Blender Tutorial - 2D Drawing to 3D Model (Part 1)

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hello my name is eve i'm a 3dr sdn illustrator and today i'll be showing you how to make this 3d model i'm going to summarize some basics and run you through my process from start to finish the video will be split into two parts this is part one where i'll be showing you how to model the character and then in part two i'll show you how to uv unwrap texture light and render your character if you find this video useful make sure to subscribe also turn on the notifications so you get notified when part two is up before we start modeling you need to turn on a few add-ons that are off by default in blender go to edit preferences and then go into keymap here you turn on tab for pi menu as well as extra shading pi menu items then in the input tab turn on emulate free button mouse and finally in add-ons turn on add mesh extra objects as well as mesh loop tools these are going to make your workflow much easier and faster after that press here and save preferences so before we begin i want to say that blender can be very overwhelming at first and it's completely normal to feel intimidated by all of the information but it's actually really easy to pick up so you don't need to worry about it just try to take it one step at a time and i'll run you through all the basics that you need to get started okay so to rotate around your object you use the middle mouse button if you press shift middle mouse button you can pan around your scene you zoom in and out with the wheel on your mouse i'll leave a little cheat sheet of all the shortcuts i'll be using in the description below so the first thing i want to explain is a couple of basic 3d concepts if you're not a complete beginner feel free to skip this part so our 3d model here is made from vertices edges and faces which are also called polygons all of these little points where the edges meet are called vertices edges are these lines between two vertices and finally this is a face or polygon faces are where three or more vertices meet to make a visible surface so all of these are faces how are we going to make our bunny model today is by manipulating and moving around faces edges and vertices in order to get the shape we want that was just a super quick summary which i hope helped us explain what we'll be doing okay so let's import a reference image now first delete this cube by pressing x and confirming then press shift a and select image reference find your reference image and click align to view and then load the reference image now you want to rotate it press r to rotate and then x to constrain the rotation only to the x-axis you can also enter the rotation here on the right side as well i'll just put in 90 degrees in there now we're going to go down here in object date properties and we're going to reduce the opacity of the image and position it press front as we want the image to be in front of your mesh and then reduce the opacity from here so you can actually see your mesh behind the image now we're ready to start modeling press shift a and go into mesh then select a rounded cube the reason we use a rounded cube and not a sphere is because a cube doesn't have triangles which can be troublesome when animating later on set the radius of the cube to 1 to make it rounded we're now going to delete half of this rounded cube and mirror it over that way we only need to work on one half at a time and then the result gets mirrored over to the other side press on this little arrow here in the top right corner and turn on x-ray mode this way you're able to select the vertices in the front of the mesh as well as the ones in the back if you hold down on the selection tool up here you can activate selection lasso which i prefer using press tab and then go into edit mode then press 1 to enter vertices selection mode now select one half of the mesh and with all of these vertices selected press x to delete them then you can press tab and go back into object mode press on this little wrench tool and add a modifier we want to add the mirror modifier make sure that clipping is turned on now when you work on one side your results will be mirrored over to the other side as well we'll also add another modifier on here called subdivision surface which smooths your mesh add two levels to your modifier as you can see the mesh still doesn't look smooth how you fix that is by smoothing the normals by right clicking and then selecting shades move now it's all nice and smooth press numpad 1 to go into front view and then press tab to go into edit mode what we're going to do is push and pull these vertices around to match the shape of the reference before you start make sure you turn on x-ray mode and then select all of these vertices then we press g to start moving them around a very useful tool i use a lot is the proportional editing tool the shortcut on the keyboard for it is o it's basically like a soft selection and moves everything around the area you've selected with the scroll mouse button you can increase or decrease the area it affects this tool is very very handy if you want to move bigger chunks of geometry around while you're moving the vertices around you want to make sure that your faces are more or less square and that you reduce any stretching so you don't want big rectangular areas like here if you do this when you decide to animate your model it will actually deform properly to straighten this edge press s to scale then z to constrain to the z-axis and then zero [Music] here i'm just pushing and pulling the mesh around while trying to keep it nice and tidy [Music] now what we're going to do is smooth the mesh in order to have more faces to work with then we can start working on the ears go into object mode and apply the subdivision surface modifier with levels reduced to 1. press here and apply what that does is smooth out the mesh not just in preview so now you have more faces to work with here i'm applying another subdivision surface modifier just so everything is nice and smooth now press tab and go into edit mode press 1 to go into vertices selection mode select this vertice and then shift select this one press x to delete them now we have a nice hole here from which we can start to extrude the ears double click on this edge then right click and go into loop tools circle as you can see it makes it circular but it rotates it a bit weird so we can fix that by pressing r and rotating it so it's aligned nicely i'm also pressing s and then y to scale it on the y axis so the opening is nice and oval [Music] press one on the numpad to align to the front view and then with your edge loop selected press e to start