Zbrush Hard Surface Techniques for Beginners - Zmodeler Basics

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hello everyone this is Chris welcome to my first modeling video in this one we're going to make a revolver cylinder here it looks simple but it can cover quite few Anzhi mutlar techniques first of all I'm gonna pick a sit in their 3d turn on editing mode go to initialize turned h divided to 30 and V divided to 4 and then make polymesh3d and before we start I'm gonna quickly show you guys my customized menu here these are the functions I use all the time for my modeling if you don't have a menu here and you don't want to keep open these menus to select your function see once you click one menu and if you just click another one it's just going close to white on the top if you hold shift and click and everything we're just gonna stay open and it's just easier for you to find these function so now I'm gonna use Z Mountain err you see em insert a edge just around here I'm gonna turn on the symmetry mode they are and get this six and mask these points slide out a little bit I'm gonna assign these to a different polygroup inset polygroup all inside region and could extrapolate just delete these extra ones also I'm going to delete that face as well I'm asked this way delayed on a football and I will drag the scale to flatten the surface and now I just need to adjust these points a little bit just to make them straight been delayed these Poli at the edge and we're going to bridge these edges together so hit D you can turn on the dynamic subdivide and to check if everything is nice and smooth and now I'm going to mask single poly turn on double will shrink these down a bit that thing it's good the next thing we want to do is to make these bullet holes so first let's go back to cylinder 3d and under initialize and we're going to change this to 12 back to our shape and let's add insert and I only need this face so delayed everything else so they like hidden and make this smaller go to a remesh turn on transpose and I'm going to rotate six times sorry I'm going to repeat 6 times the why access to 360 so nothing really happens here because we haven't changed the pivot yeah so with a Z amount point - that looks good make mesh and now I just need to correct a position go to geometry position and just change this all back to zero synthetic asthma merge down everything together and I'm gonna hit Auto groups sorry bring this board rotate you thing here now here we need another circle so insert some go ahead look stirred holy crap oh no sighs Polly's we're gonna bring this one here too since I turned on the double so I so sometimes especially when people are modeling something complicated and you can easy to forget if this is actually facing the right direction if I turn this off and then it's all it's gone because it's facing the other way so what I need to do is I select that and flip and if I turn a double off now you can see it's facing the right direction so I'm going to select everything here and it's just selecting these it looks good now let's just bridge these all together you and we're gonna add all these circles to the other side as well mixture polygroup all and bring these to the other side just isolate these flip and select everything here just flapping that now I can just sign these two new polygroup and today to publicly ball and I'll just bridge these together q mesh polygroup all so it stirred all the way to the other side ah sorry this part is actually extruding out so delayed these edges you sorry probably a flat do the same thing on the other side now let's go to ours and in their 3d and change the h divided to 12 go to a sub tool insert whoops sit in there 3d I will shrink this down a little bit and our assign all these each true to a different polygroup just stirred polygroup up and then sorry just click click click on our let's do that again so straight out quick good and we only need the front face to our cylinder 3d again this time let's change the h divided to third a bit just so they look straight let's add the cylinder insert then scale this up a little bit crank this down this way our sign is to a different polygroup we'll merge these two down together you the insert sorry before I do that I will insert edgeloop around here and the sign is true delight college football we need to lay a single poly that looks good select everything here and flatten this now what we need to do is just stitch these points together this part is a little bit tricky to stitch so what we can do is mask these points and bring them forward just make it easier for you to stitch these points and once you turn on the dynamic subdivide it actually shows all these points in the direction where these points come from it looks crazy but it's actually easier for me to stitch them together you now that's good I want to register this hole here insert a single-issue like that and to make sure this part match this part especially the circle in the center use mirror to the y-axis so mirror nice flips to this side and around the world and I will delete the page loop in the center a sign is to a different polygroups I'd like that and qmesh polygroup Oh looks good the last step is to make a curved edge here insert an edge loop and our assigned these to a new polygroup as well and I'll qmesh polygroup I'll bring them down and then because this curve is start from here so I'm going to stitch these points together yes it's this one to this one and I will do all I will stitch these points from the inside as well I'll mask this one and bring them forward just a touch so we're gonna make this curve to TTIP and I'll bring this up to 15 or and a scale this up sign these two new polygroup you Chris polygroup and go to Babbo and add these pebbles oops now everything looks just nice and smooth finally I'm just going to scale this down and bring everything together one last thing let's just make this detail here so first of all I'm gonna go to auto group it's just an easier to manage bring this forward just a little bit cert granted you look so I can have a edge right in the center of this circle and I'll do the same thing here assign these to a new polygroup Umesh photograph all right all the way to the other side and let's bring this back in here and I think it's done it's finished I won't war about this detail here because I can just make a high poly version and bake the detail on that little poly and I can actually quickly show you guys how to do that so first of all I can duplicate I can subdivide this a couple of times to make it nice and smooth duplicate this low poly again to initialize which day so you can hate cinder tonight you got a brand new cylinder here and now I'm just going to rotate 90 degrees come back so I will choose circle maybe let's try that that's good and I can battle this part and chewmash one football this extra this back in just a touch you use a remesh a little turn this anything rocking yeah write it down down the tree and if you like lower go to a remesh and you repeat this six times and rotate 360 go tune up with it you and make folder I'm gonna call this bullying this will be the start below will be the subject and I'll just turn my bully or easy right and so this is how you can build a revolver cylinder in ZBrush I hope you guys enjoyed the video and learned something from this so thank you so much for watching and please subscribe if you liked my video and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Chris Z
Views: 49,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D game art, Zbrush, tutorial, Zmodeler, CG art, hard surface modeling, hard surface techniques, Zbrush 2019, Zmodeler basics, beginner tutorial
Id: MCT7w6u0abs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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