Blender Tutorial - How to Shuffle Cards!

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hello everyone and welcome to another blender made easy tutorial today i'll be showing you how to shuffle cards have you ever had trouble shuffling cards in real life are you the loser that has to ask someone else to shuffle for you well if you're not because today you will learn how to shuffle cards in blender so you won't ever have to worry about it again to get started with this tutorial we're first going to model the exact size of a playing card the exact size is about 8.9 centimeters by 6.4 so what we're going to do is press n and go underneath the dimensions tab type in 8.9 cm and then enter and then the y direction we're going to go 6.4 and then cm right there next up the thickness of the card is about .17 millimeters so type in .17 millimeters and then enter to zoom in you can press the period key on your number pad to zoom in on the card now in order to get the cards to bend for the shuffle animation we're going to be using the simple deform modifier in order to use that though we're going to need a little bit more geometry so go into edit mode and hit control r and we're going to add in 13 cuts so hit 13 enter and then right click to snap the vertices into place we also want to bevel the edges because if you look at a playing card you will see the corners are rounded off so in order to do that we're going to press ctrl a and apply the scale then go into edit mode we'll go into the edge select mode and then select all of the corners right here so box select all the corners just like that you can press ctrl b to bevel drag it out just slightly and then use the scroll wheel to add in a little bit more geometry and as you can see we now have rounded corners and it looks like a playing card next up before we apply the modifiers let's create a new material i'm going to go into top view and split this window right here and then go over to the shader editor we're going to be using a texture and if you want to use the same texture that i am the link is down in the description we're going to be adding in an image texture take the color plug that into the base color and then open this up the texture that we'll be using is this one right here and then you can click on open image you can take the alpha and plug that into the alpha of the principal shader now if we go back over to the uv image editor we're going to go into edit mode and we can see here is our texture at the moment the uv map is totally messed up so let's fix that we'll box select the top half press u and go project from view over on the right side we're going to box select the entire thing rotate it 90 degrees and then place it on the back of the playing card right here so scale it down and then place it right in this position next up we'll go on the bottom side by pressing ctrl 7 alt a to deselect b for box select draw a box around the bottom half and go u project from view and we'll just repeat the process select the entire thing rotate it around and then place it in the top left of our screen right here on the ace of clubs finally we're going to select the middle loop right here by holding the alt key i'll switch over to face select mode holding alt i will select that middle bit press u unwrap and for this we're just going to press l to select it scale it down and then place it right in this white section over here right where this white card is i only want there to be white so place it right there and you'll be good to go next up let's add in the modifiers i'm going to press n to close off that panel and drag this over this way and over in the modifier tab i'm going to click add modifier and select the simple deform right here we're going to select it over to the bed mode and then for the access we're gonna go with the z-axis now currently the bend is going in the wrong direction so we need to fix that so we're gonna hit the r key then x negative 90 and then enter and now if we go out of edit mode we can see the bend is now working we'll rotate this along the x by 90 degrees as well so now we can see our rotation is now correct the origin point is where the bend will begin and we want the origin to be on the outside edge so to fix that go into edit mode select this face right here shift s and go cursor to selected then go out of edit mode right click set origin and then select origin to 3d cursor now you can see the bend is going in the correct direction next up we're going to right click and go shade smooth then over in the modifier tab we're going to add in an edge split and set this above the simple deform modifier now i think we are ready to start animating i'm gonna go into front view by pressing one on the number pad and i'm going to set the angle down to zero then i'm gonna hit i while hovering over this angle to add in a keyframe how this is gonna work is we're going to animate this value coming up and then it's going to come down just like that and that is how we're going to get the shuffle effect we're going to skip to frame at 20 set the angle up to a value of 80 and then hit i one more time the position of our object we want it to be about one grid unit from the center so drag it over to the right so it's about one grid unit then we're going to skip to frame 30 we're going to add in another keyframe by hitting i we're gonna skip to five frames later and now it's going to slam down on the ground so set the angle back down to zero and then add in another keyframe now that we have our animation in place we are ready to start adding the rest of the cards now there is 52 cards in a single deck so we're going to be adding 26 on this side and 26 on this side so to do this we're going to zoom in we're going to name this cube at the top we'll go .001 just so we have everything correct and now we're going to duplicate this i'm going to press shift d and then right click to snap it into place we want to move this up two times because when whenever you shuffle cards one card goes over the top and then another card lays on top back and forth so we want a little bit of space in between every single card so over in this duplicate menu we're going to set the z direction we'll go 0.17 millimeters by typing mm times 2 and