Blender 3D | (Advanced) Particle workflow

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Hello, everyone! My name is Iago Mota, and  before we get started, I want to emphasize that   this video is directed to somewhat advanced  users. I'll be skipping over most technical   elements here. The more "tutorial" part of this  video will be less of a step-by-step guide,   as it'll mostly focus on my general  process and approach. So, the most   important part of the video is right here,  with these three pieces of technical advice. So, with that out of the way, let's begin on  attaching texture coordinates to particles.   Unfortunately, there's no tool in Blender (as  far as I know) that is specifically meant for   this sort of thing. So we need to improvise. To do  that, let's look in the Particle Info node to find   something useful. So, we need 3-dimensional  coordinates, gradients that describe the X,   Y, and Z axes. And these coordinates need to be  attached to the particles, so that, no matter   where they move, the texture will follow. In other  words, here, we need to find at least 3 attributes   (assigned at birth to each particle) that do not  change over time or location. Well, we have Index,   Random, Lifetime, and Size. Since Random is  assigned, well, randomly to each particle,   without any way to control it, it's not  useful in this case. Particle Index is the   order in which they're born; this way, the first  particle to be emitted has the value of zero,   the second has the value of one, and so on.  Lifetime is a value that describes the number of   frames that a specific particle will exist for.  And, Size is, well, the size of each particle.  So, all these are static values assigned at  birth to each particle. To create the X, Y, and   Z gradients, let's just start with particle Size  (that's the easiest property to visualize). So,   to create the X gradient, let's give the particles  a gradient texture. We want it to only influence   the size of the particles. And you can leave the  coordinates at Generated or set them to an already   existing UV map. Now, I don't want there to be a  notable size difference between them like this,   so I'll lower the influence to 0.1; this way, the  smallest particles are only 10% smaller than the   biggest ones. No visible size difference, but  enough for us to easily use a Map Range node   to remap the maximum and minimum particle  sizes into one and zero. This way, in the   shading process, we'll be operating on a much  fuller gradient than just a tiny portion of it.  Now, we just need to do the same thing with  Lifetime, except with a vertical orientation,   to make the Y-axis. I'll make sure to update the  maximum and minimum values on the new Map Range   node to correspond with the maximum and minimum  Lifetime. And now, we've got X and Y coordinates.   Fortunately, particle Index is a bit easier. The  particles are moving in a stream, which means   that the value is already growing in a steady  gradient. Now, this simulation has about [20000]   particles in total. Knowing how the particle  Index increases by 1 for each new particle,   in the end, our last particles are going  to have the brightness of [20000-1].   That's a bit much; we only need a gradient that  goes from 0 to 1 or 2, so let's add another Map   Range node to squish that this into something  more workable. Now, all that's left to do, is to   combine these gradients into a Combine XYZ node  and boom. Textures that stick to the particles!  But wait! What if my particles are being emitted  all at once? How do I turn the Index value into a   gradient then? Well, I'm glad you asked because,  as far as I know, it's impossible. (pause)   Yeah, I'm really hoping for particle  nodes to make this video obsolete. Moving on to secondary particles. The idea  is to copy an object onto all the particles,   and then use those copies as geometry from  which to emit new particles. This isn't   possible by going into the particle settings and  rendering the particles as an object. The way that   works is it visualizes and renders the current  particles as another object, but doesn't actually   create any real geometry in their place. The practical way to do this is through the   particle instance modifier. What this does is  duplicate the selected object onto particles.   This time, however, it produces  usable geometry that we can add   modifiers to, including a new Particle System. These are the settings that are usually useful   in this modifier. They're pretty straightforward.  I tend to disable "Dead" and "Unborn" so that   the object is only duplicated onto particles  that are currently alive. And it's also good   to enable "Size" so that they take on whatever  scale is set to them in the particle settings.  So, there it is. All we need to do  now is add a new particle system.   Now, it's behaving a little weird because  it doesn't actually recognize the Particle   Instance modifier. So, to change that, let's  just enable "Use Modifier Stack" and that's   about all you need there. By the way, a quick  thing to note is that secondary particles are   incredibly buggy with Object Velocity, so  that's a combo you might want to avoid. By the way, if you've ever wondered if it's  possible to duplicate force fields onto particles,   yes, it actually is. This is something that I  really wonder about how particle nodes might   handle it, really interesting. This can be  done in the Force Field Settings panel. Just   set one of the Types into any force field in the  list, and boom, there it is. "Effector Amount"   controls how many of the particles act as force  fields (zero just makes all of them have this   effect). And, "Self Effect" enables the  force-fields to influence each other or   the current simulation. I usually use this  method by having a separate particle system   specifically meant for this, so that I can  have a bit more control over everything.   