will do this on girls with straight hair or more fine hair but I typically like to do it on girls in a world thick hair and those curly hairs because they do need a little bit more chunkiness for their little lights so I'm going to continue up the head until we get to kind of this little back section here now you will notice as we get up in here that the foils or the sections gonna be wider than my foil so don't take a section that's wider than your foil we will tackle these what I call these little alleyways when we get around to the sides so don't stress about them only go about as why does your foils are a little bit less than it's why does your foils because we don't want to be pulling here from out here into the center and then having a line there so I'm gonna continue up and then when we get to about this section I'm going to show you guys what we're gonna do all right so we finished that lower section and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna drop her here and you guys can see all the foils disappeared she's not so much hair it's not even that just the curl texture but I'm going to start cutting off the apex of the head you guys will see and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my section just like this and if you've watched any of my other highlighting videos this is how I highlight all of my clients hair now we were doing just a partial highlight this is actually where I would start I would go down to about where we left off with these foils I would do this little section and then I would go forward but because we did a pull I did that full underneath section so I'm going to take my first foil here and you guys will see that I don't take super super thick foils to begin with I tend to like a little bit more of like that baby light look especially when it comes to like curly hair I don't like it to look really chunky more so just for the roots it's okay to have chunkiness in the mid shafts like we said with the low light but I don't like my roots to look really chunky so as you guys can see I actually foil backwards which is not usual but this is one of the ways that I feel like I get the best tension on the hair and it allows me to kind of pick up these sections that have a little bit more of that depth in there from those extra low lights so personally for me I just like to foil backwards I find it easier but if you guys ever want to try this technique and you're like oh my gosh like that looks a little intimidating just grab a tall head try it out and see if you like it I personally have loved it the way that I was taught how to foil and I feel like I get better results with it so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna continue down this section until we meet down with that bottom section still doing the highlight still doing the lowlights and just so you guys know I did switch up my developer 230 volume now that we've increased got a little bit higher up in the head still would olaplex those two so we're gonna continue this section down and I'll show you guys when we get back to the top [Music] [Music] okay so I finished all the way done and what I started to do was I started to pull my coils back down and fold them so I like to just take the hair that's in between and I also take my tail comb and just kind of base it put it add that base and kind of fold the hair over it so that I can fold these foils back and that's just like a really easy way to fold them back so that they're not slipping or anything like that while you're moving the hair back to the front so now that we've gotten back to this front section I'm gonna spin her around and I'm actually gonna foil backwards also so let's do that okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to start on this side you guys can see I'm now standing in front of her and what I like to do for this very first foil is I actually like to do this one as a low-light especially if I just add a highlight or if I just did a low-light for the first one that I would do at highlight but I don't need to back these ones up this is kind of just a personal preference but I also like it just in case this oil slipped at all this is the one that's gonna have the most slippage because you did pull it all the way forward and now you're pulling it back so in case there was any slippage I like to just kind of go in right with my foil just so that if it does it's not gonna bleed on to any other hair it's gonna touch that foil so hopefully that makes sense but I'm gonna do a low-light here just kind of start off my pattern now I know where my patterns at I've got a little light and then we're going to take my section skip it down clip it away and you guys can see I'm always kind of keeping that tension there so that it's really nice and smooth and then I'm gonna go in with my highlight and I'm honestly just gonna continue this all the way down through my ma my mohawk section now as I'm working you guys can see that I'm not actually sectioning out a mohawk section and I just worked with where the hair kind of tells me to go but if you feel like you work better with a mohawk section kind of section out then you figure out what works best for you again all of my videos and techniques are things that have worked for me in the past and kinda just little tips and tricks that I have found that worked for me so if you feel like you want to section out just to stay more clean and organized totally go for it and do that I just don't need to because it doesn't I I work better without it I'm gonna continue up this little section till you get to the front show you guys a couple different angles you guys can see what we're doing here and I'll show you guys when we get around to the front [Music] all right so now we've got to this little front hairline here and I still I'm going to be you