enter then we're also going to want to move it over to the right side because if they're in the exact position the bend will have them pinch up at the top and that's not what we want so over in this we're going to set the x direction to 0.17 millimeters and enter just so they're on the right just slightly and now what we can do is hit the shift r button and that will duplicate what we just did so now we need to do this 26 times i'm going to press shift r a bunch of times over in the outliner make sure you're watching it until it reaches 26 one more right there now we have 26 cards in our deck so now what happens is if we restart the animation and play it it goes up and then it slams down just like that the next step is to offset every single one of these animations we can do this very easily with the dope sheet editor so over in this panel we're going to switch it over to the dope sheet if i can actually select it select the dope sheet and here we can see a lot of different keyframes to make this more concise we're going to press the minus key on our number pad while hovering over the left side hit the minus key then just open up the summary and there we go we can see this is a lot more simple so the next step is to actually select some of the keyframes and then move them over to the right side we're going to do this by box selecting them right there just to the top actually we only want to select this one right here we're going to leave the cube001 but we're going to select cube002 and we're going to move it over two frames so hit g move it over two frames and then we're just going to repeat the process going down so press b for box select draw a box with the middle mouse button to deselect oh looks like i accidentally did it wrong g we'll move it over deselect that bit right there g move it over and just repeat this process going all the way down to cube 26. all right there we go we've now added all the keyframes and just double check that everything looks good which it does and now we are ready to duplicate all of our planes and move them to the other side i'm going to press shift s and go cursor to the center right here so the cursor is right at the center of the world we're going to select the button up here to change the pivot point to the 3d cursor from there we'll select all of them shift d right click then go r z 180 and enter now you can see that they're on the other side but we also need to offset the animation so i'm going to press b for box select draw box around all of the frames underneath and we're going to move it over by one frame so i hit g move it over one frame and then left-click so now what this looks like if if we go to frame 16 we'll play our animation and here is our result all the cards are shuffling one other problem that we have though is if we zoom in here you'll notice that they're in the exact same position so what we need to do is actually move this upwards if we go to the beginning of the animation we can see this one comes down first so we need to make sure they're all moved up slightly so we'll skip to the end zoom in press g and z and if you hold the shift key you can go precise movement and we're going to go up 0.17 millimeters if you look up at the top right there is what we want and then left click now that we have done that we are ready to start moving the cards into place and separating them we're going to close off this window we're not going to need this anymore and then to start out with we're going to go into front view i'm going to skip to frame 20 and we're going to add a location keyframe to both of these objects so select all of them hit i and go location this is important later because we're going to be adding keyframes at the start and the end so we want to make sure we have the original position safe with this keyframe next up we're going to go to frame 95 add in another location keyframe right there and then we're going to move them into place over 20 frames so we're going to skip to 115 and we want the cards to come together to do this we'll zoom in we'll select half of them and one problem that we have though is you can see they're at an angle a really easy way to fix this is if we press the n key if you hold the alt key on your keyboard select the x set this to 0 and then enter you will see they're all completely flat but it looks like we actually have an active object right here so we're going to control z that and just select one of them to be the active so it won't have the one on the left to be active holding the alt key we will select the x set that to zero and there we go you can see there's not an extra one right there then all we have to do is move this into the middle right at this position hit i and go location we'll do the same thing on the left side i'm going to alt a to deselect b for box select draw a box around the entire thing select one of them to be the active object holding alt i will select the x alt and then 0 enter and there we can see they are now flush up against it make sure you are holding the alt key when you select the x location or it's not going to work then all we have to do is press g and x and then move them in into place right here so we'll zoom in and place it right at that location right there looks pretty good then we will hit i and add in another location keyframe so there you go let's go over to our start of the animation we'll play this you can see it closes and then they come together just like that the next step is to separate the cards so they can come together and we can have a looping animation so what we're going to do is go into the front view we're going to zoom in we're going to select all of them add in another keyframe at frame 120 i location then we're going to go 20 frames later so 140 we're going to deselect and only select half of the stack so b for box select draw a box around half of the stack and to see how many you have selected look on the bottom right we can see here we have 24. we'll select two more so we have 26 and then we're gonna press g move it about here hit i location then we're going to go 15 frames later let's go to 55 right here 155 g and then we'll move it right at this position we'll go into wireframe and then position it right on the floor right