And I also tend to increase Falloff, to keep  their area of influence relatively small. So, with these little nuggets of  technical info out of the way, let   me show you my general process  in making particle simulations. Firstly, this is the reference that I'm  looking at, by the incredible MatthiasM.   A link to his page is in the description,  along with links to several other artists   I think are fantastic sources of  inspiration for these kinds of effects. For the initial part, I'm essentially stealing  this nebula effect that Matthias made here.   Now, just by looking at this reference, let's  try to think of a way to replicate it in   Blender. For me, it's rather tempting to look at  all these shimmering details and color variations.   But that's never a good idea. Focusing on  the details just leaves us overwhelmed,   along with distracting from the most  important elements. The details, as a whole,   can only look good if the general structure  does. So, if we zoom out, for now, we can see   that the particles do follow an overall form. Now,  I don't know how Matthias approached this effect,   but one possible way to do this in Blender might  be by just creating a mesh with a similar shape   and emitting the particles from its volume. Now, usually, there are multiple ways to   create the same kind of effect. This one,  for example, was created with a flat emitter   going up and leaving this sort of tube of  particles. So, just because this is the idea that   I got from looking at the reference, doesn't mean  it's the only correct approach. Anything that gets   you to the end result is a technically correct and  valid approach. So, if you came up with something   different, then try it; see its advantages  and disadvantages, and see where it takes you. The way I created the emitter was quite  fun, but not particularly important,   so I'll skip over most of it. The plan was to  create a path of vertices in an interesting shape   and add some dimension with a Skin modifier.  After that, I transformed it into a volume object,   so I could add some really wild displacement,  that'd be impossible to do in a mesh.   Lastly, I converted the volume back into a mesh,  so now we have something useful for an emitter.   A good thing to note is that Blender has a really  hard time calculating the particle simulation if   the geometry is highly detailed, so I gave  it a Decimate modifier to simplify it a bit. So, let's go ahead and add the particle  system. Now, I don't tend to organize   my projects ever. But despite my immensely  rebellious spirit, I have to concede that   this is going to be a really complicated  scene. I'll be naming everything and moving   things into collections quite often. Because I  want the particles to just appear all at once,   I'll set the End frame to 1. And, of course, I  need to get rid of Normal velocity and Gravity,   since I want these particles to remain  unmoving for most of the time. Also, right now,   they're only populated on the surface of the mesh.  Since I want them to appear inside the emitter,   I'll change the emission source from "Faces" to  "Volume". However, you can see it's processing   a lot slower than when we were emitting them  from just the faces, so I'll change it back   for now. I'll switch it to "Volume" again when  we start getting into shading and rendering it. Since this will become useful in the  future, I'm adding a particle object,   a small mesh that these particles will be  rendered as. For this, I usually use a cone   with a total of 4 vertices because that's the  least complex 3-dimensional object. So, it won't   be too difficult to render when we finally end up  with millions of particles like this. I'll just   name it, throw it into a new collection, and set  the particles to be rendered as this new cone we   added. And there it is. Now, of course, we need  to randomize their rotation, and I'll just turn   on "Dynamic" so that they'll rotate according  to changes in movement. For this simulation,   I won't add any angular velocity. Otherwise,  with the slightest movement, the rotation of   the particles would change quite drastically,  and that's not what I'm looking for here. Alright, I think I'll just get whacky and give  these particles texture coordinates already.   Usually, I'd leave these sorts of things for  later. It's always best to ensure that all   the basic shapes and movements are there first  before you get into any of the fancy stuff. But,   in this case, this is such a technical  thing, that I just want to finish it already.  Since we're emitting all particles at once, we  won't be able to use particle Index on this one.   We're going to have to work with  two axes, X and Y. For the Z-axis,   I'll just use the global Z-axis coordinates.  This means that the textures won't follow the   particles at all if they move in the Z-axis,  but, at least there'll be some depth in them.  So, let's get to work on the X-axis.  As we saw in the beginning, we add a   texture to the particle system; in this case,  a Blend texture, to create an even gradient.   And, we're going to have it  influence the size. And, again,   I turn the Size influence to 0.1 so that  the particles all look the same size.  So, working on the Y-axis, we're  going to do basically the same thing.   