extruding press s if you need to scale down your selection then press e again to extrude up while extruding still make sure to maintain your faces square and make sure that you're not making them too rectangular [Music] and now for the top part press e to extrude and then press m to merge the vertices at the center now your ear is finished also very useful hotkey to focus on the area you're working on currently is the dot on the numpad basically it centers your camera on the selection okay after some adjustment we have the ears all done now so what i'm going to do now is edit the overall shape of the head so it doesn't look so round from the side i'm still being careful to follow the outline from the front while editing the side view i'm using the proportional editing tool in order to grab bigger sections of the model and i'm moving them in the y-axis only i'm using the mouse scroll button in order to increase or decrease the area that the proportional editing tool is affecting [Music] when done with the overall shape press ctrl r to add another edge to the bottom of the ears in order to harden the transition [Music] and now the head's all done now we're ready to start working on the body go back into object mode and now we're going to insert another rounded cube for the body you can also extrude it from the head but i like to work in separate parts press shift a to insert a mesh then we're going to insert the rounded cube again we're going to follow the exact same process that we did with the head right click and press shades move then press tab edit mode and press 1 to go into vertices selection mode turn on x-ray as well now we select half of the mesh press x to delete it and then we add a mirror modifier from the area on the right make sure the clipping is turned on and then add a subdivision surface modifier with two levels to smooth out the mesh press tab and go back into object mode and just scale and position your mesh where the body is then go back into edit mode and start pulling the vertices around using g in order to shape the body here i'm just making sure my vertices aren't too wonky and that they're nice and straight [Music] time to start editing the side view we want to grab the top vertices here and with the proportional editing tool turned on press s to scale y to constrain to the y axis and then scroll to increase the selection this way we're scaling a bigger area of the mesh at the same time [Music] after you're happy with the overall shape of the body go back into object mode and apply the subdivision modifier with one level so you can get more faces to work with then apply another subdivision surface modifier just to further smooth out the mesh then go back into edit mode press 1 for vertices selection and choose a vertice in the bottom somewhere in the middle of the body press x to delete the vertices and like we did before select the edge right click loop tools circle then we just rotate the edge so it's nice and aligned from all sides so now we can extrude the legs from the body like we did with the ears press e to extrude z to constrain to the z axis rotate the edge around so it's nice and straight press e to extrude z to constrain to the z axis again and then just repeat the process a few times [Music] then here i'm selecting all the bottom vertices pressing o to turn on proportional editing and then s to scale down everything from the bottom edge then i'm just moving the area to be able to match the reference proportions close off the bottom of the mesh press e to extrude and then m to merge it at the center then press free to go into face selection mode and now we're going to extrude the boots select all the faces on the bottom of the leg press o to turn off proportional editing and then press e to extrude then press s to scale and scale it right up then i press 2 to go into edge editing mode and just move this edge down i also press ctrl and r to add an edge loop around the top area of the boot just so it's nice and hard around the top edge now to make the front of the foot press free to go into face selection mode select this face and then shift select this face and then press e to extrude them press y to constrain to the y axis like so i'm scaling them slightly in and playing around with the shape [Music] make sure to also select all the vertices on the bottom of the foot and flatten them [Music] now it's time for the arms we're going to do the exact same thing we did for the legs and ears make sure you're still in edit mode and then press 1 to go into vertices selection mode select this vertice and press x to delete it double click on the edges right click loop tool circle after you're happy with the shape of everything you can start extruding the arms press e to extrude and then r to rotate the edge make sure your edges are facing in the direction you're extruding in [Music] here i'm just tidying up the edge loops and making sure that all my faces are somewhat square [Music] now we're ready to make the hand we're going to select this edge then shift select this edge right click and choose bridge edge loops then just add two more edges on the face you just created by pressing ctrl r then you just move this face out a little bit so it can be the base of the palm after that you can bridge the side edges [Music] now i'm going to select the individual faces and extrude the fingers my characters all have four fingers there's a quirk that i like to add to them but if you want to have an anatomically correct hand you can just add another loop on your mesh and extrude five fingers instead to position the fingers properly make sure you work from all angles and rotate them around so they're uniform here i'm just pushing and pulling them around until they start looking good after you're happy with the shape select all the fingers apart from the thumb press one on the numpad to go into front view and then just rotate them slightly so they're just facing down [Music] now i'm selecting all of the faces and moving them down to match the reference proportions and then just adding another edge loop to fill the gap here i'm also adding some more edge loops to the fingers you can press ctrl r in order to add those generally as a rule you want more edge loops where your mesh will be deforming when animated so for example the fingers here around the wrist elbow and knees is where you would add more edge loops [Music] here i realized i extruded the wrong face for the thumb so i'm fixing my mistake i'm deleting the thumb and extruding a face on the side of the fingers instead to remake the thumb this way the hand is nice and flat next up is the hat and the dress we're going to press free to go into face selection mode and select