Blender Tutorial - Silky Smoke Ink Drop Effect

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hello everyone and welcome back to another blender made easy tutorial today i'll be showing you how to create this silky smoke ink drop effect in blender to get started we're first going to create a simulation and then we'll go into the material and create that really cool look of course when starting out we're not going to need the default cube so let's go ahead and press x and get rid of it i'm going to press shift a and add in a uv sphere and this is the object that we're going to be using to emit the smoke from there i'm going to go over to object down to quick effects and then quick smoke this will automatically add a basic domain for us and currently it doesn't look good and we'll go ahead and change the settings in just a second i'm going to scale up the domain somewhere around here and then drag it up so it's sitting on the grid floor what we want is for this uv sphere to start out below the domain and then shoot up right about here and then the smoke will fly forward this gives it a really cool effect so to do this we're going to drag it below the domain and on frame one make sure your cursor is on frame one i'm going to add in a location keyframe so hit i and then add in a location i'm going to skip to frame 20 drag this up into the domain somewhere around here will probably be good and then hit i and add in another location keyframe another thing we're gonna do is change the interpolation mode from these two keyframes to linear because right now it's using a curve to smooth out the animation so with them selected i'm going to press t and select linear very good so now let's go into the domain settings and change it how we want so first off i'll select my domain and go over to the physics tab the resolution before we change that i'm going to scroll down all the way to the cache setting and change the type from replay over to modular then over in the resolution we're going to go up to a value of 256. this is quite a high resolution so if you have a slower computer you can probably get away with 160 but since i want a lot of resolution i'm going to bring this up to 256. another thing we're going to do is animate the time scale value so as the ubc r enters the domain the time scale is going to slow down making it look like it just entered water and it's slowly moving across so at frame 10 i'm going to hover my mouse over the time scale and add in a keyframe i'm going to jump to frame 30 and set the time scale down to a value of about 0.5 and then add in another keyframe so it looks like the smoke is going to slow down as the time goes on scrolling down into the other settings of the domain i'm going to turn on adaptive domain and then open up this panel this threshold value we need to make sure we turn down if you don't turn this down you're going to get these weird splotches where the smoke just disappears instantly and that's because the adaptive domain is cutting it off the threshold value controls how dense the smoke needs to be in order for it to be cut off so if this was all the way up to one it would get rid of almost all of the smoke so we're going to set this a lot lower let's go with a value of 0.001 the gas settings we're going to set the density and this is how fast the smoke will rise we're going to go with a value of about 0.5 and the heat value this also correlates with how fast the smoke rises we're going to bring that lower to 0.7 i've played around with the vorticity value and i think a value of 0 actually looks the best for the simulation so that's where we're going to leave it on the end frame down here i'm going to set up to 200 and i'm going to turn on is resumable now let's go into the flow settings i'm going to select my flow object and make sure the flow behavior is set to inflow what i want is for the info to turn off right when it hits frame 20. so i'm going to skip to frame 20 and add in a keyframe for the use flow option go to the next frame frame 21 and turn this off and then add in another keyframe oh i added it in the wrong spot add it right here the initial temperature i'm going to set this to a value of 1.5 and this will help the smoke look just a little bit better and move a little bit differently and finally underneath the flow source we're going to set the surface emission to 1 and the volume emission to a value of 1 as well so the inside of the uv sphere will also emit smoke i'm going to turn on initial velocity and set the source value up to 2. this will give it more velocity once the uv sphere stops and so the smoke will rise up finally i'm going to add in a turbulence force field so press shift a go underneath force field and add in a turbulence force field i'm going to set the strength of this force field 2.6 and the size all the way up to one so it's a lot bigger and the flow option i'm going to set this to 0.2 and then finally to give it some randomness i'm going to bring up the noise amount 2.5 with all of that done i think we are ready to bake so i'm going to select my domain once again and i might scale it up a little bit more somewhere around here or so make sure you save your project just in case this crashes and once you've done that we are ready to bake so i'm going to set the end frame and the timeline to 200 as well and then i'm going to click on wait before you bake you might want to scale down the domain a little bit when i first clicked bake the smoke simulation did not turn out very good and i didn't like how it looked the reason for this was because the domain size was really large so what i did is i scaled down the domain and the sphere to about this dimension we can see the domain size is about four and a half and then the uv sphere is about one meter long this gave me a lot more better results so before you bake make sure you scale down the domain to about that size and then you'll be good to go all right the simulation has