Blender Tutorial - Easy Scroll Animation

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hello everyone and welcome to another blender made easy tutorial today we'll be creating an animation of a scroll opening up we'll be covering a variety of topics including the rolling effect adding constraints and unwrapping a texture on the scroll itself to get started we're not going to need the default cube so of course you can press x and delete it next up let's add in a plane so i'm going to press shift 8 and add in a plane and then we'll go into top view by pressing 7 and then we'll go into edit mode and i want the origin point to be right on the edge right here so i'm going to press g y and if you hold ctrl you can snap it to that location and then we're going to add in a mirror modifier over on the right side i'm going to go to the modifier tab and then add in a mirror and this is going to use the y location and you can delete the x and there we go next up i'm going to scale it along the y so it's a little bit longer so i'm going to press s and y and scale it out this way probably somewhere around there maybe along the x-axis as well and then we can go into edit mode and then add in a bunch of loop cuts along the side so hit ctrl r and add in a bunch of loop cuts let's go with a value of 50 cuts somewhere right there is probably good so now we are ready to add in the curve i'm going to go into top view and in order to do this we need to enable an add-on on the top left we're going to go into the user preferences underneath the add-ons if you type in the word curve you should see a add curve extra objects make sure that is enabled and this will make our life so much easier i'm going to press shift a and underneath the curve tab we can see here we have a bunch more curves that we can add the curve spirals is what we're going to use we're going to add in the top one right here before you do anything else make sure you open up this panel so we can change a couple of settings the number of turns for this i'm going to set up to a value of 4 and to see this effect we need to increase or decrease the radius growth we're actually going to decrease this so let's go with a value of negative .04 and there we can see the effect and the radius we're also going to change this i'm going to go with a lower value of 0.3 and there we go we now have our curve and so how this is going to work is the scroll is going to wrap around just like this just like a real scroll would so now that you've set up your settings you can go out of edit mode and then we're going to rotate this so i'm going to press r then y and 90 and enter go into side view and then go into edit mode so the origin point is still at the center and we're going to move it over to the top left maybe scale it down just slightly another important thing that we need to do is have an extrusion on this vertex right here so select it press e to extrude and extrude it along the y axis this is important because we want it to be completely flat or the paper is going to deform kind of weird so make sure you extrude it out along the y so it's completely flat next up we are now ready to add the curve modifier so i'm going to select my plane click add modifier and select the curve modifier make sure this is above the mirror modifier and then for the curve object we're going to select the spiral you might get something like this but don't worry that's just because of the deform access we need to set this over to negative y once we do this we can see our curve is now working one problem that we have though is if we select our curve press g and y you can see it's rotating along the wrong direction so in order to fix that we need to flip the direction of our curve if we go into edit mode and then if i enable the handles you can see it i'll click right here the direction is going in this direction that's not what we want we want them to be going in this direction so to flip it you can right click and then click on switch direction so now what happens if we select our curve and press g and y you can see it is rotating along the correct direction there we go now let's position our plane so they're actually touching on the bottom select your plane go into edit mode and we'll press a to select everything and all we really need to do is just move it along the y direction just slightly if we go out you can see they're a little bit closer we'll do that a little bit more g and y move it out and there you go we can see they now connect and now if we select our handle right here our spiral curve press g and y we now have a scroll effect next up on our list is the handles we're going to be adding in a mesh and then a cylinder we'll rotate this along the y by 90 degrees and then place it right in the middle of one of these spots so i'll scale it down and place it right here i'll scale it down a little bit more something like this and then we'll go into top view and we're going to mirror this so first go into edit mode and delete half of it add in a little cut down the middle and then delete the left side and there we go we now have a handle for our scroll to actually get this to align with all the other spots we're going to add in a modifier select the mirror modifier right here and then for the mirror object we're going to select the plane we're going to mirror it along the y and the x so enable y and x and there we go we can see here the handles are on all corners of our scroll if we select our curve and move it though you can see the handles are not moving with it so in order to get them to move we're going to select it holding control i will select the spiral hit control p and parent the handle to the spiral so now if we select the spiral and move it the handle is moving with it another problem that we have though is that there's no rotation with the handle it looks like they're just sliding around so in order to get them to rotate we're going to be using the same technique that we used for the paint rolling effect you can view that tutorial by clicking in the top right right now so with the handle selected over in the constraints tab we're going to add in a constraint so click add and then select transformation and for the target we're going to select the spiral and then make sure extrapolate and then for the world space we need to switch this over to local space this is important if you want to rotate or move your scroll around later use the local space rather than the world space so how this is going to work is we're going to take the location of our spiral and map it to the rotation of our handle in order to figure out which values to put in here we need to find the diameter of our handle if we press n and then go underneath the item tab we need to check the dimensions currently these are in the wrong position so we need to apply the rotation so i'm going to hit ctrl a and apply the rotation to our handle and now they're in the correct position in order to find the circumference of our handle we need to take the z height which is the diameter right here 0.6 and multiply that times pi so what we're going to do is select this ctrl c to copy and a trick that i found out recently from a comment is if you paste in your value and you go times and then you type in the word pie and then enter it will automatically calculate it for you in blender which is very useful so now that we have our circumference we're going to map that to the rotation so switch it over to rotation and we're going to rotate it along the x but we need to