Blender Tutorial - Simple Stylized Hair Tutorial - Stylized Character Modeling

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so last week we created our first stylized head sculpt and now it's time to give them some hair to add a little bit more style and expression and I'm going to show you my preferred method for creating stylized hair in blender but as always my name is Keelan and if you're ready to jump in with me today grab yourself a nice hot drink and let's get into it okay welcome back everybody my name is killing hope you're all feeling good and ready to jump in with me today and it's probably worth noting that if you haven't done the first video in this tutorial series I'll leave a link on the screen somewhere and in the description where you can follow me along to create this nice stylish head sculpt and I take you through some of the fundamentals of sculpting in the blender but by all means if you're just looking to learn how to create some effective and simple stylist here in blender feel free to follow along with some of your own sculpts too but with that let's go ahead and jump on into the video and as usual keep your eye down the bottom left here for my mouse clicks and my keyboard shortcut inputs so let's initially start with the eyebrows and this should be nice and simple because we're not going to be doing any sculpting for the Brows it's primarily just going to be box more than once again with a couple of extra little tips that I think I can give you so let's start by holding shift and then right clicking on the area where we want to add the brow and for this I'm just going to be adding in a plane so shift a I'm going to go to mesh plane and then let's rotate this 90 degrees on the x-axis scale this down and bringing this out to somewhere like that and then front view I'm just going to adjust and shape this to the general size that I want maybe something like that but when it comes to browse obviously we want this to be nice and flush with the head and not to do that we're going to be taking advantage of the shrink wrap modifier so if I add that that's going to let us choose a Target and then when we do the mesh right here this plane is going to flatten itself to the Target the only issue is right now our plane is just four sides and there's no mesh or no geometry there for it to bend so let's tab in the edit mode and using the loop cut tool with controller let's add in one two actually look at you by scrolling the mouse wheel up then we can left click right click and now this has those extra little edges there which will allow it to bend around the head so back at the object mode Let's select our Target here boom and just like that in front view you can see we can adjust our eyebrow position and size but it's going to try its best to keep itself nicely flat against that head I think that's looking pretty good about this so we can come in here and apply our modifier and now you can see it's nicely settlety that is the new position for our shape but we are going to need to reset those scale variables once again so if I come into item you can see our scale values a little bit all over the place from where I was adjusting it so we can do Ctrl a to just to reset those nice and beautifully okay cool and to close that up and now we need a bit of thickness because right now it's a flat plane we can't see it so just like good old-fashioned box modeling let's add a solidify modifier and I'm going to increase my offset here so it comes out towards the front and then adjusting the thickness to something that we like I may be playing around with the offset so it sits slightly in the head and then close that up let's add in a subdivision service modifier I like to go for a subdivision of round three right click shade smooth something like that and I am also going to add another shrink wrap modifier and then making the head the target but you will notice that we're going to lose it here and that's because the shrink wrap right now is the last in the modifier stack and we generally need this to be first in this case that way it's going to shrink wrap before it starts applying the solidify modifier on the subdivision modifiers that way we can still have this effect of moving it around and it's going to try its best to keep itself nicely flush with the head but let's go ahead and adjust this to something that we like maybe play around with our offset a little bit more but this once again is preference and of course we need two brows so finally let's go back into modifiers add the mirror modifier and then the head is going to be our mirror object and I think something like that will do and you can Tinker with the shape as much as you like in this case till you find something that you're happy with but I think some of the guy looks pretty cool now let's go ahead and do a little bit of stylized sculpting for the hair all right so in order to do the hair of course when it comes to stylist here there's lots of different methods and everybody has their preference depending on the style you're looking to go for but I'm just going to go for a nice sculpted minimalistic look and to do that I want to create a nice base for the hair first so let's initially move our 3D cursor back to the head so I'm going to select the head shift s cursor to our selected object and I want to start with a nice bulky shape inside that I can sculpt and start moving and drag it out to give us a nice base layer so let's do shift a and we could do this with a and we could do this perhaps with a basic UV sphere and then let's scale it down and in my right side view let's just move it to relatively into place this doesn't need to be perfect because we're going to go ahead and adjust this anyway very shortly maybe something like that and now let's go ahead and apply a scale before we do any sculpting jump it into sculpt mode on our UBC here let's enable x-axis mirroring and I'm going