The only differences are that the orientation  of the gradient should be vertical   and that the influence is set to "Lifetime".  I had it at "Scale" up until now, just because   it's easier to visualize. So, of course, I'll  again set the influence to 0.1, and increase the   Lifetime in the particle settings to prevent any  of them from disappearing during the animation. Now, this part is a little subjective. So,  not at all necessary for you to follow. I just   didn't like how even the whole thing looked, so  I wanted to add a Turbulence force-field that'd   only influence the simulation for the first second  or two. That way, we'd have a bit more detail in   here. After animating the strength to zero after  40 frames, I went to the particle settings and   increased the Dampening so that they'd slow down  to a halt soon after. That way, I'd be able to   start rendering from frame 50 or 60 without seeing  any weird turbulent movements in the particles. Anyway, let's check out the reference again. In  terms of basic structure, I don't think we've   missed anything. However, there are these particle  trails here and there that add an interesting   level of detail to the render. I feel like we can  replicate that by having a few particles moving in   these fun patterns, and have them emit secondary  particles. Those being the ones to be rendered.  Before we can have those secondary particles,  we first need to deal with the primary ones.   Again, I want these particles to be emitted all  at once and, of course, without falling down.   We can already see something rather  inconvenient. This second particle   system is being influenced by the Turbulence  force-field I made only for the first one. So   the best way to deal with this is by creating a  force-field collection for each particle system.   This way, different particle simulations will  only be affected by the force-fields in their   respective collections. All we need to do  now is go to the "Field Weights" panel and   set the "Effector Collection" to be  the one we made for this simulation.   And finally, the second particle simulation isn't  affected by the force-fields of the first one.  So, let's start making the force fields  for this second system. For this,   I'm looking for an almost smoke-like motion.  How about a Turbulence force field? Well,   using this hair particle setup, we can see how it  doesn't produce interesting patterns, so instead,   I'll try something else, namely, a Texture  force field. I don't want anything too fancy,   so I'll settle for a simple Cloud texture. Every  time you make a change in here, you'll need to go   all the way back to the physics settings for the  viewport to update, which is a little annoying.   That's why I'm splitting the screen, so I  can go back and forth quickly. And here,   I'm just aimlessly changing the settings to  see if I can get something that looks cool.   I don't even know what "Nabla" does; other  than make the result somewhat less turbulent.   Finally, the "Curl" texture mode bought the kind  of motion I was looking for. You can already see   some twisting here. And yeah, that's pretty much  it, really. Let's move this test subject into   another collection and get back to the particles. So, the movement is already much more interesting   than what we had before, but there's one  crucial thing to note here. These particles are,   in essence, going to emit more particles in each  frame. That's important to note because if one of   the primary particles takes a leap from one frame  to another, the secondary particles won't be able   to form a proper trail, creating gaps between each  location. So, we need to make sure these particles   are moving slowly. For that, I mainly reduced  the strength of the Texture force field. And,   well, it got to a point where I had to  push the start of the render to frame   80 to give the particles time to have a  more complete motion. Which is really not   a big deal. We can extend the end of the  animation later if it becomes necessary.  Alright, so let's get to the Particle Instance  arc of the manga. For the instance object,   I'll just add a cone. There aren't many primary  particles, so I could've safely added a sphere,   but I went with a cone nevertheless. I recommend  you also number the objects and simulations   to remind yourself of the order in which  everything should be cached. Now, after that,   I gave the cone a Particle Instance modifier. And,  of course, selected the intended particle system.   To clear things up, I disabled unborn and  dead particles, although, in this case,   we'll actually want to leave "Dead" enabled. I'm  turning it off, though, so that it can become   relevant later. We're not adding any UVs to the  primary particles (only to the secondary ones).   So we can freely give these some size randomness.  And, while I was at it, I decided to randomize the   rotation as well. Which isn't necessary, but eh. Anyway, let's move on to the secondary particles.   Let me cache this second simulation first, just to  avoid any funky behavior later on. And, as we went   over at the start, Blender doesn't automatically  identify the modifiers. So we need to enable "Use   Modifier Stack" to fix that. And, as usual, I'll  go ahead and minimize Normal velocity and Gravity.   In fact, I don't want these particles to have any  movement before that splashing effect towards the   end. But, I'll already create a force-field  collection for this guy just to keep things   organized. I'll change the End frame to 80  because that's when the primary particles vanish.   