finished baking and here is our results i'm going to go ahead and skip through a couple of these frames to see exactly what it looks like and as you can see the smoke does look pretty good what i'm gonna do now is set up the material to give it a really cool look i'm gonna go ahead and split this view and switch this over to the shader editor and then i'll press n to close off that panel i'll select my domain and we're not going to need the principled shader so i'm going to go ahead and delete that instead we're going to be using a shader and a volume absorption shader if we take the volume and plug it into the volume of the material output let's go ahead and skip to about 45 and another thing i'll do is i'll position the camera right in the front view so i'll press 1 on my number pad then i'll hit ctrl alt and 0 to snap the camera to place you can select it g middle mouse button and drag it back and place it in the middle now let's continue working on the material to get this to actually look good let's first press z and go into rendered view and we can see the whole domain is now filled up with this volume absorption let's talk about the difference between volume absorption and volume scatter volume absorption will absorb some of the light as it passes through the volume this is very useful to create black smoke or colored glass objects on the other side volume scatter will scatter the light in other directions the anosotropy defines where the direction of the light will scatter to a value of zero will let the light scatter evenly in all directions a negative value will let the light scatter going backwards and a positive value will let the light scatter going forwards in this case to get a really cool effect we're just going to be using the volume absorption so it will absorb the light and give it a really cool look we first need to define where the volume absorption is supposed to be so to do that i'm going to press shift a and add in an input and a volume info node if we take the density value plug that into the density of the volume absorption now we can see it's in the correct spot i'm also going to go over to the render settings and switch it over to cycles i'm going to use my gpu as the device and another thing that we're going to do is go over to the world settings and bring the color of the world up to almost white next up we're going to add some density to this to do this we'll add in a converter and a math node and place it here and switch it over to the multiply this bottom value now controls the density of the smoke let's go up to a value of 75. there we can see it and it's looking pretty cool the color you can set in the volume absorption and i'm just going to give it a very slight blue color somewhere around here and then for the value i'm going to drag it a little bit higher you don't want to go completely white because it will look like this just very close to it somewhere around 0.969 and that will be pretty good next up to give this even more definition we're going to use a color ramp to determine where the density is so add in a color ramp and place it in between the volume info and the multiply node over in the color ramp we're going to add in a couple of new handles so i'm going to hit that plus sign drag it over to the left i'll drag the black closer this way somewhere like this and i'll set this all the way up to white you can already see the effect that we're starting to get next up i'll add in another handle drag it over this way and we're going to clamp a black value in between two white values so i'll add in one more finally we'll add in another one and right in the middle this is going to be black and there you can see it this is the effect that we're getting i'm gonna select this one and switch it over to the white color and i might ease this up just a little bit something like that will look pretty good and as you can see with it with the color amp turned off this is the look and then with it turned on it's a lot more interesting now let's set up our render settings first off i'm going to select my uv sphere and i don't want this to show up in the rendered view so come over to the top right and turn on the camera icon and then turn it off for the uv sphere i'm also going to turn it off in the v port so we just get this effect and now i'll show you how to render in both ev and in cycles so with cycles i'm going to set the render amount all the way to 30 and that's basically all you really need to do for the cycles if we switch over to ev it might look a little bit weird and that is because we need to open up volume metrics set the tile size down to two pixels turn on volumetric shadows and you still might notice the smoke looks very strange the reason for that is because the samples are a little bit lower if we bring the samples up to 256 now it will look a lot better unfortunately though with a sample of 256 it's actually longer to render in eevee than in cycles so if you want to render an ev you can but i found it's much faster in cycles that being said i'm going to go ahead and set an output and render this into an animation but there you go that is how you create a silky smoke ink drop effect in blender thank you very much for watching this tutorial and i hope you enjoyed it if you created something cool i would love to see it so make sure to send it to me on instagram that'll do it i hope you guys have a happy new year and i look forward to creating even more tutorials for you guys in 2021 take care and i'll see you next year
Channel: Blender Made Easy
Views: 32,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoke, ink, effect, blender, tutorial, simulation, mantaflow, how to, blender tutorial, blender made easy, blender made easy mantaflow, b3d, cycles, eevee, fire, 2.9, 2.8, blender animation, beginner, easy, learn, free, drop
Id: zpYI6T4ILEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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