How to create a scifi decal in Blender.

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hey guys you're here with another video for blender so i'm gonna be designing some info decals i've been designing info decodes uh for the past i think two or three months for our patreon and our membership uh on and we're gonna be continuing with the theme so i just want to have more you know more info details in my disposal to create more interesting sci-fi models they're really cool and they make everything comes to come together so i'm designing them mainly with you know with modeling in mind so um you know it's something that i would like to see on my models and something that i think looks good and makes sense so you know this is an example from i think last month or december i can't remember we produced so many you know tutorials and decos that i'm gonna confuse myself sometimes but it's gonna be coming out this year either it's november or december honestly can't remember i think it's gonna be december uh blender is the main thing here and i will be using decal machine but you know if you want to you can just uh use it as a png and and basically as a texture and then apply it to your models using simply uvs or whatever but i'm going to be using decal motion because it's simply easier and then i'm going to move on very quickly to photoshop but you don't really need photoshop if you don't want to you can use any program like or whatever but let's just say the plane here i'm going to go to regular view and i can you know turn the screencast keys i don't think you would need them because i'm going to be doing anything complicated really it's all about design and kind of a thought flow that's more important than you know what keys are being pressed but uh there's always someone complaining about keys not being displayed so there you go okay so let's make it larger and let's grab a box cutter and let's go to angon and i think i'm just going to start slicing so i'm going to slice here and i'm going to slice this off that's one two i'm gonna slice this off here like that and i'll try to maintain the even thickness between you know these two i went the wrong way uh between these two lines evens thickness here and even thickness here so if i do something like this and press x and then tab i'm going to go to a pose mode and i can adjust these to my liking so you know i could just simply move it a little bit up here maybe that's a bit too much something like that i think actually it's okay let's just slice it so let me see that let's uh grab this um if i scroll this one and gx and just simply move it a little bit to to the right so this thickness here on both sides is identical we can now cut this piece here like that so we're gonna cut this off okay let's grab this bit and extend it on x a little bit and maybe do something like this and the thing is going to look quite interesting maybe this is a little bit too tall so we can make it a bit shorter so slide on both and you know cut it in here it's going to be looking a little bit more interesting now so this one i would like to be equal in height to this one so you know gg and sort of slide it up and slide it up somewhere here okay let's choose some font in photoshop something that's going to be you know interesting and not boring this one is kind of cool but this one is really good for you know advertisements what is this new new academy right so the way you import fonts to blender it's very simple you simply click on whichever font you chose to make sure that it's regular italic or whatever so let's go regular and i don't know if it's gonna be here oh it's gonna be my font folder sometimes blender will not find font all the fonts installed in windows for some reason so you can see that new academy is not in here so i have to go to my e drive and get it so i'm going to go to my font folder and go to new economy there we go and open font boom and now you start typing in blender let's just select this and type something here so let's say this is going to be airlock and let's just go to object mode and make it bigger now i'm trying to align you know this here properly i think in between is gonna be better than like this see creates like a weird kind of uh segmentation here if you're gonna go like that it's gonna be probably better maybe like this and lock and i think this is still too small it should be really big like that and also uh the gap here is a little bit large right here so what we can do type two phrases so you could type error right and then shift the x and then lock and you can kind of you know change the uh the width and i probably can change it in here but quite frankly i can't be was looking for values and this is more intuitive for me and you know i work that way old habits die hard okay so don't come to me like an anal knight saying oh you can just in here so i know i just don't give a so gx and that's maybe a bit too big i don't know um because when you make this really big right there's gonna be a dominant feature if you're gonna make it smaller this is gonna be a dominant feature so we need to kind of decide which way to go maybe something like this is fine i kind of like that you need to look at the overall balance of things you know now another thing i want to pay attention to is the distance between these two maybe it's a good idea to maintain it the same distance between the bottom and um you know bottom of the letters and and this edge here i think it's not corresponding but it's gonna be more airy and now we could do something in here you know for example we could grab this one and shift d and q and go to operations and uniquify we could go here and we could slice it okay so uh we could just slice it here with with box cutter and you know sharpen to apply this and move this one a little bit here like this and shift the x move it in here make it a little bit smaller so shift s into geometry sx move it a bit all that and then shift d and make it even smaller like this and gx move it here something like this that's pretty cool so it kind of you know underlines this ai could be like an ai airlock or something that's pretty cool actually like this thing so you know sometimes when you design something you're going to find some you know interesting accidents in here what we could do is for example put some kind of a serial number or a number of a lock so you could put for example like you know zero seven or something so we could grab that shift dx and uh delete that and put zero seven and make it smaller right and maybe put it somewhere here and make it smaller make it a bit bigger and let's just solidify so q and geo to mesh and then solidify well sort of fine press two to go both ways and select that in difference how we looking oh that's pretty cool that's pretty cool i'm not sure about these the seven you see now that the seven here doesn't really correspond with this angle here which i don't like so what we might do is fix it you know so let's grab this cutter