In fact, no, I'll change that to 79, which  isn't really necessary. Blender just has a   weird tendency to almost emit extra particles  right after the primary particles have died,   so I feel like setting the End frame to right  before that would counteract it. Now, I'm just   changing the (viewport) particle size and their  amount to get a better view of what's going on.  I think it's already time for us to give this  guy a particle object for it to render as.   So, I'll add another low-res cone  and do all the organizing business.   A lot of this stuff is kind of a grind, so I  want to emphasize that if you're following along,   don't try to copy the settings here. It's  a lot better to experiment with the values   until you get something that you personally find  appealing. Which is what I did. It took me a week   to record all the screencap content for this  video because most of my time spent here was   in experimentation. So, don't see this part of the  video as an exact recipe for this specific render. Alright. It's time for us to  make the UVs again. Same process,   and whoops, we already find an issue. The gradient  doesn't reach the boundaries of the simulation.   Now, can you guess why this is? I do  actually recommend that you pause the   video to think of this because that's usually  the best way to solve these tiny problems.   The diagnosis is that the bounds of this  object don't encompass the whole simulation.   They only apply to the original instance object.  Here's one way to solve this. See, the bounds of   a mesh only extend as far as its vertices go.  So, all we need to do to make completely custom   boundaries is to place two vertices opposite  each other. To determine where to put them,   I just added a cube and scaled it around the  particles. Now, any two vertices opposite of   each other can be used to describe the bounds of  this box. So, just copy and paste them into the   instance object, and boom, the gradient's already  covering a much wider area. For whatever reason,   this isn't very accurate, so I'm just using the  Color Ramp feature to compress the gradient a bit.   Moving to the Y-axis, the same story as before.  What really matters now is what happens when   I move around the timeline. You can see that,  right after frame 80, this effect disappears.   There's no defined gradient. Since we set the  primary particles to all have a lifetime of 80,   this instance object pretty much vanishes  after frame 80. Leaving nothing for any   texture coordinates to be generated from. If you  remember from a few minutes ago, there is a way   to keep the instance object still visible in the  places of the particles that have died. Over here   in the Particle Instance modifier. The nostalgia  is extraordinary. Anyway, let me finish up this   texture, and increase the Lifetime (I don't  know why I had it so low to begin with). Alright, so far, this is what we've created.  As you can see, I've rendered a preview,   which is crucial. Even though there isn't much  movement going on here, getting an idea of how   everything will be like in the end is vital.  Unless you have a really unfortunate time limit,   it's best not to speedrun towards the final  result. Make sure everything looks correct   before we complicate things by moving to  more advanced steps. Having to change the   shape of the emitter after you're already  done with the shading would hurt. (A lot.) Anyway, there's a second part to this simulation  I want to create: a sort of transition into this   red, intimidating look. During that, the particles  would splash in a liquid-like motion. Which means   I'll have to create a liquid simulation  and make the particles follow it.  Now, this force field here used to be called  Smoke Flow. It allowed for particles to   follow the movements of a smoke simulation.  Recently, it's been changed to "Fluid Flow"   because, as you might've guessed, it also  allows particles to follow liquid simulations.   I know it's really annoying when I do this, but  I have to, as these are pretty extensive topics.   I'll skip over most of my fluid simulation  process. It's just not what this video is about.  Boom! In a new collection, I'll add a domain  object. I made this mesh a liquid emitter. That's   because I wanted a medium that the splashes  could propagate and ripple through. Now,   this irregular-looking object here will be  doing the splish-splashing. I'll animate it to   have some wacky moves (making sure to add some  Initial Velocity). Alright, I have everything   set up for the simulation, so boom! Test bake. Gee willikers, it's going wild! Guess I can add   some viscosity. Oh yeah, and a Drag force field  to slow things down to a halt. I didn't want the   simulation to just keep flinging itself forever. Boom, bake again! Dang it, that's not what   I wanted. Changing settings, and  gosh golly, let's bake this bonkus!  Eventually, after messing around for long enough,  I got a result that looked pretty interesting.   These spheres, by the way, are collision  effectors. I just added them there to break   up the movement of the liquid a bit. Just  to prevent these parts from moving too much   in straight lines. Also, I really liked this  unexpected interaction here, where this splash   slams through a part of the simulation. It was an  accident I wasn't looking for, but I welcome it. I suppose it's time to make the particles follow  in that movement now. I'll do this with the Main   Particle System first. So, I'll add a Fluid  Flow force field into the proper collection.   My starting values for Strength and Flow are 5 and  2, respectively. They're only good values to start   with; I'll come back to change them later. Make  sure to select the proper Domain object. To avoid   any possible glitchy behavior, I'll animate the  Smoke Flow to only start having an effect when the   liquid simulation begins, which is at frame 180.  