take the source value from the y and then for the max value right here we're going to go with negative 360 degrees now if we select our spiral press g and y you will see the handle is now rotating with the scroll we're going to be adding in one more constraint to our scene and that is to limit the location of our scroll opening up we can see here we can just move it anywhere in our scene and it's going to break it so in order to lock the location we're going to be adding in another constraint select add constraint with the spiral selected and we're going to go with limit location we're going to limit every single one of these make sure all those are enabled and then for the maximum along the y direction we're gonna set this up to let's try 1.5 also make sure the owner is set over to local space as well and then if we press g and y we can see it opens up to that point and then it doesn't go any higher another thing you're going to want to check is effect transform if we press n we can see here if we move the the location is still going up even though it's not moving this is going to mess up a couple things later so make sure effect transformation is turned on so now if we press g and then we try to move it it's going to lock the location to 1.5 instead of constantly going up i think this location is a little bit too short so let's go with a value of 1.8 meters and we can see here it opened up slightly more and i think i'm happy with that now let's set the minimum because currently if we press g and y the handles are actually intersecting with each other so we're going to drag it all the way to the left and then we're gonna bring up the minimum value let's bring it up just slightly right about there or so and it looks like they're not touching anymore and we can see here we can't go past that it stops it right there without intersecting with the handles and that is exactly what we want so now it will open up and stop right there and it will close and stop right there without intersecting next up on our list is the material for our scroll now this part can get a little bit complicated and a little bit weird with the uv unwrapping because we have a mirror modifier but just follow along and you'll be fine so first off we need to unwrap this so i'm going to go into edit mode and make sure everything is selected and we're going to project this from the view so i'm going to press u and click on project from view there we go we can see it in our scene and now let's add in the texture i'm going to go over to the shader editor and then i'll create a new material the texture that we'll be adding is just an old plain paper texture so go underneath the texture and then add this in and the link for this texture is in the description we're going to be adding in this one right here with the blender logo so select it and click open image we'll take the color and plug it into the base color of the principled shader if we press z and go into material preview we can see here that the location is totally messed up we're going to go back over to the uv image editor then go into edit mode and then scale this and place it how we want so first off the scale of the x we're gonna we're going to scale it out this way scale it out so it fits the entire frame just like this then we're also going to press s and y and scale it down this way just slightly and then we'll go out of beta mode so now that we have the scale correct we're going to go back over to the shader editor and play around with the position if we have the node wrangler add-on enabled we can select the texture and press ctrl t and that will add in a mapping node plus a texture coordinate node and now we need to change the location if we change the y location yep it looks like we need to change the y we're going to bring the logo into the middle but currently it's actually flipped in the wrong direction we can fix this by changing the scale of the x to negative one and there we go the blender logo is now in the correct position with the mirror modifier it actually flips the uv map as you can see so in order to fix that we're going to open up the data and then mirror it along the vertical if we select vertical we'll need to play around with the offset we'll drag it a little bit lower and just line this up so we'll zoom in and make sure this is lined up and there we go it's now lined up and it looks seamless and that's it and now all we have to do is play around with the location we can put it right in the center and there we go we've now added the texture and it looks pretty good over in the front of the skull we're going to take the alpha and plug that into the alpha of the principled shader one other problem that we have with our scroll is if we look on the bottom you will see the texture is actually inverted i don't want the logo to show up i only want it to show up on the front so in order to fix that we're going to select our front of scroll shifty it and move it up we'll click on the x and open up a new image and the image that we'll be using is the same image without the logo so select it and then open it up in order to get this to only show up on the back of the scroll we're going to be using the geometry node so press shift a add in an input and then select geometry node right here and we'll place it right on the bottom just like this then to combine these we're going to press shift a add in a color mix rgb we'll place it here we'll take the back facing and plug this into the factor and then the color into the color of the mix shader we can see here this is not what we want so i think we need to actually flip these so we'll flip the direction so now the logo is on the top and if we look on the bottom we can see here it's not showing up we'll take the mapping node plug that into the back of the scroll and there we go we now have everything working correctly now before this tutorial ends i'm going to do one more thing i'm going to add in an empty so select empty and add in a plain axes this object is going to be parented to everything in our scene so we will select our scroll and then we will select the spiral and then finally the empty last we don't need to do the these handles because these are already parented to the spiral and then we'll press ctrl p and select parent so now what we can do if we select our empty we can rotate it around and it will still work correctly so if we rotate it upside down we can select the spiral and it will still work exactly how it is intended so now you can animate this object moving around you can animate the spiral right here opening and closing and you can create some really cool animations all you need to do now is add in a couple materials add some lighting and you can create some really cool animations thank you for watching this tutorial and if you created something cool i would love to see it so make sure to send it to me on instagram at blendermadeeasy if you enjoyed this tutorial consider leaving a like and comment down below what you would like to see next make sure to click subscribe for more tutorials in the future and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Blender Made Easy
Views: 83,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, beginner, blendermadeeasy, animation, blender animation tutorial, scroll, opening, 2.90, 2.80, cycles, eevee, b3d, 3d, render, model, texture, material, blender animation, blender tutorial for beginners, basics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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