all the faces that make up the dress [Music] [Laughter] after you have them all selected press shift d to duplicate them and then press escape after that press p to separate the mesh out if you go back into object mode now you can see that we have two separate parts one is the body and one is the clothes which is a separate mesh as you can see here i missed the face when i was making the selection earlier so i'm just bridging these two edges to fix that now i'm making an opening for the head by deleting these two faces and we have a little hole for the head now [Music] select the bottom edge of the dress and press s to scale z to constrain to the z axis and then zero now you have a straight area to work from then we're just going to scale the loops up [Music] and after some adjustment you can start extruding the bottom of the dress keep extruding and scaling those edges up and remember to work both from the front view and the side view to keep your model looking nice from all angles here i'm just scaling the loops on the y axis to make them less wide a fast way to fix areas where your mesh intersects is by going to sculpt mode from up here you can use the grab brush to move your mesh around it's a faster way to move things but it does mess up your topology a bit so you will have to fix that later here i'm just using it to quickly fix those areas where the dress intersects [Music] after you're happy with the torso area of the dress you can start on the sleeves what i'm doing here is just roughly scaling up the edge loops on the sleeves i'm not being too precious with the scale being accurate at this point later i go in and delete those loops and then reinsert them evenly by pressing ctrl r that's a really quick way to get your loops to be even and not wonky here i'm just adjusting the neckline merging the vertices at the front in the middle to get a nice sharp point then i remove the subdivision surface modifier to be able to seed the mesh without it i'm just adjusting the shape and making sure it's nice and even like we did for the top of the ear extrude the last edge of the sleeve and then press m to merge it at the center then fix the vertices at the center and reapply the subdivision modifier to smooth the mesh now your dress is done for the hat add a cone by pressing shift a position it on the head and scale it and rotate it around until it fits and doesn't intersect with the ears from this point on i've sped up the tutorials i'm essentially using the same techniques we did before feel free to put in half speed or ask any questions in the comments if anything is unclear and i'll be here to help for the eyes add another smooth cube by pressing shift a then right click and press shades move after that like before enter edit mode turn on x-ray and delete half of the mesh on the back scale and rotate the mesh around so it can fit the head without any gaps on the sides here it really helps having the front of the face slightly flat it is still a bit fiddly to get right but just keep rotating and scaling it down and up until you get it right feel free to use sculpt mode to adjust the head shape so it fits the eyes better [Music] once you're happy with the positioning of the eye you want to mirror it over in order to do that without having a weird offset you need to have no values in the location here on the right and as you can see here we have some values in the location so what we want to do is get rid of those and zero those out how we do that is we go to object apply or transforms now it's all zeroed out and we can apply the mirror modifier here you go now it's all nice and centered without a weird offset after that you want to duplicate the eyes to make the pupil then just scale them down and rotate them until they fit on without any gaps as you can see there is a weird offset on the right pupil so we'll just remove the mirror modifier then we will again go into object apply all transforms then you can reapply your mirror modifier and your iris will be nice and centered next are the eyebrows add another smooth cube by pressing shift a and just scale and rotate them around to match the reference make sure to flatten them so they're not too bulky [Music] then once again you know the drill you go into object apply or transform and then you can add a mirror modifier the nose add yet another smooth cube and just position it to fit the reference [Music] for the whiskers i added cylinders by pressing shift a scale and rotate those to match the reference [Music] then select and duplicate the faces by pressing shift d and use them for the other parts of the whiskers finally move those a bit forward here i'm just tidying up my topology a bit and making sure everything is nice and aligned and more or less square [Music] after that's done select the two rows of faces in the middle of the dress right click and select extruded long normals then just pull those faces out you can also add some edge loops on the corner of the belt to harden that area a bit [Music] [Laughter] here i'm selecting the edges where i want the normals to be harder and then i'm right clicking and choosing mark sharp and finally for the last model for the little bag insert another smooth cube and then mirror it over like we did before adjust the vertices to match the shape of the reference [Music] flatten the front and back by scaling the faces with s then y and then zero and then position it on the mesh to make the closing mechanism just duplicate the bag mesh and scale it down [Music] after that select all of these top faces and extrude them along normals then you can add an edge on the lip of the bag just to harden that area to make the bag on the side i just duplicated the model and just positioned it over here finally i also added a little cylinder to the back to finish the closing clasp and for the last step i'm extruding the bottom of the dress inwards and then pressing m to merge it in the middle i also add a little edge on the corner to make it a bit harder and that's it our model is done in part two of this video i'll show you how to uv unwrap texture light and render your model as well make sure you subscribe and turn on the notifications so you don't miss it and i really hope you learned something today bye until next time
Channel: Eve Sculpts
Views: 109,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, 3d, 3d tutorial, blender modelling, blender character modeling, blender character modelling tutorial, 2d to 3d blender, blender 3d, beginners blender, character tutorial blender, 3d art, 3d modelling, blender beginner tutorial, blender character
Id: AlPPYkZg9D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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