there is good right in line then hit i and go location one more time next up we're going to select all of these objects on the left side we're going to move them over to the left about the same distance right about there hit i and add in another location keyframe now let's see what this looks like they come together they separate and fall down so that is the animation at the end but now we need to go to the beginning and make it seamless so we need to position all the cards in this exact position right at the start to do this we're going to skip to the beginning of the animation and we're going to select half of them before we do that though let's actually skip back to the end frame 157 we're going to select this bottom one right here make sure the origin is on the side we're going to press shift s and go cursor to select it so now we know the exact position of this object we can go to the start of the animation alt a to deselect b for box select and draw a box around every single one of them we're going to move them over to the cursor right here and we're going to use the same trick to flatten this edge so holding alt i'm going to select the x and then i'm just going to click right there and that will flatten all of them then we'll just move them into place we'll place them right about here or so you want to make sure that they're lined up with the cursor and on frame one we're gonna hit the i key and add in another location keyframe one other problem that we have though is if we skip to the end you can see they're completely flat but then here they are really tall so we need to now move all these uh objects down so that they're completely flat with each other an easy way to do that is if we enable the magnetic snapping tool up here we're going to set this over to the vertex mode and then we'll box select all of them we'll zoom in here and then press g and just snap it to this location you want to be careful though because sometimes if you press g you might accidentally snap it to this and you can see there is two objects in the exact same position so make sure that you go slow at this part so you don't have two objects in the exact same position this has happened to me a couple times so make sure your go slow at this part once you have finished it you might see that all of our objects are in the wrong position so what we're going to do is select them all holding the alt key underneath the y direction holding alt select set that to zero enter i and add in a location keyframe so now what we're going to do is repeat that exact process for the left side we're going to skip to the end of the animation select one of them we'll zoom in here we'll select this right here with the origin point shift s cursor to selected so we know that exact position we'll skip to the beginning of the animation alt a then b for box select and we'll drag it over and then place it right here we also want to make sure that it is below because at the end of the animation it is a little bit lower so we'll place it right here line it up with the cursor and then just repeat the process so we're going to hit i at an a location to lock that position then holding the alt key i'm going to select the x and then just left click so it will line it up with the active object and then just repeat the process by moving them down and make sure you go slow so you don't have two objects in the exact same position and there we go we've moved them all in the correct position we're going to box select all of them hit i and add in a location keyframe what we need to do now is select them all and then fix the y direction so i'm going to press the n key holding the alt key i'm going to select the y set that to zero and enter then i location keyframe and there we go we've now created a seamless looping shuffle animation we're going to set the end frame in the timeline to 170 we'll restart and play it and here is the result the next step is to fix the uv map every single one of these cards is sharing that exact texture as you can see the ace of clubs so this part is a little bit tedious but i don't think there is any work around what you need to do is select them all go into edit mode press a to select everything alt a over in the uv image editor and then just place them on every single one of these cards it's a very long annoying process but i don't think there's any way around it what you can do is hit the l key on your keyboard g and x and then move it over we'll place it right there one more time alt a to d select l to select only one of them and move it over repeat this process for every single one of the cards [Music] and there we go that took way too long but it's finally done and now we can see here if we restart our animation and play it they come up and you can see all the different cards as they fall down one last thing that you might need to do is if we go to the end of the animation and then we skip to the beginning you will see that this deck over here actually changes the beginning and the end so what we need to do is actually just select that top bit and the reason this is happening is because this is not completely symmetrical the top half is a little bit different from the bottom half so we need to do is go into edit mode we will just select this part rotate this all the way around 180 degrees and that's all you really need to do so now if we go to the beginning and at the end there is no transition and it looks really good the last step is to create a scene with some lighting and then render this out into an animation but there you have it folks that is how you shuffle cards in blender i hope you learned something new from this tutorial and if you created your own animation i would love to see it so make sure to send it to me on instagram at blendermadez subscribe for more tutorials in the future and i will see you in the next one you
Channel: Blender Made Easy
Views: 266,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender 2.8, beginner, animation, b3d, cycles, eevee, animations, blendermadeeasy, shuffle cards, tricks, shuffling, card, blender animation, 2.9, new, how to, learn, free
Id: 0JnmWfWuMDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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