and go here to operations and clean mesh so we can get rid of all the junk select these and simply gx and you know move it in here like this so so this seven uh the angle corresponds with this angle here grab these two and gx and just move it a little bit in here so it's fatter and i think it's going to look a little bit more interesting like this right a little bit more this o could be a little bit closer so um let's just select it and gx moved a bit closer and i think we can make it a little bit bigger and it's going to be more interesting there you go and now this looks pretty cool to me so see how this is how you know i would design most of my decals and occasionally what i would do i would go to uh some kind of a pure file that i have from games with screenshots and just skim through and find some idea that i like you know some just kind of a hint and create something out of it so to render this you can you can do it uh both ways just turn off this grid here and to um do a viewport render here just remember to save it as to save it as um rgba okay and make sure this alpha background is transparent or you could just go to cycles and you know page down with machine tools and smart come to view let's set smart come to something like i don't know 130 ml so it's going to be orthographic let's just zoom out a little bit right and now i'm going to specify a resolution here to um to 560 by 1440 so in photoshop i can actually create 2048 file out of this so it's going to be 2k you don't need any lights for this it just doesn't matter because we don't need lights as long as you don't have a background too good so that's that and let's just you know render it very quickly boom and let's save it so tiff i'm going to replace this here actually i'm going to do it i'm going to save a new tiff here and then we can go to photoshop cool so in photoshop you can see that we have alpha background and like i said make sure that you when you're saving as a png or tiff you're gonna include alpha background so rgb a otherwise you will not be uh you know you're gonna you're not gonna have a transparent background so here all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna select a create a layer and i would not recommend making these white uh this might create some really weird chromatic aberrations when you're going to be baking this with tickle machine i suggest middle uh middle gray which is basically um 128 128 128 an rgb scale so it's going to be middle gray so 128 on all of them and then simply fill it up and clip it okay so you got a grey image so you know save as psd and i'm going to resize it to 2k so my decal is going to be 2k then we can crop it so just go to crop tool and if you have a ratio here set up just click on clear and then hold alt and you can scale it like that on both sides and release it and just go from the top you want to leave a little bit of a padding okay not too much but you will not leave a bit of a penny what i mean by that is some kind of a buffer around your decal okay so don't you know don't sort of uh don't make your uh crop literally touch your text you want some padding okay for bleeding and that's good enough uh we can you know reserve it if you want to i'm going to um you can't flatten the image you need to merge visible because it's a png and you need to save it as png otherwise you will not have the transparent background so png and you know save okay and in blender uh let's just you know create a new scene and go here to detail machine so dica machine creation right info and just clear everything here crop but i'll just set it to maybe four or even five before it should do and then you load the image and once you find it just choose a png an open image if you want to load more than that like if i say 10 you can do that and when you load more than that you're gonna have uh like a batch creation here like an option so you know you click that and then create info decode and you're done so then if you're gonna drop a plane on it right and let's just scale it and we're gonna add some color to it alt m and then we're gonna project it so press w d and project it and go to look def because in this view you can't see anything make this background a bit darker so it's gonna be a bit more interesting and boom there's your decal okay looking peachy so now if you want to add it to a new collection what you need to do is you need to create the collections that you go here to preferences to your decal machine right and the call machine there yo let's make it a bit bigger i got a a lot of decals okay so i'm gonna have to scroll for a week and a half and then here you just create a new folder so let's say blender bros january 2022 there you go and create it and then what you need to do is refresh it here okay so it's gonna appear in your deco library and save press all right good and then when you select it you can't move this decal about okay so when you move it about projected you can't add it to your library so what you need to do is you need to rebake it okay so let's rebake it create a decal boom now you can see the options here we're going to put it in blender bros january 2022 and simply add to library okay and then when you press d you'll see you're gonna have a new library january 2022 and there's your decal so there you go that's how you create decals for digital motion now i'm going to give you a cool tip if you want to make testicle into a a massive decal it's it's really easy guys all you do is go here to a mission change it from black to whatever color you want and pump strength and you got an emissive decal it's pissed easy all right well thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the vid give us like and sub if you did and if you would like to learn more about using hard ups and box cutter we have a free course on our website you can click on the link in the video description and you'll get access to a free course and a free pdf file which is awesome and uh you know hope you're gonna have fun with this one also look into our membership we have a fantastic membership on our website there's a massive coaching community forum which you know we help one another and not several kind of questions there's a lot of perks including discounts on our premium courses so it's a really cool feature um we created it because we thought that patreon simply doesn't offer as many tools as we would like to have so you know we we at the moment running both so if you would like and prefer you know if you prefer patreon you can go on patreon if you prefer our membership just hop on our membership we're going to be maintaining both so alright well thanks for watching and see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 1,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender tutorial, hard surface, scifi, 3d modeling, decal, scifi decal, decal machine, how to make decals
Id: Ab7oCcKcxDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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