to press G to make sure I'm using the grab tool use an F to adjust the size of my cursor and now let's go ahead and just drag this around so we've got a nice area and some good coverage for whether here is generally going to sit but I think something like that will do for now at this point I just want to remesh this just like we did before and I'm going to go ahead and draw a little bit down here for The Sideburns so let's go ahead and jump into our rematch tool and test this out with something like 0.02 Maybe okay how much geometry do we have here that's not too bad maybe we'll try some like that for now and then I'm just going to use the draw tool here and I'm just going to draw in a little bit of sideburns something like that nothing too fancy perhaps I'll drag these around with the grub tool again okay cool I'm gonna smooth this over while holding shift here to use the smooth tool and maybe something like that will do for the base for now I think that's looking pretty good so this is where you can get creative now and start adding in some interesting shapes to really create some cool Styles and to do this I'm gonna go ahead and jump back into object mode and I generally start by doing some box modeling so let's go ahead and add a new Cube what I'm what I'm looking to achieve here is a bit of a quiff that goes up in the center and to do that let's go ahead and utilize this Cube I'm going to bring him up here for now and then just do some good old-fashioned box modeling using the subdivision surface modifier smooth this down and in my right side view let's scale him to oh whoops accidentally selected everything undo that select The Fringe and then add some y to thin it out slightly and I'm just going to bring it into place maybe around here I want to make sure this is quite large but then tap it into edit mode I want to press three to select faces and selecting this top face I'm just gonna put it like this and using control and right click I'm just looking to give a bit of a nice quiff shape like that and then I'm going to use the X review and then make sure I have vertices selected I'm just going to box select these and move them around find a general shape that I like but of course as I always say guys feel free to Tinker with this and create as many different styles that you like this is just one of my preferred ways to do this but I think that's looking pretty cool and probably worth thinning it out just a little bit at the front here Coolio and now I think we can just go ahead and duplicate this with shift d I'm going to shrink it down a little bit I'll just put it next to it oh that's looking pretty cool something like that and then we can use a mirror modifier again to go ahead and mirror this across the head should give us a nice big quiff oh and that's looking pretty snazzy and now I think let's go ahead and initially um let's apply the subdivisions on both of these and I just want to adjust the shape on this slightly so Ctrl a player scale back into sculpt mode and now that we've applied that subdivision this should be a nice bit of geometry there for us to play with and using the grab tool you can just make those fine adjustments to get the general shape and that you like at this point what I tend to do is to convert these all to a mesh so I'm going to shift and click select them all right click convert to mesh so now you can see these all are nicely a mesh and then we're going to join them up by selecting them all again and then lastly selecting the base of the hair here using Ctrl J we're going to go ahead and rematch just like we did in the last video rematch turn off face sets and perhaps we'll start with 0.02 to see how that looks that's not too bad but I think I want something a little bit more higher resolution to avoid this uh sort of you know boxy shape some of the edges here so perhaps I'll try 0.009 and when it comes to rematching guys it will vary based on the size and shape of your model so you know just experiment experiment with this yourself little by little decreasing the size of those voxels until you find something that works for you and doesn't completely crash your computer if I think something like that will do and now I just like to come in and using this smooth tool holding shift I'm just going to smooth these over to get rid of those hard edges here like this something like that and if you are still getting a lot of what almost looks like pixelation you can go ahead and increase your uh you know the density and decrease the voxel size a bit more but I think for the purposes of this control uh controller the for the purposes of this tutorial this should look pretty fine or at least I hope and to give you a good example of how I like to do this okay and there we have the stylized hair for this character I hope that was another insightful one for you today and don't forget feel free to experiment with this and create a variety of different styles and send them to me at Keel and John underscore on Instagram because I'm Keen to see what you guys come up with but I think that's gonna just about two of today's video guys and if you did enjoy a cheeky like it goes a long way to support me and if you'd be interested in continuing your blender journey in the next episode we're going to be looking at painting and adding some shaders to our model to really bring them to life so hit that subscribe button and notification Bell to be notified when I upload a video other than that as always the source files for this will be over on the patreon but other than that my name has been Keelan I hope you enjoy the rest of your day a and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Keelan Jon
Views: 155,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender3D, Blendertutorial, Design, Development, 3dArtist, 3dart
Id: vl_KabTjK58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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