know doing my coils backwards like always in fact I actually really like this for the front hairline because it allows you to get really really tight but one of the things that I see so often when it comes to highlights especially curly hair or even just straight hair is a lot of times stylists aren't keeping fine enough coils around the front so you guys are going to see that like I said I do a lot of baby lights throughout the entire head but I definitely make sure to do kind of baby lights around the hairline and this is what separates you from other stylists clients are definitely going to know this in fact I saw one of my old clients at church the other day and she had just got her hair done by a new stylist and she wasn't loving it and she had a line in the front of her hairline and I said it's because they were doing the foils too thick so this is again really gonna separate you in fact I'm gonna take this one even smaller risk gonna leave this little thingy bit of hair out here and go in and detail out these hair lines it makes a huge huge difference and I promise you not only are your client for their that's the difference but if they ever end up going to somebody else they are gonna see a huge difference between you and that other person so going in do you tell me how these hair lines it just makes everything look so clean especially on people that have straighter [Music] okay so now what I like to do is I like to kind of pull those coils up so I can see these little baby hairs right here and she's cut just a tiny bit of baby hairs but I am going to take this into a small coil again this will kind of just beat you up better lying even more so I took a foil and I folded it in half and made a little mini foil we're just gonna paint this little section right here so normally those kind of hairs would have been left out but I do like to just paint them because they do add to that depth in the front and so it just looks really clean when you have them all detailed out so I'm we're doing when we go to the sides I'll show you guys what I'm doing there okay so now we've gotten to the other side I'm showing you guys this side I did finish the other side I did a couple of those small little foils right here and now we're gonna attack her hairline kind of on this side and so again just in the same way of what I did up at the top I like to do baby lights so this might be a section that a lot of people say like oh you could take a much bigger foil I don't because I do want my clients to have that very natural kind of look when they pull it back especially on that curly girl so I take these really fine baby light sections and it just turns out so beautiful so all we're going to do is we're gonna just do these diagonal backs I like to do two highlights at least around the hairline sometimes three depending on how blonde my clients like to be if I am doing a low light we're gonna do two highlights and then one low light for her and just continue going back on the section [Music] all right take it back I said I was gonna do two highlights to one low-light but you guys could see how her hairline kind of comes up right in here in this little point and I don't want this to be a dark spot so I am gonna do a highlight here and break this down even just a little bit more and again this is that detailing around the hairline every clients a little bit different so taking this kind of smaller foil we're gonna highlight this one just so we don't have that dark spot right there [Music] okay so we just finished all of our files and as you guys can see there is a lot of foils in there it looks messy but it's just because we got some curly hair in there but this took me about an hour and 15 minutes to do her entire head so just so you guys know I always like to tell you how long things take me just so you know kind of your timing on things so now we'll let her process and we'll go from there [Music] all right we just rinsed out her color and now I'm going to put on all the Flex I like to apply my little flex before I go on to what our next step is going to be so I'm gonna find her old flex let this sit on for just a little while let her hang out at the bowl and then we'll go on to our next step [Music] okay so while her olaplex is on I'm actually going to mix up her base bump and so I'm gonna be mixing up our goldville top sheet this is their permanent color it's 10 P and I'm gonna be doing 10 and 20 volume to get us 15 volume so I'll this clump a little bit in here a little bit more 10 volume than 20 volume and I like to mix up about 30 mils of developer 30 mils of color so 60 mils total if somebody's got a lot of hair you can mix up just a little bit more but that's kind of my personal preference there and we're gonna go apply this over at the pool okay so I just rinsed out for olaplex and then I'm gonna towel drying her hair I always like to apply my base bucks on towel dried hair just to kind of get rid of some of the extra moisture all right so we're going to start in the bottom section here and this is usually I always like to start in the bottom because if I do need to rinse it first where underneath it is just easier to rinse and it's also where the clients hair is the darkest so I'm just gonna be applying this all the way through about an inch to inch and a half down making sure to really saturate this now because I'm only using 15 volume and I'm using the gold well top chic 10p this is my secret sauce formula you guys were lucky that I'm giving this to you because it's funny the girl who I started assisting for back to the day when I was assisting she was like don't tell anybody this formula so you guys got this formula hopefully she doesn't see this video anyways this formula truly is the secret sauce though I've tried base bumps with other things I've even tried it with