Frames before that would be before anything has   been cached in the Liquid Domain. So, it doesn't  make sense to have the Fluid Flow influence the   particles then. Alright, now I'll just bake  the simulation to know what settings to change.  After the first test bake, we can clearly see  that the force field only has a tiny effect on   the particles before they slow down. This could  be due to the "Flow" factor being too high,   but then I remembered how much we increased  the Dampening in the particle settings.   We did that to only slow down the initial  turbulence. We don't need it to stay this high   for the rest of the simulation, so I'll just  animate it to go back to 0 in a few frames.  Things are already looking a lot more interesting,  but it's still clearly being held back a bit.   It does look like the "Flow" factor  was a bit too high, after all,   so I'll just decrease it. Once again,  it'll be this back and forth of baking   and changing settings. The inescapable  truth of computer simulations, I suppose.  For the Main Particle Simulation, I ended up  with this result, which I think works quite well,   so I'll just move on to the secondary particles.  I'll duplicate the Fluid Flow force field,   move it into the effector collection of the  secondary particles, and bake the simulation   to see if we need to change any settings there. So yeah, this is what we got now. Moving around   the timeline, we can see some  really cool details all around.  Alright, that was a lot. It's time to finish this  up by briefly talking about shading. Why, though?   I mean, half of my time on this project was  spent on shading. So, why am I summarizing this?   Well, when it comes to particles, shading is  pretty subjective. Sure, if you're doing some more   high-level stuff, there are right and wrong ways  to deal with all the technical and mathematical   problems. But when it comes to most of my particle  projects, their shading is not so advanced.   Time-consuming, for sure. But, to really explain  all of this, they're just combinations of textures   with different values and colors. Who's to decide  on what's the right way to combine these textures;   on what the correct values and colors are?  Besides, If I were to explain all of the   trial and error I did here, I wouldn't  just obfuscate the point of this chapter,   I'd also be requiring myself to put effort  into writing it, which is a big nono for me.  So, while setting everything up, I gave the  first particle object a new material and brought   that same material to the emitter. It's nothing  crucial; it just makes everything a bit easier   to work with since I won't have to go back and  forth between the emitter and particle object.  Alright, let's get the technical stuff out  of the way. Let's actually create the UVs,   the texture coordinates. With this Particle  Info node, I'll use the Lifetime and Size   outputs to generate the X and Y coordinates.  Let's look at Lifetime first. You can see here,   it's set to 500 frames. Keep that in mind; it's  the maximum Lifetime the particles can have.   And remember what we did with the  particle textures; they only have a 10%   influence on these attributes, meaning that  the minimum value for Lifetime is 450 frames.   So, I'll just type these values into a Map range  Node, and It'll remap them into the values that we   have down here: 0 and 1. As you can see in this  top view, we have a pretty neat Y-axis gradient.   Moving on to Size. Let's take a look at the  maximum scale the particles can have. Which   is over here, 0.005. And since particle size is  something that I end up messing around with a lot,   I decided to use a Math node, so I won't have  to Multiply these numbers in my unreliable   flesh brain. So, now it's multiplying the  maximum particle size by 0.9 to generate   the minimum size. And, if we take a look at  this here: boom, an X-axis gradient. Dope.  Remember, we couldn't generate a Z-axis gradient,  so we have to rely on global coordinates.   In other words, the current location of each  particle around the scene. If we separate the   X Y and Z coordinates of the "Location" output,  then we'll be able to specifically focus on the   Z-axis information. As you can see, it's a little  different from the other gradients we've made. Its   Zero value is centered a bit better so that above  it, there are positive values, and below it,   there are negative values. Now, I apologize for  the stupidity and pointless inefficiency you're   about to witness. I could've just changed the  lower minimum and maximum values of the Map Range   to -2 and 2, giving us a range similar to what  we saw in the Z-axis. But, for whatever reason,   I didn't notice that it was an option, so,  instead, I decided to do the same thing,   but with a whole new Math node. Alright, to finish the UV creation,   let's just combine the X, Y, and Z gradients into  something that we can use for actual textures.  