products that are meant for base bumps and I've never been really truly happy with the results I really like the way that this turns out though so ideas can see I'm just really getting this in there applying it super quickly and that's something with the base bump is you have gotta move fast so I'm just kind of slapping it in there I do like using this wider frame our brush because it allows me to get the color in there but we're just applying it about inch inch-and-a-half down really trying to make sure that we get all of those roots in there so some of them are a little bit longer because it's been a little bit a longer time since she's got her hair done and then obviously just applying it to that hairline right there and then we'll move up the head and I personally just like to section it out just makes it a little bit easier as I'm working through the hair especially with somebody who has a lot of hair and just keep working all the way through [Music] so you guys won't notice the key with the base bump is getting it on quickly so you guys are gonna see I'm not super precise I'm not super super clean but because the color is kind of a little bit more liquidy and we're applying it to wet hair it's not really a big deal but I'm just kind of going in fast because I don't want the back to start processing while the front is known yet so I get it on really really fast and it does take practice to kind of work with base bumps like this but you'll get better as the more you do it [Music] so now that I've applied it all the way through them just kind of combing it down a little bit because this is 10 P which stands for purl it's actually doing toning while it's lifting her face which is really really cool so now I'm gonna have her lay all the way back for us and I usually just let her process for it depends every client you kind of have to watch for but if you can come a little bit closer you're going to kind of lift the color just a little bit and you're kind of looking for the natural color just to start lifting a slight bit now this takes practice to kind of see where the colors at but you don't want it to get warm the second it starts to pull warmth you want to rinse it off so it's like I said some clients this is five minutes some clients this is seven minutes with her we usually do about five minutes total meaning the time we started applying it and so you guys can start to see it's just kind of like slightly lifting her natural color in there it's probably gonna be a little hard to see on camera and just because it's one of those things that you have to kind of just train your eye for but you can kind of see it right around the hairline and then even as you kind of get back further up into here let's see if we can open up her hair back here you guys can kind of see it's just starting to pull just slightly a little bit of warmth right at the root nothing too bad at all let's see it's open it up over here it's looking really good so what I like to do while I'm just waiting for this to process I'll just kind of pull it through with my fingers again it's kind of acting as that toner on those blonde pieces and looking at super super good I think she's just about ready to rinse [Music] [Music] I just want you guys to see while the hair is wet look at how beautiful that hairline is it looks so blended the base bump definitely helps blend that in but you guys can just see it's already so blended and it's only wet so look I'm really good I'm excited to show you show you guys get dry [Music] this is our final result oh my gosh I love how it turned out she's got such a beautiful curls and you guys can really see that dimension come through and the bright pops of blonde and I love how the base bump turned out you guys can see how dark her natural color was but look how beautiful and bright that looks just so beautiful really blended and lots of fun contrast so hopefully this tutorial was helpful for you guys and I hope you try it out alright guys I hope you enjoyed watching this video I had so much fun making it it was so fun turning your hair back blonde again and I just love how it turned out so I really hope that this video helped you with your clients who have curly or wavy hair who want highlights and who don't necessarily want a root shadow and I hope that this gave you just a few more tips and tricks and techniques that you can add to your tool belt as always if you haven't already come over to Instagram and said hi make sure to do so send me a DM or just take a screenshot of this video post it on your stories and tag me because I love seeing where you guys are watching it from and it honestly makes me so happy to chat with you so please come over to Instagram and do that for me last but not least if you have a hit that subscribe button yet what are you doing hit the subscribe button and turn on that little Bell notification button because you're gonna be the first to know when I release a new video and we're actually gonna be changing up my posting schedule so you're gonna want to make sure that you are the first to be notified so make sure to turn that on as always thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Jamie Dana
Views: 196,703
Rating: 4.9036465 out of 5
Keywords: How to Highlight Curly Hair | My Favorite Blonde Highlighting Technique (with a Base Bump), how to highlight curly hair, how to do a base bump on hair, how to do a base bump, blonde curly hair formula, how to blonde curly hair, how to highlight hair, best highlight technique, best highlight technique for curly hair, how to base bump hair, curly hair blondes, how to highlight hair with foil, highlights and lowlights on curly hair, hair stylist coaching, hair color coach
Id: 1sBiFrFa6Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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