And, on the topic of actual textures, let's do  that. The first texture I'm focusing on would   be for these large blue zones. I decided to  start with a Noise texture, and some assisting   nodes to help visualize it. I wished to move the  texture around to get different variations of it,   so I added a Vector Math node. No fancy math  went into this; all I did was grab one of these   values and cranked it randomly, which moved the  texture and gave me a new pattern. That's what I   spent my next 20 minutes on, mostly just messing  around with the scale and location of the texture   until I got something that looked interesting. And  every time I got a result I wasn't entirely sure   about, I duplicated that node setup for later use. Alright, so after a while, this is what it looks   like. I've taken some liberties and added this  second part. So, just to summarize, this first   part is the large-scale pattern. And this second  part adds some finer details to it. They're both   combined here, with this "Overlay" Mix node. With the foundational elements out of the way,   I started working on the colors and the  brightness. So, I went ahead and added an   Emission shader already, along with a couple  Color Ramp nodes for the strength and color.  When I got that to look okay, I moved on to  these orange details that we can find around   the reference. The textures of these details  seemed pretty interesting, so I decided to   change my workflow a bit. I do this a lot  when dealing with bigger texture setups. My   computer is way too slow at previewing this on  hundreds of thousands of particles, so instead,   I'll use a simple plane for now. I found a Voronoi  texture to be a good starting point here. And,   by the way, this Texture Coordinates node is  temporary. After I'm done looking at the plane,   I'll connect all this to the UVs we made before.  For those who don't know, this is a funny thing   you can do with textures. I used the color  information of the Noise and overlayed it onto   the texture coordinates, causing it to distort  them, which is a fun thing to play around with.  I used these excess nodes to create finer  details throughout. I hope you can notice   the process of first focusing on the most  striking patterns and only moving on to   lower scales when there's a good foundation. In  fact, I'm putting way less thought into these   tiny details than I was when regarding the  blue patterns. The way the minute forms look   in and of themselves doesn't really matter that  much. In the end, they'll only look good if the   basic structure does. So pay more attention to  all the stuff one would notice from a distance.  I had the idea of switching the nebula from  colorful to pure red once the splashes appeared.   So, I decided to work on those new red colors and  thought about how I'd deal with the transition   itself. I left this for the end because it's  not a meaningful change to the structure we've   already made. It's just a shift in the colors,  nothing that requires any special priority.   A tiny thing I did was use the particle Velocity  to generate these bright zones as they moved.   I felt like that made things a bit more dynamic by  emphasizing the splashing. Also, when you're doing   shading work, don't feel hesitant to use the help  of separate external objects. Here, I'm adding two   Empties: one is static, and the other, animated.  Their positions and scales would be used to guide   the transition pattern. So I put them into  Texture Coordinate nodes, which I used to   make these spherical gradients in their places.  After adjusting and combining those gradients, I   connected this transition mask to all  these red Mix nodes. Those were the nodes   responsible for mixing between blue and red. Alright, the shading process is pretty   much done. Of course, the secondary  particles also need their material,   but I'm speeding past that because  it uses the same concepts as the   last shader. Though, since the swirls and  trails in this secondary system could already be   considered as small details, I didn't go very far  into creating tiny textures for it. Also, setups   like the transition mask and the fake UVs  were essentially copied and pasted from the   previous shader. However, in the case of  the UVs, I had to change the maximum and   minimum values for Size and Lifetime to match  the ones of the secondary particle system. After the shading, everything was essentially  complete. Before I created a final render, though,   I first made a shorter test render to know if  there's anything I should change before committing   to massive waiting times. I highly recommend  low-res test rendering like this, even if it is a   bit annoying. The viewport preview can only go so  far. It doesn't show you any of the shading, which   is a pretty important element. Everything works in  context. If the textures imply that the nebula is   massive, then having the camera wooshing around  it like this would make it a bit inconsistent.   Eventually, I rendered out this final animation,  with a few changes made to it, like slowing down   the camera and making a few tweaks in the shading.  You know, aside from increasing the particle   number to 6 million. Another thing about this  is that I rendered it in 4k, despite this video   being in 1080p. The reason is that rendering in  higher resolutions really helps the particles look   smaller. For instance, both of these images  have a resolution of 1080p, but this one   was rendered in 4k (before being scaled down).  Just a quick little idea I thought I'd share. Anyway, that's the end of this video. I  know a lot of this might be confusing. So   if you have any questions, feel free to ask.  The project files for this tutorial and all   the other particle systems you see right now are  available for free in the description. Do note,   however, that a lot of these have multiple  simulations that need to be cached in specific   orders. I've also lowered the particle  count for some of the heavier ones. I'd like to thank everyone for watching and  give a huge thanks to all of my patrons!
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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